season’s greetings - inla – international nuclear law...

NEWSLETTER INLA UPDATE – NO. 3 (9) – WINTER, 2017 Season’s Greetings Dear members, colleagues and friends: At this festive time of the year, I would like to share a few words of appreciation and thanks. It takes a very diverse, interested and dedicated group of people to create and maintain an organization such as the International Nuclear Law Association (INLA) . We are very blessed to have such a group. The people in the spotlight and in particular, those working behind the scenes remind us how much of a difference each of us can make by doing our small part. Collectively, we are helping to improve the nuclear legal landscape worldwide, whether in education or as an agent for insight amongst governmental agencies public and private institutions. As we prepare for a new year and a new Congress, I personally would like to thank those who have devoted years to this endeavor with an eye on remaining relevant and useful to the nuclear law community. I would also like to welcome our many newcomers listed below and thank you for your interest and contribution. You are the future of INLA and we are proud to have you with us. Warm regards to you and family, Jacques!

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Post on 16-Apr-2018




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Season’s Greetings

Dear members, colleagues and friends:

At this festive time of the year, I would like to share a few words of appreciation

and thanks. It takes a very diverse, interested and dedicated group of people to

create and maintain an organization such as the International Nuclear Law

Association (INLA)  . We are very blessed to have such a group.

The people in the spotlight and in particular, those working behind the scenes

remind us how much of a difference each of us can make by doing our small part.

Collectively, we are helping to improve the nuclear legal landscape worldwide,

whether in education or as an agent for insight amongst governmental agencies

public and private institutions.

As we prepare for a new year and a new Congress, I personally would like to thank

those who have devoted years to this endeavor with an eye on remaining relevant

and useful to the nuclear law community. I would also like to welcome our many

newcomers listed below and thank you for your interest and contribution. You are

the future of INLA and we are proud to have you with us.

Warm regards to you and family,




New INLA Members – Welcome!

We welcome al the new INLA members who have joined us since September 2017:

§ Mr. O’Brien Carey, Group Compliance Manager, ENEC - [email protected]

§ Mrs Al-Alem Maya, Governance Officer ENEC - [email protected]

§ Mr. Al Shamsi Amani Naser, ENEC - [email protected]

Save the date: 23rd Nuclear Inter Jura Congress in Abu Dhabi: 4-8 November 2018

• Save the date and mark your calendars for the 23rd Nuclear Inter Jura Congress, which will take place in Abu Dhabi, UAE, from Sunday 4 to Thursday 8 November 2018, with as its overarching theme “International Cooperation in Nuclear – Sustainability, Excellence & Innovation”.

• Please, find the First Announcement & Call for Papers attached to this Update for your review (

• Importantly, authors are invited to submit in English or French an abstract of their proposed paper before 1 February 2018. Abstracts should be sent by e-mail to the INLA Secretariat: [email protected] and to [email protected]

• The Second Announcement, which will be circulated in due course, will contain all relevant information in terms of registration fees, the venue, accommodation option, travel packages, visa processes, etc.


Meeting of the Board of Management, Paris, 12-13 February 2018

• INLA’s Board of Management / Conference Program Group will be meeting between 13-14 February 2018, in Paris, at the Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives (CEA).



We look forward to meeting each one of you in 2017 and during the

next INLA Congress in Abu Dhabi !

§ Mrs Alakberi Sumaya, Legal Counsel, ENEC - [email protected]

§ Mr. Al Naqbi Abdelrahman, Legal Counsel, ENEC -

[email protected]

§ Mr. Fleming Carey, General Counsel, Nawah Energy Corporation -

[email protected]

§ Mrs Tovar-Lujan Elizabeth, student - [email protected]

§ Miss Boskovic Maja, student - [email protected]

§ Mrs Fazekas Orsolya, Lawyer - [email protected]

§ Mrs Messenger Alison, Sellafield Ltd - [email protected]

§ Mr. Wielsch Torsten, Rechtsanwalt, Pinsent Masons (Germany) LLP -

[email protected]

§ Mrs Romanova Victoria, Doctor of Law, Kutafin University -

[email protected]

§ Mr. Richa Alfred, Senior Legal Counsel, ENEC - [email protected]

§ Mr. Devik Timothy, Senior Legal Counsel, ENEC - [email protected]

§ Mr. Akpan Albert, OG&E Power Utilities - [email protected]



Academic Corner – training programs & publications  

o A. University of Nîmes, France:

§ The University of Nîmes organises every year, under the responsibility of Professor Jean-Marie Pontier and Dr Laura Jaeger and in cooperation with the Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives (CEA), a series of workshops dedicated to various aspects of nuclear law,

§ The 8th edition held in November 2017 was entitled “Journée d'étude sur les droits et contentieux du nucléaire” and it focused on the new challenges for the nuclear industry. The proceedings of these workshops are published by the Presses Universitaires d'Aix-Marseille under the title Droit Nucléaire.

§ See more at:

o B. International Nuclear Law Essentials, Singapore: 26 February – 2 March 2018

§ The OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) and the National University of Singapore (NUS) are happy to announce the first International Nuclear Law Essentials (INLE) program to be held in Singapore from 26 February – 2 March 2018.

