sap questions

1) How you will release change request in SD module? How often you release them? IF you save the document we will get one request number ggo to se09 or se10 we can see our request there are two types of request Customizing request- Functional requests Work bench request- Technical here in customizing request we should select our rquest and click on transport button 2) How to create tasks. What are the maximum number of tasks you were created in you are previous project? Creating a Task Purpose You can create tasks using the Task wizard. Task creation takes place in a simple one page screen allowing for creation of a task where workflow controls the lifecycle of the task. You may assign the task to a group of users as a whole or each individually. Alternatively, you can define a sequence of separate multiple step task , assigned to a single user or separate users. Once created, additional properties can be set using the task Details page. Completed tasks may require an additional approval step or the process can be finished by a task completion step. Some of the frequently used terms which are present on the Collaboration Task user interface and also in this guide are listed below: Task A task is a request for a work process to one or more users. These users are called the assignees. In this document the

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1) How you will release change request in SD module? How often you release them?IF you save the document we will get one request number ggo to se09 or se10 we can see our request there are two types of request Customizing request- Functional requests Work bench request- Technical here in customizing request we should select our and click on transport button


2) How to create tasks. What are the maximum number of tasks you were created in you are previous project?

Creating a TaskPurpose You can create tasks using the Task wizard. Task creation takes place in a simple one page screen allowing for creation of a task where workflow controls the lifecycle of the task. You may assign the task to a group of users as a whole or each individually. Alternatively, you can define a sequence of separate multiple step task, assigned to a single user or separate users. Once created, additional properties can be set using the task Details page. Completed tasks may require an additional approval step or the process can be finished by a task completion step. Some of the frequently used terms which are present on the Collaboration Task user interface and also in this guide are listed below: Task A task is a request for a work process to one or more users. These users are called the assignees. In this document the user creating the task has also been referred to as the creator or the initiator of the task. Trackers A task also has users responsible for tracking the progress of the work time, these users are called the trackers. The user creating the task is a tracker by default. For a simple one step task, also known as the quick task, the tracker is an approver for that task as well. A tracker can : Monitor the progress of the task

Receive notifications on updates / about completion of the task

Nominator User who designates work to other users. For information on the nomination process see Request For Nomination. Nominee User who has been proposed to act on a task. Process Flow for Creating a Task ... 1. From the UWL view, choose Create Task. 2. Select Task from the Task Type dropdown selection. 3. On the Task wizard enter the required information. For details on the fields see section Wizard Details below. The required fields are marked by asterisk (*). 4. Choose Send to send the task to the assignees. Wizard Details Description of Parameters Parameter Title Assigned to Description Title or subject to identify the task. It is a required field. Select or enter the Ids of those users you want to assign the task to. You also have an option to decide whether the assignees can decline the tasks, and also decide if you want to separate the tasks for each assignee. Defines the workflow priority. This affects the urgency of the tasks that will be generated by the workflow.



Defines the deadlines for the process step by entering due date and time. Choose the calendar icon to select the due date or enter manually in mm/dd/yyyy format. Select the time from the dropdown selection or enter manually in hh:mm format. (Note: the date and time you enter here refers to the date and time on the server machine). You also have an option to select ASAP. The ASAP option indicates that the task has to be completed as soon as possible. No dates are specified. An overall task description. These notes will be visible to all process participants. Tracking and final approval is by the user defined in this field. You can assign more than one user to track and approve the task. The assigned trackers can view and participate in the task progress from their task list. Task only consists of a task completion step or is a combination of task completion and approval of task completion. This is an optional selection. Assignees can decline task. In case of multiple assignees, each assignee can be assigned a different task. No notification is sent. A notification is sent on completion of the task process. Notification is sent on completion of the task, any updates of the task or when reaching the task due dates.

Description Trackers

Task Requires Final Approval Allow Assignees to Decline Task Separate Task for Each Assignee Notification None When Complete On updates, completio n and If overdue Attachments

Launches the Attachment view. You can attach arbitrary documents to workflow instances. These documents are visible to all workflow participants. You can also delete attachments. Choose Upload to upload items from your local PC. To add documents or links within the portal, choose Add. Follow the instructions on the screen to add documents.

