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Science Education Section EDB

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Post on 14-Mar-2018




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  • Science Education SectionEDB

  • Time Event

    3:30 4:45

    A. Curriculum PlanningB. Classroom Practices on

    Catering for LD

    4:45 5:00

    C. Question and answer

  • Student

    School Organisation Level

    School Curriculum Level

    Class / group Level

    Guidance and exemplars provided by C&A Guides, EDB 334 web

    Funding and support provided (e.g. staffing, grants, professional development)

    Facilities, Physical conditions for appropriate learning environment

    Systemic Level

    Wide choice of subjects, ApL courses & OLE Forming a task force to co-ordinate and lead

    Devising a Whole-school Policy

    Ethos building to value diversity and individual differences, as well as uniformity

    Human Resource Deployment:

    Strengthen communication with parents on student progress

    Partnership with community to motivate student participation in a wide range of learning activities and competitions


    Forming learning support team

    A dual class teacher system

    Assign a teacher to one level instead of a range of levels

    Arrange a teacher to the same class for 3 years

    Employ teacher assistants

    Pedagogy, Environment and Assessment to motivate learning

    Student learning profile to record progress (formative)

    Recognise non-academic achievements and participation in report cards

    Identify the core and extended / elective parts of the curriculum for different students

    KLA / Panels devise plans to cater student diversity

    Make adaptation to assessment, e.g. separate core and extended content in the assessment papers, introducing challenging questions in exam

    Learn from other teachers by sharing, peer observation, reflection on lessons and student feedback

    strategies:e.g. Multi-level activities, co-construction, learning portfolios

    Motivation Strategies

    Catering for Learner Diversity Conceptual Framework

    Learning & Teaching / Assessment


    Professional Development Opportunities

    Strategic plan (e.g. 3 yr plan)

    Flexible groupingsExtended

    timetable for remedial

    Developing interdependent, collaborative learning community; celebrating diversity

    Enhancement programmes for more


    Modification, tailoring or differentiation within the subject, OLE

  • Students are more different than more alike.Teachers provide support for excellence for all rather than achieve same attainment in all.Teachers have to develop understanding why some students can learn while others cannot.Teachers provide scaffolds for learning.

  • A. Curriculum Planning

    B. Classroom Practices Learning, Teaching and Assessment Experiences from schools -

    C. Questions and Answers

  • Science (S1-3)

    Chemistry (S4) CS (Chem S4)

    CS (Chem S5,6)Chemistry (S5,6)

  • Flexible Organisation

  • Organise the sequence of topics / concepts from fundamental to advance

    Use spiral arrangement Integrate some or all the related topics Adopt alternative teaching sequences Build on knowledge and skills learnt in other subjects

    Extra support in some topics for students Reference: Chapter 3, CAG 2007

  • S4: V. Fossil fuels and carbon compounds (20 hours) Some reactions like substitution reactions of

    hydrocarbons (alkanes and alkenes only) and halogens Addition polymerisationS5: XI. Chemistry of Carbon Compounds (27 hours) Complete yet brief organic synthesis, i.e. the synthesis

    of useful carbon compounds through inter-conversions between different functional groups

    Addition and condensation polymerisation, plus detailed study of the relation of structure and properties

  • Other spiral arrangement of topics in NSS Chemistry curriculum:

    I. Planet EarthXII. Patterns in the chemical world

    II. Microscopic World IVI. Microscopic World II

  • CAG(E), p.92

  • CAG(E), p.91

  • CAG(E), p.94

  • For instance, in the study of chemical kinetics, students are expected to make use of skills related to drawing a volume of gas against time graph to report the findings from an experiment. Knowledge and skills from junior / senior Mathematics will be useful.

