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SAP ECC 6.0 Overview Sam Sharma

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Post on 30-Nov-2014




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  • 1. SAP ECC 6.0 Overview
    Sam Sharma

2. Agenda
Evolution SAP R/3 to NetWeaver 2004
SAP NetWeaver Business Model
ECC 6.0 Functional Enhancements in Detail
Action: Gap Analysis and implementation plan
Live Demo of a Training System
BI Analytics and Microsoft Excel
3. Evolution of a Technology Platform To Meet Changing Business Needs
4. From SAP R/3 to Business Process Platform (BPP) SAP NetWeaver Empowering SAP Applications
5. Recap: What is SAP NetWeaver all About? SAP NetWeaver is
6. ECC 6.0 Business Model
7. The changing Role of ERP Business process platform with a broad user community Financial
8. SAP ERP Enhanced and integrated business processes
9. SAP ERP 6.0Enhancement Package
10. ERP Enhancement Packages
11. SAP ERP Strategy and Roadmap
12. SAP ECC 6.0 in Detail
13. SAP ECC 6.0 Solution Map
14. SAP ECC 6.0 Analytics
15. ECC 6.0 - Financials
16. ECC 6.0 - Human Capital Management
17. ECC 6.0 - Procurement and Logistic Execution
18. ECC 6.0 Product Development and Manufacturing
19. ECC 6.0 - Sales And Service
20. ECC 6.0 Corporate Services
21. Action: Gap Analysis
22. Action: Gap Analysis and Implementation
Need for a Functional Upgrade and Gap Analysis
Implement new features of ECC 6.0 in practice
Automate processes to improve efficiency
Electronic dispatch of invoices/billing
Setting alerts on business critical variable checks
Analytics, consolidation and Planning tools
Use Solution Manager for Business Blueprint/Model
User Training in ECC 6.0 and Hands-on practice for better understanding and exploring new functionality
23. SAP IDES Demo & Training System
24. CompuGenius Inc. : IDES 6.0
25. BI Analytics and Microsoft Excel
26. Architecture SAP NetWeaver BI 7.0
27. Architecture SAP NetWeaverBI 7.0 ODBO Connection
28. Example: native access to SAP NetWeaver BI with Microsoft Excel 2007