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Scientific Computing on Graphical Processors: FMM, Flagon, Signal Processing, Plasma and Astrophysics Ramani Duraiswami Computer Science & UMIACS University of Maryland, College Park Joint work with Nail Gumerov, Yuancheng Luo, Adam O’Donovan, Bill Dorland, Kate Despain Partially supported by NASA, DOE, NSF, UMD, NVIDIA

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Scientific Computing on Graphical Processors: FMM, Flagon, Signal Processing, Plasma and Astrophysics

Ramani Duraiswami Computer Science & UMIACS

University of Maryland, College Park

Joint work with Nail Gumerov, Yuancheng Luo, Adam O’Donovan, Bill Dorland, Kate Despain

Partially supported by NASA, DOE, NSF, UMD, NVIDIA

Problem sizes in simulation/assimilation are increasing   Change in paradigm in science

  Simulate then test   Fidelity demands larger simulations   Problems being simulated are also much more

  Sensors are getting varied and cheaper; and storage is getting cheaper   Cameras, microphones

  Other Large data   Text (all the newspapers, books, technical papers)   Genome data   Medical/biological data (X-Ray, PET, MRI, Ultrasound, Electron

microscopy …)   Climate (Temperature, Salinity, Pressure, Wind, Oxygen content, …)

Need fast algorithms, parallel processing, better software

  Fast algorithms that improve asymptotic complexity of operations   FFT, FMM, NUFFT, preconditioned Krylov iterations

  Parallel processing can divide the time needed by the number of processors   GPUs, multicore CPUs   Partitioning problems across heterogeneous computing

environments   Cloud computing

  Architecture aware programming   Data structures for parallel architectures and cache


Fast Multipole Methods   Follows from seminal work of Rokhlin and Greengard (1987)   General method for accelerating large classes of dense matrix

vector products   Solve systems, compute eigenvalues etc. in combination with

iterative algorithms   Allow reduction of O(N2) and O(N3) operations to linear order   Dr. Gumerov and I are applying it to many areas

  Acoustics, Synthetic beamforming   Fluid mechanics (vortex methods, potential flow, Stokes flow)   Electromagnetic scattering and Maxwell’s equations   Fast statistics, similarity measures, image processing,

segmentation, tracking, learning   Non uniform fast Fourier transforms and reconstruction   Elastic registration, fitting thin-plate splines

  Decompose matrix vector product into a sparse part taking care of local interactions

  FMM replaces pairwise evaluations in dense part with an upward and downward pass via a hierarchy

  Spatial data structures (octrees), associated lists of particles

MLFMM Source Data Hierarchy


Evaluation Data Hierarchy

Level 2 Level 3

Level 4 Level 5 Level 2

Level 3 Level 4 Level 5



RBF/FMM interpolation to regular spatial grid

Helmholtz equation

© Gumerov & Duraiswami, 2006

Performance tests

Mesh: 249856 vertices/497664 elements

kD=29, Neumann problem kD=144, Robin problem (impedance, sigma=1)

(some other scattering problems were solved)

FMM on GPU   N.A. Gumerov and R. Duraiswami, Fast multipole methods

on graphics processors. Journal of Computational Physics, 227, 8290-8313, 2008.

  N-body problems --- several papers implement on GPU ( but restricted to O(10^5))

  To go to O(106) and beyond we need the FMM   Challenges  Effect of GPU architecture on FMM complexity

and optimization   Accuracy   Performance

Basic FMM flow chart

© Gumerov & Duraiswami, 2006

Direct summation on GPU (final step in the FMM)

Computations of potential, optimal settings for CPU

Time=CNs, s=8-lmaxN



Time=A1 N+B1 N/s+C1 Ns


access to box data

float computations


These parameters depend on the hardware

Direct summation on GPU

Cost =A1 N+B1 N/s+C1 Ns.

Compare GPU final summation complexity:

and total FMM complexity:

Cost = AN+BN/s+CNs.

sopt = (B1 /C1 )1/2,

Optimal cluster size for direct summation step of the FMM

This leads to

Cost =(A+A1 )N+(B+B1 )N/s+C1 Ns,

and sopt = ((B+B1 )/C1 )1/2 .

FMM requires a balance between direct summation and the rest of the algorithm

Direct summation on GPU (final step in the FMM)

Computations of potential, optimal settings for GPU


Other steps of the FMM on GPU   Accelerations in range 5-60;   Effective accelerations for N=1,048,576 (taking into

account max level reduction): 30-60.


