san patri£io - lincoln county...

' . \ ' .: ' . ,- .. ' t . '. ' '. . '. '' \,. ' ' . . . . ... . ' . ·, ·- ' •" '. ' I j .'' ' . .. ,. ' .•·_.·-, '• __ ,,- .. ·. : ' •• .... -,. . ; - ', 0 ' . 'JI.'. •• ,. . ,' . ,- ' '.: _;· .... , ,• ,' . ' ,. ·:. ,t· ' .. } ; . . ' -, •• ' . . - ' ' - . . . •• ' . ' ' . .• . . .·. ', ·,, . ... ' ' •• --'' ' . . " ' . '. . ' . ("( .' . ., .. L t ' . ' ._. f ' : ' . : . ' ' ' . ' .. , . . ., ' . . . . . '' t·, . " . .. -- . . . ' ' ' -. . . . . . ' . v6LiJME' :t{ews, VQl;·aor ·i ; -- . Tqrner Hospital Notes i frrn.: to Mr, and Mrs. Elmo June 1942, a so.l:l; weight 8 pounds. 7 ounces. I{e bas bewn named. Ronald Elmo. . . Mrs Agu'lyo was Miss · Pauline Richrdson before ,ber marriage. FRID.AY & SA'fUUD.AY - · -- Born: to Mr. and Mrs. "ifack Jane Withers, .. lane Bruce .1\gUayo, Friday, June 26, 1942, a EdiVards, Cobma Wrtght, Jr. son. I{e weighed 7 pounds 4 oun- · - In - ces, and bas been ·named Jack . . "SMALL TOWN DEB"' . Russell. Mother Nature gets .in the . These two boys are tbe first groove and Jane "comes out." grandsons in the A. H. Aguayo She sings, sbe dances and she family. . . ' . ' ' i ,_ ' : ... :t - - ..... · - ---- _,. _ .. ;..._- - . -- ""-'. ·, .. - ' ' _._ ... ... ----.. AT ----:- (ORTIZ' HAlL, San Patri£io Roswell JUlY 4th Orchestra Wfl<OMf ' ·. ' . .. •' . . . ' ' U S 0 Drive Completed . ' The u s o drive has ended fqr the year 1942. We Wish to 'hank everybody who in any way help· ed with this fund. We thank a-1.1 chairmen for theu c:o·operation, and the Lineoln County News for publicity. Following are the· reports by town a: Ancho .............. $22.00 Capitan ...... ...... 121.80 Carrizozo ............. 78.12 Corona ................ 50.00 Fort Stanton ....... 108.76 tos.seR a mean drumstick, too. , -------- T C T Gleneo. , ............ •• 15.00 U. S. Definitely· urning omer oward Hondo ........ •...•.•. 15.oo ,\ ' . " , NUMBER 62 .. . ··-·. ' , .. _ ... ·' ---'ALSO- "Men of West Pomt" Ultimate Military Triumph Qn Land, On Lieut. carl A. Freeman ·and and "All Notice· ' About Dogs" . Sea and In The Air PicaJho ...... •...•.••••. 6.00 wife spent Friday here with hit y Gov. John E. Miles has pro- R1ddoao ...... . . . . . . 50.92 sistero enroute from Ft. D"nning, > clliimed nn adaitional 1crap : Total $4 90 , 14 ... Gn , to Camp Roberts, Calif. Betty Grable, Carole Landis, Vic- ber campaign, dates from July SJ The first six months of tbe war By autumn the schedule aaiiJ for tor Mature, Laird Cregar (today) to July 10, 1942. He ended on Sunday, June 6. Where three ohip. deliveries a day; 540 Our quota was $860.00. Wo Red Croaa Notice _ in _ urgea svery Woman's club mem- do we stand and what is the out. over a 6·ri;Wntb period. went over tho tdp and with $140- , •• •• ber, every boy or girt scout mas· look? United Preas men have Rear Admiral ·Howard L. Vitk· .14 over for good meWJurc. Mins Thelma White of \Vhlto I UP and everyone in the state to co- sought the from qualified. e:y. vic& of. tho Marl· Again thank you- Oakn hllD acce-pted the puoition·na Ao startlang no Hunt- operate in order to complete New authorities in every Government ltme CommJnston, behcvea tbo 2,· Perry Baars, Chairman chairman or the Wnr ProductJon ed, haunted. and h 1 d 1 n · !he Mexico's quota of scrap ruber. . department. Vietory i• not yet -300 ohtp program for 1942 48 Will Relief of the H.od Crooo. moat ocnoattonal· myat-cry-thrlller The ecrap drive waa not in eight. But it io there. High· be realized and "In 1948, . . . . She is very anxiouo to find a room of year. so ouccessrul as at should have lights of tho UP report followo: when all the rarda arc In full pre· UNITED STATES DEPART· in Crrrizozo oo that a omving room · A4)0 been. same oil eompaniet?, War Proddction--American wen ductlon, l_f we arc able to obtalo MENT OF AGRICULTURE might bo eatabliohed. \VIII come- Paramount News a n d "Wilful service eta tiona llnd others who production ia ahead of ochedulc steel, I am coafidenl that Am· FORE$T SilRVICE one please donate the uco, of oucb Willie" r o c e i v e d tho scrap rubber Und•r·Secretary of War Robert cracnn ohlpyard workera wilt dell· WESTERN REGION a room for fted Croro work.? " WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY during the June drive, will accept p, Patterson, S!f-YO that dur armo not the 16,000,000·ton ob- CLOIING ORDER ---·--- the rubber In this tecond cam· produl!tion is runnjng ahead or p.•ttve oct by tho Pmident for Whcrtat, the lack of in- Birthday- P.nrty Victor McLnglen, Marjorie Wood- paign. shipping facilities. We nrc year, but UP,Warda of tbat to crcuing tcmptraturea and drying worth, D. O'Keefe, ZnSu Pitts The Pmldent of tho Untted producing more airplanen c a c h 2 1 000 000 tona. · winds in the Southwestern Region __ In _ States h':l proclaimed an extiq· month than during allot 1939 and Navy·-The Navy suffered h .. v. have nmdered forests highly In· . Peggy June Cath:v honoree ., .. sion July lOth· Robber they u,re flviog to battlefrontn lly at Pearl Harbor, in tho Java flammabtP, and, · at a bittbyday party Monday, BROADWAY LIMITED gaalccts, oven the fin2el'!' of glove., tbroughout1hP world. Tho rate Sctl and other engage menta. It h reu ho rotection of loreaw 29 at h c r h o m o hero, From duok to dawn. F ..l' o m nay little rubber acarp 11 accepted has pa•atd 3500 PC" m'onth and it io whittling at Jap sea atrength Wdt ' 1 t dp d d With Mro. Tennis Smoot no chnpe- ch . G •h hil · . 1 d " 1 an &IIJOc ate re.tources an c- d h t H b' •hd y !cngo to am, . amy re1gn11 and cxpecte • is going up--way up. Pattercon and a getting oupphes through. 1 ts 1 ital b · ., ronc nn oo esa. er . ''" n . ..aboard tho Streamhned Broad· ... · . l says Pmident Roo.,evelt'o goal Dl!lpitedi•ndvantage 1 the Amer- vc opmen 8 v tot 0 suecee5- was Sunday, but ohc woatcd untal way, Limited. A trainload of Goldfbh Feeder GO,OOO plnnCJ by the end of thio ican Navy hao done great dam- •War to celebrota •. wbackp. year will be ourpannPd. N 0 x t agcto Jnpaneno shipping. It 1ta111 !h 8 8 1 fg f th ?f nscc -ALSO- · hln ton i.a deatroycd in six mo.aths tho pro· e wa rawa 0 0 1 m 0 _that httlc lflrlo hke. The precent •'Steedo and Steers" and "An Was g · · · · ·' · · · · · ... duct of a year's work in Japan e manpower from vital food pro· Peggy June held nearwt her heart n•o common netlllc to · bo thrilty. U you nave you ara .... -.--'- thrUly. War Bondn help 70p to savo nttd hel_p to sava America. Buy your U1l per• cent every pay day. for war work Labor and Employment--There . . ea and other war work, and w a le ram from her fnLhor training the Diattict or Columbia arc 53,400,000 or WI gainfully em- •utmarloea makb it necessary that all ponst- i u 8 Army puzzler. bshments. 10, 790,0UO or eac obip.3 Altogether, u. S.Navy Now, Therefore, Pursuant to reg•. mcntn were cream and calw. A woman, recently returned us are working on forms. The d A f h k ulatlon T·1·M made and promal· from asked to. enroll remaining 41,000,000 make tanks, or::an::: :::;,. gated by the Secretary of Agri· Tho Womnn'o Socicly of Chris· as a Atde, as manufacture c:totben and all typQn. culture, an emergeney ia declared tinn St!rviec wUI meet at Uw homo hlr quahficataon of trammg t_hal all the other JOhn our nntaon bas to exiat and all Janda of the Uni• · r M n l J 1 3 t 3 ·OO she had been ill tho habit of feed- to offer. The Manpower Commis· The Navy now baa 526,000 mtn ted within the National 0 ra. nx er on u Y a. · ng 7,000 gold fish daily. sion figure! 10,500,000 men and and tbe Marin.-s m.ore 100,· For£1Jt8 of Arizona nnd New Mex- p. m. . -------::-. women are.working in war plantn. 000 by 1944, and there wdJ be at . are b reb clo d to th dis- The Dec. 31 total will be 1 7,000,· lennt .160,!UJO Marines by the ed 0 ; an: of or Mrs. JQI!l Garison littlo non Salt.. Tona of 1st grade Stock& 000. or tbsa year. firecrackers thereon is bereb pro- went to Alamogordo tlua wcelt to Water aoftener Salt. priced at. Sbipping·-Submarinen have sunk Our policy-makers arc w• bit- hibited Y vinll Mr. Gnrrioon wbo in employ- o per ton, F. 0. B. L !l k e. New more than 250 merchant ships in on and realistic in their rMOITt ed there. Mexico Salt Co., Willard, Mex. w ter Atlantic water this year. that it must and ahall bt a betttr Violalton of this order 18 puntnb• . 4 J I 3 P · · · r 1 . ablt by a Federal law whtcb pro· t- u Sbtpyard productton as Just get· world a ter the war, w tb tbt Axi.a "d ftn r Fi H d d D 1 Mr. and Mrs. R. J. ting abre&!!t of that sinking rate· not only beaten but dilarmld. r' ea (';, 500 8 vc . .re 0 ; are going to El Paso the 4th of YOU, 'Too, · ara ., , or ampnsonmen J 1 Thirti: young men tell for Fort -- · · - - for ono year or lxlth. u Y CAN SINK U·SOAT$ Bliss yesterday. Juan Mirabal Killed Lane-Caldw That this order shall take ---.-• e.uv " . , On Thursday, Jane , at the immediately and shall remain in Mr. Jack Cleghorn wan in town Unitd StawWat &ad!f.9i•ps . Capitan had a big rain and bail Jaun Mirabal of Carrizozo was Methodist parsonnste Rev. fall force and etreet during the on buaines3 yeoterday. -. sto..-m yesterday.. killed Wedllesday tiiorning near John K1a11sen Vilr!ormtnJt tbt ee• eontinuanet of tho aald emergen• - co 1 ote as a rault of an outomo· remony, Chriatioe Lane of Carrf· cry and until further order. Mr. Ja!!k Cleghorn hll9 bid in WAR bile wrerk. The accident occur· zozo and Loyal V. Caldwell of Dated tbi.a 20th day of June,1942, the Carrizozo• White 0alro mail red when a front tire blew out Ripan, California, wen united New Mexico. route. whicb caused the cnr to overturn. in marriage. - Frank C. Vf. Pooler A jury consisting pf Dr. p, M. The attendant• wert lle•dam11 Regioul Mr. and Mrs. Q .• M. Lucltey of ::shaver, R, L. Fulmer, J. p, Gra· John Klaasen and Calvin Carl. Nogal arc going to move back to ·bam, Nick Vega, "!'ennis Smoot, After the wedding the .couple R. -anchmen's -their ranch and Mra. Jack Cleg- Tom Karr and Geo. Nell appear- a trip to . Socorro tor born of White Oalw ia going to od on the •c•no -bl!fors Judge hott visit. . wUJ make Camp Meeting run tho Nogal Store. 9 Elerdo Chavez and r&veated that thelt home. In Dur.-n, where thtt , their investigation found that the groom is an electric welder tor · Y PoJ'firio Delgado . THERE a-re mnny statements, loosely circulated, ta the acaident occurred while Mirabal the s .. P. 'Company •. Friend• of bbuquer,tue, June 18. '42 · ·""=". effect that !ood1 faith, hope, courage, production, unity, wu :riding in the rear end of the both parties extend belt wf1hu. Hr. Dewey Stokes ,_ . hi• ete,, each is the Me thing that win win. the war .. How• t.- b & f: · Dear De1teJ:· ' · . Wednuda:v; at .. ptca.-up;tuat e walt rom . I hop• l" il not a• dr"', ... d home in tb& hirtbf£1nde, Podlrio evel- the trntfl is that Military Might wiU win- nothing eat .when a tire blew Leaion Commaneler, ." • . . " , ..... Dehrado passed a w a y atter a elsa. The tbingsmeption.ed abo'Ve, a,nd many the, car. to turn . . , of Diattlct ' bot down •• ft fsiJP. here. 11 hort illnf!a&. Tb(! funeral wmt . some viblfy eo'. let' a :not be dis• re 1 utted 10 hta nack bemg Edna o. Bcblerenberg Kma I havt been. down In aou,Nb.ern held YeBtetday With Fa Sal• I WHAT WILL WIN IHf WAR? . . tracUld that.l.i'ORCE i• what_ we. muat haVe broken; also cllusing· other bodily Commander ot Robt. J, Arb:o 1 na and .. ew vatore conducting tbe same. IJJs to win. Liet's bend our ,e\l'ery effort to build the -eatn'• in ....... - ""'h b .. · · - - ··· d to· . . . . . . . Hex co tor -three weeks. It is , striking force of all titne. , . ft• J .... ,J.,a. 8 . uu, was remove E1oat No; 7__9, RufdoiO/ wu tleet- full hot and dr down that wife, brothers and other X.elle! . . . • _ ed _ Conunander ot Diettfcc 5 at { 00 , 1 have the sympathy of this com· '-'( ' ' tJ t L!NCOLN COUNTY ACI1NOY. • . •· . ,Citizena State :Buk of Va .. b; . I . . I .•.. J •. · ·. .. . .. Mr .. B1bley and h1s two tbe 28rd State Ltgion ConYen• DeweJ, will you pleare put a munit). . __ _ Te;a• wbu 'Yere tion b.,Jd at AlbUquerque on _ · ·. In the Ctrrizo;co papers . · • • · ' · · . m PICk•npTeceJved· 25-26-11. 5: Jneludel · ibbut th• ·camp meetlnd We Subecribe fur tho·tintolnCo.Newa 'the two sona tak· PQatlf -.t. C0r()hli.. . . --- 1 ·._ t ··. · .... , ....... t 1 . tt . · · · . · eti in all.mbulance tC) tbeho8 ital pttaq, AJimosrotdo u4 Rd . . go o u.V'IJ l ·. 0 .. lJpne _ o _ ···· · · . . . · ·· ·· · . P · · Tbfa i1 fitilt tiinill · war· difficult tran•por$atlob and tiM in the _llaperil will help, . • · · · ·, · . Legionnaire baa. beau · . . to 'the will bl! . · 'ttUit all goes wrul wlth ;tOU . , , .. ·· ·· . the post of didrict . E•ereiUCina mel Dr. B. F. lild the t•mUg-vleas;i remem• _ Mr;.- Littell. ·atld grandson Kh11kh'f1, . · .•. ·. ot l)plliir, . B o t h ttteat me t6 elicb one •. AlM· to out .. I Jeti_ rt·· ltld nut Fulmer visited Mrl :t :e . prucbft't •.. have 1Dan7.lrfettdJ. ... "-IIJc.)fi. •·• · •nd other triend'• here ond and .. · · a.rdq If •• a:rt ·aom& to · . -':; Bfn<!•.relY. ;toUiiJ, · · .. . • · thrte t•tJUt •• biD It thfa .r••tao·l tbiak a- ag•; I - . Ralph 1 .. HIU, "0' '' 'I ' ' '. ·'· , ... -

