scanning tunneling spectroscopy on organic semiconductors : … · 2020. 1. 19. · scanning...

Scanning tunneling spectroscopy on organic semiconductors : experiment and model Citation for published version (APA): Kemerink, M., Alvarado, S. F., Müller, P., Koenraad, P. M., Salemink, H. W. M., Wolter, J. H., & Janssen, R. A. J. (2004). Scanning tunneling spectroscopy on organic semiconductors : experiment and model. Physical Review B, 70(4), 045202-1/13. [045202]. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.70.045202 Document status and date: Published: 01/01/2004 Document Version: Publisher’s PDF, also known as Version of Record (includes final page, issue and volume numbers) Please check the document version of this publication: • A submitted manuscript is the version of the article upon submission and before peer-review. There can be important differences between the submitted version and the official published version of record. People interested in the research are advised to contact the author for the final version of the publication, or visit the DOI to the publisher's website. • The final author version and the galley proof are versions of the publication after peer review. • The final published version features the final layout of the paper including the volume, issue and page numbers. Link to publication General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal. If the publication is distributed under the terms of Article 25fa of the Dutch Copyright Act, indicated by the “Taverne” license above, please follow below link for the End User Agreement: Take down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us at: [email protected] providing details and we will investigate your claim. Download date: 19. Jan. 2020

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Page 1: Scanning tunneling spectroscopy on organic semiconductors : … · 2020. 1. 19. · Scanning tunneling spectroscopy on organic semiconductors: Experiment and model M. Kemerink Molecular

Scanning tunneling spectroscopy on organicsemiconductors : experiment and modelCitation for published version (APA):Kemerink, M., Alvarado, S. F., Müller, P., Koenraad, P. M., Salemink, H. W. M., Wolter, J. H., & Janssen, R. A.J. (2004). Scanning tunneling spectroscopy on organic semiconductors : experiment and model. PhysicalReview B, 70(4), 045202-1/13. [045202].


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Page 2: Scanning tunneling spectroscopy on organic semiconductors : … · 2020. 1. 19. · Scanning tunneling spectroscopy on organic semiconductors: Experiment and model M. Kemerink Molecular

Scanning tunneling spectroscopy on organic semiconductors: Experiment and model

M. KemerinkMolecular Materials and Nano-systems, Departments of Applied Physics and Chemical Engineering,

Eindhoven University of Technology, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

S. F. Alvarado and P. MüllerIBM Research, Zurich Research Laboratory, Säumerstrasse 4, CH-8803, Rüschlikon, Switzerland

P. M. Koenraad, H. W. M. Salemink, and J. H. WolterCOBRA Inter-University Research Institute, Eindhoven University of Technology, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB,

Eindhoven, The Netherlands

R. A. J. JanssenMolecular Materials and Nano-systems, Departments of Applied Physics and Chemical Engineering,

Eindhoven University of Technology, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB, Eindhoven, The Netherlands(Received 1 September 2003; revised manuscript received 17 February 2004; published 9 July 2004)

Scanning-tunneling spectroscopy experiments performed on conjugated polymer films are compared withthree-dimensional numerical model calculations for charge injection and transport. It is found that if a suffi-ciently sharp tip is used, the field enhancement near the tip apex leads to a significant increase in the injectedcurrent, which can amount to more than an order of magnitude and can even change the polarity of thepredominant charge carrier. We show that when charge injection from the tip into the organic material pre-dominates, it is possible to probe the electronic properties of the interface between the organic material and ametallic electrode directly by means of tip height versus bias voltage measurements. Thus, one can determinethe alignment of the molecular orbital energy levels at the buried interface, as well as the single-particle bandgap of the organic material. By comparing the single-particle energy gap and the optical absorption threshold,it is possible to obtain an estimate of the exciton binding energy. In addition, our calculations show that byusing a one-dimensional model, reasonable parameters can only be extracted fromz-V andI-V curves if the tipapex radius is much larger than the tip height. In all other cases, the full three-dimensional problem needs tobe considered.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.70.045202 PACS number(s): 71.38.2k, 73.61.Ph, 68.37.Ef


Since the pioneering work of Benjamin Franklin on light-ning rods in 1752, it has been known that electric fields areenhanced at the apex of sharp metallic objects. Nowadays,scanning-tunneling microscopesSTMd tips with apex radiibelow 10 nm are routinely made,1,2 and it is logical to expectthat geometry-induced field enhancement can play a largerole in STM experiments. However, the subject has receivedrelatively little attention.3–5 The reason for this seems to bethat, for tunneling to most common samples, i.e., metals andinorganic semiconductors, geometry effects seem to be smallwhen the tip apex radius is larger than one4 or a few3 nanom-eters. Regarding charge injection, the sharpness of the tipapex becomes extremely important when the tip makesphysical contact with a semiconducting material. In this case,the tunnel barrier collapses and a potential barrier at themetal/semiconductor interface can form. As a result, the ap-plied potential difference drops completely within the semi-conducting material, and charge-carrier injection into andtransport of charge carriers within the bulk of the semicon-ductor are strongly influenced by the shape of the tip.Contact-mode tip displacement versus bias voltagesz-Vdspectroscopy at a constant current has been demonstrated asa potential technique to probe the electronic properties of

buried organic/metal interfaces,6,7 as well as the charge trans-port within organic materials.8,9 Here, we present the resultsof modeling calculations for charge injection from a sharpmetallic tip into semiconducting organic materials.

Using a three-dimensional numerical model, it will beshown that for carrier injection and transport, geometry ef-fects are crucial in both current-voltagesI-Vd and tip height-voltage sz-Vd spectroscopy. Moreover, we will show thatsome details of the electronic structure, i.e., the single-particle, or polaronic, band gap, and the alignment of themolecular orbital energy levels at the organic-metal interfaceat both tip and substrate, can be extracted fromz-V curves,provided a sufficiently sharp tip is used for the measure-ments. We note that knowledge of the single-particle gap isparticularly interesting because an estimate of the excitonbinding energyEb can then be obtained by using the relationEb=Eg,sp−Ea, whereEa is the optical band gap. Our resultsextend and unify earlier interpretations of experimental datathat are valid for either a very sharp6 or a relatively blunttip. 8

The relevance of these results is emphasized by the factthat many organic semiconductors exhibit a strong tendencyto form highly inhomogeneous layers.10–12 As the lengthscale of these inhomogeneities is typically between a fewnanometers and 1mm,10–12 scanning probes are essential

PHYSICAL REVIEW B 70, 045202(2004)

0163-1829/2004/70(4)/045202(13)/$22.50 ©2004 The American Physical Society70 045202-1

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tools in the study of organic semiconductor thin films.The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: the

numerical model will be outlined in Sec. II, and experimentaldetails will be summarized briefly in Sec. III. Then, experi-mental data will be discussed and compared with model cal-culations in Sec. IV. Various aspects of the modeling resultswill be discussed in more detail in Sec. V, and Sec. VI sum-marizes our findings.


