sap certification questions

SAP CERTIFICATION QUESTIONS SAP R/3 ENTERPRISE MYSAP SCM – ORDER FULFILLMENT –1(TSCM60) Course Content: SAP Overview UNIT – 1 MySAP BUSINESS SUITE 1. R/3 is an integral part of the e-Business platform. Yes/No. – Yes. 2. mySAP Business suite is built on SAP NetWeaver. Yes/No. – Yes. UNIT – 2 NAVIGATION 1. SAP R/3 systems are client systems. Yes/No. – Yes. 2. The client concept enable you to run several separate business operations at the same time in one SAP R/3 system. Yes/No. – Yes. 3. A client is an independent unit in the system and have their own set of master records and transactions. Yes/No. – Yes. 4. A role describes a suitably defined number of activities in the system. Yes/No. – Yes. 5. Status bar displays the functions that are available for the user. Yes/No. – No. (it displays information on the current system status – error message, warning message etc) 6. A transaction code is assigned to each function and not to every screen in SAP R/3 systems. Yes/No. – Yes. 1

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Course Content: SAP Overview


1. R/3 is an integral part of the e-Business platform.Yes/No. – Yes.

2. mySAP Business suite is built on SAP NetWeaver.Yes/No. – Yes.


1. SAP R/3 systems are client systems.Yes/No. – Yes.

2. The client concept enable you to run several separate business operations at the same time in one SAP R/3 system.

Yes/No. – Yes.

3. A client is an independent unit in the system and have their own set of master records and transactions.Yes/No. – Yes.

4. A role describes a suitably defined number of activities in the system.Yes/No. – Yes.

5. Status bar displays the functions that are available for the user.Yes/No. – No. (it displays information on the current system status – error message, warning message etc)

6. A transaction code is assigned to each function and not to every screen in SAP R/3 systems.Yes/No. – Yes.

7. You can use Parameters for setting up defaults for frequently used input fields.Yes/No. – Yes.

8. You can open n number of sessions at a time for a single login.Yes/No. – No.( You can only open 6 session to the max)


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Course Content: Processes in Sales & Distribution


1. Organizational units in the R/3 System represents the structure of an enterprise.Yes/No. – Yes.

2. what are the org. units that are only used in SD process.Sales organization, Distribution channel, Division, Shipping Point.

3. A company code in R/3 system isA legal entity and an independent accounting unit.

4. A sales organization is responsible for:Distributing goods and services, negotiating terms of sale, product liability and rights of recourse.

5. The sales Organization is also used as a regional, national or international subdivision of market into account.Yes/No. – Yes.

6. A sales organization can be assigned to several company codesYes/No. – No. It is uniquely assigned to a company code

7. A sales organization is the highest level in SD.Yes/No. – Yes.

8. Several distribution channels can be assigned to a sales organization.Yes/No. – Yes.

9. A distribution channel is used forDefine responsibilities; achieve flexible pricing, Differentiate sales statistics

10. A division can represent a product group or product lineYes/No. – Yes.

11. A material is always assigned to only one division,Yes/No. – Yes.

12. what constitutes a sales area?A sales organization, Distribution channel and a division.

13. Each sales and distribution document is assigned to exactly one sales area and this assignment cannot be changed.Yes/No. – Yes.

14. A sales area can belong to many company code.Yes/No. – No. A sales area can belong to only one company code.


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15. A plant represents the location from which materials and services are distributed and corresponds to a distribution center.Yes/No. – Yes.

16. A plant can have only one storage locationYes/No. – No. A plant can have more than one storage location assigned to it. And it can used in all logistics area of R/3 System.

17. Can a plant be assigned to more than one company code.Yes/No. – No. A plant must be assigned to only one company code.

18. A plant can be assigned to more than one sales organization.Yes/No. – Yes.

19. A plant is essential for determining what?Shipping Point.

20. A shipping point is the highest org. unit in shipping that controls all shipping activities.Yes/No. – Yes.

21. A shipping point can be assigned to more than one plant.Yes/No. – Yes.

22. A shipping point can be assigned to more than one company code.Yes/No. – No. It can only be assigned to a plant.

23. You can process one outbound delivery via more than one shipping point.Yes/No. – No. It can be processed only via one shipping point.


1. Customer Order Management cycle begins with what?Presales activities like: creating Inquiry and Quotations.

2. As a part of sales order processing you create a sales document.Yes/No. – Yes.

3. Inquires and quotations help you to determine important sales-related data and can be saved as documents.Yes/No. – Yes.

4. A sales order is an electronic document that records your customer’s request for goods and services.Yes/No. – Yes.

5. You can enter a sales order with many items on a single screen.Yes/No. – Yes.


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6. What are the ways through which you can procure materials.125Available stock, guaranteed by replenishment, Make-to-order, third party order, stock transfer from other plant.

7. Shipping processing in SD begins when you create the delivery document.Yes/No. – Yes.

8. Picking in shipping processing is a mandatory function.Yes/No. – No. it is an optional one.

9. Transfer order is essential for controlling the movement of goods within your warehouse.Yes/No. – Yes.

10. when you create a billing document, the G/L accounts will automatically get updated.Yes/No. – Yes. but it can be customized, so that only manual posting to FI is made(Posting Block field in billing document type)

11. What happens when you receive a payment from a customerCredit posting to customer’s receivables account (CPCRA) and Debit posting to the cash account.

12. A sales document is created under many sales area.Yes/No. – No. it is always created under one sales area.

13. More than one quotation can be a reference to a sales order creation.Yes/No. – Yes.

14. You can create two sales orders for one quotation.Yes/No. – Yes. Provided it as partially referenced.

15. Can you create a sales order from the quotation which is already fully referenced?Yes/No. – No.

16. What are the three levels a sales document have?Header Level, Item level and schedule line level.

17. A schedule line contains delivery quantity and date.Yes/No. – Yes.

18. A single schedule line belongs to different items in a order.Yes/No. – No. A schedule line uniquely belongs to an item.

19. An item can have several schedule lines.Yes/No. – Yes.

20. You can create one or several outbound deliveries from an order.Yes/No. – Yes.


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21. can you combine several orders into one single outbound delivery? What is the criteria?Yes/No. – Yes. you should have same shipping point, delivery due date, Ship-to Party, Route, Incoterms.

22. An outbound delivery also have three levels of dataYes/No. – No. An outbound delivery will have only Header and Item data.

23. Each schedule line in the sales document can become an item in the delivery document.Yes/No. – Yes.

24. A transfer order is created for a warehouse number.Yes/No. – Yes.

25. what is criteria for combining several outbound deliveries into a group of transfer orders.Warehouse number should be the same.

26. What effects does the Post Goods Issue has in the system? Updates quantities in the inventory management, Value changes in the Balance sheet accounts, creates billing due lists, Updates status in all relevant sales documents, creates additional documents for accounting.

27. Can you combine outbound deliveries into a single billing document.Yes/No. – Yes. the payer, billing date and Destination country should be common. 28. when post a billing document, what effect does the system have.

Debit posting on customer’s receivables account (DPCRA) Credit Posting on Revenue account (CPRA) Sales statistics is updated in SIS Status is updated in all SD documents Customer credit account is updated.

29. Documents in sales process are linked through what?Document Flow function

30. A document is updated on what levels?Header and Item level and not in schedule line level.


1. What are the various sources through which a sales document is created? Customer master,

Material master, Customer-material info record, Control tables,


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Output master, Condition master and previous sales documents.

2. What are the categories in which customer master is classified? General data – valid for whole client Company code data – relevant for accounting. Sales area data – relevant for sales and distribution.

3. A general data is maintained independently of all organizational unit within a client.Yes/No. – Yes.

4. What for customer pricing procedure is maintained in master data?For maintaining customer specific pricing.

5. What are the mandatory partner functions that are required for order processing?Sold-to party, Ship-to Party, Payer, Bill-to Party.

6. Can u assign more than one sold-to party in a customer master record?Yes/No. – No. Sold-to party is unique in a customer master, but we can assign more than one other partner functions.

7. Does already created documents change when you change master data?Yes/No. – No. However Address is Exceptional.

8. Basic Data in material master is valid for all organizational units within a client.Yes/No. – Yes.

9. What are the data that are relevant in material master data for SD process? Basic Data1 Sales Org1 and 2 data, Sales: general/plant data Sales text Foreign Trade export.

10. You cannot process several items with various divisions in a single sales order.Yes/No. – No. it is possible to process through cross division sales, we can customize in sales document types.

11. Values of customer-material info record are given more preference than the values found in respective customer or material master record in order processing.Yes/No. – Yes.

12. An output is information that is sent to the customer using various media.Yes/No. – Yes.

13. Output cannot be sent to various sales and distribution documents.Yes/No. – No.

14. The layout of an output is defined by what?SAPscript.


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15. The incompletion log functions are available in the sales order, delivery and billing.Yes/No. – No. Not available in Billing, b’coz incomplete cannot be billed.

16. The condition master data includes what? Prices Surcharges and discounts Freight Taxes

17. You can define conditions to be dependent on any document fields.Yes/No. – Yes.

18. The condition type defines multiple uses of a condition.Yes/No. – Yes.

19. How can you restrict a price agreement to a certain period.By specifying a Validity Period.

20. How pricing is performed in the sales documents?Using condition technique

21. Can you maintain same Customer, Material and condition master across various distribution channel?Yes/No. – Yes. By setting common distribution channel.