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Page 1: San Patri£io - Lincoln County · over a 6·ri;Wntb period. went over tho tdp and with $140- , ••

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v6LiJME' XVl~[Carrizozo :t{ews, VQl;·aor ·i ; •


Tqrner Hospital Notes i

frrn.: to Mr, and Mrs. Elmo Ag~ayo, June ~5; 1942, a so.l:l; weight 8 pounds. 7 ounces. I{e bas bewn named. Ronald Elmo. . .

Mrs Agu'lyo was Miss · Pauline Richrdson before ,ber marriage.

FRID.AY & SA'fUUD.AY - · -- Born: to Mr. and Mrs. "ifack

Jane Withers, .. lane D~rwell, Bruce .1\gUayo, Friday, June 26, 1942, a EdiVards, Cobma Wrtght, Jr. son. I{e weighed 7 pounds 4 oun- ·

- In - ces, and bas been ·named Jack . . "SMALL TOWN DEB"' . Russell.

Mother Nature gets .in the . These two boys are tbe first groove and Jane "comes out." grandsons in the A. H. Aguayo She sings, sbe dances and she family.

. . ' . ' ' i ,_ ' : ... :t

- - ..... · - ---- _,. _ .. ;..._- - . -- ""-'. ·, .. -

' '

_._ ... ~....-

... ----.. AT ----:-•

(ORTIZ' HAlL, San Patri£io

Roswell •

JUlY 4th Orchestra

YOU'~f Wfl<OMf

' ·. ' . ..

~· •


. .

. '

• '

U S 0 Drive Completed . '

The u s o drive has ended fqr the year 1942. We Wish to 'hank everybody who in any way help· ed with this fund. We thank a-1.1 chairmen for theu c:o·operation, and the Lineoln County News for publicity.

Following are the· reports by town a:

Ancho ..............• $22.00 Capitan ......•...... 121.80 Carrizozo ............. 78.12 Corona ................ 50.00 Fort Stanton ....... 108.76

tos.seR a mean drumstick, too. , -------- T C T Gleneo. , ............•• 15.00

U. S. Definitely· urning omer oward Hondo ........•...•.•. 15.oo


' . " ,

NUMBER 62 .. • . ··-·. ' , .. _ ...


---'ALSO-"Men of West Pomt" Ultimate Military Triumph Qn Land, On ~:;::~.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.':~~.~~. Lieut. carl A. Freeman ·and and "All Notice·


About Dogs" . Sea and In The Air PicaJho ......•...•.••••. 6.00 wife spent Friday here with hit 8--=u=N:::D::-A-:-:Y::::-,-111-:::o:::N::-::D:-:A-=Y:--:&~T=u;.::ES=o.-:-:A y Gov. John E. Miles has pro- R1ddoao...... • . . . . . . 50.92 sistero enroute from Ft. D"nning, >

clliimed nn adaitional 1crap ru~ : Total $490,14 ... Gn , to Camp Roberts, Calif. Betty Grable, Carole Landis, Vic- ber campaign, dates from July SJ The first six months of tbe war By autumn the schedule aaiiJ for tor Mature, Laird Cregar (today) to July 10, 1942. He ended on Sunday, June 6. Where three ohip. deliveries a day; 540 Our quota was $860.00. Wo Red Croaa Notice

_ in _ urgea svery Woman's club mem- do we stand and what is the out. over a 6·ri;Wntb period. went over tho tdp and with $140- , •• •• ber, every boy or girt scout mas· look? United Preas men have Rear Admiral ·Howard L. Vitk· .14 over for good meWJurc. Mins Thelma White of \Vhlto

I WA~ UP S~R~AMING ~er and everyone in the state to co- sought the answ~ro from qualified. e:y. vic& of. tho Marl· Again thank you- Oakn hllD acce-pted the puoition·na Ao startlang no 1~ t~tle. Hunt- operate in order to complete New authorities in every Government ltme CommJnston, behcvea tbo 2,· Perry Baars, Chairman chairman or the Wnr ProductJon

ed, haunted. and h 1 d 1 n ~ · !he Mexico's quota of scrap ruber. . department. Vietory i• not yet -300 ohtp program for 1942 48 Will Relief of the Am~ricdn H.od Crooo. moat ocnoattonal· myat-cry-thrlller The ecrap rubb~J' drive waa not in eight. But it io there. High· be realized and 81~1': "In 1948, . . . . She is very anxiouo to find a room of year. so ouccessrul as at should have lights of tho UP report followo: when all the rarda arc In full pre· UNITED STATES DEPART· in Crrrizozo oo that a omving room ·

