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  • Priority 1 Registration: Nov 18Priority 2 Registration: Nov 20Priority 3 Registration: Nov 21Priority 4 Registration: Dec 4Priority 5 Registration: Dec 5Schedule of Classes: Spring 2020


    Transf erable: CSU, UC

    An introduction to accounting as an inf ormation sy stem, examining why it is important and how it is used by inv estors, creditors, and others to make decisions. The course cov ers the accounting inf ormation sy stem including the process, purpose, concepts, rules, and theory . The course will include the application of accounting principles, concepts, and theory used to accumulate and summarize f inancial data into f inancial statements. The course will include issues relating to asset, liability , and equity v aluation, rev enue and expense recognition, cash f low, internal controls, and ethics. The course will include the critical analy sis and interpretation of f inancial inf ormation and f inancial statements. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. (C-ID: ACCT 110) ADVISORY: Intermediate Algebra (Math 233 or Math 240), English College Reading (English 260), English Practical Writing (English 250), and basic computerized spreadsheet knowledge.

    ACCT 20: Financial Accounting

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    jwolowitz@gav ilan.eduACCT 2040039 12Wolowitz, Jason4.0Online:

    jwolowitz@gav ilan.eduACCT 20 BU-12003:00 pm - 05:05 pm TR40053 3Wolowitz, Jason4.0Lec

    kv alenzuela@gav ilan.eduACCT 20 HOL-205:35 pm - 09:55 pm T40059 10Valenzuela Roque, Karla4.0Lec

    Above class meets at the Hollister Briggs site.

    jwolowitz@gav ilan.eduACCT 20 BU-12006:30 pm - 08:35 pm T41275 12Wolowitz, Jason2.0Lec

    jwolowitz@gav ilan.eduACCT 20 Wolowitz, Jason2.0Online:

    Transf erable: CSU, UC

    This course will study how managers use accounting inf ormation f or decision making, planning, directing and controlling. Topics will include managerial control methods, cost terms, cost concepts, cost behav iors, cost accounting, cost-v olume-prof it analy sis, v ariable costing, budgeting, decision making concepts and other related topics. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. (C-ID: ACCT 120) PREREQUISITE: ACCT 20, Financial Accounting. ADVISORY: Intermediate Algebra (Math 233 or Math 240), eligible f or English 1A and basic computerized spreadsheet knowledge.

    ACCT 21: Managerial Accounting

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    jwolowitz@gav ilan.eduACCT 2140037 19Wolowitz, Jason4.0Online:

    jwolowitz@gav ilan.eduACCT 21 BU-12001:00 pm - 02:30 pm TR41203 FULLWolowitz, Jason3.0Lec

    jwolowitz@gav ilan.eduACCT 21 Wolowitz, Jason1.0Online:

    Transf erable: CSU

    This course is designed to prepare students f or entry -lev el of f ice accounting positions. Emphasis is on practical accounting applications. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. ADVISORY: Eligible f or Mathematics 430.

    ACCT 103: General Office Accounting

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    kv alenzuela@gav ilan.eduACCT 103 BU-11806:00 pm - 09:10 pm R40991 8Valenzuela Roque, Karla3.0Lec

    Transf erable: CSU

    An introduction to computer-assisted accounting. Hands-on use of a microcomputer menu-driv en accounting package to do general ledger, sales journal, cash receipts journal, cash pay ments journal, purchases journal, pay roll, receiv ables, pay ables and related f inancial reports. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. This course is also listed as CSIS 120. (C-ID: ACCT 120) ADVISORY: CSIS 1 or CSIS 2 or the equiv alent computer experience. ACCT 20 or ACCT 101 or ACCT 103 or ACCT 105 or the equiv alent accounting experience.

    ACCT 120: Com puterized Accounting - QuickBooks

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 4/17/2020 1:01:25 PM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m.the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    ACCT 12041272 STAFF, S Cancelled

    Transf erable: CSU

    This computer spreadsheet sof tware course uses a hands-on approach to learning terms, commands, and applications of a spreadsheet program. It includes creating spreadsheets that utilize f ormulas, graphing, f ormatting, database f eatures, and f inancial business calculations f or decision making. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. Also listed as ACCT 121. ADVISORY: CSIS 1 or CSIS 2 or basic key boarding skills.

    ACCT 121: Spreadsheet - MS Excel

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    jconrey @gav ilan.eduACCT 12140277 4Conrey , Janet3.0Online:

    jconrey @gav ilan.eduACCT 121 BU-11111:25 am - 02:35 pm W41300 FULLConrey , Janet3.0Lec


    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:D, IGETC:4H, GAV-GE:D2

    This course centers on conceptually def ining terrorism (all ty pes-f oreign and domestic, lef t and right-wing, religious, env ironmental, and political, state and non-state), tracing the history and beginnings of modern international and domestic terrorism, critically examining the v arious U.S.- global responses to the 9-11-01 attacks, as well as generally ev aluating and assessing how countries and people around the world try to cope with, prev ent and/or respond to attacks by terrorist organizations, groups, or acts of terrorism perpetrated by nation-states or groups working with nation-states. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. This course is also listed as POLS 5.

    AJ 5: Introduction to Modern International Terrorism

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    mturetzky @gav ilan.eduAJ 5 SS-21006:00 pm - 09:10 pm T40768 18Turetzky , Marc3.0Lec

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:D, IGETC:4H, GAV-GE:D2, F

    The history and philosophy of justice as it ev olv ed throughout the world; in-depth study of the American sy stem and v arious sub-sy stems; roles and role expectations of criminal justice agents in their interrelationships in society ; concepts of crime causations, punishments and rehabilitation; ethics, education and training f or prof essionalism in the social sy stem. (C-ID: AJ 110) ADVISORY: Eligible f or English 250 and English 260.

    AJ 10: Introduction to the Adm inistration of Justice

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    CBohn@gav ilan.eduAJ 10 BU-12011:20 am - 12:45 pm TR40082 2Bohn, Charles3.0Lec

    rlacarra@gav ilan.eduAJ 10 BU-12008:10 am - 09:35 am MW40086 FULLLaCarra, Roberto3.0Lec

    rlacarra@gav ilan.eduAJ 1040088 3LaCarra, Roberto3.0Online:

    CBohn@gav ilan.eduAJ 10 BU-10303:30 pm - 06:40 pm R40879 16Bohn, Charles3.0LecThe High Step program is designed f or high school juniors and seniors. All

    concurrent enrollment documents (high school contract f orms and requirements) are required.

    This class is taught at Gilroy High School 750 W. 10th St. Gilroy , CA 95020Please call (408) 848-4719 with questions.

    jspicer@gav ilan.eduAJ 10 LOHS-03:30 pm - 06:40 pm R41016 11Spicer, John3.0Lec

    The High Step program is designed f or high school juniors and seniors. All concurrent enrollment documents (high school contract f orms and requirements) are required.

    This class is taught at Liv e Oak High School 1505 E Main Av e, Morgan Hill, CA 95037

    Please call (408) 848-4719 with questions.

    Page 2 of 125

    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 4/17/2020 1:01:25 PM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m.the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • AJ 1041274 STAFF, S Cancelled

    AJ 1041302 STAFF, S Cancelled

    Transf erable: CSU

    Legal processes f rom pre-arrest, arrest through trial, sentencing and correctional procedures; a rev iew of the history of case and common law; conceptual interpretations of law as ref lected in court decisions; a study of case law methodology and case research as the decisions impact upon the procedures of the justice sy stem. (C-ID: AJ 122) ADVISORY: AJ 10; Eligible f or English 250 and English 260.

    AJ 12: Crim inal Procedures

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    rlacarra@gav ilan.eduAJ 1240092 1LaCarra, Roberto3.0Online:

    Transf erable: CSU, UC

    Historical dev elopment, philosophy of law and constitutional prov isions; def initions, classif ications of crime, and their applications to the sy stem of administration of justice; legal research, rev iew of case law, methodology , and concepts of law as a social f orce. Explores crimes against persons, property , and the state. (C-ID: AJ 120) ADVISORY: AJ 10; Eligible f or English 250 and English 260.

    AJ 14: Crim inal Law

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    rlacarra@gav ilan.eduAJ 1440095 FULLLaCarra, Roberto3.0Online:

    Transf erable: CSU

    This course cov ers the origin, dev elopment, philosophy and basis of ev idence; constitutional and procedural considerations af f ecting arrest, search and seizure; ty pes of ev idence and rules gov erning admissibility ; judicial decisions interpreting indiv idual rights and case studies. In addition to the Federal Rules of Ev idence, the course also includes the Calif ornia law regarding the rules of ev idence. (C-ID: AJ 124) ADVISORY: AJ 10 and Eligible f or English 250 and English 260.

    AJ 16: Introduction to Evidence

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    slav orato@gav ilan.eduAJ 16 BU-10306:00 pm - 09:10 pm M40103 FULLLav orato, Sam3.0Lec

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; GAV-GE:F

    The course examines the complex, dy namic relationship between communities and the institutions of the justice sy stem in addressing crime and conf lict with an emphasis on the challenges and prospects of administering justice within a div erse multicultural population. It also examines new strategies, skills, tools, and cultural knowledge necessary f or personnel engaged in all aspects of the criminal justice sy stem. (C-ID: AJ 160) ADVISORY: Eligible f or English 250 and English 260; AJ 10.

