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churlish chicanery


analgesic amalgamation


canonical calumny



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 Abby’s emaciated figure was the result of herabstemious lifestyle; she never ate breakfast or lunch,and rarely ate dinner.

Word Forms: abstemiously, abstemiousnessRelated Word: abstinent

(adj.) sparing in consumption,especially of food and drink 

amalgamation analgesic anthropocentr

 People who support the theory ofanthhave a difficult time believing in the exintelligent life on other planets.

Word Forms: anthropocentric, anthropanthropocentricity

(n.) theory that regards humacentral element of the un

 Although Andy was in the most painful stages of thedisease, his daughter’s visit wasanalgesic; he was so happy to see her that his pain was significantlyreduced.

Word Forms: analgesic (n.), analgeticRelated Word: analgesia

(adj.) capable of relieving pain

 Amy’s new dance routine is anamalgamation of styles, including ballet and jazz.

Word Forms: amalgam, amalgamate, amalgamable,amalgamative, amalgamator 

(n.) a combination


 Mr. Avery developed anavuncular  affection for hisneighbor’s children after having spent so many yearsnext door to them.

Word Forms: avuncularly, avuncularityRelated Word: uncle

(adj.) resembling an uncle inkindness or indulgence


 As true as the oldbromides are, such as “It is betterto have loved and lost than never to have loved atall,” none of them are much comfort to a newly-broken heart.

Word Forms: bromidic, bromidically

(n.) a common saying


 In a home loan, the byzantine language andunfamiliar terminology can be intimidating to a first-time home buyer.

(adj.) highly complex or intricate


On the first day of school, the band’s ocacophony of trumpets and horns; howend of the year, the horn section blendrest of the ensemble.

Word Forms: cacophonic, cacophonocacophonously

(n.) harsh, jarring sou


Callie delivered thecalumny about Brittany to anaudience in the cafeteria; she hoped the lie wouldkeep the other girl from becoming Prom queen.

Word Forms: calumniate, calumniation, calumnious,calumniously, calumniatory, calumniator 

(n.) a false statement intended toharm someone’s reputation


 Pluto is no longer acanonical  planet; due to its smallmass, it was reclassified as a “dwarf planet” in 2006.

Word Forms: canonically, canon, canonicAntonym Forms: uncanonical, uncanonically

(adj.) authorized or accepted 


The con artist relied onchicanery to get his victimsto reveal their Social Security numbers; he promisedthem a tropical vacation for simply listing their personal information.

Word Forms: chicane, chicaner 

(n.) the use of tricks to deceive someone


Cheryl did not think the man’schurlisappropriate, and asked that he apologvulgarity.

Word Forms: churlishly, churlishness

(adj.) rude and vulga

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epistolary ephemeral


corpulent concomitant


emollient egregiou



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Sergio hoped that his circumlocution would stall thereporters long enough for him to think of a betteranswer to their question.

Word Forms: circumlocutory, circumlocutorily,circumlocutional, circumlocutionary

(n.) an indirect way of expressing something

concomitant corpulent cumbersom

The old television set wascumbersomdifficult to move into the other room.

Word Forms: cumbersomely, cumberRelated Words: cumber, encumber 

(adj.) clumsy, awkward, an

The corpulent  man purchased two adjacent airline seats in order to have a more comfortable flight.

Word Forms: corpulently, corpulence, corpulency

(adj.) excessively fat

 Building a home can be an exciting and enjoyable process, but it also hasconcomitant  stress associatedwith the difficult decisions that must be made daily.

Word Forms: concomitant (n.), concomitantly,concomitance

(adj.) existing or occurring at the same time


The twins demarcated  the room after their fight; Demarcus was only allowed access to the right side oftheir room, while Demonte had to stay on the left side.

Word Forms: demarcation, demarcator 

(vb.) to set, mark, or draw the boundaries of something


 American citizens who are convicted of a felony aredisenfranchised  , losing their right to vote in anyelection.

