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Page 1: SCIENTIFIC Chambel, President Bruce Misstear, Secretary General NATIONAL SUBCOMMITTEE Francisco Aleza Enciso, MITECO
Page 2: SCIENTIFIC Chambel, President Bruce Misstear, Secretary General NATIONAL SUBCOMMITTEE Francisco Aleza Enciso, MITECO



Page 3: SCIENTIFIC Chambel, President Bruce Misstear, Secretary General NATIONAL SUBCOMMITTEE Francisco Aleza Enciso, MITECO



Page 4: SCIENTIFIC Chambel, President Bruce Misstear, Secretary General NATIONAL SUBCOMMITTEE Francisco Aleza Enciso, MITECO


COMMITTEES .................................................................... 4

SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME ............................................... 7

VENUE ................................................................................ 9

PROGRAMME AT-A-GLANCE ........................................ 10

PRE-CONGRESS SHORT COURSES ............................. 11

SUNDAY 22ND ................................................................... 12

MONDAY 23RD .................................................................. 12

TUESDAY 24TH ................................................................. 13

WEDNESDAY 25TH ........................................................... 15

THURSDAY 26TH .............................................................. 17

FRIDAY 27TH ..................................................................... 18

PARALLEL SESSIONS PROGRAMME .......................... 19

POSTER SESSIONS PROGRAMME ............................... 50

Page 5: SCIENTIFIC Chambel, President Bruce Misstear, Secretary General NATIONAL SUBCOMMITTEE Francisco Aleza Enciso, MITECO



Honor Committee


H. R. M. The King of Spain*

*to be confirmed

Minister for Ecological Transition

President of the Andalusian Government

Director of the Spanish Geological Survey

Mayor of Malaga

Rector of the University of Malaga

Organizing Committee


Bartolomé Andreo

University of Malaga


Juan José Durán

Spanish Geological Survey (IGME)


Antonio Chambel, President Bruce Misstear, Secretary General


Francisco Aleza Enciso, MITECO José Miguel Andreu Rodes, UA

Ramiro Angulo Sánchez, Suez

Iñaki Antigüedad Auzmendi, UPV

María Luisa Calvache Quesada, UGR

Manuel López Rodríguez, Consejería de Medio Ambiente de la Junta de Andalucía Fernando López Vera, Fundación Fomento and Gestión del Agua Marisol Manzano Arellano, UPCT

Page 6: SCIENTIFIC Chambel, President Bruce Misstear, Secretary General NATIONAL SUBCOMMITTEE Francisco Aleza Enciso, MITECO


Lucila Candela Lledó, UPC

Mari Carmen Cabrera Santana, ULPG Teresa Carceller Layel, Confederación Hidrográfica del Ebro Jesús Carrera Ramírez, CSIC

Irene de Bustamante Gutiérrez, UAH, IMDEA Agua

Víctor Juan Cifuentes Sánchez, Confederación Hidrográfica del Guadalquivir Francisco Javier Elorza Tenreiro, UPM-ETSIM Teodoro Estrela Monreal, Confederación Hidrográfica del Júcar Juan José Gómez Alday, IDR-UCLM

J. Jaime Gómez-Hernández, UPV

Ángel Jesús González Santos, CH Duero Carolina Guardiola Albert, IGME

Juan Antonio López Geta, CAS

Luis Martínez Cortina, MITECO

Pedro Martínez Santos, UCM

Sergio Martos Rosillo, IGME Josep Mas Plà, UdG

Ignacio Menéndez Pidal, UPM-ETSICCP

Jorge Molinero Huguet, AMPHOS-21

Ignacio Morell Evangelista, UJI

Manuel Olías Álvarez, UHU

Emilio Orejudo Ramírez, ACA Javier Samper Calvete, UC

José Ángel Sánchez Navarro, UNIZAR

Esther Sánchez Sánchez, Canal de Isabel II

Albert Soler Gil, UAB

Margarida Valverde Ferreiro, FCIHS Ángela Vallejos Izquierdo, UAL


Manuel Argamasilla Ruiz, CETAQUA

Juan Antonio Barberá Fornell, CEHIUMA

Marina Bravo Casero, Diputación Provincial de Málaga

José Benavente Herrera, UGR

Gustavo Calero Díaz, Hidralia

Francisco Carrasco Cantos, CEHIUMA María Jesús Civantos Martínez, CEHIUMA

Beatriz de la Torre Martínez, CEHIUMA

Juan José Denis Corrales, EMASA

Sara Espinosa Martínez, CETAQUA

José Manuel Gil Márquez, CEHIUMA Luis Linares Girela, Academia Malagueña de Ciencias

Cristina Liñán Baena, CEHIUMA and Fundación Cueva de Nerja

Ana Isabel Marin, ETC-UMA and CEHIUMA

Javier Martín Arias, CEHIUMA

José Francisco Martín Rodríguez, CEHIUMA

Carlos Marcelo Matovelle Bustos, CEHIUMA and Universidad Católica de Cuenca (Ecuador) Luis Medina-Montoya Hellgren, Ayuntamiento de Málaga Antonio Lope Morales González, CEHIUMA

Matías Mudarra Martínez, CEHIUMA

José Manuel Nieto López, CEHIUMA

Lucía Ojeda Rodríguez, CEHIUMA

Jorge Prieto Mera, CEHIUMA Damián Sánchez García, CETAQUA Andalucía

Iñaki Vadillo Pérez, CEHIUMA

Scientific Committee


J. Jaime Gómez-Hernández

Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain


Bartolomé Andreo

University of Malaga

Okke Batelaan, Flinders University, Australia

Jose E. Capilla, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain

Eduardo Cassiraga, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain

Daniel Martínez, CONICET, Argentina

Josep Mas-Pla, Universitat de Girona, and Catalan Institute for Water Research, Spain

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Nadim Copty, Bogazici University, Turkey

Emilio Custodio, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain

Linda Daniele, Universidad de Chile, Chile Alain Dassargues, University of Liège, Belgium

Inge de Graaf, University of Freiburg, Germany

Daniela Ducci, University "Federico II" of Naples, Italy

Namira El Amrani Paaza, Hassan First University, Morocco

Bouabid El Mansouri, Ibn Tofail University, Morocco María Vicenta Esteller Alberich, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Mexico M. Dolores Fidelibus, Polytechnic University of Bari, Italy

Juan Giráldez, University of Córdoba, Spain

Vanessa A. Godoy, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain Nico Goldscheider, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany Ricardo Hirata, University of São Paulo, Brazil

Marijke Huysmans, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Xiao-Wei Jiang, China University of Geosciences (Beijing), China Ricardo Juncosa, Universidad de La Coruña, Spain

Patrick Lachassagne, Danone Waters, France

James LaMoreaux, P E LaMoreaux & Associates, Inc., United States of America Oscar Larrea, Empresa Pública Metropolitana de Agua Potable y Saneamiento (EPMAPS-AGUA DE QUITO), Ecuador Jorge Loredo, University of Oviedo, Spain

Peter Malík, SGUDS - Geological Survey of Slovak Republic, Slovakia

Carlos Molano, University of Los Andes, Colombia

Buyankishig Nemer, Mongolian University of Science and Technology, Mongolia José Paulo Monteiro, Universidade do Algarve, Portugal

Judit Mádl-Szőnyi, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary

Christoph Neukum, Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Germany Sorab Panday, GSI Environmental, USA

Antonio Pulido-Bosch, University of Granada, Spain Viviana Re, University of Pisa, Italy

Luís Ribeiro, Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal

Alfonso Rivera, Geological Survey of Canada, Canada

María Elena Rodrigo-Clavero, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain Javier Rodrigo-Ilarri, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain

David Sanz, Universidad de Castilla - La Mancha, Spain

Michael Sinreich, Federal Office for the Environment, Switzerland Albert Soler Gil, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain

Zoran Stevanovic, University of Belgrade, Serbia Tibor Stigter, IHE Delft Institute for Water Education, Netherlands Teodóra Szőcs, Mining and Geological Survey of Hungary, Hungary Jorge A. Tovar, Hydro-Geo, Peru

Natalia Vinograd, St.Petersburg State University, Russia Luis Vives, Instituto de Hidrología de Llanuras "Dr. Eduardo Usunoff", Argentina Andrea Zanini, University of Parma, Italy

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Topic 1 - Groundwater assessment and management

Groundwater management should be based on adequate resource assessment and aquifer functioning. Nevertheless, groundwater is in the origin of many conflicts. In many cases, these conflicts arise not due to groundwater availability but to poor management and governance.

Topic 2 - Groundwater and climate change

Countries from temperate zones of the Earth, such as Western Mediterranean countries of both Southern Europe and North Africa, are expected to experience impacts on the sustainability, quantity, quality, and management of water resources. Future scenarios forecast the decline in streamflow reducing reservoir storage for population supply. In this context, groundwater becomes an increasingly strategic resource to meet water demand from urban areas and agriculture.

Topic 3 - Groundwater sustainability and governance

Major changes are ongoing in population growth, human migration, and land use, increasing the stress on the available quantity and quality of water resources. Water demand is increasing particularly in regions where it is already scarce, both for human and agricultural uses. It is important to analyze the sustainability of groundwater use around the world, and especially of some of the largest aquifers in the world. At the current pace, aquifers on which millions of people depend could be depleted in the near future. Can we move from groundwater mining into groundwater usage of renewable resources?

Within this topic will be organized a session on Groundwater and water security in developing countries (Topic 3.1).

Topic 4 - Groundwater footprint and virtual water

Water resources management is an important issue in arid and semi-arid regions. In many cases water conflicts arise not because of the scarcity in water resources but because of improper management. Concepts such as virtual water and water footprint can help in improving current management practices and provide new insights, a new awareness about the importance of the resource. The groundwater footprint has served to bring awareness about the current usage of groundwater and to point out the aquifers whose management is unsustainable. The low number of abstracts submitted to this Topic has been included in related topics.

Topic 5 - Tools, methods and models to study groundwater

This topic deals on the broad spectrum of methodologies and models conventionally applied in Hydrogeology (hydrogeological mapping, hydrodynamic, hydrochemistry, isotopes, tracers, etc.), but particularly to the most innovative ones and to new trends in modelling.

Within this topic several sessions will be organized:

• Topic 5.1 - Dynamic Analogues (TOTAL) • Topic 5.2 - High island hydrogeology

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• Topic 5.3 - Advanced modelling tools for subsurface hydrology: from the vadose zone

to deep environments. • Topic 5.4 - Innovative approaches for understanding groundwater flow systems

Topic 6 - Groundwater, wetlands and natural heritage

Most wetlands, particularly the permanent ones, are groundwater dependent. They are fragile ecosystems that can be located in the recharge or in the discharge areas of aquifers (some can be located in an intermediate position). To recognize the relationship between wetlands and groundwater is crucial for their adequate management and the preservation of the natural heritage to which they belong.

Topic 7 - Karst Hydrogeology

This section deals with the recent advances and novel application of research methods in hydrogeological studies in karst systems. Special emphasis will be focused on issues related to quantity and quality of karst waters, hydrodynamic, hydrochemistry and isotopes. A deeper understanding of tracing techniques by means of fluorescent and natural tracers are key aspects for a more precise conceptualization of carbonate karst aquifers. Additionally, new trends on groundwater recharge and water management as well as modeling methods for simulating flow distribution, solute transport and reactive (coupled) processes will also be highlighted in this topic.

Topic 8 - Groundwater quality and pollution processes

Groundwater usage, once available, very often depends on its quality. Groundwater quality is greatly modified by the geologic substratum, but also it is threatened by human-induced pressures and the appareance of emerging chemicals. Therefore, appropiate groundwater protection and remediation strategies (in case of polluted waters) must be applied for preserving present and future human health and its well-being.

Topic 9 - Groundwater and socio-economic development in Latin-America

Under this heading it is proposed to organize an Ibero-American mini-symposium, specifically targeted to Iberian and Latin-American participants, concerning on topics like mining activities, groundwater monitoring and assessment, socio-economic impact of groundwater.

Topic 10 - Urban groundwater

Groundwater forms a pivotal resource for future cities worldwide, for water, energy, flood mitigation, integrated surface-ground water management, and low carbon, equitable and sustainable cities. All abstracts on presentation of new scientific understanding of key processes of urban groundwater resources, contamination impacts and opportunities, are welcomed, as well as interdisciplinary presentations on urban planning, groundwater management and use.

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Congress Venue

Trade Fairs and Congress Center of Malaga (FYCMA)

Av. de José Ortega y Gasset, 201 29006 Málaga

Venue plan

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Page 12: SCIENTIFIC Chambel, President Bruce Misstear, Secretary General NATIONAL SUBCOMMITTEE Francisco Aleza Enciso, MITECO



Groundwater spreadsheets for solving flow, pollution and environmental problems

Dr. Carlos Molano September 21st 9:00 - 19:00 Room B.1.1



Prof. Dr. Bartolomé Andreo Dr. Juan José Durán

September 21st

September 22nd 9:00 - 18:00

9:00 - 18:00 Room B.2.10 Room B.1.1

Short course KARSYS: applied and innovative methods for the management of karst environment


Dr. Pierre-Yves Jeannin Dr. Arnauld Malard

September 22nd 9:00 - 18:00 Room A.0.1

Pre-congress Courses Venue

Research building Ada Byron

Arquitecto Francisco Peñalosa, 18 29010 Málaga

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9:00 - 18:00

Pre-congress courses Room B.1.1 and Room A.O.1

IAH Council meeting Room B.0.6

14:00 - 18:00 IAH Commission on Transboundary Aquifers Room B.2.10

18:00 Departure to Congress Venue


17:00 Early Registration

It is highly recommended that you register on Sunday before the ice-breaker to avoid long lines on Monday.


19:00 - 21:00 ICE-BREAKER COCKTAIL Meeting point: Venue of the Congress:Trade Center of Malaga


8:15 - 9:00 Registration

9:00 - 10:00 Opening Ceremony Auditorium 2

10:00 - 10:30

Opening Lecture Auditorium 2 Managed Recharge to Restore Aquifers: Past, Present and Future #878

Speaker: Jesus Carrera, Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA-CSIC)

10:30 - 11:15 Coffee break

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11:15 - 12:45 Parallel – Oral Monday Morning. Session 1 to 7. Topics 1, 2, 3, 3.1 and 5.

12:45 - 14:20 Lunch

14:20 - 14:50

Plenary Lecture Auditorium 2 Groundwater Project and eBooks: An Evolving Platform for Groundwater Education and Practice #781

Speaker: John A. Cherry, G360 Institute for Groundwater Research

15:00 - 16:00 Parallel – Oral Monday Afternoon. Session 1 to 7. Topics 1, 2, 3 and 5.

16:00 - 17:00 Posters with refreshments

Meeting of IAH-Italian Chapter Multiuse room 1

Wikipedia edit-a-thon* Multiuse room 4

Chair: Kirsty A. Upton

17:00 - 18:30 Parallel – Oral Monday Afternoon. Session 8 to 15. Topics 1, 2, 3.1, 5.3, 8 and 10.

18:30 - 19:30 IAH Early Career Hydrogeologists Network (ECHN) meeting Conference room 1.A


21:00 WALKING TOUR IN MALAGA CITY Dinner not included Meeting point: C/ Molina Larios 22. Malaga


9:00 - 10:30

Plenary Lectures Chair: Bruce Misstear Auditorium 2 9:00 - 9:30 Transboundary Aquifers: Groundwater Management and Governance in a Water Scarce World #873.

Speaker: Gabriel Eckstein, Texas A&M University 9:30 - 10:00 Groundwater, water-security and sustainable livelihoods #601

Speaker: Alan MacDonald, British Geological Survey 10:00 - 10:30 Climate Change Effects on Groundwater: Expectations and Observations #618

Speaker: Matthew Rodell, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

*16:00 - 19:00

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10:30 - 11:15 Coffee break

11:15 - 12:45 Parallel – Oral Tuesday Morning. Session 1 to 8. Topics 1, 2, 3, 5.3, 8 and 10.

12:45 - 14:20 Lunch

14:20 - 14:50

Plenary Lecture Auditorium 2 New city planning policy processes – creating a prescient awareness of groundwater for future places and people #876

Speaker: Helen Fallas, British Geological Survey

15:00 - 16:00 Parallel – Oral Tuesday Afternoon. Session 1 to 8. Topics 1, 2, 3, 5, 5.3, 8 and 10.

16:00 - 17:00 Poster with refreshments

17:00 - 18:30 General Assembly Auditorium 2

18:30 - 19:30

Meetings of commissions and networks National Chapters meeting Auditorium 2

IAH Urban Groundwater Network Conference room 1.B

IAH Commission on Regional Groundwater Flow Conference room 2.1

IAH "Forward look initiative." The future of Hydrogeology Conference room 2.2

IAH Burdon Groundwater Network for International Development Multiuse room 1

Water-Food-Energy nexus and Groundwater (UNESCO IGCP-684) Multiuse room 2

IAH Network Coastal for Aquifer Dynamics and Coastal Zone Management (CAD-CZM) Multiuse room 3


20:30 - 22:30 ECHN EVENT Meeting point: Jardín Botánico of UMA. Bulevar Louis Pasteur 29. Malaga.

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Field trip 1 Field trip 2

Wetlands Departure 8:30 / Return 19:00 approx.

Meeting point: The City Hall of Malaga

Guides: José Manuel Gil, Luis Linares, Miguel Rodríguez and Claus Kohfahl

Field trip supported by

Axarquia region Departure 8:00 / Return 19:00 approx.

Meeting point: The City Hall of Malaga

Guides: Antonio González, Manuel López Chicano, Jorge Prieto and María Luisa Calvache

Field trip supported by

Field trip 3 Field trip 4

Eastern coast

Departure 8:30 / Return 20:30 approx.

Meeting point: The City Hall of Malaga

Guides: Cristina Liñán, José Benavente, Francisco Carrasco and Lucía Ojeda

Field trip supported by

Costa del Sol Departure 8:30 / Return 19:00 approx.

Meeting point: The City Hall of Malaga

Guides: Damián Sánchez and Manuel Argamasilla

Field trip supported by

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Field trip 5 Field trip 6

Karst hydrogeology

Departure 9:00 / Return 19:00 approx.

Meeting point: The City Hall of Malaga

Guides: Matías Mudarra, José Francisco Martín and Ana Isabel Marín

Field trip supported by

Guadalhorce river basin Departure 8:00 / Return 19:00 approx.

Meeting point: The City Hall of Malaga

Guides: Iñaki Vadillo and Begoña Urresti

Field trip supported by

Field trip 7 Field trip 8

Sierra de Mijas - Bajo Guadalhorce

Departure 9:00 / Return 18:00 approx.

Meeting point: The City Hall of Malaga

Guides: José Manuel Nieto and Javier Martín Arias

Serranía de Ronda Departure 8:00 / Return 19:00 approx.

Meeting point: The City Hall of Malaga

Guides: Bartolomé Andreo, Juan Antonio

Barberá and Beatriz de la Torre

Field trip supported by

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9:00 - 10:30

Plenary Lectures Chair: Antonio Chambel Auditorium 2 9:00 - 9:30 Improving groundwater storage and quality in a seawater intruded multi-aquifer system by managed aquifer recharge #641

Speaker: Elango Lakshmanan, Anna University 9:30 - 10:00 Dealing with geological heterogeneity and uncertainty in groundwater modelling: challenges and lessons learnt #589

Speaker: Marijke Huysmans, Vrije Universiteit Brussel 10:00 - 10:30 Karst functioning: What do we learn from the various modeling methods? #554

Speaker: Hervé Jourde, Université de Montpellier 2

10:30 - 11:15 Coffee break

11:15 - 12:45 Parallel – Oral Thursday Morning. Session 1 to 8. Topics 5, 5.1, 6 and 7.

12:45 - 14:20 Lunch

14:20 - 14:50

Plenary Lecture Auditorium 2 Groundwater and socioeconomic development in Latin America #875

Speaker: Ricardo Hirata, University of Sao Paulo

15:00 - 16:00 Parallel – Oral Thursday Afternoon. Session 1 to 8. Topics 5, 5.1, 7 and 8.

16:00 - 17:00 Poster with refreshments

17:00 - 18:00 Parallel – Oral Thursday Afternoon. Session 9 to 16. Topics 5, 5.2, 5.4, 7 and 8.

18:00 - 19:30

Meetings of commissions and networks

General Assembly of IAH - Spanish Chapter Conference room 1.A

IAH Commission on Karst Hydrogeology Conference room 1.B

IAH Commission on Groundwater and Climate Change Conference room 2.1

IAH Commission on Managing Aquifer Recharge (MAR) Conference room 2.2

IAH Early Career Hydrogeologists Network - SIDI session Multiuse room 1

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20:45 CONGRESS DINNER Meeting point: Museo Automovilístico. Av. De Sor Teresa Prat 15, Malaga.


9:00 - 9:30

Plenary Lecture Auditorium 2 The importance of biological processes in quantifying the connection between wetlands and groundwater #89

Speaker: Donald Rosenberry, U.S. Geological Survey

9:40 - 10:40 Parallel – Oral Friday Morning. Session 1 to 7. Topics 5, 5.4, 8 and 9.

10:40 - 11:15 Coffee break

11:15 - 12:45 Parallel – Oral Friday Morning. Session 8 to 15. Topic 5, 5.4, 6, 8 and 9.

