saturday press. - · hnrdoued into n horny boak. tho differ-ent...

S- THE SATURDAY PRESS. A.VEWSPAPBI! rUIILtnilKI) XV KKK I. TI VE DOLLAKS A YEAH IN ADVANCE rntolsa Sobicilrtlati", from $4, l.i$7jn,i( eordlnsln destination. tiTV'in't,'t" W,M " TliO,. 0. All matter for the fstunlir pirn shcil IJ K. to the NATUKOY I'JlKss." """""'eJ Our Choir. 71i"e Jntio Bonlila Ami Ann'Maria, With Ubmlhli - And Jidotdnli, - - . la our choir. AiulJnno Sotililt sotirnno ln 'W you'd think her vol had wlnns To it iUkitb nil wirthly tiling. .J'!"1 " '"' "1 n HnmlATi JJ hlle Ann .Msrin's itlto cbofco lliiic out in nodi harmonium toIco 1 lint sinners In tlio church rejoice-- , And wlsti she'd slnjr. till Monday. And Olwullnli's tenor lilqh In nnsnrrnssfd tivnrnth tlie akyf Just lioir him sIiir "Sweet And you will nit mid wonder) lille Iiim profound (Iocs down no low It Jim the ronnd. And wnkM the echoes miles nrtrand, Liko ( rolling tlinnder. Uf Mcollni tenor Mine, Of Curr'j nlt-l- mt n imtne Or Whitney's rsmdcriius tusso! J hoy nInK no tnore like Jnno Hotihlrt Ami Ann .Marin. OlMdlnh And Jrdekinh, in onr choir, Jhnn cats lug like Totinso t Going to Church. . SomaRotaghnrcliiuat for a walk; Homo to nUre, nnd laaqti, and talk; Home, po tlmro to iiut n friend, Hutno their iillo time to spond; Xomo for Rcncrnl ubserrntfim, Nmio for pritiUe speculation; Home to or Hud n Iout, Homo n courtship to iliicovcr; Nimo io there lo nso their eyes. And newest fashions critici?; Huumi to nhor tlnir own smnrt dress, homo their neighbors to iuwpm: .Some to scaii n rolw or lwrniot, Homo to price tlm trimming on It; homo to Icirn tho latest nuws, rimt friends nt home limy niay nmnso; Homo lo kussIii, fNo nnd tnie, H.ife hid within tho sheltering vww: home bo there to pleaso the squire, homo hiii dnufjhteni to ndmlre; homo tho go to fnwn; Homo to lontiRe, nnd nomo to ynwn; homo to clnlm the parish doles; Nmio Tor bread nnd somo for coals; homo becntmo it's thought gcnti-vl- ; Somo to vnunt their pions; Some to idiow liow nwret they nine; Home how loud thoir voic-- s ring; Nmio the preacher jo to hear, Ills stylo nnd roico to prnisn or Jeer; homo foruireness to implore: homo their sin to v.irmsu o'er; homo to nit nnd ilozo nnd nod; Hut few to Unocl nnd worship Orel. ISnmliiji Mtijazlne. Reminiscences of Honolulu. No. 7. In August 18.G, occurred (he celebrated trial by nrbilmtioti of tho controversy llnwniian Government and tho firm of Ladd bated Co., ou what ivnB known ns tho " Bclginn Contract." Ladd it Co. was a firm of Anicrican merchants in Honolulu, tho members of which wcro "William Indd, William Hooper nnd Peter Allan Urinsmado all three nro long sinco deceased. About tho yoar 180, this firm, which had started tho first important agri- cultural enterprise on tho Islands a sugar plantation at Kbloa, Knuni obtained from thoKfngnnd Government an extraordinary contract, by .which thoy wero granted ou loug loasos nil tho then unoccupied lands on tho Islands, under cortain stipulated conditions, nnd in tho event of tho failnro by tho GroaL-Powe- rs to rccoj;nizo tho In- - i,tmco ol tho Hi' .t.-.u- i aw. . tho contract was to'Secomo void. Of to course tho firm of Lnddifc Co. Iooketl upon this contract as a deciufdly valuable ono in fact, "a big thing, And so in 1812, Mr. Urinsmado went to Mropo for tho doublo purpose of organiziuya company under tho contract nnd offssisting tho llnwniian Commissioners, srs. Richards and Hali-li- o, in their nrtinlions with England nnd Franco for thncknowlcdgment of Hawaii ns an lndmrrulpnfc Rnvprntrrntv. Tr. Oilh la'ltcr s.nRti.MsXLt.'C.riiisma'do was of no littlo nssi.stnnco to tho Commissioners, who wcro unfamiliar with Courts and diplomacy whilo ho was an accomplished scholar nnd n born diplomatist. Rut ho was not 60 suc- cessful in disposing of the contract to tho capitalists of Europe Ho indeed formed n, company at Brussels, entitled "Tho Rclgian Society of Colonization, "" for tho establishment" snya tho Hawaiian his- torian, Jnrvcs, in whose book mny bo found tho contract in full "of an extensive rocr-canti- lo nnd agricultural community, formed by ngontfl nnd employees sent out by tho parent society in Belgium, who wcro to en- joy tertnin questionable monopolies nnd privileges. Tho King was to havo been a partner and stockholder in this foreign stock-jobbin- g company, and to guaranteo a minimum inlervbt of four per cont. during six years. " Tho contract was signed in BrassoU by tho Commissioners, Richards nnd Hnalilio, although thoy wcro not by their commission to so bind tho King and Government, nnd their notion was disowned as boon as known hore. Urinsmado f.iilcd to raisu funds on tho con- tract in Europe, nnd returniug to tho sot np a claim against tho Govern- ment for tho sum of $i!7 8,000 damages. Tho items in tho bill ran as follows : "Ou account of having infringed their contract toU.'Igium and defeated it, lucra- tive situations which Ladd it Co, wero to have had uu'dor that contract, $72,000: pnloi (under mortgage) of their profxirtips, $i!2,000; altachincuts of their properties, $8,000; nt of a conirnct at Kami, 2,000; by tho King of SO acres uf catio nt Koto, Kauai, $10,-00- 0; Canal nt Lahainn, $1,000; Drins-nindo- 's actidn for libel against Jnrvcs, editor of tho lliiuiaii uewspapcr, $50,. 000; in all $b78,O00. Tho Government, feeling that thoy had acted to iv n rd Ladd it Co. throughout with justice nnd foreboarnnco, agreed to n propo-hitio- u to submit this claim to arbitration, nnd so nil tho matters in dispute wero sub- mitted to two rvfercos, Mr. Stephen II. Williams for (ho Government and Mr. Jan. F. li. Marshall for Ladd t Co. These two gcnUomeu wore American merchants of Honolulu, of high character. The ar- bitrators hold their sessions in tho vestry room of tho Ilotbcl church, nod the caso lasted from August until December, 1840. Tho sosiious of this Court wero open to tho public, nnd attracted n pretty full nudienco every day, Anthony Ton Kyck, United Status Commiistotjer, who was a Uwyor by profession, npponrtd for Ladd A, Co., nnd John llicord, Attoruoy-Ooncra- l, for tho Government. Roth wero practiced in nil the subtleties of legal lore, nnd scarce K dy passed without an argument between them on some nice question as to tbe ad- missibility of evidence. Mr. Cbsrles G. Hopkins (afterwards editor, Minister, tic.) too full minutes of tho trial iu shorthand, all of which was written out nnd printed, waking pamphlet of not fr from ft thod Saturday VOLUME If., NO. & sand paces. Tho expenses, tvlnrli wero considerable, wcro paid by tho government for Lndd it Co. wcro nlrcndv Imnkrnnf Aftor tho lapse of over four months i,r.!m.t investigation tho arbitrators mnl.l fiml good grounds for tho claims of kadd it Co. ami nip wiiolo nirnir catno to naught. Rut old ronidcnU will well remember Din ititrrn.t itcrcatod ntthe timo nnd the high parlr .....B... ...u luiimiiiiiny, nig mnjonty ol foroign residenls favoring tho sido of Ladd it Co. Rut in fact, tho government was not popular in thotodnys; liko tho Irishman in tho story, almost ovcrybody was "ngin" Tho samo year (18-IG- ) Iho noiorions lhnrl(on Land Claim wnB hronghtforwnrd, nnd gnvo this government no small ntnonnl of trouble and vexntion. Fow rosidonts of tho present davnrn nwnrn ,r M.n ".- .- that almost tho rntiro fqnaro bounded by iiitanu, Qiiccti,Knalitnnnnunii(l?iterchatit strcnts, comprised tho claim of Charlton, nnd it may bo well to give, in Iheso remi- niscences, n brief skrtch of its history. Chnrlton was Uritish Consul here over fifty years ago, when government nnd ty wcro in rather n chaotic stale. Ho is rcplOfCtllcd bv old msMenls fil,n r,., .mi living who remember him) ns n dissoluto chat actor, nnd n hater of tho Missionaries tho latter sentiment n natural cfi'cct of former condition. Ho nrnilnrcl !,..,., r... -- 90 (I) years of tho land in (iu-stio- pnniort-m- g to hitvo been executed by Knlnimoku, n nntivo chief who was tho " business man " cf Kaahumanu tho l'rcmior. This docu-ini.n- t, singularly enough, Charlton had kept in nbcyanco for over twenty years, when tho grantee nnd tho witnesses wcro nil dead, nnd tho land had been in R nnd undisputed possession of tho heirs of Kaahumanu. Tho Rrilish Consul-Gener- al nnd Rritish Naval Commnnders had mndo this claim a subject of domnnd on tho Hawaiian Govcrnmont, nnd it was unu hi uio principal ones urged by Lord uoorgo I'aulet at tlio timo of tho forced cession of tho sovereignty of tho Islands iu IH43. In 1817, after a long corrcspondouco with tho Rritish Consul, nnd repented and protracted investigations, tho parti, cutnrs of which with ths voluminous wcro all printed, tho whole matter was submitted to tho decision of tho Law Officer of tho British Government. In so doing tho King and his Government icsiineci notn tuo confidence thoy roposcd in tho justico of their own enso nnd their relinnco upon tho fairness of tho Queon's Govcrnmont. Tho particulars uf tho in- vestigation in London wcro novcr known here, bnt no littlo snrpriso was felt when 2 tho decision wns received confirming tho claim of Charlton or rnthor of his re- presentatives, for ho had long sinco sold out .11s rights in tho land. It was very gen-oral- ly believed hero at that time that tho claim was a fraudulent ono tho lato R. 0. Wyllfo, who was quito fnmiliar with tho subject from beginning to ond, was out- spoken in his opinion to that cucci. Tho foregoing is tho ouly successful in- - In ........... (rA$jullb " L lftO CODIO my kfiowledgonm thoso Islands nnd in this caso tho heirs of Kaahuma'.iu who- ever thoy may hnppon to bo in tho yoar of our Lord 21125 will como into tho rover--sio- n of a very pretty property if tho world stands. About twsnty-Cv- o years ago, n, man named Joseph II. ..Morrison was living on a land called I'aauEau, in tho district of Ha-w.a- ii. tho tract btiing known an ahumiua. and unsurvoycitT J Ijclpnped to tho high chiefess Keohoknlolo; tho mother -- ifJtho present King, and Morrison's wifo wnUho kunohiki or agent of tho owner. An attonoy of tho owner, by Morrison's roprcontih that there wcro only about 1200 ncres in tho tract, wns induced to soil it to him for ?G00; when it subsequently appeared that tho acreage nmountcd to over 50,000. A suit iu equity followed and tho couvcyanco Q. was sot aside. H. L. S. Tho Changes in the Frog. Nowhere in tho nnimnl kingdom is thoro so fnrornblo nn opportunity for peeping in- to Nnture's workshop as in tho niotamor-phoso- s of tho frog. This animal is a worm when it comes from tho egg, nnd romnins so tho first four days of its life, having uoithor eyes or oars, nostrils, nor respira- tory orgaus. It crawls, and it brcathos through its skin. After a whilo n neck is grooved into tho flesh, nnd its soft lips aro hnrdoued into n horny boak. Tho differ- ent organs, ono after another, bud out; thon n pair of branching gilli; nnd Inst, a long nnd limber tail. Tho worm has bo-co- a fish. Threo or four days more elante, and tho gills sink back into tho body whilo iu their placo others como much more complex, arranged in vascular turfs, 112 iu oach yet thoy, too, havo their dnyt nnd aro nbsorbed, together with thoir finmowork of bono and cartilage, to bo succeeded by an entirely ditfcrcut breath-in- g apparatus, tho initial of a second corre- lated group of radical changes. Lungs nro dovvlopcd, tho mouth widened, tho horny beak converted into rows of teeth, tho stomach mid tho iutcstincs prepared for thu reception of animal food instead of vegetable. Four limbs, fully oquippod with hip nnd shoulder bones, with ncrvos nnd blood-vessel- s, push out through tho skiu, while tho tail, being now supplanted by thciu ns a means of locomotion, is carried away piecemeal by tho nbsorbcuts, aud tho animal passes tliu rest uf its lifo ns an and a ileah.feodinir batro- - chian. J-l- During thf eight years in which tho St. Petersburg School of Medicine has been upon to women, 700 btudents matriculated. Iho course of study occupies fivo years, so that only the first three havo had fraduatcs, Theso number 111. Duriug cent, abandoned their studies, this largo pr ccntngo hoiug duo to tho fact that the miijonty of tho students whilo Mudying havo to cam their liviug by literary work, teaching, etc. Tho United Statt smoked 100,000,000 more cigjretlos last year than the year be- fore. Reer.driuking and cigarette-smokin- g are increasing morn rapidly than any other ways of ming alcohol and tobacco. lUliArd Table For lale, IX VKRFECT OIlbKK, STltAIHiK liaOHHS mskei I'hrlan & C'olltnder coiUions; n.rbl UJ. Fur psrllctilns require al HONOLULU, H. If. W. Sr.Vr.WAvnr- - Hnwntlnn Consult Commission Mcrclmnt aiSCsllfornU M , Cl.. Ilomn n y EDWAIID PRESTON, Attorney nnd Connsollor nt Ijnw, 'i M KurljStieet. Ilnndlnlit J. M. OAT A CO., SAILMAKEUS, Makeo's f lllock, Itonotulit, It I TJagt at alt deicrlptlont mmlc ami repslreil,. ly J. NOTT & CO., Importers nnd Dcnlera In Stoves. RnnRes, Chin V sre. Practical , llonoliiiii, II. I L'y DR. N. B. EMEnSON, 1IXYaic:xvvxr jvivxd nuxioxioiv ""''Jr'nnn;' l'rip Sloro. 31 Merchant Ht. SCfhlencr, rnrner anil Fort ptiert (llieolil lirnr rnniliraiufflee hour -- ! lo I! t. ,, 9 lu t 7 a Cm CHAMPAGNE CIDER MANUFACTORY AND GROCERY. ". I!l I.lllhn Ntrpel. ir JNO. II. BROWN. Inspector or Wclp.hts nml Monsurea, 103 llcretaiiln attcrt. 4i Onlera enn lie left at l'nllce Htatlnn. dm A. W. RICHARDSON & CO., neLKns IS uoota. noe, Fiirnlnhlni; Ooola, Hata, Caps. Tnlnkf, llonofnltt! if l' rrUef "Ml Mcrlllnl ! M. DICKSON, Pkotoirnphio Artist, lWsml 101 Fort Street. ,'pi!mr.Sf.Bi1ili,l,ri ?.n(1 UmI' ""ule to ot'1". ""'I iihellt, Lurala, and Curlosltlci. of the l'aclflc. 2 ly 1.. W. HOPP, Cnblnot Mnkor, Upholsterer, Dealer In Furniture, ho. fj King Street, bet een Ximnun anil l'ort Streets. Jlattrenica cunmanily nn hntnl or niailo to order. "ly THOS. O. THRUM, Importing anil MannXncturlnR Stationer News ARont, Book Bintlor, &c, Merchant Street, ami Dealer In rine Stationery, Iluokt, llnelc. Toj. and Fancy Oooda. J rort Street, near Hotel, Honolulu. Iv v. a. WKiscrn. jonvswesriu!. WENNER & CO.. Kort Street, oppoltB Odd Fellow' Hall, Mnnnfnotnrint; Jowolors, Dinmona Sottors, hiiKravrr. and Dealers In Jen dry of all kinds. Mhcll anil Kukiil Jiurlrj made to order. Order aim re- - cHied and lalthfully attended to for all Minis of Hair N ork in Jewelry or .Memorial Designs. 1 ly FRANK GERTZ, BOOT AND SHOEMAKER No. Ill l'ort St., oppoItc l'antlicon htables, Ilouta nml Mimes .Mnite tit Orilcr, or 1 1 est JIa- - terliil,ainl t lleiiHunlilo 1'rlers. Boots and Shoos mndo for Cash only !My M. S. GRINBATJM & CO.. Importers anil Wholosale Doolors in G0110- - rnl Meroliandiso, Makco's Illuck, (nceii Street. ly M. S. GRINBATJM & CO Forwardlnrj nml Commission Merchants, -- 14 California St., San Francisco. Special facilities for and partlcslir attention paid to - consignments of Island produce. ly AOHiOjA-KT- I3COXJJ3E! UKATKK OF ' KII.AUKA. W. II. UCNTZ, MANAGER. flre.lean beds, and the best action will kindly pife Slana'cr af feasi ivu ..., . line veathcr, and from eleven to thirteen in fon! " b ir T. J. MOSSMAN, Importer nnd Dealor in Croclrory, Flatn and Decoratinl Foreelaln, Cut and Pressed Glass, Hltcr I'lsteil Ware, Cutlery, Chandeliers, Lamps, Chimneys, Ktc. Fire I'root Store, cor. KI114 nnd Nuuanii St!., Honolulu. ajy FllAXJC H. AUSTIN A: CO., Commission Merchants and For- warding Agents. Olllce So. 20 C:ilirnilii St., Snn Frnnclsco. Contlsnments from the Hawaiian Islinds ilealrcil. Tho Hcsl l'rlcca Warranted, unit Sales Uuaranteed. b71 t ly E, COOK WEBB, M. D., Homoopathist, (Late Chief of Statf Homeopathic Hospital, Ward's isianu, .. 1. Wte 60 Fort Street, npcclal attention to diseases of nourn and children. Of!! o hours Until 10 a. . S tot p.m. Sly nZttltKES O. ENOLINO O. SEGELKEN & CO., No. 5 Nuiiaun Street, ( Tinsmjlbs and Flmnuor. Dealors in Stoves, ltaiiKC-';Tl- Shset Iron nnd Coppi r Ware, l.enp eon hiantiv ntihand a full assortment nf Tinware. Oalvan- - lzcii Iron aid Lead l'ipe, India ltubber Hose, Ac., Ac. - 'y fci AX ECKART, 1 WatohmaVer, Jeweller, Engraver anil Diamond Sotter. No. 6 Kaahumalu street, Honolulu. All orders faith-full- execmej. tl ly HIGGINS & JESSETT, .V, BO and SJKInjhU, iCS-taa-- y. Cm riaco Builder, Trim-- M Painters, VarnlsheraiE3S All kind-- ot H'palilnsaUcniled to, and pood work guaranteed at Loir lutes. 8 ly A.'ls. smith. 41 ronTamrET, iMronfMAMiEiniy M'rlden Oiiadrnpla I'liteil Wire, (llasswarc, Klns'f Combination spictAdes and s, Urackits,- - Vnses, I.nslral Wlro Ware, Fancy- - uoain, Frames. Wo.tenliotni's V,k,t Knlies. Scissors, l'ls lols, l'owder, Shot and Amninnll'on, Clark's Spool Ciitiiin.MarhlneOII, ull kinds ft .Machine Needles, "Uomrstlc" 1'aper Fashions, Sole Astent for tho uni- versally acknowledged Iiiclit Rnnnluc Daraestio Sewiug,Machtn( WM. McCANDLESS, Xn. a, tlureii N tree I, a'lsli Mnrhel, Ileilcr In Choicest Hcef, Veal. Mutton, Fish, etc. Family and Shipping Urdus earofully atttmlid to. l.lru Stock furnished to vessels hi short nolleo. aud Vegetables of all kinds supplied to order. M lyr CHA8. BREWER & CO.. JT Kllby hi., Iluslun, Agents of Hawaiian Pacxeta, General Commluion Agent. Hpeelal attrntlou clvcn to tho purchasing of Goods for lb llawallau trade. Froltliti at the lowest rate. W li C. E. WILLIAMS, Importer, Manufacturer, Upholsterer, and Dealer lo Furniture of llrery tlescrlptlou. Knrnl- - taro vro ituouis, no. 01 run mreei. won. nuoji at the Old Slsnd on Hotel Street. (tr All Orders Froniptly Attended to. ly u.I. wuitket. KsUbllsUed l&M. 1, w. uiorKrsos WHITNEY & ROBERTSON, (Duccrssorstoll M Whitney) Importing and Mauufaoturtuic Stationers PublUker. New Dealer, Book- - Binders and Paper Ruler. UXSl Merchant Street, I M8 M o OO., BANKERS, IIOXOI.UI.U, I 1 I I HAWAIIAN ISTsANUM Ult.VW EXCIIANOK OX- -IKE Bim OF CsUirOnMI, ; : : : SIN fMNCIiCO 4l TIIIIII IHSTI IS nw York, Hosloss, Purls, Auckland1, rHC0ltNTAIIUICenP9MTIM, i : : : lOHDM axn ruin buxcuzi X- - Man; Komi;, Bjrdnsr, and McltMMnss, And trap tut llensrtl Banklug Buslntss. SB ly Extra Men Beef p.V4J 110LLXS A C. I. I, OOTO BEB 22," 1881. GoV ED. C. ROWE, Ifonao nnd SlBn Painter, Pnper HniiRor, &0 M' '7 No 1IT King Hlrett, llonolnln. 5 iVIl,li:u Ac ;., nrnrr or rorl anil Uurrn Htcrta, llonolnln, Lumber, Patnti, Oil., Nnili, Salt and Building JnrKntaMiibof ovary kind. iii:.-sj.v- . si. .u'.s'iift, pi" No. 1 Kanliumann ttipet. i. a. N,iiAi:ri:u".: ;0.. Importor.i A. Commission Mnrnimm. S73 Iloliol'iln llannllan lalnrdn. i SDROEON AND HOMEOPATHIC rilYSICIAH. Omc-Co- Tort anil Itcrctinla Hla., Honolulu. ! AIIA.1IN. Auctioneer nnd Commission Merchant. M0 npfn Pirrel, llonnlnlii. . s.s, bisii ;iiii:'i:it .V; ;,., IMrOHTEllS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS ttnnolriln., II. I. jy JOltN RUSMULIt, JV'X'OCOXJll.lo Vnrv X.A.TV g' MMcrchalittf1 nilrrlloi'..,t at. Sla 1 r. t. li.nehAiV & co.. Importers nml Commission Merchants, s" Nunanii atrtn. llonolnln. u A. .. ci.i:.'iioica a. ;. IJiroiiTrna anii ntALrna ix Gouoral Morcliaudli 2J Corner Qncen anil Kaahiiinanu Streets. ly 1. iia;i4i-i:i.- i & ;o.. utfliSKAL COMMISSION AOEKT8. 813 ,uccii Street, llonolnln, II. I. jy A. W . II lis, , GROCER AND PROVISION DEALER. Family Grocery and Fied Stole. 817 Jy M Fort Street. Honolulu. MRS. A.M. MELLIS, Fashionablo Dress and Cloak Maker, 101 Fort street, Honolulu, H. I. Shi m ly iioi.i.i: .V no.. Ship Chnndleri and Commmion Merchants. Irnportera nml llrali r In (iiiural Merchandise. Onee,, Z lloiinliilu, II. I. ly .1. .M. viiiim:v, m. i., i, . fs. Hentnl Booms on Fort Street, Ofllce In Ilrcwer's, lllock, corner Hotel and Fort street tM 7 l.ntrancc. Hold Street. ;i:;ii, nitons. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. NOTAltY l'UIILIC, And Agent for taklni; Acknowlcdcjinenta of Instruuicnts for tlio Island of Unliti. i No. 8 Kaalmnmiin St.. Iloiiolnln. II. I. ly I.AI.M: A: CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS And Importers of and Dealrars In Hay. drain, and 611 (Icncral lTodiicc. llonolnln, li. I. jy .1011: ii. iM'i'v. NOTARY PUBLIC nnd COMMISSIONER of DEEDS For the Slates of California and New ork. Ofllce at the Hank of HUhop A Co., Honolulu. oSlly -- loiiiA t. v,vri:iEiioiJM:. IMPORTER AND DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. B Qneen Street. Honolulu. H. 1. ly JNO. A. HASSINGER, Agent to tnko Acknowlcdfnnents to Con-trac- ts for Labor. STO 3 Interior Olllce. Hon lain. ly 11. 1:. .nci.vrYiti: Ac ititoiiiiuc. OEOCERY. FEED STORE and BAKERY Corner King and l'ort Streets, Honolulu. l ly " (Mr J. - ,!iIU't ". Dry (joods, Taints, Olla au(rTmrnl Merchandise, EJJ ly Corner l'ort and Mn Htf. 11. A. r. CARTLn. C.JO8 , jn C. BREWER & CO.. SHIPPING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 8l'J Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. ly HOST. CM. COOkr. LEiVIlKN Ac cooui:, Successors to I.cwrr.s & Dickson, IMP0HTER8 & DEALERS IN LUMBER And all kinds of UiilMing Materials, l'ort Street. NM ly llonolnlu. S. M. CARTER, Agent to tako AcknowlodRments to Con- tracts for Labor. OlUcc at r. M. S. Dock, Ksplanadc, Honolulu, II. I. 15 ly S. MAGNIN, Importer and Doaler in Dry and Fancy Goods, Shoos, &c, Atthcarcat Kaitcrn Store, No. (i Toil St., Honolulu M ly mi.i.irxciiiA.ii Ac ., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN HA , ARE Cutlery, Dry (ioods, l'alnts and Oils, and Ucncral lercuauuiBC, Sl'J No. 37 Port Street, Ilouolulu. s WM.u.linw.v .n. u. iiivir v co.. Sugar Factors and Commission Agents Honolulu. H.I. 9 .U. N. CSU1A 11,1 11.11 A: C4., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERB In Kashlonahlu Clothing. Hals, Caps, Hoots, Shoes, and every rarlety uf Gentlemen's Superior Kurnl-hlu- ir lioods. Store In .Makic's lllock, Ouien Stiet lluno-lulu- . II. 1. SVi yl A. W. PEIRCE & CO,, SHIP CHANDLERS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS auemt run Urand' Guns anil Uomb Loners, l'erry Darls' l'aln Killer, 1 No. IU Queen St., Honolulu. ly CAKTLi: V HATCH, Attoruoya r,"t Xjovc. XV. II. OASTI.U, Notary Public, attend all thu Courts cf the KhiKilom. Particular attention paid to thu Herniation of Loans, CiiiiYcjnucluj,', Cullectini;, etc. UK .Monty to loan 011 .MmtKae. Uillce, Xo.14 Kaahumanu Street Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. ly 'i'in:o. II. IkAVllIN, Lite Jamon. Okiin A Co. IMPORTER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT AKO JlUENT roll I. lord's and the I.lvtrnwil Underwriters, llrlilsh and Porel'Mi Marino Insurance Comnanr. And Noilhern Assurance Ccmpaiiy. otal ly . If. CASTIK. I. I. aTHKIITOK. CtHTM) t (i(M)ki:, SHIPPINO AND C0UMIS8I0N MERCHANTS fMPOKTKHS AND Doalors In Conoral Morchandlso, No. W Klnf Street, Honolulu, li, I, A0E.ST8 Foil Tbe Union Insurance Company of Kan Francisco. Tbe New Knglaml Llfo Insurance Company, Huston. The Uiezon Packet Line, JThv Kobal Plantation, Dr. JayneASoii'aCelcbnt- - The llalko Planlatlon, ed Medicines. IWalluku l'Untallon, Wheeler A Wllson'sSewlnKlHamaku PlanUllon. Alachlues, nH'Aly iiv.iun 1IIIOM.. Importers of General Merchandise FROM FHANQE, KNOLATiD, QERXAXY, AND UNITED STATES, No. tJMerchaut Street. Honolulu, II, I, IIYMAX UHOH., WHOLESALE GROOERP, SISandSIS California 8trctt, AW ITMAVCINCe. fy PsrtlcoUrattsntlon paid toutling andsblpplDj Island order. e69 ly RAISINS Wbolu iloit UttMuetcl. til UOLLKd M Co. Press. SATURDAY, (WHOLE NUMBER KIGHTIIrl.OUAUTKUtt PIONEER STEAM Cnntly Mnnu factory nnd Bakorv 37. :ne-- r tvt lLI1ftctI?,-- r Confectioner, Taitry Cook nnd BVr, "'"'i"'mrn ,nuann anil rorl 2 Ir V. V 'oi,i:.iia.. BLACKSMITH AND MACHINIST lli.rso Minrlne, tnrrlnKo Wi.rli, .lliirlilnrr)-- , Ac. Pf.l Shop on Kr.R Street. jioiCaMo !rooVV It HONOLULU IKON WORKS CO. oaJiJ. Ilollrrs.cwl.ra, Iron, Hmm an.l l.ea,l CsitlnVs Machinery of Every Description It- - Mnile to OriIr. -- ir Tartlcular attention paid to Ship's Blnekimlthlng; WOHKaaftnlfilonllifalinrli-itiiotlce- . M h STIIATEMEYER & JAMEsi r, rncUcnl Pnlntors nml Docorntors.ailillnt;, J?,1"'"! n'l Loltorlnc No. SO Hotel St.. .,.H, jIllrkct, WRAY TAYfoR 11 A.Mir wi'K AND OltnAiV TDMill anil iB .Merchant l,r',r" ran aircel Le Stores. left nt T. 0. Tlirnra'a l'ort Hlreet .j urn ri Di'tirjRltstn., ApotUoonrloa ami nitonrrns or ipnaccn ;i.l Clcjrsi At'ltitR tnr I'. rnPinM..i v i " sj. JlllWIIlll It ... t'li- - ."V",.,"'.,V V VVj JuclffP. Iliir ImniH f ..V::"7.'." ."A.V.'T V" "O'" "''I i'rrv.7.. i..V.v.."' '" IV". ,:,:M',"."r I'tne Toiiacrcw. " ii 11 iMiiivrr, 111 1011 UOIl. ' Huiuphrrys' llniuro. pilhlcSpcclne, Ac.. Ac. (iC8 JOS. E. WISEMAN, Real Estate Broker & Employment Binronn Ilents, House- -, and 1 lnnae. .,',','.,',",f P"f "' KlnKd.'m. fn,ii,.k ...i i".. "mpioy- - .n.Iuc'or.lVI1 "I'l'o'nnlK.T '""C""'- - C"""""""" "g . w. c.. IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, a."Vl,1,on" rircProof Dulldlnp, Queen Slreit, Honolulu, II. I. aoknts rnn The OlasROiv nnd Honolulu l.lnp of Packet John Hay A Co Liverpool and Londou nckcts. The Walkanti Plnnintli.i, The Spencer Plantation. Illlo. llaknlau Plaiitatlmi, Illlo. Jllrrlces.Talt Watson, Snpar Machinery. Ihc PunlonSI 11 itnnch Coinpany. "HARLE 33vl H.IYI. MOORE, .TOJB PRINTER, AND Iir.ALllH IN Stationery, Cigars, Tobacco &c, &c. su'1' No. IJ.1 Fort Street. ly Beriisliire 3Fiss -- nag,, t'Tiii:l,iitt:sr i.siroitri:i !L. strains, anil of all ajics, I'OIl SALK. 1 ooxrd ami tlnltvi,,-.- ! ,.. .n.... . . srhoouer, AT .MODHHATi: PltlOKS. I'crHiius iilsliliicm Nlnrt ultli ! ii.t ., or to liiitiriisi. nluu tiier ,,C """J - ,,.". IIM.IIHIII. KZ A. linitlHlltT. Hawaiian Hotel. i'. a. s;'i:it. " '. ...,.. HonrilnrUinlersvrltrr, Avi'nl nl Dresden 1t..n..l ... - iiu.iuii Underwriter, Ajrent olf iciina lloatd of Underwriters. ?e "'n,tI,!uran Companies within the juris, die of thcnlMio Hoards of Underwrlterswlll haie to ,o ccrtlded to by the above Aent to make tliem """"' 81.' ly Insuranco Notice. rpilK AOKAT FOIl TIIK IIItlTISH For- - j1." Ml,rlno Iimnranco Compiny received instrnctlou, to to.n.cR ltii'i !f n" suranco between llonoliiiii and &BlV"MAtgfn,fyr,ll?rHfJAlfc8. -- ...! iiaiiiiikii- - FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. and riiiir. uxi):iishjm:i) iiAVixti ui:i:n ai. or JL pointed Acents of tho aboio Company, aro pre psreil to Insure risks njalnst nro on mono and Itrlrli linllillinrs, and on .1lerrlimllo stored therein, on the most favoraDle terms. 'or particulars a ily at tho olHca of Bit iy P. A. hCIIAKF t ,t CO. HAMBURC-MACDEBUR- C FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OK HAJIIIUHO. Hll.niNlS. .sfllllCIIAMUSr. Insured against Tire on the most favorable terms. A. JAKUtlll, Aqont for tbe Hawaiian Islands. My Insurance Notice. VNiKitNi.i:is aiih I'ltKi'Aitnn Tiik write npon 3Ierchaudtse, per s vessels between this and tho Coast Porta, covering loss or damage. If amounting to 1(1 per cent, or more, nn tho sound iltie of tho whole shipment at port of delivery, upon favorable term. 11I.HII0P A Co. Agents of the Firemen's 1'nntl Insurance Company. Honoluln, Jan. ', 1330. 87i :lni FIREMAN'S FUND Insurance Company. A Leading Home Company. Assets, June TOlh STS7.!Vrr.lT Additional Cash Capital (now being called iu)sa), Total Asset $1,117,007.17 rpilK PllllrAN'S FUND IXSUlt-- X ANCK COMPANY basis Its clslma to the best Catrnnago upon Its sound financial condition, reinforced of capital, Riving It oier n million dollars In assets; Its oxtenstvo system of Agencies, In snrlur It a laro premium Income, without tho neces- sity nf heavy concentration of lines; Its adherence to tho best principles aud practice of Underwriting; by open, fair and clearly expressed contracts, nnd prompt and equitable adJiHtracnt and payment of legitimate losses, 1'or sevenleeii years It has been favorably know n as a conservative underwriter, and during Hut time ha paid urcr 1,000,000 IN LOSSES, Passing triumphantly through Ihe heaviest conflagra lions known In modern history. IIINIIOI A. Co., AKciitx, 18m llonoliiiii. H.I. THE LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. Kitabllshed 18.10. Unlimited Liability to Stockholder. Assets VH.'JW.IOO Reserve., , 0,700,uua Income for 16?Ji Premiums recehed after deduction of ro'ln- - auunco , ,.,, ,.., 3,3&1,293 Lossei promptly adjusted and paid here. 13m HIssllHI' Co.. Agents. UNION INSURANCE COMPANY UP NAN FUANCIHCO. JMo.x'lxi.o. INOOUI'OiTaTED, I860 CASTLE It COOKE, AGENTS 171 lor the II at a Halt Island. Rhenlah Weatphallon Lloyd INtURANCE COMPANY. Of M. UI.A11H.1CII, Kueuias rriiMla. Aachen and Leipzig Insurance Co., Limited, r AACHKX. (AIX.f.A.l'lf APKI.I.K.) I.I. 'I.AIMN FOsTTaIITIC'VLAK AVKH. A AUK sustslnrd by tloods srtlilng here, and In- - medln tbaabovoCniiipaule.,. have to ! nisde with Ike toitnlunca of sod cerllaed to ly th undersigned, iu orarr so us vjiiu. J U. (1LAHK, Agent, Bit ly IRIIICATION ! IimiGATIOX AFTER THIS PATIi I except bslnteo lbs hours of U. I). PUEETH. Approic4i JtBtcditsadeotof Wiur Work llzned H.A P.Czfra,Hln1tUr of lutrrlnr. Houolula. April tilth, lael tsattltf XAT! OATS! mVlsTBAT MHAkf . Kb Nttlaa McaVCBT AptU,lI. foilby BOLLKS CO, Roslon noan! of llmlcrtrrllcrs. V. "'V, '. 1I1IRWKU Jb CO, I'hllailrlphia Iloanl of lindrrwrllrrsi A l:?Z n,r ," ""srallon I.l,. - - " ' I' HHBWKH.tCO WILDER & CO., AkpiiIs lor tlio llntrnllni) Isliuiits, or nn: Mutual Life Insurance Co. JfKW YOIIK, Lnrgost, Snfoot nnd Most ECONOMICAL LIFE INS. CO. IN THE WORLD ! Assets (lS50)...S9O, OOO, OOO ali, CASH. Now i8 a Good Timo to Insuro Nono lint s rtaka taken. bji :iui THK New England Mutual Life Insurance Co. OK1I0STO.V, HAli uiiioiiiMnuriiii, innrs. Iho Oltlest Purely Mutual Life Insurance the United Suites. Policloi Ismod on thiTInoit favorablo Tormi. I'.xniiiilr nl .o.i.IW,.tro l'tl INSUIIKI) HV LII'K J 1 Annual premtiini conllnnes ..d.i 1 Policy !! icars n Amiiis prcm urns contlniio Policy I 1 3 l"cm '"" continue (! I m Policy yens 27 ilna . - ",o win.iuio iu yoar DO d iys A.mmotm. s 013,000,0001 Losses Inl, tliroitsh Iloiiolnln ABciiey, S40.000 CASTLE & COOKE, AJENTS B71 I'OUTIIK HAWAIIAN ISI.ANI Jr NORTH BRITISH AVn Mr.nniimTe Xxa.s-u.x-n.xio- Ooxtanxxy Of London nml Eilinnurg. Flit J3. Eatnbllshod 1 800. lljsonrcrs of tho Company n, at 31st December. 1880: Cai-itai- - fE ruNi- i- 1 "'i1,!'!'-- , ), lte.Cno....iSII ,'"J,J" l.'.w.ono PremlumlicV .17,03710 10 Il.lliiico nf l'riilll and Loss Acc.TI.GOS n S A'l,auiA'U 5 II HKvnvur ron tub Ykaii ISSfl I IrcPremliimaand In- - tcrcst. AI,UM,IJU J. MS m i. noFr.sciiLAi:(ii;it ,t co . Agents fur the Hawaiian Islands. THAW FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. t' IIAMIIUIKI. ' CaipltalofthoComp,nyAlte,crvo..Ilelchsmark-C,0(.('()- their " 1UI,VijO,iji) Total. Itelclmnark 1U7,CW,WW NORTH GERMAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY ' Ol IIAMItDIKJ. CailtalofllieConipany.tIle.erve..Itelchmark8.Kin.(.l(i " is.iaiinnn Total llclchtmark IS.DCO.IXX) Kt'UlVIU!lWi,i.KTinjR. -- .. Capital of thoCompmy franc 5,000,000 iiM:itMiJ.i:i. ir.M:itAi.An:TN T-sii- of tho above thrco companies for tho Hawailnii Islands, aro prepared to Insnro llulldlngs, Furiilturn, .Merchsndlse anil Produce, Machinery, Ac., nl.o hugar ltlco.MIIN, anil vessels In tho Imibor, ugulnst loss damage by nro, on the most faiorable terms. ly 11. HACKFKLI) A CO. GERMAN LLOYD Marine Insurance Company of Berlin. !' 0 lt"TU N A General lnsuranceCompany of Berlin. Tin; Aimvr. insuiiaxci: cidipamm established n Uencrnl Agency hero, and the undersigned, Uencral Agents, nro aulhoiized to take lllaliN riKninst llm Iliumcr of Oin Neesnt tlio Must Itcusoiinlilo flutes, nml oil Hie Most I'ltsnrnltlu Trrins, 6(17 ly I'. A.hCHAUKKHAC0.,0enernI Agcnl. CSrlAsEfc-VsE- l Tll3T, MANUFACTUHED OP REFINED A. NO. 1 SUGAR HY ip. hob nar, Pratical Confectioner & Pastry Cook rijiKEnY Pionoor Stoam Candy, Factory Lemon and Tamarind Syrnps always on hand T a, m ct rinds Put up In A. o.l Itedncd bugara, hljhly recommended for Sea voyage. American, French, English AiD German Paitries JIado to Order at short Notice. Wedding Cakos Ornamontod In the highest Sijloof Art. Ilicli freih home made ChocoUtoCream, Cocoannl and Creain Candles, .o. 71 Hotel Nlreet tie. N'liiinnu null rorl tia ly qr '1'IIO.H.t.H MUK, 2M -- A. OHINIS T. N. 40 fort Nlrcol, Q O Will attend to all order In tlio V? 'CLOK, GUN I GENERAL REPAIR LINE. He will giro special attention to cleaning, repairing and regulating Hewing llnclilurs.ond all other kind of Light Machinery and Jletal Work uf eviry description, lllacksinltlilng, etc. Also, on hand anil for tale cheap, A Variety of Sewing Maohines linn. 11101. Hbol, AusiuuuIIIom, Machine Oil, Sfeedlei, Ac, Ac, Ac Hewlnir Machine Tuckers. Hinders, and all other extr and dupllcatn part of machines supplied ou shotl no- tice. r He. I alackluo Twist fa &U Jptnl in Uli Kingdom ot Th Florence benlng Machine, from ItOto $W. Whll Hetsing Machine from (I) to 17.V Home bbnttl Bculng Machine, fiom 118 to $V.. IV Including all extras. txJ ly KNOWLEft' STEAM AND VACUUM PUMP8 rpilK UXDERSKIXED HAVE JUST X received per Amy Turner, from lloiton. a full as- sortment ( these celebrated 1'uuips, trhlch i guaran- teed to lis cheaper and better than any ether style of pump Imported. We call lb llsntloti of ulsutrr liar. HcuUrly loth a Vscuiipi 1'uiMif, which Is loss corapll calnl and mora linkable than otuer nuioix. e7l3m IS if u HIIKIVCK a CO. The Oermania Market HAN HKi;XTIIOHni;JHI.V HIIWOVATKU, l now constantly In receipt or th best ol UEKF, MUTTON, VKAL AND LAMB, from Choicest HsrJs. Hark Sansiges, Bolozcai. Keid Chse.s, Ocrstan Butzes. Ac, alsrsy on bind, is a! so to best of foul- - try and Our , Ueati ..... art .. all .. cat .;.--s..- : and no In Eastern Atvle. All uru.i. isiiuiaiir iinaa so, tnaianvM4 in lay part oflhecllv. l iu HAUfP k hCllltAtlKn. I'roprlelor. COFFEE-O.L- D KOKA COFFEE for oil by fiOLLJfo Cv MUSTER & GO. IlKll LKAVi: TO INFORM THE PUBL C Tlint tlioy Iirtrn iiiotciI Into their 'KW AXI) (JDMMOl)TOrS MTOIIK. In Hie 1'lro llnlldlnal NO. BO NUUANU STREET, Three docr below their old be ... itar,dtvwhr re may fon,l ,,iu,i compieio arsonntent or Drugs, ChcmlcalB & Toilot Articles i.riti:-irr- . AmonRAfeiroflhclrliprelalllesnuyba foni Fll), Mtock of The Crown Goods CONSISTING! 01 Porflimos, Soaps. Cosmetics, ami tiii: ci:i,nniiATr.i) Opaline Face Powder. tTlne'.".nMMlrl,'"l,r,, ",,,', ".'Rl'"! w"l at Hie lata onr all other compelltora, A LA It a E AS SOU TMEN T OF JOHN OOSNELL'S Hair and Tooth Brushes, Cnmcllliin for (lie C'oni!c.loii nmlTectlt, LUBIN'S AND PINAUD'8 Sonps Cosmetics nnd Fnco Powdor, CELLULOID TRUSSES Kspeclallyailapleil lo this climate. A full Lino of Jliiiiiplu'oy's llonicoimtliic Spcclllcs, iCarbollc Acid and Chlorldo nf Lime, for dlslnfrct-inj- ; purposes, Agents for P. lorillnrd & Co's Celebrated Tobaccos, nnd Drawing Room a'ODacco nnd Cigarettes, Buchanan & Lylo's Tobaccos, ralu'dly'lnooVanli'Knian' ""d hkh " WM. S. KIMBALL & CO'S VANITY FAIR TOIJACUOANDCIUAHCTTKH,; "" i?clomfn7,rtVrm!,,,0Wn "" V" " nel Goodwin & Co's Old Judge T011ACCO AND CHIAIIL'TTKS, ALWAYS -- IN DEMAND! Amonc our Ono Hundred brands of CI0AI1H, wo would call especial attention to thu "HonardwcllSloto," Tlio Favorito Rod Brand, Pedro Marias, The Fragrant Stump. They nlso continue lo manufacture Soda Water in all its Branches Together vtllh their Belfast Ginger Ale. B70 mi Importers and Dealers in LTTIVIBIER ANII BUILDING MATERIALS! OF AM, KIMIN. JUST RECEIVED :x LATE ARRIVALS! 8i:vi:rtAr, LARGE AND WELL-SELECT- CARGOES OF -- m T mini:!! rOMl'lUHINO ALL 2JIE USUAL SI OCK SIZES IN SCANTLING. TIMBER, FLANK, BOARDB, FENCINO AND PICKETS ALSO, OIV I-IA.1- A Most Complete Stock of A FINE ASSORTMENT OF WALL PAPER LATENT MTVA,i:. NAILS, LOOKS, BUTTS, HINGES, BOLTS. SCREWS. Eta DRY REDWOOD! Scantling; I'lnuk, inrfaco nml rough Hoards, antfncod nnd rough; llatlcna, Pickets-- , ltustfc, Lattice, Ulapbourd. AUO, 1 lsTU'H, Paint and Whitewash llruahva, wuiric LUAU, wurruziNfrr, I'AIKTeiL, METALLIC AND OTHER PAINT! ! Glass. Salt. Firewood. DOORS SASH BLINDS AI.I.NIXKN, Of laaUrn and California Maka. V(tH BALL K QUANTITIES Tt BCIT ANIl AT Xs o w pmaHa . Im tn ItUIIIlKIt I'AINT, A fnllsiiortraeutol this rslsbrjlej pslnt and hi mil A jilloa CMkacs, all the Oslrsbls eh tdts la tvelwa. Vet n j LVLUa t, Ce a i) pv A S.n I - ' UM i i'. . S". ..biJt'Jlmji kiij-- i r