• A4)0 • been. T~e same oil eompaniet?, War Proddction--American wen ductlon, l_f we arc able to obtalo MENT OF AGRICULTURE might bo eatabliohed. \VIII come-Paramount News a n d "Wilful service eta tiona llnd others who production ia ahead of ochedulc th~ steel, I am coafidenl that Am· FORE$T SilRVICE SOUTH~ one please donate the uco, of oucb Willie" r o c e i v e d tho scrap rubber Und•r·Secretary of War Robert cracnn ohlpyard workera wilt dell· WESTERN REGION a room for fted Croro work.? "

WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY during the June drive, will accept p, Patterson, S!f-YO that dur armo ~l'r,_ not the 16,000,000·ton ob- CLOIING ORDER ---·---the rubber In this tecond cam· produl!tion is runnjng ahead or p.•ttve oct by tho Pmident for Whcrtat, the lack of ral~rall, in- Birthday- P.nrty

Victor McLnglen, Marjorie Wood- paign. • ou~ shipping facilities. We nrc n~xt year, but UP,Warda of tbat to crcuing tcmptraturea and drying worth, D. O'Keefe, ZnSu Pitts The Pmldent of tho Untted producing more airplanen c a c h 2 1•000•000 tona. · winds in the Southwestern Region

__ In _ States h':l proclaimed an extiq· month than during allot 1939 and Navy·-The Navy suffered h .. v. have nmdered forests highly In· . Peggy June Cath:v w~s honoree ., .. sion July lOth· Robber they u,re flviog to battlefrontn lly at Pearl Harbor, in tho Java flammabtP, and, · at a bittbyday party Monday,

BROADWAY LIMITED gaalccts, oven the fin2el'!' of glove., tbroughout1hP world. Tho rate Sctl and other engage menta. It h reu ho rotection of loreaw J~no 29 at h c r h o m o hero, From duok to dawn. F ..l' o m nay little rubber acarp 11 accepted has pa•atd 3500 PC" m'onth and it io whittling at Jap sea atrength Wdt '

1t dp d d With Mro. Tennis Smoot no chnpe-

ch. G •h hil • · . 1 d " ~ 1 • an &IIJOc ate re.tources an c- d h t H b' •hd y !cngo to o~ am, . amy re1gn11 and anxtous~ cxpecte • is going up--way up. Pattercon and a getting oupphes through. 1

ts 1 ital b · ., ronc nn oo esa. er . ''" n . ..aboard tho Streamhned Broad· ... · . l says Pmident Roo.,evelt'o goal of~ Dl!lpitedi•ndvantage1 the Amer- vc opmen 8 v tot 0 suecee5- was Sunday, but ohc woatcd untal way, Limited. A trainload of Goldfbh Feeder GO,OOO plnnCJ by the end of thio ican Navy hao done great dam- f~l p~eu~i~~ 0~/:0 •War ~nd to celebrota •. Prcso~t. wbackp. year will be ourpannPd. N 0 x t agcto Jnpaneno shipping. It 1ta111 !h 8 ".~b:U 8 1fg f th ~ re~~~r~ conol!l~d ?f ~verytluog nscc

-ALSO- · hln ton i.a deatroycd in six mo.aths tho pro· e wa rawa 0 0 1 m 0 _that httlc lflrlo hke. The precent •'Steedo and Steers" and "An Was g .· · · · · ·' · · · · · ... • duct of a year's work in Japan e manpower from vital food pro· Peggy June held nearwt her heart

n•o common netlllc to · bo thrilty. U you nave you ara

.... -.--'- thrUly. War Bondn help 70p to savo nttd hel_p to sava America. Buy your U1l per• cent every pay day.

for war work Labor and Employment--There . . ea and other war work, and w a le ram from her fnLhor training the Diattict or Columbia arc 53,400,000 or WI gainfully em- o~Jpynr~o. ~m~naan •utmarloea makb it necessary that all ponst- w~o i ~n ~he u

8 Army

puzzler. bshments. ~bout 10, 790,0UO or eac obip.3 Altogether, u. S.Navy Now, Therefore, Pursuant to reg•. mcntn were i~e cream and calw. A woman, recently returned us are working on forms. The d A f h k ulatlon T·1·M made and promal·

from Gua~mala. asked to. enroll remaining 41,000,000 make tanks, ~:mag::~61 or::an::: :::;,. ~~ gated by the Secretary of Agri· Tho Womnn'o Socicly of Chris· as a Nu~r1tio? Atde, o~t!mg as manufacture c:totben and ~erform all typQn. culture, an emergeney ia declared tinn St!rviec wUI meet at Uw homo hlr quahficataon of trammg t_hal all the other JOhn our nntaon bas to exiat and all Janda of the Uni• · r M n l J 1 3 t 3 ·OO she had been ill tho habit of feed- to offer. The Manpower Commis· The Navy now baa 526,000 mtn ted S~lel within the National 0 ra. nx er on u Y a. · ng 7,000 gold fish daily. sion figure! 10,500,000 men and and tbe Marin.-s m.ore th~ 100,· For£1Jt8 of Arizona nnd New Mex- p. m. .

-------::-. women are.working in war plantn. 000 by 1944, and there wdJ be at . are b reb clo d to th dis-The Dec. 31 total will be 1 7,000,· lennt .160,!UJO Marines by the ed ~~atge 0 ; an: kin~e of firewo~ka or Mrs. JQI!l Garison an~ littlo non

Salt.. Tona of 1st grade Stock& 000. or tbsa year. firecrackers thereon is bereb pro- went to Alamogordo tlua wcelt to Water aoftener Salt. priced at. ~8 Sbipping·-Submarinen have sunk Our policy-makers arc w• bit- hibited Y vinll Mr. Gnrrioon wbo in employ- o

per ton, F. 0. B. L !l k e. New more than 250 merchant ships in on and realistic in their rMOITt .~ • • ed there. Mexico Salt Co., Willard, • Mex. w ter Atlantic water this year. that it must and ahall bt a betttr Violalton of this order 18• puntnb• . 4 J I 3 ~ P · · · r 1 . ablt by a Federal law whtcb pro· t- u Y· Sbtpyard productton as Just get· world a ter the war, w tb tbt Axi.a "d ftn r Fi H d d D

1 Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ri~bard

ting abre&!!t of that sinking rate· not only beaten but dilarmld. r' ea (';,500

8 ~J vc . ~ .re 0 ; are going to El Paso the 4th of YOU, 'Too, · ara ., , or ampnsonmen J

1 Thirti: young men tell for Fort --~- · · - - • for ono year or lxlth. u Y • CAN SINK U·SOAT$ Bliss yesterday. Juan Mirabal Killed Lane-Caldw That this order shall take etr~act

---.-• e.uv " . , On Thursday, Jane , at the immediately and shall remain in Mr. Jack Cleghorn wan in town Unitd StawWat Savi~~ &ad!f.9i•ps . Capitan had a big rain and bail Jaun Mirabal of Carrizozo was Methodist parsonnste Rev. fall force and etreet during the on buaines3 yeoterday.

-. t'.(;.t« sto..-m yesterday.. killed Wedllesday tiiorning near John K1a11sen Vilr!ormtnJt tbt ee• eontinuanet of tho aald emergen• -="~ - -~-

i~~~§~~;=:BA~fSAJW~Hf:-:·\Y.fR~~~§§~~~ co1ote as a rault of an outomo· remony, Chriatioe Lane of Carrf· cry and until further order. Mr. Ja!!k Cleghorn hll9 bid in WAR bile wrerk. The accident occur· zozo and Loyal V. Caldwell of Dated tbi.a 20th day of June,1942, the Carrizozo• White 0alro mail red when a front tire blew out Ripan, California, wen united a~ AJJ>Uquerq~ae, New Mexico. route. whicb caused the cnr to overturn. in marriage. - Frank C. Vf. Pooler A jury consisting pf Dr. p, M. The attendant• wert lle•dam11 Regioul Mr. and Mrs. Q .• M. Lucltey of ::shaver, R, L. Fulmer, J. p, Gra· John Klaasen and Calvin Carl. Nogal arc going to move back to

·bam, Nick Vega, "!'ennis Smoot, After the wedding the .couple R. -anchmen's -their ranch and Mra. Jack Cleg-Tom Karr and Geo. Nell appear- ~ade a trip to . Socorro tor • born of White Oalw ia going to od on the •c•no -bl!fors Judge hott visit. . T~o, wUJ make Camp Meeting run tho Nogal Store. 9

Elerdo Chavez and r&veated that thelt home. In Dur.-n, where thtt , their investigation found that the groom is an electric welder tor · Y PoJ'firio Delgado

. THERE a-re mnny statements, loosely circulated, ta the acaident occurred while Mirabal the s .. P. 'Company •. Friend• of bbuquer,tue, June 18. '42 · ·""=".

effect that !ood1 faith, hope, courage, production, unity, wu :riding in the rear end of the both parties extend belt wf1hu. Hr. Dewey Stokes ,_ . hi• ~_tc.; ete,, each is the Me thing that win win. the war .. How• • '· t.- b & f: · Dear De1teJ:· ' · . Wednuda:v; ~ftetnoon at ..

ptca.-up;tuat e walt row~ rom . • I hop• l" il not a• dr"', ... d home in tb& hirtbf£1nde, Podlrio evel- the trntfl is that Military Might wiU win-nothing t~e eat .when a ~ere::tive tire blew Leaion Commaneler, ~ • ." • . . " , . .... Dehrado passed a w a y atter a elsa. The tbingsmeption.ed abo'Ve, a,nd many other~, ••~~•-•ou~cau.tng the, car. to turn o~er, . . , of Diattlct ' bot down Uler~J •• ft fsiJP. here. 11hort illnf!a&. Tb(! funeral wmt

. ~i~hly im~Jol'blh~! some viblfy eo'. Bu~ let' a :not be dis• wh1~h re1utted 10 hta nack bemg Edna o. Bcblerenberg Kma I havt been. down In aou,Nb.ern held YeBtetday With Fa the~ Sal•


. .

tracUld lro~ th~.ltict that.l.i'ORCE i• what_ we. muat haVe broken; also cllusing· other bodily Commander ot Robt. J, Sage~ Arb:o1 na and •out~weatern .. ew vatore conducting tbe same. IJJs

to win. Liet's bend our ,e\l'ery effort to build the -eatn'• in ....... - ""'h b .. .~.,. · · - -··· d to· . . . . . . . Hex co tor - three weeks. It is , striking force of all titne. , . ft• J....,J.,a. ,~; 8

. uu, was remove E1oat No; 7__9, RufdoiO/ wu tleet- full hot and dr down that wife, brothers and other r~latlves X.elle! mo~uary. . . . • _ ed _ Conunander ot Diettfcc 5 at ~~1, {00, 1 have the sympathy of this com·


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L!NCOLN COUNTY ACI1NOY. • . •· . ,Citizena State :Buk of Va .. b;

. I ¥~

. . I .•.. J ca~;N.,il •. · ·. • .. .