12:45 - 14:30 Lunch

14:30 - 15:00

Plenary Lecture Auditorium 2 The Good, the Bad and the Bottled: considerations of the effects of our habits on the water and environment protection #868

Speaker: Stefano Viaroli, Roma Tre University

15:00 - 16:00 Closing Ceremony

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Monday Morning 1: Topic 1 Conference room 2.1 (11:15-12:45)

Groundwater assessment and management

Chair: Teodoro Estrela, Natalia Vinograd

11:15 - 11:30 Assessing groundwater recharge and evapotranspiration in a Nordic humid region dominated by snowmelt #25. Lamine Boumaiza, Romain Chesnaux, Christine Stumpp.Speaker: Lamine Boumaiza 11:30 - 11:45 Groundwater Modeling in Integrated Water Resources Use in the Little Akaki Watershed, Ethiopia #136. Mesfin Benti Tolera. Speaker: Mesfin Benti Tolera 11:45 - 12:00 Exploration of deep groundwater systems in mega-fans - Example from Northern Namibia #54. Georg J Houben Speaker: Georg J. Houben 12:00 - 12:15 Developing a hydrostratigraphic classification system for South Africa #261. Roger Diamond, Matthys Dippenaar, Shafick Adams. Speaker: Roger Diamond

12:15 - 12:30 Re-utilizing possibilities of abandoned hydrocarbon wells in Northern Hungary #336. Péter Szűcs, Endre Turai, Péter Vass, Balázs Zákányi, Csaba Ilyés, Gábor Nyiri, Zsombor Fekete, Rita Miklos, Viktor Mádai , Ferenc Móricz, Marcell Szilvási , Roland Kilik, Renáta Zákányiné Dr. Mészáros. Speaker: Péter Szűcs 12:30 - 12:45 Isotopic and geochemical evidence of groundwater origin and salinization in multi layered coastal aquifer of India #61. Manivannan Vengadesan, Elango Lakshmanan. Speaker: Manivannan Vengadesan

Monday Morning 2: Topic 1 Conference room 2.2 (11:15-12:45)

Groundwater assessment and management

Chair: Lucas Perea, Ian Acworth

11:15 - 11:30 Transboundary Aquifers: moving beyond boundaries to management alternatives #53. Rosario Sanchez. Speaker: Rosario Sanchez 11:30 - 11:45 Advances in Groundwater Monitoring #284. Claudia Andrea Ruz Vargas.Speaker: Neno Kukuric 11:45 - 12:00 Groundwater Management - A Perspective from Alberta, Canada #224. Roger Clissold. Speaker: Roger Clissold 12:00 - 12:15 Squaring the cycle of groundwater processes in nutrient budgets: a socio-hydrogeological application in the Lombardy Plain (Italy) #152. Viviana Re, Arianna Musaccchio, Elisa Sacchi. Speaker: Viviana Re 12:15 - 12:30 Protecting a freshwater lens against sea level rise: a field experiment #245. Perry De Louw, Sandra Galvis Rodriguez, Martijn Visser, Gualbert Oude Essink. Speaker: Perry De Louw 12:30 - 12:45 Stochastic knowledge integration for groundwater exploration in data scarce areas #234. Luk Peeters. Speaker: Luk Peeters

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Monday Morning 3: Topic 2 Multiuse room 2 (11:15-12:45)

Groundwater and climate change

Chair: Xiaowei Jiang, Daniela Ducci

11:15 - 11:30 Impacts of Climate Change on Groundwater – results from the BINGO project #46. Emilia Novo. Speaker: Emilia Novo 11:30 - 11:45 Fresh Groundwater Resources for the Future Generations of Yemen #58. Yusuf Al-Mooji. Speaker: Yusuf Al-Mooji 11:45 - 12:00 Drivers of changes in Austrian groundwater levels – climate vs. Water use #260. Steffen Birk, Johannes C. Haas. Speaker: Steffen Birk 12:00 - 12:15 Examination of the hydrologic cycle with long-term precipitation and groundwater level data #189. Csaba Ilyés, Endre Turai, Péter Szűcs. Speaker: Csaba Ilyés 12:15 - 12:30 Impact of climate change on groundwater recharge and base flow in the muda river basin, malaysia #91. Mohd Khairul Nizar Shamsuddin, Mohammad Firuz Ramli, Faradiella Mohd Kusin. Speaker: Mohd Khairul Nizar Shamsuddin

Monday Morning 4: Topic 3 Conference room 1.B (11:15-12:45)

Groundwater sustainability and governance

Chair: Beata Jaworska-Szulc, Alfonso Rivera

11:15 - 11:30 Pumping response and sustainable well yield of some hard-rock aquifers #264. Vincenzo Piscopo, Francesca Lotti. Speaker: Vincenzo Piscopo 11:30 - 11:45 The artificial recharge of an urban drinking water aquifer (udine – italy): a digital model to grow the water flow from wells, project the pollution protection works, optimize the cost-benefits #614. Gian Paolo Droli, Gian Paolo Droli. Speaker: Gian Paolo Droli 11:45 - 12:00 How efficient energy production can be fostered in transboundary aquifers #475. Teodóra Szőcs. Speaker: Teodora Szocs 12:00 - 12:15 Management of groundwater-energy-food nexus for sustainability #164. Makoto Taniguchi. Speaker: Makoto Taniguchi 12:15 - 12:30 The “hydropuls®” Process for Regeneration and Intensification of Wells #57. Toralf Fischer. Speaker: Toralf Fischer 12:30 - 12:45 Development of Integrated water resources management model in the transboundary Cijevna River Basin (Montenegro – Albania) #448. Momčilo Blagojević. Speaker: Momčilo Blagojević

Monday Morning 5: Topic 3.1 Multiuse room 1 (11:15-12:45)

Groundwater and water security in developing countries

Chair: Moshood Tijani, Kirsty Upton

11:15 - 11:30 Developing a structured groundwater database for hydrogeological interpretation as a tool for sustainable groundwater management in Guinea-Bissau (W Africa) #272. Arianna Marcolla, Fabio Antonio Fussi, Fredrik Asplund, Nico Dalla Libera, Paolo Fabbri, Raquel Sousa, Marco Rotiroti, Tullia Bonomi. Speaker: Arianna Marcolla

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11:30 - 11:45 Empowering Local Drillers and Training Communities To Ensure Groundwater Resource Sustainability by Adequate Self Flowing Well Design and Drilling #632. Arif Fadillah, Cut Endah Setya Handayaningsih. Speaker: Arif Fadillah 11:45 - 12:00 Lessons learned from groundwater governance and management and capacity building programmes in the developing world #146. Hans Beekman. Speaker: Hans Beekman 12:00 - 12:15 Water Scarcity in Pacific Island Countries; Experiences in National Water Policy Development. #50. Ian White. Speaker: Ian White 12:15 - 12:30 Inferring groundwater recharge associations to climate, land use and geological structures using multi-decadal groundwater level observations from the semi-arid Limpopo basin of South Africa #265. John Lindle. Speaker: John Lindle 12:30 - 12:45 Impacts of land-use changes and urbanization on coastal groundwater resources of lagos, SW-Nigeria: Integrated Hydrogeochemical and GIS-based Assessments #370. Moshood Tijani. Speaker: Moshood Tijani

Monday Morning 6: Topic 5 Auditorium 2 (11:15-12:45)

Tools, methods and models to study groundwater

Chair: Chin Man Mok, Lucila Candela

11:15 - 11:30 Hydrogeological modeling of the Eastern Mountain Aquifer, Israel, suggesting substantial migration of discharging springs in time #169. Yehuda Levy, Haim Gvirtzman, Avihu Burg, Yoseph Yechieli. Speaker: Yehuda Levy 11:30 - 11:45 How ground gets wet: physical experiments of variably saturated flow #14. Matthys Dippenaar, Mampho Maoyi, Brendon Jones. Speaker: Matthys Dippenaar 11:45 - 12:00 Monitoring technology of groundwater-air pressure (enclosed potentiometric) for karst collapse studies #28. Xiaozhen Jiang. Speaker: Xiaozhen Jiang 12:00 - 12:15 Prediction of Groundwater Inflow Rates to Longwall Coal Panels in Central Turkey #17. Yazicigil, Hatice Kilic. Speaker: Hasan Yazicigil 12:15 - 12:30 Optimization of pilot points distribution in inverse modelling- A case study from Qatar Aquifer #30. Husam Baalousha, Fanilo Ramasomanana. Speaker: Husam Baalousha 12:30 - 12:45 Isotopes and noble gases investigation of souss-massa aquifer, morocco. #88. Mohammed Hssaisoune. Speaker: Mohammed Hssaisoune

Monday Morning 7: Topic 5 Conference room 1.A (11:15-12:45)

Tools, methods and models to study groundwater

Chair: Andrew Stone, Fernando Delgado

11:15 - 11:30 Similarity based approaches in Hydrogeology: basic concepts, alternative approaches, first results, potential applications, pitfalls and problems #295. Roland Barthel, Ezra Haaf, Markus Giese, Michelle Nygren, Benedikt Heudorfer, Kerstin Stahl. Speaker: Roland Barthel

11:30 - 11:45 Identification and Quantification of Spatial and Temporal Hyporheic Fluxes Using High-resolution Distributed Temperature Sensing in the First-order Alpine Stream in Taiwan #185. Yung-Chia Chiu, Ting-Xin Pan, Po-Syun Huang, Ching-Yi Liu, Tsung-Yu Lee. Speaker: Yung-Chia Chiu

11:45 - 12:00 Lysimeter experiment on municipal landfill waste #139. Dominika Dabrowska, Marek Soltysiak. Speaker: Dominika Dabrowska

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12:00 - 12:15 Integrating Fiber-optics distributed temperature sensing and electromagnetic geophysics data for multiscale characterization of GW-SW interactions in heterogeneous streambeds. #31. Jaime Gaona. Speaker: Jaime Gaona 12:15 - 12:30 Towards a holistic approach in characterising the water cycle in the Campine area (NE Belgium) at various temporal and spatial scales #344. Koen Beerten, Min Lu, Alberto Casillas-Trasvina, Bart Rogiers, Matej Gedeon, Fabricio Fiengo Perez, Antoine Di Ciacca, Bertrand Leterme, Eric Laloy, Diederik Jacques. Speaker: Koen Beerten 12:30 - 12:45 Assessing coastal aquifer vulnerability to seawater intrusion using galdit method: application to the oulja coastal aquifer, sahel doukkala, morocco #69. Yassine Echelfi. Speaker: Yassine Echelfi

Monday Afternoon 1: Topic 1 Conference room 2.1 (15:00-16:00)

Groundwater assessment and management

Chair: Walter Illman, Mesfin Benti Tolera

15:00 - 15:15 Methods to evaluate aquifer recharge in Spain for water planning #501. Emilio Custodio, Jorge Jódar. Speaker: Emilio Custodio 15:15 - 15:30 Reassessing groundwater resources in the southern Iullemmeden Basin: Combining archival data and current monitoring. #322. Matthias Heckmann, Kolja Bosch, Stefan Broda, Sara Vassolo. Speaker: Rotman Criollo 15:30 - 15:45 Assessing the groundwater potential of upper and middle aquifers in the Senegalese groundnut basin region – contribution of a numerical model #318. Rémi Vigouroux, Florence Lenhardt, Serigne Faye. Speaker: Remi Vigouroux 15:45 - 16:00 Geometry and hydrogeological functioning of Ouled Bousbaa aquifer systems: Central Morocco #341. Rim Tijani. Speaker: Rim Tijani

Monday Afternoon 2: Topic 1 Conference room 2.2 (15:00-16:00)

Groundwater assessment and management

Chair: Molla Demlie Bekele, Bentje Brauns

15:00 - 15:15 Assessing recharge dynamics by the use of remote sensing and stable isotopes in the arid region of the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System of Northern Chad #626. Marie-Louise Vogt. Speaker: Marie-Louise Vogt 15:15 - 15:30 Coastal floodings and its connection with motril-salobreña aquifer (southern spain) #659. A.M. Blanco-Coronas. Speaker: Ángela María Blanco Coronas 15:30 - 15:45 Some unsolved aspects on groundwater to be considered in the revision of the European Water Framework Directive #513. Andrés Sahuquillo, Custodio Emilio. Speaker: Andrés Sahuquillo 15:45 - 16:00 Dealing with seawater intrusion in the Chtouka Aquifer, Morocco #412. Henrik Schreiber, Fatima Abourrig, Oussama Ait Raoui, Leonard Stöckl. Speaker: Fatima Abourrig

Monday Afternoon 3: Topic 2 Multiuse room 2 (15:00-16:00)

Groundwater and climate change

Chair: Elena Filimonova,Steffen Birk

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15:00 - 15:15 Regional climatic features controling groundwater recharge in southeastern brazil revealed by stable isotopes #351. Didier Gastmans, Ludmila Vianna Batista, Vinícius Santos, Lucas Vituri Santarosa, Sebastian Balbin Betancur, Troy Gilmore. Speaker: Didier Gastmans 15:15 - 15:30 Groundwater runoff in small river basin: retrospective analysis and projections due to climate change #130. Sergey Pozdniakov, Elena Filimonova, Vsevolod Samartsev, Sergey Grinevskiy, Ekaterina Dedulina. Speaker: Elena Filimonova 15:30 - 15:45 Geomorphological characterics of the flash flood affated area during cempaka tropical cyclone in gunungsewu karst area, indonesia #405. Eko Haryono, Ahmad Cahyadi, Hilary Reinhart, Afid Nurcholis, Emilya Nurjadi. Speaker: Eko Haryono 15:45 - 16:00 Teleconnections between NAO, EA, and SCAND and groundwater levels in Portugal #140. Maria Da Conceição Neves, Sonia Jerez, Ricardo Trigo. Speaker: Maria Neves

Monday Afternoon 4: Topic 3 Conference room 1.B (15:00-16:00)

Groundwater sustainability and governance

Chair: Marco Petitta, Wioletta Gorczewska-Langner

15:00 - 15:15 Group Water Schemes: Where society’s needs and expectations meet #331. Sophie O'connor. Speaker: Sophie O'connor 15:15 - 15:30 Technical and economic feasibility of Managed Aquifer Recharge for irrigation development in Northern Australia. #82. Richard Evans. Speaker: Richard Evans 15:30 - 15:45 Outreach and public education strategies to achieve science based groundwater management policy #710. Andrew Stone. Speaker: Andrew Stone 15:45 - 16:00 Large-Scale Managed Aquifer Recharge in Support of California’s Agriculture: The Salinas and Kings River #15. Anthony Daus, Sorab Panday. Speaker: Anthony Daus

Monday Afternoon 5: Topic 3 Multiuse room 1 (15:00-16:00)

Groundwater sustainability and governance

Chair: Manuel Abrunhosa, Fairouz Slama

15:00 - 15:15 Conflicts and resolutions of shared waters in the Americas #29. Alfonso Rivera. Speaker: Alfonso Rivera 15:15 - 15:30 Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Thonon-les-Bains Groundwater Resources: A Requirement for Water Resources Governance and Long-Term Investment Planning #298. Marc Boisson, Aurélien Blondeau. Speaker: Marc Boisson 15:30 - 15:45 Analysis of groundwater drought propagation in temperate climates using a water balance model and groundwater model #442. Buruk Kitachew Wossenyeleh, Boud Verbeiren, Marijke Huysmans. Speaker: Buruk Kitachew Wossenyeleh 15:45 - 16:00 Groundwater Pollution in North China Plain and Division of the Pollution Prevention and Control in Typical Areas: A Brief Introduction #825. Yong Qian, Zhaoji Zhang, Yuhong Fei, Suhua Meng.Speaker: Zhaoji Zhang, Yuhong Fei, Suhua Meng

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Monday Afternoon 6: Topic 5 Auditorium 2 (15:00-16:00)

Tools, methods and models to study groundwater

Chair: Jared van Rooyen, Fatma Trabelsi

15:00 - 15:15 A Versatile Multi-Port System for High Resolution Groundwater Monitoring in Rock and Overburden #869. Beth Parker, John Cherry. Speaker: John Cherry 15:15 - 15:30 Combining unsaturated zone modelling with indirect and direct measurements to quantify solute transport during snowmelt #400. Helen Kristine French, Esther Bloem, Astrid Søiland, Andrew Binley. Speaker: Helen Kristine French 15:30 - 15:45 Application of hydro-geophysical monitoring method to identify the flow path of CO2 and gas tracers injected in shallow aquifer system at K-COSEM site, Korea #153. Seong-Sun Lee, Yeojin Ju, Il-Ryoung Cho, Seong-Chun Jun, Myung Jin Nam, Seong-Teak Yun. Speaker: Seong-Sun Lee 15:45 - 16:00 Use of 16S rRNA Sequencing Analysis on Bacteria in Well-Water to Identify Groundwater Recharge Sources #63. Mark Higgins. Speaker: Mark Higgins

Monday Afternoon 7: Topic 5 Conference room 1.A (15:00-16:00)

Tools, methods and models to study groundwater

Chair: Maciek Lubczynski, Namira El Amrani

15:00 - 15:15 Monitored Vapor flux and groundwater recharge in 2 hydrological years by a precision meteo-lysimeter #277. Kohfahl Claus, Saaltink Maarten. Speaker: Claus Kohfahl 15:15 - 15:30 Deep Coastal Aquifers - Case Studies in Tanzania and Somalia #312. Fridtjov Ruden, Sunniva Morris. Speaker: Sunniva Morris 15:30 - 15:45 Remote Sensing for Monitoring and Mapping Karst Groundwater Flooding in the Republic of Ireland #158. Ted Mccormack, Owen Naughton, Joan Campanya, Rebecca Bradford. Speaker: Ted Mccormack 15:45 - 16:00 Exploring the use of Fiber Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing for monitoring seawater intrusion #408. Laura Del Val, Maarten W. Saaltink, Albert Folch, Maria Pool, Jesus Carrera, Olivier Bour, John S. Selker. Speaker: Laura Del Val

Monday Afternoon 8: Topic 1 Conference room 2.1 (17:00-18:30)

Groundwater assessment and management

Chair: Rosario Sánchez, Georg J. Houben

17:00 - 17:15 The Groundwater Drought Initiative (GDI): Analysis of European groundwater drought #333. Bentje Brauns. Speaker: Bentje Brauns 17:15 - 17:30 Fusing geological information with hydraulic tomography: Lessons from unconsolidated deposits #443. Walter Illman. Speaker: Walter Illman 17:30 - 17:45 Permeability of the crystalline basement in Uganda - evidence from approximately 600 pumping tests and implications for solar pumping #611. Michael Owor. Speaker: Michael Owor 17:45 - 18:00 An Intelligent Framework for Groundwater Overexploitation Management (based on hydrogeological modeling) #504. Meriyam Mhammdi Alaoui, Ilias Kacim, Driss Ouazar. Speaker: Meriyam Mhammdi Alaoui

18:00 - 18:15 Evaluation of sustainable groundwater of the Mexico Basin aquifer after a century of intense pumping #794. Adriana Palma Nava, Alfonso Rivera, Fernando J. González Villarreal.Speaker: Meriyam Mhammdi Alaoui

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18:15 - 18:30 Combination of hydrogeological and geophysical techniques to characterize the origin of salinity in a porous multilayer aquifer (Estepona, southern Spain) #735. Damián Sánchez-García, Migue Ángel Díaz Hurtado, Manuel Argamasilla Ruiz, Jesús Galindo Zaldívar, Antonio J. Herrera Torres, Juan Antonaya Avi. Speaker: Damián Sánchez-García

Monday Afternoon 9: Topic 1 Conference room 2.2 (17:00-18:30)

Groundwater assessment and management

Chair: Ken Howard, Claus Kohfahl

17:00 - 17:15 Hydrogeochemical and Environmental isotope characteristics of deep and shallow circulating groundwaters along a regional fault, Eastern Cape, South Africa #759. Molla Demlie. Speaker: Molla Demlie Bekele 17:15 - 17:30 Toward a sustainable use of the coastal sedimentary aquifer supplying the main city of Benin (West Africa): a joint use of MRS and TEM methods to estimate groundwater storage and aquifer properties #746. Fabrice Messan Amen Lawson. Speaker: Fabrice Messan Lawson 17:30 - 17:45 Managing Groundwater Resources: Case Studies from British Columbia, Canada #716. Ineke Kalwij. Speaker: Ineke Kalwij

17:45 - 18:00 Understanding the potential of Nature Based Solutions to recover the natural ecosystem services of the Medina del Campo Groundwater Body in the NAIAD EU project #358. Marta Faneca Sanchez, Patricia Trambauer, Eugenio Pescimoro, Mar Alcaraz, Mónica Altamirano, Marisol Manzano. Speaker: Mar Alcaraz

18:00 - 18:15 Groundwater management: an example of a project relted to rehabilitation of the southern coastal aquifer as part of the national water system in israel #593. Israel Gev, J Schwarz, E Shachnai, S Lumelsky, S Oz, S Salomons, A Avital, I Negev. Speaker: Israel Gev 18:15 - 18:30 Borehole yield estimation from electrical resistivity measurements – a case study of garu tempane and bawku west districts, upper east region, ghana #41. Albert Acheampong. Speaker: Albert Acheampong

Monday Afternoon 10: Topic 2 Multiuse room 2 (17:00-18:30)

Groundwater and climate change

Chair: Jaime Gómez-Hernández, Martin Kralik

17:00 - 17:15 Climate Change and Groundwater in Low Islands, a surprising resilience #52. Ian White, Tony Falkland. Speaker: Ian White 17:15 - 17:30 Present and future potential groundwater recharge from precipitations over France #249. Yvan Caballero, Sandra Lanini, Pierre Le Cointe, Sandra Beranger, Luc Arnaud, Stéphanie Pinson, Jérémy Lechevalier. Speaker: Yvan Caballero 17:30 - 17:45 Deep aquifers in spain: a necessary research to adapt to climate change #275. Jesús Del Pozo, Jorge Enrique Hornero, Fernando Ruíz, Carlos Camuñas. Speaker: Jesús Del Pozo 17:45 - 18:00 Climate change impact on groundwater recharge in Slovenia in the period 2011-2100 #203. Peter Frantar, Andrej Draksler, Frank Herrmann, Frank Wendland. Speaker: Peter Frantar 18:00 - 18:15 Evidence for changes in groundwater drought in temperate environments associated with climate change #170. John Bloomfield. Speaker: John Bloomfield 18:15 - 18:30 Impact of sea level rise and Sustainable groundwater management in in Kalpitiya Peninsula, Sri Lanka #40. Ranjana Ranjana Piyadasa. Speaker: Ranjana Piyadasa

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Monday Afternoon 11: Topic 3.1 Multiuse room 1 (17:00-18:30)

Groundwater and water security in developing countries

Chair: Viviana Re, Jade Ward

17:00 - 17:15 Governance and Management of high arsenic Ground water based Drinking water supply in India #168. Syamaprasad Sinha Ray. Speaker: Syamaprasad Ray 17:15 - 17:30 Mapping of suitable zones for manual drilling in rdc and setting up a national groundwater database #404. Fabio Fussi, Ignacio Marzan, Cheikh Hamidou Kane, Jeremie Nguani, Pierre Ngolsou. Speaker: Fabio Antonio Fussi 17:30 - 17:45 Governance Status in Water Management Institutions in Barind Tract, Northwest Bangladesh - An Assessment based on Stakeholder’s Perception #128. Md. Razzakul Islam, Quamrul Hasan Mazumder, Md. Ferozur Rahaman. Speaker: Chowdhury Sarwar Jahan 17:45 - 18:00 The use of mixing cell modelling to determine transboundary groundwater flow between Malawi and Mozambique: #468. Christina Fraser, Robert Kalin, Jack Brickell. Speaker: Christina Fraser 18:00 - 18:15 The upper aquifer in Lake Chad basin: a tremendous opportunity to supply good quality water to people and cattle in an extremely arid region #675. Bernard Collignon, Clément Masse. Speaker: Clément Masse 18:15 - 18:30 Meeting the challenges of sustainable groundwater development and management in emergency response: a joint initiative by Groundwater Relief and Médecins Sans Frontières Holland (MSF-OCA) to build understanding about the Tipam Sandstone Aquifer whilst meeting immediate needs of refugees in the Mega camp of Cox’s Bazaar, Bangladesh #290. Geraint Burrows. Speaker: Geraint Burrows

Monday Afternoon 12: Topic 5 Auditorium 2 (17:00-18:30)

Tools, methods and models to study groundwater

Chair: Luis Suescún, Timothy D. Bechtel

17:00 - 17:15 Numerical modelling to assess head losses and flow characteristics through water well screens #276. Marti Bayer-Raich, Salvador Jordana, Oscar Jaime, Tim Lynch, Mcgillicuddy Kevin, Jordi Guimerà, Javier Jaime. Speaker: Marti Bayer-Raich 17:15 - 17:30 The mapping and characterisation of sand and gravel aquifers across Ireland; recently completed and proposed future work #306. Sara Raymond. Speaker: Natalie Duncan 17:30 - 17:45 Groundwater flooding – assessment of different engineered flood relief schemes using semi-distributed modelling of karst system #267. Laurence Gill, Patrick Morrissey, Ted Mccormack, Owen Naughton, Paul Johnston. Speaker: Laurence Gill 17:45 - 18:00 Depth-discrete groundwater flow quantification in poorly cemented sandstone using active distributed temperature sensing to optimize remediation strategy #559. Carlos Maldaner, Jonathan Munn, Bradley Green, Samuel Warner, Steven Chapman, Beth Parker, Andrew Ashton, Linda Daubert. Speaker: Carlos Maldaner 18:00 - 18:15 Hydrogeological conceptual model of andesitic stratovolcanoes. The Bromo-Tengger case-study (Indonesia) #307. Alix Toulier, Hervé Jourde, Patrick Lachassagne, Veronique De Montety, Heru Hendrayana, Véronique Leonardi, Haris Miftakhul Fajar, Séverin Pistre, Olivier Béon, Jean-Luc Bonjour, Azwar Satrya Muhammad. Speaker: Patrick Lachassagne 18:15 - 18:30 The effect of multi-step adsorption isotherms on the solute transport in porous media #247. Zsombor Fekete. Speaker: Zsombor Fekete

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Monday Afternoon 13: Topic 5.3 Multiuse room 3 (17:00-18:30)

Advanced modelling tools for subsurface hydrology: from the vadose zone to deep environments

Chair: Daniele Pedretti, Carlos Molano

17:00 - 17:15 A quantitative appraisal of groundwater head time-series measurement: How well are we doing? #348. Vincent Post, Gabriel Rau, Margaret Shanafield, Eddie Banks, Philipp Blum, Torsten Krekeler. Speaker: Vincent Post 17:15 - 17:30 Numerical Modelling of Groundwater Flow in Medipalli open cast mine area, Telangana, India. #542. Santhosh Madhav Chandra Parsa. Speaker: Santhosh Madhav Chandra Parsa 17:30 - 17:45 Quantifying the contributions of silicates weathering and calcite dissolution to hydrochemistry of groundwater in sandstone using Sr isotopes #588. Xiao-Wei Jiang, Hong Zhang. Speaker: Xiao-Wei Jiang 17:45 - 18:00 Are 253 samples better than 65 samples? Urban groundwater monitoring in developing countries – Lessons learnt in N’Djamena, Chad #654. Mélanie Ronelngar Ndedje-Allah, Maike Groeschke, Khazali Abdoulayhi, Sara Vassolo. Speaker: Mélanie Ronelngar Ndedje-Allah 18:00 - 18:15 Quantity and Quality Variations of Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) in Column Leaching Process from Agricultural Soil: Hydrochemical Effects and DOM Fractionation #580. Wenlong Gu, Shuangbing Huang. Speaker: Wenlong Gu 18:15 - 18:30 Assessing the feasibility of managed aquifer recharge through unsaturated zone modeling with VS2DTI in a multilayer system #604. Héctor Aguilera, Javier Heredia, Jose Antonio De La Orden Gomez, África De La Hera, Víctor Del Barrio. Speaker: Héctor Aguilera

Monday Afternoon 14: Topic 8 Conference room 1.A (17:00-18:30)

