sasfed letter supporting sos coalition court action against ministerial appointments in sabc

  Full SASFED Member Organisations:  DFA - The Documentary Filmmakers Association / IPO - The Independent Producers Organisation / PMA - The Personal Managers' Associ ation / SACIA - Southern African Communications Industries Asso ciations / SAGA - South African Guild of Actors / SAGE - South African Guild of Editors / WGSA  Writers’ Guild of South Africa SASFED is also formally affiliated to: FEPACI - Pan African Federation of Film  Makers / SOS: Supporting Public Broadcasting / TVI EC - Televisi on Industry Emergency Coalition Registered Non Profit Organisation  NPO 052-633 E-Mail: [email protected] / Web:  Landline: 011-8884349 Fax: 086 654 1972 The Honourable Minister of Communications Friday, 20 February 2015 MINISTER MUTHAMBI’S “TAKEOVER” OF SABC It is with great concern that SASFED and its associated organisations have been following the encroachment of government into our public broadcaster. The most recent adjustments to the MOI by the minister are not only an affront to fundamen tal broadcasting principles, but also erode whatever trust the p roduction industry has still had i n the independence of what s hould be the people’s broadcaster.  As the “controlling body” of the public broadcaster, the SABC board and upper management have a duty toward the public to inform and entertain in an unbiased manner and to support the local film industry in producing the programming to do so. Instead, the public broadcaster has now become a government mouthpiece, bowed under political censorship in news and programming. This is not acceptable to the film industry and we would like to formally place our strongest objection on record. It is also unacceptable for the minister to propose amendments to policy and the broadcasting act without extensive public and industry consultation, and SASFED would li ke to lodge a formal objection to this as well. As such, SASFED is officially supporting SOS’s court action.  Many thanks Harriet Meier Chairperson: SASFED 

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Our friends at the South African Screen Federation (SASFED) support the interventions taken by the SOS Coalition against the Minister of Communications to prevent her playing any direct role in the appointment of SABC executive directors.


  • Full SASFED Member Organisations: DFA - The Documentary Filmmakers Association / IPO - The Independent Producers Organisation / PMA - The Personal Managers' Association / SACIA - Southern African Communications Industries Associations / SAGA - South African Guild of Actors / SAGE - South African Guild of Editors / WGSA

    Writers Guild of South Africa SASFED is also formally affiliated to: FEPACI - Pan African Federation of Film Makers / SOS: Supporting Public

    Broadcasting / TVIEC - Television Industry Emergency Coalition

    Registered Non Profit Organisation NPO 052-633

    E-Mail: [email protected] / Web: Landline: 011-8884349 Fax: 086 654 1972

    The Honourable Minister of Communications

    Friday, 20 February 2015

    MINISTER MUTHAMBIS TAKEOVER OF SABC It is with great concern that SASFED and its associated organisations have been following the encroachment of government into our public broadcaster. The most recent adjustments to the MOI by the minister are not only an affront to fundamental broadcasting principles, but also erode whatever trust the production industry has still had in the independence of what should be the peoples broadcaster. As the controlling body of the public broadcaster, the SABC board and upper management have a duty toward the public to inform and entertain in an unbiased manner and to support the local film industry in producing the programming to do so. Instead, the public broadcaster has now become a government mouthpiece, bowed under political censorship in news and programming. This is not acceptable to the film industry and we would like to formally place our strongest objection on record.

    It is also unacceptable for the minister to propose amendments to policy and the broadcasting act without extensive public and industry consultation, and SASFED would like to lodge a formal objection to this as well. As such, SASFED is officially supporting SOSs court action. Many thanks Harriet Meier Chairperson: SASFED