saving faces & warrington smile clinic facial aesthetics brochure


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Post on 24-Nov-2015




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Finally we now have our brochure for you to see, Please feel free to browse and if there is anything that takes your fancy give us a call, and remember FREE consultations with our Facial Aesthetics Clinician.



  • Saving Faces Advanced Aesthetics are delighted to bring Harley Street to YOUR High Street. This means the very latest in anti-ageing aesthetic treatments at high street prices.

    Non-Surgical does not mean Non-Medical, therefore it is essential that you make the right choice when deciding on who you chose to perform your treatments. Your procedure should always be performed by an independent Nurse Prescriber, advanced Nurse Practitioner, Doctor or Dentist that have at least 5 years experience specialising in the field of aesthetic medicine (please be aware that many of these treatments are prescription only).

    Saving Faces Advanced Aesthetics are a team of expert practitioners specialising in the field of both surgical and non surgical procedures. With over 20 years joint knowledge and experience working with the leading Cosmetic Surgery and Non Surgical Companies on Harley Street, London, we will be able to assist you in choosing the very best, and most appropriate treatment, enabling you to achieve your desired results.

    Innovative in our approach we offer the very latest, highest quality treatments such as Anti wrinkle injections, Dermal fillers, Dermapen, Mesotherapy, Sculptra and thread vein removal plus many more. Having treated hundreds of satisfied patients, including many high profile clients you can rest assured you are in very safe hands.

    To speak to a practitioner or book your free consultation please call the number below.

    We look forward to meeting you soon.

    Sab & Clare.

    Dr Sab Hussain Principal Dr Sab Hussain BSc (Hons) PhD BDS PgCert (Dental Implants)He is also the principle dentist of the Warrington Smile clinic and Upton Dental practice in Widnes.Dr Hussain has previously been involved in the teaching of Under graduate dental students from Liverpool university dental hospital as Honorary Clinical Tutor and held a position as a VT trainer for newly qualified dentist.He has a Keen interest in cosmetic and implant dentistry to creating the perfect smile and has completed the Californian institute of advanced dental studies (CCADS) programme to level Three as well as training in:InvisalignSix Month SmileInman AlignerFastbracesBotox facial AestheticsOne year certificate in Implant dentistry at Trafford Hospital.Member of the British academy of cosmetic dentistry and the Association of Dental ImplantologyDr Hussain is an elected member and Honorary treasurer of the Mid Mersey local Dental Committee which is a representative body for local dentists. 0151 520 2766 / 01925 632562

    Liverpool | Warrington | Widnes

  • 0151 520 2766 / 01925 632562

    Liverpool | Warrington | Widnes

    Clare McKenna Miss Clare McKenna BSC hons, Dip N, Independent Nurse Prescriber, BACN. Clare has been a senior manager within the largest cosmetic and non surgical provider in the UK for 15 years, responsible for the setting up of new non surgical clinics and teaching the non surgical solutions course to all new nurses within the company.She has consulted and advised thousands of patients as to the most appropriate non surgical medical treatments for them and has carried out these treatments on her patients throughout the UK and Ireland gaining amazing results.Clare is an Independent Nurse prescriber and is qualified to run non surgical/medical clinics from consultation to taking the patient through their non surgical treatment pathway.Clare is trained in the administration of Botox, Dermal fillers both basic and advanced techniques, Derma pen,Thread vein removal, Mesotherapy, Sculptra, and the very latest FDA approved Plasma rejuvenation therapy.

    Hannah Salama Mrs Hannah Salama Dip HE nursing, BACN, RCN.After having worked for the largest national cosmetic non surgical provider in the UK for 8 years as a senior manager and company trainer, Hannah is now an advanced practitioner and a leader in the field of innovative non surgical aesthetics.Hannahs knowledge of non surgical treatments and long standing experience in injectable procedures has meant that she has trained and developed nurses nationwide, to safely and effectively treat thousands of patients.Hannah is dedicated to providing all patients with individual, holistic treatment pathways to exceed the patients expectations as well as meeting their budget and time frame.Hannah is trained in the administration of Botox, dermal fillers both basic and advanced, Derma-pen, Derma-roller, Mesotherapy, sculptra, and plasma skin rejuvenation therapy.