Groundwater quality and pollution processes

Chair: Mickel Wireman, Elena Kayukova

17:00 - 17:15 Flow path and velocity by 3-D groundwater flow simulation based on detailed facies analysis of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station in Japan #402. Hikaru Sato, Naoaki Shibasaki, Research Group For Geological And Hydrogeological Issues Of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. Speaker: Hikaru Sato 17:15 - 17:30 Diffusion and weathering of oil spill in Daya Bay, the South China Sea #34. Zhen Zhen. Speaker: Zhu Zhen 17:30 - 17:45 Effect of microbially mediated sulfate reduction on arsenic mobilization in the Pleistocene aquifers of the central Yangtze River Basin #410. Yamin Deng. Speaker: Yamin Deng 17:45 - 18:00 Assessing emergent contaminants as anthropogenic markers and its fate in aquatic ecosystems at Yucatan Peninsula #379. Rosa Leal-Bautista. Speaker: Rosa Leal-Bautista 18:00 - 18:15 Groundwater/surface-water interactions and their effect on nitrate pollution in the Oglio River basin (N Italy) #362. Marco Rotiroti, Tullia Bonomi, Letizia Fumagalli, Elisa Sacchi, Gennaro A Stefania, Chiara Zanotti, Sara Taviani, Marco Faggioli, Martina Patelli, Veronica Nava, Valentina Soler, Barbara Leoni. Speaker: Marco Rotiroti 18:15 - 18:30 Study on the groundwater quality management in unconfined aquifers of rural areas, South Korea #138. Moonsu Kim. Speaker: Moonsu Kim

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Monday Afternoon 15: Topic 10 Conference room 1.B (17:00-18:30)

Urban groundwater

Chair: Diego Pérez-Cecilia, Niels Hartog

17:00 - 17:15 Smart management of unconfined aquifers in urban areas #477. Alexandre Pryet, Yohann Cousquer, Célestine Delbart, Rémi Valois, Alain Dupuy. Speaker: Alexandre Pryet 17:15 - 17:30 Hidden figures: What the JMP data do not tell us about groundwater use in urban Sub-Saharan Africa #540. Rafael Chavez, Jenny Grönwall, Jan Willem Foppen, Hans Van Der Kwast. Speaker: Rafael Chávez 17:30 - 17:45 Managing the Response to Clean Air and Carbon Reduction Targets from Open Loop Ground Source Heat Pump Systems on Urban Groundwater Resources; Two Case Studies #541. Huw Williams. Speaker: Huw Williams 17:45 - 18:00 Informal and formal groundwater use in peri-urban areas of Jaipur, India, and implications for its management #731. Theresa Frommen. Speaker: Theresa Frommen 18:00 - 18:15 Thermal Impact and Performance of High-Temperature ATES (HT-ATES) systems: a strong dependence on hydrogeological and storage conditions #748. Niels Hartog, Stijn Beernink, Martin Bloemendal. Speaker: Niels Hartog


Tuesday Morning 1: Topic 1 Conference room 2.1 (11:15-12:45)

Groundwater assessment and management

Chair: Neno Kukuric, Sang Yong Chung

11:15 - 11:30 Natural radioactivity of groundwater, the new challenge in drinking water quality: how can flow system approach help? #652. Anita Erőss, Katalin Csondor, Petra Baják, Heinz Surbeck, Bálint Izsák, Ákos Horváth, Márta Vargha, Tamás Pándics. Speaker: Petra Baják 11:30 - 11:45 New evidence of recent recharge of the Continental Intercalaire transboundary aquifer, north-west of Algerian Sahara, using hydrochemical and isotopic technics #741. Youcef Hakimi. Speaker: Youcef Hakimi 11:45 - 12:00 Groundwater assessment in sand rivers in adaptation to climate variability and water scarcity: opportunities and challenges in semi-arid Africa #345. Tibor Stigter, Ahmed Walid Moulahoum, Angel Gonzalez-Carballo, Attoumane Abi, Paulo Sérgio Lourenço Saveca, Sakhile Ndlovu. Speaker: Tibor Stigter 12:00 - 12:15 Delineation of wellhead protection zones for the control of point pollution sources in the Lusaka Aquifer System, Zambia #730. Kawawa Banda. Speaker: Kawawa Banda 12:15 - 12:30 Groundwater flow modelling: A decision-making tool for water resource management in coastal areas - Case study of the Oussouye plateau (South Senegal) #364. Djim M. L. Diongue, Huguette Christiane Emvoutou, Niokhor Ndour, Mohamadou Fall, Serigne Faye. Speaker: Serigne Faye 12:30 - 12:45 Determination of groundwater level indicators and thresholds levels for groundwater drought management #240. Delphine Allier, Etienne Buscarlet, Thomas Klinka, Jean-Charles Manceau, Xavier Marly. Speaker: Delphine Allier

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Tuesday Morning 2: Topic 2 Conference room 2.2 (11:15-12:45)

Groundwater and climate change

Chair: Javier Samper, Raquel Sousa

11:15 - 11:30 Response of spring discharge to climate changes in hard rock aquifers of different lithologies #587. Maria Filippini, Stefano Segadelli, Alessandro Gargini. Speaker: Maria Filippini 11:30 - 11:45 A GIS-based water budget procedure used to evaluate groundwater resources under climate change scenarios #197. Daniela Ducci, Giovanni Braca, Martina Bussettini, Barbara Lastoria, Stefano Mariani. Speaker: Daniela Ducci 11:45 - 12:00 Numerical and analytical assessment of stormwater infiltration via wells and infiltration trenches #526. Jose David Henao Casas. Speaker: Jose David Henao Casas 12:00 - 12:15 What does it take to get recharge in a semi-arid climate? #551. Ian Acworth, Gabriel Rau, Martin Andersen. Speaker: Ian Acworth 12:15 - 12:30 Groundwater storage in high Alpine catchments and sensitivity to climate change #597. Marie Arnoux, Fabien Cochand, Daniel Hunkeler, Philip Brunner, Bettina Schaefli, Tobias Jonas. Speaker: Marie Arnoux 12:30 - 12:45 Impact of rainfall structure and climate change on soil and groundwater salinization #640. Fairouz Slama, Emna Gargouri Ellouze, Rachida Bouhlila. Speaker: Emna Gargouri Ellouze

Tuesday Morning 3: Topic 2 Multiuse room 1 (11:15-12:45)

Groundwater and climate change

Chair: Wendy Timms, Giuseppe Sappa

11:15 - 11:30 Climate change and Australian groundwater #181. Glen Walker, Russell Crosbie, Francis Chiew, Luk Peeters, Richard Evans. Speaker: Glen Walker 11:30 - 11:45 Estimating future stream connectivity using a water balance approach based on climate projections until 2100 #574. Josep Mas-Pla, Anna Menció, Anna Oriol Surroca, Emili Garcia-Berthou. Speaker: Josep Mas-Pla 11:45 - 12:00 Coupled climatological and hydrogeological models used for predictive managements in the Hungarian parts of the Pannonian basin, special focus on groundwater dependent ecosystems, and various developments of irrigation. #729. Gyorgy Toth, Eva Kun, Attila Kovacs, Lilian Fejes, Emese Hoimolya. Speaker: Gyorgy Toth 12:00 - 12:15 Climate effects on intra-annual groundwater level fluctuations in Fennoscandia #262. Michelle Nygren, Markus Giese, Ezra Haaf, Pekka Rossi, Bjørn Kløve, Roland Barthel. Speaker: Michelle Nygren 12:15 - 12:30 The resilience of the Alsatian aquifer, France to climate and anthropogenic change #449. Agnès Labarchède. Speaker: Agnès Labarchède 12:30 - 12:45 Potential effects of climate change and future abstraction rate in a groundwater system located in coastal Kenya #97. Núria Ferrer Ramos. Speaker: Núria Ferrer Ramos

Tuesday Morning 4: Topic 3 Auditorium 2 (11:15-12:45)

Groundwater sustainability and governance

Chair: Alice Aureli, Oleg Podolny

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11:15 - 11:30 Evaluation of Water Information Systems Applied to Groundwater Governance #433. Nuno Barreiras. Speaker: Nuno Barreiras 11:30 - 11:45 Groundwater management with environmental flows: Hydro-economic models, methods and results #478. Jean-Christophe Pereau, Alexandre Pryet. Speaker: Alexandre Pryet 11:45 - 12:00 Groundwater Management and Governance: Science is Necessary but Insufficient #406. Craig T. Simmons. Speaker: Craig T. Simmons 12:00 - 12:15 Optimization of water resources in the rural environment: modelling tools for evaluating conjunctive use of ground- and surface-water and for crop yield estimate #636. Giovanna De Filippis, Federico Triana, Matteo Ghetta, Iacopo Borsi, Wolfgang Schmid, Rudy Rossetto. Speaker: Giovanna De Filippis 12:15 - 12:30 Hydrogeological modelling for the watershed management of the Mar Menor coastal lagoon (Spain) #156. Andres Alcolea, Sergio Contreras, Johannes E. Junink, José Luis García-Aróstegui, Joaquín Jiménez-Martínez. Speaker: Andres Alcolea 12:30 - 12:45 Regionalisation of specific capacity through machine learning in the Lake Chad basin #216. Maximilian Nölscher, Michaela Rückl, Stefan Broda. Speaker: Maximilian Nölscher

Tuesday Morning 5: Topic 3 Conference room 1.B (11:15-12:45)

Groundwater sustainability and governance

Chair:Patrick Lachassagne, Stefania Stevenazzi

11:15 - 11:30 Estimation of Ecosystem Services improvement in the implementation of deep managed aquifer recharge in Llobregat delta (Spain) #423. Ester Vilanova. Speaker: Ester Vilanova 11:30 - 11:45 Sustainable water resources management: understanding human-water system #466. Branka Bracic Zeleznik, Anja Torkar, Barbara Cencur Curk. Speaker: Branka Bracic Zeleznik 11:45 - 12:00 Groundwater for water scarcity regions - how to delineate the most necessitous areas? Case study for Slovakia #309. Peter Malík. Speaker: Peter Malík 12:00 - 12:15 The relationship between Groundwater Governance and Management at Local Municipal Level. #628. Fanus Fourie, Nicolette Vermaak, Danie Vermeulen. Speaker: Fanus Fourie 12:15 - 12:30 Challenges for the assessment and management of transboundary aquifers at the global scale #680. Alfonso Rivera, Lucila Candela. Speaker: Lucila Candela 12:30 - 12:45 What can modern farms learn from older one? A lesson from ancient wise hydrogeologists #651. Avshalom Babad. Speaker: Avshalom Babad

Tuesday Morning 6: Topic 5.3 Multiuse room 2 (11:15-12:45)

Advanced modelling tools for subsurface hydrology: from the vadose zone to deep environments

Chair: Judit Mádl-Szönyi, Marco Massetti

11:15 - 11:30 Modeling the 3-D hydraulic conductivity distribution in the southern Po river plain by stationary and non-stationary geostatistics #299. Diego Di Curzio, Sergio Rusi. Speaker: Diego Di Curzio 11:30 - 11:45 Biogeochemical precipitates at the terminal points of regional groundwater flow systems as analogs for geothermal plants and past processes #418. Petra Kovács-Bodor. Speaker: Petra Kovács-Bodor 11:45 - 12:00 Characterization Deep and Shallow Aquifer using Stable Isotope 18O and D. Case Studies from Self Flowing Wells in Indonesia #463. Teuku Reza, Alix Toulier, Patrick Lachassagne, Azwar Satrya Muhammad, Ari Virdiansyah Putra, Arya Pratama Putra, Arif Fadhillah. Speaker: Teuku Reza

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12:00 - 12:15 A multi-method characterization of river-aquifer interaction at the meter-scale: combining field measurements, heat transport modelling and groundwater modelling #279. Gert Ghysels, Sien Benoit, Henoc Awol, Abebe Debele Tolche, Thomas Hermans, Frederic Nguyen, Christian Anibas, Marijke Huysmans. Speaker: Gert Ghysels 12:15 - 12:30 A New Method for Pore Water Content Measurement of Low-Permeability Rocks #732. Ekaterina Kazak. Speaker: Ekaterina Kazak 12:30 - 12:45 Groundwater in the upper part of the eastern desert of Egypt: isotopes, infiltration, flow conditions, and chemical indicators #696. Manal Wannous, Uwe Troeger, Christoph Jahnke, Marianne Falk. Speaker: Uwe Troeger

Tuesday Morning 7: Topic 8 Conference room 1.A (11:15-12:45)

Groundwater quality and pollution processes

Chair: Tamara Marković, Maria Paula Mendes

11:15 - 11:30 Multidisciplinary approach to study the landfill leachate impact on groundwater hydrogeochemistry in aquitard and aquiclude #263. Sergio Rusi, Diego Di Curzio. Speaker: Sergio Rusi 11:30 - 11:45 Hydrogeochemistry of groundwater in the Namaqualhd region, South Africa: Implications for surficial uranium potential #236. Sisanda Makubalo. Speaker: Sisanda Makubalo 11:45 - 12:00 Feature selection for mapping the probability of groundwater pollution using Random Forest #173. Maria Paula Mendes, Víctor Rodriguez-Galiano, Juan Luque-Espinar, Mario Chica-Olmo. Speaker: Maria Paula Mendes 12:00 - 12:15 Regional Groundwater Contamination Related to Exploration & Production of Natural Gas – Pavillion Gas Field, Wind River Basin, Wyoming USA #354. Mickel Wireman. Speaker: Mickel Wireman 12:15 - 12:30 An improved DRASTIC-based groundwater vulnerability assessment-using particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm #241. Maryam Torkashvand. Speaker: Maryam Torkashvand 12:30 - 12:45 The occurrence and distribution of antibiotics in Hutuohe Valley, North China #246. Dandan Liu, Jingtao Liu, Mingnan Yang. Speaker: Dandan Liu

Tuesday Morning 8: Topic 10 Multiuse room 3 (11:15-12:45)

Urban groundwater

Chair: Helen Fallas, Stephen Foster

11:15 - 11:30 Determination of the source of salt contamination using a combination of novel stable isotopic parameters (37Cl, 81Br, 18O and 2H) and tritium to assess the impact on regional groundwater supplies in southern Ontario, Canada #427. Lori Labelle. Speaker: Lori Labelle 11:30 - 11:45 The Urban Water Cycle - SuDS as a measure for preservation and prevention; example from Bergen, Norway #244. Guri Venvik, Ane Bang-Kittilsen, John Dehls, Floris C. Boogaard. Speaker: Guri Venvik

11:45 - 12:00 Evaluation of groundwater environment changes due to urbanization in the Tokyo metropolitan area, Japan: Application of subsurface temperature observation integrated of long-term monitoring and repeated measurement of temperature-depth profiles #115. Akinobu Miyakoshi. Speaker: Akinobu Miyakoshi 12:00 - 12:15 Induced land subsidence due to groundwater withdrawal compared to rising sea-levels in sinking cities #85. Alain Dassargues. Speaker: Alain Dassargues 12:15 - 12:30 Detection and Assessment of Pharmaceutical Drug Residues in Drinking Water #457. Branka Bracic Zeleznik, Barbara Cencur Curk, Anja Torkar, Mihael Brencic. Speaker: Mihael Brencic

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12:30 - 12:45 Geothermal use of old flooded mines: from a risky trial-and-error approach towards challenging predictive simulations #84. Alain Dassargues. Speaker: Alain Dassargues

Tuesday Afternoon 1: Topic 1 Conference room 2.1 (15:00-16:00)

Groundwater assessment and management

Chair: John Bloomfield, Ineke Kalwij

15:00 - 15:15 Groundwater connectivity of a sheared gneiss aquifer system in the Cauvery river basin (peninsular India): Implications for water resources #670. Sarah Collins, Sian Loveless, Sekhar Muddu, Sriramulu Buvaneshwari, Dan Lapworth, Christopher Jackson, Alan Macdonald. Speaker: Sarah Collins 15:15 - 15:30 Investigating the productivity of weathered basement aquifers with a synthetic dataset #681. Marco Bianchi. Speaker: Marco Bianchi 15:30 - 15:45 Dynamic integration of groundwater and surface water models in an innovative water resources simulator #671. Lindsay Mcmillan. Speaker: Lindsay Mcmillan 15:45 - 16:00 The problem of nitrates in groundwater bodies in the jucar river basin district #776. Teodoro Estrela Monreal, Aránzazu Fidalgo Pelarda. Speaker: Teodoro Estrela Monreal

Tuesday Afternoon 2: Topic 2 Conference room 2.2 (15:00-16:00)

Groundwater and climate change

Chair: Xiao-Wei Jiang, Josep Mas Plá

15:00 - 15:15 Impact of climate changes on groundwater resources: Study case of N’fis watershed in Marrakech Area, Morrocco #538. Fatima Azzahra El Khantouri. Speaker: Fatima Azzahra El Khantouri 15:15 - 15:30 Adapting to water scarcity and climate change in Mediterranean regions: Contribution of the 3D-FEFLOW salinity transport model in the island of Jerba, southeast Tunisia #472. Bernard Collignon, Fethi Lachaal, Jérémie Hedoin. Speaker: Jérémie Hedoin 15:30 - 15:45 Groundwater recharge as key parameter towards sustanaibility of water resources management in limpopo national park and kruger park #672. Giuseppe Sappa, Maurizio Barbieri, Vitale Vitale Stefania. Speaker: Giuseppe Sappa 15:45 - 16:00 Hydro-climate characteristics of the aquifer system of Wintimdouine cave (Western High Atlas, Morocco): Results of a 4-year monitoring #622. Yassine Ait Brahim, Lhoussaine Bouchaou, Abdelfettah Sifeddine, El Hassane Beraaouz, Abderrahmane Wanaim, Hai Cheng. Speaker: Lhoussaine Bouchaou

Tuesday Afternoon 3: Topic 3 Conference room 1.B (15:00-16:00)

Groundwater sustainability and governance

Chair: Craig T. Simmons, Teodora Szocs

15:00 - 15:15 A practical guide to conserving groundwater underground #630. Fanus Fourie, Danie Vermeulen, Nicolette Vermaak. Speaker: Paul Laurens 15:15 - 15:30 A method to drive performance in groundwater resources management and protection #694. Patrick Lachassagne, Olivier Béon, Alice Berthet, Azwar Satrya Muhammad. Speaker: Patrick Lachassagne

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15:30 - 15:45 Launch of the new Groundwater working group for implementation of the United Nations Framework Classification (UNFC) #763. Marco Petitta, Malis Absametov, Henk Coetzee, Narmina Garaveva, Klaus Hinsby, Bob Hoogendoorn , Oleksii Netskvi, Kevin Parks, Joerg Reichling, Georgii Rudko, Teodora Szocs, Alexey Tudvachev, Natalia Vinograd. Speaker: Marco Petitta 15:45 - 16:00 Strategies for Sustainable Groundwater Management Plan for Typical Granitic Watershed, Telangana state, India #543. Pandith Madhnure, Vikas Raj. Speaker: Pandith Madhnure

Tuesday Afternoon 4: Topic 5 Auditorium 2 (15:00-16:00)

Tools, methods and models to study groundwater

Chair: Carlos Maldaner, Kyoochul Ha

15:00 - 15:15 Improving Groundwater-Surface Water Modeling by Integration of Rain Gauge and NEXRAD Data #771. Chin Man Mok. Speaker: Chin Man Mok 15:15 - 15:30 Evaluating sensitivity and uniqueness of underdamped slug test models for fractured rocks #373. Amélie Dausse, Nicolas Guihéneuf, Beth Parker. Speaker: Amélie Dausse 15:30 - 15:45 An analysis of river morphology on freshwater lens dynamics in arid/semi-arid regions #393. Sina Alaghmand. Speaker: Sina Alaghmand 15:45 - 16:00 Interpretation of a large scale pumping test conducted in faulted sedimentary rock from channel type flow structures #376. Nicolas Guihéneuf, Amélie Dausse, Jean-Raynald De Dreuzy, Beth Parker. Speaker: Nicolas Guihéneuf

Tuesday Afternoon 5: Topic 5.3 Multiuse room 1 (15:00-16:00)

Advanced modelling tools for subsurface hydrology: from the vadose zone to deep environments

Chair: Makoto Taniguchi, Uwe Troeger

15:00 - 15:15 Advantages and challenges of using soil water isotopes for assessing groundwater recharge: Illustration with a field study located in Canada #23. Romain Chesnaux. Speaker: Romain Chesnaux 15:15 - 15:30 Effects of water table depth on the hydrological process in the unsaturated zone #24. Siyuan Huo. Speaker: Siyuan Huo 15:30 - 15:45 Modelling water stable isotopes to trace the variability of groundwater recharge #227. Alexandra Mattei. Speaker: Alexandra Mattei 15:45 - 16:00 Analysis of exact groundwater model within a confined aquifer: New proposed model beyond the Theis equation. #67. Mashudu Mathobo, Abdon Atangana. Speaker: Mashudu Mathobo

Tuesday Afternoon 6: Topic 5.3 Multiuse room 2 (15:00-16:00)

Advanced modelling tools for subsurface hydrology: from the vadose zone to deep environments

Chair: Hanneke Verweij, Joanne Thompson

15:00 - 15:15 Development of the method predicting suitable area for installation of ground-source heat pump system using response surface methodology #166. Shohei Kaneko. Speaker: Shohei Kaneko 15:15 - 15:30 A detrending method for hydrogeological series in complex systems #205. Michela Trabucchi. Speaker: Michela Trabucchi

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15:30 - 15:45 Assessment of groundwater arsenic contamination in the Red River Delta (Vietnam) by integrating satellite-based data #369. Licia Pollicino, David Haaf, Stefania Stevenazzi, Marco Masetti, Son V. Nghiem, Michael Berg, Lenny H.E. Winkel. Speaker: Licia Pollicino 15:45 - 16:00 Implication of geological heterogeneity on the distribution of dissolved arsenic in an alluvial aquifer in Italy evaluated using a 3D multicomponent reactive transport model #335. Nico Dalla Libera, Daniele Pedretti, Paolo Fabbri, Leonardo Mason, Leonardo Piccinini, Fabio Tateo. Speaker: Daniele Pedretti

Tuesday Afternoon 7: Topic 8 Conference room 1.A (15:00-16:00)

Groundwater quality and pollution processes

Chair: Channa Rajanayaka, James Sorensen

15:00 - 15:15 Major issues in groundwater and surface water quality in Cambodia and Myanmar #359. Melissa Lenczewski, Sam Mallow, Surya Freeman. Speaker: Melissa Lenczewski 15:15 - 15:30 Investigating the impact of a municipal solid waste facility on groundwater using environmental isotope and landfill gas analysis #269. Elisabetta Preziosi, Eleonora Frollini, Daniele Parrone, Stefano Ghergo, Nicoletta Ademollo, Giancarlo Ciotoli, Luisa Patrolecco, Alessandra Sciarra. Speaker: Elisabetta Preziosi 15:30 - 15:45 Chemical (macro, trace - including rare earth elements) and isotopic record of deep brines leakage to shallow freshwater aquifers in northern and central Poland #301. Dorota Kaczor-Kurzawa. Speaker: Dorota Kaczor-Kurzawa 15:45 - 16:00 Characterization of carbon in the shallow alluvial groundwater system #310. Tamara Marković. Speaker: Tamara Marković

Tuesday Afternoon 8: Topic 10 Multiuse room 3 (15:00-16:00)

Urban groundwater

Chair: Guri Venvik, Floris Boogard

15:00 - 15:15 Groundwater impacts of underground infrstructure in London #342. Jane Dottridge, Megan Durrant, Victoria Price, Dino Giordanelli. Speaker: Jane Dottridge 15:15 - 15:30 Atmospheric nitrogen originated in a highly human impacted area: from deposition to infiltration and drainage in the vadose zone #366. Marco Masetti, Corrado Camera, Daniele Pedretti, Stefania Stevenazzi. Speaker: Stefania Stevenazzi 15:30 - 15:45 Nullspace Monte Carlo particle tracking to identify source areas of groundwater pollution in the N-W Milano FUA (AMIIGA Project-CE No 32) #325. Luca Alberti, Loris Colombo. Speaker: Luca Alberti

15:45 - 16:00 Knowledge exchange on Climate Adaptation with Nature-based solutions and Best Management Practices for Sustainable (ground) water management in Resilient Cities #528. Floris Boogaard, Anne Liinamaa-Dehls, Britta Restemeyer, Guri Venvik. Speaker: Floris Boogaard

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Thursday Morning 1: Topic 5 Auditorium 2 (11:15-12:45)