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Page 1: Saturday Press. - · hnrdoued into n horny boak. Tho differ-ent organs, ono after another, bud out; thon n pair of branching gilli; nnd Inst, a long



TI VE DOLLAKS A YEAH IN ADVANCErntolsa Sobicilrtlati", from $4, l.i$7jn,i(

eordlnsln destination.

tiTV'in't,'t" W,M " TliO,. 0.All matter for the fstunlir pirn shcilIJ the NATUKOY I'JlKss." """""'eJ

Our Choir.

71i"e Jntio BonlilaAmi Ann'Maria,With Ubmlhli -And Jidotdnli, - - .

la our choir.AiulJnno Sotililt sotirnno ln

'W you'd think her vol had wlnnsTo it iUkitb nil wirthly tiling..J'!"1 " '"' "1 n HnmlATi

JJ hlle Ann .Msrin's itlto cbofcolliiic out in nodi harmonium toIco1 lint sinners In tlio church rejoice-- ,

And wlsti she'd slnjr. till Monday.And Olwullnli's tenor lilqhIn nnsnrrnssfd tivnrnth tlie akyfJust lioir him sIiir "Sweet

And you will nit mid wonder)lille Iiim profound

(Iocs down no low It Jim the ronnd.And wnkM the echoes miles nrtrand,

Liko ( rolling tlinnder.

Uf Mcollni tenor Mine,Of Curr'j nlt-l- mt n imtne

Or Whitney's rsmdcriius tusso!J hoy nInK no tnore like Jnno HotihlrtAmi Ann .Marin. OlMdlnhAnd Jrdekinh, in onr choir,

Jhnn cats lug like Totinso t

Going to Church.

. SomaRotaghnrcliiuat for a walk;Homo to nUre, nnd laaqti, and talk;Home, po tlmro to iiut n friend,Hutno their iillo time to spond;Xomo for Rcncrnl ubserrntfim,Nmio for pritiUe speculation;Home to or Hud n Iout,Homo n courtship to iliicovcr;Nimo io there lo nso their eyes.And newest fashions critici?;Huumi to nhor tlnir own smnrt dress,homo their neighbors to iuwpm:.Some to scaii n rolw or lwrniot,Homo to price tlm trimming on It;homo to Icirn tho latest nuws,rimt friends nt home limy niay nmnso;Homo lo kussIii, fNo nnd tnie,H.ife hid within tho sheltering vww:home bo there to pleaso the squire,homo hiii dnufjhteni to ndmlre;homo tho go to fnwn;Homo to lontiRe, nnd nomo to ynwn;homo to clnlm the parish doles;Nmio Tor bread nnd somo for coals;homo becntmo it's thought gcnti-vl- ;

Somo to vnunt their pions;Some to idiow liow nwret they nine;Home how loud thoir voic-- s ring;Nmio the preacher jo to hear,Ills stylo nnd roico to prnisn or Jeer;homo foruireness to implore:homo their sin to v.irmsu o'er;homo to nit nnd ilozo nnd nod;Hut few to Unocl nnd worship Orel.

ISnmliiji Mtijazlne.

Reminiscences of Honolulu. No. 7.

In August 18.G, occurred (he celebratedtrial by nrbilmtioti of tho controversy

llnwniian Government and thofirm of Ladd batedCo., ou what ivnBknown ns tho " Bclginn Contract." Laddit Co. was a firm of Anicrican merchantsin Honolulu, tho members of which wcro"William Indd, William Hooper nnd PeterAllan Urinsmado all three nro long sincodeceased. About tho yoar 180, this firm,which had started tho first important agri-cultural enterprise on tho Islands a sugarplantation at Kbloa, Knuni obtained fromthoKfngnnd Government an extraordinarycontract, by .which thoy wero granted ouloug loasos nil tho then unoccupied landson tho Islands, under cortain stipulatedconditions, nnd in tho event of tho failnroby tho GroaL-Powe-

rs to rccoj;nizo tho In- -i,tmco ol tho Hi' .t.-.u- i aw. .

tho contract was to'Secomo void. Of tocourse tho firm of Lnddifc Co. Iooketl uponthis contract as a deciufdly valuable onoin fact, "a big thing, And so in 1812, Mr.Urinsmado went to Mropo for tho doublopurpose of organiziuya company under thocontract nnd offssisting tho llnwniianCommissioners, srs. Richards and Hali-li- o,

in their nrtinlions with England nndFranco for thncknowlcdgment of Hawaiins an lndmrrulpnfc Rnvprntrrntv. Tr. Oilhla'ltcr s.nRti.MsXLt.'C.riiisma'do was of nolittlo nssi.stnnco to tho Commissioners, whowcro unfamiliar with Courts and diplomacywhilo ho was an accomplished scholar nndn born diplomatist. Rut ho was not 60 suc-cessful in disposing of the contract to thocapitalists of Europe Ho indeed formedn, company at Brussels, entitled "ThoRclgian Society of Colonization, " " for thoestablishment" snya tho Hawaiian his-torian, Jnrvcs, in whose book mny bo foundtho contract in full "of an extensive rocr-canti- lo

nnd agricultural community, formedby ngontfl nnd employees sent out by thoparent society in Belgium, who wcro to en-

joy tertnin questionable monopolies nndprivileges. Tho King was to havo been apartner and stockholder in this foreignstock-jobbin- g company, and to guaranteo aminimum inlervbt of four per cont. duringsix years. " Tho contract was signed inBrassoU by tho Commissioners, Richardsnnd Hnalilio, although thoy wcro not

by their commission to so bind thoKing and Government, nnd their notionwas disowned as boon as known hore.Urinsmado f.iilcd to raisu funds on tho con-

tract in Europe, nnd returniug to thosot np a claim against tho Govern-

ment for tho sum of $i!7 8,000 damages.Tho items in tho bill ran as follows : "Ouaccount of having infringed their contracttoU.'Igium and defeated it, lucra-tive situations which Ladd it Co, wero tohave had uu'dor that contract, $72,000:pnloi (under mortgage) of their profxirtips,$i!2,000; altachincuts of their properties,$8,000; nt of a conirnct atKami, 2,000; by tho Kingof SO acres uf catio nt Koto, Kauai, $10,-00- 0;

Canal nt Lahainn, $1,000; Drins-nindo- 's

actidn for libel against Jnrvcs,editor of tho lliiuiaii uewspapcr, $50,.000; in all $b78,O00.

Tho Government, feeling that thoy hadacted to iv n rd Ladd it Co. throughout withjustice nnd foreboarnnco, agreed to n propo-hitio- u

to submit this claim to arbitration,nnd so nil tho matters in dispute wero sub-

mitted to two rvfercos, Mr. Stephen II.Williams for (ho Government and Mr. Jan.F. li. Marshall for Ladd t Co. These twogcnUomeu wore American merchants ofHonolulu, of high character. The ar-

bitrators hold their sessions in tho vestryroom of tho Ilotbcl church, nod the casolasted from August until December, 1840.Tho sosiious of this Court wero open totho public, nnd attracted n pretty fullnudienco every day, Anthony Ton Kyck,United Status Commiistotjer, who was aUwyor by profession, npponrtd for LaddA, Co., nnd John llicord, Attoruoy-Ooncra- l,

for tho Government. Roth wero practicedin nil the subtleties of legal lore, nnd scarceK dy passed without an argument betweenthem on some nice question as to tbe ad-

missibility of evidence. Mr. Cbsrles G.Hopkins (afterwards editor, Minister, tic.)too full minutes of tho trial iu shorthand,all of which was written out nnd printed,waking pamphlet of not fr from ft thod

SaturdayVOLUME If., NO. &

sand paces. Tho expenses, tvlnrli weroconsiderable, wcro paid by tho governmentfor Lndd it Co. wcro nlrcndv ImnkrnnfAftor tho lapse of over four months i,r.!m.tinvestigation tho arbitrators mnl.l fimlgood grounds for tho claims of kadd it Co.ami nip wiiolo nirnir catno to naught. Rutold ronidcnU will well remember Din ititrrn.titcrcatod ntthe timo nnd the high parlr.....B... ...u luiimiiiiiny, nig mnjonty olforoign residenls favoring tho sido of Laddit Co. Rut in fact, tho government wasnot popular in thotodnys; liko tho Irishmanin tho story, almost ovcrybody was "ngin"

Tho samo year (18-IG- ) Iho noiorionslhnrl(on Land Claim wnB hronghtforwnrd,nnd gnvo this government no small ntnonnlof trouble and vexntion. Fow rosidontsof tho present davnrn nwnrn ,r M.n ".- .-

that almost tho rntiro fqnaro bounded byiiitanu, Qiiccti,Knalitnnnnunii(l?iterchatit

strcnts, comprised tho claim of Charlton,nnd it may bo well to give, in Iheso remi-niscences, n brief skrtch of its history.Chnrlton was Uritish Consul here overfifty years ago, when government nnd ty

wcro in rather n chaotic stale. Ho isrcplOfCtllcd bv old msMenls fil,n r,., .miliving who remember him) ns n dissolutochat actor, nnd n hater of tho Missionaries

tho latter sentiment n natural cfi'cct offormer condition. Ho nrnilnrcl !,..,., r...-- 90 (I) years of tho land in (iu-stio- pnniort-m- g

to hitvo been executed by Knlnimoku, nnntivo chief who was tho " business man "cf Kaahumanu tho l'rcmior. This docu-ini.n- t,

singularly enough, Charlton hadkept in nbcyanco for over twenty years,when tho grantee nnd tho witnesses wcronil dead, nnd tho land had been in R

nnd undisputed possession of thoheirs of Kaahumanu. Tho Rrilish Consul-Gener- al

nnd Rritish Naval Commnndershad mndo this claim a subject of domnndon tho Hawaiian Govcrnmont, nnd it wasunu hi uio principal ones urged by Lorduoorgo I'aulet at tlio timo of tho forcedcession of tho sovereignty of tho Islands iuIH43. In 1817, after a long corrcspondoucowith tho Rritish Consul, nnd repentedand protracted investigations, tho parti,cutnrs of which with ths voluminous

wcro all printed, tho wholematter was submitted to tho decision oftho Law Officer of tho British Government.In so doing tho King and his Governmenticsiineci notn tuo confidence thoy roposcdin tho justico of their own enso nnd theirrelinnco upon tho fairness of tho Queon'sGovcrnmont. Tho particulars uf tho in-vestigation in London wcro novcr knownhere, bnt no littlo snrpriso was felt when


tho decision wns received confirming thoclaim of Charlton or rnthor of his re-presentatives, for ho had long sinco sold out.11s rights in tho land. It was very gen-oral- ly

believed hero at that time that thoclaim was a fraudulent ono tho lato R. 0.Wyllfo, who was quito fnmiliar with thosubject from beginning to ond, was out-spoken in his opinion to that cucci.

Tho foregoing is tho ouly successful in- -In........... (rA$jullb " L lftO CODIO

my kfiowledgonm thoso Islands nnd inthis caso tho heirs of Kaahuma'.iu who-ever thoy may hnppon to bo in tho yoar ofour Lord 21125 will como into tho rover--sio- n

of a very pretty property if thoworld stands.

About twsnty-Cv- o years ago, n, mannamed Joseph II. ..Morrison was living on aland called I'aauEau, in tho district of Ha-w.a- ii.

tho tract btiing known an ahumiua.and unsurvoycitT J Ijclpnped to tho highchiefess Keohoknlolo; tho mother --ifJthopresent King, and Morrison's wifo wnUhokunohiki or agent of tho owner. An attonoyof tho owner, by Morrison's roprcontihthat there wcro only about 1200 ncres intho tract, wns induced to soil it to him for?G00; when it subsequently appeared thattho acreage nmountcd to over 50,000. Asuit iu equity followed and tho couvcyanco Q.

was sot aside. H. L. S.

Tho Changes in the Frog.

Nowhere in tho nnimnl kingdom is thoroso fnrornblo nn opportunity for peeping in-

to Nnture's workshop as in tho niotamor-phoso-sof tho frog. This animal is a worm

when it comes from tho egg, nnd romninsso tho first four days of its life, havinguoithor eyes or oars, nostrils, nor respira-tory orgaus. It crawls, and it brcathosthrough its skin. After a whilo n neck isgrooved into tho flesh, nnd its soft lips arohnrdoued into n horny boak. Tho differ-ent organs, ono after another, bud out;thon n pair of branching gilli; nnd Inst, along nnd limber tail. Tho worm has bo-co-

a fish. Threo or four days moreelante, and tho gills sink back into thobody whilo iu their placo others como muchmore complex, arranged in vascular turfs,112 iu oach yet thoy, too, havo their dnytnnd aro nbsorbed, together with thoirfinmowork of bono and cartilage, to bosucceeded by an entirely ditfcrcut breath-in- g

apparatus, tho initial of a second corre-lated group of radical changes. Lungsnro dovvlopcd, tho mouth widened, thohorny beak converted into rows of teeth,tho stomach mid tho iutcstincs preparedfor thu reception of animal food instead ofvegetable. Four limbs, fully oquippodwith hip nnd shoulder bones, with ncrvosnnd blood-vessel- s, push out through thoskiu, while tho tail, being now supplantedby thciu ns a means of locomotion, iscarried away piecemeal by tho nbsorbcuts,aud tho animal passes tliu rest uf its lifo nsan and a ileah.feodinir batro--chian. J-l-

During thf eight years in which tho St.Petersburg School of Medicine has beenupon to women, 700 btudents matriculated.Iho course of study occupies fivo years, sothat only the first three havo hadfraduatcs, Theso number 111. Duriug

cent, abandoned their studies,this largo pr ccntngo hoiug duo to thofact that the miijonty of tho studentswhilo Mudying havo to cam their liviug byliterary work, teaching, etc.

