scdl - software engineeing

SCDL – 3 rd Semester – Software Engineering and Project Management LIST OF ATTEMPTED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Operational Testing is carried out by :- Correct Answer Stress Testing , Performance Testing , Recovery Testing Your Answer Alpha & Beta Test , Recovery Testing , Stress Testing True/False Question Spiral model itself is a model which is base for other software development models Correct Answer False Select The Blank Question SE Methodology rides on two components, System Engineering and ________. Correct Answer Development Engineering Match The Following Question Correct Answer Your Answer Performance of the System Non Functional Requirements Non Functional Requirements SRS Structured System Analysis Structured System Analysis Design Phase Design Documentation Design Documentation SSAD Functions & Features Functions & Features Select The Blank Question ________ evaluates the run time performance of the system developed. Correct Answer Performance Testing Multiple Choice Single Answer Question An Output of a Structured System Analysis is:- Correct Answer Software Requirement Specification Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question OOSAD development approach uses Correct Answer Objects , Process modeling , Object attributes Your Answer Objects , Object attributes , Sub-system approach Select The Blank Question An accounting System based on rules and Principles could be an example of ________ System. Page 1 of 185 1

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SCDL – 3rd Semester – Software Engineering and Project Management

LIST OF ATTEMPTED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS  Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Operational Testing is carried out by :-

  Correct Answer   Stress Testing , Performance Testing , Recovery Testing

  Your Answer   Alpha & Beta Test , Recovery Testing , Stress Testing

 True/False  Question   Spiral model itself is a model which is base for other software development models

  Correct Answer   False

 Select The Blank  Question   SE Methodology rides on two components, System Engineering and ________.

  Correct Answer   Development Engineering

 Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your Answer

Performance of the System Non Functional Requirements Non Functional Requirements

SRS Structured System Analysis Structured System Analysis

Design Phase Design Documentation Design Documentation

SSAD Functions & Features Functions & Features

 Select The Blank  Question   ________ evaluates the run time performance of the system developed.

  Correct Answer   Performance Testing

 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   An Output of a Structured System Analysis is:-

  Correct Answer   Software Requirement Specification

 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   OOSAD development approach uses

  Correct Answer   Objects , Process modeling , Object attributes

  Your Answer   Objects , Object attributes , Sub-system approach

 Select The Blank  Question   An accounting System based on rules and Principles could be an example of ________

System.  Correct Answer Deterministic

 True/False  Question   A Software solution is evolved in parts as in an incremental fashion in incremental model

  Correct Answer   True Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   Who Defines SE as the application of a Systematic, disciplined and quantifiable

approach to the development and maintenance of a Software

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  Correct Answer   IEEE Select The Blank  Question   ________ is developed or engineered not manufactured

  Correct Answer   Software

 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   A good test is one that has:-  Correct Answer   High Probability of detecting an error , Not Redundant , Simple to execute & Independent

  Your Answer   High Probability of detecting an error , Not Redundant , Simple to execute & Independent

 True/False  Question   The Data Management is not easy with relational Model.

  Correct Answer   False

 True/False  Question   The results of the test case is recorded in the test specification document.

  Correct Answer   True

 True/False  Question   The ultimate goal of the SQA is to write test cases which fixes the errors.

  Correct Answer   False

 Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your Answer

Entity Object which is Uniquely Distinguished

Object which is Uniquely Distinguished

Hierarchical Model Tree Structure Tree Structure

Network Model Network Communications Network Communications

Relational Model Data are Linked Data are Linked

 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The responsibilities of Software Managerare

  Correct Answer   To maintain budget , Keep schedules from slipping , Improve quality

 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A System which is adaptable to changes arising out of environmental changes:-

  Correct Answer   Open System Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A software which directly communicates with the hardware and provides an interface to

perform certain tasks is termed as  Correct Answer   System Software True/False  Question   Proactive risk strategies are applied to deal with risk when it occurs.

  Correct Answer   False

 Select The Blank  Question   The basic tangible measure of the software is ________

  Correct Answer   Lines of Code

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 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Database Design Specification include:-

  Correct Answer   Data Model , Internal & External File Structure , Referential Details

  Your Answer   Data Model , Internal & External File Structure , Referential Details

 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Following are the data models namely:-

  Correct Answer   Hierarchical Model , Network Model , Relational Model

 Select The Blank  Question   The company shall establish a ________ to control flow of documents that relate to the

requirements of the ISO.  Correct Answer   Document Control System

 True/False  Question   Stress Testing is a part of Integration testing.

  Correct Answer   False

 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Test Case Design for real time systems strategically should include:-

  Correct Answer   Task Testing , Behavioral Testing , Intertask Testing

 Select The Blank  Question   Requirements Management Begins with ________.

  Correct Answer   Identification

 True/False  Question   Database Design is a major component of system design and development.

  Correct Answer   True

 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The broad quality parameters are:-

  Correct Answer   Reliability , Safety , Security

 True/False  Question   Documentation testing tests and verifies whether the troubleshooting is easily achieved

or not.  Correct Answer   True

 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   Changes in the Customer requirements are understood and incorporated in which

phase?  Correct Answer   Support

  Your Answer   Analysis

 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A process of creating a document Statement of Work, and planning the major task

deliveries is :-

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  Correct Answer   Project Planning

  Your Answer   Project Development

 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Project Risk Management Includes:-

  Correct Answer   Risk Prevention , Risk Avoidance , Risk Mitigation

 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A model which creates sources and destinations for the data flows of data i.e. input and

output is:-  Correct Answer   Data Flow Diagrams

 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   The Extent of effort to modify the software components to meet the requirements is :-

  Correct Answer   Flexibility

 True/False  Question   A computer system without system software can not function

  Correct Answer   True

 Select The Blank  Question   A ________ is largely depends upon the meeting of functional requirements and

performance measures with ease in operations.  Correct Answer   Customer Satisfaction

 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Fourth generation technology helps to control

  Correct Answer   Effort , Resource , Cost development

 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A Software developed to perform certain functionality and later on embedded into the

hardware is called as  Correct Answer   Embedded Software

 Select The Blank  Question   Cohesion and Coupling is the criteria for measuring ________.

  Correct Answer   Functional Dependency

 Select The Blank  Question   In the ________ model data elements are organized in tree structure in parent-child

format.  Correct Answer   Hierarchical

 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   An Approach foucsses on Objects and Processing Methods

  Correct Answer   OOSAD

 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Resources required for a Software development activity could be :-

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  Correct Answer   People , Development Environment , Reusable Components

 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A process that ensures the delivery of the desired software product with the requisite

quality standards to the customer is :-  Correct Answer   Quality Assurance

 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A testing technique which reveals errors like Incorrect functions , Missing Functions or

Interface errors is:-  Correct Answer   Black Box Testing

 Select The Blank  Question   A ________ is all about providing hardware and software tools as and when required by

the development team to manage process effectively  Correct Answer   Configuration Management

  Your Answer   Resources Management

 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The Examples of Business Software are

  Correct Answer   Payroll ,Accounting, , Inventory , customer Relation Management

  Your Answer   Payroll ,Accounting, , Inventory

LIST OF ATTEMPTED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS  True/False  Question   An E-R Diagram explain in graphical Model the nature of relations and

attributes.  Correct Answer   True

 True/False  Question   Decomposition breaks the System into smaller modules and components.

  Correct Answer   True

  Your Answer   True

 Select The Blank  Question   PRM stands for ________

  Correct Answer   Prototyping Model

 True/False  Question   People, Procedures and Parameters are the Drivers of the Technology.

  Correct Answer   False

  Your Answer   True

 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

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  Question   A good test is one that has:-

  Correct Answer   High Probability of detecting an error , Not Redundant , Simple to execute & Independent

  Your Answer   High Probability of detecting an error , Not Redundant , Simple to execute & Independent

 Select The Blank  Question   Cohesion and Coupling is the criteria for measuring ________.

  Correct Answer   Functional Dependency

  Your Answer   System Dependency

 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   How to develop or build a particular software module is defined by

  Correct Answer   Software Engineering Methods

 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The Functionality of the Client application is tested using :-

  Correct Answer   Server Tests , Database Tests , Transaction Tests

  Your Answer   Server Tests , Transaction Tests

 True/False  Question   Systems running on web platforms needs high level of protection from testers.

  Correct Answer   False

  Your Answer   True

 Select The Blank  Question   ________ layer of the Systems focuses on User Interfaces, data entry,

operation flows and maintenance.  Correct Answer   Operational

  Your Answer   Conceptual

 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Architecture Design Consists of:-

  Correct Answer   Module Structure , Program Structure , Hierarchy in the Structure

  Your Answer   Module Structure , Hierarchy in the Structure

 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The types of Software are

  Correct Answer   Business Software , Embedded Software , System Software

 Select The Blank  Question   Generally in an ongoing project a project manager fixes up more ________ to

have proper control measurement of the project activities  Correct Answer   Major Milestone

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  Your Answer   Milestone

 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   An Activity that has a definite Start and a definite end is termed as ?

  Correct Answer   Project

 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   Source Code of the Software is available so that the engineers can make the

local modifications and use the component  Correct Answer   Open Source

  Your Answer   Open Source/freeware

 True/False  Question   Proactive risk strategies are applied to deal with risk when it occurs.

  Correct Answer   False

 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The next development in software engineering is

  Correct Answer   The use of tool generate the code , The extensive use od CASE tool for analysis and design , The use of Component technology

  Your Answer   The extensive use od CASE tool for analysis and design , The use of Component technology

 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A System is one that is self contained and self reliant:-

  Correct Answer   Closed System

 True/False  Question   Domain Specific applications are developed mostly integrating components

which are similar in functionality  Correct Answer   True

 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A type of testing which verifies that all the system elements are meshed

properly and that overall system function / performance is achieved is:-  Correct Answer   System testing

 Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your Answer

World Wide Web Content provider Integrated System

Software Deteriorates Content provider

System Software File Management File Management

Application Software Standalone Programs Standalone Programs


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A Discipline that integrates Process, Methods and tools for development of a

software is

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  Correct Answer   Software Engineering

 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Software Risk could be of :-

  Correct Answer   Process Risk , Project Risk , Product Risk

  Your Answer   Process Risk , Project Risk , Design Risk

 Select The Blank  Question   In ________model two sets of data are linked by a relationship.

  Correct Answer   Relational

 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   Application of tools and techniques of analysis, design, testing, assessment and

improvement is used to manage :-  Correct Answer   Software Project

 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   System Testing Techniques are :-

  Correct Answer   Alpha Test , Beta Test

  Your Answer   Alpha Test , Beta Test , Gama Test

 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Operational Testing is carried out by :-

  Correct Answer   Recovery Testing , Stress Testing , Performance Testing

  Your Answer   Alpha & Beta Test , Stress Testing , Performance Testing

 True/False  Question   White Box Testing Measures the Correctness of the Inputs and Basic

Processes.  Correct Answer   True

 Select The Blank  Question   A Module Tests focuses on ________.

  Correct Answer   Functions & Design

 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A Phenomenon which states that over a period of times the system gets into a

phase of degrading and disorganization is:-  Correct Answer   Entropy

  Your Answer   Maintenance

 Select The Blank  Question   The company shall establish a ________ to control flow of documents that

relate to the requirements of the ISO.  Correct Answer   Document Control System

 Select The Blank

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  Question   ________ is developed or engineered not manufactured

  Correct Answer   Software

 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A process that ensures the delivery of the desired software product with the

requisite quality standards to the customer is :-  Correct Answer   Quality Assurance

 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A Systematic approach to organise and documents the need of the customer

which is a basis for software development is :-  Correct Answer   Requirements Management

 Select The Blank  Question   A ________ is largely depends upon the meeting of functional requirements

and performance measures with ease in operations.  Correct Answer   Customer Satisfaction

 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A process of acquiring hardware, software and development services and

entering into contract with customers and business partners to deliver the software product is :-

  Correct Answer   Project Procurement Management

 True/False  Question   SE is applied for software development through Engineering Methods

  Correct Answer   True

 True/False  Question   The Data Management is not easy with relational Model.

  Correct Answer   False

 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A type of testing which eliminates the errors in the design, architecture and

development & deployment process is.  Correct Answer   Non Execution based testing

 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The stages of the Iterative Models are

  Correct Answer   Requirement Analysis , System Design , Development Coding & Unit Testing

 Select The Blank  Question   Usually the test cases are written using ________.

  Correct Answer   Testing Techniques

  Your Answer   Requirements Specifications

 Select The Blank  Question   Requirements Management Begins with ________.

  Correct Answer   Identification

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 True/False  Question   The ultimate goal of the SQA is to write test cases which fixes the errors.

  Correct Answer   False

 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Test cases are designed to tests:-

  Correct Answer   Internal Logic , Software Requirements

  Your Answer   Software Performance , Internal Logic , Software Requirements

 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   A documentation is tested through :-

  Correct Answer   Technical Review , Actual Operational Review

LIST OF ATTEMPTED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS  Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A process of identifying, assessing , evaluating risk exposure, prioritizing the risk

incidences, and developing risk monitoring, management and mitigation plan is :-  Correct Answer   Project Risk Management

  Your Answer   Project Risk Management

  Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

  Question   Artificial Intelligent Domain Systems Could be

  Correct Answer   Expert System , Image & Voice Recognition System , Neural Networks

  Your Answer   Expert System , Image & Voice Recognition System , Neural Networks

  Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

  Question   In a Software Risk Management Risk drivers are :-

  Correct Answer   Technology , People , Requirements

  Your Answer   Technology , People , Requirements


 True/False  Question   Reactive risk strategies are applied to deal with risk when it occurs.

  Correct Answer   True

  Your Answer   True

  Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

  Question   Design Constraints include:-

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  Correct Answer   Resource Limitations , Platform Limitations , Protocol Limitations

  Your Answer   Resource Limitations , Protocol Limitations

  Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

  Question   Resources required for a Software development activity could be :-

  Correct Answer   People , Development Environment , Reusable Components

  Your Answer   People , Development Environment , Reusable Components

  Multiple Choice Single Answer

  Question   A Software that makes use of non numerical algorithms to solve complex problems that are not amenable to straightforward analysis

  Correct Answer   Artificial Intelligence

  Your Answer   Embedded Software


 Select The Blank  Question   Software is classified into two categories, Generic and ________.

  Correct Answer   Cutomised

  Your Answer   Cutomised


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   The Scope of the work in a Software Project is defined by :-

  Correct Answer   Statement of Work

  Your Answer   Statement of Work


 Select The Blank  Question   A ________ deals with identification and assessment of potential hazards of software

failing and its impact on the systems.  Correct Answer   Software Safety

  Your Answer   Software Testing


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A Step in risk Management which identifies and enumerates the risk is :-

  Correct Answer   Risk Identification

  Your Answer   Risk Identification

  Multiple Choice Single Answer

  Question   A Modification of the Software is done to accommodate the changes forced by the external environment is

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  Correct Answer   Adaptive Maintenance

  Your Answer   Adaptive Maintenance

  Select The Blank

  Question   One of the most important guideline for the reviewing the product is review the product not the ________.

  Correct Answer   Producer

  Your Answer   Developer


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   Software Engineering attempts to identify what information is to be processed, what

function and performance is desired in which phase?  Correct Answer   Definition Phase

  Your Answer   Definition Phase


 True/False  Question   A software review is a filter for the software development process.

  Correct Answer   True

  Your Answer   True


 True/False  Question   SRS is Systems requirement specifications in the software development phase

  Correct Answer   True

  Your Answer   True


 True/False  Question   Software Development becomes complex due to the variety and heterogeneity of

requirement of different Users and Stakeholders  Correct Answer   True

  Your Answer   True

  Multiple Choice Single Answer

  Question   Changes in the Customer requirements are understood and incorporated in which phase?

  Correct Answer   Support

  Your Answer   Development


 Select The Blank  Question   ________ is characterized by longetivity and business criticality

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  Correct Answer   Legacy Software

  Your Answer   Legacy Software


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Some of the Steps involve in Integration Testing is :-

  Correct Answer   Main Control Module is a Test Driver , Tests are conducted as each component is added , Regression Testing is done

  Your Answer   Main Control Module is a Test Driver , Regression Testing is done


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   In Design Phase at data and data Structure stage the focus is on:-

  Correct Answer   Entities and Attributes

  Your Answer   Entities and Attributes


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The outcome of Debugging Process is :-

  Correct Answer   The Error cause will be detected and corrected , The Error Cause will not be detected

  Your Answer   The Error cause will be detected and corrected , Design Errors


 Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your Answer

Spiral Model Boehm Spiral model Incremental Model

Legacy software Poor Quality Poor Quality

Objects Attribute, Methods Attribute, Methods

SSAD yourdan & DeMarco Structured Methodology

  Multiple Choice Single Answer

  Question   Most of the Software's Continues to be custom built because

  Correct Answer   Reusability of the Component

  Your Answer   Reusability of the Component


 Select The Blank  Question   ________ is a System Engineering approach that is used to define architecture that

enables a business to use Information Effectively.  Correct Answer   Business Processing Engineering

  Your Answer   Business Processing Engineering

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 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   The success of the software depends upon ?

  Correct Answer   Usability

  Your Answer   Usability


  Question   A computer system without system software can not function

  Correct Answer   True

  Your Answer   True

  Select The Blank

  Question   An incorrect decision by the designer, programmer or analyst that leads to improper result is an ________.

  Correct Answer   Error

  Your Answer   Error


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The broad quality parameters are:-

  Correct Answer   Security , Reliability , Safety

  Your Answer   Reliability , Safety , Security


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Black Box testing attempts to find error in following categories :-

  Correct Answer   Incorrect or Missing Functions , Interface Errors , Performance Errors

  Your Answer   Incorrect Output , Incorrect or Missing Functions , Interface Errors

  Multiple Choice Single Answer

  Question   What is the tool which enforces consistency in naming the entities across the system?

  Correct Answer   Data Dictionary

  Your Answer   SFC

  Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

  Question   The Scope of the Software Project is defined by Statement of Work which is agreed by ?

  Correct Answer   Users , Stakeholders , Customers

  Your Answer   Users , Stakeholders , Customers

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  Question   System Performance is measured through effectiveness and its efficiency.

  Correct Answer   True

  Your Answer   True


 True/False  Question   CAD/CAM/CAE are the examples of embedded Software

  Correct Answer   False

  Your Answer   False


 True/False  Question   SQA is ensured through a Quality Management System.

  Correct Answer   True

  Your Answer   True

  Select The Blank

  Question   A ________ Measures the Efforts / cost / time used to achieve the output.

  Correct Answer   Efficiency

  Your Answer   Effort Estimation


 Select The Blank  Question   ________ type of testing evaluate the logical access to the basic functionality of the

System.  Correct Answer   Security Testing

  Your Answer   Security Testing


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Legacy software -Poor quality has

  Correct Answer   Inextensible design , Convoluted Code , Poor or nonexistent documentation

  Your Answer   Convoluted Code , Poor or nonexistent documentation


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A System in which next state of the system cannot be predicted even if the current

state of the system is known:-  Correct Answer   Probabilistic

  Your Answer   Probabilistic

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 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   The extent of software functions with precision without any failure is :-

  Correct Answer   Reliability

  Your Answer   Reliability

  Multiple Choice Single Answer

  Question   A set of Computer Programs which performs set of preset functions is called as ?

  Correct Answer   Software

  Your Answer   Interface

  Multiple Choice Single Answer

  Question   A process which breaks statement of work into smaller activities with clear start - finish definition is called as :-

  Correct Answer   Work Break Down Structure

  Your Answer   Work Break Down Structure


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The Software Risk affects :-

  Correct Answer   Project Development , Software Product , Process of Development

  Your Answer   Project Development , Software Product , Process of Development


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A software which directly communicates with the hardware and provides an interface

to perform certain tasks is termed as  Correct Answer   System Software

  Your Answer   System Software


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Risk Management is a Process based on application of :-

  Correct Answer   Game Theory , Probability Theory , Decision Theory

  Your Answer   Probability Theory , Decision Theory


 Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your Answer

Performance of the System Non Functional Requirements Non Functional Requirements

SRS Structured System Analysis Functions & Features

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Design Phase Design Documentation Design Documentation

SSAD Functions & Features Structured System Analysis

LIST OF ATTEMPTED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS  Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your Answer

Data Structure & Specific Values Test Case Tracing

Verification & Validation Testing Test Case

Incorrect Logical Decision White Box Testing White Box Testing

Incorrect Functions In a program Black Box Testing Black Box Testing


 True/False  Question   The prime objective of Formal Technical Review is to locate the error before it passes on

to the other activity.  Correct Answer  True

  Your Answer   True


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A model in which software development cycle is sequential process is :-

  Correct Answer  Waterfall Model

  Your Answer   Waterfall Model


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   Application of Knowledge, Resources , tools and techniques to deliver customer needs

within agreed terms of cost and time is :-  Correct Answer  Project Management

  Your Answer   Project Management


 True/False  Question   SRS is one of the cause of not meeting the SQA.

  Correct Answer  True

  Your Answer   True


 Select The Blank

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  Question   Usually the test cases are written using ________.

  Correct Answer  Testing Techniques

  Your Answer   Testing Techniques


 Select The Blank  Question   ________ is developed or engineered not manufactured

  Correct Answer  Software

  Your Answer   Software


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   Application of tools and techniques of analysis, design, testing, assessment and

improvement is used to manage :-  Correct Answer  Software Project

  Your Answer   Software Project


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A project management activity globally viewed as :-

  Correct Answer  A System

  Your Answer   A System


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A set of activities ensure that the software that has been built is traceable to customer

requirements:-  Correct Answer  Validation

  Your Answer   Verification & Validation


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A Model which Supports Modern Software Development is :-

  Correct Answer  Boehm's

  Your Answer   Boehm's


 Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your Answer

Entity Object which is Uniquely Distinguished

Object which is Uniquely Distinguished

Hierarchical Model Tree Structure Tree Structure

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Network Model Network Communications Network Communications

Relational Model Data are Linked Data are Linked


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The outcome of the Risk Resolution Process is :-

  Correct Answer  Acceptable Risk , Reduced Reworks , Corrective actions

  Your Answer   Acceptable Risk , Reduced Reworks , Corrective actions


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   SQA efforts most primarily assures:-

  Correct Answer  Software Quality , Software Reliability , Software Availability

  Your Answer   Software Quality , Software Reliability , Software Maintenance


 True/False  Question   Domain Specific applications are developed mostly integrating components which are

similar in functionality  Correct Answer  True

  Your Answer   False


 Select The Blank  Question   ________ type of an error is class I error and needs corrective measures to be

implemented immediately.  Correct Answer  Fatal

  Your Answer   Fatal


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Boehm's Model has following Stages:-

  Correct Answer  Production , Engineering

  Your Answer   Engineering , Engineering


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Test cases are designed to tests:-

  Correct Answer  Internal Logic , Software Requirements

  Your Answer   Internal Logic , Software Requirements , A Quality aspect of a Program


 Select The Blank  Question   A ________ arises due to uncertainties involved in assessing, estimating various inputs

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to the software process.  Correct Answer  Process Risk

  Your Answer   Process Risk


 True/False  Question   System Performance is measured through effectiveness and its efficiency.