Tools, methods and models to study groundwater

Chair: Alain Dassargues, Menggui Jin

11:15 - 11:30 Simulation of Borehole Heat Exchangers using MODFLOW-USG and USG-Transport #497. Sorab Panday, Thomas Conzen. Speaker: Sorab Panday 11:30 - 11:45 Groundwater salinization mechanism in an arid inland basin: the Manas River Basin in the Northwest China #396. Yalei Liu, Menggui Jin, Xing Liang. Speaker: Menggui Jin 11:45 - 12:00 An iterative geophysical – geological – hydrogeological approach for high-resolution interpretation of ERT profiles. The Siguenza-Guadalajara limestone-marl-sand series case-study (Spain) #424. Marta Hernandez Garcia. Speaker: Marta Hernandez Garcia 12:00 - 12:15 Conceptual and numerical groundwater flow models to evaluate construction, geotechnical and environments effects of the Brión railway tunnel for the Ferrol Outer harbor #487. Javier Samper, Acacia Naves, Alba Mon, Luis Fernandez, Javier Calvo, Jesus Suso, Cesar Benito, Francisco Abadin. Speaker: Acacia Naves 12:15 - 12:30 Hydrochemical and isotopic multi-tracer data to characterize subsurface upwelling of saline groundwater along conductive fault zones #789. Eric Zechner, Adrian Auckenthaler.Speaker: Eric Zechner 12:30 - 12:45 A simple graphical method to visualize the end-member fractions in a three-component groundwater mixing: the example of Ferrarelle system (Riardo, southern Italy) #456. Emilio Cuoco, Stefano Viaroli, Vittorio Paolucci, Lucia Mastrorillo, Roberto Mazza, Dario Tedesco. Speaker: Emilio Cuoco

Thursday Morning 2: Topic 5 Conference room 1.A (11:15-12:45)

Tools, methods and models to study groundwater

Chair: María Luisa Calvache, Ahmed Hadidi

11:15 - 11:30 The piezometric tidal signal, a new tool for studying the properties of even the shallowest aquifers #567. Bernard Collignon, Moustapha Ba. Speaker: Bernard Collignon 11:30 - 11:45 Comparative analysis of karst spring hydrographs using automatic recession methods #440. Tunde Olarinoye, Tom Gleeson, Andreas Hartmann. Speaker: Tunde Olarinoye 11:45 - 12:00 Drainage galleries system to depressurize active landslide in unconfined aquifer located in the north of Bucaramanga, Colombia #762. Luis Suescún, Sanchez Oscar. Speaker: Luis Suescún 12:00 - 12:15 Using natural tracers and high frequency physicochemical monitoring as complementary tools to a groundwater flow modelling #660. Angélique Poulain. Speaker: Angélique Poulain 12:15 - 12:30 Hydrologic and stratigraphic impacts to density-driven flow along brine-to-freshwater interfaces in arid basins #619. Sarah Mcknight, David Boutt, Leeann Munk. Speaker: Sarah Mcknight 12:30 - 12:45 Dating groundwater with radio-krypton and radio-argon #667. Guo-Min Yang, Yanqing Chu, Xize Dong, Chao Gao, Jiqiang Gu, Shuiming Hu, Siyu Liu, Wei Jiang, Zheng-Tian Lu, Florian Ritterbusch, Amin Tong, Jie Wang, Wenhao Wang, Jingwen Yan, Lei Zhao, Zhixia Zhao. Speaker: Guo-Min Yang

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Thursday Morning 3: Topic 5.1 Multiuse room 3 (11:15-12:45)

Dynamic Analogues (TOTAL)

Chair: Jean Paul Rolando, Véronique Leonardi

11:15 - 11:30 Dynamic outcrop analogues in groundwater reservoirs. A disruptive approach for reservoir characterization and modelling. #126. Gérard Massonnat, Charles Danquigny, Jean-Paul Rolando. Speaker: Gérard Massonnat 11:30 - 11:45 Passive seismic monitoring of the groundwater level in the Fontaine de Vaucluse aquifer #213. Isabelle Dumont, Christophe Voisin, Charles Danquigny, Stéphane Garambois, Gérard Massonnat, Sandrine Roussel, Jean-Paul Rolando. Speaker: Isabelle Dumont 11:45 - 12:00 Sequence stratigraphy as an inter-disciplinary tool for karst network forecast. Multiphase and multiprocess karst genesis in the Urgonian Formation. #127. Gérard Massonnat, Charles Danquigny. Speaker: Gérard Massonnat 12:00 - 12:15 Hydrogeological and hydrogeophysical insights into karst aquifer unsaturated zone. Challenges and limits. #178. Naomi Mazzilli, Konstantinos Chalikakis. Speaker: Konstantinos Chalikakis 12:15 - 12:30 Inter-disciplinary characterisation of carbonate reservoirs. ALBION, a multi-scales dynamic analogue. #124. Charles Danquigny, Gérard Massonnat. Speaker: Charles Danquigny 12:30 - 12:45 Characterization of aquifer heterogeneities by integrating tomographic pumping tests and flowmeter data #141. Mohammed Aliouache, Xiaoguang Wang, Hervé Jourde, Jean-Paul Rolando, Gérard Massonnat. Speaker: Mohammed Aliouache

Thursday Morning 4: Topic 7 Conference room 2.1 (11:15-12:45)

Karst Hydrogeology

Chair: Augusto Auler, Alan Fryar

11:15 - 11:30 Karst groundwater exploration and utilization in south China #43. Junbing Pu. Speaker: Junbing Pu 11:30 - 11:45 Unlocking the mysteries of the Diquini Tunnel, Haiti's largest supply of water #78. James Adamson, William Javan Miner, Pierre-Yves Rochat, María Rodriguez Vera, Sergio Pérez Monforte, Emmanuel Molière, Pierre Colon Geffrard, Edouard Thomas. Speaker: James Adamson 11:45 - 12:00 An Example of Inverse Delineation of Basin Boundaries Based on Water Budgeting in Highly Karstified Terrains #122. Zoran Stevanovic. Speaker: Branislav Petrović 12:00 - 12:15 Contrasting the behaviour of karstic and non-karstic hydrologic processes at the catchment scale #155. Yan Liu, Thorsten Wagener, Andreas Hartmann. Speaker: Yan Liu 12:15 - 12:30 Quantification of large-scale groundwater resources in karst aquifers within the Mediterranean region under the light of long-term shifts in climate #120. Flann Corcoran, Philippe Renard, Edoardo Bucchignani, Martin Sauter, Irina Engelhardt. Speaker: Flann Corcoran 12:30 - 12:45 A global dataset of simulated karstic groundwater recharge to support water management and speleothem analysis #450. Andreas Hartmann. Speaker: Andreas Hartmann

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Thursday Morning 5: Topic 7 Conference room 2.2 (11:15-12:45)

Karst Hydrogeology

Chair: Andreas Hartmann, Matias Mudarra

11:15 - 11:30 Development of a protection concept for the Dong Van Karst area as basis for a sustainable drinking water supply, Northern Vietnam #239. Dominik Richter. Speaker: Dominik Richter 11:30 - 11:45 Typology of karst aquifers in Europe: a review – GeoERA RESOURCE project, CHAKA work package #251. Eulogio Pardo-Iguzquiza, Jean-Christophe Marechal, Jean-Baptiste Charlier, Bernard Ladouche, Vincent Bailly-Comte, Vivien Hakoun, Eva Krystofova, Jasminka Nikolić, Gerhard Schubert, Daniel Elster, Janko Urbanc, Caoimhe Hickey , Taly Hunter-Williams, Andrej Stroj, Georgina Arno, Víctor Camps, Ignasi Herms, Juan De Dios Gómez, Javier Heredia Diaz, Pedro A Robledo, , Juan Antonio Luque-Espinar, Diana Persa, Nora Gal, Attila Kovacs, Lou Maurice, Ronald Vernes, Mariëlle Van Vliet, Luca Zini, Chiara Calligaris. Speaker: Eulogio Pardo-Iguzquiza 11:45 - 12:00 Impact of historic and future climate on spring recharge and discharge based on an integrated numerical modelling approach: Application on a snow-governed semi-arid karst catchment area #256. Assaad Hassan Kassem, Jason Gurdak, Joanna Doummar. Speaker: Joanna Doummar 12:00 - 12:15 Impact of low flow conditions on microbial signature and natural attenuation in a karst aquifer #749. Michael Sinreich, Alain Pochon. Speaker: Michael Sinreich 12:15 - 12:30 Calibration of a semi-distributed lumped model of a karst system using time series data analysis: the example of the Qachqouch karst spring (Lebanon) #257. Emmanuel Dubois, Séverin Pistre, Marie Larocque, Joanna Doummar. Speaker: Emmanuel Dubois 12:30 - 12:45 Predictive groundwater flood mapping in a lowland karst environment #329. Owen Naughton. Speaker: Owen Naughton

Thursday Morning 6: Topic 7 Multiuse room 1 (11:15-12:45)

Karst Hydrogeology

Chair: Pierre-Yves Jeannin, Eulogio Pardo

11:15 - 11:30 Methodological approach for karst aquifers evaluation: case study of Učja Valley aquifer, NW Slovenia #357. Petra Zvab Rozic. Speaker: Petra Zvab Rozic 11:30 - 11:45 Rapid karst development in salt layers during and following flash floods along the shores of the Dead Sea #422. Ittai Gavrieli, Gidon Baer, Iyad Swaed. Speaker: Ittai Gavrieli 11:45 - 12:00 Statistical evaluation of the World Karst Aquifer Map: Global distribution of karst aquifers #459. Nico Goldscheider, Zhao Chen, Augusto S. Auler, Michel Bakalowicz, Stefan Broda, David Drew, Jens Hartmann, Guanghui Jiang, Nils Moosdorf, Zoran Stevanovic, George Veni. Speaker: Nico Goldscheider 12:00 - 12:15 Underground Dam Construction Impact to the Groundwater Quantity and Quality of Ryukyu Limestone Aquifer in Southern Okinawa Island, Japan #545. Oktanius Richard Hermawan. Speaker: Richard Hermawan 12:15 - 12:30 Hydraulic and geochemical impact of occasional saltwater intrusions through a submarine spring in a karstic and thermal aquifer (Thau lagoon area, Montpellier, France) #294. Marie-Amelie Petre, Bernard Ladouche, Veronique De Montety , Christelle Batiot-Guilhe , Claudine Lamotte, Seidel Jean-Luc. Speaker: Marie-Amelie Petre 12:30 - 12:45 Identification of flowpath and depict of flow system of deep buried karst system (Jinci karst catchment) in northern China #518. Xubo Gao, Chengcheng Li, Yanxin Wang. Speaker: Xubo Gao

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Thursday Morning 7: Topic 7 Multiuse room 2 (11:15-12:45)

Karst Hydrogeology

Chair: Philippe Meus, Linda Daniele

11:15 - 11:30 Influence of stress on incipient karst generation in natural fracture networks #143. Mohammed Aliouache, Xiaoguang Wang, Qinghua Lei, Hervé Jourde. Speaker: Xiaoguang Wang 11:30 - 11:45 Experimental study of solute transport in looping dual-conduit systems #583. Chaoqi Wang, Xiaoguang Wang, Majdalani Samer, Vincent Guinot, Hervé Jourde.Speaker: Chaoqi Wang 11:45 - 12:00 The castleton karst hydrogeological system, derbyshire, uk: a challenge for modellers #268. John Gunn. Speaker: John Gunn 12:00 - 12:15 Quantitative classification of carbonate aquifers based on hydraulic behaviour #398. Attila Kovacs. Speaker: Attila Kovacs 12:15 - 12:30 Water balance as a tool for sustainable management of karst aquifers – example of the catchment of the Malenščica karst spring (Slovenia) #499. Blaž Kogovšek. Speaker: Blaz Kogovsek 12:30 - 12:45 Water isotope monitoring to study transpiration and trees drought responses on Mediterranean karst #187. Simon Carrière, Coffi-Belmys Cakpo, Nicolas K. Martin-Stpaul, Nicolas Patris, Milanka Babic, Konstantinos Chalikakis, Albert Olioso, Claude Doussan, Arnaud Jouineau, Guillaume Simioni, Hendrik Davi. Speaker: Simon Carrière

Thursday Morning 8: Topic 6 Conference room 1.B (11:15-12:45)

Groundwater, wetlands and natural heritage

Chair: Jim Lamoreaux, Miguel Rodríguez

11:15 - 11:30 Use of stable isotopes to identify sources of nitrogen transformation processes in the aquifer of the Campo de Montiel (Central Spain) #512. Esperanza Montero-González, Ana Eugercios-Silva, Miguel Álvarez-Cobelas. Speaker: Esperanza Montero González 11:30 - 11:45 Isotope studies and other hydrogeological techniques to estimate groundwater contributions to a swamp ecosystem #403. Katarina David, Wendy Timms. Speaker: Katarina David 11:45 - 12:00 Isotope and geochemical tracers to quantify seasonal variations of the water balance components in a groundwater-dependent low altitude Mediterranean peat bog (Corsica Island, France) #558. Sébastien Santoni, Marina Gillon, Frederic Huneau, Vincent Marc, Emilie Garel, Anne-Laure Cognard-Plancq, Yves Travi, Milanka Babic, Roland Simler, Marc Leblanc. Speaker: Sébastien Santoni 12:00 - 12:15 Springs as elements of natural and cultural heritage. The example of Sant Hilari Sacalm (Les Guilleries, NE Spain). #586. Anna Menció. Speaker: Anna Menció 12:15 - 12:30 Hydrogeology of the Villafáfila lakes (Zamora, Spain) and their relationships with regional flow #720. Pedro Huerta, Ildefonso Armenteros, Clemente Recio, Pedro Carrasco, Carolina Rueda-Gualdrón, Azahara Cidón-Trigo. Speaker: Pedro Huerta 12:30 - 12:45 Using light-weighted geophysical techniques for the rapid ecohydrological characterization of different peatlands in the Alps #461. Nico Goldscheider, Timothy D. Bechtel. Speaker: Timothy D. Bechtel

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Thursday Afternoon 1: Topic 5 Auditorium 2 (15:00-16:00)

Tools, methods and models to study groundwater

Chair: Roland Barthel, Vanessa A. Godoy

15:00 - 15:15 Remote sensing and integrated hydrological models in hydrogeology #658. Maciej Lubczynski. Speaker: Maciek Lubczynski 15:15 - 15:30 An absolute upper limit to specific storage has been determined using theoretical analysis and field measurements: What are the implications for groundwater modelling? #552. Richard Ian Acworth, Gabriel Rau. Speaker: Ian Acworth 15:30 - 15:45 Scavenging Operational and Monitoring Data for High-Resolution Site Characterization #772. Barbara Carrera. Speaker: Chin Man Mok 15:45 - 16:00 Data worth in models of groundwater contaminant fractionation #321. Landon J.S. Halloran, Jeremy Zimmermann, Philip Brunner, Daniel Hunkeler. Speaker: Landon J.S. Halloran

Thursday Afternoon 2: Topic 5 Conference room 1.A (15:00-16:00)

Tools, methods and models to study groundwater

Chair: Lindsay McMillan, Sina Alaghmand

15:00 - 15:15 Numerical innovations in geological and groundwater modeling with unstructured meshes applied to underground works and complex geologies in Andean Mountains #761. Luis Suescún, Katty Barzola. Speaker: Luis Suescún 15:15 - 15:30 Combining long term monitoring of distributed temperature and cross-hole ERT with hydraulic tests to characterize the seawater intrusion and SGD dynamics in a coastal aquifers. #315. Albert Folch. Speaker: Albert Folch 15:30 - 15:45 Developing a process-based conceptual model for quantifying groundwater recharge in an upland sedimentary bedrock aquifer in a semi-arid region #347. Ferdinando Manna, John Cherry, Beth Parker. Speaker: Ferdinando Manna 15:45 - 16:00 Real-time indication of faecally contaminated drinking water with fluorescence spectroscopy: towards understanding the causation #209. James Sorensen, Daniel Olago, Simeon Dulo, Japhet Kanoti, Cheikh Gaye, Seynabou Cisse Faye, Abdoulaye Pouye, Michael Owor, Jacintha Nayebare, Robinah Kulabako, Dan Lapworth, Gloria Gwengweya, Dan Read, Jade Ward, Richard Taylor. Speaker: James Sorensen

Thursday Afternoon 3: Topic 5.1 Multiuse room 3 (15:00-16:00)

Dynamic Analogues (TOTAL)

Chair: Charles Danquigny, Anthony Credoz

15:00 - 15:15 Aquifer Dynamic Characterization Tools System: the ADYCHATS industrial pilot site for better understanding of mass flux in groundwater #287. Anthony Credoz, Beatrice Ducastel, Nathalie Nief, Trevor Osorno, John Frederick Devlin, Salvador Jordana, Marti Bayer Raich. Speaker: Ducastel Beatrice 15:15 - 15:30 Numerical simulation of water flow through observation boreholes: Measurements with Colloidal Borescope (CB) and In-Wel-Point-Velocity-Probe (IWPVP) #271. Martí Bayer-Raich, Anthony Credoz, Trevor Osorno, Salvador Jordana, Nathalie Nief, Ducastel Beatrice, Jordi Guimerà, J.F. Devlin.Speaker: Salvador Jordana 15:30 - 15:45 Fault zone in massive limestones: karstified or not karstified contexts? #217. Victor Clauzon, Véronique Leonardi, Séverin Pistre, Matthieu Blanc, Gérard Massonnat, Jean-Paul Rolando. Speaker: Véronique Leonardi

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Thursday Afternoon 4: Topic 7 Conference room 2.1 (15:00-16:00)

Karst Hydrogeology

Chair: Attila Kovacs, Yamin Deng

15:00 - 15:15 The epiphreatic flow in mature karst aquifers: theory, models and observations #506. Franci Gabrovšek, Matej Blatnik, Cyril Mayaud. Speaker: Franci Gabrovšek 15:15 - 15:30 Hydrochemical and isotopic indicators for conceptual model of karst groundwater in Fanghsan, Beijing #607. Xiaojuan Qiao, Baoling Li, Gaoxuan Guo. Speaker: Xiaojuan Qiao 15:30 - 15:45 Investigation of the impact of changed precipitation patterns on groundwater recharge processes in a semi-arid carbonate aquifer by an integrated surface-subsurface, multi-continuum model #690. Lysander Bresinsky, Jannes Kordilla, Martin Sauter, Irina Engelhardt. Speaker: Lysander Bresinsky 15:45 - 16:00 Conceptual hydrogeological model of the Rio Grande watershed, Alajuela, Costa Rica using hydrogeochemical and isotopic tools #715. Ingrid Vargas-Azofeifa.Speaker: Ingrid Vargas

Thursday Afternoon 5: Topic 7 Conference room 2.2 (15:00-16:00)

Karst Hydrogeology

Chair: Jane Dottridge, Peter Malik

15:00 - 15:15 New isotopic surveys on the Poiano karst system #172. Francesco Ronchetti, Vincenzo Critelli, Manuela Deiana, Alessandro Corsini, Stefano Lugli, Mario Mussi, Massimo Ercolani, Alessandra Curotti. Speaker: Francesco Ronchetti 15:15 - 15:30 Enhanced understanding of coastal karst aquifer system through monitoring of source-specific contamination occurrences at intertidal springs #198. Luka Vucinic, David O'connell, Catherine Coxon, Laurence Gill. Speaker: Luka Vucinic 15:30 - 15:45 Organic matter quality impacts on carbonate dissolution in groundwater of a lacustrine aquifer of Central Jianhan Plain: hydrochemistry, 13CDIC and fluorescence PARAFAC data #758. Shuangbing Huang. Speaker: Shuangbing Huang 15:45 - 16:00 A historical conflict around karst resources: the case of Tridaine spring (Rochefort, Belgium) #196. Philippe Meus. Speaker: Philippe Meus

Thursday Afternoon 6: Topic 7 Multiuse room 1 (15:00-16:00)

Karst Hydrogeology

Chair: Didier Pennequin, Michael Sinreich 15:00 - 15:15 Advances in understanding long-tailed breakthrough curves from tracer tests in karst aquifers #411. Nadine Goeppert. Speaker: Nadine Goeppert 15:15 - 15:30 Characterizing the linkage between soil moisture dynamics and discharge at a karst region in Southwest Germany #292. Romane Berthelin. Speaker: Romane Berthelin 15:30 - 15:45 Mechanism analysis of sinkhole formation at Hanpoao-Baishiling village, Xinhua County, Hunan Province,China #297. Jianling Dai, Yingzi Chen, Xiaozhen Jiang. Speaker: Jianling Dai 15:45 - 16:00 Visual KARSYS – a web service for modelling karst aquifers #766. Arnauld Malard, Stephen Randles, Philipp Hausmann, Pierre-Yves Jeannin, Simon Lopez, Gabriel Courrioux, Manfred Vogel. Speaker: Pierre-Yves Jeannin

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Thursday Afternoon 7: Topic 7 Multiuse room 2 (15:00-16:00)

Karst Hydrogeology

Chair: Zoran Stevanovic, Joanna Doummar

15:00 - 15:15 Distribution Characteristics and Genesis of Carbonate Thermal Reservoirs in Xiongan New Area #235. Wei Zhang. Speaker: Wei Zhang 15:15 - 15:30 Tracing bacterial transport in epikarst and karst-conduit aquifers with injected E. Coli #204. Alan Fryar, Ashley Bandy, James Ward. Speaker: Alan Fryar 15:30 - 15:45 Distributary flow in karst systems: geological and climatic controls #338. Augusto Auler. Speaker: Augusto Auler 15:45 - 16:00 Nitrate fate and origin in epikarst springs in Jinfo Mountain area, Southwest China #163. Qiong Xiao. Speaker: Qiong Xiao

Thursday Afternoon 8: Topic 8 Conference room 1.B (15:00-16:00)

Groundwater quality and pollution processes

Chair: Elisabetta Preziosi, Diana Puigserver

15:00 - 15:15 Saline groundwater generation from paleo-termite mounds in the Buffels River valley, South Africa #451. Jani Van Gend, Jodie Miller, Catherine Clarke, Laszlo Palcsu, Michele Francis. Speaker: Jani Van Gend 15:15 - 15:30 Evaluation of the in situ behavior of a non-electrolyte solution using fluorescent dye tracers #237. Haruka Kiyotomo. Speaker: Haruka Kiyotomo 15:30 - 15:45 Groundwater flow and solute transport models to assess and mitigate the environmental effects of the Sardas site in Sabiñánigo (Huesca, Spain) #498. Javier Samper, Brais Sobral, Bruno Pisani, Alba Mon, Acacia Naves, Joaquin Guadaño, Luis Montenegro, Jesus Fernandez. Speaker: Javier Samper 15:45 - 16:00 Origin of Groundwater Salinity in the vicinity of Lake Fitri, Central Lake Chad Basin #638. Moussa Isseini. Speaker: Moussa Isseini

Thursday Afternoon 9: Topic 5 Auditorium 2 (17:00-18:00)

Tools, methods and models to study groundwater

Chair: Esperanza Montero, Yung-Chia Chiu

17:00 - 17:15 Stochastic investigation of flow and transport parameters via assimilation of concentration and water table data #537. Vanessa A. Godoy, J.Jaime Gómez-Hernández, Andrea Zanini. Speaker: Vanessa A. Godoy 17:15 - 17:30 Use of hydrogeological and hydraulic modelling for well and wellfield productivity forecast: case study of Jelgava Town, Latvia #581. Janis Prols. Speaker: Janis Prols 17:30 - 17:45 Theoretical analysis of well extraction and injection capacities under constraints on hydraulic head #643. Raghwendra Narayan Shandilya. Speaker: Raghwendra Narayan Shandilya 17:45 - 18:00 Infiltration and groundwater recharge dynamics in unsaturated fractured rocks: from pore-scale (multi-scale) smoothed particle hydrodynamics modeling to catchment response simulations #582. Jannes Kordilla, Elena Shigorina, Torsten Noffz, Lysander Bresinsky, Marco Dentz, Alexandre Tartakovsky, Martin Sauter. Speaker: Jannes Kordilla

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Thursday Afternoon 10: Topic 5 Conference room 1.A (17:00-18:00)

Tools, methods and models to study groundwater

Chair: Irina Engelhardt, Ahmed Fekri

17:00 - 17:15 Comparative analysis of geophysical techniques to characterize shallow groundwater conditions #669. Okke Batelaan, Michael Hatch, Eddie Banks, Brady Flinchum. Speaker: Okke Batelaan 17:15 - 17:30 Finding geothermal resources under an urban area (Barcelona) #332. Enric Vazquez-Suñe, Miguel Angel Marazuela, Laura Scheiber, Rotman Criollo, Marc Diviu, Leia Mayer-Anhalt, Joan Botey Bassols. Speaker: Enric Vazquez-Suñe 17:30 - 17:45 Spatial and statistical analysis of factors influencing groundwater vulnerability on the study area of the Gömör-Torna Karst (Hungary and Slovakia) #717. Veronika Iván, Marco Masetti, Judit Mádl-Szőnyi, Licia Pollicino, Stefania Stevenazzi. Speaker: Veronika Iván 17:45 - 18:00 Use of Geographical Information System and Water Quality Index to Assess Groundwater Quality in krimat Aquifer (Essaouira; Morocco) #725. Otman El Mountassir. Speaker: Otman El Mountassir

