saturday r r pioneer1 - · the saturday tress. i upioneer1'line...

THE SATURDAY TRESS. i u Pione er1 ' Line a v t w r a r e n r r n 1 1 it r n uf.hku itim srmonirllov FROM LIVERPOOL. ri VE J)OII,AUS A YEAR IN ADVANCE M rotelAn flnb'crlpttom. from $f i I" 'Aae Saturday R JirfSS. tfttrlliif lo destination r Snliscrlbcis slut Adrrtllirrr nlll rtditrean TIIOB. (! TllllUV.Manarer The Hilmdiy Press. -I- II not hold Itself responsible for the nlterancca of totrrfpondents. Hi All llie"HATUniAi matter for Hi Mslnrday fRBHS." Pre. a hmtil b aildrnsed VOLUME J I., NO. 40.! HONOLULU, 1L I., SATURDAY, J ONE 3, 1882. : WHOLE NUMBER 92. tr i I' i 1 2 i Memorial Day Vcracx ( oBltlbttled In Hie fiATlnBAY Vntur I Inr It Hi" mmn'ry of our lirtto Wlio died tlinlr untlvo land lo anvi Of nil our fnllcii hot a In lilua, lo (lug nml coimtrv over true. Homo n ceiilnry pnul worn alitliii Hotnn 'tio.ntti Now Orleans' lmitloti ruin In .Mexico IIh ninny Itrnvc, Atiil thons.inu'. nltimlmr 'rimlli Hip wrui 'IhoHontli linn ninny n (tramy Krao Wliero lie the brnvrat of tlio lirnvp Homo clvl In blw , it ml roiiio in fitny. Now nlilo by nlilo in tln.tlli llioy Inv llioy brntriy onoli nrwtnliiwl tint fiH'H, iiil illrtl for wlmt I hey lliouulit tlio rlaril IIh I) let i noli lii'iirL ilrlso Into mint itil pjinrlnli li'illi llif blmimid strut lli( hiiiiik IiiikI ni'Mirimnlnxc their urni , I ho h lino Hi ' ii r tin Ir nalisvi wavim, llioiinim limiJHKlrnn lliu Unworn lirlulii i in tlio- - wlio tiled for wrong imd rljilif I lift lioniH IiiiiiI)iii now in fienoo I or with tlio jirniii nitiejt wnrfftni ewtm I with tli' immortal fnllcii lirivr Hi IimIiiti! in llij;rflU' dur fiillmi liriivu lliouidi 'mil their fiilu, I h Ir dontli tins lonilv onr country ptreftt ml tli iluiir old lln fur ulikh llioy dlrd Htill tiroudl) wairn, n iinllon'n prida. In illtlniit land tlionuli homo may In, All, nil, nro wllli tin hero to day, for lo our fallen Ijob In btno Our thrilling heart oror true. "' W H r Tno JMativo JL'rcnc tl rnm the Ko lluuatl Vac Ainu r.MLu.s! Tnou Am Fousam-n-- , 0 Hoxo-- I UI U I l'i icmls or lliu ono lintul mul 1; Irno llnwnimiiH, this in t voico to you, wlio dwell in lliu " of Honolulu. Wo aio foisikui, mid suddenly nlnudotiod liy our KcprcsonlnliTo whom wo took up mul to tlio No. 1 hint, in whom wo hnd confidonco, tliat lio would bo mi ndrocnto, to hcunio our lights, that ho would bo con-htn- nt in his independence, Hint ho would not ho affected by any nspiratiouu for the high position of a Mini'mor. lint wo liavo btcn fooled. Wo hnvo unitedly nud for ti long litno supported thnl mini mid his newspaper. Thirdly wo hnvo boon ontiapptd, mid tLo end of our united support is that lio has diopped lib. Ho is gicntly in ourdoul,nnd is thiB tho roturn ho makca? His address nt tho public mcotiny at Pnuon, stands ns nn ovidouco that Jio is a man tcgnullcsi of the lino of truth. How many times muht tho Hawaiian people bo taught by his acts of botrnynl, no that thoy will bo convinced, and ceaso to placo couCkIcdco in him? If tbid is tho way in which ho bnbitunlly tictits you, what may bo oxpectod of him for tliowholo nation? Slumber not, O king, boio ia this poison. Opon your oyes wido, oxumiuo closely tho doublo talk which ho will cunningly lay bsfuto you. Jlorabois of tbo Cnbinot, bciutinize, watch, bo vigilant for our inteioils. And you, child of Uugluud, display your knowl- edge of law, so that that ono shall niise, and fleo to his plaini and hit) flocks. Tbui: Hawaii. Tnn Nuw Cauimct. His Bxcolloncv W. M. Gibson, Minister of Foreign Afl'uirimid Premier, is one of tho wi60 men among the foreigners here. Ho wns n shepherd in tho Island of Lanni, his brond sheep pn Mures are there, which he obtained through tho money contributed by thoso of tho Mor- mon taith in tho bygono timo of ignorance. Ho first enmo horo from America in 18G1. In the past, ho has groitly desired to bo at the head of tho government, and now nt last in tho reign of this king his dtoam is fulGllcd. Ho hub twice been a member of tho Legislature fiom Lahaina, and the present year was elected from Honolulu. Ho is the author of a book on sanitary mattors, and also has secured tho orcotion of a statue of Kamehamcha I. Tho pub- lic opinion is not nuitcd as rcgatds his n, but ns his acts will bo closely watched by his onomies, wo tiro of opiuiou that ho will bo circuinbpcct in his manage- ment of govcrumout alliiirs. His Excellency S. K. Kaai is ouo of tho abloht meu of tho Hawaiian race. Ho is independent, and waB for economy in 1878 and 1880. Ho is n Haunt talker and bis words aro honeyed, but they have woiht. He is thought much of by tho inconstant foreign population among uu. Hte Kscclloucy J. E. UuhIi is a native Hawaiian, ono who lecognizcs small folks as well as great ones, and wo npprovo of ins appointment. iiu .bxcelloncy ii. i'rustou us Attoruoy General will bo accopted by tho publio without dissent, for ho is bolievcd to bo tho best read lawyor heio. I'rum tht HltU l'oaWu. Till I'ucLio Health. There is no hub-je- ct that oughb to bo inoro carefully con- sidered in order lo tho adoption of vigor- ous measures, than that of tho publio health. Thoro exists in this oily, hidden away baok of tho btrootu, auy number of evil smelling places, Rubbish ib collected in piles, with rotting carcabos of dead ani- mals, and tho slouch is fearful: nud in the early morning, when tho light brcczo couils from tuo mountains, tlio odors horn those sources, mingled with thoso of a vast number of privies and cess pools, tills tho nir to an intolerable degree; tho caily land breezo wafts this pestilential nil nil abroad nud it cntors into tho lungs and system of nil the inhabitants. Then when tho juh it well np, unci the wiud dios nwuy, tho hunt poms down upon theso festering musses of rottenness, the nir becomes thick, aud steaming with foul-iie&- s. Whou night aud cooluesscoraos this foul nir broods Dear tho tiifaco of tho aitb, aud that ii tho air whioh our people breathe wbcu tboy sleep. Who will dotty that thes.o mu suiUciout causes of sickness in this toYiV Aud is it not timo that something was being douo to scatter this souico of pestilence 1 Wo trust that tbo government will nndertako tho work, and that the legislature will fivo it generous support, in ovciything that tends to protoot the public health of this city, and olsewhero as well. IhiOMOATlMO DrimxE. Tbeie havo been fieqnent temperauco meetings of Into, and a great detl of rpeech tunkiug about the ovils of drink; souio of the repreout.livo also, Hud somo fornigneis bavo been prom- inent in tho H)ovment,aiid tho temperance movemeut has become very prominent. Some very good ideas bavo bceu pat forth on the subject iu tbo uewi-pipors- . This is my thought. If it is proposed to utterly shut oat liquor from this country, ntid loftvo not the slightest chanco for its ontrnnce llion thoro will bo somo vnluo from nil thti tnlk nnd ngitntion; hut if any little bolo or crick is loft whereby rum can got in, thou I say, better tnkc off all re- strictions nnd let ovcrybody drink ns thoy nlciKc. Why for many yoarc, liquor has Icon forbidden to Hiiwnimnn by law, nud nobody but foreigners weio supposed lo drink it. Thus wn hawi nsori, while ono door was shut nnolhcr wnn opon, which, uhilo it wnn niifnir and oiin-sidc- onnbled (hu Hiiwtiiinns to Ntirieptitiotihly tako nd vmilngo of tlio door that wns opened for tlio fotoigtiorr, and ho got lum in spite of tho hw If liquor is entirely and strictly I'otbiddon lo ovciybody all donrM lightl closed - thou incised will bo H'otimplnlii'd tlio dofliro of tho lovern of tiiiiotfiiil pr-ic- nnd good older, iiut if otliotwiHO, ii nd this is in Inst thought, bolter tnkc of tbo ttibu nt utiuc. J. I. K. H. W. SEVERANCE, Hiuvnllrtu Conmil & CommlfiHlou " llfi C'tll fornln hi .Cut.. Room "So I Jy EDWARD PRESTON, Attnrnoy null Cimunollor nt Enu-- , l r,b Fntt Htrcft. nonoinln. l PI8IIEH'8 CHAMPAGNE CIDER MANUFACTORY AND GROCERY. I, .No. n l.llllmWIrrvl. ly JNO. H. BROWN. Inhprotor of "WolRhlii nnd MnnMirrn, llcrctanla fjlrccl l'i Unli m i in he If ft t Tnllcc Hlitloii. tmi GEO. STRATEMEYEU." Practical Painter, Decorator, Glider, Gtalnor niitl I.ottcrer, Wailtikn,Maiil. 70 ly A. W. RICHARDSON & CO.. rtALiiMr!. I'.'ioIh. ijliocD, l'liinlrhlnr Uooiln, Ilnl-p- , C'npi, Trnnkj vmifcoj, rftnimcry na fimnn, Wtllhtm Wdtchoii, 1 Ino.Tcnclrt, otc, rorncr nt 1 ort nnd Mtrdi inttits , Honolulu It I 1 ly S. MAGNIN, Importer anil Dealer In Dry mul 1'iinry Goods. Bootn, Sliopfi, &c. Attliedrtal I'mtcrn Htoro. Jfo f2 Fort Ht., Honolnln Mly ' L.. W. HOPP, CuWnot Maker, Upholstrr, Dealer In Furnltiu'n, u. 5S Kluc htrcct, httwtcn Kananii anil Fott KtrccK constuntly on hand or made to ord'r ly THOS O. THRUM, Iinportint; and Mannfaotnrinc Stationer. Nnwt Agent, Boole Binder, &., Merchant Street, anil Dealer In Une bUtioncr, Oookn, Mutlc, Torn and Fancy Good", t lfortritrcct. ncir Hotel, Honolulu. lj FRANK GERTZ, BCOTAND SHOEMAKER No. 11 1 Fort bt opposite I'autlicon SUlilce Iluoif mill Mind .llnilo In Oriler, uf Iir-- t nt KriiMiiiblo I'rioc". Dooto ant) Shooomado for Cash only Jy M. S. GRINBATJM & CO., Impoi-tcr- nnil Wholonalo Doaloni in Gene- ral Merchnndlie, s MaUie's Block, Queen Street. 2y M. S. GRINBADM & CO.. Forwarding and CommUtlon Morohants, SH OillfornU bt.,Hm Francltco. Hpoclal fsdlltle for and partlcalar attention paid to g tonnlgnmenlBOf lalandprDdnc" ly VOLOA.NO 'EtOXTSaS! CRATER UF OF UILaVEA. W. n. LENTZ, MANAGER. Tlcrty to eat. a inntlns Arc, clean bodi, and tho beat attendance on Hie Ilanallan Iilands Vltltora requiring any unnenal display of rolcanlc action Kill kindly plie Manapor at leant ten daya notice In fine weatlior, and from cloven tothlrteeu In fonl S ly T. J. HOSSMAN, Importer and Dealer In Crookory, Plain and Decorated Porcelain, Cnt and Treated Glass, Hllrer 1'latcd Ware, Cntlory, Chandellcrf, I.arapa, fMttmnevf. Kir. Flro Froof blorc, cor. King and h'uutuu Sts., llonolnlu, 5 ly MAX ECKART, 'Watchmaker, Jeweller, Engraver nnd Diamond Setter. Ho. S Kaabnmanu Strcft, nonoinln. All ordera faith- - rniiy eiccmea. jj iy WM. MoCAIfDLESS, o II, Uiiona Mlreet. Fish M nrkut, llo'lcr In CholccBt Ilccf, Veal, Mutton, Flab, etc. Family aud riblpplng Ordeia earefnlly attended to. Live stock furnlabcd to tasela at abort notice, and Vrgctablca of sllklndi anpplled to order. H lr A. If. SMITH. 11 riinTaTnULT, lMrORTrRANDDEAtSRIK Meridcu Quadruple l'lattd Ware, Olaaanarc, Klns'l Combination Bpcctaclea and K)C Glaaaca, Iiracketa, Vaaea, Luatral Wire Ware, Fancy boapt. Picture Fratnri, Wottenholm's Pockit Knirei, bclaiori, l'ia tola, rowdir, Shot and Ammnnitlnn, Clark'n Spool Cotton, Machine Oil. all kluda of Machine Needlca, "Domotlc" I'apf r Fashions, bolt Accnt for the uni- versally aeknowledKCd Eickt Running Domestio Sewing Machine C. E. WILLIAMS, Importer, Manufacturer, Upholsterer, and Dealer In Furniture of Kriry Description, rnrnl. ture Ware Itoomii, No. CI Fort Street. Work bhop at tbo Old Stand on Hotel Utrtet. IKT All Ordera l'romptly Attended to. 13 ly CHA8. BREWER CO., 37 Kllby Nt DOfiUin, Agonts of Hawaiian FacKets, General Commission Agents- - Special attention rtlvm to the purclutlnB nf Goods forltio Hawaiian Undo. FrclgUtaat the lowest rite. Mly J. WILLIAMS it, CO. Photographic Artists, 102 and 101 Fott Street. Picture uf ull sin a and klnda made to oiclir, and Frames of all deacrlnllnna constantly on bind. Aleo, SlielU. Corals, and Curiosities of tho Pacltlc. 'J ly WB-- T TAYXOR, V1AN0F0RTE AND ORGAN TUN Kit Q. Thrum'a Fort Htrtet and Merchant Street Storca. 61 Cm MRS. A, M. MELLIS, rnthlouahle Dress aad Cloak Maker, 101 Fott atrert, IIouolulo, II, I t68 1) ly TIIEO. II. IAVIi:ii. laTX Jamow. Orick & Co. IMPORTER AMD C0H-I8S1- 0N MERCHANT AMD AOtkT rOI. l.lovd'a and the I lcrnool Undenvrlter", Drlttih and Forcljn Marine Insurance Company And Norlhcrn Anaranee Company. oS3 ly .",. aliEK. x. r lipuiNaof, ,ll.l.r.. A. HUUINttO.. At ltoliloion's W baif. Dealer in Lumber and all klnda of Building Material!. Palnti, oili, Naili, -- c, -- c, die, auikT.i or .cnooriciia IIALHAUALA, KULAMANU, KEKAUI.UOHI, JtVKV ELLUH rAUAHI, UlLAilA. LEAIU feJ llonolnlu. Hawaiian Islands. ly o. w. NAtii'AiiLA.ii- - t:o IKPOKT-- BB AMD COXMIiBIOM MERCHANTS, Kobloion's FlrM-roo- t Unlldlni:, Qnctn Stxat, Honolulu, U I its rna. Tbc OliiROit and Honolulu Lino of Tacks ti. joanj uay a mi ttvsrpooi and London I' ackcti. sat nsisspi risnuiiioo Tb Bnsocsr risnution, llllo, Uakalisn Plantation, llllo. Mlrrlsti.Tilt t. Watson, Hagxt Mackinco, Tb Puuloa Shcci Kincb Company. bit J. M. DAVIDSON, Attoruoy at law, No. 24 Merchant Btrcot, 690 HQNQl.t't.t 66 ly "W. R. CA8TEE, ATTOnSMV AT .yWV nnd Notary rnbllf. Attend! all Ilia Courn of (be et Ulnrjhom 1 '. t. NC'aiAIil'l 111 AiVit. ImportorB & Contmltalon Morchnnts 871 Honolnln, Hawaiian Itlaidn ly e. ?,. iJcivrvitn. v nnoTii:;tr. tXOO' 'IY. FKED STORE und BAKJJRY Corntr Klujf and Fott Htrect', Honolnln fciily 'vi(iii:it' a '.T fumer of 1 ort and Cncen 8tct, Honolulu. I.ttmbor. PalnU, Oils, Nulla, Bait nnd Building V v "tn tnrlnlr of nvnry I ml. it . -- . i t iti tlKR, ,11. .. OUfOLUN AMD lIOMEOrAlllIU , IIYe.CIA?'. utile -- ( nmr foil nnd ItnLinlu ll Honolnln l0 I!. t'. AUA.II.N. AuottoiiLur und Commission Jlei chant J queen Micct, Hmmliiln ly '.?!. i. 3;n .v t ,)., Ship Uhandlcra und Uointnuuon McrcbaiiU Imporlera and Dealoraln Oencral Mrrelnnillie Onccn I. ly i. .s. 'B,t:4;ii4icrs v :.. niroiiTer.a Attn ozALxnt in O oiioral 3vroxolica3a.cllMiot COS Corner Qiiccn Mid Raahnmann Mirel. ly a:i. ioo9'R'; &,: lMFOKrERS AUD C0HMID3I0H JVEItOllAN-l- B 2 I. l II. .V t'O.", (iEHEBAI. COMMlfaSlO N AOEHTb, H'L - ''rein Hlrrrt, Honolulu, 11. I ly A. W.HI'MH, GROCER AND PROVISION DEALER. Family t'roicry and Feed Store. a'Jj ly W Fort Htrcrt, Honolulu ci ACflfi nrcKri.a wm.ii.h.wiv tv.w. i. nctvm .v o.. Sugar Fttctors and CommiBsiou Agonts Honolnln. 11.1. fa l.Al.AS: A: JO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS And linportcra of ind Ucalcarn In Iliy. Ocsln, nnd bTl Oenerjl l'rudncc. Honolnln, 11. 1. ly .loun 'j. WAi'M-isitoui:- . llirORTEU AND DEALEKIN OEKEKAI. UEHCUAND1BE. 877 ('nocn Blrcet. Ilonnlaln. 11. 1 ly S. M. CARTER, Ajjoiit to tnlco Aoknowlodentontn to Con- tracts for Iinbor. Olllcontr M 8 Dodr, Eeplanadc, Honolulu, H 1 tC 15 ly F. T. LENEHAN & CO., Irniiortori and Commission MnrobnnU, Hi r.nmnn ancct. nonoinln ri HOLiLIiSTER &, CO., Drug-gist- s & Tobacconists, WIIOLESALU AND RETAIL Hit Nnuanu Street, Honolnln. fr4 .1. .11. wnj S7i:v, .11. ),, i. i. ,. Sontnl Rooms on Pott Streot, Ottlee Iu UrcwerV, Block, corner nolaland Fort iitrtcUi bM lj fcntrancc. Hotel Street. a:. o.iiAJLi. & hon, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IK HARDWARE Dry Goods, Fatnta, Oil and General Merchandise, 631 ly Corner Fort and KincHtf. JNO. A. HASSINGER, Agent to take AokanwledgmentN to Con- tracts for Labor. 570 3 Interior Office. Hon tela. ly ii. x.r. cinrsn. r. c J0M3, JK c. SHIPPING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 9M Honolulu, Hawaiian Ialarida. ly JOll.-- II. I'AXV, NOTARY PUBLIC and COMMISSIONER of DIEDS Tor the Statea of California and Neiv 1 ork. Offlct at the Hank of Dlsbop S, Co .Honolulu. obB8 ly lBl,I,I.-iIlA- l A. CO.. IMPORTEHB AND DEALERS IN IlfR' WARK Cutlery, D1--7 Goodi paluta anil Oils, and General Merchandise. 501 No 3TFort Htreet. Honolnln. ly A. W. PEIRCE & CO SHIP CHANDLERS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS aucmts roB Drnud's Unna and Bomb Loncee, , ferry tiaria- - I'am Killer, 886 1 No. 40 Queen St.. llonolnlu. ly J. W. ROBERTSON & CO.. Importing and Manufaetnrlng Stationers Publishers, News Dealers, Book- - Biudors nnd Papor Rulers. 1 J'ST3r'srtreTilint Btrcct. Honolnln. II. I. K8 ;r II O ( . '. TNItU - , isironTiMf AKt MAMTxctmave STATIONER, NEWS AOENT, R AND FAPER RULER, Merchant M. near Fort, and Fort St. near Hotel, 11 ouo lulu, Lahu, U.I. Alao, rublUbcrof the nawallan Almanac and Annual ana Hawaiian Directory and uaunnar, c. The Merchant alrctt Storcl The Fort street fetorc nlll will be devoted 10 ueneral ombraco Flno Stationery, Ntailoncrv. Ulank Dookn. Uooks, Artiata' Material!, Neiva anil Uludln: Depart- - lloyaand Fancy Ooodf. ruinm pro ly koiit. LEWr-n- c. x. tooxr. liElVI!U A. COUK1., bucceiiora to Lcwcaa & DtcmoH, IMPORTERS DEALERS IN LUMBEtt And all kluda of llnildliii; Matulale. Fort Street. Hi ly Honolulu DR. E. H. THACHER, DBITTI8T. No. 101'J Fort Street, (uuitdour abovo 31. DlcUuu'a Pliotosrapli Oallcry.) Satisfaction gnarauteod In Priori and Quality of Work. I'll re Nltraua Oxide Uas udmlnlstcrtd for palnlctt. fe&S catracllnn fo teeth. JOB. E, WISEMAN, Real Eatato Broker & Employment Bureau IleuU Itooruf Cottanea, Houses, and oells and leases Ileal Uatalo In all parts of the Kingdom. Employ mint found for thorn nciklnt; work In all tbc various branches of holiness connected iilh llieio lalanda, tf N I! - Legal DocumcnU drauu, lltlh Uolkcud, Hi oks anil Accounts kept, and general nuke work trans- acted. Patronage solicit! rt, Coiiimlsilous moderate. Honolnln, ll.l 31 Wl . McCHESNEY & GIXHENS, DCALEIlb IN Leather, Hides, & Tallow AGENTS FOR Hoyl Uottp Oomp'y. 8H HI No (JiiecnSt Honolulu. II, I ly a 1, rtsTir i n, ATiirniuv c.vHTJ.ii a, oooui:, 8HIPPINQ AND COMMISSION HERUIIaNIS fHPOKTERH AND- - Doaloro in Conoral IVIorchanciiso, ho to KlncStreit, Honolulu, H I AGENTS FOR The Lnion Insurance Company of San 1 Nuclaco 1 bo New Eoclaud Life Insurance Company, Uostou The Oicron Packet Line. Th Kobala Plantation, Dr. Jayne & tiou'a Cclcbrat sua naiKn riaousiion. d Medicines. "aiiuKU I'lagiaiion, VhiMler& Wlliou'aSewloK: llimakoa VUotallon. nacuiucs -- QISIXO cam OO.. BANKERS. IIO.MM.UI,Uv ( IIAWAIIAA ISI.AAUb DRAW KSCUANOE ON IKE B1NN OF CALIFORNIA, : : ; ; SAN FRANCISCO iKU TltlK (SIMS II - ,Nss "sulK, Uosloil, fails, Aucl.Iiiml, IHEORIENTAI BANK CORPORATION. ': I ; ; LONOOIs 1x0 Tiiiiu nniacik K011R, Sjitiif) ,ud Mrlbuntut, And transact ft Geucral Daaklus Bntmess. M4 ly ED. C. ROWE If ouro nud Pnlntor, Paper Hangor, etc rW. ly Nn 167 Ulny Street. Honolnln 3 . v,oi.v.n.y, Dl. ACKGMITH AND MA0HINI8T llniie MidoIiix, tarrlnse Work, f'lmilntloti Jfnrlilliery, Ar Ml Hhop nn KlngHtrcet. neitCaitle k CooVa, Ir JOHN NOTT. Inijiortor nnd Dealer In Stovus, Range, Jlttnli, Hone l'nrnlblnr Ooo.l.Crnkfrj,fllfM and ( hlua Ware Practical fccanlc, Honolnln, II, I IVi 1 ly J. M. OAT Si CO., SAILMAKERS, I.oft in A I. looko Nrw Fire Proof flnlMlnr;, foot of rmuanti Stre't Honolnln, II I 3d riaf of all ilcftlptlona tnado and repaired i! PIONEER STEAM Candy Wlanufactorv and Bakory w. Bconw, rractlcal Confcotloner, Pin try C'cok. and Baker, ") 71 llotlatrrct,l)tireen Nnnannncil Fott. 2 ly jomk nivrtCTn. ii riniiriii. Q. ENGLING ft CO., Ko 5 Nnnaun f.lrecl, TliuinltliM mid Plumliori. Deoli1 lu SIovok, Itini-r- , Tin, Hbeat Iron tnd C'oppcrH V, keen en atanlJy on band a full aaiorttntnt of Tinware, llaltaii-lic- l Iron unil Lead Pine, India llnblier Hone, &c , A'. bVi U ly HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO. t p? '1 ,:'.,' I'AllWKli SUOA1I JIIM.N mJmi , Hcllr,Coolnni,Iroo, Dranand Iiad Cllnsi tYlnohlnory of Evory Description toOrdor ta Fnrticttlarnttontlon paid to Ship' a Biaokimitblnrr wnrtK urciitiilim iliehnrlfinotlcf. nVB ly SlV.tlAA 11ICON.. Importers of General Merchandise 1'ItOll FKAXOL', JJNGLAyi), UURMANY, AND UXITIJO STATKS, tMi "."JMLrchaiitHtrcct, Honolulu, II. I, W 11,V.- - ItKON.. WIIOhKSALK U ROOK HP, .'Uiaudtlie California Street, y A JV V St A J I H Vf . Zr I'lrtlcnlnr.illmllou iald tollllliip;midlilppliiB Iilundordira Wily Sr 7- -i. sfxrch sr oily, MANUFACTURED OF REFINED A. NO. 1 SUGAR IF'. IOC o 3H. xr, Praiica! Confectioner & Pastry Cook .a. is: a -- 5r Pionoer Stoam Candy, Factory Lomon nnd Tamarind Syrups always on hnud Til? Si. JQCL 1 C 1 XI tl S Pnt up in A. No. I Refined Snsart, ly recomni(.ndod for Sea royaler American, French, English and Gorman Pastries Made to Ordtrat Pnort Notice Wodding Cakos Ornamented Inlhcblgbeat btjlcof Art. Klch trcak home made ChocolaicCrcama, Cocoannt and Cream Cacdlea. Io. 7t Jfotol Ntreel bet. Itniiniin anil Furt cW fy qr "i MRS. THOMAS LACK, No. 19 Fort St., Honolnln. IMPORTER and DEALER Sewing Machines, and Genuine Parts, Attachments, OH and Accessories. Aarjaiw aron tksi Whito, New Home, Davis, Crown, Howe, and Florence Machine;, Howard's Machine Needles, all kinds & sizes; Corticalli Silk, in all colors; CLAUKS' MILE EX1), OIACIUXE COTTOX. AOENT TOR .Madame Df morcst'a Reliable Cut Paper Patterns, and Publications. Dealer In lllflm, ristola, Gnnr, and Spotting Ooods, Shot, Ponder, Caps, Motalie Ctrtrldees. KEROSENE STOVES! In all Sues Cat- - 2Iy Stock of Pipea. Clear Uoldora. Tobacco, 40., villbcoldatiSs I'tHCl-H- . 8W WEST fe PAGE, CARRIAGE BUILDERS, .Utbcirplacuof ImaliatVun r.uciu illicit, arjulnliiR II, Hackfeld i. Co , bae ccry facility for apicdlly tnrnlneout all klnda of work In their line Buggies, Carringos, Express Wagons, Ami on ry klnil sir elilrlvoMiiuiiliiclnrcil JihicluSiiiilhiiirj, Hui'o-Sbouiii- ami nil kimls of rupiiii'Iii iloue. CHV -- WOES ST Mtri ConsULsly On Hand and For Sale At rrJtouablo term a complcto stock of Hull's, NPOUI.S, IIIUH, AXLUs, t'.tKUl.ttit: TMlMSfLMiH, Oak, Ash uuil Hickory Plank, Whito Wood, Cuuiberinnd Coal, Puiats, Yarnisbes, Horse-Shoe- s, RcGned Oar Iron, Ac, do. dAII orders promptly filled."'- - U-3- 800 SPERM OIL ! rLiuu ii en ri in aktii'm:. mtma'islb M. sic, la perfect order, Jnst r retired per 'MARY k SUSAN." tgr For Hale by fare ISBM I, w. UOLLES CO- - Boston of Undcrtviltcrb. A tili.-T- H ror llib llnssnllnii laUmls, .' Vm ly C IlRBWr.n A CO 1'lill.iilclpliia Roaril of t!itilcrirrl(rry. AOENT8 fur the tlmvMlmi tnlmtila, U nitF.WKUACO i .1. HOta.iv.vv.n, (JCNTnf llrrninii lionnlnf tfinlrrsrrllers, jLX. Axnt of Dresden Hoard of Undenrrllttr Aunt of Vienna Hoard of Underwriters Claims ajalnstlnsnrancs Companies nltbln lb"" jntla dlct'on of tbc aborn Hoards of Undenrrltera Mill have to ho oortlfled to by the abors Acent lo make them ralld tot ly Insuranco Notice. fHii'. AUKier foiTtiiij niiiTixii I oltn Msrlne Initirines Company f Limited) baa tecelrcrt lnstructlona to imlnrilli iiistris of In I ;iiriic licttrccn Honolnln and Ports In the Pafldc.anii IMItlllsnirnllfil.iiir .... I'nllrln it lha ln..l xln. ' . ' .." ' ' - .WT... .H,Vd wllli a epiclal reduction oo fn lebt ntr iirair TIICO II DAVIDS - ir Ar;riitiiru For Msr.Iuf Lo. IIS ISItl tt.JVfl Pll.fMS s. PIRE 1N8TJIIAN0E COMPANY. riiiir. iiHuiyr. iiati.mi hi i. ai. -- . ; mnii-- i .iffenia ui mo auo,vompany, an jiri" I tiari.l to lusnro risks aealnst Aro on NIhiip and llrlrli Hu I Illinois, and on .tli i Hi', ml Ins stored tktrrln.on tbn most faroranla terras icrnarucnisia apply at tno nnici- - of m ly V A. HCHACF.tlA; CO. HAMBURC-MACDEBUR- C FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Or HAMDDP.O .ll.nCKANIIIHI.. J'OIt.M. TUlnd Machinery Insured ncalmt Fire on llii most f ivoribln term. A. JAI.I.s II, Agent for Hi - Hnvrallaii Iilandi'. 6M ly UNION INSURAfiCE COMPANY Of HAN V It ANCI h CO. IWOOllPOltATEU, 1800 CASTLE & COOKE, ACENTS .?! ror the Unsviillnii Inlnniln. 1 Rhjonish Wootphallan Lloyd INSURANCE COMPANY, sir .11. tir.tiiutcii, iuioiiIhIi tiifiin. Aachen and Leipzig Insurance Co., I.Imltcit, or a a.vni:.v. (Ai.t.i,.cn vi'i.r.i.i:. t'bAIUS I'Oll J'AUriC'UI.AK AIL -- ustaluid by (Joods arriving here, and In- sured In tbc nboro Companion, haro to be made with Ibc cognizance of nndccrllfleu to liy tho nndcrslcnod, lnorilcrtobclld. J. IS UtiADU.Acenl. &J3 ly OKltiMAN LLOYD Marine Insurance Company of Berlin. v o RTU N A General InsuranceJJoinpany of Berlin. mm: aijiim; i.tsi;itNrF. compamks JL have rstabllabcd a General Astoncy here, and tha nndoralued, Ir'neral Acmts araanthorlzcd to take Itlnlit OKnlllil lliu IlHHixorsnr tlio honnt llic ?Iot Itonsoniililo ItiitcH. mul on llic Moot I'niornlilo rtruis. S.7 ly F. A.SCIIAEFERiCO.,aancralAKCiilf. WILDER Sl CO., Honolnln, Himnllnu Intnmls, Ui Agcutn ortlic Mutual Life Iosurauce Comjy or sew Touu, Largest, Safost and Most ECONOMICAL LIFE INS. C01 IN THE WORLD ! Cash Assets, over 890,000,000 I tar For Information concerning the Company, and for rtitte of Insurance, apply lo WILDER i. Ocn'l Afcnts, or . . J3r.MA.-l- , 8roam bollclilng Attnt 111C New England Mutual Life Insurance Co. OF UOSTOV, MAdS IKIKIIU'OltArED, I 3 0 Ihn Oldttt Purely Mutual Life Insurance Co. in the United States. Policies Issued on the most favorable Terms. tlzntnplo orNou-t'ortoltnr- e Finn INSURED AOE.M YKAin-ORDINA- RY LtrE PLAN! 1 Annual premium conllnms Policy - years 3 days 'i Annnal premtnma cunllnne Policy i years It! days 3 Annual prtmlamt continue Policy GjearsSTdays t Annual premlcmacontlnco Policy 8 j oara daj a & Annnal premiums continue Policy It) years Ot daya iaaota, : $13,000,000! Loei l'nlil tliiiiiicli Itunulnlii Asoiiry, CASTLE & COOKE, AJENTS BTl FOllTIlK lUtVAHAX IIHiA.VI1 ly Til A is FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, or iiAnniutn. Capital of the Company 4. Reaerre .RclelumarkC flCO POO ' their Companies " lOl.CW.OO'J Total.., Ilelchsinark 107,GH),rxij NORTH GERMAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Ill' IIAMRIlllU. Catdtal of the Company J: Deserve. .EeicbsmarkElil.C1 tbtlr Companlea " 35,0Ufl,W0 Total Relchsmark U.MO.fijO ht'intiii.r.itittciii' i.i.ovit RUCK VERSICHERUNGS GESELLSCHAFT Or WINTEBTHU K. Capital of the Company ,... francs S.'XO.OOO rvtiiK: UMii:iiNii;.Nt:i,ii:.M UAi.AiiEMrf, J l nf the above three compsules for tbo Hawaiian Islands, are nrnparcd to Insure lluildlngs, Furniture, Mrrcbandlro and Produce, Machinery, Ac, alsobn;ar and lUco .Mills, anil e.iilelu the liaibor, against lus or damaca by fire, on tho most favorable ti rraa, 8,ry 11 HA0KFK1.U i. CO. THE LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. rutabllshed 1W6 UnUraltcd Liability to Stockholder. Assets.. ,. ,..41!,S36,tOQ ncsene ., ..JB,7W, ,CK Interne fnr lSTtl: Premiums rccelicil aflu dedocttoa of ro In- surance ... ... ... ., $5 ', Losses promptly adjusted and paid here I :im I1ISIKU' A '.. AkfiiU. NOBTH EE1TI3H AND MERCANTILE Xuauranoo Ooixipauy Of Loudon ami EiUnbnrs. FIR- -. Catabll hud 1800. Ilcsocucs of tho Company us at Slst ntctmbir, HVi SiiascT.iaED Uanrat - RU FCK- D- fata op..., SfXl.OiM Ctsrte,...iSII;4 )( 11 Uncalled. j.sw.iss; Premium It e- - strio.. . .S1T,n7 10 HiLsnca of Profit aud Loss ACC. W,A V 3 r4i.Vl' 6 11 ros ins Ytau JMO- - FlroIremtuma and In te.nt.XI.OIJ.WOfl. L' UOFFSCltLAtGUIt A CO . S 10 Asonts for the Uasllau Islands KNOWLC8' STEAM AND VACUUM PUMPS THEUNDElWHiKED IIAVEsFUisT llostoo. s foil 'f these celebrated Pumps, v. bleb st coarsu-lc- d to bo cbeanar and batter Ibau any other style of pomp Imported We call lbs attention of planter par- ticularly lo lb Vicouia pump, which Is loss coup)! ii4 buis wwis seriicAMie luau uiuisrpnuiu. IWIo la If UMJBVVKBACO. Non-forfeiti- ng Endowment Policy AT LIFE RATES ! J H VV PI '"" AN ur FNIinVllMFHT rULItltO 1 1 TIllS I'ollCV IVll' ' l"""1" Will "Ull I LARGE SUM OF MONEY AnvANOED VL'AM.mut "'"" '"'" ralflHy, 111 U3S6 of Your Decease, At, the Cost of a Plain Life Policy ! it imiy bo ai necesHury io piovitlo money lor yourself nnd family in ad- vanced years, ai for your family in cao of your dcntli. BY THIS INVESTMENT, "Voxx 2Looli-!- 0 BOTH BENEFITS, AT ORDINARY LIFE RATES THE POLICY BEING Non -- forfeiting The AMOUNT to bo returned is not problematical, but is fixed in a POSI- TIVE CONTRACT. This lias great ADVANTAGE OVER THE TON-TI- N K PLANS. It is no SPECULA- TION in tlio misfortuno of neighbors NO LOSS TO THE POLICY HOLDER. If ho fails to pay a PAID UP POLICY issued to him losses nnd endowment claims PAID AT ONCE without litigation. TIIE MANHATTAN POLICY INCONTESTABLE by its terms. Thwc is nothing left for FUTURE MISUNDERSTANDING. 20 YEAR ENDOWMENT, NEW PLAN. EXAMPLE : Ago at time of Insur- ance, 40 years tho Annual Premium on S10.000, NEW PLAN is S341.C0. This will givp to the family, or to the estate, $10,000 in Cfcse of Death duiiug 20 years!, or to the insurer who lives to tho end of that period, $6,130 Ilff GASH ! 15 YEAR ENDOWMENT, NEW PLAN. Age 30 ycais. Annual premium on 10.000 is 9371.50. This a ill give $10-00- 0 in case of death, or if living at tho end of fifteen years, 5,511 in cash. 10 YEAR ENDOWMENT.NEW PLAN. Age 25 ytais. Annual premium on 510,000 is S544.40. This will give $10-00- 0 in case of death, or ir living at tho end of ton years, 85,240 in cash. 3T All Classes of Policies ibsued by tho MANHATTAN LIFE INSUR- ANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. BISHOP & Co., it aiii")ei a, Honolulu. J. W. STEVENS, 81 Special Agent. AT THOS. G. THRUM'S Fort Street AN II MERCHANT ST. STORES Iucbccn recclrrd further additions to his Full Stock of Stationery and Blank Books, F. bTMH USTI1AUA. Also, a full stock of t'ULKIl Vegetable and Flower Garden Seeds ! Base Ball Goods, etc., etc., to which tbo attention of the public larespictfullyluilted. Urdtra from Hie other Ulauds faithfully attended to, VIN SANTE, Oil WINK OF HKAI.T1I .UKATBU IHNMIH AN beirraerpjrasluc In utle, EXHILERATINO, NUTRITIVE, AND WHOLESOME. VALUABLE ANTIDOTE FOR SEASICKNESS I Wc bare Juit ueilseil a small parcel of this esteemed andncll hncmn bcrrai;c vrlilcli wootTir In quantities to suit. 891 TS TIIKO. 11 11AVIKS A.C.O. The Oermania Market HAM MIllSjUVATKfl, Is host constantly In rtctlpt ur the best of IIEKP.'.XUTTOX. VEVL AMI l.VMH, From Choicest Herds Porlk !uscr, II0I03 as, Head Chce.e, German bansazc. Ac.alnayioii alio the bestuf Poul- try and Fish. Oar Meats aro all cut and put up Iu slerii style. All orders faithfully atteuded to, and dellmed In say part of the city. siGnt nVttl'l' A .SOIIItAXlEH. Proprietors. READ THIS! THK UNJ)i;USI(JNKl UAVlNtl certain laipioreuicsts lo tbc smnscnieot sod eosslrncllon of Flues and Air spaces for Steam Dollars which effects considerable satliic otruil 1. wltlluE to cuaranteo all woik entrusted to Ulm HAMUEI. lUKlll.iO.V AddresaE. Oaklst. IIIQneenHt. ti MANILA C0RDA6K A VIILIi AMMTMKHr MIKBM I'HWM cm n U thread to Ste Inch. It BOLLKS - CO- - MajitmMi u(UfJ.. . uJUk A . Sfe9sWlftaUHUM4iffi 'UiAj-i- a vl.XJl&U tiiii 111 m k. vi iiiUt iii imniuo OFFER FOR SALE From the Cargoes -- or ii KE OF ABERCORN, LIZZIE BELL. OTHER RECENT VESSELS! THK FOLLOW ISO DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING Prints of laical ntvlcs, fant colors; llluo Dctiitni), Wlillo Crodon Sheeting, Horrock's LoriK Clotlia,Iirown Mnen firllli I'tiro Mncim, Molcslins, IHtio nnd Whito Check I.istidos. Fmicy DrcsB (loodii, I'nncy 1'lalcls, itussk Orasli, Hcarfg, Tic, Cravalu, Orocfiotn and Fancy Work, Towclincg and Towels, Men's Wliito nnd Ilronit Cotton Half-hoi- e, I.adico' Hose, Alcn's Heady Made Clo thins;, Indin Iluhbcr Coals, Capes and Leggings', Itcgatta and Woolen Shirts, llluo nnd Oroy Horse Illnnkcla, Wliito Cotton Jllankctn, Woolen lllankols, nil colors lizes and weights; Woolen and Canton Flannels, Velvet and Tapestry Carpctings, Velvet and Tapestry Rngs, Carpets and MntB, Sugar Bags 20x36, Coal Bags i j.rm aMAZiZi, Rice Bags, Prime Quality Heavy and Light linrlaps nnd Twine, SADDLERY! A full assortment of GENTS' SADDLES Also a fow very nice LADIES SADDLE! Saddlo cloths, bridles &c. GALVANIZED CORRUGATED ROOFING, In n, T, 8 and Oft Ionj;tln (31 jance), hcrca and Warhers to match. IooiQjtis Slates, Fence Wire, Xos. fi, 0, 7, and Staples, with fish mm Holts and plkc4 cuuiplrtr. Fire llricks, I'ortluiiil Cement, Fln'.CIa),ttiiiilii!r, Chalk, Vcllow Ochre. ENGLISH, HAWAIIAN & AMERICAN ENSIGNS, 3, 5 and 7 yard lengths. Liverpool Salt & Rock Salt, Dcmijons 1, 2, 3, 1 and 5 gallons each. Gahanizcd Buckets, Tabs, DaBi'ns c, Croekcrj', Iron liedsteads, ZINCS, PAINTS AND BOILED OILS, Worcestershire Sauces, Groceries, English Leather Belting, from 3 to 10 in, superior, Topsail Sheet Chains, "Admiralty Test," Sizes 2, FLOOR OILCLOTHS, WINES AND LIQUORS, VIZ! " Pig llratid" Stout, in pints and quarts; Guinness' Stout, Wood & Wolfo'B All?, pints and quarts; Bass' Alo in quarts and pints, India Palo Ales in qitarU and pints, Bclfaht Ginger Ale, I'ino French Brandies In hulk and cases, llcnncssy's Brandy in cases & Old Tom, Cheap Brandy In cases, Cases Scotch and Irish Whiskies, Duplessta "Red Bar" and other in cases, Best Sherry in bulk and cases, Champagne in quarts and pints. Powell Duffryn Steam Coal &c. &C dtc fte. at. 891 TS TIIKO 11. UAVIES A CO. SOMISTHING NEW! PHOTOGRAPHY. J. WILLIAMS & CO. IIAVINH I'UIIC'HASBI) THE PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY OF MR. D. DICKSON T No. IW and iai Kort bt Will rnntlnuo the business at the nld stand. Ur and emplojlnu lsT. VLAHNARTlNTM,ssaaliallendeasurto maintain th prritlz of the old and popular Uallerr, and to merit s liberal patronage br fair dealln: and superior Work. Special Attention Given to ChildrM. We am prepared to do all kinds of Ur; Work from allmlstuiF to 1.1 fe Site, either In Wtiti'i' Colors, Crayon, Intllu Ink, or Oil. IMiotos. ColoreUt&c, Ac. The only (lallrrrln Honolulu which haa a complete Collection of INUtNIt VSKWM. In addition to Ibose purchased of Mr, Uleksnn, we base the entire collet, lion of Views and 1'ortralt NeratUra; made by Mr. Chase, thus enabllnj ns lo ruTrr the pieatrst rsrlety la Views, comprising Ficturtque, Town, Plantation and Lava Flow Vitwi, Also, a supply of llausllan and Mouth Mrs Island curiosities, Kerns, Nbells, Ac., .tc., Ac A Hue stock, of frames. Mala, and I'assriajtouts constantly ou band. A. lady hIII be Iu constant attendsnre Cfc-rg- fM RsavsosuvUa) staal Mntlafcsllsf Qts ratatsxsl. Itr On us a Call J. Williams C.. ' e1' t rroprlHan. FRANK II. AUSTIN k t'.t ComiHiMion Maroluuite a4 Iw wayajj-s- s- AgMltS. OMre .Vu. 90 CallfamU Ht., Km t'raaMtee. Consignments from the Hanallan Islands itrslttfl. The Best I'rlcts Warramed.and Hales Ousraateed. 7t 4 ly COE.UMUIA KIVKK HXIMOH&X sMrrsls. roruUby 0U.1I. 4 V

