seabee courier nov. 29, 2012

CAMP LEMONNIER, Djibouti – Service members on board Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti, are one step closer to entering the renewable energy frontier now that workers have begun the first phase of installing solar- powered energy panels. Sailors from Camp Lemonnier Public Works and Naval Mobile Construction Battalion One are working together to finish phase one of the installation, which they started in Septem- ber, and will begin phase two sometime next year. Initially, the participating con- struction crews are installing panels on 12 of the camp’s Containerized Living Units (CLUs) from three brands of panels installed at two differ- ent angles and directions. The effectiveness of the pan- els will then be observed and compiled into useful data that will help the camp assess how efficient a larger-scaled project could be. “The main goal of the project is to conserve energy and lower costs,” said Petty Officer 1st Class Jean Guerrier. “How- ever, the data needed to deter- mine how effective these panels can be won’t be avail- able for about one year.” The panels offer another key Naval Construction Battalion Center, Gulfport, Mississippi November 29, 2012 Vol. 52 No. 27 NAVAL BASE GUAM, Guam - Equipment Operator Third Class Justin Miller of Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 74’s Detail Guam operates a bulldozer to place material brought in by a seven-ton Medium Tactical Vehicle Replacement (MTVR) dump truck at the base’s fir- ing range. The Seabees are constructing three 250-foot long berms at the firing range to be used by special forces deployed to the island. NMCB 74 is operating forward deployed through- out the US Pacific Command (PACOM) area of operations supporting Navy and Joint Forces. (U.S. Navy photo by Equipment Operator Constructionman Laura Trommer/Released) NMCB 74 Det Guam Seabees assigned to Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 1 install solar powered energy panels on Con- tainerized Living Units (CLUs) at Camp Lemonnier, Dji- bouti, Sept. 21. Camp Lemonnier Public Works and NMCB 1 worked together to finish phase one of the installation. Phase two of the project is expected to begin sometime next year. (U.S. Navy photo courtesy of NMCB 1 Public Affairs) Dec. 7, 6 - 8:30 p.m., Youth Activities Center MWR Tree Lighting & Holiday Gift Village Featuring a snow playground, children’s games, free prizes, vendors, warm cookies & milk and a very special visitor! Call 228-871-4010 for details. ~Everyone is Invited~ ~Everyone is Invited~ NMCB 1 Seabees help Camp Lemonnier go green From NMCB 1 Public Affairs See GREEN page 2

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Page 1: Seabee Courier Nov. 29, 2012

CAMP LEMONNIER, Djibouti –Service members on boardCamp Lemonnier, Djibouti, areone step closer to entering therenewable energy frontier nowthat workers have begun thefirst phase of installing solar-powered energy panels.Sailors from Camp Lemonnier

Public Works and Naval MobileConstruction Battalion One areworking together to finishphase one of the installation,which they started in Septem-ber, and will begin phase twosometime next year.Initially, the participating con-

struction crews are installingpanels on 12 of the camp’s

Containerized Living Units(CLUs) from three brands ofpanels installed at two differ-ent angles and directions.The effectiveness of the pan-

els will then be observed andcompiled into useful data thatwill help the camp assess howefficient a larger-scaled projectcould be.“The main goal of the project

is to conserve energy andlower costs,” said Petty Officer1st Class Jean Guerrier. “How-ever, the data needed to deter-mine how effective thesepanels can be won’t be avail-able for about one year.”The panels offer another key

Naval Construction Battalion Center, Gulfport, Mississippi November 29, 2012Vol. 52 No. 27

NAVAL BASE GUAM, Guam - Equipment Operator Third Class Justin Miller of Naval MobileConstruction Battalion (NMCB) 74’s Detail Guam operates a bulldozer to place material broughtin by a seven-ton Medium Tactical Vehicle Replacement (MTVR) dump truck at the base’s fir-ing range. The Seabees are constructing three 250-foot long berms at the firing range to beused by special forces deployed to the island. NMCB 74 is operating forward deployed through-out the US Pacific Command (PACOM) area of operations supporting Navy and Joint Forces.(U.S. Navy photo by Equipment Operator Constructionman Laura Trommer/Released)

NMCB 74 Det Guam

Seabees assigned to Naval Mobile Construction Battalion(NMCB) 1 install solar powered energy panels on Con-tainerized Living Units (CLUs) at Camp Lemonnier, Dji-bouti, Sept. 21. Camp Lemonnier Public Works and NMCB1 worked together to finish phase one of the installation.Phase two of the project is expected to begin sometime nextyear. (U.S. Navy photo courtesy of NMCB 1 Public Affairs)

Dec. 7, 6 - 8:30 p.m., Youth Activities CenterMWR Tree Lighting & Holiday Gift Village

Featuring a snow playground, children’s games, freeprizes, vendors, warm cookies & milk and a very special visitor! Call 228-871-4010 for details.

~Everyone is Invited~~Everyone is Invited~

NMCB 1 Seabees helpCamp Lemonnier go greenFrom NMCB 1 Public Affairs

See GREEN page 2

Page 2: Seabee Courier Nov. 29, 2012




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The Seabee Courier is a weekly author-ized on-line publication for members ofthe military services and their families.Content does not necessarily reflect theofficial views of the U.S. Government,the DoD or the U.S. Navy and does notimply endorsement thereof. The ap-pearance of advertising in this newspa-per, including inserts or supplements,does not constitute endorsement bythe U. S. Government, DoD, the Navyor NCBC Gulfport of the products andservices advertised. All content in thisnewspaper shall be made available forpurchase, use or patronage without re-gard to race, color, religion, gender, na-tional origin, age, marital status,physical handicap, political affiliation orany other non-merit factor of the pur-

chaser, user or patron. If a violation orrejection of this equal opportunity pol-icy by an advertiser is confirmed, thepublisher shall refuse to print advertis-ing from that source until the violationis corrected. The Seabee Courier solic-its news contributions from military andcivilian sources, but the Public Affairsstaff reserves the right to edit and/orrewrite material selected for publicationto conform with journalism standards. The deadline for material is close ofbusiness every Friday. Your commentsare always welcome. The SeabeeCourier office is in Building 1, Room205. The mailing address is 4902 Mar-vin Shields Blvd., Code 15, Gulfport, MS39501. Phone: 228-871-3662., E-mail:[email protected]

NCBC/20SRGCommanding Officer

Capt. Rick BurgessPublic Affairs Officer

Rob MimsEditor

Bonnie L. McGerrMass Comm. Specialist

MCC (SCW/SW/AW) Ryan G. Wilber

Special ContributorsCM3 (SCW) Katchen Tofil

CECN Lucinda Moise

22 NCRCommander

Capt. Darius BanajiPublic Affairs Officer


25 NCRCommander

Capt. Darius BanajiPublic Affairs Officer

MCC (SW/AW) Scott Boyle

NMCB ONECommanding Officer Cmdr. Chad M. BrooksPublic Affairs Officer

Lt. Brian GatesMass Comm. Specialist

MC1 (AW/NAC) Aron TaylorSpecial Contributor

CE1(SCW) Joshua Thonnissen

NMCB ELEVENCommanding OfficerCmdr. Maria Aguayo

Public Affairs OfficerLt.j.g. Brian Myers

Mass Comm. SpecialistMC1(AW) Jonathan Carmichael

NMCB SEVENTY FOURCommanding Officer Cmdr. David McAlisterPublic Affairs Officer

Lt.j.g. John Parizek Mass Comm. Specialist

MC2 Ryan Williams


Cmdr. Nicolas D. YamodisPublic Affairs Officer

MC1(SW/AW) Steven Myers

NCTC GULFPORTCommanding OfficerCmdr. Scott Anderson

Public Affairs OfficerLt. J. Johnson

benefit to those stationed onboard Camp Lemonnier—ahealthier environment.“These panels are eco-

friendly,” said ConstructionmanJeremiah Carnes. “If they en-able us to reduce the workload of the generators, the airquality on camp should onlyimprove.”Additionally, the solar panels’

current and cumulative energyoutput and avoided-cost sav-ings are displayed continu-ously on a computer, viewableby everyone on base.“It’s great to be able to see

the daily savings. This invest-ment in renewable energy iswell worth it,” said Guerrier. The lessons learned during

the initial installation are alsoimportant to the process. Byutilizing information gatheredduring the set up and con-struction of the solar panelrigs, workers will be able to

streamline the evolution andspeed up the installationprocess if the camp decides toexpand the project in the fu-ture.“This was a completely new

ordeal for us,” Carnes said.“Most of us working here havenever installed a system likethis, but it was a great learn-ing experience and there areseveral techniques we pickedup along the way that will helpus going forward.” Although the installation of

solar-powered rigs is a rela-tively unfamiliar process tomany of the crew, Guerrierisn’t surprised at the level ofsuccess that these sailors havehad making it all work.“If there’s one thing that we

knew about our guys, it’s thatthey can adapt to anything,”Guerrier said. “I think theyproved that here.”The expected completion

date of the project is October2012.