  Correct Answer  True

  Your Answer   True


 Select The Blank  Question   An incorrect decision by the designer, programmer or analyst that leads to improper

result is an ________.  Correct Answer  Error

  Your Answer   Error


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Black Box testing techniques are:-

  Correct Answer  Graph Based Testing Methods , Equivalence Portioning , Boundary Value Analysis

  Your Answer   Graph Based Testing Methods , Equivalence Portioning , Boundary Value Analysis


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A continuous process through out the development cycle and is an integral of the

complete development cycle:-  Correct Answer  Testing

  Your Answer   Verification


 True/False  Question   The major resources in the project is people and funds.

  Correct Answer  False

  Your Answer   True


 Select The Blank  Question   ________ evaluates the run time performance of the system developed.

  Correct Answer  Performance Testing

  Your Answer   Performance Testing


 Select The Blank

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  Question   Generally in an ongoing project a project manager fixes up more ________ to have proper control measurement of the project activities

  Correct Answer  Major Milestone

  Your Answer   Milestone


 True/False  Question   SE is applied for software development through Engineering Methods

  Correct Answer  True

  Your Answer   True


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A set of Computer Programs which performs set of preset functions is called as ?

  Correct Answer  Software

  Your Answer   Software


 True/False  Question   Documentation testing tests and verifies whether the troubleshooting is easily achieved

or not.  Correct Answer  True

  Your Answer   True


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   IN OOSAD, Objects have

  Correct Answer  attribute , Methods , relationship

  Your Answer   attribute , Methods , relationship


 Select The Blank  Question   The company should establish a ________ and maintain a documented quality system

as a means of ensuring that it conforms to the specified requirements of ISO.  Correct Answer  Quality System Procedure

  Your Answer   Quality Control System


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A process which is iterative in nature which ensures that the RDD & SRS is transformed

into Design to meet the data is called:-  Correct Answer  Design

  Your Answer   Design


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 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   In Interface Stage of SSAD phase the focus is on:-

  Correct Answer  User Comfort

  Your Answer   User Comfort


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Design Constraints include:-

  Correct Answer  Resource Limitations , Platform Limitations , Protocol Limitations

  Your Answer   Resource Limitations , Platform Limitations , Protocol Limitations


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Operational Testing is carried out by :-

  Correct Answer  Recovery Testing , Stress Testing , Performance Testing

  Your Answer   Recovery Testing , Stress Testing , Performance Testing


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   OOSAD development approach uses

  Correct Answer  Objects , Process modeling , Object attributes

  Your Answer   Objects , Process modeling , Object attributes


 Select The Blank  Question   In ________ model the data elements are organized indifferent areas that work together

through network communications.  Correct Answer  Network

  Your Answer   Network - Relational


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Project Risk Management Includes:-

  Correct Answer  Risk Prevention , Risk Avoidance , Risk Mitigation

  Your Answer   Risk Avoidance , Risk Mitigation


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A Process in which subsystems are organized into clusters with clear boundary and

defined goal is:-  Correct Answer  Simplification

  Your Answer   Decomposition

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 Select The Blank  Question   A Module Tests focuses on ________.

  Correct Answer  Functions & Design

  Your Answer   Functions & Design


 True/False  Question   Recovery testing focuses on the Cost Recovery Plan of the Software Implemented.

  Correct Answer  False

  Your Answer   False


 True/False  Question   Spiral model itself is a model which is base for other software development models

  Correct Answer  False

  Your Answer   False


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   The Extent of effort to locate the error and fix it is :-

  Correct Answer  Maintainability

  Your Answer   Maintainability


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Test Case Design for real time systems strategically should include:-

  Correct Answer  Task Testing , Behavioral Testing , Intertask Testing

  Your Answer   Task Testing , Behavioral Testing , Intertask Testing


 True/False  Question   The Unit of the Software is the smallest entity to be tested.

  Correct Answer  True

  Your Answer   True


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The Software Risk affects :-

  Correct Answer  Project Development , Software Product , Process of Development

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  Your Answer   Project Development , Software Product , Programmer & Team


 Select The Blank  Question   A ________ is the most effective filter from a quality assurance stand point.

  Correct Answer  Formal Technical Review

  Your Answer   Formal Technical Review

LIST OF ATTEMPTED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS  Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   The Extent of effort to modify the software components to meet the requirements

is :-  Correct Answer   Flexibility

  Your Answer   Reusability


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The most affected elements of the Quality of the software is:-

  Correct Answer   Customer , Developer , Stake Holders

  Your Answer   Customer , Developer , Stake Holders


 True/False  Question   CAD/CAM/CAE are the examples of embedded Software

  Correct Answer   False

  Your Answer   False


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A System which is adaptable to changes arising out of environmental changes:-

  Correct Answer   Open System

  Your Answer   Open System


 True/False  Question   Simplification rationalizes the complex , breakdown into clusters, making a

meaningful and functionally complete design.  Correct Answer   True

  Your Answer   True


 Multiple Choice Single Answer

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  Question   A type of testing where the focus is user and user Behavior is:-

  Correct Answer   Usage based testing

  Your Answer   Usage based testing


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The next development in software engineering is

  Correct Answer   The use of tool generate the code , The extensive use od CASE tool for analysis and design , The use of Component technology

  Your Answer   Graphical tool , The use of tool generate the code , The extensive use od CASE tool for analysis and design  

 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The responsibilities of Software Managerare

  Correct Answer   To maintain budget , Keep schedules from slipping , Improve quality

  Your Answer   To maintain budget , Keep schedules from slipping , Improve quality


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   The Quality aspect which includes the grade of materials, physical and

performance specifications, tolerance and process standards is :-  Correct Answer   Design

  Your Answer   Design


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A system which operates in a predictable manner is :-

  Correct Answer   Deterministic System

  Your Answer   Deterministic System


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Resources required for a Software development activity could be :-

  Correct Answer   People , Development Environment , Reusable Components

  Your Answer   People , Development Environment , Reusable Components


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Project Metrics enable a software project manager to:-

  Correct Answer   Assess the Status of the Ongoing Project , Identify the Risk Potential , Uncover problem areas before they go Critical

  Your Answer   Assess the Status of the Ongoing Project , Uncover problem areas before they go Critical , Manage the resources  

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 Select The Blank  Question   Each & every ________ has a Specific format as a record.

  Correct Answer   Test

  Your Answer   Test


 True/False  Question   A computer system without system software can not function

  Correct Answer   True

  Your Answer   True

 Select The Blank  Question   A ________ is understood as a possibility of Loss.

  Correct Answer   Risk

  Your Answer   Risk


 True/False  Question   ISO 9001 is used to develop quality assurance systems.

  Correct Answer   True

  Your Answer   True


 Select The Blank  Question   A unit tests major focuses on ________

  Correct Answer   Processes & Code

  Your Answer   Processes & Code


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A software which resides in the read only memory and controls the functions of the

resident Products  Correct Answer   Embedded Software

  Your Answer   Embedded Software


 True/False  Question   SRS is Systems requirement specifications in the software development phase

  Correct Answer   True

  Your Answer   True



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  Question   Decomposition breaks the System into smaller modules and components.

  Correct Answer   True

  Your Answer   True


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A process of acquiring hardware, software and development services and entering

into contract with customers and business partners to deliver the software product is :-

  Correct Answer   Project Procurement Management

  Your Answer   Project Procurement Management


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A System is one that is self contained and self reliant:-

  Correct Answer   Closed System

  Your Answer   Open System


 Select The Blank  Question   Software is classified into two categories, Generic and ________.

  Correct Answer   Cutomised

  Your Answer   Cutomised


 True/False  Question   Reactive risk strategies are applied to deal with risk when it occurs.

  Correct Answer   True

  Your Answer   True


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   The Scope of the work in a Software Project is defined by :-

  Correct Answer   Statement of Work

  Your Answer   Statement of Work


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   White Box Testing Checks :-

  Correct Answer   All Paths in the process are correctly operational , All Logical decision are executed with true or false , All Loops are executed

  Your Answer   All Paths in the process are correctly operational , All Logical decision are executed with true or false , All Loops are executed

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 True/False  Question   An E-R Diagram explain in graphical Model the nature of relations and attributes.

  Correct Answer   True

  Your Answer   True


 Select The Blank  Question   An accounting System based on rules and Principles could be an example of

________ System.  Correct Answer   Deterministic

  Your Answer   Deterministic


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A System in which next state of the system can be predicted without doubt is :-

  Correct Answer   Deterministic

  Your Answer   Deterministic


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   RMMM Plan deals with :-

  Correct Answer   Mitigation , Monitoring , Management

  Your Answer   Mitigation , Monitoring , Management


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Some of the Steps involve in Integration Testing is :-

  Correct Answer   Main Control Module is a Test Driver , Tests are conducted as each component is added , Regression Testing is done

  Your Answer   Main Control Module is a Test Driver , Tests are conducted as each component is added , Regression Testing is done  

 Select The Blank  Question   The company shall establish a ________ to control flow of documents that relate to

the requirements of the ISO.  Correct Answer   Document Control System

  Your Answer   Document Control System


 True/False  Question   The results of the test case is recorded in the test specification document.

  Correct Answer   True

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  Your Answer   True


 Select The Blank  Question   ________ is characterized by longetivity and business criticality

  Correct Answer   Legacy Software

  Your Answer   Legacy Software


 Select The Blank  Question   Inadequacy or misout in SRS & RDD is ________.

  Correct Answer   Defect

  Your Answer   Defect


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A type of testing which eliminates the errors in the design, architecture and

development & deployment process is.  Correct Answer   Non Execution based testing

  Your Answer   Module based testing


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Legacy software -Poor quality has

  Correct Answer   Inextensible design , Convoluted Code , Poor or nonexistent documentation

  Your Answer   Inextensible design , Convoluted Code , Poor or nonexistent documentation


 Select The Blank  Question   Cohesion and Coupling is the criteria for measuring ________.

  Correct Answer   Functional Dependency

  Your Answer   Functional Dependency


 True/False  Question   Integration testing is done when the modules are integrated or when new

component is added to the system.  Correct Answer   True

  Your Answer   True


 Select The Blank  Question   In ________model two sets of data are linked by a relationship.

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  Correct Answer   Relational

  Your Answer   Relational


 Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your Answer

Closed System Parameter are fixed Parameter are fixed

Deterministic System Predictable Behavior Predictable Behavior

Probabilistic System Unpredictable Behavior Unpredictable Behavior

Open System Parameters are Variables Parameters are Variables


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A type of testing carried out during the software product development process is:-

  Correct Answer   Execution Based testing

  Your Answer   Non Execution based testing


 Select The Blank  Question   One of the most important guideline for the reviewing the product is review the

product not the ________.  Correct Answer   Producer

  Your Answer   Producer


 Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your Answer

Performance of the System Non Functional Requirements Non Functional Requirements

SRS Structured System Analysis Functional Requirements

Design Phase Design Documentation Design Documentation

SSAD Functions & Features Functions & Features


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The stages of the Iterative Models are

  Correct Answer   Requirement Analysis , System Design , Development Coding & Unit Testing

  Your Answer   Requirement Analysis , System Design , Development Coding & Unit Testing


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Characteristics of a test could be:-

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  Correct Answer   Not Redundant , Best of Breed , Neither too simple Nor to Complex

  Your Answer   Not Redundant , Best of Breed , Neither too simple Nor to Complex


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The outcome of Debugging Process is :-

  Correct Answer   The Error cause will be detected and corrected , The Error Cause will not be detected

  Your Answer   The Error cause will be detected and corrected

LIST OF ATTEMPTED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS  Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The Customer Requirements could be analyzed by:-

  Correct Answer   Interviewing , Questionnaire , Meeting with Key Users

  Your Answer   Interviewing , Questionnaire , Meeting with Key Users


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The Contents which are recorded by the Data Dictionary for an typical item is:-

  Correct Answer   Definition , Identification , Validation Text & Relationship

  Your Answer   Table Name , Definition , Validation Text & Relationship


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   An Approach foucsses on Objects and Processing Methods

  Correct Answer   OOSAD

  Your Answer   OOSAD


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The Examples of Business Software are

  Correct Answer   Payroll ,Accounting, , Inventory , customer Relation Management

  Your Answer   Payroll ,Accounting, , Inventory , customer Relation Management


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   A documentation is tested through :-

  Correct Answer   Technical Review , Actual Operational Review

  Your Answer   Technical Review , Actual Operational Review


 Select The Blank

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  Question   The key requirements of the systems are identified in ________ Phase

  Correct Answer   Definition

  Your Answer   Definition


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   Changes in the Customer requirements are understood and incorporated in which

phase?  Correct Answer   Support

  Your Answer   Analysis


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   The Software development engineering which builds objects of models independent

of the system under consideration is ?  Correct Answer   OOSAD

  Your Answer   OOSAD


 True/False  Question   SQA is ensured through a Quality Management System.

  Correct Answer   True

  Your Answer   True


 Select The Blank  Question   The ________ phase of software engineering focuses on how data are to be

structured and programs are to be developed  Correct Answer   Development

  Your Answer   Development


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A process which breaks statement of work into smaller activities with clear start -

finish definition is called as :-  Correct Answer   Work Break Down Structure

  Your Answer   Work Break Down Structure


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   System Testing Techniques are :-

  Correct Answer   Alpha Test , Beta Test

  Your Answer   Stress Testing


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 Select The Blank  Question   ________ is the Significant project risk the management has to face in software

development activity due to budgeting constraints.  Correct Answer   Funding

  Your Answer   Resources


 True/False  Question   A software review is a filter for the software development process.

  Correct Answer   True

  Your Answer   True


 Select The Blank  Question   ________ layer of the Systems focuses on User Interfaces, data entry, operation

flows and maintenance.  Correct Answer   Operational

  Your Answer   Operational


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Artificial Intelligent Domain Systems Could be

  Correct Answer   Expert System , Image & Voice Recognition System , Neural Networks

  Your Answer   Expert System , Image & Voice Recognition System , Neural Networks


 True/False  Question   A Software solution is evolved in parts as in an incremental fashion in incremental

model  Correct Answer   True

  Your Answer   True


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A modeling and Analysis tool used for System Design and Development is :-

  Correct Answer   Data Flow Diagrams

  Your Answer   Data Flow Diagrams


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Project Metrics helps the project manager in following ways :-

  Correct Answer   Assess Product Quality regularly , Minimize the Development Schedule

  Your Answer   Minimize the Development Schedule , Assess Product Quality regularly , Planning the Risk

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 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   How to develop or build a particular software module is defined by

  Correct Answer   Software Engineering Methods

  Your Answer   Software Engineering Methods


 Select The Blank  Question   ________ combines software, Hardware and a software engineering database to

create a software engineering environment for hardware  Correct Answer   CASE

  Your Answer   CASE


 Select The Blank  Question   A ________ is an activity incorporating both software quality control and quality

assurance.  Correct Answer   Software Quality Management

  Your Answer   Software Quality Management


 Select The Blank  Question   The basic tangible measure of the software is ________

  Correct Answer   Lines of Code

  Your Answer   Lines of Code


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   To set the standards and measure and compare the quality according to American

Heritage dictionary, what is essential?  Correct Answer   Attribute

  Your Answer   Attribute


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   The extent of software functions with precision without any failure is :-

  Correct Answer   Reliability

  Your Answer   Reliability


 True/False  Question   Stress Testing is a part of Integration testing.

  Correct Answer   False

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  Your Answer   False


 True/False  Question   Six Sigma is one of the most widely used strategy for statistical quality assurance in

an industry.  Correct Answer   True

  Your Answer   True


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The Customer Requirements could be analysed by :-

  Correct Answer   Interviewing , Questionnaire , Meeting with Key Users

  Your Answer   Interviewing , Questionnaire , Meeting with Key Users


 True/False  Question   White Box Testing Measures the Correctness of the Inputs and Basic Processes.

  Correct Answer   True

  Your Answer   True


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Following are the data models namely:-

  Correct Answer   Hierarchical Model , Network Model , Relational Model

  Your Answer   Hierarchical Model , Network Model , Relational Model


 True/False  Question   Black Box testing Finds out Missing Functions & Interface Errors.

  Correct Answer   True

  Your Answer   True


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   In a Software Risk Management Risk drivers are :-

  Correct Answer   Technology , People , Requirements

  Your Answer   Technology , People , Requirements


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A set of activities ensure that software correctly implements a specific function is

called as software:-

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  Correct Answer   Verification

  Your Answer   Verification


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   Source Code of the Software is available so that the engineers can make the local

modifications and use the component  Correct Answer   Open Source

  Your Answer   Open Source


 Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your Answer

System Software Operating System Operating System

Machine & assembly Language Scientists and engineers Embeded System

software efficiency Optimum use of resources Good Documentation

Software Usability Good Documentation Optimum use of resources


 True/False  Question   Software Development becomes a costly and risky if the the development process

does not follow a systematic, scientific approach to produce the software  Correct Answer   True

  Your Answer   True


 Select The Blank  Question   ________ tests confirms that the needs and requirements are fulfilled on the

deployment platform.  Correct Answer   Beta

  Your Answer   Beta


 Select The Blank  Question   The Failure Curve of a Hardware is called as ________

  Correct Answer   Bathtub Curve

  Your Answer   Bathtub Curve


 True/False  Question   The ultimate goal of the SQA is to write test cases which fixes the errors.

  Correct Answer   False

  Your Answer   False

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 True/False  Question   The Data Management is not easy with relational Model.

  Correct Answer   False

  Your Answer   False


 Select The Blank  Question   A ________ is largely depends upon the meeting of functional requirements and

performance measures with ease in operations.  Correct Answer   Customer Satisfaction

  Your Answer   Customer Satisfaction


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Risk Management is a Process based on application of :-

  Correct Answer   Game Theory , Probability Theory , Decision Theory

  Your Answer   Probability Theory , Logical Theory , Decision Theory


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A Discipline that integrates Process, Methods and tools for development of a software

is  Correct Answer   Software Engineering

  Your Answer   Software Engineering


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Software Risk could be of :-

  Correct Answer   Process Risk , Project Risk , Product Risk

  Your Answer   Process Risk , Project Risk , Product Risk


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A method of testing carried out formally with the help of some kind of checklist:-

  Correct Answer   Inspections

  Your Answer   Walkthroughs


 Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your Answer

Testing Error Tracing Error Tracing

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Test Plan Test Cases Test Document

Functional Testing Functions & Features Test Cases

Test Case Test Document Functions & Features


 Select The Blank  Question   A ________ Measures the Efforts / cost / time used to achieve the output.

  Correct Answer   Efficiency

  Your Answer   Effectiveness & Efficiency

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LIST OF ATTEMPTED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Project Risk Management Includes:-

  Correct Answer   Risk Mitigation , Risk Prevention , Risk Avoidance

  Your Answer   Risk Analysis , Risk Prevention , Risk Mitigation


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A method of testing carried out formally with the help of some kind of checklist:-

  Correct Answer   Inspections

  Your Answer   Walkthroughs


 Select The Blank  Question   A collection of programs written to service other set of programs and its functions is called as

________  Correct Answer   System Software

  Your Answer   System Software

  True/False  Question   Reactive risk strategies are applied to deal with risk when it occurs.

  Correct Answer   True

  Your Answer   True


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Fourth generation technology helps to control

  Correct Answer   Effort , Resource , Cost development

  Your Answer   Effort , Resource , Cost development


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A project management activity globally viewed as :-

  Correct Answer   A System

  Your Answer   Software Development


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A Discipline that integrates Process, Methods and tools for development of a software is

  Correct Answer   Software Engineering

  Your Answer   Software Engineering

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 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Design Constraints include:-

  Correct Answer   Resource Limitations , Platform Limitations , Protocol Limitations

  Your Answer   Resource Limitations , Platform Limitations , Protocol Limitations


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The types of Software are

  Correct Answer   Business Software , Embedded Software , System Software

  Your Answer   Business Software , Embedded Software , System Software


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The most affected elements of the Quality of the software is:-

  Correct Answer   Customer , Developer , Stake Holders

  Your Answer   Customer , Developer


 True/False  Question   Documentation testing tests and verifies whether the troubleshooting is easily achieved or not.

  Correct Answer   True

  Your Answer   True


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The Scope of the Software Project is defined by Statement of Work which is agreed by ?

  Correct Answer   Users , Stakeholders , Customers

  Your Answer   Stakeholders , Customers


 Select The Blank  Question   Usually the test cases are written using ________.

  Correct Answer   Testing Techniques

  Your Answer   Procedural Plan


 Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your Answer

Development of the Software Software Programs Software Modules

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Corrective Maintenance Maintenance

Process, Tools & Methods Software Engineering Layers Software Engineering Layers

Requirement Specifications Definition Phase Analysis


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   An Approach which majorly focuses on Functions and data structure designed for those

functions.  Correct Answer   SSAD

  Your Answer   OOSAD


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   How to develop or build a particular software module is defined by

  Correct Answer   Software Engineering Methods

  Your Answer   ISO - 9001


 True/False  Question   System Performance is measured through effectiveness and its efficiency.

  Correct Answer   True

  Your Answer   True


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The stages of the Iterative Models are

  Correct Answer   Requirement Analysis , System Design , Development Coding & Unit Testing

  Your Answer   Requirement Analysis , System Design , Development Coding & Unit Testing


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   What is the tool which enforces consistency in naming the entities across the system?

  Correct Answer   Data Dictionary

  Your Answer   ERD


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A process which is iterative in nature which ensures that the RDD & SRS is transformed into

Design to meet the data is called:-  Correct Answer   Design

  Your Answer   Development


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 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   At the beginning testing focuses on each component individually, ensuring that it function

properly as a unit or not this is termed as:-  Correct Answer   Unit Testing

  Your Answer   Unit Testing


 Select The Blank  Question   PRM stands for ________

  Correct Answer   Prototyping Model

  Your Answer   Prototyping Model


 Select The Blank  Question   A ________ is largely depends upon the meeting of functional requirements and performance

measures with ease in operations.  Correct Answer   Customer Satisfaction

  Your Answer   Customer Satisfaction


 Select The Blank  Question   The basic tangible measure of the software is ________

  Correct Answer   Lines of Code

  Your Answer   Lines of Code


 Select The Blank  Question   Generally in an ongoing project a project manager fixes up more ________ to have proper

control measurement of the project activities  Correct Answer   Major Milestone

  Your Answer   Minor Milestone


 Select The Blank  Question   LOC Means________

  Correct Answer   Lines of Code

  Your Answer   Lines of Code


 True/False  Question   Risk which can be known is termed as unpredictable risk.

  Correct Answer   False

  Your Answer   False

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 True/False  Question   System testing checks the abnormality in the software system.