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Page 1: Saturday r R Pioneer1 - · THE SATURDAY TRESS. i uPioneer1'Line a v t w r a r e n r r n 1 1 it r n uf.hku itim srmonirllov FROM LIVERPOOL. M riVE J)

THE SATURDAY TRESS. i uPioneer1 ' Linea v t w r a r e n r r n 1 1 it r n uf.hkuitim srmonirllov FROM LIVERPOOL.

ri VE J)OII,AUS A YEAR IN ADVANCEM rotelAn flnb'crlpttom. from $f i I" 'Aae Saturday RJirfSS.tfttrlliif lo destination rSnliscrlbcis slut Adrrtllirrr nlll rtditrean TIIOB. (!

TllllUV.ManarerThe Hilmdiy Press. -I- II not hold Itself responsible

for the nlterancca of totrrfpondents.



matter for Hi MslnrdayfRBHS."

Pre. a hmtil b aildrnsed VOLUME J I., NO. 40.! HONOLULU, 1L I., SATURDAY, J ONE 3, 1882. : WHOLE NUMBER 92.



I' i




Memorial Day Vcracx

( oBltlbttled In Hie fiATlnBAY Vntur I

Inr It Hi" mmn'ry of our lirttoWlio died tlinlr untlvo land lo anviOf nil our fnllcii hot a In lilua,lo (lug nml coimtrv over true.

Homo n ceiilnry pnul worn alitliiiHotnn 'tio.ntti Now Orleans' lmitloti ruinIn .Mexico IIh ninny Itrnvc,Atiil thons.inu'. nltimlmr 'rimlli Hip wrui

'IhoHontli linn ninny n (tramy KraoWliero lie the brnvrat of tlio lirnvpHomo clvl In blw , it ml roiiio in fitny.Now nlilo by nlilo in tln.tlli llioy Invllioy brntriy onoli nrwtnliiwl tint fiH'H,

iiil illrtl for wlmt I hey lliouulit tlio rlarilIIh I) let i noli lii'iirL ilrlso Into mint

itil pjinrlnli li'illi llif blmimid strut

lli( hiiiiik IiiikI ni'Mirimnlnxc their urni ,I ho h lino Hi ' ii r tin Ir nalisvi wavim,llioiinim limiJHKlrnn lliu Unworn lirlulii

i in tlio- - wlio tiled for wrong imd rljilifI lift lioniH IiiiiiI)iii now in fienooI or with tlio jirniii nitiejt wnrfftni ewtmI with tli' immortal fnllcii lirivrHi IimIiiti! in llij;rflU'dur fiillmi liriivu lliouidi 'mil their fiilu,

I h Ir dontli tins lonilv onr country ptrefttml tli iluiir old lln fur ulikh llioy dlrd

Htill tiroudl) wairn, n iinllon'n prida.In illtlniit land tlionuli homo may In,All, nil, nro wllli tin hero to day,for lo our fallen Ijob In btnoOur thrilling heart oror true.

"' W HrTno JMativo JL'rcnc

tl rnm the Ko lluuatl Vac Ainur.MLu.s! Tnou Am Fousam-n-- , 0 Hoxo-- I

UI U I l'i icmls or lliu ono lintul mul 1;

Irno llnwnimiiH, this in t voico to you, wliodwell in lliu " of Honolulu. Wo aiofoisikui, mid suddenly nlnudotiod liy ourKcprcsonlnliTo whom wo took up mul

to tlio No. 1 hint, in whom wo hndconfidonco, tliat lio would bo mi ndrocnto,to hcunio our lights, that ho would bo con-htn- nt

in his independence, Hint ho wouldnot ho affected by any nspiratiouu for thehigh position of a Mini'mor. lint wo liavobtcn fooled.

Wo hnvo unitedly nud for ti long litnosupported thnl mini mid his newspaper.Thirdly wo hnvo boon ontiapptd, mid tLoend of our united support is that lio hasdiopped lib. Ho is gicntly in ourdoul,nndis thiB tho roturn ho makca? His addressnt tho public mcotiny at Pnuon, stands nsnn ovidouco that Jio is a man tcgnullcsi ofthe lino of truth.

How many times muht tho Hawaiianpeople bo taught by his acts of botrnynl,no that thoy will bo convinced, and ceasoto placo couCkIcdco in him? If tbid is thoway in which ho bnbitunlly tictits you,what may bo oxpectod of him for tliowholonation?

Slumber not, O king, boio ia this poison.Opon your oyes wido, oxumiuo closely thodoublo talk which ho will cunningly laybsfuto you.

Jlorabois of tbo Cnbinot, bciutinize,watch, bo vigilant for our inteioils. Andyou, child of Uugluud, display your knowl-edge of law, so that that ono shall niise,and fleo to his plaini and hit) flocks.

Tbui: Hawaii.

Tnn Nuw Cauimct. His Bxcolloncv W.M. Gibson, Minister of Foreign Afl'uirimidPremier, is one of tho wi60 men among theforeigners here. Ho wns n shepherd in thoIsland of Lanni, his brond sheep pn Muresare there, which he obtained through thomoney contributed by thoso of tho Mor-mon taith in tho bygono timo of ignorance.Ho first enmo horo from America in 18G1.In the past, ho has groitly desired to bo atthe head of tho government, and now ntlast in tho reign of this king his dtoam isfulGllcd. Ho hub twice been a member oftho Legislature fiom Lahaina, and thepresent year was elected from Honolulu.Ho is the author of a book on sanitarymattors, and also has secured tho orcotionof a statue of Kamehamcha I. Tho pub-lic opinion is not nuitcd as rcgatds his n,

but ns his acts will bo closelywatched by his onomies, wo tiro of opiuiouthat ho will bo circuinbpcct in his manage-ment of govcrumout alliiirs.

His Excellency S. K. Kaai is ouo of thoabloht meu of tho Hawaiian race. Ho isindependent, and waB for economy in 1878and 1880. Ho is n Haunt talker and biswords aro honeyed, but they have woiht.He is thought much of by tho inconstantforeign population among uu.

Hte Kscclloucy J. E. UuhIi is a nativeHawaiian, ono who lecognizcs small folksas well as great ones, and wo npprovo ofins appointment.

iiu .bxcelloncy ii. i'rustou us AttoruoyGeneral will bo accopted by tho publiowithout dissent, for ho is bolievcd to bo thobest read lawyor heio.

I'rum tht HltU l'oaWu.Till I'ucLio Health. There is no hub-je- ct

that oughb to bo inoro carefully con-

sidered in order lo tho adoption of vigor-ous measures, than that of tho publiohealth. Thoro exists in this oily, hiddenaway baok of tho btrootu, auy number ofevil smelling places, Rubbish ib collectedin piles, with rotting carcabos of dead ani-

mals, and tho slouch is fearful: nud in theearly morning, when tho light brcczocouils from tuo mountains, tlio odors hornthose sources, mingled with thoso of a vastnumber of privies and cess pools, tills thonir to an intolerable degree; tho caily landbreezo wafts this pestilential nil nil abroadnud it cntors into tho lungs and system ofnil the inhabitants.

Then when tho juh it well np, unci thewiud dios nwuy, tho hunt poms down upontheso festering musses of rottenness, thenir becomes thick, aud steaming with foul-iie&- s.

Whou night aud cooluesscoraos thisfoul nir broods Dear tho tiifaco of thoaitb, aud that ii tho air whioh our people

breathe wbcu tboy sleep.Who will dotty that thes.o mu suiUciout

causes of sickness in this toYiV Aud is itnot timo that something was being douo toscatter this souico of pestilence 1 Wotrust that tbo government will nndertakotho work, and that the legislature will fivoit generous support, in ovciything thattends to protoot the public health of thiscity, and olsewhero as well.

IhiOMOATlMO DrimxE. Tbeie havo beenfieqnent temperauco meetings of Into, anda great detl of rpeech tunkiug about theovils of drink; souio of the repreout.livoalso, Hud somo fornigneis bavo been prom-inent in tho H)ovment,aiid tho temperancemovemeut has become very prominent.Some very good ideas bavo bceu pat forthon the subject iu tbo uewi-pipors- .

This is my thought. If it is proposed toutterly shut oat liquor from this country,

ntid loftvo not the slightest chanco for itsontrnnce llion thoro will bo somo vnluofrom nil thti tnlk nnd ngitntion; hut if anylittle bolo or crick is loft whereby rum cangot in, thou I say, better tnkc off all re-

strictions nnd let ovcrybody drink ns thoynlciKc. Why for many yoarc, liquor hasIcon forbidden to Hiiwnimnn by law, nudnobody but foreigners weio supposed lodrink it. Thus wn hawi nsori, while onodoor was shut nnolhcr wnn opon, which,uhilo it wnn niifnir and oiin-sidc- onnbled(hu Hiiwtiiinns to Ntirieptitiotihly tako ndvmilngo of tlio door that wns opened fortlio fotoigtiorr, and ho got lum in spite oftho hw If liquor is entirelyand strictly I'otbiddon lo ovciybody alldonrM lightl closed - thou incised will boH'otimplnlii'd tlio dofliro of tho lovern oftiiiiotfiiil pr-ic- nnd good older, iiut ifotliotwiHO, ii nd this is in Inst thought,bolter tnkc of tbo ttibu nt utiuc. J. I. K.

H. W. SEVERANCE,Hiuvnllrtu Conmil & CommlfiHlou

" llfi C'tll fornln hi .Cut.. Room "So I JyEDWARD PRESTON,

Attnrnoy null Cimunollor nt Enu-- ,

l r,b Fntt Htrcft. nonoinln. l


I, .No. n l.llllmWIrrvl. ly

JNO. H. BROWN.Inhprotor of "WolRhlii nnd MnnMirrn,

llcrctanla fjlrccll'i Unli m i in he If ft t Tnllcc Hlitloii. tmi

GEO. STRATEMEYEU."Practical Painter, Decorator, Glider,

Gtalnor niitl I.ottcrer, Wailtikn,Maiil.70 ly


I'.'ioIh. ijliocD, l'liinlrhlnr Uooiln, Ilnl-p- , C'npi, Trnnkjvmifcoj, rftnimcry na fimnn, Wtllhtm Wdtchoii,

1 Ino.Tcnclrt, otc, rorncr nt 1 ort nnd Mtrdi inttits ,Honolulu It I 1 ly

S. MAGNIN,Importer anil Dealer In Dry mul 1'iinry

Goods. Bootn, Sliopfi, &c.Attliedrtal I'mtcrn Htoro. Jfo f2 Fort Ht., Honolnln

Mly 'L.. W. HOPP,

CuWnot Maker, Upholstrr, Dealer InFurnltiu'n,

u. 5S Kluc htrcct, httwtcn Kananii anil Fott constuntly on hand or made to ord'r


THOS O. THRUM,Iinportint; and Mannfaotnrinc Stationer.

Nnwt Agent, Boole Binder, &.,Merchant Street, anil Dealer In

Une bUtioncr, Oookn, Mutlc, Torn and Fancy Good",t lfortritrcct. ncir Hotel, Honolulu. lj


No. 11 1 Fort bt opposite I'autlicon SUlilceIluoif mill Mind .llnilo In Oriler, uf Iir--t

nt KriiMiiiblo I'rioc".Dooto ant) Shooomado for Cash only


Impoi-tcr- nnil Wholonalo Doaloni in Gene-ral Merchnndlie,

s MaUie's Block, Queen Street. 2y

M. S. GRINBADM & CO..Forwarding and CommUtlon Morohants,

SH OillfornU bt.,Hm Francltco.Hpoclal fsdlltle for and partlcalar attention paid to

g tonnlgnmenlBOf lalandprDdnc" ly


W. n. LENTZ, MANAGER.Tlcrty to eat. a inntlns Arc, clean bodi, and tho beat

attendance on Hie Ilanallan IilandsVltltora requiring any unnenal display of rolcanlc

action Kill kindly plie Manapor at leant ten daya noticeIn fine weatlior, and from cloven tothlrteeu In fonl

S ly

T. J. HOSSMAN,Importer and Dealer In Crookory,

Plain and Decorated Porcelain, Cnt and Treated Glass,Hllrer 1'latcd Ware, Cntlory, Chandellcrf, I.arapa,fMttmnevf. Kir.

Flro Froof blorc, cor. King and h'uutuu Sts., llonolnlu,5 ly

MAX ECKART,'Watchmaker, Jeweller, Engraver nnd

Diamond Setter.Ho. S Kaabnmanu Strcft, nonoinln. All ordera faith- -

rniiy eiccmea. jj iy

WM. MoCAIfDLESS,o II, Uiiona Mlreet. Fish M nrkut,

llo'lcr In CholccBt Ilccf, Veal, Mutton, Flab, etc.Family aud riblpplng Ordeia earefnlly attended to.Live stock furnlabcd to tasela at abort notice, andVrgctablca of sllklndi anpplled to order. H lr


Meridcu Quadruple l'lattd Ware, Olaaanarc, Klns'lCombination Bpcctaclea and K)C Glaaaca, Iiracketa,Vaaea, Luatral Wire Ware, Fancy boapt. PictureFratnri, Wottenholm's Pockit Knirei, bclaiori, l'iatola, rowdir, Shot and Ammnnitlnn, Clark'n SpoolCotton, Machine Oil. all kluda of Machine Needlca,"Domotlc" I'apf r Fashions, bolt Accnt for the uni-versally aeknowledKCd

Eickt Running Domestio Sewing Machine

C. E. WILLIAMS,Importer, Manufacturer, Upholsterer,and Dealer In Furniture of Kriry Description, rnrnl.ture Ware Itoomii, No. CI Fort Street. Work bhop attbo Old Stand on Hotel Utrtet.

IKT All Ordera l'romptly Attended to. 13 ly

CHA8. BREWER CO.,37 Kllby Nt DOfiUin,

Agonts of Hawaiian FacKets,General Commission Agents- -

Special attention rtlvm to the purclutlnB nf Goodsforltio Hawaiian Undo. FrclgUtaat the lowest rite.