22. What master data are shared in setting common divisionOnly customer and Condition master.

23. Is it possible to maintain multiple sales units in the material master according to sales org and the distribution channel?Yes/No. – Yes.

24. Is it possible to maintain multiple minimum order quantities in the material master according to the division?Yes/No. – No. b’coz a material is uniquely created under one division.


1. Different types of business processes can be identified and controlled using the sales document type.Yes/No. – Yes.

2. What are the functions that are controlled by sales document type? Pricing Delivery scheduling Availability Check Transfer of requirements Output and Text determinations Credit Check Sales information system


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3. What role does the plant takes in SD?Delivering Plant

4. Can you change the plant manually in the sales document once it is defaulted from master record.Yes/No. – Yes.

5. The system determines plant in the sales order in which criteria? Customer-Material Info record Plant from ship-to party Plant from Material master record

6. A item can also be processed further without plant determined in the order.Yes/No. – No.

7. A shipping point is determined at the header level of sales documentYes/No. – No. it always determined at item level.

8. How shipping point is determined in the system Shipping Conditions of sold-to party Loading group from Material master Delivering Plant

9. The route is the transport channel of an outbound delivery from delivering plant to the ship-to partyYes/No. – Yes.

10. The route is determined for each item in the sales document.Yes/No. – Yes.

11. Based on what the route is determined in the system? Departure Zone of shipping point Shipping conditions of the sold-to party Transportation group Transportation zone of the ship-to party.

12. The goal of shipment and transportation scheduling is to confirm the delivery date requested by the customer for a material.

13. What are the two types of scheduling system does for determining a delivery date? Backward scheduling Forward scheduling

14. What are the dates system takes into consideration for scheduling? Order date Material availability date Transportation Planning date Loading Date Goods issue date Delivery date


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15. While Backward Scheduling which date the system takes into consideration for outbound delivery selection date.Material availability date or Transportation planning date whichever is earlier. 16. What are the times system takes into consideration for Forward scheduling?

Pick/Pack Time Transportation Lead time Loading time Transit time

17. How many schedule lines are generated for forwarding scheduling?Two schedule lines are generated

For unconfirmed quantities For confirmed quantities based on scheduling

18. What are the various outbound delivery options available Complete Delivery Partial Delivery Order Combination to a single outbound delivery

19. Can picking be made optional for an item?Yes/No. – Yes. Customizing in item category needs to be done.

20. The delivery quantity and the picking should be matched while creating outbound delivery processing.Yes/No. – Yes.

21. For collective picking what are the major criteria?Shipping point and the selection date

22. What are the major criteria for collective processing for Goods issue?Shipping pointSelection dateForwarding agentRoute

23. What are the billing options available in the system? Invoice Split Individual Billing document Collective Invoice

24. When an invoice split happen?When there is a difference in the header data of the two line items

25. What is the criteria for collective invoice? Payer & sold-to party, Billing due date, Destination country,


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Payment terms should be same.


1. Availability check is carried out for the combination of single material and a delivering plantYes/No. – Yes.

2. Availability check is done for which date in scheduling process?Material availability date

3. Where is the indicator for availability check is given for a particular materialIn material master record under sales: General/plant tab page.

4. Can you control the availability check functionality, if yes what elements are included?Yes/No. – Yes. Type of Stock, Inward movements and Outward movements.

5. Will the Transfer of requirement influence availability check?Yes/No. – Yes.

6. Communication between SD & procurement is carried out via what?Requirements

7. Any agreements you make with customers about deliveries affect availability check.Yes/No. – Yes.

8. The indicator for delivery is proposed from where?Either CMIR or Customer master.

9. How material availability check is donebased on

Current Stock Planned inward movements Planned outward movements

10. In case of stock shortage, the system uses the availability check and delivery scheduling to determine the next possible date on which the goods can be confirmed for the customer.Yes/No. – Yes.

11. In case of check with replenishment lead time, the availability check is only run until the end of it.Yes/No. – Yes.

12. An order item is backdated if:the quantity of an order item is not totally confirmedthe required delivery date for an order item can not be kept.

13. What are the two types of backorder processingManuallyVia rescheduling using delivery priority from customer master.


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14. Normally, you create a shipment before you post goods issueYes/No. – Yes.

15. Individual deliveries can be assigned to shipment manually.Yes/No. – Yes.

16. Shipping units from delivery are copied to shipment and no longer be changed.Yes/No. – Yes.

17. Shipping costs appear as a separate entry in the customer billing document.Yes/No. – Yes.

18. On what criteria the accounts are determined in the system? Chart of accounts Sales organization Payer’s account assignment group Material account assignment group Account key.


1. Make-to-Order is manufacturing product according to customer’s requirement.Yes/No. – Yes.

2. Item category provide additional control functions for the sales documentsYes/No. – Yes.

3. Using Item category system can process a material differently in each sales document type.Yes/No. – Yes.

4. Item category controls the following in sales documentPricing and billing relevanceDelivery relevanceIncompletion logsPartners and texts

5. On what criteria system determines the item category Sales Document type Item category group Item category of higher item Item usage

6. In make-to-order an individual customer requirement is generated from sales order item and transferred to material planning(PP)Yes/No. – Yes.

7. To which stock type you post the make-to-order stock


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Sales order stock

8. In make-to-order, the confirmed quantity and date are sent from production order to where?Sales order schedule line

9. What are the types of valuation price you find in material master.Standard priceMoving average price

10. A shipping unit can be packed into another shipping unit.Yes/No. – Yes.

11. Can different be created with different item categories?Yes/No. – Yes.

12. Post goods issue in MTO reduces unrestricted use stockYes/No. – Yes.

13. Can you change the item category of MTO in a sales documentYes/No. – Yes.


1. Can you delete a billing documentYes/No. – No. A billing document once created cannot be deleted.

2. Is returns also a document type?Yes/No. – Yes.

3. Can you create a returns document with reference to a sales document.Yes/No. – Yes.

4. What are the document types that are used for complaint processing? Returns (RE) Credit memo request (CR) Debit memo request (DR) Credit memo (G2) Debit memo (L2) Invoice correction request (RK)

5. You can create these documents only ifOrder, delivery and billing documents are created in the system.

6. A invoice correction request is always created with reference to billing documentYes/No. – Yes.

7. What are the two sales document types which requires a mandatory reference.Subsequent delivery free of charge (SDF)Invoice correction request.(RK)


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8. All billing document require reference.Yes/No. – Yes.9. Can a credit memo approval be handled though billing block.Yes/No. – Yes.

10. All the documents in complaints have billing block.Yes/No. – Yes.

11. Posting of goods receipt can be carried out either before or after credit memo has been created.Yes/No. – Yes.

12. An invoice correction request is always created with reference to incorrect billing document.Yes/No. – Yes.

13. Reason for rejection is entered at item level data.Yes/No. – Yes.

14. Credit memo and debit memo items are always deleted in pairs.Yes/No. – Yes.

15. What happens when you cancel a billing document.An individual billing document and a new billing document are created.

16. Should a returns document have mandatory reference?Yes/No. – No.


1. SIS contain standard as well as flexible analysis?Yes/No. – Yes.

2. What are the two categories of lists?Online list and Worklists

3. Documents with specific status can be listed.Yes/No. – Yes.

4. In the display document flow function only the header status can be displayedYes/No. – No.

5. The logistics Information System is used to review and analyze Key figures throughout the entire Logistics area in the R/3 System.Yes/No. – Yes.

6. Data can be aggregated on a qualitative and quantitative basisYes/No. – Yes.

7. What types of information does information structures contain


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Characteristics Key Figures A period unit



1. Every sales activity that you make in R/3 is recorded where?Sales Documents.

2. How the different business scenario is represented in the R/3 systemBy Document types

3. Each document is identified with a unique document number.Yes/No. – Yes.

4. Can we differentiate business data according to each itemYes/No. – Yes. Eg. Prices, Payment terms, Inco terms etc.

5. Data for shipping and procurement is found where?Schedule lines of each item.


1. Objectives of Organizational Structures in R/3. Achieve flexibility in complex corporate structures. Adapt to changes in corporate structure Distinguish between views in logistics, cost accounting and financial accounting. Process data across company codes

2. You can use the company code and business area to represent a group from financial accounting viewpoint.Yes/No. – Yes.

3. Several Company codes can use same chart of accounts.Yes/No. – Yes.

4. A business area is separate business unit for which cross-company code internal reporting can be carried out.Yes/No. – Yes.

5. A business area is not limited to a company code.Yes/No. – Yes.

6. By what means a business area is determined? By plant and item division combination By Sales area.

7. Each sales organization has its own master dataYes/No. – Yes.


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8. Can you make customer-specific agreements for each divisionYes/No. – Yes. e.g. Partial deliveries or pricing, you can make statistical analysis or devise marketing plan for each division.9. Every sales process takes place within a sales areYes/No. – Yes.

10. Sales offices can be assigned to multiple sales areasYes/No. – Yes.

11. Can you carry out sales analyses on the different internal organization levelsYes/No. – Yes.

12. Material stocks can be described in detail at the level of different storage locations within a plant.Yes/No. – Yes.

13. In what combination is plant assigned to sales department.Sales organization, distribution channel to plant.

14. One plant can be assigned to several distribution chains as delivering plant.Yes/No. – Yes.

15. Is it possible for the delivering plant of a distribution chain to belong to a different independent company code?Yes/No. – Yes. under cross company sales.