The numerical model outlined below describes the simul-taneous electron and hole transport through a layer of or-ganic semiconductor material, embedded between two metal-lic electrodes, see Fig. 1(a). The tip shape is approximated bya paraboloid with radius of curvatureR at its apex. In addi-tion, a parabolic protrusion, of lengthl and radius of curva-ture Rp, may be present at the tip apex. The formation of a“nanotip” at the apex of a larger “microscopic” tip by sput-tering under ultrahigh-vacuumsUHVd conditions has beenreported in Refs. 1 and 13. To reduce the numerical effort,rotational symmetry about thez axis and a planar substrateare assumed. The substrate is defined atz=0, makingz thedistance between tip apex and substrate. Both tip and sub-strate are treated as free-electron metals with work functionsxt and xs, respectively[Fig. 1(b)]. The organic material istreated as a jelly, in the sense that all internal inhomogene-ities due to the presence of individual molecules or polymerchains are ignored. As the dimensions of the contact areasare typically much larger than the length scale of theseinhomogeneities—both tip and substrate contact manymolecules—this assumption is reasonable. Only in well-controlled situations, which require at least the presence of avacuum gap, can atomistic models for carrier injection be-come meaningful.14 In addition, tip movement duringz-Vspectroscopy is assumed to be slow enough to allow theorganic layer to equilibrate.

The energy difference between the positively and nega-tively charged polaronic states,Ep

+ and EP−, is equal to the

single-particle gapEg,sp. The barriers for electron and holeinjection at each contact arefe,t andfh,t for the tip andfe,sand fh,s for the substrate, respectively, see Fig. 1(b). Notethat fh,s sfe,sd is the energy difference betweenEP

+ sEP−d and

the substrate Fermi level. Charge transport is assumed to

occur among localized sites, with a Gaussian distribution ofsite energiesE (Refs. 15 and 16) according to

gsEd = g0s2pG2d−1/2expS−E2

2G2D , s1d

where g0 is the total density of states andG is the levelbroadening.

The transport of carriers through the organic material isdescribed as a two-step process: First, injection from the me-tallic contact occurs into a localized site, i.e., negativesEP

−dand positivesEP

+d polaron levels, of the organic material,17

and subsequent(bulk) transport of the carriers towards thecollecting electrode(note: energies are referred to the Fermienergy of the substrate). In this way, noa priori assumptionsneed to be made about the predominance of one of the twoprocesses. The injection of carriers into the organic materialis described by the hopping-injection model of Arkhipovetal.,18 which was recently shown to yield accurate results forsimilar materials as the ones used here.19 The injection-current densityj inj is written as

j inj = en0EaNN


dx0 exps− 2kx0dwescsx0d

3 E−`


dE8 BolsE8dgfeUsx0d − E8g, s2d

whereaNN is the distance to the nearest hopping site,wesc isthe probability for avoiding interface recombination,x0 andUsxd) are the position and potential along the carrier trajec-tory, respectively,n0 is the attempt-to-hop frequency, andethe elementary charge. The inverse localization radiusk, alsoknown as the tunneling constant, is given byk=Î2mw̄ /",with w̄ the average barrier height.20 The functionBolsEd isdefined as

BolsEd = 5expS−E

kBTD , E . 0

1, E , 0

. s3d

The carrier escape probabilitywesc is given by18




dx expS−eUsxdkBT




dx expS−eUsxdkBT

D . s4d

After injection, the current densityjbulk is given by the driftequation21

jbulksxd = ensxdmfFsxdgFsxd, s5d

where nsxd is the local density of mobile carriers and thefield-dependent mobilitymsFd, which is characteristic forhopping transport, is given by21

msFd = m0 expsgÎFd. s6d

Of course, charge conservation demands the equality ofj injand jbulk at the injecting contact. Note that, owing to

FIG. 1. Illustration of(a) the geometry and(b) energy diagramshowing the parameters describing the band alignment at theorganic/metal interface used for the model calculations. The shadedparabolas symbolize the density of states of the metallic electrodes.

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electron-hole recombination,jbulk can decrease along the car-rier trajectory. However, as will be shown below, one type ofcharge carrier generally dominates the current, and thus, thiseffect can be ignored here.

We note that, in addition to carrier transport via hoppingstates, the possibility of direct tunneling between the tip andthe substrate and vice versa also exists. Following Ref. 20,the tunneling current densityj tun is given by

j tun =me





dW DsWd, s7d

where the substrate Fermi level has been taken as the pointof zero energy,W is the normal component of the energy, andm is the electron mass. The transmission coefficientDsWd isevaluated in the WKB approximation

DsWd = expF− 2Î2m/"2E0


dxfUsxd − Wg1/2G . s8d

For trajectory lengthsL of more than a few nanometers, thecontribution of j tun to the total current can be ignored. Notethat by using Eqs.(7) and(8), it is implicitly assumed that noresonant states are present in the tunneling barrier.

The potentialU is calculated from Poisson’s law in cylin-drical coordinatesr, Q, andz:


] r2 +1


] U

] r+


] z2 =e

«0«rntotsr,zd, s9d

in which ntot is the total charge density, and the term contain-ing the angular derivative is neglected because of the as-sumed symmetry of the problem. Once the potential isknown, the carrier trajectories are easily obtained, as theyfollow the field lines. The effect of the image force on thepotential is approximated by adding a correction term to thepotential along the field line:20

Vimgsxd = −e2



xsL − xd. s10d

Here,L is the total length of the field line. In principle, Eq.(10) is only valid for planar surfaces. However, because therange of the image force is limited to at most a few nanom-eters, we expect that the error induced by this approximationis limited as long as the tip apex radius does not drop belowthis length scale.

From the potential and field along the field lines, the in-jected current and hence, the carrier density can becalculated.22 It will be clear that Eqs.(9) and(2)–(6) form aself-consistent system because the potential, via the carrierdensity, depends on the injected current, which in turn de-pends on the potential. This problem is solved by a simpledamped iteration procedure.