Thursday Afternoon 11: Topic 5.2 Multiuse room 2 (17:00-18:00)

High island hydrogeology

Chair: Maria del Carmen Cabrera, Rui MS. Coutinho

17:00 - 17:15 Groundwater management in the Azores archipelago (Portugal): state-of-art and identification of the major constrains #282. Rui Coutinho, José Cruz. Speaker: Rui Coutinho 17:15 - 17:30 Hydrogeological functioning of an andesitic island revealed by helicopter-borne electromagnetic survey (Martinique – Caribbean island) #503. Benoit Vittecoq. Speaker: Benoit Vittecoq 17:30 - 17:45 Conceptual hydrogeological models of oceanic intraplate volcanic small islands #514. María Del Carmen Cabrera, Emilio Custodio. Speaker: María Del Carmen Cabrera Santana 17:45 - 18:00 Are they different volcanic island hydrogeological conceptual models? #530. E. Custodio, M.C. Cabrera. Speaker: Emilio Custodio

Thursday Afternoon 12: Topic 5.4 Multiuse room 3 (17:00-18:00)

Innovative approaches for understanding groundwater flow systems

Chair: Rachida Bouhlila, Okke Batelaan

17:00 - 17:15 Integrated approaches to characterize Cenozoic clay-rich layers and investigate their role in regional groundwater flow; Dutch case studies #266. Hanneke Verweij. Speaker: Hanneke Verweij 17:15 - 17:30 Mapping groundwater dynamics in the Netherlands: three dimensional insight in groundwater systems based on the Dutch national database of subsurface information ( #160. Willem Zaadnoordijk. Speaker: Willem Zaadnoordijk 17:30 - 17:45 Validating the conceptual model of a fault-controlled geothermal resource through numerical simulations for a renewable and sustainable utilization #190. Filippo Torresan. Speaker: Filippo Torresan 17:45 - 18:00 A tool box for managing karst #780. Pierre-Yves Jeannin, Arnauld Malard. Speaker: Pierre-Yves Jeannin

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Thursday Afternoon 13: Topic 7 Conference room 2.1 (17:00-18:00)

Karst Hydrogeology

Chair: John Gunn, Sebnem Arslan

17:00 - 17:15 3D complex pollutant transfer in karstified chalk aquifer systems in Eastern Normandy, France. #592. Didier Pennequin. Speaker: Didier Pennequin 17:15 - 17:30 Impact of chalk karst on river flow in Normandy: comparison of the behavior of three rivers and quantification of karst flow #603. Pierre-Yann David. Speaker: Pierre-Yann David 17:30 - 17:45 Characterization of the regional groundwater flow system and groundwater related phenomena in the Villány thermal karst area (Hungary) #620. Anita Erőss, Katalin Csondor, Ádám Tóth, József Dezső, Brigitta Zentai-Czauner, Imre Müller. Speaker: Anita Erőss 17:45 - 18:00 Validation of vulnerability assessment by means of the Time Dependent Model: case study from the Slovenian karst catchment #663. Vladimir Živanović. Speaker: Vladimir Živanović

Thursday Afternoon 14: Topic 7 Conference room 2.2 (17:00-18:00)

Karst Hydrogeology

Chair: Nico Goldscheider, Juan Antonio Barbera

17:00 - 17:15 A multi-method approach to quantify and simulate groundwater flow components in karst aquifers using pipe-network models #202. Philip Schuler. Speaker: Philip Schuler 17:15 - 17:30 How to model the impacts of land use changes in karstic environments: Model development, parameter dimension reduction and uncertainty quantification #219. Daniel Bittner, Mario Teixeira Parente, Steven Mattis, Barbara Wohlmuth, Markus Disse, Gabriele Chiogna. Speaker: Daniel Bittner 17:30 - 17:45 Characteristics of the epiphreatic flow in the karst aquifer north from Planinsko Polje, Slovenia #293. Matej Blatnik, Cyril Mayaud, Franci Gabrovšek. Speaker: Matej Blatnik 17:45 - 18:00 Quantitative Analysis of Daily Discharge Records - Example of Big Spring, Missouri #367. Farid Achour. Speaker: Farid Achour

Thursday Afternoon 15: Topic 8 Conference room 1.B (17:00-18:00)

Groundwater quality and pollution processes

Chair: Mihael Brenčič, J.J. Gómez-Alday

17:00 - 17:15 Endocrine Disruptors in groundwater of a Mediterranean Natural Reserve and Important Bird and Biodiversity Area (IBA) in Southern Spain: Fuente de Piedra basin (Málaga, Spain) #645. Fidel Denguir-Bujanow, Iñaki Vadillo-Pérez, Pablo Jiménez-Gavilán, María Del Carmen Corada-Fernández, José Benavente-Herrera, Lucía Ojeda-Rodríguez, Esther Martín-Pinto. Speaker: Iñaki Vadillo 17:15 - 17:30 Contribution to solute transport properties determination of a karstic formation #486. Roger Gonzalez-Herrera. Speaker: Roger Gonzalez-Herrera 17:30 - 17:45 Modelling fate and transport of pesticides in the unsaturated zone: the case study of the contamination of the Valencia Plain aquifer by Chlorpyrifos #646. Ricardo Perez Indoval, Eduardo F. Cassiraga, Javier Rodrigo Ilarri. Speaker: Javier Rodrigo Ilarri 17:45 - 18:00 The environmental geochemistry behavior mechanism of Fe-Mn nodule in a oil contaminated site #165. Xueqing Zhang. Speaker: Xueqing Zhang

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Thursday Afternoon 16: Topic 8 Multiuse room 1 (17:00-18:00)

Groundwater quality and pollution processes

Chair: Christoph Neukum, Andrzej Witkowski

17:00 - 17:15 Preliminary evaluation of nitrate groundwater pollution and remediation in Shimabara Peninsula, Nagasaki, Japan #32. Kei Nakagawa, Hiroki Amano, Ronny Berndtsson, Rudy Rossetto. Speaker: Kei Nakagawa 17:15 - 17:30 Assessment of groundwater oil contamination and the development of measures for its localization and liquidation (on the case study of the residential area within St. Petersburg, russia) #683. Aleksey Tudvachev. Speaker: Aleksey Tudvachev 17:30 - 17:45 Random forest modelling of global groundwater arsenic #215. Joel Podgorski, Michael Berg. Speaker: Joel Podgorski


Friday Morning 1: Topic 5 Auditorium 2 (9:40-10:40)

Tools, methods and models to study groundwater

Chair: Rosario Jiménez, Sara Raymond

9:40 - 9:55 Geophysically based modeling of preferential flow #273. Karlis Kukemilks, Mathias Jackel, Viktoria Nagy. Speaker: Karlis Kukemilks 9:55 - 10:10 Prediction of Groundwater Inflow Rates to an open Pit Mine in Eastern Turkey #242. Cidem Argunhan Atalay, Hasan Yazicigil, Mehmet Ekemekci. Speaker: Cidem Argunhan Atalay 10:10 - 10:25 A definition of hydraulic connectivity in geological media #327. John Paul Moore, John Walsh, Tom Manzocchi.Speaker: John Paul Moore 10:25 - 10:40 Innovative coupling between GEOMODELR, FEFLOW and MODFLOW to generate unstructured and prismatic meshes with complex geological models for groundwater #714. Daniel Giraldo, Ricardo Serrano, Luis Suescún. Speaker: Luis Suescún

Friday Morning 2: Topic 5 Conference room 1.A (9:40-10:40)

Tools, methods and models to study groundwater

Chair: Dave Kreamer, Patxi Elorza

9:40 - 9:55 Complex three-dimensional saltwater intrusion patterns in heterogeneous coastal aquifers revealed by fully coupled hydrogeophysical modelling. #473. Andres Gonzalez-Quiros, Jean-Christophe Comte. Speaker: Andres Gonzalez-Quiros 9:55 - 10:10 A hybrid hydrogeological-geostatistical approach to groundwater monitoring network design in shale gas environments #462. Zaheed Gaffoor. Speaker: Zaheed Gaffoor 10:10 - 10:25 GIS-based groundwater potential mapping using Machine learning models: Case of Medjerda aquifer, North of Tunisia #751. Fatma Trabelsi. Speaker: Fatma Trabelsi 10:25 - 10:40 Tritium (3H) to understand groundwater recharge processes and flow regime of intensively exploited aquifer of northwest India #711. Shive Prakash Rai, Suneel Joshi, Rajiv Sinha, Shashank Sekhar, Sanjeev Gupta, L. Densmore Alexander. Speaker: Shive Prakash

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Friday Morning 3: Topic 5.4 Multiuse room 1 (9:40-10:40)

Innovative approaches for understanding groundwater flow systems

Chair: Ádám Tóth, Carolina Guardiola

9:40 - 9:55 Multiple salinization processes along groundwater flow paths in a coastal irrigated plain, Korba, Tunisia #649. Fairouz Slama, Jose Joel Carrillo-Rivera, Christelle Claude, Rachida Bouhlila. Speaker: Fairouz Slama 9:55 - 10:10 Cold water injections as innovative smart tracer technique in hot fractured aquifers #212. Richard Hoffmann, Wajid Uddin, Pascal Goderniaux, Alain Dassargues, Jean-Christophe Maréchal, Subash Chandra, Virendra M. Tiwari, Adrien Selles. Speaker: Richard Hoffmann 10:10 - 10:25 Decision support tool for the evaluation of potential mar sites: Aquastore #674. Manuel Argamasilla Ruiz, Ana Ortuño Morales, Alberto Barrera García, Juan Antonaya Avi, Jordi Martin Alonso. Speaker: Manuel Argamasilla Ruiz 10:25 - 10:40 Density dependent flow, multispecies transport and geochemical modeling and applications: The code GEODENS #747. Rachida Bouhlila. Speaker: Rachida Bouhlila

Friday Morning 4: Topic 8 Conference room 1.B (9:40-10:40)

Groundwater quality and pollution processes

Chair: Melissa Lenczewski, Rafael Fernández

9:40 - 9:55 Characterization of an acid spring with extreme conditions of a dump at the Tharsis sulfide mines (SW Spain). #77. Raul Moreno-Gonzalez. Speaker: Raul Moreno-Gonzalez 9:55 - 10:10 Progressive release of nitrate from agricultural vadose zone delays groundwater quality improvement response to remediation #21. Yefang Jiang, Judith Nyiraneza, Xiaoyuan Geng. Speaker: Yefang Jiang 10:10 - 10:25 CLUES-GW: A Simple Coupled Steady State Surface-Groundwater Model for Contaminant Transport #80. Channa Rajanayaka, Sandy Elliott, Jing Yang, Ude Shankar. Speaker: Channa Rajanayaka 10:25 - 10:40 Contribution to the study of groundwater salinity of the Bou Areg and Gareb plains. Hydrogeological approach Geophysics and Hydrogeochemistry. Morocco, north oriental. #10. Malak Elmeknassi. Speaker: Malak Elmeknassi

Friday Morning 5: Topic 8 Conference room 2.1 (9:40-10:40)

Groundwater quality and pollution processes

Chair:Iñaki Vadillo, Helen Kristine French

9:40 - 9:55 Experimental investigations of enhanced solute dispersion in beach aquifers due to wave action #591. Martin S Andersen, Gabriel C Rau, Ian T Turner. Speaker: Martin Andersen 9:55 - 10:10 Determining the Source of Deicing Salt Contamination to Bedrock Wells Using Downhole Logging Methods #48. Gary Robbins, Mark Higgins, Meredith Metcalf, Edwin Romanowicz. Speaker: Gary Robbins 10:10 - 10:25 Application of water isotopes and hydrogeochemistry for the determination of water sources in the intensive agriculture area of Guadalhorce detrital aquifers (South of Spain) #653. Iñaki Vadillo-Pérez, Pablo Jiménez-Gavilán, Begoña Urresti-Estala, Fidel Denguir-Bujanow, Lucía Ojeda Rodríguez, José Benavente Herrera. Speaker: Iñaki Vadillo 10:25 - 10:40 New ‘full scale’ monitoring method for (subsurface) stormwater infiltration to protect groundwater, long term (hydraulic) efficiency of SuDS in The Netherlands #527. Floris Boogaard. Speaker: Floris Boogaard

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Friday Morning 6: Topic 8 Conference room 2.2 (9:40-10:40)

Groundwater quality and pollution processes

Chair: Emilio Custodio, Marisol Manzano

9:40 - 9:55 Informed tourism development in Haiti: understanding the Bwa Dom aquifer #390. G. Thomas Lavanchy. Speaker: Thomas Lavanchy 9:55 - 10:10 Drinking water resources investigation in Papaïchton Village (French Guiana) #623. Nicolas Brisset, Francis Mathieu, Jean-Marie Gandolfi, Benoit Dewandel, Pierre Bourbon, Geoffrey Aertgeerts, Bernard Joseph.Speaker: Nicolas Brisset 10:10 - 10:25 The Transboundary Tikuna Aquifer – A subunit of the Amazonian Aquifer System #790. Fátima Rosário, Emilio Custodio, Gerson Silva Jr. Speaker: Gerson Silva Jr 10:25 - 10:40 Preliminary quantification of surface water inputs to the Ozama Wetlands National Park (Dominican Republic) #220. Sandra Jose Clases, Yenny Rodriguez, Marisol Manzano, Jorge Hornero. Speaker: Sandra Jose Clases

Friday Morning 7: Topic 9 Multiuse room 2 (9:40-10:40)

Groundwater and socio-economic development in Latin-America

Chair: Luis Reibeiro, Juan Pablo Zamora

9:40 - 9:55 US Geological Survey Groundwater Studies in Latin America #721. Victor Heilweil, Saud Amer, William Asquith, James Callegary. Speaker: Victor Heilweil 9:55 - 10:10 Integral water management, a challenge in the Pacific Slope of Guatemala, C.A. #417. Romy David. Speaker: Romy David 10:10 - 10:25 Integrated water resources management advances in Ica aquifer, Peru. Improvement actions based on Managed Aquifer Recharge technique #563. Enrique Fernandez, Roberto Navarro. Speaker: Enrique Fernandez

Friday Morning 8: Topic 5 Auditorium 2 (11:15-12:45)

Tools, methods and models to study groundwater

Chair: Andrés Sahuquillo, Judith Fluegge

11:15 - 11:30 Investigation of groundwater recharge under a semiarid irrigated mountain-front area (Haouz-Tensift basin, Morocco). #621. Houssne Bouimouass. Speaker: Houssne Bouimouass 11:30 - 11:45 Implementation of a new framework for real-time monitoring and control of subsurface processes at a pilot managed aquifer recharge site in Pirna, Germany #664. Jana Glass. Speaker: Jana Glass 11:45 - 12:00 Application of a flow-through cell to monitor groundwater source heat pump systems in Melhus, Norway #822. Lars Aaberg Stenvik, Sondre Gjengedal, Bjørn Frengstad, Randi Kalskin Ramstad.Speaker: Lars Aaberg Stenvik 12:00 - 12:15 Changes of the isotopic signatures and hydrochemistry in the unsaturated zone detected by a precision lysimeter installed in a dune belt (Doñana National Park, southwest Spain) #665. Fernando Ruíz, Claus Kohfahl, Iñaki Vadillo-Pérez. Speaker: Fernando Ruíz 12:15 - 12:30 Equalising flow in water wells: from theory to practical results #706. Jordi Pujadas-Ferrer. Speaker: Jordi Pujadas-Ferrer 12:30 - 12:45 Incorporating the spatial variability of tritium in precipitation to constrain the distribution of groundwater tritium and modern recharge in south africa #409. Jared Van Rooyen. Speaker: Jared Van Rooyen

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Friday Morning 9: Topic 5.4 Multiuse room 3 (11:15-12:45)

Innovative approaches for understanding groundwater flow systems

Chair: Willem Zaadnoordijk, Tibor Stigter

11:15 - 11:30 Groundwater flow system of the North China Basin: Groundwater age, heat and flow simulations #684. Dongmei Han. Speaker: Dongmei Han 11:30 - 11:45 The importance of fluid flow system evaluation in the understanding of hydraulic trapping of hydrocarbons – Case study of Hajdúszoboszló and Ebes gas fields, Hungary #494. Zsóka Szabó, Brigitta Zentai-Czauner, Judit Mádl-Szőnyi. Speaker: Zsóka Szabó 11:45 - 12:00 Investigation of hydrochemical and isotopic tools for identifying recharge areas and groundwater evolution in carbonate aquifers overlain by complex glacial sediments. #430. Elizabeth Priebe. Speaker: Elizabeth Priebe 12:00 - 12:15 Physiographic and climatic controls on groundwater dynamics in Southern Germany #223. Ezra Haaf. Speaker: Ezra Haaf 12:15 - 12:30 Estimating natural gradient groundwater flow direction at multiple depths simultaneously in a bedrock aquifer using fibre optic Active Distributed Temperature Sensing (A-DTS) #707. Jonathan Munn, Jonathan Kennel, Carlos Maldaner, Thomas Coleman, Beth Parker. Speaker: Jonathan Munn

Friday Morning 10: Topic 5.4 Multiuse room 1 (11:15-12:45)

Innovative approaches for understanding groundwater flow systems

Chair: Vincent Post, José Manuel Gil

11:15 - 11:30 When not finding enough water is both good and bad – Methods to assess a crystalline rock, potential site for Canada’s used nuclear fuel. #18. Alexander Blyth, Eric Sykes, Monique Hobbs, Laura Kennell-Morrison, Andre Vorauer, Aaron Desroches, Sarah Hirschorn. Speaker: Alexander Blyth 11:30 - 11:45 Earth and atmospheric subsurface tidal analysis - A passive approach to quantify groundwater system properties #64. Timothy C Mcmillan, Gabriel C Rau. Speaker: Timothy Mcmillan 11:45 - 12:00 Numerical investigation of the combined effect of different driving forces in the Buda Thermal Karst, Hungary #121. Márk Szijártó. Speaker: Márk Szijártó 12:00 - 12:15 Hydrodynamic and heat transport 3D modelling of the Pannonian Basin, HU-SRB-RO - pilot area of the DARLINGe project #291. Éva Kun, László Zilahi-Sebess, János Szanyi, Attila Csanádi, Tamás Ézsiás, Nóra Gál, Radu Fărnoagă, István Oláh, Ana Vranjes, Milan Vukicevic. Speaker: Éva Kun 12:15 - 12:30 Revealing groundwater flow systems on the basis of statistical spring data analysis #123. Ádám Tóth, Petra Kovács-Bodor, József Kovács, Judit Mádl-Szőnyi. Speaker: Ádám Tóth 12:30 - 12:45 A multi-scale groundwater modellling to understand regional and local groundwater processes in the valle del cauca aquifer, colombia #612. Sandra Galvis Rodriguez, Marta Faneca Sanchez, Guillermo Céspedes López, Joost Delsman, Andrea Faisully Fernández, Ruber Erney Rengifo, Camilo Vélez Estrada, Marleny García, Sandra Teresa Escobar, Andrea Forzoni. Speaker: Marta Faneca Sanchez

Friday Morning 11: Topic 6 Conference room 1.A (11:15-12:45)

Groundwater, wetlands and natural heritage

Chair: Andrew Watson, Anna Menció

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11:15 - 11:30 Numerical assessment on the impact of water table decline on phreatophytes in arid regions #70. Lihe Yin. Speaker: Lihe Yin 11:30 - 11:45 Rainwater pipeline project between Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport and the river Marne: assessment and reduction of the impacts of groundwater drawdown operations on wetlands and rivers #281. Elsa Mondon, Florence Lenhardt. Speaker: Rémi Vigouroux 11:45 - 12:00 The role of groundwater in supporting eco system and cultural services in North West England #723. Derek Clarke. Speaker: Derek Clarke 12:00 - 12:15 Groundwater-Surface water interactions in natural wetlands: a multidisciplinary approach to unravel a neglected issue #469. Nathan Burt. Speaker: Nathan Burt 12:15 - 12:30 Aquifer recharge mechanism in the southeastern area of the Salar de Atacama, northern Chile, from the isotopic composition of water. #509. Christian Herrera, Javier Urrutia, Emilio Custodio, José Luque, Mario Pereira, Arturo Jensen. Speaker: Emilio Custodio

Friday Morning 12: Topic 8 Conference room 1.B (11:15-12:45)

Groundwater quality and pollution processes

Chair: Manuel Olías, Helga Madrigal

11:15 - 11:30 Limitations of current protocols to predict groundwater contamination from alkaline mine waste #413. Alba Gomez-Arias. Speaker: Alba Gomez-Arias 11:30 - 11:45 Evaluation of chemical analysis of a ‘hidden spring' #425. Veysel Süleyman Yavuz. Speaker: Veysel Süleyman Yavuz 11:45 - 12:00 A multi-method approach to assess the temporal variability of drinking water quality in Sub-Saharan Africa #480. Jade Ward, Dan Lapworth, Dan Read, Steve Pedley, Gloria Gwengweya, Maurice Monjerezi. Speaker: Jade Ward 12:00 - 12:15 Degradation of chloroethene plumes of aged sources located in the hyporheic zone in the presence of co-contaminants with the combination of In-Situ Chemical Reduction methods with biostimulation of the dechlorinating microorganisms #452. Diana Puigserver. Speaker: Diana Puigserver 12:15 - 12:30 Traces of World War I in groundwater: perchlorate contamination of the chalk aquifer in NE France #374. Feifei Cao. Speaker: Feifei Cao 12:30 - 12:45 On Fluorescent Dye Tracing in Engineered Bio-Remediation: Insights from one year of data acquisition #420. Sten-Magnus Mostek. Speaker: Sten-Magnus Mostek

Friday Morning 13: Topic 8 Conference room 2.1 (11:15-12:45)

Groundwater quality and pollution processes

Chair: Yefang Jiang, Albert Soler

11:15 - 11:30 Groundwater quality constraints in the Vieira de Leiria - Marinha Grande aquifer and its implications for water supply (Portugal) #483. Johanna Wallström, M. Teresa Condesso De Melo, João Nascimento, Mariana La Pasta. Speaker: Johanna Wallström 11:30 - 11:45 New Quickscan method for prevention of groundwater pollution through stormwater infiltration, XRF as new quick scan method to map heavy metals in Dutch Sustainable urban Drainage Systems #525. Floris Boogaard, Allard Roest, Jasper Schmeits, Guri Venvik. Speaker: Guri Venvik 11:45 - 12:00 Assessing the potential impacts of shale gas development on shallow aquifers through upward fluid migration: A multi-disciplinary approach applied to two areas in eastern Canada #323. Christine Rivard, Geneviève Bordeleau, Denis Lavoie, René Lefebvre, Mathieu Duchesne, Nicolas Pinet, Virginia Brake, Stephan Séjourné, Heather Crow, François Huchet, Xavier Malet. Speaker: Yves Michaud

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12:00 - 12:15 A practical approach used to plan and execute, quantify and qualify an effective well clean-up strategy #519. Thomas Bothwell, Robert Woods. Speaker: Thomas Bothwell 12:15 - 12:30 A baseline assessment of emerging organic contaminants in New Zealand groundwater #394. Magali Moreau. Speaker: Magali Moreau 12:30 - 12:45 Geomorphic controls of arsenic pollution in groundwater of Ganga delta of West Bengal, India: an appraisal on medical geology #539. Tapas Acharya, Alokesh Chatterjee, Tamoghno Basu, Bikramaditya Mondal, Roshni Paul, Tanmay Sarkar, Archita Bhattacharyya, Debsmita Bose. Speaker: Tapas Acharya

Friday Morning 14: Topic 9 Conference room 2.2 (11:15-12:45)

Groundwater and socio-economic development in Latin-America

Chair: Gerson Cardoso, Mónica X. Guzmán

11:15 - 11:30 Insight the Western Andean Front Hydrogeology using springs geochemistry: the case of Aconcagua Basin (Central Chile) #349. Matías Taucare, Linda Daniele. Speaker: Matías Taucare 11:30 - 11:45 Hyperthermalism in the Ollachea Tunnel (Puno, Peru) #113. Rafael Fernández Rubio. Speaker: Rafael Fernandez Rubio 11:45 - 12:00 Hydrogeological methodology for the assessment of natural mineral water projects feasibility into paraná sedimentary basin #226. Giancarlo Pinto Saraiva. Speaker: Giancarlo Saraiva 12:00 - 12:15 Integrated water resources assessment in the dry corridor of el progreso, guatemala #22. Rudy Machorro Sagastume. Speaker: Rudy Machorro Sagastume 12:15 - 12:30 Hydraulic fracturing and Aquifer Management. A dialectical association in potential areas of exploitation of unconventional reservoirs in Colombia #689. John Escobar, Armando Zamora, Carlos Vargas. Speaker: John Escobar 12:30 - 12:45 Hydrogeological database focused for sustainable management of groundwater in San José de Chiquitos. Santa cruz, bolivia #118. Mónica Ximena Guzmán Rojo. Speaker: Mónica Ximena Guzmán Rojo

Friday Morning 15: Topic 9 Multiuse room 2 (11:15-12:45)

Groundwater and socio-economic development in Latin-America

Chair: Ricardo Hirata, Mar Alcaraz

11:15 - 11:30 The origin of groundwater and its chemical composition in the azua plain, dominican republic #339. Australia Ramirez García, Yenny Rodríguez Encarnación, Iñaki Vadillo Pérez, Lucia Ortega Ormaechea, José Rosa Martinez, Marisol Manzano Arellano, Sandra José Clases. Speaker: Australia Ramirez 11:30 - 11:45 Characterization and modelling of Portoviejo aquifer (Ecuador) in different climate change and socio-economic scenarios #438. Luis Ribeiro, Nuno Barreiras. Speaker: Luís Ribeiro 11:45 - 12:00 Adaptive Groundwater Governance Strategy for the Family Farming Sector in the high Andean plateau (Puna Region) of Jujuy province (Northwest of Argentina) #465. Juan Pablo Zamora Gómez. Speaker: Juan Pablo Zamora Gómez 12:00 - 12:15 Origin and characteristics of groundwater in the ozama wetlands national park basin, dominican republic #496. Yenny Rodríguez, Sandra José, Australia Ramírez, Julio Bautista, Samuel González, Santiago Muñoz, Marisol Manzano, Jorge Hornero, Sumara Borromé, Carlos Perkings. Speaker: Yenny Rodriguez 12:15 - 12:30 Remote sensing for subsidence analysis due to groundwater use in the bogota plain, colombia #744. Jose Villegas, Carlos Molano, Jillian Pearse. Speaker: Carlos Molano 12:30 - 12:45 Huaura aquifer (Peru) response towards land use and climate change scenarios with special emphasis in Albufera de Medio Mundo #436. Daniela Cid Escobar. Speaker: Daniela Cid Escobar

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[Board Number] Poster tittle #Contribution ID. Authors. Presenter.

