scope special newsletter pharmacy technicians 03172015

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  • 8/19/2019 Scope Special Newsletter Pharmacy Technicians 03172015





  • 8/19/2019 Scope Special Newsletter Pharmacy Technicians 03172015


    ContentsBill 151 1

    Te Regulation of

    Pharmacy echnicians 2Professional Competenciesfor Canadian Pharmacyechnicians at Entry to Practice 3

    Te National Bridging Program 9

    Structured Practical raining 10

    SCP Jurisprudence Examination 12

    Other Requirements forRegistration and Licensure 12

    Glossary of erms 14

    Acknowledgements 14

    Special Edition - March 2015


    Pharmacy Technicians

    Welcome to the SCOPE Newsletter Special Editionon Pharmacy echnicians.

    Te purpose o this special edition is to update members and invite your eedback onthe proposed authority or the regulation o Pharmacy echnicians as a new healthcare proession in Saskatchewan.

    I you have any questions or comments, we invite you direct your inquiries to:[email protected].

    As announced by the Minister o Health, Bill 151 “An Act to amend Te Pharmacy Act, 1996  and to make consequential amendments to other Acts” is proceedingthrough the Legislature.

    Amongst other things, the amendments will change our name to the SaskatchewanCollege o Pharmacy Proessionals (SCPP) and will authorize:

    • Pharmacists to administer drugs by injection and other routes;• Pharmacists to order, access and use medical laboratory tests; and,• SCPP to regulate pharmacy technicians as licensed members practicing in an

    independent defined scope o practice with title protection.

    In the meantime, we have been drafing the bylaw amendments arising rom this Bill.Our goal is to be in a position o readiness and able to meet government prioritieswhen the Bill is proclaimed in orce, which we expect to take place around the middleo 2015.

    Contained in this special edition is inormation pertaining to the proposed changes

    to Bill 151, reasons or the regulation o Pharmacy echnicians and the processes,steps and deadlines involved in becoming a licensed Pharmacy echnician.

    Bill 151Bill 151 states in part:

    18(1) Te Council may register as a member, and issue a licence to, a person whoproduces evidence establishing to the satisaction o the council that the person:

    (a) i the person:

    (i) is applying or membership as a licensed pharmacist, has successullycompleted a pharmacy program recognized by the council rom aneducational institution recognized by the council; or

    (ii) is applying or membership as a licensed pharmacy technician:

    (A) has successully completed a pharmacy technician program recognizedby the council rom an educational institution recognized by thecouncil; or

    (B) has successully completed any evaluating examinations or pharmacytechnicians recognize by the council.

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    “Protection o title”

    22(2) No person other than a licensed pharmacy technician shall use the title‘pharmacy technician’ or any word or designation, abbreviated or otherwise, to implythat the person is a licensed pharmacy technician.

    “Authorized practices”

    23(1) No person other than a licensed pharmacist, licensed pharmacy technician,or intern practicing under the supervision o a licensed pharmacist or a licensed

    pharmacy technician, may prepare, compound, dispense or sell drugs inSaskatchewan.

    Te Regulation ofPharmacy echniciansCurrently pharmacists are responsible or all aspects o pharmacy practice, whethertechnical or cognitive in nature. o achieve optimal drug therapy outcomes orpatients, pharmacists will increasingly spend more time ocusing on the cognitiveaspects o their practice. Tereore, support rom a well-trained and qualified

    pharmacy technician or technical unctions is critical.Te upcoming regulation o pharmacy technicians will allow these individuals topractice independently within a defined scope o practice amongst other things.Tis scope will mainly ocus on the distribution (technical) aspects o dispensing. Itis through the regulation o pharmacy technicians that pharmacists will be able toconfidently turn their ocus more ully to providing clinical services; assured o thepharmacy technician’s competency to practice saely and assume responsibility andaccountability or their own practice.

