scorpio ascendant3

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  • 8/9/2019 Scorpio Ascendant3








    Ruler:Pluto, M



    8thSign of









    organs, bladder,




    perceptive, resource

    ful, possessive,



    probing, fixed,


    COMPARSO! #T$ T$E SCORPO S%M&O' ( T$E SCORPO!:Scorpions !ave $two lobster%li&e claws$'() and w!en a

    scorpion captures its victi"s wit! its claws, it $inflictsa disabling sting wit! its tail$'*) Scorpios are t!oug!t
  • 8/9/2019 Scorpio Ascendant3


    to be rat!er cunning, and so"eti"es


    +ual nature of Scorpio - second s"bol

    for Scorpio is t!e .agle# T!e Golden

    .agle $!as been regarded fro" ancient

    ti"es as a s"bol of courage and

    power$# '/) T!e eagle represents clear vision,

    intelligence, and power# It is a "a0estic bird, and also

    s"bolizes freedo"# Scorpios, wit! t!eir

    perceptiveness, !ave t!e potential to $see$ t!ings

    "ore clearl t!an ot!ers# 1ow t!e !andle t!e power

    of t!is vision will depend on w!et!er t!e are at t!e

    level of a scorpion or an eagle2

    Scorpio3s glp!, or s"bol, loo&s li&e a letter 4 wit! a

    tail# T!e curves s!ow t!e grounded nature of t!e sign,ending in an upward%turned arrow, s"bolizing t!e

    need for action and t!e striving for so"et!ing !ig!er#

    So"e believe t!e s"bol represents t!e "ale genitals

    %% t!e sign of Scorpio is strongl connected to sex#

    Sun in Scorpio

    (The Sun is in Scorpio from approximately October 23 to

    November 21, depending on the year!

    Scorpios are "no#n for their intensity They are determined

    fol" that absolutely thro# themselves into #hatever they do $$

    but getting them to commit to something is rarely an easytas" %n fact, it&s better not to even try to 'get them' to do

  • 8/9/2019 Scorpio Ascendant3


    anything Solar Scorpios absolutely have their o#n mind nd,

    their primary motivation is unli"ely to be prestige (li"e their

    )apricorn friends!, or even authority (*eos can have that,

    too!$$it&s real po#er Their po#er can absolutely be of the

    'behind the scenes' variety, +ust as long as they have it

    To others, Scorpios seem to have plenty of #illpo#er They

    probably do Scorpios do "no# #hat they #ant, and they #on&t

    go out and grab it at the #rong moment They simply sit bac",

    #atch (uite expertly!, and then get it only #hen the moment

    is +ust right This apparent patience is simply their po#erful

    s"ills at strategy at #or"

    Scorpio isn&t afraid of getting their hands (their bodies, their

    minds! dirty The dar"er side of life intrigues them, and they&re

    al#ays ready to investigate

    Scorpios simply never give up They have tremendous staying

    po#er They&re not in the slightest intimidated by anybody or

    anything )onfrontations are not a problem %n fact, tal" to any

    Scorpio about their lives, and you&ll probably be in a#e at all

    they&ve gone through Trauma seems to follo# them #herever

    they go -hen Scorpio learns optimism, instead of expecting

    the #orst, they&ll .nd that they possess ama/ing regenerative

    po#ers $$ the po#er to heal, create, and transform

    Some 0amous people #ith Sun in Scorpio d sner (Sun,

    ercury, 4enus, ars, and scendant in Scorpio!, *auren5essette (Sun, oon, and ercury in Scorpio!, 5+or" (Sun and

    oon in Scorpio!, *isa 5onet (Sun and ercury in Scorpio!,

    6ohn )leese (Sun, ercury, and 4enus in Scorpio!, 6amie *ee

    )urtis, 7anny 7e4ito, *eonardo 7i)aprio (Sun, 4enus, and

    ars in Scorpio!, 8ichard 7reyfuss (Sun, ercury, and 4enus

    in Scorpio!, Sally 0ield, 5ill 9ates, )alista 0loc"hart, 6odie

    0oster (Sun, ercury, and 4enus in Scorpio!, -hoopi 9oldberg(Sun, oon, and ercury in Scorpio!, 6ohn 9otti (organi/ed

    crime boss $ Sun and ercury in Scorpio!, :arry :amlin (Sun,

  • 8/9/2019 Scorpio Ascendant3


    oon, and ercury in Scorpio!, than :a#"e (Sun, ercury,

    and 4enus in Scorpio, Shere :ite (#ho published the :ite

    8eport on Sexuality $ Sun, 4enus, and ars in Scorpio!,8oc"