From GREEN page 1

Courts-martial in Navy RegionSoutheast (CNRSE) recentlyheard the following cases:At a General Court-Martial

convened on board NAS Jack-sonville, a Petty Officer ThirdClass pled guilty to wrongfuluse of marijuana and he wasfound guilty of unauthorizedabsence terminated by appre-hension. The court-martial sen-tenced the Accused to sevenmonths of confinement, reduc-tion in rate to E-1, and a BadConduct Discharge.

At a General Court-Martialconvened on board NAS Jack-sonville, a Petty Officer SecondClass was found not guilty ofassault and willfully andwrongfully discharging afirearm.At a Special Court-Martial con-

vened on board NAS Pensacola,a Petty Officer Third Class pledguilty to assaulting a childunder the age of 16 years. Themilitary judge sentenced the Ac-cused to 12 months of confine-ment, reduction in rate to E-1,forfeiture of $994 pay per monthfor 12 months, and a Bad Con-duct Discharge.At a Special Court-Martial con-

vened on board NAS Jack-sonville, a Petty Officer SecondClass pled guilty to fraterniza-tion, dereliction of duty, failingto obey a lawful order, andwrongful appropriation of agovernment vehicle. The mili-

tary judge sentenced the Ac-cused to 100 days of confine-ment, reduction in rate to E-1,and a Bad Conduct Discharge.At a General Court-Martial

convened on board NAS Jack-sonville, a Lance Corporal pledguilty to wrongful use of mari-juana (three specifications), hav-ing sexual intercourse withsomeone incapable of decliningparticipation, and engaging in asexual act with someone inca-pable of declining participation.The military judge sentencedthe Accused to 12 years of con-finement, reduction in rate to E-1, and a DishonorableDischarge.At a Special Court-Martial con-

vened on board NAS Jack-sonville, a Petty Officer SecondClass was found guilty of at-tempting to steal military prop-erty. The court-martialsentenced the Accused to be re-stricted to base for 60 days andto forfeit $1,244 pay per monthfor four months.

Recently at the Courthouse

Courts-martial in Navy RegionSoutheast are tried with few ex-ceptions at NAS Jacksonville,NS Mayport, and NAS Pen-sacola. Therefore, the location of where acourt-martial described abovewas convened does not necessar-ily correlate to the command thatconvened the court-martial.

NCIS has two new anonymous ways to

report crimes or suspicious behavior with

the use of discreet and secure online or

texting tip lines.

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put you at risk, text “STOP”

3. Begin dialogue

To report information Online:

1. Go to, click on the

“Report a Crime” tab and select the icon for

“text and Web tip Hotline.”

There is a reward of up to $1,000 for infor-

mation leading to a felony arrest or ap-


See Something Wrong,Do Something Right!

LADD . . . Leaders Against Drunk DrivingLADD is a program sponsored by the NCBC/20th First Class Association. The mission of LADDis to prevent drunk driving on board NCBC Gulfport by providing rides for any service memberwho needs assistance getting home after an outing that involved alcohol.

~ It is strictly confidential. NO REPRISAL!~ Will take individual home only, no stops.~ Volunteers who stand the watch are on call 24/7.

It is always important to have a plan i n place when going out in tow, but is your plans fallthrough, please call LADD and we will pick you up! 100 percent confidential, zero reprisal.

Call 228-239-9007

Arrive alive - Don’t drink and drive!

Page 3: Seabee Courier Nov. 29, 2012




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Technical Specialist Jeff Esposito from Fire Trucks Unlimited gave fa-miliarization training on the newly acquired fire truck to NCBC Fire De-partment personnel at the grinder on board NCBC, Nov. 14. The 1996recently refurbished fire truck has been added to the NCBC Fire De-partment inventory, which will increase their response capabilities. Call(228) 871-2333 from any landline phone for emergencies on boardNCBC and dial 911 if using a cell. (U.S. Navy photo by Construction Elec-trician Constructionman Lucinda L. Moise/Released

“Having a beautiful and awonderful host of familyand friends.”

UTCN (SCW) Sharif Vadon


Hometown: New York, N.Y.

“I’m thankful for my family,friends and my loving puppies.”

CMCN Cela Sibley


Hometown: Seaside, Ore.

“My family, good healthand all the simple thingsin life.”

What are you thankfulfor?

CMCN (SCW) Jeff Mitchell


Hometown: Chicago, Ill.

By CECN Lucinda MoiseNCBC Public Affairs

Military members and civilians assigned to NCBC Gulfport and20th SRG came together at the Tactical Training Facility onboard NCBC Gulfport for a Winter Safety Stand Down, Nov.19. Twelve topics were covered during the training, includ-ing holiday driving, motorcycle, child and holiday lightingsafety, designed to inform and familiarize people with com-mon safety concerns during the winter holiday season. (U.S.Navy photos by Chief Mass Communication Specialist Ryan G.Wilber/Released)


After more than 30 years of dedicated naval service, NCBC Gulf-port Command Master Chief Wade C. Howk retired during a cer-emony held at the Seabee Memorial Chapel on board NCBCGulfport, Nov. 16. (U.S. Navy photo by Chief Mass Communication Spe-cialist Ryan G. Wilber/Released)

the Center

Buzz on

the Street

Page 4: Seabee Courier Nov. 29, 2012

Roger Salois had undergone chemother-apy at the Keesler Hospital Hematol-ogy/Oncology Clinic for six weeks andwanted to show his appreciation to thestaff.Salois, a retired Navy Seabee senior

chief petty officer, decided to donate aspecial "Chemotherapy Victory Bell" tothe 81st Medical Operations Squadronteam that he and other patients can ringupon completing their regimen. A smilingSalois did just that Nov. 7, as his wifeHolly and the "Hem/Onc" staff looked on.He explained, "I had seen the bells at

other cancer-treatment hospitals I'vebeen at. I asked the staff here if theyhad one. When they told me they didn't,I ordered two -- one for them and an-

other for the radiation oncology clinic."He and Holly donated the bell Oct. 17.Along with the bell, the Gulfport resi-

dent gave the staff a certificate thatstated, "This victory bell is presented to (the

department) for their relentless dedica-tion in providing lifesaving therapieswhile simultaneously improving the qual-ity of life of their patients. The victorybell is to be rung by the patients thathave so bravely completed their pre-scribed treatments and in honor of over-coming the emotional roller coaster offighting to obtain a life free of cancer. The victory bell is to be rung three

times in celebration upon completion oftheir final chemotherapy treatment."In addition to the bell for the clinic, Sa-

lois gave each staff member a specialbronze coin.




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FF: What single experience during yourcareer stands out the most and why?LS1: Making Third Class since it wasthe day I feel was the most importantin my career due to proving that Ishould be given responsibility andthe earning of respect from my peers.

