searching for the dixie barbecue

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Post on 30-May-2018




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  • 8/14/2019 Searching for the Dixie Barbecue


    \h`rlgbia dfr tghEbxbh M`rmhluh

    Cfurihys bitf tgh \futghri [sylgh

    Qbnmhr Q. L`newhnn

  • 8/14/2019 Searching for the Dixie Barbecue


    \H@]LGBIA DF] UGHEBWBH M@]MHLXHCfurihys bitf tgh \futghri [sylgh

    Qbnmhr Q. L`newhnn

    [bih`ppnh [rhss, Bil. \`r`sft , Dnfrbe`

  • 8/14/2019 Searching for the Dixie Barbecue


  • 8/14/2019 Searching for the Dixie Barbecue



    [rhd`lh3 \h`rlgbia dfr tgh Ebxbh M`rmhluh vbb

    @ Mrbhd Gbstfry fd M`rmhluh3 Drfo [rfohtghus tf Gfw`re Ug`xtfi 0

    Lg`rnbh Efuagtbh `ie tgh \hlrht bi tgh \`ulh 04

    Efr` Qbnnb`os, J`th G`rey, `ie tgh Oysthry fd tgh Oh`t =2

    [bts `ie Lffjhrs

  • 8/14/2019 Searching for the Dixie Barbecue


    b v \ H@ ]L GB IA D F] UG H EB WB H M@ ]MHL XH

    Dbtzahr ne, A@

  • 8/14/2019 Searching for the Dixie Barbecue


    \h`rlgbia dfr tgh Ebxbh M`rmhluh v

    Ugfo stfi, A@

  • 8/14/2019 Searching for the Dixie Barbecue


    Q`yihsmfrf, A@

    v b \ H@ ]L GB IA D F] UG H EB WB H M@ ]MHL XH

  • 8/14/2019 Searching for the Dixie Barbecue




    \h`rlgbia dfr tgh Ebxbh M`rmhluh

    Murisvbnnh, @N

  • 8/14/2019 Searching for the Dixie Barbecue


    Ugbs bs mftg ` lunbi ry `ie ` luntur`n s`a`. Ghrh `rh

    anbopshs fd ` dr`aohit fd sflbhty stbnn thi`lbfusny

    lnbiabia tf ehhp-rffthe,prbo`n bistbilts: tf nhahies

    fd tgh @ohrbl`i drfitbhr: `ie tf tgh t ribsghe,

    g`ie-oh-efwi, rur`n tr`ebtbfis fd tgh Ehhp \futg.

    Ugbs bs ` stfry `mfut (`ofia ftghr tgbias) rhabfi`n

    prbeh, gfohspui lffjhry, m`ljwffes nfrh, shnd-hdd`lbia rheihlj guofr, sg`ohnhss mr`aa`eflbf,

    o`lgf shnd-bo`ahry, l`ribvfrfus mr`v`ef, pfrlbih

    duie`ohit`nbso, mfne-d`lhe nbhs, `ie mftg lunbi`ry

    `ie sflb`n bitr`isbahilh. Ugbs mffj wbnn suppny yfu

    wbtg tgh hnusbvh `iswhrs tf tgrhh quhstbfis3 Qg`t

    bs rh`n m`rmhluh6Gfw ef yfu dbie bt6`ie Qg`t

    efhs bt oh`i tf mh \futghri6


    @t dbrst an`ilh, tgbs o y `pph r tf yfu tf mh ` mffj`mfut dffe, mut bt bs ift lffjmffj, ifr bs bt ` dffe

    aubeh. @ie `ntgfuag bt fddhrs pgftfs `ie nbiahrs `t

    tgh rbljhty t`mnhs fd slfrhs fd tbiy gfnh-bi-tgh-w`nn

    ebvhs s`vfrbia affe m`rmhluh ie tghi lghwbia tgh

    sofjy d`t wbtg tgh purvhyfrs `ie lrh`tfrs fd sfoh

    fd tgh mhst m`rmhluh fi tgh pn`iht, bt bs ift rh`nny `

    rhst`ur`it aubeh hbtghr.

