scap survey student council alliance of the philippines (scap)

STUDENT COUNCIL ALLIANCE OF THE PHILIPPINES #34-D Matulungin St., Brgy. Central, Quezon City Philippines 1100  All over the country to change it! STUDENTS REVEAL CORONA TRUST RATINGS ISO Conference Room 1-2, Ateneo de Manila University March 26 2012 I. TO THE PUBLIC: Bel ow are the res ult s of sev era l surveys condu cted by the Stu dent Cou ncil All ian ce of the Philippines [SCAP], the largest student council and student political party formation in the country present in more than 150 campuses and 30 chapters nationwide. The surveys were in partnership with local organizations, such as the Ateneo Statistics Circle and the UP Paralegal Society, within the concerned college/ university. The surveys aimed to: gauge the the interest and sat isfaction of the students con cerning the impeachment trial of Chief Justice Renato Corona; appraise the trust level Corona has among students; and get their pulse whether they think Corona should continue to stay as Chief Justice or not. The results of the survey do not ai m to re present the stand of the inst it utions and the organizations involved.  Although we provided the template of the survey, partner organizations had a hand in modifying the survey questions according to their interest, which was the case in most schools we surveyed. - SCAP +63917-362-7480 [email protected] II . SURVEY RESULTS  Ateneo de Manila University Student Population: est. 8,500 Number of Respondents: 410 Survey Duration: March 11-15, 2012 Respondents’ Distribution: School of Humanities 10% School of Management 27% School of Science and Engineering 25% School of Social Sciences 38% How often do you follow the proceedings of the Corona trial? On a reg ular basis 19% Occasionally 57% Member – Young Progressives Southeast Asia; tel. +63917-362-7480  [email protected]

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STUDENT COUNCIL ALLIANCE OF THE PHILIPPINES#34-D Matulungin St., Brgy. Central, Quezon City

Philippines 1100 All over the country to change it!

STUDENTS REVEAL CORONA TRUST RATINGSISO Conference Room 1-2, Ateneo de Manila University March 26 2012


Below are the results of several surveys conducted by the Student Council Alliance of thePhilippines [SCAP], the largest student council and student political party formation in thecountry present in more than 150 campuses and 30 chapters nationwide.

The surveys were in partnership with local organizations, such as the Ateneo Statistics Circleand the UP Paralegal Society, within the concerned college/ university.

The surveys aimed to:gauge the the interest and satisfaction of the students concerning the impeachment trial

of Chief Justice Renato Corona;appraise the trust level Corona has among students; andget their pulse whether they think Corona should continue to stay as Chief Justice or not.

The results of the survey do not aim to represent the stand of the institutions and theorganizations involved.

Although we provided the template of the survey, partner organizations had a hand in modifyingthe survey questions according to their interest, which was the case in most schools we surveyed.

- SCAP+63917-362-7480

[email protected] II. SURVEY RESULTS

Ateneo de Manila University

Student Population: est. 8,500Number of Respondents: 410Survey Duration: March 11-15, 2012Respondents’ Distribution:

School of Humanities 10%School of Management 27%School of Science and Engineering 25%School of Social Sciences 38%

How often do you follow the proceedings of the Corona trial?

On a reg ular basis 19%Occasionally 57%

Member – Young Progressives Southeast Asia;tel. +63917-362-7480 [email protected]

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STUDENT COUNCIL ALLIANCE OF THE PHILIPPINES#34-D Matulungin St., Brgy. Central, Quezon City

Philippines 1100 All over the country to change it!

Not following 23%

Which among the charges are most pertinent among the grounds for impeachment? RANK thefollowing using a scale of 1 to 3, with 1 being the MOST IMPORTANT and 3 being the LEAST


Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3Credibility; Weighteddecisions due to hispatronage for Gloria


27% 28% 45%

Graft andCorruption

54% 25% 20%

Failure to disclosenecessary financialinformation

28% 42% 30%

Based on what you have seen of the trial so far, do you still trust Renato Corona?

Yes 21%No 41%Undecided 39%

Do you think he should still remain as the Chief Justice?

Yes 26%No 45%Undecided 29%

De La Salle University – Manila

Student Population: est. 12,000Number of Respondents: 300Survey Duration: March 22-25, 2012Respondents’ Distribution:

1st Year 18%


Year 31%3 rd Year 34%4 th Year 17%

How often do you follow the proceedings of the Corona trial?

On a reg ular basis 19%Occasionally 69%

Member – Young Progressives Southeast Asia;tel. +63917-362-7480 [email protected]

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STUDENT COUNCIL ALLIANCE OF THE PHILIPPINES#34-D Matulungin St., Brgy. Central, Quezon City

Philippines 1100 All over the country to change it!

Not following 12%

Based on what you have seen of the trial so far, do you still trust Renato Corona?

Yes 30.7%No 69.3%

Do you think he should still remain as the Chief Justice?

Yes 37%No 63%

Which among the charges are most pertinent among the grounds for impeachment? (you may choose more than one)

Alleged non-disclosure of Statements of

Assets, Liabilities and Net Worth(SALN)


Alleged lack of proven competence, probity,integrity and independence


Alleged “partiality” in the granting of atemporary restraining order on thegovernment’s watchlist order against formerPresident and now Pampanga RepresentativeGloria Macapagal-Arroyo last November 15


What is your message to the Senator-Judges as they try the case? (optional)

BE FAIR “Be fair and just. Do not let "partiality" cloud your judgement. You were voted by us to leadand not to have greed.”

