sean’s super dictionary of blue book goodness by: sean


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Post on 27-Dec-2015




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  • Slide 1
  • Slide 2
  • Goal I
  • Slide 3
  • Aristocracy Classical Republicanism Committees of Correspondence Egalitarianism Factions Federalism Free exercise Clause Middle Passage Nationalism Navigation Acts Oligarchy Religious pluralism Theocracy Townshend Acts Treaty of Paris
  • Slide 4
  • Aristocracy Government ruled by upper class citizens.
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  • Classical Republicanism A government based on the ideas of Ancient Greece and Rome.
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  • Committees of Correspondence Groups of rebellious colonists who organized resistance acts against the King.
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  • Egalitarianism All men are equal and have natural rights.
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  • Factions Group of people who have similar beliefs.
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  • Federalism Separation of powers.
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  • Free Exercise Clause Prohibits Congress from passing laws that would impede the practicing of any religion.
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  • Middle Passage Route of slave ships from Africa to North America.
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  • Nationalism Devotion to ones country.
  • Slide 13
  • Navigation Acts Laws that established the mandatory trade of British colonial goods to England.
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  • Oligarchy Government ruled by small groups.
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  • Religious Pluralism Myriad of religious beliefs.
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  • Theocracy Government based on religion.
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  • Townshend Acts Put a tax on imported goods such as glass and tea.
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  • Treaty of Paris Ended the Revolutionary War and made England recognize the United states as a free country.
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  • Goal II
  • Slide 20
  • Cloture Excise Taxes Executive Branch Expenditures Immunity Income Tax Income Tax Return Judicial Branch Legislative Branch Majority Leader President Pro- tempore Progressive Taxes Regressive Taxes Revenue Writ of Habeas Corpus
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  • Cloture 3/5 vote to stop a filibuster.
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  • Excise Taxes Taxes placed on specific products
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  • Executive Branch Branch of the government, includes the president, that is responsible for enforcing laws
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  • Expenditures Things that the government must pay for.
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  • Immunity No member can be arrested while attending a congressional session.
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  • Income Tax Tax placed on the income citizens earn.
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  • Income Tax Return Form filed by citizens to show how much they owe in taxes.
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  • Judicial Branch A branch of a government who is responsible for interpreting the laws.
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  • Legislative Branch Branch of the government who is responsible for writing laws.
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  • Majority Leader Elected leader of the majority party.
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  • President Pro-tempore Member of the Senate who is behind the vice president, and fills in for the vice president when he cannot attend session.
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  • Progressive Taxes Increases the tax rate as income increases.
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  • Regressive Taxes Larger tax rate for those with less income.
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  • Revenue Money taken in by the government.
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  • Writ of Habeas Corpus A detained person can request that a judge review their case to make sure that their detention is legal.
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  • Goal III
  • Slide 37
  • Assessments Cabinet Council Manager Plan Fines Intergovernmental Revenue Mayor Police Chief Preamble School Busing Sheriff
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  • Assessments Estimation of a propertys value.
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  • Cabinet A group of individuals consisting of the heads of various state departments.
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  • Council Manager Plan A model of government run by a city council, making the mayor an icon.
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  • Fines Money paid as punishment for a crime or some civil offense.
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  • Intergovernmental Revenue Money received from federal, state, or local government, shared revenue, and special payments.
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  • Mayor An elected official who serves as the chief executive officer and shares power with an elected city council.
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  • Police Chief Hired by a city to answer to the mayor or city council.
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  • Preamble Opening sentence that defines the intent of the document.
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  • School Busing A method of integration in which students are required to attend schools outside the boundaries of what would normally be their school district.
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  • Sheriff A countys chief law enforcement officer, and that each county shall have elected for a four year term.
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  • Goal IV
  • Slide 49
  • Arbitration Civil Courts Counter Sue Democrats General Election Grassroots Legal Action Mass Media Mediation Patriotism Plank Platform Primary Election Republicans Voir Dire
  • Slide 50
  • Arbitration When two sides agree to make the decision of a neutral party legally binding.
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  • Civil Courts Trials initiated by individuals, oraganizations, or businesses.
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  • Counter Sue When the defendant sues the plaintiff.
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  • Democrats A political party that favors a more active government.
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  • General Election Election to choose between Republican and Democrat for president.
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  • Grassroots A type of campaign aimed at the average Joe.
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  • Legal Action An individual, group, or organization, claims to have been wronged by another individual, group, or organization, and decides to take the defendant to civil court.
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  • Mass Media Impact journalists, celebrity personalities, writers, etc. have on a society via television, radio, and printed materials.
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  • Mediation When two disputing sides invite a third party to help them find a solution.
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  • Patriotism Devotion to ones country.
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  • Plank An individual policy with the platform.
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  • Platform A partys statement of programs and policies it will pursue once its candidates are in office.
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  • Primary Election Voters choose between candidates in the same election.
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  • Republicans A political party that believes the less government the better.
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  • Voir Dire A process before a trial in which lawyers ask potential jurors questions.
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  • Goal V
  • Slide 66
  • Bail Bailiffs Felonies Grand Jury Law Misdemeanors Oral Arguments Pocket Veto Probable Cause Subpoena
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  • Bail Money paid by the defendant in exchange for not having to remain in jail until his/her trail.
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  • Bailiffs Courts law enforcement.
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  • Felonies More serious crimes.
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  • Grand Jury Special Juries which hear evidence presented by a prosecutor to decide if a trial is warranted.