1. What are the major information source for a document to be processed. Master Data Existing Data Customizing Hard-coded controls

2. If you forget to enter the sales area data during sales order creation, will the system able to derive it automatically.Yes/No. – Yes. It will proposed from Sold-to Party.

3. Can you create the master record for a new sold-to party from within the document creation transaction.Yes/No. – Yes.

4. When you enter a sales document, you can also enter the ship-to party instead of sold-to party.Yes/No. – Yes. the system determines it from the ship-to party master.

5. What type of data are taken from each business partner’s master data Sold-to Party – Incoterms, Shipping conditions, Customer Pricing Procedure Ship-to Party – Delivering Plant, Delivery address, Tax information. Payer – Payment terms Bill-to Party – address to which the invoice should be sent.


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6. Can you have business data at various levels at a document?Yes/No. – Yes. Business data can be maintained at both header and item level in the document, this control is maintained in item category.(Eg. Incoterms, Payment terms)

7. Can you change the plant manually in the order once it is defaulted from mastersYes/No. – Yes.

8. How the system determines the plant automatically in the document CMIR – Plant from customer-material info record Ship-to Party master record Material master record.

9. what happens if you do not give delivering plant in the sales document. Shipping point cannot be determined No availability check can be carried out No delivery can be created.

10. The information in the sales summary is grouped into info blocks on various topicsYes/No. – Yes.

11. What are the options available for changing document Fast changes in document (setting blocks, rejections, delivery date) all are within

document. Changing in several documents

12. You can set a billing block in the document header and in the individual itemsYes/No. – Yes.

13. You can enter reasons for rejection for one or more itemsYes/No. – Yes.

14. In order to prevent items from being copied from one document to other what needs to be maintained?Copying requirement in copying control

15. If you assign a reason for rejection for a item in quotation, what will be the status of that item?This gives the item status completed, thus the business transaction can thus be concluded for that particular item.


1. Customizing for sales documents can be done at header, item or schedule line level, depending on the structure of the document.Yes/No. – Yes.

2. What general sales functions you configure for sales documents.


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Partner determination, pricing, Output determination, Text determination, Material determination, Credit management, Incompleteness checks, Delivery scheduling etc.


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3. For pricing you can set your own pricing procedure for a sales document type.Yes/No. – Yes.

4. Can you create default output types for each sales document type?Yes/No. – Yes. in output determination procedure you have to assign it to a sales document type.

5. different sales document types represent different business processes in the system.Yes/No. – Yes.

6. When you copy the document type, both the fields and the dependent entries are copiedYes/No. – Yes.

7. Can you limit the validity of your sales document types at the level of sales area.Yes/No. – Yes. By assigning the permitted sales document type to a sales area in customizing.


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1. What is the use of an item category?An item category controls what the item does in the sales document and in any later processing for that business transaction.

2. What are the essential characteristics of an item category? Business data can change differ in each item from header, Eg. Incoterms etc. Pricing applies to the item Billing: whether and how billing is done for the item Schedule lines are allowed for item or not, Delivery relevance for the item Completion rule for the document item Eg. In quotation or in contract. BOM structure Item type: whether an item is a standard item or just an text item.

3. The Delivery relevance indicator is set only for items without schedule lines.Yes/No. – Yes.

4. In a sales document can you have items with different item categories?Yes/No. – Yes.


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5. Item categories doesn’t differ according to sales documentsYes/No. – No. we use different item categories in different sales document types. 6. Can you assign an item to higher-level item?Yes/No. – Yes. it needs to be determined in item category determination.

7. Alternative items can also be included in quotations and inquires in addition to sub-items.Yes/No. – Yes.

8. Items categories are assigned to what?Sales document types

9. what is the purpose of this assignment?To propose an item category for a sales documentDefine alternative item category to system proposal

10. how do we determine an item category in the document?It is the combination of

Sales document type Item category group from material master record (sales org2 view) Item usage (ABAP program) Item category of the higher-level item.

11. what are the examples of Item usage in item category determinationFREE – in case of free goods itemTEXT – in case of text item

12. All items in BOM must be flagged as relevant for sales, how do we do that?Yes/No. – Yes. we have create the BOM with usage 5(SD)

13. Items in a BOM are controlled differently than item categories in a sales document.Yes/No. – Yes.

14. do the item category group of the main item in BOM is same to the standard one.Yes/No. – No. A specific item category group assigned to the material master record of the main item defines which item categories are assigned to the main item.


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1. For what schedule lines are used in the system? It contains delivery dates and quantities Information about requirement transfers and inventory management.

2. you can deliver materials even if they do not contain schedule linesYes/No. – No. they are prerequisite for delivering materials.

3. You can assign schedule line category to each item category.Yes/No. – Yes.

4. What for delivery relevance indicator is there in schedule line category. We must activate this if we want the goods to be physically delivered.

5. What controls does a schedule line have? Goods movement: posting to inventory accounting Delivery relevance Purchasing: triggering automatic purchase requisition Requirements transfer Availability check Delivery block for an schedule line of an item

6. for a sales document at what level you can set the delivery blockdelivery block is set in sales document type and schedule line categories


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7. Schedule line categories are assigned to what?Item categories

8. How do we determine schedule line categories in a sales document Item category of an item MRP type from material master record.

9. How does the system determine schedule line category Step 1: item category with MRP type = Schedule line category Step 2: item category without MRP type. = Schedule line category


1. You can create a sales document with reference to a preceding document from both the initial screen and during order processing.Yes/No. – Yes.

2. what are the tab pages that are available for copying preceding documents?6 tab pages are available

3. What are the options available for copying a document? Copy the whole items Selection list for selecting certain item with all or partial quantities

4. After copying from the reference document, can you change the values of the new document, which are defaulted from reference?Yes/No. – Yes.

5. Can you create a single order with reference to many quotations for a customer.Yes/No. – Yes. this is possible via referring to quotation during document entry.


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6. You can view all of the documents within the document flow in a list.Yes/No. – Yes.

7. Document flow is updated only for overall document.Yes/No. – No. It is updated for overall document and for individual items

8. for updating of document flow at item level where we have to make the settings Document flow update at item level in copying control.

9. if you enter a reason for rejection what happens to the partially referred itemsthe item receives “completed” status.

10. What are two sales documents that require mandatory reference SDF (Subsequent delivery Free of charge) from an returns order RK (Invoice correction request) from billing document.

11. Document status is updated at Header, Item and Schedule line level.Yes/No. – No. Only at header and item level.

12. You set up copying control for header, item and schedule line level.Yes/No. – Yes.

13. What controls the copying procedure Data transfer routines: ABAP programs for fields to be copied. Copying requirements: specific needs to be met for copying Switches: for specific controls Eg. Transfer of item numbers from one document

to another.


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14. What is the significance of complete reference switch in copying control? If we mark this switch, the system copies the full quantities from source

document to the target document and you cannot change the values in the target document.

15. Reference document can also be created if partial requirements are met.Yes/No. – No. it can only be created if requirements are fully met.


1. Rush orders and cash sales are used in the sales from plant process or for when the customer needs to pick up their goods immediately from the warehouse.Yes/No. – Yes.

2. What configuration needs to be made for this process in sales document type (RO). The immediate delivery switch, shipping condition and delivery type are



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3. Delivery is created automatically when you create a rush order.Yes/No. – Yes.

4. Picking and warehouse movement automatically happens in rush orders.Yes/No. – No.

5. what happens when you create a cash sales orderin the order type cash sales (CS), when you save the order

the delivery(CS) is created automatically with picking and warehouse movement. Prints a document that can be given to the customer as an invoice.(Output type

RD03) An order-related billing index is generated automatically.

6. The goods issue happens automatically during cash sales.Yes/No. – No.

7. An invoice (CS) is automatically created when you save a cash sales order.Yes/No. – No. for invoice to be created goods issue need to be done, even though billing type CS is with reference to order.

8. in cash sales, an order related billing index is created always.Yes/No. – Yes.

9. the system does not print invoices during billing.Yes/No. – Yes.10. The following statements are true in consignment processing

the goods are delivered to the customer but remain the property of the company until they are actually used.

An invoice is not created until the customer withdraws the goods from the consignment stock.

The customer has right to return consignment goods up until that point.

11. In consignment fill-up, goods remain in the valuated stocks of the delivering plant.Yes/No. – Yes.

12. In consignment pick-up, the system credits the special customer stock during the goods receipt.Yes/No. – Yes.

13. in consignment returns, a credit memo is generated.Yes/No. – Yes.

Consignment Processing

Order Delivery Picking Goods Issue Billing Doc

Consignment Fill-up (CF)


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Consignment Issue (CI)Consignment Pick-up (CP)Consignment Returns (CR)

14. How to ensure that free-of charge deliveries should not happen automatically. A delivery block indicator has to be set in the respective document types.

15. Will the item category remain the same for a standard item if you send the items as free-of charge deliveries.Yes/No. – No. Item categories change to KLN from TAN.


1. An incompletion log is a list of all the data essential to your company in a sales document that has not yet been entered in the system.Yes/No. – Yes.

2. Can you edit a incomplete order once you have saved in the system?Yes/No. – Yes. List of all incomplete orders can be generated and can be edited.

3. Can u save and incomplete sales order. It depends on customizing in sales document type, whether a warning or an error

message has to be given by the system.

4. You can create a new order with reference to an incomplete order.Yes/No. – No. any incomplete document cannot be taken as reference.