Word Forms: disenfranchisement, disfranchiseAntonym Forms: enfranchise, franchise

(vb.) to deprive of voting rights


 In the novel, the king useddraconian forms of punishment—such as torture or starvation—againstany one caught plotting against the monarchy.

Word Forms: draconic, draconically

(adj.) harsh and severe


 Edgar’s egalitarian beliefs made him ahusband; he divided the housework eqhis wife with cooking, cleaning, and ch

Word Forms: egalitarian (n.), egalitarRelated Word: equality

(adj.) characterized by the bequal rights for all peo


 Edie made theegregious mistake of asking the slightly overweight woman if she were expecting ababy.

Word Forms: egregiously, egregiousness

(adj.) outrageously bad or offensive


 Emmaline applied anemollient  lotion to the roughcalluses on her hands.

Word Forms: emollience

(adj.) having a softening or soothingeffect, especially to the skin


 Effie’s sadness over her breakup isephemeral ; shewill quickly find a new boyfriend to help her forget thelast.

Word Forms: ephemeral (n.), ephemerally,ephemeralness, ephemerality, ephemerous,ephemeron

(adj.) lasting a very short time


The couple has developed an epistolaryalthough they have never met, they coregularly through emails and letters.

Word Forms: epistle, epistolatory, epiepistolical, epistolize, epistoler, epist

(adj.) relating to lette

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impious ignominious


exegesis exculpate


histrionic halcyon



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 Erik’s erudition is sure to help him win a lot of moneyon the trivia-based quiz show.

Word Forms: eruditional, erudite, eruditely,eruditeness

(n.) knowledge gained from study

exculpate exegesis   otsam

 In the filthy city, the gullies are filled w finds its way into the sewer after a hea

Related Word: jetsam

 Note: Flotsam originally referred to thwreckage of a boat, while jetsam refethe items discarded by a ship in distreBoth are loosely used today to refer tuseless, discarded items.

(n.) 1. floating wrecka2. useless, discarded ite

The minister is delivering anexegesis on the first twobooks of the Bible, where he will interpret the lessons from Genesis and Exodus and apply them to moderntimes.

Word Forms: exegetic, exegetical, exegetically,exegete, exegetist

(n.) an explanation or critical interpretation(especially of the Bible)

The arson suspect was exculpated  when forensicsrevealed that the fire had been the result of faultywiring.

Word Forms: exculpable, exculpation, exculpatoryAntonym Forms: inculpate, inculpable, inculpation,

inculpably, inculpatory, inculpability,inculpableness

Related Words: culpable, culprit

(vb.) to clear from blame


 Foster’s only foible is his inability to make a decision.

Related Word: feeble

(n.) a minor flaw or weakness of character


The juniors would never have participated in s enior skip day if it weren’t for the fomentation of their friends in the higher grade.

Word Forms: foment, fomenter 

(n.) a push for trouble or rebellion


The foppish fellow wore a three piece suit and a tophat to the wedding.

Word Forms: foppishly, foppishness, foppery, fop

(adj.) affecting extreme elegancein dress and manner 


The restaurant provides a unrivaled guexperience by offering skewers of beef poultry marinated in exotic oils.

Word Forms: gustatorily, gustation, gugustativeness

(adj.) relating to the sense


 During the company’shalcyon days, the employeeswere making higher than average wages and enjoyingbenefits unmatched by other corporations.

Word Forms: halcyonian, halcyonic

(adj.) joyful, peaceful, or prosperous


The histrionic patient pretended to faint when he sawthe needle used for the vaccination.

Word Forms: histrionic (n.), histrionics, histrionical,histrionically

(adj.) overly dramatic


 Izzy’s ignominious crime brought shame andembarrassment to her entire family.