Equation (9) is solved numerically by successive over-relaxation, which is derived from the Gauss–Seidel method,on a square grid, with typically 400szd3800srd points.23 Thestandard boundary conditions for the electric field are ap-plied at the metal-polymer, metal-vacuum, and polymer-vacuum interfaces. Therefore, the model can handle arbitrarypolymer-layer thicknesses.

The equations describing the hopping injection are de-rived for carrier injection into a semi-infinite slab of organicmaterial. In practice, Eqs.(2) and(4) still hold as long as thelength L of the carrier trajectory is more than a few timesaNN. However, aroundL<aNN, the model breaks down. Inparticular, atL=aNN, j inj abruptly drops to zero, which isunrealistic because it ignores the variation inaNN due tospatial disorder in the organic material. AroundL<1 nm,direct tunneling between tip and substrate begins to predomi-nate, and the model becomes valid again. Apart from therange of the tip-substrate distances discussed above, themodel presented here has a rather general validity for mate-rials exhibiting hopping-type conductivity. No fundamentallimits exist for any dimension, and in principle, any circu-larly symmetric tip shape can be used. Only when materialparameters become position-dependent on a length scale thatis comparable to, or smaller than, the tip apex radius, orwhen a highly irregular tip or substrate is used, is a moreelaborate model required.

Our model can be regarded as an extension of the work ofDattaet al.24 to layers consisting of many molecules. In Ref.24 it is shown that the electrostatic potential of a singledithiol molecular layer on a gold substrate is not equal to thatof the metallic substrate, but lies in between those of thesubstrate and the tip. However, it will become clear that amodel that simply determines the electrostatic potential inthe polymer layer by linear interpolation between the sub-strate and the tip cannot describe our experimental findings.

To illustrate the influence of the tip sharpness, we calcu-lated the tip-sample separation and the potential alongz atr=0, i.e., on the symmetry axis of the tip atV=3.5 V andI =3 pA for four different tips, using the typical material pa-rameters ofp-phenylenevinylenesPPVd, see Fig. 2. Thegeometry-induced band bending near the tip apex is clearlyvisible for the tips withR=7.5 nm, and is strongly enhanced

FIG. 2. The potential along thez axis calculated for four differ-ent tips, using the typical material parameters for PPV(see thecaption of Fig. 3), Eg,sp=2.8 eV,fe,t=1.35 eV, andfe,s=1.65 eV.The substrate bias and tunneling current are 3.5 V and 3 pA, re-spectively. The horizontal lines on the left- and right-hand side ofthe potentials denote the Fermi levels of substrate and tip,respectively.



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by the presence of a parabolic protrusion. As a result, thedistance required forI =3 pA atV=3.5 V is always larger fortips with a protrusion, than for those without it. The almostequal tip-sample distance for the tips without a protrusion isdue to a trade off between the tip area and geometry effects.Finally, note that for all tips, except the one withR/Rp/ l=50/0/0 nm, thecurrent is carried by electrons that are in-jected by the tip to more than 99%, notwithstanding the factthat the barrier for hole injection at the substrateswh,sd is0.2 eV lower thanwe,t, the electron barrier at the tip. This isthe combined result of the tip-induced band bending and theapproximately exponential dependence of the injected cur-rent on the field at the injecting contact. Although the exacttip-sample distance at which geometry effects become rel-evant depends on the bias and band alignment, a rule ofthumb is that geometry effects become important once thetip-sample separation is on the order of, or larger than, the tipapex radius.


Two different experimental setups were used. A brief de-scription of the experimental details is given in the follow-ing: In the first setup,z-V spectroscopy measurements wereperformed under UHV conditions(lower 10−10 mbar range)on the polymers:(1) ladder-type poly(para-phenylene) sMe-LPPPd and (2) poly[p-phenylenevinylenesPPVd]. Bothfilms were prepared under ambient conditions on Aus111dthin films deposited on mica. The Me-LPPP thin film wasprepared by dip coating the substrate in a 0.7% toluene so-lution, yielding a film of about 40 nm thickness. The PPVthin films were prepared byin situ thermal conversion, i.e.,under UHV conditions, of a toluene-solvable precursor.25

The latter was deposited onto the substrate by spin coating.After conversion, the film was approximately 10 nm thick.The organic films were inserted into the UHV systemthrough a load lock within a few minutes after the coating ofthe substrates. The procedure used for coating the substratesresembles that used for making organic light-emitting de-vices, but our substrate and sample prepration proceduresprovide cleaner substrate and polymer materials. By curingthe PPV prepolymer films in UHV, we eliminated anychemical reaction of the prepolymer with air, ambient con-taminants, and residual gases, thus providing conditions forreproducible results. STM-excited electroluminescence mea-surements of PPV prepared under different ambient condi-tions show that residual contamination is so important thatnot only does the luminescence yield improve upon goingfrom preparation under ambient, inert gas, or low vacuumconditions (mbar range) to preparation in the 10−7 mbarrange, but also an additional improvement is observed whencuring the samples under UHV conditions(in the lower10−10 mbar range). This reveals differences between PPVsamples that are thermally converted under UHV conditions,and samples that are treated in an Ar atmosphere, wherereactions with oxygen and water vapor cannot be excluded.The photoluminescence spectrum of the PPV and Me-LPPPpolymers closely resembles the results published by otherauthors. For more experimental details regarding Me-LPPP

and PPV, see Refs. 26 and 27, respectively. Thez-V spectrawere collected using commercially available PtIr tips havinga nominal apex radius of 50 nm. Note that each of the spec-tra of the PPV samples represents the average of severalhundredz-V curves collected while scanning the tip over asmall, flat area of the substrate surface a few square nanom-eters in size.6 As a result, the averaged spectra may exhibitfeatures whose height is smaller than the diameter of thepolymer chains. In particular, some tailing of thez-V curvesmay result near the charge-injection threshold. For the Me-LPPP samples, thez-V spectra were collected on a singlespot without scanning the tip during the voltage sweep.26 Thetips were cleaned by heating them to,900°C under UHVconditions for 15–30 s. Before data collection, the tips weretested on a separate clean Aus111d substrate.

