scottish rite news march, 2006 for the valley of dallas 06 newspap… · scottish rite news for the...

Scottish Rite News For the Valley of Dallas [email protected] March, 2006 The Spring Reunion is scheduled for March 11, 18 & 25, 2006 We each need to bring in one new member during 2006 Petition on inside Ceremony of Remembrance and Renewal March 23, 2006 6:30 PM, Dallas Scottish Rite Cathedral The Ceremony of Remembrance and Renewal of “Extinguishing the Symbolic Lights” is a traditional Ceremony for all Scottish Rite Chapters of Rose Croix. From time immemorial, it has been the custom to commemorate important events by significant observance. The purpose of the Ceremony of Remembrance and Renewal is to permit both Christians and Jews, and the adherents to any creed who hold in their hearts an abiding faith and belief in the existence of a Supreme Architect, to assemble and pay reverent tribute to those who by their acts have sought to make this world a cleaner and better place in which to live. The Ceremony of Remembrance and Renewal marks the anniversary of two important historical events, each which still retains its influence upon the doctrine of the religious faith with which it is associated. For the Hebrew, it marks the first “Feast of the Passover;” to the Christian, it commemorates the “Last Supper” when Jesus sat down to break bread with His Disciples. It signifies the “Extinguishing of the Seven Symbolic Lights,” and commemorates the freedom from bondage of the people enslaved by the evils of persecution, hatred, intolerance, tyranny and despotism. Also, it is a time for reflection, self-examination, deep mediation and a search for spiritual strength. The Ceremony of “Relighting the Lights” symbolizes the restoration of the Light of God’s Love, the hope of Immortality and the Triumph of Truth and Justice over the evils of malice, intolerance and ignorance. Without the benefits of restored Light and the true significance of Easter, mankind would grope in despair. Milburn Ray Gravley, 33 o Wise Master, Dallas Chapter of Rose Croix T ickets are $15.00 each or $25.00 per couple Please make reservations: Call 214-748-9196 When thinking about membership, ask yourself the following questions. Who is your: Neighbor across the street ___________________ Supervisor _________________________________ Physician __________________________________ Dentist ____________________________________ Banker ____________________________________ Attorney ___________________________________ CPA ______________________________________ Best Friend ________________________________ Most admired person ________________________ The person you would like most to see in this fraternity___________________________________ The opportunities are endless. Talk the Talk! mar06sr.qxp 2/23/2006 8:44 AM Page 1

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Page 1: Scottish Rite News March, 2006 For the Valley of Dallas 06 Newspap… · Scottish Rite News For the Valley of Dallas ... will be worked up and the final plans will be ... gis was,

Scottish Rite NewsFor the Valley of Dallas [email protected]

March, 2006

The Spring Reunion isscheduled for March

11, 18 & 25, 2006We each need to bring

in one new memberduring 2006

Petition on inside

Ceremony of Remembrance and RenewalMarch 23, 2006

6:30 PM, Dallas Scottish Rite CathedralThe Ceremony of Remembrance and Renewal of “Extinguishing the Symbolic Lights” is a traditional Ceremony for all Scottish Rite

Chapters of Rose Croix.From time immemorial, it has been the custom to commemorate important events by significant observance. The purpose of the

Ceremony of Remembrance and Renewal is to permit both Christians and Jews, and the adherents to any creed who hold in their hearts an abidingfaith and belief in the existence of a Supreme Architect, to assemble and pay reverent tribute to those who by their acts have sought to make thisworld a cleaner and better place in which to live.

The Ceremony of Remembrance and Renewal marks the anniversary of two important historical events, each which still retains itsinfluence upon the doctrine of the religious faith with which it is associated. For the Hebrew, it marks the first “Feast of the Passover;” to theChristian, it commemorates the “Last Supper” when Jesus sat down to break bread with His Disciples.

It signifies the “Extinguishing of the Seven Symbolic Lights,” and commemorates the freedom from bondage of the people enslaved bythe evils of persecution, hatred, intolerance, tyranny and despotism. Also, it is a time for reflection, self-examination, deep mediation and a searchfor spiritual strength.

The Ceremony of “Relighting the Lights” symbolizes the restoration of the Light of God’s Love, the hope of Immortality and the Triumphof Truth and Justice over the evils of malice, intolerance and ignorance. Without the benefits of restored Light and the true significance of Easter,mankind would grope in despair.