Tho United Statt smoked 100,000,000more cigjretlos last year than the year be-

fore. Reer.driuking and cigarette-smokin- g

are increasing morn rapidly than anyother ways of ming alcohol and tobacco.

lUliArd Table For lale,IX VKRFECT OIlbKK, STltAIHiK

liaOHHS mskei I'hrlan & C'olltnder coiUions;n.rbl UJ. Fur psrllctilns require al

HONOLULU, H.If. W. Sr.Vr.WAvnr- -

Hnwntlnn Consult Commission McrclmntaiSCsllfornU M , Cl.. Ilomn n y

EDWAIID PRESTON,Attorney nnd Connsollor nt Ijnw,

'i M KurljStieet. IlnndlnlitJ. M. OAT A CO., SAILMAKEUS,

Makeo's f lllock,Itonotulit, It I

TJagt at alt deicrlptlont mmlc ami repslreil,. ly

J. NOTT & CO.,Importers nnd Dcnlera In Stoves. RnnRes,

Chin V sre. Practical , llonoliiiii, II. IL'y

DR. N. B. EMEnSON,1IXYaic:xvvxr jvivxd nuxioxioiv""''Jr'nnn;' l'rip Sloro. 31 Merchant Ht.SCfhlencr, rnrner anil Fort ptiert (llieolil lirnrrnniliraiufflee hour -- ! lo I! t. ,, 9 lu t 7 a Cm


JNO. II. BROWN.Inspector or Wclp.hts nml Monsurea,

103 llcretaiiln attcrt.4i Onlera enn lie left at l'nllce Htatlnn. dm


uoota. noe, Fiirnlnhlni; Ooola, Hata, Caps. Tnlnkf,

llonofnltt! if l' rrUef "Ml Mcrlllnl !

M. DICKSON,Pkotoirnphio Artist,

lWsml 101 Fort Street.,'pi!mr.Sf.Bi1ili,l,ri ?.n(1 UmI' ""ule to ot'1". ""'I

iihellt, Lurala, and Curlosltlci. of the l'aclflc. 2 ly

1.. W. HOPP,Cnblnot Mnkor, Upholsterer, Dealer In

Furniture,ho. fj King Street, bet een Ximnun anil l'ort Streets.Jlattrenica cunmanily nn hntnl or niailo to order."ly

THOS. O. THRUM,Importing anil MannXncturlnR Stationer

News ARont, Book Bintlor, &c,Merchant Street, ami Dealer In

rine Stationery, Iluokt, llnelc. Toj. and Fancy Oooda.J rort Street, near Hotel, Honolulu. Iv

v. a. WKiscrn. jonvswesriu!.WENNER & CO..Kort Street, oppoltB Odd Fellow' Hall,

Mnnnfnotnrint; Jowolors, Dinmona Sottors,hiiKravrr. and Dealers In Jen dry of all kinds. Mhcllanil Kukiil Jiurlrj made to order. Order aim re- -cHied and lalthfully attended to for all Minis of HairN ork in Jewelry or .Memorial Designs. 1 lyFRANK GERTZ,

BOOT AND SHOEMAKERNo. Ill l'ort St., oppoItc l'antlicon htables,

Ilouta nml Mimes .Mnite tit Orilcr, or 1 1 est JIa- -terliil,ainl t lleiiHunlilo 1'rlers.

Boots and Shoos mndo for Cash only!My

M. S. GRINBATJM & CO..Importers anil Wholosale Doolors in G0110- -

rnl Meroliandiso,Makco's Illuck, (nceii Street. ly

M. S. GRINBATJM & COForwardlnrj nml Commission Merchants,

-- 14 California St., San Francisco.Special facilities for and partlcslir attention paid to- consignments of Island produce. lyAOHiOjA-KT- I3COXJJ3E!


flre.lean beds, and the bestaction will kindly pife Slana'cr af feasi ivu ..., .

line veathcr, and from eleven to thirteen in fon! "b ir

T. J. MOSSMAN,Importer nnd Dealor in Croclrory,

Flatn and Decoratinl Foreelaln, Cut and Pressed Glass,Hltcr I'lsteil Ware, Cutlery, Chandeliers, Lamps,Chimneys, Ktc.

Fire I'root Store, cor. KI114 nnd Nuuanii St!., Honolulu.ajy

FllAXJC H. AUSTIN A: CO.,Commission Merchants and For-

warding Agents.Olllce So. 20 C:ilirnilii St., Snn Frnnclsco.

Contlsnments from the Hawaiian Islinds ilealrcil.Tho Hcsl l'rlcca Warranted, unit Sales Uuaranteed.

b71 t ly

E, COOK WEBB, M. D.,Homoopathist,

(Late Chief of Statf Homeopathic Hospital, Ward'sisianu, .. 1.

Wte 60 Fort Street, npcclal attention to diseases ofnourn and children.

Of!! o hours Until 10 a. . S tot p.m. SlynZttltKES O. ENOLINO

O. SEGELKEN & CO.,No. 5 Nuiiaun Street,(

Tinsmjlbs and Flmnuor. Dealors in Stoves,ltaiiKC-';Tl- Shset Iron nnd Coppi r Ware, l.enp eonhiantiv ntihand a full assortment nf Tinware. Oalvan- -lzcii Iron aid Lead l'ipe, India ltubber Hose, Ac., Ac.

- 'yfciAX ECKART,1WatohmaVer, Jeweller, Engraver anil

Diamond Sotter.No. 6 Kaahumalu street, Honolulu. All orders faith-full-

execmej. tl ly


iCS-taa-- y. Cm riaco Builder, Trim-- M

Painters, VarnlsheraiE3SAll kind-- ot H'palilnsaUcniled to, and pood work

guaranteed at Loir lutes. 8 ly

A.'ls. smith.41 ronTamrET, iMronfMAMiEiniy

M'rlden Oiiadrnpla I'liteil Wire, (llasswarc, Klns'fCombination spictAdes and s, Urackits,--Vnses, I.nslral Wlro Ware, Fancy- - uoain,Frames. Wo.tenliotni's V,k,t Knlies. Scissors, l'lslols, l'owder, Shot and Amninnll'on, Clark's SpoolCiitiiin.MarhlneOII, ull kinds ft .Machine Needles,"Uomrstlc" 1'aper Fashions, Sole Astent for tho uni-versally acknowledged

Iiiclit Rnnnluc Daraestio Sewiug,Machtn(

WM. McCANDLESS,Xn. a, tlureii N tree I, a'lsli Mnrhel,

Ileilcr In Choicest Hcef, Veal. Mutton, Fish, etc.Family and Shipping Urdus earofully atttmlid to.l.lru Stock furnished to vessels hi short nolleo. audVegetables of all kinds supplied to order. M lyr

CHA8. BREWER & CO..JT Kllby hi., Iluslun,

Agents of Hawaiian Pacxeta,General Commluion Agent.

Hpeelal attrntlou clvcn to tho purchasing of Goodsfor lb llawallau trade. Froltliti at the lowest rate.


Importer, Manufacturer, Upholsterer,and Dealer lo Furniture of llrery tlescrlptlou. Knrnl- -

taro vro ituouis, no. 01 run mreei. won. nuoji atthe Old Slsnd on Hotel Street.(tr All Orders Froniptly Attended to. ly

u.I. wuitket. KsUbllsUed l&M. 1, w. uiorKrsosWHITNEY & ROBERTSON,

(Duccrssorstoll M Whitney)Importing and Mauufaoturtuic Stationers

PublUker. New Dealer, Book--Binders and Paper Ruler.

UXSl Merchant Street, I M8 M



Bim OF CsUirOnMI, ; : : : SIN fMNCIiCO



Auckland1,rHC0ltNTAIIUICenP9MTIM, i : : : lOHDM

axn ruin buxcuzi X- -

Man; Komi;,Bjrdnsr, and

McltMMnss,And trap tut llensrtl Banklug Buslntss. SB ly

Extra Men Beef

p.V4J 110LLXS A C.I.

I, OOTO BEB 22," 1881. GoV

ED. C. ROWE,Ifonao nnd SlBn Painter, Pnper HniiRor, &0

M' '7 No 1IT King Hlrett, llonolnln. 5

iVIl,li:u Ac ;.,nrnrr or rorl anil Uurrn Htcrta, llonolnln,

Lumber, Patnti, Oil., Nnili, Salt and BuildingJnrKntaMiibof ovary kind.iii:.-sj.v-

. si. .u'.s'iift,pi" No. 1 Kanliumann ttipet.

i. a. N,iiAi:ri:u".: ;0..Importor.i A. Commission Mnrnimm.S73 Iloliol'iln llannllan lalnrdn. i

SDROEON AND HOMEOPATHIC rilYSICIAH.Omc-Co- Tort anil Itcrctinla Hla., Honolulu.

! AIIA.1IN.Auctioneer nnd Commission Merchant.M0 npfn Pirrel, llonnlnlii. .s.s, bisii ;iiii:'i:it .V; ;,.,


JV'X'OCOXJll.lo Vnrv X.A.TVg' MMcrchalittf1 nilrrlloi'..,t at. Sla 1

r. t. li.nehAiV & co..Importers nml Commission Merchants,s" Nunanii atrtn. llonolnln. u

A. .. ci.i:.'iioica a. ;.IJiroiiTrna anii ntALrna ixGouoral Morcliaudli

2J Corner Qncen anil Kaahiiinanu Streets. ly1. iia;i4i-i:i.- i & ;o..

utfliSKAL COMMISSION AOEKT8.813 ,uccii Street, llonolnln, II. I. jy

A. W . II lis, ,GROCER AND PROVISION DEALER.Family Grocery and Fied Stole.

817 Jy M Fort Street. Honolulu.MRS. A.M. MELLIS,

Fashionablo Dress and Cloak Maker,101 Fort street, Honolulu, H. I.

Shi m ly

iioi.i.i: .V no..Ship Chnndleri and Commmion Merchants.

Irnportera nml llrali r In (iiiural Merchandise. Onee,,Z lloiinliilu, II. I. ly.1. .M. viiiim:v, m. i., i, . fs.

Hentnl Booms on Fort Street,Ofllce In Ilrcwer's, lllock, corner Hotel and Fort streettM 7 l.ntrancc. Hold Street.


And Agent for taklni; Acknowlcdcjinenta of Instruuicntsfor tlio Island of Unliti.

i No. 8 Kaalmnmiin St.. Iloiiolnln. II. I. lyI.AI.M: A: CO.,

COMMISSION MERCHANTSAnd Importers of and Dealrars In Hay. drain, and611 (Icncral lTodiicc. llonolnln, li. I. jy


For the Slates of California and New ork. Ofllce atthe Hank of HUhop A Co., Honolulu. oSlly--loiiiA t. v,vri:iEiioiJM:.


B Qneen Street. Honolulu. H. 1. lyJNO. A. HASSINGER,

Agent to tnko Acknowlcdfnnents to Con-trac- ts

for Labor.STO 3 Interior Olllce. Hon lain. ly11. 1:. .nci.vrYiti: Ac ititoiiiiuc.

OEOCERY. FEED STORE and BAKERYCorner King and l'ort Streets, Honolulu.

l ly"(Mr J. - ,!iIU't".Dry (joods, Taints, Olla au(rTmrnl Merchandise,

EJJ ly Corner l'ort and Mn Htf.11. A. r. CARTLn. C.JO8 , jn


8l'J Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. lyHOST. CM. COOkr.

LEiVIlKN Ac cooui:,Successors to I.cwrr.s & Dickson,

IMP0HTER8 & DEALERS IN LUMBERAnd all kinds of UiilMing Materials,

l'ort Street. NM ly llonolnlu.

S. M. CARTER,Agent to tako AcknowlodRments to Con-

tracts for Labor.OlUcc at r. M. S. Dock, Ksplanadc, Honolulu, II. I.

15 ly

S. MAGNIN,Importer and Doaler in Dry and Fancy

Goods, Shoos, &c,Atthcarcat Kaitcrn Store, No. (i Toil St., Honolulu

M ly


Cutlery, Dry (ioods, l'alnts and Oils, and UcncrallercuauuiBC,

Sl'J No. 37 Port Street, Ilouolulu.

s WM.u.linw.v.n. u. iiivir v co..

Sugar Factors and Commission AgentsHonolulu. H.I. 9


In Kashlonahlu Clothing. Hals, Caps, Hoots, Shoes,and every rarlety uf Gentlemen's Superior Kurnl-hlu- ir

lioods. Store In .Makic's lllock, Ouien Stiet lluno-lulu- .

II. 1. SVi yl


auemt runUrand' Guns anil Uomb Loners,

l'erry Darls' l'aln Killer,1 No. IU Queen St., Honolulu. ly


Attoruoya r,"t Xjovc.XV. II. OASTI.U, Notary Public, attend all

thu Courts cf the KhiKilom.Particular attention paid to thu Herniation of Loans,

CiiiiYcjnucluj,', Cullectini;, etc. UK .Monty to loan 011

.MmtKae.Uillce, Xo.14 Kaahumanu Street Honolulu, Hawaiian

Islands. ly

'i'in:o. II. IkAVllIN,Lite Jamon. Okiin A Co.


I. lord's and the I.lvtrnwil Underwriters,llrlilsh and Porel'Mi Marino Insurance Comnanr.And Noilhern Assurance Ccmpaiiy. otal ly




Doalors In Conoral Morchandlso,No. W Klnf Street, Honolulu, li, I,

A0E.ST8 FoilTbe Union Insurance Company of Kan Francisco.Tbe New Knglaml Llfo Insurance Company, Huston.The Uiezon Packet Line, JThv Kobal Plantation,Dr. JayneASoii'aCelcbnt- - The llalko Planlatlon,

ed Medicines. IWalluku l'Untallon,Wheeler A Wllson'sSewlnKlHamaku PlanUllon.

Alachlues, nH'Aly

iiv.iun 1IIIOM..

Importers of General MerchandiseFROM


UNITED STATES,No. tJMerchaut Street. Honolulu, II, I,


SISandSIS California 8trctt,AW ITMAVCINCe.

fy PsrtlcoUrattsntlon paid toutling andsblpplDjIsland order. e69 ly

RAISINS Wbolu iloit UttMuetcl.til UOLLKd M Co.



PIONEER STEAMCnntly Mnnu factory nnd Bakorv37. :ne-- r tvtlLI1ftctI?,--

rConfectioner, Taitry Cook nnd BVr,

"'"'i"'mrn ,nuann anil rorl 2 IrV. V 'oi,i:.iia..

BLACKSMITH AND MACHINISTlli.rso Minrlne, tnrrlnKo Wi.rli,.lliirlilnrr)-- , Ac.

Pf.l Shop on Kr.R Street. jioiCaMo !rooVV ItHONOLULU IKON WORKS CO.

oaJiJ. Ilollrrs.cwl.ra, Iron, Hmm an.l l.ea,l CsitlnVsMachinery of Every Description

It-- Mnile to OriIr. -- irTartlcular attention paid to Ship's Blnekimlthlng;

WOHKaaftnlfilonllifalinrli-itiiotlce- . M hSTIIATEMEYER & JAMEsir,rncUcnl Pnlntors nml Docorntors.ailillnt;,J?,1"'"! n'l LoltorlncNo. SO Hotel St.. .,.H, jIllrkct,

WRAY TAYfoR11 A.Mirwi'K AND OltnAiV TDMill


.Merchantl,r',r" ran


Stores.left nt T. 0. Tlirnra'a l'ort Hlreet.j urn ri

Di'tirjRltstn., ApotUoonrloaami nitonrrns or

ipnaccn ;i.l Clcjrsi At'ltitR tnr I'. rnPinM..i v i" sj. JlllWIIlll It ... t'li- - ."V",.,"'.,V V VVj

JuclffP. Iliir ImniH f ..V::"7.'." ."A.V.'T V" "O'" "''Ii'rrv.7.. i..V.v.."' '" IV". ,:,:M',"."r I'tne Toiiacrcw." ii 11 iMiiivrr, 111 1011 UOIl.' Huiuphrrys' llniuro.pilhlcSpcclne, Ac.. Ac. (iC8

JOS. E. WISEMAN,Real Estate Broker & Employment BinronnIlents, House- -, and1 lnnae..,',','.,',",f P"f "' KlnKd.'m.fn,ii,.k ...i i".. "mpioy- -

.n.Iuc'or.lVI1"I'l'o'nnlK.T '""C""'- - C"""""""" "g

. w. c..IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS,a."Vl,1,on" rircProof Dulldlnp,Queen Slreit, Honolulu, II. I.

aoknts rnnThe OlasROiv nnd Honolulu l.lnp of PacketJohn Hay A Co Liverpool and Londou nckcts.The Walkanti Plnnintli.i,The Spencer Plantation. Illlo.llaknlau Plaiitatlmi, Illlo.Jllrrlces.Talt Watson, Snpar Machinery.Ihc PunlonSI 11 itnnch Coinpany.



Stationery, Cigars, Tobacco &c, &'1' No. IJ.1 Fort Street. ly

Beriisliire 3Fiss--nag,, t'Tiii:l,iitt:sr i.siroitri:i !L.strains, anil of all ajics, I'OIl SALK. 1

ooxrd ami tlnltvi,,-.- ! ,.. .n.... . .

srhoouer, AT .MODHHATi: PltlOKS.

I'crHiius iilsliliicm Nlnrt ultli ! ii.t .,or to liiitiriisi. nluu tiier ,,C

"""J - ,,.". IIM.IIHIII.KZ A. linitlHlltT. Hawaiian Hotel.

i'. a. s;'i:it." '. ...,.. HonrilnrUinlersvrltrr,Avi'nl nl Dresden 1t..n..l ...- iiu.iuii Underwriter,Ajrent olf iciina lloatd of Underwriters.

?e "'n,tI,!uran Companies within the juris,die of thcnlMio Hoards of Underwrlterswlll haieto ,o ccrtlded to by the above Aent to make tliem""""' 81.' ly

Insuranco Notice.rpilK AOKAT FOIl TIIK IIItlTISH For- -

j1." Ml,rlno Iimnranco Compinyreceived instrnctlou, to to.n.cR ltii'i !f n"suranco between llonoliiiii and&BlV"MAtgfn,fyr,ll?rHfJAlfc8. --...!

iiaiiiiikii- - INSURANCE COMPANY. and

riiiir. uxi):iishjm:i) iiAVixti ui:i:n ai. orJL pointed Acents of tho aboio Company, aro pre

psreil to Insure risks njalnst nro on mono and Itrlrlilinllillinrs, and on .1lerrlimllo stored therein, onthe most favoraDle terms. 'or particulars a ily at thoolHca of Bit iy P. A. hCIIAKF t ,t CO.



Hll.niNlS. .sfllllCIIAMUSr.Insured against Tire on the

most favorable terms.A. JAKUtlll, Aqont for tbe Hawaiian Islands.My

Insurance Notice.VNiKitNi.i:is aiih I'ltKi'AitnnTiikwrite npon 3Ierchaudtse, per s vessels

between this and tho Coast Porta, covering loss ordamage. If amounting to 1(1 per cent, or more, nn thosound iltie of tho whole shipment at port of delivery,upon favorable term.

11I.HII0P A Co.Agents of the Firemen's 1'nntl Insurance Company.Honoluln, Jan. ', 1330. 87i :lni

FIREMAN'S FUNDInsurance Company.

A Leading Home Company.Assets, June TOlh STS7.!Vrr.lT

Additional Cash Capital (now being called iu)sa),uuu.luTotal Asset $1,117,007.17

rpilK PllllrAN'S FUND IXSUlt-- X

ANCK COMPANY basis Its clslma to the bestCatrnnago upon Its sound financial condition, reinforced

of capital, Riving It oier n milliondollars In assets; Its oxtenstvo system of Agencies, Insnrlur It a laro premium Income, without tho neces-sity nf heavy concentration of lines; Its adherence totho best principles aud practice of Underwriting; byopen, fair and clearly expressed contracts, nnd promptand equitable adJiHtracnt and payment of legitimatelosses,

1'or sevenleeii years It has been favorably know n as aconservative underwriter, and during Hut time hapaid urcr

1,000,000 IN LOSSES,Passing triumphantly through Ihe heaviest conflagralions known In modern history.

IIINIIOI A. Co., AKciitx,18m llonoliiiii. H.I.


INSURANCE COMPANY.Kitabllshed 18.10.

Unlimited Liability to Stockholder.Assets VH.'JW.IOOReserve., , 0,700,uua

Income for 16?JiPremiums recehed after deduction of ro'ln- -

auunco , ,.,, ,.., 3,3&1,293

Lossei promptly adjusted and paid here.13m HIssllHI' Co.. Agents.


JMo.x'lxi.o.INOOUI'OiTaTED, I860

CASTLE It COOKE, AGENTS171 lor the II at a Halt Island.

Rhenlah Weatphallon LloydINtURANCE COMPANY.

Of M. UI.A11H.1CII, Kueuias rriiMla.Aachen and Leipzig Insurance Co.,

Limited,r AACHKX. (AIX.f.A.l'lf APKI.I.K.)

I.I. 'I.AIMN FOsTTaIITIC'VLAK AVKH.A AUK sustslnrd by tloods srtlilng here, and In- -medln tbaabovoCniiipaule.,. have to ! nisde with

Ike toitnlunca of sod cerllaed to ly th undersigned,iu orarr so us vjiiu. J U. (1LAHK, Agent,

Bit ly


IimiGATIOX AFTER THIS PATIiI except bslnteo lbs hours U. I). PUEETH.

Approic4i JtBtcditsadeotof Wiur Workllzned H.A P.Czfra,Hln1tUr of lutrrlnr.

Houolula. April tilth, lael tsattltf

XAT! OATS!mVlsTBAT MHAkf . Kb Nttlaa McaVCBTAptU,lI. foilby


Roslon noan! of llmlcrtrrllcrs.V. "'V, '. 1I1IRWKU Jb CO,

I'hllailrlphia Iloanl of lindrrwrllrrsiA l:?Z n,r ," ""srallon I.l,.- - " ' I' HHBWKH.tCO

WILDER & CO.,AkpiiIs lor tlio llntrnllni) Isliuiits,or nn:

Mutual Life Insurance Co.JfKW YOIIK,

Lnrgost, Snfoot nnd MostECONOMICAL LIFE INS. CO.


Assets (lS50)...S9O, OOO, OOOali, CASH.Now i8 a Good Timo to InsuroNono lint s rtaka taken.bji :iui


New England Mutual Life Insurance Co.OK1I0STO.V, HAli

uiiioiiiMnuriiii, innrs.Iho Oltlest Purely Mutual Life Insurance

the United Suites.Policloi Ismod on thiTInoit favorablo Tormi.

I'.xniiiilr nl .o.i.IW,.tro l'tlINSUIIKI) HV LII'K

J1 Annual premtiini conllnnes..d.i 1

Policy !! icars n prcm urns contlniio Policy I 1 3l"cm '"" continue (!I m Policy yens 27 ilna

. - ",o win.iuio iu yoar DO d iys

A.mmotm. s 013,000,0001Losses Inl, tliroitsh Iloiiolnln ABciiey,



Xxa.s-u.x-n.xio- OoxtanxxyOf London nml Eilinnurg.

Flit J3.Eatnbllshod 1 800.

lljsonrcrs of tho Company n, at 31st December. 1880:Cai-itai- - fE ruNi- i-1 "'i1,!'!'-- , ), lte.Cno....iSII ,'"J,J"l.'.w.ono PremlumlicV

.17,03710 10Il.lliiico nf

l'riilll andLoss Acc.TI.GOS n S

A'l,auiA'U 5 IIHKvnvur ron tub Ykaii ISSfl I IrcPremliimaand In- -tcrcst. AI,UM,IJU J.MS m i. noFr.sciiLAi:(ii;it ,t co .Agents fur the Hawaiian Islands.


t' IIAMIIUIKI. 'CaipltalofthoComp,nyAlte,crvo..Ilelchsmark-C,0(.('()-

their " 1UI,VijO,iji)

Total. Itelclmnark 1U7,CW,WW

NORTH GERMANFIRE INSURANCE COMPANY 'Ol IIAMItDIKJ.CailtalofllieConipany.tIle.erve..Itelchmark8.Kin.(.l(i

" is.iaiinnn

Total llclchtmark IS.DCO.IXX)

Kt'UlVIU!lWi,i.KTinjR.-- ..Capital of thoCompmy franc 5,000,000

iiM:itMiJ.i:i. ir.M:itAi.An:TNT-sii- of tho above thrco companies for tho HawailniiIslands, aro prepared to Insnro llulldlngs, Furiilturn,.Merchsndlse anil Produce, Machinery, Ac., nl.o hugar

ltlco.MIIN, anil vessels In tho Imibor, ugulnst lossdamage by nro, on the most faiorable terms.

ly 11. HACKFKLI) A CO.

GERMAN LLOYDMarine Insurance Company of Berlin.

!' 0 lt"TU N AGeneral lnsuranceCompany of Berlin.

Tin; Aimvr. insuiiaxci: cidipammestablished n Uencrnl Agency hero, and the

undersigned, Uencral Agents, nro aulhoiized to takelllaliN riKninst llm Iliumcr of Oin Neesnt tlio

Must Itcusoiinlilo flutes, nml oil HieMost I'ltsnrnltlu Trrins,

6(17 ly I'. A.hCHAUKKHAC0.,0enernI Agcnl.



ip. hob nar,Pratical Confectioner & Pastry Cook

rijiKEnYPionoor Stoam Candy, Factory

Lemon and Tamarind Syrnps always on hand

T a, m ct rindsPut up In A. o.l Itedncd bugara, hljhlyrecommended for Sea voyage.

American, French, EnglishAiD

German PaitriesJIado to Order at short Notice.

Wedding Cakos OrnamontodIn the highest Sijloof Art.

Ilicli freih home made ChocoUtoCream, Cocoannl andCreain Candles,

.o. 71 Hotel Nlreet tie. N'liiinnu null rorltia ly qr

'1'IIO.H.t.H MUK,2M --A. OHINIS T.N. 40 fort Nlrcol, Q O

Will attend to all order In tlio V?'CLOK, GUN I GENERAL REPAIR LINE.

He will giro special attention to cleaning, repairingand regulating Hewing llnclilurs.ond all other kind ofLight Machinery and Jletal Work uf eviry description,lllacksinltlilng, etc.

Also, on hand anil for tale cheap,

A Variety of Sewing Maohineslinn. 11101. Hbol, AusiuuuIIIom,

Machine Oil, Sfeedlei, Ac, Ac, AcHewlnir Machine Tuckers. Hinders, and all other extr

and dupllcatn part of machines supplied ou shotl no-tice. r He. I alackluo Twist fa

&U Jptnl in Uli Kingdom otTh Florence benlng Machine, from ItOto $W.Whll Hetsing Machine from (I) to 17.VHome bbnttl Bculng Machine, fiom 118 to $V..IV Including all extras. txJ ly

KNOWLEft'STEAM AND VACUUM PUMP8rpilK UXDERSKIXED HAVE JUSTX received per Amy Turner, from lloiton. a full as-sortment ( these celebrated 1'uuips, trhlch i guaran-teed to lis cheaper and better than any ether style ofpump Imported. We call lb llsntloti of ulsutrr liar.HcuUrly loth a Vscuiipi 1'uiMif, which Is loss corapllcalnl and mora linkable than otuer nuioix.

e7l3m IS if u HIIKIVCK a CO.


l now constantly In receipt or th best ol


from Choicest HsrJs.Hark Sansiges, Bolozcai. Keid Chse.s, Ocrstan

Butzes. Ac, alsrsy on bind, is a! so to best of foul- -try and

Our, Ueati..... art.. .;.--s..- :and no In Eastern Atvle. Alluru.i. isiiuiaiir iinaa so, tnaianvM4 in lay partoflhecllv.

l iu HAUfP k hCllltAtlKn. I'roprlelor.



INFORM THE PUBL CTlint tlioy Iirtrn iiiotciI Into their


In Hie 1'lro llnlldlnal

NO. BO NUUANU STREET,Three docr below their old be

...itar,dtvwhr re may fon,l

,,iu,i compieio arsonntent or

Drugs, ChcmlcalB & Toilot Articlesi.riti:-irr- .

AmonRAfeiroflhclrliprelalllesnuyba foni Fll),Mtock of

The Crown GoodsCONSISTING! 01

Porflimos, Soaps. Cosmetics,ami tiii: ci:i,nniiATr.i)

Opaline Face Powder.tTlne'.".nMMlrl,'"l,r,, ",,,', ".'Rl'"! w"l at Hie lataonr all other compelltora,


Hair and Tooth Brushes,Cnmcllliin for (lie C'oni!c.loii nmlTectlt,

LUBIN'S AND PINAUD'8Sonps Cosmetics nnd Fnco Powdor,

CELLULOID TRUSSESKspeclallyailapleil lo this climate.

A full Lino of

Jliiiiiplu'oy's llonicoimtliic Spcclllcs,iCarbollc Acid and Chlorldo nf Lime, for dlslnfrct-inj- ;


Agents for P. lorillnrd & Co's CelebratedTobaccos, nnd Drawing Room

a'ODacco nnd Cigarettes,

Buchanan & Lylo's Tobaccos,ralu'dly'lnooVanli'Knian' ""d hkh "



i?clomfn7,rtVrm!,,,0Wn "" V" " nel

Goodwin & Co's Old JudgeT011ACCO AND CHIAIIL'TTKS,

ALWAYS -- IN DEMAND!Amonc our Ono Hundred brands of CI0AI1H, wo

would call especial attention to thu

"HonardwcllSloto,"Tlio Favorito Rod Brand, Pedro Marias,

The Fragrant Stump.

They nlso continue lo manufacture

Soda Water in all its BranchesTogether vtllh their

Belfast Ginger Ale.B70 mi

Importers and Dealers in







-- m T mini:!!rOMl'lUHINO






A Most Complete Stock of





DRY REDWOOD!Scantling; I'lnuk, inrfaco nml roughHoards, antfncod nnd rough; llatlcna,Pickets--, ltustfc, Lattice, Ulapbourd.