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  • Law A bill that is signed by the president that went trough both the House and Senate.
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  • Misdemeanors Less serious crimes.
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  • Oral Arguments An attempt before a judge by attorneys to effectively present their case and answer any questions or objections the judges may have.
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  • Pocket Veto When the president takes no action on a bill because he knows Congress is not in session and his/her actions can not be overridden.
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  • Probable Cause Sufficient evidence that the person has committed a crime.
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  • Subpoena Legal documents ordering a particular person to appear in court to testify.
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  • Goal VI
  • Slide 78
  • Administrative Law Civil Laws Constitutional Law Criminal Laws Family Laws Franking Privilege International Law Probation Public Laws Rehabilitation Restitution Retribution
  • Slide 79
  • Administrative Law Law that governs the operation of government agencies.
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  • Civil Laws Laws concerned with relationships between individuals, businesses, organizations, etc
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  • Constitutional Law Deals with the interpretations and practical application of the U.S. Constitution.
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  • Criminal Laws Define what actions are regarded as criminal acts against the state.
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  • Family Laws Cases involving divorce, child support payments, adoptions, child custody, etc.
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  • Franking Privilege Privilege of sending mail for free.
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  • International Law Deals with laws that apply to all nations: international trade, boundary disputes between countries, methods of warfare, how prisoners of war are to be treated, etc.
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  • Probation Instead of going to jail or prison, the court gives convicted persons a set of conditions that they must meet within a certain amount of time.
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  • Public Laws Any area of law dealing directly with relationships between individuals, businesses, or organizations and the government.
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  • Rehabilitation Concerned with transforming criminals into law abiding citizens.
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  • Restitution Money or property a person gained as a result of their crime which they must give up.
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  • Retribution Concerned with punishing a person convicted of a crime.
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  • Goal VII
  • Slide 92
  • Factory Labor Land Mass Production Need Recycling Robotics Total cost Wants Wealth of Nations
  • Slide 93
  • Factory Facility designed and used for producing particular goods and services.
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  • Labor Contribution of human workers to the production process.
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  • Land Not only property on which a production plant is built, but also all other natural resources involved.
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  • Mass Production Production of large quantities of a particular good because materials can be amassed and assembled in one place.
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  • Need The things people must have to live (food, shelter, clothing, etc.)
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  • Recycling When a good (either capital or consumer) is reprocessed and reused.
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  • Robotics Machines that can be programmed to produce goods without the need for constant human interaction.
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  • Total Cost The entire price it costs to produce a good or service.
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  • Wants All the goods and services one desires and would obtain if he/she could.
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  • Wealth of Nations Published by Adam Smith in 1776, originally called An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations; is one of the most comprehensive defenses of free market economics.
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  • Goal VIII
  • Slide 104
  • 1.Barter System 2.Check 3.Coins 4.Credit 5.Credit Cards 6.Currency 7.Debit Card 8.Equity 9.Franchise 10.Strike
  • Slide 105
  • Barter System People trade goods they own for goods they want.
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  • Check Authorizes the transfer of funds from his/her checking account.
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  • Coins Metal currency.
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  • Credit A way for consumers to buy now and pay later.
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  • Credit Cards A way for the consumer to defer payments until a later time, but will have interest on the good purchased.
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  • Currency Money, both coin and paper.
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  • Debit Card A credit card like object except that the funds are taken immediately from the owners checking account.
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  • Equity Equality among citizens.
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  • Franchise Businesses in which sole proprietors or partnerships can purchase the local rights to a trademark corporation.
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  • Strike When workers refuse to work until their demands are met
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  • Goal IX
  • Slide 116
  • 1.Bear Market 2.Bull Market 3.Child Labor 4.Federal Reserve 5.Human Rights 6.Interest Rate 7.National Debt 8.Scarcity 9.Tariffs 10.Taxation
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  • Bear Market When prices steadily fall and the economy stalls due to less money being invested.
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  • Bull Market When stock market prices steadily rise.
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  • Child Labor The mandatory working of children.
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  • Federal Reserve Establishes monetary policy and controls the amount of money circulating in the economy.
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  • Human Rights The natural rights that every living human has from birth.
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  • Interest Rate A percentage that determines how much money one must pay a lender in exchange for a loan.
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  • National Debt The amount of money owed by the federal government.
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  • Scarcity Limited availability of a desired products.
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  • Tariffs Special taxes placed on imported goods.
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  • Taxation First part of the government fiscal policy.
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  • Goal X
  • Slide 128
  • 1.Acid rain 2.Disease 3.Duty 4.Homelessness 5.Melting Pot Theory 6.Racism 7.Sexism 8.Taxation 9.Tolerance 10.Voting
  • Slide 129
  • Acid Rain Process in which chemicals released into the atmosphere are absorbed as water droplets in clouds.
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  • Disease A condition resulting in ill symptoms and physical weakness.
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  • Duty An obligation one is expected to fulfill.
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  • Homelessness Deprived of a place to live.
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  • Melting Pot Theory A theory that states that US society is best served when people abandon their cultural differences.
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  • Racism Viewing people negatively and discriminating against them because of their ethnic race.
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  • Sexism Discrimination or unfair treatment based on gender.
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  • Taxation An extra charge added to a good that will benefit the producer and/or the economy directly.
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  • Tolerance One is willing to honor and respect another citizen with different beliefs, morals and different standard of living.
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  • Voting A right citizens are given that allows them to have a direct say in their government or other gathering.