school improvement report and plan...2 summary of improvement report/plan engagement process:...

SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT REPORT AND PLAN 1 School: Resolis Primary School Head Teacher: Jane Bentley Date submitted: June 2017 School Vision, Values and Aims: Resolis Primary School - a safe, happy and exciting learning environment for all our children. Our aims are: To provide a happy, healthy and stimulating environment for children and staff. To develop and promote the values of justice, compassion, and integrity within our pupils. To present a differentiated curriculum to the pupils in an interesting and imaginative way, within Curriculum for Excellence, involving children wherever in the decisions about their learning and school life. Thus developing in our children a positive self-image, a sense of self-worth and the self-confidence to attempt new learning whenever it is encountered. To create an ethos of achievement and to celebrate success such that our pupils become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. To raise pupils’ attainment and establish high standards in attendance and behaviour. To ensure that each child is helped to acquire and develop an appropriate range of knowledge, skills and attitudes, at a suitable rate, which are necessary for success in an ever-changing global community. To work with partner agencies to meet the needs of the whole child and to be an inclusive school for all the children in our catchment area. To provide equality of opportunity for all staff and children irrespective of gender, creed, race, colour or ethnic origin and to tackle racial discrimination and promote good race relations. To work in partnership with parents and the wider community to enhance the quality of the children’s welfare and learning. To pursue the Personal and Professional Development of all staff according to identified needs. To be reviewed June 2017 – Transition Week

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Page 1: SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT REPORT AND PLAN...2 Summary of Improvement Report/Plan engagement process: Participants Engagement details Teachers and other staff 15.8.16 INSET –Whole staff



School: Resolis Primary School

Head Teacher: Jane Bentley

Date submitted: June 2017

School Vision, Values and Aims:

Resolis Primary School - a safe, happy and exciting learning environment for all our children.

Our aims are: • To provide a happy, healthy and stimulating environment for children and staff. • To develop and promote the values of justice, compassion, and integrity within our pupils. • To present a differentiated curriculum to the pupils in an interesting and imaginative way, within Curriculum for Excellence, involving children wherever in the decisions about their learning and school life. Thus developing in our children a positive self-image, a sense of self-worth and the self-confidence to attempt new learning whenever it is encountered. • To create an ethos of achievement and to celebrate success such that our pupils become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. • To raise pupils’ attainment and establish high standards in attendance and behaviour. • To ensure that each child is helped to acquire and develop an appropriate range of knowledge, skills and attitudes, at a suitable rate, which are necessary for success in an ever-changing global community. • To work with partner agencies to meet the needs of the whole child and to be an inclusive school for all the children in our catchment area.

• To provide equality of opportunity for all staff and children irrespective of gender, creed, race, colour or ethnic origin and to tackle racial discrimination and

promote good race relations.

• To work in partnership with parents and the wider community to enhance the quality of the children’s welfare and learning.

• To pursue the Personal and Professional Development of all staff according to identified needs. To be reviewed June 2017 – Transition Week

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Summary of Improvement Report/Plan engagement process:

Participants Engagement details

Teachers and other staff 15.8.16 INSET–Whole staff – 3 year over view/planning/ASN interventions and staffing

22.8.16 SM – PRD – staff profiles 29.8.16 CPD session – Fractions @ Cromarty 5.9.16 SM – ASN review 19.9.16 ASG CPD session ASD 1 @ Fortrose 22.9.17 INSET French planning & IDL Maths. 23.9.16 INSET 26.9.16 Snapshot fortnight

24.10.17 SM - Planning Christmas enterprise

31.10.16 ASG CPD session - Dyslexia 1 @ Fortrose

14.11.16 – SM - Moderation

21.11.16 ASG CPD session – ASD 2

29.11.16 SM – Tracking - Update SSP

5.12.16 Snapshot fortnight

9.1.17 SM ASN review & plan ‘Scots Week’

23.1.17 ASG CPD session - Dyslexia 2 @ Fortrose

6.2.17 AGS CPD session - Whole staff - Child Protection

22.2.17 ASG Moderation session

6.3.17 SM – planning French Learning Visit with Cromarty

13.3.17 ASG CPD session - ADHD

20.3.17 SM – Review Learning visit with Cromarty staff

3.4.17 SM - Self-Evaluation 1.1

8.5.17 SM - Self-Evaluation 3.2

15.5.17 ASG CPD session - Dyslexia 3 @ Fortrose or Creativity

29.5.17 SM- Self Evaluation 2.3, 2.5

8.6.17 SM - Self Evaluation 2.2, 2.7 + Whole staff SIP and S&Q

19.6.17 SM Planning

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Parents Parent Council Meetings: 4.10.16 AGM (Re scheduled from 13.9.16) 14.11.16 24.1.17 14.3.17 8.5.17 Parent Evenings: 3.11.16 30.4.17 Parent Curriculum afternoons/eves 18.8.16 Welcome to Resolis /review of the year by P7 for all new P1 and all parents 27.9.16 Harvest Festival – Resolis Free Church 15.12.16 – Christmas Play 21.12.16 – Family Christmas film afternoon 25.1.17 - Burns afternoon and afternoon ceilidh 28.4.17- 10th Anniversary open afternoon 28.6.17 - Leaver’s Assembly 28.6.17 – Talent Show

Pupils Citizenship meetings – Pupil Council, Nature Detectives, Eco Council, JRSO: 9.10.16 – Priorities for the year/Our Minibeasts/ Poly tunnel 4.11.16 - Children in Need/Minibeast Hotel/Poly tunnel/Competition Then ad-hoc as classes were able/needed eg: Pupil Council planning Christmas parties/regular poly tunnel meetings and workshops etc

Volunteers working in school (such as parents taking after-school activities, 3rd sector engagement etc.)

Cycling Proficiency sessions: PSA + parent volunteers- Autumn Term Poly tunnel sessions: RoWAN – throughout the year Resilient Kids sessions for P7 – jointly with Cromarty and Culbokie Primary Schools – CSW +HLH staff Assemblies: 7.9.16 Blythwood Assembly 29.4.17 & 31.5.17HLH – Easter & Summer Holiday schemes

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SSPCA 22.6.17 Libraries- Summer Reading Scheme In classes/on visits: Two parents support classes weekly One local volunteer support classes every week Work experience P7 pupil form Fortrose Academy regularly supports pupils Many parents involved in supporting class/school visits Afterschool clubs: Netball - PSA + parent Gymnastics- HLH + parents Football – Clerical + parent + local volunteer Working with local groups/people: Maggie Dove - Resolis Orchard sessions with Rowan and local volunteers Resolis Community Council David Oliver - Resolis and Cromarty Film Club Martin Sherring - Pebble Trust Donald Campbell – volunteer piping tutor throughout the year Ross County Football Club worked with whole school including Nursery throughout the year Safe highlanders

Other partners Meetings with other agencies about improvement priorities and supporting pupils: HC Support staff: Ann Murdoch AfLT 22.11.16 24.1.17 14.3.17 28.6.17 John Sinclair PMHW: 2.10.16 Aimee Stewart PMHW: 5.5.17 Vicky Shepherd Ed psych 11.11.16

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NURSERY Ashley Bartlett EYESO: 6.12.16: 24.1.17 15.6.17

Associated Schools Group

Associated Schools Group ASG meetings: ASG Agenda 18th May 2016 , Munlochy Primary 4pm. • French 2+1 Thea Searle 4-4.30 • ASN, coaching and mentoring • Science transition • P7 transition week • Dates for next year. Agenda for ASG Meeting on Monday 12th September 1pm Resolis Primary • Science • Digital Literacy • French 1+2 • ASN training Agenda for ASG Meeting on Monday 7th November 1pm Tore Primary • ASN • Feb Inset- moderation of writing across ASG • Transition • Pathway • Pupil Profiles and SEEMIS Agenda for ASG Meeting on Monday 16th January 1. Feedback from Head Teacher Representatives 2. Moderation and sharing practice ,including Feb INSET 3. Secondary pupil Profiles 4. Science update 5. Numeracy benchmarks 6. Enrolment 8. Arrange date to share policies

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Full details of engagement activities can be found in the school’s self-evaluation records.

PART TWO – Standards and Quality Report referencing your previous Improvement Plan and next steps (complete as


Context of the school: Resolis serves a rural catchment, many of our families are involved in farming or other local employment such as forestry or within the oil industry. Many

of our families are ‘Black Isle born and bred’.

