script musical sketch

Minimum: 8 minutes Maximum : 15 minutes Setting: oversea Description of story: A person goes to oversea. He is trying to mix into oversea’s culture by learning their accent. 6 settings: 1) Budaya da bao 2) Term of “bodoh” 3) Roti canai 4) The power of hand 5) Free gifts 6) Not punctual Character introduction: …. 1 st scene Our main character, Gotom was very excited because he can’t wait to attend his beautiful cousin’s wedding. Setting: at the front of Heathrow airport with people inside(ding ding ding ding – airport sound) A few stewardess and pilot jalan2 around bringing bag. Gotom enters the stage. Gotom: this time la. I arrived in London. Eh, lets take picture (selca with instagram~~) Then, he saw a taxi. He tries to stop the taxi.

Upload: stephanie-dickerson

Post on 13-May-2017




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Page 1: Script Musical Sketch

Minimum: 8 minutes

Maximum : 15 minutes

Setting: oversea

Description of story:

A person goes to oversea. He is trying to mix into oversea’s culture by learning their accent.

6 settings:

1) Budaya da bao2) Term of “bodoh”3) Roti canai4) The power of hand5) Free gifts6) Not punctual

Character introduction: ….

1st scene

Our main character, Gotom was very excited because he can’t wait to attend his beautiful cousin’s wedding.

Setting: at the front of Heathrow airport with people inside(ding ding ding ding – airport sound)

A few stewardess and pilot jalan2 around bringing bag.

Gotom enters the stage.

Gotom: this time la. I arrived in London. Eh, lets take picture (selca with instagram~~)

Then, he saw a taxi. He tries to stop the taxi.

Suggestion : pewit pewit~~

Page 2: Script Musical Sketch


Script type 2: SCENE BY SCENE

Scene 1: at a park

Someone jog and sing. (a song, not yet) he saw a signboard. “Do not sit”. He sits. Suddenly, he screams. (his clothes stained by the paint on the chair) “Why no one tells me that I cannot sit on this bench?” only then he saw the signboard. Then, he walks away, feeling embarrassed.

Scene 2 : library

He sits down and read a book. His mobile phone rings. He answered and talks loudly.

A: Hello. What?

A: Where are you now?

A: In the library la.

A: Waa… you guys go to 1B ahh?! (a few people do the “shh” sign)

He talks louder and louder and then 1 person throw a book towards him.

A: Adui! Sorry, sorry. (leave the place, silently)

Scene 3: Linggam fish head curry restaurant

He walks into the restaurant. He sits down and raise his hand. A waiter hi-5 his hand.

A: no,no,no…. I want to order. Come back…come back… (a song?)

Then, he walks out from the restaurant and use the power of hand to stop the cars. The car stops and he walks.

Page 3: Script Musical Sketch

Scene 4: gf & bf (punctuality)

The girlfriend is waiting at a cafe. The boyfriend is still on the bed. Gf calls the bf. (Ringtone sound – this girl is on fire)

Gf: hello darling. Im at the café right now. Where are you?

Bf: On the way, on the way… give me 5 minutes ar… (then go back to sleep)

After 10 minutes…

Gf: (calls her bf) hello darling. Where are you?

Bf: traffic jam la~~ (changing clothes)

After 20 minutes….

Gf: (calls her bf) weii… we break up la… im old already waiting here…

Bf: (combing his hair) really? ok… (smile and then go back to sleep)

Scene 5: da bao phenomena

At the wedding dinner…

On the table…

A: wah…we have a lot of leftover food… you guys don’t want anymore? I tapau la ah…

B & c: ok..ok

A: (take out a few containers from her bag and pack the things) Wah, so many bones… You guys don’t want right? I da bao , give to my pets at home ya…. (put the bones into plastic bags)

B: ya ya… you can take everything… do you want the chair too? The table?

The moral of the story is that we can be ourselves but we must know that there are certain things that can be maintain but there are also certain things that we can improve on.

Page 4: Script Musical Sketch