5. Incompleteness log can be maintained at all the three levels of a sales document.Yes/No. – Yes.

6. Where do you assign the incompleteness procedure. Header level to Sales Document type Item level to Item categories Schedule line level to Schedule line categories.


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7. What is the role of a status group in incompletion procedure? When you define the status groups, you decide which steps should be prevented

if data is missing.

8. Where do you assign this status groups? A status group is assigned to each field in the incompletion procedure.


1. Business partners that exist in market place are represented with a partner type in the R/3 system.Yes/No. – Yes.

2. What partner type exits in the system? AP – Contact Person KU – Customer LI – Vendor PE- Personnel

3. Partner function represents the role each partner type play within business transactionYes/No. – Yes.

4. Can one partner take on several functions?Yes/No. – Yes.


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5. What are the mandatory partner function for a sales order to be processed? Sold-to party (SP) Ship-to party (SH) Payer (PY) Bill-to party (BP)

6. The contact person can also be assigned to another customer.Yes/No. – Yes.

7. Can you maintain partner relationships both in sales documents and in master data.Yes/No. – Yes. you need to do separate partner determination for each of this objects.

8. Can you assign several partners to one partner function in the customer master?Yes/No. – Yes.

9. Which is a unique partner function in customer master?Sold-to Party.

10. In sales document, several partners can be assigned to a partner functionYes/No. – No. only one partner can be assigned to each partner function, the exception is for outline agreements (partner functions AA and AW).

11. Can a sales document be created for two sold-to party?Yes/No. – No.

12. Can a sales document have two Ship-to parties?Yes/No. – Yes. Can be maintained at item partner level.

13. Is it possible to enter or change the address of a partner manually in a sales document once it is proposed from master data?Yes/No. – Yes. It doesn’t effect the master data.


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14. What are the partner objects for which you maintain partner determination?

Customer Master Account group Sales document Header Sales Document type Sales document item Item category in sales Delivery Delivery type Billing header Billing type Billing item Billing type Sales Activity (CAS) Sales activity type

15. Explain the partner determination procedure for customer master Partner Function to the Account group Partner Function to the Partner Procedure Partner procedure to the Account group

16. An account group controls what? Each data field, the number range and different information from Can tab pages

of the customer master.

17. Can you use other sources to automatically determine business partners in sales documents, Eg. Contact persons, Credit representative, forwarding agent etcYes/No. – Yes. we have to maintain relevant partner function in the partner procedure.


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1. What are the two types of free goods function offered in the R/3 system. Inclusive: is a part of ordered quantity, both involve the same material and

quantity units. Exclusive: extra goods free of charge, can be another article.

2. Can the quantity unit in exclusive free good be different?Yes/No. – Yes.

3. What happens if the quantities in the main item change or if the pricing date changes in the sales order.

The system re-reads the free goods master record, then deletes the sub-items and re-creates them.

Any manual changes to the free good quantity are lost.

4. If prices is re-run in the sales order, does it effect the free goods determination?Yes/No. – No.

5. in what way you restrict the master records of free goods Validity Period: Minimum Quantity Calculation type Delivery control Scales

6. Free goods quantity is the quantity that is calculated from discount quantity and not the minimum quantity.Yes/No. – Yes.

7. What are the three rules provided by the system to calculate free goods Pro-rated: proportionate determination Unit related: Whole units

8. How the system transfers free goods information to CO-PA Scenario1: Pricing is deactivated for free goods, only cost is set in sub-item Scenario2: Pricing is activated but it is discounted with 100%. Scenario3: Cumulation of calculation price for sub-item configured at main item


9. How free goods are determined in the system it is determined based on the combination of Sales area, document pricing

procedure and customer pricing procedure using condition technique.


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1. For what material determination is used? Material determination provides you with a tool for automatically exchanging

materials in the sales document.

2. A substitution reason to every master record in material determination defines how the material should be determined.Yes/No. – Yes.

3. You do not need a material master record for the material number that you are replacing.Yes/No. – Yes.

4. Can you find the information about the material which was replaced in the order.Yes/No. – Yes. The item overview for Sales A view.

5. Can you configure the system so that you can select the products manuallyYes/No. – Yes. We have to enter reason for substitution 0005, then the system displays the list of materials that are maintained in the master record.

6. if there are more than one material in the master record, the sequence in which they appear defines the priority that they have.Yes/No. – Yes.

7. In automatic product selection, the system replaces the entered material automatically if it is not available.Yes/No. – Yes. we have to assign reason for substitution 0004 and 0006.

8. If automatic product selection is being used, the system may display the entered and the substituted material as main and sub-items in the sales order.Yes/No. – Yes.

9. you can choose whether or not to re-run material determination when the delivery is created.Yes/No. – Yes.

10. what happens when the system re-runs material determination the substitution may change due to the new availability situation

11. Is partial product selection allowed in material determination?


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Yes/No. – Yes. The partial confirmation of product selection allows us to deal with shortfall cases.

12. Can you view the information on how the system determined the materialsYes/No. – Yes. we can activate the analysis for material determination in the sales document.

13. How material is determined in a sales document? Material determination procedure is assigned to sales document type

14. Can you ensure in the system that a particular customer should not receive certain materials?Yes/No. – Yes. By creating material listing

15. What happens when certain materials that are listed for sold-to party are excluded in payer master while creating a order.

Sold-to party gets the precedence

16. You can also exclude certain materials for a particular customer in the system.Yes/No. – Yes. by creating material exclusion


1. What are the two major outline agreements in the R/3 system Scheduling agreements Contracts: Value and quantity contracts

2. The scheduling agreements contain fixed delivery dates and quantities.Yes/No. – Yes.

3. What happens when the quantity in the schedule line exceeds target quantity the system issues a warning message

4. How billing happens for a scheduling agreements? Processing invoice periodically eg. Once a month Collective invoice: deliveries due are billed

5. A contract is an outline agreement that is valid for certain period.Yes/No. – Yes.

6. A contract does not contain any schedule lines, delivery quantities or delivery dates.Yes/No. – Yes.

7. can you agree on special price agreements or delivery times in a contractYes/No. – Yes.


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8. How a contract is fulfilled? With individual release orders.

9. What are the ways you can create a release order for a contract? Create with reference in the initial screen In the sales document menu Assign an order item subsequently Use automatic system search for open outline agreements

10. Can you customize your system so that it automatically searches for any open outline agreements?Yes/No. – Yes. enter the messages for contract field in the sales document types

11. What is a value contract? It defines that your customer agrees to purchase a fixed total value(target

amount) of goods and services during the defined period. It includes: Special price agreements Customer restriction Material restrictions

12. Can the target value be changed once you have created a value contract.Yes/No. – Yes.13. How can you restrict the materials in value contract

Product hierarchy List of Valid materials (Assortment Module) Restriction by copying control at item level Materials that are permitted for the sales area for which value contract exists.

14. Assortment module for value contracts are maintained in the master data for products.


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Yes/No. – Yes.

15. What happens when you do not maintain any data in assortment module All the materials in sales can be released in value contract.

16.A release order releases a partial quantity of the agreed total value of the goods or services from a contract.Yes/No. – Yes.

17. Can you create a release order in any currency?Yes/No. – Yes. the system automatically updates to the currency of the contract

18. Can we assign an order to a contract later?Yes/No. – Yes. Both at header and Item level.

19. How billing is done in value contract?There are two types

Bill each release order (Order or delivery related) Billing plan for several dates and for partial quantities.

20. Is automatic billing done for value contracts?Yes/No. – No.

21. What happens if the release order quantity exceeds target value.Customization in item category

22. How do we ensure that which partners are authorized for a release of contract? Check partner authorization field should be maintained in the sales document


23. the partner determination procedure assigns the partners authorized to release against the contractYes/No. – Yes. (AA and AW should be assigned to customer master record)


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24. Partners authorized to release are only checked at header level.Yes/No. – Yes.

25. At what level can you maintain a contract data Both at header and item level.

26. What is the use of a contract profile and where it is assigned to?If you assign a contract profile to a sales document type, the system automatically determines default values specific to a contract such as

Rules for determining start and end date of the contract Duration category Subsequent activities Cancellation procedure


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1. What processes are covered in Logistics Execution process? The goods receipt process: goods collected from vendor. The goods issue process: delivery to the customer. Internal warehouse processes: stock transfer posting The transportation process: outbound shipments, cost calculations etc.

2. SAP R/3 supports the following functions within shipping processing: Creation and processing of outbound deliveries Monitoring of goods availability Picking of goods with WM system Packing of goods in delivery Printing shipping documents Processing goods issue Controlling through overviews E.g. Deliveries to be processed etc

3. What is the delivery document structure and what are the key header data?Header level:

Shipping point, Ship-to party, route, document dateItem level:

4. What are the various options for delivering orders. Complete delivery Partial delivery Order combination

5. How and where do you store the delivery agreements for a customer? Delivery agreements are stored in either customer master record to customer-

material info record of Sold-to party using indicators.

6. Delivery status is updated at both header and item level.Yes/No. – Yes.

7. What information does the status indicators provide? Information about the work progress in the shipping activity.

8. The document flow can be displayed at header and item level for one or all items of a delivery document.Yes/No. – Yes.

9. The overall processing status of the outbound delivery is in process until the billing document is generated, even if the shipping processing activities such as picking, packing, post goods issue are complete.Yes/No. – Yes.