We are a 3 teacher school with a teaching Head, and a Principal teacher. All the staff know the children, and their families, well having long connections

with the two previous schools from which Resolis Primary was formed 10 years ago. They are very committed to their welfare and learning; the children

come first in all we do.

The majority of our children are drawn from within catchment and Social Deprivation is not a significant factor affecting attainment across the school,

we do have some families who require support. In general our parents are very supportive of their children and school.

We have a high number of children who have additional support needs and they are well supported through effective use of PSAs and use intervention

strategies which are well implemented and monitored by staff to ensure continuing progress.

What have we done to close the attainment gap?

We have identified those children requiring additional support in both Literacy and Numeracy and at all ages and have intervention programmes in place

with well-trained PSA delivering. We have a number of children who have had adverse situations at home over the past three years, these may impacted

9. Loch Insh Agenda for ASG Meeting on Monday 15 May 2017 at 1.30 pm at Fortrose Academy 1 Matters arising from last meeting 2 ASG Joint Projects 3 Transition arrangements 4 Scottish Film Education bid Karen Meikle, English Dept 5 Dates for next session’s meetings

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on their learning so we have worked to ensure that these children have access to CSW support where appropriate and some have had access to

specialist programmes such as Season’s For Growth. Staff have received ASG training this session from Schools Psychological Service , as part of the ASG

on the use of the Dyslexia Tool Kit, strategies for children with ADHD and ASD. Staff feel better able to identify and support these pupils to attain. We need to continue to work to raise attainment in Maths – especially in Mental Maths strategies and find more reading resources for our reluctant

older boy readers.

Our overall evaluation of the school’s capacity for continuous improvement:

* We are confident in our capacity for continuous improvement

Comment: As a school we closely to look at the attainment and achievement of all our pupils daily in class, in staff collegiate sessions and after results

from InCAS etc. We have also engaged in moderation work with our ASG this session; looking at Imaginative writing. Our pupils develop their own

success criteria whenever possible and are always encouraged to work towards them. They then self and peer evaluate work against these criteria and

work as critical supports to each other. The older pupils also work with the younger children and engage them in conversations about their work on an

ad hoc basis. We recognise that we need to formalise these and other conversations that teachers have on a daily basis with pupils, into ‘Learning

Conversations’ to make all pupils more aware of where they are in their learning and how to move forward.

We make use of data collected, our formal and informal assessment of pupil’s attainment and achievement and to set our priorities for the next session.

We need to make better use of pupils evaluation of themselves and the teaching they receive and learning activities they are involved in, we also need

to involve parents and other partners we work with more in the evaluation and feedback process to allow us to be more responsive to the needs of our

pupils. This report sets out the strengths of our school, what we have achieved this session in relation to the previous SIP and what the priorities will need to be

for the coming session.

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Quality Indicators from How good is our school? (4th edition) and where appropriate How good is our Early Learning and Childcare?

How are we doing? What’s working well for our learners? (what are the features of effective practice in our school?)

How do we know? What evidence do we have of positive impact on our learners?

What are we going to do now? What actions will move us forward? (improvement priorities highlighted in this area)

How would we evaluate this QI using the HGIOS?4/ HGIOELC six-point scale?

1.1 Self-evaluation for self-improvement

Collaborative approaches to self- Evaluation

Analysis and evaluation of intelligence and data

Ensuring impact on learners’ successes and achievements

All staff involved in SIP and have good understanding its use. SMs used to discuss progress of priorities We make use of all staff as leaders of SIP priorities Making use of children as central to Self- Improvement process Made a start on use of GTCS standards Staff analyse and use evidence from data to focus on groups and individuals. Staff use InCAS data to some extent – we use graphs and longitudinal charts. Update SPP on tracker Learning visits to Cromarty Primary - French Milton of Leys and Tore - Maths ASG Moderating INSET and twilight All staff have agreed high expectations for all pupils – behaviour and work

Meetings held with all staff present Discuss with staff /WTA Use of HGIOS sheets - all staff involved as appropriate Eg: Poly tunnel – SJ ICT – EB French/P4C – KE SIP 2016-17 & 2017-18 Staff share learning intentions and success criteria are developed with the children. - Jotters Discussions about what makes good lesson?/how do I know if I am doing well? on ad-hoc basis with pupils PRD process for first time for staff GTCS website We discuss children regularly at moderating sessions, esp ASN – in school and ASG based, discuss data together for InCAS. This informs some groupings and intervention for individuals sometimes – discuss with staff WTA We are told frequently that our children are well behaved/good sports etc. see newsletters to parents. Children are aware of need to complete work well – ‘do it nice or do it twice’, staying in to complete homework for example

Continue Staff to have greater involvement in evaluation of SIP and their priorities Begin to make children responsible as leader so their own and other’s learning Need to formalise and regularise pupil opportunities to be involved in self- improvement and own self-evaluation (SIP 2017-18#1) Need to embed this – update on more regular basis PRD for PSAs We will make use of National Testing data when available – need support on best use Make staff aware of Risk Matrix Staff to make greater use of SEEMIS – pastoral notes ?? Continue to tell children when they are noticed and praised. More work with ASG partners (See SIP 2017-18 #1). Use of Learning Conversations to highlight areas of work for children that they have been part of identifying (SIP 2017-18#1)


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All staff know children and our community very well so are very aware of barriers to success

We involve pupils in their own self- evaluation to some extent and ask questions of our parents in terms of recent activities we have undertaken for example changes to homework, parental input into rationale Efforts to involve other agencies

Staff all local, parents come and seek our advice on a regular basis and share information with us. This can make a difference for children on a daily basis in terms of demands placed upon them by school/staff – discuss with staff Children are improving in their ability to self-evaluate and know what to do to improve but this is limited – see LL and LJ Feedback on LJ and reports from parents Care Inspectorate visit reflects own evaluations, Positive Feedback from other agencies etc eg: PMHW, Ed Psych, CSW

Need to formalise some of our procedures for parents so we can evaluate their comments and feedback to improve outcomes for our pupils (See SIP 2017-18 #3) Involve all stakeholders regularly and in a planned way (See SIP 2017-18 #2 and #3) to ensure changes we make improve outcomes for our pupils, and to show that we use this evidence in future SIP to make further change to improve. Find a way to record feedback from outside agencies and other stakeholders visiting school

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Quality Indicators from How good is our school? (4th edition) and where appropriate How good is our Early Learning and Childcare?

How are we doing? What’s working well for our learners? (what are the features of effective practice in our school?)

How do we know? What evidence do we have of positive impact on our learners?

What are we going to do now? What actions will move us forward? (improvement priorities highlighted in this area)

How would we evaluate this QI using the HGIOS?4/ HGIOELC six-point scale?

1.3 Leadership of Change

Developing a shared vision, values and aims relevant to the school and its community

Strategic planning for continuous improvement

Implementing improvement and change

School aims have been in place since school opened with occasional review by staff. Another review planned for Term 1 2017 Values are shared by our school community. Within school we use Social Targets in assemblies to encourage school values of kindness, support, positivity, resilience etc. Discussed well in class as small group and whole class and pupil responses recorded in Learning Log. Reward thru certificates in Star Assembly All teaching and non-teaching staff involved in SIP development and some have responsibility for leading areas, so all staff understand place of priorities within the wider aims and values of school All staff have very good understanding and knowledge of all our pupils, their families and their circumstances. All knowledge is shared between those who need to know to ensure that at tricky times we can support both pupils and families. Nursery have been especially good at supporting families this year. Also a part of a

Pupils are not familiar with aims as they are and younger pupils do not understand them so they are not relevant to them just now Pupils school well aware of values and how these are seen in practice – has evolved over the year into ‘Resolis Way’ – this to be adopted for next session. Pupils enjoy discussion but pupil response needs to be more focussed when written and shared more effectively with parents Ensures all staff respond in v similar ways to issues that arise, gives pupils consistency of approach and makes them feel safe and confident to bring issues forward Anecdotal reports from parents who feel supported, use of Laggan system to compliment school on support for a particular family in last 18 months, from other agencies working with school eg: CSW, PMHW. If families are supported then even at difficult times children are in school and parents feel confident in our ability to support