  • What are Dermal Fillers?Dermal fillers are substances that are injected just below the surface of the skin to fill in lines, wrinkles and scars. Unlike a face lift that will stretch the skin, fillers add volume for a more natural, youthful appearance. Fillers can also increase fullness of the lips and lessen the down slant of the corner of the lips. The most common areas treated are the smile lines, around the nose and mouth, fine lines above the mouth, frown lines between the eyes, and acne scars.Are all fillers the same?No. There are two classes of dermal fillers: permanent and temporary. There are fewer permanent fillers available than temporary. The demand is greater for the temporary. The temporary fillers are absorbed by the body over time, usually in 2-6 months and require repeated treatments to maintain the effect. Permanent fillers tend to be used to add volume to the face and other areas such as hands. If you are considering having this treatment, you need to be sure that the outcome will meet your needs.What is involved in this treatment?A local anaesthetic is applied to the area to numb any sensation (some patients choose not to have this). The filler is then injected just below the surface of the skin. Ice is then applied to reduce swelling and bruising.How will I know what is the right filler for me?Your practitioner is an expert in this field and has years or experience injecting. You will have a full consultation with your practitioner who will discuss your areas of concern and the outcome you desire, together you will decide what is best for you.How long will the treatment session last?This is dependant upon the area treated and the filler being injected. To give you an idea, it is between 30 minutes for small areas and up to 1 hour.How often will I need treatments?This depends on you as an individual and the filler used. Usually it is between 2-6 months for temporary fillers.How do I know the clinic/practitioner is safe?Always choose a qualified nurse practitioner or doctor who has a minimum of 5 years working in the field of aesthetics. This is a medical treatment and MUST NOT be administered by anyone other than the above.

    What is Derma Pen Mestherapy?This is a medical specialty that involves injecting microscopic quantities of natural extracts, homeopathic agents, pharmaceuticals and vitamins directly in to the middle layer of the skin by use of micro-injections with a Derma Pen.The customised blend of collagenstimulating vitamins nourishes and rejuvenates your skin, and can treat various conditions, and is a very popular treatment for younger patients who want to prevent wrinkles.What conditions is it effective for? Loose, dull skin Acne scars and wound healing Lines and wrinkles Dehydrated, sun damaged skin. Large pores Hyperpigmentation Hair loss.Will the treatment hurt?With the micro-injection method, most people feel very little discomfort, however to eliminate this sensation a topical anaesthetic can be applied to the skin half an hour prior to your treatment.Is there any down time after the treatment?The treated area may appear slightly red for up to 24 hours following the treatment, and you will be asked not to wear make up for 12 hours following the treatment. Most people have their treatment at the end of the day and will return to normal activities the following day.How long will the treatment session last?This is dependant on the skin condition and the area being treated. Treatment time is typically 1 hour.How often will I need treatments?Best results for most patients are seen after a course of 5 treatments, carried out 2 to 4 weeks apart, however your individual skin regime will be discussed with you at consultation to ensure you have the best possible outcome.How do I know my Practitioner is safe?Always choose a qualified advanced Nurse Practitioner, Doctor or Dentist who has a minimum of 5 years working in the field of aesthetics to perform this, or any aesthetic cosmetic procedure.