    AJ 18: Com m unity Relations and the Justice System

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    rlacarra@gav ilan.eduAJ 18 BU-12009:45 am - 11:10 am TR40098 11LaCarra, Roberto3.0Lec

    This Serv ice Learning class inv olv es benef icial community work.

    rlacarra@gav ilan.eduAJ 1841190 5LaCarra, Roberto3.0Online:

    Transf erable: CSU

    Fundamentals of inv estigation; techniques of crime scene search and recording; collection and preserv ation of phy sical ev idence; modus operandi processes; sources of inf ormation; interv iew and interrogation, and f ollow-up inv estigation. (C-ID: AJ 140) ADVISORY: Eligible f or English 250 and English 260.

    AJ 19: Introduction to Investigation

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 4/17/2020 1:01:25 PM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m.the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    jspicer@gav ilan.eduAJ 19 MP-11411:20 am - 12:45 pm MW40102 FULLSpicer, John3.0Lec

    Transf erable: CSU, UC

    This course cov ers techniques of handling juv enile of f enders and v ictims; prev ention and repression of delinquency ; diagnosis and ref erral; and organization of community resources. The course also includes juv enile law and juv enile court procedure with a strong emphasis on Calif ornia law, including the Calif ornia Penal and Welf are and Institution Codes. (C-ID: AJ 220) ADVISORY: Eligible f or English 250 and English 260.

    AJ 20: Juvenile Law and Procedure

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    rlacarra@gav ilan.eduAJ 2041290 FULLLaCarra, Roberto3.0Online:

    Transf erable: CSU

    An introduction to major ty pes of criminal behav ior, characteristics of of f enders, f actors which contribute to crime and delinquency ; the criminal justice process: the f unction of law enf orcement, the courts, probation, parole and institutions; changes in crime control and treatment processes, the role of society . ADVISORY: Eligible f or English 250 and English 260.

    AJ 32: Crim e and Delinquency

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    rlacarra@gav ilan.eduAJ 3240138 1LaCarra, Roberto3.0Online:

    Transf erable: CSU

    This 884 - 1062 v ariable unit course satisf ies required training mandates gov erned by the Commission on Peace Of f icer Standards and Training (POST) entry lev el Peace Of f icers. The course includes principles, procedures and techniques of law enf orcement, including: Criminal Justice Law, Patrol and Inv estigation procedures, Def ensiv e Tactics, Firearms/Chemical Agents, Leadership, Ethics, Community Relations, Police Vehicles Operations, Traf f ic Enf orcement, Cultural Div ersity , Report Writing, and First Aid/CPR. Course requires signif icant time commitment and outside course work including unif orm preparation, homework assignments and equipment maintenance. PREREQUISITES: 1) Completion of POST approv ed pre-entry English skills assessment examination and phy sical agility test. 2) Medical clearance by a licensed phy sician. 3) Penal Code Section 13511.5 requires that each applicant f or admission to the Basic Police Academy course shall be required to submit written certif ication f rom the Department of Justice that the applicant has no criminal history background which would disqualif y him or her, f rom owning, possessing, or hav ing under his or her control a f irearm.

    AJ 100A: Basic Police Academ y

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    clay .f ontes@shf .sccgov .orgAJ 100A OFFSTE-HHJTC141350 FULLFontes, Clay26.0Lec

    12/17/2019 - 6/25/2020

    clay .f ontes@shf .sccgov .orgAJ 100A OFFSTE-HHJTC1 Fontes, ClayLab

    12/17/2019 - 6/25/2020

    Transf erable: CSU

    This 176-288 hour v ariable course is designed to meet the Calif ornia Corrections Standard Authority (CSA) requirements f or entry -lev el training of Correctional Of f icers f or adult institutions. The course includes lecture and practical application skills and knowledge including roles and responsibilities of the adult corrections of f icer, Title 15, Title 24, prof essionalism and ethics, and proper techniques to maintain the saf ety and security of inmates. PREREQUISITE: 1. Successf ul completion of STC approv ed pre-entry written and phy sical assessment examinations prov ided by the Academy . 2. Students must complete a Department of Justice background inv estigation and meet requirements as set f orth in Gov ernment Code 1029 f or qualif ication as a Corrections Of f icer. 3. Medical clearance by a licensed phy sician.

    AJ 107A: Adult Corrections Officer Core Academ y

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    clay .f ontes@shf .sccgov .orgAJ 107A OFFSTE-HHJTC141385 FULLFontes, Clay8.5Lec

    2/11/2020 - 4/9/2020

    clay .f ontes@shf .sccgov .orgAJ 107A Fontes, ClayL/L2/11/2020 - 4/9/2020

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 4/17/2020 1:01:25 PM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m.the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • Transf erable: CSU

    This course is designed to explore historical dev elopments, origins, philosophy and current trends and activ ities in criminal street gangs within Calif ornia. It will explore areas of v iolence, recruitment, drug use, graf f iti and attire; with emphasis placed on organization within gangs and their racial backgrounds. Ty pes of solutions within the criminal justice sy stem used to combat street gangs is also included. ADVISORY: Eligible f or English 250 and English 260.

    AJ 176: Crim inal Street Gangs

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    AJ 17640157 STAFF, S Cancelled

    Transf erable: CSU

    Introduction to computer crime inv estigation processes. The student is introduced to the hardware, sof tware, networks and dev ices f ound in ty pical home and business settings. Techniques and equipment used to collect ev idence, ensure integrity , locate and prepare data f or f orensic inv estigation. Cov ers chain of custody requirements f or admissible ev idence, data f ormats f or a v ariety of modern equipment, and recov ery of deleted or encry pted inf ormation. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. This course is also listed as CSIS 184.

    AJ 184: Com puter Forensics

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    mramos@gav ilan.eduAJ 18440836 17Ramos, MarioOnline:

    mramos@gav ilan.eduAJ 184 BU-11806:00 pm - 09:10 pm T40839 17Ramos, Mario3.0Lec


    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:E, GAV-GE:E2, F

    Interaction of social, emotional, intellectual, and phy sical attributes related to the dev elopment and realization of human potential across the lif e span. (C-ID: PSY 180) PREREQUISITE: Eligible f or English 1A.

    AH 3: The Person in the Life Cycle

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    dreid@gav ilan.eduAH 3 HOB-11401:20 pm - 04:30 pm T40511 3Reid, Diana3.0Lec

    aduf resnerey es@gav ilan.eduAH 340515 FULLDuf resne, Alice3.0Online:

    sturner@gav ilan.eduAH 340517 3Turner, Susan3.0Online:

    AH 340521 STAFF, S Cancelled

    aduf resnerey es@gav ilan.eduAH 341196 5Duf resne, Alice3.0Online:1/2/2020 - 1/23/2020

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:E, GAV-GE:E2, F

    This course is designed to meet the needs of the Allied Health student and the general education student alike. The major aim of this course is to help the student acquire relev ant inf ormation about nutrition which they can use prof essionally and/or personally . The course will cov er the practical aspects of normal nutrition, way s to promote sound eating habits throughout the lif e cy cle, and phy siological contribution nutrients make to body structure and f unction. This course is also listed as BIO 11. PREREQUISITE: Eligible f or English 1A. ADVISORY: Chemistry 30A and Mathematics 205.

    AH 11: Nutrition

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    makrop@gav ilan.eduAH 1140383 1Akrop, Martha3.0Online:

    cborello@gav ilan.eduAH 1140501 5Borello, Christina3.0Online:1/2/2020 - 1/23/2020

    makrop@gav ilan.eduAH 1140506 5Akrop, Martha3.0Online:

    cborello@gav ilan.eduAH 1141191 2Borello, Christina3.0Online:3/23/2020 - 5/22/2020

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 4/17/2020 1:01:25 PM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m.the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • Transf erable: CSU

    Designed to af f ord selected students specialized opportunities f or exploring areas at the independent study lev el. The courses may inv olv e extensiv e library work, research in the community , or special projects. May be repeated until six units of credit are accrued. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. REQUIRED: The study outline prepared by the student and the instructor must be f iled with the department and the dean.

    AH 23: Independent Study

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    sturner@gav ilan.eduAH 2341400 FULLTurner, Susan1.0Ind

    Transf erable: CSU

    Concepts and principles of the nursing process applied to prev entativ e, remedial, supportiv e, rehabilitativ e, and teaching aspects in meeting the health needs of the patient requiring compensatory nursing interv entions. Incorporates nursing concepts and experiences with all age groups, including senior adults. $100 course material f ee, pay able at registration. PREREQUISITE: Successf ul completion of AH 55 and an activ e v alid, unrestricted Calif ornia LVN.

    AH 56: Com pensatory Nursing Practice

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    sturner@gav ilan.eduAH 56 HOB-102WR41387 FULLTurner, Susan10.0Lec

    crousseu@gav ilan.eduAH 56 OFFSTE- Rousseu, Carlene

    Transf erable: CSU

    A beginning course on how to f ind reliable, current health-related inf ormation, using the Internet and other electronic resources. This course is also listed as LIB 140.