Task Actions An assignee (user to whom the task is assigned) can confirm or decline a task.

A user can decline a task only if the option Assignees can decline task is selected by the task creator. The following figure shows the possible steps a task assignee can perform after the task has been assigned.Confirming a Task

Rejecting a Single Step Task

When a single step task is rejected by a tracker it is sent back to the task assignee(s). The progress of the task is automatically set to 50 percent and its status is In Progress. The task assignee can then submit the task again to the tracker by choosing Complete Task. The status of the task changes to Confirmed. To break the cycle the tracker can either delete or approve the task.Deleting a Task

Once a task is deleted, all related tasks are also deleted. See example below for further clarification.

User 1 creates a feedback task, assigns it to user 2 and user 3. User 2 completes the task. User 3 declines the task. User 1 receives the task declined by user 3. User 1 deletes the task. At this point, the task (item) from user 2 is also deleted, user 1 is not able to see it from tracking anymore. ...Rejecting a Task Versus Declining a Task

The terms rejecting and declining a task can be confused in the context of Collaboration Tasks. An approver of an approval step in a task may choose to reject - this means that he/she does not approve of the previous Action Item(s) and requires these previous steps to be redone and resubmitted for approval. When an assignee declines a task, this means that the assignee refuses to participate in the task. That is, the assignee may not have even examined any steps in the task and / or has done no work on his assigned step. In this case, the task trackers are notified of the declination, and may reassign the task to some other users. Result The approvers / recipients / assignees see the workflow item in their task list. Depending on the notifications selected in the creation wizard, the workflows users tracking the task will receive status notifications as the workflow assignees perform work or respond to approve / reject tasks. The workflow creator can also view the status of an active workflow by going to the Tasks screen in the Universal Worklist and viewing details of the appropriate process. All steps that have been executed in the process so far are displayed. After completion of a process, all steps along with the comments entered by the process participants are displayed in the Completed Requests screen in the Universal Worklist of the initiator of the workflow.

3) What is the difference between task and change request?

You can customise as many tasks as you want and tranport in one request. For a transport request say number: AD02k769Q you have customised assigning a Sales Org to Co.code also you have assigned a division to a Sales org you have set up sales area Now these three customisation become the task of the Transport request. you can release a transport request only after releasing the task. So you can decide what are the tasks that you want to release along with the transport request.

4) Is it possible to release change request, without releasing task. How do you release change requests in your module and how often do you release them To release change requests, proceed as follows: - Go to the Transport Organizer and choose Display to find out which change requests you are assigned to. - Position the cursor on the request you want to release and choose Release directly. - Document your changes, save your entries, and go back. If you are not the owner of the request, release your own task(s) and ask the request owner to release the request. It depends on your situation to release the change request. We have release strategy every quarter unless there is a production issue. 2. How do you create tasks? What is the max number of tasks you created in your previous projects You can add new tasks to an existing change request by choosing Add user. The tasks are assigned to the user that you enter here. If you have the appropriate authorizations, you yourself may add a task to an existing request belonging to another user. To create a task for a request that is not your own, proceed as follows: - In the request overview, choose Request/task -> Other requests. - In the Enter User Name dialog box, enter the user name of the request owner.

The request overview of the user specified appears. - Position the cursor on the request and choose Request/task -> Request -> Add user. 3. What is the difference between task and change request? Is it possible to release a change request without releasing a task? Task Information carrier in the Transport Organizer for entering and managing all changes to Repository objects and Customizing settings performed by employees within a development project. A task is assigned to a change request. Change Request An information source in the Transport Organizer that records and manages all modifications made to Repository objects and Customizing settings during a development project. You can not release change request prior to release task(s). 4. Does functional module level configuration come under workbench request or customizing request? Customizing request 5. What is the landscape you are following? In which one do you prefer to test functional module level changes? DEV -> QUA -> PROD For preliminary testing function module level changes, we do in sandbox. 5) Is functional module configuration comes under workbench request or customization request? 6) What is the tool you are using for testing purposes in your project? 7) What is the landscape you are following, which one you prefer to test functional module level changes? 8) Could you explain about sales deals? 9) Product attributes means? 10) What do you mean by drop shipment?