Relative L2 –norm error measure:

CPU single precision direct summation was taken as “exact”; 100 sampling points were used.

What is more accurate for solution of large problems on GPU: direct summation or FMM?

Error computed over a grid of 729 sampling points, relative to “exact” solution, which is direct summation with double precision.

Possible reason why the GPU error in direct summation grows: systematic roundoff error in computation of function 1/sqrt(x). (still a question).


66 1.761 s 116.1 s p=12 72 1.227 s 88.09 s p=8 29 0.979 s 28.37 s p=4

Ratio GPU serial CPU

(potential only) N=1,048,576

48 1.395 s 66.56 s p=12 56 0.908 s 51.17 s p=8 33 0.683 s 22.25 s p=4

Ratio GPU serial CPU

(potential+forces (gradient)) N=1,048,576


p=4 p=8 p=12


Computations of the potential and forces:

Peak performance of GPU for direct summation 290 Gigaflops, while for the FMM on GPU effective rates in range 25-50 Teraflops are observed (following the citation below).

M.S. Warren, J.K. Salmon, D.J. Becker, M.P. Goda, T. Sterling & G.S. Winckelmans. “Pentium Pro inside: I. a treecode at 430 Gigaflops on ASCI Red,” Bell price winning paper at SC’97, 1997.







Introduction   GPUs are great as all the previous talks have said   But require you to program in extended version of C   Need NVIDIA toolchain   What if you have an application that is

  In Fortran 9x/2003, Matlab, C/C++   Too large to fit on the GPU and needs to use the CPU cores, MPI,

etc. as part of a larger application, but take advantage of GPU   Offload computations which have good speedups on the GPU to

it using library calls in your programming environment

 Enter the FLAGON   An extensible open source library and a middleware

framework that allows use of GPU   Implemented currently for Fortran-9X, and preliminarily for C++


Programming on the GPU   GPU organized as 2-30 groups of multiprocessors

(8 relatively slow processors) with small amount of own memory and access to common shared memory

  Factor of 100s difference in speed as one goes up the memory hierarchy

  To achieve gains problems must fit the SPMD paradigm and manage memory

  Fortunately many practically important tasks do map well and we are working on converting others   Image and Audio Processing   Some types of linear algebra cores   Many machine learning algorithms

  Research issues:   Identifying important tasks and mapping them to the

architecture   Making it convenient for programmers to call GPU code from

host code

Local memory ~50kB

GPU shared memory


Host memory ~2-32 GB

Approach to use GPU: Flagon Middleware

  Programming from higher language on CPU (Fortran /C++/Matlab)

  Defines Module/Class that provides pointers on CPU to Device Variables on the GPU

  Execute small, well written, CU functions to perform primitive operations on device   avoid data transfer overhead

  Provide wrappers to BLAS, FFT, and other software (random number, sort, screen dump, etc.)

  Allow incorporation of existing mechanisms for doing distributed programming (OpenMP, MPI, etc.) to handle clusters

  Allow relatively easy conversion of existing code

Sample scientific computing applications   Radial basis function fitting   Plasma turbulence computations   Fast Multipole Force calculation in particle systems   Numerical Relativity   Signal Processing   Integral Equations

FLAGON Framework   Fortran Layer

  Device Variables (devVar) communicates with lower levels

  Fortran interfaces and wrappers pass parameters to C/C++ level

  May directly call CUBLAS/CUFFT library functions

  C/C++ Layer   Communicates with CUDA

kernels   Setup function calls,

parameter passing to kernels   Module management of

external functions   CUDA Layer

  Performs operations on the device


Fortran - C Wrappers/Interfaces


Fortran Level

CUBLAS/CUFFT Functionality

Device Kernels

FLAGON Principles   Build a module/class that

  defines device variables, and host pointers to them,   allows their manipulation via functions and overloaded FORTRAN

95 operators   Extensible via CUDA kernels that work with module

  Use external CUDA kernel loaders and generic kernel callers

  Efficient memory management   Data is stored on the device and managed by the host   Asynchronous operations continuously performed on the device   Minimizes data transfers between host and device

  Integrated Libraries   CUBLAS/CUFFT   CUDPP   Some new linear algebra cores, small FFT code, random numbers

FLAGON Device Variables  User instantiates device

variables in Fortran  Encapsulates parameters

and attributes of the data structure transferred between host and device

 Tracks (via pointers) allocated memory on the device

  Stores data attributes (type and dimensions) on the host and device

FLAGON Structure

devVar Device Pointer

Device Dimensions Device Leading


Device Status Device Data Type

Pointer to device memory address Data type stored on device Allocation status on device X, Y, Z dimensions of vector or matrix on host X L , XY L leading dimensions of vector or matrix on device