    :udson, 7emi oore (Sun, ercury, and 4enus in Scorpio!,

    ;ablo ;icasso, ;rince )harles, ;u< 7addy (Sun, ercury, and4enus in Scorpio!, 6ulia 8oberts (Sun and ercury in Scorpio!,

    eg 8yan (Sun, ercury, and 4enus in Scorpio!, 7avid

    Sch#immer (Sun, oon, and 4enus in Scorpio!, Nicolette

    Sheridan, aria Shriver

    oon in Scorpio

    -hile others may .nd security and comfort in material things,oon in Scorpio people see" out emotional intensity No

    matter #hat, there is something very intense about *unar

    Scorpios They are diggers #hen it comes to the #orld of

    emotion$$they can see beyond facades and cut right to the

    core of a person This ability to 'see' #hat isn&t obvious to the

    rest of the #orld can be intimidating to others or #ildly

    attractive, depending on the audience

    Their deep$seated need for transformation and rebirth can

    manifest itself in the lives of *unar Scorpios in di

  • 8/9/2019 Scorpio Ascendant3


    oon in Scorpio people often have a strong fear of betrayal

    They see" out commitment, and feel the need for a partner to

    give up something for them Some #ill put the people they

    love through a series of tests, and these are not al#ays

    conscious Their apparent suspicion can be trying for thepeople #ho love them :o#ever, once committed, oon in

    Scorpio people can be the most loyal and protective partners


    ven the shy ones have enormous presence Their lives are

    emotion$driven, yet many oon in Scorpio natives spend a lot

    of time controlling and mastering their emotions Their

    intuition is enormous, although it is sometimes self$serving

    oon in Scorpio people radiate strength ven in the absence

    of experience, they seem to '+ust "no#' things %t #ould be

    di=cult to shoc" or scare a#ay *unar Scorpios in the face of

    emotional honesty and po#er Some people instinctively #ant

    to lean on them, and other less brave fol" run a little scared

    *unar Scorpios have exceptional 'radar' that allo#s them tosi/e up a situation$$and a person$$uic"ly and expertly This

    ability to understand human motivation and nature can be too

    close for comfort for some, and enormously comforting for


    any *unar Scorpios are intelligent and astute Those that use

    their enormous po#ers for intimacy and honesty are the

    happiest, and they ma"e the most interesting and re#arding

    friends and lovers

    Some 0amous people #ith oon in Scorpio 5en >ec",

    *auren 5essette (Sun, oon, and ercury in Scorpio!, 5+or",

    Shannen 7oherty, minem, -hoopi 9oldberg (Sun, oon, and

    ercury in Scorpio!, :arry :amlin (Sun, oon, and ercury in

    Scorpio!, li/abeth :urley, vril *avigne, lanis orissette,7avid Sch#immer (Sun, oon, and 4enus in Scorpio!, Steven

    Spielberg (oon and 4enus in Scorpio!, ;atric" Ste#art

  • 8/9/2019 Scorpio Ascendant3


    ercury in Scorpio

    These people are on an eternal uest to get to the very heart

    of any matter This appears in anything that reuires thought,

    and in almost every conversation they have Totally fearless

    #hen it comes to delving into depths that nobody else #ants,

    or even thin"s, to explore, ercury in Scorpio is adept at

    learning the source and the core of any problem or issue They

    are blessed (or cursed, depending on ho# you #ant to loo" at

    it! #ith the observation s"ills of a surveillance camera,

    seeming to +ust see all and "no# all Sometimes they can be

    uite 'dar"' because of their tendency to focus on the false in

    order to get to the truth These people detest super.ciality

    They come across as suspicious and can annoy other, more

    optimistic people #ith their negative ta"e on things

    Scorpio communicators are passionate in their speech,

    sometimes even given to lecturing 8emember, though, that

    they are +ust as passionate about giving you real advice and

    help They are uite #illing to let you in on a fe# of theirsecrets$$regarding other people, that is, not themselves The

    truth is, they have observed things that many have not %f

    their observations seem a little bit s"e#ed to#ard the

    negative, try to overloo" it ?ou may +ust discover that they&ve

    given you some of the best advice around They are at their

    best #hen they are tal"ing about things that they are not

    personally involved #ith That is #hen their shre#d +udgmentshines %t is #hen they are personally involved that their