FF: What has been your biggest motivation

throughout your career?LS1: To provide for my family.

FF: What advice would you give to futureSeabees/Sailors?

LS1: To study hard and take on thejobs no one else wants to do which inthe end gets you recognition and

puts you above your peers when itcomes time to rankings.

FF: What is your favorite thing about work-ing with the Seabees?LS1: The quick pace of work, there isnever a boring day down in Supply.

FF: Who was your most influential mentor

during your career, and why? LS1: Aviation Storekeeper 1st ClassMitchell Henry taught me from thefirst day at my first command in theNavy to study rating material daily.He also taught me how to be a fairleader who watches out for his peo-ple, which I have never forgot andhave used throughout my career.

Logistics Specialist

1st Class (SCW/SW)

Chad Alan Bechhold

NMCB 11 Supply LPO



By CM3(SCW) Katchen Tofil

NCBC Public Affairs


Retired Seabee shows KAFBhospital staff his appreciationwith ‘victory bell’ presentation

Roger Salois receives a round of applause from members of the hema-tology/oncology clinic staff and his wife Holly, second from left, afterhe rang the “Chemotherapy Victory Bell” he had donated to the clinicNov. 7, at the 81st Medical Group, Keesler Air Force Base, Miss. Fromleft, staff members are medical technician Airman 1st Class Staci Simp-son, Maj. (Dr.) Louis Varner, nurse Jeannie Edge, NCO-in-charge StaffSgt. Kristopher Iovieno and Maj. (Dr.) Owen Roberts. (U.S. Air Force photo by Steve Pivnick/Released)

By Steve Pivnick81st Medical Group Public Affairs, KAFB

Page 5: Seabee Courier Nov. 29, 2012

Ninety Seabees assigned toNaval Mobile Construction Battal-ion (NMCB) 11 returned home toGulfport Nov. 19 after spendingthe past two weeks providing dis-aster response support in NewJersey and New York.NMCB 11 was ordered to support

federal, state, and local authoritiesin disaster recovery operations inthe New Jersey and New Yorkareas affected by HurricaneSandy. This monumental under-taking came just days after thebattalion’s Air Det reorganized intoits traditional structure of 89 per-sonnel who are ready on a mo-ment’s notice to respondworldwide to contingency, disasterand humanitarian relief opera-tions. The Air Det was able to mount

out a total of 90 personnel, 94pieces of Civil Engineering Sup-port Equipment including frontend loaders, backhoes, pumps,generators and storage contain-ers. Additionally, over 75 varioustool kits and other support equip-ment were safely loaded for theconvoy north.Upon arrival at Joint Base

McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, located in

Lakehurst, N.J., the Air Det hit theground running under operationalcontrol of Coastal Riverine Group(CRG) 2, task-tailoring multipleteams with various capabilitiesthat were ready to deploythroughout the affected areas. The Seabees’ first mission, com-

prised of approximately 45 per-sonnel along with heavyequipment support, involvedclearing hundreds of tons of de-bris from Seaside Heights, N.J. Inaddition to debris, the team re-moved over 80 cars, boats andother large objects which hadbeen swept away and displacedduring the storm surge. They alsosuccessfully tackled a more than210,000-gallon dewatering projectto aid local authorities in gainingaccess to water and gas lines forrepair, and to reach road ways in-accessible from sink holes andstorm damage. Led by Chief Construction Elec-

trician Robert F. Barrett, the teamprovided several days of supportworking a 50-block area alongsideother military and civilian counter-parts. “I’m happy we are able toassist the people of New Jerseyduring a very challenging time.Our troops are doing a fantasticjob and making a positive impact

here in the communities.” ex-plained Barrett. In addition to the efforts in the

Seaside Heights area, another de-tachment worked diligently in theSea Bright area assisting residentswith debris removal and boardingup local businesses to prevent fur-ther damage to 165 structuresand assistance in moving personalproperty in and out of homes forresidents who were affected byheavy flooding. On Staten Island, a 40-person

crew led by Ensign Wesley M.Allen and Chief Builder Cortny G.Johnson worked with local author-ities to clean up the areas aroundMiller Field and surroundingneighborhoods. Hundreds ofcubic yards of displaced sandwere removed from the areaalong with 50 tons of trash anddebris. The Seabees also worked fever-

ishly to unearth and completelyclean up a local World War II Vet-erans Memorial adjacent to MillerField in time for Veterans Day. “The entire memorial was buried

in sand,” explained Johnson. “Ourtroops took a personal interest inensuring this memorial was re-stored to its original condition. Ittook a full day’s work with heavy

equipment and multiple personnelto accomplish the task. It’s ex-tremely rewarding being able tohelp so many people affected bythe storm and being able to cleanup this memorial is an addedbonus for us and the city ofStaten Island, “ continued John-son. Meanwhile, three Seabees pro-

vided around-the clock-assistanceat the Hoboken, N.J. Ferry Termi-nal providing nine light plantswhich illuminated the terminal andallowed safe passage of trafficduring peak commuting hours. Elsewhere at Floyd Bennett Air-

field in New York, a team of 25Seabees supported clean up anddebris removal operations in andaround the Breezy Point areaalong with multiple other militaryand civilian support teams. As re-lief efforts in the New York andNew Jersey area continue theSeabees will head back to theirhome station and are confidentthey provided a critical supportfunction assisting federal, stateand local government. Logistically speaking, moving a

detachment this size has signifi-cant challenges to face over thenear 1,400-mile journey to theNew Jersey and New York area.

Because the Seabee trucks andequipment run on military jet fuel,refueling must be done at militarybases along the route. Addition-ally, suitable berthing must besourced as troops must be wellrested for their driving and dailyoperational commitments. With the assistance of the Move-

ment Control Center (MCC) East,under the direction of Mr. MikeNoggle as Operations Manager,NMCB 11 personnel uploadedcargo onto 20 Medium Tactical Ve-hicle Replacements (MTVR) trac-tor trailers and cargo trucks. "We wanted to ensure the Bat-

talion stepped off on time with thefirst of three convoy configura-tions; we offered our help" saidNoggle. By providing two addi-tional forklifts from their shop,two operators, a runner for addi-tional cargo straps, shoring andchafing material MCC East wasable to provide a much neededhelping hand. “Ground movements normally

don’t involve the Movement Con-trol Center other than building theTime Phase Force DeploymentData and determining amode/source for movement in theevent aircraft became available




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By EOCS Matthew P. DooleyNMCB 11 Public Affairs

Left: STATEN ISLAND N.Y. - Seabees assigned to Naval Mobile Construction Bat-talion (NMCB) 11 load a skid steer with debris from a residential road duringHurricane Sandy relief efforts in Staten Island, N.Y. While deployed, NMCB11 operated under the U.S. Northern Command Defense Support of Civil Au-thorities mission and worked closely with civil authorities and the Federal Emer-gency Management Agency following the destruction caused by HurricaneSandy. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Martin Cuaron/Re-leased) Above: SEASIDE HEIGHTS, N.J. - Seabees assigned to Naval MobileConstruction Battalion (NMCB) 11 use a forklift to move a speedboat that wasdamaged by Hurricane Sandy. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist1st Class Martin Cuaron/Released)

NMCB 11 completes East Coast Disaster Relief mission

See NMCB 11 page 12

Page 6: Seabee Courier Nov. 29, 2012

Seabees assigned to Naval Mo-bile Construction Battalion(NMCB) 5 recently concluded theirannual Small Unit Leadership Cap-stone (SULC) at Naval Base Ven-tura County (NBVC) Dozer Field.SULC was a culmination of smallunit leadership homeport training.Each company was representedand squads participated in activi-ties and events over two days.SULC was organized by the

NMCB 5 First Class Petty OfficersAssociation (FCPOA). Events dur-ing the competition that squadsparticipate in range from mentallyand physically challenging activi-ties to include: marching drills,uniform and personnel inspection,professional military knowledgequestionnaire and a gauntlet ofteam based activities in an obsta-cle course."I'm very proud of the fact that I

got to help coordinate the obsta-cle course. All of those events areengineered to be team buildingevents and lets squads know thatwithout each other and workingas a team, nothing can be accom-plished," said NMCB 5 FCPOAPresident Utilitiesman 1st ClassJesus Escamilla.These squads worked together

throughout homeport honing theirskills and knowledge to preparefor SULC. Teamwork was vital incompleting each event. "It basically takes all the training

and thought process that we'vebeen putting together and puts itto the ultimate test trying to seehow we come together as a teamin the end. It feels great I'mlearning a lot," said HeadquartersCompany squad member Equip-ment Operator ConstructionmanApprentice Nathan Bryson.