  Correct Answer   False

  Your Answer   True


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A type of testing where the focus is on error/ mistake or fault detection and correction is:-

  Correct Answer   Process based Testing

  Your Answer   Unit based testing


 True/False  Question   The prime objective of Formal Technical Review is to locate the error before it passes on to the

other activity.  Correct Answer   True

  Your Answer   True


 Select The Blank  Question   A ________ Measures the Quality of the output produced by the System

  Correct Answer   Effectiveness

  Your Answer   Effectiveness & Efficiency


 True/False  Question   Software Development becomes complex due to the variety and heterogeneity of requirement

of different Users and Stakeholders  Correct Answer   True

  Your Answer   True


 True/False  Question   Software Development becomes a costly and risky if the the development process does not

follow a systematic, scientific approach to produce the software  Correct Answer   True

  Your Answer   True


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A type of testing which mainly focuses on the functional aspect of the software product is:-

  Correct Answer   Functional Testing

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  Your Answer   Functional Testing


 True/False  Question   A computer system without system software can not function

  Correct Answer   True

  Your Answer   True


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A type of testing in which all the requirements of the module is cross referenced with the

developed module is called as:-  Correct Answer   Validation Testing

  Your Answer   Integration Testing


 Select The Blank  Question   A ________ is an activity incorporating both software quality control and quality assurance.

  Correct Answer   Software Quality Management

  Your Answer   Software Quality Management


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   The Application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development,

operation and maintenance of the software is termed as  Correct Answer   Software Engineering

  Your Answer   Software Engineering


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The responsibilities of Software Managerare

  Correct Answer   To maintain budget , Keep schedules from slipping , Improve quality

  Your Answer   To maintain budget , Keep schedules from slipping , Improve quality


 Select The Blank  Question   ________ type of testing evaluate the logical access to the basic functionality of the System.

  Correct Answer   Security Testing

  Your Answer   Security Testing


 True/False  Question   Functional Testing focuses on the Basic Functionality of the Software.

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  Correct Answer   True

  Your Answer   True


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   The Scope of the work in a Software Project is defined by :-

  Correct Answer   Statement of Work

  Your Answer   Requirement Specifications


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Operational Testing is carried out by :-

  Correct Answer   Recovery Testing , Stress Testing , Performance Testing

  Your Answer   Alpha & Beta Test , Stress Testing


 Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your Answer

Closed System Parameter are fixed Parameter are fixed

Deterministic System Predictable Behavior Predictable Behavior

Probabilistic System Unpredictable Behavior Controlled Changes

Open System Parameters are Variables Normalized External Parameters


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The Examples of Business Software are

  Correct Answer   Payroll ,Accounting, , Inventory , customer Relation Management

  Your Answer   Payroll ,Accounting, , Inventory , customer Relation Management


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   A formal Technical Review may include:-

  Correct Answer   Walkthroughs , Inspections , Roundrobin reviews

  Your Answer   Inspections , Roundrobin reviews


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A Process of organizing the sub systems as one system to reduce the number of connectivities

or interfaces:-  Correct Answer   Simplification

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  Your Answer   Simplification

LIST OF ATTEMPTED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS  Select The Blank  Question   An Operational deviation made by the user leading to improper result is said to be ________.

  Correct Answer   Fault or Mistake of the System

  Your Answer   Defect

  Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Black Box testing techniques are:-

  Correct Answer   Graph Based Testing Methods , Equivalence Portioning , Boundary Value Analysis

  Your Answer   Equivalence Portioning , Boundary Value Analysis , Graph Based Testing Methods


 True/False  Question   The last step in the design process is the Software development.

  Correct Answer   False

  Your Answer   False


 True/False  Question   The results of the test case is recorded in the test specification document.

  Correct Answer   True

  Your Answer   True


 Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your Answer

Closed System Parameter are fixed Parameter are fixed

Deterministic System Predictable Behavior Predictable Behavior

Probabilistic System Unpredictable Behavior Unpredictable Behavior

Open System Parameters are Variables Parameters are Variables


 Select The Blank  Question   Usually the test cases are written using ________.

  Correct Answer   Testing Techniques

  Your Answer   Testing Techniques

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 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A type of testing in which all the requirements of the module is cross referenced with the developed

module is called as:-  Correct Answer   Validation Testing

  Your Answer   Validation Testing


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Design Constraints include:-

  Correct Answer   Resource Limitations , Platform Limitations , Protocol Limitations

  Your Answer   Resource Limitations , Platform Limitations , Protocol Limitations


 Select The Blank  Question   ________ evaluates the run time performance of the system developed.

  Correct Answer   Performance Testing

  Your Answer   Beta Test


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The next development in software engineering is

  Correct Answer   The extensive use od CASE tool for analysis and design , The use of tool generate the code , The use of Component technology

  Your Answer   Graphical tool , The use of tool generate the code , The extensive use od CASE tool for analysis and design  

 Select The Blank  Question   ________ is characterized by longetivity and business criticality

  Correct Answer   Legacy Software

  Your Answer   Mainframes


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   Software Engineering attempts to identify what information is to be processed, what function and

performance is desired in which phase?  Correct Answer   Definition Phase

  Your Answer   Definition Phase


 True/False  Question   System testing Starts when Software Integration is about to be completed.

  Correct Answer   False

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  Your Answer   False


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The stages of the Iterative Models are

  Correct Answer   Requirement Analysis , System Design , Development Coding & Unit Testing

  Your Answer   Requirement Analysis , System Design , Development Coding & Unit Testing


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   Who Defines SE as the application of a Systematic, disciplined and quantifiable approach to the

development and maintenance of a Software  Correct Answer   IEEE

  Your Answer   ISO - 9001


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A set of Computer Programs which performs set of preset functions is called as ?

  Correct Answer   Software

  Your Answer   Software


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A Systematic approach to organise and documents the need of the customer which is a basis for

software development is :-  Correct Answer   Requirements Management

  Your Answer   Project Management


 Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your Answer

Development of the Software Software Programs Software Programs

Corrective Maintenance Maintenance

Process, Tools & Methods Software Engineering Layers Software Engineering Layers

Requirement Specifications Definition Phase Definition Phase


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A System which is designed to interact and to exchange with the environment and reacts to the

inputs accordingly:-  Correct Answer   Open System

  Your Answer   Open System


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 True/False  Question   E-R Diagrams are used to identify the Weak and Strong Relations.

  Correct Answer   True

  Your Answer   True


 Select The Blank  Question   The Plat Form of the software is developed keeping in mind of certain hardware and ________

  Correct Answer   Operating System

  Your Answer   Operating System


 True/False  Question   System testing checks the abnormality in the software system.

  Correct Answer   False

  Your Answer   True


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   Changes in the Customer requirements are understood and incorporated in which phase?

  Correct Answer   Support

  Your Answer   Analysis


 Select The Blank  Question   Inadequacy or misout in SRS & RDD is ________.

  Correct Answer   Defect

  Your Answer   Defect


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   How to develop or build a particular software module is defined by

  Correct Answer   Software Engineering Methods

  Your Answer   Software Engineering Methods


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   The Extend to which the software product is protected from an unauthorized access is :-

  Correct Answer   Integrity

  Your Answer   Integrity

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 True/False  Question   Systems running on web platforms needs high level of protection from testers.

  Correct Answer   False

  Your Answer   True


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Resources required for a Software development activity could be :-

  Correct Answer   Development Environment , Reusable Components , People

  Your Answer   People , Development Environment , Reusable Components


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The most affected elements of the Quality of the software is:-

  Correct Answer   Customer , Developer , Stake Holders

  Your Answer   Customer , Developer , Stake Holders


 Select The Blank  Question   A ________ is an activity incorporating both software quality control and quality assurance.

  Correct Answer   Software Quality Management

  Your Answer   Software Quality Management


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A process to commit the organisation to start the project and complete the project document

providing a broad spectrum of the project is :-  Correct Answer   Project Initiation

  Your Answer   Project Initiation


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A Cost which includes quality planning, measuring & monitoring the quality aspect and its training

is :-  Correct Answer   Achievement Cost

  Your Answer   Quality Training Cost


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Resources required for a Software development activity could be :-

  Correct Answer   People , Development Environment , Reusable Components

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  Your Answer   People , Development Environment , Reusable Components


 True/False  Question   Six Sigma is one of the most widely used strategy for statistical quality assurance in an industry.

  Correct Answer   True

  Your Answer   True


 Select The Blank  Question   The basic tangible measure of the software is ________

  Correct Answer   Lines of Code

  Your Answer   Lines of Code


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A technique in which participants have freedom to express their views is known as :-

  Correct Answer   Brainstorming

  Your Answer   Questionnaire


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A Modification of the Software is done to accommodate the changes forced by the external

environment is  Correct Answer   Adaptive Maintenance

  Your Answer   Adaptive Maintenance


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   The Application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development, operation and

maintenance of the software is termed as  Correct Answer   Software Engineering

  Your Answer   Software Engineering


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   The variation in quality is monitored by keeping the attributes at the desired level, this phenomenon

is called as :-  Correct Answer   Quality Control

  Your Answer   Check & Go Tactics


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Project Risk Management Includes:-

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  Correct Answer   Risk Prevention , Risk Avoidance , Risk Mitigation

  Your Answer   Risk Prevention , Risk Avoidance , Risk Mitigation


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A Discipline that integrates Process, Methods and tools for development of a software is

  Correct Answer   Software Engineering

  Your Answer   Software Engineering


 True/False  Question   A computer system without system software can not function

  Correct Answer   True

  Your Answer   True


 Select The Blank  Question   The ________ phase of software engineering focuses on how data are to be structured and

programs are to be developed  Correct Answer   Development

  Your Answer   Development


 True/False  Question   The Major risk involved in software project is to identify the programmers required and the pay scales

of them.  Correct Answer   False

  Your Answer   False


 Select The Blank  Question   One of the most important guideline for the reviewing the product is review the product not the

________.  Correct Answer   Producer

  Your Answer   Project


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Fourth generation technology helps to control

  Correct Answer   Effort , Resource , Cost development

  Your Answer   Effort , Resource , Cost development


 Select The Blank

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  Question   A ________ is understood as a possibility of Loss.

  Correct Answer   Risk

  Your Answer   Un Structured Plan

LIST OF ATTEMPTED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS  True/False  Question   Spiral model itself is a model which is base for other software development models

  Correct Answer   False

  Your Answer   False


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The broad quality parameters are:-

  Correct Answer   Reliability , Safety , Security

  Your Answer   Safety , Security , Reliability


 Select The Blank  Question   ________ is achieved by carving out a module that is responsible for any unique function

and which does not need to interact with other parts of the system.  Correct Answer   Functional Dependency

  Your Answer   Functional Dependency

  Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A set of activities ensure that software correctly implements a specific function is called as

software:-  Correct Answer   Verification

  Your Answer   Verification

  Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   Software Engineering attempts to identify what information is to be processed, what

function and performance is desired in which phase?  Correct Answer   Definition Phase

  Your Answer   Definition Phase

  True/False  Question   Reactive risk strategies are applied to deal with risk when it occurs.

  Correct Answer   True

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  Your Answer   True


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Test Case Design for real time systems strategically should include:-

  Correct Answer   Task Testing , Behavioral Testing , Intertask Testing

  Your Answer   Task Testing , Behavioral Testing , Intertask Testing


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   How to develop or build a particular software module is defined by

  Correct Answer   Software Engineering Methods

  Your Answer   Software Engineering Methods


 True/False  Question   Proactive risk strategies are applied to deal with risk when it occurs.

  Correct Answer   False

  Your Answer   False

  Select The Blank  Question   A ________ Measures the Quality of the output produced by the System

  Correct Answer   Effectiveness

  Your Answer   Effectiveness


 Select The Blank  Question   SE Methodology rides on two components, System Engineering and ________.

  Correct Answer   Development Engineering

  Your Answer   Development Engineering


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   The Application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development,

operation and maintenance of the software is termed as  Correct Answer   Software Engineering

  Your Answer   Software Engineering


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Project Risk Management Includes:-

  Correct Answer   Risk Prevention , Risk Avoidance , Risk Mitigation

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  Your Answer   Risk Prevention , Risk Avoidance , Risk Mitigation

  Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The Customer Requirements could be analysed by :-

  Correct Answer   Interviewing , Questionnaire , Meeting with Key Users

  Your Answer   Interviewing , Questionnaire , Meeting with Key Users

  Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A document which identifies and helps the project manager to focus on the grey areas or

critical functions in the project is :-  Correct Answer   Software Requirement Specifications

  Your Answer   Software Requirement Specifications


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   The Software development engineering which builds objects of models independent of the

system under consideration is ?  Correct Answer   OOSAD

  Your Answer   OOSAD


 Select The Blank  Question   ________ tests confirms that the needs and requirements are fulfilled on the deployment

platform.  Correct Answer   Beta

  Your Answer   Beta


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Test cases are built for :-

  Correct Answer   Data Structure , Specific Value Conditions

  Your Answer   Data Structure , Specific Value Conditions


 True/False  Question   System testing Starts when Software Integration is about to be completed.

  Correct Answer   False

  Your Answer   False


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The Scope of the Software Project is defined by Statement of Work which is agreed by ?

  Correct Answer   Users , Stakeholders , Customers

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  Your Answer   Users , Stakeholders , Customers

  Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The Functionality of the Client application is tested using :-

  Correct Answer   Server Tests , Database Tests , Transaction Tests

  Your Answer   Server Tests , Database Tests , Transaction Tests

  Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The Examples of Business Software are

  Correct Answer   Payroll ,Accounting, , Inventory , customer Relation Management

  Your Answer   Payroll ,Accounting, , Inventory , customer Relation Management


 Select The Blank  Question   The Errors which have impact on look and feel of the system is classified as ________

errors  Correct Answer   Cosmetic

  Your Answer   Cosmetic


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   What is the tool which enforces consistency in naming the entities across the system?

  Correct Answer   Data Dictionary

  Your Answer   Data Dictionary

  Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your Answer

World Wide Web Content provider Content provider

Software Deteriorates Deteriorates

System Software File Management File Management

Application Software Standalone Programs Standalone Programs


 True/False  Question   SQA is ensured through a Quality Management System.

  Correct Answer   True

  Your Answer   True


 Select The Blank

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  Question   A ________ deals with identification and assessment of potential hazards of software failing and its impact on the systems.

  Correct Answer   Software Safety

  Your Answer   Software Safety


 Select The Blank  Question   Requirements Management Begins with ________.

  Correct Answer   Identification

  Your Answer   Identification


 True/False  Question   Documentation testing tests and verifies whether the troubleshooting is easily achieved or

not.  Correct Answer   True

  Your Answer   True


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The responsibilities of Software Managerare

  Correct Answer   To maintain budget , Keep schedules from slipping , Improve quality

  Your Answer   To maintain budget , Keep schedules from slipping , Improve quality

  Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Risk Management is a Process based on application of :-

  Correct Answer   Game Theory , Probability Theory , Decision Theory

  Your Answer   Game Theory , Probability Theory , Decision Theory


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A process to commit the organisation to start the project and complete the project

document providing a broad spectrum of the project is :-  Correct Answer   Project Initiation

  Your Answer   Project Initiation

  Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A system for the support of software development is called

  Correct Answer   Computer Aided Software Engineering

  Your Answer   Computer Aided Software Engineering


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

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  Question   The stages of the Iterative Models are

  Correct Answer   Requirement Analysis , System Design , Development Coding & Unit Testing

  Your Answer   Requirement Analysis , System Design , Development Coding & Unit Testing

  Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Following are the data models namely:-

  Correct Answer   Hierarchical Model , Network Model , Relational Model

  Your Answer   Hierarchical Model , Network Model , Relational Model

  Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your Answer

Testing Error Tracing Error Tracing

Test Plan Test Cases Test Cases

Functional Testing Functions & Features Functions & Features

Test Case Test Document Test Document


 True/False  Question   People, Procedures and Parameters are the Drivers of the Technology.

  Correct Answer   False

  Your Answer   False


 Select The Blank  Question   A ________ arises due to uncertainties involved in assessing, estimating various inputs to

the software process.  Correct Answer   Process Risk

  Your Answer   Process Risk


 Select The Blank  Question   A unit tests major focuses on ________

  Correct Answer   Processes & Code

  Your Answer   Processes & Code


 True/False  Question   SRS is one of the cause of not meeting the SQA.

  Correct Answer   True

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  Your Answer   True


 True/False  Question   The Emphasis in SSAD is on functions and features.

  Correct Answer   True

  Your Answer   True


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   The variation in quality is monitored by keeping the attributes at the desired level, this

phenomenon is called as :-  Correct Answer   Quality Control

  Your Answer   Quality Control


 Select The Blank  Question   ________ is a System Engineering approach that is used to define architecture that

enables a business to use Information Effectively.  Correct Answer   Business Processing Engineering

  Your Answer   Business Processing Engineering

  Select The Blank  Question   Usually the test cases are written using ________.

  Correct Answer   Testing Techniques

  Your Answer   Testing Techniques


 True/False  Question   Database Design is a major component of system design and development.

  Correct Answer   True

  Your Answer   True

  Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A Step in risk Management which identifies and enumerates the risk is :-

  Correct Answer   Risk Identification

  Your Answer   Risk Identification


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A model which creates sources and destinations for the data flows of data i.e. input and

output is:-  Correct Answer   Data Flow Diagrams

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  Your Answer   Data Flow Diagrams


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Software Risk could be of :-

  Correct Answer   Process Risk , Project Risk , Product Risk

  Your Answer   Process Risk , Project Risk , Product Risk


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Architecture Design Consists of:-

  Correct Answer   Module Structure , Program Structure , Hierarchy in the Structure

  Your Answer   Module Structure , Program Structure , Process Structure


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The Customer Requirements could be analyzed by:-

  Correct Answer   Interviewing , Questionnaire , Meeting with Key Users

  Your Answer   Interviewing , Questionnaire , Case Study


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A layer in which rules and regulations , functions and processes, dataflows and

process flows are visualized:-  Correct Answer   Logical

  Your Answer   Logical


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Characteristics of a test could be:-

  Correct Answer   Not Redundant , Best of Breed , Neither too simple Nor to Complex

  Your Answer   Not Redundant , Best of Breed


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   A formal Technical Review may include:-

  Correct Answer   Walkthroughs , Inspections , Roundrobin reviews

  Your Answer   Walkthroughs , Inspections , Roundrobin reviews


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A Phenomenon which states that over a period of times the system gets into a

phase of degrading and disorganization is:-

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  Correct Answer   Entropy

  Your Answer   Discard


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A method of testing carried out formally with the help of some kind of checklist:-

  Correct Answer   Inspections

  Your Answer   Module


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A Software developed to perform certain functionality and later on embedded into

the hardware is called as  Correct Answer   Embedded Software

  Your Answer   Embedded Software


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Following are the data models namely:-

  Correct Answer   Hierarchical Model , Network Model , Relational Model

  Your Answer   Hierarchical Model , Network Model , Relational Model


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A principle in which the system is factored into smaller sub systems:-

  Correct Answer   Decomposition

  Your Answer   Decomposition


 True/False  Question   A computer system without system software can not function

  Correct Answer   True

  Your Answer   False


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Some of the Steps involve in Integration Testing is :-

  Correct Answer   Main Control Module is a Test Driver , Tests are conducted as each component is added , Regression Testing is done

  Your Answer   Main Control Module is a Test Driver , Tests are conducted as each component is added , Stress Testing  


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  Question   SRS is Systems requirement specifications in the software development phase

  Correct Answer   True

  Your Answer   False


 Select The Blank  Question   ________ is achieved by carving out a module that is responsible for any unique

function and which does not need to interact with other parts of the system.  Correct Answer   Functional Dependency

  Your Answer   Functional Dependency


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A software metrics use a measure of the functionality delivered by the application as

a normalisation value is :-  Correct Answer   Function oriented Software Metrics

  Your Answer   Function oriented Software Metrics


 True/False  Question   E-R Diagrams are used to identify the Weak and Strong Relations.

  Correct Answer   True

  Your Answer   True


 Select The Blank  Question   ________ is a process of executing a program with the intent of finding an error.

  Correct Answer   Testing

  Your Answer   Testing


 True/False  Question   Software Development becomes a costly and risky if the the development process

does not follow a systematic, scientific approach to produce the software  Correct Answer   True

  Your Answer   True


 True/False  Question   Domain Specific applications are developed mostly integrating components which

are similar in functionality  Correct Answer   True

  Your Answer   True


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 True/False  Question   Recovery testing focuses on the Cost Recovery Plan of the Software Implemented.

  Correct Answer   False

  Your Answer   False


 True/False  Question   System testing checks the abnormality in the software system.

  Correct Answer   False

  Your Answer   False


 Select The Blank  Question   A ________ deals with identification and assessment of potential hazards of

software failing and its impact on the systems.  Correct Answer   Software Safety

  Your Answer   Software Safety


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A process in which a project is broken down into smaller manageable units is called

as :-  Correct Answer   Project Compartmentalization

  Your Answer   Project Compartmentalization


 Select The Blank  Question   ________ type of an error is class I error and needs corrective measures to be

implemented immediately.  Correct Answer   Fatal

  Your Answer   Fatal


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Project Metrics enable a software project manager to:-

  Correct Answer   Assess the Status of the Ongoing Project , Identify the Risk Potential , Uncover problem areas before they go Critical

  Your Answer   Assess the Status of the Ongoing Project , Identify the Risk Potential , Uncover problem areas before they go Critical  

 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A Cost of in-process inspection, calibration and maintenance and testing of all that

is used in the process of producing the required quality is :-  Correct Answer   Process Maintenance Cost

  Your Answer   Process Maintenance Cost

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 Select The Blank  Question   The Errors which have impact on look and feel of the system is classified as

________ errors  Correct Answer   Cosmetic

  Your Answer   Cosmetic


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Resources required for a Software development activity could be :-

  Correct Answer   Development Environment , Reusable Components , People

  Your Answer   People , Development Environment , Reusable Components


 Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your Answer

Spiral Model Boehm Spiral model Boehm Spiral model

Legacy software Poor Quality Poor Quality

Objects Attribute, Methods Attribute, Methods

SSAD yourdan & DeMarco Structured Methodology


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A DD type which models internals of the process i.e. the details namely how ,

where, by whom and so on is known as:-  Correct Answer   Physical DFD

  Your Answer   System DFD


 Select The Blank  Question   The objective of a ________ is to test for what we want to achieve and not what is

actually achieved.  Correct Answer   Test Plan

  Your Answer   Test Plan


 True/False  Question   The Water Fall Model is used where the risk factor is almost nil

  Correct Answer   True

  Your Answer   False



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  Question   Black Box testing Finds out Missing Functions & Interface Errors.