11) Can you explain about Higher-level item category and item usage? 12) What do you mean by condition index, how you configured in you project? 13) What do you mean by sort key(company code data in CMR) ? 14) What is the difference between ERB and ERU account keys? 15) What is the difference between general item category group and item category group ( sales org2 in MMR)? 16) What is the difference between alternative calculation type and alternative condition base value? 17) Is it possible to have different pricing procedure for sales order and invoice? 18) Consumption based planning? 19) Difference between billing and invoice? 20) How to stop PGI? 21) What do you mean by user specific parameters? 22) Explain about common distribution channels and common divisions and combined distribution channel and combined divisions, what is use? 23) How to extend material and customer to other sales areas? 24) Why does account group controls customer? 25) How can you use R/3 project management in implementation? 26) What are the Enhancements you done as a support team member and explain any two? 27) To get pricing in billing what are configuration you done in your project? 28) To extend material one plant to another plant what are the configuration you done in your project? 29) What do you mean by POD(proof of delivery) what is the use of pod? What are the con figuration you done in your project? 30) What is the significance of products under system application and products?

31) Why do you need project IMG? 32) What is the client specific data? Give two examples of client specific data? 33) What is the use of sales area? 34) How we assigned sales organization to delivering plant? 35) In system landscape where the sand box and golden box exists? 36) What are the challenges you faced in your previous implementation project? 37) What are the inter faces do you know? 38) Explain about smart forms? 39) From where system picks VAT registration number? 40) What is condition update? Can you give condition update for product, which is already given condition update? 41) What is the difference between customization and configuration? 42) While I am creating a customer in ship to party account group you have shipping and billing partner function tab pages, client wants to shift all important fields in billing like payment terms, incoterms , and tax classification into shipping tab page. He wants only shipping partner function only, how does you customize? 43) In material determination how you configure the system should propose when product A is not available then only system substitute with product B. If A is available 60% quantity. How do you do in the situation? 44) In which phase you transfer data into SAP R/3? 45) Explain EDI and its usage? 46) Sales order is created 1st November for 200 tooth pastes 100 brushes free of goods(2+1 free goods).At the time of delivery on 15th November you have shortage of brushes by 40. offer closed on 15th November . How do you solve in this scenario? 47) Can you assign one sales organization to multiple company codes? If yes how? If no why? 48) In real time what user name and password we use?

49) In real-time when we start system in first what screen we get and tell me process how to logon sap screen? I faced this question in IBM? 50) Where you worked with ABAPers? 51) How do you calculate net price on MRP based? 52) Have you worked on debugging? Explain any of one of the example? 53) How many user exists have you developed in your current project? Name at least 10 user exists you have developed and used in your current project? 54) Explain about SOP (service operating procedure) and your role in it? 55) Can you do account determination without account keys? And explain how? 56) Explain about minimum value surcharge calculated? 57) What you done business blue print, realization, final preparation, and go live support in your previous project? 58) How many SAP versions you know? And what is difference between them? 59) Without delivery can you do billing? 60) Is it possible to do delivery without shipping point? 61) Quotation has been created for product-D, 10 quantities, sales order is created with reference to the quotation, system copies 10 quantities in sales order. How do you restrict in sales order end user should not change quantities, system should not allow for changes by en user? 62) What are the business processes in your project? 63) How system picks up pricing while doing billing? 64) How SAP support to the client to know the customer requirements? 65) What are Z errors? 66) What are the training documents while giving training session for users? 67) What are the time bound deliveries? 68) What are the GAP analysis you identified in your project?

