scripting examples

SCRIPTING, LIVING VISION, DREAM DIALOGUE EXAMPLES “Best Shape Ever” journal. “Whoa. It’s been a while since I’ve gotten wolf whistles while walking down the street. I like it! This body of mine feels SOOO good!! I have energy to do whatever I want – run with the dogs, race upstairs from the basement and not even be winded, haul heavy stuff through the store without a cart! And I have to admit, I look good doing it! My clothes fit better than ever, and I love the new jeans I had to buy because my old ones started to hang on me. I wake up energized, my skin looks fabulous, I get compliments all day long from family, friends and strangers. I definitely did something right! Yay for me!!” Here are two random entries from my Build a Thriving Practice book: “Loving this practice I’ve built – with tons of perfect clients, subscribers and customers! It’s a beautiful combo of work –where I get to market products and coach clients and write ezines and articles! I’m a pro at all of it, too. Making lots of money because I am so worthy of doing it easy! Thank you, Universe, for all the inspiration, ideas, contacts, resources and perfect timing. I also love the financial rewards, the fabulous feedback and the excellent reputation! Not to mention all my own personal miracles. Life is good, Universe! Thanks! “I love this ‘work’ that isn’t ‘work’! My clients and I love our time together, appreciating each other’s company and perspective and I’m paid grandly for it! How fortunate for me that I love every minute of it! My clients love me, they build miracles through our work together, they recommend me to everyone they know and I have a multitude of new people to ‘work’ with! The joy of having a full practice! To continuously meet wonderful new people, develop strong relationships and know I’m helping them change their lives! And get paid for it! What a great choice I made! I’m a coach!!! Woo Hoo!” “My handsome sweetie is so good to me! He adores me and makes sure I know it and at the same time is firmly grounded in himself. We make the cutest couple! I love his old truck, I love the way his jeans fit him, I love his boots, I love his sweat, I love his smile. I love how he brings me little flowers for my table. I love how he thinks about me during his day. I love how he talks to others about me with such love and respect. I love his attitude and openness and knowledge of self. I love how he’s good to his dogs and my animals. I love that he cooks! I love his work ethic and ability to enjoy life. And that butt of his – my my my! I love how he loves me inside and out. I love how attracted he is to me. I love how fun he is to sleep with. I even love his friends! I love our time together, I love what we learn from each other, I love his eyes, his camping style, his voice, his body – it’s all good!

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Post on 21-Apr-2015




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“Best Shape Ever” journal. “Whoa. It’s been a while since I’ve gotten wolf whistles while walking down the street. I like it! This body of mine feels SOOO good!! I have energy to do whatever I want – run with thedogs, race upstairs from the basement and not even be winded, haul heavy stuff through the store without a cart! And I have to admit, I look good doing it! My clothes fit better than ever, and I love the new jeans I had to buy because my old ones started to hang on me. I wake up energized, my skin looks fabulous, I get compliments all day long from family, friends and strangers. I definitely did something right! Yay for me!!”

Here are two random entries from my Build a Thriving Practice book:“Loving this practice I’ve built – with tons of perfect clients, subscribers and customers! It’s a beautiful combo of work –where I get to market products and coach clients and writeezines and articles! I’m a pro at all of it, too. Making lots of money because I am so worthy of doing it easy! Thank you, Universe, for all the inspiration, ideas, contacts, resources andperfect timing. I also love the financial rewards, the fabulous feedback and the excellent reputation! Not to mention all my own personal miracles. Life is good, Universe! Thanks! ☺”“I love this ‘work’ that isn’t ‘work’! My clients and I love our time together, appreciating each other’s company and perspective and I’m paid grandly for it! How fortunate for methat I love every minute of it! My clients love me, they build miracles through our work together, they recommend me to everyone they know and I have a multitude of new people to ‘work’ with! The joy of having a full practice! To continuously meet wonderful new people, develop strong relationships and know I’m helping them change their lives! And get paid for it! What a great choice I made! I’m a coach!!! Woo Hoo!”

“My handsome sweetie is so good to me! He adores me and makes sure I know it and at the same time is firmly grounded in himself. We make the cutest couple! I love his old truck, I love the way his jeans fit him, I love his boots, I love his sweat, I love his smile. I love how he brings me little flowers for my table. I love how he thinks about me during his day. I love howhe talks to others about me with such love and respect. I love his attitude and openness and knowledge of self. I love how he’s good to his dogs and my animals. I love that he cooks! I love his work ethic and ability to enjoy life. And that butt of his – my my my! I love how he loves me inside and out. I love how attracted he is to me. I love how fun he is to sleep with. I even love his friends! I love our time together, I love what we learn from each other, I love his eyes, his camping style, his voice, his body – it’s all good!

Good idea. I'm ready to share my story with you and others who might be interested. I'm fortunate to have an incredible amount of physical energy. My body (because I allowed it) has actually rejuvenated on many levels. I look and feel much younger than I did ten years ago. And I've always looked young for my age. Everyone is amazed. When they ask me what happened I make it easy on myself and send them to the Abraham-Hicks information and let them decide for themselves what they would like to do. I also have had the good fortune of winning the lottery recently. That was an exciting day!!!!! I am planning a spa retreat with a couple of friends of mine so I can relax and enjoy myself while I take the time to line up with making wise decisions with that much money. It's a lot to come at once so I want to really make the best of it. I have such wonderful friends and family and they are very excited for me. I look forward to surprising them in all sorts of ways. I know I'm being a bit general right now, but I'll get back to you with more specifics as I make more decisions. Flying lessons huh? That might be interesting. I'll give that some thought. It sounds like you have created some wonderful things for yourself.

