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Mini-Portfolio from Sawyer DesignHow can we help you?


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With programs including financial literacy and foreclosure counseling, emergency

and homeless shelters, as well as low income housing, SSH is addressing some of

the most pressing needs on the South Shore.

We proposed to build the annual around success stories, theirs and their clients.

Building on the concept “There’s No Place Like Home” we created a small slipcase

to enclose the brochure, which serves as a metaphor for housing. Cut-out windows

provide glimpses into the lives of clients and partners. Once open, the brochure

expands out into 14 panel piece. Personal success stories and intimate photography

communicate the unexpected breadth and depth of the organization’s services.

While this piece was produced within a tight time frame and limited budget,

there was no compromise on the content, photography, and execution. SSH is thrilled

with the final product and are receiving rave reviews from their constituency.

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Sawyer Design worked with us to design a tremendous Annual Report last year

that told all our supporters in a very compelling way about our organization’s

reemergence from a difficult period. I received unsolicted praise for the Annual

Report from several colleagues and supporters which said to me that the Report

really got our message across. Diane is not only a gifted designer, she is also a

pleasure to work with.” —Carl Nagy-Koechlin, South Shore Housing Executive Director

“south shore housing development corporation

2010 Annual Report Challenge: Great Project + Limited Budget = Creative Solution

14 panel brochure and slip case

Folded Size: 5.5 x 8.5

Ink: 4/4 process plus SGV

Stock: 80# Rolland Enviro 100 Cover

Bindery: score, trim, fold, saddle stich & die cut

Success StoriesSouth Shore Housing is committed to

enhancing the quality of life for low and

moderate income people by providing

decent, safe and affordable housing,

helping families move toward economic

and social independence; and assisting

individuals to reconnect with their


“We need to have the housing at all income levels to support growth. South Shore Housing’s work with us toward this end has been very valuable.”

Jack Hunter, Town Planner, Carver MA

“With the encouragement and support I received from Joanne and the Family Self Sufficiency program, I reached a lot of goals that were just dreams back then.”

Sherri Strickland, FSS program participant

With help from the bank and South Shore Housing, this couple was able to buy a home in Plympton.

“Its just where we want to be, and its a beautiful fit for us. We are so grateful.”

John and Donna Barry, new home owners

“Without the hard work and dedication of the HUD counselor at SSHDC I do not know if I could have made it through the long and confusing process of my loan modification.”

Anonymous program participant

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south shore housing development corporation

40th Anniversary Gala publicity and materials Challenge: Create a branded look that works with, rather than competes with Whaling Museum.

To celebrate its 40th anniversary, SSH planned to hold fundraising gala

at the New Bedford Whaling Museum. In keeping with their mission

to support families through the turbulence of the recent recession,

and as a nod to the historic setting, we built the gala publicity around

a old image of a dramatic lifeboat rescue. Our tag line for the event was

All Hands on Deck!

Both print and electronic publicity for the event centered on the theme

of weathering the storm. We created table tents that focused on

cities and towns the organization serves, which included statistics and

facts about the communities, their challenges, and services rendered.

We designed and installed a focus exhibit called Success Stories,

which featured photos and quotes from the annual report. We also

created banner stands that detailed SSH’s history, and services, a slide

show and other collateral.

The fundraiser exceeded its goal by over 50%.

Success StoriesSouth Shore Housing is committed to

enhancing the quality of life for low and

moderate income people by providing

decent, safe and affordable housing,

helping families move toward economic

and social independence; and assisting

individuals to reconnect with their


“We need to have the housing at all income levels to support growth. South Shore Housing’s work with us toward this end has been very valuable.”

Jack Hunter, Town Planner, Carver MA

“With the encouragement and support I received from Joanne and the Family Self Sufficiency program, I reached a lot of goals that were just dreams back then.”

Sherri Strickland, FSS program participant

With help from the bank and South Shore Housing, this couple was able to buy a home in Plympton.

“Its just where we want to be, and its a beautiful fit for us. We are so grateful.”

John and Donna Barry, new home owners

“Without the hard work and dedication of the HUD counselor at SSHDC I do not know if I could have made it through the long and confusing process of my loan modification.”