    Pharmacy technicians will practice in collaboration with a pharmacist to providethe best possible pharmacy services to their patients. Te pharmacy manager willstill be accountable or the oversight o the pharmacy and the policies and processes

    utilized within the pharmacy. No prescription can be released until the pharmacisthas completed his or her assessment o the appropriateness o therapy and hasprovided the patient with consultation and educational services.

    Pharmacy technicians will practice in an environment where procedures are in placeto ensure the saety and integrity o the dispensing or compounding process while apharmacist is available to ensure the appropriateness o drug therapy and to consultwith patients. Pharmacy technicians will exercise their proessional judgment atall times and be able to recognize when the clinical expertise o the pharmacist isrequired.

    During this transitional time, or a pharmacy assistant moving to regulation as alicensed pharmacy technician, our intention is to make the process as smooth as

    possible. We understand that some accommodation may be necessary in the short-term to allow those wishing to become regulated to have sufficient time to finalize theprocess while continuing to provide services at their current employment site.

    As part o this accommodation, the College will be establishing an Expert AdvisoryCommittee to assist the College with setting criteria or a “conditional practicing-licence” or pharmacy assistants working toward regulation. Te conditionalpracticing-licence will allow the individual to continue in his current positionuntil December 31, 2018, even i it is a role that will be that o a licensed pharmacytechnician. Once an individual has registered with the College the “conditions” onthe practicing-licence would be removed and the individual will be authorized to

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    continue in his current role or move to another employment situation. For those thatdo not complete one o the registration pathways with the Saskatchewan College oPharmacists, they will not be able to continue in a position that is designated or alicensed pharmacy technician afer December 31, 2018.

    We must stress that the last sitting o the PEBC Evaluating Examination will bein October 2018 and the Pharmacy echnician Bridging Education Program willonly be available until December 31, 2018. Afer that time an individual wishingto become a licensed pharmacy technician in Saskatchewan will have to return to

    a CCAPP accredited educational program to be re-trained.

    Professional Competencies forCanadian Pharmacy echnicians atEntry to Practice[March 2014 – NAPRA (National Association o Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities)]click here or NAPRA document


    Te pharmacy technician proession has changed significantly in recent years. Teregulation o pharmacy technicians in certain provinces led to an expanded scope o

     practice in those jurisdictions, and these trends are expected to continue in the next ew years in other parts o the country.

    Pharmacy technicians use their knowledge and skills to undertake their expandedscope o practice which allows activities such as transcribing verbal orders, transerring

     prescriptions, and checking the technical aspects o a prescription. Although thescope o practice o the Canadian pharmacy technician may vary rom jurisdictionto jurisdiction, the core competencies expected o a pharmacy technician must beconsistent nationally in order to acilitate labour mobility. However, it is expected thatdespite having the competencies necessary to perorm a task, pharmacy technicians willonly do so when allowed in their jurisdiction.

    Te pharmacy technician may work in a variety o different practice settings, butalways works very closely with the pharmacist in order to achieve optimal drugtherapy outcomes or the patient. Having the two groups, pharmacists and pharmacytechnicians, working in the same pharmacy environment increases the importance oclearly describing their respective roles.

    In general, the pharmacy technician ocuses on the technical aspects o the prescription,the gathering o patient inormation or the pharmacist to review, product preparation,

     product distribution and inventory control; while the pharmacist manages the overall pharmacy environment and as a drug therapy expert, provides leadership in drug

    therapy decision-making and ocuses on the clinical aspect o direct patient care.Both groups assume responsibility or their own actions, are accountable to the publicand contribute to the overall unctioning o the pharmacy to ensure a sae and healthyenvironment.

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    Competency Categories

    Te ollowing competency categories are presented in no specific order oimportance; all categories are considered important.

    1. Ethical, Legal and Proessional Responsibilities

    Pharmacy technicians practise within legal requirements, demonstrate proessionalismand uphold proessional standards o practice, codes o ethics and policies.

