sayings of the teacher of rightousness


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Sayings of the Teacher ofRighteousness

Religion of Light Publishing Trust2011-2015

The Religious Community of Orthodox Netzarim2015


AssistanceWhen difficulties arise either in one’s family or within the congregations of our blessed people, it is always important to enlist the assistance of wise and mature brethren.

The Messiah has placed within your reach brothers and sisters who can lend a helping hand with wise counsel in any difficult situation and if at all possible your request for such help should never be delayed.

Do not be embarrassed about asking for advice and counsel from your brethren.

All the brothers and sisters are responsible for each other inmany different ways.

Our Lord has made this clear in all His teachings given to humanity throughout the centuries.

All the mature brothers and sisters feel the responsibility to assist their brethren in the various situations they may be dealing with.

Loving compassion is deeply ingrained within each of us who take the faith seriously.

This is simply one aspect of living our God given faith every day.

When one among our brethren is in pain, we too are in pain.When they are in need spiritually or financially, we want to assist them to the best of our abilities.

There is a spiritual symbiotic relationship, and this goes beyond the physical but additionally relates to our emotionsand thoughts about our spiritual siblings in general.


If you are the one offering assistance or advice it is very important that you never make assumptions about your brother or sister in need or about situations which you have limited information.

We are taught the importance of always practising tolerance, compassion and understanding in every single situation we come across and we must do this without prejudging the individual.

Always try to learn as much as possible about the issues your brother or sister is dealing with.

Exhibit true compassion. Listen carefully to what your brother or sister has to say.

Try to put yourself in their place and ask yourself how you personally would deal with the situation if you were on the other side.

Along with loving compassion and a listening ear, we can not forget the importance of prayer.

Pray together about the issue and keep the importance of prayer before the individual you are assisting. When we wish to speak to our Lord, all we have to do is talk to Him.

He will guide us in the situation by providing assistance through His angels.

Love your brethren, do not judge them.

Always try to put yourself in their situation and provide a loving hand with sincere compassion. Always pray.


Committing to One Spiritual PathThe importance of having one Teacher, one Holy Book and one Assembly can not be over-emphasised.

When people run from one teacher to another, or from one tradition to another, it is as if they are running up and downthe sea shore full of anxiety because they are seeking something that their minds are not permitting them to find.

Their preconceptions are clouding their minds and their feet are shuffling in the sand, wasting vast amounts of energy that could otherwise have been used to focus on one teacher and one tradition.

Teachers are supposed to serve as guides, and guides only. Teachers can only help you find the path to salvation; you must maintain that path.

Current EventsBoth the laity and clerics should be informed about current issues, not siding with any extremes, but taking a middle ground.

If you wish to discuss a topic about religion, the environment or politics, that is fine, but you should make sure you are informed of the issues before making sweeping or general statements about a topic in which you know nothing about.

Everyone is entitled to their personal opinions even if such opinions contain some false views on a particular topic.

We respect each person’s right to have opinions, even if those opinions are wrong and one should not be overly concerned with their false ideas unless such ideas and


opinions cause harm to others.

While we do not involve ourselves too much with the political systems of the world, we do need to be informed and have a working knowledge of current issues.

The Divine MessengerTaking refuge in Messiah means that we rely solely on him to save our souls from the darkness.

Taking refuge in his Teaching means we rely on his Messageof Light in the Scriptures and the Revelatory Message as ourguide in walking in his Way.

Taking refuge in his Community means that we rely on one another for support, encouragement, and the continual generation of brotherly love, and we respectfully accept the guidance of those whom Mashiach has appointed to leadership in his Assembly.

Our Lord is the Way of Light. He teaches us about the future purpose of God in this world.

Through the Message of Light and teaching, our Lord is ableto turn even the hardest of hearts to the Light.

Through the loving-kindness and great compassion of Mashiach, he is able to deliver all souls from death to life.