    +udgment can get clouded over

    Their intelligence is absolutely instinctive Strategies are their

    specialty Their idea of constructive criticism can be

    interpreted as destructive criticism, depending on their

    audience %t can be very hard to #in an argument or debate

    #ith ercury in Scorpio They are absolutely driven to #in, not

    +ust for the sa"e of scoring intellectual points, but simply to

  • 8/9/2019 Scorpio Ascendant3


    come out on top in general 5esides that, it is hard to deny

    that their thin"ing is really uite lucid, at least in presentation

    ?ou may be gritting your teeth, but it #ill be hard not to


    They&ll staunchly support and defend anyone they care about

    nd, their energy in speech (or sheer intensity! can be

    motivating ?ou may #al" a#ay from a ercury in Scorpio

    native, after they&ve given an impassioned speech, saying

    '#he#@' 5ut you&ll generally have received an a#esome pep

    tal", if they li"e you The pep tal" may have been at someone

    else&s expense, ho#ever (they may have torn someone else

    apart to boost you up, for example!

    Scorpio&s ta"e on people often has to do #ith motivations

    Often, they feel people are motivated by +ealousy They should

    "no#, if they are also Scorpio Sun andAor 4enus Scorpio,

    because they have lived it

    They are naturally suspicious, expecting bad intentions .rst

    ercury in Scorpio people love intrigue, mystery, and hidden

    motives %f they don&t channel this interest into mental

    pursuits, they can end up creating their o#n mysteries Others

    might start #ondering if they are paranoid

    ercury in Scorpio loves anything that challenges the brain

    and are often interested in #hat ma"es people tic"

    Some 0amous people #ith ercury in Scorpio Tyra 5an"s,

    *auren 5essette, *isa 5onet, 6ohn )leese, )ummings,

    -alt 7isney, 8ichard 7reyfuss, Bac fron (ercury and 4enus

    in Scorpio!, Sarah 0erguson, 6odie 0oster (Sun, ercury, and

    4enus in Scorpio!, -hoopi 9oldberg, 6ohn *ennon, 7emi

    oore, Sinead O&)onnor, ;ablo ;icasso, ;u< 7addy, 6ulia

    8oberts (Sun and ercury in Scorpio!, 6ean$)laude 4an7amme (ercury and 4enus in Scorpio!

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    4enus in Scorpio

    4enus in Scorpio people attract others #ith their intensity and

    #illingness to commit They have a strong and concentrated

    manner #hich suggests their feelings run deep Their actions

    in love tend to promise deep commitment and sexual

    pleasure, even if they are not telling you this directly Their

    appeal lies in their focus on you, and their dedication 4enus in

    Scorpio seems fearless #hen it comes to intimacy ;otential

    lovers get the feeling that 4enus in Scorpio #ill never stray,

    that they are intensely loyal to the one they love They

    possess you, and someho# ma"e it seem attractive to be


    4enus in Scorpio men and #omen give you their complete

    attention These people are very focused on their partners

    7epending on your personality, you may .nd this unnerving or

    entirely Cattering They have a strong need to control their

    partner, although this #on&t be immediately apparent, and

    they may not ever admit to this Their body$and$soul love andcommitment can be so intense that it eclipses fun and ma"es

    loving them a very heavy experience Their emotion and

    intensity may seem overdone to those loo"ing for a more

    lighthearted relationship These people ta"e things to

    extremes, and can be very provocative lthough they #ant to

    explore all of your noo"s and crannies, they #on&t al#ays be

    forthcoming #ith their o#n -hen you&ve upset these lovers,you&ll "no# it 7epending on the moment, 4enus in Scorpio