J. WILLIAMS it, CO.Photographic Artists,

102 and 101 Fott Street.Picture uf ull sin a and klnda made to oiclir, and

Frames of all deacrlnllnna constantly on bind. Aleo,SlielU. Corals, and Curiosities of tho Pacltlc. 'J ly


Q. Thrum'a Fort Htrtetand Merchant Street Storca. 61 Cm

MRS. A, M. MELLIS,rnthlouahle Dress aad Cloak Maker,

101 Fott atrert, IIouolulo, II, It68 1) ly

TIIEO. II. IAVIi:ii.laTX Jamow. Orick & Co.


l.lovd'a and the I lcrnool Undenvrlter",Drlttih and Forcljn Marine Insurance CompanyAnd Norlhcrn Anaranee Company. oS3 ly

.",. aliEK. x. r lipuiNaof,,ll.l.r.. A. HUUINttO..

At ltoliloion's W baif.Dealer in Lumber and all klnda of Building

Material!. Palnti, oili, Naili, -- c, -- c, die,auikT.i or .cnooriciia




LEAIUfeJ llonolnlu. Hawaiian Islands. ly


Kobloion's FlrM-roo- t Unlldlni:,Qnctn Stxat, Honolulu, U I

its rna.Tbc OliiROit and Honolulu Lino of Tacks ti.joanjuay a mi ttvsrpooi and London I' ackcti.sat nsisspi risnuiiiooTb Bnsocsr risnution, llllo,Uakalisn Plantation, llllo.Mlrrlsti.Tilt t. Watson, Hagxt Mackinco,Tb Puuloa Shcci Kincb Company. bit

J. M. DAVIDSON,Attoruoy at law, No. 24 Merchant Btrcot,

690 HQNQl.t't.t 66 ly"W. R. CA8TEE,

ATTOnSMV AT .yWVnnd Notary rnbllf. Attend! all Ilia Courn of (be

et Ulnrjhom 1

'. t. NC'aiAIil'l 111 AiVit.ImportorB & Contmltalon Morchnnts

871 Honolnln, Hawaiian Itlaidn lye. ?,. iJcivrvitn. v nnoTii:;tr.

tXOO' 'IY. FKED STORE und BAKJJRYCorntr Klujf and Fott Htrect', Honolnln

fciily'vi(iii:it' a '.T

fumer of 1 ort and Cncen 8tct, Honolulu.I.ttmbor. PalnU, Oils, Nulla, Bait nnd Building

V v "tn tnrlnlr of nvnry I . -- . i t iti tlKR, ,11. ..

OUfOLUN AMD lIOMEOrAlllIU , IIYe.CIA?'.utile -- ( nmr foil nnd ItnLinlu ll Honolnln

l0I!. t'. AUA.II.N.

AuottoiiLur und Commission Jlei chantJ queen Micct, Hmmliiln ly

'.?!. i. 3;n .v t ,).,Ship Uhandlcra und Uointnuuon McrcbaiiU

Imporlera and Dealoraln Oencral Mrrelnnillie I. ly

i. .s. 'B,t:4;ii4icrs v :..niroiiTer.a Attn ozALxnt in

O oiioral 3vroxolica3a.cllMiotCOS Corner Qiiccn Mid Raahnmann Mirel. ly

a:i. ioo9'R'; &,:lMFOKrERS AUD C0HMID3I0H JVEItOllAN-l- B

2 I. l


H'L - ''rein Hlrrrt, Honolulu, 11. I ly


Family t'roicry and Feed Store.a'Jj ly W Fort Htrcrt, Honoluluci ACflfi nrcKri.a wm.ii.h.wiv

tv.w. i. nctvm .v o..Sugar Fttctors and CommiBsiou Agonts

Honolnln. 11.1. fal.Al.AS: A: JO.,

COMMISSION MERCHANTSAnd linportcra of ind Ucalcarn In Iliy. Ocsln, nnd

bTl Oenerjl l'rudncc. Honolnln, 11. 1. ly

.loun 'j. WAi'M-isitoui:-.


877 ('nocn Blrcet. Ilonnlaln. 11. 1 ly

S. M. CARTER,Ajjoiit to tnlco Aoknowlodentontn to Con-

tracts for Iinbor.Olllcontr M 8 Dodr, Eeplanadc, Honolulu, H 1

tC 15 ly

F. T. LENEHAN & CO.,Irniiortori and Commission MnrobnnU,Hi r.nmnn ancct. nonoinln ri

HOLiLIiSTER &, CO.,Drug-gist- s & Tobacconists,

WIIOLESALU AND RETAILHit Nnuanu Street, Honolnln. fr4

.1. .11. wnj S7i:v, .11. ),, i. i. ,.Sontnl Rooms on Pott Streot,

Ottlee Iu UrcwerV, Block, corner nolaland Fort iitrtcUibM lj fcntrancc. Hotel Street.


Dry Goods, Fatnta, Oil and General Merchandise,631 ly Corner Fort and KincHtf.

JNO. A. HASSINGER,Agent to take AokanwledgmentN to Con-

tracts for Labor.570 3 Interior Office. Hon tela. ly

ii. x.r. cinrsn. r. c J0M3, JK


9M Honolulu, Hawaiian Ialarida. ly


Tor the Statea of California and Neiv 1 ork. Offlct atthe Hank of Dlsbop S, Co .Honolulu. obB8 ly


Cutlery, D1--7 Goodi paluta anil Oils, and GeneralMerchandise.

501 No 3TFort Htreet. Honolnln. ly


aucmts roBDrnud's Unna and Bomb Loncee, ,

ferry tiaria- - I'am Killer,886 1 No. 40 Queen St.. llonolnlu. ly

J. W. ROBERTSON & CO..Importing and Manufaetnrlng Stationers

Publishers, News Dealers, Book- -Biudors nnd Papor Rulers.

1 J'ST3r'srtreTilint Btrcct. Honolnln. II. I. K8

;r II O ( . '. TNItU - ,isironTiMf AKt MAMTxctmave


Merchant M. near Fort, and Fort St. near Hotel, 11 ouolulu, Lahu, U.I.

Alao, rublUbcrof the nawallan Almanac and Annualana Hawaiian Directory and uaunnar, c.

The Merchant alrctt Storcl The Fort street fetorc nlllwill be devoted 10 ueneral ombraco Flno Stationery,Ntailoncrv. Ulank Dookn. Uooks, Artiata' Material!,Neiva anil Uludln: Depart- - lloyaand Fancy Ooodf.ruinm pro ly

koiit. LEWr-n- c. x. tooxr.liElVI!U A. COUK1.,

bucceiiora to Lcwcaa & DtcmoH,IMPORTERS DEALERS IN LUMBEtt

And all kluda of llnildliii; Matulale.Fort Street. Hi ly Honolulu


No. 101'J Fort Street, (uuitdour abovo 31. DlcUuu'aPliotosrapli Oallcry.)

Satisfaction gnarauteod In Priori andQuality of Work.

I'll re Nltraua Oxide Uas udmlnlstcrtd for palnlctt.fe&S catracllnn fo teeth.

JOB. E, WISEMAN,Real Eatato Broker & Employment BureauIleuU Itooruf Cottanea, Houses, and oells and leases

Ileal Uatalo In all parts of the Kingdom. Employmint found for thorn nciklnt; work In all tbc variousbranches of holiness connected iilh llieio lalanda,tf N I! - Legal DocumcnU drauu, lltlh Uolkcud,

Hi oks anil Accounts kept, and general nuke work trans-acted. Patronage solicit! rt, Coiiimlsilous moderate.

Honolnln, ll.l 31 Wl .


Leather, Hides, & Tallow

AGENTS FORHoyl Uottp Oomp'y.8H HI No (JiiecnSt Honolulu. II, I ly

a 1, rtsTir i n, ATiirniuvc.vHTJ.ii a, oooui:,


Doaloro in Conoral IVIorchanciiso,ho to KlncStreit, Honolulu, H I

AGENTS FORThe Lnion Insurance Company of San 1 Nuclaco1 bo New Eoclaud Life Insurance Company, UostouThe Oicron Packet Line. Th Kobala Plantation,Dr. Jayne & tiou'a Cclcbrat sua naiKn riaousiion.

d Medicines. "aiiuKU I'lagiaiion,VhiMler& Wlliou'aSewloK: llimakoa VUotallon.

nacuiucs--QISIXO cam OO..BANKERS.



iKU TltlK (SIMS II -,Nss "sulK,



1x0 Tiiiiu nniacikK011R,

Sjitiif) ,udMrlbuntut,

And transact ft Geucral Daaklus Bntmess. M4 ly

ED. C. ROWEIf ouro nud Pnlntor, Paper Hangor, etc

rW. ly Nn 167 Ulny Street. Honolnln 3

. v,oi.v.n.y,Dl. ACKGMITH AND MA0HINI8T

llniie MidoIiix, tarrlnse Work,f'lmilntloti Jfnrlilliery, Ar

Ml Hhop nn KlngHtrcet. neitCaitle k CooVa, IrJOHN NOTT.

Inijiortor nnd Dealer In Stovus, Range,Jlttnli, Hone l'nrnlblnr Ooo.l.Crnkfrj,fllfM and

( hlua Ware Practical fccanlc, Honolnln, II, IIVi 1 ly

J. M. OAT Si CO., SAILMAKERS,I.oft in A I. looko Nrw Fire Proof flnlMlnr;, foot

of rmuanti Stre'tHonolnln, II I

3d riaf of all ilcftlptlona tnado and repaired i!PIONEER STEAM

Candy Wlanufactorv and Bakoryw. Bconw,

rractlcal Confcotloner, Pin try C'cok. and Baker,") 71 llotlatrrct,l)tireen Nnnannncil Fott. 2 lyjomk nivrtCTn. ii riniiriii.

Q. ENGLING ft CO.,Ko 5 Nnnaun f.lrecl,

TliuinltliM mid Plumliori. Deoli1 lu SIovok,Itini-r- , Tin, Hbeat Iron tnd C'oppcrH V, keen enatanlJy on band a full aaiorttntnt of Tinware, llaltaii-lic- l

Iron unil Lead Pine, India llnblier Hone, &c , A'.bVi U ly


t p? '1 ,:'.,' I'AllWKli SUOA1I JIIM.NmJmi , Hcllr,Coolnni,Iroo, Dranand Iiad Cllnsi

tYlnohlnory of Evory DescriptiontoOrdor ta

Fnrticttlarnttontlon paid to Ship' a BiaokimitblnrrwnrtK urciitiilim iliehnrlfinotlcf. nVB ly

SlV.tlAA 11ICON..

Importers of General Merchandise1'ItOll


tMi "."JMLrchaiitHtrcct, Honolulu, II. I,


.'Uiaudtlie California Street,y A JV V St A J I H V f .

Zr I'lrtlcnlnr.illmllou iald tollllliip;midlilppliiBIilundordira Wily

Sr 7--i. sfxrch sr oily,



IF'. IOC o 3H. xr,Praiica! Confectioner & Pastry Cook

.a. is: a --5rPionoer Stoam Candy, Factory

Lomon nnd Tamarind Syrups always on hnud

Til? Si. JQCL 1 C 1 XI tl SPnt up in A. No. I Refined Snsart, ly

recomni(.ndod for Sea royalerAmerican, French, English

andGorman Pastries

Made to Ordtrat Pnort NoticeWodding Cakos Ornamented

Inlhcblgbeat btjlcof Art.

Klch trcak home made ChocolaicCrcama, Cocoannt and

Cream Cacdlea.

Io. 7t Jfotol Ntreel bet. Itniiniin anil FurtcW fy qr "i

MRS. THOMAS LACK,No. 19 Fort St., Honolnln.


Sewing Machines, and GenuineParts, Attachments, OH

and Accessories.Aarjaiw aron tksi

Whito, New Home,

Davis, Crown, Howe, andFlorence Machine;,

Howard's Machine Needles,

all kinds & sizes;Corticalli Silk,

in all colors;


.Madame Df morcst'a Reliable Cut Paper Patterns,and Publications. Dealer In

lllflm, ristola, Gnnr, and Spotting Ooods,Shot, Ponder, Caps, Motalie Ctrtrldees.


Cat-- 2Iy Stock of Pipea. Clear Uoldora. Tobacco, 40.,villbcoldatiSs I'tHCl-H- . 8W


CARRIAGE BUILDERS,.Utbcirplacuof ImaliatVun r.uciu illicit, arjulnliiR

II, Hackfeld i. Co , bae ccry facility for apicdllytnrnlneout all klnda of work In their line


Express Wagons,Ami on ry klnil sir elilrlvoMiiuiiliiclnrcil

JihicluSiiiilhiiirj, Hui'o-Sbouiii- aminil kimls of rupiiii'Iii iloue.

CHV--WOES S TMtri ConsULsly

On Hand and For SaleAt rrJtouablo term a complcto stock of


t'.tKUl.ttit: TMlMSfLMiH,Oak, Ash uuil Hickory Plank,Whito Wood, Cuuiberinnd Coal,Puiats, Yarnisbes, Horse-Shoe- s,

RcGned Oar Iron, Ac, do.

dAII orders promptly filled."'- -U-3- 800

SPERM OIL !rLiuu ii en ri in aktii'm:. mtma'islbM. sic, la perfect order, Jnst r retired per

'MARY k SUSAN."tgr For Hale byfare ISBM I, w. UOLLES CO- -

Boston of Undcrtviltcrb.A tili.-T-H ror llib llnssnllnii laUmls,

.' Vm ly C IlRBWr.n A CO

1'lill.iilclpliia Roaril of t!itilcrirrl(rry.AOENT8 fur the tlmvMlmi tnlmtila,


i .1. HOta.iv.vv.n,(JCNTnf llrrninii lionnlnf tfinlrrsrrllers,

jLX. Axnt of Dresden Hoard of UndenrrllttrAunt of Vienna Hoard of Underwriters

Claims ajalnstlnsnrancs Companies nltbln lb"" jntladlct'on of tbc aborn Hoards of Undenrrltera Mill haveto ho oortlfled to by the abors Acent lo make themralld tot ly

Insuranco Notice.fHii'. AUKier foiTtiiij niiiTixii I

oltn Msrlne Initirines Company f Limited) baatecelrcrt lnstructlona to imlnrilli iiistris of In I

;iiriic licttrccn Honolnln and Ports In the Pafldc.aniiIMItlllsnirnllfil.iiir.... I'nllrln it lha ln..l xln. '

.' .." ' ' - .WT... .H,Vdwllli a epiclal reduction oo fn lebt ntr iirairTIICO II DAVIDS

- ir Ar;riitiiru For Msr.Iuf Lo.IIS ISItl tt.JVfl Pll.fMS s.

PIRE 1N8TJIIAN0E COMPANY.riiiir. iiHuiyr. iiati.mi hi i. ai.-- . ; mnii-- i .iffenia ui mo auo,vompany, an jiri" Itiari.l to lusnro risks aealnst Aro on NIhiip and llrlrliHu I Illinois, and on .tli i Hi', ml Ins stored tktrrln.ontbn most faroranla terras icrnarucnisia apply at tnonnici- - of m ly V A. HCHACF.tlA; CO.



.ll.nCKANIIIHI.. J'OIt.M.TUlnd Machinery Insured ncalmt Fire on lliimost f ivoribln term.

A. JAI.I.s II, Agent for Hi - Hnvrallaii Iilandi'.6M ly


IWOOllPOltATEU, 1800

CASTLE & COOKE, ACENTS.?! ror the Unsviillnii Inlnniln. 1

Rhjonish Wootphallan LloydINSURANCE COMPANY,

sir .11. tir.tiiutcii, iuioiiIhIi tiifiin.Aachen and Leipzig Insurance Co.,

I.Imltcit,or a a.vni:.v. (Ai.t.i,.cn vi'i.r.i.i:.

t'bAIUS I'Oll J'AUriC'UI.AK -- ustaluid by (Joods arriving here, and In-

sured In tbc nboro Companion, haro to be made withIbc cognizance of nndccrllfleu to liy tho nndcrslcnod,lnorilcrtobclld. J. IS UtiADU.Acenl.

&J3 ly

OKltiMAN LLOYDMarine Insurance Company of Berlin.

v o RTU N AGeneral InsuranceJJoinpany of Berlin.

mm: aijiim; i.tsi;itNrF. compamksJL have rstabllabcd a General Astoncy here, and thanndoralued, Ir'neral Acmts araanthorlzcd to takeItlnlit OKnlllil lliu IlHHixorsnr tlio honnt llic

?Iot Itonsoniililo ItiitcH. mul on llicMoot I'niornlilo rtruis.

S.7 ly F. A.SCIIAEFERiCO.,aancralAKCiilf.

WILDER Sl CO.,Honolnln, Himnllnu Intnmls, Ui

Agcutn ortlicMutual Life Iosurauce Comjy

or sew Touu,Largest, Safost and Most


Cash Assets, over 890,000,000 I

tar For Information concerning the Company, andfor rtitte of Insurance, apply lo WILDER i.

Ocn'l Afcnts, or. . J3r.MA.-l-


8roam bollclilng Attnt111C

New England Mutual Life Insurance Co.OF UOSTOV, MAdS


Ihn Oldttt Purely Mutual Life Insurance Co. inthe United States.

Policies Issued on the most favorable Terms.

tlzntnplo orNou-t'ortoltnr- e FinnINSURED AOE.M YKAin-ORDINA- RY LtrE

PLAN!1 Annual premium conllnms Policy - years 3 days'i Annnal premtnma cunllnne Policy i years It! days3 Annual prtmlamt continue Policy GjearsSTdayst Annual premlcmacontlnco Policy 8 j oara daj a& Annnal premiums continue Policy It) years Ot daya

iaaota, : $13,000,000!Loei l'nlil tliiiiiicli Itunulnlii Asoiiry,



Til A is


Capital of the Company 4. Reaerre .RclelumarkC flCO POO

' their Companies " lOl.CW.OO'J

Total.., Ilelchsinark 107,GH),rxij


Ill' IIAMRIlllU.Catdtal of the Company J: Deserve. .EeicbsmarkElil.C1

tbtlr Companlea " 35,0Ufl,W0

Total Relchsmark U.MO.fijO

ht'intiii.r.itittciii' i.i.ovitRUCK VERSICHERUNGS GESELLSCHAFT

Or WINTEBTHU K.Capital of the Company ,... francs S.'XO.OOO

rvtiiK: UMii:iiNii;.Nt:i,ii:.M UAi.AiiEMrf,Jl nf the above three compsules for tbo Hawaiian

Islands, are nrnparcd to Insure lluildlngs, Furniture,Mrrcbandlro and Produce, Machinery, Ac, alsobn;arand lUco .Mills, anil e.iilelu the liaibor, against lusor damaca by fire, on tho most favorable ti rraa,

8,ry 11 HA0KFK1.U i. CO.



UnUraltcd Liability to Stockholder.Assets.. ,. ,..41!,S36,tOQncsene ., ..JB,7W, ,CK

Interne fnr lSTtl:Premiums rccelicil aflu dedocttoa of ro In-

surance ... ... ... ., $5 ',Losses promptly adjusted and paid here

I :im I1ISIKU' A '.. AkfiiU.


Xuauranoo OoixipauyOf Loudon ami EiUnbnrs.

FIR- -.Catabll hud 1800.

Ilcsocucs of tho Company us at Slst ntctmbir, HViSiiascT.iaED Uanrat - RU FCK- D-

fata op..., SfXl.OiM Ctsrte,...iSII;4 )( 11

Uncalled. j.sw.iss; Premium It e--strio.. . .S1T,n7 10

HiLsnca ofProfit audLoss ACC. W,A V 3

r4i.Vl' 6 ros ins Ytau JMO- - FlroIremtuma and In


S 10 Asonts for the Uasllau Islands


THEUNDElWHiKED IIAVEsFUisTllostoo. s foil

'f these celebrated Pumps, v. bleb st coarsu-lc- d

to bo cbeanar and batter Ibau any other style ofpomp Imported We call lbs attention of planter par-ticularly lo lb Vicouia pump, which Is loss coup)!ii4 buis wwis seriicAMie luau uiuisrpnuiu.


Non-forfeiti- ng



J H VVPI'""AN ur FNIinVllMFHT rULItltO 1


TIllS I'ollCV IVll'' l"""1" Will "UllI


"'"" '"'" ralflHy, 111 U3S6

of Your Decease,At, the Cost of a Plain Life

Policy !

it imiy bo ai necesHury io piovitlomoney lor yourself nnd family in ad-vanced years, ai for your family in caoof your dcntli.

BY THIS INVESTMENT,"Voxx 2Looli-!- 0



Non --forfeitingThe AMOUNT to bo returned is not

problematical, but is fixed in a POSI-TIVE CONTRACT. This lias greatADVANTAGE OVER THE TON-TI-N

K PLANS. It is no SPECULA-TION in tlio misfortuno of neighborsNO LOSS TO THE POLICYHOLDER. If ho fails to pay a PAIDUP POLICY issued to him losses nndendowment claims PAID AT ONCEwithout litigation.



EXAMPLE : Ago at time of Insur-ance, 40 years tho Annual Premium onS10.000, NEW PLAN is S341.C0.This will givp to the family, or tothe estate,

$10,000 in Cfcse ofDeath

duiiug 20 years!, or to the insurer wholives to tho end of that period,

$6,130 Ilff GASH !


Age 30 ycais. Annual premium on10.000 is 9371.50. This a ill give $10-00- 0

in case of death, or if living at thoend of fifteen years, 5,511 in cash.


Age 25 ytais. Annual premium on510,000 is S544.40. This will give $10-00- 0

in case of death, or ir living at thoend of ton years, 85,240 in cash.

3T All Classes of Policies ibsued bytho MANHATTAN LIFE INSUR-ANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK.

BISHOP & Co.,itaiii")ei a, Honolulu.

J. W. STEVENS,81 Special Agent.


Fort StreetAN II


Iucbccn recclrrd further additions to his

Full Stock ofStationery and

Blank Books,F. bTMH USTI1AUA. Also, a full stock of


Vegetable andFlower Garden Seeds !

Base Ball Goods, etc., etc.,to which tbo attention of the public

larespictfullyluilted.Urdtra from Hie other Ulauds faithfully attended to,


.UKATBU IHNMIHAN beirraerpjrasluc In utle,



Wc bare Juit ueilseil a small parcel of this esteemedandncll hncmn bcrrai;c vrlilcli wootTir In quantitiesto suit.

891 TS TIIKO. 11 11AVIKS A.C.O.

The Oermania MarketHAM MIllSjUVATKfl,

Is host constantly In rtctlpt ur the best of

IIEKP.'.XUTTOX. VEVL AMI l.VMH,From Choicest Herds

Porlk !uscr, II0I03 as, Head Chce.e, Germanbansazc. Ac.alnayioii alio the bestuf Poul-try and Fish.

Oar Meats aro all cut and put up Iu slerii style. Allorders faithfully atteuded to, and dellmed In say partof the city.

siGnt nVttl'l' A .SOIIItAXlEH. Proprietors.


certain laipioreuicsts lo tbc smnscnieotsod eosslrncllon of Flues and Air spaces for SteamDollars which effects considerable satliic otruil 1.wltlluE to cuaranteo all woik entrusted to Ulm

HAMUEI. lUKlll.iO.VAddresaE. Oaklst. IIIQneenHt. ti


cm nU thread to Ste Inch.It BOLLKS - CO- -

MajitmMi u(UfJ.. . uJUk A . Sfe9sWlftaUHUM4iffi 'UiAj-i-a vl.XJl&U

tiiii 111 m k. viiiiUt iii imniuo


From the Cargoes--or ii KE



DRY GOODS AND CLOTHINGPrints of laical ntvlcs, fant colors;llluo Dctiitni), Wlillo Crodon Sheeting,Horrock's LoriK Clotlia,Iirown Mnen firllliI'tiro Mncim, Molcslins,IHtio nnd Whito Check I.istidos.Fmicy DrcsB (loodii, I'nncy 1'lalcls,itussk Orasli, Hcarfg, Tic, Cravalu,Orocfiotn and Fancy Work,Towclincg and Towels,Men's Wliito nnd Ilronit Cotton Half-hoi- e,

I.adico' Hose, Alcn's Heady Made Clo thins;,Indin Iluhbcr Coals, Capes and Leggings',Itcgatta and Woolen Shirts,llluo nnd Oroy Horse Illnnkcla,Wliito Cotton Jllankctn,Woolen lllankols, nil colors lizes and

weights;Woolen and Canton Flannels,Velvet and Tapestry Carpctings,Velvet and Tapestry Rngs, Carpets and


Sugar Bags 20x36, Coal i j.rm aMAZiZi,

Rice Bags, Prime QualityHeavy and Light linrlaps nnd Twine,

SADDLERY!A full assortment of

GENTS' SADDLESAlso a fow very nice

LADIES SADDLE!Saddlo cloths, bridles &c.


CORRUGATED ROOFING,In n, T, 8 and Oft Ionj;tln (31 jance), hcrca

and Warhers to match.

IooiQjtis Slates,Fence Wire, Xos. fi, 0, 7, and Staples,

with fish mmHolts and plkc4 cuuiplrtr.

Fire llricks, I'ortluiiil Cement,

Fln'.CIa),ttiiiilii!r, Chalk,Vcllow Ochre.



3, 5 and 7 yard lengths.

Liverpool Salt & Rock Salt,Dcmijons 1, 2, 3, 1 and 5 gallons each.Gahanizcd Buckets, Tabs, DaBi'ns c,Croekcrj', Iron liedsteads,

ZINCS, PAINTS AND BOILED OILS,Worcestershire Sauces, Groceries,

English Leather Belting, from 3 to 10 in,superior,

Topsail Sheet Chains, "Admiralty Test,"Sizes 2,



" Pig llratid" Stout, in pints and quarts;Guinness' Stout,Wood & Wolfo'B All?, pints and quarts;Bass' Alo in quarts and pints,India Palo Ales in qitarU and pints,Bclfaht Ginger Ale,I'ino French Brandies In hulk and cases,llcnncssy's Brandy in cases &Old Tom, Cheap Brandy In cases,Cases Scotch and Irish Whiskies,Duplessta "Red Bar" and other

in cases,Best Sherry in bulk and cases,Champagne in quarts and pints.

Powell Duffryn Steam Coal&c. &C dtc fte. at.





No. IW and iai Kort btWill rnntlnuo the business at the nld stand. Ur

and emplojlnu lsT.VLAHNARTlNTM,ssaaliallendeasurto maintain thprritlz of the old and popular Uallerr, and to merit sliberal patronage br fair dealln: and superior Work.

Special Attention Given to ChildrM.We am prepared to do all kinds of Ur; Work from

allmlstuiF to 1.1 fe Site, either In

Wtiti'i' Colors, Crayon, Intllu Ink, orOil. IMiotos. ColoreUt&c, Ac.

The only (lallrrrln Honolulu which haa a completeCollection of INUtNIt VSKWM. In addition to Ibosepurchased of Mr, Uleksnn, we base the entire collet,lion of Views and 1'ortralt NeratUra; made by Mr.Chase, thus enabllnj ns lo ruTrr the pieatrst rsrlety laViews, comprising

Ficturtque, Town,

Plantation and

Lava Flow Vitwi,Also, a supply of llausllan and Mouth Mrs Island

curiosities, Kerns, Nbells, Ac., .tc., AcA Hue stock, of frames. Mala, and I'assriajtouts

constantly ou band.A. lady hIII be Iu constant attendsnre

Cfc-rg-fM RsavsosuvUa) staal Mntlafcsllsf

Qts ratatsxsl.Itr On us a Call

J. Williams C.. '

e1' t rroprlHan.

FRANK II. AUSTIN k t'.tComiHiMion Maroluuite a4 Iw

wayajj-s- s- AgMltS.OMre .Vu. 90 CallfamU Ht., Km t'raaMtee.

Consignments from the Hanallan Islands itrslttfl.The Best I'rlcts Warramed.and Hales Ousraateed.

7t 4 ly


0U.1I. 4


Page 2: Saturday r R Pioneer1 - · THE SATURDAY TRESS. i uPioneer1'Line a v t w r a r e n r r n 1 1 it r n uf.hku itim srmonirllov FROM LIVERPOOL. M riVE J)

conMniiciAii.uushu r.r. jf.v: ini. !.!

Tin' iwi nntsbtf rient In tiuslnesa clrrli" slnrennrlast issue to III sal' nt unci Inn nf the l.rmimronrteen parrel of land ntnl Inr I. nto tin one lot weredisponed of and liroiijrlil n larjfrr mm lliuii was antici-

pated Th" good prlrfd Hint won rrntlreil from thesales of linn lnla on Knlnnlcnhtm I'lalns. Indicate

rry plainly t lint Ihe Itilrnllmi of parllra desiringhome utrflil In n locality thai combine at nnro pnlnbrl-t-

of almnsphrre and rnnvrnlent proslmlly to town,dan liccn directed that way. There are serral reasonswhy a homestead on tlic I'laln l preferable to one In

the Valley'scren If the latter were to lie liil-- ml notthe least of the ndmnlnWit Hint may be named Is thensatiraiire of a plentiful supply of purr water fromartesian wells. t'nfnrtiinAtcly linwtrrr for would-b-

pmehasera of hmiselols, there ore not many more leftlo he had. 1 he f Internment la entirely nut of lots. Anil

practically All the Mini remaining; unfold In In thehands nf one or Inn purlieu Thin, we understand, willshortly he omnrd lo public cnniiPlllon In suitablelol"lien an opportiunly will he ffhriled, to secure,At a fnlr filiation, a most eligible sltuatm homeiitciii!.A llkerhanre will not occur again.

Tht. piily ntrhnla hae been the Nlnlto from Tahiti'with ifcimla of wood, ami the Kllkltai, from TortTonntrml wllh Inmher 'Ihe ('.Murray sotnirforthe CoAt on Thursday with full cargo eonslatlnj: ofMi,jB lbs Aiigir, J.MN (falls molasses, and SOSix.) Iliarice, Mtllinl (it $V), Oft.