    AH 140: Online Health Research

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    momainsky @gav ilan.eduAH 14040110 24Omainsky , Meg2.0Online:

    A course to prov ide a basic introduction to patient care in the conv alescent setting. Emphasizes principles, understanding and skills necessary to perf orm basic nursing procedures saf ely and ef f ectiv ely . Includes introduction to health care, planning, saf ety , inf ection control, personal care, basic procedures, rehabilitation, nutrition and clients' rights and needs. At the completion of this course students will qualif y f or state certif ication as a nursing assistant. PREREQUISITE: Eligible f or English 250 and English 260 and eligible f or MATH 205 or MATH 430. Clearance f rom the Department of Health Serv ices (Form HS283), f ingerprint card, and health clearance required prior to clinical placement. Health and f ingerprint clearance required prior to clinical placement. Unif orm, shoes, watch, and stethoscope required. Clinical in Morgan Hill or Hollister, as assigned. This course was prev iously listed as AH 180.

    AH 280: Fundam entals of Nursing--Convalescent

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    dreid@gav ilan.eduAH 280 HOB-11409:00 am - 12:05 pm MT40965 2Reid, Diana8.5Lec

    1/21/2020 - 5/22/2020

    dreid@gav ilan.eduAH 280 06:30 am - 02:35 pm W Reid, DianaLab

    1/21/2020 - 5/22/2020

    dreid@gav ilan.eduAH 280 09:00 am - 12:05 pm MT40966 FULLReid, Diana8.5Lec

    1/21/2020 - 5/22/2020

    dreid@gav ilan.eduAH 280 06:30 am - 02:35 pm F Reid, DianaLab

    1/21/2020 - 5/22/2020

    This two (2) week, eight (8) day course is designed to prepare students to prov ide basic health care in the home env ironment. This course includes interpretation of medical/social needs, personal care serv ices, cleaning tasks, nutrition, and the scope of limitations of a home health aide. All students who achiev e a grade of "C" or better will be eligible f or a Home Health Aide Certif icate f rom the State of Calif ornia Department of Public Health. PREREQUISITE: Activ e Calif ornia C.N.A. certif ication or successf ul completion with a minimum score of 75% or equiv alent in AH 180. Also, eligible f or English 250 and English 260. Clearance f rom the Calif ornia Department of Health Serv ices (Form HS283B), f ingerprint clearance, negativ e drug screen, required immunizations, negativ e TB screen, and health clearance required to clinical placement. This course was prev iously listed as AH 182.

    AH 282: Hom e Health Care

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 4/17/2020 1:01:25 PM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m.the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    AH 28240969 STAFF, S Cancelled

    1/2/2020 - 1/13/2020

    AH 28240970 STAFF, S Cancelled

    1/2/2020 - 1/16/2020

    Power Skills f or the Workplace teaches skills v ital to workplace success. The topic f or 291A is Interpersonal Communication. Need not be taken in sequence. This is a pass/no pass course. Course was prev iously listed as 191A.

    AH 291A: Pow er Skills for the Workplace

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    jf oshee@gav ilan.eduAH 291A BU-11809:00 am - 11:50 am F40469 17Foshee, Jerry1.0Lec4/3/2020 - 5/15/2020


    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:B2, IGETC:5B, GAV-GE:B2, F

    This course introduces the concepts, methods of inquiry , and scientif ic explanations f or biological ev olution and their application to the human species. Issues and topics will include, but are not limited to, genetics, ev olutionary theory , human v ariation and biocultural adaptations, comparativ e primate anatomy and behav ior, and the f ossil ev idence f or human ev olution. The scientif ic method serv es as f oundation of the course. (C-ID: ANTH 110) ADVISORY: English 250, English 260 and Mathematics 205.

    ANTH 1: Introduction to Physical Anthropology

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    dklein@gav ilan.eduANTH 140503 FULLKlein, Debra3.0Online:

    ANTH 140504 STAFF, S Cancelled

    gmichaels@gav ilan.eduANTH 1 SS-20509:45 am - 11:10 am TR40505 FULLMichaels, Gina3.0Lec

    nbarron@gav ilan.eduANTH 1 SS-20502:30 pm - 03:55 pm MW40634 6Barron, Nicholas3.0Lec

    dklein@gav ilan.eduANTH 141006 5Klein, Debra3.0Online:

    rmitchell@gav ilan.eduANTH 1 HOL-109:45 am - 11:10 am MW41245 5Mitchell, Rachel3.0Lec

    Above class meets at the Hollister Briggs site.

    sarasalinas@gav ilan.eduANTH 141342 9Salinas, Sara3.0Online:1/2/2020 - 1/23/2020

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:B3, IGETC:5C, GAV-GE:B3

    This laboratory course is of f ered as a supplement to Introduction to Phy sical Anthropology either taken concurrently or in a subsequent term. Laboratory exercises are designed to introduce students to the scientif ic method and hands-on exploration of topics in phy sical anthropology : genetics; human osteology ; comparativ e and f unctional skeletal anatomy ; primate behav ior; human f ossil record; modern human v ariation; and other resources to inv estigate processes related to human ev olution. PREREQUISITE or COREQUISITE: ANTH 1, Introduction to Phy sical Anthropology , may be taken concurrently .

    ANTH 1L: Physical Anthropology Lab

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    nbarron@gav ilan.eduANTH 1L SS-20504:05 pm - 05:30 pm MW40509 9Barron, Nicholas1.0

    rmitchell@gav ilan.eduANTH 1L HOL-111:20 am - 12:45 pm MW40637 4Mitchell, Rachel1.0

    Above class meets at the Hollister Briggs site.

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:D, IGETC:4, GAV-GE:D2, F

    This course is an introduction to the study of theories, data and models of anthropological archaeology concepts, theories, data and models of anthropological archaeology that contribute to our knowledge of the human past. The course includes a discussion of the nature of scientif ic inquiry ; the history and interdisciplinary nature of archaeological research; dating techniques; methods of surv ey , excav ation, analy sis, and interpretation; cultural resource management; prof essional ethics; and selected cultural sequences. The course surv ey s selected prehistoric cultures. (C-ID: ANTH 150)

    ANTH 2: Introduction to Archaeology

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 4/17/2020 1:01:25 PM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m.the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    gmichaels@gav ilan.eduANTH 2 SS-20511:20 am - 12:45 pm TR40510 14Michaels, Gina3.0Lec

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:D, IGETC:4, GAV-GE:D2, F

    The course explores how anthropologists study and compare human cultures. Cultural anthropologists seek to understand the broad arc of human experience f ocusing on a set of central issues: how people around the world make their liv ing (subsistence patterns); how they organize themselv es socially , politically and economically ; how they communicate; how they relate to each other through f amily and kinship ties; what they believ e about the world (belief sy stems); how they express themselv es creativ ely (expressiv e culture); how they make distinction among themselv es such as through apply ing gender, racial and ethnic labels; how they hav e shaped and been shaped by social inequalities such as colonialism; and how they nav igate culture change and processes of globalization that af f ect us all. Ethnographic case studies highlight these similarities and dif f erences, and introduce students to how anthropologists do their work, employ prof essional anthropological research ethics and apply their perspectiv es and skills to understand humans around the globe. Students will write a research paper based on original f ieldwork in a local community . (C-ID: ANTH 120) ADVISORY: Eligible f or English 250 and English 260.

    ANTH 3: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    gmichaels@gav ilan.eduANTH 340513 FULLMichaels, Gina3.0Online:

    ANTH 341125 STAFF, S Cancelled

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:D, IGETC:4, GAV-GE:D2, F

    Explores and analy zes, f rom a cross-cultural and comparativ e perspectiv e, religious traditions in div erse cultural contexts with particular f ocus on the ef f ects of globalization on religious belief s and practices. Cross-cultural analy sis of the concepts of magic, witchcraf t, and religion. Examination of connections among the concepts of race, nation, and religion. Exploration of the abov e through ethnographic readings, class discussions, f ilms, short papers, and a f inal research paper based on original f ieldwork in a local religious or spiritual community . PREREQUISITE: Eligible f or English 1A.

    ANTH 5: Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    sarasalinas@gav ilan.eduANTH 540518 2Salinas, Sara3.0Online:

    Transf erable: CSU; CSU-GE:A1, A2, A3, GAV-GE:A1, A2, A3

    An ov erv iew of the methodologies used in experimental, quasi-experimental, and non-experimental research in psy chology . Students will learn how to design and conduct research, including f ormulating hy potheses, rev iewing the literature, ev aluating ethical issues, selecting methodologies, organizing data, apply ing statistics, and writing reports. This course is also listed as PSYC 32 and POLS 32. PREREQUISITE: PSYC 10 with a grade or "C" or better and MATH 5 with a grade of "C" or better.

    ANTH 32: Introduction to Research Methods

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    llev y @gav ilan.eduANTH 32 SS-21411:20 am - 02:30 pm F40516 12Lev y , Lorraine3.0Lec

    sarasalinas@gav ilan.eduANTH 3241354 15Salinas, Sara3.0Lec


    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:C1, IGETC:3A, GAV-GE:C1, F

    A critical surv ey of the inf luences and dev elopment of painting, architecture, sculpture, and minor arts f rom pre-history to the By zantine/Romanesque eras, including the art of primitiv e people. (C-ID: ARTH 110) ADVISORY: Eligible f or English 250 and English 260.