Review aims with pupils initially, put out to parents in Term 1 to be discussed with pupils (See SIP 2017-18 #3) Use ‘Resolis Way’ as title for the way we work, involve parents more effectively by putting pupil response in Home/School Diary Continue to involve all staff, and develop closer working with Nursery to share ways of tackling issues across all staff. Find ways to involve support staff – clerical and kitchen staff. Continue to support all our families, use the confidence our families have to develop stronger curriculum links with parents so they work to support their children with school work at home(see SIP 2017-18 #2) Use our good relationships to get more parents involved in decision making in school more often and at earlier stages. Need to review more of what we do with


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supportive community who look out for each other includes families within school and local YDOs Staff feel they can lead change and will be supported to do so eg: P4C, Emerging Literacy, Paired Reading and Maths, ASN across 2 schools, because of shared understanding of our values HT feels confident that staff- led developments will reflect school values Use of class buddies, bus buddies, classes having times when they all work in mixed groups on shared goals : Technology challenges Staff and pupils willing to have a go at new ideas and then review and be prepared to keep best bits but change others eg: planning for staff, Learning journeys for pupils

them Pupils see confident staff taking responsibility and recognise that they are given opportunities to do the same and are expected to step up and take responsibility, especially as they move thru’ school. What pupils see they do and what staff do they pass onto pupils Pupils asked their opinions on changes that will make a difference to school eg: use of Learning logs and learning journeys, plans for poly tunnel and playground markings

parents (See SIP 2017-18 ~3) Continue to ensure responsibility is shared devolved to increase confidence of all staff and pupils (See SIP 2017-18 #2 & 3) Continue to work to bring Nursery and School closer to aid transition – Eilidh Brown to work with Nursery each month on HGIOELC self eval process and implementation of Benchmarks Review ‘aims and values’ with pupils to make them pupil friendly including to the youngest in school

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Quality Indicators from How good is our school? (4th edition) and where appropriate How good is our Early Learning and Childcare?

How are we doing? What’s working well for our learners? (what are the features of effective practice in our school?)

How do we know? What evidence do we have of positive impact on our learners?

What are we going to do now? What actions will move us forward? (improvement priorities highlighted in this area)

How would we evaluate this QI using the HGIOS?4/ HGIOELC six-point scale?

2.3 Learning, Teaching and Assessment

Learning and engagement

Quality of teaching

Effective use of assessment

Planning, tracking and monitoring

Our school reflects a very strong commitment to children’s right and positive relationships. Our children are eager, resilient and highly motivated, interact well in all in school activities and those with other schools. Older pupils lead learning for younger pupils. Learner’s experiences are challenging and enjoyable, matched to needs and interests Pupils have opportunities to exercise choice, use technology and become increasingly independent

See Social Targets, LL from 2016-17 Discuss with Pupil Council P4C sessions for P1/2 and P5/6/7 After school and inter school sports and activities – see photos, newsletters, discuss with pupils Discuss activities eg World Book Day, charity days, Christmas Fair, Loch Insh, Talent Show, transition activities and Kirkmichael and many sporting events with pupils and parents, see LL and LJ, displays photos etc Many activities planned by the children themselves eg: charity days/ world book day/ dress down days/enterprise make and do day Regular paired reading/writing activities for P1/2 with P6/7 Greater choice and take up of after school activities eg gymnastics, multi-sports club Range of teaching styles, use of trips to stimulate learning, outdoor learning is used when appropriate eg: poly tunnel for maths and science work, playground markings for letter /number recognition etc use of some technology, tho’ limited

Change format of LL – Resolis Way to make them more stimulating/les cumbersome for children to record their ideas (See SIP 2017-18 #1) Extend P4C throughout school Use partners to develop more ways to engage with the wider community. Formalise feedback on activities across from both pupils/parents and other partners. (See SIP 2017-18 #2 and #3) Junior Rock Challenge in 2017-18 Work with Culbokie on coding and other use of tech to stimulate learning, invest in 3x I pod for children to record own work on in range of ways and 3x Chrome books to prepare for future changes to IT and transition to Fortrose Ac. Pupils to take on class blogs to celebrate their work and show to wider audience. Work on Creativity Working Group with QIO and other schools Pupils to lead improvement in ‘choice’


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They contribute to wider community School has a vision and aims, shared with parents at beginning of each session and reviewed by pupils and parents We use a wide range of learning environments and creative opportunities We make good use of questioning to promote confidence and curiosity We observe learners closely to inform planning . .

Pupil Council charities, Hospice Bike Ride, Resolis Country Show with PC, poly tunnel and Community markets. Braw Bairns board, newsletters, photos in displays On website and in front of Nursery and School Handbooks Shared with parents at Welcome session each year Range of group sizes including as individual, pairs small groups up to whole school. Classes all mixed cohorts, used to advantage for younger pupils and ASN. We make good use of all areas of school including outdoors – field, playground monkey hut and poly tunnel. Nursery make excellent use of all areas also including dedicated Nursery space. Pupils make regular visits related to IDL topics and other areas of interest eg: local artist exhibition- Katy Dove. Discuss with children, see LL for Social target questions, class observations in P4C work All staff make excellent use of informal observation to move children on in their thinking and working. All staff use observations to gauge mood/emotional level of all children as this has impact on learning as well as informal obs on work in all

element thru responses in learning conversations and increased decision making (SIP 2017-18#1) Continue to provide and enable future activities for contributing eg; selling produce at Community markets These will be reviewed at end of 2016-17 session. Develop tree area in car park for team building skills area Look at Blooms Taxonomy to promote Higher Level thinking skills in Learning Conversations (See SIP 2017-18 #1) Develop questioning further thru ‘Creativity’ element of SIP Extend P4C to all classes Staff to begin to make use of pastoral notes in SEEMIS of any major/on-going concerns

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Assessment is integral to planning of teaching and learning. We use a wide range of approaches We make good use of ‘consultation’ from AfLT for assessment of ASN in school We have shared expectations across school community and moderation is in place Plan over different timescales to meet needs of learners

curriculum areas . PSAs excellent at passing on info to relevant staff Open and honest staffroom where issues can be raised and discussed. SM used to discuss individual pupils if change in motivation/work ethic/confidence more formally. PSAs involved in discussions where appropriate. Discuss with all members of staff Staff use range of assessment tools: Weekly spelling quizzes, mental maths quizzes, assessments at end of IDL topics /maths topics. InCAS. Informal assessments – see jotters for next steps etc Use of AfLT for formal assessments into learning difficulties eg: dyslexia Excellent PSAs then put intervention programmes in place and children are reassessed at regular and appropriate intervals by AfLT. Information fedback to parents in meeting with teaching staff and AfLT Transition is well planned for ASN pupils – excellent relationships with Fortrose Academy staff Moderation of range of pupil jotters over the year WTA Moderation across ASG of imaginative writing Feb 2017 See above for AfLT involvement 3 year rolling programme in place – tweeked each year Staff plan on weekly basis with tweeks each day to take in progress

Develop ‘key assessment tasks’ for LJ this will also inform parents in clearer way of pupil progress (SIP21017-18#1) Make use of Learning Conversations with all pupils to improve their understanding of where they are, where they want to get to and how to get there in their learning (See SIP 2017-18 #1) Continue with new AfLT in place Aug 2017 Include moderation across school in WTA Moderation dates already in place across ASG for formal writing. Share expectations with parents and other stake holders (SIP 2017-18#1,#2,#3) Continue to update 3 yearly rolling plan to take into account changing class structure year on year

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Learners are involved in planning Staff have clear idea of attainment of pupils Including ASN pupils

for all pupils – some evaluations included in plans Learners ideas are taken at beginning of new IDL topics and incorporated into weekly work by staff Staff make excellent use of informal assessment/observation and marking of work to set next steps, aided by PSA input in reading, writing, spelling, maths; incl mental maths, HWB – parents informed thru LJ, reports, parents eves etc and recorded thru SPP Principal teacher is excellent and ensures all ASN children are well monitored and progress recorded by PSAs thru interventions. ALL ASN paperwork is very well maintained SM regularly used to update all staff on all children with ASN

Need feedback from pupils about the effectiveness of this method of including their ideas and to seek other ideas for how to extend their involvement. Need pupils also to evaluate topics covered Need to continue to develop manageable methods to record attainment in other curriculum areas Continue with better use of paperwork by other staff, ensure teaching staff incl Nursery are confident in completion of relevant forms eg: Form 1/referrals for SaLT etc

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Quality Indicators from How good is our school? (4th edition) and where appropriate How good is our Early Learning and Childcare?

How are we doing? What’s working well for our learners? (what are the features of effective practice in our school?)

