sea weed catalogue

The Definition and Explanation of Sea Weeds Scientifically, sea weeds are included in plantae kingdom as algae which have chlorophyl. Type of Sea Weeds Based on color pigment they have, algae could be classified into four classes or four phylums: Rhodophyceae (Red Algae) Phaeophyceae (Brown Algae) Chlorophyceae (Green Algae) Cyanophyceae (Blue Algae) The type of sea weeds in Indonesia that have high economic value are: 1. Agarophyte, sea weeds for making jelly those are Gracilaria, Gelidium, Gelidiopsis and Hypnea. 2. Carragenophyte, sea weeds which produce carrageenan those are Eucheuma spinosium, Eucheuma cottonii and Eucheuma striuatum. Eucheuma spinosium and Kappahycus (cottonii) are included as producer of carrageenan in forms of sodium salt, calcium and potassium from polysaccharides sulphate carrageenan acid also knowns as carrageenophyte. 3. Sea weeds which produce algine those are Sargassum and Turbinaria; included inside are calcium salt, calium, natrium and magnesium from polysaccharides alganic acid compound. From hundreds of sea weeds in Indonesia, many of them have beneficial values such as for food ingredients and vegetables. Another beneficial thing is –sea weeds- as the raw ingredients for industrial companies which produce jelly, carrageenan and alginate. Those are for additional ingredients in food, drink, pharmacy, comestic, and textile which are manufactured domestic and abroad. The important chemical constituent found in sea weeds are carbohydrates which in a form of polysaccarides are jelly, carregeenan and alginate, others are minerals, proteins, fats, vitamins and iodines. Unconsiously, in daily life the role and benefit of sea weeds has been there. Almost all of our daily products more or less contain the mixed of sea weeds in a form of jelly, carrageenan and alginate: like when we use hair gel, shampoo and toothpaste, then when we enjoy ice cream and chocolate, dressing up with colored clothes and polishing our shoes.

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Post on 11-Aug-2015




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The Definition and Explanation of Sea Weeds

Scientifically, sea weeds are included in plantae kingdom as algae which have chlorophyl.

Type of Sea Weeds

Based on color pigment they have, algae could be classified into four classes or four phylums:

• Rhodophyceae (Red Algae)

• Phaeophyceae (Brown Algae)

• Chlorophyceae (Green Algae)

• Cyanophyceae (Blue Algae)

The type of sea weeds in Indonesia that have high economic value are:

1. Agarophyte, sea weeds for making jelly those are Gracilaria, Gelidium, Gelidiopsis and Hypnea.

2. Carragenophyte, sea weeds which produce carrageenan those are Eucheuma spinosium, Eucheuma

cottonii and Eucheuma striuatum. Eucheuma spinosium and Kappahycus (cottonii) are included as

producer of carrageenan in forms of sodium salt, calcium and potassium from polysaccharides sulphate

carrageenan acid also knowns as carrageenophyte.

3. Sea weeds which produce algine those are Sargassum and Turbinaria; included inside are calcium salt,

calium, natrium and magnesium from polysaccharides alganic acid compound.

From hundreds of sea weeds in Indonesia, many of them have beneficial values such as for food

ingredients and vegetables. Another beneficial thing is –sea weeds- as the raw ingredients for industrial

companies which produce jelly, carrageenan and alginate. Those are for additional ingredients in food,

drink, pharmacy, comestic, and textile which are manufactured domestic and abroad. The important

chemical constituent found in sea weeds are carbohydrates which in a form of polysaccarides are jelly,

carregeenan and alginate, others are minerals, proteins, fats, vitamins and iodines. Unconsiously, in daily

life the role and benefit of sea weeds has been there. Almost all of our daily products more or less contain

the mixed of sea weeds in a form of jelly, carrageenan and alginate: like when we use hair gel, shampoo

and toothpaste, then when we enjoy ice cream and chocolate, dressing up with colored clothes and

polishing our shoes.

The Benefits of Sea Weeds –Carrageenan- for Food Production

The utilization of carrageenan is for stabilizer, thickener and shaper for gel. For example, ice

cream manufacturers use carrageenan as a stabilizer to make ice cream not easily melted, carageenan

makes food texture solid but soft, not only for ice cream but also for other food manufacturers such as

sausage producing industries and dry food producing industries. Another effect that carrageenan gives is

soda effect, used in drugs manufactured company -as a mixed ingredient in EFFERVESCENT tablets-

which gives soda effect when put inside a glass of water. Processed Euchema Semi-refined Carrageenan

(SRC) is one of carrageenan”s products with lower level of purity because it still has a small number of

sedimented celluloce and carrageenan than refined carrageenan

Industry which uses other carrageenan benefits that have been explained is Effervescent Tablet Industry.