    ART 1A: Art History

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    wangel@gav ilan.eduART 1A HOL-106:00 pm - 09:10 pm W40684 9Angel, Wendy3.0Lec

    Above class meets at the Hollister Briggs site.

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 4/17/2020 1:01:25 PM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m.the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:C1, IGETC:3A, GAV-GE:C1

    The history of western painting, sculpture, architecture and minor arts f rom the Early Renaissance to the present. (C-ID: ARTH 120) ADVISORY: English 1A

    ART 1B: Art History

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    aconnor@gav ilan.eduART 1B MU-10109:45 am - 11:10 am TR40685 13Connor, Allison3.0Lec

    wangel@gav ilan.eduART 1B MHG-506:00 pm - 09:10 pm M40686 14Angel, Wendy3.0Lec

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:C1, GAV-GE:C1

    An introduction to the basic elements and principles of two-dimensional design. Lettering and graphics applications of design are included. Traditional and experimental materials and techniques are applied to a v ariety of indiv idual projects and exercises. (C-ID: ARTS 100)

    ART 2A: Tw o-Dim ensional Design

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    ccanepa@gav ilan.eduART 2A AR-10211:20 am - 12:10 pm MW40690 7Canepa, Christine2.0Lec

    ccanepa@gav ilan.eduART 2A AR-10212:15 pm - 02:20 pm MW Canepa, Christine1.0

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:C1, GAV-GE:C1

    A course that can teach y ou how to draw. Students learn basic drawing skills through the exploration of a v ariety of drawing materials such as pencil, inks, charcoal and pastels; processes include doodling, gesture and schematic drawing.

    ART 3A: Draw ing and Com position

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    arosette@gav ilan.eduART 3A AR-10208:10 am - 09:35 am MW40691 3Rosette, Arturo1.0

    This hy brid course is half online and half f ace-to-f ace. Weekly attendance and weekly online participation are mandatory .

    arosette@gav ilan.eduART 3A Rosette, Arturo2.0Online:

    arosette@gav ilan.eduART 3A Rosette, Arturo

    arosette@gav ilan.eduART 3A40864 4Rosette, Arturo2.0Online:This hy brid course is half online and half f ace-to-f ace. Weekly attendance

    and weekly online participation are mandatory .

    arosette@gav ilan.eduART 3A AR-10208:10 am - 09:35 am TR Rosette, Arturo1.0

    arosette@gav ilan.eduART 3A Rosette, Arturo

    arosette@gav ilan.eduART 3A41303 3Rosette, Arturo3.0Online:This hy brid course is half online and half f ace-to-f ace. Weekly attendance

    and weekly online participation are mandatory .

    arosette@gav ilan.eduART 3A AR-10209:45 am - 11:10 am TR Rosette, Arturo

    arosette@gav ilan.eduART 3A Rosette, Arturo

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:C1, IGETC:3A, GAV-GE:C1, F

    An illustrated lecture course that surv ey s and introduces the v isual arts f rom historical to contemporary times, and teaches students the basic concepts of seeing and appreciating art. (C-ID: ARTH 100) ADVISORY: English 250 and English 260.

    ART 6: Art Appreciation

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 4/17/2020 1:01:26 PM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m.the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    rmcginnis@gav ilan.eduART 6 AR-10306:00 pm - 09:10 pm W40696 5McGinnis, Robin3.0Lec

    arosette@gav ilan.eduART 640865 1Rosette, Arturo3.0Online:

    arosette@gav ilan.eduART 641001 5Rosette, Arturo3.0Online:1/2/2020 - 1/23/2020

    arosette@gav ilan.eduART 641002 5Rosette, Arturo3.0Online:1/2/2020 - 1/23/2020

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; GAV-GE:F

    This course is intended f or students who hav e little or no experience in the f ield of ceramics. The curriculum introduces basic skills in a well-rounded approach. Forming techniques include pinch, coil and slab hand building along with beginning wheel work. Slips, underglazes, stains, and glazing will be introduced as surf ace treatments. Saf e studio protocols will be taught and f ollowed. Use of the internet and library resources are required. Portf olio dev elopment and personal assessment are introduced.

    ART 7A: Beginning Ceram ics

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    mrain@gav ilan.eduART 7A AR-10111:20 am - 12:10 pm MW40662 2Rain, Max2.0Lec

    mrain@gav ilan.eduART 7A AR-10112:15 pm - 02:20 pm MW Rain, Max1.0

    JFeld@gav ilan.eduART 7A AR-10106:00 pm - 06:50 pm MW40697 6Feld, Julia2.0Lec

    JFeld@gav ilan.eduART 7A AR-10107:00 pm - 09:05 pm MW Feld, Julia1.0

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; GAV-GE:F

    This course is intended f or students who hav e completed ART 7A, Beginning Ceramics. The curriculum presents more adv anced skills and broader application of knowledge initiated in 7A. New skills and activ ities required in 7B include slip mixing and testing, more adv anced wheel and sculptural work, f acility with v arious surf ace treatment techniques, alternativ e f iring, and loading and unloading kilns with minimal superv ision. Students will be required to display work at a v enue on Gav ilan's campus. Additionally , students will be required to choose a studio maintenance task and perf orm it throughout the entire semester. Use of internet, classroom, and ceramics of f ice library resources are required. Portf olio dev elopment and self -assessment will be included. PREREQUISITE: ART 7A, Beginning Ceramics.

    ART 7B: Interm ediate Ceram ics

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    JFeld@gav ilan.eduART 7B AR-10106:00 pm - 06:50 pm MW40667 6Feld, Julia2.0Lec

    JFeld@gav ilan.eduART 7B AR-10107:00 pm - 09:05 pm MW Feld, Julia1.0

    mrain@gav ilan.eduART 7B AR-10111:20 am - 12:10 pm MW40670 2Rain, Max2.0Lec

    mrain@gav ilan.eduART 7B AR-10112:15 pm - 02:20 pm MW Rain, Max1.0

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; GAV-GE:C1, F

    This course is a continuation of the ceramics of f erings, 7A and 7B. The curriculum demands a high lev el of skills and artistic thinking to dev elop a contemporary , personal statement in the ceramic medium. Students will draw f rom a wide v ariety of choices f or f iring and f inishing their works, including raku and maiolica. They will utilize mixed media and adv anced technology to dev elop their works. They will f ormulate, mix and test glazes and will be expected to tutor and mentor each other in studio maintenance tasks and practices. They will also exhibit their work on campus, dev elop an artistic statement and bio, and submit work f or display on the Gav ilan College website. Digital portf olios will be created, and in depth critiques will be utilized f or self -ev aluation. Use of the internet, classroom, and ceramics of f ice library resources. are required. PREREQUISITE: ART 7B, Intermediate Ceramics.

    ART 7C: Advanced Ceram ics

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    mrain@gav ilan.eduART 7C AR-10111:20 am - 12:10 pm MW40924 2Rain, Max2.0Lec

    mrain@gav ilan.eduART 7C AR-10112:15 pm - 02:20 pm MW Rain, Max1.0

    JFeld@gav ilan.eduART 7C AR-10106:00 pm - 06:50 pm MW40925 6Feld, Julia2.0Lec

    JFeld@gav ilan.eduART 7C AR-10107:00 pm - 09:05 pm MW Feld, Julia1.0

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:C1, GAV-GE:C1

    Introduction to the processes, principles, and tools of photography . Topics include the dev elopment of technical and aesthetic skills, elements of design and composition, camera technology , materials and equipment, and contemporary trends in photography .

    ART 8A: Introduction to Photography

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 4/17/2020 1:01:26 PM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m.the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    ggray @gav ilan.eduART 8A AR-10311:20 am - 12:10 pm MW40674 1Gray , Gailan2.0Lec

    ggray @gav ilan.eduART 8A AR-10312:15 pm - 02:20 pm MW Gray , Gailan1.0

    ggray @gav ilan.eduART 8A AR-10308:10 am - 09:00 am MW40675 4Gray , Gailan2.0Lec

    ggray @gav ilan.eduART 8A AR-10309:05 am - 11:10 am MW Gray , Gailan1.0

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:C1, GAV-GE:C1, F

    An introduction to the historical dev elopments and cultural inf luences of ceramic art. Dev elopment of a personal expression is realized through the combination of historical elements, observ ation and actual creations in clay .

    ART 10A: Cultural History of Ceram ics

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    mrain@gav ilan.eduART 10A AR-10108:10 am - 09:00 am TR40656 12Rain, Max3.0Lec

    mrain@gav ilan.eduART 10A AR-10109:05 am - 11:10 am TR Rain, Max

    Transf erable: CSU; CSU-GE:C2, GAV-GE:C2, F

    This course is designed to explore the v ariety of way s in which humans demonstrate their creativ e, imaginativ e and innov ativ e abilities. This course will examine the creativ e process, v isual literacy , the dev elopment of creativ e and imaginativ e perf ormance and theories pertaining to insight, inspiration, intuition, originality and genius. This class draws on materials f rom a v ariety of sources including, biographies, intellectual histories, psy chological studies, and educational research. Studies will include ideas and belief s about creativ ity f rom a div erse range of disciplines and cultures. Students will be encouraged to explore and express their own creativ ity . ADVISORY: English 250 and English 260.

