search25 - university of east london

Search25 – Tell students about this in conjunction with SCONUL Search25 allows students and staff to search the collections of over 40 university and other specialist Libraries which belong to the M25 Consortium of Academic Libraries. Limited to London and the South East . They can search for books and serials. Access is only to print

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Post on 05-Jun-2015




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Search25 – Tell students about this in conjunction with SCONUL

Search25 allows students and staff to search the collections of over 40 university and other specialist Libraries which belong to the M25 Consortium of Academic Libraries. Limited to London and the South East .They can search for books and serials. Access is only to print materials.

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Searches using title, author, subject

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Results can be sorted by publication year and so on.

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Details of the book is displayed . By clicking on the Library Information link, you will have more information about the library address as well as map of how to get there.

The find elsewhere link give alternative places to search for a resource e.g WorldCat, maybe useful for international students wanting to know libraries to visit in their country.

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Information about the Library and location map. Not always easy to locate precisely

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Encourage students to search via user options. It allows them to be precise limiting their search to e.g.

libraries where they have access rights or their subject area or to specific libraries with a specialism

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Giving their institution membership as well as level and mode of study allows them to see what access rights they have

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User options – you can limit searches to individual libraries

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Searching for a journal in the Union List of Serials

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Source Library for the journals

In this case only two libraries have the journal I’m looking for – Institute of Education and Goldsmiths. With this information, a student can quickly make up their mind as to which of the two Libraries they want to go to. The result can also be narrowed down to subject area within child education

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• Particularly useful for 3rd year students

• Masters• Phd• Mphil• Researchers

• Promote to everyone enquiring about visiting other libraries