    \f wg`t bs bt hx`ltny6 Qhnn, yfu `rh `mfut tf ebs-

    lfvhr tg`t bi tgh rur`n \futg m`rmhluh bs ift cust `

    dffe. Bi ofst fd Ebxbh, tgh prhp`r`tbfi `ie lfi-suoptbfi fd pfrj m`rmhluh rhvfnvhs `rfuie ehhpny

    biar`bihe ofrhs, lnfshny ghne shlrhts, `ie bts fwi

    oysthrbfus efao`. \foh wbnn hvhi thnn yfu tg`t

    m`rmhluh bs `ltu`nny ` rhnbabfi bivfnvbia g`nnfwhe

    rbths `ie `ilbhit rbtu`ns rh`lgbia `nn tgh w`y m`lj bi

    tboh `ie pn`lh tf tgh twbsthe oytg fd truh \futghri-

    ihss. Rfu `rh `mfut tf hxpnfrh hvhry iffj `ie

    lr`iiy fd \futghri m`rmhluh thlgibquh `ie nfrh.

    @ie `nfia tgh w`y yfu wbnn dbie fppfrtuibtbhs tf

    phhr bitf guierhes fd so nn, sofjy wbiefws

    tgrfuag wgblg yfu l`i l`tlg anbopshs bitf tgh

    bislrut`mnh \futghri psylgh.



    Nbjh ofst @ohrbl`is, yfu prfm`mny susphlt tg`t `i

    hnusbvh, dfrhmfebia, affe fn mfysumlunturh snfw-

    ny mfbns `w`y cust mhnfw tgh surd`lh bi rur`n `rh`s fd

    tgh Ehhp \futg. Ugh dfnnfwbia p`ahs wbnn lfidbro

    yfur suspblbfis. Futsbeh tgh arh`t lbtbhs fd tgh Ihw

    \futg \uimhnt (wgblg `rh rh`nny ift p`rt fd tgh

    \futg t `nn), ` sbnhit uiehrtfw fd luntur`n `i`lgrf-


    Ourpgy, IL

  • 8/14/2019 Searching for the Dixie Barbecue


  • 8/14/2019 Searching for the Dixie Barbecue


    dfro drfo tboh tf tboh `ie drfo pn`lh tf pn`lh.

    Mut wg`t wh rh`nny shhj bs ` ebddhrhit jbie fd

    susthi`ilh.Qh shhj luntur`n rhnbl tg`t pfbits tf

    `i fne stynh fd \futghri-ihss tg`t bs qubljny

    v`ibsgbia drfo ofehri @ohrbl`i nbdh. Qh shhj

    lrueh hsshilhs fd tgh drfitbhr, uiswhrvbia m`lj-

    wffes ohit`nbtbhs, rur`n rhsphlt dfr tr`ebtbfi,bisbagts bitf rur n guofr, `ie hx`opnhs fd tgh

    wbne mr`aa`eflbf tg t g`s lrh`the o`iy fd tgh

    t`nn t`nhs tg`t `rh stbnn ` p`rt fd rur`n @ohrbl`i nbdh

    tfe`y. Bi sgfrt, wh shhj ` prhshit-e`y o`ibdhst`-

    tbfi fd ` oytg. ]h n fr rhohomhrhe, bt efhs ift

    o`tthr. Ugh ]h`n Ebxbh M`rmhluh bs ` pn`lh wghrh

    tgh tr`ebtbfis fd dbrh `ie gfa `ie sofjh `ie

    s`ulh `rh rhvhrhe `ie lfombihe bi tgh fne w`ys:

    wghrh rustbl `ombhilhs `rh ` trh`surh, ift `i

    hom`rr ssohit: wghrh ` lrueh lfeh fd shrvblh`ie `i uimhiebia frtgfefxy fvhrrbehs ofehri


    Rfu l`i dbie affe m`rmhluh `iywghrh tghsh

    e ys, mut wghi yfu rh \h`rlgbia dfr tgh Ebxbh

    M`rmhluh,yfu oust lfidbih yfur sh`rlg tf Ebxbh.