    Dermal Fillers Derma Pen Mesotherapy 0151 520 2766 / 01925 632562

    Liverpool | Warrington | Widnes

  • What are Anti Wrinkle Injections?Anti Wrinkle Injections are a purified form of protein that has been used in medicine for over 40 years. It is a non surgical, medical treatment that can temporarily reduce facial lines and wrinkles by relaxing the muscles. During the treatment very low doses are administered via a series of tiny injections directly into the muscles that will reduce your lines.How does it work?Lines and wrinkles are caused by repeated muscle activity in certain areas. By injecting directly into the muscles the transmission of nerve impulses to the muscles are blocked. This reduces the activity of the muscle and so reduces the lines formed.Will the Treatment Hurt?Pain is very individual but the majority of patients find the discomfort minimal. The needle used is exceptionally fine and coupled with the experience of your practitioner there should be little or no pain at all.How often will I require treatments?Results from the treatments can last up to 3 months. We recommend that you visit us at least four times in the first year of treatment to ensure we reach your desired affects.What else can Botulium toxin type A be used for?These can also be used for excessive sweating particular under the arms.What will happen if I stop treatments?If you do not continue the treatments on a regular basis lines and wrinkles will return as before.How do I know the procedure is safe?Botox, Dysport, Bocature, Vistabel are all types of Botulium toxin type A and are prescription only medicine. Only following a stringent consultation and health check will the practitioner decide what is required for you. We pride ourselves on our knowledge, the standards and professional level of care that have led to todays great reputation.Post Treatment Advice You will start to see results from approx Day 5-10. Full effects will be realised by Day 14. Do not massage or rub the treated area. Should bruising occur apply a cold compress to the area. Again, should you receive any unusual reaction or symptoms please contact us immediately.

    What are thread veins and how are they caused?Thread veins are unsightly small vessels just under the service of the skin. There are many different causes such as pressure, trauma, weight gain, pregnancy and excessive standing for long periods.What is the method used to treat thread veins?Sclerotherapy is the method. A medical procedure, it is the safest and most successful available for the removal/improvement of thread veins.What is Scerotherapy?Sclerotherapy is a series of tiny injections into the small veins using Scleremo which is a solution of Glycerin Chromate. This is injected directly into the vessels causing the collapse and re absorption of the veins.How long does it take?Each procedure depending on the area of the body being treated will take approximately between 30-60 minutes.How many treatments will I require?This is completely dependant on the patient and the extent of the thread veins. However the majority of clients require a minimum of 3 treatments, 6-8 weeks apart.What are the possible side effects?Localised redness, swelling and itching can occurr these are mostly cleared within 24-48hrs and eased with an anti histamine. Pressure tights must be worn for a week post treatment during the day.How do I know my Practitioner is safe?Sclerotherapy is a prescription only medicine and will only ever be administered following a stringent consultation and health check. Always choose a qualified advanced Nurse Practitioner, Doctor or Dentist who has a minimum of 5 years working in the field of aesthetics to perform this, or any aesthetic cosmetic procedure.

    Anti Wrinkle Injections Thread Vein Removal 0151 520 2766 / 01925 632562

    Liverpool | Warrington | Widnes

  • What are chemical skin peels?Chemical peels are one of the most commonly used procedures in skin rejuvenation. A favourite with patients this treatment involves applying a chemical agent to the skin, producing a controlled accelerated exfoliation which leads to a tighter, fresher smoother skin. Skin Peels vary in depth from superficial to deep. The deeper the peel the greater the potential for skin rejuvenation but also for down time.What are skin peels used for?Chemical skin peels are used to treat many conditions including; age spots, hormonal pigmentation, acne, ageing skin, uneven skin tone.Are all peels the same?No, different peels use different chemicals to achieve the desired results. At Advanced Aethestics Ltd we offer three different types of peels. These vary in strength, and active ingredients. You will need a full consultation prior to treatment where the correct peel will be discussed dependant on the type of skin you have the skin condition you are suffering from and the desired results.What are the side effects?Side effects are very much dependant in the depth of the peel. Superficial peels produce transient skin redness lasting up to a few hours. Deeper peels may produce shedding or peeling of the skin and more prolonged redness.What is involved in the treatment?In some cases you may be asked to prepare your skin with a home care kit prior to your treatment. During the treatment the peel will be applied in layers by your Advanced Practitioner, this can feel warm but will not be painful. The treatment takes approximately 30-60 minutes and you will be asked not to apply make up for 6 hours following the treatment.How often will I need treatments?This depends on you and your individual skin condition. Most patients see the best possible outcome after a course of treatments, however one off peels can also be beneficial. Your practitioner will discuss this with you at your consultation prior to treatment.How do I know my practitioner is safe?Any practitioner providing this treatment must have specialist training, knowledge and relevant experience. Always choose a qualified advanced Nurse Practitioner, Doctor or Dentist who has a minimum of 5 years working in the field of aesthetics to perform this, or any aesthetic cosmetic procedure.