Milburn Ray Gravley, 33o

Wise Master, Dallas Chapter of Rose CroixTickets are $15.00 each or $25.00 per couplePlease make reservations: Call 214-748-9196

When thinking about membership, ask yourselfthe following questions.

Who is your:Neighbor across the street ___________________Supervisor _________________________________Physician __________________________________Dentist ____________________________________Banker ____________________________________Attorney ___________________________________CPA ______________________________________Best Friend ________________________________Most admired person ________________________The person you would like most to see in thisfraternity___________________________________

The opportunities are endless. Talk the Talk!

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With the desire to keep the entiremembership of Dallas Consistory No. 2 of theAncient and Accepted Scottish Rite ofFreemasonry informed as to the progress of theRite in this Valley, and elsewhere so far aspractable, it has been decided by the bodies hereto issue a periodical having this object in view.The realization of the fact that a large number ofthe members live at such a distance from Dallasas to make their regular attendance upon themeetings practically impossible gives addedemphasis to the need of such a publication.

As a result of this decision Volume 1, No. 1of the Scottish Rite Herald fraternally greetsyou. It is published under the auspices of theScottish Rite Bodies in Dallas.

It is not intended that The Herald shall be apretentious publication, but it is hoped andbelieved that as time passes and the Rite grows,its reception by the craft will be such as to justi-fy the enlargement of its scope and purpose.

The growth of Scottish Masonry duringrecent years has been phenomenal. Its progressat present indicates that this growth is increasingsteadily, and it is very gratifying to note thatTexas is in the front rank of those States record-ing large gains in their membership lists. TheScottish Rite Herald will keep the craft thor-oughly informed as to the news pertaining to thework in this Valley, and also in the State andNation so far as conditions will permit.

In this connection it is requested that themembers forward to the editor all items of newsand other information they feel may be of inter-est to the craft. If your hearty cooperation isgiven, The Herald feels that it will prove bothinteresting to the craft and helpful in advancingthe great work of Scottish Rite Masonry.


Occupied for the First Time -Description by Architect.

Considerable work has been done on themagnificent new Scottish Rite Cathedral sincethe last reunion. Among other things, the lodgeroom, in which the bodies of the Rite will holdtheir regular monthly meetings, and which wasoccupied for the first time a week or so ago, hasabout been completed. On this first night of itsoccupance the installation of the officers of theLodge of Perfection for the ensuing term tookplace. Brother L. Blaylock, 33o Hon., was theretiring master and Brother G. B. Dealey, 33o

Hon., was the incoming master. Brother Sam P.Cochran, 33o Hon., was installing officer.Brothers Blaylock and Dealey expressed theirpleasure at being the first to participate in theirrespective positions in the new lodge room.Expressions of others of those present in regardto the beauty of the room were heard. BrotherHerbert M. Greene, architect of the cathedral,furnished the following description of this beau-tiful room, which appeared in the Dallas News afew days ago.

“It is 39x35 feet. The ceiling is 18 feet high.

The style of the room is Corinthian. There is aplatform around the floor, arranged for seats.Stations for the officers are on either side of theroom. The woodwork is plain and curly birch,stained cherry. There is panel wainscoting ofthis wood around the entire room, four feet eightinches high.

“The station for the master of the lodge is ona platform raised three steps above the floorlevel. This station is flanked on either side byfluted Corinthian columns and pilasters, withcornice composed of architrave, frieze andentablature, extending to a height of ten feetabove the floor.

“The senior warden’s station is similar insize and treatment except that the entablatureabove the same is supported by Corinthianpilasters.

“The stations for the orator and almoner areon opposite sides of the room, with architraveand panel backs.

“The ceiling is pure Roman Corinthian, thecornice being in ornamental frieze and entabla-ture, all being three and one-half feet in height,with a projection of about one foot. The ceilingis highly ornamented with ornamental plasterribs, the inner one being elliptical in form. Ineach corner is one of the four emblems repre-senting the four different bodies composing theRite, decorated in correct colors.

“Near the four corners and in the center arelarge ornamental plaster drops, finished at thebottom with hemispheric glass globes twentyinches in diameter, which contain the lights forilluminating the room. The decorative schemeof the ceiling is in rich cream tints, with sidewalls of delicate green. All ornamental work isin tones of cream and green, blended from theone to the other and high-lighted in gold leaf.The hardware is in solid bronze, gold-plated,with the emblems of the order, all raised sur-faces being polished.

“The room is heated with steam, and is thor-oughly ventilated by means of a large exhaustfan, which is capable of changing the air everyfive minutes.

