scottish mpa project data confidence assessment north-west orkney

1 Z:\Marine\071_MPAs\ScottishMPAProject\Scottish Guidance\Site assessment\North-West Orkney\North-west Orkney - data confidence assessment - v1.7.doc Scottish MPA project Data Confidence Assessment North-west Orkney MPA proposal Document version control Version Date Author Reason / Comments Version 0.1 12/07/2012 Pete Chaniotis Set-up document template for completion Version 0.2 13/07/2012 iLaria Marengo Draft maps Version 1 13/07/2012 Megan Linwood Revise draft document Version 1.1 16/07/2012 Megan Linwood Revise in light of comments from Pete Chaniotis Version 1.2 23/08/2012 Pete Chaniotis Revision and proof read following comments from Peter Wright Version 1.3 12/09/2012 Megan Linwood Review of document Version 1.4 13/09/2012 Alice Ramsay Review of comments Version 1.5 03/12/2012 I Marengo Creating Data Confidence Assessment from North West Orkney - proposal development audit v2_0.doc (03/12/2012 M Linwood ed.) Version 1.6 05/12/2012 Jon Davies Detailed review and comments Version 1.7 15/12/2012 Pete Chaniotis Action of detailed review and comments and prepare for release Distribution list Format Version Issue date Issued to Electronic

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Scottish MPA project

Data Confidence Assessment

North-west Orkney MPA proposal

Document version control

Version Date Author Reason / Comments

Version 0.1 12/07/2012 Pete Chaniotis Set-up document template for completion

Version 0.2 13/07/2012 iLaria Marengo Draft maps

Version 1 13/07/2012 Megan Linwood

Revise draft document

Version 1.1 16/07/2012 Megan Linwood

Revise in light of comments from Pete Chaniotis

Version 1.2 23/08/2012 Pete Chaniotis Revision and proof read following comments from Peter Wright

Version 1.3 12/09/2012 Megan Linwood

Review of document

Version 1.4 13/09/2012 Alice Ramsay Review of comments

Version 1.5 03/12/2012 I Marengo Creating Data Confidence Assessment from North West Orkney - proposal development audit – v2_0.doc (03/12/2012 M Linwood ed.)

Version 1.6 05/12/2012 Jon Davies Detailed review and comments

Version 1.7 15/12/2012 Pete Chaniotis Action of detailed review and comments and prepare for release

Distribution list

Format Version Issue date Issued to


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Figure 1 North-west Orkney MPA proposal

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MPA proposal name North-west Orkney Date of assesment 11th July 2012 Assessors ALR, NC, PC, ML, OCA

The North-West Orkney MPA proposal has been identified to recognise an important area for sandeels based on advice from Marine Scotland Science. The area contains suitable sandeel habitat and relatively high densities of sandeel larvae. The area is also being considered for geodiversity features representing the Fair Isle Straight Marine Process Bedforms key geodiversity area (Brooks et al., 2012). The proposal boundary has been drawn to focus on records of high density sandeel larvae (Proctor et al., 1998) and records of adult sandeels based on Marine Scotland Science data. In addition, the presence of suitable sediments for colonisation by sandeels was also considered (Wright et al., 2000). The minimum area required to sustain a viable area of sandeel larvae is not currently understood. Therefore, as understanding develops the proposal boundary may change in shape.

Protected features

Biodiversity Sandeels (SE) Geodiversity Overlaps with a proposed key geodiversity area –

Sediment wave fields, sand banks and sand wave fields from the Marine Geomorphology of the Scottish Shelf Seabed block (GeMS)

Feature exclusions (MPA search features recorded within the search location but excluded from the assessment with reasons)

Shelf banks and mounds and shelf deeps – There is no evidence to support the wider functional significance of the shelf banks and mounds or shelf deeps in the proposed area. Consequently, they were excluded from further assessment.