• • ..

Mr .. D1r~ B1bley and h1s two tbe 28rd State Ltgion ConYen• DeweJ, will you pleare put a munit). . _ _ _ ~t ~d~a; Te;a• wbu 'Yere tion b.,Jd at AlbUquerque on ~une _ · ·. In the Ctrrizo;co papers . · • • · ' · · .

~1~ ~dmg m ~be PICk•npTeceJved· 25-26-11. J.)I~trlct,. 5: Jneludel · ibbut th• ·camp meetlnd We Subecribe fur tho·tintolnCo.Newa IDJW~ei. 'the two sona wer~ tak· PQatlf -.t. Ca.rn~OI!k C0r()hli.. . . ---1·._ :~ t ··. · .... , ....... t 1 . tt . r· · · · . ·

eti in all.mbulance tC) tbeho8 ital pttaq, AJimosrotdo u4 Rd ~. . . go 0.~ o u.V'IJ l ·. 0 .. lJpne _ o _ ···· · · . . . · ·· · · treat~teb~- · . P · · Tbfa i1 ~bt fitilt tiinill · war· difficult tran•por$atlob and tiM in the _llaperil will help, . • · · · ·, · . Legionnaire baa. beau · . . to drout~ 'the »reatber~ will bl! . · 'ttUit all goes wrul wlth ;tOU

. , , .. ·· ·· . the post of didrict . E•ereiUCina mel Dr. B. F. lild the t•mUg-vleas;i remem• _ Mr;.-Cb~ Littell. ·atld grandson ·-·~ Kh11kh'f1, ~ . · . • . ·. ot l)plliir, . B o t h ttteat ~Ciii me t6 elicb one •. AlM· to out ..

I Jeti_ rt·· ltld nut Fulmer visited Mrl fo~m:O~~r :t :e . prucbft't •.. Sefer~l»eofll•. have 1Dan7.lrfettdJ. thn~; ... "-IIJc.)fi. •·• · •nd other triend'• here ond tim~ and .. · · bi~ a.rdq If •• a:rt ·aom& to · . -':; Bfn<!•.relY. ;toUiiJ, · · .. . •

· • thrte t•tJUt •• biD It thfa .r••tao·l tbiak a- ag•; I - . Ralph 1 .. HIU, "0'



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Page 2: San Patri£io - Lincoln County · over a 6·ri;Wntb period. went over tho tdp and with $140- , ••

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I Suminer.Vacations 1942 Style 1 As Gas Rationihg Clamps· Down

!Spirit of First I4~h Will Give· 'New Note to ln~ependen~ Day

•cradle of-Liberty'

Faced with war.tlme gas and tire rations, vacation­minded Americfl thi& year is fQJlhioniri& a new vacg· tion patt~rn. Gaictics,pop­

. • ular at the turn Qj tiJe · century will be the prd4:r

of the day for many of the 60 million Americans who annually spend about 7 billion· (Iollar& on vaca· tion trips. ~ere are li'ome of the. nution's 1942 vaca· tion style~~.

.Left: College girls ta1ce over haymalcing while jormer haymalcer~ fight for Uncle Sam. '


~ . . ~ .. '

Fourth of July .Celebration .to Be Worldwide in Scope This Year.

. •• • By Cllt\JlLES A. SINGLER . -. .

Relcaaejl b;1 Weatei,'D New•pap~r Unlcm, _ •

''You write it," said' J:ohn Adams tO Thomas Jefferson, "for you wield a.pen ten times more eloquent than my own!'

And Thomas Jefferson wrote it. , . That was 166 years ago. But today the Declar~ion of Inde­

pendence gleams'among the literary jewels of the world through the sheer beauty of its phrasing and the hum~n dignity for which it stands.


Thomas Jefferson at that time, in the year of grace, 1776, was a young man of 33, known for his clarity of expression and ab!lity as a writer. How well he wrote all the world now knows.

' In that hall In Philadelphia, learn·<?-------------­

" ~ • :"'· ·;~ cd and courageous men pledged :"·<~1 "their Uvea, their fortunes and their ' sacred honor'' that we might be a

speech and our everyday Uvea. Lib­erty is an essential part of all of us. We d~aw it in with the very air we breathe. ·


' " - ,

lli"''1 tree nation. Surely enough, the


men who signed the Declaration,of lnde,Pendence risked their fortunes, to any nothing of their lives, for those indeed were perilous times. King George o~ England was not disposed to treat Jlghtly the 'matter of disloyalty to tho crown. "We must all hang together," Benjamin Franklin had said, "or we will all hang separntely." But he knew when he oaid it that It was no joking m ter, although miUioilll have had 11 good laugh since then at the witU· ncaa of his remark. ·

Tbat First Fourth, ·1 The Fourth of July, 1776, wila a lj

hot, ounny day, and In the afternoon a thundcrzrtorm broke. Although the

1 Declaration woo adopted on the fourth, It woo not cngroooed untU

..J eome weeko later. The announce­-

1 · mcnt of the Declaration ,created a

Shmvn abotJO ;, ono IJappy •olution to &a•olina ratloM-Ilg[ltlcclns restrained enthuoioom, tcmpert!l by in tho tradition o/ tl•o."M1114.1JO decade. Y e11, tho hor~e and buggy day• 0 knowledge of the gravity of tho aro jwt around tho corner. olcp. In thlo l'CiJpcct It clo!lcJy re·

sembled our own Declaration ot War agoiiWt Japan/ and then agoln!lt tho entire AxiD, when a peace loving na· Uon. fully In accord with thet:o dec­loraUono ot war, wailed tenccly for dovelopmentn.

The document wao proclaimed to the people In the alate houcc y~ on July 0. At the oamc time the Uberty boll w!l!l rung to oummon the populace. Within a few weolw aftel' the gz:eat bell tolled, King Georgo'o army under General Howe wac hovering uncomtortnbly clo:;e, and coon thereafter tho long and bit­ter chaplcro of tho IWvoluUonnry war were being written in prlva· tlon, blood and herolom.

Tho flnlt publlcnUon of tho hlotorl· clll document w!l!l on July 0, In Dun· Jap'o PennoyJvnnia Packet. Other printed copieD appeared In Newport, BMton and Salem.

A Symbol of Freedom.

It Ia inconceivable that a country nurtured In these fine traditi!>rw j:OUid ever accept the yoke of a for· elgn power, or that the ftome of lib­erty should ever bum out on these ohores. Those who In their arro­gance thought fhat It might planned badly Indeed. ·

· Liberty lblll Rlnrs Araln. And so the liberty bell has rung

again. Its llrot reverberations were heard from the U.S.S. Auguata, In tho North Atlnntlc, at the time the Atlantic Ch-arter wao written. 'fhc bell pe¥lcd otiU louder when Amer· lea entered the war. But this time Its rovcrberatlontJ were heard through· out the world, guaranteeing to aU peopleo that freedom which Ia the divine herlmgc of all.

'l'hJs Fourth ol JoJ1 will dUfer, in celebration and Ln spirit, from other Fourths of man1 1ean past. Oncn • moro America Is at war, but thb time we flcht not alone for our own Ubcrt1 bot for tho lib­erties of conquered eountrJes and for tllose oatloDJS whose Uberties are threatened br tile anrcssor nailollll.

Tbe CJanrlDc Times. The fl!lhlna b'lpo and tho baokct

plcnloo of loot Fourth and earUer Fourtho will largely be converted th1!l year Into trlP!l. to trntnlng campa

Independence Ball, Philadelphia, Pa., home of our Liberty Bell.

their liberty to the efforts of Amer· leo and the other United Nations engaged In the struggle, ,fqr world freedom. "~"' !ill

A 'QuJet Fourth' Expected. Indications now point to the quiet­

eDt Fourth In many yearn. Regula· tlollll lnnued last March by the Fed· oral Explonivea Control act placed a ban on tho sale of fircworlta and "torpedoeD" of the fircworlta varie­ty. The meanure wan denlgned to oavc materlaln needed for munltionn and at tho nome time loosen the dan· ger of .llreo.

However, thin ban baa been come­What modified olnce then to dillpooc of ntoclro on hand. Amended regulp· tloilll forbid giant craokcrn and rock· etD of the "nuperoduper'' variety but ollow manufacture and ·Dale of firc­crockorn not more than five lncheo long, of torpcdoco containing lctl!l than five gralnD of exploolven, and Ill! other worlw within npeclficd olz.c

,llmltatloll!l. During thp motoring yearn that

Btrctch ,behind U!l tho Fourth hllD been marked each year with a great flux ot auto travel from city and

MranwhilP, aJ soml Amerlcaru, mnny •ummer c:acatlonl~ may havo to aay, "A/tPT you, roldlttr," while Und4J Sam'• armed /orCCJ go PUllman. For PJCample, in tl1o ptrriod from Dc{)t!mbC1' 7, 1941, through April, 1942, noorly 2,000,000 fightins men wero traruportcd in PuUman car• to all M'CiiOIU o/ tho co1mtry. ' •

Tho big bronz.e beU with the fn· millar rent In ltD n!de boo been the eymbol of Uberty and free rurpren­olon to counllec::J mUUoilll of Amcrl· caM cinco the new republic em· barked on Ita pcrUouo cnterprl!:e iD the year 1'7'1G. The crock come Into the bell when It tolled the funeral of Juotlcc MnrnhaU In Ul35. In the raiDed lcttero which adorn ltD crown It lo proclaimed that thd bell wac caat 1by Patl!F & Stow In the year 1753 by order of the Am:embly of the Province of ·Penngylvanla for the

Elappily for all ronrl'rnrd. thl'rP tzre no A n11 •uiJmarinf'J in . thf'sc> blue u-atl'r&. Sn, rxith ~·#iml"' abantl()n U'(' ta/;o to roiling. r--·--~--'