“There are ample anterooms provided forwraps, hats, etc.”


A Magnificent New House of the Templeto be built at the Capital City

In the February issue of “The New Age,” themagazine issued under the auspices of theSupreme Council, “the official organ ofFreemasonry,” is an interesting article by Bro.George F. Moore, 33o, editor of “The New Age,”in regard to the new temple to be erected by theRite in Washington. Because of the lively inter-est necessarily taken by the craft in this “Houseof the Temple.” the article by Bro. Moore isgiven in its entirety. He says:

“Grand Commander Richardson has been,and is, very busily engaged in matters pertainingto the great new ‘House of the Temple,’ whichwill be built in Washington City as the Home ofthe Supreme Council of the Thirty-third Degreeof the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite ofFreemasonry for the Southern Jurisdiction of theUnited States.

“A splendid lot was bought in the best sec-tion of the city. The architects are at work on theplans and in a few days they will be submitted tothe Grand Commander. After his examinationof them such modifications as he may suggestwill be worked up and the final plans will beprepared. It was hoped that the new buildingcould be erected and fitted for occupation byOctober, 1911, but more mature reflectionseems to show that more time will be requiredfor the ‘completion and dedication of theTemple.’

The Washington City bodies of the Rite havesecured the former home of the SupremeCouncil (433 Third street N.W.), but the execu-tive offices of the Council will remain in thebuilding until other quarters are ready for them.

“The library will also remain and will beopen as usual to the public under the presentrules.

“Of course, all the present library will gointo the new Temple. It is, and always will be,the greatest of all monuments in the life workand literary ability of Albert Pike.

“The library of fiction was the object of hisespecial pride and care. The writer knows frommany conversations with him that he took morepride in this collection of fiction than anything,except the ‘Folklore,’ in the library. The fictiondepartment is unique, for it contains a largenumber of the works of the writers of Americanfiction that are curious and out of print, moreperhaps than any similar collection.

“The library of the Council is a greater mon-ument to Albert Pike than the statue byTrentanova, which that Body presented to thepeople of the United States.”

The Scottish Rite HeraldVolume 1, Number 1 March, 1910

The articles below are from the first issue of the Valley of Dallas’ newsletter

No man achieves anything worthyuntil he learns the power of conviction.The world stands aside for the man whohas a program, a mission, a calling to ful-fill which he feels a throbbing compul-sion within him to discharge - Selected

JUST ONE FRIENDIf we find but one to whom we can

speak out of our heart freely, with whomwe can walk in love and simplicity with-out dissimulation, we have no ground ofquarrel with the world.

- Robert Louis Stevenson.

Scottish Rite News for the Valley of Dallas - [email protected] Page 2

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Robert Burns DinnerThe Robert Burns Dinner which was held on January 20, 2006 was a huge success. The dinner was magnificent, the piper superb and the hag-

gis was, how should I say it?, haggis. Brother Charles McKay, 33o IGH did a fine job putting this event together. His presentation of some of theworks of Robert Burns was without equal. Mike Crenshaw was our master piper for the evening and Vickie Cana presented a youth group of HighlandDancers to entertain us after dinner. Toasts were made to the President, the Grand Master, the lassies and the laddies. Our Chairman, Doug Adkins,33o IGH made the toast to the Lassies and his lady, Carole made a great, although tongue in cheek, toast to the Laddies. If you missed this event,you missed a great evening. Our sincere thanks go out to Brother McKay and his lady for all the hard work they did to make this event a success..

Piper Mike Crenshaw pipes in the head table The Grand Entrance Bro. Charles McKay, 33o Greets everyone

The Haggis is ceremoniously brought in What is Haggis? Mike Crenshaw entertained us after dinner

Vickie Cana’s Highland Dancers The Sword Dance Lady Carole Adkins regaled us with her“Toast to the Laddies”

Petition for InitiationNon-Refundable Down Payment of $35.00 Must Accompany Your Petition

Return to: Dallas Scottish Rite Bodies, 500 S. Harwood St., Dallas, TX 75201-6210To the Officers and Members of Dallas Lodge of Perfection, Dallas Chapter of Rose Croix,Dallas Council of Kadosh and Dallas Consistory of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite ofFreemasonry, located at Dallas, Texas: I, the undersigned, respectfully petition to receive theScottish Rite Degrees 4o - 32o, and hereby certify to the following:

If so required, have you passed a Blue Lodge proficiency examination in the Master Mason’sDegree? Yes No

Do you promise to bear true Faith and Allefiance to the Supreme Council, 33o S.J.U.S.A.? YesNo

Do you approve of “The Inculcation of Patriotism and Respect for Law and Order?” “The entireseparation of Church and State?” “Opposition to every attempt to appropriate public monies -Federal, State or Local - directly or indirectly, for the support of sectarian or private institutions?Yes No

Have you ever held or expressed opinions contrary to the foregoing or been affiliated with anyorganization which has? Yes NoIf you answer “Yes” to this question, give details on a separate sheet.