“Most of Alfa company ispretty close, so it’s pretty fun toget out here and compete withthe guys we hang out with all thetime,” said Alfa Company squadmember Construction MechanicConstructionman Derek Ellis. Ellisadded that some challenges dur-ing the obstacle course weretough but his squad enjoyed thecompetition.After all activities and events

were completed the NMCB 5FCPOA hosted a luncheon for allpersonnel. The results of SULCwere mentioned shortly after withNMCB 5 Alfa Company placingfirst, Charlie Company placingsecond, Headquarters Companyplacing third and Bravo Companyplacing fourth.NMCB 5 strives on building small

unit leaders and giving them theopportunity to grow and shine. "I'm really proud to be a part of

NMCB 5. I've belonged to previ-ous battalions in the past andthey didn't quite have the cama-raderie that we have here," saidEscamilla.NMCB 5 is preparing for a sched-

uled PACOM deployment.

Naval Mobile Construction Battal-ion (NMCB) 133 Detail Bravohosted a visit from CommandingOfficer Cmdr. Nick Yamodis andCommand Master Chief David Gar-cia, Nov. 15.Detail Bravo used the opportu-

nity to familiarize the visitors withthe myriad of ongoing and com-pleted projects where the Seabeeshad expended more than 2,400man days of labor in construction,maintenance, and training.

One project highlighted was aLaundry Facilities Rehabilitationsupervised by crew leader Builder2nd Class Jesse Dupin that wasthe first to be planned and exe-cuted solely by the detail since thestart of their deployment.Yamodis also took advantage of

the visit to present severalawards. Builder 1st Class Jesse Koehn

was presented with a NavyAchievement Medal for his workas project supervisor on the NavalAir Station (NAS) Corpus Christi

boat ramp completed during thelast homeport period. LogisticsSpecialist Seaman Francis Brzezinski was pinned as a SeabeeCombat Warrior by his SCWSmentor, Construction Electrician2nd Class Casey Cole and pre-sented his certificate by Yamodis.Lt.j.g. Mathew Ward, the detail'sofficer in charge, also received hisSCW pin.NMCB 133 is currently deployed

to the U.S. Central Command areaof responsibility to support engi-neering operations.




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KUWAIT - Logistics Specialist Seaman Francis Brzezinski of Construction Naval Mobile Con-struction Battalion (NMCB) 133 receives his Seabee Combat Warfare Specialist qualifi-cation certificate from Cmdr. Nick Yamodis, NMCB 133 Commanding Officer, during anawards ceremony at Detail Bravo, Kuwait. The award was presented during a visit by theCommanding Officer and Command Master Chief David Garcia. (U.S. Navy photo by BuilderConstructionman Jessica Smith/Released)

NMCB 133 ‘Roos Skipper visits Detail BravoBy BUCN Jessica SmithNMCB 133 Public Affairs

NMCB 5 completesannual SULC eventBy MC2(SCW) Ace RheaumeNMCB 5 Public Affairs

Alfa Company Seabees assigned to Naval Mobile Construction Bat-talion (NMCB) 5 participate in an ammo can carry event during SmallUnit Leadership Capstone (SULC) at Naval Base Ventura County(NBVC) Port Hueneme, Calif. SULC was a culmination of small unitleadership homeport training that tested squads mentallyand physically in activities and events over two days. U.S. Navyphoto by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Ace Rheaume)

Race Engines, Dirt Bikes, ATV’s, Cigarette Boats, Zodiacs

Are you up to the challenge of hard work and repairingunique SOF equipment?

Naval Special Warfare Development Group is seeking activeduty Construction Mechanics and all other Seabee rates.

- Motivated/Volunteer- Pass Navy PFA- E4 - E6- No NJP- No bankruptcy- Obtain Secret/TOP Secret clearance

Email us at [email protected] or contactyour detailer to request additional information.

Looking for away to serveyour commu-nity? Inter-ested in a lawenforcement career? Ifso, consider volunteeringyour off duty time andbecome a Gulfport PoliceReserve Officer or a Re-serve Community ServiceTechnician. Call Lt. PhillipKincaid at 228-868-5900,ext. 6189 or email him [email protected] additional information.

Page 7: Seabee Courier Nov. 29, 2012




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MMWWRR,, UUSSOO,, NNEEXX hhoosstt ‘‘MMoonntthh ooff tthhee MMiill iittaarryy FFaammiillyy’’ PPaarrttyy

In honor of the presidential proclamation declaring November, “Month of

the Military Family,” the Navy Exchange (NEX), Morale Welfare and Recre-

ation (MWR) and United Service Organization (USO) collaborated in cele-

brating military families with a special event at the Training Hall on board

Naval Construction Battalion Center (NCBC), Nov. 15. Through the com-

bined efforts of the sponsoring organizations, around 800 service members

and their families enjoyed a variety of events including free food and bev-

erages, games and special appearances by the Mississippi Surge Mascot and

McGruff the Crime Dog. Children lined up to climb the rock wall and in-

vestigate the new NCBC fire truck. The adults , on the other hand, jumped

in line for free gifts and gift certificate raffles as high as $100. The evening

was capped off with a special parade featuring the Budweiser Clydesdales.

The procession began at the Child Development Center and as the exqui-

site horses made their way down Marvin Shields Boulevard, the children and

the adults appeared to be in awe of their huge stature, bright eyes and spir-

ited demeanor. The picture was made complete with the addition of the

faithful spotted Dalmatian proudly perched high atop the red, white and gold

wagon in the company of the two hitch drivers.

Photos courtesy of MWR and

Construction Mechanic 3rd Class Katchen Tofil

Page 8: Seabee Courier Nov. 29, 2012

Bonus Bucks are back at selectNavy Exchanges (NEXs) this holi-day season, including NEX Gulf-port. On Dec. 8, from 8 a.m. – 1p.m., customers will receive one$10 Bonus Bucks coupon for each$100 of merchandise/service pur-chased, while coupon supplieslast. A maximum of five BonusBucks will be issued to customersper single transaction. “NEX customers have responded

very positively to this promotionsince we started it three yearsago, so we’re bringing it backagain this year,” said Mike Powers,Navy Exchange Service Command(NEXCOM) Director Retail Opera-tions. “We know there are many

places our customers can shopduring the holiday season. NEXBonus Bucks are our way ofthanking customers for shoppingat their NEX and to encouragethem to come back for extra sav-ings.”NEX Bonus Bucks will be re-

deemable in any NEX from Dec.26 – Jan. 1, on all merchandiseand services except uniforms,gasoline, tobacco, alcohol, NEXand third party Gift Cards andconcession merchandise. Pur-chases made on the All ServicesCatalog or myNavyExchange.comdo not apply. One coupon will beredeemable on a transaction of$50 or more. A maximum of fivecoupons can be used on a trans-action of $250 or more.