We proicnt subjoined In tnbtilar form the amount ofrxpottaior Slay Including the Ine I three ilaya nf April:

88 :S :f3SKS!i!SR .S3

mm33 i?" :3 4&.s4 :gf

Tfj jl i : H :T srsti: : I : i : : : i in:::::::::: :& :

. IT3 I t ' ', I i I ',

w,o s1- - Ti gJi ft E JI tl It tA A Ji Ji I. 2 Ji


2:o. s 3--

.1 J . j : i j i


Arrivotl.May 53-- Ilr bk .Alary Mildred, lb du) from Tahiti

Htm Mkcllke frinn Wlnduurd Porta.him Kllauen llou from Kiihulul

.'.Sun : lllahoii, riom KaimlHch Mnnuokawr.1 from Nallllllich Kckauliiohl from llanalelrcb Kaulkcnull, from llonokaaHcb Malolo, from IlakalauHch Jenny Walker, from HaIiibatne Nlnlto, Cnmeran, 'X daya from

Tahiti:P- -ll II M H Champion, Hope, :18 data from Co-- "

qnlmbnhim IhaIiiiiI, from Alaalaea, Komi and Kan

SI Am bktne Kllktlat, t'utlir, from Pt (iambicHtui U'almaiialo from Wiilmanulo

Iiiiip 1 Htm 'a Makcc from Kauai2 htmr l.clina, from liana and Molokolz. Sulloil.

.May a;-- Aui bk Hmerald, Lord, for Port Uamblr17 Htm .Ilia Makce fur Kauai

Hch Prince, for lloiiuapuA Hch Piiholkl for Puna"SHilllr bk Mary Mildred for llnrrarda lulet

SU-- Mokolll, for KoolnnHch ticn'l Hi lel, for WalaluaHtm l.ehua for Mnlokal and MaulHch Walole, for Krokeabch MaimokauAt, for NaullhllHtm Kllanra Hon for Kahtilul

, .Htm O It lilihop for Kauai'Hch Kekaulnohl, for llanalelHch Nellie Merrill for r.ahalnaHcb Pauahl, for WalnlhuHch ilulcjknla, for Peepeekco

31 Sell Jennie Walker, for llapuuHch Malolo, for HakalatiHell Kaiilkraonll, for llonokaa

June 1 Am bk I) O Murray, Jenka. for han l'rauclccoStill iHiilanl, for Maalaea, Kona and Kali

y VossoIh In Port.AVl..

II II M H t'liaiuplon.llopc5Ieiiciiatmi:n.

Am bk California, JlownrilAm biitno JlornliiK Star, llrayAm bktuc Kllkltat, Cullerllan bstnc Nlnlto, Cameron

Voaiolii Ei)cctoil nt Honolulu, from ForeignPorts.

Am bk Kdnurd May, Johnaoii, I.lerpool, due Drew er,t Co, Audita.(Irr bk Hlclla. bmniuer, New York, due. Castle A.

Cooke, Amenta.tier bk Paradox, HurRilofl, Nc Cartle on Tine, dueJuly H llackfeld Co, AReuta.(ler bk Adolnb, llupfer, Newcastle on Tyne. due June.1W3, II llackfeld ii Co, Amenta.Haw bk Kale, ltnthfna, Ilremen, to fall 111 all Anrll.Ilrll H H Monarch, Ht MlchaeH, due June SKKi.lla acli Julia, Tlern-- y, Hnutli He.i Is, a lie A 1'

Cooke, Agentllktne J A Porbes, Han Fran, due JunoCastle .t Cooke, Agents(lerbk.loscfn, llortsmann, Cardlll, due Aug MO. llack-feld A. Co, Agcnla

-- AnuaPritht, New Castle, N S W, due'"" !,.";"' """'Ti i.iM'rpooi, duo Aii:iitu-ltl- .Til l)aleiV;Cii, Agcnta

. ..llrlUs btrulhalrly, i .-- , iuuKiuiik, m sail x ran- -Cisco, duo llackfeli v 10, gnuu

Ilk Heme. Mclntjre, Nanalmo, due, Allen & Iloblnrun, .ig;riHAm ach Hnlft, Kurcka, for Kahiilul.dno JuneAm bk C'aniilen. (latter, Port (Iambic, duo June V1U.

llAckfeld A. Co, Agent,Am bUnoKIla, Ilron, Han VraucUco, duo Junollruwcr .VCo, Agenta.Am bhJ?.P.-l.1''- Xc'v c"'tle, N S W, dueMay

llrcwer.t Co, Agenta.Am bk Marthu Davis, llenaon, lloitou, to tall ubout.May ), limn er A Co, Agenta.

T7:lV,0'.t.a uney. duo JuneIlrlt ah llrltlsh J.mbasador, l)als, New Castle, NbW

'.l h.'.! ''"rufant, Tliomas, New Castle, NhWPMhh City of New York, Cobb, Hjdney, duo June 5, IIllackfeld A, Co, Agents

PMSH Aiiftralla, Tiillhoy, Kjn Pranclsco, duo June 10,llackfeld A Co, Agtma

Nlcbk Heuiljlo, llowea, Newcastle, N b W, duo

SHIPPING NOTES.The Missionary Packet Morning Klur la"atHor7nsoii'"a

wlurf load ng store and lilting lor n cruise to Micron-esia, to sail In about eight or ten da) a.

The Haw steamer W II Heed, of llllu. Is at llrtwcr A".'""' :,Ytfh,ull,,K "'acblnery, lwlutlug, etc. bhcnlll return In llllu soma tlmu next Week.

Tho Haw bgliii- - Nlnlto lias returned from Tahiti witha, load of flru wood willed she la discharging at tholl?,.iS'!" "JT0''"'. H'O Custom House, she lostabout :w heaif or cattle on her down trip,Tim bktne Kllkltat la at tho foot of Port Ht. dlscharc-n- g

a 1 argp of lumber, Hho w III probably bo laKl on toload augar for San fraiuUco.Thd Am bk California l still dlaclurglng coal at thefoot of r H I.lkrllLc'c wharf.The 1) C Murray tailed 011 Thuraday last for San1 ranclsco with a lull freight, and !JI cabin and B ateer-ag- e

passengers.Tho llr bk. Mary Mildred, from Tahlll. touched off thepoit last buiiday to land some Utters, en ruulo to llur-rar- dt Inlet to load lumber for tho Colonies,ThoPM SB City of New York will be due fromsjduty on Monday next, on her way to the Coast, (lityour letters ready.

.mhillV"0.L'"Jl0 J"11" "illf1 from KMinlul on the.May ban bun 1'ranCUco,The bktuo W H Dlmond, bk Cjanc und nhr ClauaHprcckels wireutKahululimthegrtUof May, for the

.i'"i.r,K.l''a.l"en.,-Mo.lr11- 1 """ ashoro near Walkano ou1st 'the last report from her yesterday Mashat her cargo bad all bem landid, and attempt, wucbeing madu to float UuMraael. Hho wa ou sandy bot.

.,'"llir7T,1iiMQVuJH.,m." l,w" MltA "'' maybetoday.

PASSENGERS.Iroin Wludttord Ports, rer Llkcllke. May .T-l- lon

,1 Molt bmlth and daughter, Hon H (1 Wlliltr. J Nswa.hi. LAholo. HAIwohl JKaukau, (I Vrltx, V'll

IIAIona, II Plkelo. J Katual. Iter T Coin indnlfe. Mra Jordan uud child. J Ivar. 1. Auu. m,. 11.....1! rhlldreti and liurre. Sirs HoaLauii. I' kmC.t.... u.IdaMcKluley.J (I llnjTel.Un, Miss l.aura. Miss Kama-la- ,

Mlsa Kaboohull, (I C Wllllauia. II Cornwell, llr V 11Kudrs. M H.Munsarrat, J A Palmer, II CruwnlnburrUHUugg HTurtuu. 11 Taylor, f Kimdirn. wife slidt children,.K.'?m ??' ,l"r K.Kl'I'hoi'. Maj J ' "lade, W

Rice. 1st ubori;, U P Adama.From Hawaii and Maul, nrr Iwalaul. MiyUilU WII

Htiiiie, I hleiigner, l" Woulcmt. W K Howell. James O

"'.. A N hproull, uV Macfarlaue, ( V Town,send, KCMac arlaiie, W H llalley, K II l'owler. J aswife .ud chiTd,"l)r .uodle. UuilSSSSi ' "lc"","on'


lor bill 1 1) I Murrar. MaeWright ami wife. AVoing, Mr illMiHire, W J ltegau, Mr ton!liruauiu. Manuel W llublu,.! 11 iS?.'.,"Catanah audjl cdlldrvu, Mr HUticu

. ..HUI.,1,. Mlt

MARRIED.NOXb;Altll.T-l,UCK- -lu thu'city Junl.t, 1W,',it bl. AudriiuU'atbedral. by the Iter. Ale. Macklu!

S'"t Jj,u--l Jn" loti.Us, second sou of the latrM.U Mourtrrat, Htq., to 1'iout.MC Ullen, youngestdauzbler of li. II. I.m... tn,., nil of this city, tar" No

Ur.!XK-WlC- UE -- U Honolulu, May lftih. 1WJ. byIbo mtko)o(Ulba, AluiiTiki; Ui.u.k toMisa MiT

.mw- - 'yipTi

IMFOKTS.From Tahiti, per NlnlTnT Jlay30-'clr- ce Alo.90

cords fire nooil, 3 bx mdse.From Port Townsrnd. per Kllkltat, .Mayt-6,S!U,- f,7l

ft lumber, imra ahlnyles, 9lMftdre"eil ceder, to IIllAckfeld A Co.

EXPORTS.for Port Tuwnsend, per Emerald, JlaySS- - Ilallast

And alorraKor San PrcncUco, per II C Murray, .May

Ilia t ngar, 3,6M ?lli molisses. cca.'.oi lb! rice. 211 hides,WW lb tallow I)om Value. $W,4II M.

Till; MATimilAl VHtAHPublished for Ihe HAiiniur ri:sa Associatmk by

IIOIIEUT (lltlKVK A CO.,Hook, Job and dcneral Printers.

Honolulu, II. 1

Notices of any events of Interest transpiring on Ihenlhrr Islsnds will attraya be thankfully received forr'Ubllcallon Correspondents are reqnested to append

lo all communications, not for publi-cation necessarily, but na a guarantee thalthe vtrltir- acting In good faith



Can nny 0110 icail over tho new Apiroiriu-tio- n

Hill nml nolo tho ainoutitfl pet apart forllio oxpeiincs of timintnliiiiic rtti nrmy withoutoxperieiicins a fculing of Rttpromo (UhriihI ?

Cm nny 0110 co in Huh tho fulfillment ofpromiHca maJo by tho now Ministry ? Can nnyonu imngino a moro ilisgrnccful sttrroiulcr ofcommon r)eno to tho difcanei! opinion of afow " who Bit lilgh?" Militiiridtn in Hawaiihna tluvolopcd into a chronic complaint, onowhich no nnno and honest pomon could ciucourngc. It hna already been productive ofmuch liami and a continuanco uf ita ahnormnlBrowth would bo political stlicido. TI10 fol-

lowing aro tho itomti wo allude tn:Klng'eduard $ aS.WI.rilAid to Voluntier Comiianics lU.ono.UIDrill Shtd 5,000.00Hand, Klaga anil Saliitia 33.'IC.IXIArmaand Accontrementa 30,000.00

Total..... $I07,SW.M

III addition tn tho nbovo is tho amount of$15,000 for tho education of Hnwniinn yoillhain foreign conntrica (at military and navaluendemica) and in thu Atlornoy Genoinl'sdepartment SCO.OOO for nil " armed force, con-

tingent fund to be expended by advice of thoKing and Cabinet Council." Head carefullythe words quoted. This moana an addition totho military, or tho organization of a forcoauxiliary thereto, Tho coat por capita of thopopulation for maintaining tho army on thonbovo baaiB would bo grcator than that of thomaintenance of tho U. S. army, and aurcly wo

aio not moro in ntod of a atnuding army thsntho Great Itcpublic.

If tho army is intended lor pjiado only(it ia fit for nothing else) it could bo rr.ado Ies3

expensive, and should bo organized as a mili-

tia forco. No cno in his right mind couldimagine for alt instant that they could bointended for moro than play soldieru. Let uaprovo it. If every adult Hawaiian in theKingdom belonged to tho army tliero would notbo men enough to form a complete division ;

and if every male, native and foreign born,between tho ages of ono and ono hundredyears, was in tho ranks, they would not forma respectable corpa. A third rato Amoricanor European city could tutn out more able-bodi-


men than this Kingdom can, peopleof all ages, and a regiment of Amorican orEuropean veterans could annihilato tho entireHawaiian nrmy and think thoy wore on a pic-

nic excursion. Ono foreign man-of-w- ar coulddestroy every town and landing in tho group,oven though tho Pelc carried :i howitzer nther bow and w:ib commanded by tho youthfrom tho Italian naval school. There are nofacilities for moving other than light troopsnny distnnco ou this or other islands. Thoguns, anittnitiou and everything elso requiredwould havo to como from abroad, and whentho powder was nsed up by salutes andtarget practice, what would our gallantsoldiers do? And, moro important still, whatwould become of tho army when tho prettyuniforms from Europe wore worn out? Itwould bo a military impossibility to keepsoldiers in tho field without these uniforms.It cannot bo that a military forco is ncceg-sar- y

to provent internecino broils. It cannotbo that it is intended for show, for it haanever yet made a respectable appearance. Itcan only bo intended to prevent foreign inva-sion and uh hucIi it would bo worse than use-less. Nr ono possessing ordinary judgmentor a grain of patriotism would support theaboro appropriations as thoy now stand. Thomembor of tho House who Mould moro toamend by striking out tho amounts namedand substituting therefor u roasouablo appro-priation for a thoroughly drilled and armedpolico forco, would bo doing a worthy act. Itwill not do to bo mealy-mouth- about thitnatter. To ripond largo sums of money forthis purposo is a criminal waste of thopublic funds; it is litllo less than robberyand furthermore, it is fraught withdanger to tho State. It these and kindredmeasures nro carrind out it will next bo inorder to obtain an appropriation to defray Ihofuneral expenses of tho Kingdom.


As part of the policy of tho now administration, it was stated that tho expenditure ofpublic money would bo judiciously and witon.ically made ; and ponding tho appearance oftho revised Appropriation Hill, which hasnow bcon laid before thu Assembly, it was notcompetent for any ono to gainsay or to ques-tion tbo avowed intention of tho newly ap.pointed Cabinet, howoter much thoy mighthavo bocn iuclined to doubt, from tho previ-ous history of certain members thereof, theirability or deposition to abide by their ownaverments. A consideration of this bill, how-ever, will immediately dUsipato all confidencein tho promise of " economical " and "jtidi-ou- a

" expenditure of tho public money, if itdoea not also offer a partial explanation of thecauci which led to the resignation or thu pre-vio- uu

Cabinet.With tho political profession of such u man

aa tho Minister of Foreign Affairs boforo ns, itwould havo been n difficult tusk lo havo pre-dicted almost to a cortaiuty the particularUirectiou 111 which u Cabinet of which he istho head, would be ntithtr judkious noreconomical in recommending the uxpetidititreof tho public fuudi. And this recommenda-tion stauds before us in tho reality whichwould have bceu looked for by any man ofseusa, who had kept himself conversant withtho politics of tho country during tho past twoj cure. A man that seeks) favors will uatturally be ucliued to return them in some sortupon the sourco from whuueo thoy ure sought,and ructived.

Uhjo coiupariug tho Appropriation Bill ofthe retired Cabinet with that uow preaontedby their succeeaora in power, it m ill bo ob-

served that it has Leeu increased by 8163,- -

550.0.1 and prcielitr. a total of $3,082,117.53.As our contemporary, tho timU't indicate,the appropriation of SI 0,000 for His MiijertlyV

household expenses has been incrcneod to

820,000. Sinco then has been presented aresolution to tho Legislature by a governmentefficial, not a Minister truh, but n Postmaster

Gcnoral, proposing to swell tho AppioprintionHill still further by tho addition of S22.600 in

order to meet ihe expenditure incurred by HisMajesty and suit during their lato lour of thoworld, fifteen thousand (hilars for nowntnblca for tho I'nlnco has nlso been asked for;nnd an entirely now item of 820,000 for thoreception of foreign clients. Hon. ('has. It.nishop, on Wednoralny Inst, wlillo nddreasingtho Assombly upon tho Riibject of tho pro-

posed expenditures of monoy in connect!' n

with royalty, Inciduntally mentioned that thoincome from Crown Landa might be sot downnt nbout 830,000 per annum. Now, totalizing

the H0cral amounts diicclly connected with

thu support of royally na propositi, with anaddition of tho income from Crown Land asestimated by a gentleman conversant with

such matters, wo have an annual outlay for

tho ensuing two years, of 880,250.00. l'or thubenefit of the reader, wo append tho spucinc

amounts for tho biennial period : His M-ajesty's 1'iliso and Stale, $15,000;Household expenses, $20,000 ; Her Majestythe Queen, 310,000 ; Pahico stables, 310,000 ;

His MujfHly'ri tour, 822,500 ; Ilonts of CrownLandx, 800,000 ; in all making an amount of8172,500, which divided by two, will giso thofigures boforo set down. Wo say nothing oftho $20,000 for tho entertainment of foreignguests, or of tho 3i,000 for decorations, whichmight with propriety have boon added,

for tho support of military wo hao thobashful nmoiint ofS07,000 naked for against$75,300 that wua appropriated in I860; and$00,000 in tin Attorney Oonoral'i) department,for an armed forco to bo expended by advicoof thu King and Cabinet Council. Thu exactnature of thin armed force, hna nut beenexplained, neither has information bcon givenas to itu object, and therefore, in our ignor-auc- o,

it is to bo hoped wo will bo pardoned ifwrong in putting it down as only anothor wayof asking for moro coldicrs and nrmti.

Comparing the estimated expenditure oftho retired Ministry with thoso of tho Cabinetnow in power, wo havo tho following tnblis:

11 id ncnciscs.Salaary Ohambcrbln $ l.OCOMIluu scbold expenses of Hl llajcaly LCJOCOKxuenacs Lcctslature I.00UOJOopjlng Clerk l'orclgu Dale l.ouUHJCoronation lO.OCOOOr.vpenses toiclgn Mislon I.OjuOOl'rlson Guard (more eoldlcrafj 7,00000Salarj l'ostmasltr Ocneral l.OuUUIncidentals Post Officii HX100Clerk Sheriff llatrall l.buOOUClerk bherllTMaul l.bOOOUArmed Force TO.0O0UOArms and accoutrcminls go.ouoooEntertainment of lorelgn Visitors iW.uujOU

ToUl $137,100 00

0000 iNcnciata.Circuit Judge Kanal S I0""0Civil Engineer 6,00000.Mall Carrlir SO0PUItoadaand llrldeea l.i.VJUt)Intending Whurf at Lahalna a.uouwCustom Hnucc Ouard and Surveyor at llllo.. ',0ifluu

Totals J aa.TWCOKxccescsof Uad Increases over Uouil.... 'J 3 ! 0U


Iload Knglucer J" I.OOOOnNew Tag W.COUUOSalary Collector General Cusloma I.UUIOU.Marshal Hawaiian Islands t.OCOCO

Total 57,CyOW


Hillary President Hoard Health t s.cwnoHilary Mesaugcr Uovcrnor'a Office 930 00

Total $ S.'JIOOOExcess of Uad Decreases over Good IS,0b 00

Yet thoro is every reason to believe, especially in regard to the support of royalty andits twin brother, tho soldiery, that tho limit of

proposed expenditure has nut yet been reached,and wc havo an inkling of othor propositions tobo intiodiiccd by representatives affecting lliceodepartments which tho Ministry may not, forpolicy sake, like to father. Accoiding to thoAppropriation Bill presented by tho nowMinistry tho increases of estimated expenditure, are all or nearly all, connected, with themnififeiiaiice 0 royalty or tho pay of military,But tho wot thy Premier has tho faco to go

before tho Legislature and represent to themthat tbo large increntoin the proposed expen-

ditures of public money was dependent upontho contemplation of large und important im-

provements in the public works of tho country " benefits which would go down to posterity, und for which posterity should be

willing to pay its share."


The lteprcsontatives from Honolulu, whowero elected on what was known aa tho " Gov

crnment ticket," havo shown thoir hand in

tho Assembly, and what was prophesied ofthem is coming truu. Liliknlani, the "states-man," who introduced tho " ten million loan,"was tho proper person to propoho licensing thomanufacture and salo of opium in HawaiiTho programmo of this clique is to obtain rev-

enue at whatever co6t to dofray tho oxponso ofarmament und tho increase to an uuuesossaryoxtent of many itoms connected with Government, or vuthur thoao who govern. This muddy-h-

eaded statesman thinks that opium wouldbe used only by Chinctu. At prosont liquor istabu to IIaw.niian, and yet, through tho Chi- -neso, thcyobtnin nil thoy want. If tho Chinesocan sell whisky to natives in violation of lawand before tho eyes of n largo polico forco, whatwill prevent them disposing of opium in thoeatno manner? Older countries aro endeavoringto stamp nut thu opium trado, learning its danger from eipcrionco. One thing is cortain : iftho drug is to bo manufactured and sold here,no matter how strict may bo the hie regarding tho mattor, natives can got it ; and wouldthe state-ma- and his colleagues wish to manu-facture another bombshell to aseist in tho extermination of hie raco, merely to add a few

dollars to the hungry treasury?


Aimmj the petitions presented to the Legislativo Aiaembly was one by Mr. Komakoloof Makawao, praying that small pieces, nf landbe sold at private sale to those desiring topurchase. This petition morftt careful con-

sideration. Then? is nothing that will makopeople moro contented nnd industrious than toknow that thoy have a homo of their own;not one that is leased for a term, but whichbthngi to thow. There are largo tracts ofGovernment lauds In the various islands that

bfxl-- 1 bo sold In small lots to worthy pooplawho will mako their homes on and imprnvo It.Tho amount disposed of to any one personshould be small and precaution should betaken to prevent what is knt,wu aa "landgrabbing." Germany found it necessary foallow bor peasants to buy small parcels f thopublic land in order to prevent them fromemigrating. If wo want to keep amongst aslit deslrsblo immigrants who 01 e brought hereit will be necessary to eftcr them notuo inducomeat to remain.


"On motion lo appoint Govern! committocti to

report upon particular Heme in tho Appropria-tion Hill, a general diacuosloii on tho bill itselfsroao n tho Asucmhly yosterday morning,ending in a division which showed Jvory plain-

ly that tho Government han tho thorough support of the House on iW financial policy generally." ' ' Vido '. C. Dalbj Apttrtiw,Juno 1st. Itoth editorially and in its reportsof tho Legislative proceedings this paper hasspoken of this fact us a notablo triumph of theGovernment, whereas In reality thia particularfact justifies no hucIi assumption. Mr. Hishop,whoso vlows, as expressed in regard to the" financial policy" of tho (lovcrntncnt, wouldscarcely ontitlu him to tho honor nf buing con-

sidered 11 supporter of this policy, was the firat

man lo express his opposition lo the resolu-

tion, wlillo tho introducer of tho resolutionhiuiHulf, judging fioni his conduct in tho As-

sombly, li actually u tuppnrkr of Ihe Minittry.Several gentlemen in tho Assembly known to

bo opposed to tho " linuueiiil policy" uf tlm

Government also voted iignitixt thubut upon far other groiiliilH than that of mi idea

of offering their support in favor nf an extrava-

gant and unjustifiable polioy affecting tho ex-

penditure of tbo public money. As was re-

marked by Mr, Hishop, tho working of Com-

mittees, as cuntcmplatid by this resolution,would involve a waste of lime, and it was thin

consideration, dottbllusa, that influenced manyother voIob. That the Ministry may have Iho

support of 11 mni"-il- y in llm Assembly wo willnot deny ; bit'.jf .t the vote ou tho resolutionreferred to i any indication ot that met wo

cannot concede. If we should adopt thu samostylu of reasoning- as the Daily Adcerliser, andmake tho popularity or disfavor in which thoMinistiy stood, dopctidunt upon llie)reultlor avoto upon a singlo item, wo might with equalpropriety al(ego that tho Ministry had ceasedto rccoivo tho "support of tho House," inas-

much as their proposed incrcutto of tho Cham-

berlain's ialaiy had benii voted down by a

largo majority, and our ground might bo

strengthened by reference to the fact that thoHouso would not pads upon an item of 322,500askod for to defray tho exponcos of the King'slate foreign tour, until it had been subjectedto tho investigation of :i special committee-- .

Wo do not struin at gnats, but do object to

swallowing camols.

Wiso and Othorwino.

ritoote on "IliaMnJejty's Household Kipcu;oa"bill nhons 1 cry well tbo complexion of the morn-bc-

of tlio llonbo.

'iho daily '. C. .l.'s Inmo explanation of thoehannea In the A pronriatlon Hill ghows ono of thotwo things: cither Mr. Gibson it ashamed ot hisown actions or the editor of tho P.of hiu chief.

Our new Minister of Finance shotted bin llmittdmental calibre on 'Wednesday last by losing histemper on 11 trifling matter and callius a worthymembor of the llotisa opprobrious names. It vmsnecessary for tho I'rosident to call him lo ordor.

Tho popularity of tho now Ministry in tho lies-klatu-

was short-lived- . Every Item in tho Appropriation Bill thoy favored yesterday was voteddown nnd ovory ono thoy opposed was supportodby tho majority. Anothor change will bo noxt Jnordor.

Wu would lil.o to HBk tho Into Ministry who,tho present Minister of Foreign Affairs status,iiBticil tho invitations for the coronation cere-monies for n list of tho crowned beads nnd royalprinces who have been bidden to tho fonsL throughthoir instrumentality.

Thoro seorus to ho a (rowing tendenoy iimonKr. certain class in power to elevate to offico to thouxclnslou, or oven rsjulilag, of whites, whethornative- born and snRJcets bt iao King or not, thosowhom they aro to stylo Haicaiiaim. Butwith nil this avowed fraternity of fcolinp;, they arostill wont to mako 0, tacit."3i1miidIon of tho nccceityof mi infusion of whito-bloo- d in order to fit menfor responsible offices nnd thoso requiring anyspecial skill, otherwise it is unexphiinnble why .1mixed race should bo preferred before tho unmixedaborip,inees nmong whom to select men for oflicofl.Such nro no inoro Itaicawina than they nro hooter,uxecpting by birth.

No Hawaiian is allowed by law to loave his owncountry for the pursuit ot either business or pleas-nr-

excepting with tho consent of 11 Governor.Whilo tho Hawaiian is nsserting his right toequality in thu uho of spirituous liquors and inother lnnttcrx, perhaps it would be well for him toconsider how tar such 11 law is in accord with truofreedom; or in what other nation on tho faco oftbo earth, nrotendiu to civilisation, ho can fiud a.

precedent for tho law to which he now so tamelysubmits. Aro a race, aspiring to offico, and equal-ity with the best, still lit subjects for uunrdiau-ship- ?

Hucli n thine is nu anomaly.

Mr. Green's Reply.

Emron Satubday l'lirss: I do not purpose tocontinue tho discu.sHlon on tho snbjeot of toyletter whiob appeared in the last issue of thoweekly Pacific Commercial Adicrllter, explainingtho causes ot the resignation of tho late Ministry,und I slmll allow to till thoao whom I may havothere "arraigned," including tho Editor of theOinttte, the privilege of tho last word. I thluk Ican afford this, as thu four leading articles anduumvroun paragraphs on it in tbo last issue ofthat paper only confirm in substnnco nil my state-ments ; and the contention of tho Gazette notwith-standing my explanation, " that it still seems totth that tho lato l'romier could have held his posi-tion for iitinio at least, and that hu should havodono so," is rathor complimentary to rao thanotberwiho. It has the misfortune however to bohorucwlmt iucoiiiUtent with Iho succeeding articloon thu same subject In which ho Bays, nnd inItalic, that ho was told on authority which hosays hu prcforu tomino that, "a new Cabintt unaUting to be formed at nny ratr," and that my" iutluunco witii tho Logislnlnro nan dawn lo thuvaultsbtug point."

Why then should I ha a hold ou to my position ?This Is unintelligible, lint thu Editor of tho(luuttc cuts bothered between vihat ho is told undwhat ho makcH out for himself. Uis informantsno doubt told him that I had to resign any way,and they perhaps also told him that I ought tohavo held ou n tittlo longer. Thoy did uot how-ov-

tell him why 1 shonld havo held on. I mnvperhaps bo able to help him nithuhint. Couldit haie boon that bahi bpou tbulkoct iu the Gib-son icherae, thoy mom not quite ready with a manto put In my shoes ? In that view no doubt Iresinned too quickly. Next tiuio 1 will wait tillthey nro ready to slip into office tbo whole of thoirou party,

Tho Editor of thu Gazette MUllo upoloxiiiug iupart for what bo had said before, persists in, alluding- - to myself, that " hu enturtalus autil-cio-

prejudice on tho whole bubject of maklurtany effort toward tho Treaty is nnfortunatolymade only too plain in his celebrated letter," Ibou in the most retpoctfal but decided maimer todeny that my letter gives him tho slightest groundfor such a btntomcut, and 1 challenge him, or anyof his informants on thia sebjoct, to point to oneuiuulo instauce where I havo tailed to do anythingfor Ucciproclty that I onshtto havo dono in tho!nst, or to ubow v hat moasares should bo tsLcnlntnu luture mat I nns not prepared to adopt.

Ki cry body bat tbo Editor of the Gti(o knowsexactly how this mattor stands, and that someover zealous men haiinc; tuadu 11 miataks are noweompellid to look round and find souoexoabefor it.

It is veil understood that tbo ureal Unlit agaiiutReciprocity nil not como on boforo Oecumbvrnext, ami that somu months befofo that ourLuvoy at Wa&hlnston, who) btuinosa it is, willbavoui ork hard and olio ho will havo togt--iiipUiuucc. Notwithstanding this Uowover, I wrotehim somu months ago authorizing him to drawnpon thu department of Foreign Anairs for whatmoney hu wanted for the purpose of obtaiubicwhat askiataucu van neccswry Iu uolloctlnj; andsprendinc information and lu rcfutiurt falsehoods.J'artof this money was spent beforu tbeSUlofMarch, und thu remainder ua drawn ont andplaced lu tho bauds of thu Uugistrar uf fablloAccounts ready to meet tbo drafts, and iu so doiu1 havo iMtidoted myself liable to bo torn to picjby honorable rvprceentatuea and other watobfulcitizens for bating spent poblio money for whichthere was no appropriation, nud tratuforred thenocount to the education of Hawaiian youths iuforeign countries.