AUO, 1 lsTU'H,

Paint and Whitewash llruahva,wuiric LUAU,






Of laaUrn and California Maka.V(tH BALL K QUANTITIES Tt BCIT


Xs ow pmaHa. Im tn

ItUIIIlKIt I'AINT,A fnllsiiortraeutol this rslsbrjlej pslnt and himil A jilloa CMkacs, all the Oslrsbls eh tdts latvelwa. Vet n j LVLUa t, Ce





S.n I - ' UM ii'. . S". ..biJt'Jlmji kiij-- i


Page 2: Saturday Press. - · hnrdoued into n horny boak. Tho differ-ent organs, ono after another, bud out; thon n pair of branching gilli; nnd Inst, a long










COMMERCIAL,H'ixouli: (HTritr:rt, r.i, ii.

In Mtlnf rlfrlfn tf ftd falrsmonnt of artttltr.thotifbl en' ! st hat hffn anttrlpalrtl for thltin), ef Ih- - Tf f la laet " mi; a, that the trade tf J

ta litinJ. biA Jt folly rteaTrtttl from lhrnraltarntlliMi IMt prttatlnl daring tht late fpljtmle and

prodfi)ttr!iatiDcrtrlctlrD. to rat.t Us ripfeta.lions of ear Hitlnrn eomroanltf, but as said In oarmeet ltsnrr, w Iran n r rnlrtlnx upon t ierlltbaslatM actltlt, tbat shall fall Intel oar niftiest

riptctitleni. for with the brtfht peels before ns ofab'iadantcrar--f both from tbe rant and rltff Ids, theratsrrlnrut which . nonaboat lorunimence In all partsoftheltfandi-aaboa- cn In io locitlvna a cartltr ofwater la reported ne bate the Inlorraatlon that theplaeltlonsas airhole were ntrer In to rati, factor acondition

tt hare nntl'nl the p4t few weeki the iIornesswith which oar pket were lending Of coarse therondlllnda are JJl ilnthanrrd and of the tritrls Inport Ihe Kalakaaa will return to Hie Cxi it with bnt

nfflrlent frr1(ht for ballast. Ihe Larlr Lampon lainauing tKtvij ana ine wirmi it on in ine sirram. I neOrion, retentlj from llixton with a fall allotted carjoIn nrewer .fc Co, will oc laid on the berth for Hongkongnnlcia ID. ne it nii'l Minp otntr adttret Perldea theColon tht other airlrals for Ihe week embrace the lie- -eere with coal and the Mltltat and llnena Villa withInmtxr. Ihe Anna rrom Kahnlal In ballast and the Jen-nie Walker front Tannine;' Iiland with a iniall soppljcf (latno.

tn our local er routine trade we notice the freeIn market lhl week of Kona coffee and oranges.

Of the former eoBimodllT we learn of the Mle of ana.'') lbs quelable at Ucl, tbnagh Ibli Brute

wit be conttderedae extreme and It It donbtfnl If a

l:t nnantllr imoM reallae at wellTheVat" of Ibrralace baloon. Member's shop and

othtr pieiiileet adjolulnc belonging to the llurrima ):late were sow on aturuar lan ny r.. r, ,aim, aitaction to Oaten Kmma for JIM, and the Hankerprernlrei of tuftsin KetAle, loMsi. Itlcher for JVM.Vhe came dr Jdr. Adams alto told a parcel tf land atliana, Maul, by order of the assignees of the Estate ofW I, D.rls. to Ihe liana I'lantallnn for 10.

Krai Kitat on the plaint continue to attract the at-

tention of parties tatrndlpg the erection of hornet.Anionic receut rale repotted la that of tha l'arl cot-taj- e

and lot to 1 II. Iialdflln anil (I. K Howe's lotnnlraprotrtl. tnTho". Mar, en letmt withheld.

ttweek i!r Adama will hold a tprclal tale oft'rait contlcnmentt, ami will alto tell the extemlre

and premltet of the llurrowt Kttatc onotl Mreet.

' POUTbr HONOLULU.Arrived.

Oct 11-- Am bkthe Kllkltat, Koblnton, IS days from1'ort (limbic

Im I.tkelUe, from Hawaii and MaulMm C II 111, hop. from I.uka, from Knhala

17 Vh Malolo. from Kllauea, Kauai."eh Kelanluolil. from llanalelteh Julia, fium llllo

lS-- Ani bk Ceylon, Ilallrt, iXi day from notionSell Nellie .Merrill, from hahalna

1 Am tch Anna, 1, nhallnw, from Kahnlul, MaulAm tk llnena Villa, Calhoun, 21 day from

l'ort UanibleHtm Ja Makee, from Kanal

50 !ch Kaluna, fiom Olowaluhch (leu Merjel, from Walaloa

21 tm lwalanl. from Kona, Kau and MaalaeaII t KM i Africa, , 10 dayt from tan

FiancltcoStmr l.ehua, frnn liana and MolokatSim Mukolll, frnn Koolau

CJ Mm Kllauea ltou, from Kahnlal

Sailed.Oct IT Haw bk Ioltnl, (larrelt, for San Francleco

-- Sun l.ehaa, for Molokaf and lianaMm Mukolll, for Konlanhch Walmalu, for llapnn

IS-- I.lkellke. for Maul and HawaiiStin Kllauea Hon, for KahnlulSell Malolo, fur llllo

-- Hch Julia, for lllloIT Am tch Cattle Hayward, Lc Itallltter for Hum-

boldtAm bk Knitralil, Ird, for I'ortTuwntendSch UUama, for IlonolpuSch l.uka. for Ookalafch Calerlna, for llanalel

a) Haw Sen Jennie Walker, Knacke, for Fan- -

bine itiaouIlr tteam yacht Wanderer, Gordon, for Kallaa,

I lawan-- Sch Nettle Merrill, for tkhalna

Veel in Port.MEnCUATNHI.

Ilrlt bstneHarprlte.Haw bk Katakaua, JenktAm bktne HurrLa. KlnertonAm tch Annie V Hrlrgt. FurbeaIlrlt bk Lady Lainpnti, 3lari ton. ... .!.(.... tlll.1...Am bk Ceylon, llalletAm bk Iterere, Mdnt)reAm tcur Anna. FenhillowAm bk llnena Vltta, Calhoun

xarauH IllMS Africa, Admiral AtlonbcKoS

V easel Expected at Honolulu, from ForeignPorts.

Am bk Ferrlt S Thumpton, Potter, New York, dueCattle A Cooke, Agent

Ilrlt thlp Sir Lanctlolte, Shortland, (llt-co- dne Nor(1. W. Macfatlane A Co. Aseutt.

Am bk Carbarten. Hopklnr, New York, dae OctCaetlo A Cooke. Atrenta

flcr bt Adonlt, llremen, to tall In Aosr, II. Hack- -

feld Jt Co. Acenlr.AmbkU-- n .Wluiitcri TortOamble. for Mann- -

HackfeUACo. Ajcnte " "" '- -Am bk Amy Tarner, Newell. New York, dao JnC Urewer A Oo. ArentAmbktneJ:iM.llrown.san Franeltco, dne OctAa

n1uUdaeOct-"3rlr- d San rrsocl'. 'or K.- -llril hlp Ilukeof Abercorn. , Liverpool, to tall mid- -. , Sept. Aicenlt

l'ort Gamble, dne Oct 29.,. .. 'I Haekfeld A Co, Agenth SCHr of New York, Cobb, Sydney, due Oct 21,ii iiacareia a lo

iAuV 5!',Y,l&rs,llt bta f'ancltco, due Oct S3,II ilackfelu A Co

Am bk II W Almy, Freeman. San Fraucltco, dne Oct S3.L",,e Cooke. Azenta.Haw bjtne fctorni lllrd. Tlerney. South Sea Itland,, dnelatter part Dec I'rea lid tmml.-railo- Asent.


"f ft?"0' bv,,nt Capt Hobln.on-ball- e.1 fromL?n!l iEm &Cpl ST,h' " Capo on tha SSIh,

NVw "V30;16- - """ PleatanU Fattetlthe latitude Franeltco. OeUth. light .ontherly" "teflrwlnila and catherT took tradeaou the Wth In lat.Sl N.'lone. IM'w H." InHonolnlu harlwr Oct lllh. 17 Jata pattaKe. Spoke Ilrltbk Kmbleton, Ocl&th, In lat. srss' N. Sn. - W.1 day. out Trom Sundnlaud, Ene. bonnd to Sir.rancltco.

SHIPPING NOTES.The Hrll bk Lady Lampion, I lrlnj off Flih MarketS'ar'tV.,,ll"s & '"", Kl" M" or b Ktanclicoprobably a week or ten day.The Am tch Anna F. Ilrlrst. I at the old Cnttom

Ac., forO., and will the latter part of next

The Am bk Ceylon. Capt. Hallet. arrived UetToetdarfroiu Itotton, and docked at llrewer A CV. wharf wherehe t tnrnln? out her carjo In rlrit clat. onler. bhewa ten daya from ro In the Atlantic, to W In thu 1'aclHcand repoila a xery pleatant pataaje. 'The Am tch Anna, It at thu foot of Fort Street load.Ins for ban Franeltco, for (.hick port the will rill Cil,tiernooo.The Am bktne Kllkltat I. at Ihe foot of Fort StreetdlKharelng lumber. She will return to the boondaboullhuniliy or Friday next.ThetlaenaVIUI alto dlacliarsinj lumber at theiapianaie.The Am bk Iterere It dltcharclnz her carco ef eoalat the foot of a Lit. like",The bktne Kutek hat hanled out Into the itrcarawhere the It painting.The Ilrlt ilcarn yacht Wanderer tailed for Kallua and

fIl!1,?,'?i0,"1".1,wmlLonT',or,dJr She willpott about a week.The Am bktne Ella may bo expected hourly fromSan Franeltco, with two week later new.The V M S S City of N,w York will be dne from theColonle : JI m.ll your letterJ1" .'.'.'".w Kalakaua, I at llrewer A Co1, wharf.She will tall for ban FraneltcoThe atmr Ja. Makee ha laid up to pat in a

:,PTl.,,,.1SaVS.hx',."m """" " '"Pi

"".' ' oi iwaaai, about 1) miltfrojtKapa. Capt Uaiea noticed the ten Manuoaawalwith her color at half matt, ..j Immedlauly


c"":w "nft'oaV. Cf P" ","" 0t - ,ufc"Mfr,.B.,,'Ta'",,"'',P'Kllalt. Oct 1711 IImV.fildACo.M,UMf.,iplne. .hlngl.;,From llotlon. per.Ceylon. Oct H0 llrewer A Co, 40lo coal. Hoc oil, oat, houk rjanouktiei bbl. head.. )ca chaliti kg. i.u.. lij

e.n.auh...Wbbl.p Itch. W kbit to.ln. hidU3tMn,McelDrpeftUBe, ait coll cordage, lul ca aoap.iiiVkg.grocerle. anhale boat,. 13 marble traa"5tlVx. tuldware. lor.'tu. lie. tatricti, I c udte ieau.1t, attachment.. !J whecltt J "h Vai.,h,..Vl,!L..?i"aiA?f'-l.M- i i,. j.wkhfiit,,P,ur,,t!".f;.ll".Wteie.We terpeutlted. SI

Pkx h Cattle A Cook. 47 nke.mLlry,lpiuo.lcaeiTWt.i T U Thrum. 1Jatalloo.rjtK lloftiU,t A La. i e. I.!loolei Iter A UIh, lorram it H A Co Hc. matchet. K O Hall An ,iiV,, VSVSPlVi ". lWs' "'l I maple ""."leTkcJ

bone kct, IS bj a tleel. W c malchiY

U"rt;?.a ??!!."."'!.. loatiheai" Vr""! v '.l, macoiueryi i r TtnchaneanaiBltl llmao lilw.JCB all. fjLt

1 ,. .aUi I Wiw, , t pVeu'w "Woodil.l c.effecln Wit W m

rroa ivit Tuwn.cod. tr lluci, vi.t rv, k

EXPORTS.or eai rrancitto, pec loUsl. Oct IVUUUU 1L

'"".'"l .lJCll tuolatt...UJIbtcoaee. Val, Um..lU. iil.iia.7. '"""""'iPoc foil Tonnd, .Emerald, Oct ih-- U

pe Cattle llaywatd, Oct llth-- U IUI.

Kf ';'" Itland, Jrunl. Wilktr. w"a-- IBIUtti.d,iu,... Ffn.'valtt.liui.


(Hale I. "crrranei t K lllcliantton, II t'ornwll. I.Inranse. liar i. . V (i iiiitIo ( llrnwn I' Cfwwltcln,

FFieida. t K J 8inpni-be-n- . W t.ixlle,II llorck, II L'hamberlaln.J W iVai, W C Itonlen amiwife. Mitt l.ank!i..MrKIal, Mr J .Makee. Mitt HMrkce. A Morte, Aire F It llarteldcn and S children.

for Fannlns- - Itland, per Jennie Walker, Oct oth- -JII lrK

SATURDAY PRESS.ocroiiKii 22, 1B1

Titt; M.kTimit.t k I'ltl.SHrnbllthetl for the 9tvmit 1'nt t AtaortiTinx by

IlOHGUr OJtlKVK.Hook, Job and Ormral Trtntcr,

llonolnltt, It. I.

Notice of any rimliol Intcrett tiampltlnc en Iheother I'land will alwajt be Ihankfnlly recelted forpabllcatlon. Correapondcnlt are rcqnrited to appendtheir tmo namct to all communication,, not for pubtl-catio- n

nccetiarlly, bnt a a juaranlfo that the writerIt acting In coed faith


Tlio near nntlcip.ttion or Kin); Knlnkaun'ereturn naturally rIvci risa to rcllcclions upontlio poit'ibla result of hid cxti'mlcd tour, (lie

benefit ho nmy lilnxclf liavo derived llicro-fro- ni

liiltllcclually ntiJ ihytlcallr, mitl Illsnation politically, tlio condition of tlio countrypresent, nntl !t condition at tlio timo of IiIh

dcparttiro os compared. Himself tlio origina-tor of tlio watchword " llooulu I.aliul," rindlorevcr with mi cyo to tlio incrcaso of his peo-

ple, as expressed by himself in public uponmany different occasslons, tlio very Inceptionof bin projected journey must lmvo bocudashed In its plcasurnblo nntlcipations, for,an epidemic tlio possible ravages of whichnone could then predict, had already declareditself among his people. To n inmmrcli whoso

heart bents for bin pcoplo'a welfare tlio sadthought of how that people might bo Buffering

from mi infectious discaao that ho knew to boupon them could tint but occupy bin mind totlio exclusion of much that might upon otheroccasions nud under different circumstancesliaro afforded pleasure. Tlio imperative neces-sity of Ium journey must bo measured by suchconsiderations as these, for naturu could notbut have plead hard to n yearning heart tostay by tlio sufferers until the end. Xotliingshort of an extreme confidence in tlio abilityof it Ilegent proxy and a tried Cabinet to administer floYcriitiicnt consonant with circum-

stances that were cuntiugent could have with-

stood an appeal to return. And wo trust thatHis Mujcsty has seen no causo to rogrct intlio least decree the course pursued, and thathis return will be rendered tho mora pleasur-

able to bim both on this account and ou account of tho approbation and wclcomo whichhis loyal subjects will cxtcud to him upon hisarrival.

Upon his dcparttiro His Majesty'shealth was not robust but reportsreceived from timo to time wouldindicalo its perfect restoration. Intellectu-ally also tho King cannot have failed in beingbenefitted by the variety utid extent of hisobservation, nnd by bis contact with some orthe leading men of the world, and ho willconsequently bring homo a fund of practicalinformation not to bo derived from bookshowsoever diligent their study may havebeen; and information that if applied in prac-tice, may tend to brighten tho prospect? of bigIsland Kingdom. Especially must bo havohad presented to bim in a truer light thaucumsfanccs arYd'tfiUWelin..!.r.?'t8 of ChinesoIndia, and elsewhere in his travels-infor- ma

tion that can not be without importance asalTectinga proper course of policy toward apeoplo who now boar so largo a proportion tothe total of his population, and whoso num-bers are yearly being swelled.

Accompanied by a Commissioner of Immi-gration, whose title would indicate the im-portance of his official function, the vitalquestion of "llooulu Lahtii " will wo trusthave gained much toward its intelligible solu-tion by the variety of information that musthave been stored up by diligent and prolongedeffort, and varied observations rolating to thoconditions of people, and countries passedthrough. .

Tho King will return to find his countryrejoicing in perfect freedom from an epidemicwhich for many months was jeoparding tholives of its peoplo and hampering its busi-ness in a great degreo; to fiud that his Gov-mo- Dt

is in harmony with tho peoplo governed,and in an attitudo bo&tilo to uono outside ;that financially tho country progresses andindustries generally do not fljg; and that lastbut not least his appointment of a Regent torulo in his abseuco has fulfilled nil anticipa-tion. In tboe reflections Ilis Majesty mustfind additional pleasure-- at his return, andwhen ho again assumes tho iinmcduto reignsof Government may i( bo with a hand fresh-ened in lifo by tho experiences and reminiscences of big tour and a heatt satisfied by thoassurances of respect and loyalty to a sover-eign who intends to devoto himself to thohighest intcrcsls of his country and his peoplo.


Tho nppointraont nntl prolonged rotontioii of incompotont toachors in office insorao of our Government schools has foruorno time post boon a mnttor of no littlendvorso comment itv 60cinl circles. If, inthus mnttor, tho Ixwt was being mado of abad case, wo might have less grounds forcomplaint i but when a supply of goodmaterial U at hand sufficient for all ournoods, there certainly seems to be littlowisdom in employing that of an ackowl- -odged inferior quality. Especially shoulddiscriminations through iwrsonul, party,or rnco favoritism, bo avoided in bo im-portant n matter as public education, andmerit ftlono Ihi considenxl. Noithcr shouldnecessitous circumstnncoa, or simplo worthof character iu individuals, bo allowed uscriteria to weigh an atom toward theirpreferment in any educational capacity.Our duly in this matter is to tho risiuggeneration, and humane tendencies thatlead awny from this, however laitdablo inthembolves, should horo bo diicouuto-nunctx- l.

Wo understand UmI as rt result of thoexpressed diiMiiafaction of jwronta nudothers nt tho employment of incompetentteachers, tho matter has received somoatteution from thoo inoru immediatelyutithoritativo in tho matter at eppoiut.mont, although no dettnito tnovu in thoway of reform has yet mtultod. AVo lmvofaith, however, that when tho subject hasonce lnt-- moottxl where authority rosts,improved renulU will not bo long only inabeyance. Examinations, competitive orotherwUu, ore what is needed to ensure a

.f -

uniformly good corps of teachers for ourpublic fcIiooIh. Tlio only objections wolinvu lienrd of ns having been tilleredngniust tho examination of teacher, wasthat by a " principal " in 0110 of ourBchools, who oxpressed doubt ns to thopossibility of finding oxaininors competentto exnmino such ns he. Any person ofeducation feels, almost instinctively, hisown inferiority when in tho preaenco ofthoo better learned limn himself- - andin such n caso could nover bo nxntuincrsjbut wo could well nlTord to tnko on fniththo fow who might bo able lo induce thisfeeling of inferiority in thoao to whom thotask of examining Bhould bo assigned. Itis to teachers holding moro subordinateposts however, that ourobjoclionsiiro prin-cipally directed, as somo of these lmvo re-

ceived their appointment under tho verymistaken beliof that n very prininry educa-tion in teachers is nil that is requisite tofit them for impiirling knowledge toyounger children. To our minds it is ex-

actly hero that well educated and discreetinstructors nro moro tlinn ever needed, nsthe plnstic mind of enrly childhood is pe-

culiarly retentive of tirst impressions, andwhatever knowledge mny bo acquired ntlater periods, tho impress of earliest in-

struction, although perhaps it mny bo some-what modified, if wrong or evil, can neverbo wholly obliterated by tho most carefulafter training. It is in infancy that thomoral nature, more tlinn tho intellectual,needs cultivation nnd tlio better tho teacherunderstands his obligations in this respecttlio bolter will ho bo lilted for impartingpnmnry instruction.

In making tho nbovo remarks, wo wouldin no way wish to bo understood ns titter-ing wholcsnlo condemnation, as we areperfectly alive to tho fact that tho majorityof teachers now in Government employnro competent and desorving; and an ex-

amination of such as nro really so, couldtend no other way than to heighten tlioestimation in which they nro already held.


Somo months agn when tho labor questionseemed to bo engaging moro attention than itdoes at tho present time, it was proposed to

iutroduco tho natives of India as plantationlaborers ou theso islands. Not one of thomany classes of labor tried gavo complete sat-

isfaction. It was feared that thoro would bu

danger in importing too great a number ofChinese. South Sen Island labor was pro-

nounced a decided failure. The Portugueseor tho majority of them are not likely to ip

as plantation bauds after the expirationof their timo of service as Ihoy prefer to farmon a small scale on their own account. Thoopinion was advanced by somo that Indiawould bo tho place from which to recruit ourlabor supply ; that n desirable class could boobtained thero in almost unlimited numbersand at a lower rate of wages than olsowhero.

Judging from what we had road of thesopeople, wo wero from the first of tho opinionthat thoy would not answer for plantationhands on these islands not even as well asthe South Sea Inlanders, and what wo havosince learned concerning them confirms andstrengthens our belief. Wo have noticed iuvarious English publications the observationsof British officers and civilians'in India nn thehave'rcpe,ae3.,n.,l.n.0-1- . --of. 8Ie,J!Slent to bo of any use bb such; and travelerwlio liavo visited India aro unanimous in ex-pressing a like opinion.

Mr. W. N. Armstrong, who accompaniesKing Kalakaua on his foreign tour as Immigra-tion Commissioner, ovidently entertains a verypoor opinion of them. We publish this weekextracts from letters of Mr. Armstrong to thoSouthern Workman in which ho gives his ex-perience among and views of tlicsu people,isooiir--, after reading them, could wish to seesuch laborers introduced horo for plantationhands.


TREATY.The report of U. S. .Minister Comly to his

Government concerning tho trade betweentheso Islands nnd tho United States, which wopublished last week, advances good arguhicntsiu favor of tho continuance of tlio reciprocitytreaty. Ho shows that tho benefit derived fromit is Mutual, both countries profiting by thoincreased trado. The trade of the islands isalmost exclusively with tho TJnitod States. Tholeading staples aro scut to Iho San Frauciscomarket, nnd nearly all tho vessels employedin tho carrying trado fly tho American Hag.Tho exports of tho Kingdom Invo increasedlargely since thu treaty went into cITect andhas necessitated an tncreaso in the fleet plyingbetween Honolulu and San Francisco. Thenumber of steamers in tho inter-isla- tradohas increased from one to eight, all lu.llt intho United Slates but one, and thero ha boonalso an addition to tho sailing coasters. Thisrapid growth of shipping makes business forship builders, merchants, agents, insurancecampunies and otthcrs in tho Slates, and aour imports aro principally from the UnitedSlates that country is largely a galnor thoreby.Minister Comly, speaking of Iho advantages01 reciprocity says; "If our commercialpolicy with tho Sandwich Islands is to betaken as only part of a groat system, intendedto take in and bind together ' two greatcontlimtils and their adjacent islands 011 ourKloof tlio seems lo mo that theroars uch grand possibilities to the near futureor tho United States In such a schemo as would

make the reciprocity treaty with tlieaa islandsconspicuous landmark Iu our comruercUl"history.

Foimwbo is a reoord of the l'ollc Court pro-ceeding for tho week: Kauaka, larceny, Nuf.'s

WflW(lilrd by prosecution. Aplkl, and Ns- -poihitu, rankenness, forfeited JOtall each. Cuas.'Ibointnon and Ijinal, adultery, hoHs prutrnt en- -ttred by prosecution. Kalel, assault nml batteryon Aiulka, lluod $10, costs VI SO. 11. Ii. 11..1

. .nnlt fltld lit,aH If. m - '.J, 'J to aiauiiaiioa, ia coats1 ), and fur a4Ault on a polloo oracerT commit.Viu',."'',10 t101' tru. of Sunrwio Court.Ul.llex, drunkenness, forfeited 0 bail. Joey

!f rii".'?! Moulihou., affray, former for-i- f?T b4",?,a ""'''"V'V'euterrUin case

2. "ii1"1!!''.. "Oonzaloi, drunkennww, foreite4John Wallacu anil Klliinla ,i,,li... T...VT.T. .

).f?,? ' nai tB0 l'r sentenotd to twomontU's Imprisoumenl at harU Ubor and to tiaytl costs, illki Kauels and William Unrrigan,dmnkenne.s, forfeited f bail each. Kahowsirde-jenin- ijher husband, remanded to lbs '.llli last.

David, Kru4 cheat, kciileuced to ality days'at bard labor, cosU 3. atauaiua andKralobs, truancy, ordcrrd to return lo lureots.Aucueong, o., urca-u- of a knife, senteuonl to

"l,'1;"w a osru tauur and lopayl U) ousts, t'itil rtoord.- -J. H. Kina ts.II.rrry. actlun for wares lor t7S. ladirrifni tnilla inun rorsuui au aiintflM.l ,.. I. .,... 11. .Ooart. Ii. Iliekf.U Cu: ; W. 0. JouM.'acllo'Sou protnlaory DoU for sUM) fa. In.lrm,.,,. ...(msmI. 4. u. MM vs. Julin Kanu. action uf am.

coatsn. A. D. Courlniiv m nvl,l llaw.. .i.of repleyin-tUiusif- fcs i'JUL linUrmant fur LuioikaT

aasarumlt fur tH 07. iudAtosnt fur nl.liltr j

Things Wiso nnd Otherwise.

W notice mi Aliundinco of wntor pipes In rati-on. Iwnlltle already In pltco to Iri laid; lintwliero tlio wnler U lit come front lu supply tliem,do'4 not seem so app treat.

HflTrrnl Oomnnicut odlcUU from Hllo were Intown this week. Wo notlcrd the Sheriff of Hawaii,tho Collector of Caatora for tlio port of Hllo, tin,Postmaster of llllo, tlio Auent of the Uoard ofHealth for Hawaii, nn Apent to AcVnowleilRo Con-Irito-

for labor, a School A;ent ami otlicrsf

A wall reaches ns from HonnaiKi, Kan, thsl theliquor trnule Is belncj carried on on bo largo a much disturbance nntl consentient Injury fol-

lows nnd tho Sulibtth Is epi-olall- mado notorious.We trust If there is foundation for tho saino thntIho proper authorities horn will enforce llinauthor-I- t

Im there tu tnfmtr thn lawn rigidly or put menill their places who will do so.

Wc commend the tone of tho Kunl-nt- t In Its manlyeditorials of lata on the Antagonism of races, atranslation of which wo publish rlsowhere. 'I hnadvice given to Us native readers by tlio i .rlfimon this matter, if It lio lieedeil nt all, eaiinot hutprovu Injurious to tho best Intermix of tho country,and the Kuolin Is timely iu coming to the rescueana stanuing up tor mo rigiu.

l'Ensoss who pay full "buss" hlro for tliflrchildren going to school bate good ronton to mur-mur when thu oxcesslvo overcrowding tenders ItimiHiRslblo for eacli child to obtain more than halfa teat, nnd then often In bo mado a unit of them-Bclv-

for others. It looks ns though anothervclifcln was needed to supplement thosii ft I ready iniiso. when no sea children haiiclti!l ou their out- -sided wherever they can get n foot or a handhold.

A coTESironlnt Is shocks! nt tho readiness withwhich San 1'ranciscu journals chronicle, horrthlocrimes. It says: "Tlio rcortlng cases of crlniomaybe carried to loo great nn extent." Iu an-other place ho also sajs that "Although tho dutyof tciKirtlug nnd coiiniicnttiig npou such cases asthat of liriggs vs. .Mills. Is nn unpleasant one, yetit may bo regretted that nucll cases aro not morocommonly reported." s.Wo can avoid a contra-diction by'ii-t of an nllnir as In-

volving no crime. (11j,, pV.Wntcmled ?

Wednesday aftcrnavfsid evening was Insuffer-ably worm, of which stat of tho weather detach-ments of tho nriny availed MiomscltcH by air-ing their new pilot cloth overcoats, which, judgingfrom thn fit, must havo been mado for lifo guards-men, but nro just tho thing for this cold, bleakclimate. Our devil propounds tho followingconundrum: Why nro theso oereoats liko twocities in Franco ? llccnuse they are Toulon nndToulouse. 1'rleuds nud ncipiintances nro invitedto tho funeral

A littlo sharp practlso was recently indulged in

by ono of our local limbs of tho law. A gentlemanwishing to purehaso n pleco of property ou theplains wns referred to this disciple of Dlnckstuiie,do being tho trustee, nnd ou making inquiries ofhim in twrson was advised ns a friond not to buy,as tho title was not good. ,

A short time nftor this gontlemnn in Rt rollingthnt wny observed some men nt work on tho trop-ert- y

nllnded to, nud was informed that it linil beenbought by tho trustee himself. A magnanimousnet to shoulder n pleco of land with a defectivetitle, ratner tunn sea n iriomi iniien.

Small-po- x Statistics.

Tho following tables of statistics concerning thovictims of tlio recent epidemic will be found Inter-

esting. Tho percentage of mortality wns greateranion;; tho natives than nny others, whilo it wasleast among tho Chinese, Tho dlsoaso provodmost fatal to infants under two yoars of ngo, nearlythree-fourth- s dying, whilo four-fifth- s of thoao be-

tween tho ages of ten mid twenty yu us recovered.Nearly one-ha- lf of those between tho nges oftwenty nnd forty died, whilo among thosu overforty thn mortality wns less, being only IH.IS percent. Wo nro under obligations to Dr. 0. T.ltogcrs for tho statistics nnd information herogiven.

a h Total Per Cent.

82K g Total Diathi...

Per Cent.. insertDealht femalei.u ". T. Srr Cent..

ps-i- rt r

s s isaDeath .Vale. I '".- -r33

S "5"" TotaU.. :Sli!!U Fematu "815 ic "if8.!f Val,.:.: ggSBjaja S, - 1? :a ji: 3 ey32 fc.

