science eog vocabulary survival book


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Cells Vocabulary

1. Cell- the smallest part of a living thing that can carry out all the processes of life

2. Unicellular- made up of only one cell

3. multicellular- made up of more than 1 cell

4. permeable- material that allows liquids or gases to pass through

5. active transport-the passage of molecules from side of a cell membrane to another by means

of energy

6. passive transport- the movement of a substance across a cell membrane without the use of

energy by the cell.

7. eukaryotic- multicellular or complex organism

8. prokaryotic- single cell or simple organism

9. chloroplasts-(in green plant cells) a plastid that contains chlorophyll and in which

photosynthesis takes place

10. nucleus-the central and most important part of an object, movement, or group, forming the

basis for its activity and growth

11. cell membrane-a thin membrane around the cytoplasm of a cell; controls passage of

substances in and out of the cell


Body Systems Vocabulary 1. System- a group of parts that work together 2. Cell- the smallest part of a living thing that can carry out all the processes of life 3. Organ- A group of tissues that perform a specific function or group of functions. 4. Tissue- Various groups of cells that create the materials plants and animals are made of


5. Skeletal system- the body system of bones that give the body structure and support

6. Joint- area where two bones meet

Muscular 7. Muscular system- the body system that is made up of all the muscles attached to bones and helps the body move

Cardiovascular/Circulatory 8. Circulatory system- the body system that carries oxygen, food, and waste throughout the


9. Cardiovascular System- the body system that pumps blood

10. Aorta- takes blood from the left ventricle of the heart to the body

11. Ventricle- one of two sections of the heart that pump blood out to the body

12. Veins- carries blood to the heart

13. Capillaries- a tube with the internal diameter of a hairlike thinness that carries blood to


14. Arteries- carries blood away from the heart

Respiratory 15. Respiratory system- the body system that takes in oxygen from the air 16. Pharynx- the part inside your mouth where the passages of the nose connect to your mouth and throat


17. Respiration- the release of energy in cells by the combination of food and oxygen 18. Trachea - tube that leads to the lungs from the throat 19. Bronchial Tubes- the main branches on the respiratory tract leading in to the lungs 20. Alveoli- tiny sacs where gas exchange occurs in the lungs 21. Inhaling- taking air into the body through the respiratory tract 22. Exhaling- letting air in the body through the respiratory tract

Digestive 23. Digestive system- the body system that breaks down food so it can be used by the body 24. Pharynx- the part inside your mouth where the passages of the nose connect to your mouth and throat 25. Espohagus-a long tube that runs from the mouth to the stomach. It uses rhythmic, wave-like muscle movements (called peristalsis) to force food from the throat into the stomach 26. Stomach- a large, sack-like organ that churns the food and bathes it in a very strong acid (gastric acid) 27. Large Intestine- where some of the water and electrolytes (chemicals like sodium) are removed from the food to nourish the body 28. Small Intestine - bile (produced in the liver and stored in the gall bladder), pancreatic enzymes, and other digestive enzymes produced by the inner wall of the small intestine help in the breakdown of food and pulls out nutrients.

Nervous 29. Nervous system- the body system that controls all the other body systems 30. Spinal Cord- the large group of nerves which runs through the center of the spine and carries messages between the brain and the rest of the body 31. Nerves- one of the many thin parts that control movement and feeling by carrying messages between the brain and other parts of the body


Heredity and Genetics Vocabulary

1. Acquired trait- a characteristic that a living thing gets during its lifetime 2. Behavior- a way in which a living thing acts or responds to its surroundings 3. Characteristic - special quality of a human, animal, or plant 4. DNA - stands for deoxyribonucleic acid, is a nucleic acid that contains genetic code. 5. Genes - a tiny section of a chromosome. A gene causes a particular characteristic, such as eye color or hair color, to be passed on from parent to offspring. 6. Generation - a group of individuals born around the same time and have common interests 7. Genetics - the science that studies how characteristics are passed on from parent to offspring. 8. Heredity - the passing of characteristics from parent to offspring. 9. Inherited trait- a characteristic that a living thing gets from its parents 10. Learned behavior- a skill that an animal develops after it is born 11. Offspring - the child or young of a particular human, animal, or plant. 12. Reproduce- to make more organisms of one’s own kind 13. Trait- a quality or characteristic of a living thing