I live in such a beautiful world. Everywhere I go and everyone I see is so happy and living their dream. It's absolutely amazing how wonderful life is. I am having an

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absolute ball in life. I live at the beach in a warm tropical climate. I have the most marvelous friends who love to laugh and have fun. Actually everything I do is fun. I have an international business. I own my own island. It has recently been approved to become it's own country, so I get the pleasure of creating my country's flag, song, motto etc. I get to choose the national flower, my countries name, on and on. Oh what fun. I even get diplomatic status which means I get to shoot right through customs when I fly to other countries. I can't even begin to tell you how cool that is. 

My business is all about having fun while at the same time it is generating income for many people around the world giving them the opportunity to use their talents and passions. We all love the co-creating that goes on. My latest endeavor that I am very excited about is I begin taking flying lessons next month. It's something I've wanted to do for a long time and now is the perfect time for it. After that I'm going for my helicopter's license. I could go on and on, but I'll share more with you in another post. I look forward to hearing what's going on in your life. I'm sure I'll get some new ideas to add to my mine. We're all in this together.

I am a very wealthy and highly abundant person.  I have more money than I will be able to spend in 20-30 life times.  I live in a huge mansion on 20 acres of land and it is surrounded on three sides by water in Hawaii.  I love the tropical atmosphere in Hawaii and it’s so beautiful here year round.  I have several full time staff that help to take care of my home and grounds.  I have many lush tropical gardens and fruit trees and they require a lot of care.  It’s well worth it though for the beauty that they provide.  I have a full time driver but of course I drive myself whenever or wherever I chose.  I have several luxury and sport cars.  I also have a private jet and my son is a licensed pilot and he loves to fly our jet.  We have several homes around the world and visit them often.  When we do, of course we take our private jet, it makes it so convenient to be able to just pick up and go whenever we chose.  I especially enjoy vacationing in Europe.  I love being in the vineyards of France and Italy.  We own a wine vineyard in both France and Italy.  I enjoy shopping in Paris and Milan also.  We also have a yacht and love to sail it around the world for several months of the year.  I prefer to stay in the warmer climates when we do however.  I just enjoy lounging at the pool on the yacht and getting a wonderful tan.   I truly enjoy living a life of luxury.  It’s thrilling knowing that I have the resources to buy anything, go anywhere and do anything that I want whenever I want.  I absolutely love knowing too, that I am a major player in the world’s economy because money flows to me and through me freely.  Thank you Universe, for such wonderful abundance and luxury.  I am very appreciative of all that I have and all that is continuing to come. 

I live in such a beautiful area, and the weather and the water and the beautiful sunshine and greenery is currently reminding me why it's called the Emerald City. Everywhere I look I seem to be finding people who are loving their life. I have so many wonderful opportunities flowing to me and flowing around me. My friends are sparkly, joy oriented, optimistic people. We spend a lot of time together and we often end up laughing so hard our stomachs hurt and our cheeks are frozen into smiles. I love taking advantage of the giant park with man-made lake, the energy of those who come to run around it and play with their dogs, the various beaches with their own personalities nearby, the mountain views to both the east, west and south, the city view that lights up like a postcard in the evening and reflects off of the water. 

I always knew I'd be a world traveler and I love how independent and positive it feels to know myself that way. 

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I was shopping for a new jet today - I think I've decided on a global xrs from bombardier. I really love that bed in the back and the extra amenities and space that plane has. I know it will come in very useful as we tend to fly a lot with friends and family and to far away locations. 

Boy, what a wonderful week I've had. I met the most amazing man. He's funny, intelligent and we have a connection that is undeniable. Oh, it's so much fun to get to know someone new. 

I also moved my flying lessons up and start on Monday. I am so excited. I also found the perfect personal assistant who is helping me get my foundation started. It's called the Zova Foundation. It's named after my two god daughters Zoie and Vanessa. We're going to have our fingers in several projects. More details later.Let's see, what else? I wake up every morning so eager for the day. It's such a wonderful feeling. The ideas for my company and my foundation are flying into my head. I know the Universe is bringing me all the perfect people for all of the roles to be played. It's a blast watching it unfold. What a joyous journey I'm on. Thank you Universe. You're the best.

Life has been absolutely amazing the last few years. I am happier and healthier than I have ever been. My fiancé and I are madly in love and live our life as the adventure it was meant to be,  to quote from a good friend, "laughing so hard our stomachs hurt and our cheeks are frozen into smiles".  I did not know life could be this fun. I have been living the dream I always dreamed. I penned that new pub deal and have been traveling the world working with everyone. Writing has been pure joy, easy, effortless, the most fun I've ever had. I have an amazing writing partner...I did not know it was possible to be so creatively in tune with someone. It has been so fun that I almost can't believe the success that has come out of it. Billboard singles, grammys, We've worked with some of my favorite artists on the planet. Sessions are pure joy and creativity and full of laughter and love. Music just flows, and it seems like every song is a hit. It feels so amazing to make music that moves people. And the Money...WOOOOHHH....It has been off the chart. I can't tell you how good it feels to receive so much money from something I love so much. Every ASCAP check outdoes itself, I honestly never knew so many zeros could fit on one check. It feels so good to have this money. We live life to the absolute fullest with no restrictions, anything we can dream of that sounds fun, we do it, from renting out a rollerskating rink for the day for a friends and family 60's party, to going to the airport and just randomly picking a flight to anywhere, laughing the whole way. We have a gorgeous condo in NY, a house on the hills in LA, a place in Hawaii, a ski house in Colorado and of course, the house in Paris. I love being able to visit with friends and family anytime we want. We fly them out all the time to sip wine in Paris or go surfing in Hawaii...The best part is, I am completely confident and happy within myself. I have found a way to feel good about myself and about life and I feel as though I am almost bursting with love, joy, passion and invinciblity. 