FLAGON Work-Cycle   Compiling and link

library to user Fortran code

  Load library into memory   Allocate device variables

and copy host data to device

  Work-cycle allows subsequent computations to be performed solely on the device

  Data transfer from device to host when done

  Discard/free data on the device

FLAGON Work Cycle

Load FLAGON Library

Allocate Device Variable(s )

Memory Transfer Host to Device


Memory Transfer Device to Host

Allocates and pads memory on GPU Device

Transfer host data from Fortran to CUDA global

memory Call CUBLAS, CUFFT,

CUDPP, CUDA functions and perform all

calculations on the GPU Transfer data back from

device to host

Specify GPU device, load CUBLAS library

FLAGON Functions   Initialization functions

  open_devObjects, close_devObjects   Memory functions

  Allocation/deallocation   allocate_dv(chartype, nx, ny, nz)   deallocate_dv(devVar)

  Memory transfer   transfer_[i, r, c]4(hostVar, devVar, c2g)   transfer_[i, r, c] (hostVar, devVar, c2g)

  Memory copy   copy(devVar1,devVar2)   function cloneDeepWData(devVarA)   function cloneDeepWOData(devVarA)

  Misc.   swap(devVar1, devVar2)   part(deviceVariable,i1,i2,j1,j2,k1,k2)   get_[i, s, c]   set_[I, s, c]

  Point-wise Functions   Arithmetic

  devf_[hadamardf, divide, addition, subtraction] (devVar3, devVar1, devVar2, option)

  Scaling   devf_[i,s,c]scal(deviceVariable, a, b),

devf_cscalconj(deviceVariable, a, b)   Misc.

  devf_zeros(deviceVariable), devf_conjugate(deviceVariable), devf_partofcmplx(whichpart,deviceVariable)

  CUBLAS Functions:   BLAS 1, BLAS 2, BLAS 3 (with

shorter call strings)   CUFFT Functions:

  FFT Plans   devf_fftplan(devVariable, fft_type,

batch)   devf_destroyfftplan(plan)

  FFT Functions   devf_fft(input, plan, output)   devf_bfft(input, plan, output)   devf_ifft(input, plan, output)   devf_fftR2C(input, plan, output)   devf_fftC2R(input, plan, output)

  CUDPP Functions:   devf_ancCUDPPSortScan(devVarIn,

devVarOut, operation, dataType, algorithm, option)

  devf_ancCUDPPSortSimple(devVarIn, devVarOut)

  Ancillary Functions:   devf_ancMatrixTranspose(devVarIn,

devVarOut)   devf_ancBitonicSort(devVar1)

Example of code conversion

Plasma turbulence computations   spectral code, solved via a standard Runge-Kutta time advance, coupled with a

pseudo-spectral evaluation of NL terms.   Derivatives are evaluated in k−space, while multiplications in Eq. (2) are carried

out in real space.   standard 2/3 rule for dealiasing is applied, and small “hyperviscous” damping

terms are added to provide stability at the grid scale.   results agree with analytic expectations and same on both CPU & GPU.

32x speedup!

64 microphone spherical array

Forms an audio camera

Device memory Multi-processors



Audio Camera   spherical array of microphones   Use beamforming algorithms we developed can find sounds coming from

particular directions   Run several beamformers, one “look

direction” and assign output to an “ Audio pixel”

  Compose audio image.   Transform the spherical array into

a camera for audio images   Requires significant processing to

form pixels from all directions in a frame before the next frame is ready

Azimuth φ

Elevation θ


O’Donovan et al. : Several papers in IEEE CVPR, IEEE ICASSP, WASPAA (2007-2008)

Plasma Computations via PIC

Data structures for coalesced access   Particles modeling a density or real particles   Right hand side of evolution equation controlled by

a PDE for field solved on a regular grid   Either spectrally or via finite differences   Before/After time step require interpolation of field

quantities at grid nodes to/from particles

  Organized particles in a box using octrees created via bit interleaving resulting in a Morton curve layout

  Update procedures at the end of each time step

George Stantchev, William Dorland, Nail Gumerov “Fast parallel particle-to-grid interpolation for plasma PIC simulations on the GPU,” J. Parallel Distrib. Comput., 2008

Numerical relativity   Beginning collaboration with Prof. Tiglio's group   Hope to report more later