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My hands looked like they’d been hitby shrapnel. The Persian rug was imbed-ded with sawdust, pine needles and stickyspots of sap. The trunk of our Christmastree, which could be clearly seen throughthe sparse branches, was warped in themiddle. That’s what I got for telling my husband

to pick out the tree without me.That day, base looked like a winter won-

derland with fluffy white snow stuck toevery surface. Neighbors merrily buzzedabout, bundling kids for sledding andstocking up on holiday provisions.I dropped my husband and our son off

to help sell Christmas trees for the BoyScout troop, and witnessed a sweetscene: twinkle lights draped, music play-ing, kids savoring candy canes, fire crack-ling. Dads could be heard wishingcustomers a “Merry Christmas” as uni-formed boys loaded trees onto cars.Whatever “cockles” are, mine were

warmed, and I couldn’t wait for them tocome home with a beautiful tree. I hadthe perfect afternoon planned: bring dec-orations up from basement, put up tree,make hot cocoa, set up train, play Christ-mas music while whole family decorates,gaze at tree while snuggled in familyroom. I love this time of year.Three hours later the boys came home

with a wrapped tree, and started to put

the trunk in the stand. My husband has never been handy, and

moments like these are always tense.Sensing he needed assistance, I grabbedthe top of the tree. “Ow!” I wailed, look-ing down at four tiny pinholes in mythumb. “What kind of tree is this, any-way?”“I don’t know…a fir, a spruce, how the

heck do I know,” he stammered.Wearing gloves, we secured the tree in

its stand and began to lift.“Uh oh,” I said when the tree was at ten

o’clock.“What?” my husband barked, nervously.“It’s not going to fit. How tall is this

thing, anyway?”“I don’t know . . . but we have high ceil-

ings, right?”“No, Hon, we have low ceilings, remem-

ber?” I said, trying to remain calm.My husband had always refered to hard-

ware stores as “haunted houses,” sohome repairs were generally handled byme. But in the spirit of holiday tradition,we thought it best to not reverse conven-tional gender roles, especially while thekids were watching.My husband emerged from our base-

ment with a saw, and stood befuddledover our tree. I’d seen this look on hisface a thousand times, and knew he hadno clue what to do. Quickly measuring the tree and ceiling

heights, I declared, “According to my cal-culations, you need to cut off one footeight inches.”He took a step forward, and I yelled,

“No! Not from the top!”Wincing, I held the spiky middle while

my husband timidly sliced at the barbedtrunk. A few painful minutes later, thebottom of the tree surrendered, and wewere able to get the tree upright in thestand.

“It looks so small now,” our son ob-served as we gawked at the maimed treesurrounded by sawdust and needles. “Andit’s crooked too.” Over the next hour, wedisguised the problem with as many lightsas possible. “Are we ever gonna put the ornaments

on?” our youngest whined for the thou-sandth time. After drowning their disap-pointment in several mugs of hot cocoa,the kids finally abandoned us and ran offto play.Around five-o-clock, the tree looked OK,

but my husband still lay on the floor withthe train set, emitting various expletives.Having found the manual too confusing,he winged it. Not surprisingly, the trainwould not budge. I didn’t want to reinforce his “if-I-screw-

this-up-she’ll-fix-it-anyway” habit, but Icouldn’t take it anymore. I opened themanual, found the diagram of track con-figurations, assembled an elongated cir-cle, stripped the wires to expose freshcopper, inserted the wiring into the cor-rect terminal, properly positioned thewheels, turned on the power, and awayshe went like the wind.Exhausted by the fiasco, I ordered Chi-

nese take away for dinner.“Great job with the train, Dad,” our mid-

dle child said as she crunched into aspring roll.“And the tree looks terrific, too, Dad,”

our son offered with a mouthful of rice.“Yea, thanks Dad!” our youngest ex-

claimed as she threw her arms aroundFrancis’ neck.“You’re quite welcome, kids,” my hus-

band said with a wink, “that’s what dadsare for.”

Get more wit and observations from Lisaat her blog,

‘The Meat & Potatoes ‘The Meat & Potatoes of Life’of Life’

By Lisa Smith Molinari, By Lisa Smith Molinari, Military Spouse ContributerMilitary Spouse Contributer

Owww, Christmas Tree!

Turkey Day at Liberty

More than 150 patrons attended Liberty’s Thanksgiv-ing Day Dinner, Nov. 22. The NCBC MWR Liberty Pro-gram hosted the free dinner which included atraditional turkey and ham with sides and deserts. Pa-trons enjoyed plenty of activities throughout the day.Football fans were able to cheer on their favoriteteams while others participated in Sumo wrestling.The annual event provided a comforting home awayfrom home for single Sailors and geographical bach-elors removed from their families for the holidays.(Photo courtesy of MWR/Released)

Marine Toys for Tots - Staff Sgt.Marvin Perez-Diaz, of I&I, 3rd Platoon, A com-pany, 4th AABN on board NCBC is coordinatingthe area’s annual Toys for Tots campaign. Yourcontribution of new, unwrapped toys or a mon-etary donation would be greatly appreciated.Drop off boxes are located throughout Harri-son, Hancock and Stone Counties, Keesler Air

Force Base PX and on boardNCBC at the Navy Exchange andthe Navy Federal Credit Union.Donations are being acceptedthrough Dec. 22. To make amonetary donation, or for moreinformation on Toys for Tots,visit

NCBC Branch Clinic NewsPatients seen at NBHC Gulfport can now call the clinic directlyto schedule appointments at 228-871-4033, Monday - Fridayfrom 7 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. Flu Immunizations - NCBC BranchHealth Clinic has flu immunizations available for to anyone withvalid Government ID. Monday - Thursday 7:30 a.m. - 3 p.m.,Fridays, 7:30 a.m. - noon.

NEX bringing backBonus Bucks From NEX Public Affairs

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Focus on Education Focus on Education

NCBC School Liaison Officer, Kevin Byrd is located at: MWR

Building 352, 1706 Bainbridge Ave. NCBC, 228-871-2117

email: [email protected]

Save the Date!The Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC) Professional

Development Institute presents: “Living in the New Normal: Help-ing Children Thrive in Good and Challenging Times,”

Dec. 5, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.Mississippi Coast Coliseum and Convention Center

No cost to participants Funded by OSD/DA. Must be in attendance 95 percent in order to receive institute credit and

course materials.For more information, contact Myriam Virella, 254-953-1923,

X 1119 or [email protected] visit and click the

Upcoming Training tab to register

Scholarship OpportunitiesNavy-Marine Corps Relief Society Scholar-ships:

Applications for Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society (NMCRS) educa-tional scholarships and interest-free loans for the 2013-2014 academicyear are now available and can be downloaded at eligible to apply include spouses or children (under the age

of 23) of Sailors and Marines who: are on active duty, are retired orwho died on active duty or in a retired status.

Consideration for selection is based on scholastic ability and financialneed. Applicants must be graduating high school seniors or full-time(minimum 12 credit hours) college students working toward their firstundergraduate degree. Applications must be received at NMCRS byMay 1, unless the due date on the application states otherwise. The NMCRS Education Program has provided scholarships and inter-

est-free loans totaling more than $60 million to more than 50,000 stu-dents over the last 30 years. It is based on the Society's mission "toprovide financial, educational and other assistance." The program issupported entirely by donations and bequests to NMCRS. For more information on the NMCRS Education Program, please visit or email [email protected] 2013 Scholarships for Military Children:In 2012, the Scholarships for Military Children Program celebrated a

major milestone as it reached more than $10 million in scholarshipsawarded to 6,742 students from around the globe.It’s time, once again, to add to these impressive numbers, as applica-

tions for the 2013 Scholarships for Military Children Program will beavailable starting Dec. 3 at commissaries worldwide. You can also findthem online through a link at and di-rectly at awards will be based on funds available, but the scholar-

ship program awards at least $1,500 at each commissary. If there areno eligible applicants from a particular commissary, the funds desig-nated for that commissary will be awarded as an additional scholarshipat another store.To apply for a scholarship, the student must be a dependent, unmar-

ried child, younger than 21 — or 23, if enrolled as a full-time studentat a college or university — of a service member on active duty, re-servist, guardsman, retiree or survivor of a military member who diedwhile on active duty or survivor of a retiree. Eligibility is determinedusing the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System database.Applicants should ensure that they, as well as their sponsor, are en-

rolled in the DEERS database and have a current military ID card. Theapplicant must also be planning to attend or already attending an ac-credited college or university, full time, in the fall of 2013 or be en-rolled in a program of studies designed to transfer directly into afour-year program.Applicants must submit an essay on a topic chosen by the Fisher

House. The essay topic will be available Dec. 3 on Applications must be turned in to a commissary by Feb. 22.