    #ill shoot you one of the most piercing glares around, or

    totally blo# up -hichever style they choose, a slighted

    Scorpio lover is not a pretty sight These people can be +ealous

    of all of your attachments, but fe# #ill admit it They&re not

    afraid of being underhanded in matters of the heart, and they

    are experts at cutting through all the Cu< and seeing you for

    #hat you are Still, you may .nd their conclusions about you

    seem s"e#ed and mistrustful

  • 8/9/2019 Scorpio Ascendant3


    ;leasing 4enus in Scorpio involves demonstrating your

    complete commitment and loyalty to them ppreciate their

    guts #hen it comes to love and intimacy $$ they&re proud of

    their courage in these matters %f you can, and they&re

    deserving, relinuish some of the control in the relationship*et them feel they o#n you, #ithout ta"ing it to extremes

    8emember, though, that some 4enus in Scorpio lovers can

    and #ill ta"e advantage of you on a subtle level, if only to

    "eep you all to themselves *et them have their secrets and

    their silences

    Some 0amous people #ith 4enus in Scorpio att 7amon,

    *eonardo 7i)aprio (Sun, 4enus, and ars in Scorpio!, Dir"

    7ouglas, Bac fron (ercury and 4enus in Scorpio!, 6odie

    0oster (Sun, ercury, and 4enus in Scorpio!, 5ill 9ates, Shere

    :ite (sex researcher, published the :ite 8eport!, Datie :olmes,

    vril *avigne, nnie *ennox, 7emi oore, ;u< 7addy, Susan

    Sarandon (4enus and ars in Scorpio!, 7avid Sch#immer,

    licia Silverstone, Steven Spielberg (oon and 4enus in

    Scorpio!, 6ean$)laude 4an 7amme (ercury and 4enus inScorpio!, Tiger -illiams

    ars in Scorpio

    ars in Scorpio natives love to challenge themselves to do the

    impossible They thro# themselves into #hat they decide to

    do #ith concentrated energy and a#esome #illpo#er

    These people ma"e formidable opponents, although often

    uietly so They "eep their cool and their euilibrium on the

    surface 5elo# the surface may be another story, and they are

    unli"ely to easily let you in ars in Scorpio has the potential

    to exploit others $$ these people see through others, and rely

    heavily on their gut feelings

    The sexual stamina of this position is thought to be the

    strongest of all the positions of ars Sometimes, ars in

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    Scorpio people are attracted to taboos, and their fantasies

    may involve blo#ing the taboos to smithereens@ They en+oy

    scenarios in #hich the 'other' is giving in to them, #ants

    them completely, and #ill do absolutely anything for them

    nd, their sexual appeal is strong enough that they generallydo get #hat they #ant

    They .nd it di=cult to share their partners, though they #ill

    li"ely never admit this %n star" contrast to ars in *ibra, #ho

    is most comfortable #ith the middle ground, ars in Scorpio

    has a blac"$or$#hite philosophy of life These are the people

    #ho say, '6ust choose@' They really are not comfortable #ith

    compromise$$#hat "ind of satisfaction could you possibly get

    from compromiseE 8eal living, to ars in Scorpio, is all about

    accepting challenges and ma"ing changes

    These people constantly test themselves, and, often, others

    They ma"e all "inds of rules and goals, +ust for the personal

    satisfaction that comes from achieving or mastering them

    Their survival instincts are strong, and they embrace their o#nanimal nature #hen they are all alone #ith themselves,

    #ithout guilt

    These people have a provocative uality to them This uality

    is usually most evident in youth, though it is often carried over

    into adulthood in more subtle, controlled #ays

    ars in Scorpio natives #ho have lo# self$esteem can becomemighty t#isted %nstead of beating themselves up, they turn