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10. What are the other application areas of delivery apart from sales order. Outbound delivery, replenishment delivery, delivery for subcontract, returns delivery vendor, inbound delivery for purchase order, delivery from projects

11. The outbound delivery in SAP R/3 supports the processing of shipping activities in the warehouse and at the shipping point.Yes/No. – Yes.

12. What is the document that is generated for combining the outbound deliveries? Shipment document.

13. Can a shipment document have multiple shipping point, ship-to party along a route?Yes/No. – Yes.

14. can we create single shipment document for two different routes?Yes/No. – No.


1. The plant plays central role in logistics?Yes/No. – Yes.

2. Stocks are managed at the level of what? Storage location

3. What are the organizational units in a warehouse? Warehouse: a warehouse complex comprising of several storage location. Storage type: different warehouse areas, which differ from each other with

respect to some technical features. E.g. Cold storage, high rack storage Picking area: below the storage type level, picking area groups together storage

bins from picking point of view Staging area: goods are stored immediately after loading or unloading Door: used for inbound and outbound delivery of goods

4. which organizational unit of a warehouse are stored at outbound delivery header? Door Staging area

5. can several storage locations within a plant refer to the same warehouse number.Yes/No. – Yes.

6. The following are true about the shipping point An independent organizational unit which processes and monitors outbound

deliveries and goods issue. It is determined in the order at item level A shipping point can process outbound deliveries of several plants, provided

plants are located in the same general vicinity.


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Several shipping points can be assigned to one plant A shipping point can also be set as goods receipt point.


1. What controls does the delivery document have? Number range Output determination Partner determination Route Redetermination Relevant for shipping Delivery split by warehouse number Texts Reference to order

2. What are the standard delivery types in the system? EL: Inbound delivery LB: Delivery for subcontract order LF: Outbound delivery LO: Delivery w/o order reference LP: Delivery from projects


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LR: Returns delivery NL: Replenishment delivery

3. What control does the delivery item category has in the document? The delivery item category controls how delivery items are handled and

processed during the shipping process.

4. How an item category is determined in the delivery document? For items with order reference using the copying control function and for

items without order reference the system takes into account the delivery type and item category group from material master of the item.

5. What shipping relevant customizing is done in sales?Order type:

Delivery type proposal Requested delivery date proposal Immediate delivery

Order item category: Delivery relevance Schedule line allowed

Schedule line category:


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Delivery relevance Movement type allowed


1. While determining the shipping point the shipping condition assigned in the sales document type is takes precedence than that of sold-to party.Yes/No. – Yes.

2. Can you manually overwrite the route in the order once it is defaulted by the system?Yes/No. – Yes.

3. you can redetermine the route in the delivery.Yes/No. – Yes. based on weight of delivery items, it depends on customization of delivery type.

4. What type of scheduling you can do in outbound delivery for determining the delivery date?

Forward scheduling (depends on customizing of document type.)

5. How the times are calculated in scheduling? Precise scheduling: displays the scheduling in times based on shipping point-

working times. Daily scheduling: displays the scheduling in days based on the shipping point

factory calendar.

6. Pick/pack time and loading time is calculated based on what? Shipping point working times

7. Transportation lead time and transit time is calculated based on what? Based on Route

8. What is used to organize outbound deliveries for shipping? Route schedule

9. Route schedule can also be used as selection criteria for the individual steps in shipping processing.Yes/No. – Yes.

10. what information does a route schedule has? A route Departure date and time Ship-to parties An itinerary

11. A route schedule is assigned to what? Shipping point , Sales document type or delivery document type.


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12. Can you deliver purchase orders or other requests manually?Yes/No. – No. only collective processing is allowed.

13. Delivery scenarios are used for what? To model the different business process for deliveries. E.g. sales orders etc

14. what is user roles? User roles are used to fine-tune processing of delivery due list, they control the

scope of selection and display of the delivery due list.

15. User roles are assigned to what? User roles are assigned to each delivery scenario.

16. Storage location are determined in the sales order.Yes/No. – No. they are only determined in the outbound delivery.

17. How the system determines the picking location? Based on the MALA rule defined in the delivery type [shipping point,

delivering plant and storage condition for the material]

18. User exit can also be used for storage location determination.Yes/No. – Yes.

19. Staging area can be determined at both header and item level.Yes/No. – Yes.

20. How staging area is determined? Header: storage location of ship-to party or route schedule Item level: storage location of ship-to party or route schedule with storage


21. What happens if staging area is different from header to that of items? It causes a split in transfer order.

22. how doors are determined? Header: storage location of ship-to party or route schedule

23. Can you add items manually to the outbound delivery once it is created with reference to an order?Yes/No. – Yes. item entered need not be with reference to an order.

24. we can change the shipping point and ship-to party in the delivery after saving it?Yes/No. – No. header data cannot be changed.

25. What are the output types available in shipping? Header level: Delivery note(LD00), Packing list(PL00), Freight list(LL00) etc, Item level: Quality certificate(LQCA), Shipping label(0001) etc.


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26. What is the use of an outbound delivery monitor? The outbound delivery monitor displays all deliveries that are still to be processed

or that have just been processed according to each processing in shipping.

27. What is picking? Picking is the process of preparing goods for delivery to the customer with

special attention paid to dates, quantity and quality.

28. Is all items in a delivery is relevant for picking?Yes/No. – No. Only those items that are marked as relevant for picking in the item category can be picked.

29. Delivery is possible in an outbound delivery with partial picking.Yes/No. – No. The pick quantity and the delivery quantity must be the same for doing post goods issue in a delivery document.

30. What is a transfer order? A transfer order is an instruction to move materials from source storage bin to a

destination storage bin within a warehouse complex. It includes: Material number, Quantity and Source and destination storage


31. Is separate confirmation required for transfer orders to verify quantities removed from warehouse?

It depends on customization. It is defined for a shipping point.


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32. What is the advantage of Lean WH management? Lean WH management does not have inventory management at the level of the

storage bin; only fixed bin storage bins are maintained.

33. What is the structure of a Lean WH? At least one warehouse number and storage type is required.

34. Lean WH is assigned to what? Combination of Plant and storage Location.

35. What are the possible ways for creating a transfer order? Follow-on function from O/D. Using O/D monitor Using collective processing Automatic/direct transfer order based on output timings

36. What is a Pick list? Combining transfer orders from several outbound deliveries.

37. What will be the confirmation status if quantities are partially picked? Confirmation status will be confirmed [C] irrespective of pick quantity.


1. Why Batch split function is used?If the delivery quantities of an item is to be taken from different batches.

2. How batch split are carried out? Manually in the batch spilt screen Automatic batch determination (it has to be activated in delivery item category)

3. Can you do Post goods issue without batch determined for an item? If materials are maintained in the batches, it has to be determined before PGI.

4. What are serial numbers? Unique serial numbers are assigned to each material. Serial number profile has

to be entered in material master record to use serial number for a material.

5. You must specify serial numbers before PGI.Yes/No. – Yes.

6. Pricing conditions are transferred from preceding documents to a outbound delivery document.Yes/No. – No. We have to enter manually or using conditions technique provided the procedure is assigned to delivery type.

7. What pricing information are available in delivery? Shipping-related conditions. E.g. shipping or freight.


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8. Can you split an existing delivery?Yes/No. – Yes. using split profile which is assigned to delivery type.

9. What happens when you split a delivery? New deliveries are created such as results and the remainder.

10. Can you call log of incomplete items from delivery processing?Yes/No. – Yes. both at header and item level.

11. What other functions can be performed in outbound delivery creation? Material substitution Texts Quantity checks Dangerous goods check Credit and risk management Export control


1. Posting goods issue for an outbound delivery completes shipping activities.Yes/No. – Yes.

2. Goods issue applies to the entire outbound delivery document.Yes/No. – Yes.

3. What are the ways for doing Post goods issue? Processing Single document Collective processing Outbound delivery monitor In picking by specifying rule 2 in Adopt pick quantity.

4. Goods issue can be done even though warehouse confirmation for picking is not done.Yes/No. – No. PGI requires the mandatory functions to be carried out and also incomplete document fields should be completed.

5. Effects of PGI in the R/3 system? Reduces warehouse stock. Post value changes in stock accounts in inventory accounting. Reduces delivery requirements. Enter status information in outbound delivery Updates document flow Creates work list for billing

6. The following are true about cancellation of goods issue. The system carries out an inventory posting based on quantities and values

with a reversed +/- sign. The cancellation document is entered in the document flow for outbound

delivery. The goods movement status is reset to “Not yet started”


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The delivery requirements are recreated. Any billing document created with reference to delivery must be cancelled first. Reversal movement type has to be customized in inventory management.

7. Can Quality management be implemented for goods inspection before goods issue to the customer?Yes/No. – Yes. Quality management view of the material master view has to be maintained.

8. What influences the QM inspection of goods to be either accepted or rejected? The usage decision of quality inspection department.

9. The goods can be sent to the customer before inspection log is submitted to the delivery department.Yes/No. – Yes. depends on the customer decision.

10. What is POD? Proof of delivery (POD) is essentially designed to support the process of

creating an invoice once the customer has confirmed the arrival of the goods.

11. POD relevance is activated where? Delivery item category POD relevance in customer master record of ship-to party

12. The creation of a billing document using the billing due list is blocked until POD has been confirmed.Yes/No. – Yes. Depends on customization.


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1. What are packaging materials? Materials used for packing or transporting goods. Material type is VERP.