I have a new house with a big front porch and an room upstairs for meditation with a view of the bay.  Every room in my house is comfortably furnished.  Every decoration is designed to evoke feelings of joy, peace or happiness.  Every window has a stunning view of trees or water.  My work is fun and fulfilling.  I love finding ways to help children learn math and have fun.  My income stream is plentiful and covers all my desires, including the house, Alaska cruises every summer, someone to keep my house and car clean, really fast internet, supplies to keep my classroom fun, someone to help decorate and clean my classroom.

I am usually in the Vortex, and I don't feel the bondage of time.  My life stretches ahead of me and in every direction, as far as my imagination can stretch and beyond.  I am alone much of the time, and the people in my life appreciate my need for solitude.  The people in my life come in to amuse and educate me, and to help inspire

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the contrast that makes my life stupendous.

My life feels peaceful and exciting at the same time.  Everything I want comes to me without any effort on my part.  It feels normal and right and obvious to feel this good.  I adore contrast that brings me to new desires.  The world feels perfectly in line and I am ready for it to get even better

Well, its been a while, but i have finally got it that all i need to do is feel good.  And i am feeling so good lately.  And i am starting to really get that i can relax because i have asked already, and source has answered, and if i just relax and be easier about things then everything ive asked for can be delivered.  I have started to allow myself to be happy, to allow myself to feel good, to enjoy life, to smile alot, to laugh alot, to dance every day just because life feels so good and i dont want to miss one opportunity to dance and feel my body move with such joy and ease.

I love how easy this is and how well i am doing, and how i am now really understanding the laws of the universe and how complete they are.  I love that the universe so adores me that even before i have asked it is answered fully and with great love.  I am starting to trust the universe is there for me.  My life is so much easier and things just come effortlessly and magically as if there are fairies of the universe surrounding my every move.  

I love how i am now really allowing myself to be happy and have fun and enjoy the pleasures of life knowing that this is lifes purpose, and i feel good in the knowing that i am living my purpose, and i am living the best of it, and i am living the life that feels like a good, thriving, fulfilling life.  And oh how i enjoy the feeling of life force flowing through me as i give my undivided attention on my passions and the things in life that ring my bells and feel good to me.  And how nice it feels to no longer focus on anything other than what is going well, and the best of things, because to be honest i cant remember a time now when things werent going so well and things werent just amazing and fulfilling and good feeling.  Ive got into a such a good groove and i have all of the contrast of my, what seems like previous life now, to thank, and boy am i ever SO thank ful.  What a wonderful world this is.  I am blessed and now i not only know it, but i feel it every moment and what a blast this is......

I look radiant. I am positively glowing. My body feels good, young, and strong. I am an asset to everyone who knows me, just by being me. When people are around me they get sucked into their own Vortex. I am loved, I am IB and I are on the same page often, and it feels delicious. I love life. Every day is blessed and I'm in a state of appreciation more than ever before. I have a nice little cozy job at the college where I attend. I uplift and teach in my own way. I am so eager to encourage others and to share their goals and to help them. 

I have my Perfect Man. My man. I love that word. He is a powerful creator, too. We get each other...we enjoy each other, our time together. There is pure laughter and enjoyment between us. We harp and harp and harp on all the positives of one another. We get high on life and we love it. It's our drug of choice, to be in the Vortex, and it is blissful. When I do experience contrast, sometimes it doesn't even bother me. I find it FUNNY. It's such blatant affirmation of LOA. I am not afraid of contrast and I enjoy Step 1 moments. I know the secret, I know how to get back in. I love being shown how powerful of a creator I am. I feel so powerful and independent and glorious. My Mate appreciates me fully for this, and the appreciation is mutual. I am beautiful inside and out.

Things are going great for me lately. My life is wonderful. My happiness makes me glow. I get compliments all the time on how I am simply glowing and people love being around me, it sucks them into their own Vortex and it's wonderful co creating.

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The money is flowing in at a steady pace, and it feels so good. I am becoming better and better at allowing. I appreciate myself for it, it feels so good. I am in alignment. When I experience Contrast I am in a state where I can appreciate it and I know, the Source within me knows how to work my way back into alignment. I am powerful, I am a deliberate Creator. I am tasting life in a way I never knew before. 

I'm amazed at how life is unfolding for me. There are so many miracles happening in a very short period of time. Money is coming to me from everywhere, big and small - as if a plug was lifted, and the natural abundance just started pouring. I'm finding coins and paper money on the street, I'm getting thousands of dollars in grants, and our paintings and prints are selling like crazy. People are calling us wanting to order more, and I understand that it's time to expand our business. It's a lot of work, but it's so much fun, and I know that on the other side is our financial freedom.I love the feeling of abundance. I'm just totally relaxed, and money is showing up in piles. It's such a joy to know that there is nothing in life that I can't have! I love the Universe!

