saturdays mens this€¦ · a meeting of the executive commit-tee of the local committee on...

THE WASHINGTON TIMES FRIDAY MAY 81908 IG y OPPOSE PLAYGROUND- IN GARFIELD PARR Resolutions protesting against the use of any improved parts of Garfield Park for playground purposes were adopted at a meeting of the East Washington Citizens Association last night While favoring the establishment of M I Wellor contended that they should not be used until they are inclosed in order to safeguard the children Mrs Adelaide Selberg and L N Foutz spoke in opposition to the Garfield Park proposition Additional street car lines were urged by the adoption of resolutions The as- sociation indorsed the extension of the Washington Spa Spring and Greta Railroad Companys lines provided they are constructed within eighteen months after the passage of the act Resolutions protesting aginst the use of either Second or Third east between East Capitol and E street south were adopted Upon the ground that it Is wiser to investigate condi tions at the Jail and workhouse with a view to addItional to Planked Shad Dinner at Chesapeake Beach Sunday See ad page itrsaautf Coal soc Off Winter 233 R J M C Grace F NE street relocating the buildings the conferees on District appropriation bill were requested to item ot for an Workhouse 9Adv PricesLincoln 4th Adv play- grounds 5711000 wine the ¬ ¬ BLA1ES CHAUFfEUR I regard the chauffeur as entirely responsible for the accident This was Mrs Charles Noshs explan- ation this morning of the accident to the automobile in which she and three friends were riding when the machine was almost washed over the Broad Branch ford in Bock Creek Nono of those who were in the ma- chine were any the worse for their ex- perience The accident which threatened fer a few moments to develop into a oalaia ity occurred In the middle of the Broad Branch ford yesterday afternoon Mr and Mrs Nash with Mr and Mrs C F Blue of St Louis were in the middle of the swift running stream when the big automobile and went over the ford TUBERCULOSIS MEETING TONIGHT- A meeting of the executive commit- tee of the local committee on arrange- ments International Congress on Tu- berculosis will be held at the home of the chairman William C Wood SOS I street northwest this evening at 8 oclock The of all members has been urgently requested as there are several important items will bo disposed of Baltimore and Ohio R R Excursion and return Sunday Special train leaves Union 8 am Adv FOR ACCIDENT AT fORO I S100 to ForTY Summit Point and Win- chester lIay 10 Hailtown- Charlestown ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ It Pavs to Deal Where Satisfaction Is Guaranteed 417 SEVENTH ST offerings in each department of the store for selling Savings are about a and we make no ad ditional charges for conveniences No Extra Charges For Credit j Es Mens 165C Spring Suits Mens fancy angle and doublebreast- ed suits in the newest stripe and plaid materials highly to 1250 for Saturday only Fine Guaranteed Blue Serge Suits Mens single nd doublebreasted blue serge suits strictly all wool all seams taped and guaranteed absolutely Any suit that fades will be replaced free of charge 1250 Spring Suits Young mens line spring suits light and dark effects single or double breasted styles reduced to 871 for to morrow Mens 350 g 79 Trousers i Yens 5350 Caselmere and worsted trousers neat stripes reduced to L79 for Saturday only Ladies 17 Sprint Suits Ladies blue and black stripe suits threebutton hip length coats fit ting back full sleeves with cuffs nicely lined and gored skirts full pleated at the bottom and trimmed above the hem with wide fold 0 self material 800 Panama Walking SMrts Blue black and gray check Panama Skirts full gored side pleated at the bottom and trimmed with small buttons 125 White Lawn Waists Fine white lawn waists have fronts and trimmed with Vaienciennee edging Exact 2Inch Post Brass Bed Handsome Brass Bed just like this illustration Has heavy two inch posts with flat knobs on top fourteen fillers and fine English lacquering 7100 Brass Beds Massive Twoinch Continuous Post Brass Beds extra heavy have large fillers massive chills and fine Etruscan finish On 15 Days Free Trial The White is the best sewing machine made and we want to prove- It to you at our expense- If you need a good sewing machine one that will give lasting service we can save you 35 or more on the price You have 15 days free trial in your own homo and if the machine is not perfectly satisfactory you can return it and under no obligations whatever This 6000 White Sewing Machine Fully guaranteed White Sewing Ma- chine just like this picture This ma- chine has a case of finest quartered white oak automatic lift drop head two drawers full ball bearing finely nickeled and is furnished with- a complete set of the latest steel