scientometric analysis

SCIENTOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF RESEARCH COMPETITIVENESS OF COUNTRIES, INSTITUTIONS AND SUBJECTS Supervised By Dr Vivek Kumar Singh Assistant Professor Department of Computer Science South Asian University Presented By : Khushboo Singhal Sumit Kumar Banshal Roll No. SAU/CS(M)/2013/005 Roll No. SAU/CS(M)/2013/018 Department of Computer Science Department of Computer Science South Asian University South Asian University 5/17/2015

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Supervised By

Dr Vivek Kumar Singh

Assistant Professor

Department of Computer Science

South Asian University

Presented By :

Khushboo Singhal Sumit Kumar Banshal

Roll No. SAU/CS(M)/2013/005 Roll No. SAU/CS(M)/2013/018

Department of Computer Science Department of Computer Science

South Asian University South Asian University




Questions we Aimed to Answer

Country/Region Level Analysis

Institution Level Analysis

Fine Grained Research Theme based Analysis

Scientometric & Indicators

Derived Indicators

Bibliographic Databases

Our Work

Regional Analysis

Institution Level Analysis

Fine Grained Research Theme based Analysis


Publication Out of this Work

Selected Bibliography


Scientometric Assessment of Research Competitiveness is

distributed in three different aspects:

Country/Region Level Analysis

South Asia



Institution Level Analysis

Top 100 world institutes

Central Universities (CU)

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)

Fine Grained Research Theme based Analysis

Big Data

Questions we Aimed to Answer

Can IT infrastructure be mapped with CS research output from South Asian countries?

Can we analyze the CS research output stand of Bangladesh?

Can we visualize the CS research output stand of India?

Can we characterize the leading World Institutes ?

Can we map the proportionate contribution of CU in India and rank CU accordingly?

Can we rank IIT based on research output & characterize the research ?

Can this methodology be characterized in narrow research theme?

Country/Region Level Analysis

South Asia (SA)

Mapping IT infrastructure with CS Research Output

Bibliographic data from Web of Science for SA


Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal,

Pakistan, Sri Lanka

For the period 1989-2013

Standings of SA Countries in IT

Total 15,841 records (15,810 unique)

Country/Region Level Analysis contd…


Insight look on Country’s Research Output

Trends, Author Ship Patterns, Top Contributors

Bibliographic data from Scopus

For the period 1989-2013

Total 3200 records (3193 unique)

Country/Region Level Analysis contd…

India Insight look on Country’s Research Output

Trends, Author Ship Patterns, Top Contributors

Bibliographic data from Scopus

For the period 1989-2013

Total 84385 records

100 institutions

61502 records (72% of Total Data)

59682 unique records

Institution Level Analysis

Top 100 CS Research Producing Institutes of the

World (W-100)

Measuring Research Competitiveness of W-100

Characterizing Research Trends

Implementing Composite Rank

Bibliographic data from Web of Science

For the period 1999-2013

Total 261,154 records

251,312 unique records

Institution Level Analysis contd…

Central Universities in India (CU)

39 Central Universities (

Measuring Contribution to Indian Research

Rank Institute based on Research Strengths

Identifying Trends & Themes in Research

For the period 1990-2014

Total 64302 records

63776 unique records

Each record comprises of 60 attributes

Institution Level Analysis contd…

Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT)

16 IIT (

Measuring Contribution to Indian Research

Rank IIT based on Research Strengths

Identifying Trends & Themes in IIT Research

For the period 1990-2014

Total 81588 records

80991 unique records

Each record comprises of 60 attributes

Big Data

Characterizing Research Output from Narrow Discipline

Fine-Grained Research Theme Mapped into Scientometric


Emerging Topic since 2005s

Collected Data from Scopus & WOS

For the Period 2010-2014

Total Records

WOS:- 1415 (60 Fields)

Scopus:- 6810 (41 Fields)