    2. Patient CarePharmacy technicians participate in meeting the patient’s health and drug-related needsthrough collaboration with the patient, the pharmacist and other health proessionals, toachieve the patient’s health goals.

    3. Product Distribution

    Pharmacy technicians implement sae and effective product distribution to ensure thesaety and accuracy o released products.

    4. Practice Setting

    Pharmacy technicians contribute to the management o the practice setting with the goalo ensuring sae, effective and efficient product distribution.

    5. Health Promotion

    Pharmacy technicians support health promotion activities or patients, communitiesand populations in collaboration with the pharmacist.

    6. Knowledge and Research Application

    Pharmacy technicians access, retrieve and apply relevant inormation to make evidence-inormed decisions within their practice with the goal o ensuring sae and effective

     product distribution.

    7. Communication and Education

    Pharmacy technicians communicate effectively with patients, the pharmacy team, otherhealth proessionals and the public, providing education when required.

    8. Intra- and Inter-Proessional Collaboration

    Pharmacy technicians work in collaboration with the pharmacy team and otherhealth proessionals to support the delivery o comprehensive services, make best use oresources and ensure continuity o care in order to achieve the patient’s health goals.

    9. Quality and Saety

    Pharmacy technicians collaborate in developing, implementing, and evaluating policies, procedures and activities that promote quality and saety.

    Model Standards o Practice or Canadian Pharmacy echnicians [November 2011 – NAPRA]

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    NAPRA has developed Model Standards o Practice or Canadian Pharmacyechnicians (MSOPP). Te ormat adopted or the MSOPP draws rom that o the

     Model Standards o Practice or Canadian Pharmacists, which includes our domainsrelated to:

    - medication expertise;

    - collaboration;

    - saety/quality; and 

    - proessionalism/ethics.

    For the pharmacy technicians, these domains have been adjusted to reflect technician’s ocus on the technical aspects o pharmacy practice. Within each o these domains the MSOPP are grouped under general standard statements to provide structure and easeo reading.…Te MSOPP is drawn rom NAPRA’s Proessional Competencies or CanadianPharmacy echnicians at Entry to Practice but do not replace them.

    Scope of PracticeRegulated pharmacy technicians have independent authority, responsibility andaccountability to:

    - Prepare, and process prescriptions

    - Compound sterile and non-sterile products

    - ranser to and receive prescriptions rom other pharmacies

    - Receive verbal prescriptions rom prescribers

    - Perorm final check on filled prescriptions prior to release

    - Provide education on health aids and devices

    - Administrative unctions: documentation, third party billing reconciliations, and

    complete required audits i.e., controlled substances- Manage the pharmacy environment by maintaining the inventory, including sae

    storage and handling o drugs.

    How to Become a Licensed Pharmacyechnician in SaskatchewanWe recognize that there are many pharmacy assistants currently working inSaskatchewan that have knowledge, skills and abilities earned through many avenues:practical experience, advanced training (in-house and on-the-job) and CCAPP-

    accredited pharmacy technician program graduates. All bring valuable skills to theproession and are valued. Tese skills and abilities will be assets to anyone wishing tobecome a licensed pharmacy technician in Saskatchewan.

    Tere are two major pathways to regulation based on how one came to theproession: the determining actor is “Did you graduate rom a Canadian Council orthe Accreditation o Pharmacy Programs (CCAPP) accredited pharmacy technicianprogram”?

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    Are you a graduate o a CCAPP accredited pharmacy techniciantraining program?

    1. YES - you move to the practical training component and the PEBC QualiyingExamination prior to sitting the Saskatchewan College o PharmacistsJurisprudence Examination.

    a) I you have recently graduated and are just beginning your career then you willcomplete the Structured Practical Skills raining & Assessment Program; or

    b) Upon proo o practising in either community or hospital pharmacy or aminimum o 2000 hours within the past three years, you will complete theStructured Practical Skills Assessment.