How do we know? What evidence do we have of positive impact on our learners?

What are we going to do now? What actions will move us forward? (improvement priorities highlighted in this area)

How would we evaluate this QI using the HGIOS?4/ HGIOELC six-point scale?

3.1 Ensuring wellbeing, equality and inclusion


Fulfilment of statutory duties

Inclusion and equality

As a result of our approach . . . we are improving outcomes for our children and families pupils by putting in targeted interventions – academic and social. Our School community, including parents, has a shared understanding of well-being and dignity All our children feel safe, healthy, achieving . . and included Staff and Partners feel valued and supported

All staff well aware of GIRFEC – Teaching staff recently attended ASG twilights on dyslexia, ADHD and ASD All staff updated Child [protection training in Feb 2017 or June 2017 Improved InCAS scores for socially disadvantaged pupils UN Convention on rights of the child planned into P5/6/7 3 year programme All staff recognise the important role they play, as a small school we know our children and families very well and respond quickly to any issues/needs We have a positive behaviour policy – shared with parents Anecdotal evidence form discussion with children Our children skip constantly through school, they smile and greet everyone warmly. If a child is hurt or sad another child always steps up Buddy system in place Buddy bench to be installed this summer Anecdotal from parents who come in and seek advice about academic work and social/parenting at home Anecdotal evidence from partners who visit school and comment on feeling welcomed etc

We will make use of National Testing data when available – need support on best use Ensure PSAs are well trained in all ASN needs

Ensure all stay up to date with Child Protection Formalise evidence from children – use of survey and make use of P7 annual Lifestyle survey if possible Formalise feedback from parents thru use of surveys, discussion groups, workshop feedback (See SIP 2017-18 #3)


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Relationships across the school community are positive and supportive Because of this our learners benefit from high-quality education – which is broad and involves events with much of our community All staff and partners are proactive in promoting positive relationships

We consider each child as an individual with his/her own rights/risks We ensure inclusion and equality, all learners are engaged and involved in the life of the school and feel well supported

ASG working, partner school working We operate ‘open door’ policy for parents which they make use of as needed Have very good relationship with local Film club, Transition Black Isle and Rowan all of whom work in school with children each year. These allow us to meet needs of all our children PC very supportive. Resolis Country Show, local community event, run by PC and school drew well over 300 people from across the Black Isle and beyond, feedback was unanimously good Established excellent working relationship with Culbokie Primary and Ferintosh CC to support their Summer event this session and they with us for our show in Sept 2018 Use of Social Targets see LL Development of behaviour protocols with all parties incl pupils Positive Behaviour policy used by all staff including PSA on playground duty Small school with excellent knowledge of every child and their home/social circumstances, what they enjoy in and out of school and work to support that All pupils are involved in a citizenship group and plan the term’s activities together with staff JRSOs attend annual course with staff Kai’s enterprise Harrison’s ideas

Continue to work with ASG on moderation/ASN input, CAT sessions, work with school partners on SIP priorities (See SIP 2017-18 #1) Continue to have Film Club, Rowan etc working in school to support broad based curriculum for all pupils (SIP 2017-18 #3) PC and school to continue to work closely with Ferintosh CC and Culbokie School to support each other’s events and include children in a range of activities to support the events (SIP 2017-18 #3) Make use of Learning Conversations to include promotion of positive relationships and develop ‘Resolis Way’ (See SIP 2017-18 #1) Develop surveys/ways of evidencing children’s responses to ensure they feel ‘considered’ etc Use citizenship groups more widely in school – each group to run 2 activities per year Make better use of the house system and house captains to allow pupils to lead others

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Comply and engage with statutory requirements/ codes of practice- Excellent teacher with responsibility for ASN Teacher supports all staff to know what is expected and how to fulfil statutory duties

We ensure inclusion/equality leads to improved outcomes We have effective strategies in place . . and those with ASN because of the very small nature of school, caring ethos and all staff being v aware of all families and children

Teacher with responsibility for ASN (Kirst Edgar) attends regular courses – to update on any new information Time is given for this responsibility and all paper work is up to date and complies – a recent audit of a Child’s Plan from Resolis received praise from Bernadette Cairns as one of best seen. All staff up to date and can go to Kirst for advice and support. Parents are always informed of any needs their child may have and will be invited to meet with TfLS and class teacher to go thru’ any possible interventions/strategies school will implement and are given ideas for supporting child at home Excellent relationships with other agencies – Ed Psych, PMHW, CSWs etc Good use of data to make early identification of individuals and groups requiring more support Children and families are well supported regardless of need but we need to put more targeted support for those pupils and families struggling with social deprivation issues and parents who are less able to support

Our Teacher with responsibility for ASN is TfLS next session shared between Cromarty and Resolis – ensure this partnership works – giving time for network session meeting and relevant courses eg: Social Stories etc and training in use of Dyslexia assessment tools Ensure support remains as Kirst takes up new post, that staff remain confident Continue to develop parent relationships and give them greater understanding of curriculum and ways to support their child/ren (See SIP 2017-18 #3) Ensure children have greater insight in to how well they are doing and how to improve so as to develop increasing responsibility for own learning (See SIP 2017-18 #1) Engage harder to reach families through demo and activity led workshops on Maths Activities and thru Emerging Literacy workshops and home school packs (See SIP 2017-18 #2 & #3)

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Quality Indicators from How good is our school? (4th edition) and where appropriate How good is our Early Learning and Childcare?

How are we doing? What’s working well for our learners? (what are the features of effective practice in our school?)

How do we know? What evidence do we have of positive impact on our learners?

What are we going to do now? What actions will move us forward? (improvement priorities highlighted in this area)

How would we evaluate this QI using the HGIOS?4/ HGIOELC six-point scale?

3.2 Raising attainment and achievement

Attainment in literacy and numeracy

Attainment over time

Overall quality of learners’ achievement

Equity for all learners

Our learners make good progress We have raised attainment in Literacy and Numeracy for all our learners over time Staff make effective use of assessment and their shared understanding of standards to make confident judgements but robust tracking system is not yet in place Overall our learners are successful . . . contribute to the life of the school and wider community Our pupils are adept and have wide range of skills developed thru wide range of activities and opportunities. There are increasing opportunities for older pupils

Improving InCAS scores, phonological assessments show progress from Term 1 to Term4 Discuss spelling with pupils since new spelling programme We know our children v well and can see progress/dips SM Moderation sessions over the year WTA Work with ASG moderation Feb 2017 Discussion of attainment in French with learning partners in Cromarty Pupil Council charities, Hospice Bike Ride, Resolis Country Show with PC, poly tunnel and Community markets Harrisons ideas during flooding 2015 Broad skills developed in school thru’ broad and varied curriculum developed in variety of ways including outdoor learning/team building skills – Milbuie Woods, Evanton Woods, Alltnacriche, P5/6/7 increasing opportunities -Loch Insh and Shieling Project etc, Creative skills thru’ visit to Katy Dove exhibition and stop/frame animation workshop

Continue to work on improving mental maths with daily mental maths programme P4-7. Engage parents in Emerging Literacy programme (See SIP 2017-18 #2) Develop Key assessment tasks in ALL curriculum areas over time to assess attainment of all pupils Improve use of key assessments/profiling and tracking system/risk matrix and data to highlight progress and dips (See SIP 2017-18 #1) Continue to work with ASG moderation group Continue to work with Cromarty on moderation of other curriculum areas Tracking system needs to be embedded with staff and developed to reflect attainment across areas other than Literacy and Numeracy (SIP 2017-18#1) Continue to develop places/events they can contribute to through working with partners within the community (See SIP 2017-18 #3) Continue to find/create opportunities for pupils to develop skills, listen to pupils own ideas and be prepared to enable them to go ahead Develop role of House Captains Continue to include youngest pupils in wider life of school eg: sports and develop further after school opportunities with help of Fortrose Academy Young Leaders. Extend use of poly tunnel to whole


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Effective systems in place to promote equity of success and achievement We have raised attainment of all our learners and in particular our most disadvantaged children

P5/6/7 are Pupil Council and have wide ranging responsibilities in school Many children involved in activities outside of school – then used in school thru ’eg: Talent Show, Kai’s baking enterprise, Fyrish gymnastics team at Resolis Country Show After school clubs have increased this session to include gymnastics from P1 on and multi sports sessions for P3/4 Entered Baillie Cup P1-4 Athletics competition, P1-4 cross country for first time and Inverness Schools Gala. Team in Rotary Quiz, Resilient Kids programmes All children offered opportunity to attend all after school clubs – lifts arranged by agreement for this without transport. Braw Bairns board celebrates achievement of all pupils outside school Star/ Social Target and Celebration Assemblies every other week in school Specifically finding responsibilities/roles for ASN children to boost confidence eg Poly tunnel, working to support younger pupils Improving InCAS scores, phonological assessments show progress, but we need to continue to do this and show evidence more clearly for the learners themselves

school Develop a way thru LJ (?) to get parents to let school know of achievement and interests of children outside school Make use of Learning Conversations so that all pupils can recognise their achievements. (See SIP 2017-18 #3) Use Emerging Lit programme in Nursery and throughout P1-3 to ensure we catch all our pupils and secure Literacy understanding, knowledge and skills (See SIP 2017-18 #2- use of PEF funding)

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Quality Indicators from How good is our school? (4th edition) and where appropriate How good is our Early Learning and Childcare?

