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Upload: raymond-allen

Post on 09-Nov-2015




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Everything was on fire, I hear the sounds of swords clashing, murmurs from every direction. I wasnt aware of the situation so I tried to look at the window, but then the door in my room suddenly burst opened, my mother was panting and endured.Mom? Are you okayBefore she could reply, she grabbed my hand.Lets go, Den Its dangerous hereMom lead me out of the room and into the corridor thats when I saw it, my family was fighting shadows shape like humans. I dont understand we were winning the fight but mom is still frightened, when I saw one of the guards of my family stab the shadow for the finishing blow it consumed the guards sword, the shadow changed form and devoured the guard. Each time we pass through others fight the results were all the same.The shadows devoured and consumed everyone that we know, our family, and the clan that was known as the strongest in the art-of-war and for their special abilities, is being crushed by unknown beings.My mom keep leading me forward, she was crying, I cant say anything either I was scared of everything that was happening. When we have reached the river near the back of the clans mansion, there was a small dock with many large barrels that can fit a man perfectly.Hide inside Den, and dont come out! Mom said while putting me inside one of the barrel.What about you mom?Mom will be alright, now hurry!Once I fit in the barrel she also put a folded paper inside. I grabbed my moms sleeves, I dont want my mom to die by those things, I dont know where my father is at that time and my other relatives are being killed one by one fighting those shadows. Mom lets go, come with meDenden, Mom ca-Before mom can finish her words there was a black spear-like object sticking out her chest, blood was coming out of it, The shadows caught up to us and stab my mother from behind.MOM!!I was scared, I want to help my mother, and I want to help everyone. But I was powerless, and because of that everything that I love was disappearing before me. I look at my moms face, she doesnt mind that she was stab, even though she cant speak and struggling, she put a lid on of the barrel and pounded it to tighten up, and...THUD!The moment I opened my eyes I was on the floor and fallen from my bed. That nightmare from 10 years ago huh. I got up from the floor and looked at the window near me. Thinking back from what happened that time, I passed out inside the barrel someone from the Zeal clan master of the arts of barrier and sealing techniques found me and took me in. After a several days I returned to the spot where I was found to look for the paper that was tossed inside the barrel by mom but I never found it.