    2. NO – you move to the Non-Graduate pathway.

    a) I you have worked in a pharmacy practice or a minimum o 2000 hours withinthe last three-year period, the Non-Graduate pathway contains our steps toreach the Saskatchewan College o Pharmacists Jurisprudence Examination.

    1. PEBC Evaluating Examination

    2. National Bridging Program *

    3. Structured Practical Skills Assessment

    4. PEBC Qualiying Examination

    * may include Prior Learning Assessment & Recognition (PLAR) EducationalCredit. See page 9 or more inormation on PLAR 


     Are you a graduate of a CCAPP accreditedpharmacy technician training program?

    PEBC Qualifying Exam(Part 1-MCQ & Part 2-OSPE)

    PEBC Qualifying Exam(Part 1-MCQ & Part 2-OSPE)

    SCP Jurisprudence Exam (written)

    CONGRATULATIONS!Upon successfully completing your exams, you may now submit your application for registration,

    membership and licensure with SCP (must provide evidence of malpractice insurance)


    Have you completed 2000 hours of pharmacyexperience in the past three years?

    Have you completed 2000 hours of pharmacyexperience in the past three years?

    StructuredPractical Skills Assessment

    StructuredPractical Training

    & AssessmentProgram


    Pharmacy ExaminingBoard of Canada (PEBC)

    Evaluating ExamLast sitting for this exam is

    October, 2018

     Attend a CCAPPaccredited pharmacy

    technician trainingprogram and followthe Graduate path.

    It is strongly recommended that thefollowing steps be taken

     in this order.

    Bridging EducationProgram

     This is not the equivalent of a

    CCAPP accredited program

    Structured PracticalSkills Assessment

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    b) I the pharmacy assistant does not meet the minimum practice criteria, theywould seek licensure through the Graduate pathway (meaning he/she mustgraduate rom a CCAPP accredited pharmacy technician training program).

    Te Pharmacy ExaminingBoard of Canada (PEBC)(selected excerpts rom the PEBC website)

    Role of PEBC 

    Te Board is responsible or:

    • assessing the qualifications o pharmacists and pharmacy technicians on behal o provincial pharmacy regulatory authorities.

    • ensuring that entry level pharmacists and pharmacy technicians have the necessary proessional knowledge, skills and abilities to practise pharmacy within their scopeo practice in a sae and effective manner.

    Document Evaluation

    Te first step is the evaluation o your application and accompanying documents to

    ensure that you possess the qualifications that are acceptable or admission into thePharmacy echnician Evaluating Examination.

    Evaluating Examination

    Te second step is the successul completion o the Pharmacy echnician EvaluatingExamination. Te Evaluating Examination is designed to determine i you havethe knowledge and skills comparable to that o a graduate o a program accreditedby Te Canadian Council or Accreditation o Pharmacy Programs (CCAPP). Itevaluates knowledge in all areas o current pharmacy technician education curriculathat are accredited by CCAPP. Once you pass the Pharmacy echnician EvaluatingExamination, you will then be eligible to apply or the Pharmacy echnician QualiyingExamination.

     All Canadian pharmacy technicians currently in the proession must pass the PEBCPharmacy echnician Evaluating Examination by Dec 31, 2018 to be eligible to apply

     or the Qualiying Examination. Afer this time, only Canadian graduates o a CCAPPaccredited program will be eligible to apply or the Qualiying Examination.

    Te minimum qualification required or admission into the Evaluating Examination or pharmacy technicians is provision o acceptable evidence o completion o a minimumo 2,000 hours o work and/or teaching experience in the past 36 months in the fieldo pharmacy.

     A field o pharmacy includes practice where some o the ollowing tasks are perormed.