2. What are handling units? Items from an outbound delivery can be packed into an individual packaging type

called a handling unit. Combination of packaging materials and goods.

3. Can a handling unit be packed into other HU?Yes/No. – Yes. Multilevel packing is possible.

4. All the items in a outbound delivery must be packed.Yes/No. – No. Customization done in Delivery Item category.

5. What output types are set for packing in the system? Packing list (at delivery level) Shipping label (at handling unit level)

6. The packing functions are available where? In the order as packing proposal. In the inbound delivery. In the outbound delivery. In the shipment document.

7. Can you change the packing in the outbound delivery?Yes/No. – Yes. As long as you have not posted goods issue.

8. Similar packaging materials are grouped into what? Packaging material type.

9. Materials that have similar packaging requirement are grouped into what? Material group for packaging materials.

10. Can a material be packed to any packaging material?Yes/No. – Yes. provided Material group for packaging materials has not been maintained in the material master, depending on the weight and volume check.


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11. What are packing instructions and how it is determined? Packing instructions consist of: packing materials, Materials to be packed,

Text items, Rules concerning rounding, minimum quantities, definition of a check profile.

It is determined using condition technique.

12. Can a packaging material be generated as separate line item in the outbound delivery?Yes/No. – Yes. Item category must be determined using USAGE and a delivery plant for packaging materials must be determined in the outbound delivery.


1. What are the advantages of handling units? Simpler processing of materials flow in logistics using HU identification

number, not material and quantity. All subsequent process can reuse this information within own organization

and also by partners in the logistics chain.

2. What are the mandatory customizations required for efficient HU management? Define number ranges for handling Units. Define packaging material types HU requirement for storage locations (for which no stock has been entered) Packing control by item category External number range for handling units.



1. What are the types of pricing conditions you can maintain in R/3 system? Pricing Discounts / Surcharges Freight Taxes

2. Can you limit a pricing agreement?Yes/No. – Yes. By specifying a validity period.

3. Can you maintain prices based on different scales?Yes/No. – Yes. Unlimited number of levels in a scale can be maintained.


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4. For what the upper and the lower limit in a condition is maintained? Manual changes in pricing elements can be limited based on these limits.

5. What is a condition type? The condition type determines the category of a condition and how it is used.

6. What are the possible scale base types and calculation types exits in the system?


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Value – Percentage or fixed amount Quantity – Amount / unit of measure Weight – Amount / unit of weight Volumes – Amount / unit of volume Time period quantity per unit of time

7. Can you set a condition type automatically as surcharge or as discount?Yes/No. – Yes. by activating the positive/negative field in the condition type.

8. All the condition type should have an access sequence assigned to it.Yes/No. – No. Header condition types and some item condition doesn’t have access sequence assigned to it.


1. What is a pricing procedure? All permitted condition types are contained in the pricing procedure, which is

assigned for a combination of sales area and customers.

2. Can you control the behavior of a condition type in a procedure?Yes/No. – Yes. By assigning a requirement to it.

3. The pricing procedure can contain any number of subtotals between gross and net price.Yes/No. – Yes.

4. What you have to do if you want a condition type to surely influence the pricing of a document?

Mark the condition type as mandatory in the pricing procedure.

5. Can you use a condition type purely for statistical purpose in the procedure without affecting the net value of the item price?Yes/No. – Yes. By marking the condition type as Statistical purpose in the procedure.

6. Can you enter a condition type manually in the sales document?Yes/No. – Yes. Manual switch has to be marked in the pricing procedure.

7. What is an access sequence? It is the search strategy for searching the accesses (Condition tables) that are

assigned to it. The search strategy is from specific to general.

8. Can you make an access dependent on certain requirements?Yes/No. – Yes.

9. What are the ways you can exclude a condition type from being determined in a sales document?

Assigning a requirement to the condition type in the procedure Assigning the condition type to the exclusion group, which is in turn assigned to

a procedure.


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10. Can you change the condition manually in the document once it is determined by the system?Yes/No. – Yes. Provided in the condition type manual entries field should be marked.

11. Can you enter conditions at the header level of a document?Yes/No. – Yes.

12. The following are true about the header conditions. It does not have access sequence and have to be entered manually. It has to be activated in the document after entering in the document. These are automatically distributed among the items based on the net value of

each item.(E.g. HB00) a routine can be defined in AltCBV for a different split rule to take place.

13. What is pricing type? We configure the pricing behavior in the pricing type.

14. On what level the prices are updated in the condition screen? Header and item level.


1. A condition table is a combination of key fields from the field catalogue.Yes/No. – Yes.

2. Non-key fields can be entered between key fields.Yes/No. – No.

3. An access sequence is composed of one or more condition tables.Yes/No. – Yes.

4. Can you define prices, discounts and surcharges at various levels?Yes/No. – Yes.

5. Can you prevent an access from being read in a access sequence?Yes/No. – Yes. By specifying a requirement to that access.

6. An access sequence is assigned where? To a condition type.

7. A condition type can have more than one access sequence assigned to it?Yes/No. – No.

8. How pricing procedure is determined in a sales document? Sales area Document pricing procedure in the document type Customer pricing procedure in the customer master


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1. What is a pricing report? It is an overview of condition records for analysis. E.g. Customer specific prices.

It consist of the following Page header Group header Items

2. Mass maintenance of conditions is possible?Yes/No. – Yes. Using pricing report across all condition types and tables for a specific customer or product.

3. This condition maintenance is configured using what? Area menus.

4. Can you create a condition record with reference to another?Yes/No. – Yes. Using create with template

5. Can you change multiple condition records simultaneously?Yes/No. – Yes. Using price change function. Use the change documents to review and monitor changes made to the condition records.

6. Newly created customers A,B,C have similar conditions as of Z, what function you will use to maintain conditions for these customers?

Copy condition function for creating multiple condition records.

7. What is a Net Price List? The Net Price List offers the option of creating price information for a customer

on a selected quantity of materials by simulating billing document.

8. What is a condition index? We create condition index to search for condition records that were created for

a variety of condition types and condition tables.

9. What is the prerequisite for using condition index? Activate in customizing for a condition type.

10. What is the use of a release procedure in condition records?To control the condition records by defining its status


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Released Blocked Release for price simulation Released for planning and price simulation

11. What influences the release status? Processing status. It indirectly controls the release status.

12. can you convert old condition records w/o release status to new with release status?Yes/No. – Yes.

13. What is a calculation type? It determines how the prices and discounts are calculated for a condition.

14. Can you maintain texts in condition records?Yes/No. – Yes. But it cannot be copied into documents except for rebate agreements.


1. What are rebates? A rebate is a discount, which is granted on the basis of a defined sales volume

within a certain period.

2. What happens when a rebate settlement is run? Credit memo request is generated automatically.

3. When rebate accruals are created? During billing processing, rebate accruals are determined and posted


4. What happens when rebate credit memo is created? Rebate accruals are reversed.

5. What are the prerequisites for rebate processing?The following must be activated:


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Sales organization Payer master data Billing document type

6. With the rebate agreement, you can specify The condition type used with the rebate agreement type A validity period Proposal

7. When does rebate processing begin? When a rebate-relevant billing document is created.

8. Rebate accrual amount is calculated using what? Rebate basis.

9. What is retroactive rebate agreement? Retroactive rebate agreement allows us to take into account billing

documents created before the rebate agreement is created.10. Accrual amount in retroactive rebate agreement has to be entered manually?Yes/No. – Yes.

11. What happens when a credit memo is created? Accruals are cancelled automatically.

12. What is a rebate material? Rebate material provides information at material level when rebate is settled in

case of rebate agreement based on a group of material or to a customer.


1. Statistical condition type does not change the net value of the item.Yes/No. – Yes.

2. From where the system derives the cost for the material.From the accounting view of the material master record

Standard price Moving average price

The condition type is VPRS in the pricing procedure

3. What rate does the system retrieve for cash discount? Condition type SKTO retrieves the first percentage rate from the item payment


4. What happens when the customer expected price differs from the automatically determined prices.

If the deviation is more than the allowed value in the sales order, the system will regard this order as incomplete when it is saved.


1. What factors are considered for calculating taxes?


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Business transaction: Departure country (of delivery plant), Destination country (of SH)

Tax liability of the Ship-to Party Tax liability of the material

2. A tax calculation procedure is assigned where? Assigned to a country

3. From where the sales tax identification number is determined?Based on the rule assigned to the sales organization.Blank – Payer is preferred over Ship-to partyA – Sold-to PartyB - Payer


1. A promotion or general marketing plan is defined for what? For a product line for a certain period of time.

2. Can a promotion have several sales deal assigned to it?Yes/No. – Yes.

3. Where can you find information regarding promotion and sales deal in the order? Billing item screen.

4. How can you control the records of a sales deal? Release status.


1. What is use of condition type HM00? Price for an item can be entered manually in the header, which will be

distributed in the items according to the net value ratio.

2. What is use of condition type Net price PN00? Net price for an item is entered manually.

3. What is use of condition type Minimum order values AMIW & AMIZ? Is an item condition determining the minimum order value for a document, if

the order value falls short, than AMIZ will calculate the difference and puts the difference value as surcharge in the document. AMIW is a statistical condition type.


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4. What is use of condition type Minimum price PMIN? We can create a minimum price for a material using condition type PMIN.

5. What is use of condition type Interval price PR02? Interval scales can be set for the condition type using scale type D. Interval

prices cannot be used for Group conditions.