  • Mathematics requirement Skills:

    Handling DataArithmetic operationsUse of standard form in expressing numerical quantitiesManipulation of algebraic expressionsUse of logarithms and exponentsUse and inter-conversions of ratios, fractions and percentagesConstructing and interpreting graphsApplication of geometry

    Handling Experimental Error Recognise Instrumental Accuracy

  • Cognitively More Challenging Topics of the Compulsory Part Microscopic world II Chemical reactions and energy Chemical equilibrium Chemistry of carbon compounds Patterns in the chemical worldElective Topics: Industrial Chemistry Materials Chemistry Analytical Chemistry

  • Papers Sections Parts Topics examined Questions

    Paper 1(2.5


    Section A(18%)

    Part I Topics 1-8 24 M.C.

    Part II Topics 1-12 12 M.C.

    Section B(42%)

    Part I Topics 1-8structured questions

    (47 marks)essay (9 marks)

    Part II Topics 1-12 structured questions(28 marks)

    Paper 2(1 hour) 20% Topics 13-15

    structured questions20 marks per elective

    (40 marks)

    SBA 20%

    Total 100%

  • Please discuss on any ONE of the suggestions on curriculum planning, with the aid of the model SWOT.

    Strength Weakness

    Opportunity Threat

  • ()

    Promoting self-directed independent learning at different paces.

  • 1. Elements in the Periodic Table2. Extra Metallic Elements (Transition Metals)3. Chemical Formulae of Ions4. Colours of Ions5. Names of Compounds6. Chemical Formula7. General Word Equations8. Word Equation9. Chemical Equations10. Ionic Equations11. Ionic Half Equations and Redox Reactions12. Redox Reactions and Ionic Equations

    [Suitable for S4-5 Chemistry and Combined Science (Chemistry) Curricula.]


  • The challenge is to ask yourself which is the most difficult topic in NSS Chemistry / Combined Science (Chemistry)1. Analyse the topic2. Identify the difficulties in the topic3. Deliberate on how to address the difficulties4. Design small / manageable tasks to address the difficulties

  • With the use of school intranet systems, teachers can provide students with (1) more challenging exercises for students, and (2) information about some interesting newspaper articles / television programmes, followed by discussion Example of contents: Daily encountered chemistry related news, e.g TV programmes, e.g. Master Joe, TVB Especially useful for engaging students out of lesson time

  • Providingmorechallengingexercises

  • Summerholidays

  • a collection of resource materials - for example, an article on Kevlar with detailed uncluttered description, schematic drawings of polymeric structures and photographs of bullet-proof vests made of Kevlar, to help students understand the relation between the structures of polymers and their properties;a learning task with clear procedural guidelines and reporting template - for instance, a worksheet with guiding questions to help students in planning their own experiments;

    CAG(E), p.116

  • guidance, in a variety of formats, on the development of cognitive abilities, and social and investigative skills - for example, showing a video clip on how to conduct an acid-alkali titration to enhance the acquisition of the practical skills required for a titration;teacher debriefings - for instance, the presentation of a clear conceptual framework at the end of an activity to help students who have difficulty in conceptualising the essence of the activity, or encounter obstacles that significantly hinder their learning, e.g. mind map

    CAG(E), p.116



  • 1. (2009)


    3. (2007)

    4. CDC(2009) Senior Secondary Curriculum Guide Booklet 7 Catering for Learner Diversity Excellence for All in Senior Secondary Education.

  • Catering for Learner Diversity under the New Academic Structure Chemistry 2 3Catering for Learner DiversityThemes ()A.Curriculum PlanningVertical and Horizontal OrganisationNSS Chemistry CurriculumCurriculum Planning StrategiesSpiral arrangement #1/2Spiral arrangement #2/2Curriculum IntegrationAlternative Learning and Teaching SequencesAlternative Learning and Teaching SequencesKnowledge and skills learnt from other subjectsChemistry and MathematicsExtra Support RequiredNew Assessment Practices in HKDSECurriculum PlanningB.Classroom PracticesPedagogies for Engaging Chemistry Students in Learning :Chemical Formulae / Chemical Equations(Diagnosis Test and Self-directed Learning)Mole and StoichiometryDesigning manageable and meaningful learning tasks: 27Example 3: Use of Notice-board (Intranet System) 29Promote interest and engage students in discussion Scaffolds #1/2Scaffolds #2/2 33 34 35 36 37Questions and Answers