How are we doing? What’s working well for our learners? (what are the features of effective practice in our school?)

How do we know? What evidence do we have of positive impact on our learners?

What are we going to do now? What actions will move us forward? (improvement priorities highlighted in this area)

How would we evaluate this QI using the HGIOS?4/ HGIOELC six-point scale?

Additional QI(s) – please specify (include themes as in tables above for other QIs) 2.5 – Family Learning

We have excellent relationships with our families and they seek our support and we theirs frequently Families receive some universal support Universal support is open to most families – working families are not catered for sufficiently Families have regular opportunities to discuss learning and targets Family learning targets are not yet in place Parents and carers are supported to be actively involved and in children’s learning to some extent

Some curriculum workshops eg Mental maths 2016-17 Welcome all new parents and others who want to come along – P7 presentation etc each year in Sept We hold 2x parents Eve each year, LJ folders go home with some key assessment tasks and work covered by children 4 times each year, comment by teacher and child’s own evaluation – parents are asked to comment positively on work in LJ Parents are aware they can arrange to see a teacher at a time convenient but always as soon as possible after request is made Parents of pupils with ASN have extra meetings to review Form 1s/Child’s Plans/ interventions/assessments etc Parents invited into school regularly to see learning in place/results of learning – eg open afternoons,

Need much more parental engagement to improve attainment mainly in Literacy, but also in Numeracy to give all parents confidence in supporting their child at home Need to target some hard to reach parents through demo/activity style work shops and workshops in the evening as well as during school day, request that at least one parent attend Give parents the resources to work in Emerging Literacy with their children from Nursery to P1 and 2 (SIP 2017-18 #1 and #3) Continue with all across Develop LJ to have greater emphasis on showing children’s attainment of eg: a Maths concept to parents Develop key Assessment tasks Work with group of parents to review LJ regularly to meet needs of parents. Look as year progresses to include ‘family learning target’ in LJ folder Engage with parents to find out their views of opportunities to engage with their children’s learning (SIP2017-18 #1, #2, #3) Continue and build on opportunities for more meaningful engagement with parents. For workshops to give parents


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Staff use available data to inform understanding of community and individual family needs to some extent Needs are identified and reviewed in consultation with families, partners and stakeholders Strong partnership approaches facilitate sustainability and a more robust service for families – these to be strengthened further Families consulted but needs to be more n=meaningfully by school to look at developing and progressing this aspect Family Learning Programmes need to be developed to be more stimulating/challenging. To ensure consultation with families to ensure we are beginning to meet all needs

Burns celebration, Talent Show etc Need to engage meaningfully with parents to enable them to work with their children at home so have greater impact on children’s progress in literacy and Maths We feel we know our families very well and have very open, honest and trusting relationships with parents, they come and tell us about changing circumstances, difficulties they may be having that may impact on their children’s learning Excellent staff member with responsibility for ASN Needs identified early by all staff and parents consulted about strategies they can put in place to help support their child and what school will be implementing. Liaison with other agencies is very good – CT/RMcE/bereaved families – Seasons for Growth etc Events in school focus on showing outcomes of learning rather than engaging in how to support families to support their children in learning eg: Christmas play, Burns celebrations etc

confidence to work at home with their children (SIP 2017-18 #1, #2, #3) Make use of SMD data? Better use by all staff of Risk Matrix, use of Pastoral Note within SEEMIS to record engagement where pupils/families are having difficulties Continue to have open door and encourage parents to come and discuss issues before they escalate Reassure parents abut input of other agencies Build on strength of partnerships with more parent group discussion, more demo/activity led workshops which are tightly focused Build in ‘fun’ opportunities for families to engage (SIP2017-18 #2 & #3) Develop programme of engagement with parents that will show them how we work in school and what they could put in place at home to ensure progress for their child Resources to be given to Nursery,P1/2 families to allow them to engage in Early Literacy with their children so improve attainment across literacy in the Early years and then into P3/4 and beyond (SIP 2017-18 #2, #3)

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2.2 Curriculum: Theme 3 Learning Pathways

School community work together to develop, promote and sustain aspirational vision. Curriculum has clear vision and rationale Takes account of learner’s entitlements and fur capacities and reflects uniqueness of Resolis Strategic overview to ensure shared understanding Structure of curriculum provides equity of opportunity to maximise achievements of all our learners Account of 4 contexts and cross cutting themes

All staff, and parents have open, positive relationships with regular formal reporting opportunities and informal access to staff at all times. Vision and aims shared and updated regularly by all staff pupils and parents. Parent Council meet regularly with HT and staff in attendance - all work to promote Resolis Primary and its curriculum. Work with Learning Partners on curriculum development eg Cromarty on French and Maths Work with ASG to develop curriculum eg SSERC science input, Science transition materials Three year rolling programme in place to cover al CfE Es & Os, shared with parents at meeting in 2015-16. Underpinned by rationale with parent and pupil input in 2015-16 Pupils share aims and visions and have recently begun to update both. They are involved in planning of some of their work. Breadth of after school clubs offered – football, netball, gymnastics, multi sports All staff involved in SIP and all teaching staff in development of 3 year rolling programme All shared to PC as appropriate All staff including PSAs have input into curriculum building, regularly reviewed to take into account needs of children and changing community and opportunities available locally All pupils part of citizenship group within class so all are part of each

Share updated vision /aims at Welcome meeting Update website with changes Working with ASG and Fortrose Academy on Film Education Project 2017-18 Work with Culbokie ad N. Kessok Primaries to develop key assessment tasks for reporting and profiling folders (SIP2017-18#1) Update rolling programme/rationale regularly to respond to changes to community Look at broadening extra-curricular activities – chess club/gardening clubs thru local volunteers (SIP2017-18#3) Updates to include representatives of all stakeholders and be shared widely on website/FB page, in hard copy on notice boards and major changes shared thru’ activity based curriculum aft/eve if possible (SIP 2017-18#3) Continue to make most of all opportunities om offer for children Extend use of tunnel to all classes P4C to be taught across whole school

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Creative and innovative approach supports positive outcomes for learner’s Curriculum reviewed regularly Work with stakeholders to ensure creative and innovative approaches to curriculum development Curriculum provides flexible learning pathways . . Leaning pathways support children to build on prior learning and ensure progression Learning pathways based on Es & Os, design principles of progression, coherence, breadth etc Ensure children have access to high quality learning in all areas and thru outdoor learning

thru school career Poly tunnel in place and children working on Growing Award in P3/4/5 P4C in place for P1/2 and P5/6/7 Social Targets in place and celebrated Planning includes children’s ideas they are valued and acted upon – teacher’s planning /jotters Part of Creative Working Group with QIO. Creative element built into all SIP priorities As above SIP now reflects importance given to ‘creativity’ within SIP and all work children undertake Wide range of groupings and change according to ability eg: maths number group could be different to topic maths group. Ensure ASN have needs met as individuals and in small groups as appropriate Prior learning is taken into account thru 3 year programme, continuums passed on to staff at year end WTA Before new topics there is discussion with pupils and eg KWL grids - topic jotters Staff work hard to ensure all teaching and learning is of high quality. Opportunities for children in outdoor activities is especially good in Nursery. All staff use playground, field for some learning opportunities. We make use of outdoor learning environments locally – Milbuie and Evanton Woods. P7 have transition