  Correct Answer   True

  Your Answer   False


 Select The Blank  Question   ________ is a System Engineering approach that is used to define architecture that

enables a business to use Information Effectively.  Correct Answer   Business Processing Engineering

  Your Answer   Business Processing Engineering


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   SQA efforts most primarily assures:-

  Correct Answer   Software Quality , Software Reliability , Software Availability

  Your Answer   Software Quality , Software Reliability , Software Maintenance


 Select The Blank  Question   ________ testing confirms that the needs and requirements are fulfilled in the

development environment.  Correct Answer   Alpha

  Your Answer   Alpha


 Select The Blank  Question   An Operational deviation made by the user leading to improper result is said to be

________.  Correct Answer   Fault or Mistake of the System

  Your Answer   Error


 Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your Answer

Entity Object which is Uniquely Distinguished

Object which is Uniquely Distinguished

Hierarchical Model Tree Structure Tree Structure

Network Model Network Communications Mesh Structure

Relational Model Data are Linked Sequence Structure


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   A documentation is tested through :-

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  Correct Answer   Technical Review , Actual Operational Review

  Your Answer   Technical Review , Actual Operational Review


 Select The Blank  Question   In ________Model the risk of the Software development is almost Nil

  Correct Answer   Water Fall

  Your Answer   Incremental


 Select The Blank  Question   Each & every ________ has a Specific format as a record.

  Correct Answer   Test

  Your Answer   Verification Procedure


 True/False  Question   SE is applied for software development through Engineering Methods

  Correct Answer   True

  Your Answer   True


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The Contents which are recorded by the Data Dictionary for an typical item is:-

  Correct Answer   Definition , Identification , Validation Text & Relationship

  Your Answer   Table Name , Definition , Identification


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A testing is carried out continuously as the software components are built or

incremented is:-  Correct Answer   Incremental Testing

  Your Answer   Incremental Testing


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A Process of organizing the sub systems as one system to reduce the number of

connectivities or interfaces:-  Correct Answer   Simplification

  Your Answer   Decoupling


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A process which audits and inspects whether the people responsible for quality and

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customer satisfaction follow the quality control measures & standards or not is :-  Correct Answer   Quality Assurance

  Your Answer   Quality Control


 True/False  Question   CAD/CAM/CAE are the examples of embedded Software

  Correct Answer   False

  Your Answer   False


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The Scope of the Software Project is defined by Statement of Work which is agreed by

?  Correct Answer   Users , Stakeholders , Customers

  Your Answer   Users , Stakeholders , Customers


 Select The Blank  Question   A ________ Measures the Quality of the output produced by the System

  Correct Answer   Effectiveness

  Your Answer   Design


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   IN OOSAD, Objects have

  Correct Answer   attribute , Methods , relationship

  Your Answer   attribute , Methods , relationship


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   System Testing Techniques are :-

  Correct Answer   Alpha Test , Beta Test

  Your Answer   Alpha Test , Beta Test , Stress Testing


 Select The Blank  Question   The Errors which have impact on look and feel of the system is classified as ________


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  Correct Answer   Cosmetic

  Your Answer   Cosmetic


 Select The Blank  Question   A Module Tests focuses on ________.

  Correct Answer   Functions & Design

  Your Answer   Processes & Code


 Select The Blank  Question   ________ evaluates the run time performance of the system developed.

  Correct Answer   Performance Testing

  Your Answer   Performance Testing


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   The Application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development,

operation and maintenance of the software is termed as  Correct Answer   Software Engineering

  Your Answer   Software Engineering


 Select The Blank  Question   Usually the test cases are written using ________.

  Correct Answer   Testing Techniques

  Your Answer   Requirements Specifications


 Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your Answer

Recovery Testing Recovery Procedures Recovery Procedures

Integration testing Top Down Approach Integration Testing

Bottom Up Approach Integration Testing Top Down Approach

System testing Alpha & Beta Testing Alpha & Beta Testing


 Select The Blank  Question   ________ layer of the Systems focuses on User Interfaces, data entry, operation flows

and maintenance.  Correct Answer   Operational

  Your Answer   Operational

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 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A system for the support of software development is called

  Correct Answer   Computer Aided Software Engineering

  Your Answer   Supporting Modules


 Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your Answer

Testing Error Tracing Error Tracing

Test Plan Test Cases Test Cases

Functional Testing Functions & Features Functions & Features

Test Case Test Document Test Document


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A Software that makes use of non numerical algorithms to solve complex problems

that are not amenable to straightforward analysis  Correct Answer   Artificial Intelligence

  Your Answer   Artificial Intelligence


 True/False  Question   The Unit of the Software is the smallest entity to be tested.

  Correct Answer   True

  Your Answer   True


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   Software Engineering attempts to identify what information is to be processed, what

function and performance is desired in which phase?  Correct Answer   Definition Phase

  Your Answer   Definition Phase


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A Phenomenon which states that over a period of times the system gets into a phase

of degrading and disorganization is:-  Correct Answer   Entropy

  Your Answer   Entropy


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   Changes in the Customer requirements are understood and incorporated in which

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phase?  Correct Answer   Support

  Your Answer   Support


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A Modification of the Software is done to accommodate the changes forced by the

external environment is  Correct Answer   Adaptive Maintenance

  Your Answer   Corrective & Adaptive Maintenance


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The Examples of Business Software are

  Correct Answer   Payroll ,Accounting, , Inventory , customer Relation Management

  Your Answer   Payroll ,Accounting, , Inventory , customer Relation Management


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A Principle in which the Functional Cohesion between the sub system is maintained:-

  Correct Answer   Decomposition

  Your Answer   Simplification


 True/False  Question   The results of the test case is recorded in the test specification document.

  Correct Answer   True

  Your Answer   True


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Resources required for a Software development activity could be :-

  Correct Answer   People , Development Environment , Reusable Components

  Your Answer   People , Development Environment , Reusable Components


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   An Output of a Structured System Analysis is:-

  Correct Answer   Software Requirement Specification

  Your Answer   Software Analysis


 Select The Blank

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  Question   A ________ has to be performed regularly throughout the achievement life cycle.

  Correct Answer   Risk Management

  Your Answer   Risk Management


 True/False  Question   A computer system without system software can not function

  Correct Answer   True

  Your Answer   True


 True/False  Question   Spiral model itself is a model which is base for other software development models

  Correct Answer   False

  Your Answer   False


 True/False  Question   Software Development becomes complex due to the variety and heterogeneity of

requirement of different Users and Stakeholders  Correct Answer   True

  Your Answer   True


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The Contents which are recorded by the Data Dictionary for an typical item is:-

  Correct Answer   Definition , Identification , Validation Text & Relationship

  Your Answer   Definition , Identification , Validation Text & Relationship


 True/False  Question   The Major risk involved in software project is to identify the programmers required and

the pay scales of them.  Correct Answer   False

  Your Answer   False


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Test Case Design for real time systems strategically should include:-

  Correct Answer   Task Testing , Behavioral Testing , Intertask Testing

  Your Answer   Task Testing , Behavioral Testing , Intertask Testing


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 Select The Blank  Question   Generally in an ongoing project a project manager fixes up more ________ to have

proper control measurement of the project activities  Correct Answer   Major Milestone

  Your Answer   Major Milestone


 Select The Blank  Question   ________ type of an error is class I error and needs corrective measures to be

implemented immediately.  Correct Answer   Fatal

  Your Answer   Fatal


 True/False  Question   SE is applied for software development through Engineering Methods

  Correct Answer   True

  Your Answer   True


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A Discipline that integrates Process, Methods and tools for development of a software

is  Correct Answer   Software Engineering

  Your Answer   Software Engineering


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A testing technique which is critically important and it ensures correctness of all inputs

and basic processes of a unit is called as ?  Correct Answer   White Box Testing

  Your Answer   White Box Testing


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Resources required for a Software development activity could be :-

  Correct Answer   People , Development Environment , Reusable Components

  Your Answer   People , Development Environment , Reusable Components


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   A documentation is tested through :-

  Correct Answer   Technical Review , Actual Operational Review

  Your Answer   Technical Review , Actual Operational Review

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 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   How to develop or build a particular software module is defined by

  Correct Answer   Software Engineering Methods

  Your Answer   Software Engineering Methods


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A software which directly communicates with the hardware and provides an interface

to perform certain tasks is termed as  Correct Answer   System Software

  Your Answer   System Software


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A System in which next state of the system can be predicted without doubt is :-

  Correct Answer   Deterministic

  Your Answer   Deterministic


 True/False  Question   Documentation testing tests and verifies whether the troubleshooting is easily

achieved or not.  Correct Answer   True

  Your Answer   True


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   When the System requirements are easy to establish and are stable, the development

is customer specific, and changes are not foreseen then the model used is?  Correct Answer   Water Fall Model

  Your Answer   Water Fall Model


 True/False  Question   The last step in the design process is the Software development.

  Correct Answer   False

  Your Answer   False


 Select The Blank  Question   The ________ phase of software engineering focuses on how data are to be

structured and programs are to be developed  Correct Answer   Development

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  Your Answer   Development


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A software which resides in the read only memory and controls the functions of the

resident Products  Correct Answer   Embedded Software

  Your Answer   Embedded Software


 True/False  Question   SRS is Systems requirement specifications in the software development phase

  Correct Answer  True

  Your Answer   True


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Fourth generation technology helps to control

  Correct Answer  Effort , Resource , Cost development

  Your Answer   Resource , Cost development , Effort


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The responsibilities of Software Managerare

  Correct Answer  To maintain budget , Keep schedules from slipping , Improve quality

  Your Answer   To maintain budget , Keep schedules from slipping , Improve quality


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A process which ensures that the materials input (Process input), the manufacturing

process (software development process) and outgoing quality are of requisite standards is :-

  Correct Answer  Quality Assurance

  Your Answer   Quality Control


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The software designed with the correct choice of technology and architecture to ensure:

  Correct Answer  Customer Satisfaction , On-time Delivery , Developed with the budgeted cost

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  Your Answer   Customer Satisfaction , On-time Delivery , Developed with the budgeted cost


 Select The Blank  Question   A ________ is understood as a possibility of Loss.

  Correct Answer  Risk

  Your Answer   Risk


 Select The Blank  Question   The key requirements of the systems are identified in ________ Phase

  Correct Answer  Definition

  Your Answer   Definition


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A type of testing which mainly focuses on the functional aspect of the software product

is:-  Correct Answer  Functional Testing

  Your Answer   Functional Testing


 True/False  Question   Risk which can be known is termed as unpredictable risk.

  Correct Answer  False

  Your Answer   False


 True/False  Question   Database Design is a major component of system design and development.

  Correct Answer  True

  Your Answer   True


 Select The Blank  Question   The Plat Form of the software is developed keeping in mind of certain hardware and

________  Correct Answer  Operating System

  Your Answer   Operating System


 Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your Answer

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Development of the Software Software Programs Software Programs

Corrective Maintenance Maintenance

Process, Tools & Methods Software Engineering Layers Software Engineering Layers

Requirement Specifications Definition Phase Definition Phase


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   Most of the Software's Continues to be custom built because

  Correct Answer  Reusability of the Component

  Your Answer   Reusability of the Component


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A type of testing where the focus is user and user Behavior is:-

  Correct Answer  Usage based testing

  Your Answer   Usage based testing


 Select The Blank  Question   Software is classified into two categories, Generic and ________.

  Correct Answer  Cutomised

  Your Answer   Cutomised


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A degree to which the design aspect of the Quality is met is termed as :-

  Correct Answer  Quality Conformance

  Your Answer   Quality Conformance


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Database Design Specification include:-

  Correct Answer  Data Model , Internal & External File Structure , Referential Details

  Your Answer   Data Model , Referential Details , Normalization


 Select The Blank  Question   ________ is developed or engineered not manufactured

  Correct Answer  Software

  Your Answer   Software

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 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   Source Code of the Software is available so that the engineers can make the local

modifications and use the component  Correct Answer  Open Source

  Your Answer   Open Source


 Select The Blank  Question   In ________Model the risk of the Software development is almost Nil

  Correct Answer  Water Fall

  Your Answer   Water Fall


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   The Software development engineering which builds objects of models independent of

the system under consideration is ?  Correct Answer  OOSAD

  Your Answer   OOSAD


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A Process of organizing the sub systems as one system to reduce the number of

connectivities or interfaces:-  Correct Answer  Simplification

  Your Answer   Decoupling


 True/False  Question   White Box Testing Measures the Correctness of the Inputs and Basic Processes.

  Correct Answer  True

  Your Answer   False


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   The Extent of effort to locate the error and fix it is :-

  Correct Answer  Maintainability

  Your Answer   Maintainability


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   The success of the software depends upon ?

  Correct Answer  Usability

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  Your Answer   Usability


 Select The Blank  Question   The objective of a ________ is to test for what we want to achieve and not what is

actually achieved.  Correct Answer  Test Plan

  Your Answer   Testing


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The outcome of Debugging Process is :-

  Correct Answer  The Error cause will be detected and corrected , The Error Cause will not be detected

  Your Answer   The Error cause will be detected and corrected , The Error Cause will not be detected


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Software Risk could be of :-

  Correct Answer  Process Risk , Project Risk , Product Risk

  Your Answer   Process Risk , Project Risk , Product Risk


 True/False  Question   Stress Testing is a part of Integration testing.

  Correct Answer  False

  Your Answer   False


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The Factors enabling easy change are :-

  Correct Answer  Maintainability , Flexibility , Testability

  Your Answer   Maintainability , Flexibility , Reusability


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A series of steps framed to meet the desired standards during the complete phase of

production is called as :-  Correct Answer  Quality Control

  Your Answer   Quality Control


 Select The Blank  Question   Inadequacy or misout in SRS & RDD is ________.

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  Correct Answer  Defect

  Your Answer   Error


 True/False  Question   Reactive risk strategies are applied to deal with risk when it occurs.

  Correct Answer  True

  Your Answer   True


 Select The Blank  Question   To become a registered, one of the quality assurance system models contained in ISO

9000 a company's quality system is scrutinized by ________.  Correct Answer  Third Party Auditor

  Your Answer   ISO Manager


 True/False  Question   System testing Starts when Software Integration is about to be completed.

  Correct Answer  False

  Your Answer   False


 Select The Blank  Question   ________ is a System Engineering approach that is used to define architecture that

enables a business to use Information Effectively.  Correct Answer  Business Processing Engineering

  Your Answer   Business Processing Engineering


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Characteristics of a test could be:-

  Correct Answer  Not Redundant , Best of Breed , Neither too simple Nor to Complex

  Your Answer   Not Redundant , Yield Better Results


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A set of Computer Programs which performs set of preset functions is called as ?

  Correct Answer  Software

  Your Answer   Software


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

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  Question   In a Software Risk Management Risk drivers are :-

  Correct Answer  Technology , People , Requirements

  Your Answer   Technology , People , Requirements


 Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your Answer

Normalization Table Design Data Management With Ease

Performance Management Efficiency & Effectiveness Efficiency & Effectiveness

Relational Model Data Management With Ease Relationship Management

E-R Diagrams Strong & Weak Entities Table Design


 True/False  Question   Six Sigma is one of the most widely used strategy for statistical quality assurance in an

industry.  Correct Answer  True

  Your Answer   True


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   The First step in the design and development process is to build the:-

  Correct Answer  Data Dictionary

  Your Answer   Data Models


 Select The Blank  Question   An incorrect decision by the designer, programmer or analyst that leads to improper

result is an ________.  Correct Answer  Error

  Your Answer   Defect


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A type of testing carried out during the software product development process is:-

  Correct Answer  Execution Based testing

  Your Answer   Plan based testing


 True/False  Question   Software Development becomes a costly and risky if the the development process does

not follow a systematic, scientific approach to produce the software  Correct Answer  True

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  Your Answer   True


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A System which is designed to interact and to exchange with the environment and reacts

to the inputs accordingly:-  Correct Answer  Open System

  Your Answer   Open System


 True/False  Question   The ultimate goal of the SQA is to write test cases which fixes the errors.

  Correct Answer  False

  Your Answer   False


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A testing technique which is critically important and it ensures correctness of all inputs

and basic processes of a unit is called as ?  Correct Answer  White Box Testing

  Your Answer   Black Box Testing


 Select The Blank  Question   Cohesion and Coupling is the criteria for measuring ________.

  Correct Answer  Functional Dependency

  Your Answer   Module Dependency


 Select The Blank  Question   An incorrect decision by the designer, programmer or analyst that leads to improper

result is an ________.  Correct Answer  Error

  Your Answer   Defect


 True/False  Question   E-R Diagrams are used to identify the Weak and Strong Relations.

  Correct Answer  True

  Your Answer   True


 Multiple Choice Single Answer

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  Question   A Standard Method which helps in keeping the system as an acceptable standards is:-

  Correct Answer  Periodical Maintenance

  Your Answer   Periodical Maintenance


 Select The Blank  Question   The company shall establish a ________ to control flow of documents that relate to the

requirements of the ISO.  Correct Answer  Document Control System

  Your Answer   Document Control System


 True/False  Question   The last step in the design process is the Software development.

  Correct Answer  False

  Your Answer   False


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The Contents which are recorded by the Data Dictionary for an typical item is:-

  Correct Answer  Definition , Identification , Validation Text & Relationship

  Your Answer   Definition , Identification , Validation Text & Relationship


 Select The Blank  Question   ________ testing confirms that the needs and requirements are fulfilled in the

development environment.  Correct Answer  Alpha

  Your Answer   Beta


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A model in which software development cycle is sequential process is :-

  Correct Answer  Waterfall Model

  Your Answer   Spiral Model


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Some of the Steps involve in Integration Testing is :-

  Correct Answer  Main Control Module is a Test Driver , Tests are conducted as each component is added , Regression Testing is done

  Your Answer   Tests are conducted as each component is added , Regression Testing is done , Stress Testing  

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 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   When the System requirements are easy to establish and are stable, the development is

customer specific, and changes are not foreseen then the model used is?  Correct Answer  Water Fall Model

  Your Answer   Water Fall Model


 True/False  Question   System testing checks the abnormality in the software system.

  Correct Answer  False

  Your Answer   False


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Project Metrics enable a software project manager to:-

  Correct Answer  Assess the Status of the Ongoing Project , Identify the Risk Potential , Uncover problem areas before they go Critical

  Your Answer   Assess the Status of the Ongoing Project , Identify the Risk Potential , Manage the resources  

 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The Customer Requirements could be analyzed by:-

  Correct Answer  Interviewing , Questionnaire , Meeting with Key Users

  Your Answer   Interviewing , Questionnaire , Meeting with Key Users


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A type of testing where the focus is on error/ mistake or fault detection and correction is:-

  Correct Answer  Process based Testing

  Your Answer   Unit based testing


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   White Box Testing Checks :-

  Correct Answer  All Paths in the process are correctly operational , All Logical decision are executed with true or false , All Loops are executed

  Your Answer   All Paths in the process are correctly operational , All Logical decision are executed with true or false , All Loops are executed  

 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   OOSAD development approach uses

  Correct Answer  Objects , Process modeling , Object attributes

  Your Answer   Objects , Object attributes , Sub-system approach

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 Select The Blank  Question   A ________ is used to show the system flow stage by stage in a logical sequence

  Correct Answer  System Flow Chart

  Your Answer   System Flow Chart


 True/False  Question   Simplification rationalizes the complex , breakdown into clusters, making a meaningful

and functionally complete design.  Correct Answer  True

  Your Answer   False


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A method of testing carried out formally with the help of some kind of checklist:-

  Correct Answer  Inspections

  Your Answer   Inspections


 True/False  Question   SQA is ensured through a Quality Management System.

  Correct Answer  True

  Your Answer   True


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   Most of the Software's Continues to be custom built because

  Correct Answer  Reusability of the Component

  Your Answer   Reusability of the Component


 True/False  Question   Systems running on web platforms needs high level of protection from testers.

  Correct Answer  False

  Your Answer   False


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Operational Testing is carried out by :-

  Correct Answer  Recovery Testing , Stress Testing , Performance Testing

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  Your Answer   Recovery Testing , Stress Testing , Performance Testing


 Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your Answer

Testing Error Tracing Error Tracing

Test Plan Test Cases Test Cases

Functional Testing Functions & Features Functions & Features

Test Case Test Document Test Document


 True/False  Question   SE is applied for software development through Engineering Methods

  Correct Answer  True

  Your Answer   True


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A Systematic approach to organise and documents the need of the customer which is a

basis for software development is :-  Correct Answer  Requirements Management

  Your Answer   Project Management


 Select The Blank  Question   The Plat Form of the software is developed keeping in mind of certain hardware and

________  Correct Answer  Operating System

  Your Answer   Operating System


 Select The Blank  Question   A ________ Measures the Efforts / cost / time used to achieve the output.

  Correct Answer  Efficiency

  Your Answer   Efficiency


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   System Design Consists of:-

  Correct Answer  Level DFD's , System Flowcharts , ERD's

  Your Answer   Level DFD's , System Flowcharts , ERD's


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 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A unit testing technique which concentrates only of the functions and features of the

software product is:-  Correct Answer  Black Box Testing

  Your Answer   Black Box Testing


 Select The Blank  Question   Each & every ________ has a Specific format as a record.

  Correct Answer  Test

  Your Answer   Validation


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Project Metrics helps the project manager in following ways :-

  Correct Answer  Minimize the Development Schedule , Assess Product Quality regularly

  Your Answer   Assess Product Quality regularly , Planning the Task , Planning the Risk


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The responsibilities of Software Managerare

  Correct Answer  To maintain budget , Keep schedules from slipping , Improve quality

  Your Answer   To maintain budget , Keep schedules from slipping , Improve quality


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A Cost which includes quality planning, measuring & monitoring the quality aspect and

its training is :-  Correct Answer  Achievement Cost

  Your Answer   Achievement Cost


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A process of acquiring hardware, software and development services and entering into

contract with customers and business partners to deliver the software product is :-  Correct Answer  Project Procurement Management

  Your Answer   Project Procurement Management


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Software Risk could be of :-

  Correct Answer  Process Risk , Project Risk , Product Risk

  Your Answer   Process Risk , Project Risk , Product Risk

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 True/False  Question   People, Procedures and Parameters are the Drivers of the Technology.

  Correct Answer  False

  Your Answer   True


 Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your Answer

Development of the Software Software Programs Software Programs

Corrective Maintenance Maintenance

Process, Tools & Methods Software Engineering Layers Software Engineering Layers

Requirement Specifications Definition Phase Definition Phase


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A type of testing which verifies that all the system elements are meshed properly and

that overall system function / performance is achieved is:-  Correct Answer  System testing

  Your Answer   System testing


 Select The Blank  Question   A ________ is the most effective filter from a quality assurance stand point.

  Correct Answer  Formal Technical Review

  Your Answer   Formal Technical Review


 Select The Blank  Question   A ________ is an activity incorporating both software quality control and quality

assurance.  Correct Answer  Software Quality Management

  Your Answer   Software Quality Management


 Select The Blank  Question   In ________ model the data elements are organized indifferent areas that work together

through network communications.  Correct Answer  Network

  Your Answer   Network


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

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  Question   Artificial Intelligent Domain Systems Could be

  Correct Answer  Expert System , Image & Voice Recognition System , Neural Networks

  Your Answer   Expert System , Image & Voice Recognition System , Neural Networks


 True/False  Question   The results of the test case is recorded in the test specification document.