Willi reward to the proptr ixraou U mud toasblugtou bieh baa been oou-cunt- ly

before nil our uunds, I do uot heaituto toadmit that the toau 1 bad set my wind upou wanUsury A. V. Cuter, aUkoH. I Eaow (oil io the

present oxeilcd state of pollllril feeling, this isIIUo holding out a red M lo n hi'l t but of nil Ihocniididntos available for this honor ho is tho one Ishould prefer, nnd I havo bad ninny years oxjiorl- -nnco in wnrr in me in corainq to turn conclusion.Wo can't nil no to Washington.

I do eonfcMH Hint I Kei somewhat clinRrined,that nfler hnlng conducted tbo department ofForeign AlTnlrs during tho whole limo that tho I

lleclpruclty Treaty was Inst blind neqotlnted upto Its llnnl conelntloii lu 1S70, aid liming fought t

it thrnnt'h tho IKlslnlnro npnijisl tho Rtosscstprojudiea and ininreprrsentiMion- ,- for fow repro- - '

Mutative) really knew what Iteclproelty moan I Inthoso days I sfiy thrtt I do feel that I havo reasonid do nnnoycu, tuai a nowBtiapcr nnicii tionsts orbolugn "frco latioo" should bo Inflnuucod by theiinii-sldr- station of n pirty, who thinking It ncces- -isnry " In ilo somctlifng" for ltoclproclty, havoundo 11 buiiRlo of it, nnd luive now to find an

exciiHu for Ibeir notion by neensins mo of beingapiMHbd lo It, or what Is just ns bad, of doingnothing to help it.

llul after all, Ictus tako matters philosophically.Thu ovents nro ptrlinps only ulnit i miplit lookfor from nicrngu inortiiliiunderlhocircuinstnnccH.'I here wns ono Ihirg that becama quito clear toovcrjbody, nnd that nns that after tho late rathersudden uttnek npon it, Hieiproclty wns iu ileinnfr;but just exactly what should have been done ntthu moment nobody know, nnd certainly no onobut 11 prophet could Imo lorcFccn that tho attackuould lie in kIii nhen it wns. It Is n fnlllugof uoalc Iimiiau naturn that ivliou sudden danuorcomes tipuu ns there often arisen nu uncoutrolnbloInstinct to "doKoinclhlnK," qultu irrcsectlve ofwhether It is tlio rlsbt thing to do or not. Thusill 11 sudden lire, it is well known that men here-tofore credited uitli Iho usual amount of commonHouse, think It necessary to do the most idiotlotilings, such for Instauco nu throwing tho looking

ont of Iho ulmtow and carrying the feathert'lnmdown stnird, whurea If thoy had kept qniottill they wero quitu sure of what was best to bo(tone they would ham beon much more useful.

During our recent alarm and general excite-ment it so happened Ihnt wu had n nowly organ-ized body of Urcnipu who felt Hint tho responsi-bility was right ukui tiietu, nnd that thoy had todo something nbout it. Ttioy did "do something,"mil tnoy urn nol quite tuiitRlieil with 1110 ro3Ult.However, tlio Inst isauo of thu Gazette tells us thatone result of tbo chniigo In thu Govern-ment of tho country which thtso gentlemen nromainly respousllilo for, whntnvor may bu naidabout thu ndmltlLil Internal dlsurganuatiuu ofthe latu Ministry "ill be, that wu may nil liavu thupleasure early next year of shaking hand withtlio 1'rinco of Whales and Tliakombaw, nnd whoknows but whnt tho latter pottntnto may bring uhthu now twenty years lleciproelty In ills pockot, ntleant if the nature of his cotuuiu admits conve-niently of that nppendngo.

Ono word more, Tho Gazette snys that 1 havonrrnignod nearly ovory fiirciRiicr horn n beingcither " red hots " or tho "Indian Coolin I'nrty."Tills is not correct. If hu liad said thnt Inrrnlcned nenrly every foreign sugar planter herona being cither 0110 or thu other bu would havobeen more nearly right. I do so nrrnlun them. Ihnve not hesitated tu arraign them bofore, nnd itmny bo necessary to nrrnfRn lliom ngniu nnd tojoin "Young Hawaii" iu rebuking men, who in tbotoocagor pursuit of thoir pnilicnlnr interest notonly forget tho principles of common fairness nndjustice- towards tho betl Inlorcnl of tho real of thocommunity, but oven mlolako thoir own.

AV. Ti. Onto;.Honolulu, .lime 1st, 133-- '.

Fotartlx ofJuly.

IN COiU'LIAIVCK AVITI1 THEX urmnlr-i- ii rrnneit of the EObUlEUS and SAIL-OK- S

and ot.i -- , at a inect'nc on Decoration Day,which raiucsi jir liiea heartily concurred In by manyothers not pre nt it the meeting, the Mlnltter Heal-de-

of tl . United Statoi, haa the pleasure of calling anice' jf all resident Americana, and alt other fccllncsan ..sod, of whatsoever nationality, to ncacinblc atthe HAWAIIAN IIOTEL, next Thursday evening,Jane Eth, at half-pas- t acTen o'clock to take measuresfor the proper olisimncc of next FOUUT1I Of JULY.

I (02 903)


Mendelssolin. Quintette Club !



',V1U Klve a Concert In the


On the arrival of the steamship


Immediately after the Steamer Is telegraphed furtherparticular!) will be Issued.

Hon Plan will bo opened at Jteisrs. J. W. Itobertsoufc Co.'h store on Saturduy morning.

007 WilAY TAYLOR. Manager.

PIANO TUNING.IIAU'rillH Dl'.SIItlXi TU HATH TIIISIKTlanoa Tuned and licgulalcdwlll find It greatly to

their advantage to accrue the services of Mr. ISIDOR

KOSHNCHANTZ, formerly In charge of the l'ianoa In

tlio College of Notre Dame.

Communications (left at T. CI. Tliriim'a Store, or

Palmer's Drug Store. 51

It i:ai, Bstatb I

3? JaM. 3?F" O n & --A. Li JB1 !

1. C.JONKH, on Nunanu Avenue, Honolulu, will he

offered for salo at auction ON VI11DAY. JnncUOtli.lESJ,(If not previously disposed of nt prliato sale,) at thoSalca Ifoom of K. P. Adams.

Thia property la located In a very doilrnlilo andhealthy part of the City; haa Unlit upon It a Commoill.oua Two-stor- y Dnelllng Jlonse. containing Parlor. Din.Ing Iloora, Hall. Library, hcplng Koom, Dressinglloom nnu Path Itoom en the lowtr floor; besides aLarge Hack Veranda, !6x.!0. with Three Airy Chambersou the second floor; all ofuhlrh command a delightfulview of the surronndlug mountains and valleys'.

Thero nro Two Cottages on the Premises, each con.lalnlngTuo Ilooma.onp of which haa a Hath Roomattached.

Tliero la n Long Ilnlldlng in tho tiar with ThreeRooms for Servants; a Carriage House, stable for Twollortea and n Room for Hay. drain. Harness, Ac.,also, a wash House. There Is also a Largu Laual, lbx--

Justlmllt.Tho Main Ilomowsi Inillt In 197,; waspitntedlnslilo

ami nut, and newly papered last November, and iaou Uriel. Piers, ghlnga tine foundation.

All tho Ilnlldlng on tho I'rciniiea aro In PerfectRepair.

The Laud has frontage ou Nnuanu Aicnnonf Wft.and a depth of SO) ft., ami contalnt an Ufa.'.t .61 ofan Aero. Tho Propcrtv Is froo from all Ineiimbranecs;the Till Is Perfect. A Warranty Died will be fumlalied.(V TKHSN DA Ml. r sold at auction. SpecialTerms can bu arranged If fold at Private Sale.

The Property can be Inspected many time. Vor fur-th- u

particulars apply toP. U, JONKH. Jr..,

"1 SO? At the (lfllco of O. Ilrewer i, Co.

Carriage and Double Harness For Salea n.iMisoMt; (noi'iu.K)

JPeixxxlly Phtroton !

'iUlylmportad.and NEYUKUBgD.

.u;Shattai wet; aa Pole, can be drivenwith Single lloric orva Span,

A Fine Double Harness withCarriage !



Graham Vlonr, Oil ileal. Com ileal,Iraclirt Wheat, Just at Hand, and for ball by


HAMS, BAOOX,IAKU.n A .Ml 10 1,11. HAIIR. KCUS I'll.'

harrelai Eitra Tamlly Deer, llctlei.Ynt Sale by HOLIES CO.



ISLAND SUGAR,HAt.'al. IIKMr A.M NCl'HIO tlMi.sTYAlso, California Cuba. In boiss: Crashed Sugar, In

barrels and half barrels) Dry QianuUttd Huzar. In barrtla and half barrela. Kor Sale by UOLLEM Ji CO.

Cofr ei:-o-i,d kona" corrEBII for lata by BOLLBS Ct,

u. MBWM VJJ',nl-- ,

A' I

MESSRS. CASTLE & COOKEWould Call Attention to Tlieir ."Lai'go and

Vai'iod Stock of

Ag'pioizltural Iraplemesits,Paris Steel Breaking Ploiv !

TtIF, . ,Moliue Steel Breakers and Furrowing- - Plow,

Irloline Steel Plows, all Bizes ;


Sugar Bags, Sugar Kegs, Cumberland Coal !

i ,'sCjf""'1'r ff.' ""' K' ,H. 1 "f.ct I.iibrLaton. Plmnbagc. Albany Circase. Dlsston'a and S.pvinl LVni1 '"nilkli'dai Steam Packing. Iloiimland Plat India Rubber. Asbestos nnd Soap Stone. Plat,W !, Hnbbc-- IIoc, Ji t.i 8 In. j Pipes anil Couplings, Machine- llolta, all sltea , Nuta and Washers, fln',i?""Pr?'","'lell,"'l'"'.l'nglncersaiidCariiiters 'llatnmeri. Winches, 8 In to 21 In.; PIpo Cutters,Anvils, kee, Tube Scr.pera and Orliidstonei. IlliM1 A.'IXtillA.N ll.itl Hlo.N .i.MI'IHU , M'lll.l,

Builders3 Hardware, All Kinds & Styles;VcnotmnlOc

STAPLE GROCKRIES t N'o. I and 2 flour, No. I ami S Rice, Cms lied Sugar, China and Japan Teasdenied .Mllk'nc;b,?lm01'' ,'ol"lCM 1'lnc,t fi"Hty of Table Frnlti Imm the Kactory. PLlti: HnglUli Hplcea, Con

SPECIALTIES i THE PALACE KEROSENE OIL, Weston's Centrifugal LININGS, II In.!RUBBER SPRINGS AND CANVAS BRAKE, Jnst at hand Wake steam Pump Vnhcs, Packing.Ac; Illnke Roller Peed, .Inlcc or .Molusue irrlgatlnsand Vacuum Pumpi,

Weston's Patent Centrifugals, complete;,;"'0lOWC0WSIGNm:NT, California Hay, llarley, Potatoes, IlnrrcU Sal . on Hams AsLeito, ."J"icvery cheap; Pence Wire and Slnples.Oafr. nooflng.

Wilrox & GlbVs Antomntlo. Sijigor MCfe. Co., Autil., RomlnKtoa Co., FfttiUly, WlHon No.Machluo, tlio Bct Assortment to bo Fonnil, nnd A T BOTTOM PRICES.



1 New Traction Engine, 8-i- i. p,w Ordcra from the Other islands Pilled at Rest Kate and with Dispatch.


m,MmEM.a, DAY

'5SSj2BrrSJl!22!2i-"'- '

Kapiolani Park,Tho FollowiRj Gcntloracn Compriso

WJI. C!. inwix, CHCIL MROWX,


1 1 O ft' TC IX 311 Ml C .

First day, Saturday, Jujve 10th, ,

COMMENCING AT U O'CLOCK SIIAKP.Kapiolnni Plato, S100. King.8l Plat0 3125


vcl;htB. Entrance $10.;

Queen EmmaRUNNING 1!ACE Tbreo-quarter- a of a mile

Second Day, MojvCOMMENCING AT 11 O

Leahi Cup, S40.MULK Catch uciglitaEntrance!.

Park Cup, $75.Three-tiuartt- of a rallo-Fr- oo for all TWO YEAROLDs bred In the Klngdom-Catchnclg- bta. Entrance

Reciprocity Plate, S100.TKOITI.SO RACK, mllo hcate, but 3 In 0 to har-

ness lrco to all llorees that Imvo not n better rieordthan 2. to In any public raca In this Kingdom. Entrance$10.

Express Cup, 875.l'UEE TO ALL HORSES that have been driven In a

Public Hack, six mouths prcrloua to this 1 till June.Entrance $10.

Karaehamolia Plato, $ 200.TROTriNCl RACE-M- lio lioala best 3 in 5 to harness

Free tu all. Kmr.-uu-

if All HORSES cntorcd for tlicau Racen ulll bounder tho control of the Judges, and their decisionWill bo final. A Runulnc Racea will lie underth ltulta ufUie Pscllls lllood.horsc Asaoclallon-Ex-ccptln- eaa

lo wclp.ble. All Iloracs lo carry a Rlilir.All TrottlnK Kacca will be unrterthe Unlcsof the

NKtional TroitliiR ;iseoclatIon,aa-- No Pool SelllnB on tlio Tark croiinds. AllHorses that aro sold In Pools will be ruled out.In order to secure ai.d nu.Inuln order, no one will be

It is also Planned to haveV'i&'i&iS.T "


J. M. OAT, . JR St. CO.,


-- ANU

TSfHTXrO. TDaOdlaOttVC! tm mr TT v . VfVy JaV 19Would talothU mcthnanf informlnstha lnha!.Hants of Honolulu und tho other Tslnnda,

that Ihe; have opcued a

Stationery & News DepotIn tha NEW HAWAIIAN G.UETTE BLOCK,

..w ..- - jvrcaaut cinvi. wntre ineytfiv llj'aiU to mruisu


M,klH,2 1uJ.r" P1!1"' WinU nd conut

Letter and Note Papor, roohcapLu cap, Le lopei, I'apcterles. tic . etc

Orders taken for any Periodicalor NowspapoV

that may bo Dsslred.rrotapt attention will b glren to tha Malllucof Paprs to bnbscrlbcra ou tny or the other Islands Also,

Red RubberStamp Agency! tl

rATS, IIAttJJKY, BttAS, COItX,' Who tat and Hay pe D.O. Jlumy"nd H"W'VortklsbyBOUKSACa.


June 10th & 12ththo Committee of ArrangomoiiU:


TOR T1IREE YEAR OLDS-Op- en to all-R- est 2 in 1to carry 100 lbs. Entrance J1D.

Plate, 8100.das- h- Frco to all. to carry PMIbj, Entrauco$IO.

day, June 12th,'CLOCK A. M. SIIAIU

Luna Makaainaua Plato, $100.ONE AND A HALF 2IILE DASII-rr- cc tocarry lWibs. Entrance $1B. . v"'1

Regent's Plate, S100.In

r,K?.E. 'u a", "ORsns bred In tho Klngdoai-Il- iel sweights. Entrance S10.

Pony Race Cup, $50.ONE MILE JUSJI-Op- cn to all Homes bnd In the

HmMnMjl VUr y' UUl15 hlu-u- ch iveighu.

KaiulaniCup, $75.HURDLE ItACE- -l mllo dash-- 1 Ihnrdlej-Pf- cr

all-t'a- tcU weights. Entranco JI0,

Donkey Race Cup, $25.FREE FOR ALL-Ea- ch man to rldo hlaDonkey. Tho lust ono under (ho wlro ivlni.


Bioyole, Tricycle, anil Fool RACE,For W yards. For Jlcdals and n Unp,

,h?,M"k. l"tlhe Aesoclatlon Iladse,which can bo ou tho Orouuds.KrTornilta to train Horses ou the ParU IracL tanbo obtained from Jlr. II. it. .Macfarlaue, JMkeytcolora must accompany Enlraiice fees


Saturday. June 3rd, 1882.

an EXHIBITION of STOCK., J. W. Robertaon X Co". I.ook.lore, the



"' oecrelary.

KAVRB KALMN,H. J. NOl.TC, : : Profiriator.

I)e to announce to hla friend, aud thopublic In general

That ho hn ononcd tho above s.i,nwhoro flratlaos RoiVcshmonU

will be acrrtd from 3 a.m. till H p. m under thisImmedlato supervision of HP. HCBERT OllHMFfCN.

.TlllM'tVPl.l' mi.tip.. ..

Tobaccos,wignrs, Pipes antl

Smoker's Sundries,ftoHesbn..,'wnA,.'.,',5,lon '""" Irst-cl..- . tn.iiu-- I

lm to time 0lBCd. and will be added lo frow

Ousof Bnuswlek Calltfa

Celebrated Billiard Tables !

Is tonncclml with tho eaUbllshmeut. nherp lovers"' ofthacuacsu partlelpatr. tM

Steel FLetlxm'roR


.Railways !ft, lsMigtluii 14 ba. to the yarst.

Jiul rwaltcd per "Dolt of Abmoru,".Si7 frora

Ursteftu VM,.OBBBNl0rI&,,'v ' Y- - AcrAWNB ,

THi AnU(ot Jno. rowitr c

$t&.L:,s .ik J4.tU '14,'- . Hi. Xr, I'tM e. 1 &w - . 'AiVrfw.iA.,-- s fci.?444







Page 3: Saturday r R Pioneer1 - · THE SATURDAY TRESS. i uPioneer1'Line a v t w r a r e n r r n 1 1 it r n uf.hku itim srmonirllov FROM LIVERPOOL. M riVE J)

Saturday Press, Supplement, June 3, 188?.LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.


Monday, May ail, 1882.Minutes rend iiml approved. Messrs. W. 11.

Illcc, front Lllmo nml Koloa, ami Adam Kiiuk.m,from Kaauniinll, Mnui, then iirescnted their

mm were HWoru ns Members.PETITIONS.

Tliu following petitions were picRonted:llv Kniunkele, I nun Mnknwao, praying that Dr.

Pitch be nppolnted physician to tlio leper settle-ment nt Kalawao, Molokai. Heferred to SanitaryCommittee.

Hy O. II. lllshop, from tho Plniitets' Association,asking that tliu existing pruhililtioii of tho impo-rtation and sale of opium lemniii In force. Hufurrcdto .Iiullclary Committee.

Ily tho Minister of Foreign Affairs, from thelepers lit Kalawao, with IMS! siguntures nttacheil,thai lepers hu cared for in tho iesieclho districtsto which they belong. Ileferred to Sanitary e.

ily Atwohi, from Koliala, asking Mint tliu Impni-tatio- u

ami sale of spirituous liquors hu prohibited.Laid on lablii to bo considered with thu LiquorHill.

Ily Knnirimano, from thu resideiits of SouthKoliala, asking that it be madu a separate electiondistrict. Heferred to the Select Comuiitteo of 0.

Ily Nakookoo, from Waihiltti, nsking that a cer-tain slnughtor liouso on thu road from Wniluku toKaliuliii, having beconiu a nuisance, bo removed,After a prolonged ami rambling discussion, inwhich Bovcral of thu members tool; part, it wasAnally resolved to pass the matter into tliu handsof the Attorney-Genera- l, who promised to attendto tho matter without delay.

Ily Hon. J. Knlun, from (no residents of Lnbnina,asking that the pay of mail carriers between thatplace, mid IIonoaiila,Maui, bu increased, iteferrcdto Frnnnce Committee.

ily Aiwohi, from Koliala, praying that tho Legis-tatnr- o

do not authorize thu negotiation of a 'leuMillion Loan. Ileferred to Committee on Finance.

Ilv J. Gardner, from tho residents of tliu districtof Ilium, praying that thu importation and salo of I

intoxicating drinks in the Kingdom be prohibited. (

liiuct on tame to no considered witn a mil to nuonsiiexisting restrictions.

Ily Kiuihano, from Krtti, praying that $10,000 buappropriated for a ro.ul to Kapapata; also, thatKouoliiki lish ba free to the people; that tliu Gov-ernment pay u part of tho expenso of maintainingthu wharves l Ilononpj; that 52,0tXI bu set asidefor thu building of a Court homo hi the district;and, finally, that parent having more than fivechildren bu exempted from personal taxes.

to Cominitteu on MiscollaneoiH Subjects.IlKPOJITS Ol' COMMITTOR.

Gov. J. O. Dominis reported from tho Enroll-ment Committee, the signaturo of thu King totho following bills: An act to amend Section 1

of an net Of 18Gti, increasing tho pay of Kopresenta-tive- s

from IJ2.10 to iJMJO per session; 2nd. An act toamend Section !1 of Chapter 22 of I'unnl Code, mit-igating tho pnnishinent of arson; tid. An act toamend Section 2 of Chapter 10 of Session Laws of1880, relating to assaults.

.Mr. l'ilipo presented report of Select Committeeto whom was roforrcd a petition from, Kohala pray-ing that Koliala be allowed two represiitativts.Tho report favored tho spirit of tho petition, androcommended a bill tothat effect, and also increas-ing the number of members on all tho Islands.Laid on tablo to await minority report.

Mr. l'ilipo also piesented a report of Select Com-uiitteo to whom was referred ft lull to amend Sec-

tion I'.W of Civil Code, to provide that Ililo bo di-

vided into two separata districts, with anotherHepreseutative. lteport r.dverso, recommendingindefinite postponement of tho bill, lieport laidon table.


S. K. Malioo presented a lesolution that 100 boinserted in Appropriation Hill for tho puriiono ofrepairing tho bridge at Wtualua. Laid on table tobu considered with Appropriation Hill.

Nakookoo brought in a resolution that .$100 boappropriated for building a jail at Kahulni. Laidon table.

Air. L. Aliolo presented a resolution that tho Ap-

propriation Hill when brought forward on its sec-ond reading bo madu tho order of the day Monday,Wednesday and Trillin-o- f each week. Approved.

Minister Hush asked leao to withdraw tho Appropriation Hill of tho last Ministry, and place mits stead r. revised Hill gotten up by the presentCabinet. Tho Hill was read for the tlrst time, andpassed to second reading.

L. Aholo read for the first tiino an act to confera permanent settlement of $1,200 per annum onII. Kuiiielani. Passed to second reading.

Mr. Paloknu gave notice of a bill to nuthorizothe Minister of Interior to introiluco unmarriedwomen into tho country.

Air. Aliolo presentod n resolution asking for thosum of $ 1,000 to bo paid to a resident physician atLahaiua. Laid ou tablo.

--Minister Hush gnvo notice of his intention to in-

troduce a bill providing for tho bettor euro of publ-

ic, monoy, and tho proper auditing of public ac- -emmts.

E. Preston gavo nolico of an act to amend Section 078 of Civil Code, relating to uaiiKrupis; alsoa bill to hotter regulate the descent of property.

J. Kauai read for tho first time an act in relationto tho collection of taxes. Passed to second reading.

Tallin read for tho first timo nn net to nuioiidSection f7 of tho Civil Code, relating to licenses.Passed to second reading.

Minister Hush signified his intention of intro-ducing a bill to amend Section 121) of Civil Code,relatiug to tho shipping of Hawaiian seainoii.

J. Kauai gave notice of nn act to provido asettlement on ouo Knhalcaahu, n retired

district justiceJ. L. Kaulukou gavo notice of a bill to amond

Soctiou OlG.of Civil Cude, regulating tho term ofofficii of district magistrates.

U. W. Lahilalii presented a resolution nsking$4,000 for tho extension of Hotel Btreet. Laid ontable.

J. K. Malioo gavo notico of an not to dofiuo thoownership of certain kinds of wild fowl.

Mr. Palohau presented a resolution that aftertho prorogation of tho Legislature, tho Min-ister of tho Interior visit all tho Islands to ascer-tain tho ciinting tho peoplo, mid thatKauai bo tho first Island visited.

J. Gardner offered a resolution appropriating$000 for a boat landing nt Keauae, in tho districtof liana. Laid on table.

J. Kauai read for the first timo an net to confera permanent Battlement on one J, 1'. E. Kuhii-leaahu- .

Passed to mound reading.J, Gardner presented a resolution that tl,000 ba

set nsido for tho purpose of building bridges overtho three streams between Wulalua and lvoamic.Heturucd to Introducer on account of somo iufor-umli- ty

in tho resolution.Air. Mahoo, on suspension of tho rules, presented

u petition from Honolulu praying that $2,000 bodovoted to tho improvement of tho road betweentho Iteformatory School and tho Insauo Asylum.Hoforred to Committee on Publio Lands and In-

ternal Improvement.OltUKII Or TUB DAY.

Second roadiuc of a bill to amend Section 1 ofChapter 18 of tho Lawn of 1H71, relating to tho


vetmoof thti Second Judicial Circnit Court. Laidou table.

Second leading of a hill to amend Section !)! ofCivil Code, im amended by tho Law of 187", relat-ing to tlio jurisdiction of district Justices. Aftersome discussion, this bill was refetred to a SelectCommittee.

TwMTiKtJi Day.Turititr. MitylW, 18t'..

House met at 10 o'clock a. m. After reading ofminutes thu following petitions woru presented !

Hy Mr. Knmiilcele, from Maknwao, asking thatall coutinct laborers bo exempted from duty ouSaturday of each weok. Laid ou tablo to nwnlttlio appearance of a bill ou same subject.

Hy Knuwilii.froiii Puna, Hawaii, that all parentsbe exempted from school tax. Ileferred to Judi-ciary Committee.

Hy 1). II. Nuhinn, from South Kona, Hint nilparents sending their children to English schoolsbe exempt from all personal taxes. Ileferred tos.iino Committee.

Hy Nakookoo. from Wniluku, that :?2,000 bu In-

serted in tho Appropriation Hill for u bridgo ntWaiknpu. Hoforred to Couimitteooit GovernmentLands and Internal Improvements.

Hy Palohau, from the districts of Hanalei andKawaih.tu, that tho Ten Million Loan bo author,ized. Laid on tho tablo to conio up with Lillka-lani- 's

bill on samo subject.fy Kahilii, from Koohiulon, Island of Onhu,

nsking Hint tho poll tax bo abolished. Laid ontablo to bo considered with tho tax bill presentedby Government.

Hy Kupiho.i, from Pelckunn, Molokai, nskingthat :l,0U0 bu nppiopriated for a wharf at Felo-km- iu;

$100 for mail carrier to that placo fromotherparts; iJL',000 for roads, nml iJGOOforntcneherof tho English language. Heferred to Comuiitteoon Miscellaneous Subjects.

Hy F. Pahia, from Moanaliia, praying thnt thesum of $11,000 bo inserted ill the Appropriationhill for a bridge to be built at Moaiutlua. Ile-ferred to Comuiitteoon Public, Lands mid InternalImprovement)!.

Hy Aiwohi, from Koliala, asking thai 8,000 buset asido for roads and bridges in that district.Heferred to Committee on Government Lands andlutcrutl Improvement.

Kaulukon, as Chairman of the Judiciary Com-mittee asked for more timo in which to considercertain petitions which had been referred to thatcommittee. Aliolo objected, saying that a Stand-ing Committee bad no right to'ask any extensionof time. Further timo granted.

r.EKOLUTIONS..Mr. Malioe, read for tho first time a bill to

define the ownership of certain wild fowl, such asturkeys, pheasants, qunil, and domestic fowl.Passed to second reading.

F. Drown, presented a resolution, that the Co-llector of Customs inform the Legislature inregnid to tho disposition ofn l.iro quantity ofliquor recently imported by eortain Chinamenof the place, who had no license to sell liquors.

.Mr. V. H. Hico, gavo notico of his intentionto introduce u lien law ; al.-.- o his intention ofintroducing a law to prohibit tho importation andsalo of intoxicating beverages in this Kingdom ;also a hill to provido against tho introduction ofcontagious diseases through tho medium of im-ported live stock.

Mr. Lah;iahi, read for tho first timo an Act torepent Section 1. 2, and 21 of Chapter 10 of thoPenal Code relating to tho manufacture and saloof spirituous liquors. This bill proposes to allowthu silo of spirits to native Hawaiians, to allow ofits home manufacture, and also provides for tliolicensing of liquor shops in other districts thanthat of Honolulu. The bill contains 'JO sections.

Upon tbo suggestion of tli.- Attorney Genoral asto tho manifestly absurd character of tho bill,and upon his exposing some of its more glaringdiscrepancies, it was returned to tlio introducer.Mr. Preston thought that to have sucli a billprinted, as was proposed, would ba a prodigalwasto of publio money.

Hon. G. V. l'ilipo presented n resolution thattho Minister of ioreV'ii Affairs be requested tostato to the Ascmbly tho notnal facts ill relationto certain demands said to have been made byGreat Britain in cousequonoo of n violation oftreaty stipulations. Mr. Gibson said that withformer administrations hu thoucht tiiat there hadbeen an unnecessary reticence upon such subjects;but that, it was hi3 intention to supply tho Legis-lature witli such information as would bo needfuland instructive. Hesolntioii passed.

Mr. F. lirown lead for tho first timo an ActSection 2, of Chapter 8.1 of Penal Code, re-

lating to violntions of tho Sabbath. Tho amend-ment iti intended to remove tho restrictions placedupon nmusomcuts and lecreatious only. Passedto seooiui reauing.

Mr. Nnwnhi presented n resolution thnt thoMinister of Interior bo requested to report tlioamount received from planters for laborers intro-duced for them. Hon. II. A. Widomann amended

that a detailed account both of what had beouoxpeudod and what had been passed in, shouldbo furnished by tho Minister. Passed as iiineiidcd.