From StatePoint Media, Inc.There’s no better time than

the present to emphasize theimportance of reading athome. Solid readers performbetter in school and in theworkplace, have a healthyself-image, and become life-long learners.Research shows a whopping

45 percent of children ages 3to 5, are not read to daily,and this lack of literature cantake a negative toll on schoolperformance. Luckily, thereare many things parents cando to make kids passionatereaders.“Reading stimulates chil-

dren’s imagination and ex-pands their understanding ofthe world,” says actress KateBeckinsale, who is teamingwith "The Nestlé Share theJoy of Reading Program,” toraise awareness about the im-portance of children’s literacyand support the work ofReading Is Fundamental, thenation’s largest children’s liter-acy nonprofit.If you’re looking to make

reading a bigger part of yourchildren’s lives, here are somegreat tips to get them moti-vated:• Start young. Reading aloud

to children at an early age is

the most effective way to helpthem attain critical languageand communication skills andinstill great habits.• Take advantage of free on-

line tools and resources thathelp make reading an engag-ing, shared experience forparents and kids. For exampleRIF’s “Leading to Reading”website contains activities forchildren ages birth to 5. for more information.• Variety is the spice of life!

Be sure your house containsplenty of books to choosefrom on a variety of topics.• Launch a children’s book

club with other parents. Taketurns hosting your children’sfriends for snacks and a livelydiscussion on the book of themonth.• Kids love getting mail!

Subscribe to children’s maga-zines so they’ll have some-thing fun and beneficial tolook forward to each month.• Make sure children have

their very own library cardsand become frequent patronsat your local library.• Be it the morning paper or

your favorite novel, set agreat example by makingreading a daily habit for your-self.

• Many literacy programssupporting underserved com-munities are currently experi-encing federal fundingcutbacks, but everyone de-serves a chance to read. In-vest in the lives of otherchildren who might not havethe same opportunities asyour kids. For example, rightnow, every time you enter apromotion code found insidespecially marked packages ofNestlé and Wonka candy, Nestlé will donate moneyto RIF, to fund purchasingbooks for kids.Almost a quarter of public

school fourth graders scorebelow even the most basiclevels on reading exams, ac-cording to National Assess-ment of Educational Progress.Don’t let your children fall be-hind. Take steps to help yourchildren and others to honethis basic tool for success.

Tips to help you raise a reader

Specialized Trainingof Military Parents(STOMP) - STOMP is an or-ganization dedicated solely to ad-dressing the needs of militaryfamilies who have family mem-bers with special medical or edu-cational needs. STOMP will beon the Gulf Coast for a free twoday workshop at Keesler AirForce Base Dec. 3 - 4, 9 a.m. - 4p.m., at the Bay Breeze EventCenter. To register for this FREEworkshop or for more informa-tion, please contact the Fleet andFamily Support Center Excep-tional Family Member Program(EFMP) Liaison, 228-871-3000.

FFSC December Classes . . . The Fleet andFamily Support Center (FFSC) invites you to check out their De-cember class schedule at: Please call FFSC at228-871-3000 to pre-register.

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Special EventCome out and light up the season

with MWR at our annual Tree Light-ing and Holiday Gift Village event,Dec. 7, 6 – 8:30 p.m. at the YouthActivities Center. There will be asnow play area and lots of fungames for the children, along withcookies and milk. Adults can shopfor gifts at the Holiday Gift Villagewhich includes brand new vendorsthis year. And of course, Santa willbe waiting to hear what is on every-one’s wish list. Call 228-871-4010for more details.

FitnessDo you like tennis or is badminton

more your style? Sign up forLunchtime Intramural Pickleball.Pickleball is a racquet sport whichcombines elements of badminton,tennis, and table tennis. Head tothe CBC Fitness Center and sign upthrough Nov. 30. The league startsFeb. 6 and the games will be held11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. in the Fit-ness Center gymnasium. For moreinformation, call the Fitness Center.The CBC Fitness Center invites all

active duty military to participate inits Twelve Days of Christmas. Theevent will start Dec. 3 and runthrough Dec. 14. Find a fitness as-sistant during operational hours andperform an activity specific to eachof the twelve days. Complete all 12activities of the Christmas FitnessChallenge and get a souvenir work-out towel. For more information,call the Fitness Center.

RecreationMovie Theater: FREE every

weekend. Grab some popcorn andsit back and enjoy the movie! Friday, “The Watch,” R, 6:30 p.m.

Saturday, “ParaNorman,” PG,noon; “Bourne Legacy,” PG13, 2p.m.; “Expendables 2,” R, 5 p.m.Sunday, “The Odd Life of TimothyGreen,” PG, 2 p.m.; “PremiumRush,” PG13, 4:30 p.m.

Information, Tickets andTravel:

Active Duty, Reservist, NationalGuard, USCG and Retirees are noweligible for a complimentary Univer-sal 3 Day Park-to-Park ticket andBlue Man Group Ticket at children’sprice! All dependents and DOD per-sonnel are eligible for discountedUniversal 2 Day, with 3rd Day Freetickets! Call ITT for more informa-tion!Your ITT Office now carries select

Hornets games!! Upcoming gameson sale are, Oklahoma City Thun-der, Dec. 1, Memphis Grizzlies, Dec.7 and Indiana Pacers, Dec. 22. CallITT for pricing and info! Looking for a great holiday event

for the family? Look no further, ITTis taking you and your family toMickey’s Music Festival in MobileDec. 15 for only $25! Departingfrom the ITT parking lot at 11 a.m.,and returning approximately 7 p.m.Space is limited- sign up today!(Children ages 6 and under must bein a passenger restraint device, notprovided by MWR.)Saints vs. Buccaneers tickets will

go on sale Dec. 3 at 9 a.m. for just$52.25/ticket! The first week ofsales will be open to Active Dutyonly. During the second week ofsales tickets will be available forpurchase to all eligible MWR pa-trons (Active Duty, Reservists, De-pendents, Retirees and DODemployees) with proper ID. Limittwo tickets per Military ID card.

Parking passes are $40 for insidethe Superdome Parking Garage andare available on a first come firstserve basis. (No refunds or ex-changes. Ticket prices are subjectto change without warning. ITT isnot responsible for lost, stolen orlaundered tickets and will not re-place them. Due to governmentagency discounts, resale is prohib-ited and not authorized.)

Liberty Center: Hop on the Liberty shuttle with

your pals and let us take you to the27th Annual Christmas on theWater Boat Parade! The shuttle isFREE and departs the Liberty Cen-ter Saturday at 4 p.m.Get out of town and visit the

U.S.S. Alabama with the LibertyCenter. The FREE shuttle departsSunday at 9 a.m. Tour admission isFREE with a military ID.

Outdoor Recreation: Do you have holiday parties

scheduled this season? OutdoorRecreation offers all kind of equip-ment for gatherings from grills andcookers to children’s bounce housesat very affordable prices.Calling all fishermen! Navy Out-

door Recreation presents the Fish-ing Rodeo at Seabee lake, Dec. 22.To sign up or for more details, callODR.FREE Batting Cage: No more to-

kens needed. Stop by and take aswing! Rent bats and helmets at nocharge from Outdoor Recreationduring business hours.