  Correct Answer  True

  Your Answer   True


 True/False  Question   The prime objective of Formal Technical Review is to locate the error before it passes on

to the other activity.  Correct Answer  True

  Your Answer   True


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Project Risk Management Includes:-

  Correct Answer  Risk Prevention , Risk Avoidance , Risk Mitigation

  Your Answer   Risk Mitigation , Risk Prevention , Risk Avoidance


 True/False  Question   Proactive risk strategies are applied to deal with risk when it occurs.

  Correct Answer  False

  Your Answer   False


 Select The Blank  Question   The company should establish a ________ and maintain a documented quality system

as a means of ensuring that it conforms to the specified requirements of ISO.  Correct Answer  Quality System Procedure

  Your Answer   Quality Management System


 Select The Blank  Question   The objective of a ________ is to test for what we want to achieve and not what is

actually achieved.

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  Correct Answer  Test Plan

  Your Answer   Testing


 True/False  Question   The Emphasis in SSAD is on functions and features.

  Correct Answer  True

  Your Answer   True


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The most affected elements of the Quality of the software is:-

  Correct Answer  Customer , Developer , Stake Holders

  Your Answer   Customer , Developer , Stake Holders


 True/False  Question   Software Development becomes complex due to the variety and heterogeneity of

requirement of different Users and Stakeholders  Correct Answer  True

  Your Answer   True


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   A documentation is tested through :-

  Correct Answer  Technical Review , Actual Operational Review

  Your Answer   Technical Review , Actual Operational Review


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   In Interface Stage of SSAD phase the focus is on:-

  Correct Answer  User Comfort

  Your Answer   Functions


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   IN OOSAD, Objects have

  Correct Answer  attribute , Methods , relationship

  Your Answer   attribute , Methods , relationship


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A Software developed to perform certain functionality and later on embedded into the

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hardware is called as  Correct Answer  Embedded Software

  Your Answer   Embedded Software


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   An Approach foucsses on Objects and Processing Methods

  Correct Answer  OOSAD

  Your Answer   OOSAD


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   Who Defines SE as the application of a Systematic, disciplined and quantifiable

approach to the development and maintenance of a Software  Correct Answer  IEEE

  Your Answer   IEEE


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A testing technique which reveals errors like Incorrect functions , Missing Functions or

Interface errors is:-  Correct Answer  Black Box Testing

  Your Answer   Black Box Testing


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Risk Management is a Process based on application of :-

  Correct Answer  Game Theory , Probability Theory , Decision Theory

  Your Answer   Game Theory , Probability Theory , Decision Theory


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The broad quality parameters are:-

  Correct Answer  Reliability , Safety , Security

  Your Answer   Reliability , Safety , Security


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   The extent the software meets the customer quality goals and expectations is termed

as :-  Correct Answer  Correctness

  Your Answer   Reliability


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

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  Question   The Examples of Business Software are

  Correct Answer  Payroll ,Accounting, , Inventory , customer Relation Management

  Your Answer   Payroll ,Accounting, , Inventory , customer Relation Management


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Following are the data models namely:-

  Correct Answer  Hierarchical Model , Network Model , Relational Model

  Your Answer   Hierarchical Model , Relational Model , Modular Model


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   The Software development engineering which builds objects of models independent of

the system under consideration is ?  Correct Answer  OOSAD

  Your Answer   OOSAD


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A software which resides in the read only memory and controls the functions of the

resident Products  Correct Answer  Embedded Software

  Your Answer   Embedded Software


 True/False  Question   Errors in documentation give rise to fatal results.

  Correct Answer  True

  Your Answer   True


 Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your Answer

Entity Object which is Uniquely Distinguished

Object which is Uniquely Distinguished

Hierarchical Model Tree Structure Tree Structure

Network Model Network Communications Network Communications

Relational Model Data are Linked Sequence Structure


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The types of Software are

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  Correct Answer  Embedded Software , System Software , Business Software

  Your Answer   Business Software , Embedded Software , System Software


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The stages of the Iterative Models are

  Correct Answer  Requirement Analysis , System Design , Development Coding & Unit Testing

  Your Answer   Requirement Analysis , System Design , Development Coding & Unit Testing


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Legacy software -Poor quality has

  Correct Answer  Inextensible design , Convoluted Code , Poor or nonexistent documentation

  Your Answer   Inextensible design , Convoluted Code , Poor or nonexistent documentation


 Select The Blank  Question   ________ is achieved by carving out a module that is responsible for any unique

function and which does not need to interact with other parts of the system.  Correct Answer  Functional Dependency

  Your Answer   Module Dependency


 True/False  Question   Domain Specific applications are developed mostly integrating components which are

similar in functionality  Correct Answer  True

  Your Answer   True


 Select The Blank  Question   ________ is the Significant project risk the management has to face in software

development activity due to budgeting constraints.  Correct Answer  Funding

  Your Answer   Resources


 Select The Blank  Question   The key requirements of the systems are identified in ________ Phase

  Correct Answer  Definition

  Your Answer   Definition


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

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  Question   Architecture Design Consists of:-

  Correct Answer  Module Structure , Program Structure , Hierarchy in the Structure

  Your Answer   Module Structure , Hierarchy in the Structure , Process Structure


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A Project performance measurement technique that integrates scope, time and cost data

is :-  Correct Answer  Earned Value Analysis

  Your Answer   Earned Value Analysis


 Select The Blank  Question   The ________ phase of software engineering focuses on how data are to be structured

and programs are to be developed  Correct Answer  Development

  Your Answer   Development


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A process which is iterative in nature which ensures that the RDD & SRS is transformed

into Design to meet the data is called:-  Correct Answer  Design

  Your Answer   Design


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A process which breaks statement of work into smaller activities with clear start - finish

definition is called as :-  Correct Answer  Work Break Down Structure

  Your Answer   Project Planning


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   A formal Technical Review may include:-

  Correct Answer  Walkthroughs , Inspections , Roundrobin reviews

  Your Answer   Walkthroughs , Inspections , Roundrobin reviews


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   An Approach which majorly focuses on Functions and data structure designed for those

functions.  Correct Answer  SSAD

  Your Answer   OOSAD


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 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   Source Code of the Software is available so that the engineers can make the local

modifications and use the component  Correct Answer  Open Source

  Your Answer   Open Source


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   At Functional Level of the SSAD the design focuses on:-

  Correct Answer  Functions and Features

  Your Answer   Structured Approach


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The software designed with the correct choice of technology and architecture to ensure:

  Correct Answer  Customer Satisfaction , On-time Delivery , Developed with the budgeted cost

  Your Answer   Customer Satisfaction , On-time Delivery , Developed with the budgeted cost


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   RMMM Plan deals with :-

  Correct Answer  Mitigation , Monitoring , Management

  Your Answer   Mitigation , Monitoring , Management


 Select The Blank  Question   Inventory Control System which is designed based on demand and supply variations

could be an example of ________ system  Correct Answer  Probabilistic

  Your Answer   Probabilistic


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A testing is carried out continuously as the software components are built or incremented

is:-  Correct Answer  Incremental Testing

  Your Answer   Incremental Testing


 Select The Blank  Question   To become a registered, one of the quality assurance system models contained in ISO

9000 a company's quality system is scrutinized by ________.  Correct Answer  Third Party Auditor

  Your Answer   Third Party Auditor

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 Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your Answer

Spiral Model Boehm Spiral model Boehm Spiral model

Legacy software Poor Quality yourdan & DeMarco

Objects Attribute, Methods Attribute, Methods

SSAD yourdan & DeMarco Structured Methodology


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Boehm's Model has following Stages:-

  Correct Answer  Production , Engineering

  Your Answer   Engineering , Production , Inception


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A process of identifying, assessing , evaluating risk exposure, prioritizing the risk

incidences, and developing risk monitoring, management and mitigation plan is :-  Correct Answer  Project Risk Management

  Your Answer   Project Risk Management


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A process of creating a document Statement of Work, and planning the major task

deliveries is :-  Correct Answer  Project Planning

  Your Answer   Project Planning


 Select The Blank  Question   A ________ deals with identification and assessment of potential hazards of software

failing and its impact on the systems.  Correct Answer  Software Safety

  Your Answer   Software Testing


 Select The Blank  Question   In ________Model the risk of the Software development is almost Nil

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  Correct Answer  Water Fall

  Your Answer   Incremental

  True/False  Question   Reactive risk strategies are applied to deal with risk when it occurs.

  Correct Answer  True

  Your Answer   True


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A process which ensures that the materials input (Process input), the manufacturing

process (software development process) and outgoing quality are of requisite standards is :-

  Correct Answer  Quality Assurance

  Your Answer   Quality Control


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   In a Software Risk Management Risk drivers are :-

  Correct Answer  Technology , People , Requirements

  Your Answer   Technology , People , Requirements


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A Step in risk Management which identifies and enumerates the risk is :-

  Correct Answer  Risk Identification

  Your Answer   Risk Identification


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   System Testing Techniques are :-

  Correct Answer  Alpha Test , Beta Test

  Your Answer   Alpha Test , Beta Test


 True/False  Question   An E-R Diagram explain in graphical Model the nature of relations and attributes.

  Correct Answer  True

  Your Answer   True

  Multiple Choice Single Answer

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  Question   A Discipline that integrates Process, Methods and tools for development of a software is

  Correct Answer  Software Engineering

  Your Answer   Software Engineering


 Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your Answer

OOSAD Object Oriented Approach Object Oriented Approach

IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Water Fall Model Customer Specific Customer Specific

SSAD Structured Approach Structured Approach


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   Changes in the Customer requirements are understood and incorporated in which

phase?  Correct Answer  Support

  Your Answer   Development


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A system for the support of software development is called

  Correct Answer  Computer Aided Software Engineering

  Your Answer   Computer Aided Software Engineering

  Select The Blank  Question   Software is classified into two categories, Generic and ________.

  Correct Answer  Cutomised

  Your Answer   Cutomised


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A Modification of the Software is done to accommodate the changes forced by the

external environment is  Correct Answer  Adaptive Maintenance

  Your Answer   Adaptive Maintenance


 True/False  Question   Recovery testing focuses on the Cost Recovery Plan of the Software Implemented.

  Correct Answer  False

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  Your Answer   False


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   The extent of software functions with precision without any failure is :-

  Correct Answer  Reliability

  Your Answer   Reliability


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A set of Computer Programs which performs set of preset functions is called as ?

  Correct Answer  Software

  Your Answer   Software


 Select The Blank  Question   Inadequacy or misout in SRS & RDD is ________.

  Correct Answer  Defect

  Your Answer   Defect


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Black Box testing techniques are:-

  Correct Answer  Graph Based Testing Methods , Equivalence Portioning , Boundary Value Analysis

  Your Answer   Equivalence Portioning , Boundary Value Analysis , Graph Based Testing Methods


 True/False  Question   Documentation testing tests and verifies whether the troubleshooting is easily achieved

or not.  Correct Answer  True

  Your Answer   False


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A Phenomenon which states that over a period of times the system gets into a phase of

degrading and disorganization is:-  Correct Answer  Entropy

  Your Answer   Entropy


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A type of testing which mainly focuses on the functional aspect of the software product


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  Correct Answer  Functional Testing

  Your Answer   Functional Testing


 Select The Blank  Question   A ________ has to be performed regularly throughout the achievement life cycle.

  Correct Answer  Risk Management

  Your Answer   Risk Management


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A software which directly communicates with the hardware and provides an interface to

perform certain tasks is termed as  Correct Answer  System Software

  Your Answer   System Software

  Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   A type of testing in which all the requirements of the module is cross referenced with the

developed module is called as:-  Correct Answer  Validation Testing

  Your Answer   Module testing


 Select The Blank  Question   A collection of programs written to service other set of programs and its functions is

called as ________  Correct Answer  System Software

  Your Answer   System Software


 Select The Blank  Question   In the ________ model data elements are organized in tree structure in parent-child

format.  Correct Answer  Hierarchical

  Your Answer   Hierarchical


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Characteristics of a test could be:-

  Correct Answer  Not Redundant , Best of Breed , Neither too simple Nor to Complex

  Your Answer   Not Redundant , Best of Breed , Neither too simple Nor to Complex



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  Question   Spiral model itself is a model which is base for other software development models

  Correct Answer  False

  Your Answer   True


 Select The Blank  Question   A ________ is all about providing hardware and software tools as and when required by

the development team to manage process effectively  Correct Answer  Configuration Management

  Your Answer   Configuration Management


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   The Application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development,

operation and maintenance of the software is termed as  Correct Answer  Software Engineering

  Your Answer   Software Engineering


 Select The Blank  Question   A Module Tests focuses on ________.

  Correct Answer  Functions & Design

  Your Answer   Functions & Design


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The Scope of the Software Project is defined by Statement of Work which is agreed by ?

  Correct Answer  Users , Stakeholders , Customers

  Your Answer   Users , Stakeholders , Customers

  Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The next development in software engineering is

  Correct Answer  The use of tool generate the code , The extensive use od CASE tool for analysis and design , The use of Component technology

  Your Answer   The use of tool generate the code , The extensive use od CASE tool for analysis and design , The use of Component technology  

 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Resources required for a Software development activity could be :-

  Correct Answer  People , Development Environment , Reusable Components

  Your Answer   People , Development Environment , Reusable Components


 Select The Blank

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  Question   ________is a key management in the development of effective software solutions

  Correct Answer  Software Process Management

  Your Answer   Software Process Management


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Work Break Down Structure can also be traced back to ?

  Correct Answer  System Requirements Specifications , Requirement Definition & Description

  Your Answer   System Requirements Specifications , Requirement Definition & Description , Statement of Work  

 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   SQA efforts most primarily assures:-

  Correct Answer  Software Quality , Software Reliability , Software Availability

  Your Answer   Software Quality , Software Reliability , Software Availability


 Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your Answer

Quality Management Cost Cost

ISO 9000 Quality Assurance System Quality Assurance System

Customer Satisfaction Malcolm Baldridge Approach Malcolm Baldridge Approach

Testing Finding Errors & Fixing it Finding Errors & Fixing it


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Black Box testing attempts to find error in following categories :-

  Correct Answer  Incorrect or Missing Functions , Interface Errors , Performance Errors

  Your Answer   Incorrect or Missing Functions , Interface Errors , Performance Errors


 True/False  Question   A computer system without system software can not function

  Correct Answer  True

  Your Answer   True


 True/False  Question   System Performance is measured through effectiveness and its efficiency.

  Correct Answer  True

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  Your Answer   True

  True/False  Question   Black Box testing Finds out Missing Functions & Interface Errors.

  Correct Answer  True

  Your Answer   True

  Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   How to develop or build a particular software module is defined by

  Correct Answer  Software Engineering Methods

  Your Answer   Software Engineering Methods


 True/False  Question   Database Design is a major component of system design and development.

  Correct Answer  True

  Your Answer   True

LIST OF ATTEMPTED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: Changes in the Customer requirements are understood and incorporated in which phase? Correct Answer: Support Your Answer: Analysis Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A Software that makes use of non numerical algorithms to solve complex problems that are not amenable to straightforward analysis Correct Answer: Artificial Intelligence Your Answer: Artificial Intelligence Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Following are the data models namely:- Correct Answer: Hierarchical Model , Network Model , Relational Model Your Answer: Hierarchical Model , Network Model , Relational Model Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Project Metrics helps the project manager in following ways :- Correct Answer: Minimize the Development Schedule , Assess Product Quality regularly Your Answer: Assess Product Quality regularly , Planning the Task , Planning the Risk Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: White Box Testing Checks :- Correct Answer: All Paths in the process are correctly operational , All Logical decision are executed with true or false , All Loops are executed

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Your Answer: All Logical decision are executed with true or false , All Loops are executed , Interfaces are designed Properly Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your AnswerDevelopment of the Software Software Programs Software Modules Corrective Maintenance Software Programs Process, Tools & Methods Software Engineering Layers Analysis Requirement Specifications Definition Phase Definition Phase Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A type of testing where the focus is on design and development of the software architecture is termed as:- Correct Answer: Integration Testing Your Answer: Integration Testing Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: An activity that distributes estimated effort across the planned project duration by allocating the effort to specific software engineering tasks is :- Correct Answer: Software Project Scheduling Your Answer: Project Planning Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Testing a Design Includes:- Correct Answer: Test Procedures , Test Plans , Design Renew Plans Your Answer: Test Procedures , Test Plans Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Project Metrics enable a software project manager to:- Correct Answer: Uncover problem areas before they go Critical , Assess the Status of the Ongoing Project , Identify the Risk Potential Your Answer: Assess the Status of the Ongoing Project , Identify the Risk Potential , Manage the resources Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your AnswerNormalization Table Design Table Design Performance Management Efficiency & Effectiveness Efficiency & Effectiveness Relational Model Data Management With Ease Data Management With Ease E-R Diagrams Strong & Weak Entities Strong & Weak Entities Select The BlankQuestion: An accounting System based on rules and Principles could be an example of ________ System. Correct Answer: Deterministic Your Answer: Deterministic True/FalseQuestion: Proactive risk strategies are applied to deal with risk when it occurs. Correct Answer: False Your Answer: False Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A set of Computer Programs which performs set of preset functions is called as ? Correct Answer: Software Your Answer: Software

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True/FalseQuestion: Systems running on web platforms needs high level of protection from testers. Correct Answer: False Your Answer: True Select The BlankQuestion: ________ testing confirms that the needs and requirements are fulfilled in the development environment. Correct Answer: Alpha Your Answer: Beta Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: Most of the Software's Continues to be custom built because Correct Answer: Reusability of the Component Your Answer: Reusability of the Component Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: SQA efforts most primarily assures:- Correct Answer: Software Quality , Software Reliability , Software Availability Your Answer: Software Quality , Software Reliability , Software Availability Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A System which operates in a unpredictable manner is :- Correct Answer: Probabilistic Your Answer: Probabilistic True/FalseQuestion: The Data Management is not easy with relational Model. Correct Answer: False Your Answer: False Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Risk Management is a Process based on application of :- Correct Answer: Game Theory , Probability Theory , Decision Theory Your Answer: Game Theory , Probability Theory , Decision Theory Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A layer in which rules and regulations , functions and processes, dataflows and process flows are visualized:- Correct Answer: Logical Your Answer: Operational Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A Phenomenon which states that over a period of times the system gets into a phase of degrading and disorganization is:- Correct Answer: Entropy Your Answer: Entropy Select The BlankQuestion: Inventory Control System which is designed based on demand and supply variations could be an example of ________ system Correct Answer: Probabilistic Your Answer: Probabilistic

Select The BlankQuestion: PRM stands for ________

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Correct Answer: Prototyping Model Your Answer: Prototyping Model Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Project Risk Management Includes:- Correct Answer: Risk Avoidance , Risk Mitigation , Risk Prevention

Select The BlankQuestion: A Module Tests focuses on ________. Correct Answer: Functions & Design Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A process in which a project is broken down into smaller manageable units is called as :- Correct Answer: Project Compartmentalization Select The BlankQuestion: The company should establish a ________ and maintain a documented quality system as a means of ensuring that it conforms to the specified requirements of ISO. Correct Answer: Quality System Procedure True/FalseQuestion: SRS is Systems requirement specifications in the software development phase Correct Answer: True Select The BlankQuestion: One of the most important guideline for the reviewing the product is review the product not the ________. Correct Answer: Producer True/FalseQuestion: The Emphasis in SSAD is on functions and features. Correct Answer: True Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: Application of Knowledge, Resources , tools and techniques to deliver customer needs within agreed terms of cost and time is :- Correct Answer: Project Management Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: RMMM Plan deals with :- Correct Answer: Mitigation , Monitoring , Management

True/FalseQuestion: A Software solution is evolved in parts as in an incremental fashion in incremental model Correct Answer: True True/FalseQuestion: Documentation testing tests and verifies whether the troubleshooting is easily achieved or not. Correct Answer: True Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Design Constraints include:- Correct Answer: Resource Limitations , Platform Limitations , Protocol Limitations

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Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: Software Engineering attempts to identify what information is to be processed, what function and performance is desired in which phase? Correct Answer: Definition Phase

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A Modification of the Software is done to accommodate the changes forced by the external environment is Correct Answer: Adaptive Maintenance Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A System flow chart is also called as:- Correct Answer: State Transaction Diagram Select The BlankQuestion: Cohesion and Coupling is the criteria for measuring ________. Correct Answer: Functional Dependency Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A software metrics use a measure of the functionality delivered by the application as a normalisation value is :- Correct Answer: Function oriented Software Metrics Select The BlankQuestion: The basic tangible measure of the software is ________ Correct Answer: Lines of Code Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A testing methodology where two types of testing techniques are applied viz. Black Box & White Box Testing is ? Correct Answer: Unit Testing Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A testing technique which is critically important and it ensures correctness of all inputs and basic processes of a unit is called as ? Correct Answer: White Box Testing Your Answer: Component Testing True/FalseQuestion: A computer system without system software can not function Correct Answer: True Your Answer: True Select The BlankQuestion: The ________ phase of software engineering focuses on how data are to be structured and programs are to be developed Correct Answer: Development Your Answer: Development

LIST OF ATTEMPTED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Test cases are designed to tests:- Correct Answer: Internal Logic , Software Requirements Your Answer: Internal Logic , Software Requirements , A Quality aspect of a Program

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Select The BlankQuestion: Requirements Management Begins with ________. Correct Answer: Identification Your Answer: Identification Select The BlankQuestion: A collection of programs written to service other set of programs and its functions is called as ________ Correct Answer: System Software Your Answer: System Software True/FalseQuestion: System testing Starts when Software Integration is about to be completed. Correct Answer: False Your Answer: True Select The BlankQuestion: ________ layer of the Systems focuses on User Interfaces, data entry, operation flows and maintenance. Correct Answer: Operational Your Answer: Conceptual Select The BlankQuestion: Inadequacy or misout in SRS & RDD is ________. Correct Answer: Defect Your Answer: Error Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: An Approach foucsses on Objects and Processing Methods Correct Answer: OOSAD Your Answer: OOSAD Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Some of the Steps involve in Integration Testing is :- Correct Answer: Main Control Module is a Test Driver , Tests are conducted as each component is added , Regression Testing is done Your Answer: Main Control Module is a Test Driver , Tests are conducted as each component is added , Regression Testing is done , Stress Testing Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: When the System requirements are easy to establish and are stable, the development is customer specific, and changes are not foreseen then the model used is? Correct Answer: Water Fall Model Your Answer: Spiral Model Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your AnswerWorld Wide Web Content provider Deteriorates Software Deteriorates Wear's Out System Software File Management Integrated System Application Software Standalone Programs File Management Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: The stages of the Iterative Models are Correct Answer: Requirement Analysis , System Design , Development Coding & Unit Testing Your Answer: Requirement Analysis , System Design , Development Coding & Unit Testing

