sap sd returns and complaints process in sap

03/10/2007 SAP Training : SD07 Returns and Complaints

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SAP SD Returns and Complaints Process


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SAP Training : SD07

Returns and Complaints

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IntroductionComplaints processingReturns processing

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In this “unit” we will go through two scenarios deal ing with customer reclamation.

The first one focuses on the processing of credit m emos if no goods are sent back. It’s called : Complaints proce ssing.

In the second one goods are returned and undergo a quality evaluation in order to decide if the goods are retu rned to unrestricted stock or blocked stock.

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Introduction – Complaints processing

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Introduction – Returns processing

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IntroductionComplaints processingReturns processing

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Complaints processing

What are the steps?

1. Quality notification creation2. Credit Memo Request creation3. Credit Memo Release for billing4. Billing

But first of all you should have created a complete sal es process :

Sales order ► Delivery ► Billing

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Complaints processing - Prerequisite

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Quality notification creation

With a notification for a customer complaint, you can describe and prioritize problems, monitor the status, print archive documents, and trigger specific processes in SAP ECCSAP menu : Logistics → Quality Management → Quality Notification → CreateTransaction : QM01

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Quality notification creation

In the right screen frame, the action box is displa yed, specifically tailored for notification type Q1 (cus tomer complaint). The action box contains follow-up functions that help you process notification proble ms. The follow-up functions are documented as an activi ty or task for the notification header after execution . The follow-up functions delivered in the standard syste m are ready for use, except external output via fax o r mail. To use those functions you have to configure SAPConnect and connect the SAP system with a fax and mail server

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Credit Memo creationSAP Menu : Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order → CreateTransaction : VA01

You can decide to create your credit memo request with or without reference to a sales document (sales order or billing document)

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Credit Memo creation (2)In the credit memo creation you can use a standard mate rial (it isthe case if you use the « Create with reference » functio n) or a specific material (a « balance sheet material »).

Here we create a full credit memo

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Releasing credit memo to billing

The purpose of this activity it to make Customizing settings to ensure that manual release of the order for billing is necessary. This is done to ensure that the entries are correct.SAP Menu : Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Information System → Worklists → Sales Document Blocked for BillingTransaction : V23

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Releasing credit memo to billing

On the SD Documents Blocked for Billing screen, select the sales document number, double-click this line or choose Edit Sales Doc and delete the billing block manually within the sales document. Save the sales document.

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BillingSAP Menu : Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Billing → Billing Document → CreateTransaction : VF01

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Complete flow and integration

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IntroductionComplaints processingReturns processing

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Returns processing

What are the steps?

1. Creating Returns2. Displaying Batch for Return3. Creating Returns Delivery4. Post Goods Receipt5. Releasing Returns to Billing6. Billing

But first of all you should have created a complete sal es process :

Sales order ► Delivery ► Billing

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Returns processing - Prerequisite

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Return creation

SAP Menu : Logistics → Sales and distribution → Sales → Order → CreateTransaction : VA01

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Return creation

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Displaying batch for return

There is no automatic batch determination for products to be returned. Therefore, in a delivery document, you must manually find the batch number of goods shipped to your customer.

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Returns delivery creation

The next step of the returns process is to create the returns delivery. During goods receipt of the returns, an inspection lot is created automatically.

SAP Menu : Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Shipping and Transportation →Outbound Delivery → Create → Single Document → With Reference to Sales OrderAlternative:Logistics → Logistics Execution → Outbound Process → Goods Issue for Outbound Delivery → Outbound Delivery → Create → Single Document → With Reference to Sales OrderTransaction : VL01N

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A return delivery is saved in the system, and the returned goods are posted into inventory as returns.You can display the stock using transaction code MMBE. On the Stock Overview screen, enter your material number and plant, then choose Execute. On the next screen, double-click the total quantity line. A dialog box appears showing stock types, including returns.

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The material returned into this stock is not yet part of the company valuated stock.There’s no accounting document created when the goods receipt is posted.

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Releasing returns to billing

The purpose of this activity it to make Customizing settings to ensure that manual release of the order for billing is necessary. This is done to ensure that the entries are correct.SAP Menu : Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Information System → Worklists → Sales Document Blocked for BillingTransaction : V23

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Releasing returns to billing

On the SD Documents Blocked for Billing screen, select the sales document number, double-click this line or choose Edit Sales Doc and delete the billing block manually within the sales document. Save the sales document.

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BillingSAP Menu : Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Billing → Billing Document → CreateTransaction : VF01

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Complete flow and integration