    PEBC Pharmacy echnician Certificate of QualificationPEBC grants a certificate as evidence when you have successully passed the Pharmacyechnician Qualiying Examination, thus meeting a national evaluation standardo entry-level competence (knowledge, skills and abilities needed to practise saelyand effectively). Tis evaluation is based on the practice competencies defined in“Proessional Competencies or Canadian Pharmacy echnicians at Entry to Practice”(NAPRA, 2007).

    Examination Attempts

    Candidates are permitted three attempts at a PEBC examination, afer which they arerequired to complete remediation prior to a ourth (final) attempt. Te only situation

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    in which candidates may be allowed an additional attempt at an examination is i theyare granted a “No Standing” status on an examination sitting on the basis o medicalconditions or compassionate grounds (such as bereavement). However, petitions orconsideration o a “No Standing” status are only considered i they are received within7 calendar days afer the examination, accompanied by appropriate, official supportingdocumentation. Petitions received more than 7 calendar days afer an examination (e.g.,upon receipt o an unsuccessul examination result) are NO considered.

    Tereore, you will not be able to be licensed with SCP.

    PEBC Pharmacy echnician Qualiying Examination EligibilityCriteria



    Direct Eligibility:

    - completion of a CCAPP program

    - pass OCP Cert. Exam (2008)

    - pass PTCB-AB Cert. Exam (2008)

    - pass Pharmacist Evaluating Exam

    - completion of a pharmacist degreeprogram in Canada or in the UnitedStates

    Eligibility Criteria:

    2,000 hours of work and/or teaching

    experience in the past 36 months


    PEBC Examination Dates

    ExaminationName ExaminationDate ExaminationCentre ApplicationDeadline


    Sun, Apr 12, 2015 Saskatoon Fri, Jan 9, 2015


    Sat, Sep 12, 2015(MCQ)


    Wed, Jun 10, 2015Sun, Sep 13, 2015(OSPE)



    Sat, Oct 17, 2015 Saskatoon Fri, Jun 26, 2015

    Tereafer, check the PEBC website or additional dates here.

    Applications must be RECEIVED by the PEBC office no later than theapplication date.

    All questions regarding certification with PEBC can be directed to the PEBCoffice. Te PEBC website has detailed inormation about application procedures,examination locations, examination costs and what to expect when taking theexaminations.

    Special Edition - March 2015

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    Te National Bridging ProgramTe National Pharmacy echnician Bridging Education Program was developed bythe National Association o Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities (NAPRA) to assistindividuals already working in the role o pharmacy assistant to upgrade theirskills to prepare or regulation and scope o practice without returning to school tocomplete an entire training program. Tis bridging program applies only to thoseindividuals who have not completed their training through a CCAPP accreditedschool or they have graduated prior to 2009.

    One o the goals o a national program is to acilitate labour mobility. Consistentcompetency requirements and standards enable regulated pharmacy technicians tocarry out and be accountable or their technical responsibilities related to pharmacypractice.

    Saskatchewan candidates wishing to complete the bridging program can registeror the National Pharmacy echnician Bridging Education Program online coursethrough Selkirk College.

    Prior Learning Assessment & Recognition (PLAR) Educational Credit

    Candidates have the option to take a Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition(PLAR) challenge examination or three o the our modules (Proessional Practice is mandatory). Tis process has been established to enable candidates to earneducational credit or what they already know. Candidates would be exempt romcompleting a module i they pass the associated challenge examination.

    Tere is only one opportunity to obtain PLAR or each module; there are nore-examinations to obtain PLAR. Selkirk College offers PLAR  examinations on amonthly basis. For more inormation rom NAPRA on PLAR, please click here.

    Four Program Courses

    Te program consists o our online modules. Each o the modules requires class time

    and homework ranging rom 3-10 hours per week. Based on this, i you work ull-time, we strongly recommend attempting only one module at a time.

    Course Descriptions

    Proessional Practice or Pharmacy echnician Bridging (noPLAR available)

    Students ocus on our key areas o practice: ethics and proessionalism, legalrequirements, scope o practice, and communication skills.