6. What is the use of customer hierarchy? Customer hierarchy can be used during order processing and billing for

determining special pricing, discounts and for running statistics for a specific customer under the whole group.

7. How customer hierarchy is created? Using Node. These nodes are assigned to each other.

8. A pricing agreement with a higher-level node is valid for all the subordinate level nodes.Yes/No. – Yes. Condition type HI01 is used for this purpose.

9. What is use of condition type Rounding DIFF?Is a group condition, it will calculate rounding unit and adds the difference.E.g. Rs. 75.33 will be rounded to Rs. 75.35 based on the rounding unit.

10. A pricing procedure has the following condition types such as

Pallet discount KP00 – Rs. 5 per pallet on whole unitsIncomplete Pallet surcharge KP01 – Rs. 50 per palletMixed pallet discount KP02 - From 1pallet - Rs. 10/pallet. From 2pallet – Rs. 20 / pallet.Surcharge for Incomplete Mixed Pallets KP03. – Rs. 5 per pallet

Material Master M1 & M2 50 Car = 1 pallet.

A customer is ordering Scenario120 Car for M1 and 30 Car of M2, Scenario220 Car for M1 and 40 Car of M2,

What effects does the condition types will have in the pricing procedure?

Ans. Scenario 1 Scenario 2KP00 – Rs.5 KP00 – Rs.5KP02 – Rs. 10 KP01 – Rs. 50

KP02 – Rs. 10KP03 – Rs. 5.


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1. What is the use group condition? The condition base value is then calculated as the sum of the individual items

within one group. E.g. Material price group K029.

2. What is group condition with varying keys? Item quantities are accumulated for scale point determination purposes but the

rate for each item is taken from its individual condition record.

3. Can you compare two conditions from the master record and determine the best condition in the sales document?Yes/No. – Yes. By defining and assigning the condition exclusion group to the pricing procedure.

4. Can you compare two condition records within a condition type?Yes/No. – Yes. Rule B applies to the condition exclusion group.

5. Can you limit a condition, so that it can only be used based on number of orders?Yes/No. – Yes. Update condition has to be marked for a particular condition type.

6. What are condition supplements? Groups several conditions that can be supplements with main condition.

For this we have to assign the relevant pricing procedure in the main condition type, which contains the necessary conditions. E.g. With PR00, K005, KA00 etc.

7. What is data determination in access? For pricing, we can determine and use data that is not contained in the

document. E.g. Price book – refers to a pricing determination strategy. (PBU – sales deal

for a customer, PBUD – special agreement for a material, PBBS – Base price calculated using the above two condition types.




1. Integration of billing document in SD process chain. Billing orders and deliveries Updating the document flow Creating documents in financial accounting Updating billing status Updating the Sales info System


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Updating the credit account Forwarding data to Profitability Analysis

2. What is the structure of a billing document?Header data

Customer number of Payer Billing Date Net value of the entire billing document

Item data Material number Billing quantity Net value of the individual item


1. Can you assign more than one chart of accounts to a company code?Yes/No. – No. Exactly one chart of accounts can be assigned to a company code.

2. Is defining of business area is mandatory?Yes/No. – No. is it used only for internal reporting.


1. What are the standard billing documents that are defined in the system? F2 – Invoice F8 – Pro forma Invoice G2 – Credit memo L2 – Debit memo RE – Returns S1 – Cancellation S2 – Cancellation credit memo LR – Invoice List IV – intercompany billing BV – cash sale

2. What are the control parameters in billing? Number assignment Partners Tests Output Rebates Posting block Account determination Invoice list type Cancellation billing type


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3. How the billing type is proposed in the system automatically while creating billing document?From the settings we make in the in the sales document type and the item category.Sales order Item category

4. Can you change the billing type automatically proposed by the system?Yes/No. – Yes.

5. What are the possible ways for creating an invoice? Order related invoice Delivery related invoice.

6. Can you combine an order and a delivery simultaneously for creating an invoice?Yes/No. – Yes copying requirements has to be met.


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1. What happens when you cancel an invoice? The system copies data from the reference document to the cancellation

document and offsets the entry in accounting.

2. Can you cancel a individual item in the billing document?Yes/No. – Yes

3. For cancellation we have to make an entry in copying control.Yes/No. – No. The parameter for cancellation is stored in the billing document in the cancellation area.

4. The following are true about the Credit and debit memo request. These are sales documents It can created either with reference to an order or billing It can also be created without reference to previous documents. All these documents have automatic billing block, which can be customized in

settings of these order types.

5. The reason for rejection in the complaint documents can be used for the following purposes

Item should be copied into credit memo with a zero value (reason 10) Item should not appear at credit memo at all.

6. What is the use of an workflow in credit Memo requests? The workflow within the framework of credit memo processing now guarantees

that the employee responsible is automatically determined and informed when a credit memo request is created, depending on the value involved.

7. The following are true about invoice correction request. Invoice correction request is a combination of Debit memo request and credit

memo request. Invoice correction request must be created with reference to the corresponding

billing document. When creating an invoice correction request, the items are automatically

duplicated. The resulting item categories must have opposite +/- values. The credit memo items cannot be changed, the corresponding debit memo

item, however can be updated You can delete the credit and debit memos in pairs. We can create invoice correction request for both quantity and price


8. A returns document is created with reference to a delivery document.Yes/No. – No. either with reference to Order or the billing document.

9. Can you create a credit memo request for a returns document?Yes/No. – Yes. If the company wants a release procedure to be followed, we can create a credit memo request for returns order, other wise not required.


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10. When you create a returns order, what are the required field to be maintained? We have to enter the Order reason mandatorily and also the reason for

rejection for each order item, other wise we cannot create subsequent delivery free of charge with reference to a returns order.

11. The following are true about pro-forma invoice. Generally created for export transactions. Can be created with reference to either orders or deliveries. Post goods issue is not required for creating delivery related pro-forma

invoice. We can create as many pro-forma invoices as the billing status is not updated

in the reference documents. Data from pro-forma invoice is not transferred to accounting. In copying control field Quantity/value +/- is not available.

12. The following are the characteristics of a cash sales order. Delivery is immediately created when order is saved. Goods issue is posted at a later date, but required before creating actual billing

document. An invoice receipt (RD03) is created from order. It is an order related billing. No output determination, as this has already been carried out in the order. No new price determination in the billing document. Posting is made to cash settlement account and not to the customer

account. Billing type SV is used for canceling cash sales.


1. A billing document can be created without reference to any previous documents.Yes/No. – No. Mandatory reference is required except External transactions.

2. The following are the billing documents, which are created with reference. Invoice – Sales or delivery document. Credit Memo - Credit memo request / Billing doc. Debit Memo - Debit memo request / Billing doc. Returns credit memo - Returns order. Credit memo- Invoice correction request. Pro forma invoice- Order or delivery document Cancellation invoice- Billing document. Invoice list- Billing documents Billing doc. External- External transactions. Intercompany billing- Delivery document Rebate credit memo- Rebate credit memo request.

3. Payer, Item number, Pricing, texts are copied to billing doc from where? From Sales Documents.

4. What data are copied from delivery documents? Ship-to party


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Redetermined freight cost, Texts etc.

5. Can you influence the data flow from proceeding docs to billing doc?Yes/No. – Yes. using Data transfer routines.

6. What controls you have in copying control?

7. Can you create a billing document before goods issue?Yes/No. – No. However it can be customized using copying requirements.

8. Where can you specify your own requirements? In the transaction VOFM


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9. What is the significance of billing quantity? We can take into account the quantity already billed, while creating a invoice.

10. Can you redetermine the prices in the billing document?Yes/No. – Yes. However it can be customized that what kind of redetermination has to be carried out. E.g. New prices or only the taxes or freights.


1. Can you create a billing document by selecting partial quantities from either order or delivery?Yes/No. – Yes. We have to choose the item selection from the initial reference pop-up, also item category should have billing relevance K

2. While creating billing due list, can you select both order and delivery related billing?Yes/No. – Yes.

3. Can you create billing document in the simulation mode.Yes/No. – Yes.

4. Can you customize the system so that billing can happen only on specific dates?Yes/No. – Yes.

Maintain individual billing dates in the factory calendar using special rules Assign factory calendar in the customer master record of the payer.

5. Can you create invoices only on specific time?Yes/No. – Yes. Using background job processing, either periodically or at a specific time.

6. Can you cancel the collective billing run?Yes/No. – Yes. By using Reverse all function.

7. Can you invoice the external transactions such as orders and deliveries in SAP R/3 system?Yes/No. – Yes. Using general billing interface (External transactions)


1. As a rule, the system attempts to combine all compatible transactions into a single billing document.Yes/No. – Yes.

2. Is it possible to include both order-related and delivery-related items in the same billing document?Yes/No. – Yes.

3. When an invoice split automatically happens in the system? When the header partners or the header data are not identical. E.g. Terms

of payment


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4. Can you customize the system so that item data also can be used as criteria to split the invoice?Yes/No. – Yes. By entering the respective field criteria in the VBRK-ZUKRI field.

5. Can you customize the system so that for each individual sales document a invoice is created, even though collective billing is run?Yes/No. – Yes. By entering the data transfer routine 3 in the copying control and by number of the reference document in VBRK-ZUKRI field

6. What is Invoice list? Invoice lists contain various billing documents (invoices, credit and debit

memos) and can be sent to a payer on specified days or at certain intervals.