at- tachments Special sale price is 12975 Sewing Machines Open Saturdays Until 9 P M This is positively the lowest price for any reliable sewIng ma ington These machines have drop heads four drawers golden oak woodwork nickeled and utrr guaranteed absolutely for five years A trial will you that they are uperk r to many machines sold as high as 40v H 11jJ tl3j 409 Saturdays BargainsSpe- cial Mens Clothing 12 5 0 i1 tailoredreduced 1 0 5 0 t Young Mens 8 7r15 I II I 4 Ladies Wear I t 52 9 J Brass BedsT- hIs 18 75 53 75 White Sewing Machines 2975 p rts 1 Colonial J chine has ever been t i tt a i tomor- rows r s c e I o t i dC t 1398 41 cov- ered 79c tuck e lit 1 DropHead 1850 ash N y fa a ¬ > ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Dorothy Winwood Chocolates Special a pound OOO always a rush for these whenever are advertised end no wonder theyre such tempting delicious candies heavily chocolate coat ed and asserted savors a to others elsewhere at much higher price here tomorrow at 2Ic a Dept Flrst Fleet II SaturdayT- heres pound ¬ 1000 Umbrell- asat 150 For Men Made of the very beet American Taffeta and best English Mercerised Gloria with steel rods and paragon Womens Umbrellas have han- dles with German silver cP horn with sliver trimmings plain and den handles and princess box- wood sticks r men have handles of horn plain and bands Some selfopening Um brellas for men a fey of the extra big 32lneh Umbrel- las at 59c 75c e some with silver and to framer gun- metal p aced ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Silk Linen Pongee Actual values 150 to 250 All with pretty rice wood The Pon gees are mostly plain centers wf J colored taf- feta borders hemstitched ember id dots or figures THE LINEN are all white with allover embroidery d win aad embroid ered borders eyelet effects THE SILK PAR ASOLS are light blue pink brown wavy groan black white some with Dresden figured borders Parasols 98c tIc In with Pare la ¬ ¬ ¬ Open until 9 p m tomorrow Bh sr PA THE BUSY CORNER s Ive The first big sale for a long time will be the best in many months men women Most Umbrellas and Tassel makers financial dlMcultie in the late panic but from one whose notes came due faster than he could find money to pay them with sacrificed his stock We got every piece at n average of considerably less tiian half what he sold them to the retail trade for The constant need his summer of one or both of these articles makes this sale so important to every man and woman in the city that no one can afford to let it pass Big display in the show windows and bigger display on the nrstflaor Bargain tables sacrifice of parasols and umbrellas for and I t I i 150 to 300 and styles for men and women- A thousand in lot Made of the very best quality Union taffeta silk with plate others silk tape edges All with steel rods and paragon strongest moat frames aside HA of the Womens Umbrellas include sterling silver caps silver and plain arid silver trimmed plain and sliver trimmed tlver poets with pearl trimming anti fine box FC t the Umbrellas for 98cSi- zes with fnune the ble DLE6 barest KEN are SInch with aui natural wood handles pIln trimmed silver I y b- I this soars woods Um- brellas stye horn and rtltit stsrbag Tomorrow only And you have to get it tomorrow We guarantee every pen Each is fitted with a patent safety clip as picture j the same size style as regular 3 0 pens sold uader a name made famous through advertising We sell this always as a departt d r at UJt It ta as to be sensations and sold by most stores in cities at L3B and J1M To be to buy at Me is so rare an event EVERY ONE riTTJJJJ WTTH are i4varat sold The picture hi actual size It win SAPSTS CLIP THAT PBEVSZTTS points LOSS BY PEW DSOPPHTO OUT OP such an offer again floor StaUcbery Dept POCKET This 350 size guaranteed pen 69c t the pen able You eaat bee we think before WIll t o her go wreog The tam npte any First > The best soap bargain ever Four 15c cakes for jl cents and a handsome nickeled soap box absolutely FREE tomorrow- The soap is the famous plums Jersey Cream toilet soap This is one of best known and most meritorious dainty toilet soaps be had at any price A single cake anywhere in the United States will cost you ISc We sell it always at that Tomorrow to Times readers we are going ta give four cakes for and IN ADDITION give to each a hand- some nlckleO oap box absoluetly free This soap gives a wonderfully sooth creamlike lather invigorating and rereshlng to the skin It has the softening qvalties of the famous Wllliazus Shaving Somas known to every- man Jn the Ti ited States This bargain not on Weve arranged it for TIMES READERS ONLY and it is limited and the offer restricted to tomorrow only First Floor Perfume ry reliable uptodate encyclopedia volumes For school home or office use Complete authentic handy AND