    Course outline - Proessional Practice or Pharmacy echnician Bridging

    Product Preparation or Pharmacy echnician Bridging

    Addresses the theoretical knowledge and practical skills essential or sae andaccurate preparation o sterile and non-sterile pharmaceutical products.

    Course Outline - Product Preparation or Pharmacy echnician Bridging

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    Pharmacology or Pharmacy echnician Bridging

    Provides a practical, applied approach to pharmacology.

    Course Outline - Pharmacology or Pharmacy echnician Bridging

    Management o Drug Distribution Systems or Pharmacyechnician Bridging

    Examines various drug distribution systems in pharmacy practice, with a ocuson sae and effective drug supply and distribution in both institutional andcommunity practice settings.

    Course Outline - Management o Drug Distribution Systems or Pharmacyechnician Bridging


    Management ofDrug Distribution

    Systems forPharmacyTechnician


    ProductPreparationfor PharmacyTechnicianBridging


    for PharmacyTechnicianBridging


    Practice forPharmacyTechnicianBridging

    For more inormation on regulating pharmacy technicians or bridging programs,please visit NAPRA’s website.

    Structured Practical rainingIn 1998, NAPRA’s National Licensing Standards Committee (NLSC) identified thatthere are some competency elements that are optimally assessed through a structuredpractical training program. It was noted that particular competencies requireobservation o perormance to determine the ability o the candidate that suchobservations should be conducted over a period o time to ensure that perormancecan be sustained. (For Pharmacy echnicians, we will use the model rom AFramework or Assessing Canadian Pharmacists’ Competencies at Entry-to-Practicethrough Structured Practical raining Programs).

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    At this time the Structured Practical raining programs are still under developmentand work is in progress with the continuing education unit at SaskatchewanPolytechnic. Te specifics o each program are being finalized, but the basic structureo each training program is as ollows:

    1. Structured Practical raining and Assessment (SPA) program – CCAPPaccredited program graduates with work experience less than 2000 hours in thepast 3 years.

    Te Structured Practical raining and Assessment (SPA) program eaturesactivities to demonstrate the candidate’s ability to meet the required proessionalcompetencies. Tis is in addition to any practicums completed as a componento the CCAPP accredited pharmacy technician program they have alreadycompleted.

    Licensed pharmacy technicians are authorized to practice in any pharmacypractice setting. As such, the candidate or registration must demonstratethe ability to meet all the competencies regardless o their preerred practiceenvironment.

    Te SPA was developed in response to requirements or registration andlicensure with the Saskatchewan College o Pharmacists. Te program

    encompasses the nine NAPRA competencies. Immersion in the SPA acilitatesthe candidate’s transition rom a didactic learner to a competent healthcareproessional. During the course o this program, the candidate is expectedto develop knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that are important to theproession. With exposure to each o the NAPRA competencies, the SPAprogram offers the candidate multiple opportunities to perorm activities based ontheir scope o practice.

    Te candidate will secure a placement in a community, hospital or community/hospital setting with a Saskatchewan Polytechnic approved preceptor and locationprovided that the workplace provides sufficient opportunity to demonstrate thecompetencies. It may happen that a workplace does not provide such opportunity,which will necessitate the candidate securing an alternative environment to

    complete the program.

    2. Structured Practical Skills Assessment (SPSA) program – or candidates whohave not graduated rom a CCAPP accredited program and CCAPP accreditedprogram graduates who have been working or more than 2000 hours in thepast three years.

    Te Structured Practical Skills Assessment (SPSA) is designed as an assessmento the applicant’s basic competencies in a direct patient care practice settingapproved by the Council. Candidates have had previous experience in a pharmacysetting and now will demonstrate the ability to apply their knowledge and skillsin a practical setting through completion o various activities that all within thepharmacy technician’s scope o practice. Te activities are designed to addressspecific competencies as set orth in the Proessional Competencies or CanadianPharmacy echnicians at Entry to Practice developed the National Association oPharmacy regulatory Authorities (NAPRA). Tis assessment is to be completedwithin 2 – 12 weeks.