§ More information about the program, including the fees and application form are available here:

o C. International School of Nuclear Law (Montpellier):

§ When: 27 August to 7 September 2018,

§ Application deadline: the application for the 2018 session will be available in January,

§ Where: Montepplier, France,

§ Organizer: OECD Nuclear Energy Agency in co-operation with the University of Montpellier,

§ Admission form: the application for the 2018 session will be available in January – see:



Academic Corner – training programs & publications  

o D. Nuclear Law Association, India – Nuclear Energy & Law Course: 5-9 March 2018:

§ The 5th Nuclear Law Association’s Course on "Nuclear Energy and Law" will be held from Monday 5 to Friday 9 March 2018 at the TERI University, New Delhi, India, and will include a site visit to a Nuclear Power Plant


o E. The Law of Nuclear Energy, new edition, by Helen Cook

§ We’re happy to announce the forthcoming publication of the 2nd edition of The Law of Nuclear Energy, by Helen Cook, published by Sweet & Maxwell.

§ About the Author:

Helen Cook is a lawyer in the nuclear energy sector. She is a recognized nuclear law expert by the International Atomic Energy Agency and has advised on nuclear projects and transactions around the world.

§ Part 1: Offers a comprehensive overview of nuclear law and nuclear power projects, providing a foundation upon which countries can establish or develop legislative frameworks and regulate nuclear power projects.

§ Part 2: Covers the development of nuclear power projects, providing, amongst other things, guidance on producing a tender document evaluating tenders, a review of the key provisions of a nuclear construction contract and an introduction to nuclear finance. It also has chapters covering the front and back end of the nuclear fuel cycle.

§ Part 3: Discusses small modular nuclear reactors (“SMRs”) and future issues in international nuclear energy law.

§ New Chapters include: Nuclear energy for policy makers, including in the context of climate change and sustainable development; nuclear liability; nuclear waste management, disposal and reprocessing.

§ Details of the book: The Law of Nuclear Energy, 2nd Edition, ISBN: 9780414055889, Published by: Sweet & Maxwell, Author: Helen Cook; Publication Date: 31 Jan 2018.

§ The book can be ordered via this link:



News from the INLA Working Groups  

o Working Group 2 – meeting in Paris on Monday 12 February 2018:

§ Working Group 2 (Nuclear Liability & Insurance) will be meeting in Paris on Monday 12 February 2018, at the OECD, Nuclear Energy Agency.

§ If you’re interested in attending, please, email Ximena Vasquez-Maignan, Co-Chairperson – EU ([email protected]) or Bill Horin, Co-Chairperson – Global ([email protected]).

o Working Group 5 – LinkedIn group:

§ A LinkedIn Group of INLA WG5 has been created to share with news and articles related to radioactive waste management. Anyone interested in joining can apply via this link:

o Working Group 5 – joint WG Report for Abu Dhabi conference:

§ WG5 is planning to submit a joint Working Group Report at the 23rd Nuclear Inter Jura Congress in Abu Dhabi (this is distinct from a separate conference paper you may wish to present / submit at the Abu Dhabi conference), which would focus on the following key country-wise aspects:

o Background of your country’s nuclear energy and radioactive waste management programs,

o Experiences with public participation in the development of the existing facilities for waste management in your country (at local / regional level); and lessons learned in this regard,

o Public participation provisions in applicable laws in your country,

o How to best ensure public participation and support in the development of planned / future facilities, in your country; and any other suggestions by way of conclusion.

§ All INLA members keen on contributing to this country-wise/comparative WG5 Report – with each submission between min. 5 to max. 15 pages - are requested to inform Nuria Prieto Serrano, Chairperson, WG5, by 31stt January 2018, by emailing her at: [email protected]



Price for INLA – Membership fees deadline – Introducing PayPal

All good things come with a price! We try to keep the membership fee as nominal as possible and would encourage all INLA members to kindly settle any outstanding membership fees at the earliest.

For 2017, the INLA Board of Management has decided to fix the membership fee's amount at 90,00 EUR for ordinary members and 20,00 EUR for students.

As you know, the PayPal system has now been launched to facilitate all membership payments; or for onward disbursement by the domestic chapters of the membership fees they collected. Should you have any questions in this regard, please, don’t hesitate to contact: [email protected]

Remember: on-line directory of all INLA members

Should you want to quickly find a contact of any of the INLA members while on the go, do think of consulting INLA’s on-line membership roster:

Job positions / research opportunities / internship announcements  

§ We’re happy to announce that INLA will, henceforth, also be happy to post job positions for nuclear lawyers on our website! This is in addition to the opportunity of sharing information about academic / research opportunities and internships.

§ Please, do feel free to contact us should you want to share any such job / research / internship opportunities with our INLA members!



Would you like to announce something in the forthcoming INLA Update? Feel free

to send us an email at: [email protected] and [email protected]

Feel free to suggest!

As you know we’ve created a “suggestion box” on INLA’s website to enable all INLA members to share their suggestions with regard to INLA’s activities, or any topic of relevance to INLA. Feel free to send your ideas and feedback to:

New Year’s wishes from Patrick Reyners and Brigitte Helderweirt