GUARANTEED We bought these from a publishing huttfle that but have so much faith in the works that we otter to refund your money tf after one weeks examlnatio you find the set to your needs J5o concern In the world could do more Ask to this great work Third Floor Book Store Laundry soaps ivory included 6 cakes 21cY- our dealer cannot buy to sell agan at so low a figure as we ask Eight kinds Ivory Cincinnati Oliene Swifts Pride Gokj Dust Wood Soap rrookes Crystal and Pearllne Limit of cakee to one buyer HOUSEHOLD AMMOXIArFull quart Bottle with a limit of two O to a buyer tomorrow at each O2 the 5 r p- tA In eight I 450 I unsuited C le i fated see to- morrow < ¬ ¬ Five of these books Theyre worth to 2Bc each and are such editions as the Seaside Li- brary Laurel Library and many others and from the pets of such writers s Charles Garviee Laura Jean Libby GeorgJe Sheldon and others Some worth as much as 25c each choice of any of tips following titles and of a great number oth- er titles not mentioned at sack Ie The First Violin by TottiergUL Dora by 3L J Raised by Sentkworth Duchess by TM Puah n- Ivaaboe by Waiter Scou Romans of Tw Wort by terle- Corelll Three sy AJeanMre Queen B wt by lira Mergfe Nora by Mrs Gettcte aheMaa Loat a Pearl by 24 toergto- Vlrfrfs Ia2t ritaB e ty Gesrgie Sheldon lone by Laura Jest LJteby The Story of 1Aiglon by Caries Stella Fortune by Cba tec Oarvice 3rd floor Books Visiting cards printed while youwaitS- ee the Automatic Press Main Aisle First Floor Its a case of good work quick Your name and add ess printed on lot cards in the pap ilar Tiffany text or for 25c or one for 6c lie o Boa Self The Guards IlL 3 I t t r- t J Dean e Mrs a Duos i hlltddSt iioa shad- ed ld Gngpah tyie either Sc far only ¬ ¬ > Allsilk taffeta parasols 198 Actual values 300 to 500 All dean goods made for this seasons business and in U styles to be this ma on Six hundred of thorn and unprecedented variety as well as values Mad AMUtty AMslDx Taffeta HAKDLES are plain rice sticks and long post bird swan and perry carved heads COLX RS Yowll red green navy brrwn Inptenty pink pongees ta ma light blue lavender gray black and white TIE EFFECTS The first down who want e to match will be able to get them tile B et tile MItt land Hunters e- lects with allover em black sad whit some with embrokerad figure borders small checked border plain taffetas with wide satin or borders and a great Of plain and th plain centers and bor new fresh yr acre js whir effects aty las krill figured va fancy pongees gi and figured hemstitched iaae dots y ° 300 Childrens parasols 49c Worth 75c Tteee hundred and In an the pretty eoJors- Mtti girls want to match summer dresses Ttoene are boon parasols with embroidered awl some with borders AU SlUt Parasols in light blue pink red tan and linen with hemstitched borders to 100 embroidered and tes- ters Soisette Fancy beltingb- elt length Gold predominates in these bettings sad is comotaMd with colors such as Copenhagen bine navy blue rave tan sad other shades Design ww is mostly scroll effect and this Is of Sold They are rich appearing belting and can be had to harmonize with any costume Any tomorrow at Sc a belt First Xaaa Sons fc Co 29 C f brown I FloorS length i Forget the weather and buy sheet music 9 a copy Saturdays sheetmusic bargains wfr shut MC department we wm place o sale the fWhrntor at MM 15c Saturday Whether It ram shine mar y music wilt make the fib xa KlgWier Lk and will ha to fled year sad the Jds U k opt Pla7 lc e or s ys sw r title Lst you happily surprised favorites latest Blathers sr a lyslr Slot iR aas pc eso a VOCAL Its Good Sweetheart Days Mary Heather Queen Obed to You Mandy Lane rat Afraid to Corn Hess in the Dark Dear Heart of Dreams Writer e Dearie Ill Yet Smarty We Wont Go Hose Until M mlag 5c per copy Rome Sweet Home Mascas in the Cold Cold Ground Over the Waves Cost Amore La Sorella Clown Pranks If Its Geo4 for Jaoadt for Hew I r Are Yost neue l tilr Wa MgIa llS Garden area Bin i ew If Loved 2Ce Somebody Lied Summertime 15c per copy by mail add Ic for postage iNSTRUflENTAL- Massonia TWaltae- arvanhoe Intermezzo DHI Pickles Rag The following at Sc copy have a of each of these numbers leg which we will place- on sale for Saturday at 5c per copy And others while they last We I I HODSEFURNISHINGS I JSII Nursery Refrig- erator of extra grade Un neatly panned in oak lined and well packed Ice water com partment fitted with nickel faucet and war- ranted to give- satisfaction Cj Beet Double strength Tarrine Moth Balls a positive moth prevented Sale price Ib J2 Best strength Tarrlne Moth- proof Paper in any de length Salt Ore price per yard 2- 909S Ice Chests reKn outside case of genuine vanized iron lined and packed with mineral wool and charcoal sheathing size 30x30x 9 8 Sale price I ash tn oak gar warrant to give tire sa 8 98 