Word Forms: ignominiously, ignominiousness,ignominy

(adj.) disgraceful and shameful


 Imogene had a difficult time convincinhusband to attend church with the fam

Word Forms: impiously, impiousnessAntonym Forms: pious, piously, piou

(adj.) lacking respect or deusually for a god or reli

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mélange malodorous


inimical inchoate


malediction lugubriou



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The doctors imputed  her sudden weight loss to a problem with her thyroid gland.

Word Forms: imputable, imputably, imputative,imputatively, imputativeness, imputedly, imputer 

Related Word: putative

(vb.) to attribute or credit to

inchoate inimical insidious

Sid devised an insidious plan to get thadmit he hadn’t really witnessed the c

Word Forms: insidiously, insidiousne

(adj.) intended to entrap, decei

Oscar cast an inimical  sneer at Melissa when shetook credit for his idea.

Word Forms: inimically, inimicalness, inimicality,inimicable

Related Word: enemy

(adj.) harmful or hostile

 I think your inchoate plan for the fund-raiser has alot of potential, but we need to sit down and discuss some important details before moving forward.

Word Forms: inchoately, inchoateness, inchoation,inchoative, inchoatively

(adj.) in the early stages of development


 Ivan’s invidious remarks to his wife shocked their guests; they had no idea that he could be so cruel.

Word Forms: invidiously, invidiousness

(adj.) intended to hurt, offend, or discriminate


The irascible old lady caused a scene at therestaurant by yelling at the manager when herhamburger was overcooked.

Word Forms: irascibly, irascibleness, irascibilityRelated Word: ire

(adj.) quickly aroused to anger 


 Noah Webster’s career in lexicography developed from his dissatisfaction with British school books;he wrote his first dictionary to help his elementary students learn to spell.

Word Forms: lexicographic, lexicographical,lexicographically, lexicographer 

Related Words: lexicon, dyslexic

(n.) the act of writing dictionaries


 Lance was disappointed in hisloquacitalked so much that she never had timof his own stories.

Word Forms: loquaciously, loquaciouRelated Words: eloquent, ventriloquis


(adj.) extremely talkat


 Lucy’s lugubrious behavior has started to annoy her friends; it has been two months since her breakupwith Josh, but she is still as gloomy as if it hadhappened yesterday.

Word Forms: lugubriously, lugubriousness,lugubriosity

(adj.) excessively mournful; sad and gloomy


The members of the t eam feared that the old womanhad placed a malediction upon their season becausethey hadn’t won a game since accidentally shatteringher windshield with a foul ball.

Word Forms: maledictive, maledictory, maledictAntonym Forms: benediction, benedictive, benedictory

(n.) a curse


 My malodorous shoe smelled so terrible t hat my momthrew it away.

Word Forms: malodorously, malodorousnessRelated Words: odor, odorously

(adj.) having an unpleasant smell


 Melanie’s walls are decorated with am surfing posters and beach photograph

(n.) a mixture

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parsimonious panacea


moratorium morass


obstreperous obfuscat



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 In the poverty-stricken country,mendicant  childrenapproach tourists to ask for food and money.

Word Forms: mendicancy, mendicity

(adj.) begging

morass moratorium   munifcent

The munificent  donor gave the hospitamoney to build a specialized center f o

Word Forms: munificently, munificenmunificence

(adj.) very generous

 Because a large number of students had beenlate returning from lunch, the principal placed amoratorium on off-campus lunch privileges.

Word Forms: moratory

(n.) suspension of an ongoing activity

 After Morgan accepted Jill’s invitation to the dance,he found himself in a morass; his friend offered him aticket to a concert that he really wanted to see, but ithappened to be on the same night as the dance.

(n.) 1. a swamp2. a difficult situation


 Maya has a myopic outlook when it comes toinvestment; she complains about the money she isinvesting now, rather than focusing on the money shewill make in the future.

Word Forms: myopically, myopia

(adj.) lacking long-term vision


The nascent  hockey team did not have muchexperience, as this was their first year i n the league.

Word Forms: nascence, nascency

(adj.) being born or beginning


 Neil is a neophyte at downhill skiing, so he should stick to the smaller hills today.