    Qghrh `rh tgh nbihs fi tgh o`p tg`t ehdbih tgh mfr-

    ehrs fd Ebxbh6 Ughrh bs, fd lfursh, tgh O`sfi-

    Ebxfi Nbih. Mut sgfune Ebxbh rh`nny bilnuehO`ryn`ie fr Jhituljy6 Qg`t `mfut Dnfrbe`,

    @rj`is s, Nfubsb`i`, fr Uhx s6 @nn fd tghsh pn`lhs

    g`vh strfia \futghri tr`ebtbfis, tf mh surh. @ie tghy

    `nn o`jh arh`t m`rmhluh. Ughy `nn s y y`nn `ie B

    rhljfi `ie ahihr`nny t`wj rhhn duiiy. Ughy whrh

    `nn rhmhns bi tgh @ohrbl`i Lbvbn Q`r (sfoh efwi

    ghrh stbnn rhdhr tf bt `s Ugh Q`r fd Ifrtghri

    @aarhssbfi). Mut O`ryn`ie `ie Tbrabib` `rh tgh

    bighrbtfrs fd ` ahithhn \futghri tr`ebtbfi. \urhny tgh

    ]h`n Ebxbh M`rmhluh bs ` rfuag-heahe pn`lh, `ie yfu`rh uinbjhny tf dbie bt bi sulg sfpgbstbl`the `brs.

    Jhituljy, @rj`is s, `ie hvhi Uhiihsshh, `ntgfuag

    `nsf uiehib mny \futghri, `rh hbtghr mfrehr st`ths,

    fr sfohgfw t`bithe my Obewhsthri fr Qhsthri

    bidnuhilhs. Nfubsb`i` bs nbjhwbsh ehhpny \futghri bi

    x \ H@ ]L GB IA DF] U GH EB WB H M@] MH LXH

    \hno`, @N

  • 8/14/2019 Searching for the Dixie Barbecue


    ghrbt`ah, mut sgh bs sht `p`rt my ebvhrsh htgibl `ie

    luntur`n tr`ebtbfis tg`t `rh truny lfsofpfnbt`i bi

    i`turh. Nfre jifws, yfunn dbie iftgbia lfsofpfnb-

    t`i `t tgh ]h`n Ebxbh M`rmhluh. @ ebddhrhit jbie fd

    sfpgbstbl`tbfi runhs fut ofst fd Dnfrbe`, hvhi

    tgfuag oulg fd tgh ifrtghri p rt fd tg t st th,

    bilnuebia tgh p`ig`ienh, bs stbnn `s \futghri `s lfri-pfih ie bi pfsshssbfi fd ` vbmr`it \futghri m`rmh-

    luh tr ebtbfi. @s dfr Uhx s, whnn, sgh tff bs biehhe

    \futghri. Mut ghrh tgh \futg ohhts tgh Qhst, `ie

    Uhx`is g`vh `i `iifybiany l`thafrbl`n w`y fd lfi-

    tbiu`nny ehln`rbia tghbr biehphiehilh drfo hvhry-

    wghrh hnsh bi tgh lfuitry, bilnuebia tgh \futg. Ugbs

    p`rt fd tgh Uhx s psylgh ehrbvhs drfo ` ahiubih

    @ohrbl`i drfitbhr spbrbt tg`t nbiahrs hvhi tfe y. @ie

    bt wfune mh `eobr`mnh biehhe, whrh bt ift, `t tbohs,

    sf fmifxbfus.

    \f, dfr tgh purpfshs fd tgbs mffj yfu l`i abvh

    Ebxbh ` vhry i`rrfw ehdbibtbfi `ie s`y tg`t bt bstgh @ohrbl`i Ehhp \futg. Rfu l`i tghi, phrg`ps

    `rmbtr`rbny, ehdbih tgh @ohrbl`i Ehhp \futg `s tgh

    L`rfnbi`s, Ahfrab , @n`m`o`, `ie Obssbssbppb. Ugbs

    bs wghrh yfu mhabi \h`rlgbia dfr tgh Ebxbh M`rmhluh.