TOPIC 1 Groundwater assessment and management [1] Improving Freshwater Security in the Caribbean using Managed Aquifer Recharge #19. Anthony Daus. Presenter: Anthony Daus

[2] Evolution Characteristics and Driving Mechanism of the Land Subsidence for Typical Regions of the North China Plain #26. Haipeng Guo, Liya Wang, Yunlong Wang, Juyan Zhu. Presenter: Haipeng Guo

[3] Groundwater vulnerability method of APLIE and its application in the early warning method in a fracture-karst water source, North China #33. Guo Yongli. Presenter: Yongli Guo

[4] Interaction and connectivity of stream water with groundwater in Wangjeon-ri WCC (water curtain cultivation) area, Nonsan, Korea #137. Sang-Ho Moon. Presenter: Sang-Ho Moon

[5] A study on the performance of a groundwater heat pump with doublet system #184. Byoung Ohan Shim, Seong-Kyun Kim, Kyoochul Ha. Presenter: Byoung Ohan Shim

[6] Assessments of surface water-groundwater interactions in the arid zone — case study in the Yanqi basin, northwestern China #188. Jiangbo Han, Jin Lin, Yunfeng Dai. Presenter: Jiangbo Han

[7] Contribution of Hydrochemistry and environnemental isotopes to the study of seawater intrusion in the coastal aquifer of the Eastern Mitidja Plain (Algeria) #199. Dalale Khous, Adnane Souffi Moulla, Hadjer Chorfi. Presenter: Dalale Khous

[8] Groundwater chemical and isotopic characterization of an aquifer in Brazilian ceara state. #206. Luisa González, Bruno Mesquita, Carla Silva, Marlucia Santiago. Presenter: Luisa Gonzalez

[9] Planning of Groundwater Resources Protection in Shuangyashan City #229. Xin Xin. Presenter: Xin Xin

[10] Investigation of industrial waste heat storage in porous media #255. Balázs Zákányi, Gábor Nyiri, Péter Szűcs, Christian Camacho. Presenter: Balázs Zákányi

[11] Recharge processes and groundwater age along the hyperarid western edge of the Andes (Atacama Desert): fossil groundwater recirculation #288. Benoit Viguier, Hervé Jourde, Veronique De Montety, Christelle Guilhe-Batiot, Véronique Leonardi, Guillaume Favreau, Linda Daniele, Jean-Denis Taupin, Elisabeth Lictevout. Presenter: Hervé Jourde

[12] Hydrogeological features of the western po plain (piedmont, Italy) #302. Domenico Antonio De Luca, Manuela Lasagna, Laura Deberneardi. Presenter: Manuela Lasagna

[13] Applicability of managed aquifer recharge (MAR) in a well in an alluvial plain in a semi-arid region: An application on the Upper Litani Basin in Lebanon #303. Reda Ghawi, Joanna Doummar. Presenter: Joanna Doummar

[14] The environmental impact assessment of intensive groundwater abstraction on the groundwater flow and salinity of the Nadhour Saouaf Sisseb El Alem Aquifer System (Central Tunisia) #346. Emna Bahri, José Joel Carrillo-Rivera, Jamila Tarhouni. Presenter: Emna Bahri

[15] Comparative Analysis of impacts of groundwater droughts in a European context #350. Benedikt Heudorfer, Anne F. Van Loon, John Bloomfield, David M. Hannah. Presenter: John Bloomfield

[16] Development and Application of Approaches for Geosphere Modelling in Support of Adaptive Phased Management: An Overview #353. Eric Sykes, Alexander Blyth, Monique Hobbs, Aaron Desroches, Sarah Hirschorn. Presenter: Eric Sykes

[17] Geology and hydrogeochemistry as groundwater assessment and management tools in Douala sedimentary basin/Cameroon #355. Huguette Christiane Emvoutou, Georges Emmanuel Ekodeck, Christine Stumpp, Serigne Faye. Presenter: Huguette Christiane Emvoutou

[18] The protection of springs used for human water supplies. A case study based on multi-criteria evaluation #375. Sonia Lopez, Jose Luis Exposito, Maria Vicenta Esteller, Miguel Angel Gomez, Roberto Franco, Guillermo Pedro Morales. Presenter: Maria Vicenta Esteller

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[19] Assessment of groundwater contamination vulnerability in a predominant fractured rock-aquifer area #407. Sang Yong Chung. Presenter: Sang Yong Chung

[20] Development of an integrated groundwater information system and its application to the Geum river basin, Korea #421. Kyoochul Ha, Heesung Yoon, Yongcheol Kim. Presenter: Kyoochul Ha

[21] Enhancement on the hydrogeological data management and analysis #490. Rotman Criollo, Enric Vazquez-Suñe, Fidel Cardona, Silvia Burdons, Monica Enrich. Presenter: Rotman Criollo

[22] Evaluation of the storage characteristics and circulation model of the low- and middle-temperature geothermal reservoir in Guangzhong Basin by using the data of hydrogen-oxygen stable isotopes #500. Feng Ma. Presenter: Feng Ma

[23] Pollution vulnerability assessment of Coastal Plain Sand Aquifer based on standard and modified DRASTIC approaches, southeastern Nigeria #502. Aniekan Edet, Azubuike Ekwere. Presenter: Aniekan Edet

[24] Groundwater resources of the Pyrenees in the global change context – The PIRAGUA Project #328. Yvan Caballero, Santiago Begueria, L.J. Lambán, Jorge Jódar, Pierre Le Cointe, Benoït Dewandel, Jean-François Desprats, Ane Zabaleta, Iñaki Antigüedad Presenter: Yvan Caballero

[25] Assessment of groundwater resources in Beijing based on numerical simulation technology #569. Yin Liu. Presenter: Yin Liu

[26] Overview of the hydrogeological investigations of recently discovered world class deposits in Serbia #575. Nebojša Atanacković. Presenter: Nebojša Atanacković

[27] Numerical modeling as a tool for the groundwatermanagement #576. Ana Carvalho, Ricardo Hirata, Mateus Simonato, José Luiz Albuquerque Filho. Presenter: Ana De Carvalho

[28] Multiscale impact of widespread managed aquifer recharge (MAR) implementation in the state of Gujarat, India #625. Gloria Mozzi, Alam F. Mohammad, Paul Pavelic, Karen Villholth. Presenter: Gloria Mozzi

[29] Taking a deeper look - revisiting our understanding of deep (>200 m) groundwater systems #627. Sian Loveless. Presenter: John Bloomfield

[30] A cross European project to understand the vulnerability of shallow groundwater resources to deep subsurface energy activities (VoGERA) #629. Sian Loveless. Presenter: John Bloomfield

[31] Making the unseen groundwater levels a drought indicator #631. Fanus Fourie. Presenter: Fanus Fourie

[32] Inverse modelling of hydrogeochemical processes analysed along a flowpath within the Doñana National Park (Southern Spain) #634. Ana Fernández-Ayuso. Presenter: Claus Kohfahl

[33] Hydroelectric use of the water supply system to the city of Oviedo (NW Spain) #657. Pelayo Alonso, Luis Jesús Méndez, Francisco Rodríguez, Rodrigo Álvarez, Almudena Ordóñez, Jorge Loredo. Presenter: Almudena Ordóñez

[34] Assessment of groundwater natural recharge in difficult environments: A case study at the Lake Chad Basin #668. Nafiseh Salehi Siavashani. Presenter: Nafiseh Salehi Siavashani

[35] Hydrogeology of the Sands, Sandstones and Gravels of the Litoral Alentejo (Portugal) #682. José Paulo Monteiro, Luís Costa, Rui Hugman. Presenter: José Paulo Monteiro

[36] Dynamic storage and volumetric filling levels indicating regional groundwater availability #703. Michael Sinreich, Volker Lützenkirchen, Marc Schürch. Presenter: Michael Sinreich

[37] Risk assessment of not achieving good chemical status of groundwater bodies in Slovakia #722. Mária Bubeníková, Oliver Horvát, Anna Patschová, Beáta Hamar Zsidekova. Presenter: Mária Bubeníková

[38] Extending the knowledge about the Tikuna Aquifer - Western Amazon #724. Fatima Rosário, Talita Silva, Jonathan Cunha, Gerson Silva Jr., Leonardo Guimarães, Lícia Costa, Judith Sandoval, Lester Pérez, Renato Pita, Cunha Cunha, Daniel Melo, Lucíolo Silva. Presenter: Gerson Cardoso Silva Junior

[39] Estimating of Surface and Groundwater Availability and Demand from Lower Chambo River Basin (Ecuador), as a tool for Water Management #727. Sandra Procel, Ricardo Hirata, Carla Manciati, Raul E. Puebla. Presenter: Sandra Procel

[40] Empirical model as tool for a correct management of groundwater: an experience on a carbonate aquifer in Tuscany (Italy) #743. Marco Doveri, Matia Menichini, Gianna Vivaldo, Antonello Provenzale, Andrea Scozzari, Luca Fibbi, Daniele Grifoni. Presenter: Matia Menichini

[41] Evaluation and Optimal Management of Groundwater Resources (Bakhtegan-Maharloo basin) #757. Heidar Zarei. Presenter: Heidar Zarei

[42] Seasonal catchment water balance using storage-discharge relationships #778. Xiang Xu, Huade Guan, Hoori Ajami, Yuting Yang, Craig T. Simmons. Presenter: Xiang Xu

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[43] Groundwater in Alicante province (Spain) #785. Miguel Fernández-Mejuto, Jose Miguel Andreu, Ernesto García-Sánchez, Rebeca Palencia. Presenter: Jose Andreu

[44] Geophysical evaluation of groundwater resources vulnerability: case study of part of akure, southwestern Nigeria. #787. Akinniyi Akinsunmade, Tomecka-Suchon Sylwia. Presenter: Akinniyi Akinsunmade

[45] Groundwater recharge sources in the Gandak alluvial aquifer, NE India: how important is leakage from irrigation canals? #793. Brighid O Dochartaigh, Alan Macdonald, Christopher Jackson, Jagdish Krishnaswamy, Sunil Chaudhary, Tarun Nair, Jimmy O'keefe, Girish Varma, Mohsneen Khan. Presenter: Brighid Ó Dochartaigh

[46] The impact of land use cover change (1988-2018) on aquifer recharge capacity across Bogota river basin, Colombia #795. Angelica Maria Moreno Rojas, Fabio Iwashita. Presenter: Fabio Iwashita

[47] Surface water and groundwater interaction in crystalline aquifer: an example from Itu (São Paulo, Brazil) #798. Juan Navarro. Presenter: Juan Navarro

[48] Identifying the Sources of Groundwater Nitrate Contamination at the Origin of South to North Water Diversion Project #799. Shengwei Cao. Presenter: Shengwei Cao

[49] Hydrochemical characterization of a nitrates polluted aquifer to test a treatment with biological-base to produce drinking water (LIFE ECOGRANULARWATER project) #807. Virginia María Robles Arenas. Presenter: Virginia Robles

[50] Hard-rock groundwater potential assessment in the Aji-Chay basin, West of Iran’s drying Lake Urmia #821. Alireza Kavousi, Hamid Kardan Moghadam. Presenter: Alireza Kavousi

[51] Vulnerability assessment and actual groundwater quality data - a case of study in Mozambique #829. Ameno Bande, Isabel Margarida Antunes, Acacia Naves. Presenter: Acacia Naves

[52] Study of the quality of irrigation water in the plain of Sidi-bel-Abbes #843. Zouaoui Rabah Mustapha. Presenter: Mustapha Zouaoui Rabah

[53] Economical development and Tubarão Aquifer System relationship: an example in the State of São Paulo, Brazil #847. Mara Akie Iritani, Sibele Ezaki, Didier Gastmans. Presenter: Didier Gastmans

[54] Risk assessment of water erosion by RUSLE - Lahmer watershed in the Setat plateau in Morroco #855. Naima El Assaoui. Presenter: El Assaoui Naima

[55] Application of Airborne Electromagnetics to Characterize Structure and Stratigraphy in the Indian Wells Valley Groundwater Basin, California #856. Ahmad Ali Behroozmand, Max Halkjear, Paul Thorn, Timothy K Parker. Presenter: Timothy Parker

[56] Assessment groundwater (springs) in Baumberge and Schöppinger Berg for hydrogeology and ecology purposes #857. Sura Alqargholi. Presenter: Sura Alqargholi

[57] Bauru Aquifer System, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil: Conditioning factors of water level variations #858. Marcela Barcelos Barbosa, Maria Antonieta Mourão, Maria Augusta Fujaco. Presenter: Marcela Barcelos Barbosa

[58] Iflux as a valuable tool in aquifer storage & recovery #864. Goedele Verreydt. Presenter: Goedele Verreydt

TOPIC 2 Groundwater and climate change [59] A regional-scale assessment of soil moisture changes in Golmud River Basin, China #182. Xiaomei Jin, Jing Zhang. Presenter: Xiaomei Jin

[60] Advancing Groundwater Sustainability within the Water-Energy-Food-Climate Nexus: Transferring Knowledge between Developed and Developing Countries #232. Jason Gurdak, Joanna Doummar, Viviana Re, Piet Kenabatho, Kawawa Banda. Presenter: Viviana Re

[61] Sustainable development of groundwater resources under salinity and climate change impacts in Great Maputo, Mozambique #274. Ahmad Ameen. Presenter: Ahmad Ameen

[62] Isotopic evidence of the deep maastrichtien aquifer in the Senegal #368. Serigne Faye, Niokhor Ndour, Mohamadou Fall. Presenter: Serigne Faye

[63] Application of the climatic water balance method for recharge evaluation and extreme climate indices analysis in the northern region of Rio de Janeiro state - BR at the present climate #415. Mariana La Pasta Cordeiro, Gerson Cardoso Silva Junior, Claudine Pereira Dereczynski, Zelia Maria Peixoto Chrispim, Vinicius Afonso Cordeiro, Maria Teresa Condesso De Melo. Presenter: Gerson Cardoso Silva Junior

[64] Global assessment of the impacts of climate variability on total water storage: implications for groundwater resources management. #471. Michael Allen. Presenter: Michael Allen

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[65] Assessing the water balace in the high mountain mediterranean karst aquifer of Ordesa and Monte Perdido (Central Pyrenees) #515. Jorge Jódar, Luis Javier Lambán, Sergio Martos-Rosillo, Emilio Custodio. Presenter: Jorge Jódar

[66] Groundwater resources in Chile: the required revision of conceptual models to cope with anthropogenic and climate pressure changes #560. Linda Daniele, Benoit Viguier, Matías Taucare, Hervé Jourde, Véronique Leonardi. Presenter: Linda Daniele

[67] Why Managed Aquifer Recharge is a successful tool to Climate Change adverse effects adaptation? Examples and indicators #561. Enrique Fernandez, Jon San Sebastian. Presenter: Enrique Fernandez

[68] Groundwater storage assessment and flow path identification in a large-scale fractured bedrock aquifer system #698. Allen Marsha, David Boutt. Presenter: Marsha Allen

[69] Groundwater response to meteo-climate variation: example from the foothill aquifer system of the Piedmont Alpine zone (NW Italy) #739. Marco Doveri, Matia Menichini, Elisa Brussolo, Brunella Raco, Giulio Masetti, Andrea Irace, Antonello Provenzale. Presenter: Matia Menichini

[70] Influence of snow melting recharge and river management at mediterranean river bassins: alto Tajo case of study. #800. Ignacio Menéndez Pidal De Navascués, Justo Mora Alonso-Muñoyerro, Eugenio Sanz Perez. Presenter: Ignacio Menendez Pidal

[71] Alpine spring water and global change: evidence from temperature, chemistry and oxygen-18 measurements #813. Martin Kralik, Erika Papp. Presenter: Martin Kralik

[72] Analyses and Tools to Assess the Landscape Potential for Enhanced Groundwater Recharge and Land Restoration in Darfur - Sudan #832. Daniela Benedicto Van Dalen. Presenter: Daniela Benedicto Van Dalen

TOPIC 3 Groundwater sustainability and governance [73] Drivers of rainfall isotope composition in the northern Chilean Central Andes #186. Sonia Valdivielso. Presenter: Sonia Valdivielso

[74] The effect of La Niña 2016-2017 and the current abstraction regime on diverse water-reliant companies in Kwale groundwater resources (Coastal Kenya) #95. Núria Ferrer Ramos. Presenter: Núria Ferrer Ramos

[75] Geothermal Fluid Characteristics and Evolution Process in Western Sichuan #243. Jiayi Zhao. Presenter: Jiayi Zhao

[76] Chalk AquifeR Management (CHARM): Groundwater modelling of a complex aquifer for the sustainable management of strategic drinking water reserves in Flanders (Belgium) #280. Gert Ghysels, Syed Md Touhidul Mustafa, Simon Six, Alexander Vandenbohede, Tom Diez, Marijke Huysmans. Presenter: Gert Ghysels

[77] Application of Na-Ca-Cl-Br Systematic in the Evaluation of Sources of Salinity in the Saline Groundwater Systems of the Benue Trough, Nigeria #372. Moshood Tijani. Presenter: Moshood Tijani

[78] Hydrological characterization of Maullín river basin #386. Felipe Avilés, Rosa Troncoso, Samuel Pizarro. Presenter: Felipe Avilés Maldonado

[79] Spring Development for a Small Village Water Supply: The Story of Ginda B Village, Nigeria #426. Aisha Kana. Presenter: Aisha Kana

[80] Groundwater public supply based on an ancestral system of galleries #444. Ribeiro Luis. Presenter: Luís Ribeiro

[81] Spanish Careos and Peruvian Amunas. Comparative analyses for pioneer managed aquifer recharge systems #562. Enrique Fernandez, Jon San Sebastian. Presenter: Enrique Fernandez

[82] Educational dissemination of geoscientific knowledge for geoconservation of the Brazilian groundwater: the Guarani Aquifer System case #577. Isabella Barbosa, Ana Carvalho, Celso Carneiro, Leonardo Lessi. Presenter: Isabella Barbosa

[83] To what extent does community management ensure good functionality of groundwater supplies in rural Africa? #599. Helen Fallas. Presenter: Helen Fallas

[84] Is current groundwater development in Ergene River Basin (Northwestern Turkey) sustainable? #613. Sebnem Arslan, Hasan Yazicigil. Presenter: Sebnem Arslan

[85] The sustainability of non-renewable groundwater from Guarani Aquifer System – A case study in a city at São Paulo State, Brazil #616. Tatiana Tavares, José Luiz Albuquerque Filho, Nadia Correa Franqueiro, Luiz Gustavo Faccini, Elis Miguele De Sá, Emilio Prandi, Suraya Modaelli, Sergio De Oliveira Jr. Presenter: Emilio Prandi

[86] Developing a model for a transboundary aquifer in the water-scarce region of Central Asia #642. Ainur Kokimova. Presenter: Ainur Kokimova

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[87] Comparison of groundwater recharge under conservation agriculture and conventional practice #693. Bentje Brauns. Presenter: Bentje Brauns

[88] Key Policy Changes Required to Reduce Environmental Degradation in the United States and Beyond #767. Daniel Rogers. Presenter: Daniel Rogers

[89] Spatial controls on groundwater quality in Sierra Leone: moving towards a national data management framework? #774. Gilles Tagne, Margason Andy, Aleksandr Glavnik, Claire Browning, Rylee Norris, Katie Mesa, Benjamin Robbins. Presenter: Gilles Tagne

[90] Health risk assessment of groundwater nitrogen pollution and its uncertainty analysis in Songnen Plain. #828. Juanjuan Wu, Jianmin Bian, Hanli Wan. Presenter: Wu Juan-Juan

[91] Isotopic tracing and numerical modelling of saline groundwater discharge into the Matola Wetlands, Mozambique #835. Rezwana Binte Delwar. Presenter: Rezwana Binte Delwar

[92] AgriMAR Bangladesh – Managed Aquifer Recharge to provide irrigation water for saline agriculture in the Bagerhat District #853. Lukas Rolf, Tine Te Winkel, Harmen Van Den Berg. Presenter: Daniela Benedicto Van Dalen

[93] Groundwater information management at Canal de Isabel II #877. Elisa Gutierrez Leal. Presenter: Raul Nogueras

TOPIC 5.3 Advanced modelling tools for subsurface hydrology: from the vadose zone to deep environments [94] Estimation of recharge and evaporation in the northwestern sahara aquifer system (north africa) using stable isotope and chloride profiles in soil water #55. Abdelhamid Guendouz, Adnane Moulla Souffi. Presenter: Abdelhamid Guendouz

[95] Permanently operating mathematical model of a group of groundwater well-fields in Kazakhstan as the basis for groundwater's monitoring and management #66. Oleg Podolny, Sergey Rachkov, Vitaly Andrusevich, Alexandr Kuchin. Presenter: Oleg Podolny

[96] Application of machine learning technique and network selection for prediction of the groundwater level #71. Sanghoon Lee, Kang-Kun Lee. Presenter: Sanghoon Lee

[97] Analysis of hydrographs from a karst aquifer in a former mining area, Hungary #117. Kamilla Modrovits, József Kovács. Presenter: Kamilla Modrovits

[98] Multi-method approaches to quantify groundwater and river exchange in lowland floodplains of Belgium #161. Min Lu, Matej Gedeon, Koen Beerten, Marijke Huysmans. Presenter: Min Lu

[99] The use of inflation in ensemble Kalman filter for the joint identification of contaminant source parameters and hydraulic conductivities in a sandbox experiment #192. Zi Chen, Jaime Gomez-Hernandez, Teng Xu, Andrea Zanini. Presenter: Jaime Gomez-Hernandez

[100] Modeling a heat tracer test in alluvial sediments using monte carlo: on the importance of the prior #208. Richard Hoffmann, Alain Dassargues, Pascal Goderniaux, Thomas Hermans. Presenter: Richard Hoffmann

[101] Thermal springs as „outcrops” of geofluid systems and provenance of biogeochemical accumulations and environmental impacts #324. Judit Mádl-Szőnyi, Petra Kovács-Bodor, Tímea Havril. Presenter: Judit Mádl- Szőnyi

[102] Comparative hydrogeology – application of quantitative descriptors to groundwater time series with spatial proximity #455. Markus Giese, Ezra Haaf, Benedikt Heudorfer, Roland Barthel. Presenter: Markus Giese

[103] Numerical analysis of periodic transient contaminant-leaching episodes in the unsaturated zone #491. Javier Samper, Alba Mon, Bruno Pisani, Acacia Naves, Luis Montenegro. Presenter: Javier Samper

[104] Rare Earth Elements in thermal and mineral waters from Mesozoic aquifers of the Polish Lowlands #602. Dorota Kaczor-Kurzawa. Presenter: Dorota Kaczor-Kurzawa

[105] Devise strategies and modelling tools to target the objectives of the EU Nitrates Directive and to enhance agricultural water management #637. Giovanna De Filippis, Rudy Rossetto. Presenter: Giovanna De Filippis

[106] Assessing the potential of denitrification through Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) #644. Muhammad Muqeet Iqbal. Presenter: Muhammad Muqeet Iqbal

[107] Radionuclide content of groundwater in hydrogeological approach - Case study in the adjacent area of a granitic complex #655. Petra Baják. Presenter: Petra Baják

[108] Falaj Modelling by Aquifer – Pipe Flow Coupling #802. Ekkehard Holzbecher, Ahmed Hadidi. Presenter: Ahmed Hadidi

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[109] A new inverse modelling algorithm for hydraulic tomography based on a mixture model #824. Carlos Minutti, Walter Illman, Susana Gomez. Presenter: Walter Illman


[Board Number] Poster tittle. Authors. Presenter.