Food & Beverage Monday Night Football: Grab a

buddy and head to the “BeeHive”on Monday to catch all the action. The Grill: Open Monday -Friday

6:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Stop andcheck out The Grill’s new menu, fullof mouth-watering breakfast andlunch options. Call ahead for take-out - avoid the wait.Anchors and Eagles: Open Tues-

day - Thursday, 2 - 9 p.m.

Youth Activities

Want to surprise family and friendswith gifts this holiday season? Thencatch a ride with the Youth Activi-ties Center to Edgewater Mall. Thetrip is open to ages 12 and older.Seats are limited so sign up now –only $4. Go this Saturday from 4 –10 p.m. Money is needed for shop-ping and food court purchases. It’s time for the Family Feud Night

at the YAC, Wednesday from 5:30 –8:30 p.m. Come out and enjoy thefun for FREE.Need a little time away from the

ladies, fellas? Well, get to the YACfor Boys Only Night and enjoy someFREE flag football and other out-door games; Thursday, 5:30 – 8:30p.m.

Anchors & EaglesAuto HobbyBeehiveChild Development CenterFitness CenterInformation, Tickets & TravelLiberty CenterSeabee Heritage CenterNavy Outdoor Recreation RV ParkThe GrillTraining HallYouth Activities CenterMain Office


228-871-4684228-871-3619228-871-2127228-871-5435228-871-2494228-871-4750228-871-2251228-871-2538 10



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For more information about MWR For more information about MWR programs and opportunities, contact:programs and opportunities, contact:

Page 11: Seabee Courier Nov. 29, 2012

WEST HARRISON HIGH SCHOOLWHHS needs 12 volunteers to assistwith proctoring the Mississippi SATPTests the Dec. 10 - 14. The school isalso looking for six volunteers for Dec.17. Volunteers should report to WestHarrison High School at 10399 CountyFarm Rd, Gulfport no later than 7:30a.m., and should be finished aroundnoon. Volunteers may dress in civilianclothes or uniform. If you are inter-ested, please e-mail Julie [email protected] BEACH ALTERNATIVESCHOOL SEEKS MENTORS - LongBeach Alternative School on Old PassRoad in Long Beach is looking formentors for three high school girls andfour high school boys. Mentor dutieswill include providing direction on as-signments, increasing personal ac-

countability and other life skills.Please call Michelle Harrison at 228-865-1956 for more information or tovolunteer.WOOLMARKET ELEMENTARYSCHOOL SEEKS MENTORS - Wool-market Elementary School on John LeeRoad in Biloxi is looking for mentorsfor their male students as they pre-pare for middle school. Please contactShirley Hardman at 228-392-5640 formore information or to volunteer.COAST SALVATION ARMY NEEDSVOLUNTEERS - Volunteers are needfor various projects throughout theyear. Contact Shawna Tatge for info,[email protected] DRIFTWOOD NURSING HOME -Want to make a difference in the lifeof the elderly then volunteer this fallwith Driftwood Nursing Home located

right outside the Broad avenue gate.The contact for this volunteer opportu-nity is Christina at 228-243-3421.VOLUNTEER WITH USO - Volunteer-ing is both fun and rewarding. If youare interested in volunteering or wouldlike more information, please visit Volun-teers are needed at both USO loca-tions - (NMPS 2nd Floor, NCBC andGulfport Biloxi International Airport.)




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Center Chaplains: Lt. Cmdr. Paul Smith, Protestant Chaplain

Lt. Yoon Choi, Protestant ChaplainFor information concerning other faith groups,

call the chapel office at 228-871-2454

Services:Gospel Service: 8 a.m.

Sunday Catholic Mass: 9:30 a.m.Weekday Mass: Tuesday, 11:15 a.m.

Divine Worship: Sunday, 11 a.m.

Seabee Memorial ChapelSeabee Memorial Chapel

NCBC Helping Hands volunteer opportunitiesNCBC Helping Hands volunteer opportunities

Looking for a church?The Seabee Memorial Chapel holdsservices every Sunday that might suityour needs. Protestant Services in-clude a Gospel Service at 8 a.m. andDivine Worship Service at 11 a.m.Catholic Services include CatholicMass at 9:30 a.m. There is alsoCatholic Mass Tuesdays at 11:15 a.m.Seabee PantryThe Seabee Pantry needs restocking.During the holidays, the need for fooddonations is at its highest level.Please donate as many canned goodsand other nonperishables as possible.Donation drop-off sites are located atthe Navy Exchange, Chapel, Commis-sary, Fleet and Family Support Centerand Armed Forces Retirement Home.The Seabee Pantry is for anyone affili-ated with NCBC.

Praise and WorshipThe Seabee Memorial Chapel is lookingfor new members for the Praise andWorship Team for the Divine WorshipService at 11 a.m. Sundays. If you cansing or play an instrument, you are in-vited to come share your gift.Women’s Bible Study Women’sFall Bible Study is held Wednesdaysat 11 a.m. at the Seabee MemorialChapel. The Fall Bible Study is con-ducting a six-week study by Jen-nifer Rothchild - Missing Pieces.”Free child care is available. Angel Tree Program Sign up sheets are now available atthe chapel for the annual Angel TreeProgram for children. Deadline forsign up is Dec. 12.For more information, contact theChapel at 228-871-2454.

Chapel Offerings

The NCBC Angel Tree program is an op-portunity to help children of militarymembers in need that may not other-wise receive a Christmas gift. Children ofactive duty and Reserve military mem-bers E-5 and below are eligible for theprogram. Deadline for signing up a childis Dec. 12. at the Seabee MemorialChapel. To choose a child to help, selectan angel from the tree at the Navy Ex-change near the Customer Service Desk,purchase appropriate gifts and returnthe gifts to the NEX Customer ServiceDesk or drop them off at the Chapel byDec. 15. For more information contactthe Chapel, 228-871-2454.

NCBC Angel Tree

CAN DO ChristmasCAN DO Silent Baked Good Auction . . . The CAN DO Christmas Charity is holding a Silent

Baked Goods Auction throughout the day, Dec. 13.Anyone who is interested in supporting the charitycan stop by CCCT/building 260A and submit awritten bid, complete with contact information, on a bakeditem of interest. The bidder can stop by throughout the day tocheck on their bid and add to their bid if they have been outbidby someone else. All bids begin at $5.Donations of baked goods for the auction are needed. Cakes,

cookie, cup cakes, brownies and pies would be most wel-comed. Anyone interested in donating a baked good is askedto contact one of the CAN DO coordinators listed below byDec. 10 and bring the item to CCCT/building 260A the morningof the Silent Auction (Dec. 13.) Monetary donations would alsobe welcomed.

CAN DO coordinators: UT1 Deangelo, 757-513-8001, UT1 Rygh, 228-547-7240, CE1 Troup, 571-331-0043

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SUPPORTFamily Readiness Groups NMCB 1 FRG invites friends and fam-ily members to attend FRG meetingsthe first Monday of every month at theYouth Activity Center, building 335. Apotluck dinner is served at 6 p.m., fol-lowed by a meeting at 6:30 p.m. Chil-dren are welcome and baby sitting isprovided during deployment. ContactFRG President Mary Belanger, [email protected]. NMCB 11 FRG For more information re-garding the NMCB 11 FRG, please visitthe FRG and Ombudsman website at 74 FRG All families of NMCB 74are invited to the 74 FRG meeting thethird Monday of each month. Meetingsare at the MWR Youth Activities Cen-ter, building 335, behind the Grinderon NCBC. Socializing begins at 5:30p.m., and meetings begin at 6 p.m.