Anonymous program participant

We worked closely with Sawyer Design on our 40th anniversary gala.

They designed a beautiful invitation that properly set the tone for the

celebratory event. They also designed several pieces for the event itself

that effectively and attractively highlighted our history and our vision.

We now have these materials displayed prominently in our office.” —Carl Nagy-Koechlin, South Shore Housing Executive Director

Materials Produced: Invitation—print and electronic Program Signage Exhibit pop-up displays Slide show Table Tents

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simmons college

SIMMONS Alumni Magazine “Going Green” Challenge: Save money and resources without compromising on quality.

As part of its increased commitment to sustainability, SIMMONS decided

to switch its alumni magazine to an uncoated sheet with more recycled content.

After researching alternatives, we specified Roland Enviro100, manufactured

with 100% post-consumer waste. The inaugural issue, aka the GREEN

issue, is chock full of stories on all the initiatives that Simmons has undertaken

to be more environmentally-conscious, and improve their carbon footprint.

In addition to saving 176 trees, eleven thousand pounds of waste, and over

100 thousand gallons of water per issue, this paper change saved the college

8.5% in paper cost on the first issue alone.

Throughout the pre-press and printing process we worked closely with

the FSC certified printer to make sure that the images were optimized to

print as vividly as possible on the new recycled sheet. The magazine printed beautifully, and we all love the new look.

spring 2009  1110  simmons

From recycling water bottles and plastic cups from the Fens, to a new “green certified”

academic building and a study of sustainable business models, Simmons is well on its

way in “going green.”

This special section will give you a glimpse into the College’s green movement,

starting with a look at environmentally friendly administrative initiatives and student

sustainability efforts. Beyond that, you’ll read about impressive faculty, students, and

alumnae/i who are making valuable green contributions — and who may even inspire

you to make a green change yourself!


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What’s making SIMMONS “Green”? Plenty.Here’s a look at some recent sustainable actions:

>�Construction of the new School of Management

and Academic Building, as well as the Beatley Library renovation and the Fens expansion, incorporated many sustainable building practices such as energy-efficient kitchen equipment, cork flooring, and special bathroom faucets that use 0.5 gallons of water per minute versus the standard 2.5 gallons of water per minute.

> The College has established energy efficiency standards in all classrooms and meeting spaces such as controlling climate based on room occupancy, controlling interior lights through room sensors, and controlling exterior lights by photo cell (a device that detects and

measures light).

> Last year, Simmons signed the American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment (ACUPCC), joining more than 450 other colleges and universities in a pledge to neutralize greenhouse gas emissions and to accelerate climate-related research and education efforts. Simmons is now working to implement the ACUPCC requirements, which include taking immediate steps to reduce greenhouse emissions and developing a compre-

hensive climate neutrality action plan.

> Erin DeCurtis ’08SM interned at Simmons last fall, working with the College’s Climate Change Committee to address the longer-term actions required by the ACUPCC. Using information gleaned from the SOM course “Sustain-ability Analysis,” DeCurtis completed an assessment of all green efforts at Simmons and a greenhouse gas inventory.

> Nearly all buildings on the academic campus have convert-ed to compact fluorescent lighting. Each energy-efficient bulb can last up to five years, and over its lifetime prevents the release of 1,000–2,000 lbs. of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

> Students initiated the College’s first recycling program in 1999, working with the Office of Business Affairs to promote paper recycling on the academic campus. By the end of that first year, 15 tons of mixed paper were collected.

> When the School of Management relocated to the main campus from 409 Commonwealth Avenue, much of the Commonwealth Avenue building’s contents were recycled and donated to area non-profits.

> Several study-abroad courses are sustainability-related, including one led by Biology and Ecology Assistant Pro-fessor Vlad Douhovnikoff. Last year, Douhovnikoff led a two-week course to explore the diverse natural ecosystems of California, visiting sites including the vast Sierra Nevada Mountain Range. The trip allowed students to examine the wildlife, plant life, and physical environment of the various ecosystems, and to examine strategies to manage them as natural resources.

> The Sustainability Committee is a group of 20 students ad-vised by Philosophy Professor Sue Stafford, who work with the College to coordinate recycling programs on campus.