In the second setup,28 the measurements were done in aHe atmosphere. Here we used Pt tips that were electrochemi-cally etched29 from 0.15-nm polycrystalline wire. These tipshave a smooth apex with a radius of typically 50 nm, aswas confirmed by scanning-electron microscopy. The sam-ples investigated in this setup are spin cast onto a goldelectrode layer that is thermally evaporated on a glasssubstrate. The films are made of poly(2-methoxy-5-(3’,7’dimethyloctyloxy)-1,4-phenylenevinylene) (MDMO-PPV) which is cast directly from warms60°Cd chloroben-zene. The typical film thickness is 100 nm. After preparation,the samples are stored and transported under vacuum. Whilebeing mounted in the microscope, the samples are exposed toair for about 15 min before the He atmosphere isestablished.30

Even at the lowest current densities and highest biases, nomeaningful topography is observed on any of the films men-tioned above. This is due to the extremely low conductivityof the used materials, which causes the vacuum gap betweenthe tip and the sample to collapse. Because of these observa-tions, no vacuum gap is included in the modeling.


Figure 3 showsz-V curves from three separate measure-ments on PPV taken under UHV conditions. Thez-V curveswere collected by sweeping the bias voltage, while keeping aconstant tunneling current of 3 pA. Note that in the voltagerange of these measurements, the tip has broken through thefree surface of the organic thin film, and thus the injection ofcharge carriers takes place through the potential barrier at theinterface between the metal tip and the organic material. Itcan be seen that at low bias voltage magnitudes, i.e., below,1.4 V for negative and below,0.9 V for positive tip bias,the tip-substrate separation,z, increases with an increasingbias at a rate that is characteristic of the clean Aus111d sur-face. This is shown in more detail in the inset, which com-pares controlz-V curves collected on a clean, uncoatedAus111d surface, with the curves obtained in the presence ofa PPV film. We denote the region of coincidence of the twocurves as the plateau region of thez-V curve. When the biasvoltage exceeds a threshold value, which is different for eachtip polarity, the tip-substrate separation increases much moresteeply with increasing bias. The characteristic plateau and

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the threshold behavior have been observed for a series ofmolecular and conjugated-polymer organic materials.6–9,26

Alvaradoet al.6 have proposed that these thresholds mark theonset of charge-carrier injection into positive(negative) po-laronic states,P+ sP−d, at an energyEP

+ sEP−d of the organic

material, whereas the width of the plateau corresponds toEg,sp. Moreover, they argue that a necessary condition for thedetermination of barrier heights for hole and electron injec-tion at organic/metal interfaces is that the electric field at thetip apex be high enough to induce dominant carrier injectionfrom the tip, with a negligible injection of charges of oppo-site polarity from the counter electrode. The model calcula-tions reported below show that this requirement of the simplemodel described in Refs. 6 and 9 is indeed necessary whenattempting to determinefh,s, fe,s, and thus,Eg,sp, from z-Vdata. This is exemplified by the model calculations per-formed to fit the data of Fig. 3. The fit is reasonably good fortip-substrate distances larger than one nearest-neighbor inter-molecular distance. For shorter distances, discrepancies oc-cur as expected(see Sec. II). Nevertheless, two characteristicfeatures in this intermediate regime are correctly reproducedby the calculation, namely, the points where the plateaus end(B and BR), and the intersection points(A and AR), whichare defined by the extrapolation of the high-bias curves to theplateau level. For the modeling calculations of Fig. 3, litera-ture values were taken for the material properties.31 Thesingle-particle band gap and the molecular orbital levelalignment of PPV were taken as fitting parameters. We foundthat a reasonable fit to the experimental data required a tipapex radius of one to a few nanometers, which indeed causesthe tip to be the predominant charge-carrier injector at bothpolarities. Although the apex radius of the tip is determinedin the calculations, the exact tip shape cannot be determinedfrom the modeling.32 Apart from determining whether the tip

is the predominant injector, the tip shape affects the high-biasslopes of thez-V curve. Therefore, the geometric tip param-eters used in the calculations are only to be regarded as in-dicative.

A schematic construction of az-V curve fitting the data inFig. 3 is shown in Figs. 4(a)–4(c). Three basic conditionsneed to be fulfilled for this construction.8 First, the STMfeedback system has to keep the current constant by chang-ing z whenV is ramped. Second, the injected current is only

FIG. 3. z-V curves for pure PPV, taken under UHV conditionsusing a Pt: Ir tip and a current set point of 3 pA. The differentsymbols denote three separate measurements; the thick lines arecalculations. The thin dashed and the solid lines extrapolate thehigh-bias slopes to smallz for the measurements and calculations,respectively. The inset shows thez-V curves on pure PPV(opensymbols), and as measured on the clean Au(111) substrate(filledsymbols), in the low-bias regime. The parameters used in the cal-culations are R/Rp/ l =7.5/1/3 nm, aNN=1.1 nm, G=0.11 eV,Eg,sp/fe,t/fe,s=2.8/1.35/1.65 eV,xts=5.4 eV.

FIG. 4. The schematic band diagrams illustrate the relation be-tween the electrostatic potential and measuredz-V curves, for thecase in which the(sharp) tip dominates carrier injection. The panelscorrespond to(a) a large,(b) an intermediate, and(c) a small tip-sample separation. The thick solid and dotted lines indicatez-Vcurves in the hopping injection and tunneling regime, respectively.Note that in this simple approximation the bands only shift, but donot change shape. The gray arrows indicate the predominant injec-tion path.



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determined by the potential barrier and field near the charge-injecting contact. Third, once the potential barrier and fieldnear the injection contact and the current density are known,the remainder of the potential is fixed and can be obtained bya straightforward integration of the Poisson equation. Themodel presented in Sec. II fulfills these conditions, of course.

In Fig. 4(a), the sharp tip acts as the sole injecting contactbecause of the strong band bending in the vicinity of itsapex. When the magnitude ofV is being reduced, the tip,according to the first condition above, has to move forwardto keep the injected current constant. According to the sec-ond condition, this implies the constancy of the field at thetip, which, because of the third condition, translates into anunchanged potential distribution throughout the entire struc-ture, up to the substrate. Thus, with a changing bias, the tipsimply has to follow the fixed potential distribution, as indi-cated in panel(b). In other words, the tip movement closelyreflects the internal potential distribution in the device underoperation, which was already shown in Ref. 8 For the situa-tion sketched in Fig. 4, this suggests that the tip motion isapproximately linear inV as long as the region of band bend-ing does not extend up to the substrate[see Fig. 4(b)]. At asmaller tip-sample separation, i.e., a lower bias, thez-V char-acteristic can exhibit a curved region. When the bias dropsbelow a threshold value,ueVsu,fe,s, see panel Fig. 4(c), theP-level states of the organic material shift above the Fermilevel of the tip, and thus the injection of electrons into theorganic material is no longer possible. Under these condi-tions, carrier transport can only take place via direct tunnel-ing between the tip and the sample, and the slope of thez-V curve thus changes abruptly, as indicated by the thickdashed line in Fig. 4. For reversed bias, the tip remains thepredominant charge-carrier injector because of its sharpapex, but in this case for positive charge carriers, i.e., holes.The same argumentation can be used to explain the forma-tion of another plateau, starting atueVsu=fh,s Therefore, thesum of the plateaus in this situation, i.e., for unipolar injec-tion, is fe,s+fh,s, which is equal to the single-particle bandgapEg,sp. The interpretation of featuresA, AR andB, BR inFig. 3 follows directly by comparison with Fig. 4(c). Thelatter features are a measure of the single-particle band gap,whereas the differencesA-B andAR-BR may, in part, reflectthe geometry-induced band bending in the vicinity of the tipapex.