    Te SPSA may be completed at the candidate’s current practice site provided thatthe workplace provides sufficient opportunity to demonstrate the competencies.It may happen that a workplace does not provide such opportunity, which willnecessitate the candidate securing an alternative environment to complete theprogram.

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    SCP Jurisprudence ExaminationFrom the NAPRA document, Proessional Competencies or Canadian Pharmacyechnicians at Entry to Practice (2014):

    Competency Category 

    1. Ethical, legal and proessional responsibilitiesPharmacy technicians practice within legal requirements, demonstrate

     proessionalism and uphold proessional standards o practice, codes o ethics and policies.

    Te pharmacy technician candidate must successully complete the SaskatchewanCollege o Pharmacists jurisprudence examination on the legislation governing thepractice o pharmacy in this province. Examinations are held at the College office inRegina by scheduled appointment. Te sitting or this computer-based examination isnot open book.

    Examination topics to be responsible or include

    • Both Federal and Provincial pharmacy legislation

    • Te Health Inormation Protection Act (HIPA)

    • Reerence Manual material

    • Te Saskatchewan Drug Plan Formulary (Preace and Appendices).

    SCP Reerence Manual documents and Legislation (Bylaws and Te Pharmacy Act,1996 ) are available at the SCP website. Te outline o materials to study is available byrequest.

    Te Examination has a two-hour time limit and is camera monitored or securitypurposes.

    Other Requirements for

    Registration and LicensureIn addition to the educational requirements, all candidates or registration must alsomeet the ollowing requirements to become a member o the Saskatchewan Collegeo Pharmacists:

    A. Language Proficiency Requirements – (draf)

    SCP Council has determined the fluency requirement to be proficiency in the Englishlanguage as described by NAPRA (National Association o Pharmacy RegulatoryAuthorities) in their document entitled, “Language Fluency Requirements orLicensure as a Pharmacy echnician in Canada” .

    Excerpt:Language proficiency is an essential skill required o all pharmacy technicians in theday to day practice o pharmacy in Canada. Although language proficiency does not

     guarantee that effective communication will take place, it is the oundation or reading,speaking, listening and writing skills – all components o communication. A pharmacytechnician’s ability to communicate is critical in the delivery o sae and effective patientcare.” 

    In Saskatchewan, we have adopted the same principles or language proficiency or pharmacy technicians as we have or pharmacists:

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    1. All applicants who have received a CCAPP accredited pharmacy technician educationwill not be required to undergo urther testing unless a “trigger” (see below) suggests thata test or language proficiency is necessary.

    2. Language proficiency standards are to be applied on entry to practical training. Application at this time (rather than at the point o licensure) supports public protectionand enables the candidate to derive the expected educational benefits rom the program,while at the same time allows or language proficiency to improve through the program’s

    emphasis on communication, prior to licensure.3. Prior language proficiency test results should be accepted by the pharmacy regulatoryauthority as valid i completed within two years prior to commencement o practicaltraining.


    riggers include, but are not limited to:

    1. A pharmacist, who has been recognized as a preceptor by a Provincial or erritorialRegulatory Authority, identifies a candidate who has demonstrated less than adequatelanguage proficiency. Tis perceived inadequacy must be confirmed through anappropriate process approved by the Provincial or erritorial Regulatory Authority.

    2. A complaint is received by the pharmacy technician educational program orProvincial or erritorial Regulatory Authority rom a customer, patient or health proessional about the candidate concerning a lack o language proficiency skills. Tealleged deficiency in communication must be confirmed through an appropriate processapproved by the Provincial or erritorial Regulatory Authority.

    o review the English language proficiency standards please view the NAPRAdocument.