Word Forms: neophytic, neophytish, neophytism

(n.) a beginner 


 During the rebellion, the followers ofnthe first to break the laws in t he city.

Word Forms: nihilistic, nihilistically,

(n.) belief in the rejection of rudestruction of social and polit


 If the solution requires the units to be in inches, themakers of the SAT may obfuscate the question bydescribing the problem in feet.

Word Forms: obfuscation, obfuscatory

(vb.) to confuse or make unclear 


The obstreperous students crowded the school boardmeeting to protest the new dress code.

Word Forms: obstreperously, obstreperousness,obstreperosity

(adj.) noisily defiant or aggressive


The manager believed the new software was a panacea for all of the company’s computer problems,but Pam was skeptical of its ability to improve theentire system.

Word Form: panacean

(n.) a cure for all diseases, ora solution to all problems


The  parsimonious woman told her grathat the gumballs in the candy machinexpensive.

Word Forms: parsimoniously, parsim parsimony

(adj.) extremely reluctant to spfrugal and stingy

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pugnacious proselytize


perfdious   penurious


proletarian progenito



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 As four more uninvited guests arrived at the barbecue, Pam realized there was a paucity of hamburger buns.

(n.) an insufficient quantity or number 

penurious   perfdious   pernicious

The pernicious rumor could ruin seve permitted to spread.

Word Forms: perniciously, pernicious

(adj.) exceedingly harm

The  perfidious soldier was selling classified secrets tothe army’s enemies.

Word Forms: perfidiously, perfidiousness, perfidy

(adj.) tending to betray

The penurious old man refused to donate his sparechange to the charity.

Word Forms: penuriously, penuriousness, penury

(adj.) extremely reluctant to spend money;stingy and frugal or extremely poor 


While working at the marina, my perquisites included free boat storage, a discount at the tackle shop, anddaily tips from the customers.

(n.) a payment or benefit in additionto one’s regular pay


The man is a fool to let a picayune argument destroyhis friendship with his neighbor.

Word Forms: picayunish, picayunishly, picayunishness

(adj.) small and of little importance


The polyglot  woman was an asset to the internationalcompany; she could converse with customers in Japan, Germany, Spain, and Italy.

Word Forms: polyglot (n.), polyglotismRelated Word: monoglot

(adj.) able to speak, read, or writein many languages


The  potentate was born into the powermonarchy; his family had ruled the throver six hundred years.

Related Word: potent

(n.) a powerful ruler


 Although dogs now come in all shapes, sizes, andtemperaments, the progenitor  of their species was thewild wolf.

Word Forms: progenitorial, progenitorshipRelated Word: genitor 

(n.) a direct ancestor or originator 


 Education is an important proletarian value; workingclass parents believe that a college degree will offertheir children many more career choices.

Word Forms: proletarianly, proletarianness, proletarianism, proletary, proletariat

(adj.) of the working class


 Prewitt spent the summer proselytizing  for the governor’s re-election campaign.

Word Forms: proselytistic, proselytization, proselytism, proselytical, proselytizer, proselyte

(vb.) to convert someone to another belief, religion, party, or cause


 Paul cannot walk his pugnacious dog because she always starts fights with t

Word Forms: pugnaciously, pugnacio pugnacity

Related Word: pugilistic

(adj.) tending to quarrel or fig

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sophistry sonorous


raiment quixotic


somnolent sibilant



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 Mr. Putnam is punctilious about punctuation; all ofhis students must correctly use periods, commas, and semicolons if they want a good grade.

Word Forms: punctiliously, punctiliousness, punctilio

Related Word: punctual

(adj.) marked by preciseaccordance with details

quixotic raiment recalcitran

The recalcitrant  protesters were not fa presence of the campus security officehandful of them disbanded when the p

Word Forms: recalcitrant (n.), recalcitrecalcitrancy, recalcitrate, recalcitrati

(adj.) stubbornly resistaauthority or control

 Raymond brought a change of raiment  with him so that he could shower and dress after basketball practice.

