scarlet letter answers

Chapter 2 1. On what note does this chapter begin? -This chapter begins on a negative note. The day is nice, but everyone gathered around knows that something bad is going on. 2. What is Hawthorne saying about the Puritan women of the New World? -Hawthorne is saying that the Puritan women of the New World were too interested in the punishment of other women. They would get as close to the punishment platform and watch what was going on 3. For what sin is Hester Payne condemned? -Adultery 4. What is the Old Testament punishment for adultery? -Death 5. What is the public view of Hester’s sin as expressed by the women outside the prison? What do their comments suggest about this society? -The public think Hester’s sin was terrible and that she deserves to die. This shows that society was very tough and religious, and they lived by the bible’s strict rules. 6. What is Hester’s punishment? -She has to wear a scarlet letter A on her clothing for the rest of her life and she has to stand on the scaffold for 3 hours and be mocked. 7. What is surprising about the “A” Hester has sewn for herself? What might this indicate? -It was very ornate and artistically done, more so than what is allowed by the colony. The ladies gossip that this makes it seem that she is proud of her sins. 8. What is accomplished by Hawthorne’s allusion to the Madonna and Child? -There are parallels drawn between Mary and Hester and how they draw their strength from their baby. Also, there are parallels drawn between the baby and Jesus and their innocence 9. Considering the common use of physiognomy in pre-twentieth-century literature, what might Hawthorne be suggesting by portraying Hester as extremely

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Page 1: Scarlet Letter Answers

Chapter 2

1. On what note does this chapter begin?

-This chapter begins on a negative note. The day is nice, but everyone gathered around knows

that something bad is going on.

2. What is Hawthorne saying about the Puritan women of the New World?

-Hawthorne is saying that the Puritan women of the New World were too interested in the

punishment of other women. They would get as close to the punishment platform and watch

what was going on

3. For what sin is Hester Payne condemned?


4. What is the Old Testament punishment for adultery?


5. What is the public view of Hester’s sin as expressed by the women outside the

prison? What do their comments suggest about this society?

-The public think Hester’s sin was terrible and that she deserves to die. This shows that society

was very tough and religious, and they lived by the bible’s strict rules.

6. What is Hester’s punishment?

-She has to wear a scarlet letter A on her clothing for the rest of her life and she has to stand

on the scaffold for 3 hours and be mocked.

7. What is surprising about the “A” Hester has sewn for herself? What might this


-It was very ornate and artistically done, more so than what is allowed by the colony. The ladies

gossip that this makes it seem that she is proud of her sins.

8. What is accomplished by Hawthorne’s allusion to the Madonna and Child?

-There are parallels drawn between Mary and Hester and how they draw their strength from

their baby. Also, there are parallels drawn between the baby and Jesus and their innocence

9. Considering the common use of physiognomy in pre-twentieth-century literature,

what might Hawthorne be suggesting by portraying Hester as extremely

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-The use of physiognomy, the judging of a person’s natural character based on looks, would

have in this case meant that Hester was a kind person. She was portrayed as beautiful and

elegant, so she should have a matching personality based on physiognomy.

10. What does the Flashback reveal about Hester’s past?

-the flashback revealed that Hester used to live in poverty and had many memories that

suddenly flooded back. There was one part about a man that was thin and old and had some

sort of power over her soul, and that greatly affected her

Chapter 3

1. What purpose does the conversation between the townsman and the stranger at the

beginning of this chapter serve?

-The conversation between the townsman and the stranger at the beginning of this chapter

serves as a cover up because the stranger, who was actually her husband and goes by Roger

Chillingworth, didn’t want anyone to know that he knew who Hester was, so he asked this

question to make it seem like they had no relation.

2. Why wasn’t Hester sentenced to death for her adultery?

-hester wasn’t sentenced to death for her adultery because she was young and pretty, and she

probably lost her husband at sea, so they had mercy on her

3. Where has the stranger been? What motion does he make to Hester?

-The stranger has been at the marketplace, watching Hester.

4. Who is Dimmsdale? What appeal does he use to convince Hester to reveal the

baby’s father?

-Dimmsdale is the pastor of the church.He tells Hester she would be doing a justice by revealing

the father's identity because he would no longer live with hypocrisy and guilt.

5. What is Hawthorne foreshadowing with the stranger’s prediction that the name of

the father will eventually be disclosed?

-The stranger predicted that the name of the father would eventually be disclosed, which

foreshadowed that the “stranger’s” identity would also eventually be disclosed.