> Project Move Out, started by Laura Smith ’09, collects items left behind by students moving out of residence halls at the end of each semester. The items, such as small appliances, batteries, books, and clothing, are donated to Boston-area nonprofits, including domestic violence shelters.

>�RecycleMania is a 10-week competition in which more than 400 U.S. colleges and universities compete to collect the largest amount of recyclables per person. In its first year, 2008, Simmons ranked 10th out of 57 in the paper category, and 13th out of 56 in bottles and cans.

>�The “Switch Your Bulb” program provides compact fluorescent light bulbs free of charge to students on the residence campus.

SIMMONS Magazine Goes Green

In response sustainability efforts at the 

College, the data to the left illustrates what 

the SIMMONS magazine is doing to help 

the environment. Starting with this issue, 

the magazine will now be printed on 

100% recycled paper, which is made from 

100% post-consumer waste. From saving 

trees to conserving energy, the magazine 

is doing its part!

calculations to demonstrate the environmental

benefits of using 100% post-consumer recycled fiber

in lieu of virgin fiber from cascades eco calculator

176 trees  preserved for  the future 

11,209 lbs.  of solid waste  not generated 

105,794 gallons  of water saved 

70.9 lbs.  of waterborne particles not  created 

24,614 lbs.  of air emissions prevented

25,650 cubic feet of natural gas (energy) saved

Folded Size: 8.375 x 10.78

Ink: 4C process

Stock: Rolland Enviro100 white

Bindery: Saddle stitch

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Simmons College requested a fresh new contemporary look

for their alumni magazine. At the same time, a communications

survey revealed that graduate students were interested in more

news specific to their major. We developed a new magazine format

using clean lines, and a clear yet flexible grid to create a sense

of openness and organization. The first five pages of each edition

were designed to contain college specific news. The box form

is used throughout the magazine to house icons, information or

photos. Other components include an implied rule, use of white

space to allow breathing room, and a sophisticated color

palette. The resulting publication features distinct sections, but is

unified into a single, extraordinary whole.

Folded Size: 8.375 x 10.875

Ink: 4C process

Stock: Galarie Art White Silk Text

Bindery: Saddle stitch

simmons college

SIMMONS Alumni Magazine Challenge: Create an alumni magazine with five editions per issue.

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simmons college

SIMMONS Vision and Values Challenge: Share Simmons’ vision and values as articulated at their fall convocation.

After their fall convocation, Simmons asked us to create a piece to capture the

vision and values expressed there. We combined their words and images in

a small intimate format that folds out into a poster. Simmons was so happy with

the result that they expanded the scope of the project, mailing the brochure

to the entire community, creating two additional size posters to be framed and

presented to faculty and staff, and adding wall displays throughout the college

that echo the theme.

Flat Size: 11 x 17 inches

Folded Size: 5.5x8.5 inches

Ink: 4/4 + OSV

Stock: 80# Anthem gloss text

Bindery: Score & fold

I’ve had the pleasure of working with Sawyer Design for more than 10

years now. I find their approach to design to be very thoughtful and

refreshing. They don’t simply assume that a client will give them the

information that Is needed for an effective marketing piece—They ask

tough questions that help focus our ideas so that the end result is both

collaborative and meaningful.” —Allyson Irish, Marketing Communications Director

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Folded Size: 8.5 x 11

Ink: 4C process with bleeds

Stock: 100# Garda White Silk cover and text

Bindery: Saddle stitch

We have been creating Dean’s Reports for the Boston University

School of Public Health for the past 10 years. We find these projects

to be a wonderful opportunity to communicate the power of creative

ideas to create change.

The 2010 edition of the BUSPH dean’s report focuses on their

commitment to community-based participatory research (CBPR),

a research methodology that “involves the community as partners,

not only in choosing what to study, but in finding solutions, mounting

responses, and evaluating results.”

From Haverill, Framingham, Chelsea, Roxbury and South Boston, the

report profiles researchers and communities working together

addressing issues from youth empowerment, to accessing health

care, to measuring and combating pollution, and supporting healthier


boston university school of public health

Dean’s Report 2010 Challenge: To convey the powerful impact of BUSPH’s research on communities at risk both here and abroad.