    self$loathing out#ard, and end up manipulating others and

    feeling resentful

    -hile ars in *ibra is constantly striving to bring fairness to

    the #orld, ars in Scorpio "no#s that life simply isn&t fair

  • 8/9/2019 Scorpio Ascendant3


    Scorpio -scendant people !ave a lot of

    presence# T!ere is so"et!ing about t!e" t!at

    tells t!e world t!at t!e are not to be pus!ed

    around# T!eir "anner co""ands respect, and in so"e

    cases, fear# Scorpio rising people can be 5uiet

    or loud, but t!e alwas see" powerful and


    6ou eit!er love or !ate Scorpio rising people

    7 t!e are rarel people w!o go t!roug! life

    unnoticed# In fact, so"e of t!e" are confused w!en

    faced wit! t!e fact t!at t!e get suc! strong reactions

    fro" ot!ers# T!e see" to loo& rig!t t!roug! people,

    seeing t!roug! superficialit# T!is can be 5uite

    inti"idating to so"e, and intriguing to ot!ers# Scorpio

    rising people, in t!eir dealings wit! ot!ers, loo& for

    answers b reading between t!e lines# Surface detailsare discarded w!en t!e are getting a feel for people

    and situations around t!e"#

    Scorpio rising people value t!eir privac so "uc!, it

    can border on paranoia# T!e !ave a strong need to

    control t!eir environ"ent and are experts at strateg#8arel people w!o will blow t!eir c!ances wit!

    i"patience, t!e plan out t!eir "oves carefull and

    deliberatel, reling on t!eir aweso"e abilit to feel

    out ot!ers and situations#

    Scorpio rising natives are drawn to down%to%eart!,

    natural partners# 8eliabilit in t!eir partner is ver

    i"portant# T!e generall loo& for co"plete

  • 8/9/2019 Scorpio Ascendant3


    co""it"ent and !ave little patience wit! flig!t


    T!e -scendant 'or rising sign) is often considered t!e

    "as& one wears w!en "eeting ot!ers# Per!aps it is

    "ost aptl t!oug!t of as t!e auto"atic responses to

    one3s environ"ent# T!e -scendant s!ows our natural

    defenses and !ow we copewit! da%to%da issues#

    T!e energies of t!e sign and condition of t!e-scendant are "ost overt and obvious to ot!ers# T!e

    -scendant s!ows an individual3s first, natural reaction

    to new people and situations#

    T!e c!aracteristics of Scorpio -scendant describedabove are "odified b planets con0unct t!e -scendant,

    planets t!at aspect t!e -scendant, and t!e position of

    t!e ruling planet of t!e sign on t!e -scendant# For

    exa"ple, a person wit! a Scorpio -scendant wit! its

    ruling planet, 4ars, in Sagittarius will respond to t!e

    environ"ent a little differentl t!an anot!er person,also wit! a Scorpio -scendant, but w!ose 4ars is in

    9apricorn# ':ote t!at Scorpio !as two rulers, t!e ot!er

    being Pluto, w!ic! is ver slow%"oving)# Si"ilarl, a

    person wit! a Scorpio -scendant w!o also !as Saturn

    con0unct it will $be!ave$ differentl t!an so"eone wit!

    a Scorpio -scendant w!o does not !ave t!at aspect in

    t!eir natal c!arts#

  • 8/9/2019 Scorpio Ascendant3


    S c o r p i o R i s i n g w i t h M a r s( T r a d i t i o n a l R u l e r o f S c o r p i o )

    i n t h e S i g n sT!e following interpretations incorporate t!e position,

    b sign, of 4ars, t!e ruling planet of Scorpio# :ote

    t!at Pluto also rules Scorpio, and interpretations for

    Scorpio rising wit! Pluto in t!e signs follow t!e 4ars

    interpretations# T!e sign position of 4ars "odifies

    our Scorpio -scendant c!aracteristics# T!eseinterpretations are fro" t!e Karmic nsight Report,

    and are written fro" an esoteric viewpoint#

    T!e point t!at was on t!e eastern !orizon at t!e

    "o"ent of our birt! is called t!e -S9.:+-:T, or

    rising sign# W!ile t!e Sun describes our conscious

    direction and current life focus, and t!e 4oon our

    subconscious predisposition and past, t!e -scendant

    indicates a wa of being t!at transcends and e"braces

    past, present, and future# It describes t!e wa ou

    engage and "erge wit! t!e outer world and !ow ou

    bring t!roug! into life t!e energies depicted b t!e

    Sun, t!e 4oon, and t!e rest of our birt! c!art#

    .vert!ing is filtered t!roug! t!e -scendant fro" an

    esoteric point of view# It indicates our soul3s function

    and t!us a &e part of our destin#

    Scorpio Rising ) *eneral

    6ou !ave &een ani"al instincts, a deepl instinctual
  • 8/9/2019 Scorpio Ascendant3