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Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: At the beginning testing focuses on each component individually, ensuring that it function properly as a unit or not this is termed as:- Correct Answer: Unit Testing Your Answer: Component Testing Select The BlankQuestion: An Operational deviation made by the user leading to improper result is said to be ________. Correct Answer: Fault or Mistake of the System Your Answer: Failure Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: An outcome of Requirements Management Stage is :- Correct Answer: Software Requirement Specifications Your Answer: Software Requirement Specifications Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A set of activities ensure that the software that has been built is traceable to customer requirements:- Correct Answer: Validation Your Answer: Verification & Validation Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: The Examples of Business Software are Correct Answer: Payroll ,Accounting, , Inventory , customer Relation Management Your Answer: Inventory , customer Relation Management , Compiler , Payroll ,Accounting, Select The BlankQuestion: ________ is a System Engineering approach that is used to define architecture that enables a business to use Information Effectively. Correct Answer: Business Processing Engineering Your Answer: Business Processing Engineering Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Boehm's Model has following Stages:- Correct Answer: Production , Engineering Your Answer: Engineering , Engineering , Inception Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Fourth generation technology helps to control Correct Answer: Effort , Resource , Cost development Your Answer: Effort , Resource , Cost development , Coding Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your AnswerClosed System Parameter are fixed Parameter are fixed Deterministic System Predictable Behavior Parameters are Variables Probabilistic System Unpredictable Behavior Unpredictable Behavior Open System Parameters are Variables Normalized External Parameters True/FalseQuestion: SQA is ensured through a Quality Management System. Correct Answer: True Your Answer: True

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Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: The next development in software engineering is Correct Answer: The use of Component technology , The use of tool generate the code , The extensive use od CASE tool for analysis and design Your Answer: Graphical tool , The use of tool generate the code , The extensive use od CASE tool for analysis and design , The use of Component technology Select The BlankQuestion: Usually the test cases are written using ________. Correct Answer: Testing Techniques Your Answer: Requirements Specifications Select The BlankQuestion: A ________ is all about providing hardware and software tools as and when required by the development team to manage process effectively Correct Answer: Configuration Management Your Answer: Configuration Management Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: The types of Software are Correct Answer: Business Software , Embedded Software , System Software Your Answer: Business Software , Embedded Software , System Software Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: The Behavioral Aspect of the System could be Shown using :- Correct Answer: Data Flow Diagrams Your Answer: System Design True/FalseQuestion: People, Procedures and Parameters are the Drivers of the Technology. Correct Answer: False Your Answer: True True/FalseQuestion: The ultimate goal of the SQA is to write test cases which fixes the errors. Correct Answer: False Your Answer: True Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Software Risk could be of :- Correct Answer: Process Risk , Project Risk , Product Risk Your Answer: Process Risk , Project Risk , Product Risk Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: SQA efforts most primarily assures:- Correct Answer: Software Quality , Software Reliability , Software Availability Your Answer: Software Quality , Software Reliability , Software Availability Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A System which is designed to interact and to exchange with the environment and reacts to the inputs accordingly:- Correct Answer: Open System Your Answer: Open System Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: A documentation is tested through :-

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Correct Answer: Technical Review , Actual Operational Review Your Answer: Technical Review , Testing Techniques Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A Model which Supports Modern Software Development is :- Correct Answer: Boehm's Your Answer: Boehm's True/FalseQuestion: SRS is one of the cause of not meeting the SQA. Correct Answer: True Your Answer: False Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Resources required for a Software development activity could be :- Correct Answer: People , Development Environment , Reusable Components Your Answer: People , Development Environment , Reusable Components Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A process in which a project is broken down into smaller manageable units is called as :- Correct Answer: Project Compartmentalization Your Answer: Project Management Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A process to commit the organisation to start the project and complete the project document providing a broad spectrum of the project is :- Correct Answer: Project Initiation Your Answer: Project Planning Select The BlankQuestion: ________is a key management in the development of effective software solutions Correct Answer: Software Process Management Your Answer: Software Development Model Select The BlankQuestion: The company shall establish a ________ to control flow of documents that relate to the requirements of the ISO. Correct Answer: Document Control System Your Answer: Document Control System Select The BlankQuestion: ________ type of testing evaluate the logical access to the basic functionality of the System. Correct Answer: Security Testing Your Answer: Security Testing Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: A good test is one that has:- Correct Answer: High Probability of detecting an error , Not Redundant , Simple to execute & Independent Your Answer: High Probability of detecting an error , Not Redundant , Simple to execute & Independent

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: The responsibilities of Software Managerare

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Correct Answer: To maintain budget , Keep schedules from slipping , Improve quality Your Answer: To maintain budget , Keep schedules from slipping , Improve quality True/FalseQuestion: The last step in the design process is the Software development. Correct Answer: False Your Answer: False Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A software which resides in the read only memory and controls the functions of the resident Products Correct Answer: Embedded Software Your Answer: Embedded Software Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A model which creates sources and destinations for the data flows of data i.e. input and output is:- Correct Answer: Data Flow Diagrams Your Answer: Data Flow Diagrams Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: The software designed with the correct choice of technology and architecture to ensure: Correct Answer: Customer Satisfaction , On-time Delivery , Developed with the budgeted cost Your Answer: Customer Satisfaction , On-time Delivery , Developed with the budgeted cost True/FalseQuestion: Database Design is a major component of system design and development. Correct Answer: True Your Answer: True


Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: In Interface Stage of SSAD phase the focus is on:-Correct Answer: User ComfortYour Answer: Functions Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: The Customer Requirements could be analyzed by:-Correct Answer: Interviewing , Questionnaire , Meeting with Key Users Your Answer: Interviewing , Questionnaire , Meeting with Key Users Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: How to develop or build a particular software module is defined byCorrect Answer: Software Engineering MethodsYour Answer: Software Engineering Methods True/FalseQuestion: E-R Diagrams are used to identify the Weak and Strong Relations.Correct Answer: TrueYour Answer: False

True/FalseQuestion: Black Box testing Finds out Missing Functions & Interface Errors.

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Correct Answer: TrueYour Answer: True True/FalseQuestion: The ultimate goal of the SQA is to write test cases which fixes the errors.Correct Answer: FalseYour Answer: False Select The BlankQuestion: A ________ is largely depends upon the meeting of functional requirements and performance measures with ease in operations.Correct Answer: Customer SatisfactionYour Answer: Customer Satisfaction Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A testing is carried out before the execution of the development Process is :-Correct Answer: Non Execution based testingYour Answer: Execution Based testing Select The BlankQuestion: A ________ Measures the Quality of the output produced by the SystemCorrect Answer: EffectivenessYour Answer: Effectiveness Select The BlankQuestion: The key requirements of the systems are identified in ________ PhaseCorrect Answer: DefinitionYour Answer: Definition Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A type of testing which eliminates the errors in the design, architecture and development & deployment process is.Correct Answer: Non Execution based testingYour Answer: Execution Based testing Select The BlankQuestion: A unit tests major focuses on ________Correct Answer: Processes & CodeYour Answer: Interface True/FalseQuestion: Domain Specific applications are developed mostly integrating components which are similar in functionalityCorrect Answer: TrueYour Answer: True Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A Discipline that integrates Process, Methods and tools for development of a software isCorrect Answer: Software EngineeringYour Answer: Software Engineering Select The BlankQuestion: ________ is developed or engineered not manufacturedCorrect Answer: SoftwareYour Answer: Software

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True/FalseQuestion: ISO 9001 is used to develop quality assurance systems.Correct Answer: TrueYour Answer: True Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Architecture Design Consists of:-Correct Answer: Module Structure , Program Structure , Hierarchy in the Structure

True/FalseQuestion: System Performance is measured through effectiveness and its efficiency.Correct Answer: True

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: The Application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development, operation and maintenance of the software is termed asCorrect Answer: Software Engineering

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: The most affected elements of the Quality of the software is:-Correct Answer: Customer , Developer , Stake Holders Your Answer: Customer , Developer , Stake Holders Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A system which operates in a predictable manner is :-Correct Answer: Deterministic SystemYour Answer: Deterministic System Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: The Functionality of the Client application is tested using :-Correct Answer: Server Tests , Database Tests , Transaction Tests Your Answer: Server Tests , Database Tests Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Software Risk could be of :-Correct Answer: Process Risk , Project Risk , Product Risk Your Answer: Process Risk , Project Risk , Product Risk Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Test cases are designed to tests:-Correct Answer: Internal Logic , Software Requirements Your Answer: Internal Logic , Software Requirements Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A Step in risk Management which identifies and enumerates the risk is :-Correct Answer: Risk IdentificationYour Answer: Risk Identification True/FalseQuestion: SE is applied for software development through Engineering MethodsCorrect Answer: TrueYour Answer: True

Select The BlankQuestion: The Errors which have impact on look and feel of the system is classified as ________ errorsCorrect Answer: Cosmetic

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Your Answer: Fatal True/FalseQuestion: Spiral model itself is a model which is base for other software development modelsCorrect Answer: FalseYour Answer: False Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your AnswerData Dictionary Meta Data Meta DataSSAD Analysis Tools Analysis ToolsDFD Source & Destination of Data NormalizationERD Relationship of the Attributes Relationship of the Attributes Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: The next development in software engineering isCorrect Answer: The use of tool generate the code , The extensive use od CASE tool for analysis and design , The use of Component technology Your Answer: The use of tool generate the code , The extensive use od CASE tool for analysis and design , The use of Component technology Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A model in which software development cycle is sequential process is :-Correct Answer: Waterfall ModelYour Answer: Waterfall Model True/FalseQuestion: The major resources in the project is people and funds.Correct Answer: FalseYour Answer: True Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: The Software Risk affects :-Correct Answer: Project Development , Software Product , Process of Development Your Answer: Project Development , Software Product , Process of Development Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A tool used to understand the system and used for analysis of the system is:-Correct Answer: System ModelingYour Answer: System Modeling Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your AnswerIEEE Institute of Electrical and Institute of Electrical and

Electronics Engineers Electronics EngineersWater Fall Model Customer Specific Customer SpecificSSAD Structured Approach Structured ApproachOOSAD Object Oriented Approach Object Oriented Approach Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: The Factors enabling easy change are :-Correct Answer: Maintainability , Flexibility , Testability Your Answer: Maintainability , Flexibility , Reusability True/FalseQuestion: CAD/CAM/CAE are the examples of embedded Software

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Correct Answer: FalseYour Answer: False Select The BlankQuestion: ________ is the Significant project risk the management has to face in software development activity due to budgeting constraints.Correct Answer: FundingYour Answer: Man Power Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Database Design Specification include:-Correct Answer: Data Model , Internal & External File Structure , Referential Details Your Answer: Data Model , Internal & External File Structure , Referential Details Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A software which directly communicates with the hardware and provides an interface to perform certain tasks is termed asCorrect Answer: System SoftwareYour Answer: System Software Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: A formal Technical Review may include:-Correct Answer: Walkthroughs , Inspections , Roundrobin reviews Your Answer: Inspections , Roundrobin reviews , Testing Techniques Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Resources required for a Software development activity could be :-Correct Answer: People , Development Environment , Reusable Components Your Answer: People , Development Environment , Reusable Components Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A process of acquiring hardware, software and development services and entering into contract with customers and business partners to deliver the software product is :-Correct Answer: Project Procurement ManagementYour Answer: Project Procurement Management Select The BlankQuestion: A ________ arises due to uncertainties involved in assessing, estimating various inputs to the software process.Correct Answer: Process RiskYour Answer: Process Risk Select The BlankQuestion: A ________ is understood as a possibility of Loss.Correct Answer: RiskYour Answer: Risk Select The BlankQuestion: The company shall establish a ________ to control flow of documents that relate to the requirements of the ISO.Correct Answer: Document Control SystemYour Answer: Document Scanning System Select The BlankQuestion: A ________ is the most effective filter from a quality assurance stand point.Correct Answer: Formal Technical ReviewYour Answer: A good Tests

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LIST OF ATTEMPTED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: The stages of the Iterative Models areCorrect Answer: Development Coding & Unit Testing , Requirement Analysis , System Design Your Answer: Development Coding & Unit Testing , Requirement Analysis , System Design Select The BlankQuestion: Requirements Management Begins with ________.Correct Answer: IdentificationYour Answer: Identification Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: System Design Consists of:-Correct Answer: Level DFD's , System Flowcharts , ERD's Your Answer: Level DFD's , ERD's Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: The Paradigm Structured System Analysis and Design was developed by:-Correct Answer: Yourdon & De MacroYour Answer: Yourdon & Boehm Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: In a Software Risk Management Risk drivers are :-Correct Answer: Technology , People , Requirements Your Answer: Technology , People , Programmers Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: IN OOSAD, Objects haveCorrect Answer: attribute , Methods , relationship Your Answer: attribute , Methods , relationship Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A Standard Method which helps in keeping the system as an acceptable standards is:-Correct Answer: Periodical MaintenanceYour Answer: Periodical Maintenance Select The BlankQuestion: For managing change the SQA plan inculcates ________ to monitor the change.Correct Answer: Software Configuration ManagementYour Answer: ISO Auditor Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Artificial Intelligent Domain Systems Could beCorrect Answer: Expert System , Image & Voice Recognition System , Neural Networks Your Answer: Expert System , Image & Voice Recognition System Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Characteristics of a test could be:-Correct Answer: Not Redundant , Best of Breed , Neither too simple Nor to Complex Your Answer: Best of Breed , Neither too simple Nor to Complex , Yield Better Results True/False

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Question: Software Development becomes complex due to the variety and heterogeneity of requirement of different Users and StakeholdersCorrect Answer: TrueYour Answer: True Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: The outcome of Debugging Process is :-Correct Answer: The Error cause will be detected and corrected , The Error Cause will not be detected Your Answer: The Error Cause will not be detected , Product Errors , Design Errors True/FalseQuestion: Integration testing is done when the modules are integrated or when new component is added to the system.Correct Answer: TrueYour Answer: True Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Risk Management is a Process Made up of following :-Correct Answer: Risk Identification , Risk Analysis , Risk Assessment Your Answer: Risk Assessment , Risk Handling , Risk Identification Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: The broad quality parameters are:-Correct Answer: Reliability , Safety , Security Your Answer: Reliability , Security , Development Select The BlankQuestion: ________ evaluates the run time performance of the system developed.Correct Answer: Performance TestingYour Answer: Beta Test Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: An Activity that has a definite Start and a definite end is termed as ?Correct Answer: ProjectYour Answer: Program True/FalseQuestion: Six Sigma is one of the most widely used strategy for statistical quality assurance in an industry.Correct Answer: TrueYour Answer: True True/FalseQuestion: The Water Fall Model is used where the risk factor is almost nilCorrect Answer: TrueYour Answer: True Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your AnswerStress testing Testing with Abnormal Situations Fix ItDebugging Finding & Fixing Errors Locating ErrorsBlack Box Testing Incorrect or Missing Functions Incorrect or Missing FunctionsWhite Box Testing Glass Box Testing Glass Box Testing

Select The Blank

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Question: SE Methodology rides on two components, System Engineering and ________.Correct Answer: Development EngineeringYour Answer: Requirement analysis Select The BlankQuestion: A ________ Measures the Efforts / cost / time used to achieve the output.Correct Answer: EfficiencyYour Answer: Efficiency Select The BlankQuestion: ________ is a System Engineering approach that is used to define architecture that enables a business to use Information Effectively.Correct Answer: Business Processing EngineeringYour Answer: Business Processing Engineering Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your AnswerPerformance of the System Non Functional Requirements Functional RequirementsSRS Structured System Analysis DocumentationDesign Phase Design Documentation Design DocumentationSSAD Functions & Features Structured System Analysis Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A principle in which the system is factored into smaller sub systems:-Correct Answer: DecompositionYour Answer: Decomposition True/FalseQuestion: Decomposition breaks the System into smaller modules and components.Correct Answer: TrueYour Answer: True Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A project management activity globally viewed as :-Correct Answer: A SystemYour Answer: A System Select The BlankQuestion: ________ tests confirms that the needs and requirements are fulfilled on the deployment platform.Correct Answer: BetaYour Answer: Beta Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Some of the Steps involve in Integration Testing is :-Correct Answer: Main Control Module is a Test Driver , Tests are conducted as each component is added , Regression Testing is done Your Answer: Tests are conducted as each component is added , Regression Testing is done , Stress Testing Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A process which audits and inspects whether the people responsible for quality and customer satisfaction follow the quality control measures & standards or not is :-Correct Answer: Quality AssuranceYour Answer: Quality Assurance Multiple Choice Single Answer

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Question: The Extent of effort to locate the error and fix it is :-Correct Answer: MaintainabilityYour Answer: Reliability Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: The Scope of the work in a Software Project is defined by :-Correct Answer: Statement of WorkYour Answer: Requirement Specifications True/FalseQuestion: Stress Testing is a part of Integration testing.Correct Answer: FalseYour Answer: True Select The BlankQuestion: The Failure Curve of a Hardware is called as ________Correct Answer: Bathtub CurveYour Answer: Bathtub Curve Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A testing is carried out continuously as the software components are built or incremented is:-Correct Answer: Incremental TestingYour Answer: Incremental Testing Select The BlankQuestion: LOC Means________Correct Answer: Lines of CodeYour Answer: Lines of Code Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: OOSAD development approach usesCorrect Answer: Objects , Process modeling , Object attributes Your Answer: Objects , Process modeling , Object attributes True/FalseQuestion: System testing checks the abnormality in the software system.Correct Answer: FalseYour Answer: False True/FalseQuestion: System testing Starts when Software Integration is about to be completed.Correct Answer: FalseYour Answer: True Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: The Software development engineering which builds objects of models independent of the system under consideration is ?Correct Answer: OOSADYour Answer: OOSAD Select The BlankQuestion: ________ type of testing evaluate the logical access to the basic functionality of the System.Correct Answer: Security TestingYour Answer: Security Testing

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Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A software which resides in the read only memory and controls the functions of the resident ProductsCorrect Answer: Embedded SoftwareYour Answer: Embedded Software Select The BlankQuestion: A ________ deals with identification and assessment of potential hazards of software failing and its impact on the systems.Correct Answer: Software SafetyYour Answer: Software Implementation Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A system for the support of software development is calledCorrect Answer: Computer Aided Software EngineeringYour Answer: Supporting Modules True/FalseQuestion: Recovery testing focuses on the Cost Recovery Plan of the Software Implemented.Correct Answer: FalseYour Answer: False True/FalseQuestion: A software review is a filter for the software development process.Correct Answer: TrueYour Answer: False Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Black Box testing techniques are:-Correct Answer: Graph Based Testing Methods , Equivalence Portioning , Boundary Value Analysis Your Answer: Stress Testing , Boundary Value Analysis


Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: The success of the software depends upon ?Correct Answer: UsabilityYour Answer: Maintenance Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your AnswerSystem Software Operating System Operating SystemMachine & assembly Language Scientists and engineers Scientists and engineersSoftware efficiency Optimum use of resources Optimum use of resourcesSoftware Usability Good Documentation Good Documentation Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A process which audits and inspects whether the people responsible for quality and customer satisfaction follow the quality control measures & standards or not is :-Correct Answer: Quality AssuranceYour Answer: Quality Assurance Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A Process of organizing the sub systems as one system to reduce the number ofconnectivities or interfaces:-

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Correct Answer: SimplificationYour Answer: Simplification True/FalseQuestion: Risk which can be known is termed as unpredictable risk.Correct Answer: FalseYour Answer: False Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: How to develop or build a particular software module is defined byCorrect Answer: Software Engineering MethodsYour Answer: Software Engineering Methods Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A system for the support of software development is calledCorrect Answer: Computer Aided Software EngineeringYour Answer: Computer Aided Software Engineering Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: The extent the software meets the customer quality goals and expectations is termed as :-Correct Answer: CorrectnessYour Answer: Correctness Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Risk Management is a Process based on application of :-Correct Answer: Game Theory , Probability Theory , Decision Theory Your Answer: Game Theory , Probability Theory , Decision Theory Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A System which is adaptable to changes arising out of environmental changes:-Correct Answer: Open SystemYour Answer: Open System True/FalseQuestion: The Major risk involved in software project is to identify the programmers required and the pay scales of them.Correct Answer: FalseYour Answer: True Select The BlankQuestion: ________ tests confirms that the needs and requirements are fulfilled on the deployment platform.Correct Answer: BetaYour Answer: Beta Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: IN OOSAD, Objects haveCorrect Answer: attribute , Methods , relationship Your Answer: attribute , Methods , relationship Select The BlankQuestion: Inventory Control System which is designed based on demand and supply variations could be an example of ________ systemCorrect Answer: ProbabilisticYour Answer: Probabilistic

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Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Risk Management is a Process Made up of following :-Correct Answer: Risk Identification , Risk Analysis , Risk Assessment Your Answer: Risk Identification , Risk Analysis , Risk Assessment Select The BlankQuestion: Generally in an ongoing project a project manager fixes up more ________ to have proper control measurement of the project activitiesCorrect Answer: Major MilestoneYour Answer: Milestone Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: The outcome of Debugging Process is :-Correct Answer: The Error cause will be detected and corrected , The Error Cause will not be detected Your Answer: The Error Cause will not be detected , The Error cause will be detected and corrected Select The BlankQuestion: An accounting System based on rules and Principles could be an example of ________ System.Correct Answer: DeterministicYour Answer: Deterministic Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A Discipline that integrates Process, Methods and tools for development of a software isCorrect Answer: Software EngineeringYour Answer: Software Engineering True/FalseQuestion: Six Sigma is one of the most widely used strategy for statistical quality assurance in an industry.Correct Answer: TrueYour Answer: True Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: A formal Technical Review may include:-Correct Answer: Walkthroughs , Inspections , Roundrobin reviews Your Answer: Walkthroughs , Inspections , Roundrobin reviews Select The BlankQuestion: A ________ has to be performed regularly throughout the achievement life cycle.Correct Answer: Risk ManagementYour Answer: Risk Analysis True/FalseQuestion: SRS is Systems requirement specifications in the software development phaseCorrect Answer: TrueYour Answer: True Select The BlankQuestion: In the ________ model data elements are organized in tree structure in parent-child format.Correct Answer: HierarchicalYour Answer: HierarchicalTrue/False

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Question: System testing checks the abnormality in the software system.Correct Answer: FalseYour Answer: False Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: System Design Consists of:-Correct Answer: Level DFD's , System Flowcharts , ERD's Your Answer: Level DFD's , System Flowcharts , ERD's Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Characteristics of a test could be:-Correct Answer: Not Redundant , Best of Breed , Neither too simple Nor to Complex Your Answer: Not Redundant , Best of Breed , Neither too simple Nor to Complex Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: An Activity that has a definite Start and a definite end is termed as ?Correct Answer: ProjectYour Answer: Project True/FalseQuestion: The Unit of the Software is the smallest entity to be tested.Correct Answer: TrueYour Answer: True Select The BlankQuestion: ________ is a process of executing a program with the intent of finding an error.Correct Answer: TestingYour Answer: Validations Select The BlankQuestion: A ________ is used to show the system flow stage by stage in a logical sequenceCorrect Answer: System Flow ChartYour Answer: System Flow Chart Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: The Scope of the Software Project is defined by Statement of Work which is agreed by ?Correct Answer: Users , Stakeholders , Customers Your Answer: Users , Stakeholders , Customers Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Artificial Intelligent Domain Systems Could beCorrect Answer: Expert System , Image & Voice Recognition System , Neural Networks Your Answer: Expert System , Image & Voice Recognition System , Neural Networks Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your AnswerSpiral Model Boehm Spiral model Boehm Spiral modelLegacy software Poor Quality Poor QualityObjects Attribute, Methods Attribute, MethodsSSAD yourdan & DeMarco yourdan & DeMarco Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Design Constraints include:-Correct Answer: Resource Limitations , Platform Limitations , Protocol Limitations Your Answer: Resource Limitations , Platform Limitations , Protocol Limitations Multiple Choice Single Answer