It uses carrageenan as the stabilizer for chocolate milk emulsion and controller of viscous in yogurt.

The Benefits of Sea Weeds –Carrageenan- for Non-Food Production

The use of carrageenan in non-human-food insudtries are for livestock food, ceramics, textile paints,

paper, shampoo, soaps, cometics, and photographic films.

1. Livestock food (usually are in forms of can and pellet): the functions of carregeenan in these industries

are for stabilizing and maintaining the composition of the food. Another case (pellet using) is coating

pellet to hold the air inside and giving the ability for pellet to float

2. Ceramics industries: the ability of carrageenan as GELLING POINT in high temperature and pressure is

supporting ceramics’ honey comb formation in the making of automotive sparkplugs.

3. Paint industries: the functions of carrageenan are as the stabilizer and adhesive constituent on the paint

surface while it’s running dry, and as the emulsifying constituent in paint so that water and oil are mixed

perfectly as one.

4. Textile industries: carrageena is functioning as glue between threads while being spinned. Carrageenan is

also used in coloring threads as mixed constituent to make soft and solid color.

5. Pharmacy and cosmetics industries: Carrageenan is functioning as suspending agent, thickener,

emulsifier, stabilizer and film former. Carrageenan as coating and gelling agent could be found in these

products such as soaps, liquid soaps, shampoo, lotions, tootpastes, lipstick and other body care products.

Seaweed Cultivation in East Indonesia

Seaweed is quite easy to be cultivated in the coastal of Indonesia sea. At present, the sea of East Indonesia

is clean and unpolluted from factories around the area. Seaweed is one of the potential commodities that

could become a mainstay in developing small and middle class businesses.

We are the group conducting seaweed cultivation for some types of seaweed such as Euchema Cottoni,

Euchema Spinusum (sp), and Sargasum. We work directly with the Patronage Farmers that have become

our partner for long enough time.

Cultivation Process

Cultivation technique during the process include the following activities:

1. Land Preparation

2. Plantation and Preservation Process

3. Harvesting Process

4. Drying and Soil Sorting Process

5. Packing Process

6. Distribution/Export Process

1. Land Preparation Process

The works performed on the stages of land preparation process includes the following activities:

A. Clean the soil and objects from the seaweeds, sea urchins, and wood pegs.

Seaweed needs a clean environment to facilitate photosynthesis and nutrient absorption.

B. Planting Method with Long String Method by installing wooden pegs at the bottom of the beach

C. Tie the seaweed seeds with a rope on the float

2. Plantation and Preservation Process

The whole process/period performs in 45days. The kinds of activities will be carried out are:

A. Control the condition of plantation site on the sea. Replacing spoiled wooden

And rope off because of the wave.

B. Collect and replace damaged seaweed with the new bond seaweed.

C. Clean seaweed from dirt and soil. It interferes photosynthesis that reduces the productivity of

seaweed. It is necessary to get rid of the sea urchin. Some plants do not eat seaweed but they become

competitors in absorbing nutrient.

3. Harvesting Process

There are 2 ways of harvesting that consists of direct harvesting for production purpose and harvesting for

farming purpose.

Harvesting is done fastest in 45 days after the seeds planted. When the seaweed removed from the rope

before putting it into the boat after cleaning with the sea water.

Harvesting technique will be done by removing the strap for seaweed, then bring the seaweed to the beach

with a small boat.

4. Drying and Sort Process

After harvesting, drying process is carried out for 2 to 3 days above the bamboo rack. Natural drying

process is carried out under the sun and we maintain the seaweed from the rain water to preserve the

quality of seaweed.

Furthermore, we will sort the soil and dirt such as kerangyang that still covering the seaweed.

5. Packing Process

Packaging Process in sacks performed in the shelter area and being placed into the sacks one by one.

6. Distribution/Export Process

The seaweeds that have been prepared in sacks will be loaded into the containers for export.

Overal, the entire process of Seaweed Cultivation from East Indonesia in which this process is natural, we

are commited to always maintain the quality of seaweed in order to get the best results and meet the

export standard.