    and passionate nature, and access to forces t!at can

    be used for !ealing and regeneration % of ourself,

    ot!er individuals, or societ# Strong%willed and

    powerful in a 5uiet understated sort of wa, ou are

    alwas a force wit! w!ic! to be rec&oned# 6ou &now

    intuitivel w!ere anot!er3s pain or wea&ness lies, and

    can t!us be a natural !ealer % or a terrible ene", if

    our energies are directed toward conflict# ;earning to

    trust and follow our instincts, and to focus our will

    upon positive intents, are &es to fulfilling our !ig!est

    destin# 6our ruling planets are 4ars and Pluto#

    Scorpio Rising and Mars in Aries

    6our 4ars is in t!e courageous, independent and self%

    "otivated sign of -ries# 6our function is to be a leader

    and a pioneer, bringing fort! so"et!ing

    unprecedented and original#

  • 8/9/2019 Scorpio Ascendant3


    great pleasure in t!e feast of life, wit!out being

    do"inated b our cravings or !abituall

    overindulging, is a &e to !appiness for ou# 6ou also

    !ave a deter"ined and stead will force and great

    sta"ina to bring our goals and drea"s to fruition#

    6ou are !ig!l fertile on ever level# Obstinac and not

    &nowing w!en to let go or c!ange course can create

    proble"s for ou, !owever#

    Scorpio Rising and Mars in *emini

    6our 4ars is in t!e clever, dexterous, s&illful sign of

    Ge"ini, indicating t!at t!e use of our !ands, our

    5uic& reflexes, and=or our facilit wit! language plas

    an i"portant role in our life and fate# On t!e

    s!adow side of t!is energ, ou can be ver craft,

    sc!e"ing, s!rewd and self%serving# >sed positivel,

    t!e gift and power of words can be used as a !ealing


    Scorpio Rising and Mars in Cancer

    6our 4ars is in t!e soulful and e"otional sign of9ancer ou !ave deep sensitivit and protective

    feelings toward c!ildren, ani"als, and for all life# 6our

    capacit to co""une or "erge e"otionall wit! our

    surroundings gives our great e"pat!# 6ou are

    strongl sensuous and passionate# 6ou "a !ave

    difficult articulating, understanding, orco""unicating our feelings in a rational or

  • 8/9/2019 Scorpio Ascendant3


    intellectual wa# 4usic is a good language for ou#

    Scorpio Rising and Mars in 'eo

    6our 4ars is in t!e proud, confident, radiant sign of

    ;eo# 6ou !ave a strong will%to%power, and are intended

    to be a leader and=or to influence "an people

    t!roug! our "agnetis"# 9o"bining our strong vital

    force wit! our abilit to !old a stead, constant focus,

    ou can acco"plis! a great deal# Great responsibilit

    attac!es itself to t!e use of personal power, of course,

    and t!e s!adow side of t!is energ could turn ou into

    a do"inating trant#

    Scorpio Rising and Mars in +irgo

    6our 4ars is in ?irgo, suggesting service t!roug!