Fine Grained Research Theme based Analysis

Scientometric & Indicators

Composition of science and metrics

Study of measuring and analyzing science, technology and innovation

Measure scientific research and impact of the research in scientific communities

Research include qualitative and quantitative approaches

Direct Indicators Derived Indicators

Total Publications Co-authorship Highly Cited Papers (HiCP)

No. of Words No. Of References Average Citation Per Paper (ACPP)

Citation Counts Internationally Collaborated papers (ICP)

H-index G-index Hg-index P-index

Derived Indicators

Highly Cited Papers (HiCP)

HiCP indicator refers to those papers that are among the 10% most cited papers worldwide in a particular year. For this, first find the citation threshold for the top 10% cited papers worldwide in a domain. Obtain the number of HiCP papers for each institute for each year by

here, y: year, p: paper, TPy : total number of papers in the year, Cy,p : number of citations for a paper in the year and Ɵy :citation threshold for HiCP for the year

More HiCP papers indicate that research output with high impact.

Average Citation Per Paper (ACPP)

ACPP is the ratio of Total Publication (TP) to Total Citation (TC) formulated as,

where, Cn is the number of citations for a given paper n. TP is the total number of such publications.

Internationally Collaborated Papers (ICP)

Internationally collaborated paper refers to those papers having at least two authors who are from two different countries. There may be more authors in the author group but at least one author must be from different country to those of others.

Derived Indicators


The H-index (Hirsch, 2005) is an index that aims to measure both the productivity and citation impact of the published work. The index is based on the set of the scientist's most cited papers and the number of citations that they have received in other publications.

A scientist has index h if h of his/her Np papers have at least h citations each, and the other (Np − h) papers have no more than h citations each.


The G-index is an index based on publication records for quantifying scientific productivity. G-index (Egghe, 2006) is calculated based on the distribution of citations received by a given researcher's publications:

Given a set of articles ranked in decreasing order of the number of citations that they received, the g-index is the (unique) largest number such that the top g articles received (together) at least g2 citations


HG-index is composite of H-index and G-index. To overcome the disadvantages of both indices, HG-index was introduced. The HG-index (Alonso et al., 2010) is computed as:

where, H and G are H-index and G-index.

Derived Indicators


P-index is well known for giving best balance between the quantity and quality. P-index

(Prathap, 2010) is computed as:

Here, P is total number of papers and C is total citations.

Bibliographic Databases

There are many well known databases:

Scopus Web of Science MEDLINE

Google Scholar Info Track Biomedical Databases

Compendex GENESIS OAIster



IEEE Xplore




Trove DOGE Embase

ACM Portal DBLP PubMed

Selected Databases


Depth of Coverage (90 million records of 250+ disciplines)

12,000 journals proceedings

160,000 conference proceedings

Specific Criteria to Select Journal

Indexing Service

Attributes in tag format (all tags)

Sample Data


50 million records

Easy to navigate

Widely Acclaimed Indexing Service as well as publishing house

Sample data

Regional Analysis –SA

Regional Analysis –SA contd…

Regional Analysis –SA contd…

Regional Analysis –SA contd…

Country Profiling – Bangladesh

Country Profiling – Bangladesh contd…

Country Profiling – Bangladesh contd…

Country Profiling – Bangladesh contd…

Country Profiling – India

Country Profiling – India contd…

Country Profiling – India contd…

Country Profiling – India contd…

Institution Level Analysis- W100

Measuring Research Competitiveness

Identify Thematic Trends

Rank Institution Based on Composite Indicators

Rank Institution Based on Thematic Strength

Based on Research Strength & Trends

Based on both Qualitative & Quantitative Indicators

One part based on Scientometrics

Other part merged Text with Scientometrics

Institution Level Analysis- W100 contd…

Geographical Spread of Top 100 Institutes

Ranking : Indicator Values

Rank15 for top 10 institutions (indicator values)