1. Air resistance- the force of friction that acts between a moving object and air


2. Direction- the path that a moving object follows

3. Distance- the length of a line between two points

4. Distance Time Graph- a line graph that shows an objects motion, with time on the

x-axis and distance on the y-axis

5. Force- a push or pull

6. Friction- a force that acts between surfaces that touch each other

7. Gravity- a force that pulls objects toward each other

8. Mass- the amount of matter that makes up an object

9. Meter stick- a tool used for measuring length and distance

10. Motion- a change in an object’s position

11. Pan balance- a tool used to measure mass

12. Position- the location of an object

13. Speed- a measure of how far an object moves in a certain amount of time

14. Spring scale- a tool used to measure weight or force

15. Weight- a measure of the pull of gravity on an objects mass

16. potential energy- energy stored in an object or substance

17. kinetic energy-portion of energy associated with the motion of a body.

18. balanced forces- equal forces acting on an object in opposite directions

19. unbalanced forces-forces that cause a change in the motion of an object


Matter Vocabulary

1. Chemical change- a change in which one or more new types of matter form

2. Chemical property- the ability of a material to react with other materials in a

certain way

3. Dissolve- to mix evenly in a liquid (breaks down into tiny pieces that seem to


4. Energy- the ability to make things move or change

5. Insulator- a material that heat does not move through easily

6. Matter- anything that has mass and takes up space

7. Physical change- a change in which no new materials form

8. Physical property- a feature that can be observed with the senses or measured with

a tool

9. State of matter- the form that matter has such as solid, liquid, or gas

10. Thermal energy- the energy of the moving particles that make up all matter


Heat Transfer Vocabulary

1. conduction:Heat transfer by direct contact

2. convection: the transfer of heat as a result of a mixing of a liquid or a gas

3. radiation: Heat transfer by electromagnetic waves, -Heat transferred from one object

through space/atmosphere to another object

4. conservation: Conserving energy to lessen the amount of resources used.

5. heating: A process in which energy transfer occurs and the temperature increases

6. cooling: The process of removing heat from a substance, resulting in a decrease in

temperature and/or a change of state.

7. heat transfer: the movement of energy from a warmer object to a cooler object

8. conductor: A material that allows heat and electricity to pass through it.

9. insulator: A material that does not allow heat or electrons to move through it easily.

10. thermal energy: the energy of the moving particles that make up all matter


Weather Vocabulary

Water Cycle

Water Cycle- The movement of water between Earth’s surface and atmosphere Evaporation- the change from a liquid to a gas Transpiration- the process by which plants release water vapor into the air from their leaves Condensation- the change from a gas to a liquid Precipitation- water that falls from the atmosphere as rain, snow, sleet, or hail Runoff- water that flows over the land surface Collection- when precipitation accumulates in a body of water, in the ground, or as runoff to a body of water

Weather Instruments Anemometer- a tool used to measure wind speed Barometer- a tool used to measure air pressure Rain Gauge- a tool used to measure the amount of rain that falls Thermometer- a tool used to measure temperature Wind vane- a tool that shows wind direction (where the wind is coming from) Hygrometer- measures humidity

General Weather Terminology Weather- the condition of the atmosphere at a certain time and place Climate- the weather conditions of a certain place or season, averaged over years, decades, or centuries Meteorologist- a scientist who studies weather Latitude- the distance north and south of the equator Hemisphere- one half of Earth Temperature- a measure of how warm something is Equator- an imaginary line that divides Earth in half horizontally Tide- the rise and fall of ocean water Sun- the “driving force” of weather Hurricane- a large storm that brings strong winds and heavy rain Air mass- a large body of air with about the same temperature and humidity throughout Atmosphere- the mixture of gases and dust that surrounds Earth


Cloud- a mass of tiny water droplets or ice crystals in the air stratus- low level clouds that look like layers or blankets that cover the sky; result in overcast weather and sometimes produce precipitation. (Fog is a stratus cloud that forms at ground level.) Cumulus clouds- middle level clouds (means heap or pile) puffy like cotton; results in fair weather Cirrus clouds- high level clouds composed of ice crystals look thin and wispy like feathers


Nimbus- means rain Cumulonimbus- tall cumulus clouds; look like an anvil and results in heavy precipitation especially thunderstorms

Ocean Currents

Current- the horizontal flow of air or water in a certain direction, such as the Gulf Stream off the east coast of North America, or air, such as the jet stream Gulf Stream- a warm swift ocean current in the Atlantic Ocean that flows from the Gulf of Mexico along the eastern coast of the United States and then northeast toward Europe El Nino- an unusual warming of surface water in the eastern Pacific Ocean near the equator La Nina- an unusual cooling of surface water in the eastern Pacific Ocean near the equator