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Question: The Application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development, operation and maintenance of the software is termed asCorrect Answer: Software EngineeringYour Answer: Software Engineering Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A type of testing which verifies that all the system elements are meshed properly and that overall system function / performance is achieved is:-Correct Answer: System testingYour Answer: Component Testing True/FalseQuestion: CAD/CAM/CAE are the examples of embedded SoftwareCorrect Answer: FalseYour Answer: False Select The BlankQuestion: Software is classified into two categories, Generic and ________.Correct Answer: CutomisedYour Answer: Cutomised Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A Step in risk Management which identifies and enumerates the risk is :-Correct Answer: Risk IdentificationYour Answer: Risk Identification Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: The Contents which are recorded by the Data Dictionary for an typical item is:-Correct Answer: Definition , Identification , Validation Text & Relationship Your Answer: Definition , Identification , Validation Text & Relationship Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A costs which includes cost of rework, repair and failure analysis is :-Correct Answer: Failure CostYour Answer: Maintenance Cost True/FalseQuestion: Recovery testing focuses on the Cost Recovery Plan of the Software Implemented.Correct Answer: FalseYour Answer: False Select The BlankQuestion: For managing change the SQA plan inculcates ________ to monitor the change.Correct Answer: Software Configuration ManagementYour Answer: Software Configuration Management True/FalseQuestion: System Performance is measured through effectiveness and its efficiency.Correct Answer: TrueYour Answer: True True/FalseQuestion: A software review is a filter for the software development process.Correct Answer: TrueYour Answer: True Multiple Choice Single Answer

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Question: The Extend to which the software product is protected from an unauthorized access is :-Correct Answer: IntegrityYour Answer: Integrity

LIST OF ATTEMPTED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Legacy software -Poor quality hasCorrect Answer: Inextensible design , Convoluted Code , Poor or nonexistent documentation Your Answer: Poor or nonexistent documentation , Inextensible design , Convoluted Code Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A System which is not influenced by the external environment:-Correct Answer: Closed SystemYour Answer: Closed System Select The BlankQuestion: ________ combines software, Hardware and a software engineering database to create a software engineering environment for hardwareCorrect Answer: CASEYour Answer: Integrated Wizard Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: An Approach which majorly focuses on Functions and data structure designed for those functions.Correct Answer: SSADYour Answer: SSAD Select The BlankQuestion: To become a registered, one of the quality assurance system models contained in ISO 9000 a company's quality system is scrutinized by ________.Correct Answer: Third Party AuditorYour Answer: Third Party Auditor Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A Modification of the Software is done to accommodate the changes forced by the external environment isCorrect Answer: Adaptive MaintenanceYour Answer: Corrective Maintenance Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A set of Computer Programs which performs set of preset functions is called as ?Correct Answer: SoftwareYour Answer: Software Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: The Factors enabling easy change are :-Correct Answer: Maintainability , Flexibility , Testability Your Answer: Maintainability , Flexibility , Reusability Select The BlankQuestion: In ________ model the data elements are organized indifferent areas that work together through network communications.Correct Answer: NetworkYour Answer: Network - Relational

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True/FalseQuestion: Software Development becomes a costly and risky if the the development process does not follow a systematic, scientific approach to produce the softwareCorrect Answer: TrueYour Answer: True Select The BlankQuestion: ________ testing confirms that the needs and requirements are fulfilled in the development environment.Correct Answer: AlphaYour Answer: Beta Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: Changes in the Customer requirements are understood and incorporated in which phase?Correct Answer: SupportYour Answer: Development Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Black Box testing techniques are:-Correct Answer: Graph Based Testing Methods , Equivalence Portioning , Boundary Value Analysis Your Answer: Graph Based Testing Methods , Stress Testing , Boundary Value Analysis Select The BlankQuestion: A ________ Measures the Quality of the output produced by the SystemCorrect Answer: EffectivenessYour Answer: Efficiency True/FalseQuestion: Simplification rationalizes the complex , breakdown into clusters, making a meaningful and functionally complete design.Correct Answer: TrueYour Answer: True Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Resources required for a Software development activity could be :-Correct Answer: People , Development Environment , Reusable Components Your Answer: Modules , People , Development Environment Select The BlankQuestion: One of the most important guideline for the reviewing the product is review the product not the ________.Correct Answer: ProducerYour Answer: Developer True/FalseQuestion: The Emphasis in SSAD is on functions and features.Correct Answer: TrueYour Answer: True Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Project Metrics enable a software project manager to:-Correct Answer: Assess the Status of the Ongoing Project , Identify the Risk Potential , Uncover problem areas before they go Critical

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Your Answer: Assess the Status of the Ongoing Project , Identify the Risk Potential , Manage the resources Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: Most of the Software's Continues to be custom built becauseCorrect Answer: Reusability of the ComponentYour Answer: Reusability of the Component Select The BlankQuestion: A ________ is an activity incorporating both software quality control and quality assurance.Correct Answer: Software Quality ManagementYour Answer: ISO Standards Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Operational Testing is carried out by :-Correct Answer: Recovery Testing , Stress Testing , Performance Testing Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A process of creating a document Statement of Work, and planning the major task deliveries is :-Correct Answer: Project Planning

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: Source Code of the Software is available so that the engineers can make the local modifications and use the componentCorrect Answer: Open Source True/FalseQuestion: The Data Management is not easy with relational Model.Correct Answer: False Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your AnswerDevelopment of the Software Software Programs Software Engineering LayersCorrective Maintenance Software ModulesProcess, Tools & Methods Software Engineering Layers AnalysisRequirement Specifications Definition Phase Definition Phase True/FalseQuestion: A Software solution is evolved in parts as in an incremental fashion in incremental modelCorrect Answer: True

Select The BlankQuestion: The Errors which have impact on look and feel of the system is classified as ________ errorsCorrect Answer: Cosmetic True/FalseQuestion: Software Development becomes complex due to the variety and heterogeneity of requirement of different Users and StakeholdersCorrect Answer: True

Select The BlankQuestion: SE Methodology rides on two components, System Engineering and ________.Correct Answer: Development Engineering

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Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A Software that makes use of non numerical algorithms to solve complex problems that are not amenable to straightforward analysisCorrect Answer: Artificial Intelligence

Select The BlankQuestion: PRM stands for ________Correct Answer: Prototyping Model Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A DD type which models internals of the process i.e. the details namely how , where, by whom and so on is known as:-Correct Answer: Physical DFD

Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your AnswerVerification & Validation Testing TestingIncorrect Logical Decision White Box Testing DebuggingIncorrect Functions In a program Black Box Testing TracingData Structure & Specific Values Test Case Black Box Testing Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: Software Engineering attempts to identify what information is to be processed, what function and performance is desired in which phase?Correct Answer: Definition PhaseYour Answer: Development Phase Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: The Quality aspect which includes the grade of materials, physical and performance specifications, tolerance and process standards is :-Correct Answer: DesignYour Answer: Requirements Specifications Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Architecture Design Consists of:-Correct Answer: Module Structure , Program Structure , Hierarchy in the Structure Your Answer: Module Structure , Hierarchy in the Structure , Process Structure Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: The Functionality of the Client application is tested using :-Correct Answer: Server Tests , Database Tests , Transaction Tests Your Answer: Server Tests , Transaction Tests , Client Tests True/FalseQuestion: The results of the test case is recorded in the test specification document.Correct Answer: TrueYour Answer: True Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Project Risk Management Includes:-Correct Answer: Risk Prevention , Risk Avoidance , Risk Mitigation Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Project Metrics helps the project manager in following ways :-Correct Answer: Minimize the Development Schedule , Assess Product Quality regularly

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Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A process which ensures that the materials input (Process input), the manufacturing process (software development process) and outgoing quality are of requisite standards is :-Correct Answer: Quality Assurance Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A process of identifying, assessing , evaluating risk exposure, prioritizing the risk incidences, and developing risk monitoring, management and mitigation plan is :-Correct Answer: Project Risk Management

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A type of testing where the focus is on design and development of the software architecture is termed as:-Correct Answer: Integration Testing

Select The BlankQuestion: ________ is characterized by longetivity and business criticalityCorrect Answer: Legacy Software

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: Who Defines SE as the application of a Systematic, disciplined and quantifiable approach to the development and maintenance of a SoftwareCorrect Answer: IEEE Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A Software developed to perform certain functionality and later on embedded into the hardware is called asCorrect Answer: Embedded Software


Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: The software designed with the correct choice of technology and architecture to ensure:Correct Answer: Customer Satisfaction , On-time Delivery , Developed with the budgeted costYour Answer: Customer Satisfaction , On-time Delivery , Developed with the budgeted cost

True/FalseQuestion: Risk which can be known is termed as unpredictable risk.Correct Answer: FalseYour Answer: False

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A type of testing which eliminates the errors in the design, architecture and development & deployment process is.Correct Answer: Non Execution based testingYour Answer: Non Execution based testing

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: The broad quality parameters are:-Correct Answer: Reliability , Safety , SecurityYour Answer: Reliability , Safety , Security

True/FalseQuestion: E-R Diagrams are used to identify the Weak and Strong Relations.Correct Answer: TrueYour Answer: True

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Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Resources required for a Software development activity could be :-Correct Answer: People , Development Environment , Reusable ComponentsYour Answer: People , Development Environment , Reusable Components

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: A good test is one that has:-Correct Answer: High Probability of detecting an error , Not Redundant , Simple to execute & IndependentYour Answer: High Probability of detecting an error , Not Redundant , Simple to execute & Independent

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A System in which next state of the system can be predicted without doubt is :-Correct Answer: DeterministicYour Answer: Probabilistic

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: System Design Consists of:-Correct Answer: Level DFD's , System Flowcharts , ERD'sYour Answer: Level DFD's , System Flowcharts , ERD's

Match The FollowingQuestion: Correct Answer: Your Answer:World Wide Web Content provider Content providerSoftware Deteriorates Integrated SystemSystem Software File Management DeterioratesApplication Software Standalone Programs File Management

True/FalseQuestion: A software review is a filter for the software development process.Correct Answer: TrueYour Answer: True

True/FalseQuestion: Reactive risk strategies are applied to deal with risk when it occurs.Correct Answer: TrueYour Answer: True

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A type of testing where the focus is on error/ mistake or fault detection and correction is:-Correct Answer: Process based TestingYour Answer: Process based Testing

Match The FollowingQuestion: Correct Answer: Your Answer:IEEE Institute of Electrical and Institute of Electrical and

Electronics Engineers Electronics EngineersWater Fall Model Customer Specific Structured ApproachSSAD Structured Approach Customer SpecificOOSAD Object Oriented Approach Object Oriented Approach

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: The Scope of the Software Project is defined by Statement of Work which is agreed by ?Correct Answer: Customers , Users , StakeholdersYour Answer: Users , Stakeholders , Customers

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Select The BlankQuestion: ________ testing confirms that the needs and requirements are fulfilled in the development environment.Correct Answer: AlphaYour Answer: Alpha

True/FalseQuestion: SQA is ensured through a Quality Management System.Correct Answer: TrueYour Answer: True

Select The BlankQuestion: The Failure Curve of a Hardware is called as ________Correct Answer: Bathtub CurveYour Answer: Bathtub Curve

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: The next development in software engineering isCorrect Answer: The use of tool generate the code , The extensive use od CASE tool for analysis and design , The use of Component technologyYour Answer: The use of tool generate the code , The extensive use od CASE tool for analysis and design , The use of Component technology

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: A formal Technical Review may include:-Correct Answer: Walkthroughs , Inspections , Roundrobin reviewsYour Answer: Walkthroughs , Inspections , Roundrobin reviews

True/FalseQuestion: Domain Specific applications are developed mostly integrating components which are similar in functionalityCorrect Answer: TrueYour Answer: True

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A Principle in which the Functional Cohesion between the sub system is maintained:-Correct Answer: DecompositionYour Answer: Decomposition

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Architecture Design Consists of:-Correct Answer: Module Structure , Program Structure , Hierarchy in the StructureYour Answer: Module Structure , Hierarchy in the Structure , Process Structure

True/FalseQuestion: White Box Testing Measures the Correctness of the Inputs and Basic Processes.Correct Answer: TrueYour Answer: True

Select The BlankQuestion: A ________ is understood as a possibility of Loss.Correct Answer: RiskYour Answer: Risk

Select The BlankQuestion: An incorrect decision by the designer, programmer or analyst that leads to improper result is an ________.

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Correct Answer: ErrorYour Answer: Error

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: An Approach which majorly focuses on Functions and data structure designed for those functions.Correct Answer: SSADYour Answer: SSAD

True/FalseQuestion: CAD/CAM/CAE are the examples of embedded SoftwareCorrect Answer: FalseYour Answer: False

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A process which ensures that the materials input (Process input), the manufacturing process (software development process) and outgoing quality are of requisite standards is :-Correct Answer: Quality AssuranceYour Answer: Quality Management

True/FalseQuestion: Simplification rationalizes the complex , breakdown into clusters, making a meaningful and functionally complete design.Correct Answer: TrueYour Answer: True

Select The BlankQuestion: In the ________ model data elements are organized in tree structure in parent-child format.Correct Answer: HierarchicalYour Answer: Hierarchical

Select The BlankQuestion: A Module Tests focuses on ________.Correct Answer: Functions & DesignYour Answer: Functions & Design

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: White Box Testing Checks :-Correct Answer: All Paths in the process are correctly operational , All Logical decision are executed with true or false , All Loops are executedYour Answer: All Paths in the process are correctly operational , All Logical decision are executed with true or false , All Loops are executed

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A process which breaks statement of work into smaller activities with clear start - finish definition is called as :-Correct Answer: Work Break Down StructureYour Answer: Work Break Down Structure

True/FalseQuestion: Errors in documentation give rise to fatal results.Correct Answer: TrueYour Answer: True

Select The BlankQuestion: ________ is a process of executing a program with the intent of finding an error.Correct Answer: Testing

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Your Answer: Testing

Select The BlankQuestion: ________ is achieved by carving out a module that is responsible for any unique function and which does not need to interact with other parts of the system.Correct Answer: Functional DependencyYour Answer: Functional Dependency

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: System Testing Techniques are :-Correct Answer: Alpha Test , Beta TestYour Answer: Alpha Test , Beta Test

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A model in which software development cycle is sequential process is :-Correct Answer: Waterfall ModelYour Answer: Waterfall Model

Select The BlankQuestion: To become a registered, one of the quality assurance system models contained in ISO 9000 a company's quality system is scrutinized by ________.Correct Answer: Third Party AuditorYour Answer: SQM

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A software which resides in the read only memory and controls the functions of the resident ProductsCorrect Answer: Embedded SoftwareYour Answer: Embedded Software

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A document which identifies and helps the project manager to focus on the grey areas or critical functions in the project is :-Correct Answer: Software Requirement SpecificationsYour Answer: Software Requirement Specifications

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Project Metrics enable a software project manager to:-Correct Answer: Assess the Status of the Ongoing Project , Identify the Risk Potential , Uncover problem areas before they go CriticalYour Answer: Assess the Status of the Ongoing Project , Identify the Risk Potential , Uncover problem areas before they go Critical

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A system for the support of software development is calledCorrect Answer: Computer Aided Software EngineeringYour Answer: Computer Aided Software Engineering

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A Collection of Interrelated, Interdependent group of elements which interact to achieve certain objectives is called as:-Correct Answer: SystemYour Answer: Software

Select The BlankQuestion: Inadequacy or misout in SRS & RDD is ________.Correct Answer: Defect

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Your Answer: Defect

Select The BlankQuestion: LOC Means________Correct Answer: Lines of CodeYour Answer: Lines of Code

LIST OF ATTEMPTED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A process of identifying, assessing , evaluating risk exposure, prioritizing the risk incidences, and developing risk monitoring, management and mitigation plan is :- Correct Answer: Project Risk Management Your Answer: Project Risk Management Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A Modification of the Software is done to accommodate the changes forced by the external environment is Correct Answer: Adaptive Maintenance Your Answer: Corrective Maintenance Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: A documentation is tested through :- Correct Answer: Technical Review , Actual Operational Review Your Answer: Technical Review , Actual Operational Review , Code Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: In Interface Stage of SSAD phase the focus is on:- Correct Answer: User Comfort Your Answer: Design of the Output Formats Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A type of testing which verifies that all the system elements are meshed properly and that overall system function / performance is achieved is:- Correct Answer: System testing Your Answer: Component Testing Select The BlankQuestion: A ________ deals with identification and assessment of potential hazards of software failing and its impact on the systems. Correct Answer: Software Safety Your Answer: Software Testing True/FalseQuestion: The Water Fall Model is used where the risk factor is almost nil Correct Answer: True Your Answer: True Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A System in which next state of the system can be predicted without doubt is :- Correct Answer: Deterministic Your Answer: Open System True/FalseQuestion: Spiral model itself is a model which is base for other software development models Correct Answer: False

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Your Answer: True True/FalseQuestion: System testing checks the abnormality in the software system. Correct Answer: False Your Answer: True True/FalseQuestion: ISO 9001 is used to develop quality assurance systems. Correct Answer: True Your Answer: True Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A type of testing where the focus is on design and development of the software architecture is termed as:- Correct Answer: Integration Testing Your Answer: Module testing True/FalseQuestion: The results of the test case is recorded in the test specification document. Correct Answer: True Your Answer: True Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A Principle in which the Functional Cohesion between the sub system is maintained:- Correct Answer: Decomposition Your Answer: Decoupling Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: SQA efforts most primarily assures:- Correct Answer: Software Quality , Software Reliability , Software Availability Your Answer: Software Quality , Software Reliability , Software Availability Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: The Customer Requirements could be analyzed by:- Correct Answer: Interviewing , Questionnaire , Meeting with Key Users Your Answer: Questionnaire , Case Study , Meeting with Key Users Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: The extent the software meets the customer quality goals and expectations is termed as :- Correct Answer: Correctness Your Answer: Reliability Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: The Factors enabling easy change are :- Correct Answer: Maintainability , Flexibility , Testability Your Answer: Maintainability , Flexibility , Reusability Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your AnswerDevelopment of the Software Programs Software Engineering Layers Software Corrective Maintenance Analysis Process, Tools & Methods Software Engineering Layers Software Modules Requirement Specifications Definition Phase Software Programs

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Select The BlankQuestion: Cohesion and Coupling is the criteria for measuring ________. Correct Answer: Functional Dependency Your Answer: Functional Dependency Select The BlankQuestion: A collection of programs written to service other set of programs and its functions is called as ________ Correct Answer: System Software Your Answer: Integrated Software Select The BlankQuestion: ________ is a System Engineering approach that is used to define architecture that enables a business to use Information Effectively. Correct Answer: Business Processing Engineering Your Answer: Business Process Models Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: The Application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development, operation and maintenance of the software is termed as Correct Answer: Software Engineering Your Answer: Software Maintenance Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: RMMM Plan deals with :- Correct Answer: Mitigation , Monitoring , Management Your Answer: Mitigation , Monitoring , Management Select The BlankQuestion: In ________Model the risk of the Software development is almost Nil Correct Answer: Water Fall Your Answer: Water Fall True/FalseQuestion: Stress Testing is a part of Integration testing. Correct Answer: False Your Answer: False Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Black Box testing techniques are:- Correct Answer: Graph Based Testing Methods , Equivalence Portioning , Boundary Value Analysis Your Answer: Graph Based Testing Methods , Stress Testing , Boundary Value Analysis Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: The types of Software are Correct Answer: Business Software , Embedded Software , System Software Your Answer: Business Software , Embedded Software , System Software Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Following are the data models namely:- Correct Answer: Hierarchical Model , Network Model , Relational Model Your Answer: Hierarchical Model , Network Model , Relational Model Select The BlankQuestion: ________ is achieved by carving out a module that is responsible for any unique function and which does not need to interact with other parts of the system.

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Correct Answer: Functional Dependency Your Answer: Functional Dependency Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: The stages of the Iterative Models are Correct Answer: Requirement Analysis , System Design , Development Coding & Unit Testing Your Answer: Requirement Analysis , System Design , Development Coding & Unit Testing Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: In a Software Risk Management Risk drivers are :- Correct Answer: Technology , People , Requirements Your Answer: Technology , People , Requirements Select The BlankQuestion: ________ tests confirms that the needs and requirements are fulfilled on the deployment platform. Correct Answer: Beta Your Answer: Stress True/FalseQuestion: The major resources in the project is people and funds. Correct Answer: False Your Answer: False Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your AnswerEntity Object which is Uniquely Object which is Uniquely

Distinguished Distinguished Hierarchical Model Tree Structure Tree Structure Network Model Network Communications Network Communications Relational Model Data are Linked Data are Linked Select The BlankQuestion: The company should establish a ________ and maintain a documented quality system as a means of ensuring that it conforms to the specified requirements of ISO. Correct Answer: Quality System Procedure Your Answer: Quality Management System Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: Who Defines SE as the application of a Systematic, disciplined and quantifiable approach to the development and maintenance of a Software Correct Answer: IEEE Your Answer: ISO - 9001 True/FalseQuestion: People, Procedures and Parameters are the Drivers of the Technology. Correct Answer: False Your Answer: True True/FalseQuestion: Six Sigma is one of the most widely used strategy for statistical quality assurance in an industry. Correct Answer: True Your Answer: False Select The BlankQuestion: A ________ has to be performed regularly throughout the achievement life cycle.

