search staffing performance increase billings with emotional intelligence


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Increased Billings using Emotional Intelligence - for Staffing and Search Consultants


Page 1: Search Staffing Performance   Increase Billings With Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence: The key to increasing billings

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It’s not just their IQ, education, or even industry knowledge. Certainly

they need to have a certain amount of these to succeed in their role, but what sets the high performers apart from the average is their Emotional Intelligence (EQ).

Consider this research: 71 percent of hiring managers said they value emotional intelligence

in an employee more than IQ Pessimistic sales people are twice as likely to quit their job as

optimistic sales people A Gallup study showed the primary driver of customer loyalty is the

engagement level of sales people At American Express, sales people trained in Emotional Intelligence

outsold sales people not trained in EQ by 20%

Top Billers know how to connect with their clients and candidates better than the competition.

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If an organization only trains their people in technical skills, search/staffing processes and even sales techniques, then they are missing the key ingredient to increasing sales. Our Emotional Intelligence Development program allows search/staffing professionals to develop and understanding of the following critical Emotional Intelligence competencies:

Dealing with setbacks and adversity Empathy and connection with clients/candidates Confidence in themselves Dealing with multiple personalities in the hiring process Controlling Impulsive actions

Top Billers know that relationships are the key to success and they are better at building them than the competition

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Benefits of Emotional Intelligence training for search/staffing professionals:

Increase self-awareness and self-control – to allow people to remain calm

and poised, and react skillfully when dealing with difficult or challenging customers and peers.

Learn techniques for dealing with the setbacks and adversity inherent in the search/staffing process

Build skills of empathy and communication – critical to developing strong emotional connections with clients and candidates

Inspire individuals to commit to specific and measurable goals and then be held accountable, in order to move them towards greater personal leadership and sales performance

Technology has leveled the playing field. Optimizing people is the key to increased performance

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Leadership Call, LLC is a high performance people optimization firm. We use Emotional Intelligence to increase performance and leadership. We do this based on a blended approach which includes keynotes, selection and development tools, and individual and corporate based programs. Our expertise is sought by Fortune 500 companies, Executive Coaches, Consulting Firms, and individuals with a desire for continued personal development.

Businesses around the world look to Leadership Call, LLC and our programs on Emotional

Intelligence to help them with a wide variety of issues: providing greater leadership and management skills, improving teamwork, individual relationships and performance, retaining key employees and fostering an environment of greater motivation and inspiration. Our customers also find our emotional intelligence programs bring them greater fulfillment and a stronger sense of purpose and meaning to their lives.

Leadership Call, LLC PO Box 5772 Frisco, TX 75039 214-838-0098