7. What customizations are required for creating an invoice list? Maintain condition type RL00 for factoring discount. Invoice list type should be assigned to each billing type. A factory calendar, which specifies when invoice lists are to be created, is to be

assigned to payer master record. Create output condition records for output types LR00.

8. Can you cancel the invoice lists?Yes/No. – Yes. A corresponding cancellation document is created in FI for factoring discount.


1. What types of Billing Plan are available in the system? Periodic Billing: to bill the full amount periodically at certain dates. E.g. Service

agreements. Milestone Billing: in order to spread full amount over several dates within a

billing plan. E.g. Plant engineering and construction.

2. Billing plan types are assigned where? Header level to sales document types Item level to the item categories.

3. What does a billing plan contain? Start and the end dates, horizon and the billing date.


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4. What is the significance of billing date? Billing date determine how often billing is carried out. E.g. on first day of every


5. Can you set a billing block for each billing date in the item?Yes/No. – Yes.


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6. How many billing dates can you enter in a billing plan? We can enter as many billing dates per billing plan.

7. Can you change the dates that have already been billed in the billing plan?Yes/No. – Yes.

8. What is retro-bill in the milestone billing? Changes that occur in the value after certain milestone billing documents have

been created are included in the remaining billing dates.

9. How can you control billing date in the milestone-billing plan? A fixed date. Required to be updated with actual date of the milestone. Updated with the actual date of the milestone, if production is completed

before the planned billing date.

10. In milestone billing, billing dates are blocked automatically for billing until the milestone is confirmed as completed.Yes/No. – Yes.

11. What is a billing rule? Billing rule determines how the value to be billed on a particular date. E.g. fixed

amount or a percentage.

12. What is the significance of date categories?They have the control function at billing date level.

Billing rule Billing type Billing block Fixed date

13. The following are true about down payments. Processing carried out using billing plan functionality. One or more down payment agreements are stored as a date in a billing plan. The value entered as down payment can be either fixed or percentage.


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Down payment agreement can be assigned directly to an item, or it can be defined as valid for all items in the order.

Special condition type AZWR is used for down payment items in a sales document.

As soon as the billing date is reached, a down payment request is created automatically by the system and sends it to the customer.

Billing type FAZ is used for down payment request creation. Tax is determined and displayed automatically for down payment request. Down payment request is created automatically in FI.

14. How many billing document are created for installment payment? Only one billing document.

15. The following are true about installment invoice. Only one invoice is created. The installment value is entered always in percentage. A special installment payment term is defined. Payment term for each installment is defined. Each installment payment creates an accounts receivable line item posting in FI.


1. What are the factors that are taken into consideration for account determination? Chart of accounts Sales Organization Account assignment group of customers Account assignment group of material Account key

2. An account determination procedure is assigned to what? Billing Document type

3. Can G/L accounts be posted by business area?Yes/No. – Yes.


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1. What changes can you make in the billing document before posting an accounting document?

Billing date Pricing Account determination Output determination data

2. What changes can you make after posting to accounting? Only output data can be changed.

3. Can you customize the system so that automatic posting to an accounting document can be stopped while creating a billing document?Yes/No. – Yes. By specifying a posting block in the billing type.

4. What is the significance of reference number and allocation number in the accounting document?

Reference number: is in the header of the accounting document and is used for clearing.

Allocation number: is in the customer line item and is used for sorting line numbers.

5. When invoice list is created, the reference number from the invoice list overwrites the reference numbers from the individual billing documents.Yes/No. – Yes.

6. Accounting document type is assigned where? In the billing document type


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7. What is the significance of Head office / Branch office field in the billing type? To control which partner functions in the billing document should be

transferred to FI.

8. What is the significance of value dated credit memo field in the billing type? It controls when the actual credit memo date should be taken. If marked, then

the system takes the actual billing date as the base line date credit memo.




1. What is the significance of complete reference switch in the header level copying control?

If marked, we can only copy the full items from source documents, partial copying is not allowed.

2. What is the significance of update document flow switch? Specifies whether the system updates the item level document flow.

3. While creating a document with reference to a previous document, can you overwrite the item category proposed by the system?Yes/No. – Yes. in the copying control target item category should be given.

4. What is the significance of completion rule in the item category? To control when an item from the reference document is complete.


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1. Texts are stored in which are all text objects? Customer master record Customer-material info record Material master record All documents – both at header and item level.

2. Can you enter texts in different languages?Yes/No. – Yes.

3. Can you copy texts from one document to another document?Yes/No. – Yes. Text determination procedure.

4. Text determination procedure contains what? All Text types

5. Can you make texts to be mandatory in the documents?Yes/No. – Yes. By marking the mandatory field in the procedure.

6. Using texts as the reference as the following consequences: While the texts in sales document 2 still refers to the texts from source

sales document, it cannot be changed. If the texts in the source document are changed, the text in the target sales

document is also changed. If the text in the target document is changed, any changes to the text in the

source sales document will no longer affect the target sales document.

7. What happens when a text is copied from the source document? If the text is changed in the source document, it does not affect the text in

the target sales document.

8. Can you copy the text from the delivery to the billing document?Yes/No. – Yes. we have to mark the delivery text field in the billing type.


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1. What is an output in SAP R/3 system? Output is the means of communication for exchanging information

between partners and the system.

2. At what level do you determine an output in a document? Header level: Header output issues the whole document. Item level: item output is for issuing each individual item in the document.

3. Can you give examples of output type in SD? BA00 – Order Confirmation. RD03 – cash sale invoice RD00 – Invoice LD00 – Delivery note LP00 – scheduling agreement

4. How output is processed? By using a processing program.

5. What is a communication strategy? Represents a sequence of communication types, mainly used for external


6. Can you determine when an output is issued?Yes/No. – Yes. by specifying the time in the output configuration.

7. Output in a Documents header contains what parameter fields? Output type, Partner, Medium and The time.


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8. What are the various transmission mediums available in the system?


1. What is the two steps system follows to print out documents? Data procurement: using processing programs to call up the data. Data defining: using FORM (SAPscript) to define a layout for the data



1. What does an account group control? Field selection in the master record, which are required or optional The number range for customer account. Whether the number range should be internal or external What partner function are assigned to a account group Whether it is a one-time account. Which output determination procedure is used?

2. Can you influence field selection according to the transactions?Yes/No. – Yes. by defining transaction dependant screen layout.


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3. What are screen variants?Transaction processes can be simplified with screen variants, such as

Enter default values in fields Hide and change which fields can be completed with data Hide whole screens.

4. A transaction variant is made up of screen variants.Yes/No. – Yes. A transaction variant is assigned to exactly one transaction, but each transaction can have several variant assigned to it.


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1. What are included in the SAP Net Weaver technology? SAP Web application server Portal infrastructure Exchange infrastructure Information integration.

2. To access data in SAP BW, users use what tools? SAP business explorer Standard Web browser Presentation tools such as MS excel etc.

3. What are business objects in SAP? An SAP business object is the representation of a central business object

in the real world such as an employee, sales order etc.

4. Where do business objects are maintained? Business Object Repository (BOR)

5. A business object in the Business Object Repository can have many methods from which one or several are implemented as BAPIs. Yes/No. – Yes. A method is an operation performed on a business object.

6. What is BAPI? Business Application Programming Interface is standardized interface for

integrating third-party applications and components in the Business Frame work.

7. A BAPI is assigned to one and only one business object.Yes/No. – Yes.

8. What is ALE? Application link enabling is used to distribute data, master data and

transaction data across different systems within one enterprise.

9. What is Idocs? (Intermediate documents) Data exchange is carried out via Idocs in the EDI


10. What is EDI? Electronic Data Interchange supports information exchange between R/3

systems in different enterprises.


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1. What is SAP solution manager? The SAP Solution Manager brings in a new era of solution management covering

all relevant aspects for implementation, operations and continuous improvement.

2. What are the five phases that are followed in the Implementation Roadmap? Project Preparation Business Blueprint Realization Final Preparation Go Live & Support

3. What is the operations infrastructure of a solution manager? Operations Solution Monitoring Support

4. What are the three areas of Implementation Road map? Project area Viewing Area Attachment area: Accelerators are found (Document Formats)

5. What is the structure of Roadmap? Level 1 – Phases Level 2 – Work packages Level 3 – Activity Level 4 – Tasks


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1. What is the purpose of Cross-selling? The order taker can suggest additional articles that the customer might buy.

For example, if the customer orders a VCR, you might suggest purchasing some blank tapes.

2. The articles that appear in the cross- selling dialog box always depend on which articles are in the sales order.Yes/No. – Yes.

3. Can we make cross-selling dependant on other factors such as customer’s past purchasing history?Yes/No. – Yes. using Dynamic Product proposal customization.

4. What information does the cross-selling dialogue box displays? Material number and description. Sales unit Price per unit Availability check. Delivery flag.

5. For each material, can you assign more than one cross-selling material?Yes/No. – Yes.

6. What customization we have to make in the system for setting cross sales? Create the conditions tables, access sequence, and calculation schemes for

determining cross- selling articles, since the cross selling function relies on the conditions technique.

Create a cross selling profile with the following attributes:

o Determination of cross selling articles via function module

o Price calculation scheme

o Scheme using conditions technique

o Flag indicating how the cross selling dialog is to appear

o Flag indicating whether an availability check is to be performed

Assign the cross selling profile to a sales area, document scheme, and customer scheme.


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