I get up easily every morning and feel rejuvenated and appreciating life and all the simple pleasures. My social life is steadily building with friends that understand and appreciate me. I am making meaningful friendships and going out a little more, and it feels good.. I am growing more independent each day. I am attracting a nice sum of money. I am able to help others when I can. I feel helpful and appreciated.I love being in the Vortex

Life has been going amazingly. I've been on this kind of high the last few months that I can't really explain. All I know is I feel good. I have been waking up, basking, meditating, doing processes, running on the water, and life has just been melding perfectly around me. I am finally a cooperative component. It is crazy how easy life real is when you just let go and get happy. Amazing amazing abundance, love and experiences have just been flowing effortlessly into my life. I kind of have to laugh cause everytime I turn around, something else amazing is flowing into my experience. I can't stop smiling. I am feeling so good about me. I am relaxed, loving, full of joy, easy going, funny. I'm finally learning to just let go and be the person who I want to be. I really am experiencing life to the fullest these days. So happy to be so connected, to feel so good. When I feel like this, I KNOW that anything I can dream is possible, easily, full of fun, and with a smile on my face.

I get enough sleep for my body every night. Every morning I wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated and feeling grateful and wonderful. I have a smooth and happy ride to the bus stop each day with my dog in the car, and she always brings happiness.My tutoring job is going extremely well. I have enough students that need my help and begin to know me, but at the same time I still have enough time to do my homework and/or study. Money does flow steadily and easily to me. I find myself getting checks in the mail, or receiving money from unexpected avenues. There is no questioning, just utter acceptance and acknowledgement that the U is taking care of me, and I am appreciative. My attitude is sweetly upbeat, and people can't helped but be charmed into a good mood around me, and they appreciate me as much as I appreciate me. I have clarity in what I want to do in life, and I am effortlessly following the path. I am listening to my intuition and the calling forward.

I am so appreciative of my everyday life! I love that I can go anywhere anytime and do anything I please... I love that there is always new and exciting stuff for me to try... I love that there are sooooo many songs for me to sing and make videos to! I love that I always have a comfortable place to come home to, where I am always welcome and where I always feel at ease. I love that there are so many supportive people by my side who I proudly call my friends. I love that I have so many good friends I can share my joy with! I love knowing that the law of attraction will always match me up with the perfect people to interact with to have the most delightful conversations. I love my

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family and how strong they make me feel... When I look around me I realize that I was really born in the right place at the right time. And that I've always made the right decisions. I love how friendly people are where I live. Everybody helps everybody, it just comes naturally to us^^ I love how every room in this house is filled with love and how I can always have my peaceful moments of relaxation where I just sit back and appreciate this wonderful, WONDERFUL life I've been given.

And I love how time has become my friend.  I feel like it's my handmaiden, gently guiding me here and there ... like my raft on this river of life. And I love how money and I are such lovely friends.  She's like my fertilizer ... nourishing me, helping me bloom. And I love how I can feel in every moment that every cell of my body loves me ... I have trillions of vortices pulsating with love, light and beauty for myself ... and I feel it to the core of me!!!

I love how much love I feel coming through me everyday.  I love how I actively seek reasons to love everyone.  I love how I attract so many loving people into my life. love how I've come to love the contrast -- the sweet contrast that gives me somewhere to go, somewhere to feel the rush/whoosh of getting back into myself.  I love that I love myself in the most open, earnest, sincere, lighthearted, warm, exhilarating way.  I love that I love every decision I've ever made with the love that a creator gives their creation.  My life is my largest work of art, and while it's beauty astounds and amazes me ... it also feels like, "Heck, I knew it all along!"I am in love with my family more than ever before.

Things have really changed for us. We work in harmony now, but everyone respects everyone else's privacy. When we are together it is honestly fun and I feel content and enjoy my time.

Everyone does their part around the house, and the house looks and feels better than ever before. Everyone does their part on their own.

We are happy. My sister got herself a little apartment and is busy nesting. She is very happy now. She is doing a credit repair and she is feeling like herself again.

My mother's credit is getting better and she is happier, too. She also goes to work more often and she finds that she really likes her job.

My brother is graduating middle school and he is doing his best to keep good grades. He is excited to go to high school and he has a new found dedication to doing better in school. 

My brother and I have new clothes for school from an unexpected source of income and we are really happy.

Money is flowing to me more easily than I ever thought possible. Unexpected sources of income here and there happen a lot.

I am feeling better than ever before, and it truly is wonderful. I am on fire for life and I always feel anticipation for what will happen next. I savor life more than ever before. More men are attracted to me because of my vibration, even ones I haven't talked to in a long time are being attracted back into my life! Life is good. Life is fun.

Each day just gets better and better. Who knew life could be so fun? Things with S. are spectacular. We connect on so many different levels. I love that he is doing so well. Things have really turned around for him. We do so many things together. And it is amazing how good our sex life is. I am so glad that he regained his confidence. It's blissful not to be bothered by anyone. It was so sweet when he called me and came to this realization. The times ahead for us are sure to be even more blissful. All is well!

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I am so happy that I am able to move back to Madison and live a life that I love! I am so happy that I am creating all the time, whether I am writing or just creating more well-being for myself.My family relationships are harmonious, and my mother and I are closer than ever.My writing just keeps getting more successful; I am getting the recognition and praise I always wanted.I'm so happy for my beautiful social life full of friends and loved ones that is ever-expanding. I keep meeting more amazing people who enrich my life in so many ways!