69) Can you explain about actual GI (gods issue) date and planned GI date? Can actual GI date differ from planned GI date? 70) Which module integration is required in output determination? 71) What are the two user exits you have used in your project? 72) What is the importance of release status and dynamic field check in condition table/condition record? 73) How sales document is structured? 74) What is the use of pricing date in condition type? 75) What is the use of condition type in pricing procedure determination? 76) In sales order how system does picks up plant? 77) What happens if inspection lot is rejected? 78) Can one have multiple packing for delivery? 79) What happens to the material listing/exclusion if the payer is different from the sold to party? 80) Can one create delivery with reference to the project? 81) An order item with different shipping point copied into the sales deliveries? 82) Can one specify user specific dates in delivery documents? 83) How does the rule MALA decide the picking location? 84) Why do I use condition indexes? How do you activate them? 85) How can we process out bound deliveries without shipping point? 86) Stock transfer? 87) What is the use of VPRS, EK01 and Ek02? For material cost we are using VPRS why we need EK01 and EK02? 88) When I am saving customer master (internal number range), system generating number range like 5000211,500216and 500221 instead of giving 500211,500212 and 500213.why system generating like this?

What is the access sequence for header conditions? What are the highest organizational units in SD, MM, PP and FICO? What is the functionality of negative posting in billing document? What is mean of Rebate processing? How is shipping point determined? What is difference between transport and task? What is the client specific data? What is ABAP debugging? How subtotal in pp is related to credit limit? What is the difference between discount and rebate? What are the routines? What are the reports u have generated with help of ABAP? What are all the things we need to do configure What is meant by Variant Configuration? What is the relation ship between sales organization What are the influencing factors for account determination What are the influencing factors for account determination What are dependencies in variant configuration? How alternate condition base value? How alternate condition base value? What is the use of pod? What is difference between listing and exclusion? How revenue account is determined?

When will you combine deliveries into one invoice? How will be the Ticket process flow happens in a Production support project? What is transfer order? What are the fields in pricing procedure? What are the Standard output types in SD? What is Condition type? What are the issues u have faced in training? What is difference between delivery document & scheduling? How is item category determined? What is Extract used in condition tech. in pricing? What is the difference between plant and storage location? What is the difference between item proposal What are the statuses? What is Lean Warehouse Management? What is the purpose of sales document type? What is an integration point between SD AND MM? What are MRP types? What is use of customer group? What is the difference between incomplete order and backorder processing? Why does the customer master have different views? What is t-code for listing the blocked documents? What is batch split? What is Product attributes?

What is difference between SD account key and FI account key? What is transfer order? What are the fields in pricing procedure? What are the Standard output types in SD? What is Condition type? What are the issues u have faced in training? What is difference between delivery document & scheduling? How is item category determined? What is Extract used in condition tech. in pricing? What is the difference between plant and storage location? What is the difference between item proposal What are the statuses? What is Lean Warehouse Management? What is the purpose of sales document type? What is an integration point between SD AND MM? What are MRP types? What is use of customer group? What is the difference between incomplete order and backorder processing?

Why does the customer master have different views? What is t-code for listing the blocked documents? What is batch split? What is Product attributes?

What is difference between SD account key and FI account key?What is a variant and its use?

How is credit control determined? What are the parameters in FD32? What is the difference between routine and requirements? What is condition supplement and why is it used? What is the difference between milestone and periodic billing? What is the landscape? How variant is used in reporting? What is the difference between Static and Dynamic Credit Check? What is difference between the item proposal and dynamic proposal? What are the issues u have faced in integration testing? What is a field catalog? What is the difference between condition type EK01 and EK02? What are the user exits? What is the Function of item category group? What is pricing procedure? What is condition exclusion? Which delivery document type for STO process? What is difference between the header level condition What is the link between credit management and subtotals? What is Delivery group and what is its purpose? What is main purpose of maintaining the master data?

What is line item? What is a Transfer order? What is value SAP? What is difference between listing and exclusion? What happens when you overrate the customer? What are the functions performed in a support client?

What is the use of pricing date in condition type? What is the link/control between sales and distribution and quality? What is difference between inclusive and exclusive? How is access seq. controlled? What does an item category control? What is backorder processing? What is business item? What is Lump sum payment? What is the advantage of using the text as a reference What are the Steps in consignment processing? What is the purpose of creating user exits?