    ART 11: Creativity, Im agination and Innovation

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    arosette@gav ilan.eduART 1140890 4Rosette, Arturo3.0Online:

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:A1, A2, C1, C2, GAV-GE:A1, A2, C1, C2

    An introduction to expressiv e and technical sculptural processes of selected media such as clay , plaster and wood. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass no pass. PREREQUISITE: ART 13, Three-Dimensional Designall

    ART 12A: Sculpture

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    mrain@gav ilan.eduART 12A AR-10108:10 am - 09:00 am MW40859 7Rain, Max2.0Lec

    mrain@gav ilan.eduART 12A AR-10109:05 am - 11:10 am MW Rain, Max1.0

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:C1, GAV-GE:C1

    A f undamental course f ocused on the conceptual, technical and historical aspects of three dimensional design and related f ields such as: sculpture, architecture and industrial design. Dev elopment of personal artistic expression and v isual perception through the use of v arious media such as plaster, paper, wood, clay , metal, etc. Introduction to the design elements and principles as they relate to space and f orm in v isual art and design will be studied. (C-ID: ARTS 101) ADVISORY: English 250 and English 260.

    ART 13: Three-Dim ensional Design

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    mrain@gav ilan.eduART 13 AR-10108:10 am - 09:00 am MW40852 7Rain, Max2.0Lec

    mrain@gav ilan.eduART 13 AR-10109:05 am - 11:10 am MW Rain, Max1.0

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; GAV-GE:C1

    This is an introductory painting course. Students will study traditional, contemporary and experimental painting techniques using acry lics and/or oils as the primary media. Emphasis will be placed on f oundational concepts and approaches including color, f orm and composition. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. (C-ID: ARTS 210) ADVISORY: Art 2A or 3A, or portf olio rev iew of student's work.

    ART 15A: Beginning Painting: Form and Com position

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 4/17/2020 1:01:26 PM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m.the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    ccanepa@gav ilan.eduART 15A AR-10202:30 pm - 03:20 pm MW40665 3Canepa, Christine3.0Lec

    ccanepa@gav ilan.eduART 15A AR-10203:30 pm - 05:35 pm MW Canepa, Christine

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; GAV-GE:C1

    This is an introductory painting course. Students will study traditional, contemporary and experimental painting techniques and media. Social, cultural and historical awareness are integrated with classroom explorations of expressiv e painting. Students dev elop a v ariety of painting approaches and a greater understanding of personal expression. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. ADVISORY: Art 2A or Art 3A or Portf olio Rev iew

    ART 15B: Beginning Painting: Im agination and Expression

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    ccanepa@gav ilan.eduART 15B AR-10202:30 pm - 03:20 pm MW40672 3Canepa, Christine2.0Lec

    ccanepa@gav ilan.eduART 15B AR-10203:30 pm - 05:35 pm MW Canepa, Christine1.0

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:C1, IGETC:3A, GAV-GE:C1, F

    A critical surv ey of history through the arts of pre-Columbian nativ es of North, Central and South America. The course will cov er major societies and ev ents f rom the appearance of major civ ilizations through the initial colonization ef f orts of European nations. Due to the distinct history of the Americas, this course uses the arts - architecture, sculpture, ceramics and painting, among others - of ancient societies as a primary source material. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. This course is also listed as HIST 21. (C-ID: ARTH 145) ADVISORY: Eligible f or English 250.

    ART 21: Ancient Am ericas: A History through Art

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    aconnor@gav ilan.eduART 21 AR-10311:20 am - 12:45 pm TR40687 10Connor, Allison3.0Lec

    Transf erable: CSU; CSU-GE:C1, GAV-GE:C1

    Art methods and learning theory f or those planning to work with preschool, elementary and secondary school students. Includes art therapy as well as gif ted and special learner projects. Two dimensional work in printing, drawing, collage. Also listed as CD 25A.

    ART 25A: Art Methods

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    rmcginnis@gav ilan.eduART 25A AR-10308:10 am - 09:00 am TR40689 2McGinnis, Robin2.0Lec

    rmcginnis@gav ilan.eduART 25A AR-10309:05 am - 11:10 am TR McGinnis, Robin1.0

    Transf erable: CSU; GAV-GE:C1

    Art methods, creativ ity and learning theory f or those planning to work with preschool, elementary , and secondary school students. Includes art therapy as well as gif ted and special learner projects. Three dimensional work in sculpture, bas relief , mobiles, paper mache', plaster, and v arious 3-D materials. Also listed as CD 25B.

    ART 25B: Art Methods

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    rmcginnis@gav ilan.eduART 25B AR-10308:10 am - 09:00 am TR40799 2McGinnis, Robin2.0Lec

    rmcginnis@gav ilan.eduART 25B AR-10309:05 am - 11:10 am TR McGinnis, Robin1.0

    Transf erable: CSU

    Indiv idualized course in art gallery exhibition techniques and procedures. Students assist in design, installation, publicity , cataloguing and remov al of exhibitions in the college gallery .

    ART 41: Gallery Assistance

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 4/17/2020 1:01:26 PM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m.the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    ccanepa@gav ilan.eduART 41 AR-10202:30 pm - 05:40 pm W40794 5Canepa, Christine1.0


    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:B1, IGETC:5A, GAV-GE:B1

    An introduction to the realm of astronomy and space science. Topics to be cov ered include the historical dev elopment of astronomy , the phy sics of grav itation and radiation, the solar sy stem, stellar astronomy , galactic and extragalactic astronomy , and cosmology . ADVISORY: Mathematics 430 and eligible f or English 250 and English 260.

    ASTR 1: Introduction to General Astronom y

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    jv edamati@gav ilan.eduASTR 1 MHG-1108:10 am - 11:20 am W40216 24Vedamati, Jagruti3.0Lec

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    mrocha@gav ilan.eduASTR 1 PS-10206:00 pm - 09:10 pm T40218 3Rocha-Gaso, Miguel3.0Lec

    gmuro@gav ilan.eduASTR 140225 7Muro, Gabriel3.0Online:

    gmuro@gav ilan.eduASTR 141082 6Muro, Gabriel3.0Online:


    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:E

    This course of f ers basic instruction in the theory , strategies, and techniques of soccer f or the purpose of preparing the indiv idual student in the f undamental aspects of play ing and coaching the sport. May be repeated once f or credit. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass.

    ATH 9A: Fundam entals of Soccer

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    ATH 9A40653 STAFF, S Cancelled

    3/23/2020 - 5/22/2020

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:E

    This course of f ers rev iew and adv anced instruction in the theories, strategies and techniques of soccer f or the purpose of preparing the indiv idual student in all aspects of play ing and coaching the sport. May be repeated once f or credit. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass.

    ATH 9B: Fundam entals of Soccer

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    ATH 9B41162 STAFF, S Cancelled

    3/23/2020 - 5/22/2020

    Transf erable: CSU

    Designed to af f ord selected students specialized opportunities f or exploring areas at the independent study lev el. The courses may inv olv e extensiv e library work, research in the community , or special projects. May be repeated until 6 units are accrued. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. REQUIRED: The study outline prepared by the student and the instructor must be f iled with the department and the dean.

    ATH 23: Independent Study

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    nandrade@gav ilan.eduATH 2341042 FULLAndrade, Neal1.0Ind1/2/2020 - 1/23/2020This course is designed f or Intercollegiate Baseball Student-Athletes to

    complete an adv anced project.

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 4/17/2020 1:01:26 PM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m.the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • mllanes@gav ilan.eduATH 2341319 FULLLlanes, Melissa1.0Ind

    This course is designed f or Women's Basketball Student-Athletes to complete an adv anced project.

    cspence@gav ilan.eduATH 2341397 FULLSpence, Christopher1.0Ind

    2/24/2020 - 5/22/2020This course is designed f or Intercollegiate Women's Beach Volley ball Student-Athletes to complete an adv anced project.

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:E, GAV-GE:E1

    This is a sport specif ic course designed f or our student-athletes. Fundamentals, strategy and rules of the game of basketball are included. May be repeated three times f or credit. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass.

    ATH 27: Basketball

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    mllanes@gav ilan.eduATH 27 GY-GYM03:30 pm - 04:25 pm MW40545 5Llanes, Melissa0.5

    3/23/2020 - 5/20/2020This course is designed f or members of the Women's IntercollegiateBasketball team.

    dkjensen@gav ilan.eduATH 27 GY-GYM04:30 pm - 05:55 pm TR40548 13Jensen, Derek0.5

    3/24/2020 - 5/21/2020This course is designed f or members of the Men's Intercollegiate Basketball team.

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:E, GAV-GE:E1

    This course prov ides practice and competition in intercollegiate basketball. Bef ore participating, students must hav e completed a phy sical exam and their athletic eligibility paperwork. May be repeated three times f or credit. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass.