My love life is picking up! I am working with the man of my dreams. I love and respect him, and the feeling is mutual. We have fun together and everyone sees it. We suck people into the Vortex just by being in love!

Everyone at the work place is supportive of our relationship. They think it's sweet! We don't spend every minute together and still do our own thing, and we love that about each other. Even after all this time, he still makes my heart thump when I see him. His friends love me, too. We are so happy and secure with each other and are always having fun. We have so much fun together, it's incredible! Even during "serious" times, we are still having fun, enjoying being in each other's company.

I am just ecstatic and thrilled over this relationship and the co-creation. Co-creation is truly the best way to describe our relationship. There is just an abundance of in-the-Vortex goodness! It's so exciting! Every day is a new day of discovery and love. We are both shamelessly in it for the fun! The love comes naturally, and it's pure.

I spring out of bed each morning, eager for the day to start. There's a spring in my step and pools of love and joy in my heart. I see through the eyes of Source regularly, and it is intoxicating. I love everyone around me, my family, my friends, my previous co-workers, the people I's just so delicious. This is what life is! The beauty and freedom of it more than I ever imagined. I am so loved, and I love everyone so much!

SUNDAYI love easy mornings. I got to sleep in and I woke up in a fabulous mood, happy to be alive and feeling strong and flexible. I decided after breakfast to go for a hike. 

Today I found a new place up in the mountains that is probably going to be my new favorite spot. It was super easy to get to and I could see the mountain in the background with the sky big and broad overhead and the cool meadow not far from the alpine lake. It would seriously be a perfect camping place. I took my camera and came back with the coolest pictures - blue sky over wildflower meadow, still alpine lake reflecting the mountain, up-close pictures of wildlife. It's like something out of national geographic, seriously. I think I'm going to have lots of these printed and framed and sent to my dad. Next time I'll go out at sunset or sunrise. 

I drove myself out today, so on the way back I cranked up the wolf and sang country all the way into the city, still basking in the awesomeness of my new pictures and the fun time I had up there. 

Then I had a few errands to do and some food to make a pack up before the picnic at Shilshole Beach. It was a big group - some Abers and some sailing buddies of M's - we decided that way we get to both play and be together! 

We were invited into a volleyball game and I rocked that court! LOL! I remember in high school visualizing my volleyball spike over and over again before going to bed -- and apparently it paid off because I hit it over and over again, and I kept scoring points for our team. It was all in good fun though, I got a lot of nice compliments about my skills and there were a few great setters and servers there. At one point we had a great team moment -- two people saved the ball, and the entire team decided who set it and who to set it too -- then they told me to hit it on the line and I did. It was

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totally TITITO! 

I met some great new friends and I got to hang out with the coolest people - I love hearing new stories and being the teller of the stories. M was so sweet - we were sitting around the bonfire after it got dark with some of his friends and he started telling them that I have been making money appear out of thin air it seems. And then Raven and Vavi wanted to hear more so he elaborated on it a bit and I filled in the bits her didn't know about and together, we wove the most fun, laughter-filled story about all of our great 'luck' and how strong my knowing has been from the very beginning about our prosperity. It was great to tell that story and beat that drum, and it was really great to hear DH saying he was really proud of me and 'maybe there is something to that Abraham stuff'! 

The food was fun too - my burger was fantastic and my tarts went over fabulously. I always love making those, it's like a meditation with the making the shortbread a day ahead, picking out the right nectarines and harvesting the vanilla bean with the butter knife. So much fun. I had a blast. Today was a really fun day.

Tomorrow I am heading in to Always Running to see what I think of them and their training style. I am excited by the idea of having an Abish coach to guide me and an Abish team to work with. That's going to be so cool!

MONDAYToday I had a wonderful time getting all sorts of stuff fixed up. The bathroom now has a fabulous new shower head (low flow, but fantastic pressure and even distribution), a new rack for bottles (it's brushed copper and has lots of shelves and hooks and strength), new paint colors (fabulous fresh-aire green) and new towels and a new rug. I fixed a few things too - a new faucet fixed the swiveling handles (which I had installed by a plumber) and while he was here, I had him look at the sink and he said he figured out why it was clogging up so much and was able to clear it out and doesn't expect it to get clogged again. M was able to adjust the mirror door to make it smooth and easy. I even was able to fix the drawers so they close properly now and wipe down the shelves and the floor. It's warm and cozy and spa-like! 

We also had the electrician scheduled to show up today, and he was able to fix all of our outlets plus the front porch light, so that's fantastic. I love seeing the result of my effort! I rode my bike around the neighborhood today. I'm really enjoying the freedom of having a bicycle and a car and a bus pass and my great walking/running legs. So many options to choose from. 

Tomorrow I'm going to be setting up our new Rumba to work in each room and see what the doggies do to it! LOL! I've also got plans to water the garden and decide which flowering vine I want growing on the side of the house. M has very successfully tamed the rest of the yard and the driveway and we have a very nice driveway with some greenery and some asphalt and an easy grade and it's like the perfect marriage of technology and earth. Just like my brand new Prius! 