price gal sep- arate C en sfa- ctlon Sale ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Demonstration of the Snow Flake Ice Cream Freezer Requires less ice less time and less labor than the old style freezers costs about half aa much is guaranteed to give entire satisfaction Ask the demonstrator Third floor Ho sefur- niehlng Dept 1quart 4quart JVf- 51J Wash Boilers oC extra grade tin highly polished with heavy copper bottoms and riveted handles No 8 size Sale QQC price JL4 Carpet empire made Bissell Carpet Sweeper Co nicely m laud and fitted with extra grade bris- tle Sale HOC 136 Garbage Cans of extra grade triplecoat- ed galvanized iron with tight covers and rivet- ed handles Sgal Qr Ion size Sale price O The quart 1ro 1 SweeperS- the 1 raaw by I the It b roc price ¬ ¬ us Gas Stoves or Hot Plates with two teat burners a saver and warranted to give entire satisfaction C 89 Sic Water Sets In fine pitcher tumblers and embossed tray Sale CQc price fe Fine Plain Thin Blown Warer in size well ished Sale price Sc Fine Plain Porcelain Dinner Plates- In pretty shapes 5 Inch size t price each 2c Hernia Patent Pe tato or Fruit Press family 17C size SBc Granite Iron Hies or Double Boilers 4 pint sloe Sale QC price 13c Acme TI i Flour Sieves the revolving kind family size Sale price thin blown crystal comprising aL SIx thin oz and sMOOthly fin 3C c I C 7 0 6Iti- 3l f plain 9oz tearS 1 bite < Meat with four different knives family she warranted give entire and last satisfaction Or Sale price tic Parlor Brooow with four well made of selected stock light and durable Sale price i lie Granite Iron Serum less Bouts Sauceyiuio with long handle a 4 cover Uptat O r also c We Granite Iron with ball ban and cover i fit Sale prtee 140 Sets of Mrs Potts Famous S aa Irons comprising three irons separate and nickelplated tin or O 9 I I p I i 16c Sale die 39 atar 8e Sale price 5131 rood choppers piles Tea- Kettles c Ddlo ¬ 25c Chiffon Ruching 12 C yd Is a good Saturday bargain sUn retains a wrong hold in tub ion world You mast have We have a lot of regular Sc Chiffon Suehing to all watte tt rtt or pink m a dif forent patterns to sell fir 13ifce a y Net often tubing to offered at beif ycloe take advantage Of than Smtardajr Seme wortk a yard First Floor S Kaaa aoae Co A J I the I t At se- cured a All silk umbrellas 189W- orth 300 and 400 e 3 this I For men and for WOOMB They mid of tIN very Met qual- ity yarn dyed black Taffeta- StHc They are the tioseroittng- rMn We Mens Usbr Iiat hare sterling sinter and gold plated handles and box wood TIe TJaabceHag have plain boxwood bandies These are extraordinary values and the sale of these should be abort at Nt than TIM I sticks to la t are s princess effects hilts ¬ > Festive Flea tom Bombay CHteooe Dandy March Sugar Plum Writer of Cherry Musette OOel Moret Gold and Silver Writer e the Merry Widow March Summertime Watees Down n the Jayom fee Heaven Barn Dane Mill Meet rovettght Waltzes 5c per copy Old Black Joe Old Hose Paderewskis Mennet Old Folks at Home Angel Voices Ever Near Budding Flowers ldhsos eC tM J Dimples ol Case Cor PW I I Sass Writer in a Tomorrow the only chance to buy at this price The makers failed The receiver didnt know the mercantile tricks of marketing goods and a quick in 25 different styles and made to sell at 39c 50c are offered at i9c kss than their worth Oxvdized gun metal silver and gold plate in plain fancy embossed and stone set effects Youll be a lucky buyer when you get one or more these at I9c First Dept Veil pins 25 styles choice 19c windup of the affairs at whatever price the goods would bring was decided That why Veil Pins floorJewelry 4 9 upon ha SS88 Brightest and Beet Flame Oil Cook Stoves in two size odorless sad smokeless and itively warranted to give en tire find last tie Covered Vegetable Dtehes in line American china daintily in attractive floral with gilt QflL- stee Sale Sc Fruit or Dessert Saucers in hoe Ameri- can thins vcitk doalr able floral decoration and gilt tra good price fe PIM Plain White attmetive shape Sal 9e Tea Saoeers to match Sale fi pries Me Fine Plata his or Milk Glasses sine welt made and smoothly fin iehed price MInter Ift 29 tneIac price 5C Tea c 3 C c Blow lee Tea Doc 5c v E non lag t Batlsfac Sal price deco- rated deslan p ales Porcelain lot Sal ¬ ¬ ¬ >> 54 6 Lawn Hose com- plete on hardwood reel ply wirewrap ped hose with beet braes nozzle and hardwood reel Granite Iron Kitchen Dteaella including liar MB Tea Pots Coffee Pots Covered Buckets Lip Kettles ant Sa ee Regularly Sfe- to e Choice tomorrow SKJ Radium enttors with outside ease of ash ii oak finish galvanized iron and mineral wool and char- coal sheathing all parts are removable easily cleaned 73 lbs lee capacity warranted tj enure aae last 325 r 17C eked u i pressure o tn Ref rig an f r action 13Q Sale ¬ ¬ =