Thll Fourth ot JulJ will lDd Amerfeu bo71 celebratlnr tile Deelan· tlon ot IDdepeudMce oa man:r hontJ throqhout tile wotJd. Pfeture lhon a P'OilP of t7pleaJ U. 8. l!lchtinr meD who are manalnr onr Carlbbeu de­fenses. Tbe7 are equipped wlth modem Garand rUles and wearinr mos­«(tllto helmets. These tlnel7 conditioned mM are es~ru fn "bush" 'IVI1!tl•re.

new atoto house "erected nhorUy throughout the land to vblt soldlero, country and vice veroo. 'I'hiD year. before In that city ... However, the noiloro, mnrinea and airmen in-the- ·however, the ccene will change con­great beU could make other cloimo. making. Millions who formerly n!derably bEcause of the rationing It could claim-but It doca not-that &ought pleasure In countleS!l wayo In of tireD nnrl gas, Hundred!J of work­It waa the flrot bell turned out ln an city or country will find otrnnge men who hove been accustomed on American foundry. new delight In wielding the hoo or the Fourth to drive lnr into the coun­

Thls, then, b the bnckground til pushing the cultivator In victory gar· try will upend this Fourth bending which the first Independence day dew oil over the land. Many, too, over lathe machines or Jruttlng TNT

., w!l!l cant, and all sh!luld be familiol' will glenn with pride and notisfnc- into shellg to whittle down the Axio. ' with iL The cplrlt of Uberty which lion btlme cf the agricultural re- Auto fatalities which tmUally reach ., ) glowed from the pages of the lm· words of early springtime eftoru, to the year'a 112nh over the Fourth of

} mortnl DeclornUon hOD been the ~ be placed on the F-oorth of July ln· July lwliday wiD probnbly tie much 1 guiding star of the Americnn people ~ ble. For never before in the history lower this yeor. ! from that for day tO this. The pat-, ot our country ~?s there been ~!Ich A Happy Day lor Chlklrm. ' tern of liberty wltlch wruJ fllllhloned . o trend towards grow your own ruJ The Fourth hruJ been one of the

· 11

then han been woven Into all of our . in the spring of 11M2. In .. _ b h 1 b d happiest days ot the year for chil-.. l'l d" , __ , . h' 1, __ ,_ , Institutions, on weD as to our , Thowmn.., of oya w o ce e rate dren In the past. However.

1.t m,.,.

am on • ooot•l'U m I u usn• I · . last Fourth in the trodiUonnl Amer.l- ..,.. ion, u:ill ma/;c up_ many a t.'ctcation l'

1. (• eon way will -celebrate u. thl,s JJC::U: be admitted that the Fourth of Jut.v

ljlttln trzi11 year. Da(!llfl"t It remlnrl ., Ring· .1

Ag•m• • in totelgn londn. In f(!e!Md, in Cht· during tiJtwe later yenr~ boa becotne you of thll "sood oltl rlaj•"? . Q no, Ireland, Australia nnd 20 other mainly 0 .holiday lor the children,

outpns19 of our far-flung battle front and the larger nignificance of the day the Declaration will be ~ul,y celebrai· hns been lost in the rot-a-tat of the ed. {)n olrctnft carriers, battleships, firecracker and the boom of the cruisers, destroyera, subs and mine- rocket with its sproy ot colored fire

I •

PT b ts d fl • and nta-:.s against the darkening eve- · sweepers, on - 00 an ymg ning nt.... How the children bnve· fortresses, tribute will be paid to ~ ..

• . I ' . • . • ""T.' • ·.

• ' J .· .. • • • • .. -- ~··u- .- ... · <· --- . , .. --!.; I " . - -

Eall)' Cross Stitches

BOUQUETS of crow otltcb and lazy dailly flowero m£1lto bed

oets colorful-flnlnh with the cro­cheted edging.

• • • Pattem 30:1 conllllnll a tTarusfer pattcm

of a •~• by 101~ and two 41!4 by lll!~ lllcb moWD; eobr "hemt'll; .Wu,IToUollll ot aUtcht'lll mator1olll, !la::d J'OIIr order to:

llewlllr Circle Hnciltcrat& Drpt. 117 Mlllna 1!1. I!IUI Francluo, C&lll.

Er.d~:.O' 1ll c-cniD IPIWI <mo eml ID cover ~~ cf malllO!l) tor l'attena•

tlo • ••••••••••••••

tla~o ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.

Mdr~-.a • ..... ••••••••••••••••••••••••"

---Here's a Gentler Way to Treat Constipation I

One thing a r:nldfcr In atraid at Is a dlnplay of emoUon. That'a why his olang en often coundo de­rogatory. For example, he men to the cUver caglen on his colonel's shoulder utrnpn no "btmard:l. •• But when he speaks ot his favorite cigarette, he rm,vo: "Crunels." They're flrut with men in the Army ruJ wen O!l with Sallorn, Ma­rinen, and Co::!St Guardmnen. (Ac­cording to actual nolea remrd!J in ccrvice men's stores.) A gift ot a carton of Camels In alweys wen received. Lam! tobacco dealers ore featuring Camel ~ to &end to any member of our armed forcen. Hint for the day: Send .. him" a cartcn of Camels.-Adv •

that 14'11t grari'd Fourth of July. And pestered their ·parents around this it won't be doni'! wl'th flrecracketill time to break down all restraints 5 ....... :\'T=:= .. _=,.~tt:=======~==

· and resolutions for n "sofe and sane •u,. v "'"' wtdentn~o Ran1e of the Fourth. Fourth" and_ yield to their impiot-\VhUe .the Fourth of July hds been ings to buy them *'just n few c:~aclt ..

ll mnjor Anietlcnn 'holldtiy from eta bclore- they nre nll sntd outt•• time lmmemorlnl, It has been strict- Tbe celebrnUon for years bas stntt­ly nn American holldny with lltUe ed around· the middle ot June, One rriore than pnssing press noUces In could always tell tbnt the Fourth foreign lilllds. However. there is was jUst around the col'rl~r by the

. reason to bellevrr ttint t!:o~ collil- ·crack ot &-ectackers or the boom of ' tl'!es whleh are rmf under tha NaZi canttl!k'll'aclter!l-nofses that ..Vemld 1/ you crm•t &o n-cmraj! ' . . heel Will bail the- :E"ourth thf!i yeat :hitve ahoc~d us into investigation a

on a lraxmy limr, tl!c ri~er . . '.the faftiou old LIIH!rly ll~lf whldt ., as nevet bHore. lt may, even be- te'R weeb earlier. Boyish cete­atl'!atubcxits u•ill tlo, UiiDIUtttd tint PtOtJ._matltn ar the .come an illtemattonat bQUday nttet brants wen~ ever:vwh~re, and mess--

And If' you liavell't hiad tt trlp m. ci ,?'iver $teamboat ~o».'tti misted' dopllcm of the beelina~a of lnde- vlctoey Is wott, at.least in thuse AXiJ. utild theii' pattloUsm 6y Uie ini<>tint llorttelliln•l • 1 ., · , l!'tideaetHln J~lt •• 1178. . , dortlinated countries who Will owe (ll nolae they were- able to make . ., . . . _.__,_. ---= Many ot us .can look back to the

., . G,'lobal War Creating Interest in Ge. ography days when 110 celebratioo of the an. niveraaey ot l'ndependenc:e·wu con­

Amorlcons tn and oU\ fit ilebocl · olvlllans on the home tront1 rnerilli stdeted comj,lete unleSs aomebody are rlll)ldl.Y seeking . knowledg~ ()f fat' moro attenUon than U htl!l been had at least two &get$ blown rur.

> _regions wllJch thE! nat! on• a .at~~d aiven bere," according. to .l'a~n ln those d*YS all smart dog; lett for· · Jort:e11 may ~ called upon to -de- E, FaltchUd, instructor in geo~• PW Unknown about two weekS in

't~nd. Tile~" wanJ to know how the tlhY . (Ulcl .world ift~:at Cooper . adva:ne;e, . Tire FoUrth wu a da;- of . lQss ot • s~eminc11 temoto c:ountey Uhl<ln. ••!lttgbtl)t c:otor~ tll•Psii .. he gayef:tj ot 1estivity; . and b11sket-ptc.­

. <!at! &.ft~o1. tl:llr kilt>Plt of c:omrnodl· P<linbt out, "greet Getman clt clren nl~s, a dat when·the. bras. band 'tift" and food pr«tuc:ta whlc:h the .b) •Uli!Ir' ~utatten. dmes .. l!ld j)layed on' all tta;, long undu the Amedcan boliiehold h•• taken 1c>t . foUow tllem~ through ~e~ atar~ Of 1htde ot the o~ ed ma~u. cd . . ttanted. lliJt1 ha'#e l'elaUv~s ,~tn1 ·~e~. educ:"atlon• bUt lli .thll$ ~itt ihe: ambtit 1lul'd ikiwed .fteel,flfown .· . . .. -·. 10.~~-~:~ ~=~~:;·~t ~~ta~,t: teru;~:=~d~ ~U: eta:! ~:7~t\~ ~n;~, .. ·-Phld .the Scrap··. tO· : •

. thee . •tild.Y of Pbtta!Jh:t,. evea br )lrm'iary ·-~ ~~·JJ ~n iito. · .. ·. -. . ~ ..... ,..., _.. · • . Eliminate the.· lap . ~ ~ . ~· . . -• •

. ·' ~





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Page 3: San Patri£io - Lincoln County · over a 6·ri;Wntb period. went over tho tdp and with $140- , ••

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. . . .'- '. . . . -" - J%J'b - I

l}yEUGENE ~U.NNI~GHAM .. '.Sfi!UGif.NI! ~IJNNING!W\ . . · . W,_N.IJ, ...