I am a Master Mason in Good Standing in______________________Lodge, Number________,

located at___________________________under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of_______

Year raised_________ Signature________________________________ Date_____________

Full Name____________________________________________________________________First Middle Last

Mailing Address:___________________________________County:_____________________

City:_______________________________________State:_________ Zip:________-_______

Daytime Telephone Number (_____) _______-__________ Fax: (_____) _______-_________

E-mail Address:_________________________ Social Security Number:_____-____-________

Date of Birth: ____/____/______ Place: ____________ Spouse’s Name & DOB:___________

Occupation (Please be specific):___________________________________________________

Employer: _____________________________________

Recommended By: ___________________________________ SR ID Number_____________

Membership Committee: ________________________________________________________

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Scottish Rite News for the Valley of Dallas - [email protected] Page 4

CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGEIn an attempt to expedite food service by reducing the time to

collect payment for lunch, we have created a Dining Card. Itresembles a Membership Card in appearance, including a bar code;the cost is $50.00 and covers 17 remaining lunches for 2006. It canbe purchased in our office.

R.W. David Counts, 33°, Grand Junior Warden, was honored ata dinner at the Cathedral on Friday February 17th. Second only tothe response given by the honoree were the comments of R.W.Leonard Harvey, 33°, PGM.

On Friday February 24th, a Membership Dinner was held at theCathedral honoring our First Line Signers.

Mark your calendars for July 10th and Aug. 14th as the StatedMeetings times for those dates have been moved to the eveningfrom the traditional noon hour.

May I encourage each of you to register your e-mail address andtelephone numbers on Sentinel by accessing the same through ourwebsite: Our Honors Book has incurred adelay due to the failure of some of our members to update their cur-rent information.

On March 17th and 18TH, the Supreme Council will hold aworkshop in Houston and a few of us will be attending after whicha report will be made at the next Stated Meeting.

Finally, Committee Chairmen are urged to confirm to me theircommittee member recommendations.

I look forward to seeing you on Day 1 of our Spring Reunion,March 11th.

Fraternally yours,M. Douglas Adkins, Chairman, Valley of Dallas

The Secretary’s CornerBrethren: The Valley of Dallas is forever needing help in many

areas. Many of the degree teams are in need of new cast members, theextra parts committee needs help, stage crew, wardrobe, registration,chef’s committee, bus boys, etc. Please contact the cathedral with yourpreferences and we will do our best to get you on that committee.

Some of the areas that we need the most help are the chef’s com-mittee and the bus boys committee. These two committees work dur-ing every event we have down here and could use a bunch of extra help.The chef’s committee works with the preparation and serving of foodfor stated meetings, reunions and all other Scottish Rite food serviceevents. The bus boys serve coffee, tea and water during these eventsand afterward pick up the dishes and other serving pieces and get themto the kitchen so the staff can wash them and put them away. The BusBoys and Chefs are two areas that are essential to the Dallas ScottishRite in order to not have to hire additional paid help. This is an areathat is behind the scenes and does not get a great deal of recognition. Ifyou would like more information on this subject, please contact theCathedral office and we will put you in touch with the proper person.

There are many things going on here at the Cathedral that willenhance the operations. Every function is being documented to speedup the process of preparation. Punch lists are being added to the inter-nal calendar to pop up and let us know what needs to be done and whento make these functions happen with the fewest problems.

Our IT committee, headed up by Stephen Apple, Sr. has gotten usup to speed with a system that is fully redundant, which should elimi-nate any losses of information if one of the servers should go down.Our web site is still a work in progress, but thanks to Jacob Cameron,it is up and running with a great deal of information for our members. Take a few minutes and visit it, youwill be surprised at how well it works for you.