The Evil OneThe influences of the evil one come in many different forms.

As long as enemies exist, the truth will be suppressed, but the truth and light will always be victorious.

Resist the evil one by continually studying the Scriptures, applying Torah in your life, and adhering to the Traditions. This, my brethren, is a shield of protection for you.

False ConceptsLike a moth attempting to fly in the pouring rain, so are those who attempt to gain wisdom without letting go of preconceptions.

As the wings of the moth become wet from the rain, so does one’s mind become heavy with his or her clinging to concepts and not abandoning attachments.

False teachers do not bear the fruit of righteousness and as such, they are like an empty mountain that bears no fruit from its trees.

JudgementDo not judge others based on their practices and be forgiving of others’ transgressions; it is the responsibility of religious teachers to admonish and offer counsel to those who transgress the Commandments, the Religion in generaland the Holy Assembly.

Refrain from obsessing about the practices of others who donot share the same traditions as yours.

Refrain from judging others due to their gender, social


status, ethnicity, colour, nationality, or sexuality. Practise equality. Reject biases.

Refrain from making fun of others who may appear as unattractive, physically or mentally handicapped, poor or elderly and those who are experiencing misfortune.

Do not cause pain for others with your words or actions anddo not wish misfortune upon anyone.

The Message of LightLive your life according to the Commandments, and you will find that you are walking on the path to salvation.

Those who first respond and act upon the Message of Light in their lands will be the first to be blessed.

None who are faithful to the Commandments shall be far from the heart of Mashiach.

Loving KindnessGenerate loving kindness for all living beings; be grateful for all that you have and when possible, demonstrate your loving kindness by sharing with those who are less fortunateand in need.

Do not neglect the care of humans, the poor, the elderly andanimals.

All these living beings deserve your compassion.

Make it your duty to protect children and the mentally vulnerable from being abused.

Be as generous as possible towards good charitable


organisations with money, food, clothing, blankets, and volunteering your time.

Plant trees on a regular basis, as far as you are able, and have respect for the environment.

Never Give up Hope of a Better FutureEven in the face of such great opposition from humanity, the Father knows very well that there are some among humankind that can still respond to the Message and as such He in return responds with a loving hand and guides them into the Light and Truth.

We demonstrate our love for God by following the divine instructions of Mashiach, we observe the Commandments, we pray daily, share the Scriptures with others, and live according to the Revelation given to us, never looking back. These are the steps to perfection.

Even when you are being persecuted, provoked, experiencing financial or family issues, or when things in life are just not going your way, always stand firm in the Truth, never give up hope of a better future, work as hard asyou are able in sharing the Scriptures with your neighbours,continue to study the Gospel and all the revealed holy texts, and take comfort that Mashiach is with you, even in what you may believe are those darkest hours of your life.

Nothing in this world is permanent.

We are promised time and again that a better world awaits us – a world without sorrow, sickness, pain or death.The future is bright because it is secured by the one who promised it – Yeshua ha'Mashiach, our Saviour and belovedTeacher.


Our ReligionAvoid arguments that can cause division between brothers and sisters who are trying to follow the faith.

The most important way you can spend your time is with the faith – its deep study, applying it to yourself and sharingit with others.

In each era of the existence of humanity, the chosen ones, called out by God, have continued their work of bringing theBlessed Message to all nations and to all tongues.

The teaching, the practices and the revelation continue throughout the ages for the benefit of each soul, so that theymay awaken and come to the realisation of the truth concerning the Light.

Religious ToleranceRespect the right of others to follow their own religious path; you are not asked to respect a religion that brings physical, mental or financial harm to others or an ideology that promotes violence.

Our tolerance of the belief systems of others does not indicate that we accept it as our own.

Refrain from forcing your beliefs and practices upon others.

Never use violence as a means to silence anyone from practising their own belief system.

Be at peace with all living beings and do not overly concern yourself with the practices of others.