    specialized s&ills, &nowledge, or tec!nical expertise@

    also an interest in biolog, c!e"istr, t!e "edical or

    !ealt! sciences# 6ou !ave &een powers of observation

    and analsis, and ou wor& t!oroug!l and efficientl

    'so"e "ig!t sa obsessivel)# W!en out of balance

    ou can worr excessivel and be a bitter critic of t!eworld and=or ourself#

    6ou often function as t!e power be!ind t!e t!rone or

    as a s!rewd advisor to ot!ers#

    Scorpio Rising and Mars in 'i,ra

  • 8/9/2019 Scorpio Ascendant3


    6our 4ars is in ;ibra, suggesting t!at our urge to

    relate, to gain wit!, and to for" cooperative alliances

    wit! ot!ers is an i"portant part of our function and

    our fate# 6ou are to wor& in tande", as part of a

    tea" or close partners!ip, balancing our needs and

    our will wit! t!ose of our partner# 6our desire for

    !ar"on, beaut, and connection underlies our


  • 8/9/2019 Scorpio Ascendant3


    Intensit of experience is "ore i"portant t!an


    Scorpio Rising and Mars in Sagittarius

    6our 4ars is in t!e spirited, expansive, adventurous

    sign of Sagittarius ou are drawn to ris&, future%

    oriented, ventures and c!allenging, even dangerous,

    pursuits# Idealistic and p!ilosop!ical, our instincts are

    guided 'and per!aps !eld in c!ec&) b our sense of

    fair pla and our convictions# Zeal and passion are

    our &enotes# W!en out of balance ou can be

    excessivel zealous, self%rig!teous, and rec&less in

    our ent!usias"# -t best, t!oug!, ou function as an

    explorer and as an inspiring exa"ple to ot!ers# T!e

    0o of adventure and exploration is w!at ou are

    "eant to express#

    Scorpio Rising and Mars in Capricorn

    6our 4ars is in t!e eart!, practical, a"bitious and

    serious sign of 9apricorn, suggesting t!at tangible

    "aterial acco"plis!"ents and goals are i"portant toou# 6ou &now !ow t!e world operates and are "eant

    to ta&e a well%planned, calculated, ordered route to

    our destination# Wor& and self%discipline %not to

    "ention considerable self%sacrifice% are &es# Wor&

    "a beco"e an addiction@ professional a"bition

    certainl is para"ount# 6ou are to function as anaut!orit in so"e "anner#

  • 8/9/2019 Scorpio Ascendant3


    Scorpio Rising and Mars in A-uarius

    6our 4ars in t!e unconventional, collective%oriented,

    free%t!in&ing sign of -5uarius, suggesting t!at t!e

    regeneration of societ is a "a0or interest and focus of

    our attention# 6our perceptiveness regarding its

    underling, core proble"s, along wit! our abilit to

    invent or co%create unusual and innovative solutions,

    is t!e &e to fulfilling our destin# 6our function is

    t!at of a refor"er, dissident, or group leader#

    Scorpio Rising and Mars in Pisces

    6our 4ars is in t!e i"aginative, drea", visionar,

    spirituall%open sign of Pisces, suggesting our abilit

    to access altered states of consciousness or drea"%

    ti"e 5uite readil# T!e use of i"ages t!roug!

    visualization or art, for instance, is a pri"ar source of

    !ealing for ou# Water, baptis", birt!, cleansing rituals

    are &e ele"ents# Intoxicants of an &ind 'especiall

    alco!ol) can be our downfall, leading to a feeling of

    confusion and ai"lessness or powerlessness# 6ou !avepronounced psc!ic sensitivities w!ic! can be

    developed and used to evolve our own life as well as


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    S c o r p i o R i s i n g w i t h P l u t o ( R u l e r o f S c o r p i o ) i n t h e S i g n s

    Scorpio Rising and Pluto in Aries

    6our Pluto in -ries reveals a passion for freedo",

    daring, !eroic individualis"#

  • 8/9/2019 Scorpio Ascendant3


    Scorpio Rising and Pluto in 'eo

    6our Pluto in ;eo reveals a need to release our

    tendenc to wors!ip power or powerful c!aris"atic

    personalities# .xcessive self%will, self%glorification, or

    an obsessive focus on our personal self and desires

    are s!adow aspects of our being, and will need to be

    confronted on our pat! to fulfilling our soul purpose#

    Scorpio Rising and Pluto in +irgo

    6our Pluto in ?irgo reveals a drive for perfection or

    self%purification t!at can beco"e co"pulsive# Guilt

    over real or i"agined wrongs needs to be s!ed# -lso,

    ou !ave a capacit for in%dept! analsis, tec!nical

    expertise or perfection, and exacting precision in our


    Scorpio Rising and Pluto in 'i,ra

    6our Pluto in ;ibra reveals a drive for 0ustice, fairness,

    e5ualit, and bringing t!e scales bac& into balance#6ou tend to see t!e in0ustices and corruption, and part

    of our function is indeed to bring wrongs to lig!t# T!e

    balance of power in personal relations!ips is also a &e

    concern of ours#

    Scorpio Rising and Pluto in Scorpio

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    6our Pluto is in Scorpio as well, revealing a capacit