Magnificent Cathedral of Scottish Rite Masons in Dallas as it Appears TodayPicture from March, 1910 Scottish Rite Herald

This building, which is approaching completion, is the finest building devoted exclusively to Scottish Rite Masonry in the World

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1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9 10 11Spring Reunion

Day 1

12 13Stated Meeting

12:00 Noon

14 15 16 17 18Spring Reunion

Day 2

19 20 21 22 23Ceremony of

Remembrance andRenewal, 6:30 PM

24 25Spring Reunion

Day 31 Day Class

26 27 28





2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10Stated Meeting

12:00 Noon

11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20 21Scholarship

Banquet6:30 PM


23 24 25 26



3129 30

30Black CapCeremony



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Members of the Scottish Rite Valley of DallasAre deeply saddened to learn that the Supreme Architect

of the Universe has called the following Brethrento that Celestial Lodge above.....

He lived respected and died regrettedFarewell, my Brother, until we meet again.

Scottish Rite News for the Valley of Dallas - [email protected] Page 6

Visitation ReportNovember, 2005

Fraternal Visitation CommitteeBob Heard, 32o KCCH, Chairman

Mel Polen, 32o KCCH, Vice ChairmanLarry Arthur Blanchard, 33o IGH

Billie Leon Cox, 32o

Lawrence Leon Turner, 32o

John Ray Wallace, 33o IGHJewel Franklin Graves, 32o

James Anton Pipkin, Sr., 32o KCCHJudge Dee Brown Walker, 33o IGH

Kyle D. Garver, 32o

Ray Dean Barnes, 32o

Floyd Leslie Pope, 32o

Please keep these Brethren and all the others who are

ill in your prayers.

Recorded DeathsMarch 2006

Name / Degree Date of Birth Date of Death Blue Lodge

Charles E. Bell, 32º February 6, 1923 October 26, 2005 Lee #435Perry Allen Beville, 32° November 19, 1914 September 20, 2005 Trinity Valley #1048James Robert Bloomingdale, 32° May 29, 1908 January 6, 2006 Jewel P. Lightfoot #1283Otha Lee Boler, 32° December 25, 1916 December 25, 2005 Gus Garrison #1273Marvin Allen Camp, 32° January 30, 1933 January 11, 2006 East Trinity #157Albert LeClare Dickinson, 32° September 21, 1927 January 15, 2006 Hillcrest #1318Saul Sonny Essenfeld, 32º October 26, 1929 February 4, 2006 Pentagon #1080Dave Eugene Harrison, 32° July 2, 1954 June 10, 2005 Grand Saline #1269Byron Neil Hildebrand, 32° November 22, 1924 September 22, 2005 A. C. Garrett #1216Heorge W. Kemp, 32° August 3, 1910 January 20, 2006 Richardson #1214James Douglas Kester, 32° November 30, 1917 January 10, 2006 Century #190, Greeley, COFrank Jerry Laurent, 32º September 16, 1939 October 13, 2005 Gabe P. Allen, #1352Robert Franklin Lawson, 32° July 9, 1915 January 13, 2006 A. C. Garrett #1216Gerrett Bernard Lok, 32º November 11, 1930 February 5, 2006 Oak Grove #215Odell Melton, 32° January 21, 1927 February 13, 2003 Oak Cliff #705William Daniel Messer, 32° January 4, 1921 January 19, 2006 Gibraltar #1179Clifton Wayne Noble, 32º June 25, 1913 February 6, 2006 James A. Smith #395James Paul Ord, 32° December 19, 1928 January 19, 2006 Childress #695John Behrns Peddie, Jr., 2° March 16, 1924 January 22, 1924 Zerne 615Gail Arthur Plume, 32° June 19, 1920 June 10, 2005 Irving #1218James Riley Rashell, Jr., 32° January 20, 1937 January 16, 2006 Irving #1218Wilfred P. Ricamore, 32° December 13, 1918 January 11, 2006 J. G. Slater #1198Jimmy Don Rowe, 32° February 28, 1940 October 14, 2005 Artesia #406William Henry Seibel, 32° June 15, 1917 January 12, 2006 Roy Stanley #1367Richard Michael Spencer, 32° April 24, 1941 January 12, 2006 Sam R. Hamilton #1031Chester Lee Stark, Jr., 32º October 16, 1934 January 29, 2006 Harrison #122, Brandenburg, KYWilliam Elmer Stephen, 32° May 22, 1922 January 17, 2006 Julian Field #908William Eugene Stephens, 32º November 6, 1925 February 2, 2006 Childress #695James Thurman Vaughan, Jr., 32° September 15, 1927 January 12, 2006 Southside #1114

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972-222-7853EMAIL: [email protected]: NEAL KELLEY