Institution TP TC HiCP ACPP ICP H index

MIT 4385 123671 694 28.203 1470 141

UCB 3616 121682 591 33.651 1138 136

SU 3633 94013 663 25.878 1121 131

IBM 5854 91086 494 15.56 1756 127

INRIA 5432 65934 471 12.138 2451 100

UL 4803 65792 518 13.698 2254 98

CMU 4065 73084 441 17.979 1222 110

MS 4117 67578 410 16.414 1599 101

UIUC 3347 71827 420 21.46 1061 106

HU 2479 62082 445 25.043 923 103

Institution Level Analysis- W100 contd…

Normalized Score

Measuring Relative Performance

Range : 0 to 100

Here, : maximum raw value among all the institutions for the indicator, i

Composite Score of All Indicators

Simple Average

Ranking Computed In Three Blocks

15 years (Rank15) : Whole Period i.e. , 1999-2013

10 years (Rank 10 ) : 2004-2013

5 years (Rank5) : 2009-2013

Institution Level Analysis- W100 contd…

Rank15 for top 10 institutions (normalized values and


Institution TP Score HiCP











MIT 40.2 72.7 83.8 34.4 100 66.22 1

UCB 33.1 61.9 100 26.6 96.5 63.62 2

SU 33.3 69.5 76.9 26.2 92.9 59.76 3

IBM 53.7 51.8 46.2 41.1 90.1 56.58 4

INRIA 49.8 49.4 36.1 57.4 70.9 52.72 5

UL 44 54.3 40.7 52.7 69.5 52.24 6

CMU 37.3 46.2 53.4 28.6 78 48.7 7

MS 37.7 43 48.8 37.4 71.6 47.7 8

UIUC 30.7 44 63.8 24.8 75.2 47.7 9

HU 22.7 46.6 74.4 21.6 73 47.66 10

Institution Level Analysis- W100 contd…

Impact of Indicator on Ranks

Correlation between Rank15 & Individual Indicators i.e., TP, ACCP and So On.

Impact of One Indicator on Other Indicator

Correlation between TP & ACPP, HiCP, H-Index, ICP and vice versa.

Correlation between Ranks

Spearman Rank Correlation


K :the size of the ranked sets;


and s2,j

: Rank positions of institutions in

the two ranking R1 and R2.

R1 as the computed rank

R2 as indicator-based rank

Institution Level Analysis- W100 contd…

Spearman Rank Correlation between Rank15 and

individual indicators

Institution Level Analysis- W100 contd…

Spearman Rank Correlation between five indicator-

ranks for 100 institutions

Institution Level Analysis- W100 contd…

Correlation between ranks

Institution Level Analysis- W100 contd…

Identifying Themes of Research

Rank based on Themes

One Institute may be Better in one Specific Area, not for all.

11 Broader Themes in CS Research

Gives a Fine Grained Ranking

Institution Level Analysis- W100 contd…

Flow Diagram of Text Classification

Acronym Full Name

AI Artificial Intelligence

CT Computation Theory

CHA Computer Hardware & Architecture

CN Computer Networks

CSA Computer Software & Applications

CG Cryptography

DBMS Database Management System

IM Internet & Multimedia

OS Operating System

SIP Signal & Image Processing

SE Software Engineering

Thematic Areas with Full Name

Institution Level Analysis- W100 contd…

Thematic research area map

Research strengths of top 10 institutions

Institution Level Analysis- W100 contd…

Thematic area wise composite Rank15

Institution Rank15






MIT 1 15 5 23 26 14 17 6 13 19 25 9

UCB 2 4 16 9 4 4 18 18 25 14 5 3

SU 3 33 14 21 12 16 35 21 10 42 31 19

IBM 4 29 83 4 24 25 14 13 19 9 34 14

INRIA 5 9 6 1 1 5 1 5 4 2 9 2

UL 6 12 7 36 11 9 8 7 12 16 4 6

CMU 7 25 12 13 19 10 20 28 22 15 35 16

MS 8 6 78 11 18 28 21 9 5 21 8 15

UIUC 9 21 52 22 28 19 28 27 26 22 7 26

HU 10 11 61 35 15 17 42 4 7 58 29 5

Identifying Trends in Research

Measuring Contribution to Indian Research

Identifying Authorship Patterns

Institution Level Analysis- CU

39 CU on a Geographical Map Proportionate share of 39 CU to total Research


Institutional Level Analysis- CU contd…

Total Research Output of 39 CU (year-wise)