TOPIC 5 Tools, methods and models to study groundwater [1] Integration of electromagnetic and electrical resistivity for groundwater exploration in kintampo south district, brong-ahafo region in Ghana #42. Albert Acheampong. Presenter: Albert Acheampong

[2] Hydrogeological Characterization of Coastal Aquifers in Seocheon Watershed, Korea: A Case Study of Groundwater and Seawater Interaction #44. Yongje Kim, Heejun Suk, Heesung Yoon, Soo-Hyoung Lee, Jehyun Shin, Seho Hwang, Yongcheol Kim. Presenter: Yongje Kim

[3] A unique case of water drawdown in deep artesian wells with a very high well-loss component #74. Avihu Burg, Joseph Guttman. Presenter: Avihu Burg

[4] On the use of ELLAM for seawater intrusion in fractured porous media #76. Fanilo Ramasomanana, Husam Baalousha, Marwan Fahs. Presenter: Fanilo Ramasomanana

[5] Understanding land use change impacts on freshwater using integrated surface water-groundwater modelling #81. Channa Rajanayaka, Julian Weir. Presenter: Channa Rajanayaka

[6] Experimental research on determination of hydrogeological parameters of filled fractures by slug test #90. Yunfeng Dai, Jin Lin, Jiangbo Han. Presenter: Yunfeng Dai

[7] Hydrogeological context of Ollachea road tunnel (Puno District; Peru) #96. David Lorca Fernández. Presenter: Rafael Fernandez Rubio

[8] Use of electrical conductivity for stratigraphic correlation and estimation of permeability in variable density aquifers #114. Fernando Sola. Presenter: Angela Vallejos

[9] Models of Single-well Push-Pull Test with Mixing Effect in the Wellbore #125. Quanrong Wang, Hongbin Zhan, Shi Wenguang. Presenter: Quanrong Wang

[10] Laboratory analog of water exchange between conduit and matrix domains in karst aquifer #132. Liangjie Zhao, Yang Yang. Presenter: Liangjie Zhao

[11] Dating groundwater with sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) using a simple, rapid sampling method #162. Takeo Tsuchihara. Presenter: Takeo Tsuchihara

[12] Alluvial aquifers recharge and sand dam enhancements in the Tigray highlands (Ethiopia) #174. Angel Gonzalez-Carballo. Presenter: Tibor Stigter

[13] Assessing the groundwater dynamics, recharge and storage potential in the Limpopo River sand deposits #180. Attoumane Abi, Tibor Stigter, Paulo Sérgio Lourenço Saveca. Presenter: Tibor Stigter

[14] Numerical study on spring water in non-uniform slopes at heavy rain #183. Masahiko Saito. Presenter: Masahiko Saito

[15] Examination of the sensitivity of the different multi-criteria analysis methods in the mapping of the potentiality of aquifer formations in the Gar Djebilette region (extreme southwestern Algeria) #194. Yamina Benkesmia. Presenter: Yamina Benkesmia

[16] Identification of groundwater potential zones by using remote sensing, GIS and géostatistical analysis in Saida region, NW Algeria #201. Cherif Kessar. Presenter: Cherif Kessar

[17] Groundwater quality prediction maps for risk-based decision making #218. Joel Podgorski, Anja Bretzler, Michael Berg. Presenter: Joel Podgorski

[18] Hydrodynamic modeling of Ranney wells in Hungary #253. Gábor Nyiri, Balázs Zákányi, Péter Szűcs. Presenter: Balázs Zákányi

[19] Underground hard coal mine flooding control as a factor for limiting methane emissions to the atmosphere and for enabling its utilisation #254. Nada Rapantova, Przemysław Bukowski, Salvador Ordóñez, Mirosława Bukowska, Katarzyna Niedbalska, Petr Hemza, Ireneusz Grzybek. Presenter: Katarzyna Niedbalska

[20] Determining the apparent age of old groundwater of the deep-lying Ohangwena aquifer in the Kalahari Basin, Northern Namibia #259. Roland Bäumle, Torsten Krekeler, Paul Koeniger. Presenter: Roland Bäumle

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[21] Preparing for an advanced pump/injection test in a coastal area in the Netherlands: determination of background variations and local response of groundwater heads to tide, precipitation, evaporation, and surface water levels #311. Willem Zaadnoordijk. Presenter: Willem Zaadnoordijk

[22] Utilising hydrocarbon exploration data for the search to deep groundwater. #356. Fridtjov Ruden. Presenter: Manon Van Goethem

[23] Multi-fractal model for analyzing seepage parameters of fractured rock mass #378. Zhaohui Tang, Xiaoxin Sun, Aiguo Zhou, Bo Chai, Zejiao Luo. Presenter: Zhaohui Tang

[24] Development and application of recharge models for irrigation areas with perched water tables #381. Glen Walker, Tony Smith, Dougal Currie, Juliette Woods, Kittiya Bushaway, Virginia Riches, Tariq Laattoe. Presenter: Glen Walker

[25] Field Survey on recovery situation from groundwater salinization that was brought by the tsunami of the Great East Japan Earthquake using a pumping device with packing #395. Ishida Satoshi, Shirahata Katsushi, Tsuchihara Takeo, Konno Michiaki. Presenter: Satoshi Ishida

[26] Groundwater drought investigations – Case study from Pomurje (NE Slovenia) for period 1981 – 2016 #399. Mihael Brenčič, Urška Pavlič. Presenter: Mihael Brenčič

[27] Estimation of date palm water requirements by high-resolution soil water budget and soil water flow calculations #458. Fatima Monji. Presenter: Fatima Monji

[28] Estimation of water resources from remote satellite sensors #476. Julia Tudela García. Presenter: Julia Tudela Garcia

[29] Sand river aquifers as a nature-based solution of water storage for food production: the example of the Shashane River in Southwest Zimbabwe #488. Walid Moulahoum. Presenter: Tibor Stigter

[30] Environmental isotopes contribution to the characterization of the flow pattern of a large plain hydrogeological system: bajos submeridionales (South America) #495. Javier Heredia, Leticia Rodriguez, Dora Sosa De Castro, Belén Thalmeir, Emiliano Veizaga, Luis Moreno Merino, Adrián Silva-Busso, Eduardo Díaz. Presenter: Javier Heredia

[31] How to account for uncertainty in estimation of adsorption isotherms parameters? #521. Vanessa A. Godoy, Napa-Garcia Gian F., J. Jaime Gómez-Hernández. Presenter: Vanessa A. Godoy

[32] Different responses of groundwater levels in Doñana aquifer through time series clustering #532. Nuria Naranjo Fernández, Carolina Guardiola-Albert, Héctor Aguilera, Esperanza Montero-González. Presenter: Nuria Naranjo Fernández

[33] Maximum-flux constraint for the MODFLOW DRAIN package to simulate dewatering wells #535. Cas Neyens, David Simpson, Marijke Huysmans. Presenter: Cas Neyens

[34] Local meteoric water line of southwest Spain #544. Rolf Fonseca Rodríguez. Presenter: Rolf Fonseca Rodríguez

[35] Influence of layered soil structure on the groundwater recharge rates and contaminant travel time: A numerical study using SWAP model and comparison with simplified methods #547. Adam Szymkiewicz, Julien Savard, Beata Jaworska-Szulc. Presenter: Adam Szymkiewicz

[36] Groundwater Recharge Based on Semi-loose Coupling Model: A Case Study in Su-mi-huai Area, Beijing #564. Qiulan Zhang. Presenter: Qiulan Zhang

[37] An Agent Based Modelling approach to assess the impact of water demand in irrigation networks #594. Maria Elena Orduna Alegria, Niels Schütze. Presenter: Gloria Mozzi

[38] Estimation of the recharge and analysis of determining factors of water stress in a karstic aquifer through a semi-aggregate model of water balance: Ezcaray-Pradoluengo Aquifer. #595. Carmen Serrano Hidalgo. Presenter: Carmen Serrano-Hidalgo

[39] Estimation of groundwater recharge on outwash plain using numerical modeling and field investigations #610. Anna Gumuła-Kawęcka, Beata Jaworska-Szulc, Adam Szymkiewicz, Wioletta Gorczewska-Langner, Małgorzata Pruszkowska-Caceres. Presenter: Anna Gumuła-Kawęcka

[40] Hydrogeochemical characterization of an evaporite karst system (Jarales area, S Spain) #639. José Manuel Gil-Márquez, Bartolome Andreo, Matías Mudarra Martínez. Presenter: José Manuel Gil-Márquez

[41] Well radius of influence and well radius of investigation: Review of concepts and estimation methods #647. Etienne Bresciani, Raghwendra Narayan Shandilya, Peter K Kang, Seunghak Lee. Presenter: Raghwendra Narayan Shandilya

[42] Detection of groundwater discharge using handheld thermal imaging camera and orthophoto map analysis #662. Aija Delina. Presenter: Aija Delina

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[43] Modeling leachate and biogas production in MSW landfills using BIOLEACH: Case study of the Tlalnepantla landfill (Mexico) #666. María Elena Rodrigo-Clavero, Javier Rodrigo-Ilarri. Presenter: Javier Rodrigo-Ilarri

[44] An over view on isotopic studies in improvement of the Berrechid aquifer conceptual model #673. Ahmed Fekri, Boabide El Mansouri, El Ghali Tibari. Presenter: Ahmed Fekri

[45] An example of the use of GIS tools to forecast the inflow of groundwater to underground mining excavations - the use of a modified hydrogeological analogy method for copper mines in the Fore-Sudetic Monocline. #726. Maciej Pikuła, Krzysztof Chudy. Presenter: Maciej Pikuła

[46] Preliminary results of the simplified VarKarst semi-distributed model applied at an overexploited karst system: the case of Torremolinos – Alhaurín de la Torre aquifer (Mijas range, Málaga - Spain) #728. Javier Martín-Arias, Andreas Hartmann, Pedro Martínez-Santos, Bartolome Andreo. Presenter: Javier Martín-Arias

[47] A multi-tool approach for developing conceptual and groundwater flow numerical models of the Pianosa Island aquifer system (Tuscan Archipelago, Italy) #736. Matia Menichini, Marco Doveri, Roberto Giannecchini, Yuri Galanti, Greta Pasqualetti, Vincenzo Sapia, Antonio Menghini. Presenter: Matia Menichini

[48] Application of SWAT and MODFLOW models to simulate groundwater flow in a coastal multi-aquifer system in Puck region (northern Poland) #738. Adam Szymkiewicz, Beata Jaworska-Szulc, Dawid Potrykus, Dominika Kalinowska, Paweł Wielgat, Piotr Zima, Anna Gumuła-Kawęcka, Małgorzata Pruszkowska-Caceres, Lidia Dzierzbicka-Głowacka. Presenter: Adam Szymkiewicz

[49] Magnetic Resonance Sounding for assessing aquifer properties and groundwater reserves in weathered hard rocks of Africa #742. Fabrice Messan Amen Lawson. Presenter: Fabrice Messan Lawson

[50] Hydrogeochemical study of epiperidotitic springs of the ultramafic outcrop of Ronda peridotites (South of Spain) #756. Iñaki Vadillo-Pérez, Pablo Jiménez-Gavilán, Rocio Scapini-Gallardo, José Benavente Herrera, Begoña Urresti-Estala. Presenter: Iñaki Vadillo

[51] Radioargon Dating with Atom Trap Trace Analysis #769. Amin Tong. Presenter: Amin Tong

[52] Analysis of piezometric trends in the Medina del Campo Groundwater Body to understand the status and drivers of changes of groundwater-related ecosystem services. Naiad eu project #786. Malgorzata Borowiecka. Presenter: Malgorzata Borowiecka

[53] The parametric uncertainty analysis of water and nitrogen transport simulation in vadose zone for irrigation districts in western Jilin province, China. #830. Jianmin Bian, Juanjuan Wu, Siyu Nie. Presenter: Wu Juan-Juan

[54] Hydrochemical and isotopic study of the salinity anomaly of de Motril-Salobreña aquifer in the environment of La Rambla de las Brujas (Granada, Spain) #834. N. Corral-Rubio. Presenter: Noelia Corral Rubio

[55] Monitoring system to define the hydrological behaviour of a complex landslide: a case study in the Northern Apennines (Italy) #836. Emma Petrella, Melinda Raimondo, Alessandro Chelli, Paola Iacumin, Fulvio Celico. Presenter: Emma Petrella

[56] Chemical and isotopic signatures of the thermal groundwaters from Kuldur spa (Russia) #839. Larisa Lyamina, Natalia Kharitonova. Presenter: Larisa Lyamina

[57] Conceptual hydrogeological model in a part of the Tempisque river basin, Liberia, Costa Rica #846. Paola Alvarado. Presenter: Paola Alvarado

[58] Features of formation of chemical and isotopic composition of the thermal groundwaters from Kuldur spa #848. Larisa Lyamina, Natalia Kharitonova, Georgy Chelnokov, Ivan Bragin. Presenter: Larisa Lyamina

[59] Groundwater surface water interactions in the headwater catchments in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, constrained by multiple isotopes and implications of biogeochemical cycling #849. Xin Luo, Jiu Jiu Jiao, Xingxing Kuang, Rong Mao, Xiaolang Zhang, Fancui Kong, Willard Moore, Sihai Liang. Presenter: Xin Luo

[60] The Pilato Lake (Sibillini Mts., Central Italy): second results of a study on the supposed variations of its hydrogeological conditions induced by the seismic sequence 2016-2017 #851. Rossella Maria Gafà, Paolo Maria Guarino, Francesco La Vigna, Lucio Martarelli, Gennaro Maria Monti, Luca Maria Puzzilli, Angelantonio Silvi. Presenter: Francesco La Vigna

TOPIC 6 Groundwater, wetlands and natural heritage [61] Hydrodynamics and Water Quality in the Southwest Sector of Graben das Lajes #38. Francisco Rodrigues, César Pimentel. Presenter: Francisco Rodrigues

[62] Hydrological functioning and anthropogenic influence in four shalllow ponds by means of daily water balances. Doñana National Park, southern Spain (years 2016-17 and 2017-18). #49. Fernández-Ayuso Ana, Caro-Vega Rosario, Miguel Rodríguez-Rodríguez, Moral-Martos Francisco. Presenter: Miguel Rodríguez-Rodríguez

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[63] Towards water quality management of an urban pond supported by nutrient rich groundwater #135. Fumi Sugita, Tadayoshi Tanaka, Yo Matsuoka, Masako Kamuro, Yoichi Shiratori, Masahiro Yamazaki. Presenter: Fumi Sugita

[64] The Hidrogeodía (Hydrogeology-day): a collective experience of groundwater dissemination in Spain #248. De La Losa Román Almudena, Durán Valsero Juan José, Andreo Navarro Bartolome, Morales García Raquel. Presenter: Bartolome Andreo

[65] Understanding streamflow reductions using a distributed rainfall/runoff model and remote sensing for the Verlorenvlei estuarine lake, west coast, South Africa #258. Andrew Watson. Presenter: Andrew Watson

[66] 2D modelling of freshwater-salt water interface in a hypersaline wetland: Pétrola Lake ,SE Spain. #314. Nicolás Valiente, David Sanz, Luis Trigueros, Juan J. Gómez-Alday. Presenter: David Sanz

[67] Groundwater recharge by density-driven flow in terminal saline lakes: Pétrola Lake, SE Spain. #316. Nicolás Valiente, David Sanz, Juan J. Gómez-Alday. Presenter: David Sanz

[68] Quantitative approach to water balance in groundwater discharge hypersaline wetlands. Pétrola lake, SE Spain. #319. Iordanka Dountcheva, Carolina Doña, David Sanz, Juan Manuel Sánchez, Juan J. Gómez-Alday. Presenter: David Sanz

[69] Developing a real-time monitoring network of groundwater dependent karst wetlands in Ireland #330. Owen Naughton. Presenter: Owen Naughton

[70] Hydrological changes in representative ponds at Doñana National Park (DNP) southern Spain, from 1994 to 2015 #340. Miguel Rodríguez-Rodríguez , Carolina Guardiola, Ana Fernández-Ayuso, Héctor Aguilera, Javier Heredia. Presenter: Miguel Rodríguez-Rodríguez

[71] Chemical and isotopic characteristics of groundwater in a hyper-arid environment: Depresión Central (24-25°S), Chile #507. Carolina Gamboa, Emilio Custodio, Linda Godfrey, Christian Herrera. Presenter: Emilio Custodio

[72] Contribution of deicing and rainfall to recharge to a volcanic aquifer in northern Chile #508. Javier Urrutia, Christian Herrera, Emilio Custodio. Presenter: Jorge Jódar

[73] Study of the response of various hydrological systems to several storm events near the city of Malaga (spain) #550. Jose Manuel Nieto Lopez, Bartolome Andreo. Presenter: Jose Manuel Nieto Lopez

[74] La Pletera salt marshes and their coastal lagoons (NE Spain) as an example of natural and particularly hydrogeological heritage #585. Anna Menció. Presenter: Anna Menció

TOPIC 8 Groundwater quality and pollution processes [75] Nitrate contamination and temporal trends in volcanic Barva and Colima aquifers (1988-2018), in an urban and agriculture-dominated region, Costa Rica. #713. Helga Madrigal-Solis, Alicia Fonseca-Sánchez, Pablo Jiménez-Gavilán, Iñaki Vadillo-Pérez. Presenter: Helga Madrigal-Solis

[76] Hydrochemical characterization of groundwater brines in the Guadalquivir Depression (Andalusia, Spain) #176. Francisco Moral Martos, Sergio Martos Rosillo, Andrés Santiago Martín, Juan José Durán Valsero, Roberto Martínez Orio. Presenter: Juan José Durán Valsero

[77] Identification of the denitrifier microbial communities at the water-sediment interface in a discharge type saline lake #252. Guillermo Sanz, Yolanda Espín, Nicolás Valiente, Susana Seseña, Manuel Alvarez-Ortí, Juan J. Gómez-Alday. Presenter: Juan J. Gómez-Alday

[78] Assessing the Wildfires impact on groundwater quality: the fire of Doñana Natural Area in 2017 #489. Raquel Morales García, Natalia Fernández De Los Santos, Almudena De La Losa Román, Luis Moreno Merino, Eulogio Pardo Iguzquiza, Juan José Durán Valsero. Presenter: Morales García Raquel

[79] Detail investigation of environmental effect by leachate for around livestock burial #531. Yong-Ik Baek. Presenter: Yong-Ik Baek

[80] Nitrogen and phosphorus compounds in coastal multi-aquifer postglacial hydrogeological system: case study in Puck region (northern Poland) #546. Małgorzata Pruszkowska-Caceres, Dawid Potrykus, Beata Jaworska-Szulc, Wioletta Gorczewska-Langner, Anna Gumuła-Kawęcka, Lidia Dzierzbicka-Głowacka, Adam Szymkiewicz. Presenter: Małgorzata Pruszkowska-Caceres

[81] Hydrogeochemistry and Occurrences of uranium and radon in Groundwater of Wonju, Korea #555. Lee Byeongdae, Cho Byong-Wook. Presenter: Byeongdae Lee

[82] Nitrate Vulnerable Zone to reduce nitrate pollution in groundwater: the unsuccessful case of Gallocanta groundwater body (Spain) #687. José María Orellana Macias, Daniel Merchán Elena, Jesús Causapé Valenzuela. Presenter: Jesús Causapé Valenzuela

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[83] Composition of Pore Waters of Lake Baikal Bottom Sediments Sampled at the Gorevoy Utes Hydrocarbon Fluid Seepage Area #718. Ekaterina Kazak. Presenter: Ekaterina Kazak

[84] Uranium and arsenic in groundwater on Fogo Island, Newfoundland, Canada #737. Leonard Stoeckl, Paul Dean, Shawn Duquet, Dorothea Hanchar, Sara Vassolo. Presenter: Leonard Stöckl

[85] Study of pollutants propagation in mining areas for groundwater safeguarding: the example of thallium contamination threating some drinking springs in the Apuan Alps (Italy) #745. Roberto Giannecchini, Marco Doveri, Matia Menichini, Riccardo Petrini, Lisa Ghezzi, Linda Franceschi, Stefano Natali, Yuri Galanti. Presenter: Roberto Giannecchini

[86] Hydrochemical approach on Fluoride Water Pollution in Mt. Meru watershed, Tanzania #805. Shinji Nakaya, Ryogo Takada, Jun Yasumoto, Junichi Yoshitani, Innocent Lugodisha, Hans Komakech Hans Komakech. Presenter: Shinji Nakaya

[87] Vegetation filters to attenuate Contaminants of Emerging Concern and to recharge the underlying aquifer. #806. Raúl Pradana Yuste, Blanca Huidobro López. Presenter: Blanca Huidobro López

[88] Identifying interactions between river water and groundwater in the North China Plain using multiple tracers #827. Yu Dun. Presenter: Guoqing Wu

[89] A new model approach for reactive solute transport in dual-permeability media with depth-dependent reaction coefficients #852. Shuang Xie, Zhang Wen. Presenter: Zhang Wen

[90] Hydrological tracers for assessing transport and dissipation processes of pesticides in a model constructed wetland system #861. Elena Fernández Pascual. Presenter: Elena Fernández Pascual

[91] Groundwater pollution: sources and risks. #871. Ekaterina Viventsova. Presenter: Ekaterina Viventsova

[92] Sensitivity analysis of correlation parameters of soil-water characteristic curves of biofilm-affected soils #872. Han Zhang. Presenter: Han Zhang

[93] Origins of salinity in the aquifers of Sahel El Haouzia, region of Doukkala (West Morocco) #879. Nabil Mdiker, Abderrahim El Achheb, Abdelkader Younsi, Hamid Marah. Presenter: Nabil Mdiker

TOPIC 10 Urban groundwater [94] Nation-scale evaluation of required lengths for borehole heat exchangers considering advection effects of groundwater flow in Japan #191. Yoshitaka Sakata, Takao Katsura, Katsunori Nagano, Atsunao Marui. Presenter: Yoshitaka Sakata

[95] Groundwater resilience in urban water cycles: Experiences from the South #179. Kevin Pietersen. Presenter: Kevin Pietersen

[96] A depth-discrete sentry well network for monitoring water quality impacts to a municipal supply aquifer #536. Chrystyn Skinner, Beth Parker, Peeter Pehme, Jackie Harman, John Piersol, Gregory Padusenko. Presenter: Chrystyn Skinner

[97] Study of a coastal aquifer under the oceanic influence: case of Nouakchott (Mauritania) #608. Yelly Camara, Christian Leduc, Ahmedou Mahfoudh, Christelle Marlin, Ahmed Salem Mohamed, Boubou Aldiouma Sy. Presenter: Yelly Camara

[98] Inspecting methods for conduits tracing and leak detection of water in utility reticulation pipes: case studies in Hungary #677. Thien Hoang Dinh, Tamás Madarász, Fekete Zsombor, Kovács Balázs. Presenter: Thien Hoang Dinh

[99] Delineating groundwater potential zones in fractured hardrock systems: viana do castelo urban area (NW Portugal) #701. Maria José Afonso, Liliana Freitas, Helder I. Chaminé. Presenter: Maria José Afonso

[100] Disco index to define groundwater protection zones in urban areas: a preliminary approach in NW Portugal #705. Helen Meerkhan, Liliana Freitas, Maria José Afonso, Helder I. Chaminé. Presenter: Maria José Afonso

[101] Hydrochemistry assessment of urban groundwaters of Belem, Brazil #708. Marcia Regina Stradioto, Hung Kiang Chang, Flavio Paula E Silva. Presenter: Marcia Regina Stradioto

[102] Understanding risks and resilience of private boreholes in Lagos, Nigeria #765. Kirsty Upton, Adrian Healy, Stuart Capstick, Gillian Bristow, Moshood Tijani, Lorraine Whitmarsh, Stuart Allan, Alan Macdonald, Ibrahim Goni, Yagana Bukar, Stephanie Theis, Kerstin Danert. Presenter: Kirsty Upton

[103] Hydrogeological setting of a Rome city sector: shallow groundwater in the right bank of Tiber River inside the G.R.A highway. #854. Adele Clausi, Roberto Mazza, Francesco La Vigna, Isidoro Bonfà. Presenter: Francesco La Vigna

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THURSDAY 26TH [Board Number] Poster tittle. Authors. Presenter.