Bring a covered dish to share at ourpotluck dinner. Children are welcome.Email [email protected] or visitour Facebook page at “NMCB74 Fear-less FRG” for more information.NMCB 133 FRG invites all friends andfamily members to attend FRG meetingsthe first Monday of the month at 6 the Youth Center. Children are wel-come and baby sitting is provided. Pleasebring a dish to share. For more infor-mation contact FRG President JaimeRoyal at 317-730-4064 or send an emailto [email protected]. To receiveupdates, log on to the FRG site at Officer’s Spouse Club The Gulfport Officers’ Spouses’ Club is asocial organization that has FUN whilehelping our community. We meetmonthly and have special interest groupsfor almost everyone! For more infor-mation, email [email protected] hope to see YOU soon! NMCRS The Navy-Marine Corps Relief Soci-ety Thrift Shop is located in building29 on Snead Street. The Thrift Shopis staffed entirely by volunteers, andchild care and mileage are reim-bursed. Retail hours of operation areTuesday, Wednesday and Friday, 9a.m. - 1 p.m. Volunteers are alwayswelcome. Visit the NMCRS offices at

the Fleet and Family Support Center,building 30, suite 103 or call 228-871-2610 to find out how to become apart of the NMCRS volunteer team! Gamblers Anonymous The Fleet and Family Support Centeroffers GA meetings every Thursday at 11a.m. GA is a fellowship of people whoshare their experience, strength andhope with each other. All meetings areconfidential and facilitated by GA. Cometo a meeting or call Jim Soriano at 228-871-3000 for information. TRAININGNaval Sea CadetsThe Gulfport branch of the Naval SeaCadets are recruiting youth ages 11 to17 for Sea Cadets, a nation-wide or-ganization that help youth achieve per-sonal success through nautical training.Meetings are the third Saturday of themonth from 8 a.m. until 3 p.m., building1, 2nd floor conference room. ContactLt.j.g. Bowling at 228-313-9035 [email protected] for information.SOCIALMiss. Gulf Coast First Class Associ-ation is seeking new members. Meet-ings are every Wednesday at 3 p.m. atCBC’s Beehive, building 352. Call BU1Tony Boldrey 228-871-2577 for moreinformation or just come and join us ata meeting. CBC/20SRG Second Class Petty Of-ficers Association is seeking mem-

bers. Meetings are Tuesdays at 2:30p.m. in the Fitness Center classroom.Contact the Association’s Public AffairsOfficer LS2 Matthew Wasson [email protected] or Presi-dent LS2 Earl Simpson at [email protected] for information. NCBC Multi-Cultural Diversity Com-mittee is seeking members. Meetingsare held the first and third Wednesdayof the month at 9 a.m., at the SeabeeMemorial Chapel. Contact BU1 JermaCloude at 228-871-2454 for details.VFW Post 3937 Long Beach is openMonday - Thursday from Noon until 8p.m., Friday and Saturday from Noonuntil 10 p.m., Sunday from noon until 7p.m. The first Friday of the month isSeafood Night, the remaining Fridaysare Steak Night. Breakfast is served from7 to 10 a.m. on Saturdays. VFW meet-ings are held the second Wednesday ofthe month at 7:30 p.m. New membersare always welcome. Contact Post Com-mander Bill North at 228-863-8602 forinformation. VFW Post 4526 Orange Grove is opendaily from Noon to 10 p.m. and locatedat 15206 Dedeaux Road, Orange Grove.Meetings are the first Wednesday eachmonth at 7 p.m. All are welcome and en-couraged to attend. Call 228-832-0017for more info. NMCB 62 Alumni Group Naval Mobile Construction Battalion

(NMCB) 62 was recommissioned in Gulf-port in 1966, and decommissioned in1989. To become a member, go to or for links toSeabee historical sites. Seabee Veterans of America Is-land X-1 Gulfport are seeking ActiveDuty, Reserve, Retired or Seabees wholeft the military after a short period oftime. Island X-1 Gulfport meets the firstThursday of each month at Anchors &Eagles at 7 p.m. Contact Joe Scott (sec-retary) at 228-669-8335 [email protected] or log for information. D.A.V. - Disabled American Veter-ans, Chapter 5 invites Veterans and fu-ture Veterans to monthly meetings heldthe 3rd Monday of each month at 7 p.m. Call Service Officer, Silva Royerat 228-324-1888 to find out more aboutour organization and all that is offeredto members.HERITAGEThe Seabee Gift Store is located in theSeabee Heritage Center Training Hall,building 446. Hours are Monday-Friday,10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Saturdays from11a.m. to 3 p.m. The shop has a varietyof Seabee related memorabilia, booksand DVD’s. Contact the museum or call the gift shop at228-871-4779 for information on all thatis available for customers.


Fraud, Waste and Abuse Hotline InformationDue to limited IG resources throughout the Southeast Region, allFraud, Waste and Abuse hotline work will now be handled by the Re-gion. To report Fraud, Waste and Abuse, contact the Region at: TollFree 1-877-657-9851 Comm: 904-542-4979 DSN 942-4979 FAX:904- 542-5587, E-mail: [email protected].

PORTRAITS OF LOVETake advantage of a FREE por-trait session sitting and FREEportrait done by worldrenowned photographers tosend your loved one whetherthey are currently serving over-seas or have returned home. Inaddition to your free familyphoto, you will also receiveyour sitting photos via e-mailfrom the photographers. Thegoal of Portraits of Love is toprovide military families withportraits to have and sharewith those serving both nearand far. Portraits of Love will beavailable Dec. 8 from 10 a.m.– 6 p.m. and Dec. 9 from 10

a.m. – 4 p.m. at the Hilton Gar-den Inn Gulfport located at14108 Airport Road, Gulfport,MS 39503. Sittings will be donein 10 minute increments with a5 minute transition period be-tween families. To schedule asitting please e-mail [email protected] or callthe USO Gulf Coast office at228-248-0533. **Families mustbe Active Duty, Guard, or Re-servist.

but under these unusual circum-stances of going from an airmovement to a ground movementat the 11th hour we felt the needto assist in any way we could. Wepride ourselves in customer serv-ice and work very well underpressure to meet short fused timelines such as sending Seabees for-ward to provide disaster relief ef-forts to the East coast,” addedNoggle. In addition, NMCB 11’s Alfa

Company, partnering with the20th Seabee Readiness Group(SRG), R43 Equipment Manage-ment Department, led the waywith equipment preparation, jointinspection and operational testingof all heavy equipment needed forthe mission. Working 24-hour operations,

they were able to safely work with

the embarkation team and allowAir Det personnel the muchneeded time to prepare personalgear and get affairs in order be-fore deploying. “The entire mount out process

was an unbelievable collaborationof teamwork and dedication onmultiple fronts. Alfa Companybeing the equipment specialists,supply department personnel,Table of Allowance managers, Em-barkation professionals, Intelli-gence Specialists and supportingstaff personnel all made thisprocess a resounding success,”explained Lt. Edward Fosson, theAir Det officer in charge. On Oct. 31, just 39 hours after

initial notification the first chalk ofvehicles and equipment left NavalConstruction Battalion Center(NCBC) Gulfport. Three othergroups of personnel and equip-

ment followed over a 24-hour period. Fosson expressed the battalion’s

gratitude for the cooperative ef-forts that helped them achievethe successful haul from Gulfportto the affected areas. “The assistance we were pro-

vided with from Maxwell Air ForceBase in Alabama, Dobbins ARB inGeorgia, Fort Gordon, Georgia,Fort Jackson, South Carolina, FortBragg, North Carolina, Fort Lee,Virginia, Andrews AFB in Mary-land, and Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst here in New Jersey hasbeen absolutely phenomenal.”NMCB 11 returned home to Gulf-

port in September following a suc-cessful eight-month deploymentto Afghanistan. The battalion con-tinues training and exercises inpreparation for its next deploy-ment less than a year from now.

From NMCB 11 page 5

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