Diane Sawyer’s design work on our annual reports has poignantly

conveyed the feeling of the school with understated elegance. Her

visual elements are powerful and captivating. Her graphic design

helped us set the tone that we were striving for with our readers.” —Robert Meenan, Dean, BUSPH

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boston university school of public health

Dean’s Report 2008 Challenge: Create a unified and visually exciting presentation of five areas of research.

This Dean’s report focused on the work of five researchers whose work under-

scores the core mission of BUSPH. To illustrate the diverse subjects, we

combined full body studio portraits with images of the real-life issues that

each addresses.

Folded Size: 8.5 x 11

Ink: 4C process with bleeds, SGV cover and text

Stock: 100# Garda White Gloss

Bindery: Saddle stitch

SDA has a knack for seamlessly combining school-specific

photography and high quality stock art in a way that helps us

hold down design costs without sacrificing visual impact. Diane

is extremely creative and is one of those rare designers who reads

the copy and listens carefully to the clients while developing a

concept. We are consistently impressed with her ability to take

our sometimes vague ideas and give them form and definition

in designs that always hit the target.” —Sharon Britton, Director of Communications and School Relations, BUSPH

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johnson & wales university

JWU Alumni Magazine

Challenge: Redesign alumni magazine, and build the university’s brand

Folded Size: 9 x 11

Ink: 4C process with bleeds

Bindery: Saddle stitch

“Diane’s creativity and keen sense of how to convey our changing

identity through a clean, sophisticated design was a critical piece

of our entire rebranding project.”—Patricia A. McLaughlin, J.D. Senior Vice President, Institutional Advancement, JWU

Using a flexible grid system we created visual rhythm,

organization and hierarchy. Department spreads highlight

their 4 campuses and range of undergraduate and graduate

programs. Features “break-out” of the grid with dynamic

layouts and imagery. We changed the trim to an off-size

and specified a matte stock. The overall look is clean, colorful and sophisticated. Finally, we renamed the

magazine. For years the school has affectionately been called

jwu (pronounced jay-woo) by its students. Adopting

this nickname as the magazine’s title resonates with both

current students and alumnae.

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johnson & wales university

Transforming the Landscape of Culinary Education Challenge: Tell a complex story in a readable and compelling manner

JWU’s new Center for Culinary Education is built on a former industrial

waste site that borders the Naragansett bay. In building the case for supporting

this innovative and environmently progressive building, we focused on the

concept of transformation. JWU is transforming the landscape, by working with

Save the Bay to restore this blighted site to its natural beauty. They are trans-forming culinary education by continually improving standards, training,

lab spaces, and offering opportunities for advancement. They are transforming

the state of the art, through the construction of this environmentally progressive

LEED certified building.Folded Size: 16 x10

Ink: 4C process

Stock: cover: Neenah Environ-ment classic laid 120# duplex cover, 30% pcw, text: LOE cream 100# dull coated text weight, 30% pcw, overlays: Glama Natural 36# vellum, 30% post consumer waste

Bindery: diecut, emboss, foil stamp, wiro-bind, 14 leaves plus cover

When we needed to create a case statement for our largest capital cam-

paign, we asked Diane to take us to this uncharted territory. Not only

did she take us there with thoughtful design but captured every com-

ponent of the complex project. Her award-winning design captured all

of these aspects, and has proven to be a successful campaign tool.”— Patricia A. McLaughlin, J.D. Senior Vice President, Institutional Advancement, JWU

Award: The Pinnacle Award (1st Place), Corporate Identity Category, Printing Industries of New England

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hadassah-brandeis institute

Jewish + Female+ Athlete, Calendar and Exhibit Challenge: Create a clean, contemporary design to showcase the history of Jewish women in sport

When the Hadassah-Brandeis Institute (HBI) first discussed featuring

world-class Jewish Women Athletes on their calendar, people asked,

“Are there any”? The problem soon became how to choose among the

many candidates identified from all over the world.

Contemporary athletes were featured along with others that “paved the

way” in a simple elegant format that allows the photos to be the main

focus. The calendar attracted lots of excitement everywhere it was sold.