Related Word: array

(n.) clothes

 I let Quincy make his quixotic plans for our summervacation; he would soon realize that his itinerary wastoo expensive and unrealistic.

Word Forms: quixotical, quixotically, quixotism,quixote

Related Name: Don Quixote

(adj.) not sensible about practical matters;idealistic and unrealistic


 Each of the workers receivedremuneration forhelping Remy paint his house.

Word Forms: remunerate, remunerable,remunerability, remunerably, remunerative,remuneratively, remunerativeness,remuneratory, remunerator 

(n.) payment


The saleswoman rhapsodized  about the benefits of hercompany’s product.

Word Forms: rhapsody, rhapsodic, rhapsodical,rhapsodically, rhapsodist

(vb.) to talk with great enthusiasm


The disagreement in the teacher’s lounge created two schisms in the school: teachers who approved of therule change, and those who opposed it.

Word Forms: schismatic, schismatically,schismaticalness, schismatize, schismatistAntonym Form: schismless

(n.) division of a group into opposing factions


 In the film, the robot becomes sentient human emotions and senses.

Word Forms: sentiently, sentience, seAntonym Forms: insentient, insentien

(adj.) experiencing sense peand consciousness


The patient’s respiration was weak and sibilant  , theresult of smoking for so many years.

Word Forms: sibilantly, sibilance, sibilancy

(adj.) having a hissing sound 


The somnolent  truck driver had been awake all nightand was anxious to find a rest area so she could sleep.

Word Forms: somnolently, somnolence, somnolency,somnolescent

Antonym Forms: insomnia, insomnolent,insomnolently, insomnolence, insomnolency

(adj.) sleepy or drowsy


The sound from the sonorous bell echoed throughoutthe cathedral.

Word Forms: sonorously, sonorousness, sonorityAntonym Form: insonorous

(adj.) full and loud and deep, as a sound 


The mayor used sophistry to trick mosresidents into believing that the propewas necessary.

Word Forms: sophism, sophist, sophi

(n.) a false argument meant to tr

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unctuous turpitude


stevedore specious


truncated treacly




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Sophie sang the soporific lullaby to help her youngdaughter fall asleep.

Word Forms: soporifically, soporiferous,soporiferously, soporiferousness

Related Words: soporose, soporous

(adj.) tending to make sleepy or drowsy

specious stevedore stricture

The film critic made several strictures movie’s poor dialogue.

Word Form: strictured 

(n.) a criticism

 Before the ship left port, the stevedores loaded it withnearly four tons of food and supplies for the longvoyage.

Word Form: stevedore (vb.)

(n.) a laborer who loads andunloads vessels in a port

The merits of the diet are specious; while we want tobelieve we can eat unlimited protein, there are manyhealth risks associated with the high-cholesterol plan.

Word Forms: speciously, speciousness, speciosity

(adj.) 1. plausible but false2. deceptively pleasing

stultify   supercilious   temerity tinder  

The scout leader found dried grass anto use as tinder  when starting the camp

Word Forms: tinderyRelated Word: tinderbox

(n.) easily combustible mused for starting a fir

Tim jumped from the plane withtemerity; he seemed so fearless and relaxed that it was difficult to tell thatthis was his first skydiving experience.

Word Forms: temerarious, temerariously,temerariousness

(n.) fearless daring

Sue, who always wore designer clothes, glanced at my generic shoes with a supercilious sneer.

Word Forms: superciliously, superciliousness

(adj.) arrogantly disdainful

The high school student stultified  herself by insistingthat Pittsburgh was in Tennessee.

Word Forms: stultifyingly, stultification, stultifier 

(vb.) to make one appearfoolish, stupid, or useless


The movie is quite treacly , with several emotional scenes, and should be viewed with a box of tissuesinstead of a box of popcorn.