TOPIC 5.1 Dynamic Analogues (TOTAL) [1] New insights into karst genesis processes in unsaturated zone thanks to process-like modelling #119. Lucie Dal Soglio, Charles Danquigny, Gérard Massonnat, Naomi Mazzilli, Christophe Emblanch. Presenter: Charles Danquigny

[2] Characterization of horizontal permeability anisotropy in heterogeneous porous rocks: a comparison of tensor detection methods with synthetic and field datasets #142. Mohammed Aliouache, Hervé Jourde, Xiaoguang Wang, Gérard Massonnat. Presenter: Mohammed Aliouache

[3] Permeability modelling using pressure match of well tests and interference tests. A case study in an anisotropic reservoir, the Céreirède observatory #493. Laurent Bergamo, Gerard Massonnat. Presenter: Gerard Massonnat

TOPIC 5.2 High island hydrogeology [4] Characterisation of geogenic controls on groundwater quality in a volcano-sedimentary aquifer in Kenya using graphical and statistical methods #231. Japhet Kanoti, Daniel Olago, Richard Taylor, Norbert Opiyo, Christopher Nyamai, Simeon Dulo. Presenter: Japhet Kanoti

[5] Assessment of spatial varying relations between nitrate contamination and land uses using geographical weighted regression model #233. Koh Eun-Hee, Lee Eunhee, Lee Kang-Kun. Presenter: Seung-Wook Ha

[6] Groundwater pollution from agriculture activities in the Azores archipelago (Portugal): an insight from a long range monitoring programme data #283. José Cruz, Rui Coutinho. Presenter: José Cruz

[7] Emerging compounds monitoring in Santiago Island groundwater: preliminary results #517. V. Mendoza-Grimón, M.C. Cabrera, S. Montesdeoca-Esponda, R. Guedes-Alonso, A.P.A. Said Pina, C. Fernandes, M. Lopes, M.P. Palacios-Díaz. Presenter: María Del Carmen Cabrera Santana

[8] Recharge evaluation in an oceanic volcanic island: gran canaria (canary islands) #524. M.C. Cabrera, G. Naranjo, T. Cruz-Fuentes, E. Estévez, M.P. Hernández-Quesada, E. Custodio. Presenter: María Del Carmen Cabrera Santana

TOPIC 5.4 Innovative approaches for understanding groundwater flow systems [9] Hydrogeochemical and isotopic investigation of the Metlaoui range springs in southwestern Tunisia #36. Radhia Essamin, Samir Kamel. Presenter: Radhia Essamin

[10] Regional Distribution of Rn-222 Concentrations in Hot Spring Waters of South Korea #45. Sooyoung Cho, Yong Wha Oh, Kyung-Seok KO, Yongcheol Kim. Presenter: Sooyoung Cho

[11] Using groundwater heat data as additional state variable observation to decrease groundwater models uncertainties: an application to the Neogene aquifer, Belgium. #171. Alberto Casillas-Trasvina. Presenter: Alberto Casillas-Trasvina

[12] Identifying the groundwater flow systems in a condensed river network interfluve between the Han River and the Yangtze River using hydrogeochemical indicators #397. Jingwei Zhang, Xing Liang, Menggui Jin. Presenter: Xing Liang

[13] Numerical simulation of groundwater flow with three-dimensional anisotropic permeability effect #434. Gang Chen. Presenter: Gang Chen

[14] Is it possible to introduce 3D complex heterogeneities in a real transient groundwater model used to manage a sedimentary aquifer? #505. Carolina Guardiola-Albert, Nuria Naranjo-Fernández, Carmen Serrano-Hidalgo, Esperanza Montero-González. Presenter: Carolina Guardiola Albert

[15] Flow and heat transfer numerical modelling in the Hainaut limestone geothermal reservoir: study at local and regional scales #685. Kevin Gonze. Presenter: Kevin Gonze

[16] Groundwater flow modelling through a karst aquifer using four different numerical approaches #709. Carolina Guardiola Albert, Aitor Ochoa Mancebo, Javier Heredia, Agustín Medina-Sierra, Eulogio Pardo-Iguzquiza. Presenter: Carolina Guardiola Albert

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[17] Isotope assessments in the sag, Brazil: from stable isotopes to noble gases #817. Roberto Kirchheim. Presenter: Didier Gastmans

[18] Relevant hydrogeological processes for integrated hydrological models in tile-drained agricultural fields #820. Vinicius Ferreira Boico, Rene Therrien, Anker L. Højberg, Ioannis Varvaris, Bo Vangsø Iversen. Presenter: Vinicius Ferreira Boico [19] Hydrogeological Conceptual Model in a sub-arctic catchment at Montmorency Forest (Canada) #860. Walter Antolinez, Therrien René. Presenter: Walter Leonard Antolinez Quijano

TOPIC 7 Karst Hydrogeology [20] Temporal variability of sediment discharge and influence factors in a karst underground river catchment in southwest China #51. Jianhong Li, Junbing Pu, Tao Zhang, Xiaofeng Xiong, Sainan Wang, Weijie Huo. Presenter: Jianhong Li

[21] Adapting the EPIK method to Brazilian Hydro (geo) logical context of the São Miguel watershed to assess karstic aquifer vulnerability to contamination #87. Débora Lara Pereira, Paulo Henrique Galvão, Thiago Lucon, Maria Augusta Fujaco. Presenter: Paulo Henrique Galvão

[22] Using Geochemical Data and Aquifer Simulation to Characterize a Carbonate Aquifer (Balanegra, SE Spain) #116. Linda Daniele. Presenter: Linda Daniele

[23] First results to model statistical karst networks using seismic faults and an original sub-seismic faults statistical model: a study of uncertainty impacts on flow. #151. Andre Fourno, Alexandre De Lima, Denis José Schiozer, Benoit Noetinger. Presenter: Andre Fourno

[24] Hydrogeological and geothermal sections of the Bükk Thermal Karst reservoir, Hungary #200. Rita Miklós, László Lénárt, Péter Szűcs. Presenter: Rita Miklos

[25] Using recession analysis to identify and characterize changes within a karst aquifer (Lurbach system, Austria) #289. Steffen Birk, Thomas Wagner, Cyril Mayaud. Presenter: Steffen Birk

[26] Baseline hydrogeochemical characterisation of a vulnerable pristine high-mountain karst aquifer in the southeastern Pyrenees #320. Ignasi Herms, Jorge Jódar, Albert Soler Gil, Iñaki Vadillo, L.J. Lambán, Sergio Martos-Rosillo, Emilio Custodio, Joan Jorge, Joan Agustí Núñez. Presenter: Jorge Jódar

[27] Groundwater protection zones and the security of public water supplies #334. Jane Dottridge, Aidan Foley, Nick Walters. Presenter: Jane Dottridge

[28] Hydrogeological aspects of the northeast part of Yucatan Peninsula by the use of noninvasive geophysical methods #377. Rosa Leal-Bautista. Presenter: Rosa Leal-Bautista

[29] Source analysis of sediments and leakage water in corridor of underground reservoir in Karst area #388. Jixiang Huo, Wei Ye. Presenter: Jixiang Huo

[30] Evolution simulation of karst groundwater flow field by considering multi-year time series (1959-2018) recharge and drainage changes in the Jinci spring area, China #389. Jianmei Cheng, Tengfei Liang, Can Liu, Yanxin Wang. Presenter: Jianmei Cheng

[31] Spatial modeling of three-dimensional distribution of karstic network in a carbonate rock area #432. Lei Lu. Presenter: Lei Lu

[32] A calculation method for three-dimensional permeability tensor in a carbonate aquifer #435. Liang Guo. Presenter: Liang Guo

[33] Study on non-linear recharge process of karst groundwater from river leakage in the Jinci spring area, China #437. Wen Shi, Jianmei Cheng, Naiyan Zhang, Kaisaerjiang Aihemaiti, Yanxin Wang. Presenter: Jianmei Cheng

[34] The lateral groundwater exchanges from Mt. Maggiore aquifer and Riardo Plain hydrogeological system (southern Italy) #453. Stefano Viaroli, Emilio Cuoco, Lucia Mastrorillo, Vittorio Paolucci, Dario Tedesco, Roberto Mazza. Presenter: Stefano Viaroli

[35] Isotopic preliminary characterization of meteoric waters and groundwater from the carbonate karst aquifers of Sierras de Segura, Castril and Seca (SE of Spain) #556. Antonio Lope Morales González, Juan Antonio Barberá Fornell, Bastolomé Andreo Navarro, Matías Mudarra Martínez, Jose Francisco Martín Rodríguez, Rosario Jimenez-Espinosa, Juan José Durán Valsero. Presenter: Antonio Lope Morales González

[36] Improvement and Application of SWAT Model in Southwest Karst Region-a case study in Lijiang River Basin #565. Yali Cui. Presenter: Yali Cui

[37] Realization and Application of solute transport coupling model in discrete conduit-continuum systems #566. Jingli Shao. Presenter: Jingli Shao

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[38] Soil thickness approaching to adapt the COP method for groundwater vulnerability mapping to humid tropical karst #571. Rogério Tadeu De Souza, Ana Isabel Marín, Jarbas Lima Dias Sampaio, Bartolomé Andreo. Presenter: Rogério Tadeu Souza

[39] Geochemical and hydrochemical approach to a group of karstic aquifers in the South of Spain: Sierra de las Nieves y Sierra Gorda #584. Juan Antonio Luque-Espinar, Pardo-Igúzquiza Eulogio, Rodriguez-Galiano Víctor, González-Ramón Antonio, Chica-Olmo Mario. Presenter: Eulogio Pardo-Iguzquiza

[40] Groundwater storage in conduit dominant karstic systems by Plugging Method, Susuz Springs, Seydişehir, Konya, Turkey #596. Mehmet Çelik, Süleyman Selim Çallı, Sebnem Arslan, Ceren Tunçay, Hilmi Umut Demiriz, Ahmet Emin Hallaç. Presenter: Sebnem Arslan

[41] Stochastic simulation for characterizing the spatial variability of the groundwater level of an urban karstic aquifer in Brazil #635. Vanessa A. Godoy, Paulo Henrique Galvão, Rafael Gomes. Presenter: Vanessa A. Godoy

[42] Interactions H2O-CO2-rock in a vadose CO2-rich karst research site (surroundings of the Nerja Cave, Málaga, Spain) #648. Lucía Ojeda Rodríguez, José Benavente Herrera, Iñaki Vadillo-Pérez, Cristina Liñán-Baena. Presenter: Lucía Ojeda Rodríguez

[43] Hydrochemistry and water-rock interaction in perched Cretaceous aquifers from the inverted relief in the Sierra de Segura (SE Spain) #650. Antonio Lope Morales González, Rosario Jimenez-Espinosa, Juan Jimenez-Millan. Presenter: Rosario Jimenez-Espinosa

[44] Karst spring discharge evaluation supported by a grey-box data driven based method #688. Giuseppe Sappa, Francesco Maria De Filippi, Silvia Iacurto, Gerardo Grelle. Presenter: Giuseppe Sappa

[45] Tracking the origin of SO4-2 enriched karst groundwater at a regional scale (S Spain) #695. Jorge Prieto-Mera. Presenter: Jorge Prieto-Mera

[46] Analysis of the water turbidity in karst springs from S Spain and its relationship with other natural responses #712. Jose Francisco Martín Rodríguez, Matías Mudarra Martínez, Bartolome Andreo, Damián Sánchez. Presenter: Jose Francisco Martín Rodríguez

[47] Integrated approach to understand groundwater flow hosted in the karst aquifer systems of the Apuan Alps (Tuscany, Italy) #733. Matia Menichini, Marco Doveri, Leonardo Piccini. Presenter: Matia Menichini

[48] Investigating geological controls on hydraulic conductivity in a karst-influenced, Paleozoic carbonate groundwater system, southern Ontario, Canada #754. Elizabeth H Priebe. Presenter: Elizabeth Priebe

[49] Multi-isotope-measurements (18O/2H,3H/3He,13C/14C) confirm old ascending karst spring-water at the western border of the Pannonian Basin (Austria). #814. Martin Kralik, Gerhard Bieber, Erika Papp. Presenter: Martin Kralik

[50] Analysis of hydraulic conditions of the selected karst springs of Inner Dinarides and Carpatho-Balkanides of Serbia #841. Branislav Petrović, Veljko Marinović. Presenter: Branislav Petrović

[51] Turbidity dynamics in karst hydrogeological systems. Example of three karst springs from Serbia #845. Veljko Marinović. Presenter: Veljko Marinovic

[52] Hydrogeological study of the effects of 2016-2017 seismic sequence on the Pescara d’Arquata spring (Central Italy) #850. Davide Fronzi, Francesca Banzato, Giulio Beddini, Costanza Cambi, Carlo Cardellini, Roberto Checcucci, Mirco Marcellini, Lucia Mastrorillo, Francesco Mirabella, Stefano Palpacelli, Marco Petitta, Alberto Tazioli, Daniela Valigi, Stefano Viaroli. Presenter: Davide Fronzi

[53] Spatial-temporal changes of the infiltration signal in a geologically complex aquifer using isotopes and natural tracers. A case study from Southern Spain. #863. Beatriz De La Torre, Matías Mudarra, Bartolomé Andreo. Presenter: Beatriz De La Torre Martínez

[54] Application of the COP model for vulnerability assessment of the Paraw-Bisetun karst aquifer #865. Sasan Zanganetabar, Mehrnoosh Ghadimi. Presenter: Mehrnoosh Ghadimi

[55] Traceability analysis of calcium ions in water after grout curtain at dam site #870. Jiang Hu, Jixiang Huo. Presenter: Jiang Hu

TOPIC 8 Groundwater quality and pollution processes [56] Groundwater pollution and cancer Liver #20. Raafat Abdeldayem, Ibrahim Eldosoki. Presenter: Raafat Abdeldayem

[57] Investigation of groundwater quality from selected water wells in paiko, northcentral Nigeria #37. Kolawole Aweda, Olusegun Ige, Reuben Kyari, Samuel Abel. Presenter: Kolawole Aweda

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[58] Impact of Geogenic Arsenic Mobilisation on Drinking Water Production from Glauconitic Sand Formations: Origin, Processes and Mitigation Strategies #47. Niels Hartog, Jelle Van Sijl, Hugo Van Den Berg, Teun Van Dooren. Presenter: Niels Hartog

[59] Identification and delineation of closed ground depressions in order to assess the impact of wildfires on groundwater quality #59. Eulogio Pardo-Igúzquiza, Raquel Morales-García, Juan J. Durán, Luis Moreno-Merino, Natalia Fernández, Almudena De La Losa. Presenter: Eulogio Pardo-Iguzquiza

[60] Delineation of heat reservoir and thermodynamic equilibrium of thermal waters in the Magumsan area, South Korea #60. Jeong Chan Ho. Presenter: Jeong Chan Ho

[61] Rainfall influence on acid discharges from an anthropogenic mine aquifer generated by sulfide mining (SW Spain) #75. Manuel Olías, Carlos R. Cánovas, Francisco Macías, Maria Dolores Basallote. Presenter: Manuel Olias

[62] Abandoned coal mines and groundwater pollution: A case study in S. Pedro da Cova, N Portugal #83. Catarina Mansilha. Presenter: Catarina Mansilha

[63] Field investigation into the natural attenuation of Chlorinated Hydrocarbon and BTEX combined polluted site - Hydrochemical and microbial Evidence #93. Xiangke Kong, Yong Qian, Zhantao Han, Hui Li, Shuangbing Huang, Yuhong Fei. Presenter: Xiangke Kong

[64] Assessment of groundwater vulnerability to pollution as part of integrated management in coastal. Case of Ghiss-Nekkour basin (North East of Morocco) #131. Taoufik Kouz, Hinde Cherkaoui Dekkaki. Presenter: Hinde Cherkaoui Dekkaki

[65] Characterization of forest fire ashes as a source of groundwater pollution. The fire of Doñana natural space 2017 #150. Luis Moreno Merino, Almudena De La Losa Román, Raquel Morales García, Juan José Durán Valsero, Eulogio Pardo Igúzquiza, Natalia Fernandez De Los Santos. Presenter: Luis Moreno Merino

[66] Groundwater quality in the foothills of the Crimean Mountains #157. Elena Kayukova. Presenter: Elena Kayukova

[67] Origin and occurrence of the hydroxide water #177. Andrey Ozerskiy. Presenter: Andrey Ozerskiy

[68] A superior indicator of microbial risk: real-time fluorescence spectroscopy #207. James Sorensen. Presenter: James Sorensen

[69] Impact assessment of environmental factors on roxarsone degradation and microbial community in the vadose zone #228. Yaci Liu. Presenter: Yaci Liu

[70] Hydrochemistry and Geochemistry of Arsenic-rich Geothermal Water: A Case Study of Batang, Western Sichuan #238. Hanxiong Zhang. Presenter: Hanxiong Zhang

[71] A multi-isotopic approach to evaluate the origin of Fluoride in groundwater in the Main Ethiopian Rift Valley #285. Daniele Pittalis. Presenter: Albert Soler

[72] Atrazine y desethylatrazine distribution in the natural reserve of Pétrola saline lake after 12 years of prohibition #286. Alfonso Menchén García, Nicolás Valiente, David Sanz, Juan J. Gómez-Alday. Presenter: Alfonso Menchén García

[73] Source identification of groundwater nitrate in an agro-livestock farming area, western part of Jeju Island, Korea: The combined use of multivariate statistical analysis and Bayesian mixing model to hydrochemical and nitrate dual isotopic data #414. Seok Hee Kim. Presenter: Seok Hee Kim

[74] Hydrogeochemistry of low-pH springs at El Arpa Valley (Central Chile) #446. Vanessa Treskow. Presenter: Matías Taucare

[75] New approach to assessment of the risk of groundwater contamination by sulphates in karst-fractured Triassic aquifer intensively drained by Zn-Pb ore mines (Poland). #467. Andrzej Witkowski, Jacek Motyka, Jacek Wrobel. Presenter: Andrzej Witkowski

[76] Understanding the bacterial community composition of drinking water quality in Sub-Saharan Africa #482. Jade Ward, Dan Read, Dan Lapworth, Steve Pedley, Gloria Gwengweya, Maurice Monjerezi. Presenter: Jade Ward

[77] Environmental Impacts on Groundwater of Wadi Fatimah, Western Saudi Arabia #511. Ali Subyani. Presenter: Ali Subyani

[78] Field data on antibiotic groundwater occurrence sets challenges for efficient water resources quality monitoring #572. Josep Mas-Pla, Meritxell Gros, Mercè Boy Roura, Anna Menció, David Brusi, Manel Zamorano, Mira Petrovic. Presenter: Josep Mas-Pla

[79] Pharmaceutical compounds in natural springs provide clues for their hydrogeological transport dynamics #573. Meritxell Gros, Josep Mas-Pla, Mira Celic, Anna Menció, Mira Petrovic. Presenter: Josep Mas-Pla

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[80] Groundwater pollution from urban and industrial liquid effluents and agriculture in the Settat aquifer (Morocco): hydrogeochemical study #590. Namira El Amrani Paaza, Marie Larocque, José Benavente Herrera. Presenter: Namira El Amrani Paaza

[81] Origin and distribution of saline groundwater at Ghis-Nekor aquifer, Al Hoceima, Central Rif, Morocco #661. Mohammed Elgettafi. Presenter: Mohammed Elgettafi

[82] Transport modelling of Chloridazon-metabolites in soil and groundwater #676. Christoph Neukum, Knut Meyer. Presenter: Christoph Neukum

[83] Environmental and modeling assessments of phosphate processing waste impact on the Skhira phreatic aquifer, South East of Tunisia. #679. Samira Melki. Presenter: Samira Melki

TOPIC 9 Groundwater and socio-economic development in Latin-America

[84] GIS-based distributed water balance model for groundwater recharge in an environmental protection area, Brazil #86. Paulo Henrique Galvão, Ricardo Hirata, Bruno Conicelli. Presenter: Paulo Henrique Galvão

[85] Ibero-American Network for Shallow Geothermal Energy #193. Mar Alcaraz, Salvador Gil, Daniela Blessent, Idalia Jacqueline Lopez Sanchez, Andres Lloret, Linda Daniele, Laura Scheiber, Gabriel Blanco, Magalí Carro Pérez, David Morrillón, Juan Suardíaz, Pablo Gamazo. Presenter: Mar Alcaraz

[86] Diffuse recharge variations and megadrought in groundwater resources of Central-Southern Chile (Nilahue Aquifer, O’Higgins region) #214. Thomas Williams. Presenter: Linda Daniele

[87] Assessing hydrogeological system in piedmont fault zone by gravimetric and electrical surveys, Central Andes (32°50’S) #352. Ronny Figueroa. Presenter: Ronny Figueroa

[88] Interbasin water transfer with groundwater. The Lerma Wells System for the supply in the metropolitan area of Mexico City #380. Maria Vicenta Esteller, Roberto Carlos Fonseca, Jorge Paredes, Carlos Diaz Delgado, Jose Luis Exposito. Presenter: Maria Vicenta Esteller

[89] Hydrochemical and isotopic characterization of the Tikuna Aquifer #600. Gerson Silva Jr, Talita Silva, Renato Pita, Fátima Ferreira Rosário, Fernanda Cunha, Gabriel Mesquita, Judith Sullón, Lester Perez, Francisco Javier Roura. Presenter: Gerson Silva Jr

[90] Impact of the Great Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic) on the hydrogeochemistry of underlying aquifers #678. Iñaki Vadillo-Pérez, Yenny Rodriguez, Australia Ramírez, Sandra José, Santiago Muñoz, Pablo Jiménez-Gavilán, Johnny Batista. Presenter: Iñaki Vadillo

[91] Technical considerations about induced seismicity derived from waters reinjection in deep aquifers #691. Carlos Vargas, John Escobar. Presenter: John Escobar

[92] Water culture and the dialogue of knowledge: supports for hydrogeological knowledge and the management of groundwaters #692. Teresita Betancur, John Escobar. Presenter: John Escobar

[93] Groundwater potential of the Vichada asteroid impact structure, Colombia #750. Jhon Jairo Valenzuela Valencia. Presenter: Jhon Jairo Valenzuela Valencia

[94] Facing the water scarcity in Chile: creation of the Early Carreer Hydrogeologist' Network (ECHN) Chile #753. Bárbara Ruiz, Cristóbal Méndez, Giselle Placencia-Marín, Linda Daniele, María-Jesús Fuentes, Antonia Genot, Ignacio Quiroga, Matías Taucare. Presenter: Matías Taucare

[95] Groundwater as an opportunity of environmental and socio-economic sustainability: experiences of study in Latin-America countries from the AGUA FUTURA project #755. Marco Doveri, Antonio Caprai, Elpiniki Pomoni, Francisco Antonio Alarcon Sandoval, Maritza Mercedes Bonilla Dimas, Julio Luna, Mynor Lemus, Roberto Giannecchini, Matia Menichini, Barbara Nisi, Orlando Vaselli, Jacopo Cabassi, Stefania Venturi, Susan Elizabeth Campos De Orellana, Julio Payes. Presenter: Matia Menichini

[96] Quantifying the potential seepage from the Quillayes porphyry Cu tailing dam using stable isotopes (Chile) #773. Navarro-Ciurana Dídac. Presenter: Didac Navarro Ciurana

[97] A machine learning approach for imputation and spatial estimation of groundwater properties across the Middle Magdalena River Valley, Colombia #797. Fabio Iwashita, Laura Catalina Caceres Torres. Presenter: Fabio Iwashita

[98] Challenges in groundwater management in a costal semiarid basin in Ecuador #819. Eva Rivas Pozo, Tomas Vitvar, Francisco Javier Elorza Tenreiro. Presenter: Francisco Javier Elorza

[99] Hydrogeochemical evidences of multi-layered groundwater circulation and anthropogenic pollution in Atacama Desert Hillslopes (Oasis de Pica, Northern Chile) #823. Giselle Placencia-Marín, Linda Daniele, Benoit Viguier, Matías Taucare, Diego Morata. Presenter: Linda Daniele

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