With the discussion of Fig. 4 in mind, featuresB andBR

in Fig. 3 can now be interpreted as the electron and holebarriers at the substrate,fe,sandfh,s, respectively. This fixesthe calculatedz-V curve in the low-bias region. However, thedistribution ofEg,spover the electron- and hole-injection bar-riers at the tip,fe,t andfh,t, still needs to be determined. Forour injection-limited structure, this distribution follows fromthe high-bias slopes of thez-V curves. Increasingfe,t (andtherefore decreasingfh,t), decreases the high-bias slope atpositive Vs and simultaneously increases it at negativeVs.Because the high-bias slope,dz/dV reflects the fielddV/dzneeded to inject the preset current into the structure, an in-crease in the injection barrier leads to a decrease of the high-bias slope via an increase of the required field.

In general, however, the high-bias slopes of thez-Vcurves reflect the field needed to obtain the preset current

from tip to substrate, and are therefore determined by boththe contact resistivity at the tip and the bulk resistivity. Inthis situation, at least three parameters(electron and holemobility and the distribution ofEg,sp over the barriers at thetip, assuming a known tip geometry) have to be determinedfrom two slopes, giving an underdetermined problem. Onlywhen either the bulk or the tip-contact resistivity is domi-nant, is the problem well posed.33

A closer inspection of the calculatedz-V curve in Fig. 3reveals that the gap between pointsB andBR is about 2.6 V,which seems to contradictEg,sp=2.8 eV, used in the calcula-tion. The reason for this discrepancy is the Gaussian broad-ening of theP+ and P− levels of 0.11 eV. As the bias atwhich the tip moves away from the plateau is determined bythe energy at which sufficient states in the polymer are avail-able as final states for injection, this bias depends on thelevel broadening, the temperature, and the required current,amongst other parameters.

The ability to extract the local single-particle gap fromz-V spectroscopy can be exploited on spin-cast films ofladder-type Me-LPPP.26,34 In this material, spatial variationsin Eg,sp can be expected, either from the formation ofaggregates35,36 or from differences in orientation of the con-jugated backbone with respect to the substrate.37 In addition,keto defect sites can occur in the polymer chain during syn-thesis of the material,38 which can also give rise to variationsin Eg,sp. Figure 5 shows twoz-V curves taken on differentspots of the same Me-LPPP film using the same(sharp) Pt: IrSTM tip. The differences in the charge-injection thresholdsand slopes at positive tip polarity indicate that in these twospots, the hole barriers at the tip and the substrate differsignificantly. For negative tip polarity, however, the similar-ity of the z-V curves suggests similar electron barriers at bothspots. The results yield a difference of about 0.6 eV inEg,sp,a conclusion that is substantiated by the numerical simula-tions. A histogram of the distribution ofEg,sp measured atdifferent positions of the Me-LPPP thin film shows that this

FIG. 5. z-V curves for Me-LPPP taken under UHV conditionswith a Pt: Ir tip and a current setpoint of 3 pA. The different sym-bols denote measurements taken with the same tip on different spotsof the sample; the lines are calculations to fit the data.

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material contains regions having different band gaps.26 Thisis in contrast to other polymers studied by this technique, forwhich the histogram reveals a single, inhomogeneouslybroadened distribution peak.

A comparison of the experiments in Figs. 3 and 5 revealssome differences in the plateau regions, of which the heightand shape of the plateaus are the most pronounced. Relatedto this, the disagreement between the calculation and theexperiment at intermediate bias, which is due to the break-down of the model atz=aNN, is less pronounced for Me-LPPP than for PPV. This subject will be further discussed inSec. V.

The determination of the electronic properties of theorganic-metal interface, as shown in Figs. 3–5, requires uni-polar injection of charge carriers from the tip. This is achiev-able by using tips with a very sharp apex, which improvescharge injection, as shown in Fig. 2. The condition of unipo-lar injection, however, does not necessarily hold when ablunt tip is used. This situation can be further aggravatedwhen the difference betweenfe andfh at either the tip or thesubstrate interface is large. Consider, for instance, the casedepicted schematically in Fig. 6, where the barrier for holeinjection at the organic-metal and organic-tip interfaces ismuch smaller than the barrier for electron injection. Here, thecurrent flowing through the tip-organic-substrate junctionwould be substrate dominated(hole injection into the organicmaterial) for negative tip polarity and tip dominated for re-versed polarity(holes injected from the tip into the organicmaterial). Hence, in this example, the negative-tip-voltagebranch of thez-V curve would be a measure of the barrierheight for holes at the organic-substrate interface(instead ofthe desired electron barrier at the organic-substrate inter-face), while the other branch would reflect the barrier heightfor holes at the tip-organic interface. Thus thez-V curvewould exhibit a plateau that is much narrower than the actualEg,spof the organic material. This is the case in Fig. 7, whichshowsz-V curves obtained with a Pt tip on MDMO-PPV.Here, no appreciable plateaus are visible in the measuredcurves.

Despite the relative bluntness of the tip used for thesemeasurements, geometry effects are also important in thissituation, as can be concluded from a comparison of thecurves calculated with a one-dimensional(1D, dashed lines)and a three-dimensional(3D, solid lines) model, and the ex-perimental data in Fig. 7. Both model curves are calculatedusing the same material parameters, only the band alignmentis varied to reproduce the experimentally observed slopes.Because the device is hole-only at both polarities, the elec-tron barriers and thus, the single-particle band gap, do notinfluence the calculated curves, and therefore cannot be ex-tracted from the data. Because of the low current density inthe experiment, the band bending due to the injected spacecharges is relatively small, as can be seen from the 1D cal-culation (dashed and dashed-dotted lines). Geometry effectsbeing absent in the 1D model, the entire curvature resultsfrom charging effects. The curvature that is present in boththe full 3D model and in the experiment can therefore beattributed to geometry effects. The deviation between the 3Dmodel and experiment is less than the experimental noise,apart from the region belowVs=−6 V, which can be attrib-

uted to an imperfect regulation of the feedback system.39

Note that in Ref. 8, a similar nonlinearity inz-V curves wastentatively attributed to the presence of positive and negativecharges of an unknown origin near the injecting contacts.Our simulations, however, provide a much simpler explana-tion for the bendedz-V curves taken with a blunt tip.