Ensure all staff including PSAs have shared understanding of need for creativity within all of our curriculum Engage children in the process of planning for creativity within curriculum (SIP 2017-18#1, #2, #3) Complete pilot use of Creativity element of SIP priorities, working with Eden Court, HC Creativity staff and QIO feedback to stakeholders and work to implement as way of working in the future (SIP 2017-18#1, #2, #3) Continue to group according to need and interest in some areas Use SM to discuss groupings alongside ASN and moderating work Work on reporting and profiling to develop pathways to ensure progress and meeting needs of all pupils (SIP2017-18#1) Plan outdoor learning activities into each terms planning. Develop tree area in playground working with PC

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All staff/partners provide good opportunities to develop children’s skills for learning, life and work in motivating contexts Ensure increasing levels of challenge as they develop skills for learning, life and work Staff and partners provide well planned opportunities for learners to develop awareness of work Emphasise enterprise and creativity

residential at Loch Insh on outdoor learning and team building activities All visitors to P5/6/7 class are interviewed about work they do by children- building a portfolio of jobs. Discuss with P5/6/7 class. This class have visited My World Of Work for workshop. Diary date Area of Maths is based in context each term, planned together as a staff WTA Enterprise project, led by P6/7 – lead learning for whole school. Pupils take produce to Resolis Christmas Fair Kai’s baking enterprise As above

Extend use of job interview across the school –P6/7 to lead learning Continue Undertake new project this session – art exhibition? (Link with SIP 2017-18#3) Take produce from poly tunnel to Community market for sale Involvement in Creativity Working group, include’ creativity as integral part of all SIP areas (SIP 2017-18#1, #2, #3 )

2.7 Partnerships – theme 3 Impact on Learners The impact of parental involvement on improving children and young people’s learning.

Partner ships based firmly on vision, values, aims etc This is the case with parents – need to share other partners Partners understand and appreciate different contexts and value range of expertise our learners can benefit from All partners invest significant time to establish positive relationships Engagement between partners is

Parents are very supportive of the way we work in school, and anecdotally agree with our dealing with specific issues. Parents very involved in school – working in classrooms/coming on trips so see first hand how we support children etc – parents always in Parents asked in past two sessions about attitudes to homework and for input into rationale Have very good relationship with local Film club, Transition Black Isle and Rowan all of whom work in school with children each year. These allow us to meet needs of all our children. Work with partners is beginning to become well

Need to ensure all partners are aware of vision/aims etc Continue to involve parents as much as possible Engage with harder to reach parents on how to support their children in all areas to improve progress of all our pupils (SIP 2107-18#3) Continue to develop relationships with all partners, look to establish new ones eg: to support the poly tunnel learning (SIP 2107-18#3)

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regular, structured and supportive We do not yet have ‘partnership agreements’ Partnerships include structured opportunities, plan together effectively, deliver and monitor. Definitely the case with Rowan and Transition Black Isle Through effective partnership working we have improved our learning provision for our children Partnerships have definitely increased parental engagement As a result of effective partnerships all our learners have access to extended range of learning pathways . . securing positive destination

embedded into 3 year rolling programme so part of our way of working Working with Toni Clarke from Rowan and Martin Sherring from TBI – diary dates/notes etc also see Rowan and TBI websites Anecdotally children will discuss how involvement with partners has enhance d and developed their learning – bringing their interests into the classroom, working with professionals outwith school and learning about their jobs etc More parents willing to come on visits – requests to parents tailored if we know they have an interest/expertise eg: Kerry to Katy Dove exhibition, Becs to Sheiling project Parents -Becs and Tom- developing visits to Milbuie forest for P3/4/5 the P1/2 Visits planned to enhance curriculum and especially in P5/6/7 have element of showing children possibilities beyond school eg My World of Work, Shieling Project, poly tunnel project

Research partnership agreements’ and develop if appropriate Continue Develop annual timetable where possible for those already planned and to put in those opportunities that come our way eg Shieling Project, May fly in the classroom, P1/2 trip to Hampden etc. Always be open to taking up new opportunities if possible Work with partners to strengthen evaluation of impact of input and develop idea of joint professional learning eg; Grow North workshops Need to formalise recording of impact from children’s and staff’s point of view Continue to use and develop parental interest and make use of it in school Consider parents when creating partners list (SIP 2017-18 #3) Ensure that engagement follows through into improved attainment in Numeracy and Literacy – parents in the classroom to support activities after events they have been on where possible Consider pathways when arranging visits, ensure spread of types of visit and engagement with other agencies to stimulate children’s interests beyond school and get them thinking of possible jobs/careers etc

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PART TWO – School Improvement Plan

Summary: Key School Improvement Priorities (add further rows if required):

Improvement Priority Title Relevant QI(s) and Theme(s)

Moving Towards Continuous Profiling and Reporting

2.2 Curriculum 2.3 Learning ,Teaching and Assessment 2.4 Personalised Learning 2.6 Transitions

Emerging Literacy

2.2 Curriculum 2.3 Learning ,Teaching and Assessment 2.5 Family Leaning 2.6 Transitions 2.7 Partnerships 3.2 Raising Attainment and Achievement

Working with all our families and other partners

2.2 Curriculum 2.5 Family Leaning 2.7 Partnerships 3.1 Improving wellbeing, equality and inclusion 3.2 Raising Attainment and Achievement 3.3 Increasing creativity and employability

Complete a detailed action plan for each of these agreed priorities on the following pages (add more pages if required).

Develop effective mechanisms to promote greater involvement and partnerships with all partners - pupils, parents, outside agencies and community

partners in curriculum development, continuous improvement and self-evaluation

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In depth action plan #1

Improvement Priority title: Moving Towards Continuous Profiling and Reporting

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Linked to QI/Theme: 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.6

Linked to National Improvement Framework Priority (check any that apply):

Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy ☒

Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children ☐

Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing ☐

Improvement in employability skills and sustained, positive school leaver destinations for all young people ☒

Linked to National Improvement Driver (check any that apply):

School Leadership ☐ Teacher Professionalism ☐ Parental Engagement ☒ Assessment of Children’s Progress ☒

What difference will it make for learners? (what impact do we expect to see?):

Pupils as learners will:

have a Learning Journey which demonstrates ‘Who I am in my learning?’, ‘Where I am in my learning?’ and ‘Where do I want to get to?’

Staff as learners will:

understand the principles of continuous profiling and reporting through:

- the curriculum,

- skills for learning, life and work,

- key assessment tasks and

- effective feedback and learning conversations.

have greater awareness of all children’s progress , most especially those with individual needs or whose scores suddenly take a dip/rise and so-

- will be able to plan more effectively to meet their needs using targeted input more effectively.

- will be able to give better feedback to partners working with all children, parents and at transition

- will be able to improve feedback to all children and allow them to have greater responsibility over their own learning and know ‘how they are doing’ and

what to do to improve further.

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Success criteria (how will we know if the change has been an improvement?):

Pupils as learners will:

be able to articulate where they are in their learning, who they are in their learning and where they are going next, sharing this with their peers, their families and staff within the school

use the language of skills when reflecting on their learning and sharing Learning Journeys with parents and other partners

Staff as learners will:

share each learner’s progress with the learner and their families

build key assessment tasks at the planning stage

identify each learner’s achievement through understanding the principles of the NAR Flowchart

use learning conversations to support continuous dialogue between: - learner teacher - learner learner - learner family - teacher family

- teacher teacher

- teacher learner family.

Staff and children as learners will:

be engaged in Learning Conversations.

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What exactly are we going to do? (detail of specific actions)

Term 1

Develop Learning Conversations format for staff and pupils

Baseline 3 questions with pupil group

Develop Key Assessment tasks in Maths and HWB with school partners - N. Kessock Primary School ( +

Culbokie Primary School ?) – 2 x CAT sessions

Develop proforma for all partners to reflect in LJ + children’s own to put their own choice + sheets for

parents – info/how to do/questions to ask about LJ

Workshop - Introduce Profiling and Reporting to families – create Parent group

Introduce ‘Resolis Way’ – reflection on Social Target/class focus on alternate weeks in H/S Diary

Term 2

Parent’s Eve

Share Learning Conversations with parents at open afternoon

Develop Key Assessment tasks in Literacy/other area with school partners – N Kessock (+ Culbokie?) 1 x CAT


Term 3

Feedback from pupil group on LJ and engagement with parents and 3 questions

Develop further Key Assessment tasks – depending on focus in LJ folder (J rock ?)

Create a Family Engagement Calendar

Open afternoon for community – J rock dress rehearsal ?

