science class guidelines

Science Teacher/Cluster 3 Washington Middle School Meriden, Connecticut

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Post on 21-Dec-2014




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Page 1: science class guidelines

Science Teacher/Cluster 3

Washington Middle School Meriden, Connecticut

Page 2: science class guidelines

Procedures & Guidelines

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memorize and understand the proceeding guidelines and procedures….

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•Guidelines •Procedures

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Be in your assigned seat and working on your ‘Do Now’ or activity sheet when the bell rings.

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Inquiry Question:“ If I stepped into the shoes of a scientist for a

year, I would …….because…..” (helper verbs---test, invent, preserve, study….)

Objective:Students will be able to write down in complete

sentences , a sentence or two about what they would study and why if they were a scientist for a year.

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Bring ALL books and materials to class and take them with you when you leave.

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Follow directions the first time they are given.

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Treat each person in this room with respect and dignity.

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Follow all procedures and policies as outlined

in the WMS Handbook

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• Praise & Thank you’s

• A Stress free learning environment

• A pleasant and orderly classroom atmosphere

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• 1st A non-verbal

• 2nd A verbal warning

• 3rd an after-school detention signed in planner and a call home and/or possible removal from room within the cluster for a ‘time-out’ and you will be given a student problem-solving sheet to fill out. When you come back to class, you will be ready to be back on task

• 4th referral to office

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•Read it

•Sign it

•Keep it until the end of class

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• Any student who uses profanity, fights, damages school property (this includes the property of the teacher and other students), or is disrespectful (as defined by the teacher) will be sent to the office IMMEDIATELY.

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• Please enter quietly

• Have a seat

• Take out your materials

• Review the agenda

• Begin bell work assignment

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•Enter quietly

•Excused: Place excuse on my lamp table

•Unexcused: Sign yourself in to the ‘late to class’ sheet on the classroom door • Have a seat and take out your materials

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• Write down missed HW from the chalkboard in your planner

• Go to the homework/classwork hanging file & take copy of the

homework/class work from the day of the week you were absent

● Write your name and ‘Absent’

with the date you were absent

● Complete make-up work for excused absences within that


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• Please let me know at the door as you enter the classroom.

• Quietly raise your hand holding your pass, to get my attention

• Pack your materials and leave at the scheduled time

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• Raise your hand if you need to get something

• Raise your pencil if you need to sharpen it

• Hold your thumb up if you need to use the bathroom and it is an emergency

I will call you on you or nod to let you do what you need to do—wait for permission

• Do not interrupt for any of the above items during a class discussion or when I am talking to all of you.

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• Only gather supplies when instructed to do so• Do not put any books or items on the floor, as it is a

tripping hazard• Always wear goggles when we use glass or any type

of chemical or powders/grains• Have only one person from your group gather

supplies, the other persons should be getting their lab papers ready

• Work quietly and seriously-this should be fun, but it is not recess…and labs are for learning and thinking

• Alert me immediately if something goes wrong/or with any questions---there are no dumb questions

• Be ready to leave your lab class for your next class on time, this means cleaning up 10 minutes before class ends and then filling out your lab ‘exit’ slips.

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I will:

•Stand in front of the class

• Say ‘Quiet Please’

•Wait for everyone to be silent

•Begin speaking

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• You must write your full name and date and your Group # at the top right of all sheets (no ripped sheets or half sheets, only 3-holed loose leaf paper)

• Place on all homework assignments

• If you do not have your HW fill out a student responsibility card and hand that in as your HW

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• Place your paper on your desk at the top right.

• When I collect papers, place yours on top and continue passing

to the next person to your right

• I will come by and collect all stacks

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• PLEASE participate

• I want to hear what you have to say

• Make all questions and comments relevant to the current discussion

• If your question is off the topic, write it down and ask later.

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“What do I do next?”

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• Work on unfinished science assignments that do not require my help

• Review for the next science quiz or test

• Start working on tonight's science homework or Read your AR book

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• Library/Media Center• Distance Learning

Lab/computer lab• Special guests• Progress Reports• Working Cooperatively• Fire Drill• Intercom Announcements• Assemblies• Substitute Teacher

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•The teacher dismisses you, not the bell

•Do not start packing up prior to the bell

•Wait until the teacher finishes and officially dismisses you with:

“Have a nice day”

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----Science CMT’s!!!----

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I grade by total points.Every project, test, lab, homework, and quiz has a point value. What you do not complete or, what you did not receive point wise on a quiz or test lowers your grade. You all start with a 100%. A-plus!

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Yes! If you ever feel otherwise…please talk to me before school or after school or during lunch if it is really important and you need my help with anything!

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I truly believe in your potential

and I want you to believe in it too!Have an awesome year!

-Mrs. Colligan