On the same sample,I-V spectroscopy was also per-formed(see Fig. 8). With the same material parameters as inFig. 7 and only minor changes to the band-alignment param-eters, theI-V curves could be reproduced by the numericalmodel. Compared withz-V curves, the effect of geometry-induced band bending on theI-V curves appears to be rela-tively small, as suggested by the small difference betweenthe 1D and the 3D models in terms of both the calculatedcurves and the parameters used. However, when the sameparameters are used in the 1D and 3D calculations, substan-tial differences in the current density are obtained.

The significance of the tip geometry is further addressedin Fig. 9, where calculatedI-V curves are shown for four

FIG. 6. The schematic band diagrams illustrate the relation be-tween the electrostatic potential and measuredz-V curves. In thiscase, the substrate and the(blunt) tip act as hole injectors.(a) Atpositive(negative) bias, the substrate(tip) acts as predominant con-tact. (b) Thick black arrows indicatez-V curves; gray arrows thepredominant injection path. Note the absence of significant plateausin the z-V curve.



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different situations. A sharp and a blunt tip are consideredwith either low s0.3 eVd hole-injection barriers for the tipand the substrate, resulting in a space-charge-limited current,or high s1.0 eVd hole-injection barriers, resulting in aninjection-limited current. As the single-particle band gap is2.6 eV, the structure is hole-only if the geometry effects aredisregarded. Because the injection barriers are equal at thetip and the substrate, the entire asymmetry in theI-V curvesis due to geometry effects. As expected, the reduction of theinjection-barrier thickness at the tip by geometry-inducedfield enhancement is most pronounced for the injection-limited structure. In this case, the sharp tip, despite its

smaller injection area, injects about an order of magnitudemore (hole) current at a negative sample bias than the blunttip does. Nevertheless, the asymmetry in the curves for theblunt tip shows that even for blunt tips, geometry effectscannot be ignored in the injection-limited situation. The de-viating behavior of the sharp-tip/high-barrier curve at a posi-tive bias is the result of a changeover from hole injectionfrom the substrate belowVs<5 V to electron injection fromthe tip aboveVs<5 V. In those structures where the currentis space-charge(i.e., bulk-) limited, geometry effects are lesspronounced, but not absent. The different field distributionsat positive and negative bias cause an asymmetry in theI-V curve of the sharp tip of one order of magnitude at thehighest bias. For the blunt tip, the asymmetry in the samesituation is only a factor two. The fact that the current for thesharp tip is lower than that for the blunt tip is due to thesmaller contact area of the sharp tip.


We now discuss the determination of the hole- andelectron-injection barriers, the single-particle energy gap,and the exciton binding energy as derived from ourz-V spec-troscopy data, and compare the results with those obtainedby other research groups using different experimental tech-niques. From the data, shown in Fig. 3, for PPV/Aus111d,we obtain the barrier for electron injectionfe,s=2.8±0.1 eV, and for holesfh,s=1.15±0.1 eV. From thiswe obtainEg,sp=2.8±0.1 eV, which is within the range ofthat reported in a previous publication27 and comparable tothe value of about 3 eV obtained by STM-based spectros-

FIG. 7. z-V curves for MDMO-PPV, taken under He gas andusing an etched Pt tip. The symbols denote four separate sets ofmeasurements taken on the same sample. The dashed and solid linesare calculations performed with a 1D and 3D model, respectively.R=50 nm,m0,ho=5310−11 m2/V s, g=5.4310−11sm/Vd1/2, xt ,xs

=5.1 eV,aNN=1.2 nm, andG=0.11 eV.

FIG. 8. Current-voltage curves for MDMO-PPV taken under Hegas using an etched Pt tip. The STM setpoints are 0.1 nA(squares)and 1.0 nA(circles). R=100 nm,m0,ho=5310−11 m2/V s, g=5.4310−11sm/Vd1/2, xt ,xs=5.1 eV,aNN=1.2 nm,G=0.11 eV.

FIG. 9. CalculatedI-V curves using the material parameters ofMDMO-PPV and a tip-substrate gapd=25 nm. The following pa-rameters were used: solid line: R/Rp/ l =100/−/−nm,Eg,sp/fe,t/fe,s=2.6/1.6/1.6 eV; dashed line:R/Rp/ l =25/1/3 nm,Eg,sp/fe,t/fe,s=2.6/1.6/1.6 eV; dotted line:R/Rp/ l =100/−/−nm,Eg,sp/fe,t/fe,s=2.6/2.3/2.3 eV; dashed-dotted line:R/Rp/ l=25/1/3 nm,Eg,sp/fe,t/fe,s=2.6/2.3/2.3 eV. TheI-V curves forthe injection limited structures have been multiplied by a factor of104 for clarity.

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copy measurements on PPV deposited on GaAs.40 One couldcompare this result with the predictions of the commonvacuum levelsCVLd rule, which assumes thatfh,s equals thedifference between the ionization potentialsIPd of the or-ganic material and the work function of the metal. Thismethod, however, is unreliable because the adsorbed organicmaterial can modify the metal surface dipole, which in turnshifts the alignment of the electronic levels of the organicmaterial with respect to the ideal, unperturbed, case.41–43

This effect can occur even when the adsorbed moleculeshave no effective dipole moment.42