Offshore subtidal sands and gravels (shelf) – Relative to what is known about examples of this habitat in other MPA proposals, North-west Orkney is not considered to make an equivalent contribution to the conservation of offshore subtidal sands and gravels on the shelf in OSPAR Region II. As such, they have been excluded from further assessment.

Fan mussel aggregations – There is one fan mussel record in GeMS which constitutes one individual specimen recorded in 1956. Given the age of the record and the unlikely presence of an ‘aggregation’ of the species, the feature has been excluded from further assessment.

Data used in assessment -

Version of GeMS database Ver.2 (i10)

Other datasets used (specify) - 1Density distribution of newly emerged A. marinus larvae (n.m

-2 water

column) corrected for cumulative mortality (Proctor et al. (1998) (SE)

2Sediment suitability information (Wright et al. 2000) (SE)

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Summary of data confidence assessment (see detailed assessment on following pages)

Confident in underpinning data Yes Partial - No -

Confident in presence of identified features?

Data suitable to define extent of individual MPA search features


- -

Summary Based on the availability of a time series of data, we are confident in the presence and distribution of sandeel larvae across this proposed MPA

1.We are also confident in the presence of suitable sediment for sandeels

2, and the extensive export of larvae affecting recruitment

from Shetland to the Moray Firth (Wright & Bailey, 1996). Evidence for the feature is distributed evenly across the whole proposed area and the data have been collected using appropriate methodologies by Marine Scotland Science and others since the 1960’s and until the 1990’s (Proctor et al., 1998). However, it is not certain what the minimum area requirements are for sandeel larvae at this location and there are high density larval records outwith the current proposal boundary. Once our understanding developments a change to the proposal boundary may be required. The boundary of the proposed area may also need modification in the future with further habitat and fisheries mapping.

In addition to larval density information derived from the analysis presented in Protcor et al. (1998)1, additional information on the

distribution of sandeel larvae derived from Continuous Plankton Recorder data surveys of the North Sea from 1950-2005 will help to provide more recent information on sandeel larvae within the proposal once published (Lynam et al., in review).

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Figure 2 The known distribution of protected features within the North-west Orkney MPA proposal

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Data confidence assessment Our assessment of data confidence is based on considering the age and source of the data, sampling methodologies used and overall coverage across the MPA proposal

Age of data - (Map A)

Multiple records collected within last 6 years

Multiple records collected 6-12 years ago

Multiple records >12 years old

Comments Adult sandeel occurrence data within this proposal originates from annual Marine Scotland Science trawl recruit survey data collected between 1986 and 1991

GeMSv2i10. The age of the sandeel larvae data collated and analysed by Proctor et al. (1998)

1 ranges from 1961 to

1989 (Marine Laboratory Aberdeen (MLA) plankton survey data) to 1992 (Marine Scotland Science survey data), for the northern North Sea, and 1995 and 1997 (Danish Institute of Fisheries Research (DIFRES) data) in other parts of the North Sea. The sediment suitability information was derived from samples collected during surveys around Shetland in 1985, 1990 and 1993 and analysed in Wright et al. (2000)


Source of data – (Map B)

Targeted data collection for nature conservation purposes

- Statutory monitoring (marine licensing etc)

- Fisheries survey work

Data collection associated with development proposals (EIA etc.)

- Recreational / volunteer data collection - Other (specify) – plankton surveys

Comments The larval density distribution data collated and analysed by Proctor et al. (1998)1 consists of data from MLA, MSS, DIFRES as well as

further published studies. The data from the different sources were not directly comparable with one another (eg sampling gear differences) therefore the data were combined into a comparable index of early larval abundance within a grid system. The data sources for sandeel presence/absence include annual Marine Scotland Science trawl recruit surveys. Seabed sediment information was collected through a series of underwater video systems and grab sample techniques around the Shetland Isles. The data was collected at the same time as information on adult sandeel presence/absence. Both datasets were entered into a General Additive Model (GAM) to derive information on sediment suitability for colonisation of sandeels (Wright et al., 2000)


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Sampling methods / resolution -

Feature Modelled Acoustic / remote sensing

Remote video / camera Infaunal - grab / core Fisheries trawl Diving Sediment sampling


Comments Sandeels and sediments were collected using a variety of methods including the Smith-McIntyre Grab, the Day grab, trawl and dredge sampling. A variety of underwater video systems were also used during some of the research surveys.