    ATH 35: Intercollegiate Basketball

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    dkjensen@gav ilan.eduATH 35 GY-GYM04:45 pm - 06:55 pm MTWRF41371 6Jensen, Derek2.5

    1/2/2020 - 3/22/2020This course is f or members of the Men's Intercollegiate Basketball team.

    mllanes@gav ilan.eduATH 35 GY-GYM02:30 pm - 04:40 pm MTWRF41372 10Llanes, Melissa2.5

    1/2/2020 - 3/22/2020This course is designed f or members of the Women's IntercollegiateBasketball team.

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:E, GAV-GE:E1

    This is a sport specif ic course designed f or our student-athletes. Instruction is in the f undamentals of sof tball. Fundamentals, rules, strategy and game play are included. May be repeated three times f or credit. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass.

    ATH 37: Softball

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    rreggiani@gav ilan.eduATH 37 ATHFLD-SFTBLL03:30 pm - 05:45 pm MTWR40578 12Reggiani, Robert0.5

    1/2/2020 - 1/23/2020

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:E, GAV-GE:E1

    This course prov ides practice and competition in intercollegiate baseball f or men. Bef ore participating, students must hav e completed a phy sical exam and their athletic eligibility paperwork. May be repeated three times f or credit. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass.

    ATH 38: Intercollegiate Baseball

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 4/17/2020 1:01:26 PM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m.the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    nandrade@gav ilan.eduATH 38 ATHFLD-BASBLL02:30 pm - 04:35 pm MTWRF40579 11Andrade, Neal3.0

    This course is designed f or members of the Men's Intercollegiate Baseball team.

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:E, GAV-GE:E1

    This course prov ides practice and competition in intercollegiate sof tball f or women. Bef ore participating, students must hav e completed a phy sical exam and their athletic eligibility paperwork. May be repeated three times f or credit. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass.

    ATH 45: Intercollegiate Softball

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    rreggiani@gav ilan.eduATH 45 ATHFLD-SFTBLL03:30 pm - 05:35 pm MTWRF40580 9Reggiani, Robert3.0

    This course is designed f or members of the Women's IntercollegiateSof tball team.

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:E, GAV-GE:E1

    This conditioning class is designed to improv e and increase agility and strength dev elopment of the student-athlete through v arious exercises and exercise programs. May be repeated three times f or credit. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass.

    ATH 48: Agility and Strength Developm ent

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    cjohnson@gav ilan.eduATH 48 GY-FITCNTR02:30 pm - 03:55 pm MW41297 14Johnson, Clay ton1.0

    This course is designed f or members of the Intercollegiate Football team.

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:E, GAV-GE:E1

    This is a sport specif ic course designed f or our student-athletes. Fundamentals, mechanics, strategy and rules of the game of baseball are included. May be repeated three times f or credit. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass.

    ATH 65: Baseball

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    nandrade@gav ilan.eduATH 65 ATHFLD-BASBLL01:40 pm - 04:10 pm MTWRF40581 10Andrade, Neal1.0

    1/2/2020 - 1/23/2020

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:E, GAV-GE:E1

    This activ ity class is designed to improv e the phy sical condition of our male and f emale student-athletes. It includes strength training, cardiov ascular endurance, ply ometric training, and sport specif ic techniques through an open lab f ormat. May be repeated three times f or credit. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass.

    ATH 75: Sports Conditioning

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    cspence@gav ilan.eduATH 75 GY-FITCNTR40647 17Spence, Christopher0.5

    This course is designed f or members of the Women's IntercollegiateVolley ball team.

    mllanes@gav ilan.eduATH 75 GY-FITCNTR40984 13Llanes, Melissa1.0

    This course is designed f or members of the Women's IntercollegiateBasketball team.

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 4/17/2020 1:01:26 PM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m.the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • rsanchez@gav ilan.eduATH 75 GY-FITCNTR41019 7Sanchez, Robert0.5

    This course is designed f or members of the Intercollegiate Baseball team.

    dkjensen@gav ilan.eduATH 75 GY-FITCNTR41020 20Jensen, Derek1.0

    This course is designed f or members of the Men's Intercollegiate Basketball team.

    rreggiani@gav ilan.eduATH 75 GY-FITCNTR41178 24Reggiani, Robert1.0

    This course is designed f or members of the Women's IntercollegiateSof tball team.

    cjohnson@gav ilan.eduATH 75 GY-FITCNTR02:30 pm - 03:55 pm TR41294 13Johnson, Clay ton1.0

    This section is designed f or members of the Intercollegiate Football team.

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:E, GAV-GE:E1

    This is a sport specif ic course designed f or our student-athletes. Instruction is in the f undamentals of f ootball. Includes skills, rules and strategy with emphasis on the application of skills and strategies in game play . May be repeated three times f or credit. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass.

    ATH 77: Football

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    jlango@gav ilan.eduATH 77 ATHFLD-FTBLL04:05 pm - 05:30 pm MTWR40655 20Lango, John0.5

    4/13/2020 - 5/7/2020

    Transf erable: CSU; CSU-GE:E, GAV-GE:E1

    This course prov ides practice and competition in intercollegiate beach v olley ball f or women. Bef ore participating, students must hav e competed a phy sical exam and their athletic eligibility paperwork. May be repeated three times f or credit. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass.

    ATH 90: Intercollegiate Beach Volleyball

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    cspence@gav ilan.eduATH 90 ATHFLD-THE BEACH01:00 pm - 03:05 pm MTWRF40582 9Spence, Christopher3.0

    This course is designed f or the Women's Intercollegiate Beach Volley ball team.


    Transf erable: CSU

    This course is an FAA Part 147 course designed to prepare the student f or their FAA Airf rame and Powerplant (A and P) certif icate. This course will prov ide the student with a thorough understanding of the use of maintenance publications, maintenance f orms and records with emphasis on A and P mechanic priv ileges and limitations. Basic electricity f or aircraf t f rom Ohm's Law through transistor theory will be taught as well as ground operation and serv icing of aircraf t. Both theory and practical application to aircraf t are taught. Approv al f rom a Gav ilan College counselor must be obtained bef ore registering f or this class. COREQUISITE: AMT 111, Airf rame Structures. ADVISORY: Mathematics 430.

    AMT 101: General Aircraft Technology

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    hspenner@gav ilan.eduAMT 101 AV-SM208:00 am - 10:20 am MWF40519 1Spenner, Herbert9.0Lec1/9/2020 - 5/22/2020You MUST see a counselor to increase the units allowable to register f or

    both AMT 101 and 111.Please contact Jessica Weiler, CTE Counselor with questions.

    Jweiler@gav (408) 848-4848

    hspenner@gav ilan.eduAMT 101 AV-SM208:00 am - 10:20 am TR Spenner, Herbert

    1/9/2020 - 5/22/2020

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 4/17/2020 1:01:26 PM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m.the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • Transf erable: CSU

    This course is an FAA Part 147 course designed to prepare the student f or their FAA Airf rame certif icate. The course will prov ide the student with a thorough understanding of nonmetallic aircraf t structures including wood, f abric, composite structures. Also the study of hy draulic and pneumatic power sy stems; landing gear sy stems; electrical sy stems; and assembly and rigging. Both theory and practical application to aircraf t sy stems is taught. COREQUISITE: AMT 101, General Aircraf t Technology . ADVISORY: Mathematics 430.

    AMT 111: Airfram e Structures

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    hspenner@gav ilan.eduAMT 111 AV-SM210:25 am - 12:00 pm MTWRF40526 1Spenner, Herbert13.5Lec

    1/9/2020 - 5/22/2020You MUST see a counselor to increase the units allowable to register f or both AMT 101 and 111.

    Please contact Jessica Weiler, CTE Counselor with questions. Jweiler@gav or (408) 848-4848.

    hspenner@gav ilan.eduAMT 111 AV-SM512:30 pm - 03:00 pm MTWRF Spenner, Herbert

    1/9/2020 - 5/22/2020

    Transf erable: CSU

    This course is part of the curriculum required by the Federal Av iation Administration to obtain certif ication as an aircraf t powerplant maintenance technician. This certif icate allows the rated technician to perf orm maintenance, prev entiv e maintenance repairs and alterations to USA FAA certif ied aircraf t powerplants. This section cov ers theory of operation, maintenance, repair, and troubleshooting procedures of powerplant sy stems and their relationship to the total powerplant installation package. To include lubrication, electrical sy stems, instrument sy stems, f uel metering, f ire protection, starting sy stems, powerplant control sy stems, and the aerody namics, theory and maintenance of propellers and their control sy stems. PREREQUISITE: Successf ul completion of AMT 100 and 101. Basic hand tools required. Details at the f irst class meeting.

    AMT 121: Aviation Pow erplant System s Technology

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    PAgaliotis@gav ilan.eduAMT 121 AV-SM308:00 am - 10:05 am TWRF40546 11Agaliotis, Paul13.5Lec

    1/9/2020 - 5/22/2020

    PAgaliotis@gav ilan.eduAMT 121 AV-SM310:15 am - 11:55 am TWRF Agaliotis, Paul

    1/9/2020 - 5/22/2020

    PAgaliotis@gav ilan.eduAMT 121 AV-SM312:30 pm - 01:50 pm TWRF Agaliotis, Paul

    1/9/2020 - 5/22/2020

    This course will instruct students in the basic f light operations f or both f ixed wing and rotor wing drone aircraf t, as well as prepare them to take the FAA pilot certif ication exam.