Institutional Level Analysis- CU contd…

Distribution of Research output among 39 CU

1990-2014 2010-2014

Institutional Level Analysis- CU contd…

Output- Faculty Strength Plot (2010-2014 period)

Institutional Level Analysis- CU contd…

Plot for ACPP and HiCP of 39 CU (year-wise)

Institutional Level Analysis- CU contd…

Multi Authorship Growth ICP Growth

Institutional Level Analysis- CU contd…

Composite Rank of CU in India 1990-2014

Composite Rank of CU in India 2010-2014

Institutional Level Analysis- CU contd…

All Rank Results

H-Index of Top CU in India Exergy Curve for Selected CU of India

Institutional Level Analysis- CU contd…

Exergy= Pi2 = P* (C/P) 2 = C2/P

Institutional Level Analysis- CU contd…

Discipline-wise Research Output Positions


Discipline-wise Research Output

Institutional Level Analysis- IIT

Rank Institute based on Research Strengths

Identifying Trends in Research

Measuring Contribution to Indian Research

Identifying Authorship Patterns

Identifying Thematic Research Strength

16 IIT on a Geographical Map

Proportionate share of 16 IIT to total Research Output

Institutional Level Analysis- IIT contd…

Total Research Output of 16 IIT

Cited Percentage of Research Output of 16 IIT and India

IITKGP- most prominent over

the years followed by IITM, IITB


Citedness (Cited %) of IIT

papers is quite higher than

Indian total research

Institutional Level Analysis- IIT contd…

Research Output- Faculty Strength Plot (2010-2014 period)

Institutional Level Analysis- IIT contd…

Distribution of Research output among 16 IIT

1990-2014 2010-2014

Institutional Level Analysis- IIT contd…

Plot for ACPP and HiCP of 16 IIT Contributes in India

Institutional Level Analysis- IIT contd…

Multi Authorship Growth ICP Growth

Institutional Level Analysis- IIT contd…

Composite Rank of IIT 2010-2014

Institutional Level Analysis- IIT contd…

Composite Rank of IIT 1990-2014

All Rank Results

Institutional Level Analysis- IIT contd…

H-Index of Top IIT Exergy Curve for Selected IIT

Institutional Level Analysis- IIT contd…

Discipline-wise Research Output Positions Discipline-wise Research Output

Fine Grained Research Theme Level

Analysis- Big Data

Research Output, Relative Growth Rate (RGR) and Doubling Time (DT)

Characterizing Research Output from Narrow Discipline

Fine-Grained Research Theme Mapped into Scientometric Methodology

Mapping Research Theme in Scientometric Indicators & Metrics

Research Growth, Trends, Themes etc Plotted

Fine Grained Research Theme Level

Analysis- Big Data contd…

Country-wise Research Output

Fine Grained Research Theme Level

Analysis- Big Data contd…

Institution-wise Research Output with Scientometric indicators

Fine Grained Research Theme Level

Analysis- Big Data contd…

Most Productive Authors (WOS data)

Author Cliques for Author Chen JJ

6 Authors from top 25 authors group size of 32

Fine Grained Research Theme Level

Analysis- Big Data contd…

Discipline-wise Distribution of Research Output (WOS data)

Fine Grained Research Theme Level

Analysis- Big Data contd…

Controlled Term Based Output Analysis

Fine Grained Research Theme Level

Analysis- Big Data contd…

Controlled Term Based Theme Density Plot (WOS Data)


No Standard Datasets

Semi Structured Data

Regular Updates in Databases

High Subscription Rate of Indexing Services

Switching Affiliations

Affiliations not in Identical Format

Data Format Varies in Databases

Publications Out of this Work


Singhal, K., Banshal, S. K., Uddin, A., & Singh, V. K. (2014). The information technology knowledge infrastructure and research in South Asia. Journal of Scientometric Research, 3(3), 134.