Upload: others

Post on 14-Oct-2020




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Page 1: Saturdays Mens This€¦ · A meeting of the executive commit-tee of the local committee on arrange- ... serge suits strictly all wool all seams taped and guaranteed absolutely Any




Resolutions protesting against the useof any improved parts of Garfield Parkfor playground purposes were adoptedat a meeting of the East WashingtonCitizens Association last night Whilefavoring the establishment of

M I Wellor contended thatthey should not be used until they areinclosed in order to safeguard thechildren Mrs Adelaide Selberg and LN Foutz spoke in opposition to theGarfield Park proposition

Additional street car lines were urgedby the adoption of resolutions The as-sociation indorsed the extension of theWashington Spa Spring and GretaRailroad Companys lines provided theyare constructed within eighteen monthsafter the passage of the act

Resolutions protesting aginst the useof either Second or Third eastbetween East Capitol and E streetsouth were adopted Upon the groundthat it Is wiser to investigate conditions at the Jail and workhouse witha view to

addItional to

Planked Shad Dinner at ChesapeakeBeach Sunday See ad page

itrsaautfCoal soc Off Winter

233 R J M C Grace F N E


relocating the buildings theconferees on District appropriationbill were requested to item otfor anWorkhouse





5711000 wine the




I regard the chauffeur as entirelyresponsible for the accident

This was Mrs Charles Noshs explan-ation this morning of the accident tothe automobile in which she and threefriends were riding when the machinewas almost washed over the BroadBranch ford in Bock Creek

Nono of those who were in the ma-chine were any the worse for their ex-

perienceThe accident which threatened fer a

few moments to develop into a oalaiaity occurred In the middle of the BroadBranch ford yesterday afternoon Mrand Mrs Nash with Mr and Mrs CF Blue of St Louis were in the middleof the swift running stream when thebig automobile and went overthe ford


A meeting of the executive commit-tee of the local committee on arrange-ments International Congress on Tu-

berculosis will be held at the home ofthe chairman William C Wood SOS Istreet northwest this evening at 8

oclock The of all membershas been urgently requested as thereare several important items willbo disposed of

Baltimore and Ohio R R Excursion

and return SundaySpecial train leaves Union 8 am




S100 to ForTYSummit Point and Win-

chester lIay 10








It Pavs to Deal Where Satisfaction Is Guaranteed


offerings in each department of the store forselling Savings are about a and we make no ad

ditional charges for conveniences

No Extra Charges For Credit jEs

Mens 165C

Spring SuitsMens fancy angle and doublebreast-

ed suits in the newest stripe and plaidmaterials highly to

1250 for Saturday only

Fine GuaranteedBlue Serge Suits

Mens single nd doublebreasted blueserge suits strictly all wool all seamstaped and guaranteed absolutely Anysuit that fades will be replaced free ofcharge

1250 Spring SuitsYoung mens line spring suits light

and dark effects single or doublebreasted styles reduced to 871 for tomorrow

Mens 350 g 79Trousers iYens 5350 Caselmere and worsted

trousers neat stripes reduced to L79for Saturday only

Ladies 17

Sprint SuitsLadies blue and black stripe suits

threebutton hip length coats fitting back full sleeves with cuffs nicelylined and gored skirts full pleated atthe bottom and trimmed above the hemwith wide fold 0 self material

800 PanamaWalking SMrts

Blue black and gray check PanamaSkirts full gored side pleated at thebottom and trimmed with small


125 WhiteLawn Waists

Fine white lawn waists have fronts

and trimmed with Vaienciennee edging

Exact 2InchPost Brass Bed

Handsome Brass Bed just likethis illustration Has heavy twoinch posts with flat knobs ontop fourteen fillers and fineEnglish lacquering7100

Brass BedsMassive Twoinch Continuous

Post Brass Beds extra heavyhave large fillers massive chillsand fine Etruscan finish

On 15 Days Free TrialThe White is the best sewing machine made and we want to prove-

It to you at our expense-If you need a good sewing machine one that will give lasting service

we can save you 35 or more on the priceYou have 15 days free trial in your own homo and if the machine is

not perfectly satisfactory you can return it and under no obligationswhatever

This 6000 WhiteSewing Machine

Fully guaranteed White Sewing Ma-chine just like this picture This ma-chine has a case of finest quarteredwhite oak automatic lift drop headtwo drawers full ball bearing finelynickeled and is furnished with-a complete set of the latest steel at-tachments Special sale price is12975

