save the tigers presented by vaibhav bhore sumesh shinde guide prof.bam madam

SAVE THE TIGERS Presented by Vaibhav Bhore Sumesh Shinde Guide Prof.Bam Madam

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Page 1: SAVE THE TIGERS Presented by Vaibhav Bhore Sumesh Shinde Guide Prof.Bam Madam


Presented by Vaibhav Bhore Sumesh Shinde

GuideProf.Bam Madam

Page 2: SAVE THE TIGERS Presented by Vaibhav Bhore Sumesh Shinde Guide Prof.Bam Madam

objectives• Values of tigers

Page 3: SAVE THE TIGERS Presented by Vaibhav Bhore Sumesh Shinde Guide Prof.Bam Madam

Reality of Tigers• Only a year ago there were calculated to be 24 tigers in the

park, one of India’s 27 tiger reserves. • A century ago, India had about 40,000 tigers. By 1988, as a

result of extensive hunting and poaching, there were just 4,500 left. Now the true figure is probably 1,000.

• Panna, located near Khajuraho, is the second reserve in which there are now no tigers. Sariska National Park in Rajasthan lost all its tigers in 2005.

• The decline is said to be largely down to poachers serving an insatiable demand for tiger bones, claws and skin in China, Taiwan and Korea, where they are used in traditional medicine. Other factors include electric fences erected by farmers, illegal logging and fights between male tigers over diminishing territory.

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Reality of Tigers

• Just 1,000 tigers left in India• The Indian government admitted that

nobody has seen a Royal Bengal tiger in Panna National Park since January.

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Range of Tigers

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Types of tigers

• Bengal tiger • The Bengal tiger, or Royal Bengal tiger , equals a

race of tiger mainly obtained in India and Bangladesh. They are also obtained in regions of Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar and south Tibet. The Bengal tiger is among the biggest and the just about a lot of of the tiger race, with approximately 1,411 wild tigers being accounted by the Government of India's National Tiger Conservation Authority.

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Bali tiger

• Bali tiger • The Bali tiger , harimau Bali in Indonesian, or

adverted to as samong in primitive Balinese words, is an nonexistent race of tiger ascertained entirely on the little Indonesian island of Bali. This was among ternary race of tiger discovered in Indonesia along with the Javan tiger (as well perhaps extinct) and Sumatran tiger (critically jeopardized

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Indochinese tiger

• Indochinese tiger • The Indochinese tiger or Corbett's tiger comprises a

race of tiger discovered in Cambodia, Laos, Burma, Thailand, and Vietnam. Tigers in peninsular Malaysia, at one time categorised as Indochinese, have lately been reclassified as a separated race, Malayan tiger Panthera tigris jacksoni. The "Corbett's" name roots from the scientific bring up of the subspecies, Panthera tigris corbetti, which successively is called in respect of Jim Corbett.

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Malayan tiger

• The Malayan tiger , discovered in the

southern and primal parts of the Malay Peninsula, until 2004 wasn't viewed a race in its own right. The newly categorization happened after a study by Luo S-J et al. from the Laboratory of Genomic Diversity, part of the U.S. National Cancer Institute.

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White tigers • There's a familiar mutation that develops the white tigers,

technically called chinchilla albinistic,a creature which is scarce in the wild, but widely covered in zoos due to its fame. Upbringing of white tigers will frequently contribute to inbreeding . Numerous openings have come about in white and orange tiger pairing in an effort to rectify the issue, often mix race in the way. Such inbreeding has resulted to white tigers bearing a heavier odds of being born with physical flaws, such as cleft palates and scoliosis (curvature of the spine). Moreover, white tigers are inclined in acquiring crossed eyes . Even evidently sound white tigers mostly don't live as long as their orange counterparts

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Sumatran tiger• Sumatran tiger • Male Sumatran tigers average 204 cm long from head to tail

and weigh approximately 136 kg. Females average out 198 cm long and count approximately 91 kg. Its stripes are thinner than remaining race of tigers' stripes, and it has a more whiskered and maned show, particularly the males. Its slim size makes it lighter to move through heavy rainforests. It has netting between The Sumatran tiger is the youngest of all existing tiger race. its toes that, when spread, makes Sumatran tigers very fast swimmers. It's been acknowledged to drive hooved prey into the water, particularly if the prey beast is a slow swimmer.

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Todays positiion of tigerThe illegal poaching of tigers for

their parts and destruction of their habitat through destruction and buffer zoneencroachment are the biggest challenges faced in the fight to save our Tigers.

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