·'f.~- J~ay' ~ •h: llacl. ~ II• ' · · llhJnte• Pie l4e", c;:oa CJD\ercm. · fo c.ow~ • aq wlP.I "' de~• &o ldll &111bo~Jl, ll tmltcl tO t11n1 o11Uaw &o 1an 1a1J We, ... ~lisa be wu ••111. wltll tllll BIUilen, wJr.o art. WIUI~d for robl!ei'J ~ IIIWder, IQ b ~teted .GJ liellll' CIIJAA~~Cilt t.~u-, •• of · tlleh· cau. o\ttelte4 wlaea M dd•• lllcO •x'iv~li, iae b lA 't1~11er ot be!Dt llpJecl, Ill. apl~ of.,lhe '-e& U&at be ~ IIA.,..d 1Ju1 W• of tile ~l'lllal.- N.evD ~ 01117 a few d...,_ betor•· Low•

Piliul ~ un. forcoUea that, 10 COli tl•c•P.• from .!all wlUI lUI llll~'lf ~~e4. Jeff Allm!ID IUI4 coea wtua blul' to ~ {.;J_ . '

a cau lieadFd b;r. Dad ParUilore, Coa 'i'rt II roreed to ldll ()!It of Para111ore'1 me~~o t GoiiWea, Ia nit deftueo SllofUY . after tllat, l.o'lfl IUI4 a POill lll!fPIIIe .UIIIII IUI4 ldll 10m1 of tile PUA~~~ore CfOWIL Dad 1weara Ye!lreuce. T1117 aU 1'1 &o IAnrl'a rue It while '1M II out. COD dl .. IOYfn tlla& t;JIId• 111••• &o ld4a-p Lowe• a idtter, JIUUI&. 1111 bel~ Iter &o aaeape, h& laaa ~ rttle tor lila o""' We Whta leff .&lla• ,.till 11!111 tlaaC. Dad wlll ldll hiJII wllft IQ lblda out tlaa$ Jut& II eone.

How coau .. , wltll tile s&oey. •

~~R.IX (

Con rode at the easy lope back to

, ""

"I am cla4 tha&·Joa thoucht te teD me."

. ••• ,, • j •• ' • -·

·I· -. , . ,. ' ... '· ' ,• ~ ~

:_.. ' ' . ' '. _ .. . ' ..

I, ,·

'! -·

. .. ·' ' . ',-~-'

., ,'f!"'., • ' .

• •

NEW ,JDEAS • ' . I ' •

' J~J. . ;;,(UH,S· . r~~ ~-- ..

B:y,RUT~· WYE'fll SPEARS ..


• •





the cottonwoodJI. CntBsh went very l•He thought ·you would wish it," come to tho renr of the bnlldtna:s willingly. The moment he wo.s out the boy aaid. "He told me to bring thnt lined tho mllln street. Wheq OI> · fi t tern by fir~t rulina paper into one­of alght, Con ventured to start the lt to you. Nowr you can kll1 hbn. poslto the bank, he Bwuni down and woMEN today nrc not the rs inch llqunres and then copying the hones back on the traU over which I' ,_ thnt one of yellow hair nnd blue hitched Poncho be~. ilcm. to dillcover a war-time short- h

- they bad ~en 4riven. . e;:S called Slllnt, K1l1 him, El He moved up th.o the bu.lld- age of iloor coverings. Tho glow- curvea in the llk:tc • , U there was purauit, it miaaed.hlm. Comanche!'' · ing, nlong tho ya e pace be- ina Oriental ruaa of the Colonial •


n that day, He slept on a hlll· that Con reholatered his Colt when he tween it ond tho store adjoining, mansion ceaoed to bC imported ;:,r::~o ~:':o: l:ll!O:Ill:,.:z:c:" n!ibt, ate breakfast the next day lllld rel<mdecl tlwifUy tbe empty I to Squat in tho gloom wlth W:Jnche.UU. during the Revolution l and the. ~~~vo II "' II Ill not In llll.Y of Uto llooklclll near· tour of the atCchoon, at a chambers. With the carbine he ter ncroaD his knees. , It was a aimple hooked ru~ made from old which .ram. Sprzm• .hAll PntPlln:d for l'ead• Mexican house forty mUes from tho went outside through a back door early, llOmothing after1 ten. clothing began to be developed in el'll; however, Doole o contnlrus two deDigna NL. Hla Spanish helped: and he nftd to tho corner of tho hotwe. He Ao the minutes dtagged tow·lll"lll..!nimore elaborate deolgna. and dlrccllonD tor moklnll onstn~>l do-took a ~rent deal of pains to make ;tnt a haU-dozen Bhots into the mea. mitinlght ond the ptlSscra-b:y bnwere Then, ao now, acroU bordero algDS. To cot a copy, ecnd )'our order ID: hlnwcU BlmpaUco with the women quite roots o.nd stopped Saint's fire. fewer, he watched the bank pa· nround a fiower motif were popu­and children encountered. Then he ran to onothcr position tiently. He ho.d no plan, except to lar. The pooleo were deslaned ac-

Ragged, unshaven, he felt !late In where he could sec 8 little of the startle tho gong with h1a ftre, 1top cording to individual tanto but · MRS. KU'J]I 'WVETII BPEA.KS Drawer It

Dedford fliU• NOJW York

Enclo:o lO ccnlll lor lloolc II.

Namo ••••••••• • ••• • •• • •• • • •••••,•••••

' ' • ' •1

••• v




DEAFNESS DEAFNES!!, nolaea relieved. ~

DR. ·.rAYLOU, Ear_ SpoolaUhT , CQaaeron_ • • • • - •xu

. ' • CLINIC


. SUMMER CLINIO STARTS .JUNE 1 Tonsils Adenoids, Sinuses, De11Cncll!l,rf'l~ 11ract5 ,' llnd all Dlsensea

1o0r ESTy0o.uflaDrbA~~ ond Thront. DENVER ' n

COLLEGE, 1000 Ord~ll Sl-0 Dennr, O.l•• .. •

USED TIRES 1JSED TmEBI For olir, truck. 11nt traUer • Qood 'trend. 0. P. A. prices, Wrtto for prices. Ortou A. Mooro Co., Dlxoa, IlL

Business Opportunity FOR SALE OR Ll'!ASJl

lletall meat 11nd grocery bwslneas net~ 13:10 per month. Owner wl~oe to n ..... 43 )'euro t'on~~eeutlvo opornUon, Pllrlllltn; Addrea.o BOX 117, La orante, Or•r•~~o


MIHEU8 c11bln eamp, eleven unllll aDCS buo4Qlow; -all·,.ct>r bnoln~rull l!fU1llc=. Vllllo)' propol'l)'. Q, bUIOOIJ,, ~

Three-Class ·Nigltt_ Club A niaht club in Mexico City

colvco the "how to drc!l!l" prob­lem by grouping patrona Into three ocparatc hal111. The main Ooor accommodateD aU tho::;o couples

riding into Gurney and having a blue ahlrt. Ho drove Saint around the robbery attemp~ brine the town ocroU patterno went the roundo ot few drinks at tho Palace. There tho root-pUc, dodged back hbnocU swarming out and force the Para· neighboro whc. traced the pattcrno were enough rough cqstomers in when the tall cowboy loosed a des- mores to run. on the burlap or canvao rug faun­the county eeo.t to cover hJm. Tnik pcrato burnt ot f.lbot.o, then cnught "Then .l'U ·send word .tQ dear old dation. To:lay wax crayon io gen­at the bar and around tho gaming Saint when he was running for cov- Dud," he thought, fdnnlne UghU:y. orally uaed for tracing. You will tables lnlormed hbn that, oince their er ot a hou.tle. He 511w duat puft "Lot hbn know who put the cockle find it eaoy to make a cut-out pat-tanuze at the NL, tho Parnmorea trom the blue 11hlrt and Salnt atns· burr under hl!l taddle; and bow =:..::.:...::.:.:.:~------------:--:-::-=-~:-:-:·=====­bad been very quJ,eL G gered, but cOUJtht hlm.oeU and Saint taik(d., too much and let out ~"""""""""""""""'"""'"'(\o"""""""' "'"'"""'"'~"" """'"""'"'"""'"'??

Ad.d.rc:tl ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• . who oro drcm:l'd formally. Tho I occond fioor, tho::JO In overallB, hou!lcdrcasen or other working cloUlc!l, While the bru::cment ls reocrvcd for U10:JC who prafcl' to danco In tholr bare feet.

When be .redo awo.y from 11rncy, Jumped around a corner. the scheme. ·1 A~l( U ~ he was barbered, wearing now ahlrt "He wUI carry my br~md," he Poo~ m!dnlabt, when only • few ~. lfllli'l A quiz with answers offering ~ and ovornllil, wcll·!ed. Lo:s Alamo::~ told Garcln u he b:lugbt the town's llghtD wore sblnlnl on tho street

1 bunkhoUll() hcld him !or ·nearly a drinkD and traded rough jakca with and the elllo<m he watched 7? .~ NfJ .. l.l,ft • information on various subJects ~? week. Lit Taylor WQ.II acllins same tho men. "I seo that when you or Wll!l qu!ct, • shadowy ftguro ap. n I,. "

LA bottCB and Con rode in place of San Marco!! say that you arc my pcarcd at the comer or the bank. L,..o-"'"'"'""c-.""41;."'"'""""1\o"""" """""""'"""""" ... "'"""""""" """'"'"'"'"""'"' an Injured peeler. Ho could have trlendo, It Is moro thnn words. I Con otood, carbine ready. watchlna Th Q .... ,'ona poundo; a 20-footcr to any flier bad a job, but even as "Twenty would havo been kllled without etrnlncdly. Another 'itl~o lhape c: u ... - over that. Johnaon" ho feU ncrvouo. Llt paid knowing who:Jo lead struck me. I joined tho .ftrst. Hardl,:y vlslble, they O.

1037 (July 7).

him off with faint grin, It grave think but Amclla cnllcd. Tlwl Mar· ceomed to wait u he wit waiting. 1. In Britloh !liang, what ID lO. Bouvet lllland, a omaU, un· votccr. gad~ let ma Into her hou!:o and Ono by one. tho llshtl of 'l'Jvan wore meant by a Umey? inhabited Norwegian poD!:eC!llon in

Neulna TJvan Con went more the boy came viith my 1Dng gun. I blfnklnJ out. a. The American bird, tho chick· tho South Atlnnllc. Within n ra-cauUoualy, watching from tho hJgb thank you aD." Then a dLlll exllloslon aounded. Con odco, lo attn called what? diua of 1,000 mUeo, or an arcn llnu 11ke any lobo woU, keeping out "Tho:Jo words did not come from sworo softly, lhortly, 'l'b.e,y luld 3. Tho IDland ot Now Guinea lo containing

3,140,000 oquorc mUen,

of tight when a rider chowcd. & he tho mouth only,", Go.rcln sn1d oor- moved f110tor than ho had expected, oomeUmeo called what? thoro lo no other land. c:amo bock to tho Lobro and to Son neatly. "ThiJY came from here, at tho bo.nk. He alwved tho c:arl;llne

4 How many Unen hM a poem

Marcoo. It oecmcd at leaot a yeOJ' alcol" out and fired three shat!l at the lurk· called a triolet?} alneo be had lrust been hero. · He pounded bin thick cheat and in1 m~ ~d they dlaappeared. G. WbJcb lo the Panhandle otato?