" so

c b n?

2 o 3 m.

3 f 5ST.

Table showing the cases of Small-po- x treated intho Hospital dunug tho lato opidomic, classiOednccorditiK to race, with tho number and per ccntasoof deaths in each.

Catet. Heath. Per Vent.)7Jille" 17 4 ?)V1

4'.l 18.S7s"lM Of) 1M 3(J.U

"Total 873 got 31.111

Under lhfi hnul .if iM,,ii.aaii , ,,half-csste- also 11 few Negroes, South Sea Islnnd-- f" ,J?i lno mnnner in which tho records werokept, it is impossible nt this timo to seporate these,lno number bowover of thohO who nre not in wholeor in part of untivo blood, is too small to materi-all- y

clfoet tho roinlt.

A Few Observations.

Just at present in these Lilanda there seems toexist a vaguo unrest, ntTectinj; commercial andpolitical Interests and prcsajtinjr to a certaindegree the near npprouch of something like acrisis in national affairs. How muolj foundationreally exists for uneasiness, and wherein thedangorlles, mny not bo very clearly defined ntpresent or a policy of def nso outlined, until theciuses of appprehension havo assumed morouenniio snnpo. nevertheless thore is good reasonfor tho beliof that influences exist, nnd nre beingstrengthened daily, threatening tho wclfaroandprosperity of the nation, nnd I esteem it Ihe dutyof every intelligent business man nnd citizen todovoto to tho subject Bufllolent timo and thoughtto enable him to net undorstandlnRly In defense ofbis Individual interests, and the interests of thecommonwealth. Concerted nctiou nraouo the Intel-liKo-

and business members of this nod nelub-borin- gcommunities is nil that is neoesaary toavert any impending evil, but to mo the iiffa(i,for such aotiou is iippurent. It is easier to name

11 disease than to prescribe tho proper remedy, andin writing of some of tho ,tj, as thoy apriar tome, I do not assume that my interpretation ofthorn is irrefutable, or to dictate tho way of aort- -... .u,u, in.jr inwtgo) out i no wish to lmpress upon a certain portion of tho people thenecessity of waking from the apathy holdthem and in elligently defending interests"

elgu and luternaj, aro slfectej at presentpeculiar variety of iuUrcsU, and In naming sola"of thero, and the nnueneea wbiobrMar uponthrra.tbs conflict prejudicial to' the interests of thecountry as a whole will plainly appear. Thawbavubwm dutlrtg the reign or the present Klr.iitwo conipicuous oolitieal lurtina nini!n H, n..liawaliaiis. ono of them adhering to the urestnt" "?d the other (said to be uumerioillyiu the'riTf.. Mi !"" ;',""" cioimaniio inemrone,political condttlou baa been kpown, nndtur.stood, and successfully treated by thu Intelligenceof the country. Now a third puly U beginning toc'evelop, more threatening In its nature to thelac. of the nation. The auti alien nr eiclusivelynative ilawalian irty, what this implies nted utbo otpl.tiued hero tlio damsgiug of itssucceas can hardly bo eubnated. "Taxatiouwithout ropreowiiUtion" of four-flfth- s of the

0,i ,'?,00,'""fy uM ls one of iu mildestresults. Hut I do not pnrinM to weigh result 1

tho subject doe nwt require argument. This isoils of the uruva mnwu nf ii,,..l Unl. ...11.16,1 Vii.10? '"' " n"4""1"''' poaslbllltles cnu

Injurious totbetrealUiral sUbilityof trndo, ana U beKlnuinc. to U; felt. Men mar liskeptical ami treat tho subject wilu ootileuiptuxmeiwtliy, but ii) so doitia tbey aru urontr. 'Ibxywlio liaro theli country's welfare at Usart, as wellas tbelr owu interest, should wake up, meet tliotUntter... aud OTeroorue it, 'XU aaii lesson taught

uS ,m ruction aim tne uiracefQ nut un oftuu last IraUatlYo body, aaoalduoiut at.ryaog-Bes- tto moral, and action saooldiiot bodeferrwlUntil it U tOU 1st. Aa - aTahn .1 ,kl. ..political aeltatlort incipient'" KeafuyUn" hasalrsaUy appeared, loevadimry notleiM bars ben.oearbed will crow into ilaiuasroas ilmnmut- -AUOlher Of thsdUtnrldnu-a.n- . ...I Ik. .

S?.Bn fteowswsjsial isttrU anU tU.?fi!.Vf!,W b' UUfttmim orsr all

.hU KSu,f xkM.' m ''len'sm 00 eachother am political asd fxunsreial btrcsUof

JudsiBientlorM. Hcrrittfi


fir mIb -- " myHW8ffil Ifftll'iS&J

thing can be dons to change Ihe current of publicopinion, that during the next session of CongrrssInfluence will bs btonght to lear aulllcient tocanso notice of discontinuance to Imi .vrved. Theultimate effect of such action upon this country Iwill not aasumo to name, auffloi to sty all admitit would l disastrous In thn extreme. lleroSRslnnpiienrs the necessity for ronoorteit anil intelligentaction and thorough organization to dnvise meansof meeting nnd defeating tin ndvetso Influonceithat nre insidiously working.

It is claimed by 'the oppoaers of tho treaty thstHi benefits In America nro confined almost entirelylo a " monopoly t" it is also claimed hero that tinsssmo monopoly not only JeopirJlres tlio conlln-nnco-

tho treaty bnt Is nequlrlng snch propor-tions in controllng the trndo nnd chief product ofthe country that If allowed to contlnno it will soonnhaorb nil otlior Industries and Interests nnddictate the policy of the nation, political nawellnn financial. Such n centralization of power couldnot but Injure tho country nn ft whole, nnd if Ihodanger exists ns claimed, it should boenriitstlyoppiMed by vigorous nnd united Action. It Isnsserteil by somo Hint tho monopolists do notdi hire a continuance of tho treaty that on Itsannulment and Iho Inevitable bankruptcy thatwould follow, they could buy up plantations, etc.,nt their own prices nnd, controllng both the tinlnet nnit tin market, would iuerenso rather thandiminish their dangerous power, lie that ns Itmay, (I am presoiitlng no argument on the meritsof reciprocity or monopoly,) lite necessity forspeedy and work seems Apparent tome)nnd whether for tho purpoBo of defeating n perni-

cious political scheme, insuring n continuance oftho treaty of reciprocity with Urn United States, orcircumscribing tho encroachments of a dangerousmonopoly Is not material.

Another catifo of anxiety Is tin Chlnoso ques-

tion, the proHirtlonsof which aro bjcomltignbirm-in- g

18,01)0 hero, nuif ttt tht Ubor qatttiaii I tllll nIroiibltfome pnhltm. ' 'J ho necessity of restrictingimmigration Is admitted. An unlimited Influx ofChinamen will hardly Incrcaso tho respect andfriendship for in of other countries. This ques-tion has been thoroughly cauvussed and is under-stood lo bo oravo causo of nniletr. Mnnyenures of tilienslness ntill remain unnamed, butenough has been said I think to convince thoroader that there is nothing vlslonarv or sensa-lioii-

in tho statement that an tincoiufortablocrisis appears in thu near future nnd thnt It isnccrwsary fur work to bo done to avert it, for thoIntelligence nnd nlillltv of the people tocombinoIn establishing n sound public Klioy that shallqulut nud control all disturbing elements, com-mand Iho rospect of foreign countries, promotennd protect n healthy condition of commcrco nndInsure proper representation and legislation. Toaccomplish this, is not tho necessity for nctlonplainly apparent ? Qnsinvr.n.

Sunday Aftnritoon MootltiR.The early Sunday evening inecllnjnl the Y, M. 0. A.

held for fcveral vara pait In the vculry of Kurt SlreitChurch, will ho mined to tho Ljccum hinaflcr till further notice, ami will change to half p.iat thrco u'cluck

WANTED ! $1,000 OB 92,000 !

rS() 1JL CLASS MKC'UllirY. AmiIv to


rX VOl IT STK15KT, A SIXiVHIlJ llltAUi.KT. The finder will lie rcunnlril liy lesv- -

lug tile tame nt (CO It) T. (I.TIIltUM'S. Mar.


Noieniber lit, from Dr. Iloirmanii'n Drue Hlnre,Mirchnnt Htreet. to hla resilience, on tlio corner ofKiikLlimd l'uit Mri-ft-.

&-- OPKIOi: I1UUKS: U to 11 a.m., and 2 to 4 p.m.Telephone connection.

Notice to Creditors.rpiTK TJJTJJKISSIGJnSW HAVINGA. licn duly appolntcil executrix of the lart Will andtestament of TllOS. LACK, lato nf Honolulu, ilcccascil,notice Is hereby given to nil perrons to present tlielrclaims agnlnat the eatotc of mli! Thus. Lack, ilulynuthcntlcntcil whether secured by mortgage cr other-wise to Mm. S. M. I.nck nt her ofllco on Street,Ilotiolulii, Island of Onhn, within alx months from thedate hereof or they will be foreifr barred. And allpersons Indebted to safd estate nru hereby rinncated tomake Immediate payment thereof to .Mrs. U. Jt. I.ncl;.

MUM. M. M. LACK, Kxccotrlx.Dated Honolulu, OctaM. 1S3I. W-- lt

BIBLE BEADING !Kev. W. J. SMITH,Givcauis Hiast minvE

ItK.VDINU at tliel,YCi:UM. Sabbath afternoon,at naii'p.isi inrco o ciock.


His farewell address before thn Yonnz Mens'Christian Aisoclatlon will be delivered at the lortbt.,Church, Sabbath evening at half-pas- t seven o'clock.


SiiJTYTs.5?syMf?is:TAw,,Toaoher of Vooal and Inatrnmental Moaio

No. 31 Derctanla Street.ton 1y qr 51 lm

E. PONTOPPIDAN, M. D.,Oculist, Physician and Surrteon.

Eyo Ulseases a bucclslly. ltesldence nndotllco 137KortMreet and Uli jplaln Lino (Mrs. Chaso's).

Ofllceliuiirsi 10 1'Ja. - v. w. M 3m


sons from harboring or trusting any ono on myaccount, as I Mill not pay any debts contracted Inmy name, or on my account, uftcr this date, nllbona written order from me. W. C. I10IU)i:.,

llllo Ilanatl, AuguftSlth, 1S8I, tCS M ;im

Clearance Sale of Pipes,Tobacco, &c.

CPIIE VNDKltSIOXl'sD INTENDSJ. to Close out the ENT1IIK STOCK of Tobacco,Cigarettes, Pipes, nud Smokers' Sundries on hand atearly date,

At Cost for Cash.59 lOt 875 lOt Mlta.'T. 1.ACK, Kort Strert.


AI1I1 IAltTIES EITIIBllNllonoiuiw at any of Ihe Islands In tluOro-jp- ,

In Want of EmployeesWill please make tlielr wants known ICiho under-signe-

nbo will do all In their puwer to flltbclr orders.I'. C. JONI'.H.Jr. ") T

J. It. ATIIKUTON, Kmnloymcrc Cnmmltlee11. r. uu.i.i.-iia.ii-

. ) 1 ai. v. A WgWem



Bbls. Salmon,

Bbls. Pickled God Fish,Bbls. God Fish Tonguei.

r re (sale bt5I 87a In . i. nm

JNO. FOWLER & CO.Lssds, Eafland, ars preparsd

rmurxsB plans and estikatssIroit

ieel Portable Tramways,With or Mlthout Cars and Locomollrrs,

Kpeclallx adapted fur Nu-a- r PUnUtloai I

l'erruansnt Hallways, with locotnotlTes und ears,I taction hnuiiies and Itoiul Ixioomotives,BUsui Moujililiiff and CultlTattn MacUiuery,1'ortnlilu Knciues for all purponos,Wludlujj Kuuines for IncfluV

losn.a with Illustrations. Modrli, and I'bolocranbt of ine share riauts aud slscbluery mar be actaat tns omccf of the nndcrslirnrd

W. l..aiiKK!f andU. W. ilAOfAIII.ANK A, CO..

SI Aiduta for Juu. fouler t, Co.


o. Ill fort Stmt, sboTO llolrl,THE MIUN 01' THK (lOLlf KJ( 1MNIT.

Ujflhs last steamer I hart rrcttrrd s larra sitortutatvf tB laUst Amcrltau siIj of

oat, thaaa, Tiaa lllaparaACi Ac Ac. Ac.

LasUm ius CUUrm'i Mum a TyiriittrALSO

ts ants H MsAja t OrdWlla Mcalatts ssd isrUB,'

"MS ... rtAMslT.



The Oldest, Largest, Best and Cheapest FurnitureStore in the Kingdom.


lUstn-tolislxoca- . OLOCSO,

C. E. WILLIAMS, Proprietor.

Creat Reductions in Prices.S'M

HaTltifr mndo Arrangements w lilt tlio I.AItUKST A IIKST FACTOR IKS

Tfo can, nnd trill, SEI,L CilH.W'KK THAN ANY OTIIKIl IIOUNK



on tho Ahh GOODS nro So-lccl- ctl

nt tho by Mr. 0. E.

Have Just Received from San



rtml Otherper

A Full Line of New Furniture Uupholster-in-g

Materials, tne Very Latest Styles,Comprising ! Satins, ltnw Bilks, Cashmeres, Surges, DamanUs, and Iteps, all colors) nlf o,


Silk Cords, Tassels nnd Olmps, Oold and Silver 1'icturo Wire, 1'icturo Nails, Cornice Hooks, Ac.


WALNUT. SB01VIZ10 AND CUT FRJUHBS, F08 PAHLQR SITSLounges, Librnry Chairs, Spanish, Window nnd Turkish Chmrs, Parlor Extension Ilockers,

l'ateiit Spring ItoeKcrs, l'iay Clinirs, Foot Hosts, Ac, Ac. ftf Do not fail toseo our liATKST STyLK OF

PATENT BED LOUNGES AND SOFA BEDS,which nro tho Most l'opular nn the 1'nolflo Const. Slrnw, Excelsior, Mom. Eureka, 1'nlu, Hair,

and Feather Mattresses nnd l'illown on Hand nnd Made to Order.

CHAMPIOIM SI3FlIISrca- - IBE3I3S !Tllll IN USE WlUi LAST A IjIFETIMK. Also. Tlnnfore nnd Stnr Spring Hd.

Woven Wire Mattresses, HHtd.; Spring Mnttresses Mndo to Order nil Work Guaranteed.


FULL LINE OF NEW AND ELEGANT FURNITURE,ComprininK in part of : HInek-wnln- lied room Bets, Wnrilrobcn, Darcaus, French Dresslnfr Caaes'Cliitloniers, Siuebonrds, Writing Desks, Hook Ciihch, WlmtnotH, Library, l'nrlor Tnblen,

Extension Dinlni Tables, llouqnet titnnds, Musio Stands, llook Stands, etc.Imitation Walnut, Htnined and I'niutud Chamber Bets, Wnrdrubes, liuru.ius, Chiffoniers, SideboardsDhick-wnlnu- t. Oak, Mnplu nnd Clinirs, nil styles nud sizes; a full assortment Window BhadSA,

with plain and patent spriti(t pullers;

ja. XLX1.C3-E- 3 IiOT of MiTiiiom, fsquare, nrch, nlid corniced top, nil sizes: prices from tWc. lo $1M). Mirror Plates of all s4MAlwfsforl

ilnnd; nlno, a Grent Vnrietv of t'nticy Picture Frames, enrd, cnbinet, nnd larger SlMstI'lOTUllE AND COltNICE MODLDINU. a New lot of ICLEOANf BABY



I'lnnofl, for nnlo or hire; Violins, and nil kindsof Musical Instruments Always on Hand.Flvo Iron Bedsteads, for snlu cheap; nlno, n Coraplcto Assortment of Cheap Furniture t Chil-dren's Chnlrs nnd Kocktrs, Cribs, Cradles nnd Desks, Wnlnut nnd Iron Brackets, Chromoa, Oam andJewel FoldiiiR Carringcs, Hocking Chairs, Fcnthcr Dusters, etc., etc


60 C. E. "WILLIAMS, 111 Fort Street, sad 60 Hotel Street.


Jllst IwocviD



English Saddes,(Jirths,y

SaddleCloths,Whips, &c.

TOYS,Galvanized Plain Iron.

Galvanized Ridging,Powder,

Shot Guns,

Gun Gaps,

Fishing Lines,



FLOOR OIL. CLOTHCarpets, assorted;

Sofa Centre RugsDoor Hats,



Sugar Bags and Bagging,

Hardware, ft a General



COXKVOATXO IB0BJ,e, T, , sad r.t! lur sals st

ALUM k I01I1I0FI.WaUuku IHI Ffrottfy.

UUALI'rV OK 1AIAI MAN.urUuUvsaUtljr. All vrdera lll ttlik disswa AILIIkM

IslnndH. 2TFactories
















American BarkJQerloiu'l- -.

Prom loffston.,THE FOLLOmNG LIST

or il




tlpou JBwim-- Tsbx- -

Steam Coal, Cumberland Coal,Franklin Coal Jn casks, for Family TJao.

ISO degree test,- -

on;Barrel Nhook

CLaire,Cul Nail,, 3d to 40d,.

LantcrnB, Charcoal Irpna,HunfaAxw, Hunt's; Hatchott,

Owrd Mntohea,Tnr, Pitch, Rosin, Turpentine,

acxxUeft coictAmm;ALL IIIZIH.

Pick Handles,AxHandlM,



Com Starch, Toraaloat,

ar..CornI!0,tOB,kkwIBM0'OBl- -).

BauiwgeMflat,SaecoUth, r

ahrkia,fsnVitati 'XT'fMioy CvacUovm J

JIoeUn'aTomloaiid U T-r-tta g.Bft

UaawdTtMfM,rftiiy soupWkalu Uuata,

Mule sod Ox Cart.


At frltM that will feat , r-- ei.

n 1 all aa. . wai tf."vit nomnr IsrelTaTaTsB

&8biMlsSK,At. fttmmmim

"1 ji Lt4m a, 1.4


Page 3: Saturday Press. - · hnrdoued into n horny boak. Tho differ-ent organs, ono after another, bud out; thon n pair of branching gilli; nnd Inst, a long






Administrator's Solo !



In thr Officii eC the Chief Justice r C Hauls.Ity order of Administrator, I will tell l Auction

Law Books &c,Book Gases,


K. P. ADAMS, Anet'r.



THURSDAY OCT. 27.11. ISS1,At 10 A. 51., nt Rules llonm,

Dry Goods and Clothing-a- nh-A

complete invoice or Hosiery, While

Shirti, Cheviot fchlrN, Hlowseamid Overnlls.


A line in Fresh Groceries !

Boxes California Potatoes nml Onions,

Cases Butter, Sack Sugar,Sacks Yellow Corn.


1 Handsome Carriage

Formerly owned by E. O. Mali, esq.

Ii kind and gentle and well anlled (or a family Horse.

K.l ADAMS, Anet'r.


By Order of A. J. Cartwrlsht. Ksq.. attorney for D. W.1'anahl, I am Instructed to oner for s ale

by public auction

ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29thAt 13 o'clock noon at Sales Itoom,

That Ynlunblo Picco or Parcel ofLand, with the Buildings

Thereon,situated on Fort Street, manka of and adjoining theChinese Uhnrch, having a frontage of about TO feet, anda depth of about 163 feet.


and arc upon thli Lot.

E- - V. ADAMS, Anet'r.


By order of A. J. Cartwrljht. Esq., Administrator ofthe EstateofS. D. Borrows, deceased, 1 will otTcr atPublic Auction,

ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29th,at 12 m., at Sale Itoom, the on Fort St.,



The Buildings, Lease, Mill, Ma-

chinery, and Stock in Trade,contlitlngot a Larc Assortment of


etc., etc.

For further partlcnlan, apply to A. J. CartwrlRht, or

1 ! ADAHK, Anet'r.


soap Tna




Block, Fort St.-- AHE-

NOW OPENEDand wo CordMljr Invite tho Publlo of

Honolulu to Call ind Einino our



FURNITURELargest Stock,




"M PCjl CalltarnlaM FurnitureWjt JBJ mM ww' w W




Will hnvo Quick Ditpatch for the nbovePorttor Freight or pasiace, apply to

? M F T. t.KNKllAN A CO.. Agents.



J,lax Lady Lampson,HAKSTOS, .Mailer,

Will havo (.nick Dispatch for tho nbovo PottFor Freight or I'aMape, apply tom r. lllir.WEH Jk Co., Agents.

lt SAN FllANUJSCO.The VaTorlte racket llarktntlne

33 TJ 3X DLD IJC-c-V,

EMI'.ltSON, Matter,

Will have Quick Diipntch for nbovo Port.For freight or passage apply toKS TllKO. II 1IAV1KS, Agent


For San Francisco.Tiir. nii.i:.M)iii mti:ammiiii

'isaCITY of N 13 W IOKKCliltll. i'oinmnniletr.


On or about Monday Oct. 224.


Tiir. NPi.r.Mun ntkamniiip

C'AIUill.T.. CIJ!MAM11'.H.

On or about Saturday, Oct. 29th,For Kre'ghl am) I'assa.r, apply toin In. II.flomW per fttrniner rnn unitbfNlnrHl, Frrr ill Ctinrur. In tiir Flr-.iiru- of

Waretionw iipwr tiir Mm hut Mlinrf.



MKSSHS W. II. CltOSSMAN &dlrpatthnftr't elan vessel from New

iviKiuiiii. l'crt about lit. l'artlre ur.iiini; toamp by this line direct, will nerd to forward orders by

of ath of AupuM. to arturrTtcm fur theirfrrlcht. lflfll.--.

501 Jin 41i Acentitn Honolulu.



Steamer I.tkcllke will leatc Honolnlu each TuesdaytUr. ., tonchlngnt Lahatna, Jlaalaea l'ay, Makcr.i,"Mnhukona, Kanalhae, Lnupdiothoo and llllo.

lteturnlng mill touch at all the above potti, arrivingat Honolulu each bunday a. x.

BIT 2a C'rrtllt nr l'annge Jfonry, --wVe positively refnic to open accounts for PaMagei,

nnd we particularly call tho attention of the travelingpublic to the necmlly of having llnggarc and Freightplainly marked; the bteainer will not bo re.ponslblcJoranynnmnrked Il.iggage, or for Freight or i'arccle,iinlcailtrcclilcHl lor.

Freight Money So on Demand.In all caret of frrlght forpaitlca not rerponalble, or

nnknonn, tho freight money will be required In advance(Al'HAUEM orl.KlUOIIN null WlXtS ML'N.

II K 1'I.AIXI.Y .HAItKI-.l- )

For the party whom they are for, or plainly rtated In thoreceipt to whom tbey ar consigned.

All demanda for damage or losa ninet be made withinone month.

In no war liable for lo? a or accident to Hie stock.Hack Drivers. Boys, and such like, will not be

allowed on board the Steamer on arrival, until after thepatsengcra have been landed.

873 WILDEIt & CO.

From Honolulu to Hilo Direct.The A 1 Clipper Schooner,


Will tall from Honolulu to llllo direct, and will call atIntermediate Forts on the return trip.

For Freight or I'aisage, apply to the Captain on board,I IM or A. FItANK COOKE, Agent.


Wnilele, g MaloloWnioli. jnk JnUa

Vaiohn, (ftVl 'Watmala,Gen, SleftclaStJjaaea Kalnna,

tuid Mono.FLAG Ksd with Whllo Ba'l. Olllce-Cor- ner of Qneen

tct. and Nuuanu Streeta. 1



eSr tiii: inn m:t?V dispatched from lloiton for Honolulu on or

anaiHr aboutThs lit day of Jioremlep next.

Fersoua wishing to order goods shipped by thla vesselthonld mall orders on or before September S6lh. Forfurther particulars apply to

Kl Urn C. DIIKWEH & 00.


C. Brewer A Co. Agents.Merchandise received Stornnc I'r.and beralcath adancea made on shipments by tills

TNi ly U. IlKKWElt .t tu.

Job PrintingflMIK UNWEnSIONED HAVINGX Just added to bis Merchant Street Establishment athoroughly appointed

JOB PRINTING OFFICE,Under the management of an experienced and


la now prepared to attend lo all wo k entrusted toblm with promptness and in tba



Circulars, Certificates of Stock, .Letter, Nolo, Statement or Dill Heads,

Contract, Iiuiliteia or Viniling Cardi,Urafu, Orden, Kotei, Programme,

Shipping or Mono Receipts, &c., &c.This tn connection with tho long established Book

ISIndtry, 1'aptr Haling, and

LANK BOOK MANUFACTORYEnables the undersigned to lay claim to competency Inall departments, as each Ii under the cara of


THE STATIONERY DEPARTMENTWill carry a foil line of Papers for eaecnllng Blank!

of all descriptions, or tor special sins or clasa of blankbooks. In addition lo lb usual fall sssoilaienl of Commercial, LCtl ana uses stationery.

zrarvy o-ooD-

ConaUullr rceii4 at the Fort St. Store,

inFiu Stationery, Hooka, Fane? Good,Winder A Newtou'a ArtlaU" Material,UntUrUk'tt Cut Pir PatUroa,'a Gardes Bwda, V., 4c

$7 Sot THt. O.THHUM.


rramttaa kaowp M VlBtA.!"? 'kabna. Htalr occspiw oy . . oBiusiaBar.Jaataa Hay WslskMM, lK Ta balldlnajs) ava UstUa Uoroartly plt4. wr-rr-4. m. otkrwlse la.tttuv lav IB paaaaji oi sn v5eatr U14 a. UStf lMftl a rtndatll. with a s.of good rH MsleVaM hearVhy isyuj, wklch aaej

eltloa, ad prnt,oBC4 by kla Ua Wsl haaialec a left CaaLaad.

fee Iytil4JAS.B. UMOy.

iItHi t bJS0mMKi3njSMmUKKLj.'sMi.iJim3mE "ttesllAjtJAo "sa Tfifi'iffWifrt A?.imh1MVMJK2-- 'umwU



" IOLANI," H. Carrols. Mnstor,IMdsyt from Hremen,

Consisting In part of as follows!

A Lnrgo Assl. of Dry Goods,SUCH AS I

Knury l'rln( Twrntj-PlT- P cw Stjlc.,Denlma, Ilniwn nml Wltlln CollotK,Drill, TIckltiRi, Turkey llctl, Ac.,

Merinos, black and colored, 4 qualitiesltciipa, Cotmurip, Alivtcna, Itnllan Cloth, nnd


I'rltttoil Sttlrcna, I'ompiilonrn, 1'lnliU,UliiRlinms, Victtirla Irfiwns, Knlln Htrlwd.l'ntiey .Strijioil (Irciuilltim,Wlilto Silk .Ininncpo. Twills, Kcrgoi,I'opllna, Sntln nml Jlolrc.lllnck nml Colorid VolvctH,

FIXE SILKS,Ulaclc, Groscraln, l'nncy, Colored nnd Striped,

lliircRo, Crfio,Ac.,

TAILORS' GOODS:llticksldni, DlnpmmK Twcrdu, Cords,StTKca, SlU'iiag, Doeskins, mores, .tc.

A Splendid Asst. of Shirts,(Woolen, Mixed, Calico, Hickory, Denim, 4c.)Merino nnd Cotton Undereliirtu,Wliltc Jlosom Shirts, Ac,Socks nnd HtockltiRs, llnnUkorchlcfit,xoulard, Olovcn,


Kino Mack Cloth Frock Coalu nnd Tnnts,llnckvMn Sacks, l'nnta nnd Suits,Kelt, Mobnir, Drill, 1'lnnnrl Sacks nnd I'ants,Hoys' Shirts nml Cliildrcn's Jnckcts,Monkey nnd Sailor Jnckcts,I. It. Conts nnd IieKKitiRs, Carpet Slippers,Silk nud I. C. Umbrellas nnd rnrnsols,Fancy nnd Trnvclinc Shawls,Cotton nnd Turkish Tim els,Whllo nnd Fancy Qnilts,Felt Kurs nnd Brussels Carpeting,

ltorso Illankets. While nnd Fancy Dlankcts,Fnncy Stripid Woolen, two sizes,Scarlet, (Jrntipe, Whito Woolen, Unnd 4 points,Threads, Tntu1, Llnstic, Scarfs, Ac,Snk nud Vchet ltibbons,Uutlons for Shirts, Conts, l'nnts, Dresses,

PERFDMERY, FLORIDA WATER,Gcnulno Enu do CoIorho, I.nbin's Exlrncts,Toilet Soaps, l'hilocome, Hair Oil, Combs,Mirrors, Looking Ulnsses, IMiKS,I. K. linlls, Harmonicas, Jllnuk llooks,Albums, Gold Leaf, Jewelry, Watches,Hemp and I. It. 1'ncking, Coal Uaskets,

VIENNA FURNITURE:Extension, Arm, Dining Itoom nnd Parlor

Chairs, Settees, Ac,Saddles, Calfskins, Girths, Stirrup Leathers,

CRATES OF ASSORTED GROOKERY,Containing riales, Cups, Teapots, Howls,Chnmbcrs, It ice Dishes nnd Dakcrs,Demijohns, It nnd 5 palls ; Sample Dollies,Vnses nnd Glassware, MnullanudTnmditopo,

x Mo Rloo BagsOf nil sized nnd qualities,

Coal Bags, Gunnies, Twinc.liurlnps,Woolpack nnd Twilled Sacking, Linen Hose,

GROCERIES:Sardines, In half and quarter boxes,H. nnd V. Biscuits, Salt in jars,Cnstor Oil in Tins, Stenrino Candles, 4, 5 and C,Matches, Cocoanut Oil, AVash Blue,Hubbuck's Linseed Paint Oil, H White Lead,Whito Zinc Paint,


De Laago Ills nnd Boutclleau Brandy, andother brands,

Bum, Gin, St. Paul Beer, Alo nnd Porter,Port Wine. Sherry, Khino Wino,Fino and Table Clarets, Champagno,Dry Hiidseick Monopole, Ch.Farre,G. II. Mumiu & Co., Sparkling Hock,Moselle, Ac, Ac.