    for entering into t!e dar&est places in order to bring

    consciousness, lig!t, and !ealing# If ou are drawn to

    use our powers and abilities selfis!l, ou will often

    feel isolated and will be our own worst ene"# 6ou

    are attuned to dept!, rapture, and w!at so"e would

    consider !orrible or taboo# 6ou could be a profound

    !ealer, S!a"an, or "edicine "an=wo"an if our

    "otives are clear#

    Scorpio Rising and Pluto in Sagittarius

    6our Pluto is in Sagittarius, revealing a need to

    cleanse, revise, and expand our beliefs about t!e

    nature of life# +og"atis" and zealous, one%sided

    convictions need to be s!ed in order for ou to fulfill

    our !ig!est purpose#

    Scorpio Rising and Pluto in Capricorn

    6our Pluto in 9apricorn reveals a destin of bot!

    destroing and refor"ing societal structures and for"s

    % govern"ent, establis!ed business or financialpractices, or ot!er conventions# 9orruption, !pocris,

    and greed are to be cleansed and released, and ou

    are one of "an intended for t!is wor 6ou also !ave

    a strong will%to%power w!ic! needs to be te"pered

    wit! !u"ilit and care#

    A Spiritual nterpretation o. Scorpio Rising

  • 8/9/2019 Scorpio Ascendant3


    $6ou !ave alread ta&en a few steps on t!e spiritual

    pat!, and ou !ave dedicated our life to our spiritual

    nature to so"e degree# T!e intense desire nature

    wit!in ou continues, !owever, to pull ou toward t!e

    p!sical expression# 6ou constantl find ourself at a

    turning point between pursuing a "aterial desire and

    following a "ore spiritual inclination#

    6ou !ave t!e capacit for "a0or c!anges in our life#

    Ot!ers "a find our decisions re"ar&able, as ou can

    ta&e a (AB degree turn wit! relative ease# .ac! of

    t!ese "a0or s!ifts brings ou closer to understanding

    t!e unfolding plan of our spiritual life# -t t!is ti"e

    ou "a appear to be "otivated onl b "aterial

    desires, but eac! turning ta&es ou furt!er on t!e

    spiritual pat!# If ou loo& bac&, ou can see t!at our

    decisions !ave all blended into one direction# 6ou seet!e logical unfolding of spirit woven into see"ingl

    dis0ointed actions and decisions#

    First ou test our p!sical appetites wit! food, sexual

    desire and p!sical co"fort# T!ese "a beco"e rat!er

    boring# -"bition and t!e desire for power increase t!ee"otional t!rill and t!e "o"entar pa%off# -t t!e

    t!ird stage ou tac&le "ental c!allenges of spiritual

    pride# If ou can transcend all t!ree levels, ou t!en

    function fro" a "ore spiritual base# 6ou cease to see&

    p!sical e"otional and "ental t!rills for t!eir own

    sa&e, and use our personal power to transfor" ourown life and to !elp ot!ers#

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    6ou face a tall order if ou are to "a&e spiritual

    progress# 6ou need to re"e"ber our own beginnings

    as ou see& success in an of our endeavors, spiritual

    or ot!erwise#$

    Scorpio Ascendantfro" t!e 9os"o :atal 8eport

    $6ou are ver strong%willed and proud, but intensel

    private and not eas to &now well#

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    In relation to ot!ers, ou are rat!er cautious,

    so"eti"es even suspicious, until ou get to &now and

    trust t!e" % and trust doesn3t co"e easil to ou#

    W!en ou co""it ourself e"otionall to so"eone,

    be it friend or lover, ou are intensel loal and

    devoted to t!e" and ou also expect t!e sa"e &ind of

    unwavering, unding loalt in return# If ou are ever

    betraed b so"eone ou care deepl for, ou are

    capable of !ating and retaliating wit! as "uc! fervor

    as ou once loved# :ot!ing is done !alfwa# In fact,

    ou are intensel involved and often 0ealousl

    attac!ed to w!atever ou care about, be it person,

    idea, or cause# T!ere is definitel a strea& of

    e"otional fanaticis" in ou#