Sewing Machines

Open SaturdaysUntil 9 P M

This is positively the lowest pricefor any reliable sewIng maington These machines have dropheads four drawers golden oakwoodwork nickeled and utrrguaranteed absolutely for five yearsA trial will you that theyare uperk r to many machines soldas high as 40v


11jJ tl3j409

Saturdays BargainsSpe-cial

Mens Clothing12 5 0i1


10 50t

Young Mens 8 7r15I



Ladies Wear


t5 2 9


Brass BedsT-hIs 18 7 5

53 75

White Sewing Machines

2975p rts



chine has ever been

t i











t 139841





1 DropHead 1850ash

N y fa











Dorothy Winwood ChocolatesSpecial a pound OOO

always a rush for these wheneverare advertised end no wonder theyre suchtempting delicious candies heavily chocolate coated and asserted savors a to others elsewhereat much higher price here tomorrow at 2Ic a

Dept Flrst Fleet





1000 Umbrell-

asat 150For Men Made of the very

beet American Taffeta and bestEnglish Mercerised Gloria withsteel rods and paragonWomens Umbrellas have han-dles with German silver cPhorn with sliver trimmings

plain andden handles and princess box-wood sticks r menhave handles of horn plain and

bands Some selfopening Umbrellas for men a feyof the extra big 32lneh Umbrel-las

at 59c75c


some with silver and




p aced





Silk LinenPongee

Actual values 150 to 250All with pretty rice wood The Pon

gees are mostly plain centers wf J colored taf-

feta borders hemstitched ember id dotsor figures THE LINEN are all whitewith allover embroidery d win aad embroid

ered borders eyelet effects THE SILK PARASOLS are light blue pink brown wavygroan black white some with Dresden figuredborders

Parasols 98ctIc


withPare la




Open until 9 p m tomorrow

Bh sr PA


The first big sale for a long time will be the best in many months

men womenMost Umbrellas and Tassel makers financial dlMcultie in the late panic but from one whose notes came due faster than he could find money to pay them with sacrificed his

stock We got every piece at n average of considerably less tiian half what he sold them to the retail trade for The constant need his summer of one or both of these articles makes thissale so important to every man and woman in the city that no one can afford to let it pass Big display in the show windows and bigger display on the nrstflaor Bargain tables

sacrifice of parasols and umbrellas for and I

t Ii

150 to 300

and styles for men and women-A thousand in lot Made of the very best quality Union taffeta silk with plate others

silk tape edges All with steel rods and paragon strongest moat frames aside HAof the Womens Umbrellas include sterling silver caps silver and plain arid silver trimmed

plain and sliver trimmed tlver poets with pearl trimming anti fine box FC t the

Umbrellas for 98cSi-zes

withfnune the ble DLE6barest

KENare SInch with aui natural wood handles pIln trimmed silver

Iy b-


this soars

woods Um-brellas stye horn and rtltit stsrbag


And you have to get it tomorrow We guarantee every pen Each is fitted with a patent safety clip as picture j the same sizestyle as regular 3 0 pens sold uader a name made famous through advertising We sell this always as a departt d r at UJt It ta

as to be sensationsandsold by most stores in cities at L3B and J1M To be to buy at Me is so rare an event

EVERY ONE riTTJJJJ WTTH are i4varat sold The picture hi actual size It winSAPSTS CLIP THAT PBEVSZTTS pointsLOSS BY PEW DSOPPHTO OUT OP such an offer again floor StaUcbery DeptPOCKET

This 350 size guaranteed pen 69ct

the penable You eaat

bee we think before WIll

to her go wreog

The tam npte anyFirst


The best soap bargain everFour 15c cakes for jl centsand a handsome nickeled soap box absolutely FREE tomorrow-

The soap is the famous plums Jersey Cream toilet soap Thisis one of best known and most meritorious dainty toilet soaps be hadat any price A single cake anywhere in the United States will cost youISc We sell it always at that Tomorrow to Times readers we are going tagive four cakes for and IN ADDITION give to each a hand-some nlckleO oap box absoluetly free This soap gives a wonderfully sooth

creamlike lather invigorating and rereshlng to the skin It has thesoftening qvalties of the famous Wllliazus Shaving Somas known to every-man Jn the Ti ited States This bargain not on Weve arrangedit for TIMES READERS ONLY and it is limited and the offer restricted totomorrow only First Floor Perfume ry

reliable uptodate encyclopediavolumes

For school

home or

office useComplete authentic handy AND GUARANTEED We bought these

from a publishing huttfle that but have so much faith in the worksthat we otter to refund your money tf after one weeks examlnatio youfind the set to your needs J5o concern In the world could do moreAsk to this great work Third Floor Book Store

Laundry soaps ivory included6 cakes 21cY-

our dealer cannot buy to sell agan at so low a figure as we askEight kinds Ivory Cincinnati Oliene Swifts Pride Gokj Dust