    AMT 226: Drone Flight Operations and Pilot Certification

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    mbonillas@gav ilan.eduAMT 226 MP-11404:30 pm - 06:35 pm R41289 18Bonillas, Michael2.0Lec

    mbonillas@gav ilan.eduAMT 226 MP-11406:45 pm - 09:55 pm R Bonillas, Michael1.0

    AMT 22641340 STAFF, S Cancelled


    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:B2, B3, IGETC:5B, 5C, GAV-GE:B2, B3

    A general biology course with an emphasis on the structure and f unction of cells, biological molecules, homeostasis, cell respiration, photosy nthesis, cell lif e cy cle and its controls, cellular communication, Mendelian and non- classical genetics, ev olution and div ersity of lif e. The philosophy of science, methods of scientif ic inquiry and experimental design are f oundational to the course. The course is required f or students majoring in biology and/or its subcategories (e.g., plant or animal sciences). (C-ID: BIO 190) PREREQUISITE: Biology 10 or Biology 12 or Env ironmental Science 1 with a grade of 'C' or better, or one y ear of high school AP or Honors Biology with a grade of 'B' or better completed within the last f iv e y ears, and Chemistry 1A and Mathematics 240 with a grade of 'C' or better. ADVISORY: Eligible f or English 250 and English 260.

    BIO 1: Cell and Molecular Biology

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 4/17/2020 1:01:26 PM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m.the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    py uh@gav ilan.eduBIO 1 LS-10203:00 pm - 04:25 pm TR40320 2Yuh, Patrick3.0Lec

    py uh@gav ilan.eduBIO 1 LS-10204:35 pm - 07:40 pm TR Yuh, Patrick2.0

    BIO 141345 STAFF, S Cancelled

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:B2, B3, IGETC:5B, 5C

    This course is the second in a two-semester sequence exploring the basic biology and div ersity of unicellular and multicellular organisms. Topics include general biological principles, classif ication, structure, f unction and ev olutionary adaptations of organisms (including plants, f ungi, animals, and unicellular organisms) to their env ironments. (C-ID: BIOL 140) PREREQUISITE: Bio 1 with a grade of 'C' or better. ADVISORY: Eligible f or English 1A.

    BIO 2: Organism al Biology

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    BIO 241113 STAFF, S Cancelled

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:B2, B3, IGETC:5B, 5C, GAV-GE:B2, B3

    General Botany is designed f or students majoring in biology and/or its related disciplines. This course introduces the ev olution and div ersity of botanical organisms and begins with a brief rev iew of plant like organisms (protista and f ungi) and continues with an emphasis in the plant kingdom f or the remainder of the course. The course will include topics such as lif e cy cles, embroy onic dev elopment, morphology , phy siology , taxonomy and plant sy stematics. Principles of population ecology , community ecology , ecosy stems interactions, biotechnology and agriculture are highlighted in this course. (C-ID: BIOL 155) PREREQUISITE: Mathematics 235 or Mathematics 240 with a grade of 'C' or better. ADVISORY: Chemistry 1A, Biological Science 1, and eligible f or English 250 and English 260.

    BIO 5: General Botany

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    rmorales@gav ilan.eduBIO 5 LS-10208:10 am - 09:35 am TR40497 FULLMorales, Rey3.0Lec

    This Serv ice Learning class inv olv es benef icial community work.

    rmorales@gav ilan.eduBIO 5 LS-10209:45 am - 11:10 am TR Morales, Rey1.0

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:B2, B3, IGETC:5B, 5C, GAV-GE:B2, B3

    Structural organization of the human body : gross and microscopic structure of the integumentary , skeletal, muscular, nerv ous, sensory , endocrine, cardiov ascular, ly mphatic, respiratory , digestiv e, excretory , and reproductiv e sy stems, f rom cellular to organ sy stem lev els of organization. Includes dissection in lab. A cadav er is observ ed in this course. PREREQUISITE: Biological Science 10 or Biology 15 or Biology 12 with a grade of credit or C or better. (C-ID: BIOL 110B) ADVISORY: Eligible f or English 250, English 260 and Mathematics 430.

    BIO 7: Hum an Anatom y

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    rmalley @gav ilan.eduBIO 7 LS-10308:00 am - 08:50 am T40347 FULLMalley , Russell4.0Lec

    rmalley @gav ilan.eduBIO 7 LS-10308:00 am - 09:05 am R Malley , RussellLec

    rmalley @gav ilan.eduBIO 7 LS-10309:10 am - 12:15 pm T Malley , Russell

    rmalley @gav ilan.eduBIO 7 LS-10309:10 am - 12:15 pm R Malley , Russell

    trobinson@gav ilan.eduBIO 7 LS-10309:45 am - 10:35 am F40351 2Robinson, Tay lor1.0Lec

    trobinson@gav ilan.eduBIO 7 LS-10309:45 am - 10:50 am S Robinson, Tay lor1.0Lec

    trobinson@gav ilan.eduBIO 7 LS-10311:00 am - 02:05 pm F Robinson, Tay lor1.0

    trobinson@gav ilan.eduBIO 7 LS-10311:00 am - 02:05 pm S Robinson, Tay lor1.0

    gkalu@gav ilan.eduBIO 7 SBHS-V-47605:00 pm - 05:50 pm M40386 FULLKalu, George4.0Lec

    gkalu@gav ilan.eduBIO 7 SBHS-V-47606:15 pm - 09:20 pm MW Kalu, George

    gkalu@gav ilan.eduBIO 7 SBHS-V-47605:00 pm - 06:05 pm W Kalu, GeorgeLec

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 4/17/2020 1:01:26 PM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m.the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • pkamrah@gav ilan.eduBIO 7 SBHS-V-47605:00 pm - 05:50 pm T41112 6Kamrah, Punit4.0Lec

    pkamrah@gav ilan.eduBIO 7 SBHS-V-47606:15 pm - 09:20 pm TR Kamrah, Punit

    pkamrah@gav ilan.eduBIO 7 SBHS-V-47605:00 pm - 06:05 pm R Kamrah, PunitLec

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:B2, B3, IGETC:5B, 5C, GAV-GE:B2, B3

    An introduction to microbiology with an emphasis on bacteriology . Includes the study of morphology , phy siology and classif ication of microorganisms, a surv ey of inf ectious disease, immunology and techniques f or culture and control of microorganisms. This course is also listed as Allied Health 8. PREREQUISITE: Biological Science 10 or 15 with a grade of credit or C or better. ADVISORY: Chemistry 30A and Chemistry 30B; Eligible f or English 250, English 260 and Mathematics 205.

    BIO 8: General Microbiology

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    py uh@gav ilan.eduBIO 8 LS-10109:45 am - 11:00 am MWF40354 FULLYuh, Patrick4.0Lec

    py uh@gav ilan.eduBIO 8 LS-10311:20 am - 12:45 pm MW Yuh, Patrick1.0

    py uh@gav ilan.eduBIO 8 LS-10109:45 am - 11:00 am MWF41351 4Yuh, Patrick5.0Lec

    py uh@gav ilan.eduBIO 8 LS-10312:55 pm - 02:20 pm MW Yuh, Patrick

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:B2, B3, IGETC:5B, 5C, GAV-GE:B2, B3

    Study of the phy siological principles, f unction, integration and homeostasis of the human body at the cellular, tissue, organ, organ sy stem and organism lev el: integumentary sy stem, bone, skeletal, smooth and cardiac muscles, nerv ous sy stem, sensory organs, cardiov ascular sy stem, ly mphatic and immune sy stems, respiratory sy stem, urinary sy stem, endocrine sy stem, and reproduction sy stem. This course is also listed as Allied Health 9. (C-ID: BIOL 120B) PREREQUISITE: Chemistry 30A, Biological Science 7 or 15 with a grade of credit or C or Better. ADVISORY: Chemistry 30B; eligible f or English 250, English 260 and Mathematics 205.

    BIO 9: Hum an Physiology

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    msmith@gav ilan.eduBIO 9 LS-10104:00 pm - 06:05 pm TR40357 FULLSmith, Mark5.0Lec

    gkalu@gav ilan.eduBIO 9 LS-10306:30 pm - 09:40 pm T Kalu, George

    msmith@gav ilan.eduBIO 9 LS-10104:00 pm - 06:05 pm TR40365 FULLSmith, Mark4.0Lec

    mberry @gav ilan.eduBIO 9 LS-10306:30 pm - 09:40 pm R Berry , Mathew1.0

    msmith@gav ilan.eduBIO 9 LS-10104:00 pm - 06:05 pm TR40773 1Smith, Mark4.0Lec

    mberry @gav ilan.eduBIO 9 LS-10306:30 pm - 09:40 pm W Berry , Mathew1.0

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:B2, B3, IGETC:5B, 5C, GAV-GE:B2, B3

    An introductory biology course cov ering f unctions at the cellular and organismal lev els. Includes study of the basic principles of metabolism, heredity , ev olution and ecology . Primarily f or non-biological science majors. ADVISORY: Eligible f or English 250, English 260 and Mathematics 430.