German and Havana CigarsPlated Ware Spoons, Forks, Cruets, Tea Sots,

Cups, Ac


Pocket nnd Butcher Knives, Scissors,bheep Shears, Needles, Spoons, Files,Spurs, Galvanized Basins, Hoop Iron,Keg ltivetf, Hammers,Yellow Metal and Composition Kails,Babbitt Metn, Sugar Coolers,Iron Tanks, Cinrihcrs Ac Also,

Portland Cement, " White Bros.,"Firo Clay, Blacksmith Coal, Fire Bricks,Tiles, Empty Barrels, Oak Boats, Ac.

Terms Liberal. Samples lent Free of FreightOrdera from the other Irlanda carefully

attended to by


H. HACKFELD&Co.Hate Jnat Received m

Fine Ass't of Wines, Etc.,SUCH AS

Chainpagui-- , U17 Hclditelck "Monopole'Quarts andl'luta;

Champngnc, Cli. Fnrro Extra Cuvcc, pts & fitsCliatnpngnc, 0. II. Mumni & Co'a Carlo Blanche

pinla and qu.irls;CuaniaK'Os U. 11. Mumni Si Co'a Extra Dry,

pints and quarts .

Claret, Chateau Forneys, 65r., qri.Claret, Chateau Uorse, quarta ;Claret, Margnurc Superior, quarts ;Claret, St. Julicii, 70, qunrti.

Rhino Wine, Domdechaney, qtRhine Wine, Hochliclmer, quarts.

SPARKIsINO HOCK, plnta ad quarta,Sparklln;; Moselle, pints and quarts ;Michigan Chnuipiigiiu, pints nnd quarts;KlieiiiKold Clianipagne, pints and quarts ;

St. I'aul'a Ale, pinla and quarts ;Ucmllingor A. Ii. Export llcer, pts and qts ;

A. Muller'a Laur Bier, pints and quarts;Jeffrey Scotch Alo unit Portor, pts and qts ;

Cognac, De Laage Tils & Co, 3 yrtCognac, Boutclleau c Co., four diamond :

Cognac, " " three diamond;Cognac, " " ono diamond ;

Cognac, Southern Vineyard Proprietor .Brandy, Ludvocat; ditto, Clieville.Port. Dry. and Sweot Sherry Wino,Gin, Key Brand, in bankets and f.ases.Iluui, iti barrels, etc., etc., cto.

To aals, t law pries fcjr

87 8m b8 lw 11. HACKKELD Co.


The Honolulu Iron Worksla cow prepared lo

ruiMiu riucss and brow sahtljiUfTlir: AHUVKritUH

Mational Tube Works Co's Works,ATMcKEESl'OUT, PA.,

And to :ok contracts to deliver It la larga nt small.plait uuaa in inisguy. riYotfM to CrMsitoti

I HEREBY XOTIFY ALL PEM.KONHhavlnn claims ualnst lb XsUUof SUSAN

aTstYMOLtHI, HonoU a. Uctui,ta aaue, amy veriasa

ha Coast atonal. HouoluM. I

tail date or ihsy will b fossvy barredS. BlaFAllb.

Kiacutee will oi Mrs. 6M ,aa4.awaawsMsi, awyt aa, tsast. t

fefttoik-- ,


Sohool Kotlcn.The teachers and pupils of all Public as well as

Private Schools, are hereby notl&ed that n plaeo liasbeen set apart for them In the programme of the procession to be formed for the reception of Ills .Majestythe King on his arrival from abroad,

The teachers and pupils of all public schools are ex-

pected to assemble on both sides of King Htrcet, nearl'oft Street, on Monday the 31st of Oct, Inst, aa soon asthe signal of Hirer guns, (lied from the battery onPunch Howl Hill, shall have been given. And It lahoped that as many aa possible of the private Mchnnlsof the City, will also be present to take part In tho procession on the occasion In question,

tlatinere, mottoes, evergreens, flowers, and otherdicorallnns, will be tn order

1st. Teachers nnd pupils of 0.hti College,9nd. " " Kinnlhfiii Hemlnary,8'd. " " "Mh. ' " .Miss Ajlell'a "6ih. ' i" ,ll other private "

Hi. " " " " l'ohukalna (llrl "HU. " " ' Kntt Street "Vth. Kahehnnt '

t'lth. " " " ID Common 'lllh. " Itrliirmatury "All tho arrangements will be nndcr the direction of

Capt. ,. Jf. Tripp and linn, J, H. Kawalnul, Oram!.Marshals of the diy. W. JAS. SMITH,

Kdncatlnn OHIco I School Agent of Honolulu.Oct. IMIi.lSSI. f B70 It-- CO St

Nnlo or I.rmes r (Internment limlis.On Monday November Otli prox., at the front entrance

of Alllolanl Hale, at 1 J o'clock noon, v, III bo sold atI'nbllc Auction, the I.rnsc or Tin, R3, on lliuI nplniiiiilp, Honolulu, with this eondlttimi

The lessor to erect within one year from date of lease,a substantial f brick or stone building costingnot less than $C,OW, which ho Is tn keep In repair andrevert to tho Uotcrnmeut at tho explrntlon of the lease.

Terms, lease S3 years, upset prlco $30U per annnran,payable In advance.

And Iiinc of litx Sun, 73 nnd 7 on the)nailitmip.

Terms, lease 10 years, upset price JIM each lot, In ndvance,

II. A. P, CAKTEli,.Minister of Interior.

Depl. of Interior, Honolulu Oct. Till, 1831. 53 St

Licenses Expiring in October, 1881.invrAii-OAi- iu,

1 You Kec & Oi, Nuunnii at, HonolnlnI Wong Leung A Co, Xuuniiu st,I C. S. Wo Chong, Nuuonn tt, "

A A. W. Hash, Tort st, 'B Tonglllng, Nnunim st,C Kwonc Lee Yong ,t Co, Mnnnakca st, "G Sun Kum Lung ,V Co, Hotel ft, "6 ltroglle. Spear A Co, Fort st,G Ki. cor. Mnunakea J; Dcrctanta ttf, "6 Wong, Hotel st, "II Hen Wo. Mutianii st, "9 Wilder A. Co, cor. l'ort ,fc Qneen sts, "

10 B. IIolTman, )lrrclmnlst, "10 K. o. Hall A Son, cur. Fort ,t King sts, "10 Itang Lung Kee A Co, lintel st, "It (I. Alo, cor. Itlchard and Jlcrchnnt sl, "13 Hugh Mnckay, (Jnccn st, "II A. L. Smith. Fort st, 'IS Van Hee & Sue llee, King st, "18 J. T. .V II. Waterlionsc. King st, "VJ lino Voo ft Co. cor. Nuuiinn King sts, "

1 M. S. l'erelra, Nnuniiii st. "SI Hop Jan it Co, Nunanu st, "21 Ah Chow, Llliha st, "S3 M Phillips A Co, Knnhnmann at, "S3 J. T. Waterhmise, Kott st, "

Tong Kim, Nnuann st, '1TJ J. T. II. Waterhnnae, Qneen st, "SO Peter Fernandez, King st, Kapalama, "3t Nip Sou, School st, "31 Frank Autone, Nunann st,

itrrrAii.-iiAWA- ii.1 Hitchcock & Co, rapaiknu, llllo,1 J. 11. Mills, Honoknu, Haninkna,1 L. Tnrncr, Walohlnu, Kau,1 A. S. Cleguorn & Co, l'unaluu, Kau,1 It. Hycroft, l'obolkl, Puna,4 Mrs. Uavls, Walmea, S. Kohala,6 Tho. speneir, Hilo,

U Chun Hoy, Wong Qui. Honomakan, N. Kohala,21 C. W. Ab Wnh & Co, Paliala, Kau,M Man Wo, Kapaau. N. Kohala,0 Kit Chong Sing, Onomca Plantation, llllo,

ni:rAii.-3i-Ai i.IS Kim Fan Chong. Pala, llninnkuapoko,18 Antonc Fernandez, Makawao,III Cee Hop, Kahnlnl.'t Lum Lang Kee, Wnilnku,SA Aiuna, Lahalna.30 Oee Lang, Wulkapn,

nirrAiiKAVAi.ST Apan, Koloa,

wiioi.cnam;.1 Holies & Co, Qneen st, Honolulu,6 wilder A Co, cor. Fort and Queen sts, Honolnln,

10 h. O. Hall ft Son, cor. Fort and King sts, Honolnln,23 C. Afong, Nuuanu st, Honolnln,

UCTAII. NIMItlT.S3 Jas. Olds, cor. Nuitanu and Hstel ste,

JOItltl.M; N1III1T.0 Drown ft Co, Merchant st,

AUCTION.5 T.W.Everett, Maul,a J. II. Hare, Maul,

VICTIIAI.1XC1.1 Oln Pan, Kaloplhl.N. Kohala, Hawaii,1 A)tna. Paliaun. Kohala, Hawaii.1 Man Wn, Kapaau, Kohala, Hawaii.

It Akana ft Ahoe, Honokan, Ilamakua, Hawaii,l.t Lane Fat. Wnilnku, Maul.18 W. It. Prescolt, Valluy Home, Nunanii at, Oahn.VJ Kanaknmu. Halawa, U. Kohala, Hawaii.S3 Alio ft Akina, Honokaa, llainakna, Hawaii.SA Lcn Illng ft Co, Halawa, '. Kohala, Hawaii.S7 Aklna, Kaneohc, Oalm.ffl Ah Quay, llllo, Hawaii,

UiTCIIEIt.1 Chas. Notley, Hamakua, Hawaii.

Id L. Aseu ft Co. Makapala, N. Kohala, Hawaii.18 Jas. Woods, Kohala, Hawaii.13 Ja. Woods. Kohala. Hawaii-S- J

O. Wullrr, King st, Honolulu, Oabu.U. Waller, cor. Hotel ft Union sts, Honolnln, Oahu.

i'OIIU IIIITC'IIKK,1 ChlngJIeen roil, Hotel it, Honolulu, Oalm,I Pang Yau, Hotel st. Honolnln, Oahu.1 Tang Tart Yong, Fort at, Honolulu. Oahu.1 June; Pharl, Hotel st, Honolulu, Oahu,1 Ah Loy, Makawao, Maui.1 I.eong Fong Wa, Makawao, Maul.! C. K. Llong, Xnnlili'i. Kau, Hawaii.

SO Nlng Yie Kee ft Co, Hotel tt, Honolulu, Oahu.lllll'O.

1 E. Hoffmann, Merchant tt, Honolulu, Oahn.I.IVKUY ntaum:

1 James Dodd, Fort at, Honolulu, Oabu.riBC AHHN.t W. 8. Flynn, Kona Oahu

U 0. P. Wilder,H H. " "n d. r. t eary.


BOAT.1 Uto. Kallat, Honolulu,1 (i. Nakapuahl, llllo.

13 Kanakanul, Honolulu,IS Sam Kumukahl, Honolnln,18 Samuel, llonoluln,V7 Lnhllea, Honolulu,



i oki hi; receptionor- -


Military.Ills Majssty'a Carriage.

Carriage for Suite.Public Schools.

Reformatory School.Firemen.

Mechanics' Bcncnt Union.Poola Association.

lied Men,Ancient Order of Foretlcra,

Knlghte of Jerusalem,Voting. Men's Christian Association of Kaauukapill

Lata Delegates.Delegates of the Other Islands.

Chinese Besldtnta.The Public,

The dlrTercnt llodles will be placed along Fort Street)each Society form I ox en both sides.

Justaaswuias Ills Msleslr the Kins enter bis Car.rlase, the Military will 'win Immediately In the front.

When lbs Procession uovn, the Vodle will fall larut; user bsblod lut Carrlagu barlag His Majcsjy.

14T Tbe wbola Procei.lon will b eullrely aader tkdirection of ibe Uraad Marshals

Tba hlenal fJr aasumbllair will ba this Fans Srdfrom taa Mmw tm raacbUvL TWa Waul will b

adaso..nasta4UaBscrcivs3rtajrlL Till Is latight. Thvarfowl4swtoUkaprtllb FrocMalaa, will iiimsjiIi aa aota a paatUte after

Wm ? ffii .,... .I-- , ..SB vaafl VI in mjv7 ri.i a niswy,lb.Nl,kl.le.icislfwillbk14lka ait dav.alt ThediiiKi4 ui

VMS tMtats 4i 'Uttch iTJ. V. KAWAlML't.

mwmi USSSVa Mlfiails'1


Mnnnirnra'is NoticesAll advertisements for the San'Mur I'ntM must be

sent In by Friday noon. No Insertions for the currentIssue can lie guaranteed when sent In later.

Advertisers will mark the number of Insertions desired, from which date they charge. Any not so markedwill be charged J months.

THOU. (I, TIIIlUM. Manager.

NOTESOP TIllTWEEK.Tim abort "poll of "trmlert" wo havo liml wnn

rinlto refreshing,Tiir. yacht H'rtiirferer linn cono to llnwnil, Imt

will return to Honolulu,

A Tkupeiiimcb meeting will he held nttlio Ly-

ceum next Mnndny evenitiK.

W'c jiulillsli n lnro nuiouut of InlenntlinjIn lenne.

A nustnin of pcopla nro prriiarlnr' to ilccomtefor tho rcecptioii of tho King.

Tiir rpRiilnr mcclliiu of tlio Y. M. C. A. will holiclil nt tlio Lyceum next Thurail.ty ovcniui,'.

Sin. Hivrntjirr! of Hilo nrrtved tn town hy thot.ikihke last Sunday nml returned on Tuesday,

l)n. pliysiclnu nt tlio leper settlementnt Knbwnn, Moloknl, linn tcndcretl lil.i resli;imtloii.

Tiir proecedii of tlio Cliincso cliurcli fair onThursday nlo,kt of laat week amounted to over$1,700.

Tint Kinjj h expactod lo return on tho An$lrnlt,thut ho may possibly coino on tho U. S. H. Utcka-imnni- i.

SunscnimosH hao been received at tho l'nnl-olllc- o

for tho payment of clinrKca on leltcrn lioldfor xjntn;o.

Wk noticed a oirri.ifjo coming down Fort streettho other day lulnui n wheel. Anothor collsionprobably.

TnE frlendi of the llov. 8. II. Lyman will oolo-brn-

hit (joldeu wedding nt llllo on tho Sd ofNovember next.

Tim bnlcony in the front of tlio l'ost-ofllc- o nenrlycollapsed yesterday, nud had to bo supported bypillnrn placed bcuenlli.

Kalakaiu badges, Tory neatly and appropriatelydesimitd, to bo worn on tho reception of tho King,nro now offered for salo.

Tun barkentino II'. It. Dlmoiut arrived nt Knhu-ln- l,

Mnui, on tho 17tli Inst., but no Into papershnvo been received in Honolulu from her.

1'nniouT for Snn l'rnncisco Is a Tory scarco nrtl-ci- n

nt tho present time. Tho vchspIs now In portwill do well to get nioru thnn enough for ballast.

The B.-i- did not play at Uiiimn Sqnaro on Sat-urday lait nor nt tho Hawaiian Hotel on Mondaynight, being engaged elsewhere on both occasions.

NcAiivr $2,000 raised by tho Chlncso resi-

dents of Honolulu tliH week to put up nn nrchat tlio corner of Fort and King street on tho Klng'nnrrivul.

Kkvchai. lepers havo recently been brought herofrom tho other islands to bo scut to Moloknl. Wocommend tlioncthlty of tho nuthoritien in thismatter.

F. F. I'oktiui, manager of Sprcckels' plantationnt Sprcckelsville, Mnui, had his right hand blownoff whilo llshing ouo day this week with ginutpowder.

A concebt will li givon nt tho Music Hall ontho evening of Novomber 3rd, In nld of tho fundfor tho organ of St. Andrew's church, which hasjust arrived.

The steamer City of Xew York will bo duo fromtho Colonics next Monday, but raiy ;ossibly nrrivosooner. It would bo well for Iottor writers to posttheir mail oarly.

The progrnramo of tho procession to bo formedfor tho reception of tho King will bo found in an-other column. No p.iinq will bo spared to niakutho arrangements perfect..

FaEFAnvnoxs nro being mado for sotting uppoles along King and rortstrcotstosupportstringsof flags when tho city is decorated to welcome thoKing home from his foreign tour.

"WonKsnar nro engaged in preparing Hotel streetfor macadamizing. Most of tlio streets in tho bus-iness part of tho town have been macadamizedthis yenr and nro in excellent condition.

The latest thing in tho way of badges is a two-ce- nt

postage Btnmp, bearing tho imago of KingKalaknun, pasted on Blips of colored paper. Thoinventor and manufacturer is n native.

Rev. W. J. SMiTn nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Cruzan willleave by the City of Xao York for tho Coast. Mr.Cruznn will probably return about Christmas, hav-ing accepted a call to tho pastorate of the FortStreet Church.

The organ for St. Androw'a cathedral arrivedby tho Ceylon from Boston in twenty-sove- n largoboxes, and has been stored in tho scuool-hoas- o forthe present. Thoy will begin setting it up on tho7th of November next.

Ik Whitney fc Ilobertson'a show window aresamples of apples of tho Greening variety thatwore grown at Ulupalaknn, Maui. They are nicelooking apples nnd if there nro more of tho kindwhere they came from, Honolulu can take care oftho entire crop.

At Fort Street Church Sunday morning Rev.J. A. Croznn will preach upon "God with ns theBccrct of Viotory." In the evening Ilev. W.J.Smith, of Snn Francisco, will deliver his lastlecture to young men subject, " Tho young man'schoice, or doos it pay to bo a Christian,"

A rout, test of the alarm bell of tho FiroDepartment in the bell tower will be mado thisnf ternoon nt 4 r. m., with n new apparatus. It isintended to givo it n fair trial beforo sending itback lo Ban Francisco. If it does not prove satis-factory the now one will bo tried Boon.

A socuii nnion of the Uethel Church and con-gregation was formed in the vestry of the churchInst Wednesday evening. Mr. f. P. Damon wasPresident; Mrs. S. M. Damon,Miss Robertson, Secretary; Mr. A. L. Smith,Treasurer, There wero nlso appointed Music,Literary, Refreshment, Visiting and Invitation,Floral and Children's Sociable Committees.

Followimo is tho programmo for tho Band concert at Emma Square at 4.30 r, u. y iMarch Sharpshooters , OserOverture The Oath , Anber(Jalop Pomono LenlnerFantasia Farewell to tho mountains HaaselmanWalti ltcmeinbranre of Thee , WaldtenfetSelection Jerusalem , Verdi

The Band will give an extra concert nt the Ha-waiian Hotel on Monday evening October 21th,steamer permitting.

AaiPOBT has been sent from Honuapo, Kau,that the liquor basilicas is being carried on on solarge a scale that even on the Sabbath there arelots of drunken men raising n disturbance In thequiet community. Tho last news was that a la-boring man had been assaulted and so rough I vused that he lost an ear and almost lost his sTghf.The man who committed tbe assault keeps sodawater of a spirituous kind. The Sberilf couldhave sufficient evidence for arresting the parties ifho attended to his business, but now it seems thomatter is dropped ss la always the case. We wouldstrongly suggest that the authorities maka en-quiries into ths subjeet to prevout farther cases ofUka character.

Rzuoious Bistices. Last Sunday was ap-pointed soma lime ago by tba Sunday SchoolUnion of Loudon as a day of special prayer forSunday Schools, and ths appointment was secondedthe world over. Ministers were requested alto topreach on the subject. Rev, J. A. Cruian at FortStreet Church and Rev. W, J, Smith at tbs Bethelpreached appropriate sermons, and at tbs Utterchurch Father Damon also addressed theoongie- -

A Union I'ralaa Service of tba Bethel andort Street Church Sabbath Schools was hald at

tho latter church In lbs afternoon, and tba largegatbeiingof young folkj and their friends waaaddressed by II. A. Parmalse, Superintendent oftbs Bethel Sunday Rchuo), after which a very in-teresting programme) of addresses, Mayers andsongs was carried out successfully,1 Ths evvnlngnerv ces at Fort Street Church wars conducted byRev. W. J. Bmlth.

Ok last at St. Andrew' Cathedral MisHenrietta Willis, sister of tut Bishop of Honolu-lu was married to tbs Rev. Richard Walnrlghtwho is In charge of a rals-l- on at Kan, Kauai.Tbe bride waa ulvea way by U.H.-- I.'

ud altmdsdtr sightbridss.rnaids,!uanselyi His May MeVryde, MimUl.i Ulna TV. Tut luflk- -. Ul.... ff.and slyi sWj, M4aM Ma, mu. Aj Wodi

Vob HM isWslsl- -s a guniiMW, Tk Mt-M- M

vrera dj m imv. Wsif Msisl W MstAUxasder Maktc- - i4 ." t. MaStUra!Aftsr tft aanaoay MmmU4 ttraota rsoaivsdIk Holy CmbbiuUob, Tk rfaw wa ktMlTb Bsarest frow tmgi-- 4 " was pkywt swmwm aWaa WW PP snyV- S- f WWW0 WtiWWwwWm WWW -"

T r - i S iru-- i . 'a'.Vii;i.t4."4..

and "Mendelsohn's Wedding rearaH" as theylett. After the ceremony wns over A receptionwas held nt the llihops residence in Nnuannvalley which was attended by n lnree party offrlendi. llefreshinents were provided in thoSiOhiKil-roo- which wn nicely decorated. At llvoo'clock tlio happy pair sailed for Knpaa In Iliasteamer V, It. lli$hon.

Hit, V. J. Sjiitii lectured at Fort Street Churchon Thursday evening lo n Urge number of people,hnvlngfor tits subject "Aprnmialng young mail,nnd wnnt buennio of him," He bean 11 by mintingn llttln nlory, A minister mire ndmlriiii; n Sundayechool nf youn.'i men mid, "Cnu you tell 1110 whatIi gro-ile- r than ono of these promising youths be-foro mo?" A Utile ut chin In tho crowd tpoka upand aattl t " Ves sir I n payin' lino." 'Ilia pro.mlslitg young man of whom tba leclurcripok? wasAbsalom, llm son of David, of whom early

rend In II Svtnunl, 1 1, ii". a), and of Illsend, In thulith verso of llio I8II1 Chanter. Com-pnrot-

beslnning nnd eloso nf this life nnd youwill ngrco with mo that I hero Is great danger foryoung men nnd It It hard to tell what they wiltcotnu to nt last. How often n bright and gloriousbeginning may end In dark despair. Absalom Inhis younger years wan pointed onl ns a model nndevery clrctimntnnco of his llfo wns noticed, butniter his dentil Ills memory nn far ns imslbln wasput away, that I1I1 dcspicnblo life might not bo re-membered, Ho had constructed n tnngnlnccntpillar beneath which ho proposed to sleep nftcrdeath that future generations might know him,Imt his body was buried beneath n neap of stones.He spoltn of tho tired of such an iiHllttitlun ns thoYoung Mi'ii'n Christian Association, and relatedmany tncldcnls in which this institution hnd beenproducivo of much good. Ho traced tho Ufa of" tho young man Absolotu " to Its sad cndliir, nndpointed out many wnjs In which llio llvoi of ninnypromising young men of y might bo warpedfrom tho path of duly nnd right Into tlio ways ofsin. Hn occasionally introduced nit amusing inci-dent which kept tho nudleiicu inn good nature, nudnt tho conclusion of his lecture, nBkcd for subscrip-tions toward (ho building fund for thu projectedi.M. O. A. building. Tho sum or !Jl.,0i) wouldbo required to build llio hill, nnd of this nmount?5,IXXi had already been subscribed, jlcforo thomooting wusdtamlssod thcro was voltinlirlly

to this fund nu addition nf 3,W0, makingthe total to ?'J,XJ. Further addition lo tho fundhnvo been promised since.

Maui Notes.Ok Monday evening, Oct. 10th, tho Wnilnku

Lilornry Socioty met nt tho resilience of Mr. Tay-lor. A largo comp my was 11 attendance, nnd thopruKniiuuio was vnriou nun inicresutig.

Mns. (JiLLm, gold modnlist of tlio San FranciscoSchool of Design, nnd n ns nn nrtlit,has finished portraits of novoral residents of Wni-lnku, which reflect much credit ujion her nrtistianbilily. This lady hns n good nppreciation of thoisland sceiicry, nnd some of her skotchci, oipccinlly.uuou miuvii in uniiiiKii vnnov, nro I'crioci gems.

Hawaii Nona.RviN la much needed in Kohnln district.l'AAuniu Mill has started on tho now crop ; thoy

nro grinding cane to save it from drying up.

Kilauea Is nctlvo but no nnioko Is visible fromtho now crater near tho summit of Manna Loa.

Vnnr dry weather in Hninnkun, water beingRcnrco ovon for drinking purposes so It Is Bald.

Tiiehe havo been Blight nhowers nlong tho HiloConst but tlio weather Is very lino, nnd good forgrowing cino though rather dry for that newlyplanted.

The laying of tho railroad track from Mnlin-kon- a

has begun and is going on nicely. One pro-voking mlstako however has been discovered.Tho Hwitchcs Bent from Germany nro nil li

gaugo, instead of Thoy will probably hnvoto bo replaced by others from the Const.

Whek tho nowa of tho death of President Gnr-fiol- d

wns roceived nt Hilo, tho American and Ha-waiian lings woro hoisted nt half mast, nnd thoAmericans met nnd appointed n meeting onSaturday tho 8th inst, nt tlin Foreign Church.Tho storoi woro closed on thnt day. Tho church,nt end whero tho pulpit is located, was drapedin mourning. Tho pulpit was covered with blackcloth, and on cither end was n beautiful vnso ofllowers mixed with dark leaves. In front of thopulpit wns placed n fino picturo from lifo of thoInto President, which wns beautifully draped. Thetable in front of tho pulpit was nlso draped nnd nbeautiful largo cross of Dowers lay on it. A largoAmerican ling was suspended from tho ceiling nttho back of tho pulpit which wns also draped inmourning. Thoro wns Homo npproprinto musiofor tho occasion sung. Tho speakcrH wero llov.Titus Coan, pastor of tho Natlvo Church, nndltov. E. P. Halter pastor of Foreign Church. Thoremarks of both pastors wero very appropriate,nnd nt times very nflccling. Thoy deemed tothink it nil for tho best ; that God reigns ; thntho doeth nil things well and thnt behind a frowningprovidenco thcro is a smiling fnco ; thnt goodwould como from this sad lispciiHatlon of provi-dence. God grant that such may bo tho cntw.

The Bash Convert's Last Gun- -

Enrron SATintDAT. Pbess: This contributionto your journal expressing with tho others thoBush Convert's convictions ns to tho principal ofgospel tcmporaiico, will bo tho last ho will hnvotho honor of seeing bo courteously accepted byyou. In tho Ilitlfrtin of Sept. 21st lost, wo noticathis paragraph : "Of 71 arrests in Portland, Mo.,during tho last week In August, CI wero for drunk-ennos- s,

nnd yot Portland is tho lnrgost communityin the world nnder tho operation of thorough-going prohibition laws." Again, in anothor placowo read : " 70,000 people emigrated from Arkan-sas owing to tho prohibition law in force there."This goes to prove if these are facts the inoper-ativeness and defectiveness of thoso laws whichinterfere tm the one hand with the liberty of lawabiding cltizons. nnd on tho other try to make peo-ple total abstainer.! by forca nnd punishment.Tho principles which govorn this net of deprivinga man of his wine 01 beer becanue, forsoith, thoronro some one foolish enough to abuse thoso vorynsoful and agreeable beverages, is entirely ignoredwhen applied to other similarnbuses. This incon-sistency is quite consistent w ith thoso who "strainnt n gnat nnd swallow a camel ;" who, if theywould be true friends to humanity, " should nottry to deprive a wise man of any advantago to hishealth, which tbey seek to restrain from n fool,that which, being restrained, will bo no hindranceto their folly." (Milton.)

Tho laws of Moses woro eminently theocratic, yotno such pretensions or prorogativo was assumed.Even tho Naznrlto was free to drink wino exceptwhen under the eight days vow of initiation." After that the Nazarilo mny drink wine." Num.C:20. During thoeo eight days " Ho shall scparatohimself from wino nud strong drink snd shalldrink no vinegar of wino or vlnogar of strongdriuk, neither shall ho drink nuy liquor of thegrapes, nor cnt moist grapes or dried, cto." Num.11:11. I would boro remark that many if not alttotal nbstninerc nssort that tho wino used at tliomarriage feast on tho occasion of tho conversionor tne water into wine by deem unrlat was

I should liko to know since when waswino not intoxicating, i. r., did not iKvwess nloohol.If such was the caso, tho namo " wino " wouldhave been nltored or nnotber word attachedto distinguish its denomination 1 but wo noticeChrist using tho name term, Malt. 0:17. And thatin connection with fcrmentntion, He speaks of thofolly of putting new wino into old bottles, oto.Why ? Bccauao of tho evolution of carbonlo ncidRaslnducodtby vinous fermentation, being very

the old leather bottles. But markthu distinction in Num. CXI used t I' Ho shall scp-arato himself from wluo, neithor shall be drinkany liquor of tlio grans;" oxcept 011 theseand similar occasions. Thcro Is not ono singleinjunction in Scripture against tho use of wino;but there mo many ngaiiut Its nliuso. Thoso quo-tations so often given by tectotalors, Pro. 20:1," wine Is n mocker," 3.H0, ' who hath woo, etc."Hab. 2:13. " Woe unto him that clvcth bis neighbor drink, etc.," Tim. 3:3, "Bo not civen towine," and like passages, only confirm my last

iiuar- -, as tne sequel ouviousiy explains.Let ns analyze thoto quotations a little. " Wine

Is a roooktr, strong drink Is raging and whoso-ever is deceived thereby is not wise, where Is theprohibition here T Scripture does not contradictItself, 1 not inconsistent nor whimsical. A simpleyet Important fact aa to the inherent qualities ofwine Is stated. Wins Is n mocker' in the sameseuse that cold wUr la a mocker to a thirsty yetover heated person, or that frull U a mocker ; bothnro tempting and good, yet w cannot too oftenwarn the young nnd inoxperlenced especially, thatto Indulge too freely on the former whits the bodyis over boated may bring on pleurisy or otherevils, and the too freo indulgence in tbe latter maybring on colic Wine is n mocker I It is verygood and tempting; but don't deceive yourselfInto tha notion that yon can Uk any quantitywithout Its injuriously affeottng you. Take whatyon otn safoly bear inoro than that will makeyoo drunk. Again" who hath woe, etc," "Tbeythat "tarry long" at tbs wine," Hero the act iiquauneu, not to inns wuo lurry 10 laae, nut wnotirry "long " they that go to seek mix wine."This giving ono's self too much wine. In ths tjoiesenaa that Pad menus in Tit. 1:7 ("not given"to filthy lucre,") this plying of wino toyonr neigh-bor with an evil intent see the sequel, 'ibisinordinate love, long tarrying and revelling inwine, making ono's self drunk, is the abme whichI aoooonted sinful.