Wood Soap rrookes Crystal and Pearllne Limit of cakee to one buyerHOUSEHOLD AMMOXIArFull quart Bottle with a limit of two O

to a buyer tomorrow at each O2


5 r



In eightI












Five of these books

Theyre worth to 2Bc each andare such editions as the Seaside Li-

brary Laurel Library and manyothers and from the pets of suchwriters s Charles Garviee LauraJean Libby GeorgJe Sheldon andothers Some worth as much as 25c

each choice of any of tips followingtitles and of a great number oth-

er titles not mentioned at sack IeThe First Violin by TottiergULDora by 3L J

Raised by SentkworthDuchess by TM Puah n-

Ivaaboe by Waiter ScouRomans of Tw Wort by terle-

CorelllThree sy AJeanMreQueen B wt by lira MergfeNora by Mrs Gettcte aheMaaLoat a Pearl by 24 toergto-Vlrfrfs Ia2t ritaB e ty Gesrgie

Sheldonlone by Laura Jest LJtebyThe Story of 1Aiglon by CariesStella Fortune by Cba tec Oarvice3rd floor Books

Visiting cardsprinted while youwaitS-

ee the Automatic Press MainAisle First Floor Its a case ofgood work quick Your name andadd ess printed on lot cards in thepap ilar Tiffany text or

for 25c or one for 6clie










t J

Dean e


a Duos ihlltddSt


shad-ed ld Gngpah tyie either Scfar only




Allsilk taffeta parasols 198Actual values 300 to 500

All dean goods made for this seasons business and in U styles to bethis ma on Six hundred of thorn and unprecedented variety as well as values Mad

AMUtty AMslDx Taffeta HAKDLES are plain rice sticks and long postbird swan and perry carved heads

COLX RS Yowll red green navy brrwn Inptenty pink pongees ta malight blue lavender gray black and white TIE EFFECTS

The first down who want e to match will be able to get them

tile Bet tile

MIttland Hunters e-

lects with allover emblack sad whit some with embrokerad figure borders small checked

border plain taffetas with wide satin or borders and a greatOf plain and th plain centers and bor

new fresh yr

acre js whir

effects atylaskrill figured vafancy pongees gi and figured hemstitched iaaedots y


300 Childrensparasols 49c

Worth 75cTteee hundred and In an the pretty eoJors-

Mtti girls want to match summer dressesTtoene are boon parasols with embroidered

awl some with borders AUSlUt Parasols in light blue pinkred tan and linen with hemstitched borders

to 100




Fancy beltingb-eltlength

Gold predominates in these bettingssad is comotaMd with colors such as

Copenhagen bine navy bluerave tan sad other shades

Design ww is mostly scroll effectand this Is of Sold They are richappearing belting and can be had toharmonize with any costume

Any tomorrow at Sc a beltFirst Xaaa Sons fc Co

29 C






Forget the weather and buy sheetmusic 9 a copy

Saturdays sheetmusic bargainswfr shut MC department we wm place o sale the fWhrntor at MM

15cSaturdayWhether It ram shine mar y music wilt make the fib xa KlgWier Lk andwill ha to fled year sad the Jds U k opt

Pla7 lc


or s ys sw r title Lstyou happily surprised favorites latest Blathers sr a

lyslr Slot iR aas pc esoaVOCAL

Its GoodSweetheart DaysMary Heather Queen

Obed to YouMandy Lanerat Afraid to Corn Hess in the

DarkDear Heart

of Dreams Writer eDearie

Ill YetSmartyWe Wont Go Hose Until M mlag

5c per copyRome Sweet HomeMascas in the Cold Cold GroundOver the WavesCost AmoreLa SorellaClown Pranks

If Its Geo4 forJaoadt for


I r

Are Yost neuel tilr WaMgIa




Bin i ewIf Loved 2CeSomebody LiedSummertime

15c per copy by mailadd Ic for postage

iNSTRUflENTAL-Massonia TWaltae-arvanhoe IntermezzoDHI Pickles Rag

The following at Sc copyhave a of each of thesenumbers leg which we will place-on sale for Saturday at

5c per copyAnd others while they last




erator of extra gradeUn neatly panned inoak linedand well packed

Ice water compartment fitted withnickel faucet and war-ranted to give-satisfaction Cj

Beet Doublestrength Tarrine MothBalls a positive mothprevented Saleprice Ib J2

Beststrength Tarrlne Moth-proof Paper in any de

length SaltOreprice per yard 2-909S Ice Chests reKn

outside case of genuinevanized iron lined andpacked with mineralwool and charcoalsheathing size 30x30x

9 8Sale price I

ash tn oak gar

warrant to givetire sa

8 98price





ctlon Sale




Demonstration of theSnow Flake Ice CreamFreezer

Requires less ice lesstime and less labor thanthe old style freezerscosts about half aamuch is guaranteed togive entire satisfaction