Spiritual LiberationThe message of salvation has reached literally millions of people, but only a few have taken up its banner in the world.

Stress and AnxietyWe live in the present moment and see things for what they are and do not allow them to cause us to have too much anxiety and stress or too much excitement.

Even too much excitement can lead to stress and anxiety if our expectations are too high concerning even that which we might consider good moments in life.

SignsThere are many signs that we come across in our lives every day. Some of these signs instruct us to take caution, while other directly tell us to stop everything in our tracks.

On the other hand, others instruct us that we should slow everything down, and yet there are others that tell us to go forward.

If we do not pay attention to these signs we may in fact find ourselves not in the most desirable situation.

For instance, if you are driving along a highway and approach a busy intersection and decide to ignore the stop sign, you are likely to cause not only yourself harm, but others as well.

Ignoring the stop sign may even cause more than just a bump or bruise on your forehead.

However, while it is of great importance to pay attention to street signs, warning lights and directional signs, those who


are truly dedicated adherents of the Faith are well aware that there are spiritual signs that provide us with divine guidance from the Father, from Mashiach and from the angels.

These spiritual signs are the words and teachings graciouslyprovided to us in the Scriptures. These signs can be thought of as “directional signs.”

When you are in need of guidance, our Lord provides the spiritual direction which you need. He does not merely give us advice or suggestions, but He provides us with guidance in how to walk with Him and how to approach the Father in purity.

Are you paying attention to the signs? Are you sitting at the feet of our Master, Yeshua ha'Mashiach, and absorbing every word He speaks?

Integrity in the Face of OppositionRemoving obstacles, limiting worldly associations, developing proper Godly devotion, setting priorities, regularfellowship. How can these five activities help you please God in your daily activities?

Remove obstacles that hinder your service to the Father.

Is entertainment a major part of your day to day activities? Is music, television or even going to a theatre serving as an obstacle to your service to God?

Activities with unbelieving friends and associates have proven to be obstacles for some brothers and sisters.

This does not imply that one should not associate with others, but their influences and the time they take from you


should always be noted and if such things are causing you toremove yourself further from the Presence of God, then nowis the time to let go of anything that is not necessary – that is, any thing that is not helping you advance in the Faith and render pure devotion to Almighty God.

Associate with those who give honour to God.

Even if you are in an isolated area where there are no other believers to fellowship with, you can remove yourself as often as possible, from those who dishonour God.

When we consider as precious brothers and sisters those who share the same faith and practices, one is able to give honour to God in daily devotion to Him.

Develop a serious attitude of Godly devotion.

Have you developed a lacklustre attitude concerning the necessity of daily devotion?

Again, are there obstacles that keep arising that may be causing you to lose your original zeal for God, His Way and the love of the Community?

When you develop the proper attitude concerning the Light of God and the many spiritual gifts that YHWH continues toprovide through Mashiach, you are able to renew the zeal you once had when you first came to the Light and Truth.

In order to possess this proper attitude you must be willing to use those spiritual gifts and tools so that they may benefitnot only yourself but others as well.

Make the study of the Scriptures and supportive materials a priority.


Without proper education in the Holy Words of Light, one can not expect to know the deeper things of God or what Herequires of His people, which He has called out of the world as a remnant. Everything you need to know is in the Three Pillars: The Scriptures, the Tradition and the Revelation.

Be faithful to your calling by continuing in your learning process, giving honour to God and His Mashiach.

Every believer should take time to study the Scriptures, the materials based on them and the messages provided by those appointed to teach within the Community.

When one removes himself from fellowship with other believers, there is a tendency for one to quickly become out of touch with what is being revealed through the Message ofLight and Mashiach. This is why it is important to study with others of like faith.

Remain in contact with those who worship in truth.

Regular fellowship is an important factor in our worship of the Abba YHWH.

There are those that live in isolated areas, sometimes thousands of miles from those who share the same beliefs and practices as taught within the Community.