I J,, ·t,.. Only tho drowoing populilUon of oUrera of thcr men nodded. Con wmt From Ute flaloon clfile :rdll. 1d

the plulta ww tht"rc, co he rorlo to fintl Am!:!Ua nncHd'Artarita carry- Con ran strni£bt aerros tho 1trect 0. What country leod!l tho v;or boldlY up to tho -~torc-oaJoon of old Jng bottles of thcr mcst erirru:on per- u men oppcafi!d in tho doors of tho in nmount of irrlaatcd lnnd? Garda and lett li'ancho behind tho fume on Gnrcla's shclven. Ho was town's buUdlngn. From that corner 7. \Vbero ID the orlainal Brldgo

f l


f .




b!g adobe. Garcia grt!e~d him Uke in Amello'o bou::o, surrounded by wbcro tho' men luld stood, ho could of Slr;h!:J? an old friend nnd r:ot out tho drinltn. her nmoll brothers aruJ !lbtcra, whm sec in tho moonlight a flurry of fig· o. Do heavyweight P,Ornchutc Whm they otcod comowbnt to them· thnt wOOt!cut~r who hnd warned uren at tho rcOJ' of tho bank. They jumpcro uac the oamc OWl parn-aclves, ho letmcd oon1ldenUolly. him agalnot GGnZllleo .appcOJ"ed at were buny with hort:eo. He won- chutco ao the llghtwclgbt.o?

"Ytru have mlmclent Sponbb, i:ow, the door. H.irJ dark loco WillS me. dered U they bnd eot tho money o. In what )'cor did Japon start to undenll.ond me? Bueno! Then I cited. Ho motlnned to Con. from tho vault, or U tiliJ shooting bod ltD undeclared war on Chinn? will tclk with plainnM!l. I am o "EI Comanclwl You remember otnrtlcd them beforo they bod fin. 10. Which onnt ID connidered tho . friend to-him. & are othero here. me-Antnnlo S! I hnve thnt lobed. ..... ld? We cannot bo cnemiC!l nnd Uvel But tc tell you whlcll will not wnit; whlcll Between b:mlc nnd horcca a tD.1I mc::Jt ltnloted in the 't\''Or 1 tell you, Ccn. the gooo men hero lo tor you ont:vt mnn appeared, running. Con placed ar.o like me: we do not like hiD try- "Of coun:el'r Con cried. "I owe him no Dandy. He Wllll cnrr:vlng

" tng to taka thnt pretty ol!rter of you for that othct" time, when you 0 nack ond Con began to flre at bl.t Nevil Lowcl That wM bod and It kept me trom walking out upon lega; oaw blm pitch forw~ nnd WM al!;n foollnb. Now, ronchern Gonut~en• plotoll" • drop the oock. Tho blgb, amgsong who Uvo in lonely plaeeo, they are He went through the children ond voice of Dud lUted nhrW:y: looking at their wiven, their daugb- trailed the woodcutter to the eorrnl "Hightnill The:y're onto wl High-tern, their nlo~ro, thinking that they behind Amclin'o. roil!" arc nut oale •. & ho hno hondo turned "1 ~~llll not bere when you drove He oppeOJ"eti out of the milling agniil!>t hbn whlcb before wouJd help Saint from San Mnrcos," Antcnio graup mounted. Con leon eli ogolnnt -at leru~t, not burt. lt mey be thot llnid quickly. "I did not know that the bank . woll and fired at him be hru1 ohnrtaled hiD life by thot :you were here. But he met me on steadily. The horee went dawn ond bu!linemJ which you otcppnd like the the road tmfey ond I hod a bottle of took Dud out of sighL Now, from 'cod mnn :VOU OJ'e!' tequila. He took it from me and right nnd left of the harried rob-

1. A· oailor or ooldicr. a. TitmOU!:(!. • 3. Papua. 4. Elaht.. 5. West Virginia. G. India. 7. Venice. 3. ParachuteD come in two

otnndard oizes: a 24-fcot chute goen to pilol!l weighing up to lC!l

Con thnnkM him. There Wll9 more when he had drunk the most of it, bern. Tivnn men o~ed ragged flre. m wbnt the cnnUnero Implied thon he tnlked. He alwayn, but From the difierenee of reports, Cm1 I ; ]I appeared in the t'lonh he hod w;ed. toore when he hllll been drinking. He guecsed that onatclled-up guns of With DaH's Shoe!l When precanUy he drifted outside, cmne to San Marcell for cnrtridges, n11 kindn wero being brouibt into L--------·-----' . he Wtl!l thinking of thtlt. So when n E1 Comanche. Q And for why? For play. .. · woman• a shrll1 cry Clf warning sound· robbezy of the bank at Tlvan. to- Three riders whirled cleOJ' ot the In the trifling oecidenw of a ed he mopped short. not under· morrow night! He db:l not ~Y to- contw:.lon and foirl:y hurled their btly's lile, it is a wcmderful bclp ~ding inatnnUy. Then n Wlncheo- morrow night, hut I nm sure._ horses forward. Low over the honm, to hove n gaml Dad as nn tmder­ter's flat, metalllo report down the He bod gothered from srunt•o they dlsnppenred at the rncing gol- standina friend, for no boy ill pre­line of houses WO!l followed iru;tnnUy bragging talk. fhnt the Pnramoren lop. One horse t'rol:J down., anoth_er ];l:tt'mi. for rounh climbing unless by the rap of a slug into the wall 11;erc :\ ~r.en:1v c~ fr.'\l' ttt-1-ve. R~ Iii£::~ begnn to trot off, rllierleM. A m~m lte be thad wltb Ute GIIOM of behind Wm. to Join them outside ol Tivan with lilted himcell frcm the ground em Dad'a expe-rience.

Th.e1'e Wllll tl doorway just ahead the sheDs. They were taking ttd· one knee and, as firing continued, and he plunged into it and flattened vantage of~ Nevil Lowe's nb:zence dropped again. himself out of sight. The shot bad from town to make Dud's biggest "I think," Con told himrelf, ''that come from a pile of mesquite roots blow-to date. this is wbere I roll!" thirty or forty yardD aheo.d. tt was ••tt seemed to me that you WQ~d He edged into the gloom under • Amelia with whom he had danced wish to know;• Antonio jogged him, wOOt!en awning ond kept close to at the 'baile, who hod &Creamed ·a when he wos quiet for a long time, the frtlnt woll

118 he worked toward

warning .. She was in a window op- thinkiflg. "1 know that It~ war be- a rorner. Do~ the slde wall of a posite him, calling to him to go tween you ond them, now. store· to the rear where bo colilil ii1slde calling to someone named ••1 am . glad thl!t you th~ught .to look 'towru:d Pancho;. then quickly :Marg~ta to open the .lfoor •.. The leU me. Say nothing to nn~one, as ncro3!l tho litter of botUea nnd cAns WinChester WAS< drtin:il:i'Wlg stcnduy. you thought, _there Ill wAr between tind trnsh to the doting ~el,.rhe Bulll!ts chipped the tdgea of the hie and Dud POJ"runore. So I have moved with on amused grin Wtlng thick adobe embrilSure and dust lntere~t !Jl anythfng he plans. HereJ mouth-corners. Dud had got away, powdered COn's ahitt,. , ~iln the BUy 'drinks for yourseU, some- he wns fairly certain.

W~! thop;~~e.d ~~:.~d~g~.w~:;;. thing fot ,the .w~m~~ and. the t:hil• . Out of the dntkness ?f snrno door• . ...,. ... dren_ •. I am,_ nditlgl . . . .... . w.·· 3 '<7 '"/: "'<:WS:l .. "'"' <m_ ~PGz•U! _Pon_ tho, • .. •<pus I" SM invited <:Gn. ••t ibh;k f!.s. Jw. rode acro<"..s lh~ bni!!, ):.e inart ~eWed ;.;!Zdenly • .He wrus wifh.

·from otie cl my l'Jindw.vs S:~!l ~an cansulered wlw} lay nhend ot bittt. in. tt yard of Con wl1en b~ .said, ~; safely ~kill hin1r It seemed to him that _ht'! cottld do 4'\VeU-*' and nutomnUcntJy eon,


ne nodded and . followed her no more. thlttl ruin .D~tl's raid, but seeing the carbiM he ~arrJed.f J~IV· through two rooms of her holJSe Wi• h~ (Otild do that efl'Cctively and with oted and struck him m .. the _laee~ tllilhe indicated • 'Wirtdow. Now ~e. satoty. , . _ . . . . . Tlt& tong a-wing clitried Wl hfj coUld 8ee a patch at blue !llth't be;. • He was ~arty on the r!lad next weight and the fiSt connected squore<> . . <' bifid the_ kJ'eat heap <>f _ ~esqulte. da1, _but that was orib' habJt The Jy. Bock Into the Shridom the man

. . GrimlY. _C<itt aimed his . t~ISful . and whole day and Part ot. tne night ~ay feU with no more than a abort grunt, let. the ba.tntner drop,. th.umbe!f It , before bhti, tor • coveiing .. an e~sy He rnwled there and Cob, (lftor back a.nd-;fited a second Shot. A tall ,rid~. Con dld not mtend to show hitn•

8 sp1ft-£~cond of staring, tan across

• cowbOy j~pe4. to _hl.t' _lee~ and seU ln 'l'~v.~ whlle there was Ugbt ·to P!Utcho and mounted. . . 1braJ1k baa into shclfe!~ COfi wished or mt;Wenl~t; Bam orChunlcy _or lt · de at the walk to li safe dis. ~~~e!J:tly for. the ~arbme tb~t h~g some tow~an of sharp ~ye~ and tan:e:o then sklrted Tivan_ ~t the

.. ____./ .. (!0. his :o:r=:~r.f:rt 1i ~v:: .-1~~ r;r~1w':!~~ d:e.IDUM lr4)t llJid cafm· fit at:: 1opeto1~clt ~ ·· "i .!J1o~~ -~ o...: atticier o~ed 'ftte on ot town. ' '::t'hiftl! wu i moQn, 1ittcf thtl . fthll 0 e. · ·. ee · •urv . ora ~~':I""' · · · · · ·· · 1rilli its tllln· he finished, hJj cold ~· raid. ne mad !W effort ta tbl trlttdQw.. . . . ~•-. -~..1 -~ . . ... I_.. ..,..,. ....... d ... ~ted. ltfloOk ltiifll7 actuallt vall Uletn. .· .. the ceneral ..