Ask the demonstratorThird floor Ho sefur-

niehlng Dept1quart

4quart JVf-51J Wash Boilers oC

extra grade tin highlypolished with heavycopper bottoms andriveted handlesNo 8 size Sale QQCprice

JL4 Carpetempire made

Bissell CarpetSweeper Co nicely mlaud and fitted withextra grade bris-tle Sale HOC

136 Garbage Cans ofextra grade triplecoat-ed galvanized iron withtight covers and rivet-ed handles Sgal QrIon size Sale price O

Thequart 1ro 1

SweeperS-the 1 raawby I the







us Gas Stoves or Hot Plates withtwo teat burners a saver andwarranted to give entire satisfaction

C89Sic Water Sets In fine

pitchertumblers and embossedtray Sale CQcprice

fe Fine Plain ThinBlown Warerin size well

ished Sale priceSc Fine Plain

Porcelain Dinner Plates-In pretty shapes 5Inch size t

price each2c Hernia Patent Pe

tato or Fruit Pressfamily 17Csize

SBc Granite Iron Hiesor Double Boilers 4pint sloe Sale QCprice

13c Acme TI i FlourSieves the revolvingkind family sizeSale price

thin blown crystalcomprising aL

SIx thin

ozand sMOOthly fin 3C



0 6Iti-




1 bite



four different knivesfamily she warranted

give entire and lastsatisfaction Or

Sale price

tic Parlor Brooowwith four wellmade of selected stocklight and durableSale price

i lie Granite Iron Serumless Bouts Sauceyiuiowith long handle a 4cover Uptat O ralso c

We Granite Ironwith ball ban

and cover ifit Sale prtee

140 Sets of MrsPotts Famous S a aIrons comprising threeirons separateandnickelplated tin




I p




die 3 9

atar8eSale price

5131rood choppers






25c Chiffon Ruching 12 C ydIs a good Saturday bargain

sUn retains a wrong hold in tubion world You mast have We havea lot of regular Sc Chiffon Suehing toall watte tt rtt or pink m a difforent patterns to sell fir 13ifce a y Net oftentubing to offered at beif ycloe take advantageOf than Smtardajr Seme wortk a yard

First Floor S Kaaa aoae Co







All silk umbrellas

189W-orth 300 and 400

e 3 this IFor men and for WOOMB They

mid of tIN very Met qual-ity yarn dyed black Taffeta-StHc They are the tioseroittng-rMn We Mens Usbr Iiathare sterling sinter and goldplated handles and box wood

TIeTJaabceHag have plain

boxwood bandies These areextraordinary values and thesale of these should be abort


Nt than


Isticks to

la tare


princess effectshilts



Festive Flea tomBombay CHteooeDandy March

Sugar Plum Writer of CherryMusette OOel MoretGold and Silver Writer e the

Merry WidowMarch

Summertime Watees

Down n the Jayom fee HeavenBarn Dane Mill Meetrovettght Waltzes

5c per copyOld Black JoeOld HosePaderewskis MennetOld Folks at HomeAngel Voices Ever NearBudding Flowers

ldhsoseC tM


Dimples ol Case CorPW



Writer in a

Tomorrow the only chance to buy at this priceThe makers failed The receiver didnt know the mercantile tricks of marketing goods and a quick

in 25 different styles and made to sell at 39c 50c are offered at i9c kss than their worthOxvdized gun metal silver and gold plate in plain fancy embossed and stone set effects Youll be alucky buyer when you get one or more these at I9c First Dept

Veil pins 25 styles choice 19c

windup of the affairs at whatever price the goods would bring was decided That why Veil Pins


4 9


SS88 Brightest andBeet Flame OilCook Stoves in two

size odorlesssad smokeless anditivelywarranted to give entire find last

tie Covered VegetableDtehes in line Americanchina daintily

in attractive floralwith gilt

QflL-stee Sale

Sc Fruit or DessertSaucers in hoe Ameri-can thins vcitk doalrable floral decorationand gilt tragoodprice

fe PIM Plain Whiteattmetive shapeSal

9e Tea Saoeers tomatch Sale fipries

Me Fine Plata hisor MilkGlasses sine weltmade and smoothly finiehedprice






Tea c3 C


Blow lee TeaDoc


v E


lagt Batlsfac

Sal price




Porcelain lot






54 6 Lawn Hose com-plete on hardwood reel

ply wirewrapped hosewith beet braes nozzleand hardwood reel

Granite Iron KitchenDteaella including liarMB Tea PotsCoffee Pots CoveredBuckets Lip Kettlesant Sa eeRegularly Sfe-to e Choicetomorrow

SKJ Radiumenttors with outsideease of ash iioak finish galvanizediron andmineral wool and char-coal sheathing all partsare removableeasily cleaned 73 lbslee capacity warrantedtj enure aae last






i pressure

o tn

Ref rig

a n

f raction 13QSale