“Try the case according to due processs and evidence based on reasonable doubt. Also, refrainfrom injecting politics”

Please make the right decision! Always think of the best way that could help empower ourcountry!

“I do hope that they will judge fairly and impartially. I do hope that they won't give in to bribesand political pressure. This trial should be seen as a step towards truth and not towards amore politically skewed government and judiciary. If CJ Corona is guilty because of theevidences then clearly state those evidences, if he isn't then at the least clear the CJ Corona'sname. It's justice and fairness that we want not political entertainment.”CORONA

“it's funny how they waste so much time in a case that shows the most obvious solution. it'sonly the fact the Corona has the money and resources to prolong the case to make him safe.”

Member – Young Progressives Southeast Asia;tel. +63917-362-7480 [email protected]

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STUDENT COUNCIL ALLIANCE OF THE PHILIPPINES#34-D Matulungin St., Brgy. Central, Quezon City

Philippines 1100 All over the country to change it!

“Corona is obviously guilty. The public is watching and can attest to that.”TAKE THE STAND

“Take the stand and prove to them that you really have not done anything wrong as a chief justice in the supreme court. The longer you wait without taking the stand, the more guilty you become in the public's eyes.”

University of the East – Manila

Student Population: est. 13,000Number of Respondents: 500Survey Duration: March 13-15, 2012

May tiwala ka pa ba kay Chief Justice Renato Corona?

Meron 23% Wala 77%

Dapat bang manatili si Corona bilang Supreme Court Chief Justice?

Oo 43.6%Hindi 56.4%

Tarlac State University

Student Population: est. 14,000Number of Respondents: 500

Survey Duration: March 13-14, 2012May tiwala ka pa ba kay Chief Justice Renato Corona?

Meron 24.6% Wala 75.4%

Dapat bang manatili si Corona bilang Supreme Court Chief Justice?

Oo 23.2%Hindi 76.8%

Ateneo de Davao University Student Population: est. 14,000Number of Respondents: 300Survey Duration: March 22-25, 2012Respondents’ Distribution:

1st Year 19.2%

Member – Young Progressives Southeast Asia;tel. +63917-362-7480 [email protected]

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STUDENT COUNCIL ALLIANCE OF THE PHILIPPINES#34-D Matulungin St., Brgy. Central, Quezon City

Philippines 1100 All over the country to change it!

2nd Year 23.1%3 rd Year 34.6%4 th Year 23.1%

How often do you follow the proceedings of the Corona trial?

On a regular basis 8%Occasionally 84.3%Not following 7.7%

Based on what you have seen of the trial so far, do you still trust Renato Corona?

Yes 21.7%No 78.3%

Do you think he should still remain as the Chief Justice?

Yes 23.3%No 76.7%

Which among the charges are most pertinent among the grounds for impeachment? (you may choose more than one)

Alleged non-disclosure of Statements of Assets, Liabilities and Net Worth(SALN)


Alleged lack of proven competence, probity,integrity and independence


Alleged “partiality” in the granting of atemporary restraining order on thegovernment’s watchlist order against formerPresident and now Pampanga RepresentativeGloria Macapagal-Arroyo last November 15


What is your message to the Senator-Judges as they try the case? (optional)


“Be objective as possible....”

“Please be extra thorough in dealing with this case. Do not just focus on what SenatorDefensor is saying. Listen to what everyone is saying. The spotlight is on for everyoneinvolved.”

“Continue to be impartial as possible”

“be fair, Filipinos deserves justice!”TRUTH AND CORONA

Member – Young Progressives Southeast Asia;tel. +63917-362-7480 [email protected]

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STUDENT COUNCIL ALLIANCE OF THE PHILIPPINES#34-D Matulungin St., Brgy. Central, Quezon City

Philippines 1100 All over the country to change it!

“The Truth will set you free Mr.Corona! kung may natitirang repseto and pagmaamhal ka pasa mga magulang mo, pamilya mo, sa bayan at sa sarili mo, please ayusin mo na ito!”

“please impeach Corona. there is no longer any value nor any good purpose for retaining himin position.”STOP THE DELAY

“They should focus less on the petty details and try to speed up the process. They are delayingit so much!”

“Make the DECISION as SOON as POSSIBLE! we do not have all the time to decide itslowly...there are MORE problems that needs to be attended! HEAR the CRIES of thePEOPLE!”


Of the five schools that the survey was conducted, four demonstrated strong distrust of Corona.On the other hand, 41% of ADMU do not trust Corona. However, 39% were still undecided whileonly 21% trust him.

Majority of the students of the five schools also expressed that Corona is not fit to remain in hiscurrent position.

As such, it is safe to say that Corona is suffering from a serious lack of trust and credibility fromthe students surveyed or those who have an opinion on the matter. Also, majority of studentsdon't think he should remain as chief justice.

However, as the ADMU survey has demonstrated, a substantial percentage of students are stillundecided or have yet to form an opinion about the issue. This should serve as a challenge toCorona to come clean. We reiterate our call to the Chief Justice to open his dollar accounts, takea leave of absence and testify before the impeachment court.

We believe if he will continue to avoid acting on these demands or continue to hide behind legaltechnicalities; those that are undecided will eventually shift to the anti-Corona camp. This could

be a potential "game changer."


Gibby B. Gorres+63917-362-7480

[email protected] Secretary-General

Member – Young Progressives Southeast Asia;tel. +63917-362-7480 [email protected]