     B. Malpractice Insurance

    Te proposed Regulatory Bylaws or malpractice insurance or pharmacy techniciansare similar to that or pharmacists.


    13(4) Malpractice Insurance

    (a) in this subsection:

    (i) “acceptable malpractice insurance means personal insurance that;

    1. Insures a practicing member against liability claims relating to the perormance, or alleged perormance, o proessional services.

    2. Provides a limit or each claim o a minimum o two million dollars or licensed pharmacists or one million dollars or licensed pharmacytechnicians.

    Malpractice insurance is not available through the SCP, nor is it included with theSCP membership/registration. SCP will accept coverage that meets the requirementsas specified in Regulatory Bylaw 13(4) in its entirety.

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    C. Canadian Status

    From the Regulatory Bylaws


     Membership Registration

    4(1) Any person who wishes to become a member must register by meeting therequirements o the Act and bylaws, or otherwise by meeting the requirements oCouncil, in a manner or according to the procedures specified by the Registrar-reasurer

    including completing the required orms and payment o the prescribed ees. Onceregistered, the name o the member is entered into the register and remains on theregister until removed due to resignation, termination o membership or non-paymento ees or a decision o the Discipline Committee. Any person who wishes to becomea member must be either a Canadian citizen, Permanent Resident, or is legallyentitled to work in Canada (hold a valid Canadian work permit). (emphasis is thewriter’s).

    Glossary of ermsCCAPP  Canadian Council or Accreditation o Pharmacy Programs

    CCCEP  Canadian Council or Continuing Education in Pharmacy 

    MCQ  Multiple Choice Question

    MSOPP  Model Standards o Practice or Canadian Pharmacy echnicians

    NAPRA  National Association o Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities

    OSPE  Objective Structured Perormance Examination

    PEBC  Pharmacy Examining Board o Canada

    PLAR  Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition

    SCOPe  Saskatchewan College o Pharmacists e-Newsletter

    SCP  Saskatchewan College o Pharmacists

    SPSA  Structured Practical Skills Assessment

    SPA  Structured Practical raining & Assessment Program

    AcknowledgementsWe would like to acknowledge the ollowing organizations that provided inormationor this newsletter directly or via their website.

    • Alberta College o Pharmacists

    • Canadian Council or Accreditation o Pharmacy Programs

    • Canadian Council or Continuing Education in Pharmacy 

    • College o Pharmacists o British Columbia

    • College o Pharmacists o Manitoba

    • National Association o Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities

    • New Brunswick College o Pharmacists

    • Newoundland & Labrador Pharmacy Board

    • Nova Scotia College o Pharmacists

    • Ontario College o Pharmacists

    • Pharmacy Examining Board o Canada

    • Prince Edward Island College o Pharmacists

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     Are you a graduate of a CCAPP accreditedpharmacy technician training program?

    PEBC Qualifying Exam(Part 1-MCQ & Part 2-OSPE)

    PEBC Qualifying Exam(Part 1-MCQ & Part 2-OSPE)

    SCP Jurisprudence Exam (written)

    CONGRATULATIONS!Upon successfully completing your exams, you may now submit your application for registration,

    membership and licensure with SCP (must provide evidence of malpractice insurance)


    Have you completed 2000 hours of pharmacyexperience in the past three years?

    Have you completed 2000 hours of pharmacyexperience in the past three years?

    StructuredPractical Skills Assessment

    StructuredPractical Training

    & Assessment



    Pharmacy ExaminingBoard of Canada (PEBC)

    Evaluating ExamLast sitting for this exam is

    October, 2018

     Attend a CCAPPaccredited pharmacy

    technician training

    program and followthe Graduate path.

    It is strongly recommended that thefollowing steps be taken

     in this order.

    Bridging EducationProgram

     This is not the equivalent of aCCAPP accredited program

    Structured Practical

    Skills Assessment