The companion exhibit, built of fabric panels stretched on a metal grid

(shown above), is still traveling around the country, to great acclaim.Folded Size: 12 x 12

Ink: 4C process with satin coat

Stock: 80# cover Primalith Matte, 100# text Primalith Matte

Bindery: Wiro-bound

Diane is a seasoned designer with immense creative talents. She brings

to the table a keen ear, a willingness to fully explore many different design

solutions until the best is identified, and a strong command of design that

advances communication and marketing objectives. The team of design

professionals at SDA ensures that projects flow smoothly, deadlines are

kept, and communication is transparent.” —Nancy Vineberg, President, NormanLouis Consulting

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brandeis university

The Hadassah-Brandeis Institute Mailer Challenge: Create a low-budget, high-concept piece to promote the HBI

The Hasdassah-Brandeis Institute’s mission is to promote new ways of

thinking about Jews and gender. They asked us to develop a piece that

they could send out to explain their mission that would have a longer shelf life than the average mailer. We developed the concept for this

piece: “Fresh Thinking,” in conjunction with our client, who wrote the copy.

The package includes a calendar of Jewish holidays, information about

the HBI, and five two-sided post cards. On one side of the enclosed cards

we show a famous Jewish male along with the words Conventional Wisdom. On the opposite side, we show a lesser known, but extraordi-

nary Jewish woman in the same field with the tag line Fresh Thinking.

By making the inserts postcards, we encourage people to share them, and

add their own thoughts. Folded Size: 6 x 6

Ink: 4C process + spot colors

Stock: 100# Finch Superfine

Bindery: Diecut folder and cards, score and fold, package and wafer seal.

At Brandeis University I worked with Diane on several large-

scale design projects, including “Fresh Thinking.” I am always

impressed by how her ideas both reflect and further my own

vision for the project at hand.” —Nancy Vineberg, President, NormanLouis Consulting

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harvard extension school (hes)

Identity system, concept and ad campaign Challenge: Strengthen and define HES’s visual brand. Create a campaign that generates excitement and builds recognition for the program.

In order to define an identity system for the Extension School within the

large varied Harvard identity, we did a survey of fonts and typography in other

schools and colleges within the University. We then chose a serif and sans serif

font that recurred frequently, and developed typography and standards for

the school name.

In addition, we developed an overall marketing concept and campaign

that was flexible enough to be applied in many different ways. We later

applied this overall look to print collateral, including program brochures, and

course catalogs.

HES Environmental brochure

Folded Size: 6 x 9

Ink: 4C process

Stock: Chorus Art Silk Cover

Bindery: 4-panel roll fold

Award: UCEA 2009 Bronze

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The biggest challenge in the redesign of this alumnae magazine

for an independent girl’s school in Boston, was to keep the 2 color interior exciting and fresh. We want the design to reflect the

energy and joy of learning so evident in the school environ-

ment. We continue to produce the magazine three times a year.

A layered effect is often used with duotones contrasting ghosted

halftones to add dimension to the page.

Sawyer Design came highly recommended, and has lived up to our expectations.

They’ve made the magazine not only more visually cohesive and appealing but

also more thoughtfully structured. We value their intelligence, creativity, and

collaborative style. In our ongoing work, we continue to appreciate their respon-

siveness and sensitivity to our unique identity.” — Joe Broughton, Director of Communications, Winsor School

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Folded Size: 8.5 x 10.875

Ink: Cover: 4/4 plus SAQ; Inside: 2/2

Stock: Text 80# HannoArt silk text

Cover 80# HannoArt Silk

Bindery: saddle stich

the winsor school

Alumnae Magazine design Challenge: Create impact with black plus one PMS.

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the winsor school

Development Materials Challenge: Balance tradition and vitality

Alumnae Fund

We created a suite of alumni stationary, including letterhead, envelopes, and cards

for the school to use in its annual appeal. The alumnae base is extremely loyal and committed to the school. The use of photos of current students adds emo-

tional weight to the ask, while the image of the historic building grounds the piece

in tradition. This suite of materials gave the appeal a more professional branded

look, and enabled the development staff to produce a series of letters targeted to-

ward varied audiences.