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Correct Answer: Risk Management Your Answer: Risk Management Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Work Break Down Structure can also be traced back to ? Correct Answer: System Requirements Specifications , Requirement Definition & Description Your Answer: System Requirements Specifications , Statement of Work , Planning Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A type of testing where the focus is user and user Behavior is:- Correct Answer: Usage based testing Your Answer: Usage based testing True/FalseQuestion: A Software solution is evolved in parts as in an incremental fashion in incremental model Correct Answer: True Your Answer: True Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: System Testing Techniques are :- Correct Answer: Alpha Test , Beta Test Your Answer: Alpha Test , Beta Test , Stress Testing Select The BlankQuestion: ________ testing confirms that the needs and requirements are fulfilled in the development environment. Correct Answer: Alpha Your Answer: Beta Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: In Design Phase at data and data Structure stage the focus is on:- Correct Answer: Entities and Attributes Your Answer: Entities and Attributes Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: The Extent of effort to locate the error and fix it is :- Correct Answer: Maintainability Your Answer: Flexibility Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A process of identifying, assessing , evaluating risk exposure, prioritizing the risk incidences, and developing risk monitoring, management and mitigation plan is :- Correct Answer: Project Risk Management Your Answer: Project Risk Management Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: RMMM Plan deals with :- Correct Answer: Mitigation , Monitoring , Management Your Answer: Mitigation , Monitoring , Management Select The BlankQuestion: In ________Model the risk of the Software development is almost Nil Correct Answer: Water Fall Your Answer: Water Fall True/False

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Question: Stress Testing is a part of Integration testing. Correct Answer: False Your Answer: False Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Black Box testing techniques are:- Correct Answer: Graph Based Testing Methods , Equivalence Portioning , Boundary Value Analysis Your Answer: Graph Based Testing Methods , Stress Testing , Boundary Value Analysis Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: The types of Software are Correct Answer: Business Software , Embedded Software , System Software Your Answer: Business Software , Embedded Software , System Software Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Following are the data models namely:- Correct Answer: Hierarchical Model , Network Model , Relational Model Your Answer: Hierarchical Model , Network Model , Relational Model Select The BlankQuestion: ________ is achieved by carving out a module that is responsible for any unique function and which does not need to interact with other parts of the system. Correct Answer: Functional Dependency Your Answer: Functional Dependency Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: The stages of the Iterative Models are Correct Answer: Requirement Analysis , System Design , Development Coding & Unit Testing Your Answer: Requirement Analysis , System Design , Development Coding & Unit Testing Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: In a Software Risk Management Risk drivers are :- Correct Answer: Technology , People , Requirements Your Answer: Technology , People , Requirements Select The BlankQuestion: ________ tests confirms that the needs and requirements are fulfilled on the deployment platform. Correct Answer: Beta Your Answer: Stress True/FalseQuestion: The major resources in the project is people and funds. Correct Answer: False Your Answer: False Match The FollowingMatch The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your AnswerEntity Object which is Uniquely Object which is Uniquely

Distinguished Distinguished Hierarchical Model Tree Structure Tree Structure Network Model Network Communications Network Communications Relational Model Data are Linked Data are Linked Select The Blank

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Question: The company should establish a ________ and maintain a documented quality system as a means of ensuring that it conforms to the specified requirements of ISO. Correct Answer: Quality System Procedure Your Answer: Quality Management System


Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: The software designed with the correct choice of technology and architecture to ensure:Correct Answer: Customer Satisfaction , On-time Delivery , Developed with the budgeted costYour Answer: Customer Satisfaction , On-time Delivery , Developed with the budgeted cost

True/FalseQuestion: Risk which can be known is termed as unpredictable risk.Correct Answer: FalseYour Answer: False

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A type of testing which eliminates the errors in the design, architecture and development & deployment process is.Correct Answer: Non Execution based testingYour Answer: Non Execution based testing

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: The broad quality parameters are:-Correct Answer: Reliability , Safety , SecurityYour Answer: Reliability , Safety , Security

True/FalseQuestion: E-R Diagrams are used to identify the Weak and Strong Relations.Correct Answer: TrueYour Answer: True

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Resources required for a Software development activity could be :-Correct Answer: People , Development Environment , Reusable ComponentsYour Answer: People , Development Environment , Reusable Components

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: A good test is one that has:-Correct Answer: High Probability of detecting an error , Not Redundant , Simple to execute & IndependentYour Answer: High Probability of detecting an error , Not Redundant , Simple to execute & Independent

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A System in which next state of the system can be predicted without doubt is :-Correct Answer: DeterministicYour Answer: Probabilistic

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

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Question: System Design Consists of:-Correct Answer: Level DFD's , System Flowcharts , ERD'sYour Answer: Level DFD's , System Flowcharts , ERD's

Match The FollowingQuestion: Correct Answer: Your Answer:World Wide Web Content provider Content providerSoftware Deteriorates Integrated SystemSystem Software File Management DeterioratesApplication Software Standalone Programs File Management

True/FalseQuestion: A software review is a filter for the software development process.Correct Answer: TrueYour Answer: True

True/FalseQuestion: Reactive risk strategies are applied to deal with risk when it occurs.Correct Answer: TrueYour Answer: True

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A type of testing where the focus is on error/ mistake or fault detection and correction is:-Correct Answer: Process based TestingYour Answer: Process based Testing

Match The FollowingQuestion: Correct Answer: Your Answer:IEEE Institute of Electrical and Institute of Electrical and

Electronics Engineers Electronics EngineersWater Fall Model Customer Specific Structured ApproachSSAD Structured Approach Customer SpecificOOSAD Object Oriented Approach Object Oriented Approach

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: The Scope of the Software Project is defined by Statement of Work which is agreed by ?Correct Answer: Customers , Users , StakeholdersYour Answer: Users , Stakeholders , Customers

Select The BlankQuestion: ________ testing confirms that the needs and requirements are fulfilled in the development environment.Correct Answer: AlphaYour Answer: Alpha

True/FalseQuestion: SQA is ensured through a Quality Management System.Correct Answer: TrueYour Answer: True

Select The BlankQuestion: The Failure Curve of a Hardware is called as ________

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Correct Answer: Bathtub CurveYour Answer: Bathtub Curve

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: The next development in software engineering isCorrect Answer: The use of tool generate the code , The extensive use od CASE tool for analysis and design , The use of Component technologyYour Answer: The use of tool generate the code , The extensive use od CASE tool for analysis and design , The use of Component technology

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: A formal Technical Review may include:-Correct Answer: Walkthroughs , Inspections , Roundrobin reviewsYour Answer: Walkthroughs , Inspections , Roundrobin reviews

True/FalseQuestion: Domain Specific applications are developed mostly integrating components which are similar in functionalityCorrect Answer: TrueYour Answer: True

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A Principle in which the Functional Cohesion between the sub system is maintained:-Correct Answer: DecompositionYour Answer: Decomposition

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Architecture Design Consists of:-Correct Answer: Module Structure , Program Structure , Hierarchy in the StructureYour Answer: Module Structure , Hierarchy in the Structure , Process Structure

True/FalseQuestion: White Box Testing Measures the Correctness of the Inputs and Basic Processes.Correct Answer: TrueYour Answer: True

Select The BlankQuestion: A ________ is understood as a possibility of Loss.Correct Answer: RiskYour Answer: Risk

Select The BlankQuestion: An incorrect decision by the designer, programmer or analyst that leads to improper result is an ________.Correct Answer: ErrorYour Answer: Error

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: An Approach which majorly focuses on Functions and data structure designed for those functions.Correct Answer: SSADYour Answer: SSAD

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True/FalseQuestion: CAD/CAM/CAE are the examples of embedded SoftwareCorrect Answer: FalseYour Answer: False

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A process which ensures that the materials input (Process input), the manufacturing process (software development process) and outgoing quality are of requisite standards is :-Correct Answer: Quality AssuranceYour Answer: Quality Management

True/FalseQuestion: Simplification rationalizes the complex , breakdown into clusters, making a meaningful and functionally complete design.Correct Answer: TrueYour Answer: True

Select The BlankQuestion: In the ________ model data elements are organized in tree structure in parent-child format.Correct Answer: HierarchicalYour Answer: Hierarchical

Select The BlankQuestion: A Module Tests focuses on ________.Correct Answer: Functions & DesignYour Answer: Functions & Design

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: White Box Testing Checks :-Correct Answer: All Paths in the process are correctly operational , All Logical decision are executed with true or false , All Loops are executedYour Answer: All Paths in the process are correctly operational , All Logical decision are executed with true or false , All Loops are executed

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A process which breaks statement of work into smaller activities with clear start - finish definition is called as :-Correct Answer: Work Break Down StructureYour Answer: Work Break Down Structure

True/FalseQuestion: Errors in documentation give rise to fatal results.Correct Answer: TrueYour Answer: True

Select The BlankQuestion: ________ is a process of executing a program with the intent of finding an error.Correct Answer: TestingYour Answer: Testing

Select The Blank

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Question: ________ is achieved by carving out a module that is responsible for any unique function and which does not need to interact with other parts of the system.Correct Answer: Functional DependencyYour Answer: Functional Dependency

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: System Testing Techniques are :-Correct Answer: Alpha Test , Beta TestYour Answer: Alpha Test , Beta Test

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A model in which software development cycle is sequential process is :-Correct Answer: Waterfall ModelYour Answer: Waterfall Model

Select The BlankQuestion: To become a registered, one of the quality assurance system models contained in ISO 9000 a company's quality system is scrutinized by ________.Correct Answer: Third Party AuditorYour Answer: SQM

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A software which resides in the read only memory and controls the functions of the resident ProductsCorrect Answer: Embedded SoftwareYour Answer: Embedded Software

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A document which identifies and helps the project manager to focus on the grey areas or critical functions in the project is :-Correct Answer: Software Requirement SpecificationsYour Answer: Software Requirement Specifications

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Project Metrics enable a software project manager to:-Correct Answer: Assess the Status of the Ongoing Project , Identify the Risk Potential , Uncover problem areas before they go CriticalYour Answer: Assess the Status of the Ongoing Project , Identify the Risk Potential , Uncover problem areas before they go Critical

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A system for the support of software development is calledCorrect Answer: Computer Aided Software EngineeringYour Answer: Computer Aided Software Engineering

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A Collection of Interrelated, Interdependent group of elements which interact to achieve certain objectives is called as:-Correct Answer: SystemYour Answer: Software

Select The BlankQuestion: Inadequacy or misout in SRS & RDD is ________.Correct Answer: Defect

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Your Answer: Defect

Select The BlankQuestion: LOC Means________Correct Answer: Lines of CodeYour Answer: Lines of Code


Select The BlankQuestion: The objective of a ________ is to test for what we want to achieve and not what is actually achieved.Correct Answer: Test PlanYour Answer: Testing

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: The Functionality of the Client application is tested using :-Correct Answer: Server Tests , Database Tests , Transaction TestsYour Answer: Transaction Tests , Client Tests , Server Tests

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: COCOMO Model is :-Correct Answer: Constructive Cost ModelYour Answer: Cost Control & Observe Model

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: OOSAD development approach usesCorrect Answer: Objects , Process modeling , Object attributesYour Answer: Objects , Process modeling , Object attributes

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Test cases are built for :-Correct Answer: Data Structure , Specific Value ConditionsYour Answer: Data Structure , Specific Value Conditions , Units & Functions

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A process of creating a document Statement of Work, and planning the major task deliveries is :-Correct Answer: Project PlanningYour Answer: Project Planning

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: The stages of the Iterative Models areCorrect Answer: Requirement Analysis , System Design , Development Coding & Unit TestingYour Answer: Requirement Analysis , System Design , Development Coding & Unit Testing

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: Source Code of the Software is available so that the engineers can make the local modifications and use the componentCorrect Answer: Open SourceYour Answer: Open Source

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True/FalseQuestion: System Performance is measured through effectiveness and its efficiency.Correct Answer: TrueYour Answer: True

True/FalseQuestion: Software Development becomes complex due to the variety and heterogeneity of requirement of different Users and StakeholdersCorrect Answer: TrueYour Answer: True

Select The BlankQuestion: Usually the test cases are written using ________.Correct Answer: Testing TechniquesYour Answer: Testing Techniques

True/FalseQuestion: SRS is Systems requirement specifications in the software development phaseCorrect Answer: TrueYour Answer: True

True/FalseQuestion: Proactive risk strategies are applied to deal with risk when it occurs.Correct Answer: FalseYour Answer: True

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A Systematic approach to organise and documents the need of the customer which is a basis for software development is :-Correct Answer: Requirements ManagementYour Answer: Requirements Management

True/FalseQuestion: System testing checks the abnormality in the software system.Correct Answer: FalseYour Answer: False

Select The BlankQuestion: ________ is the Significant project risk the management has to face in software development activity due to budgeting constraints.Correct Answer: FundingYour Answer: Funding

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A System which is not influenced by the external environment:-Correct Answer: Closed SystemYour Answer: Closed System

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: SQA efforts most primarily assures:-Correct Answer: Software Quality , Software Reliability , Software AvailabilityYour Answer: Software Quality , Software Reliability , Software Availability


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Question: People, Procedures and Parameters are the Drivers of the Technology.Correct Answer: FalseYour Answer: True

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Testing a Design Includes:-Correct Answer: Test Procedures , Test Plans , Design Renew PlansYour Answer: Test Procedures , Test Plans , Design Renew Plans

Select The BlankQuestion: Inventory Control System which is designed based on demand and supply variations could be an example of ________ systemCorrect Answer: ProbabilisticYour Answer: Probabilistic

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: Who Defines SE as the application of a Systematic, disciplined and quantifiable approach to the development and maintenance of a SoftwareCorrect Answer: IEEEYour Answer: ISO - 9001

Select The BlankQuestion: SE Methodology rides on two components, System Engineering and ________.Correct Answer: Development EngineeringYour Answer: Requirement analysis

Select The BlankQuestion: A unit tests major focuses on ________Correct Answer: Processes & CodeYour Answer: Processes & Code

Match The FollowingQuestion: Correct Answer: Your Answer:Entity Object which is Uniquely Object which is Uniquely

Distinguished DistinguishedHierarchical Model Tree Structure Tree StructureNetwork Model Network Communications Network CommunicationsRelational Model Data are Linked Data are Linked

True/FalseQuestion: Recovery testing focuses on the Cost Recovery Plan of the Software Implemented.Correct Answer: FalseYour Answer: False

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Risk Management is a Process based on application of :-Correct Answer: Game Theory , Probability Theory , Decision TheoryYour Answer: Game Theory , Probability Theory , Decision Theory

True/FalseQuestion: The prime objective of Formal Technical Review is to locate the error before it passes on to the other activity.Correct Answer: True

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Your Answer: True

Select The BlankQuestion: A ________ Measures the Quality of the output produced by the SystemCorrect Answer: EffectivenessYour Answer: Effectiveness

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: RMMM Plan deals with :-Correct Answer: Mitigation , Monitoring , ManagementYour Answer: Mitigation , Monitoring , Management

Select The BlankQuestion: ________ tests confirms that the needs and requirements are fulfilled on the deployment platform.Correct Answer: BetaYour Answer: Beta

Select The BlankQuestion: A collection of programs written to service other set of programs and its functions is called as ________Correct Answer: System SoftwareYour Answer: System Software

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: The responsibilities of Software ManagerareCorrect Answer: To maintain budget , Keep schedules from slipping , Improve qualityYour Answer: To maintain budget , Keep schedules from slipping , Improve quality

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A Step in risk Management which identifies and enumerates the risk is :-Correct Answer: Risk IdentificationYour Answer: Risk Mitigation

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Software Risk could be of :-Correct Answer: Process Risk , Project Risk , Product RiskYour Answer: Process Risk , Project Risk , Product Risk

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A Process of organizing the sub systems as one system to reduce the number of connectivities or interfaces:-Correct Answer: SimplificationYour Answer: Simplification

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A layer in which rules and regulations , functions and processes, dataflows and process flows are visualized:-Correct Answer: LogicalYour Answer: Operational

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: IN OOSAD, Objects haveCorrect Answer: attribute , Methods , relationship

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Your Answer: attribute , Methods , relationship

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: The Software development engineering which builds objects of models independent of the system under consideration is ?Correct Answer: OOSADYour Answer: OOSAD

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A Modification of the Software is done to accommodate the changes forced by the external environment isCorrect Answer: Adaptive MaintenanceYour Answer: Adaptive Maintenance

Select The BlankQuestion: The ________ phase of software engineering focuses on how data are to be structured and programs are to be developedCorrect Answer: DevelopmentYour Answer: Development

True/FalseQuestion: Stress Testing is a part of Integration testing.Correct Answer: FalseYour Answer: False

True/FalseQuestion: ISO 9001 is used to develop quality assurance systems.Correct Answer: TrueYour Answer: True

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Test Case Design for real time systems strategically should include:-Correct Answer: Task Testing , Behavioral Testing , Intertask TestingYour Answer: Task Testing , Behavioral Testing , Intertask Testing

Select The BlankQuestion: Cohesion and Coupling is the criteria for measuring ________.Correct Answer: Functional DependencyYour Answer: Functional Dependency

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: A system is divided broadly into how many layers?Correct Answer: 4 layersYour Answer: 3 layers

Match The FollowingQuestion: Correct Answer: Your Answer:Closed System Parameter are fixed Parameter are fixedDeterministic System Predictable Behavior Predictable BehaviorProbabilistic System Unpredictable Behavior Unpredictable BehaviorOpen System Parameters are Variables Parameters are Variables

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Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Software Risk could be of :-Correct Answer Process Risk , Project Risk , Product Risk Your Answer Product Risk , Process Risk , Project Risk

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion A type of testing which verifies that all the system elements are meshed properly and that overall system function / performance is achieved is:-Correct Answer System testingYour Answer System testing

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Black Box testing techniques are:-Correct Answer Graph Based Testing Methods , Equivalence Portioning , Boundary Value Analysis Your Answer Graph Based Testing Methods , Equivalence Portioning , Boundary Value Analysis

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion A unit testing technique which concentrates only of the functions and features of the software product is:-Correct Answer Black Box TestingYour Answer Black Box Testing

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Design Constraints include:-Correct Answer Resource Limitations , Platform Limitations , Protocol Limitations Your Answer Resource Limitations , Platform Limitations , Protocol Limitations

True/FalseQuestion The Unit of the Software is the smallest entity to be tested.Correct Answer TrueYour Answer True

True/FalseQuestion The Major risk involved in software project is to identify the programmers required and the pay scales of them.Correct Answer FalseYour Answer False

Select The BlankQuestion The Plat Form of the software is developed keeping in mind of certain hardware and ________

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Correct Answer Operating SystemYour Answer Operating System

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion To set the standards and measure and compare the quality according to American Heritage dictionary, what is essential?Correct Answer AttributeYour Answer Attribute

True/FalseQuestion SRS is one of the cause of not meeting the SQA.Correct Answer TrueYour Answer True

Select The BlankQuestion ________ is achieved by carving out a module that is responsible for any unique function and which does not need to interact with other parts of the system.Correct Answer Functional DependencyYour Answer Functional Dependency

True/FalseQuestion Functional Testing focuses on the Basic Functionality of the Software.Correct Answer TrueYour Answer True

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Test Case Design for real time systems strategically should include:-Correct Answer Task Testing , Behavioral Testing , Intertask Testing Your Answer Task Testing , Behavioral Testing , Intertask Testing

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion A System flow chart is also called as:-Correct Answer State Transaction DiagramYour Answer State Transaction Diagram

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion A Systematic approach to organise and documents the need of the customer which is a basis for software development is :-Correct Answer Requirements ManagementYour Answer Requirements Management

Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your AnswerDevelopment of the Software Software Programs Software ProgramsCorrective Maintenance MaintenanceProcess, Tools & Methods Software Engineering Layers Software Engineering LayersRequirement Specifications Definition Phase Definition Phase

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Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion RMMM Plan deals with :-Correct Answer Mitigation , Monitoring , Management Your Answer Mitigation , Monitoring , Management

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion The extent of software functions with precision without any failure is :-Correct Answer ReliabilityYour Answer Reliability

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion IN OOSAD, Objects haveCorrect Answer attribute , Methods , relationship Your Answer attribute , Methods , relationship

Select The BlankQuestion A ________ Measures the Efforts / cost / time used to achieve the output.Correct Answer EfficiencyYour Answer Efficiency

True/FalseQuestion The major resources in the project is people and funds.Correct Answer FalseYour Answer False

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion A Standard Method which helps in keeping the system as an acceptable standards is:-Correct Answer Periodical MaintenanceYour Answer Periodical Maintenance

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion A System is one that is self contained and self reliant:-Correct Answer Closed SystemYour Answer Closed System

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion The Factors enabling easy change are :-Correct Answer Maintainability , Flexibility , Testability Your Answer Maintainability , Flexibility , Testability

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion At the beginning testing focuses on each component individually, ensuring that it function properly as a unit or not this is termed as:-Correct Answer Unit TestingYour Answer Unit Testing

Select The BlankQuestion LOC Means________

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Correct Answer Lines of CodeYour Answer Lines of Code

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion A Cost which includes quality planning, measuring & monitoring the quality aspect and its training is :-Correct Answer Achievement CostYour Answer Achievement Cost

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Fourth generation technology helps to controlCorrect Answer Effort , Resource , Cost development Your Answer Effort , Resource , Cost development

True/FalseQuestion System Performance is measured through effectiveness and its efficiency.Correct Answer TrueYour Answer True

True/FalseQuestion Reactive risk strategies are applied to deal with risk when it occurs.Correct Answer TrueYour Answer True

Select The BlankQuestion Inadequacy or misout in SRS & RDD is ________.Correct Answer DefectYour Answer Defect

Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your AnswerEntity Object which is Uniquely Distinguished Object which is Uniquely DistinguishedHierarchical Model Tree Structure Tree StructureNetwork Model Network Communications Network CommunicationsRelational Model Data are Linked Data are Linked

Select The BlankQuestion Requirements Management Begins with ________.Correct Answer IdentificationYour Answer Identification

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Project Metrics enable a software project manager to:-Correct Answer Assess the Status of the Ongoing Project , Identify the Risk Potential , Uncover problem areas before they go Critical Your Answer Assess the Status of the Ongoing Project , Identify the Risk Potential , Uncover problem areas before they go Critical

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Select The BlankQuestion The company should establish a ________ and maintain a documented quality system as a means of ensuring that it conforms to the specified requirements of ISO.Correct Answer Quality System ProcedureYour Answer Quality System Procedure

Select The BlankQuestion SE Methodology rides on two components, System Engineering and ________.Correct Answer Development EngineeringYour Answer Development Engineering

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion The stages of the Iterative Models areCorrect Answer Requirement Analysis , System Design , Development Coding & Unit Testing Your Answer Requirement Analysis , System Design , Development Coding & Unit Testing

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion The Scope of the work in a Software Project is defined by :-Correct Answer Statement of WorkYour Answer Statement of Work

True/FalseQuestion People, Procedures and Parameters are the Drivers of the Technology.Correct Answer FalseYour Answer False

Select The BlankQuestion ________ testing confirms that the needs and requirements are fulfilled in the development environment.Correct Answer AlphaYour Answer Alpha

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion The Software Risk affects :-Correct Answer Project Development , Software Product , Process of Development Your Answer Project Development , Software Product , Process of Development

Select The BlankQuestion In ________model two sets of data are linked by a relationship.Correct Answer RelationalYour Answer Relational

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion A Phenomenon which states that over a period of times the system gets into a phase of degrading and disorganization is:-Correct Answer EntropyYour Answer Entropy

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Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Project Risk Management Includes:-Correct Answer Risk Prevention , Risk Avoidance , Risk Mitigation Your Answer Risk Prevention , Risk Avoidance , Risk Mitigation

True/FalseQuestion SE is applied for software development through Engineering MethodsCorrect Answer TrueYour Answer True

Select The BlankQuestion An accounting System based on rules and Principles could be an example of ________ System.Correct Answer DeterministicYour Answer Deterministic

True/FalseQuestion A Software solution is evolved in parts as in an incremental fashion in incremental modelCorrect Answer TrueYour Answer True

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