Banshal, S. K., Singhal, K., Uddin, A., & Singh, V. K. (2014). Mapping Computer Science research in Bangladesh. In Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Software, Knowledge, Information Management and Applications (SKIMA), Dhaka, Bangladesh, IEEE XPLORE (pp. 1-7)

Banshal, S. K, Uddin, A. and Singh, V. K. (2015), Identifying Themes and Trends in CS Research Output from India, In Proceedings of International Conference on Cognitive Computing and Information Processing (CCIP), Noida, India, IEEE XPLORE (pp. 1-6)


Singh, V. K., Banshal, S. K., Singhal, K. & Uddin, A., A Sciento-Text Framework for Fine-grained Characterization of the Leading World Institutions in Computer Science Research, Accepted to appear in 15th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics (ISSI), Istanbul, Turkey, 29th June-3rd July, 2015.

Singh, V. K., Banshal, S. K., Singhal, K. & Uddin, A., Identifying Area Specific Strong Research Centers in the Leading World Institutions in Computer Science Research, Submitted to Atlanta Conference On Science and Innovation Policy, Atlanta, USA, 17th Sept. - 19th Sept., 2015.

Banshal, S. K., Singhal, K., Uddin, A., & Singh, V. K, Scientometric Mapping of Research on ‘Big Data’, Submitted to Journal of Scientometrics ISSN: 0138-9130 (Print) 1588-2861 (Online); Impact Factor (2013) : 2.274.

Selected Bibliography

Geraci, M., & Degli Esposti, M. (2011). Where do Italian universities stand? An in-depth statistical analysis of national and international rankings.

Scientometrics, 87(3), 667-681.

Hirsch, J. (2005). An index to quantify an individual's scientific research output. Proceedings of the National academy of Sciences of the United States of

America, 102, 16569-16572.

Uddin, A., & Singh, V. K. (2014). Mapping the Computer Science Research in SAARC Countries. IETE Technical Review, 31, 287-296.

Uddin, A. & Singh, V.K. (2015). A Quantity-Quality Composite Ranking of Indian Institutions in Computer Science Research. IETE Technical Review

(forthcoming) DOI:

Singhal K, Banshal SK, Uddin A, Singh VK. The information technology knowledge infrastructure and research in South Asia. J Sci Res 2014;3:134-42

Banshal SK, Singhal K, Uddin A, Singh VK. & Sharmin MF. Mapping the Computer Science Research in Bangladesh. Proceedings of the 8 th International

Conference on Software, Knowledge, Information Management and Applications, Dhaka, Bangladesh, IEEE Xplore; Dec, 2014

Liu, N. & Liu, L. (2005). University rankings in China. Higher Education in Europe, 30, 217-227.

Ma, R., Ni, C. & Qiu, J. (2008). Scientific research competitiveness of world universities in computer science. Scientometrics, 76, 245-260.

Uddin, A. & Singh, V.K. (2014) Measuring research output and collaboration in South Asian countries. Current Science 107, 1.

Prathap, G. (2010). The 100 most prolific economists using the p-index. Scientometrics, 84(1), 167-172.

Egghe, L. (2006). An improvement of the h-index: The g-index. ISSI newsletter, 2(1), 8-9.

Alonso, S., Cabrerizo, F. J., Herrera-Viedma, E. and Herrera, F. (2010). hg-index: A new index to characterize the scientific output of researchers

based on the h-and g-indices. Scientometrics, 82(2), 391-400.

Karpagam, R., Gopalakrishnan, S., Babu, B.R. and Natarajan, M. (2012). Scientometric Analysis of Stem cell Research: A comparative study of

India and other countries. Collnet Journal of Scientometrics and Information Management, 6(2), 229-252.

Karpagam, R., Gopalakrishnan, S., Natarajan, M., and Babu, B.R. (2011). Mapping of nanoscience and nanotechnology research in India: a

scientometric analysis, 1990–2009. Scientometrics, 89(2), 501-522.