214-553-8864EMAIL: [email protected]


3/11 Day 1 - Spring Reunion3/13 Stated Meeting, 12:00 NOON

3/18 Day 2 - Spring Reunion3/23 Ceremony of Remembrance & Renewal - 3:00 PM

3/25 Day 3 - Spring Reunion



3/11 Day 1 - Spring Reunion3/13 Stated Meeting, 12:00 NOON

3/18 Day 2 - Spring Reunion3/23 Ceremony of Remembrance & Renewal - 3:00 PM

3/25 Day 3 - Spring Reunion


972-427-8781 DATES

3/11 Day 1 - Spring Reunion3/13 Stated Meeting, 12:00 NOON

3/18 Day 2 - Spring Reunion3/23 Ceremony of Remembrance & Renewal - 3:00 PM

3/25 Day 3 - Spring Reunion


214-348-6328 DATES

Last Monday of Each Month - Library

5th DEGREE TEAMCraig Sutton

Dates:3/6 - Rehearsal - 6:00 PM3/9 - Rehearsal - 6:00 PM

8th DEGREE TEAMRichard Lisseauar

Dates:3/7 - Rehearsal - 6:00 PM15th DEGREE TEAM

Wendell HulseDates:

3/6 - Rehearsal - 5:30 PM

19th DEGREE TEAMBob McCrummen

Dates:3/15 - Rehearsal - 7:00 PM

20th DEGREE TEAMMalcolm Shaw

Dates:3/13 - Rehearsal - 6:30 PM

GRAYSON COUNTY MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEEBob Stephens, Chairman, 903-786-2760

Meeting, Wednesday March 15, 20067:00 PM

Pancho’s Mexican Buffet1909 Texoma Parkway

Sherman, TX

Committee Meetings, Club Meetings,

Degree Rehearsals,etc.

Page 7 - [email protected] Scottish Rite News for the Valley of Dallas


Please have your information into the office by the 10th of the currentmonth to guarantee it will be posted in the upcoming month. Pleasegive specific dates, times and locations for a more informative noticeto your club/committee members. Cards and letters are no longer beingsent out.

Attention Please!!!

Stated Meeting now starts at

12:00 P.M. instead of 12:15 P.M.

OFFICE TELEPHONE DIRECTORYM. Douglas Adkins, Ext. 112 Cindy Scholander, Ext. 102

Ed Kirkpatrick, Ext. 106 Glenda Dohm (Bldg. Rental). 214-748-9270

EMail: [email protected]

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Scottish Rite News for the Valley of Dallas - [email protected] Page 8


Please notify the Scottish Rite News of your change ofaddress, phone number or E-mail. Provide all theinformation listed below to insure the change will be madecorrectly.

CHANGE MY ADDRESS TO:(Please type or print)




______________________________________________(City / State / Zip

______________________________________________(Phone No. / E-mail Address)

______________________________________________Scottish Rite ID Number)


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Important Dates for 2005Valley of Dallas

MARCH, 2006

11 Spring Reunion, Day 1, 7:00 AM13 Executive Council Meeting - 9:30 AM13 Stated Meeting - 12:00 Noon - Lunch to follow16 Hella Shrine Stated Meeting - Dinner 6:15 PM18 Spring Reunion, Day 2, 7:00 AM23 Ceremony of Remembrance and Renewal - 6:30 PM25 Spring Reunion, Day 3, 7:00 AM

APRIL, 200610 Executive Council Meeting - 9:30 AM10 Stated Meeting - 12:00 Noon - Lunch to follow20 Hella Shrine Stated Meeting - Dinner 6:15 PM21 - 24 Grand Commandery - Houston21 Scholarship Banquet - 6:30 PM 30 Black Cap Ceremony - 1:00 PM - Lunch

A father watched his daughter playing in the garden.He smiled as he reflected on how sweet and innocent hislittle girl was. Suddenly, she just stopped and stared at theground. He went over to her and noticed she was looking attwo spiders mating.

“Daddy, what are those two spiders doing?” sheasked.

“they’re mating.” her father replied.“What do you call the spider on top, Daddy?” she

asked.“That’s a Daddy Longlegs,” her father answered.“So, the other one is Mommy Longlegs?” the little

girl asked.“No,” her father replied. “Both of them are Daddy

Longlegs.”The little girl thought for a moment, then she

stomped them flat and said “Well, it might be okay inCalifornia, Vermont and New York, but we’re not having anyof that stuff in Texas.

Laughter is good

for the soul!!

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