For those who have access to the internet, remaining in contact with fellow believers through online discussion groups and social networking can be a real blessing.

When you have regular contact with fellow brothers and sisters, by whatever means are available to you, you receive the blessing of fellowship, and you receive blessings by keeping up to date with the latest activities and important


messages being provided through the appointed teachers and leadership and Third Pillar revelations.

Brothers and sisters, without a doubt, there are many other things that each believer can be doing in his or her day to day life, but it is my hope that these five points in particular will help to serve as stepping stones to greater service and awareness to become much more serious about your Godly devotion so as to please our Father and His Son.

Association to promote unityHumanity lives in one of the worst times in history.

Diseases of various types are running rampant over the face of the earth.

Terrorism, greed and hatred are destroying humanity in every corner of the earth.

In such times of darkness and chaos, in addition to seeking protection by the Father through His Son, the brethren should be looking to one another for comfort.

The brethren must come to understand the true definition of spiritual unity or, sadly, many will be lost to the darkness.

An association that promotes unity amongst each other, regardless of their spiritual communities within the Religion of Light needs to be established* right away.*(An association promoting unity among various Spiritual Communities within the Religion of Light was immediately establishedafter these words were spoken.)


Ministry of LightMashiach has given you a commission to go into the world, spreading the Light and Truth to all its inhabitants, far and wide, from nation to nation and from island to island, and from village to village.

This divine commission is for every adherent of the Faith, regardless of their individual talents.

Through the hands of those taking the lead among you – those who are going forward with sharing and publishing the Message of Light through word of mouth and by printedpage, God provides the necessary tools for all the brethren to actively share the Good News with others.

There is always some form of sharing the Faith that each individual can take upon themselves.

Not everyone is able to speak eloquently, or write at length, but other methods of sharing the Good News can involve the distribution of the printed page, whether this is as a group or as an individual.

Sharing the Good News with others is a Ministry of Truth; itis a Ministry of Light to assist in the liberation of all those who have ears to hear.

Your ministry is a serious responsibility that should never be taken lightly.

Make sure that your ministry is always respectable and without stain.

Never cause others to stumble because of your inability to properly teach them.

Become competent and qualified as a minister to others


through increasing your knowledge about the faith, and the Religion of Light in general.

Learn about the faith of others, for by doing so, as it has been said, your skills in sharing the Good News will increase.

Study regularly with the Community and individually. Seek understanding from authoritative sources originating from our own Community.

Strive to come to a better understanding of the deeper truths within the Holy Scriptures so that your ministry is a shining of example of true wisdom.

Apply what you learn from those who have been appointed to guard the Message of Light and those who properly keep it organised.

Organise your ministry in a manner that is befitting of a servant of the Truth and the Light.

An organised and respectable ministry will give honour to the Father and to our Lord and the Community.

Many brethren have discovered that proper record keeping has been a blessing to themselves and others, for by doing so, one maintains a respectable ministry that is organised and in honour of the Good News.

Do not slack off from your ministry, for souls are saved by the work entrusted to your own hands.

Always be an active adherent of the Faith by developing andsharpening the talents that were given unto you by the Lord YHWH.


Psalms of the Teacher of Righteousness

Psalm 1My Hands Are Raised1 YHWH, my hands are raised to You,

2 May Your Name be lifted up in all the earth.

3 YHWH, my heart sings out to You,

4 May Your works be praised in all the heavens.

5 From Sabbath to Sabbath, from sunset to sunset,

6 Are Your great works greatly extolled;

7 May all those who cherish truth hear Your Word.

Psalm 2Not by the Strength of Others1 Not by the strength of others

2 and not by the will of my own,

3 but by Your Power alone,

4 Is truth and righteousness accomplished.

Psalm 3We Honour the Sabbath1 We honour the Sabbath by giving rest to our works,

2 We honour the day of rest by gathering together,

3 To study, reflect and gain from Your Word, O YHWH,


4 To know You, the Spirit of Holiness, and Your Son.

5 Teach us through the Holy Book all that You require in Truth.

Psalm 4Thankfulness for All Things1 We express our thankfulness for all things, O YHWH,