Air. Geo. Iticbnrdsou introduced a resolutionrequesting tho Minister of Foreign Affairs to fur-nish the Assembly with copies of tho treaties be-

tween Great Hrituiu mid Franco. Mr. Gibson saidthat thoso treaties wore nlroady printed in tho,Ciyil Codo; but that if members desired, copiescould bo struck off and presentod. Somo sectionshad been nltered, but not to any great extent.

Air. u. w. l'ilipo nitrouucu a resolution re-questing tho Attorney General to jjivo an opinionas to whether or not a law of total prohibition, ifpassed here, would conllict in any way with troatystipulations between this and othor powers. Kau-lukon amended, that tho opinion bo in writing;Aliolo, that samo bo printed. Passed as lastamended.

Kaniakelo gavo notice of n bill to rppeal Chapterf7 of tho Penal Codo rotating to the "evils anddiseases arising from prostitution."

OKDEU OP TUB IUY.Second reading of a bill to amend Section ISO of

Civil Codo, reducing school-tax- . Laid on table.Second reading of nn Act to provido for a per-

manent settlement of $1,200 per annum on Hon.II. Kuihelani. Heferred to a select committee con-sisting of the Attorney General, Aliolo, Pillpo,l'ahia and A. S. Cleghom.

The Houbo ndjdurnod until 10 n. in.

TwENTY-Fms- T Day.Wkdnksday, May 31, 1882.

liouso met nt 10a, m. After reading of minutes,tho following potition3 wero presented:

Hy Karaukole, from "Makawno, praying that niltailors having shops bo required to take outlicenses, ltoferred to Conuuitto on Finance.

Hy D. H. Nnhitiu, from South Kona, prayingthnt SIVJO for n boat lauding at Uopulon, Kona, boinserted in Appropriation Hill. Laid ou table.

Hy W. H. Hico, of Liliuo and Koloa, from China-me- n

in Honolulu praying that tho Opium Law bekept in force; also n petition from Chinese ofKoloa, Kauai, to samo effect, ltoferred to Judi-ciary Committee

Hy F, Pahia, praying thnt Hotel street bo ex-

tended. Heferred to Comuiitteo ou GovernmentLnnds and Internal Improvements.

Hy S. K. Muhoe, from Honolulu, praying that,t8,000 bo appropriated for opening a street fromPalama to join School streot. ltoferred to samoCommittee.

nFROt.UTIONS.J. Kaiinniiiano gnvo notion of his Intention to

Introiluco nn act to regulate (ho sale of liquor.F. HroHti gavo notice of Intention to present a

bill to ninciid Section 1 of Chapter 4 of SessionLaws of 187L'; nimj a bill to ugulate tho storing ofspirits.

Mr. A. Knukau prosonled a resolution askingfor.12,000 to build n bridge over tlio stream atHouoknwai, and for tho improvement of roads.Ileferred to Committee ou Government Lands andInternal Improvements.

I). II. Nalilnu presented a resolution asking for?"pO0 for Improving the landing nt Niioipoo. lto-ferred to samo Committee.

E. Preston read, for thu first (lino, an net toninenil Section !I78 of Civil Code, relating to Hank-ruptc-

Passed to second reading.P. llaupti lead, for thu first time, an net to con-

fer a porinanenl settlement of ijsfiot) per annum onAirs. Nihon Kipi. Passed lo second reading.

The Attoriiey-Geiiera- l read, for the fjrst time, miact to regulnto the descent of property. Pnxsed tosecond reading and ordered to bo printed.

Mr. C. It. Hinliop read, for the first time, nnact to repeal Sections a.V nnd 2WJ of Civil Code,relating to oynl Patents. Passed to second rend-ing.

Mr. J. M. Kapcna gave notice of his intentionto introdtico an act to provido for the reconstruc-tion of thu Hoard of Immigration.

Mr. L. Aliolo introduced a resolution askingfor :'.000iunidof tlio Mnknwao Female Seminary.Passod.

J. Kaniinninno gnvo notico of nn net to regulntethe sili! and slaughter of beef.

F. Pnhin gavo notico of an net to limit perma-nent settlements.

Upon suspension of tlio rules, Mr. Kaunumnnoread, for tho first timo, tho bill of which ho hadJust given notico. Passed to second reading.

J. W. Knlun presented a resolution requiring thoCommissioners of Crown Lnnd lo lay beforo thoHouso a statement of tho lecelpts from the CrownLands, nlso thu outlays thereon. Passed.

J. . Kalua also presented n resolution makiuESpecial Committees to facilitate tlio considerationof the Appropriation Hill. Resolution lost.

01II1LII OF THU DAY.The Appropriation Hill wns mndo the order of

tho day on its second reading. Following nro thoitems ns pnsscd:His Mnjesty's Privy Pnrso and lioyal Stato. $4i',000Her Majesty the Queen 10,000H. It. H. Heir Presumptive 10,000II. H.H. Princess Likeliko 8,000His Mnjestv's Chnmberlniiinnd Secretary.. .1.000His Majesty's Household Expenses L0,000Travelling Expenses of His Majesty nnd

Suito dnnug their Into tour of the world, Z1JOO0This latter item was referred to n Select Com-


Twr.NTY-SfcoN- u Day.Tiiun8iAY, Juno 1, 1882.

House met nt 10 o'clock n. m. After reading ofminutes, tlio following petitions wero presented:

Hy Kainiikele, from Mnknwao, asking thnt theHawaiian language be still taught in tho CommonSchools. Heferred to Comuiitteo on Education.

Hy Mahoe, from Wninlun, Oahu, praying thattho traveling expenses of His Mnjesty, incurredduiing his late tour, be paid from the Treasury byauthorization of tho Legislature. Kcfcried toFinance Committee.

Hy Kalulii, from Koolaulo.i. praying thnt thoGovernment establish two English hchools in eachdistrict. Heferred to Education Committee.

Hy J. Gardner, from Hnnn.prnyitig that parontsBending their children to English schools be ex-empt from school nnd road tax. ltoferred to Com-uiitteo on I'nblio Lands and Internal Improve-ments.

Hy Lilikalani, from Manoa, praying thatbo allowed tho unrestricted use of intoxi-

cating drinks. Heferred to Judiciary Committee.Hy Lilikalani, from Million, praying that .f 5,000

bo appropriated for improving tho fondsiu Aliuioa.Heferred to Comuiitteo on Government Lnnds nndInternal Improvements.

Hy Lilikalani, from Honolulu, praying that theLegislature approve tho Ten Million Loan Hill;and also that tho Treaty of Heciprocity bo con-tinued. Heferred to Committee on Finance.

Hy J. Gardner, from liana, praying that prison-ers be required to work out their sentences, in therespective districts to which they belong, ltoferredto Judiciary Committeu.

Hy Lahilalii, from Honolulu, praying that tholmsonuds of leprous women and tho wives ofleprous husbands be allowed to marry again with-out tho formality of divoreo. Luid on table.

HKFOBTB OK COMatTTKES.Mr. Nawahi presontcd a report from the Com-mltt-

of Finance upon certain petitions presentedfrom difforent parts, asking tho passago of a TenMillion Loan Hill; also soveral petitions advorsothereto. 'The Committee recommend to lay theseon tho tnhle to be taken up in conjunction with abill of which notice had been given, authorizing aloan. Hoport adopted. Mr. Nnwnhi nlsoprescnteda roport from tho bnmo Committee, upon sundrynonsensical petitions which had been refeired tosaid Committee. AVo would not burden tho roaderwith a gist either of tho report or the petitions;Laid on table.

J. V. Kalua presented a report of the Committeoto whom was referred sanitary petitions erunnntingfrom Molokai. Tho Committeo found the signa-tures hud all becu mndo in the sumo handwriting,and suggested, on that account, to ignore them.Laid on table.

UESOI.UTTONS.Mr. l'ilipo offorod a resolution that an item of

$500 bo Inserted in the Appropriation Hill for aboat landing at Holualoa. ltcforred to Committeoou i'nblio Lands and internal Improvements.

L. Aholo offoreda resolution that three Commis-sioners having been appointed iu 1880, to Codifytho laws of thn Kingdom, and no report havingbeen presented to tho Aasombly of the work

by said Committee, that this Assemblyorder said Committeo to report ou same.

II. A. Widoman offerod a lengthy resolution em-bodying covend counts, nnd intended to generallyoxpodito tho business of the homo. Hesolutionapproved.

J. M. Kapcna read, for the first time, n bill toreconstruct the Hoard of Immigration. Passod tosecond reading.

P. lliiupu ofiored a resolution that $,1,000 be in-

serted iu the Appropriation Hill for anchors andbuoys at Ililo. ltoferred to Conuuitteooii InternalImprovements.

The Biuno Member also presented a resolutionasking for $2,000 for tho purposo of building amarket at Ililo. Heferred to same Committee,

J. Knuuamnuo road, for tho first time, nn not toamond Section 207 of Civil Codo, regulating thonumber (it police to bo employed in each district.Passed to second reading.

J. Nawahi gave notico of an nut to amend Chap-ter AG of Seadua Jawu of 1870.

oiidkh ov tub day.Second reading of nn act to facilitate tho collec-

tion of taxes throughout the Kingdom. Mr, Kaulu-kou said that this bill would work very oppressive-ly with tho employers of labor, and that it shouldbe placed before a snloct oommittoo for furtherconsideration and revision. E. Preston moved tolay ou tho table to bo taken up with a hill pre-sented by the Minister of Finnuoe, regulating thecollection of taxes. Hoforred to Select Committee.

Page 4: Saturday r R Pioneer1 - · THE SATURDAY TRESS. i uPioneer1'Line a v t w r a r e n r r n 1 1 it r n uf.hku itim srmonirllov FROM LIVERPOOL. M riVE J)








On Saturday, - - June 3d, atVU'o lock in. jfi at Room will l.c

toMm I'lIiiI' Aii'tion at

90CORDSof FIRE WOOD,his( ox Ninlto,

rrom Talilli. lor

K. P. ADAMS Auct'r


or- -for


At flic Kvsiilvtiueof lr. Iliifrliliison, sTt:t:i;r.

ON WEDNESDAY, JUNK 7th,llOt Si I" old tlio nnilri


iv pun as 1'oi.i.owh- -

rhino Formorly Owned by Dr. E.

Hoflmnnn.V'n nch Walnut Centre Table, fiofas and Lounge. audHookers mid Parlor Chairs, Whatnots, lie.I'lcturtu anil Ornaments, Hon Hook Case,Kos Tables, Chinese I.ambcrklns with Cornices.

Multilist ir Sowing jlncliiiio in PerfectOrder; lltimlsoiiic iVunlrolio,

Dining Tabic tml Dining Iloom Furniture,Kltclirn Knrnlliirs 1 Top llnjtsy. 1 Open llii?1 tlond Set of Double Harnett,I L'arrlagr Horse, sound and gentle. 1 Iljilrli'I Parlor Rifle, Veranda Chairs(iantrn llosiv Tool", Arc., Ac.

r.. V AUA.MS Anci'r

Real Estate,In Honolulu.



II y virtue of uii order of salo Ismed by lion. LauTcuicMcCnlly, I'lrat Assurlalo Jiiftlcc of tlio Huprcmu ronrt,I am Instructed to offer at Public Auction, at ray JalmRoom, on

Saturday, June 17thAt 1! M. at my Sales Itoom, that


Parcel of I-an-d




Inturiiutioiinl Hotel Property!WITH


MENTS THEItKOrON.The WHOLE LOT will, by order of tho Conrt, be nrsl

OfTcrt-i- t t the Upset Price of FORTY THOUSAND DOL-

LARS. Should there be no Piirchanrat lbl ttpTrice, the Lot nil) Hi en DC (Subdivided and

Sold In Throo Portions,In accordance with the report and snrvcyof Curtis

nuw on Ilia In the Court, which can be seen

npou applicationE. 1' ADAMS, Auctioneer.



LargeBt Stock and MostComplete Assortment

In the Hawaiian Ialaude.

As the srcntir portion of our Block la obtained from

first hands w j arc enabled to


Only the Best Qualitv.HOLE AOESTS FOJt THE


- AM) THE -

Ortwi Perfmnery Co, Loudon.

PARKS, DAVIS & CO.,iur.rnoiT,Micio

Mnnufacturlnj; ClicnilHti".

HUMPHREYHomemathic Medicine Co., New torn.

C3-- . Gr. C3- - J? 33L,WOOUHl'HV. N 0

AngHht VIowors itml Oorimin .Synip


;. hl'EClAI.TY

Wartautcd not to Uustl Hreakl or West out

PhTiicians' PrescriptionsCumfally prepared by au experienced FhsDiaeUt

at any hour of thu uljht or day, nt

iBLLimi & mWholesale & Retail Druggists,


.JNO. FOWLER & CO.toeds, England, wo prepared to


Steel Portable Tramways,With or without Cr aud Locomotives,

SjkcUII) adacd Tor Sus'ur Vlautatlou 1

l'srtuaucnt UalUaji.lth locomoUxcs and cnr.TVwttou Ensiuos aud Uoad Looouiotivei.,Stoaiu VlouaWus aud OullivsticKMiicUlnory,I'ortJtblo Ewjtucs for U uurpoios,Winding KufincK for Inclines.

iVtalo-- ui with Illustrations. Modeli, ud 1 hotoollu I'liuts and liacblncry may be sen

sXpihws of Vvfi'fi$s.U, W. M ACFAltLANK. & CO..

.. Agenta fur Jno. I'onkr J"""Tiwi" L'lour ! Flour I

UMIKM .JAVP T rXUlVV I'Mll'Mo per lKua, v BOLLES & 00.



him. I JI,ISI(

Llkellk iliteito Honolulu rcli liiini.u.,p. x., tnnchlni at Lahslna, Jlul" '!.v- - Makma

Mshnlons, Kawslhae. Lanpahoehoe snd Win.Hemming will touch at all ths nhove ports, arrivingItunelnln feh gnnday. st

o- - rnllt fur I'nssnire Jloin'J. 1lWe positively refuse to open aceounu for Panares

nd wn particularly call th ittcntlon of the tmdlnitnubile to the ncicsslty of having UagKire and Krelckiplainly marked! Hie Bteamsr will not be reaponslblt

any nnmarked IlagesRe, or for Freight or Parcel,nnleaa Itrcripleil )"r.

Freight Mont; Duo on Demand.In all caca of fri'lcht ferpartUa not rnponlble, or

nnfcnnnn.the freight, monsy will be required In advar.eePACK UlJi nl t.Kll'OltN Mini I.M 111

III: IM.AIM.V .1l.tllKi;ithe party horn they ore for, or plainly elated In the

receipt to whom tbey an consigned OnAll demands for damage or loss rnnst be made wllhla

month.In no way llshle for Ions or accident to live mock.ter Hck Drivers, Hoys, and sneb like, will not bo

allowed on board tho Steamer on arrival, until after thnpassengers hate been landed.



Wnllnlo, . MrtloloWnloll. 7; Jnlin

Wnlnhn. jtfiWt Wnimnlti.Gen. Slegnl (jr!, Knlnnn, per

nml Mann.ILAU IM will. While Hill. Office fotiierof ijneu NOTand Niinann .Streets I


,tv.j c. Drowor & Co. -- Agents.iw Merchandise received unrnirc li''. '5!ftliberal cash advances made on shipments livthls

TSO ly C. firtEWEK C'O.




Comp'y,,No. 105 FORT ST.,


l.imji: Additions to Tltttr Stock of




Avd With to Keep it D'forOtt Public,

That They will NOT BE UNDERSOLD.




I.attest Styles.AND WE WILL SELL AT

Lowest Prices.CALL AND SEE

BEFORE PURCHASING!oniauxiL lair for


--tli f. X-A.3V-3:,


lOS 'ort Strreettew



,Varied Assortment- TO TIE

FOUND IN HONOLULU !We arc Constantly tn Hccclpt of

Fresh Supplies !


Most Reliable ManufacturersI Till: V.MTKU NTATKS.


P. Lorrillad & CosTin Tag Tobaocos,

Vanity Fair Tobacco andCigarettes,

iarjx. xx c3L Other .--




Hollister dc Co.WUoksule and Ktlull TobacrouUU.

6311 M an xriMNU wrwetrr.

Walluku Pol FactoryQUALITY OF PA1AI

All orders filled with dli- -

ritcb.K. a. RAH ET

WsiioVo, Mail



PROTMTIVK Im.Prices of Cartage :

ON AND AFTER MAY I,Tho follonlnsr 1'ltlt'I.N will bo Charged

All Sugnrs, Kicc, Coals, looso &

bnggcdj Iron, Machinery fo

Gcnornl Mcrchnndiso.or 'WtTUt:-.O- n All SuKars ami IIIcc will bo

VJcls. per ton ofSCCOlbs. within the follow Inebounda.i'.K.ii. ivAiti;inn.M:, ri:.tii:it's

i:i and tho I IT V ritT. on a lino of the abocnamed Warehouse; alio, llltr.Kltrt 4'n.N

MAitrjDT.iM'i 11 ,iiAiti(i:r wiiAitr Co,S

From Esplanade to tho tjneen Klrect Wlnrf. a;ij cts.ton.

All rHujar .ind Rlci tobi' Del U end on the Wharf, nnd


LIVERED OH TIIE VESSELS' RAILS 37 CTS. PER TON I.,Coal, bapKcd. STKc per ton, C! 10 lbs.Coal, loo.c, Wc jur ton, WIU Ilia., or any part

thereof. day.I. t of Coal ovir M) tons, 10c per ton.(.'.uiIiir nnd rilluR Coal, per agreement.Brick, $1 peril.Brick, pressed, Sl.&n per ji.l.ln.c, a"Kc per load.Cement,.! He per load.Merchandise lo F.ond, 37!4c per bIurIc load.1'iora llond. Wc per alngio l ad.Molassri, 37K'- - per slnsle load.(Icneral Merchandise to the Island Steameia and

bchooncrs, toe. per (inelc load,ilenvral Jlerchandl.c. cicluilto of the above, 37ViC

per load or ton, IncliiUIni; the follonlni; bound- -

arlcsi Ilerctanla, Alakea ond Jlaunakcn HHand City l'ront.

Iron and Machinery. Wlc per tun or load.Extra Machinery and ales, per nsrecnicnl.Lumber, SOc per JI.Posts. He i.aLli.Hhlnclps.fjiieperio JI.llubbl.h nnd lllrl. Wc per tlnslc loadIloau, 5clllaeli Sand, per special agreement.) hllo JJ.W per (liiiilo load.

ood, Wc per cord.Furniture, per ajreement

From tho City Front to any of thoFollowing Placos :

Kukul Street, COc pur Inelc load.School Street, between Emma and Urldgc,7c per

slnnleload.Walnlula. second brldce, $1 per Blnelu load.Judil e trcct. SI W pir .InRlolond.Ice Works. $iW.Leleonnd tchool Streets, $1 per elnclo load,l'uuniil. JSpirslr.cIo load.Koholnlna. 1 pir Mnclc load.Kakaakao. JI per slnijle load. .Alarals, (I'alatno). $f.W per single load.

oiler's, lwmhl. Si per lnclc load.Pauoa Mtiple load.I'linua, SI.SO per rlnulc lo.ul.Panahou, $2 per nlnr;lo load.Innanc Asylum. S2.5U per slnplo load.Alapal (I'aUnis). S'.iO pir tinKlo load.To Uuy't Ponder Jlajazlnc, SS per slnqle load of

1000 lbs or less.rrom(JT't J'11"''" J ojailnc, 3 per slnclo load of

10U0 lbs. or I'ss.Quctn'ii IIiwpliil T5c perslnclc load,Kcrosc-ni- Hnuse, 71c pcrsliiRle load.Oahu Prison, $1 per tingle load.


57 6t (F. Hecstace. JIanaytr.)




And aa no purchase In Larco Lots FOR CASH,

Are Enabled to Sell as Low

as any Other Firm.Htvlnj; thu LAKOEST STOCK In the Kingdom,


THE BEST ASSORTMENT,lluyors would do well to obtain our prices

before orderln"


ar IN OOOD 0HDEn,-- 9

With Belts and Pulleys !

Will Grind from 1 lo S Toua per Day.Wo aro Soli. Accnts for the " Hoover Telephone,"

Tho Cheapest. Simplest and Best In UseSolo ARCnta for the " Patent Spring Carte." Any

person rtrnlrlnc; ono of these Carts, cau proenre themuiie .i-l.- inrouyn us man oy nsklni; jour r.rocer"

one, or ha Ing It made lien:.&i am iuj am i.aixi: .v en.


TIAV1NG TESTED TIIE EFFI- -JLJL clcncvof "Hallidlea' Patent Wire Iloncwav" forcarrying buRar Cano I have imrchascd from Mr. A. 3.Ilallldlu the caclueho right of said Patent for theHawaiian Islands, and hereby rIic notice that lamprepared to furnish material or contract to erect llnisof any desired length or capacity. I


Cam;, busar Fuel or MirchandUe especially nterbroKcn and dlOlcult urimndare lr.ltcd to Inspect theline Mornmc upon my nianiauon ui neana, or 1110

profile of tho amoonlcw at theoulccof Wm. O. n

t) Cu., Ilonnlnln. Any Information ulll huI'hccrfully given by the nuderslsued 01 by Mr. J. M.Thompson, care Messrs Iruln A. Co.. who will visitlocalities where Ilnis may be desired, and make proflics and estimates for the same

Ml 76 Z. a. Sl'ALDINU.


XI) AIjTj parties either inA Ilonciuik at any of the Islands In the Group

In Want of EmployeesWill please muVc their acts knonn to the under-

lined, who will do all lu their power to fill their orders.I. C. JOSES. Jr. ")

J. II. ATHEUTOS. Kmidoytaint OoininlttcoII. r. 1ULLIN0IIAM. ) Y il. C. A. 57873 Cm


AMI UbE OK I'lANO forpractlcs. Tvrms. In advance, l per jvctk; JI permonth.

tar UniAflll.ll .III'.MO IIIIUH nwiTKkivati: roll AIIVI.TN. -- a boam



15 Fine Mules For Sale,To arrive, per "Lady Lampoon."



Billiard Tabic For Sale,IN PERFECT ORDER, STKAHIjEI A IIJOHES ruako- - I'hclsu A Collendcr uihlun.".marble bsd. Forpartleolarsuniolreal


TEAS, TEAS,and China Teas. "I all grides and qnilltlM.ln

cludlnt soma superior Teas UOLLEM ACQ.

NOTICE.DAKE, 05 MERCIIANVSEC. Istht inly autberlicd Ae'it f theFnits la tso Froeico, Ttu tutlBDiY I'atss canalways he seen on Bin In his odce. 80

SALMON, SALMON,ni.r:ivt:n im:k iiahk uai.aki'.v.

etneral lot of Oood Red Saloon, In barrcts.andtnictOrdtr- -a Flat AtlleU I10LLES4 CO.

lOir.ED UNSEED PAIXT OILJJ Kw Unseed Paint Oil. Warrcnted th pare AUieU

Lard Oil, for Lubricating, wascsuiopini sur--n

peulluc. AtInllcLc4d.l naeka-t- a of I lb. audnpusrdi or W lbs. 'alnt Brushta In rrsalIIIIIII. Allot which, will be sold at Frit's by

Hit UI.1.J.B ciu.


WmwWhcrta many complaints liatc been made to this

Department that mtotn Public Koads on several Is-

lands ham been closed orobstrucUd by owners andccfnple-- s of land adjolnlnc contlRiious to such roads,

Therefore all persons who have cauied any suchroads lobe cloied arc hereby notified to remove suchobstructions and open such rovls within one monthfrom this date, othem lie prottcotlon will bo Institutedwithout further notice. SIMON K. KAAI,

.Minister of Interior.Interior Orileo, Juno 2d, IS6J. 71 WS


llonrlnlu,Jlay:$tb,lM2 fTho followlnc Goods haio been seltcd under the

Revenue Laws, and If not claimed nlthln twenty dayswill bo held condemned, and sold at Public Auction!

II II in diamond, No. I, Honolulu, 7 i EartbtnStoves, ex sa Ho Chtinff, Aug 19lh, mi

K 8 0, M pVrjs Chinese 1'iovislons, tx n Zcalsndla,April Slut, 1992,

Also vlll be sold, for Duilc. and Charrea. If notclaimed within twenty days!

Auk Lorancc. Honolulu, 2 cs Private Effects, e siZcalandla. Feb 27lh, 1630.

JI 8 G A Co, II In diamond. "2 bis Honp, e Cll) ofNankin, Aug SMh, ISbO.

B N Wlneate, I pkci W V Ilullcrllclil, 1 pkn; 11 indiamond, Honolulu, I pkgs n 8 llURcapVcsj II H A.

No rn), I pka; n , in, 1 Ulack Trunk: n I tn, 1 c Oil;& Co, 1 pkn Mrs Wm Paty, ICohsla. 1 pkjr; Ira Drad

show, I pkp;; W II Wlnc'iall. I pkcl Chas Kcrausttr, 1

pkrt rctcr JleKetitlf. Illlca. I pke! J B Cnttlnc,2pki,I St W. F. ALL Collector Oeneral.

Ju.ic ItTu.thoCominemoratlon Hay of Kamchamihion Sunday, JIONDAY, JU.NF. lSrn. nlll be

observed as a Public Holiday; and all GovernmentOffices throughout Hie Kingdom will bo closed on that

W. N. ARMSTHONtJ, fM DM Jllnlslcrof tho Interior.

a S Ct M

h a B.i a ??

. eg a S3 0 ; a Sx b; 5 JMf : I iaas go ;: :? d

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l .w IS 13 p 5 ; w a

S n r. o : pic r-- 2. r;" r g.

"., 3- K, 2.3- 00 W

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0. S ff s2t-- p H


s - S5 3 el5 5 J? ' S? - a s



ISLAND OF HAWAII.Bo it onnctcd by tho King and tho Legis-

lative Assembly of tho Hawaiian Islands, iu

tbo Legislature of tho Kingdom assem-bled.

Section 1. Mabukonn, in the Island ofHawaii and Collection Dibtrict of Kawai-hn- o,

shall bo and is hereby created anadditional Port of Eutry nnd departuro ofVessels from Foreign Countries.

Section 2. This Act shall take aflVctand becomo law on tho Ibt day of Julynext onsning.

Approved this Oth day of May, A. D.188-i- . Signed.!



Mnnngcrs's Notice.All adcrtlscmenta for the biTvr.n.iT Fncsl must be

sent In by Friday noon. Ko Insertloua fortheennentUiue can he guaranteed when tent In later.

Advertisers will mark the number of Insertions de-

sired, from which date they eharRC. Any not so markedw 111 be char-c- d S months.

THO"". O. TllItUM. .Manajfr.


A tr- ArnericAii flan flits from tho U. S.

Tuu iorl ii ugaiu nearly destitute of Constliackcta.

llocauns heem to bo partial to tlio hhippiuu inthe linrbor.

Tut: City oWrie JVK-wil-l bo duo from Australianext Monday.

The Falli-iiiliui- nnd i.7W nro evvctcd from tlioConst with a mall.

Tus TourUta vill giro tUoirlnat perfonmuicout tlio theatre.

The Huwaiinu trooi3 woro out furumooulir.litdrill last Tuesday ovcnlnc.

'1'iiLBt wan no criiuiual buaiuens beforu thoroliw Court on Thursday,

ABKtNur-MtNT- d ctill continuo to luako tbo raceson the 11th of Juno n succc.

UoAacn'a excursion ill probably iirrito bythonext tte.imor from 6ui i'ntnuisco.

Tiitar bavs betu a number of moonlight bout.In paries in tbe barbor this week.

The atrnU aro in n fearfully dully condition,woreo tbnn tliey have been for month.

Mtsa Am Vbd U nniiouucxxl to appear bvro ontho nnlval of tbo bteatne r from Australia.

A ian.0- - number of people bavo called to m.o Mr.rnrneaux's iw!utins at tbe Governrcetit buildiuR.

buvtEAU Chiuamcu wcro couvictod in tbu l'olicoCourt tbUwccltof bavitiK opium iu their oion.

CoBUMi'uMDWis tbould remember to appendtbiir names to corrispoiidcnco intended for publication

Tnc coinmnuication uudcr the boadiu "Mr.Johnson Heviowed" was vrritten for liut -- ok'4

Istno of the 1'llli.Mb. E. C. MACMKUMiE of tbo ll'uap and Mr. K.

Townaend, of tbe Calf, arrived from Hawaii bythe Ufi4( latt tianday moruiuR- -

w. nv., j,,,rllol tn 1.,Ae out of Pivm.,.. .- " -- -

a largo amooat of cditorIM matter, conejndi.ncana news, ueing prea locspaev.


! TittitE wits nu nnuHU lly larre niimljcr of pcoplont Knmin Srjuuro tin Tlmrndaynlfllit, lo Attend thoH.ind concert, nml lu ptogr irame wns an oiccl- -

loni one.

The larRO brick linildluRi that hnvo been creeledon Fort street, by Mesurs. Crtimbll. Wilder ivitdWntcrlionso, nro very nesrly oouipl.ted, nnd will j

soon bo occupied..Tncr.e will be nu election for KnlnK'r of tlio

Iloitoluln Firo Dsrwrlinent nett Monday ;enlni;st tlio roorui of JlocliAnlc ISnnlno Co. No. SJ. I'ollsoion from 7 to 9 r. m.

ItcAundertienibiit In nnotlier colnnm uf tlioMendelssohn Quintette Clab, who nra AnnouncedtoRiro n porformancs In Hie Tliestro on tho

of tlio City rfXtir Yorl:

Carutx Ilort, of 11. H. M. B. Champion, bankindly consented to throw Itio vessel open to nilvlBltoro, forolRn nnd nttlve, on Sntidays andlliutsdnys dtiriuit his ntny in this port.

Ma. What Tvrx)n's ornnu recttnl postponedfrom Tttriday ovcnlnc v. Ill be Riven licit 'Incsdityetsnfne nt tit. Andiow's cnthedrtl. Tlio

li the s.'.ruo ns provlously advertised.

