scps is… we are a high-performing district we are focused on student achievement we are...


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Post on 25-Dec-2015




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SCPS is… We are a high-performing district

We are focused on student achievement

We are committed to achieving excellence and equity through continuous improvement

We are ready to take the next step for our students!

The Old Evaluation System: Observations primarily for evaluation

Limited feedback on teaching strategies

No link between evaluation and student performance/achievement/growth

No link between evaluation and PD

Why?Our students are changingOur understanding of learning has changedOur workplaces are changing

This change presents an

OPPORTUNITY to help our students grow


Race to the Top prioritiesGreat Teachers & LeadersHuman capital decisions

Senate Bill 736 (“Student Success Act”)All employees get an annual evaluation with

a final ratingSupervisor appraisal + student learning


Underlying Philosophy:Teachers are the single most important

variable in a student’s academic growth.

Teachers who effectively implement research-based practices will see student learning growth.

Our Goal

Rigorous, transparent and fair evaluation systems that differentiate teacher effectiveness with data

on student growth and include timely and constructive feedback

The SCPS Commitment to Teachers

We will implement a process that is:Accurate, Transparent, Fair, Reliable

Constructive, Meaningful

Aligned with instruction, curriculum, and assessment

Linked to professional growth

State Requirements Teachers & school-based administrators

Evaluations based on a core of effective practicesResearch-basedAligned with Florida Educator Accomplished

Practices (revised 12/10)

Evaluation for all instructional personnel every year that leads to a final rating

Marzano Causal Teaching ModelApplied researcher

Art & Science of TeachingStrategiesEffect sizes

Causal teaching model10 design questions60 strategiesTheory of student


Marzano’s Four Domains

1) Classroom Strategies/Behaviors

2) Planning and Preparing

3) Reflecting on Performance

4) Collegiality and Professionalism

Marzano Placemat


How does

Domain 1

link to

Domains 2-4?


Types of Assessments

Shape, form or improve

teacher practice

Quality Assurance

Formative Summative

• Observations can be formative or summative

• Observations are an opportunity to gather evidence of effectiveness

Sources of EvidenceDomain 1: Classroom Strategies &


• Formal observation(s)• Informal, announced observation• Informal, unannounced observation• Walkthroughs• Videos of classroom practice• Artifacts

Domain 2: Planning and Preparing

• Planning conference or preconference• Artifacts

Domain 3: Reflecting on Teaching

• Self-assessment• Reflection conference• Professional Growth Plan• Conferences• Discussions• Artifacts

Domain 4: Collegiality & Professionalism

• Conferences• Discussions• Artifacts

How will I be evaluated? New to district = 2 evaluations per year

Everyone else = 1 evaluation per year

Evaluation = Supervisor appraisalStudent learning growth data

Annual Teacher Evaluation

Instructional Practice—50%

4 3 2 1

Ratings UsedFor EachDomain Element

Highly Effective



Evaluation by administrator on approved instrument

Rating for each applicable indicator:

Important Clarifications: There is no requirement that a teacher use

or be evaluated on all 60 elements.

Elements can be rated not applicable with NO PENALTY to the teacher.

Effective implementation of some elements is preferred over mediocre or inappropriate implementation of all elements.

Student Learning (50%)

Based on student learning growth

FDOE must develop learning growth formulas

--Student Growth Implementation Committee--Value-added model--FCAT formula for 2011-12; others to be added


More information coming soon!

Final Annual Rating Highly effective


Needs Improvement/Developing*Category I: first 3 years—developingCategory II: 4+ years—needs improvement


How will results be used?

Generate conversation about the district’s

strategic plans and goals

Lead to action plan items in School

Improvement Plans

Inform decisions about curriculum, instruction,

assessment, and PD for 2012-13

Align with teachers’ IPDPs in 2012-13

What about merit pay?

Merit pay is another application of evaluation.

The evaluation system can improve student learning with or without merit pay.

Under SB 736, merit pay does not begin until 2014-15.

Our short-term focus is implementing an effective evaluation system. Merit pay is a long-term issue.

So what happens next?Pending School Board

approval… Administrator training

Marzano Domain 1 (3 days)Marzano Domains 2-4 (1 day)Online tool & PD system (3 days)

Practice walkthroughs and observationsAccuracyInter-rater reliability

Teacher-administrator conversationsIPDPsWalkthrough/observation follow-ups


SCPS and SEA have partnered throughout this process.

SEA has participated in all committee meetings and DOE work sessions.

Evaluation processes are subject to collective bargaining.

Supports for Teachers

Teacher Evaluation Committee

Trained teacher-leaders

Professional development

District staff

Recipe for Success

Everyone: Learning a new common language of instruction

Teachers: Studying and implementing research-based strategies

Administrators: Collaborating to build accuracy and achieve inter-rater reliability


This process will be a transition for both

teachers and administrators.

We want to have a successful transition.

Therefore, we will have frequent, open

conversations about the language of

instruction and the Marzano strategies.