Ono can understand from tbs great general nso.fulne4 and agreeableness of wine, why should borepresented tn vintaco with Its win pr aa typi-cal of Ood's bltMlng," Oa thy way, thy brtadwith Joy and drink thy wlo with a merry heart,for God nam aceapUtb thy work--" Ko-- U. UooaeU-b-- B, jotmlii.a toaUtelhat Ustoalwba

has Ik Ml of Oed i a thaaU 4 usgrsle--ft Mm, mm m no writ ta ala" ftrniat CM

fro whom all bltnlngs tow," 1 UkaaUatUowlo- - to tss-l-nd sons popl that wUfulUM. fn u iub , jm wnw www, wwji m w". "- i- in

Hutu w4i doth wily aoawtiMd vahHs Godtitaik mm, u Uw.iW) ttwoMb. u(b'

& rijl,


:. ?.

by one the pands nro flowing," and learn to enjoytha bread of Heaven, Christ, (John G21) thongh Ithocrnmbi from the tnnstcr s tnblo falling, willknow the Irnth, which, ns Iho key of Christ, dolliniien the door of thy lieirt nnd fling wldorqinrttho shutters of tho mind lo the tiillghtenln'grsysof tho nuiiahtno of joy nml tho breath of the spiritof glory nnd hope. The Hush Cusvcnr.

Norwcijlans on Hawaii,

Him, Sept. lllh, 1W1,

The labor problem, which Is n matter of so much'discussion by Iho planters nnd those Interestedwith them, evidently has not been solved by thoImportation of llio Northmen to these Islands, cicoptno tarns It has demonstrated tlio fact thntthey rank ltloi tho Chlnntnnn ns a laborer, nndmorally, nro Inferior to tho natives.

Daring tho last few days wo hnvo been treatedton special exhibition of tho character of thesepeople. About nlxty of them refused duly on1'npalkoti plantation on the filli Inst, Tlio planta-tion nworo out warrants against tl'im nt once forrefusing duly, but lo tho surprise of ecry body(hoy were not arretted in few unlive officers undercommand of our HlierllT ntlempUd to perform thanet of arrest and wero defied by the moil, whosworo Ihey would never bo nr rested by nuy Haw-nihi- l.

Their determined atllttido strengthened bytlio:nndlRiili(il fright of our Sheriff preventedtheir being locked up ns tha Inw dlreots. Tliocontrast between thu treatment of these eoplonud of natlvo Hawaiian under liko circumstancesis very riaiked. Httt Iho ioor nntlvo who trans-gresses Ihn law In llllo In llio least wny, and into jailho goen without any ceremony, unless it bo lo imthim in Irons. Tho planters nbont hero nud oilierresidents offered tholr nsslstuucu but It wns de-clined nud fnrthreo days nnd nights Hilo was nttho mercy of n lawless band of hammers who onlyleft their own country, by their own statement,

Ihey wero too Inzy Id oarn their food IhcreOno of their number hnd n warrant Bworo outagainst him fornnannlt with n deadly weapon byone of his own countrymen, nud ho wns allowed toroam nlwut tho country as ho chose. In CourtIhey wero Pincynud noisy, came nnd went nnnywhenover they woro so Innllnii!, nlways being snroof n bright Hinlto nnd plensant word from thobond of our pullco department whenever tbey weronblo lo find lilm. In Court their first excuse forrefining duty wns thnt Ihey had not been paid forInst month's labor on (ho flrtt day of this month,ntul consequently their contract wan ntnn end;noiuo thirty of thorn being In debt to tlio planta-tion offered other excuses, bucIi as bad food ; thatthey wero obliged to take caro of their own rooms;th it tholr wives who will not work, wero obligediu 1ur1111.11 ineir uwii ioou, etc.

Tho Court decided ngalnst them In each case)nnd they wero fined and ordered bnck to work.They treat their conviction nnd fine nn & fnrcowhich thoy nro willing lo pay for, taking in con-sideration tho days' liberty they lnid. They haveno respect for Hawaiian law, and nothing butnuprumo contempt for its officers. This Is but Ihobeginning of troublo with them, nnd all that occursheleaflcr must be charged to thoso who hnvo hadtho opportunity, but failed laoice them to res-tic-

tho laws of this country. Theso pooplo per-haps, will novcr make good laborers nnd thoparties who brought them hero must boar the lossof nn unforlnnato venture, but thev can bo forcedto respect this Government nud its 'laws. Hex.

The Native Frees.

Tho Iter. S. E. Bishop publishes n loiter in boththo PaeAlna nnd A'iioAiki of last Saturday, in

to tho nrtlclo in tho provlous imuo of thoformer paper, bonded " Truo Repentance," n trans-lation of which appeared In tho Puess of Inst week.Mr. BIbIiop nays that ho has been prosont ntnil tha revival meetings rcfored to, nnd Lo utterlydenies thnt nny son of n missionary mndo nso ofbucIi words ni Btated 111 tho article in questionnnd thnt bo believes from his own knowlctlgo, thatit is not truo that tho children of tho missionaries"hnto" tho Hawaiian people.

The 1'tie Alun rcponla tlio declaration of Hovcrnlweeks nlnco, that " tho Inostltnnblo right of thopower of the ballot Is in tho hands of tho natlvoHawttiinns," nnd thnt it adviiies "our belovedcountrymen" to bo over jealous of this power.(Ah, tlio doar pooplo.)

Tho Bnme paper, Bpcaklng of tho threateningplacards that wero found nbont town Inst week,regards them ns spiteful nud unrensouing, nndHays it would bo well to scud tho writers them-selves to Moloknl.

Under tho beading, "Best to bo United," thoKuoK-o- says: "It 1b a Hubject of regret to. thosowho deslro tho blessings of independence for Ha-waii noi, to hoar tho mistaken talk of fomo nmongus tending to tho antagonism of nntlouallticB.This has becomo common during tbo past fewyears, but is more noticeablo nbont election timet,when moil of intelligence actually nro found toll-ing tho pcoplo that tho foreigners nro tho enomiesof tho Hawaiian nation. And tho nbnsivo speechesiu this way mado about election times, often hnvotho effect of misleading thoso who listen to them.And tho mischief of nil this is that it lends to stirup tho King's subjects. They constituto ouo na-tion, nud nlthoagh It is truo it in composed ofpeople of different complexions, tho Hawaiiannation is one, under ono flag nnd constitution.Internal dissensions nnd jealousies nro fnugbt withbad results in nny country where tbey exist. Unitynmong Iho people docs more to increase, tho powernnd prosperity of n nation thnn inoro wealth ornumbers. Unity is tho strongest tio in tho life of anation. Therefore thoy who endeavor to crentoenmity between different branchou of tho people,nro lending us into trouble, iguorautlv iwrhnps.It is a crime against tho land of their (birth, nnmuch so as if a child should put a kmfo into Itsparont's heart. Do not listen to tho advico ofthoso who wonld indnco ns to regnrd ns enemiestbe foreigners who livo nmong us, nnd who nrocontributing to the prosperity of tho country.Such ndviscrs aro not lit for lenders, to occupy tho'honorablo positions of Representatives. Let na.decide with duo deliberation, weighing well thlnngnngo and tho acts of those who nddressns. Wanro glad to know that there nro many true Hawaii-nn- s

to bo found, who aro not to be influenced bytheso inciters of national antagonisms."

Tho Kleh hns a short editorial strongly con-demning tho incendiary placards that wero postedin town last week, and recommends its renders torender every posslblo assistanco to the authoritiesfor tho dotection of tho authors of such unlawfuland vicious publications.

Commercial Honor.

Thero is n class of inon doing business whoprido themselves on tholr commercial honor. Thatii to any, thoy value their pledged word nbovo anymoney. Consideration that cnu bo accorded them,and it is otton said of thorn thnt " their word U nngood ns their bond." When n merchant has

this elevntod position in tho Commercialworld, he can go no higher ; ho can command nogreater respect, ho has secured for hinuolf thsmost cnviablo position to which any man can as-pire

How often do wo hear tbe remark, inch a firm"nro d thoy nro good for nil they ongagto do," n, who, having mndo a bad bargain inbuying for instance on a falling market, (orBelling low on n rising ono,) and peeks tio oxcusesfor tho of his contract, but swal-lows his losses with n good graco and pays Ultrawith the last dollar ut bis command, is " athoroughbred" nud tbo embodiment of commer-cial honor. Such n man can never be kept down,for his credit Is unimpeachable, and when hndesires business favors lie gets thorn, for " be whsnovcr was known to go back on bit word."

Thoro nro, however,! nm norry to say, anotherclass of business men who never rank any higherthan mere money-maker- Ihtlr sole aim Hndobject in life is to accumulate riches, nnd if theyhappen Ret caught on n poor sale, they resort tonil kinds of subterfuges und mendacity to avoidtho fulllllment of their contract, or payment of aithonest debt.

It Is enough for them that the rnymont Involven loss, and putting sslde nil seuse of honor andmanhood, they crawl under tho shadow of theirperjnred word und Ignoro any contract that baitnot their dishonored namo Mgned to It In full, orthe presence of a witness who was cognisant ofthe transaction.

Men there nro who condescend to argue, explain,and lastly, quabblo about legal tecbnlcaliti as.fairly wallow iu tho tilth of their diahoaaty for thsake of n few dollars involved in a transaetioa oftheir own seeking. There Is nothing and above-boar- d with such men. lkrdIu promises, which, if not found frultfol to tk4t-profl-

they will 111 them to a moaning tatiniy op-posite to the on previously implied, and etHMktover th saving of a few dollars barUrtd for tfrespect. ,

FImm ofWsrtUf.Ssamxr's IltTNtL-ll- tv R 0 Damon, Chsplais, Mac

I tree t, near the (sailors' Horns, preaching tl II am.Seats free. Sabbath School bed rt the morulai sstvW.Prayer meatlnit on Wsdntiday tveniog st t o'chxw

Fpni8rtsTCpaca-.rUvJ.A.CruiBlsUr,c8- rr

of Fort snd Uertianla atresia. Preaching oast It A u tnd 7K r st. sabbath School A . """'..a..Atp":'f.0iT.,,1:l"ul Enjlleh services I R Bvtba blihop of llonoluln and Uav Tb.a Blackburn. K-wall-

ervleet JUv Alex Mackintosh. M, HalCommon on iUJW, Matins ami Harmon (HawaJlanli If.Matins. Ltiauv and sermon (Kujllau); 4, IvtateufUUwallan); 7AJ, Evensong sad ttirraoa (lHf5

IIo.ah Oitiiouo Cuuncu-L'n- Jer the cbuie of K.Uev Bishop Mature!, stslsted by Ksv bishopfuulJodVr.w'u1r-8nU- "TM7

Kavauk.o Cauucu Rv H u Ptrkae, Patiar, Waarsunn, aeuvo (as raittt.Sunday tt It a at. Sabbath Sofa st id m, timXiiivMatij oeiocs, ail vuihi with jTMittSU:District ,i4 In vrtia tBa aa ASM is as.aaatlBg rp, Mrt 1K v""

Pro a Bgun am rwVyiA, jw p, mwjibi -- wwBHMaiiBssrswOSl 9 14 saal srinaa fW wls i

nation si KakfLtuZui. and a ika alr ablcUia frow Ut Catted BtoU h kt

ist-li- vii " n M.jfeiKKiuiy, s ;t f- -tk rlr-it- ln V'1T

- .v .










Page 4: Saturday Press. - · hnrdoued into n horny boak. Tho differ-ent organs, ono after another, bud out; thon n pair of branching gilli; nnd Inst, a long





.- -

SATUKDaV I'll ESS.OOrOltKil S3, 1881

Mrs. 8. It, Cooper.a

matrmmtt or titr. cn.Ktmvrni mmrat (iank whi rniNcmm,

Hnrron Kawmut l'nrsat-- ln troillnit jour HanI rntmlsoo niriiiHiiilfiii'ii letter which tiwrilmi tlm Hlli lnt., I A.o Iiq . frtliPll ( n crnir nffact In lilt reformed to "Mr. Cooper' trial for lint,tirrmiy lfor mi lnqnlaltii of nlil inrnl 1mki" Tliotlio Kan Knnelvo I'lralittrrj. HnaAjri stin wru'contlctcl,"wicniiHiliilif fnct tho

liftil no JnrKllelliui In tlm matter, nml cotiM notrtrn cvnauro, murli lea cvnrlct. IIUMmI tlm

tlioono which In, koiip ntmviil ihroiiRli aetiMllnnitliKmaiwinr Ihnu1Iiib, nml wna olmrol liy tho writerof tlio rerj ricrllcnt article, rcn.l Morn llin Cimi- -m rvle It on Nttnnliy PTrtilnR Inst, tlin writer,t Micro, Mii n member of Sin. Hirnh II. Oooii-rr'- it is

lllbl clA. In Crtlrnry cliurcli. Tho ntory in thotitUntl.illr ns follow t

A fellow nitnrtl Ilolwrta, who for yenra lias Wento CAlrnrj Clmrrti what Kearney wea to Snn 1'rAti.o'.aco, namely, rum in, ilini(lKnti, woiil.lbo milo-cr-

or tope, liroiiht chirp.- - CnlvnryChurch im nbont n jour njro nRiilnst Mm.Onoper fur licreay.

Tho know It innii) It nlao know Mm.Cooler who NnuirMt iloruut ChrUtlnn, jot thocIiiurts, ttlrlrtl n thoy wrrr, wero iluly cim.ililoroil,mid Mm. Cooper oxoiicntetl with every mark ofhonor, cortAuYiioo nml esteem. Statin to tho ijulck ntIit till rebuff, tho anrvik aent u1m Intnlinri'litt.iincatch tier Irlptuiii. With tmitin otIuViico thn

tibUiiteil iin liliwimil nuothor trial lie.foro n ivu-fc(- Hesuion, nml without defence, thoflmt intimation .Mm. Cooper of thi under-hand maneuver beliiR In hor own Rittiiig.rooiiiblackened hy tho preaenco of till friontl in saintlyirnrb, who in exultant tone a rend to hor what pur-ported to lw n dories of resolution mloptcd liy thoSion miitalnhiR hi clitrRC- - nml roqiilriiu; horUlttnlatal,

Mr. Cooper 1 a nemma, delicate creature, scnal-tlv- oas a flower, ami recoiled with horror from her

tormentor, liuplorlnu him to silence. Hat iui; hofollowed hor up vmpbAKiziiiK with Mow delibera-tion, nuplm; voice, nml angular uesture tlio cruelword, rilie repudiated nil, iloclArino HoborU hadtnkon AdrantaKo of Iter. Mr. Hemphill's nlwncoto work up a o.u. KmltliiK in tho auccciw of binFcliomo, mid in tho soul's nRony ikplctcil upon tho nblanched and cheokAuf nlUllotrrmti- -nna, iioimeM woman. Ho Uoparted BinlliiiR llko thovillain that bo !. Tor bourn alia wna prostratctlliv tho blow. Fortunately thin pood woman nblejwwl in her homo. Her (unbind and dntiL-hto- r

nro iwrfcctly dovoted. In tholr loving rmbraco"""," IIJ """' 'emiwrainonia oi nor own over-wor- kl

mentality find relief.On her mstor'a return lio wa told nil. Ho aoonoinod tho fraud by which tho resolutions wero

obtained, nnd in no doinc incurred tho otwn enmityof Itoberti which had hitherto been hypocriticallycloaked, llev. Mr. Homphill's snrpriso nt beluRnlracliircnl wltli "hcreay" may bo ImaRinetl by tbo8oIn Honolulu who know him, nnd bis3r'.'""h ,wllIch ,u,y l"J i chnnco of loarnlnRdnritiRbis vi-- it sonic two jeara ngo. Hut thin mim n plecowith lIpbort'R other charRcw, nnd a irt of his lastnnd diabolically inspired plot to "iiplit Cnlvnrycbnrcb from ccllir to ccIHur" n plot which shouldAnd n literal fnllllmcnt if nnnttainiblo otherwiso.In moments of nnKer, ricUteouA Indisnationf?)fpr liurunnity'a itako let u suppo'to mental nberrn-"o- "

bo threatened to put n keRof Runiowi!er un-der Jlru. Cooiier mid her class, nnd blow thorn tofraRmeiitt. To Mrs. Hemphill, tho pastor's wife,nnionn others ho undo this satanio threat.

In pursuance of his plans ho bronchi chari-c- s be-fore tho Jato rrrsbywrynKAinsttho cliurch Sessionju wb ch be suted that tho Session had not eiam-ino- il

his cbarcos prcfcrreU nRalnst Mrs. Cooper.I lie question for tho l'resbytery to dotcrmluo wnseimply whether tho Session hail, or bad not, beardui mo cTiuenco wincu i(ouorts was ploasoil to intnxlnce. Mrs. Cooivr's orthodoiv was a siiln issunintowhich tho l'resbytery throuRhcurtaitv alloweditself to bo drawn by Itoberts, who wished amongother tbinRS to cninsorao notoriety by tho publicityhe clamored for durinR tho l'rosbytcry's early exe-cutive nessions. Tho statement that ho Is an

nqont will explain n Rreat donl. Hisproposition to frco tho chnrch from hispresence if Mrs. Cooper would do likewise is

hiscliaractor. Unt littlo credit is reilectednpon thoPresbjtcry by its verdict, tho onlyfeature nbont ft being tbnt n fall conven-

tion wns not assembled becauso n decision was notexpectcil till the following day, nnd many of Sirs.Coopora trieuds were nbsent. Slay not tho trail oftho serpent ba seen in this also ?

Analysis of tho mottled verdict discloses thatthere wero '.'1 Presbyters voted out of a l'resbj teryof CO ; 0 voted to sustain Itoberts' charges ngainsttho Session (not against Sirs. Cooper) nnd refertho question back to it for reconsideration ; 4voted to " sustain partially." whatever that maymean ; and 8 voted to dismiss tho charges ih tola.Tho eight last mentioned represent the intellectnnd culture of tho body j the other 12 consist of 3pr 4 ignorant narrow-minde- d laymen llko Itobertshinisolf; and tho remainder are clergymen with-out churches, or apprccinbio standing in the

iuriuauy is on iuo w rire lor wunt is to lol lowthis protracted inquisition, which might bo regard-ed as fa rcioa I were it not so vital a. matter to thovictim and to Christianity through hor. How sadthat tho Church's worst enemies should bo v.ithiuits own walls tbnt in twelve disciples wo And onoJudas)

At present tho affair is in i Inlu quo. Sirs. Cooperconducts her class of nearly COO ladies nnd gentle-men as usual In tbo auditorium of Calvary Church,which is ono of tho largest in San Francisco. Attho church s next Sossion itoberts will bo nt handwith his charges, nud will worry tho members totho vergo of endurance. A verdict will bo rend,ered acquitting Sirs. Cooper. JtolierU will thenrommon tho Session before tho Presbytery whomay return the matter to tho Session ngain, or

charges; in the lntter event ho can nppenlto tho Synod. This is how ono of tho clergymenput it: "I believe him (.Koberts to bo n man ofappeal. lie 'will nppcal in nny event unless hewins all, from this court to a higher, nnd to the

' H!"?1.11 ,lho UnJt ana omi to UoU himself i nndi; ypi ""ck168 against him ho will want anotherGod."

Homo good Christian ixtople wero amazed whentho statement went abroad that Sirs. Cooiier saidshe would rather dwelt In perdition with lngersollthan In heaven with Koberts. .Mrs. Cooper is nopesinof "lkb" lngersoll nnd knows bis innerlife as she does her owu. She knows him asnkind husband, indulgent father, nnd possessed ofn generosity lundlees as humanity's needs. Whataurpriao can then bo felt when under Itoberts'blood-thirst- bigotry nnd prosocutlou aho shouldbej; tho question nnd stung to the metaphor shouldnay t " If heaven were peopled with men llko you,which I cannot believe, and hell with men likolngersoll, I would prefer to dwell with tho latter;"reiwcinltr when e reiueiuUr tUat daring Ilia mat

i ycr iiooeris uas imh ner iir unir nu hrtill impih machinatioiu makinsovcii enrtba boll.Inn letter rucohnl from Mr. Cooncr hv tho laatateamer ho Informs mo that during tbo eifiht d.iyaof tho trial Mrs. Coopor did not nvcraKo more thantwo honra alin pordar. He adds: "Of connioit waa a svrcro trml to her physical a trrnitu, tmtth dear aoul aocuied to hnvo ntrenitth iflvcn herfrom the augot world." Will, Cilsox.

TheCrltlo."Tho Crlile ia n tmnll fortnightly revlow, rmh-lUh-td

In New York, devoUl to liturntnre, arttqiwio and tho ilrnmi. It liaa many nblo contribu-tori nnd U nn lnter-t;- n Ion. It la enter-talniu- K

lo rtnd tho "literary noted," tho shortakutclie on different anbjecU nnd their ruvlewa ofroevnt work. Tho reviews tiro written by differentporous on can readily 1m seen by the difforencw instyle. Houiu nro lmn.irtlally writton and othvrsread liko"pntfs" Rlren "a in dnty bound" In re-

turn for tho volume presented for review. Amongtho books reviewed In tho iiuiqUt of rJepteinlxr10th, U "Knlaul of Oahn," of which n Ko anextended notion in our Isaaa of the 8tU iuU 1 hereviewer it very careloM and muw(uoten the authorin n naniber of instances, und even luu tho nameof tho hero spelled wrongly, " Kola 11 i of Oahn "liaacnooMh faults of iUonn tonnaiier for nnd itin unfair to tbtu auuieut tbo uuiuUr. Tbo reviewerskims a few jure of the book, as he hiinsclf sayx,and then writes up a notico in a slipahod uiauner,IlivtnM n nuiubur of random citracU that atlracUxlattention by their extravagant uietaphors.

It could not of course bo expected that one at adUtanco would detect any of thonainberluserroiain K"3i('U7i wytliotouy, history, etc., but a faircritkUmof Hie luexits or iliotriUof tho worktnUcht ba expected.

l ho CrUf cilia It 'a delightful aUiry," but per-ha-

it is bco4UJte ho did nut attempt to read thoUok through ft Uskjwhlch bo would hav founddiHWult Irulevd, We eannot agree with hlra whenbe nays " If tbo rctilor will take tp Dr. Jewell'svolumt. and read from the 00 h ne, where welave llt oS, Ui the HUU, ho will no limiter be left,it most of us are, tohcio the past of a

op!o of i'oly ntrtia btcomeu a period of darkueaatu tse physicist, unrayed by kumaieiit jjlimiucr ofiUMt by wbUu to JuiIeu of the remote conditions oftheir tellsiuM or soctsl blstury, not tu mention thei'r-dUpU- 4 point of their antbrvioph&Ky.'"We (Live read the book and failed to nud any an.lUt-uH- laforraatiou on tbwM tmlnts. It will con.fuse rattier than instruet use ui matters of aucJoutliawalUn hltory.

If the majority of thu Critic' reviews are written tip in lb name manner m ibis, it will not IuhkirUbi tbo ftfX tu It ba wuu In the literaryVGtIX

Tho rcoplo of Itulln,

Wn Inlsn tlio following oxlrncln front Uioi'orrcsKiiitlptico of Willintii NoviiiN Ann-Finin- g

lo Jho Soutirni Workman. In itlollor I'rum Mntilmniti, Imwrr Ilnrtimli,dnlril Mny 211, lio rnya: " Whiln Inhor iaclicaj), nt tlm antno titno it is not clionp nli--nnltilnly. An AniPrtrnn workmnn nl f'J ft

ilay U cliorijior limn ono of tlicno Itulintm nttwenty ccnta n tiny. An tint cltnintn in

pcopto do not movti nbont rnpitlly.llurmceo ntonti itllo lot. Wliilo tlio

country in mnrvrlotisly rirh nntl its pro-duction can lio inrrrnsi'tl n lititulrrd fold,

tmtivr.s nro aliiftlrss, idli', nntl qtiitocontent to'livo from liruul to mouth."

In ntiolltrr letter dated July Mill, liowrites its follows of tlio Hindoos: " Kvery-bod- y

has rend nhout 'cnslu' in intlin, Itn most troublous nll'air; it divitlcs uppeoplo, nml thuro can ho no ititoroourso

hotweon tlietn. A thousand years hnnntndo tunny curious dislinclionn nmong thuieopk'. Itnnptio t Bin all town of it thou-

sand people, divided up into n number ofacta nud religious, compelling thorn nil tokeep npnrt. Ifn Hindoo of high cnslowero cooking dinner, nnd ono of n lowermbIo pissod hy so that his shadow fell ontho utensils, tho food, conking npparntusnnd surroundings would bo thrown rtwny

once. Imngtno our life nt n hotol inUnlcuttn; no Hindoo could wmt on ourtable, becnuso ho cannot dcfllo hiuifictf bytouching meat. So n Mohammedan doestbnt. Hut ho will not bring n dish fromtho kitchon. It must bo brought up by nman of nuothcr canto who puts it on thotnblc, nnd from that tnblo tho Molmmmod-n- n

waiter brings it to you. A Hindoo,speaking English, waited on mo in myroom. I wished to send n nolo to thoGovernment House. Ho would not tnkoit. It hnd to ho handed over to nuothormnn of nnolhcr cnRte. My Korvnnt couldnot bring mo a basin of wntorj ho called

mnn of nnolhcr ensto to do it." Punkahs," or swinging fnns nro bung

over tbo beds nt night on account of tboboat. Thcso nro moved hy in on sitting innu adjoining room. Hut only men of ncertain canto do this. Thcwj mon nro paidton cents n night, nnd yet thoy will notvnry their work. You could not mnkothorn sweep out n room. A gentlemantold mo that ho nnd his wifo only occupiedn honfo. Thoy keep fifteen servantsthough living in n very quiet wny. Mr.IJrnssey, tho rnilroad contractor, onco saidthat labor wns nbont tho snmo in prico nilover tbo world. If n Hindoo is pi id onlyton cents n day, ho doos only tho tonlhpart of tho work douo by nn nblo mnn whocams n dollar in somo other country. Nomnn in India over thinks of getting out ofhis canto. Ho wns born in it, nnd will diein it. Thoro is no chancre for him. lio isdoomed from tho beginning. Ho beliovcsin hiB fate, his kismet,' nnd makes nostruggle. Ho cannot cut out n path forhimself. Ho has no pluck."

Earthquoko Shocks.

Tho ocenrronco of ehocks of cnrlliqnnkowhich wero cxporionccil nil over thoso Is-

lands on tho 30th ultimo, has led us to thojicrnsnl, with much interest, of nn nrticloin tho Tendon Quarterly Jievicw for Julyof this year, ontitlod, " Earthquakes, theirC.iuso and Origin." Tho writer has in w

Bovcral recently published books ontho subject, nnd somo of his conclusionsnro worth noticing, lio snys that ns nrulo

not without cxcentiotis-perha- ps tho greatest power and most destructive effects ofearthquakes nro exercised upon tho mororecent, superficial, nnd incoherent forma-tions clays, Tertiary marls, and tho liko,so that buildinga upon alluvial plains, rivordeltas, etc., nro moro thoroughly shatteredthan thoso 011 rock or solid strata. Andaftor citing accounts of numerous destruc-tive earthquakes in different parts of thoworld, tho writer says: "Considering thoirresistible force, tho unmeasured rapidity,tho quick repetition and long duration oftho shocks, what known agent in Nnturo,wo would nsk, except J2lectricit, is capa-bl- o

of produciug at tho eamo timo suchsingular effects in tho sea nnd tremendousresults on land?" Tho nrticlo concludes inthoso words: "Sir William Thompsonnnd other eminent mon of scion co, now in-

tent upon tho acquisition, collecting, nudstoring of electric force, will, it is to hohoped, direct their nttontiou to that store-house of unlimited energy already filledwithin tho bosom of tho earth, nud to thomodes of turning thoEO supplies to tho usoof man in lighting, warming, locomotion,nnd all other purposes to which this mys-terious power may prove to bo npplicnblo;while thct may, not improbably, bo nblo todoviso somo means of averting tho fearfulcalamity of tho earthquake shocks iu yearsto come.

Lively Encounter with a Buffalo.

Buffalo huuts out on our Wostcrn plniusnro not always void of excitemout nudromance, ns it young goutlomati from Mis-sissippi will testify who recently engagedwith fcovornl others in thcso hunts. It dohappened that ho had becomo separatedfrom tho rest of tho company, and washiding bohiud n sngc-bus- h, waiting patientlyto get a shot nt u largo herd which seemedto bo coming iu his direction, lio had notlong to wait beforo tho excited herddashed by and dianpponrcd amid a cloud ofdutt, le.iviug behind niiimmoneo bull, whichhad been wounded by the goutlomati afore-said. As soon ns the cauto of his mis-fortune had been discovered tho animaldftkbed upon him, giving him barely timeto jump as tho infuriated hull pasecd directly over tuo spot where lio unci stood.Things began to look moro alarming thaninteresting, but thcro was no time to con-aid- er

tho matter, oh tho animal was agniuupon him and again ho hnd tu jump. Thisoperation was repeated four timos, ho man-aging meanwhile tu gut in bevornl shots,but without effect. As hu was jumping fortho fifth timo to escnpu tho assault, his footslipped, tho bull's horn pniking thtough tliocall of his leg, completely severing thocord, and leaving tho ndventurer tu a help-less and critical condition. Tho animalcame beariug down upon him for tho lakttimo. With barely strength enough leftto rauo his riflo, ho ilrcd, and to his un-

bounded relief, managed to lodge a ball iutho animal's brain, lio was jiiokcd up bybis friends boon after iu a bcusolcvscondition. lie.