Mn. J. Kaukau, tcturntd tothoLopJslnturo fromIbo "iockct borooah" of Knnuntnll, nrrlvod InHonolulu last Sunday Us receive! 70, nnd

who was dofeatnd In Honolulu, fit uolei.Mn. IIiLLENEr.urc hns promised to aponk for a

short limn to tho teachers nnd scholars In TortStreet Sabbath School (Sundty) tuorn-in-

We bitve no doubt but that there will bo nfnll nttondanco.

If. U. M. S. Champion arrived off tho port fromCoqulmbo Inst Tuesday nlslit. Shu In built ofsteel, Is 2S30 loins nioasuromont, ctrrlcs fourteenRtins nnd has n crew of 'JCa uion. Sho will proceedlo Yokohama In n fow data.

Otvtso lo tliu ttato of hU health and tlio post.Uo order of bin physician Mr. Hallonbeck willnot begin hh work until Sunday, Juno 11th. Hoi clcadity iuiproviiiR, but it is thought wl forhim to lalco another week's rest.

'i he election for rcprcseiitatlvo from Honoluluto Buccood Mr. Qibion, will come oT Acnndidato who was not in avmpatliy with Air. Gib-s.o- u a

nt tlio laic election ulll stand n rxk1 nliow.Very lilt lo interest Deems to bo taken In it, oxceptby candidates. Kunuinken appears to bo finitepopuhr.

Tlio Legislative procecdinns for l'riday, nnd tlioHpoecbcsof O. W. riilponudJ. Kaivabl 011 Wed-nesday, consnrliiK Mr. Gibson for Riving nn inso-lent reply to tho question of N.iwnlil, as lo tlio

of money appropriated for tbu householdexpenses of tlio Palaco fortbo Iaat biennial period,nro unavoidably crowded ont.

Following is tlio profirammo for tlio JJandConcert nt Emma Square, at 1:80 p. 111. y :

Overture, Eintnn of ltcslmrfib, Mofcrbcer; Selec-tion, Btrndcllii. Flotow; l'olkn, Lcopoldinc, now,I'nriuei HuiiBarinn Dance, Cinrdas, now, Knssel-inani- i.

Gavotte, Bteplinnlc, now, Czlbnlkai March,Tbo Throo Guardsmen, mw, Missud.

Tiie thirtieth anniversary of Tort Street ChurchTrill bo tho tliomoota brief nddros'sbyMr. Cruzanon Sunday inornini;. Tho Lord's Supper will bondminietcrud nnd members loeeived. In theoveninj; Mr. Cruzan will speak upon tho question, or"Shall wo hao freo opium iu Hawaii?" "GospolHymns" will bo used sit tbo ovonitiK BCrvico.

The American Minister, at tho request of tboVetornns, who mot ou Decoration D.iv, and ninnyulboru, haB oilled a uiootlnR of Anu-rfean-s and allothers interested, to tike pluoj at tlio HawaiianHotel, next Thursday oveninc, to miko

nrransements for a tlttlni; culobratiouof tho Fourth of July. It is to bo hoped thatovory ono intorcstcd will bo present.

The Committee 011 tbo Eluveutu of Juno raccu, offinding tbat they could not Rot up tho stock exhi-bition ofspoken of, havo inado necessary changes in Ittho proRramrau so a3 to make a full day's sport forMonday. Tbo U.iturdav races will bo tuoioorirjin-atl- y

entered for both days. Tho intention is tomake Monday, which has been BOhcted for tbopublic holiday, tho irincipal day. Heo advertiso-mon- l

for latest changes.

Mn. V. A. Coulteu, in his studio at No. 103FortBtreot, iscnRnccd iu paintinK Foster &. Co.'sSteamers, the Iwulanlfjamtt ilakte and C. It. JlUhcp,and will have them completed in a week or two.The paintiuRS aro correct represent UUnn of thovessols, even to tho slichlest details. A weatherview is shown of tho Diahop and u lee viow of the.VaUe, steaming alow;: with all sail set. IhoIicalani, woather view, 13 steaming boad to wind ina strons breeze with a rapped eoa. Tho Iicalaui,being painted white, haB n dark sky as n baokground, which Bbows her model perfectly. Thispainting is not bo far advanced as tho others, and

r"vusrtltvl-.,.,-..- ,l pn.M.vw-11,- 0 lingua mils011 tbo Nuaanu atrenra with natives swimming iutho water below tho falls, and ono about to Jumpfrom tho oliff abovo. It is an cxcellout viow ofthis favorito bathing place.

Obituary. Early last Saturday morning tbo27tb, Miss Jennie Brown Knlanllohua Brickwooddoparted this life. Her death was not unoxpcclcd

sho had been llugeriug for many mouths, grad-ually, but only too apparently, wasting away.Owing to tbo seeds of consumption being visible,bur midioal adviser ordered her to go to tho Coast

September last. On bor return iu October,thero were no signs of improvement, but tho re-verse. At that timo she occupied tho position ofleacuoriniuo uoyni ccuooi, out uer tailing Healthcompelled bcr to relinquish her scholastic dutiesbefore tbo closo of tbo year. Up to a fow daysbeforu her death, though suffering from suverobodily pain, sho manifested 11 spirit of livclinogtbat has characterized bcr tinco h child. Weakness,uowevor, crepe over nor trait torra, ana suo tinallysuccumbed at 3 o'clock on Saturday morning Iaat.

Uor bright face nnd genial manner will long boroinombcred in Honolulu, liar portrait adornsMrs. Bird's Paradise of tho I'aclnc selected nodoubt on account of bor extremely superior castof features for a Hawaiian.

The funeral took pl.ico last Snuday from herparents residence, Emma Hale, and was tbolargest procession tbat has bo:n seen in Hono-lulu for a long time. Sultnblo emblems audwreathB were scattered over and around her gravoaa n last tributo of that nnivers I rospect iu whichthis young lady was held by all who know hor.

The following is tbo order of exercises of tlwannual examinations to bo held at KnwaihaoSeminary, Mondiy and Tuesday, Jnuo 19th nndSOtb, US.':

Monday, a. M.Devotions &hi to tl.

Advanced Geography Miu Norton.Setond Gramniar Mlsj Chamberlain.

MusicL'oinnors in Practical Arithmetic. ...Mias Storrs.Bcginnew in Geography Miss Vlaxiuan.

Music.Advnuccd Arithmetic Miss Norton.Stcond Header Miss I'laxmnn.

Music.TWO 0 CLOCK, P. M.

Flrl Header. , Miss Napoleon.Word Method Miss Storrs.Advanced Grammar Miss Norton.

Music.Second year Geography Misa Chamberlain.Hegiuncrn in Grammar Miss Storrs.

Music.TctsiHY, A, M.

Blblu ExcrcUo 8f to U MUs Norton.Primer Miss Napoleon.Bccoud j ear Arithmetic...... Miss Chamberlain.

Slusii;.First year Koadiugaud Spelling . . . .Mita Storrs.Colburn's Arilbmotio Mias Flaxman.Elementary Astronomy Miss Norton.

Musio.TWO O'CLOCK. P. At.

Primary Arilbmotio Mis Napoleon.Elementary Physiology M is Norton.Beoond year g Miss Chamberlain.

Music.U.S. MUa Norton.

Gymuaalici.On Wednesday, Juuo "Ut, nt '-- o'clock. 11. iu.

thoro will be a sale of useful nnd fancy artlclok.Tho Aunanl Exhibition will beheld in Knwalabaa

Church, Friday Juno S3, 1SS'.', at 10 o'clock a. iu.

Tue following is a record of tho Police Courtproceedings for the i.'cok : J, llaiiel, asbault nndbattery on Kalnun, w., fined f5, costs $1.10, Pnk 1

Slug, insanity, committed lo Inaanu 6lum.Alii, droukenuecs, forfeited ?6 bail. Limn, lar-ceny of a pair of pants, sontoucid to two mouths'imprisonment at hard labor, coats 81. Ivawal,kssauii nuc. uaiiry uu uie nue, imis qu, uubis s

rt HTftlM.a s.Aktlsirt aiilsilnniSJ lisnA 4Jtl.jnt. (.tied &vm. ivi.iH &I.SO. Mn fMmv. hnv.ina opium in nohsouiou, flmd $50 and Beutcuctdto threo mouths' iiunriaonuient At hard labor.coats f3. Ah Wong, Ah Wing, Ah bin;;. Ah Chonc,having opium lu posstt&Hioti, Ah Uiug, discharged,Ah Wong and AhCbong flutd fJO each, and

to tbruo months' imptltounient at bardlabor, coats 10. Ik tl'I.... an old oifunder,Aned ill JO and bcuteucud to ulna months' tmnrlsonmont at hard labor, cosis 81. Ah WongApiieals to Supreme Court, il. Kaai,druukenri-- s,forfaited Ui ball. Ah Slug, Ah Him. Ah Wal, AhWa, Ah an, w., hiving opium iu poasesalon. AhYon discharged, Ah Him and Ah Wai fined $Wnch aud bentenocd to three months' lmprisou-in- t

ut hard labor costs $1.S0: Ah Sloefined f 75 and auiitcuod lo tbruo rsonthb iruprUon ent, ooaU $3. Ah Wal appeals to Supreme(join. oua, common nei nee. nned 90,

, gim I'aiMina, W,. BAH VVUM Ilaaueo,alia?, each fined $i, conta JI, John Euo4 i'erla,

I drakae, fined i, cost $1. W. J. Siajth,

same charge, forfeited ?f! bail, lllcliard Edwards,drunkenness, fined $r,coili l. Jn. Jlilln, mmocharge, fotfoiteil ?0 ball. Kaiel, atwnnlt and liltteryon I1I1 wife, lined n, cost aa. .Manuel, in

I mid battery on Ah Wing, fined iV.coslo .Civil Hecord. loiiterA Co. vw. John Hokolo. tietcrting contract b rvice, defondanl ordered to

coits 3. M. H. Itoo vs. Frank Motrnlf,A, Sncnccr iiulorwr. action on tminilmnrv imin tnrS200, Judgment for plaintilT, costi $I.1W. Ah Yntvs. long Lun A Co., nellon of nnimlt for',,Jndgmentfor plaiutilTi aptoalid lo IntermediaryCourt. Wing OntChoug.V Co. vs. II. H. Knlia-lianu- l,

action of nmumpsit for I0, Jiulfliiient furpIalntifT,costs$l.6,".Abl vk. Chung Yre.nssuinpsil,defendant con feos judgment for$yj, co!ls?l.

Hawaii Nonas.A new ticw building tn tho runlu street of Hllo,

(WnlnnucuuoHt.i has been leased for n term ofyears nnd Is to bo used aa the 'telephone Ofllcc.Tho lino has lately bcou completed to Wiiiakcu,and Wnlu.ikn. Il U thoURht that lliointlro linowill bo Iu working order to Ookala lit lens thantwo mouths. . .TliL-r- nro tiuilo n number of nowbulldlugi being orecletl in Hilo. E.G. Hllcboock'Mbuilding, for somo tlmo vacant, Is being madoover bo that it will bo about na good as now whencomplotcd..,, Thero has boon qui to a largo num-ber of arrivals nl Hilo lately. Tho liirk . C.Murray brought 3. 0. Merrill and family, witholbcru who aro stopping nt tho privnto hoiol of0. 8. Klttrcdgo. . .'I hero has Juit been erected ntHllo a bnlldliig forli. L. Chaoo to bo uied by himas a photograph gallery. .'Iho weather In Hilofor two months has been very delightful.... Kila-ue- .i

has had n largo number of victors lately, andIs said to bo quito active.

Koiula Itexs.The meelmg of tho Llierary lioeiely at II10 Par-

sonage, 011 tho ovonliig of May tli, was 11 decidedsuccess, notwithstanding tho fnllnro of soveral oftho tnombcrs to come to timo with llitir sharn oftho proBramme. Thopaiwr.connisliiigof editorial,notes and a poem, met with a llalleriiig receptionfrom tho audience, lu addition to hH regularduties, tbo editor read n paper, accompanied by

from tlio cartoonist, dealing with a fowscenes and cpisodoi in Ibo nrllBt's life, and charac-teristics of various nationalities. Tho skelohesworo highly artistic nnd suggestive, and can port noend of amusement. At tho closo of tho evening,thoy weio auctioned oil by nn amalonr nnd nmus-in- g

auctioneer. and brought into tlio treasury qullo I

littlu sum, which was vory ncceptabio. . . .Throughtho kllidnoss of Mr. Wildor, tho lonchori nnd pupilsof tbo Fcmnlo Seminary, with ft fow friends, hadtho plensuro of n free rido by rail from Ilcntoustation to Mnhukonn, n distance by rail of l.tniilca and back, spending somo tlirco hours at theterminus. Tho timo nindo olther way was about0110 bonr and liftecn mlnuto.i. Tbo road exhib-ited boiuo remarkably short tnnis nnd longdoubllnsa nt tho gulches, but Scorned solid midoven, 'to tlioio who had lx en accustomed to Ihosound of tho cngino boll and whistlo In other coun-tries, tbeso and tho sight of tho train seemed nat-ural and welcome, pleasant reminders of otherdays mid sccnos. On loaving Mahukouaou thoreturn, tho gratitudo of tlio party for tho kind in.invitation was oriiressed to tlio genial and portlypresident, Mr. Wildor, by waving handkerchiefs,and n truly feminine cheer. What n delightfulexponent of llfo nnd progress is a railroad, witliits tireless iron steed and trailing cars rushing on-ward. Mnhukona has seen great changes for thobetter, binco tho starting of tills now enterprise,not thoVLstiguof iinold landmark remaining; andan nbsonlco now returning would not recognizo thoBiHt....Very dry weather still continued, and thosanation becomes raoro threatening daily. Ono

two plnntore havo commenced plniiting. but thomajority aro in favorof trusting to Providence lorrain later on.... Fuller A. Luscombo, photographersfrom Wailuku, Maul, aro making us n visit, andshowing many of our peoplo what they look like.Wo understand they nro quito tho rngo and arodoing ory lino work.

Memorial Day.

Tuesday, Muy SOtb, was tho Htcoraliou Day oftin Grand Army of tho Ilepublic, when tho people

thu United Statos oover with flowers tho gravestbo soldiors who fell in defense of tho Union.iit it beautiful and touching ceremony which

grows in popularity each jonr. At Jlrst it was con-fined to a fow localities but was afterward mado anational holiday, and tho day is now kept in everyStatonud Territory of tbo Union, for thoro is notono that has not a soldier's grave. It lias donomuch to cement tbo gap between tho North andSouth, as it is the custom to decorato tbo graves ofthe soldiers of both armies, and often tho Federaland Confederate veterans march sido by Bide totho old battlefields lo garland tho graves of theirformer comrades. May tho day bo thus over ob-served, nnd may all comlug generations of Ameri-cans keep greon tho memory of tbo heroes who fellin their country's defense!

Iu Honolulu tho day was ruiierubcicd iu 11 be- -a'iowCvuoiilm "&;, iididiiiiii

mnst during Iho day. In tho evening 11 meeting ofvetorans of tho U. S. urmy and navy (tho firstgathering of tho kind hero) was held nt tho Ha-

waiian Hotel. As thoy congregated on tho voran-da- h

war memories wcro revived aud tho battles oftho ltcbolliou wcro fought over again; but withoutnny feeling of unkiudness toward tho boys who worotho gray. A string band of Hawaiian boys on Ibolawn played several American airs and, as tboAmerican Minister arrived, tho "Star SpangledBanner." Shortly after 8 o'clock tho vetorans andinvited guests formed fours with Ocn. Comly, A.S. Hartwcll, 11. M. Benson and J. A. Cruzan iu thufront, and marched into tho dining hall, tastefullydecorated with American lings, whero 11 collationwas served. Gen. Comly called tho meeting toordor, speaking briefly as follows:

Comrailt J mid Frieiidi: Wo aro met hero to dohonor to tho memory of our dead comrades of IhoCivil War, wboso graves billow tuo land tromGettysburg to Mobile. GoU forbid that Lor anyono should say anything to rcvivo tho bitter mem-ories and nuimositics of the war. Indeed, I havofunnd in my experience, aa no doubt you havo invours, that when two old vetorans of tho war, ono nYank and tho other a Johnny Iteb, couio togetherto tnlK It over, tuey aro apt to nave lower nnimosi-Uo- s

and more kindly feeling for cacli other thansomo persons who took a less active part iu tbowar. Tboswordsnnd baj onets which crossed eachother in every battlefield of tbo war would now, iucabo of a foreign war, bo found ribbed in 0110 solidphalanx nronud that glorious flag wo fought for.Ono and indivisible tho Union now is, truly.Slavery is dead tbo Nation lives forever. Is notthis worth marching for, lighting, for, starving for,bleeding for and, if need' be, dying for f It is todo honor to thoso who did die for it that wo nrohoro t.

Mr. Cruzan asked tho blessing mid delivered nmost impressive prayer, making touching referenceto tho dend soldiors nnd sailors of tho Union.

lleforo each pinto was n slip of paper on whichtho soldiors woro requested lowritotheirnddruases,and tho number of regiment and arm of bcrvico towhich they belonged in thu war. Their immcs nrogiven below. Forty-tw- o toldicrs and sailors were

Ere6ent. 1 ho only person invited, besidestho press, was Mr. A. J. Cartw right, in

recognition of his services as n member of thoSanitary Commission daring the war.

Tim 4lv i ftvtiifs rit llm tifnnmmmn Irna n ennrt'Tho Battle Hmn of tbo Ilepublic," by 0. II.Eldridge. tho company Joining in tho chorus.

Tho following letter of regret was read from D,A. McKinloy, U. S. Consul;

.Yon. J. M, Comly, Chairman, unit ethtrt, Gtiitlt-me-

I regret that I shall bo uunblo to meet youthis evening iu respoiuo to Mr. Arnold's courteousinvitation mid with yon to commemorate 11 day homemorable- in our ucioven country.

Although absent in person Iblmll Imwith youin thought aud feeling, mid cordially join lu overysentiment that honors tho memory of the bravosoldiers who died that our Union might, and thatwo might, over bo as a nation one and iureparnblc.To you as representatives of our Hoys in Hluowuoso rccoru lorms ono oi 1110 unguicsi pages 111

our nation's history, 1 fencntly add a binccruaud hearty God blcna you I

D. A. MqKixley.All prcboul wero then directed tu fall to, mid

willingly complied, doing niuplo Justice to thoviands bet beforu them,

A Bong, "Just before Ibc Battle, Mother," wassung bv Mr. 0. N. Arnold, after which J. A. Cruzanread Will Carlton's beautiful poem, "Cover themOver." Thc&o mthotlo versed wero followed bythe old song 'Marching thro' Georgia" which

tbu company again. Mr. A. S. Hartwcllwa next called upon and mado tbo followingremarks;

Mr, Mlniiltr auJ Cumiiuttt When I was askedto coma hero It seemed to iuu, us 1 knew Itmuct have sicraed to all of von. to be iust thething to do. Hut 1 supposed thoro were not over uCoriioral'a guard of us to be mustored in this town.Hero we uru, over forty lu number, ft was worthwhile to muct, I! for notblnclo than to find eachother out. 1 trust this is a beginning of reunious

. to bo held lierouicli Year Thero aro tunny arnivnnd navy men on tlo othwr IilnmSt lt it bokuowu lu season that wo bavo regular nuuunlreunions, and they will all bo bare to come. Womay form some kind of u veteran organization,with perhaps littlu formality attached to it, opento ail wuo burrcu uouorauiy in Army or riavy.Such an organization could no doubt aid much,

- lOlU.U UU (UWUSIIVO4JIU UBIV, ll Ct.lUU(illlK iuuKonrth of JnW in a wav to make clad tho heartof every American man, woman mid child in thiscountry.

But wo bate met now for a -i- crcd iiuriosv. AsI bat down lid afternoon, to trv to nrvpare a fuwremarks for this occasion, tbu flood of memories!wblsh filled toy mind mado int Incapable uf w ril-ing, until 11 late hour. iaw I mutt oak )ou to

ma lu the dkmv method of reading theseuotet, ror t coma not iron loymu to pitn wuu- -

tut mem.II It ia our hiuh luiviltoe to iolu each other this' evening in u.lpiu. to keep frwh on! fragrant tliv


,v.v 4. f i. jfe.A jt, jB !, a...t"1 - .. ' J Z&-- t t JIik -

--: IJmemories of our comrades who fell In the serviceof tho llepnbllc Wo own this duty lo ourselves,to our countrymen nnd connlry women who resideIn tlico Islands, nnd lo those who nro taking oarplaces In Iho nctlvilles of life. Wo nro often askedif our war experience) does not neem likeadresm.I am tempted lo answer, that cvrrvthlng rise, com-inre- d

with Hint, Is like n dream." Wo regret forour own sakos, thon who wero cut down, whowonlil have mado lids world better and happier byliving out tho day.i which In tlmo of peace rmldhave been me led ont lo them, lint can one of numourn for thrmt Ono might livo for centnricwithout having such high opportunity for nobleliving and ttyinri as tho yonng men of Iho northhid during the war.

There nro tinny Americans residing here, whocame hero many years before thn war. Many ofthem belong tn that often misunderstood nnd

".Missionary" party: others, nniomrwhom one always thinks of the late CaptainMakee. nnd of our hale townsman, Mr. Cartwrisht,nro not usually assigned to that particular set.lint nlmost nil of them, whatever llielr views onoilier polnfs, woro splendid Union people. It did1110 good when I first camo to the country In 1HM,to hoar tho vcncrablo Father Coan relate, withsomo pride his expcrlenco of some hnlf centnryngo, as nn olllecr iu n Ilghl baltcry of Connecticutinilitin. I Ihought, what flKliting material hewotild havo been In our war. No doubt llev. Mf.Bond of Kohnla would hnvn shown good fightingiiuallties if ho bad been there. Now wo want theyoung American men nnd women of theso Islandto know what n glorious thing It was to shonlder nrifle, or carry n sabro for tho union. Do you, Mr.Chairman, bcliotc that yon,nr nny one, can everobtain from mortal hand such high distinction usthat? 'I hero Is n generation of young people,nlready at thn front, to whom that war Is nothingbut history. Young men whom I meet lu dally lifetell mo thoy enn barely remember seeing tho regi-ments march off for the war, or hearing peopletalk of Ibo battles. Thoso days do not to them,ns they do to us, mean tlio condensed acting andthinking of many ordinary llfo times.

If wo who meet together in this country, canrovlvo tlio old nnny associations, and help lo keepnllvoand hi tender recollection tho mcuiorlefcof onrfallen comrades if wrj can thus help to Impressupon others, especially upon younger men, that ilIs n grand thing to havo a country worth dyingfor as well ns living for, wo may have cause tocongratulate ourselves.

'I ho distinctions of rank which during tho warwero nn object of honnrablo ambition nro now ofit tlo concern, It is nt least as honnrablo to have

served in tho rank nnd file, as anywhere else. Aswo talk of tho revolutionary soldiers, we do notspeak of llieiu as officers, but as men. Shall wenot tako pleasure in writing lo our circloof friendsnt homo of this gathering of veterans? I am surethis is n beginning of reunions which will be verysatisfactory. Thero is nn 0110 here, who evershirked dnty, or failed lo answer at a roll-cal- l.

Thero has been no llmo to prepare elaborate re-

marks, but Mr. Chairman, you will find n promptresponse from any comratlo on whom yon maycall."

Ocn. Comly proposed nsn loasl, "Tho memoryof our fallen comrades," which was drunk standing nnd iu silence.

Comrade Green iu n few touching words spokeof ono now mado grave which undoubtedly hodthat day been covered with flowers, nnd called onComrade J. A. Cruzan to speak n few word inmemory of their dend cornrado James AbramGarfield. Mr. Cruzan said:

Mr. Minister nwl ComraHm: In American historytlirco names will be indissolnbly joined Washing-ton, Lincoln, Osrficldl Their memories will becherished by overy tmo American as the choicestof our national treasures. Their graves will everbo fragrant with immortelles. Our dead cornrado,James Abram Garfield, was n bravo soldier, ftchivalrous general, n broad and comprehensivestatesman, n genial Christian gentleman nnd atruo American. Ho was an honor to America, nndAmerica loved, trusted and honored him. Theworld honors him chiolly ns a statesman, nnd hereho wns worthy of its crown of prnisc. lint I wishto speak of Jnmes Abram Garfield, thesoldier. Iu tuo short years ho won, by honorablescrvico mid conspicuous ability nnd bravery theposition of Major-Gcncra- l. Tlio man who coulddo that had all tho elements of greatness ns nsoldier. But dnty bade him sheath his sword.Had not tho path of duty boforo him so plainlyled him to Washington ns the representative of thefamous Western Jlcservo mid tbo successor ofJoshua IE. Giddlngs, I bcliovo thnt ho would havewon a placo in history nnd iu tho hearts of Ameri-cans as n soldier second to none. I weigh

I donotLclievothnt thofamoof America'sIron Duke, Ulysses S. Grant, or that of the per-sistent, iudcfatigablo William T. Sherman, ortbat of tho dashing Phil. Sheridan, would havebeen suiwrior to thnt of General James AbramGarfield. But this was not to be, America hadother shall I say grander ? work aud honor forhim. Ho wns to recelvo at tho hands of theAmerican peoplo tho highest honor the ChiefMagistracy. Then camo his untimely death nt thehands of 1111 assassin. America loyed nnd hon-ored him wliilo living; sho wopt for him, andcherishes his memory when dead. "Will it pay?"said Mrs. Garfield to 11 prominent American justbeforo leaving Mentor for Washington: "will itpay to leavo thiJ pleasant home, nnd broak np ourhappy homo life, oven for four years in tho WhiteHouso?" "Yes, it vilL for thero is whore dutyulerwns oiuied,'MrsTGn,rileIiriiiet tho sn'mo gentle-man. "Has it paid?" was her heart-broke- n ques-tion. "Yes," was tho answer, "it lias paid. Hefell nt tho post of duty, nnd honccforth the mem-ory of no American, not even of Washington, willbo moro carefully cherished in tho hearts of thepeople, than that of youruoblo husband." It waswell said. Of all America's sous thero has beennone greater, uono moro highly honored, nonebetter loved, mid uono moro worthy of it nil, thanour dead comrade James Abram Garfield.

After n fow humorous remarks in which heclaimed especial distinction as n soldier, from thefact that ho was tho only privnto present, all therest being only common Generals, or Colonels, orCaptains, Mr. Cruzan paid a glowing eulogy totho Union Army nnd its fallen heroes, as men whofought for a principlo which transformed andtransfigured them.

Mr. Cartwrigkt iu reply to calls for a speechsaid: "I havo novcr mado n speech nnd really Ihavo no right to bo hern nt a reunion of veterans.I can only say tbat I owu 11 debt of gratitudeto each ono present and to every soldier of theUnion, for thoy saved my country."

Mr. Arnold alluded to what Mr. Cartwrfahthad done for the Sanitary Commission and saidthat ho would be welcome in nny company ofUnion soldiers.

Dr. McGrcw mado n few remarks and said hehoped tho meeting of veterans would result in auorganization.

"The Blue and tho Gray" was next read by Sir.N. O. Slurphy, and was followed by "The Hed,Wlulo mid Blue," Bung by J. T. White.

Mr. 1). Simpson, of tbo 1st Missouri infantry,tho regiment that took the find Confederate pris-oners, being called 011 for n speech, aaid thatspeaking was not his forto; but he gave an inter-esting itcconut of the trials of n soldier in theWest, mid later iu tlio evening described the cap-ture of tho first prisoners in n manner that broughtforth rounds of npplnusc.

Dr. Hngan spoke ft few words: Ho said that hewas delighted to meet this handful uf soldiers;that ho was always happy to meet out. lleferringto an nriuy surgeon's duties, ho said thnt 2J0U)surgeons of tlio Union array weru killed daring tberebellion.

It. J. Giccno HiHiko briefly nnd proposed a toastto Iho memory of Abraham Lincoln which wasdrunk standing. Dr. Emerson, being called onfor a reply, responded iu a feeling maimer.

Itcniiirks wcro also made by 1C. W. Lainc, whoentered tho navy iu lbMfl, Captain Lawrence, Q, C.Williams mid others.

Mr. Frank Godfrey moved that n committee beappointed to arrange for a permanent organization.Carried.

'Iho cclcbrntiouof IhoFourthof July was spokeuof and it was moved and carried that the Ameri-can Minister call a meeting of Americana nextweek to consider the matter.

"llally round tho then sung by Mr.Arnold, after which all joined lu singing "America."

Tho meeting was gotten tip hurriedly within tbespaco of twenty-fou- r hours but was a completesuccess, ntd also n surprise. Forty-tw- o veteransanswered to tbo "roll call." and although it isseventeen j cars since tho close of the war, theywould htllldu honor to the "coat of blue") theoldest votcrnu present said that ha had gonethrough two wars and considered himself good foruuotuor.