    BIO 10: Principles of Biology

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    mberry @gav ilan.eduBIO 10 SS-21402:30 pm - 03:55 pm MW40322 1Berry , Mathew3.0Lec

    mberry @gav ilan.eduBIO 10 LS-10606:00 pm - 09:10 pm M Berry , Mathew1.0

    mberry @gav ilan.eduBIO 10 SS-21402:30 pm - 03:55 pm MW40326 FULLBerry , Mathew3.0Lec

    nnguy en@gav ilan.eduBIO 10 LS-10608:00 am - 11:10 am T Nguy en, Nhuy1.0

    BIO 1040328 STAFF, S Cancelled

    nnguy en@gav ilan.eduBIO 10 LS-10606:00 pm - 07:25 pm TR40331 4Nguy en, Nhuy3.0Lec

    nnguy en@gav ilan.eduBIO 10 LS-10607:35 pm - 09:00 pm TR Nguy en, Nhuy1.0

    gkalu@gav ilan.eduBIO 10 LS-10108:10 am - 09:35 am TR40334 FULLKalu, George3.0Lec

    gkalu@gav ilan.eduBIO 10 LS-10611:20 am - 02:30 pm T Kalu, George1.0

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 4/17/2020 1:01:26 PM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m.the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • gkalu@gav ilan.eduBIO 10 LS-10108:10 am - 09:35 am TR40335 FULLKalu, George3.0Lec

    sramamurthy @gav ilan.eduBIO 10 LS-10608:00 am - 11:10 am W Ramamurthy , Sharmila1.0

    tthomas@gav ilan.eduBIO 10 SBHS-V-47506:00 pm - 09:10 pm M40337 5Thomas, Timothy3.0Lec

    tthomas@gav ilan.eduBIO 10 SBHS-V-47506:00 pm - 09:10 pm W Thomas, Timothy1.0

    mberry @gav ilan.eduBIO 10 SS-21402:30 pm - 03:55 pm MW41116 6Berry , Mathew3.0Lec

    sramamurthy @gav ilan.eduBIO 10 LS-10608:00 am - 11:10 am R Ramamurthy , Sharmila1.0

    mberry @gav ilan.eduBIO 10 SS-21402:30 pm - 03:55 pm MW41117 FULLBerry , Mathew3.0Lec

    sramamurthy @gav ilan.eduBIO 10 LS-10608:00 am - 11:10 am F Ramamurthy , Sharmila1.0

    gkalu@gav ilan.eduBIO 10 LS-10108:10 am - 09:35 am TR41204 FULLKalu, George3.0Lec

    gkalu@gav ilan.eduBIO 10 LS-10611:20 am - 02:30 pm R Kalu, George1.0

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:E, GAV-GE:E2, F

    This course is designed to meet the needs of the Allied Health student and the general education student alike. The major aim of this course is to help the student acquire relev ant inf ormation about nutrition which they can use prof essionally and/or personally . The course will cov er the practical aspects of normal nutrition, way s to promote sound eating habits throughout the lif e cy cle, and phy siological contribution nutrients make to body structure and f unction. This course is also listed as AH 11. PREREQUISITE: Eligible f or English 1A. ADVISORY: Chemistry 30A and Mathematics 205

    BIO 11: Nutrition

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    makrop@gav ilan.eduBIO 1140387 1Akrop, Martha3.0Online:

    cborello@gav ilan.eduBIO 1140502 5Borello, Christina3.0Online:1/2/2020 - 1/23/2020

    makrop@gav ilan.eduBIO 1140507 5Akrop, Martha3.0Online:

    cborello@gav ilan.eduBIO 1141360 2Borello, Christina3.0Online:3/23/2020 - 5/22/2020

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:B2, B3, IGETC:5B, 5C, GAV-GE:B2, B3

    This course will prov ide an introduction to human biology f or non-science majors to meet general education laboratory science requirements. It will cov er the biologic principles of basic body structure and f unction including all sy stems of the body , genetic diseases, and current biotechnological adv ances as well as encompass the relationship between humans and their env ironment and ecosy stems. This course satisf ies the same general education lif e science requirements as Biology 10 and Ecology 1.

    BIO 12: Introduction to Hum an Biology

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    jsteenhuis@gav ilan.eduBIO 12 LS-10308:00 am - 09:25 am MW40339 FULLSteenhuis, Jennif er3.0Lec

    This Serv ice Learning class inv olv es benef icial community work.

    jsteenhuis@gav ilan.eduBIO 12 LS-10309:35 am - 11:00 am MW Steenhuis, Jennif er1.0

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:B2, B3, IGETC:5B, 5C, GAV-GE:B2, B3

    An introductory study of the structure and f unction of the human body . Includes study at the cellular and organ sy stem lev els, emphasizing integration of sy stems. Note that a cadav er will be observ ed in this course. This course is also listed as Allied Health 15. ADVISORY: Biology 10 or Biology 12 with a grade of 'C' or better. Eligible f or English 250, English 260 and Mathematics 430. Course will include the v iewing of a cadav er.

    BIO 15: Survey of Hum an Anatom y and Physiology

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    rmalley @gav ilan.eduBIO 15 LS-10302:30 pm - 04:35 pm MW40340 FULLMalley , Russell4.0Lec

    rmalley @gav ilan.eduBIO 15 LS-10304:45 pm - 06:10 pm MW Malley , Russell1.0

    rmorales@gav ilan.eduBIO 1540342 FULLMorales, Rey5.0Online:

    rmorales@gav ilan.eduBIO 15 LS-10302:30 pm - 05:40 pm F Morales, Rey


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    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m.the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • Transf erable: CSU, UC; GAV-GE:D2, F

    A surv ey in business prov iding a multidisciplinary examination of how culture, society , the economic sy stem, the legal env ironment, international and political issues, f inancial institutions, and human behav ior interact to af f ect a business organization's policy and practices within the U.S. and abroad. Demonstrate how these inf luences impact the primary areas of business including: organizational structure and design, leadership, human resources management, organized labor practices; marketing; organized communication; technology ; entrepreneurship; legal, accounting, f inancial practices; the stock and securities markets; and theref ore af f ect a business's ability to achiev e its organizational goals. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. Prev iously listed as GBUS 1. (C-ID: BUS 110) ADVISORY: Eligible f or English 250 and English 260.

    BUS 1: Fundam entals of Business

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    dmccormick@gav ilan.eduBUS 1 MP-11409:45 am - 11:10 am TR40166 2McCormick, Drew3.0Lec

    dmccormick@gav ilan.eduBUS 1 MP-11411:20 am - 12:45 pm TR40167 4McCormick, Drew3.0Lec

    LZee@gav ilan.eduBUS 1 BU-11106:00 pm - 09:10 pm W40169 2Zee, Laura3.0Lec

    BUS 140181 STAFF, S Cancelled

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:B4, IGETC:2A, GAV-GE:B4

    The use of probability techniques, hy pothesis testing, and predictiv e techniques to f acilitate decision-making. Topics include descriptiv e statistics; probability and sampling distributions; statistical inf erence; correlation and linear regression; analy sis of v ariance, chi-square and t-tests; statistical analy sis including the interpretation of the relev ance of the statistical f indings. Applications using data f rom disciplines including business, social science, psy chology , lif e science, health science, and education. Additional and more extensiv e case studies f rom business and economics, emphasizing statistical results that prov ide guidance f or business decisions or suggest solutions to contemporary business and economic problems; use of larger data sets analy zed with computer sof tware programs. PREREQUISITE: Math 233, or Math 233A and Math 233B, or Math 235, or Math 240, or Math 242 with a grade of "C" or better.

    BUS 11: Statistics for Business and Econom ics

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    jkearns@gav ilan.eduBUS 1140204 8Kearns, Julian4.0Online:

    Transf erable: CSU

    This course is designed to assist indiv iduals to analy ze their f inancial af f airs f or lif elong decision making. Elements and concepts of f inancial planning and decision making in the areas of budgeting, taxes, borrowing, money management, insurance, inv estments, retirement, and estate planning will be examined. This course is also listed as ECON 14. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. ADVISORY: Math 400

    BUS 14: Personal Finance

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    jkearns@gav ilan.eduBUS 1440228 2Kearns, Julian3.0Online:

    Transf erable: CSU, UC

    Introduction to the law applicable to business institutions and their operations; social f orces and their ef f ect upon the dev elopment of law; sources of law, agencies f or enf orcement, and court procedure and administration agencies. Substantiv e law, that law which includes rights and duties, will include contracts, agency employ ment relationships, torts and crimes. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. Prev iously listed as GBUS 80. (C-ID: BUS 125) ADVISORY: Eligible f or English 250 and English 260.

    BUS 80: Business Law

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    sbanks@gav ilan.eduBUS 8040209 4Banks, Sonia3.0Online:

    sbanks@gav ilan.eduBUS 80 BU-11808:10 am - 09:35 am MW40211 FULLBanks, Sonia3.0Lec

    sbanks@gav ilan.eduBUS 8040952 7Banks, Sonia3.0Online:1/2/2020 - 1/23/2020


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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 4/17/2020 1:01:27 PM