Take feedback from parent group

Term 4

Parent’s Eve

Evening Talent Show/ Video eve for J Rock

Children to write Learner’s statement

Short reports

Who will lead this? (detail of responsibilities and timescales)

JB + Teaching staff and PSAs Aug ‘17

First conversations Sept/Oct 17 completed by Oct break ‘17

JB and pupil group

JB, MMcK (N Kessock), RN (Culbokie) +Teaching staff - Sept ‘17

JB + Teaching staff Sept ’17, JB with parent group

JB + Teaching staff with pupils demo use of questions etc Early Oct ’17 1x

afternoon and 1x evening

JB + Teaching staff Aug ‘17

Teaching staff Nov ‘17

All staff Nov ‘17

JB, MMcK (N Kessock), RN (Culbokie) +Teaching staff - Oct/Nov ’17

JB and pupil group Jan ’18

All staff

Teaching staff - Jan ‘18

JB, EB, PH and SJ Mar’18

JB with parent group - Mar ‘18

Teaching staff -Apr ‘18

JB, EB Apr ‘18

All staff May’18

Teaching staff June ‘18

Monitoring and evaluation procedures (how will we know if our success criteria have been met

and what evidence will we have to inform our next annual School Improvement Plan Report?):

Discussions with pupil group Term 1, 2, 4

Moderation of Key Assessment tasks with N Kessock (and Culbokie ?)

Post-its feedback from parents at workshops for Prof and Rep intro and for Learning Conv open afts

Meet with Parent group Term 2, Term 4

Who will lead this? (detail of responsibilities and timescales)

JB - Sept ’17, Dec’17, Apr’18

All teaching staff - Term 3

All staff at each workshop

JB - Nov ’17, May ‘18

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Equity implications: (how will you ensure that pupils experiencing disadvantage will not be adversely affected by this improvement project?)

Inviting parents in for demonstrations – focus on conversations and demos - not just reading/writing responses

Range of ways to take feedback from parents – discussion, Post-its, survey

Close consideration of which parents/timings/notice/transport

Encourage some parents to be part of the ‘parent group’, ensure parents feel comfortable –make pairs? (see above for parent group)

Staff wellbeing and pastoral support implications: (how will you ensure that this improvement project does not impact negatively on staff wellbeing and workload?)

Need to take care with evening commitments /need for flexibility for staff/sharing the workload

Creativity opportunities: (how can opportunities be included in this project to address the development of creativity skills in pupils?)

Include ideas from both pupil group and parent group in development of LJ folders/proforma; to be stimulating and encourage interaction for all partners

Demos/workshops for parents with staff working alongside pupils at Intro event for Profiling and Reporting/ pupil to pupil learning conversation demo rather than sitting/ listening

Use of whole school projects and J rock event for focus in LJ folders to encourage parental involvement in children’s progress to include open aft and dress rehearsal/video night

seeing the wider achievements of children

Expected resource needs (including costings if applicable): Allocation of Pupil Equity Funding should be referenced in this box, if appropriate:

Stationary for updating folders

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In depth action plan #2

Improvement Priority title: Emerging Literacy

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Linked to QI/Theme: 2.2, 2.3, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 3.2 – link with Priority ~#3

Linked to National Improvement Framework Priority (check any that apply):

Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy ☒

Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children ☒

Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing ☐

Improvement in employability skills and sustained, positive school leaver destinations for all young people ☐

Linked to National Improvement Driver (check any that apply):

School Leadership ☐ Teacher Professionalism ☒ Parental Engagement ☒ Assessment of Children’s Progress ☒

What difference will it make for learners? (what impact do we expect to see?):

Pupils as learners will:

experience a developmentally appropriate curriculum using the developmental continua to support current programmes

have developed the foundation skills required for early reading and writing, resulting in positive destinations and literacy attainment

be tracked using developmental continua to ensure that individual needs are met

have more effective involvement of parents in working with them on early literacy

Staff as learners will:

understand the developmental approach to Emerging Literacy at the Early Level

be able to articulate the progress of each learner, based on robust evidence

Success criteria (how will we know if the change has been an improvement?):

Pupils as learners will:

have a secure foundation skills in early reading and writing

make appropriate progress in Literacy within the Early level

Staff as learners will:

demonstrate research based practice

be able to articulate the progress of each learner

have report back children’s progress more effectively with parents and children

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What exactly are we going to do? (detail of specific actions)

Term 1

Develop Emerging Literacy Home Resource packs for Pre Handwriting skills

Nursery - Use stories – re telling with visual props/acting out. Focus on Listening and Attention

from Phonological Awareness continuum. Eilidh Brown to observe

P1 to follow on – using stories to stimulate own work/drama – use paired writing session with

P6/7 as scribes

Training for Nursery staff on EM Lit Resource packs for parents

Nursery and Eilidh to run Nursery Parent Workshop on use of Em Lit Resource packs – Nursery to

use ‘Stay and Play’ sessions for parents to engage also

P1/2 Emerging Lit Assessments. On-going work on Auditory discrim/Aud and Vis Memory

P1/2 Parent workshops on use of Em Lit Home Resource packs for Pre Handwriting skills and how

Em Lit is taught in school

Attending local network meetings

Term 2

P1/2 Parent workshops on use of Em Lit Home Resource packs for Phonological Awareness

Training for Nursery staff on Word Boundaries from Phonological Awareness Cont

Nursery to implement work on Word Boundaries, continue with rhyming work – children

producing own rhymes – nonsense is fine

P1/2 Continue to work on Emerging Literacy, plugging gaps found in assessments

Term 3

Training for Nursery staff on Rhyme work from Emerging Lit – Phonological Awareness Cont

Nursery to focus on use of rhyme in literacy/story/drama work

P1/2 continue with Em Lit development

P1/2 continuing Word Boundary work as N begin transition sessions into P1/2 classroom

Work shop to review use of Resource packs to date with parents introduce strategies and games

for parents to use to develop

Term 4

In Nursery develop positional language to link actions and words and develop gross and fine

motor skills from Pre-Handwriting Dev Cont– making use of play –big tyres, climbing wall, dance

work, rollers big painting etc

P1/2 to make use of climbing wall etc, continue Nursery work especially during transition sessions

Develop Concepts of Print Home Resource packs

Nursery School

Who will lead this? (detail of responsibilities and timescales)

EB and JB - Aug ‘17

Nursery staff – TF, KMc and TC with EB (P1 teacher) Term 1

EB Term 1

Nursery staff – TF, KMc and TC with EB Sept ‘17

Nursery staff – TF, KMc and TC with EB Oct ‘17

EB Sept ‘17

EB and JB Sept/Oct ‘17

EB - On going

EB + JB Nov ’17

Nursery staff – TF, KMc and TC with EB – Nov ‘17

Nursery staff – TF, KMc and TC - Term 2

EB - on going

Nursery staff – TF, KMc and TC with EB - Jan/Feb ‘18

Nursery staff - TF, KMc and TC - Term 3

EB – Term 3

EB – Term 3

EB and JB - Feb ‘18

Nursery staff - TF, KMc and TC - Term 4

EB - On going

EB + JB Apr ‘18

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Monitoring and evaluation procedures (how will we know if our success criteria have been met

and what evidence will we have to inform our next annual School Improvement Plan Report?):

Initial assessments completed

Weekly meetings between JB and Nursery staff + EB on termly basis to review work

Review with parents thru survey, use of EM Lit home packs to develop Pre Handwriting skills and Phono Awareness and Concepts of Print

Families will have attended with workshops and engaged in activities, using packs, with children at home

Who will lead this? (detail of responsibilities and timescales)

EB JB with TF, KMc, TC + EB termly JB Feb ’18 then May ‘18 JB as appropriate

Equity implications: (how will you ensure that pupils experiencing disadvantage will not be adversely affected by this improvement project?)

All parents to receive packs

Ensure that workshops can be run when at least one parent from each family can attend – aft/eve, awareness of transport issues and partnering parents for travel and


Workshops to be activity based with little dependence on reading/writing skills

Staff wellbeing and pastoral support implications: (how will you ensure that this improvement project does not impact negatively on staff wellbeing and workload?)

Provide EB with sufficient time to work alongside N staff – use of HT management time for N to be used

WTA to reflect work by all staff especially EB

Creativity opportunities: (how can opportunities be included in this project to address the development of creativity skills in pupils?)