Iho Ifollowing U tho roster of names prepared:James M. Comly. U Ohio: M. Hagan,Mat Ihioj J. T. White, 1st Ohio; A. H. lUrtiS,Kith uu.11,., N. B. mi Mass.; C. II. Att- -worm. 1st alas.; j. r. uoouwlu. 17th Mas.i V.II. Eldridge, l'.'th Mass.; J, Himousoii, Jr.. loth K.Y. Cavalry; J, G. Ijiuiiumi, '.M N, Y.: A. E. e,

lfJeth N. Y. H. A. llitrna, hN. y., w. il. Wilkinson, 1st N. Y. Hifles: 8. C.Smith, Hh N. Y.; II. M. Benson, tlh CaL;O. 0. Williams, tth Cal.j W. U. Wilder, let III.Cavalry, Thos, Darcy, 1st 111. Cavalry: O. Fritz.ICtli III.) W. It. Lawrence, Will III.) . it. Morrill,13th 111.: J. A. Cruzan. IU Iowa: A. It. AluiaiuW.IStli Iowa; J. Miller, fith Iowa, C'avalryi GtorMCarroll, ltitb Conn.; It. J. Greene, 'Mh Conn.; J.W. Thompson, lith Conn.: Lyman Smith, 16thMaine; N. O. Murphy, lith Wisconsin; C. H.Arnold, lith Peun.t J. H. Millet, 3d Minn.) D.Simpson, 1st Missouri; J,T.CupeUnd,OthIudUuia;W. li. Courtney, 1st Marylaud; it, W. Lain. I). H.N.i J. U.Lovejoy, U, S. K.j Frank Godfrey, U. S.N.; II. E. Everw.ii, U. H. N. li. D. Whitney,Mexican War Veteran; H. G. Levey, lib U. H.Cavalry; A. J, Oartwright, U. H. Sanitary

It la dusircd to have a, ismiplete list of all veterhuh residing iu the Islands, and Geu. J. M. Cewty,U, S. Minister ltcdldcnt, will be plesaed to revivefrom all parts of the group tbe u&iaes of veteeaasoi'iicm 01 mo u, n. Army nuu nary, Willi 1

us siiiuvut, civ., lu wuicu CJICII was) 1


C. rlillua-oniii- ws of luts lalboNL't'ANU VALLITOEMKTltY, IMneclfulU rucslrd t. BrililUiHoews ef tba ObawWl ul aiurrc, Mhedcs' Block,ou Wednesday utrfl, 4tme Tib, at W o'slyck a, w.

a- - lluslnn.WW ' - 9 PKK OMUKB. '

Page 5: Saturday r R Pioneer1 - · THE SATURDAY TRESS. i uPioneer1'Line a v t w r a r e n r r n 1 1 it r n uf.hku itim srmonirllov FROM LIVERPOOL. M riVE J)


Mr. Johnson Reviewed.

KniTor. Satup.dat Yrt I would pre-mi-

by saying that I nm ns btnunch nnmlrocalo of totnl nbslincnco (wilh tbo ex-

ception, that I do not belioro in its citcn-pio- n

to lliorapontics) nn !t Mr. Kli Johnson.Nevertheless, I differ with tho lecturer nsto tho propriety of making random Hlnle-monl- h;

such mo necessarily detrimental toany c.inso in proportion ns thoy nro knownand noticed, nnd J regret exceedingly thatsomo fttntcmontfi should hnvo hcon madothat nro either greatly exaggerated, orlotnlry unfounded in fnct. Such thingstendonly to supply to tho opponents ofrtlmtinenco principles a negative argumentngaiosL tho cause, nnd nro entirely unneces-sary nnd uncalled for whero plain nndunanswerable trutlm nro so numcrouR nndacceRfiiblo in thoir support. The prcHont, isnn ago impatient ol (IcmotiRtralion, a nil

of dogma; nnd ono Rtntomoitt, bynn ndvocntc, in nny cause, which is

of proof, may invnlidnto in thominds of hearers, n boil of othcrr. thatmny bo literally line.

During his Inst lectnio, Mr. Johnsonstnted that in 1810 tho natives of theseIslnudb numbctcd ono hundred and eightthoudiiud; that to day tho nntivo popula-tion did not oxcotd forty-fo- ur IhoiiRnnd;nnd that the terrible dccrriyo in tho intci-vn- l,

hnd bcoti owing solely to "ruin-drink-in-

ns n cniiKo. Such n r,liilement betrays, nt least, a lntnontnblo iL'iiornnco ofoxiitiug fncls, unless ho bo nblo to provemat g is tho cause ut small-pox, measles, syphilis and leprosy. It, isestimntcd that not less than twenty thou-san- d

of tho population succumbed duringth epidomics of tho two first mentioneddiseases which ravaged tho country in theyenrs of 1852 nnd 1853. Add to this thofact that mcaslos frequently leaves behindit tho Mods of fatal tuberculous disease, andthe mortality from theso causes nlono ag-

gregated, is further increased. Our bestphysicians estimnto tho native populationto bo diseased with syphilis in tho ratio ofbotweon Bixty and sorority por cont., whiloon nt loast has placed it nt about ninety-eig- ht

per cont. Sterility of women nnd ngreat increnso in tho mortality among

nro among tho concomitants of thisdisease, ns is also noticeably tho caso withleprosyf nnd theso diseases in thousandsmora of casos havo killed their victims.How then can g bo mado re-

sponsible, as tho "solo causo of death" inthis case; or nny thinking man assert hisability to "provo it" so?

Mr. Johnson nlso tells us of tho fearfulextent to which liquors nro ndultorated andpoisoned in nlmost ovory country of thoknown world, nnd in proof of his slate- -meats furnished to buyers n littlo book nta cost of twenty-fiv- o cents, containingfortuulns for tbo imitation of tho differentwines and spirits of commerce. Ho callsthso compounds, on account of tho adul-terations which thoy contain, "vilocicaturcsof tbo Devil;" whereas tho viltsC creature ofthe denil in most of thom, is tho alcoholthoy contain, which is nlso tho basis of nilunadulterated winos nnd liquors. Leavoout this, and tho compounds loforrcd towould bo comparatively hnrmless. Nomention is mado of tho most common andmost poisonous ingredients used in thoadulteration of wines, viz., accluto of leadand sulphate of cupper.

Upon reading such a book, it would im- -w.witwil wwtlmi4UitctnTctTrthoro made, that after all tho talk aboutthe adulterations of liquor, thcro was atloast little thnt thoy contained, oxcludingthe alcohol, that was actually deleterious.

Much as I rogrot to havo to say so, Iam constrained to boliovo that tho book nowbeing sold as No. 1, Vol. 1, of the "Popu-lar Temperance Library" will bo iu realitymore valunblo to tho vondors of spuriousliquors than to tho causo of abstinenco.

S. C. A.

Mortgago Tax.


A, an has nindo nnd realized$200,000. Likiug tho climate, ho intendsto remain hero, and tako lifo easy. Hoproposes to invost his monoy in first mort-gages, bearing 8 por cont. intorost, on sov-or- al

now plantations. In tho conrso of afew months, after n caroful oxamiuntion ofthe securities, ho effects tho lonn of nil hiscapital in this mnnner. It is distributedin four loans of 50,000 each, payablo insix years. A condition in each mortgagois, that tho borrowor shall pay all taxesupott tho mortgaged property. July 1st,the Assessor, as in duty bound, calls upoifA for a statement of his taxnblo property,nnd enters, undor tho head of personalproperty, tho four mortgages. Tho taxthereon, three-fourt-hs of one por cent., willbe payablo between Sept. 1st und Nov. UOlh,una no doubt will bo choorfnlly paid. Ahas that amount of property becurely

and yioldiug a good iutorcst. Forthe safo nnd peacoablo onjoymout of thisproperty under tho law, ho is willing to pay

1,500 por annum out of his hnndsomoof 10,000. Has nny injustico been

done to him in this matter P H does notao appear.

11 is one of tho borrowers. Ho lms nflourishing plantation, which ho estimatedto bo worth $150,000 boforo ho borrowedthe $50,000. This loan ho hns oxpondedon a now mill, which wns ncedod, nnd wasthe occasiou of his borrowing. Tho As-sessor appoars, and 1$ makes roturu of$200,000, as tho value- of tho plantation, ofwhich $50,000 is personal property. Undertke ilecwiou of tho supronio Court, January1B70, his dobt secured by mortgage maybe ofl'bct from tho amount of his pcrsoualproperty. This leaves 150,000 ns B's

Is thoro nny hardship in D'gcaioP If 60, it is not apparent. If O, Dand K, the other borrowejg of A's mouoy,are in a like condition with U, as to per-non- al

proporty, thoy also will bo withoutcause of complaint, and tho outcome ofall will bo that A, and nobody elso, is taxodon his capital.

lJut suppose thnt O has it plantation ofthe same value as lYs, but only $25,000worth of portonnl property. He oil'setsthat amoontagainsttho borrowed 50,000,which he may havo converted into real cs-U- U

ns B did. Ho must, therefore, pay atax on tho bnlauco, $25,000, and his nssesh-Bse- nt

will etaud at 175,000. It may, withgood reason, bo alleged thai tho item of025,000 ha been twico nssessed, onco inA's return, nnd ngaiu in O's. A docs notcomplaio, but O may, though it appearsfrom the decision nbovo quoted that thoroit uo help for it, as tho law btands.

O may arguo that, ns botweou tho Gov.rnuieut, ou tho ouu baud, and hiuibelf and

B, on the other, thero is a manifest inequal-ity and injustice iu their resuective iiuu.aatate; 'that his plantation YcoittuiiHj.of

- jamiMM.', w wi.friiWS'-,-

tho snmo total vnltio nB Be, but, whilo Bis tnxed only SI 50,000, ho is taxed $175,-00- 0,

nnd, moreover, this wrongful excess hnsnlroady beon onco nstesscd to A. Now theGovernment does not undertake to procurercvonno by donblo or unequal taxation. Itwould nppcar proper, thou, where a Inwdocs benr thus unequally, that it should bonmcuueu. Tins can oastly bo Uono by al-

lowing on offset of a debt fecured by mort-gage from tho sum total of the property ofmo mortgagor, ilio owner or tbo morl-gag- e

thus pays the tax on his money loincd,and tho borrower on the amount of hisproporty,

Tho only objection to this cotirso flccnisto havo been that it would niotv nn offsetbotween two different classes of property,viz: real arid personal; bnt whilo both nrotnxed nt the same rate, tho objeotion ismerely formal, nnd should not bo consid-ered n moment in comparison with tho realevil of donblo and uncqnnl taxation, ofwhich casos may nt nny timo nriso undormo present construction of the law.

B. Y.



umm of NtsW scobsJt'ST HKOUIVI") I'JJU

C. K. BISHOP, Walters, lYi.istor,

FROM BREMEN,(.'iiiiMaclntr I" part of n follonxt

A l.orgo Assl. id Dry Goods,SUUIl ,h

DcniiriH, niowu and Wlilto Cottoiw,DrllN, Ticklncii Turkoy Jlcil, c,

Merinos, black and colored, 4 qualitiesHcppi, Cobourgs, Alpacas, Italian Olotu, and

Dress Csr430c3Ls.SUCH AS

I'ancj 1'rlnts, Tweiity-FlreAe- SIjIch,

Printed Suttfeni, I'oinpadourH, niidn,CJiii;liams. Victoria Iawn-j- , aatiu Htrlit,I'nnoy Striped Urruadlnes.Wliito Silk JapnnoBo, Twills, Scrp;c,1'oplinH, Satin and Sloiro,lllack and Colored Volvets.

FINI' SILKS,lllaek, Orosrain, I'oney, Colored and btripcd,

ItarcK", Orepc,Ac,

TAILORS' GOODS:llnokskins, l)In"ounlH, Twittls, Cords,Series, Silosias, Docxkiiio, C'uiioiiiictvs, Ac.

A Splendid Asst. of Shirts,(Woolen, Mlxril, Calirn. Jllckorj, Drnlin. Ac.)

Muriuo and Cotton Uiidtnliirt,wuuo lioriom oinria. ro..Socks and Stockings, HatidkcrcJjiplK,1'onlards, Gloves,


I'imi lllack Cloth Frock Coats nnd Pantn.Ilnckskin S.icKk, l'anta nd Suits,Felt, Mohair, Drill. Flannel Backnantl i'antn,lioys' ShirtH nnd Children's JaqkotH,.Monkey nnd Sailor JnckfiU.I. It. Conts and lifRKiiigB, Cirpet Slippcrb,Silk and I. C. nnd PnraMJiK,Fancy nnd Travclinj! Shawls,Cotton nnd Turkish Towclri.White und Fancy Qnilts,Felt ItuKS nnd Urns? els Cnrpniun,

Horso Blaukots. Wliito and FnncyBlnukcts,Fancy Striped Woolen, two sizes.Hcnrict, urango, wiuto ooien,nnnu t polnti','Ihrcads, Tape, Elastic, Soarfs, Ac,

PEKFDMEttY, PLOKIDA WATEIt,Oonuiuo Eau do CoIoruc, Lnbin'a Extracts,Toilet Soaps, l'liilocome, Ilnir Oil, CorabB,Alirrors, Looking Glasses, Fipcs,I. It. iinlls, Harmonicas, lilank Books,Alburns, Gold Leaf, Jewelry, Wntches,Hemp nnd I. It. l'aokinp;, Coal Baskets,

VIENNA FURNITURE:Extension, Ann, Dining Room nnd l'Arlor

Chairs, Settees, Ac.Saddlos, Calfskius, Girths, Stirrup Leathers,

CRATES OF ASSORTED OROOIvERY,Containing Plates, Cups, Teapots, Bowls,Chambers, Itice Disheti and Bakers,Demijohns, 3 nnd S galls ; Sample Bottles,Vnscs nnd Glassware Manila and Tarred Bopo,

Sugar cj Rloe BagsOf nil sizes and (junlllies,

Coal Bags, Gnnnies. Twine. Bnrinps,Woolpnck nnd Twilled Sacking, Linen Hose,

GROCERIESSardines, In half mid qnnrtcr boxes,II. nnd P. BIscnits, Salt in jnru,Castor OU in Tins, Stcarine Candles, I, C nnd G,Matches, Coconunt Oil. Wash Blue,Hnbbuck'sLinseodraintOil, H Whito Load,Whlto Zino Faint.


Do Lnnge ills nnd Boatollenu Brandy, nndother brands,

lliiui, Gin, St. Tnu! Beer, Alo nnd Fortcr,Fort Wine. Shorry, Khiue Wine,Flno nnd Tnble Clarets, Champagne,Dry Ucidselck Monopoto, Ch. Fnrre,G. II. Muuim & Co., Sparkling Hock,Moselle, Ac, Ac.

German and Havan a CigarsPlated Wnre Spoons, Forks, Cruets, Teu Sets,

Cus, Ac.

HARDWARE:Pocket nnd Batcher Knius, Solsbors,Sheep Shears, Needles, Spoons, Files,HjmrH, Gnlvauized Basins, Hoop lrou,"(! itivein, iinmruers,

Yellow Metal und Composition Knilx,Babbitt Metal. Sngar Coolers,Iron Tnnks, ClariQers Ac. Alho,

Portland Comont, " Whito BrosM"Firo Clay, Blacksmith Coal, Firo Bricks,Tiles, Empty Barrel J, Ouk Bouts, Ao.

Term Liberal. Sample cnt Free of Freight,Urilert from tlm other IilamW cirrfnllj

H.HACKFELD&CO.Little's non-poisonoii8,a- nd

non-corrosi- ve

Disuilcctunl and Sheep Dip.AS .V HUIKt'ECTAM'

and dcodcrtiu fur noutkhold and bMpltal ue thiivaluabU prriuniUau, lut all ihe Bood qualllleauf carb-olic acid, wlihoui Ha dludtanugct, btine?"' .."'J1? of tdour- - A an antcuptlc,Inarcllcldf, ar,d lotion forouud&c., tnallnnlualiIt III W fuund moat cfUcatlooa.

AS A SHEEP DIPfor dlnplu- - or bund drct.lnc a a remedy for (cab orbio fljr, n It ci.laily jaloablc. and l larjaly InCallforula, the ,mir Man Colonlca and both Alner- -

luatcad of cbcckluR It proraolca the crowtu ofwool, and adaa to ib aniifarancc aud quality of lbflfece.Uc.crlpli clrcalara and dlrccllon. for ue will Ufurnlbct.onapllcat!unto

Tho. H. Davlas Co.75 m

HAWAIIAN TRANSLATIONS.rpJIE UNDERSIGNED IB lRK- -A pared to traualatt, ttb accuracy and dlipalciiandonrcaionablotcrma.

BhU, Laatt, c Ac.v""?",h l0 allan.and tie una. IUaldcucHon. A. 8, Hartel, durlojr bu.lui-i- t boar.


MURDER !It is n well-know- n nnd acknowledged

fnct tlmt the Midnight Apsnfpinnnd Poisoner do

lew injuryI a tho

Human BodyTliun tlio daily neglect and thoughtl-

essness of those who full to keen theHnnmn Frame properly Clothed unciShod. In view of theso I'ncts, nnd in thointerests of the public and himself,


Staple and FancyDry Goods !

Litdies' und Gentlemen's Boots i: Shoes,SoleA'jeiit fortlieTnterimtioiml

GMotliing CnniMiny.1 UK determined to jiluci it within the

reacli of nil to obtain Every ArticleSnitithle for the Ulinmte tlmt Jinn orWoman can Wear, ol the Best Materialand A T T 1 1 K LO W KST OAS 1 ! V II

and having lr t OXR PRIOi:,tho I'mvliifur of One Dollar w on tinsame footing as the Buyer f tin- - extent (

100 Dollars !

The Clothing of tho uboves well-know- n

Co. are famous for the Elegance of thoirCut nnd the Durability of Material :

Gents' Silk Mixture Suits,Gents' Doeskin Suits,Gents' Punts and Vests,.Boys' and Youths' Clothing,Light Summer Suits, quite new;

lie has, for somo years, endeavored tomeet tho patronage of the Inlml'ituuUof tho Hawaiian Iblands, and is verythankful for the support ho lion receivedand that he considers ns his chief

Reward S !

He would call attention to lite follow-

ing Special Lines which ho has ImportedDirect from the Manufacturers, Pur-chased for Cash, and which ho is ableMooffer AT LOWER PRICES than everoffered in Honolulu bolbre; and it his

ConvictionThat a Good Article, at u Fair Price,

must command a Share of tho Trndo olthebc Islands.

Ladies' Kid Sandals, Ladies Fino Em-broideries, Ladies' Russia Princess Boots,quite new; Glove Kid Prince AlbertShoes, Gents' Erabroidert d Opera Siip-per- s.

Gents' Kid Albert Tio Shoes, aFull Line of Bronze, Pink and BluoChildren's nud Bryant's Shoes.

jS" Tho Boat nnd Shoe Departmentis un Entirely New Branch, and ho willonly bo too happy to show theso Goodsto purchasers or otherwise.


WsLDER CO.Importers and Dealers iu


or .i,i, k ix its.





VIII I II - urnIV tl.A I miiiiii






V L80, OIN X1VIV1A Most Coutpleto Stook of







ScantliriK; Tlank, fiurfacc anil rough

Hoards, mirfaecd and rough ; Battens,rioketd, Rustic, Lattice, 01ar.bpnni.

JH.h,,l h'lutJi,Fa nt and Whitewash Brushes,





ll.l. MZKV

Of Eastern and California MoUc.




.ajj) OF CALIFORNIA. gpfAssets, s s a

Losses Paid, Over ::



THE LARGEST PACIFIC COAST CO.DirrillnsRIikiAl'iiceliiUy: DrUclifdUnclIlnrjs and Content! tn.nred tern t'trloil of Three Ycri for Twc

Prcinlnm In Ailvancc, We nlo wrllu upon MiTCliindlfC, per Kirn tl Vine K.liclwo-- till Tnrl anil Hitoast I'om, coveting LoM llamicf. If Amoiintlnctt) Seu per Cent nr mure, on thn Sonnil Vsluo of the

Whole Shipment ntT'ort of Delivery s ami nrc prepared tninntictmlriiets Cocrin(rShlpment from PlsotitloneUinmli tn gun Krinelren, lucliullns Fire ltlk wliilcln IIjiiolunnnlUni;Triis-plilpnienl,iipo- n IxorablcTeim.

SSly Wily

&1 A1f KT - n- - it - BkA

Jima PI


: ::


E. O. HALL. & SONWould Call Attention to Their

Splendid Asst. of Goods !OOllBistiJlK or

FLOWS, DIFFERENT SIZESHall's Sled lJov, cuttlnc from B to 1 lnclicis; Hall's 1 and IS Inch llrcakcri. 14 Inch Kula (Jurcn.Snb-ol- l riowx. Hall' rurrun l'lows. Mle Dili riimo, 10, 12 ami 11 liiclicn:10 Inch Sulky llot mado specially for Ilamakna riunlatlons; 'o. S Buck I.yr Mowm,Plow Handles, extra points and ucnms, for all Plona thai no Keep;



Reed and



STOVES AND RANGES, of kinds and sizes;WE HAKE A



PAINT AND 'OlliS,Mill havlnS over 43,000 lbs. of Hnbbnck'a White Lead and Zinc of pifferjiit Qntle'. ""? F"" """Dry I'alnta wanted, nml overi00 Gallona or Hnbbnck'a Itlr ll;hii l.i ml, we can Bell

tlio 2000 Gallons of I.I UKIO iTI.tfi OII.N. by th birrel, case or callon. ..I MIK J'Nill IVNK ."tlgc"'ll tWMlM.tho Bet American Paint known. Wo have now the LarMt Block ofl,K rili:il from California, tbo Eat and I'rance. ever offered in this Market. Bolts. Pnmpn. Packing Honec &e but we will not attcmnt to enumerate any more of the thousand and one articles that we keep, an H

than a whole pac of the Pnttae. We lnlte our friend and castomirtto call and ex."m"nc onr HIli?X Din rM l WlMtnM for themselves, and they will b- - convinced of what we tay. f


American Bark " Ceylon,"






Steam Coal, Cumberland Coal,

Franklin CohI iu casks, forVnmily Uhc.


1!)0 elexrecs teat,

Xo-vrxxr"- s Oil.oivns,

Barrel JsJlioolix,Chairs,

Cut Nails, 8d to 40d,Im litems, Chnroonl Irons,

limit's Axes, Hunt's Hatchets,

O ix i a M. ii I c h e sit.Tar, Pitch, liostu, Turpentine,

lWLeQ.llo. Corclno,ALL '.SIZES.

l'iuk Handles,Ax lltuulli'.s,


s cbfr i ia s j


Corn Starch, Tomatoes,Doston Baked Ucuur (Gtnuiuo),

Given Corn, ,'SnuBugo Meat,

Succotash, .


Xjtiioy CJi'iteteei! I

Huekin'b Tomato and Mock Turtle Soup,Calves' Hoad,

Ham ami Tongue,

Family SoapWhalo Bouts,

iltilo and Ox Curtn,

Burnett's Extraots,

OnitiK to tlio largo utook of tnerchandlae la tUemarket, e ropoe to Mil tUU coalgacnAt Trice that will Suit onr Custonww.

' C. HKKWKR Ctt.


for loj ot tfwjjytJiPPly ttOffice, Qtwu St., nm tj, if. Hiciufi5f&!3 iu



33IIIOr t3 Oct.,

,,'jmr-i-utmr-.--- ir'






'it -fTPt - rt

HARDWARE, ALL SCiDof ail kinds and sizes;Barton's


JOHN NOTT3Er raotloal

tim, oorpen a "SUCct innM WnPKFR

Pluinbor, Gas Fitter,nnd Tin Roofer,

Keeps in Stock, All Kinds of SIsWrIr.1 In Above

Lines, end of

best mmm mmsAnd arc Prepared to Esccntc any and



Ships' ami Schooners' Cabooses,t( Army llangcs,"

coiiMuc capaelly fcr IIW mru.

METALSibluet Lead, Sheet Copper, bluet Zinc,Galvaclziri anil lllack Sbcct Iron, 16to!0Kausc;

IloxeaTIn 1'late, lo. Ix, lxx, lx;Copper bteani l'lpc, H lO'l In!Wluut Copjicr, 18 trt 00 oz. to eiiuarv foot,

tinted and clean;Lrasj bolder. Tinman's Solder. Copper and llram Wire,

Ualraulzcd Waicr l'lpc. M, , 1. IS,. US. 2 in;Fall Assortment of Elbcws.Ts, unions, etc.

Plumbers'Stook :

Water Clotits, Cast Iron and Load Soil l'lpc,Hoso Bibbs, atoii Cocks. I'lalu Ulbbs,Silver l'iatcdand Nickel HaMn Cocks and I'Iurs,Combination Cocks, for cold and hot water:Huso Couplings, Tubnlar bhuwer Heads,Hath Tub. Hop and Ccppcrs,Cast Iron bltiks, SuliUrhic Coppcra,I'lpe and (las Tonps,Oalv. Clrculailui: Hollers, for stiiinlylna batu sink,

Jec, wlt'a hotnatir;Lead I'lpe, !i to Sin.




Olian'dlellers,ONE TO SIX LiailTHj

Library, Hall, Bracket, btntlents' andStand Larapt,

Now on Hand, a Fine Asst.Granite Iron Wave

Mrs. rolts sad.Irpns'Siew Tan- -. JHIk Boilers, Blscullu.,.,c.r,VJo"J' r3r. Mo;iiamps. Kcrosoua tjtorcs

Toilet Bin, .Icily iloalds, ureo asiorimtutt Postbcrnb, P.hoe, Yard and Stabla Brusbes. floor and JellyH eyes. Corn llrooms, bhoo Blicklnp, Poor Mats, Rus,Clothes Wrlntiers. Crluiplnc Irous. fcanci Pins, tinnedand enamiledi Cbopplne trays and KnUcs. Wire MiatCovers, Clothes Pins, Bioti Polish, Oera Pans, CakoBoxes.

Crockery & Glasswarel,1sJ,IB;ce,,n1'irilM.3M to tOV4 Incbcini,tt",W boup Tureins. Vfjretabli

and Cream Pitchers. Ewers tad Baitm

CnrriMge uml Cart Mttt'm !

To Arrive taxi". 8. Tkomycoa maiOarksrie.

Ftlloes, Rtini. Hpokss. Elnslcv'a Axles, dlttn halfftiSmi7iW5SlWl,Jfcf"p'w?'jWhlflHlrees, Fcrrnlci, Ac.Alio, Horn and Slnir Shoes, ditto Nails.

0FR'PTTOr"Nlinbli Sixpence.''"And wc Intend to fljht It oat en this line;"

JOHN NOTT.Honolnlq. Sipt. 17th. 1M1, Mir

PACIFIC RUUBER PAINT,( iralsd pilatandypand 6 gilloa rMekatei. all Ihi dlrabl. till latalon, fofiaibf MilM Co

i'i4f Vr-- r

Q. ESOl.tNO.T(rpww twiwwiuhhw efrwwwifKPm i wmw39mtmnii nm u rvvim

Gr. EHGLIMG fe CO.,.stccEsssons ro seoklm s & c

Boalexs ia Tin, Copper and Galvanized "Ware


T,vs-'-Sf::'SSKjSt- s ITtijWr Ranges,

Onk MP1filfSB FrcnDh

TOtlWi2Ssl'rfS3liHil gauges,

Nimble, tim$ '


STOVES! rTin Hoofing1 and Guttering,

Plumbing' and Gas Fitting'.

A KUIjI. LINK OP U.M.VANISJKUV. iiu-'- i Will b lii(l ll l.i.(Ht r I'1

J)52Z I'roiiuit ittleiitmn rivi-i- i t 1 ! Wi

WM" mp,w ur



Hardware, Agricultural Implements. HouseFurnishing Goods, Paints, Oils,

Vcvx-xlIoIao- b, feo &c



I i&r tn"T I ill1 PBr-1- ' '

ZL y"80 5-- 8 Steel Teeth.

Unnd ScrollDoors, Sasi, Blinds,




aiuudnjkntm' pu"n

Price $1.00$1.60 per

KOH ALA.Opyafit OalM.

iMiillBB pablla ilnl.Pitronig lolicllod.LIINQ

lf !.. .'vvtuvBlair eioq tirtis.

alMo plirlne lssiOWcVT.etui.4 l"uU cSSwaalMilosi wltLt

Now IMriilAND

illiiy HnngoR'

liiON ATEIt 1'Il'K 0

iim- -



Four Complete.




AualConsl.Uc,; Urcc Assortment

irrlntiit PJ.oci, Ljwbi, ropllni,

DrociJti.Sfonlccs.lillki, TaneyHose, Hindlttrchlcrs. Ubnu,

Cotton, Totrcli, H'tafels,

Urwa Cottom,Ctntoo flamuli, CollofliJts-- ,


Coats and Cassimors,Diagonal, Cottonads,

o., Ao., Ao.UlauLet

UlilrU, blt. fiixy, iwrlet,'Socki, blilrti, Drawcts, ttt,

tV- - Sill Low Uts lij

Eaciae Por Mtdm,XEWM.UOH8Ku ,Hf, or.,. rtfgZ'



ilT II lZsfJkLIB lr&3Srib

miu dooa Its work thorortRUIy. nro ory ranch ple.usoa with nud enn reoomtuond it.S. L. AUSTIN A


OX YOKES, BOWS, CHAINS, &c, &c &cOar U ttow Jgltaj.j. ,r "l

and nil of Tools, Ac, Ac., Ac.

SUver Plated Waxe, a New Invoice Lately ArrivedLamps, and Lanterns.On Unnd nud to nrrivo all of American nud Enr-Hs-

l'AINTS AND OILS DSED IN THISValentine's and Berry Bros'. Varnishes.BRUSHES OF ALL KINDS.


897& CO., St.


127 Fort Stroot, Honolulu.

C. J.Hnrcloo,H. F. Sortolmann,

and Builders.Shaping, Turning,

und Saving,

und Window Framcj,Jimckftt, nalltifitrs, oc,,

to Orthr,Mouldings Flulsb


promptly to. 'for md'' l 87 "'""out tr ebsres

of Machine Work, tohour.


VMtIHAVEjrMTiriNHHKBiiuiirVMNJVHISlikept fur lb it u bouri. 'nspwifally

TS IBI neC. Prnn.l.l..MUSIC 1

KH$hX r mi.M aal t pm laodWi

Iu flanofetU tl.tti p" If aSStaEilf I of lb Posilm XMuleVr9ptlittwa4w. J iSjii

J KMMni.t'TH






rl; m r





(Imported orDnty,)


of of



OasslniereB tWhlu and


Pant, ofDuok,

Lined Units,tl


Kor at






Wo tt




















- 14

'1 jrt !


' i



9N .tj

b- -

J ,'fi sn.jl ii rfi4.iA i :A'frtsifca& iX.t ', aihti