TUESDAYToday I went to my favorite car dealership - Michael's - and test drove the Prius hatchback - the 6th gen one. I loved it! It is so much fun. The moonroof and the cool little features, combined with the ease of driving. I felt incredibly in control in the car, and I loved how easy everything was to get to. Most of it was on the steering wheel. So I decided I'd go ahead and get it. It was really easy and I drove off the lot with the cutest blue Prius. It was so quiet and easy to drive, I can't believe I didn't do this sooner. Yeah!

today was just the most beautiful day for me.... it was all about me ! and that is my favorite kind of day!!!! I woke up with favorite co creator - and I could tell

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by the way we were so connected that it was going to be the most fantastic day ever!!! I could hear my IB singing to me and the song was "the gift" by Jim Brickman and I

could feel my heart swoon at being so loved and appreciated...   my dog kissed my face and wagged his tail as we basked in the vortex .... I got up and went out on the deck with a cup of coffee and breathed in the day in the true expectation that the universe would deliver such a fantastic day and each moment would just

radiate the love the universe is sending me   sipping my coffee I could feel the abundance that the universe was showing me and knew that it was all for me.... so I savored each glorious heart beat .... smiled at the day and stepped into the adventure and beautiful experience of me in basking!!! laughter!! love!!! and fun!!!I had a little breakfast, eggs and toast with jam .... splendid.... I heard the birds calling to me that they adored me and were singing just for me !!!! Everything is going my way as I move freely in trust and expectation.... everything is going just perfectly for me!!! ::downstreamI am at work now - I am really paid to play with horses all day and to just line up with their well being and joy... we love it and they are so loving towards me... I can feel the love when I walk in the barn, they all come to see me at the front of the stalls ... I can feel the connection with them and feel the energy lining up with me.... flowing back

and forth in this fantastic appreciation of who we are for one another....unconditional love radiating back and forth!!! they are so there for me and can feel my love in wanting to bring them back to their joy and alignment......::wow I can feel the energy all around me, the air is humming with love....right in this moment I can feel the love of all the contrast that brought me here to this moment.... I have my mp3 player so I begin to sing softly to the horses and can feel them connecting with me and so I sing louder ::singerand listen as they whinny and make faces and blow air out there noses... they are boogie ing with me::devil I can feel my heart swell with love for this moment that has been my dream and how it is finally coming true ... I can feel the love of my IB loving my life as I connect with one horse in particular and begin to sing into their nostril ::music wooo-ooo--oooo mmmm winter snow is fallen down , children laughin all around, lights are turnin on a fairy tale come true.... I can feel myself smiling at how many of the things that I have wanted to experience have come into my life ... I can feel my heart swell and that familiar feeling of appreciation washing over me as I have come to realize that this is my everyday experience at "work" .... I begin to laugh and feel the deliciousness of it all even though I have no idea how it came about I know that I am living the feelings that I have wanted to feel... now that I am in the vortex I can think of areas that I want to flow to and imagine the love just pouring forth to them....: :hearts I meet a few of the owners of my lovely co creators and we discuss how to go about the therapy for them to realign with their health and the owners are radiant form the allowing the horses and I have done together... as if the owners just followed the horses into the vortex, YES! that is exactly it!!! the horses and I just moseyed into the vortex effortlessly and then along came the owners by their connection to their horses..... I love my joy filled

life and the flow of every connection....THIS ROCKS!!!!  and here comes the

thanks and appreciation !!!:


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 I am living in the sweetness of the vortex and things just go easily my way - love flows to me/through me endlessly - I am in the fun of living and aligning and letting it flow - I know that I am the gatekeeper of my alignment....I am looking outside just in time to see the beautiful sunset and I am surrounded by beautiful connected people who just light up around me. I can feel the unconditional love that I have for them and them for me and I can feel that they don't know exactly how things came together either but what fun it is to be in this experience!!! I can feel the people I talk to and work with aligning around me and that the horses keep me in the vortex, and I can shower that towards others too!! While watching the sunset I head to my beautiful car that I love and feel so great in, luxury to me and sweet combination's of singing and basking in such beauty that is my life, that is me. I love the gift of it to me

for the love I have flowed! I love the view from my house .... the mountains all around and the prairies that sweep around and give marvelous views.... I love this house and the layout of it ... I love the way I feel coming home to me and the love this place exudes from all of my vortexy moments that I have created here!!! I love the wonderful relationship that I have and the way we laugh and tease one another "I love you .... I love me more!!" LOL!!! I love that my love is a great co creator and lover of Abe and realizes their happiness depends on them to connect with themselves and take care of their connection... "I love you so much I don't care what you think" I love that a romantic evening comes easily and that we are affectionate with one another and free with compliments and basking... I love how we milk the moments and build on the beauty that life

is...  I love that we just talk about how great things will be without feeling like

we have to give thought to the how....  I love that my love realizes that the more we appreciate one another the better we get and the better we get and the more we

are in the vortex and the more we are in the vortex.  I love the moments that we stare into one another's eyes just feeling our connection to source.... I love when we are around others that we catch one anothers eye and smile in the knowing of it all and laugh that we are here on the leading edge and a part of Abe.... ::singer I love that life is just so great and I am surrounded by others who know this too!!I love that we fit together so beautifully when we sleep and that we are in the vortex all night and wake up smiling at another brilliant day that the universe has laid out before us perfectly bringing about every desire that we could imagine!! I love that I am a great allower!!!

J is here this week, visiting. M had to work today but I didn't so we decided to wander around the city and meet other awesome people and see how it goes. 

I have been so marveling and basking in my garden lately. I remember a time when it was just a pipe dream on 6 different layered transparencies and seeing it come to life and in full bloom makes me so proud and happy. I could just sit there for hours picking fresh blueberries or smiling hello to passers by sitting on my wisteria arbor or playing in the dirt concocting another fun addition. 

