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Assignment 1 Unit 1 Chemistry and Our Earth Grade Have you done... Any comments/feedback P1 Filled in a table saying which chemicals are elements, which are mixtures and which are compounds P2 Got a results table that shows what the physical properties of certain chemicals are? (physical properties are whether it is malleable – can be hammered into shape, ductile – pulled into a long thread, brittle – smashes when you hit it, melting and boiling points – are they high (need lots of heat) or low (melts really quickly) P2 Have you analysed a results table to say which chemicals are solid, liquid or gas at room temperature? P3 Drawn the atomic structure for the first 20 elements in to periodic table P3 Draw out two different isotopes and explained what an isotope is P4 Described how the elements in group 1 react with water, oxygen and the halogens P4 Described how the elements in group 7 react with water and each other (displacement reactions) M1 Drawn a picture to show what the molecules in an element look like M1 Drawn a picture to show what the molecules in a compound look like M1 Drawn a picture to show what the molecules in a mixture

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Assignment 1 Unit 1 Chemistry and Our Earth

Grade Have you done... Any comments/feedback

P1Filled in a table saying which chemicals are elements, which are mixtures and which are compounds

P2Got a results table that shows what the physical properties of certain chemicals are? (physical properties are whether it is malleable – can be hammered into shape, ductile – pulled into a long thread, brittle – smashes when you hit it, melting and boiling points – are they high (need lots of heat) or low (melts really quickly)

P2 Have you analysed a results table to say which chemicals are solid, liquid or gas at room temperature?

P3 Drawn the atomic structure for the first 20 elements in to periodic table

P3 Draw out two different isotopes and explained what an isotope is

P4 Described how the elements in group 1 react with water, oxygen and the halogens

P4 Described how the elements in group 7 react with water and each other (displacement reactions)

M1 Drawn a picture to show what the molecules in an element look like

M1 Drawn a picture to show what the molecules in a compound look like

M1 Drawn a picture to show what the molecules in a mixture look like

M2 Why is brick used in the construction industry?

M2 Why is copper wire used by electricians?

M2 Why is glass used for windows?

Page 2: Shared Resource

Assignment 1 Unit 1 Chemistry and Our Earth

M3 Draw out the atomic structures of all the elements in group1, add notes to your drawings to show which has the biggest atom, which has the smallest, which has the most electrons

M3 Draw out the atomic structures of all the elements in group 7, add notes to your drawings to show which has the biggest atom, which has the smallest, which has the most and least electrons

M4 When we use any of the elements from group 1 or 7 it is usually as a compound (e.g. you are more likely to be given sodium chloride in class than a lump of sodium and a jar of chlorine), why?

D1 How could you prove that air is a mixture?

D1 How could you prove that iron and sulphur become iron sulphide only after you heat it up?

D2 Explained why the elements in group 1 get more reactive as you down the group

D2 Explained why the elements in group 7 get less reactive as you down the group