6. What is ironic about Dimmesdale’s reaction to Hester’s refusal to name the father

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of her child?

-Dimmesdale’s reaction to Hester’s refusal to name the father of her child was ironic because he

seemingly tried so hard to get her to admit it, but he really didn’t want her saying it was him.

7. Explain the allusion in the townsman’s telling Chillingworth, “that matter

remaineth a riddle; and the Daniel who shall expound it is yet a-wanting.”

-by this he alluded that Daniel was a man in the bible who was hired to decode King

Nebuchadnezzar’s dreams, and that they needed someone to be able to figure out what’s going

on here like the way he did.

Chapter 4

1. Who does the stranger Hester recognized in the crowd that afternoon turn out to


-The stranger Hester recognized in the crowd that afternoon turned out to be her husband, who

now goes by Roger Chillingworth.

2. Why does Hester fear Chillingworth

-Hester is afraid Chillingworth will poison her baby in spite of her sin against him.

3. Again, given the use of physiognomy in literature, what is Hawthorne suggesting

by Chillingworth’s aged, deformed appearances?

-With the use of physiognomy, Hawthorne suggests by Chillingworth’s aged, deformed

appearances that he would be a bad person because he’s ugly on the outside, so he might be

as well on the inside.

4. Explain Chllingworth’s attitude toward Hester.

-Chillingworht’s attitude toward Hester was compassionate and forgiving. He said that they both

had done wrong things and didn’t seem to be seeking revenge on her

5. What does Chillingworth intend to do and why?

-Chillingworth intends to find out who the father is because he wishes to seek revenge on this


.6. What does Chillingworth ask Hester to promise? Why does she agree?

-Chillingworth makes Hester promise not to reveal his identity as her husband. She agrees

because he promises in return not to harm the father.

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7. What is foreshadowed by Chillingworth and Hester’s exchang e at the end of the chapter?

-Chillingworth’s and Hester’s exchange at the end of the chapter foreshadows that the

agreement they made will cost someone their soul

Chapter 5

1. How s Hester’s emergence from the prison at the end of her confinement different from her

emergence on the day she stood in public humiliation?

-Hester’s emergence from the prison at the end of her confinement was different from her

emergence the day she stood in public humiliation because it was more torturous. At least

before there were people pointing fingers at her and scolding her for the wrong she had done,

but now she was a free woman and was allowed to step out into the sunshine of the beautiful


2. What traditional dichotomy does Hawthorne begin to establish with the location of Hester’s


-The traditional dichotomy Hawthorne began to establish with the location of Hester’s cottage

was how she wanted to stay a part of the colony that she was, in, but at the same time she

didn’t want to. That’s why she did stay within the colony grounds, but she went to the far

outskirts as to remove herself as much s possible without leaving completely. There is also the

contrast between the fact that the people hated her, yet they needed her to sew things for her.

Another contrast is that she could go to a place of freedom, but instead she chose to stay in

Boston, where she’s neither wanted nor free.

3. Give two reasons why Hester decides to remain instead of moving to a less-restrictive colony.

-Hester decided to stay within the colony because here she was rooted in a way; she had

sinned there, and deserved to live out her punishment there. The second reason was because

her lover, Dimmesdale was there.

4. How do the townspeople treat Hester, and how does she react?

-The people in the town treated her in a way that reminded her that she was banished

Hester reacted to this treatment by ignoring the comments, and praying for the people who

were rude to her.

5. How does Hester’s character evolve?

-Hester’s character evolved because before, she had a weaker character, always letting people

get a reaction about her, but now she doesn’t even react when they insult her and she doesn’t

even care. The people in the town treated her in a way that reminded her that she was


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6. Describe the difference between Hester’s clothing and her child’s

-Hester’s clothing was made of rough materials and gloomy colors, where Pearl’s were made

beautifully to show off her liveliness.

7. What point is Hawthorne making about an individual’s ability to separate oneself from one’s


-Hawthorne made the point that an individual has a hard time separating oneself from one’s

wrongdoing, and it’s like the wrongdoing has already burnt itself into the person. Hester could

never get rid of the scarlet letter, and she could never get rid of the guilty feeling

8. Where do Hawthorne’s sympathies lie? How do you know?

-Hawthorne’s sympathies lie with Hester because he describes how terrible her life was, and

that she feels really bad about it all, and everyone treats her poorly. Her life was in anguish,

and he felt sorry for her.