125th Anniversary Logo

Winsor requested a logo that could be used to promote events celebrating their

125th anniversary year.. They wanted a look that celebrated both the history

of the school, and captured the energy and vitality of the student body. We cre-

ated a calligraphic treatment of the 125 that is equally at home on

a T-shirt and a formal invitation.

The Winsor SchoolCelebrating One Hundred Twenty-five Years

The Winsor SchoolCelebrating One Hundred Twenty-five Years

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To celebrate their 40th anniversary, Fowler commissioned Sawyer Design to

create a give-away for their customers.

They wanted a piece to promote their printing capabilities that was so special

clients would keep it. We sharpened our pencils and came up with our favor-

ite 40 printing and design tips and tricks, and 40+ images to showcase them.

In addition to design, it was also a chance for us to indulge in some creative

copywriting. The whole studio got involved brainstorming for the cover

text listing things that have changed in 40 years. A few of my favorites: “from

Snoopy to Snoop Dogg. From Ozzie and Harriet to Ozzy Osbourne. From M&M

to Eminem.”

Tips included information on duo and quadtones, paperstocks, PMS vs. process

color and special folds and inks.

fowler printing and graphics

40 Tips & Tricks Challenge: Go wild! Create a piece that people will keep as a resource and serve as a promotional give away to celebrate Fowler’s 40th anniversary.

Size: 9 x 9

Pages: 30 plus fold out covers

Ink: 4C process + spot colors, tinted, gloss and dull varnishes

Stock: Various

Bindery: Diecut, foil stamp and emboss, special folds, full and short pages, wiro-bound

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beth israel deaconess medical center

Leading Edge Newsletter Challenge: Create a striking new format for a donor newsletter that pushes the envelope.

The BIDMC Development office asked us to create new and different format for a newsletter that would both recognize gifts

to the hospital and outstanding achievements by members of

the clinical staff.

BIDMC is the official hospital of the Boston Red Sox, so it seemed

natural to lead off the first issue with a story on the “Sox Doc”,

seated in historic Fenway Park. Dr. Arun Ramappa is the

orthopedic consultant to the team.

From the intimate scale of the folded mailer the newsletter

expands to a colorful tabloid format. Targeted at donors, staff and

hospital visitors, Leading Edge communicates the energy,

innovation, and personal approach that has made BIDMC

a stand-out hospital in the Boston area.Folded Size: 8.25 x 8.25

Ink: 4/4 process + SGV

Stock: 80# Garda Silk

Bindery: fold, saddle wire

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Partial List of Clients

EducationAdvent SchoolBoston UniversityBrandeis UniversityDerby Academy-Summer ArtsHarvard Business SchoolHarvard University Johnson & Wales UniversityNew England School of LawMIT Sloan SchoolSimmons CollegeThe Winsor School

hEalthcarEBeth Israel Deaconess Medical CenterBrigham and Women’s HospitalBoston University School of Public HealthBoston Medical CenterFriends of Deaconess HospitalMassachusetts General HospitalPartners HealthCare System, Inc.

non-profitDiscovery SchoolhouseFirst Parish Church MiltonFriends of the Milton LibraryMassEqualitySecond HelpingSouth Shore Housing DevelopmentSouth Shore STARS Day CareSt. Boniface HaitiSustainable MiltonTown of Milton Recycling Program

Explore. Create. Ignite.Since 1990 SDA has been working primarily with non-profits in

education, healthcare, and human services. Our mission is to

create dynamic communication pieces that challege and inspire.

Our clients count on us to ensure that their resources are well

spent, their materials are beautiful and effective, and their

deadlines are met.

Our process? We listen, and ask questions to understand your

needs and goals. We explore possibilities, and create concepts that

capture the imagination and convey your message powerfully and

clearly. We are easy to work with, responsive and flexible. We work

hard on every project we accept, and follow it to completion, work-

ing closely with vendors to make sure it is done right, on time, and

on budget.

As a central part of our practice we support many organizations

working for positive change, seeking better solutions for issues

affecting us all. From creating new partnerships in public health,

to building affordable housing or sustainable communities, these

organizations challenge us to reinvent a better future.

How can we help you?

Ideas made visible!

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