Word Forms: treacle

(adj.) overly sweet or sentimental


The author published a truncated  version of theoriginal novel, as he knew most people would notwant to read a book with so many pages.

Word Forms: truncate, truncately, truncationRelated Word: trunk 

(adj.) shortened by cutting off a part


 In the play, the character’sturpitude exceeds thevillainous behavior exhibited by typical antagonists.

(n.) vile, shameful behavior 


The unctuous salesman winked at the  flashed his college football ring at thehis “charm” chased most customers a

Word Forms: unctuously, unctuousne

(adj.) unpleasantly and excessi

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PowerScore SAT Vocabulary FlashcardsTop 100 Extreme Repeat Offenders

PowerScore SAT Vocabulary FlashcardsTop 100 Extreme Repeat Offenders

 ignominious impious impute inchoate inimical insidious invidious irascible lexicography loquacious lugubrious

 malediction malodorous melange mendicant morass

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vitriolic vitiate verisimilitude vainglorio

Top 100 Extreme Repeat Offenders

 abstemious amalgamation analgesic anthropocentrism avuncular  bromide byzantine cacophony calumny canonical chicanery

 churlish circumlocution concomitant corpulent cumbersome demarcate

 disenfranchise draconian egalitarian egregious emollient ephemeral epistolary erudition exculpate exegesis flotsam

 foible fomentation foppish gustatory halcyon histrionic

Flash Card Components

Part of Speech: Identifying the part of speech is essential tounderstanding the word. This is especially true for words thatserve as more than one part of speech, such as dispute. The worddispute can be a verb (“he disputed the results”) or a noun (“Ihad a dispute with my teacher”).

Definition: Each word is defined as it is most commonly usedon the SAT. For example, the word apt  is usually used to refer tolikelihood (“he was apt to get angry”); however, on the SAT, theword apt  most often refers t o a person’s intelligence (“he wasan apt student”). Therefore, the flash card definition reflects the

common usage on the test.

Sentence: The word is used in a sentence to illustrate andclarify its meaning and usage. Some sentences usespecific words and names as memory devices.

Word Comprehension

The word that completes a Sentence Completion blank is alwaysa perfect fit. Not only does the correct answer look right andsound right, but it also has a definition that perfectly mesheswith the context of the sentence. While you do not need to knowthe definition of every word to get a perfect score on the SAT, agood vocabulary certainly helps make it easier to exceed yourexpectations.

PowerScore analyzed over 60 previous SAT tests to extractthe most commonly-occurring vocabulary words. After weremoved the Top 200 Critical Reading Repeat Offenders, we

organized the remaining words that appeared on multiple tests by difficulty —Easy, Medium, and Hard. Then we selected themost difficult words for The Top 100 Extreme Words.The words in this deck do not appear frequently onthe SAT, but they are among the most challengingwords ever used.


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Home Study CourseFor some students, independent study and practice is the besttest prep solution. We offer a home study course which includesthe Full-Length SAT course books, access to the Online StudentArea, a copy of The Official SAT Study Guide, and onlinescore reports for all eight practice tests. To learn moreabout this package, please call our office or visitour website.

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Studying vocabulary in multiple ways increases your retention of

the definitions. Try these other study methods:

1. Write out the words and their definitions.

Transferring the words and their definitions to paper helps

transfer the information into your long-term memory.

2. Write new sentences for each word.Similarly, using the word in context helps cement its meaning.

3. Draw a picture representing the word.

Pictures can create a connection to the definition.

4. Read the word aloud and say it in a sentence.

Some students learn best by hearing information rather

than by seeing it.

(Continued on back of card)

How to Study Vocabulary Words


Top 100 Extre

Repeat Offend

One hundred extreme-level SAT voc

words from a survey of over 60 real

PowerScore SAT Vocabulary FlashcardsTop 100 Extreme Words

vainglorious i i ilit d iti t it i li

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The vainglorious actor brushed aside the reporter’squestion about the charity event in order to talk aboutthe oscar he won.