So naturally the first thing we did was have brunch outside underneath the freshly filled out cherry tree! The sun was out and there was just the slightest breeze, just a perfect Seattle summer day, the kind we aren't famous for - but should be. 

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I had some homemade granola on hand and fresh eggs from our neighbors' chickens. I whipped up some cranberry white chocolate muffins, a breakfast frittata with goat cheese, spinach, shallots and baby tomatoes from my tomato tree out back and M expertly gutted and sweetened a watermelon for my favorite Mexican drink - agua de sandia. And of course we had fresh blueberries on the granola and by the hand. Everything was so tasty. 

And while I was cooking, J took it upon himself to set the table. He found cloth napkins. He even found a glass pitcher for the agua de sandia, and when M wanted another latte, he was excited to play with the coffee maker which worked out fabulously to give a few minutes alone time to me and M before M left for work. 

Today was a beautiful day. I woke up, as normal, needing no alarm clock --only the feel of my children climbing into bed with me. I smiled and pulled both of them close, reveling in the time I get each morning to softly and gently wake up at my leisure. 

When I decided it was time I got out of bed and turned on Sesame Street for them, and got them set up with chocolate milk--their favorite, in their special cups with cute little silly straws that swirl and twist that they adore. I took a wonderfully relaxing hot shower, knowing that they were happily immersed in Elmo and I had total freedom to pamper myself. 

After dressing, I went to the kitchen and made breakfast from favorite way to cook. I made waffles with homemade syrup, turkey bacon, and cheese omelets for all of us, which we all eagerly devoured. After that it was another round of chocolate milk for all, and it was time for me to work. 

Today was such a productive and enjoyable day for me. I got my house cleaned, got a little further on my deep 'spring' cleaning which I'm loving because I'm totally taking it at whatever pace it thrills me to do it. I also had deadlines to meet at work today, but my work was engaging and enjoyable and I finished well ahead of the time my imput was needed. 

We had absolutely perfect spring weather here today as it has been all this week. Sunny, with a high in the high 60's/low 70's. I adore it when the sun is warm on my skin, and the breeze is still cool. I absolutely love this time of year. 

My favorite time of today was sitting in my comfortable recliner, surveying the beauty of my home. My orchids are in full bloom on my banister-- I have 5 of them currently, and will get a sixth soon. I also have two bromeliads in brilliant orange and red as well as a bamboo plant that was a mother's day present from last year that I adore. Two deep, brilliant red Gerbera daisies adorn my chairside table, and three adorn the one in the dining room. We've also added two frogs, a gecko, and a betta (fish) to our family recently and I LOVE watching them. They're such beautiful and interesting little creatures. I think that Source had mega fun when it created the animal kingdom. There's such variety there, such uniqueness, and such beauty. I love that my home lives and breathes. I love that it is lush and filled with life. I love that it is filled with the laughter of myself and my children. 

To end the day, I brewed a cup of my favorite chamomile and peppermint tea and sat out on my balcony. The stars are fully out tonight, and as always it makes anticipate camping. ::devil The air is crisp and cool, but not so cold as to be uncomfortable. Perfection. I watch my neighbors come and go and since it's a clear night I can see almost all the way to Des Moines from the height of my balcony. The lights of the city are beautiful. As are the lights of the nearby casino, and I smile as I think about how many happy people are headed home or out on the town after winning tonight. I can't wait for the horse races to begin at the end of this month. Dinner at the track with good company is always a good time. ::thumb

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I wander in, with my now empty cup and lay down to play my nightly alphabet Abe process, my favorite way to drift off to sleep in the Vortex. 

And I look forward with eager anticipation to another glorious day. 

I love this exercise. I did this regularly for a couple months and have now resumed doing it every morning on awaking. It's a great way to start the day. There's no end to theaspects of my ideal life I can expound upon.

This morning I wrote aboutmy own hot tub on my own deck on my own house. I realized this is a really simple way for me to visualize my coming wealth, because a hot tub is such a simple item, and I used to have one, which makes it feel more possible. When Ienvision having one again, Isee it as coming with the package of the deck and the house.The hot tub has a great view, which means the house is in a great location and probably cost a lot of money, which I must have had in order to buy the house which has the hot tub I'm sitting in!

This morning, writing out this vision stirred up an acknowledgement thatI'm a natural at being rich. I'm anatural at coming up with ways to spend my money. I love buying art. I love employing people. I love cool furniture and rugs. I love arranging vacations with friends. I love endowing grants for people and things I want to see expand.

I love the feeling of being a natural at being rich. It's really quite easy for me! I really enjoy the wealth of creative possibilities available to me as a rich person. 

Today I met with my new administrative team (personal assistant, CPA, financial advisor, HR person and our interns). I am so pleased with how it has all worked out. To have 100% hard-core Abers on my team, exhilarated by life and excited about this work, and to have all of us speaking the same language and GETTING it all right off the bat... Wow, this is certainly a dream come true. 

We had our first meeting with all of us in attendance so we could get on the same page. I hosted it at the Queen Anne home on the 4th floor patio, so it was very welcoming and very friendly and cozy and freeing at the same time.

We reviewed our mission for the organization and what my vision is and how I see the team can help with that. "We are a group of people’s whose soul purpose in life is to be in joy and to spew well-being, in all it’s forms, out to the furthest reaches of the universe. We love to be a financial bridge to those who are vibrationally ready for the fulfillment of their dreams. We love to play and expand and surprise and enhance the experience of others with our prosperity. But most importantly, we love the feeling of being aligned with our own soul purpose, with our own Inner Beings. Everything we do, we do it for the alignment we feel with it."