Data coverage (Maps A - D)

Across the MPA proposals

Numerous MPA search feature records evenly distributed across the proposal?

Numerous MPA search feature records scattered across proposal with some clumping?

- Few or isolated MPA search feature records - possibly clumped?


For Individual features

Multiple records of individual MPA search features providing indication of extent and distribution throughout proposal?

Few or scattered records of specific MPA search features making extent and broad distribution assessment difficult?

- Few or isolated records of specific MPA search features


Are acoustic remote sensing data available to facilitate the development of a full coverage predictive seabed habitat map?

There is multibeam data available for approximately 25% of the proposal area. This has been processed into a substrate map but has yet to be processed to produce a habitat map.

Comments Sandeels (SE)

Confidence in the presence and distribution of adult sandeel is high given the coverage of presence and absence data within and around the proposal from MSS surveys (GeMSv2i10). Records showing the presence of adult sandeel are located in the eastern half of the proposed area. High larval densities were recorded across the entire proposal, but also occur outwith the current boundary

1. Data on the presence and extent of

suitable substrate for sandeels2 are well distributed across the proposed area consisting of 186 records. Of those, 59 records were determined

suitable for colonisation by sandeels (i.e. sediments with a low silt/clay fraction (Wright et al., 2000)). These are well distributed across the proposed area (although the data do highlight inconsistencies with UKSeaMap 2010 predictions).

In addition to larval density information derived from the analysis presented in Proctor et al. (1998)1, additional information on the distribution of

sandeel larvae derived from Continuous Plankton Recorder data surveys of the North Sea from 1950-2005 will help to provide more recent information on sandeel larvae within the proposal once published (Lynam et al., in review).

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Data coverage (Maps A - D)


To the east of the proposed MPA, features representative of the Fair Isle Straight Marine Process Bedforms key geodiversity area are included (Brooks et al., 2012). This includes sediment wave fields, sand banks and sand wave fields from the Marine Geomorpology of the Scottish Shelf Seabed block


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Year Title Features covered

In prep

Lynam, CP, Pitois, S, Halliday,NC, Van Damme, C. Wright, PJ, Edwards, M (in review). Spatial patterns and trends in abundance of larval Ammodytidae from Continuous Plankton Recorder surveys of the North Sea: 1950 – 2005.


2012 Geodatabase of Marine features in Scotland (GeMS) Ver.2 iteration 10


2012 Marine Scotland Science. 2012. Marine Protected Areas and sandeels (Ammodytes marinus & A. tobianus). Position paper for 4th

MPA Workshop, Heriot-Watt University, 14-15 March 2012. Available online -



2011 Brooks, A.J., Kenyon, N.H., Leslie, A., Long., D., Gordon, J.E. 2011. Characterising Scotland’s marine environment to define search locations for new Marine Protected Areas. Part 2: The identification of key geodiversity areas in Scottish waters (interim report July 2011). Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report No. 430


2000 Wright, P.J., Jensen, H. and Tuck, I. 2000. The influence of sediment type on the distribution of the lesser sandeel, Ammodytes marinus. Journal of Sea Research 44(3-4): 243-256.


1998 Proctor, R., Wright, P.J. and Everitt, A. 1998. Modelling the transport of larval sandeels on the north-west European shelf. Fisheries Oceanography 7(3-4): 347-354.


1996 Wright, P.J. and Bailey, M.C. 1996. Timing of hatching in Ammodytes marinus from Shetland waters and its significance to early growth and survivorship. Marine Biology 126(1): 143-152.