We will be engaging with parents in developing their children’s gross and fine motor skills, pre-writing skills etc thru’ a range of well-presented fun activities which will be

resourced by school and presented at ‘demo’ workshop. Staff to plan use of outdoors to develop gross and fine motor skills as well as stimulus for writing contexts

Expected resource needs (including costings if applicable): Allocation of Pupil Equity Funding should be referenced in this box, if appropriate:

PEF Funding – see PEF funding sheet. This will be used to resource all parents in Nursery and P1/2 with ‘Emerging Literacy Home Resource packs’ for :

Pre-Handwriting skills – Term 1

Phonological Awareness - Term 2

Developing Concepts of Print - Term 3

Two classrooms to be resourced with tools and materials to build on all Emerging Literacy Skills

Funding for new books for family and school use to develop Concepts of Print

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In depth action plan #3

Improvement Priority title: Engaging families and other partners

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Linked to QI/Theme: 2.2, 2.5, 2.7 3.1, 3.2, 3.3

Linked to National Improvement Framework Priority (check any that apply):

Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy ☐

Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children ☒

Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing ☒

Improvement in employability skills and sustained, positive school leaver destinations for all young people ☒

Linked to National Improvement Driver (check any that apply):

School Leadership ☒ Teacher Professionalism ☐ Parental Engagement ☒ Assessment of Children’s Progress ☐

What difference will it make for learners? (what impact do we expect to see?):

Pupils as learners will:

have access to broader experiences/adding to school curriculum

have more effective input into school curriculum and school activities show improved homework with input from parents

Staff as learners will:

have better understanding of parents needs when supporting their children

Success criteria (how will we know if the change has been an improvement?):

Pupils as learners will:

have increased confidence in their knowledge – as shown thru’ Learning Conversations and discussions in class

have learners statements which indicate involvement in wider range of activities

Staff as learners will:

have more confident in understanding relationships with parents, improved conversations with parents at Parents Eves etc

have more volunteers in class with better understanding of work school does and how to support it

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What exactly are we going to do? (detail of specific actions) Term 1

Introduce Em Lit resource packs for Nursery and P1/2 parents/pupils to use together (See Em Lit plan) +

workshop for N and P1/2 parents

Ask parents/children for suggestions of groups within the community / Create list of groups/people to involve

Introduce Profiling and Reporting to families (See Prof and Rep Action Plan)

Maths games/picnic lunch and Clan Highland Games for Community

‘What Goes on in Our Community’ assemblies 1:3 – throughout the year

Poly tunnel – engage older folks – Grandparents/Friendship Club/Resolis Community Council

Work with Resolis and Cromarty Arts and Film Club

Term 2

Parents Eve (See Prof and Rep Action Plan)

Share learning Conversations with parents at open aft (See Prof and Rep Action Plan)

St Andrew’s afternoon/ceilidh

Term 3

Feedback from Pupil group on LJ and engagement with parents and 3 questions (See Prof and Rep Action


Create family engagement calendar – share and take feedback – survey

Open aft for community – J rock dress rehearsal

Shared Resilient Kids

Term 4

Start planning with PC for Resolis Country Fayre

Sports day

Transition programme

Shieling Project partners

Who will lead this? (detail of responsibilities and timescales)

JB +EB – on going thru the session T1, T2, T3 – review workshop

JB - Aug’17

JB + staff Oct ‘17

All staff/ kitchen staff/Families/Academy pupils/ex pupils Sept ’17 (plan


JB and all staff + partners where ever possible – on going thru’ the year

JB and other staff/parents – Term 1

JB with PC Oct’17 – Dec ‘17

All teaching staff - Nov ‘17

All staff – Oct ‘17

All staff - Nov ‘17

JB - Jan ‘18

HT + all staff

EB and JB

All teaching staff with ASG

Parent Council and JB

JB + Fortrose PE and young leaders

KE and ASG partners

KE, JB + Shieling partners – Sam Harrison

Monitoring and evaluation procedures (how will we know if our success criteria have been met

and what evidence will we have to inform our next annual School Improvement Plan Report?):

Information incl reports on activities in newsletters/website/FB site

Survey parents at year end about range of activities

Staff discuss activities with classes to get feedback on working alongside each partner each term

Review involvement of partners with parents/staff/pupils - survey

Who will lead this? (detail of responsibilities and timescales)

JB and EB on going

JB - May ‘18

All staff - on going

JB - Apr’18

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Equity implications: (how will you ensure that pupils experiencing disadvantage will not be adversely affected by this improvement project?)

Information to be shared in range of ways including newsletters/website/Parents FB page

Feedback to be via survey and discussions with parents and partners

Staff wellbeing and pastoral support implications: (how will you ensure that this improvement project does not impact negatively on staff wellbeing and workload?)

Creativity opportunities: (how can opportunities be included in this project to address the development of creativity skills in pupils?)

We are seeking to engage parents in the life of the school more fully by doing more workshop based aft and eves which are activity led – some of these will be planned and run buy

pupils rather than staff, having new events for parents and other partners to participate in

Parents to be invited to plan and run an activity day with staff supporting them – based on Highland Games model.

Parents/partners to be invited to suggest groups and other partners we can work with

Parents/partners to be invited to ‘What Goes On In Our Community’ assemblies, both as partners and participants and to come and watch.

Working alongside Resolis and Cromarty Film and Arts Club – a community partner to provide more opportunities for productions

As many parents/partners as we can persuade to be involved in J Rock – fund raising, costumes, performance, scenes and lighting, back stage, music etc

Expected resource needs (including costings if applicable): Allocation of Pupil Equity Funding should be referenced in this box, if appropriate:

There will be costs associated with J Rock but we intend to fundraise for this.

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APPENDIX 5: Glossary of terms

Attainment The measurable progress which children and young people make as they progress through and beyond school. This progress is in relation to curriculum areas and in the development of skills for learning, life and work.

Achievement The totality of skills and attributes embedded within the four capacities of Curriculum for Excellence and developed across the curriculum in school and through learning in other contexts.

Creativity The process which generates ideas that have value to the individual. It involves looking at familiar things with a fresh eye, examining problems with an open mind, making connections, learning from mistakes and using imagination to explore new possibilities.

Closing the attainment gap Working to reduce the gap in progress, attainment and achievement between those living in Scotland’s least and most disadvantaged homes. Many children and young people from lower-income households do significantly worse at all levels of the education system than those from better-off homes.

Disadvantage This is a term used to describe the extent to which children experience socio-economic barriers to their progress. It is commonly measured using the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD), which was used to determine which schools received Scottish Attainment Challenge funding, or by considering Free School Meal entitlement, which was us ed to calculate Pupil Equity Funding allocations.

Equity Treating people fairly, but not necessarily treating people the same. Equity in education means that personal or social circ umstances such as gender, ethnic origin or family background are not obstacles to achieving educational potential and that all our young people are well supported to secure wellbeing, skills for learning, life and work and the best possible post -school destination.

Family learning This is a powerful method of engagement and learning which can foster positive attitudes towards life-long learning, promote socio-economic resilience and challenge educational disadvantage. Engagement with families is going to be crucial in addressing the equity gap.

Partners Partners include all individuals or organisations that deliver learning and contribute to the life and work of the school. These may include CLD services, colleges, universities, employers, third sector, community organisations, and libraries. GIRFEC partners are the professional partners you work with who help you to address the GIRFEC agenda (e.g. Educational Psychology service, CSWs, Speech and Langu age Therapy and so on.)

Pupil Equity Funding The Pupil Equity Funding is additional funding allocated directly to schools and targeted at closing the poverty related attainment gap. The Scottish Government has committed to this funding as part of the Scottish Attainment Challenge programme from 2017-18. The Pupil Equity Funding forms part of the £750m Attainment Scotland Fund. It is allocated on the basis of Free School Meal entitlement.

Safeguarding This is a much wider concept than child protection and refers to promoting the welfare of children. It encompasses: protecting children from maltreatment; preventing impairment of children’s health or development; ensuring that children are growing up in circumstanc es consistent with the provision of safe and effective care, and taking action to enable all children and young people to have the best outcome. Child protection is part of this definition and refers to activities undertaken to prevent children suffering, or li kely to suffer, significant harm.

School community This means all children and young people, staff, parents/carers, families and partners who are connected to the school.

Volunteers This means everyone who contribute to the school’s curriculum (in the widest sense) by offering activities and opportunities for children, but who are not employed to do this. Parents running after school clubs or school chaplains offering lunchtime drop-in sessions would be two examples of volunteers.