The electron barrier compares well with values obtainedby means of internal photoemissionsIPEd on PPV/Au(Ref.44) and dialkoxy-PPV/Au(Ref. 45) interfaces. There is alsogood agreement with the valuefe,s=1.23 eV obtained byRoman et al.46 by means of Fowler–Nordheim tunneling(FNt). However, other equally relevant reports, that are atvariance with the above results, exist. A value offe,s=2.15 eV(from whichfh,s=0.3 is deduced) was obtained byCampbell et al.47 by means of IPE on poly[2-methoxy,5-(28-ethyl-hexoxyl)-1,4-phenylene vinylene] sMEH-PPVddeposited on Au. Similarly, Parker48 finds fh,s<0.2 eV bymeans of FNt on MEH-PPV/Au. Finally, variations of theinjection barrier for electrons have also been detected byelectroluminescence excited by charge carriers injected fromthe tip of an STM,7 where values offe,s from 0.85 to about2 eV are found for PPV/Au. Clearly, the results differ sub-stantially, even when the same experimental technique wasused. The results obtained by different laboratories suggest,however, that they can be grouped as follows:(i) The distri-bution of energy barriers is such that the Fermi level of themetal substrate is located near the center of the polymer’senergy gap, as is the case for this work, Figs. 3 and 5, and forRefs. 44–46.(ii ) The Fermi level is located within a few100 meV above the HOMO(highest occupied molecular or-bital) states.8,47,48The reason for these diverging results maylay in the presence of extraneous material at the metal/organic interface, which can modify the metal/organic inter-face by either introducing a dipole layer and/or affecting thedipole layer at the interface. Thus, for instance, Ettedeguietal.49 find that the barrier properties depend on the details ofthe metal/organic surface preparation. In addition, a study ofthe influence of residual gases adsorbed on a Au surfacereveals that exposure of the substrate to ambient conditionscan cause the electronic level alignment of PPV oligomers toshift by about 1 eV, relative to the clean Au surface.50 It isalso known that hydrocarbon absorption on the Au surfacecan induce a reduction of the Au work function by as muchas 1 eV.51 The main unknowns are, hence,(i) the nature ofthe foreign material that might be adsorbed on the substrateand (ii ) residual adsorbates stemming from the solvent usedin the PPV precursor. Moreover, the conditions, e.g., UHV orin an Ar atmosphere,49 under which thermal conversion ofthe precursor polymer took place, can also influence the in-terface.

We now turn to the determination of the singlet excitonbinding energy. The magnitude ofEb for PPV has been ahighly controversial topic. Experimental studies yield valuesthat differ by more than one order of magnitude, see below,and a full consensus has not yet been reached.

Eb is defined as the energy difference between the single-particle band gap(polaronic band gap) and the optical ab-sorption edge of the bulk material

Eb = Eg,sp− Ea. s11d

This definition holds unambiguously in the longconjugated-chain limit.52 However, for the typical conjuga-tion lengths,Lc=6–10 monomers,53–56 which characterizebulk PPV,Eg,sp andEa are functions ofLc. These functionsconverge to within a few meV of the limiting values for theinfinite chain only forLc.15 monomers.57–59 If we assumean average conjugation length of 6–10 monomers, the valueof Eb obtained with Eq.(11) is overestimated by about80 meV. Note also that the exciton binding energy dependson Lc, (see, for instance Refs. 59 and 60), and on the chain-packing density.61 It is with these precautions in mind thatwe make an estimate of the exciton binding energy from ourexperimental data. Thus, withEa=2.4 eV andEg,sp=2.8 eVestimated from the modeling calculations to fit the data, weobtainEb=0.4±0.1 eV, which compares with the previouslyestimated value of 0.48±0.14 eV.6

This result compares well with IPE results on MEH-PPV of Campbell et al.,47 from which Eb=0.35 eV isobtained.27,52 Similarly, a value ofEb=0.36 eV was reportedfor an alkoxy-substituted PPV copolymer.6 Note thatEb ofPPV is expected to be slightly higher than that of alkoxy-PPV compounds because of their higher polarizability, whichreduces the Coulomb energy contribution toEb.

27,62,63 Ourresults are also in good agreement with values obtained byother research groups, which report values of.0.25 (Ref.64), 0.3 (Ref. 65), and 0.4 eV(Refs. 66 and 67). We note,however, thatEb values as low as,60 meV eV,68 as well asrelatively high values, for instance 0.7(Ref. 69), 0.8 (Ref.64), .0.8 (Ref. 70), 0.9 (Ref. 71), and 1.1(Ref. 72), havebeen reported. Our results are also in reasonably good agree-ment with theoretical studies, which yieldEb values of0.2–0.3 eV for PPV in crystal packing,61 0.54 eV for asingle chain embedded in a dielectric medium simulatingbulk material,73 0.4 eV from an effective mass calculation,74

and 0.3 eV from a Monte Carlo simulation.66 For an isolatedPPV chain, calculations in the literature show a tendencytowards higher values ofEb: 0.3 (Ref. 60), 0.4 (Ref. 75), 0.7(Ref. 59), 0.6–0.7(Ref. 62), and 0.9 eV.71,76

Let us now turn to Me-LPPP, where, as mentioned above,regions having distinctly different values ofEg,sp are found.The distribution ofEg,sp in Me-LPP reflects variations of thematerial properties as well as of the injection threshold atdifferent locations on the sample. The regions having thesmallestEg,sp have been interpreted as aggregate domains,and a detailed discussion of this point was given in Ref. 26.From the regions of the sample corresponding to the intrin-sic, disordered polymer chains, one obtainsfe,s=1.3±0.2 eV and the lowestfh,s=1.8±0.15 eV for aAus111d electrode, from whichEg,sp=3.1±0.09 eV is de-duced. The histogram of the data reveals a second peak at ahigher energy, namely,Eg,sp=3.45±0.13 eV.26 We note thatthe widths of these two peaks compare reasonably well withthe peak widths of the vibronic transitions of the photolumi-nescence and absorption spectra of this material. The two



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peaks are much narrower than those of PPV, alkoxy-PPVs,and polyfluorene studied with the STM-basedz-V spectros-copy technique. This is in accordance with the weak inho-mogeneous broadening of the absorption and the photolumi-nescence spectra of Me-LPPP as compared with those of theother conjugated polymers. From the above data and by tak-ing Ea=2.65 eV, we deduce binding energies of 0.45±0.09and 0.8±0.13 eV, respectively. This is not necessarily proofthat two different types of singlet excitons exist in Me-LPPP because the optical band gaps corresponding to eachEg,spof the sample is not known. The data, however, is not indisagreement with the results of electron energy loss mea-surements of Knupferet al.77 that indicate the existence of astrongly localized and a delocalized singlet exciton near theabsorption onset. Our results forEb compare reasonably wellwith the value of 0.6 eV obtained by Wohlgennantet al.using a photomodulation technique.78 A study of the fielddependence of photogeneration of charge carriers yieldsEb=0.35 eV.41

As mentioned in Sec. IV, marked differences exist be-tween thez-V curves of Me-LPPP and PPV in the low-biasregime. Figure 10 shows a closeup of this region. Althoughthe tip height is expressed on a relative scale, i.e., the sub-strate position cannot be determined independently andtherefore has to be estimated from thez-V curve, the depen-dence of the tip height on the bias suggests a different func-tional shape for the two polymers. Compared with the PPVcurve, the Me-LPPPz-V curve increases more steeply withbias. A likely explanation for these differences is that thebarrier experienced by the tunneling electrons differs in thetwo cases. The calculated curves shown in Fig. 10 use thevacuum level as a barrier for tunneling through PPV, and theEP

− level as a barrier for tunneling through Me-LPPP. Thelatter choice implies that nonresonant tunneling takes place

through states in the polymer. With this choice of tunnelingbarriers, the experimental curves are reproduced quite accu-rately by the model. The marked difference is most likelydue to a slightly different measurement procedure used forPPV, in which the penetrating STM tip is actually scanningthe sample, whereas the tip is kept at a fixed lateral positionin the case of Me-LPPP. The former method is, by far, morelikely to result in a removal of polymer material from the gapregion when the gap narrows.

