scripts & illegal drugs are turning america into a nation of addicts

Scripts & Illegal Drugs Are Turning Our America Into a Nation of Addicts – Minister Gary Boyd Part 1 Stoners are everywhere, in college, in high school and even in middle schools; some getting high on their own supply when they should be selling it bringing down the drug dealers wrath. Nation Loves Being Stoned Out of Their Mind This new national love affair with narcotics and prescription meds has a giddy, almost celebratory infatuation with the stair step drug marijuana. As we broaden our scope to reveal, quite incredibly, that America today is being transformed into an entire nation

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Post on 21-Jul-2016




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Does it bother you that our youth have no direction or motivation anymore? Everyone just wants to party and get stoned? Where do you think all of this will lead when companies will not want to hire kids with this kind of reputation? Perhaps a nation of vagabonds & homeless people? Check this article one time and comment on what you think....


Scripts & Illegal Drugs Are Turning Our America Into a Nation of Addicts – Minister Gary Boyd Part 1

Stoners are everywhere, in college, in high school and even in middle schools; some getting high on their own supply when they should be selling it bringing down the drug dealers wrath.

Nation Loves Being Stoned Out of Their Mind

This new national love affair with narcotics and prescription meds has a giddy, almost celebratory infatuation with the stair step drug marijuana. As we broaden our scope to reveal, quite incredibly, that America today is being transformed into an entire nation strung out on mind altering drugs that could not pass a drug test for a job if they tried! The legalization of pot is only the start!

The Frenzy for Pot!

This medical marijuana ruse being used for legalization in Colorado has degenerated into a national farce with the governor stating, it was the biggest mistake he ever made. With everyone and their dog being able to score pot from the medical

marijuana stores, they are now selling what they obtain to minors who in turn are turning on their peers. The frenzy to get high took stage Jan. 1st when Colorado and Washington opened their doors to frenzied smokers, while other states from Alaska, Oregon and Cali in the West to Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Washington D.C. in the East announced plans to push for legalization in the coming months.

Already stock prices for pot companies are soaring, the demand apparently insatiable that should tell you right there it is addictive. “High Times”, a mag for stoners, has announced a new private fund to raise $100 million over the next few years to invest in pot related business. Ad agencies are now gearing up to lend full support to “an industry estimated to be generating revenues in the billions.”

The Hollywood Glamsters Stoaking the Fires

Likewise the so called entertainment industry has for a long time been on board with movies like “Up

in Smoke,” hit shows on the tube like “Glee,” “Parenthood” and “Mad Men” portray pot consumption in a positive light when it is anything but. The glam dram bunch of “beautiful people” in Hollyweird lead pot’s de facto campaign, actresses like Jennifer Aniston, Cameron Diaz, Susan Sarandon and Kristin Duntz (“if everyone in the world smoked weed, the world would be a better place”), to director Oliver Stoned – I mean Stone, and every singer in the music biz like Justin (my brain is so small it hurts) Bieber, Willie Nelson (wants it put in nationwide dispensaries), Lady Gaga (I smoke a lot of pot when I write music) we can tell, and of course Justin Timberlake (”Sometimes I have a brain that needs to be turned off, some people are just better high”) which is exactly what turns me off about him.

Get Off the Bong Pipe

Now if we could all get off the bong for a minute and come down to earth, we can put this all into context:

During this mind altering age of the Obama regime spinning out of control – America’s culture, morals, laws, institutions, government, economy and over all well being threatened by a religion of war that the President is leading in the shadows, as the forces of evil worldwide wax stronger and more menacing in the shadow of America’s ever – growing feebleness – our answer to the world is: let’s get stoned!

Where is all this leading you might ask? Can our demise be stopped? Will we soon all go up in the smoke of a nuclear weapon? Stay dialed in for part two tomorrow to see where all this is leading….