    Over time, our skin loses collagen and fat, reducing its full, firm, youthful appearance. It becomes loose and starts to wrinkle. This reduction in skin volume can make cheeks appear sunken and form jowls. This can make us look older than we are. Injectable Sculptra can help regain a firm texture by restoring skin volume.What is Sculptra?Sculptra is a unique injectable treatment which stimulates natural collagen production producing a long lasting clinical effect of up to two years.How many treatments will I need?You will need a minimum of 2 sessions spaced 4-6 weeks apart to allow for gradual results.What is it used for?Sculptra is used to restore lost volume to the face, it produces a gradual improvement using your own natural collagen, giving a natural looking rejuvenation. The first treatment generally addresses loss of volume in the cheeks and temples and the second treatment concentrates more on the lower face. Some patients may need a third treatment 6 weeks later. Clinical improvements can continue months after the last treatment.Benefits of this treatment?The results escalate over a two year period, therefore the skins volume is restored gradually over time which creates a natural change.Are there any side effects?There will be temporary swelling for a few days after the treatment, this gives a good impression of how you will look once the sculptra has fully developed. Before you embark on this or any treatment you will have a full consultation with your advanced practitioner who will discuss all aspects of the treatment including any of the uncommon side effects.How long will the results last?One of the main advantages of Sculptra is its longevity. Results generally last 2 years but improvements can be noted even longer than this.How do I know my Practitioner is safe?Always choose a qualified advanced Nurse Practitioner, Doctor or Dentist who has a minimum of 5 years working in the field of aesthetics to perform this or any aesthetic cosmetic procedure.

    Chemical Skin Peels Sculptra 0151 520 2766 / 01925 632562

    Liverpool | Warrington | Widnes

  • Anti Wrinkle Injections:

    Anti Wrinkle Injection - 1 area 150Anti Wrinkle Injection - 2 areas 199Anti Wrinkle Injection - 3 areas 299

    Advanced Anti Wrinkle Injections:

    Hyperhydrosis 400

    Volumising solutions, Dermal fillers:

    Teosyal Pure Sense Kiss 199Teosyal Global Action 250 Teosyal Ultra Deep: 300Juvederm Ultra: 250Juvederm Smile: 199Voluma Range: 300 - 500

    Skin peels:

    Agera 75Course of 6: 300Epionce: 65Course of 6: 300Obagi Radiance: 75Course of 6: 300Derma PeelSingle Treatment: 150Course of 6: 600

    Rejuvenating skin treatments:

    PRP Therapy(vampire facelift)1 treatment 350Course of 3 900

    Sculptra 1 Vial 300


    Single Treatment: 200Course of 3: 500


    Single Treatment: 200Course of 3: 500

    Dermapen & Mesotherapy

    Combined Single Treatment: 300Course of 6: 1500

    Thread Vein removal

    Sclerotherapy First Session: 200Sclerotherapy other Sessions: 150

    Must have products:

    Obagi CRX: 250Obagi Nu derm: 350Elasterderm: 65Elasterlash: 50Epionce: (Depending on skin type) 100 - 250

    Price List 0151 520 2766 / 01925 632562

    Liverpool | Warrington | Widnes