Fronts Front- a place where two different air masses meet Cold Front- a place where a cold air mass bumps up against a warm air mass Warm Front- a place where warm air mass meets a colder air mass and slowly rises over it Stationary Front- a place where two air masses meet and stop moving Occluded front- a combination of two fronts that form when a cold front overtakes a warm front

Air Pressure Air pressure- the weight of the atmosphere pressing at a certain place High Pressure System- a whirling mass of cool dry air. Because cool air is heavy and denser than warm air, it sinks. High pressure brings fair weather, sunny skies, light winds and stable weather. Low pressure system- a whirling mass of warm, moist air. Because warm air is lighter and less dense than cool air, it rises, and then cooler air flows in underneath. Low pressure systems bring storms, strong winds, and changing, unstable weather.

Wind Wind- horizontally moving air; caused by uneven heating of the Earth’s surface, which creates warm and cool air masses; moves from high pressure area to low pressure area Prevailing Westerlies- winds that occur over the U.S. and blow from west to east Jet stream- a strong air current of fast winds in the upper atmosphere that flows from west to east and change locations depending on global conditions; jet streams “steer” the movement of surface air masses and weather systems Sea Breeze- a convection current where air flows from sea to land during the daytime; (land heats up and cools down faster than water) Land Breeze- a convection current where air flows from land to sea during the nighttime


Ecosystems and Biomes

1. Abiotic- characterized by the absence of life or living things 2. Aquatic ecosystem- a water based ecosystem 3. Biome- a large-scale ecosystem 4. Biotic- relating to life or living organisms 5. Carnivore- a consumer that eats only or mostly animals 6. Competition- the demand for a resource by two or more organisms 7. Consumer- a living thing that gets energy by eating other living things 8. Decomposer- a living thing that gets energy by breaking down wastes and dead plants and animals 9. Ecosystem- all the living and nonliving things in an area 10. Energy pyramid- a diagram that shows how the amount of energy changes as it moves through a food

chain or food web 11.Estuary- a body of water in which freshwater from a river meets and mixes with salt water from the

ocean 12. Food chain- a model that shows the path of energy as it flows from one living thing to the next 13. Food web- a model that shows how several food chains are connected together 14.Forest- an ecosystem that contains many trees 15. Grassland- an ecosystem that has fertile soil covered with tall grasses 16.Habitat- a place in an ecosystem where a population lives 17.Herbivore- a consumer that eats only or mostly plants 18.Individual- a single organism in an environment 19. Interact- to come into contact with and affect each other 20. Lake- a large body of freshwater surrounded by land 21.Niche- the role each population has in its habitat 22.Ocean- a large body of salt water 23. Omnivore- a consumer that eats both plants and animals 24.Organism- a living thing 25. Photosynthesis- the process by which plants, algae, and some bacteria use energy from sunlight to

make their own food 26.Pond- a small body of freshwater surrounded by land 27.Population- a group of organisms of the same kind that live in the same area at the same time 28. Predator- an animal that hunts other animals for food 29.Prey- an animal that is hunted by other animals for food 30. Producer- a living thing that makes its own food 31.Salt marsh- a flat area of land where salt water overflows 32. Terrestrial ecosystem- a land based ecosystem


Other Science Words

1. Analyze- to study something carefully to understand what it means

2. Bar graph- a graph that shows numbers as bars of different lengths

3. Classify- to sort objects, ideas, or information into groups based on their


4. Communicate- to share ideas and information

5. Conclusion- a statement about what you think data and observations mean

6. Data- pieces of information

7. Data table- a chart made up of rows and columns, used to organize data

8. Dependent variable- a condition that may change when a scientist changes the

independent variable in a experiment

9. Experiment- a controlled test done to answer a scientific question

10. Independent variable- a condition that a scientist changes in an experiment

11. Investigation- a careful study of something to answer a question about it

12. Line graph- a graph that shows data as a line on a grid

13. Model- something that represents a real object, event, or process

14. Observation- information gathered with the senses

15. Prediction- a statement about what is likely to happen in the future

16. Qualitative data- pieces of information that are described in words

17. Quantitative data- pieces of information described in numbers and units

18. Resource- something that a living thing needs to stay alive

19. Variable- something that can change or vary in an experiment

20. X-Axis- the horizontal line at the bottom of a graph (distance-time graph= the line

that represents time)

21. Y-Axis- the vertical line at the side of a graph (distance-time graph = the line that

represents distance)