What is the difference between VK11 & VK31 What is the landscape of the project? What basic questions do they ask relating to order management? What are 16 fields in pricing procedure? How is storage location determined? What is the difference between ATP check and availability check? What is the purpose to differentiate the sales document type? What will do in realization? What is the importance of release status and dynamic field What is the difference between centralized credit management What do you mean by POD (proof of delivery)? What is the parent and child relationship? How to configure partial deliveries? What is ABAP query? How is step and counter differentiated? What are the effects of PGI?

What is condition supplement? What is condition exclusion? What is the difference between alternative calcluation type What are the Techniques in delivery scheduling? What are the differences between billing document and invoice? What will you do in blue print stage? How will access the data in to production? What is transfer order? What is Group condition? What is cut over strategy? What is the relation between PGI and TOR? How is route determined? What is consumption based planning? What is the relation ship between sales organization and plants? What is Item Category Control? What is Returnable packaging processing means?

What is IMG? What are the Differences between invoice and billing doc? What is the relation between sales organization and company codes? What is Replenishment lead time? How can we create user exits? How can we create user exits? Where is shipping conditions stored? What is material determination? What is Backorder processing? What is the central organizational element in purchasing? How is plant determined? What is the relationship between company code and sales organization? What is a handling unit? What is the access sequence for header conditions? What are the highest organizational units in SD, MM, PP and FICO? What is the functionality of negative posting in billing document?

What is mean of Rebate processing? How is shipping point determined? What is difference between transport and task? What is the client specific data? What is ABAP debugging? How subtotal in pp is related to credit limit? What is the difference between discount and rebate? What are the routines? What are the reports u have generated with help of ABAP? What are all the things we need to do configure What is meant by Variant Configuration? What is the relation ship between sales organization What are the influencing factors for account determination What are the influencing factors for account determination What are dependencies in variant configuration? How alternate condition base value?

How alternate condition base value? What is the use of pod? What is difference between listing and exclusion? How revenue account is determined? When will you combine deliveries into one invoice? What will you do in blue print stage? How will access the data in to production? What is transfer order? What is Group condition? What is cut over strategy? What is the relation between PGI and TOR? How is route determined? What is consumption based planning? What is the relation ship between sales organization and plants? What is Item Category Control? What is Returnable packaging processing means?

What is IMG? What are the Differences between invoice and billing doc? What is the relation between sales organization and company codes? What is Replenishment lead time? How can we create user exits? How can we create user exits? Where is shipping conditions stored? What is material determination? What is Backorder processing? What is the central organizational element in purchasing? How is plant determined? What is the relationship between company code and sales organization? What is a handling unit?What is the access sequence for header conditions? What are the highest organizational units in SD, MM, PP and FICO? What is the functionality of negative posting in billing document? What is mean of Rebate processing?

How is shipping point determined? What is difference between transport and task? What is the client specific data? What is ABAP debugging? How subtotal in pp is related to credit limit? What is the difference between discount and rebate? What are the routines? What are the reports u have generated with help of ABAP?What are all the things we need to do configure? What is meant by Variant Configuration? What is the relation ship between sales organization What are the influencing factors for account determination What are the influencing factors for account determination What are dependencies in variant configuration? How alternate condition base value? How alternate condition base value?

What is the use of pod? What is difference between listing and exclusion? How revenue account is determined? When will you combine deliveries into one invoice? How will be the Ticket process flow happens in a Production support projectWhat is transfer order? What are the fields in pricing procedure? What are the Standard output types in SD? What is Condition type? What are the issues u have faced in training? What is difference between delivery document & scheduling? How is item category determined? What is Extract used in condition tech. in pricing? What is the difference between plant and storage location? What is the difference between item proposal What are the statuses?

What is Lean Warehouse Management? What is the purpose of sales document type? What is an integration point between SD AND MM? What are MRP types? What is use of customer group? What is the difference between incomplete order and backorder processing? Why does the customer master have different views? What is t-code for listing the blocked documents? What is batch split? What is Product attributes? What is difference between SD account key and FI account key?