Regarding our results on MDMO-PPV, we note a remark-able difference in terms of the energy-level alignment at thesubstrate to our results on unsubstituted PPV. Recalling theabove-proposed grouping of literature values for the align-ment of the Au Fermi level to the PPV HOMO level, theformer falls into the second category(see Fig. 7), whereasthe latter seems to belong to the first category(see Fig. 3).Considering the large differences in the preparation condi-tions of substrates and films used for these two samples,however, this should not come as a surprise. Differences inboth the intimacy of the contact between metal and PPV, andin adsorbates on the Au surface are likely to occur, and causethe observed difference in energy-level alignment, as dis-cussed extensively at the beginning of this section.

Finally, we wish to address the question of why geometryeffects on the tunneling current are much more important forinjection into organic semiconductors than, for example, forinjection into metals or inorganic semiconductors. The keyparameter here is the field penetration into the sample, asillustrated in Fig. 11. In conventional STM operation on met-als, the total applied bias drops over the vacuum barrier[seeFig. 11(a)]. Consequently, geometry-induced band bendingaffects only the field in the vacuum barrier, but not its heightand thickness, resulting in only a minor change in the in-jected current. Under normal experimental conditions, a partof the field penetrates into an inorganic semiconductor[seeFig. 11(b)], but the majority of the applied bias drops in thevacuum gap because of the large difference in the dielectricconstants of the (inorganic) semiconductor and thevacuum.79 Geometry effects, therefore, affect the shape ofthe vacuum barrier and the height of the surface barrier. Thelatter results in a change in the apparent band gap in a

FIG. 10. A closeup of the low-bias region of severalz-V curvestaken on PPV(symbols) and Me-LPP(thin lines) taken under UHVconditions with a Pt: Ir tip. The thick lines are calculations, assum-ing tunneling through vacuum(solid line, tunneling barrier height:5.4 eV) and nonresonant polymer states(dashed line, tunneling bar-rier height: 1.5 eV). In both cases, the dielectric constant of thepolymer is used. All parameters are the same as in Figs. 3 and 5.

FIG. 11. Schematic energy diagrams for electron injection froma metallic STM tip into(a) a metal,(b) an inorganic semiconductor,and (c) an organic semiconductor. The solid and dashed lines indi-cate the energy levels in the absence and presence of geometry-induced band bending, respectively. The shaded regions denotemetal electrodes.

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constant-heightI-V curve. On the other hand, as long as theFermi level of the tip is higher than the surface barrier, theeffect on the tunnel current is limited, as the majority of thecurrent is carried by electrons emitted at the Fermi level ofthe tip. Based on these arguments, geometry effects on car-rier injection are expected to be stronger for inorganic semi-conductors than for metallic materials, in agreement with theexisting literature.4,3 When electrons are injected into thefilm of an organic semiconductor, the final state of the tun-neling process generally lies below, rather than at, the samplesurface[see Fig. 11(c)]. This can either be the result of thetotal absence of a vacuum gap, as is the case in the experi-ments discussed in this paper, or of a relatively small poten-tial drop across the vacuum gap due to the low dielectricconstants of typical organic materials.79 In either case, thefield at the tip apex is directly linked to the distance thecarrier needs to tunnel, and hence to the injection probabilitythat determines the injected current. Owing to the exponen-tial dependence of the tunnel probability on the tunnel dis-tance, geometry effects play a crucial role in carrier injec-tion, as has been shown in this paper.

Of course, the above discussion is far from complete, andsituations are conceivable in which geometry effects play alarge role in STM injection into inorganic materials—for ex-ample, when the Fermi level of the tip aligns with the surfacebarrier of an inorganic semiconductor,20,80—or they can beirrelevant to injection into organic materials. Nevertheless,the qualitative arguments given here should hold for mostpractical situations.


We have performed a combined experimental and numeri-cal study on STM-based spectroscopy on conjugated poly-mers. We show that, because of the sharpness of STM tips, a

meaningful interpretation of both current-voltagesI-Vdand tip height-voltagesz-Vd curves requires the three-dimensional nature of the system to be taken into consider-ation. This holds for injection- as well as for bulk-limitedsystems. Only when the tip apex radius is much larger thanthe tip-substrate gap, can reasonable parameters be obtainedfrom a one-dimensional analysis. In all other cases, geometryeffects on the carrier injection and transport can alter thedevice current itself, as well as the balance between the mi-nority and the majority currents by more than an order ofmagnitude, compared with the one-dimensional situation.Thus, by using a very sharp tip it is possible to make ananometer-sized device in which the predominant current isof the minority type.

In particular, when a sufficiently sharp tip is used, thesingle-particle band gap and the band alignment at both elec-trodes can be obtained. Consequently, the much debatedexciton-binding energy can be obtained by subtraction of theoptical band gap from the single-particle band gap. The mod-eling results presented in this report lay a formal theoreticalbasis toz-V spectroscopy, which is shown to be a powerfultechnique for probing the electronic structure of organic ma-terial interfaces with an electrode. Although we have dis-cussed the particular case of organic/metal interfaces, thez-V spectroscopy technique can also be applicable toorganic/organic81 and organic/inorganic interfaces.


We gratefully acknowledge J. K. J. Van Duren for supply-ing the MDMO-PPV samples and for stimulating discus-sions, and R. H. I. Keiboams and D. Vanderzande for pro-viding the PPV precursor. Part of the research of M.K. hasbeen made possible by a fellowship of the Royal NetherlandsAcademy of Arts and Sciences. One of us(S.F.A.) acknowl-edges W. Riess for his support.

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