    U tti nn Lfuity, A@

    \h`rlgbia dfr tgh Ebxbh M`rmhluh xb

  • 8/14/2019 Searching for the Dixie Barbecue



    Bd yfu `rh h st fd tgh Obssbssbppb ]bvhr `ie ift bi

    Dnfrbe`, erbvh sfutg. Filh yfu rh`lg tgh L`rfnbi`s,

    Ahfrab , @n`m`o`, fr Obssbssbppb jhhp tf tgh m`lj

    rf`es `ie p`ss tgrfuag `s o`iy so`nn tfwis `s

    pfssbmnh. @s yfu hithr h`lg tfwi, erbvh snfwny `nfia

    O`bi \trhht uitbn yfu dbie ` arfup fd ohi nfbthrbia(prhdhr`mny ohi erhsshe bi l`ofudn`ah). [`rj yfur

    l`r. Bd yfu `rh drfo fut fd st th, mh surh tg`t yfur

    nblhish pn`ths `rh ift vbsbmnh tf tgh ohi. Q`nj up tf

    tgho bi ` ebrhlt w`y `ie s`y, Gfw y`nn efbi.

    Efit try tf n`y fi ` tgblj `llhit. Cust s`y tghsh syn-

    n`mnhs bi ` jbie fd snurry o`iihr, ruiibia tgho `nn

    tfahtghr nbjh ` sbianh wfre. Ury ift tf ofvh yfur

    nbps wghi yfu sph`j. Efit sobnh fr o`jh `iy nfia

    ebrhlt hyh lfit`lt. Ef ift bitrfeulh yfurshnd, `ie

    uiehr if lbrluost`ilhs sgfune yfu `tthopt tfsg`jh g`ies (tg`t wfune `pph`r vhry dfrhbai

    biehhe). Bt bs phrg`ps mhst tf jhhp yfur g`ies

    tgrust ehhp efwi bi yfur trfushr pfljhts. Bd yfu

    g`vh pr`ltblhe `ie l`i p`ss, tgh l`ofudn`ahe ohi

    wbnn rhpny my s`ybia, @gbbth. (Ugbs oh`is tghy `rh

    `nn rbagt.) Booheb`thny aht rbagt tf tgh pfbit. @sj,

    Bs tghy`g ` m`g-mh-luh pn`lh rfuie gh`g6 Efit

    pusg tgh `llhit tff g`re, `ie s`y if ofrh fr yfunn

    mnfw yfur lfvhr. Cust nbsthi. Ughy wbnn s y sfoh-

    tgbia nbjh tgbs3 Rhp, mut bts ` rbbeh. (Ugbs oh`is btbs ` nfia ebst`ilh `w`y.) Cust ife `ie w`bt, `ie fih

    wbnn hvhitu`nny mrh`j tgh sbnhilh `ie s y,U jh Fne

    \t`th ]f`e Iuomhr Dfur sfutg fut p`st Mba

    Lrhhj`mfut twhity obnhs. Bts fi tgh rbagt. [urey

    affe. Ug`ij tgho my s`ybia, Ug`ij y` ifwg. @s

    yfu w`nj fdd, fih fd tgho obagt s`y, Rhr ift drfo

    rfuie gh`g, `rh y 6 Ugbs bs ift affe. Bt tr`isn`ths

    sfohtgbia nbjh, B ef ift trust yfu. Bt bs mhst `t tgbs

    pfbit tf sbopny s y, Ifph, `ie nh`vh.


    @dthr ` 58-obiuth bivhstba`tbfi, yfu wbnn dbie, tg`tFne \t th ]f`e Iuomhr Dfur bs ifw o`rjhe

    wbtg ihw sbais l`nnbia bt Ihw Nbttnh Mba Lrhhj

    ]f`e, wgblg ofst nfl`ns rhdhr tf `s Ugh Ftghr

    Nbttnh Mba Lrhhj ]f`e, wghi tghy `rh ift l`nnbia bt

    x bb \ H@ ]L GB IA D F] U GH EBW BH M@] MH LXH

    Nfubsvbnnh, A@

  • 8/14/2019 Searching for the Dixie Barbecue


    \h`rlgbia dfr tgh Ebxbh M`rmhluhmy

    Qbnmhr Q. L`newhnn

    Dfr ofrh bidfro`tbfi `mfut tgbs `ie ftghr [bih`ppnh [rhsstbtnhs vbsbt fur whmsbth `t gttp3//www.pbih`ppnhprhss.lfo

    [bih`ppnh [rhss tbtnhs `rh `v`bn`mnh drfo gttp3//www.pbih`ppnhprhss.lfo`ie drfo o`cfr mffjstfrh lg`bis `ie finbih rht`bnhrs.