Word Forms: vaingloriously, vaingloriousness,vainglory

Related Word: vain

(adj.) feeling excessive self-importance or pride for one’s own accomplishments

verisimilitude vitiate vitriolic

The orchestra teacher’s vitriolic criticVictoria; she had practiced all week oharshly critiqued in front of the entire

Word Forms: vitriolically, vitriol

(adj.) harsh or corrosive i

The king was vitiated  by power; soon after hiscoronation, he began to abuse his subjects anddestroy the fair laws his father had enacted.

Word Forms: vitiable, vitiation, vitiator 

(vb.) to make imperfect; to corrupt

 Even though the movie was based on a true story, the film lackedverisimilitude.

Word Forms: verisimilitudinous, verisimilar,verisimilarly

Related Words: veracity, similitude

(n.) the appearance of truth;the quality of seeming to be true


Flash Card Series Parts of Speech   Flash Card Components   Top 100 Extreme Wo

 moratorium munificent myopic nascent neophyte nihilism obfuscate obstreperous panacea parsimonious paucity penurious perfidious pernicious perquisite picayune polyglot

Word Forms: The main entry on each card is either the baseword or the most commonly used form of the word, but the SATmay use any of the forms of the word listed. For example, ifindignant  (adj .) is the main word on a card, you should also be prepared to see indignantly (adv.) or indignation (n.) on the test.

Antonym Forms: An antonym is a word with opposite meaning.You must understand the meaning of both the entry word onthe card and its antonym, as the SAT expects you to apply thedefinition of the root word to many different forms of the word.For example, if implausible means unbelievable, then plausible 

must mean believable.

Related Words: Some words share common roots, prefixes, or suffixes. Related words are listed to assistyou in remembering the definition of the word onthe card.

Noun (n.): word that names a person, place, or thing

Pronoun ( pr .): word that replaces a noun

Verb (vb.): word showing action or state of being

Preposition ( prep.): word used to link a noun or pronoun toother words

Adjective (adj .): word which describes or modifies a noun or pronoun

Adverb (adv.): word which describes or modifies a verb, an

adjective, or another adverb

Conjunction (conj .): word which links words or phrases

Interjection (int .): word used to convey emotion

In addition to this set of vocabulary words, PowerScore offers atotal of 700  FREE  SAT flash cards!

• Top 200 Critical Reading Repeat Offenders

  Start your preparation with these crucial SAT words.• Top 100 People Repeat Offenders

  From pariahs to iconoclasts, know your SAT people.

• Top 100 Easy Repeat Offenders

  Want an easier place to start? Try these easy words first.• Top 100 Medium Repeat Offenders

  These common SAT words are sure to appear again.• Top 100 Hard Repeat Offenders  These challenging words tend to appear often on  the test.

Top 100 Extreme Repeat Offenders

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PowerScore® is a registered trademark. The Top 100 Extreme RepeatOffenders™ is the exclusive service marked property of PowerScore. Any use of

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PowerScore Publishing, a division of PowerScore Incorporated 57 Hasell StreetCharleston, SC 29401

SAT is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination Board, whichwas not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product.

Some definitions were used with the permission of WordNet 3.0Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

How to Study Vocabulary Words  PowerScore 

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 potentate progenitor  proletarian proselytize pugnacious punctilious quixotic raiment recalcitrant remuneration rhapsodize schism sentient sibilant somnolent sonorous sophistry

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5. Type the words and definitions.

Type all 100 words into a word processing document or

spreadsheet. Then try to define them without looking at the


6. Analyze the roots, prefixes, and suffixes.

Can you find words that have the same suffix? If so, do theymean the same thing in both words? Learning to associate

words with related words can help you solve even the toughest

test questions.

7. Group words by meaning.

Many SAT words have similar meanings. Group them so you

associate the meaning with all of the words in the group.

8. Have someone quiz you.

Place a check in the target if you get one right.

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