Everyone was all on the same page and we just came up with leaps and bounds and new ideas left and right that were inspiring all of us. I felt like King Arthur bringing together the best of the best for a big brainstorm session at the Round Table! 

It was the most exhilarating way I could have spent my day, I am sure of it. 

We've been travelling Australia for 18 months now and I'm still loving every blissful moment of it. I especially love waking up and for a spilt second I can't remember where exactly in Australia we are. I suddenly remember that we are camped right on the most beautiful beach front I have ever seen. I follow my impulse to slip quietly out of bed, while my family are still sleeping, for a early morning jog along the beach.

The morning is glorious. The sun is just beginning to rise and the ocean is completely flat. I have the whole beach to myself and I'm enjoying the serenity. It feels wonderful to move my body as I jog effortlessly along the waters edge. I've deliberatley choosen

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to go barefoot and it's fun to splash through the waves. Infact, I'm feeling so frisky I make a game out of leaping over the coconut palms that look like they are growing sideways over the water.

Feeeling happy, I return to our monster bus to find my DH cooking bacon and eggs on the slideout bbq. YUMMEEEEEE, I'm starving. It's amazing how I've come into alignment with food. To the point where I can eat whatever I want and still maintain my great looking and feeling body. I SO love food. Eating is one of my greatest joys.

I also love exploring new places with my family. Our number one intention for the day is outrageous joy. Our first stop will be the tourist information office to see how many fun activities we can fit into one day. Of course the staff are friendly and helpful. We decide on a quad bike beach adventure tour in the morning, followed by fish and chips on the water front for lunch. In the afternoon, we catch a movie we've been looking forward to seeing, and then we're back in time for "happy hour" at 4 pm with our new good feeling friends to give them a tour of our brand new monster bus.

After a delicous bbq of crayfish, prawns, mortan bay bug tails and salad, just when I though the day couldn't get any better, I check my lotto ticket online to find that I have won the lotto jackpot again. I love just allowing money to flow to me, because the Universe revolves around me. 

While we are celebrating yet another win, with a $500 bottle of krug, SF calls me to see if I would like to be a quest speaker at her weekend seminar, and would 1 million dollars for a quest appearance be acceptable. It's not what I would normally be paid but I say yes anyway, not because I need the money, but because I love being an uplifter and mentor to others, and it makes my heart sing.

Later in bed my DH massages my feet and then makes long slow passionate love to me. I drift off to sleep feeling fulfilled, and satisfied, and I can hardly wait for the morning to come so I can experience another day with the intention of outrageous joy.

Yummm I love my life. My hair is so soft and free. I love going out and playing games and sun bathing in this beautiful body. I've never felt more friends with it than I have now. My body and I are best buddies. I pretty much ignore it and do what I want with the knowledge that well-being abounds. I love going out on the warm, spring afternoons to peruse the bookstores with my hunny. He's so cute and funny and sweet. I love looking back on those days when I didn't think I could score someone this hot, but I never realized that I was THAT HOT, too. It's so great being with him, even now as I'm posting to the forum. He loves it here, too and always cracks up reading my old posts. We can't believe the leaps and bounds I've made in my vibration. 

I love my MONEY! I have so much of it, and it just allows such bounding freedom. I can go shopping and buy all the nice things I want. The clothes and shoes I wear make me look even more amazing. The electronics I can afford are so high-quality and advanced. I love buying small gifts and presents for the people I love. Charity boxes are always full around me, I can donate however much I like. All of this came when I practiced the knowing that my abundance is never-ending. Money isn't a finite source, it's a creative friend that loves finding surprising ways to find ME!

I am an amazing friend and I have the most wonderful girlfriends. We have so much fun and we have such a strong, authentic connection. I can see what Abe means when they say 'when you meet your soul cluster is when it gets really good'. It's like... well, there is some connection between us and, more importantly, we are really just on the same paths. It's like we all want to be strong and powerful and independent and feminine, and so we often can relate to each other so strongly. It's not even like someone else finishing your sentence, but rather someone finishing the thought with completely different words than you would use and a completely different perspective

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but towards the same value or goal or end. 

I really enjoy the bantering and the joyful chatter, the encouragement, the cheerleading, the power that goes on between these women. I used to wonder what Bear meant when he said that the women were seen as very powerful and when I'm with any of these women, or all of them, I think I get what he means. It's not even the feeling of 'I am woman, hear me roar', but more along the lines of "I am sexy, strong and unapologetic." It's raw and yet controlled power. it's nurturing power. If we weren't so wise, then I would say the men would be right to be intimidated. But the wisdom helps us know when and where to use the power. 

I so enjoy talking with my girls. We don't chat. We don't idle. We get right to the good stuff. We are comfortable with silence, and we enjoy hearing each others stories. We inspire each other.

The other day I was walking with my girls. it was a beautiful day and we had been pampering ourselves a bit. It was gorgeous because there was none - absolutely no worry involved. We were just having a carefree day, talking about the things that were most important to us. I mean the things that were really important - relationships. Relationships with ourselves, with friends, with SOs. It was neat because I remember thinking about that time a while back when I wanted to get more connection in my life and more strong women. and suddenly I'm out there and I realize that's exactly what I got!"