Tho ceusas of the liritiah laloa shows ntoUl j.ojmlntiou of 35,20,562, cuiuislitii;of 17,25;J,97 niftlcsi and 17,092,015 to.uiate. Tho jwiiulntioti of KngUnd i 2 ,.C03,U'J1, and of Lorulou U.91-1,57- ThoUcusity of tho whole jHjjmlntlou of KiigUud

rid Wnlwis ikhv about 410 jicrnous to thos4u&r wile,

Santa Fo, Now Mexico, h tho oldesttown In the United SUtea. It wns foundedIn 1535. Tucson, Arizona Territory, in

the second citjr In ngv, being but soveuyer youogur tluut Soul Vt.

During tho first six months of this yenr,California prodtttrd of gold fO, 118,1178, ofsilver 'J88,'Jti I. If this mlo in continuedfur tho rest of tho yenr it will gtvo thoInrgctt production sinco lb7l.

A negro boy whoso skin in turning white,spot nfter spot, has frequently been exhib-

ited in Now York. Tho ebnngn begnnsovnrnl yonrs ngo, nml continues Mrndily.A littlo negro girl nt Lnfnyctto, Aln hnsnlso begun m thu same wny to turn white,nnd in iter men the hair is nlso bleaching.


hay, ti,ii-oit.i-,

OM, f sllfnriils llntlry, t'allfornln tirnnml llsrlry,California li'iti t miferntn Hliest I'sllfnrnln limn

All rreh anil In rikhI utilcr, anil Tor mc inw lnr11(11, 1, US .C CO.

Oregon Potatoes.(WWINM'UN HI.('r.lVi:i per Scliimnrr1"? Annie K, Ilrlir. New I nip ami vrjrtiiiirrlnrnnalllr Kr Ao lir

Oct III. CIS) I10M.KH .t Co.

California Onions.aTlANI'.S ,M SACKS (If IIM!

rUdna. For nte by(let ID. ItOM.HH .t Co.

Family Beef.i'amii.v i'i:i:i' i. ham' mmsJTtxAttA For iila hy IIOM.KHC'ii.

Oregon Salmon.T.i It tltlti:i.S AMIt IIAI.I' llAllltl'.l-N- , nrnrX 'ncvniR in ihi, Mirniniiy

Oct. IU. (87) IlOt.t.KH A On.

Groceries.ANHOHIMII'.M' OI' (lltOCI'.ltll'.SVl' from nnropfl liy llin lnlpt nrrWalu

anil of vrrr cliulcn iiiallty. Alu, a lnri;i mlilltlmi of(IrticrrlM In nr former Hock. Jnit nrrlvcil from SunKranclnce, rx Knlakuun, Ilnrrkii Ami tinillc 1'. Unllrr.Will 1m tolil to suit Ihr trail?.

Oct. IU. (b73) IlOt.I.CH A Co.

Hams and Bacon.lANI'.N 411' Mt'.ATN. I'lttllrN, JAMS,j .ii'lllra, xc, xc. for tmc uOct. 10. (BTS) IIOM.r.H .t Co.

HUMrCOUDAGK. AND HOLTUOI'IiASHdltr.lll'.MT ' NIZKS FltOM a !X1 Inch to 8 Inch. Alo, Hnimynru, bclrltiir, lUtlln,

llnusollnr. Marline, ItoiinUliiK, tca sin noi.M'.s a co.

TOirjEl) TjIXSHKI) vaint OIIJJ ltnw I.lnrrcil l'nlnt Oil, Wnircntnl the mrii Attlclu

Ijitil Oil, for I.iilirlcatine. Cnc nf Spirit Tnr--licnltur. Atlantic I. roil, in piickiira of I lb, nml

iipminlK or Ml lb. ralnt llruihc In iroalvariety. Allot which lll bo unlit at rrfrc hy

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CASK GOODS,jnrtnicntnf I'mltn, Mcit, l'Uli,

l,nbtrrr. Oysters. Shrlmuf. .tc.l received, oml for rnlc by UOL1.KS i. Co.

CICAUS.font vi I'l.NK .SJ(I,l.t..S.O Kx Kalatiaua, fur nle by I10U.KS CO. IV, im. 43 S3


ASSoitr.vfK.Nr OK Nt.F.S rnoMAfiii.i. tu Ave Inch.3 Hit) IIOMKS & CO.

BUTTJCH Alf J) CIIUKSK,Itecclvcd by the Cllr nf Svilnev." For le by

r.OI.LES .t Co.

KLOOKS AND JIAST HOOPS.IKON NTItAl'l'KII m.Ot'UNPATi:.VT Iron .Strapped ll!ock. Patent llnslilut;

rmin liutiiiii, a luiinssonmrnior i?e2 819 110I.I.KS A CO.


WIT. HAVK "IfECKlVED A TjAKGISV V addition to our former etock of hhlp Chaudlery

Ship htoret, 1'rovlslons, Ac., Ac, which elves u th

Greatest Assortment of GoodsKept on thco Inlands, all of which will be aold at theLowest Market l' Our friends and thepublic generally are respectfully Invited to examine

818 2 DOU.KS A CO

J. NOTT & CoPraotionl


numbers, Gas Fitters,uud Tin Hoofers,

Keep 111 Stock, All Kinds of Material in Above

Lines, and of

BEST WORKING BRANDSAnd are Prepared to Execute nny nnd



LAUNDRY STOVES,Ships' uud Schooners' Cabooses,

" Army llitHgcs,"cooUnc capacity for tCO men.

ivr e: t alSitjhect Lend. H licet Copper, Sheet Zinc,Oalrantzul and lllack Sheet Iron, 111 to SO gauge!

Boxes Tin Plate, le. lx, txx, lxxx;Copper steam ripe, !j in 1 in;

Sheet Copper, III to 00 nx. lo square foot,linueu anil iu-- ,

Brass Solder, Tinman's Solder, (tanner and l)ra Wire,(lalvnnlzed Water l'lpo. V ;4', 1. IU, IK, 2 In;

l'ull Assortment of Klbowi, Ts, Unions, etc.

Plumbers'Stock :

Water Closets. Cast Iron and Lead Soil ripe.Hose Itlbl... step folks. Plain lllbhs.Silver Plaint anil NUkel l!tiiu Cocks and Plugs,Combination Cocks, lur cold and hot wulir;lln.o Couplings, Tubular Shuwer Heads,Ilsth Tcbs. Hop and Ccppeis,Cut Iron Sinks. Soldering Coppers,I'ipn and (!s Tongs.Ualv. Circulating Hollers, for bath sinV,

Ac, wlt holuatir;Lead Pipe, )i toaiu.

llOlSi;tUltMSUl(i GOODS



Cliandellers,O.NKTO SIX LlOllTBi

Llbisry, Hall, Bracket, SUdtnts andStand Lamps.

Now on Hand, a Fine Asst.Granite Iron Ware,

Mrs. Polls Pans Milk Hollers, llliculCutlers. Jelly Slialoers, MiirieUmps. Ktio.eiiu stovesToilet Sets, Jelly Moulds, tsrga astnilmenl; IJnslHrrub, Shoo. Yarifaud Slabl Bruihes, flour and JellySlaves. Com Brooms, Sho IUscUul', Boor Mats, Hugs,Clnihes Wilnieis. Cilaiplng Iruns. Ssucq Pans, llunedand enaineletf; Choppliu Trays and Knives. U Irs MeatCuter, Clothes Pins, Stove Polish, (Jen Pans, CakaBoxes,

Crookery & GlasswareHack as Cups and Maucers, PUIrs. aii to W, Intlms

In dlamttcrt Howl', luktrs Houp Tureens, rirtlalillll.l.te. SI Ilk anil Cream Pitchers, Ewers sud lUslns.Chsiutiers, Tuuibtris, (lablels, I'liiser llonlt, llutlcrsna tiuitt Ulslit s, t'sks Hlands, tic , etc.

Carriage Mid rt Material !

To Arrive ex T. U. TkiBssm svstA

felloes. Itlms, 8pkes. Klmle;'s Allss, ditto hslfPatent lingM Carrlax Holts, ditto Lamps. Malkr III insandJfluAts.llui'sr abatis, VVhlfflslrses, tirmlss, Ac.Al.o, llurss suifMu'e, ditto Aalls.

OUlt MOTTO- -" Kliubla Hllenc."'And iiiltiiil lo lbl It out on Ibis Una."

.T. NOTT Ac Oo.UoooluU, UfpUlllb, IM1.


Ex-- '"a&jJMuaUaLaUMllBWBlBllllllV'W- k.

SBB&sS Whldi



BARQUE "OBERON,"From Liverpool,

aTTJJBO? TO 3HEA.JXII,(In 1W dajra, iimr run an In.t venr mmle) nml from

oilier recent lilnnrntti, thu follnu Iiik i

DRY GOODS AND CLOTHINGI'riniH of lnlcat hIvIch, fnat colnrn;llluo Dniilnia, Wlilto Uroiloti Sliortlti);,lltirrock'fl I.onp CMotlm, Hrowu MiitiiiDrllla, l'ttro Iilticna, Molcnkltia,llluo nml Wliilo Ulicck UHtntlna.1'iilicy Drcaa (lomla, Knncy l'lniila,Huanlii Oruali, .Suiuffl, Tli'fl, Uruvnta,CrocliotH nml Knncy Work,Tovoliii!H mid Towcla,Muu'h Wlilto nml llrowu Cotton Hnlf-lion- e,

Lntlirg' Homo, JIcii'h Clothing, full solcctloim nml Into atylca;

Tniliii Kubbur Co.iIh nml Cnticd.Jlei;nt tit nml Voilcu SliirlH,llluo nml Grey llorso HluukolH,Wliilo Cotton lllnnkcts,Woolen lllnnkcts, all hIzuh nml woiglils; CutWoolen nnd Ui.iitnii MnnnclH,Tnpeatry Mntx, Volvot I'ilu Sofn Curpote,Jlutrt uud UtigH, nil sizes.


CORRUGATED ROOFING,In C, 7, 8 nml 9 flj Irnclha (51 unucc), Hctcne

nml W u"1uth to match.

Plain (lalvaulzcil Iron in 0 ft. lcugtliB, 22 nml21K:mgo.

Fenco Wire, Nos. C, 0, 7, nntl Staples,

Railroad Iron with Fish Platos.Dolls and Spikes complete.

FIro llricks, rortluud Comeiit, FireClay,

Gnlvnnizcil Buckotn, Tubs, Bnsinn, &c,llcst Iiivcrpool Salt, Iicst WliitiiiK,Crockury, Iron llcdstcatlB,

Powell Duffryn Steam GoalWorceRtcraliiro Sauces, Groceries,


Knpliflli Leather licit in. from 3 to 10 in,Kiiporior,

Toiinil Sheet Clmiits, "Admiralty Test,"Sizes 3-- 8,

Hawaiian and American Ensigns,ALSO


" Pig llrand" Stout, in pints anil quarts;utiiiincss atmit,llloml & Wolfn's Ale, pints nnd qtiurts;Finest India l'nlo Alca, Old Tom,Ilcnticssy's Hr.indy in cases,Iliatidics in linlk,Cases Scotch and Irish Whiskies,Olurots, Sherries, &c, &c.

SiiRnr Hags, Coal Hags, Eico Bags,Twines, Ilcavy nnd Lielit Burlaps,

Oil Cloths, Saddlery,MIRRLEES. TAIT & WATSON'S


Centrifugal Linings.ALSO

Two 500-Gallo- n Evaporators,Ac, Ac, Ac

W3 51 T1IKO. II. DAV1KB.


Extensive Addition on King Street,Including a fluo SHOW ItOOH (or


Ot all klmls, ami a largo

AGRICULTURAL WAREROOM,ConUlnlnc tools of every description for Planters

anil Kuriners1 ne, aro now able tn sliow their extensivestock lo great advantago ; and moiiIJ call tho nttrntlnunt their inanv trlcnda anil patrons to u few lesdlnir art).cles, not omUllhk' to f ar that they have nn hand andnnlhi) itay roiistuntly, a VKKY Iar)ioand full astorl-111- 1

lit of ;oods In thilr line.

Xctlxxtai and. 011s tllnbltiick'a Wlilto l.rnl nml Zinc In 23 and !S0

lb psLksKes, or In casks of U0 lbs.Ilulitiiirk' l'nlo lliillcil Oil nml ltnw Oil In

barrels and 5 iiullon drums.Mswury'si 1'ulura, In tins, for home or coach ralnt- -

Inc.l.iiitrlraMiin: (ll a heavy stock on

all sites and kinds.Mtoves 111111 Hiiiiki"! of alt sizes,llriilips-- a very full assortment.aiiut'Hlril S'rutw Wlrs, Nos. ianilt.UulvHi'Uril MartMl w'lre.



For Household Use.

Dlsston's Saws and FilesConstantly 011 hand, and many other tools of

lllsston's maku,

STOCKS AND DIES!The larutsl aisoitment sud Uit tu b found In the usr

ket; also, eilraTap on hsud,


frouUinlU tn.i also M'sihers. tha salua assortrd.f UollUi uttlnx Mscliluu a supvilor aitlcle,

PACKXXGtAbllKHTOS, Turks, Plit UubUraud KUx Pscklnx,

Ml, III.'Sfnlla of rvtrr descrlptluii needed In this market!of all aiuus. Iuj ins tills, roll or doicn

fuss tier vl all kinds uid berc.

These and s Iboussud other Items to bt bad ehssp of

E. O. HALL A SON,K.n,;, U, V? and WS Kins 81., and W sud 81 Kurt Bt.

SI situ


VrH Kik !" tM kia4iI'rUMMll

v . -. AtleMMMl... tils .. . .II

lj Ids underlined. Oflcs st 9 RIBS HU Hosiilols.WH HINIIT HBBAV.


DILLINGHAffi&CO.i kh i'k vv v v fj tiV oatjIj run

tlmtlnn of Imjf t tn tlirlr

STOCK OF NEW GOODSji ir iti.,i:ivi:ii.

it Choshiro." "Zoo," "Knlo"AM orilMt I,ATI--

, AltlUVAI.H,

lliey offer In lots to salt, si the I.oweit MatkrtItates. Wl;i,l, HKI.i:('Ti:il ailrilllntm have

been made to Ihelrllnisof

Agrlctiltural ImplcmunU,I'lrtntntiou Tools and Supplies,

Builders' Hardware,(A lino assortment nf Locks hy Hall from N Y),


Illiickumtllii, Ciirpenlrrn, Ctihlnft MtiXcrt, Uj)- -holilfrr, ShchinMi, KiiiMler nml

llttrncst Multri, 1'iiinltrt,

House Furnishing Goods,SILVKll PLATED WAKE.

Tabic and Pocket Cutlery,CHANDELIERS,

f.nmps. t.nnletns, Carrlnce Lamps,l,niiii Kltllniia,Mckjnff,(.'hlmiieys, etc,

KEROSENE OIL, ISO TEST,0l!,e lht llmttth).

PAINTS. OIL. TURPENTINE. PUTTY,VAt.KNTISI'.'H celebrated Varnlshea.Ilrtishi s In errry variety and fur all pnrpnc.



Slocks nntl Dies (if latest Improved patterns,Ilouglns flandnnil Huctlon Pumps,Hay and Fodder Cutters, Umpire Portahlo Kor(je,l'Mtfonn and Counter Scales,Hprlnj Iliilances, 2J In ' pounds,

and Wrought Nails, Boat Kails, Tacks,

Horse oml Mule Hhoes,"(llolio' and Piitnnn Iiorse Nnlls,llorso and .Mule llnmcs, Uhlnitticcs, ami Standard Hose, II nml 4 ply,llixe Coupllnc, llnso Pipe, I.nirn Hirtiil.lem,"I'hllitdelphH" nnd "President" l.nn Moners,Ilniotils, Klep LndiUrs, I lo 1 feet," KureKa" and "" Clothes Wringers,Uliihnui Uiickcts,

Galvanized Buckets, Tubs and Basins,Sailor Pans, ttaiicepnns. Fry Pons, Ihtt Traps,C'litirciial, Shlclil anil Ttitlors' Irons, tind Irons,'Jlnntd Iron Spoons nnd forks,Mlver Htecl Hpoona nnd I orUs,Champncne Corkscrews, Coll'oo Mills,lloston Card and California .Matches,

DEtioo Olotli,Toilet and Laundry Soap.

"(iuecn,""Cron," 'Polace,''"Slilehoord,""Zcro"

Hofrlgorators,Jennings' and Illenlc Water l'lltcre and Coolers,Ice Cream Pncxcrs,

Guns, (liui Mpiiles anil Nipple Keys, l'owiler,Shot nud Caps,

Plows! Plows! Plows!All sizes made to order, extra stroiiK, by tin. Mollne

Plow Co., sulluble for Sugar and Itlco Pluntatlons,COMPItlSINCl

Ornbllreakcrs, lloston Clipper.Porla Iinproud Blecl Plows, (lllpln flnlVey Plows,

OX CHAINS, OX YOKES, OX BOWS,Topsail Chain", Tries' Chains, Snivels,Kent o Wire, ltarbed Wlre('rinfI onif Galcanittd),(Inlv.nnlj'iMl and Jllark Staples,Kcnco Wire Stretchers,

Superior Homp Packing,Jnto and Cotton Twine, llacclns Twine,

Shovels, Spades & Scoops,Extra quality, inado to order,

IIoco "Cref cent" Itlee, Cano anil Unrdcn,bupcifino Saih Cord,

Wire Sash Cold, Sash Wclchts,

Blacksmiths' and Hand BellowsPeter Wright's Am lis, 1U0 to WW pounds,VlsesIland nnd llench, C1111ll.ini; Irons,Carriage and Cart Axles and Springs,Tin'tro Irons, Machine, Carriage and Tiro Dolts,Dolt Ends, Nuts and Washers,

DISSTON'S &JSL"SA7'ISBoat Enllsh null American Files,

Cordage Manila and Sisal, from 12 in. up

Leather Helling and Dell Lacing?,Pure I.tibtlruttng Ulls and Compounds,Lubricating Cnns of most approved patterns,Standard Axle Urease, uluc. .tc, 4c, Ac.


Tho Bnin AVaRon,Tlio UiivIb linn Wniron,

Ilnlliilio'n llnrlii'il Wire,Albany Lubricating Compound,

Ilallitlio'B Patent Wiro Kopo,Ainoricnri Luliricattira,

Avorill'n Mixed Points,Alluiiiy Oi'lindor Oil,

Continotital Oil and Trntitipurtution Co.,Ciiliforniti Wiro Works.

DH.LIN01IAM A CO.,RiTt .10 Knrt Street. Honolnln.

REMOVAL!kkdlr- -

1 j-- .sStfsssCyftfVssssU slUflissHssH ?st" m


riinr. DMiKiiNMi.Miu to ini'ohmM. his Cuitnmers and tho Public Generally that


Shops on Que6n StreetADJOINING II. HACKl'KI.Il A CO.,

Where lis Is prepared lo

Manufacture All KindsOF

Carriages), Buggies,Express Wagons, Dump CartsAlso, to attend la

Repairing, BlackgmithiugAMI

XHEojrisso-flllxoolx- iK

I that) alto keen a

Full and Complete StockOk' -

nuuh, HreKKN,HIMN, AXI.E).

AHMIAK TNIMMINtiS,Pilots, Varnltbes, H.Bni.1 lUr Iron,.Noras and huidsn iron, llors.ltvt,Cuuibnlicd Coal, Osk. Ash aud lllckurr plsqkt,

SLIto Wvid, JC.Ac,


Bkt Xl.oolK. 3Pxloms!Ml MMM f HiW MHT Wssf IMM MM lf lICs),

TbaaklDSj IBs I'uuno lor pail rairunagv, l boimi ur atuo.lial tukr.aur to salulr mt usUuss. tu usil s...r,s. - -I. :.,.. -- -w"'S''':"-ll'- """

"- -" T 'I




W. H. Whilon. from New York, City of Madrid and City of Hnkin, from England


Plantations, Country Stores nd FamiliesAmi lirinnlit from FtllRT IIANDH KOIt OAH1I, nml will U aolil tnt (IAHII, wills litut illtconnt o

line, (ir mi naiial torinn to partlm npiiroreil. Wn offer mi hand nml to nrrltf,

Palaoo Water Whito High Tent Korosono Oil,Vulcnn Wator Whito Abovo Stnndtird Korosono Oil.

I.nrilOII,Cnal)rOII.Nrnlar.HitOII,('yllni1rr()ll. Flni Htram I'ncklnR,India lliilitNir Ilftt PnrliliiK, Llfi, ,lr.i Aaliratoii Klenm I'iicMiik, Aaliealon Boiler COTfflnRllnl.Mt Mr-tnl-, Crtnnl Hirriiwa, Ijico 1a ntlier Il III1115, a, 4, fi. 8, II) nml 12 Inch lWralirnXVlitrlfiittnl Ileltlnp, 11 anjrlor nrllrlr-- t iJlsatmi a CniioKnlYea,IIiirIi Knytlipa nml Hiinltlm, Ox llowa, Mnlp Cnrt Alien, Mnlr ; Collars nml Ilnmrn, Mnln Kli(Rn,

Henyy (Inrilni I!w, Fjino'n l'lnntern' lloen, Ain nml 1'lrk MnllocVa, I'nrla llrinklri IMrren,

IA, llin old fnviirlto nml nnoirelleil Miillno Hloel llrenklnij 1'low, X0 mill XI Kleel Homo l'lown,i:nulo Ni. W 1'lowa, 1' Jr. lli.rno HiH.(n fnw MOIilNl! (1AN(I 1'MJWH,John Drrrn mnka UU IIikp,:M, 1,1 1 2 ntnl a iticli f

Kent Hlnmlnr.1 Wealon'n Ccntrltuitnl MnliiK", 12 nml H Inrli, 11 'in"T I l'or lM Hn,llnlilwlii FrcU Cuttora, KnRlo Aniln, Hrnnr A. Jncknon'n I DlaRlntl .t HtnliliR Asaorleil Hl,DlaHtiin'R celel.rnlMl Hnwn, nil alrrn I Mnrlilnatn' MnnoiiH' nml lllncksiii tlm 1 luntnrra,KnorlmronieterM nml Hynii 'I liermmmtera, Ctl Nnlln, nil alrca ; Cut Hplken, Vi rotiKlit Nnlla,lloran HIiooh, Hoibo Nnlla, I'lnlalilntt Nnlls.


Irficka, HntiH, Hcrrwa, IIIukmi, AiiRprn, AiiRf r llitn, Chlaeln, Hnwn, llrncrn, Itoltn, CntcliM Ac,Mnclilno nml CnrrinRo Holla. Ik nt nmmifncluru J Hmuotli, Jncl: ami Jointer 1'lnliCH,

riowa nnd Mntcli I'liinen. A Foil I.lrio nf

Paints and Oils of tho Rest English and American Brands !

STAPLE GOODS, SU01T ASAmoakMrj T)enltriR, 8 nnd II 07. Tlrklnjm, A C A II nml I) lllfnrlicil Cotlona, 4 wlilo. Ifnt mnko J

lliililenehfil Cottniia, Clicrp, Medium nml l'lno i llrown nnd Illitr Drllla, l.lnen Drllla, lieatyKiihhIh I)lnior, l'urti I.lncii HheetliiK, Finn Moiiiilii Ijicc, Ulna Flannel, Hcnrlot Flannel,A Superior AnRortincnt of Aincricnn Wlilto Flnnnola.

STAPLE :Oolilen Onto Kxtrn Fninily Flour, Ilnwnllnn l'ln, Corn Htnrcli, Jnimn, Comet nnd ClirnpTcna,Ciibo HiiKnr, Ilnwnllnn 8nKrn, Corn nml l'cna, Condensed Milk. Corned lleiif nnd Tontfuea,fill I ,11 III t, J l'i U iJHtlMtlJ.. .... .. J fJ,m.r.,J.I....". a.ivi.v. n. ...... kfVW,Tlio Fnvorita Fnncv ami wnniurif; nonjm, umuoriim nnu ivinitni nrniiunilluiiiH, Corn Mcnl, Avuiin, tirahnin Flour, Ac, Ac,

On Ooiitsijcfiiment : '

The Geo. P. Blako Mfg. Co's Steum Feed Irrigating & Vacuum PrnnpiWeston's l'uicnl Centrifugals,

Woodward ft Brown's Cclrbrntcd Pianos,New Haven Onjan Co. Parlor Organs

Washburn b jlocn Mfg. Co. JJarkd Wire, the llcs't flarlxd Wire manvfacluretPortland Cement, Sugar Hags, Oats and lit an, California Ilay,

Columbia llivcr Salmon, bbls. and lif. bbls., Salmon Pcllica in Kits Very Fine.



ORGANIZED I 863.Cash Assets 45,0OO,00OAnnual Income. . 10,000,000Cash Surplus . 0,000,000

WILLIAMS, DIMOND & CO.,General Agents.

S. A. SWALM,General Mnnngcr

For San Franrlxcn, Anslrnlln, Japan and

llinvalinn Islnndi.


l'rcst. of Local Board in San Francisco.

H. ILICKFELI) A; CO.,(Jonoral Agents,

C. 0. BEItGEH,Special Agent,

For the Hawaiian Islands.


Lifo lasuranco Policies Issued.



Extract from a letter of Hon, F. F. Low.I certify that I hao taken out a" Tontlno" rollc

the . i Voik I.tfa lusurantf Co. for J'.O.IVO: thattho Ui'flanu fulrrst Dion or Life Inturauce

aud Hint tho principles embodlid In the new plan, altera cureiiu exaiuinaiioii, navo umoifu inu oojtriions ihave heretofore enltrlalued ocstntt l.lfn luurancc."

I have sKuitllydrcIlntd tu lusurounlll lhe"Tontlue"was prrieuted to luc. Yours very truly.


It tro Ides for one's fanillr at ordinary I.lfe ratesand Hid uiouey telurncd viiiu Interest on anlvlui: st acciiain au.

IT OFFERS ADVANTAGESFar Iu ricess nf thine realized from tha tnmtincnt fequul auiouiita In saving bauks or curjiotata stocks offerine iijilll sicurlly.


Kch of whom hao Insure' on this plan fur amountsraniuK

Form $5,000 to $30,000.11 A l Carter, II W 8cliiiililt,J 0 Olnile, J 'l' Wnterliouito,Bnniuol l'nrker, 11 0 D.itiiun,William II Diinoml, HKKnal,V T Ia'IU'Uiui, J I Duwnvtt, Jr,W W Unit, Henry llort-er- ,

A MoWntno, J W I'llucer,U K i'yU: K 0 Wnlftr,U W Mncfnrlaue, Cecil llrnwn,II 11 Mncfiirlnns, II K Whltnoj,V W Mivcrnrl.uio, M (Irtuti,Allxirt Jmwr, It V Imlnp,

A Hclmefer, Aui. Uiiiin, 1

u u iiercor. (1 S Wllcor,Jul. ll.ltlll Mark Itobiiisoii,Wm (1 IrvrKill, Ami tunny iituars.

Willed Is tuftldent guarantee st la Hi merits.For full Information, annlr to

II. IIAl'KVKt.D CO., orKA U Cm v o. ittuiutiit.

I sBsflBsaSsaSsaB- - .

ic4mufcV' cwane

Yot by A. W. St It MAslBtMIM Ctt.TUi Corw wl sji Itwsasl M., Mielli





-- or-

Laces, Embroideries, Fringes.

Heavy Shawls,

Ladies' and Children's Dresses,

Satins, Silks, Crepes,

All Colore and Shades, both Flcured and Tlaln.

Ladies' and Children's Parasols,


Ladles' nnd Children's Underwear,

Ladies' and Gents' Hosiery,

Ulaclr. Colored and Figured.

Grenadines and Buntingf,


All lnij new for this climate.

TxlaaajnoLoci. BounotM

H. ound. ata t

H.II3130IVSOf Silk, Velvet, Satin and Ilrocadc, all nldtht lad


Buttons,Ornaments and


Jtc. Ac. Ac At.

Samplos Sent on Application

No TrowM to Umw OooAs,


Aud examine these Uoodi,

A. M. MZLLIB'SO tot foit btres't, llrtwtr's Blcok.


k.XjxiKO liotoit SCiror THE NUW L'hOr. AI.HU,

Whole ami Ground JlarUy, Out, Mrmn,

and Alfalfa Ihy,Wo esrrr tin largesl itck of lions Vt4 la Ikls

KliiKdi'ii.sixt waralt;pipard l ill all oidasTills sreuitouied )ruiailut,st and

AT LOW ItATM FOR CASH.MTOrala Uroasd to OtderM

Wheal, Corn, Cracked Corn, Oil Csks, Middling,Mllcd t'ctd.slc.,aliston kind.


Par City af tydnay.tOO 1IACSH FlltHTmAMTVII toes, lUit HtrtklaOiils

uaiiiurnia utirr Duller. In lbs seas, sad 4 I

Olatt Jsn. out Ha Klfrt.sljr fixear Trtdt.KlBlcm CutSak. Matless CiKMsk, Kfststsi Wssss,Katurn Kieos. Coutl snlltk Kssilast Tss ,

ID s lb boats, vostf I qwssI iss, a is wh.Dalsioa, rilol ), Cissfc, ss4 Csk. Mc4lsss

SVstd Is Cases; itTVA'll. MAItLKV, 1IKAX, CONN.

t KJ Wha st 1 asul Use. if " U. t). Murti' a4"W, HI 'i.M jrj.J rMMlsbirlRlLl.KtC'0

u JI),J .

4(tUX&iXU''f$yfofa,&lll'i'' i i,"f,fli bL-.- b, aisj,'i M,fi)isiisa isinkij i '- - """iBni j' ihi 1, rmiin iii I ni' 'tHKui'.sii''M' -- . . .;. x