2 It is from Your hands alone that blessings flow to all peoples;

3 We give You thanks, O YHWH, for the blessings of yesterday;

4 We give You thanks, O Father, for the blessings of today;

5 We give You thanks, O Sovereign Lord, for the blessings of tomorrow.

Psalm 5Let All Peoples Praise Mar-Yah1 Let all peoples praise Mar-Yah, our God,

2 And let all hands be uplifted to His face.

3 Let all peoples in the earth shout for joy,

4 And let all voices be united in praise of Mar-Yah.

Psalm 6To the Living Spirit1 Give to the Living Spirit honour;

Give honour, Amen.

2 Give to the Living Spirit praise.


Give praise, Amen.

3 All you who honour the Living Spirit,Raise your voices.

4 All you who praise the Living Spirit,Raise your hands.

Psalm 7Praise for Yeshua1 Praise for Yeshua,

It is the sound of the people of rest.

2 Praise for Yeshua,It is the life of the people of light.

3 Praise for Yeshua,It is the prayer of the people of truth.

4 Praise for Yeshua,It is the meditation of the people of life.

Psalm 8Guide Me1 Guide me, O Living Spirit,

You who are revealed in the teaching of Mashiach.

2 Guide me, O Spirit of Truth,You who are present within the Holy Scriptures.

3 Guide me, O Holy Fount,You who give life to all who partake of You.


Psalm 9We Rest in You1 We rest in you, O Lord.

2 The sun rises and gives Your Name glory.Oh glory to Your Name, O Lord in the highest.

3 Who can part the clouds, none but You.You, O Lord, scatter the darkness and bring light.

4 The angels, day and night chant: Holy is Your Name. Blessed is Your Name.

5 We stand with the celestial beings and call upon Your Name.

Psalm 10Protector of the Sheep1 In times of darkness, You are our shelter, O Lord and protector of the sheep.

2 You protect us from the storm and all of its raging, day andnight.

3 Your shield and Your buckler are our safeguards from all forms of evil.

4 The darkness can never encompass Your garden of light and truth.

5 Our shelter is in Your Name, YHWH, and in Your holy Commandments.

6 In Your Commandments we take delight all day.

7 Evening and morning we praise Your Name.


Psalm 11The People are Blessed with the Truth1 Abba YHWH has blessed all peoples with the truth.

2 He has provided a way of escape in the name of Mashiach.

3 May all sincere souls find you and your truth.

4 May the darkness be turned away from the gates of truth,

5 May the light shine throughout the universe, and bless all souls.

6 Praised be to the Lord, Abba YHWH who blesses all peoples with the truth.

7 Praised be to our Great Father who provides a way of escape through the Living Spirit.

Psalm 12Touch My Heart1 The rain trickles down from the heavens, always offering a blessing.

2 We thank you, O Abba YHWH, for Your generous gifts.

3 May all that the dew touches in the morning be blessed.

4 May all souls rise up and praise Your Holy Name, Oh Mar-Yah!

5 Touch my heart,

6 Lift up my soul.

7 I give you praise,


8 All the day long.

9 In the darkness, my ears hear your voice.

10 I am comforted by your loving words.

11 Touch my heart,

12 Lift up my soul.

13 I give you praise,

14 All the day long.

Psalm 13Bless the Hands1 Bless the hands, O YHWH, of those who are busy with Your work;

2 May they never tire in the field of the world as they share the Good News;

3 O Sovereign of the Universe, You always give blessings to all those who bring the Good Message to those in need;

4 Bless the hands of Your servants through Your Son Yeshua.


Published byThe Religious Community of Orthodox Netzarim