Order several packages today and enjoy the



•• ~ ~·;' .. .. ~~~ ..

A tla t:wl cr IKelloO'• Corti flaln wllb lOI!It fn::t a::j t; ts cf r::;-:1. I t:m J'C:l YiTM.ItKS. Yilf. DIALS. FROTD!fS, RlOO


...... u,••• • till etlid. ..........





( .


• I


, He ltepped bae&. auv. Ute wom.... .. .. ~per ~ . m .· . . • • .... · ... · . . . directiOn .they : .. , .,.. -e.-t-.nea to &lm. . When u tumed.-lhe · •t-Uie b~.t.f)f~ P~ Ud. the aet 4 .. !11--•d· 'Wlt&. the · ·· mini; u -·~ " •· · , _ . i. ... -t..... ..-t .... ~.. .. ·Wicf · eel at bi.I carUhH!, He lolled, .., _IAe\01 "''. . . · ·

__ .._ --·· --···-·is--.-.....

:;«_,;t;t ~ef~b;,id'lng C:rtb• ~- roa~jfiim .. ~!~~~ ~: ~- -·thl -~~'(JasiJ•·,.. ,."A-ilil ........ tJ ~ frOm hij -.cabbiird. • 1f!v.n~ -..i~n .~ ..,OOR!..., ~ .., .., · · ~ ~,41 ... ,.,~ .

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• ; . . . ;c-•

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• • ' ., " ... J "' •

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-- .. ~

Page 4: San Patri£io - Lincoln County · over a 6·ri;Wntb period. went over tho tdp and with $140- , ••


• •..


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... ~ .. '; '.,- '·' . ' ... ' ' .;

·': ! ·- ·- ' , ": ·. -, .- '

• .. . .

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~·~·~~~~~~~~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~;~,~_~,~~T~.~E.~KE~~~E~Y~~~~ ... Linc81n C.un~ New~ :::t~ o~~~~:;;:co·\ aa .. • • . LoealCil-ir~hea . . . · llin~ral ni~ector an(J:· ·

Publi~ed Every friday SEE. US ·IN THE PROBATE QOURT.' <. Licensed Embalmer. i -.

' Kntered •• tecond.,.lal• matt.rJntlr, ~· ttae, at the pottt otl!ce at Carrit'J\\'c,, li•Jr Mesloo, aader tblltXI!t or Marcb 8,18'111.

Sabaerlptlcm, Ia adYIUICe, f2.00 per V eu


A4rmw .. ••'" r~ • I"""" ' ' .•

FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1942 --- ... -~---~-----_,__ . lira. l':n B. &mllh, Editor aad Publisher



In Uae l'robato Court ot. Uncoln County

State of New Meidco Jn Tho Matter of Tho &tate) or Jtoln•rt u. l~roYino, . ) No. 609.

It,eceased, ) To Mrs. Helen C. Provine, CaJlltnn,

Now Mexico; Jane Provine Coleman, Curlohad, New Yexlco; Hay Provino,

·~ -"

. FOR o~ Sbsrl.ey PbiPPDecea.sed No: 545 for Firat Baptitt Chg~cli .. .. WARTIME) LnTTttRHnAns



Cmcr;z.,\RS BusiNESs CAtl-PS



Opportunity~ Knocks


. NOTHJE OF APPOINTMENT OF . . ·. ADMINISTRATRIX Stl~(lay School.·,..;· S:45 A .. M.

Nptice fa hereby given that on 'the :Morning Worship .. · • . 11 A.· M 4th day of June, 1942, the un'dersirned B. T. ,U............. 7:8() P.M. was appointed administratrix of the ·Ea- Evening Wo~~hip ~ . . . 8;3() P.M. tate of Shirley PhiJ>PBI deceased, ln. the W. M. U. W~dnesday 3:00 p, M~ ::~::.s:~~~:~:;,~:dah~T:! q~:!f!:a~ Bib I~ s~udy~ W~4.... 8:00 P .. M. said estate Ia hereby notified to file the Cbotr Practtce • · · · · · 8:00 p.M. same within ,six months. from June 4th, N. T. Jamei; l:'nstor •• 1942, and make )?roof a.s required by law. .,

Administratrix. Nora E. Phipps. ·

J oh~;~ E. Hall, Carrizozo, .New Mexico, Attorney for Admtnlatratrix. J-l~·July 10. 1



Churcp of Chriat · .. Bible Study • 10:00 A.M. Worship 11 A.M. and 7:80 P.M. Mid-weekStudy, Wed. 7:3() P.M. · Preaching at Capitan· -~ P.M.

Daylight l&ving- ti~;~~e · Avia C. Wiggir.~, Minister.

Lou Angelen, California; Robert Pro- " General Land ·omce vine, Oneida County, State or New • District Land Office Methodiat Chureh York; f.:harlco Provine, Geiger Fwld, J{EAD the ADS Laa Cruces, New Me:rico Sunday School at 10 a.m. WMhlngton; Helen Provine, Hotel }!,rank Adame, Supt. · Dlou, Ell'llllo,Tcxas;Edward l'rovino, ) June 8, 1942 Capitan; New Moxtco; A. L. IJulhcrt, Notice Aor PnbUcatiOD Notice is hereby given that on Morning Worablp 10 & 11 a. m .. Guardian ad litem of Edward Provino • J . 26 1941 C h 1 A Junior l..eaaue 7:00 p, m. and Helen I'rovino. mlnoro, Lincoln, Suapc~aiOn of. Aooeament Work UDI ' ' a r e 8 ' lt~vening Service 7:45 .P· m. Ne\v Mexico, and to all unlmown hclro on M inm~ Claame: Buchanan, present owner- and "WarJTime"

Ye~~~, .,.J'cir • ,top .. 1M Qateway tfolol • • • ... ~. COII90ftlal ~.,. ••• the comfort qf your

. fMift 11114 of,the' MWiy tnla'9t<llob~y.


· MUJloomslilltltlJatk

+}~aHd 00,

. '

NAZARENE ()IJ(JlWB SEBVIOE CapJtm, N. 1l . of tho aald decedent, and all unlmown UnitC!d States · transferee of David Chesser, who

pcroono claiming any lien UJIOil', or Department of The lnterier made homestead . entry, Roawell First Sun .. ,.. ef every month fa . ri(Chl, title, or Interest, lno to, th11 Dt'otrict Land Office Serial No. 026406, Cor lot 1 and Communion day. · I Sunday School li:'IJ a. m.

t t f tho aid dr dent o a f · dJ Preaching Servlcci U:OO a. m. OD a c

0 u cc ' L Cruc " N M and SE}4 NEi of Sec. 1, T. 8 s., W• assure yoq a rlen y I ""'oung People~ Ueotln ... 7:00 p. m. whom It may concern: nn c.,, • • . ,., ... .,

A · · II d to th t R. 19 E., and lots 4 and 6 of sec. welcome. Prayer MeoUng Wed. 7:00 p. m. You, and each of you nrc borchy notl• ttent1on Ill ca e C ac . Kl y cordt.allv Invited to attend

fled, and notleo II hereby given that of May 7, 1942, Public No. 642, 6, T. 8 8., R. 20 E., a?d on wh1ch John I.<Uen, 'our o:Cr~:e~~. " ; Jlelon c. l'rovlno, Admlnlatratrlx of providinu Cor the llU!Ipenolon of pate?t ~o. 670040 Jssu~d, filed Pa.tor. J. s. cox,, Pastor. F:atatc of Hob11rt u. Provine, doceat:cd, annu 1 aooeanment workDn mining apphcat1on to ame_nd th111 entry . hlllllllcd In tho nho.vo)lntitlod CourCher u . p and patent to tnclude the SWi Santa Rita Churc;h


final report and account ll!lauch Admin. clalmo held b~ Joca~ion in the NEJi of sec. 1, T. 8 S. R. 19 E. • I latratrix, and tho Court h11.1 appointed , mted Stateo, mclud1ng the Ter· . ' 1 Coalora Lodge, No. 16 Monday, tho 10 day of Au~:u11t, 1942 at ritory of Alankn, wb1cb reada aa N. M. P.M., 10 lieu of Lot 4 of Carrizozo Sunday MassS:OO A.M. I MeQting dates 2nd and 4th tho hour of 10:00 o,rlock A. M., llll tho lollowa· sec. 6, T. 8 S., R. 20 E., N. M. P. Ruidoso Sunday Mils!!. at 11 A.M.J

1. 'Phone 38 . •• •

Carrizozo • • • • • •

------:-PJacer, Lode and Prc)of ~f

Labor blanks for aal" . at the LINCOL~! COUNTY NEWS

' .......:...---__..

N.OTICE .,p:

' . · All persons using dynamite or any type of explosives are hefepy advised that the WAR TIME Ji. censing is in etfel't and an)'one using explosives or has explosives should call at the County Clerk's office and make application: for license.

The County Clerk bas the pa­pers for applications and is the authorized agent for i1suing Ji. censes.



cab •

Meets Every Tuesday evening

Glen Doroett John Klaoaen Sec.-Treas. Noble Grand

hour and day for hcarln11 of obJcctlono, "Do it em~ctcd by the Senate M This notice Ia for the pur Rev. Salvatore. 1 Wednesdays of each month JOHN E. HALL u any thoro he, to tho approval and cot- and Houoe of l~cpresentntiVfll of pose of allowing all peraons bav- I at 7 p. m. Attorney nnd Counce.lor nt Law tlcnwnt of cold OnaiJeport and account, th U .t d St t f A i""' i in· g bona fide obJ't>ctt'ons to the . M G • N bl G d "'• .. and tho dlachaf{lo of tho cold Ilolcn C. 0 n.J 0 a 08 0 mer ..... 0 · ... • Are you enUtled to wear a aymo reusen, 0 e mn P 1 h Ad 1 1111 t 1x d at Congrus nS!lembled. That the propoaed amendment to file thetr "tarret" lapel botton? You Bi d' W Ill: S ta Opposite t~:~::r ~na~~o dny~=mo~a :ho·l~r~hal.c I proviah.n of oectlon f232h4 ouf ltbde objebthlDS in this office within ao are ,, you are lnVelltlnK at I r Je a er •. cere ry. Carrizozo Hardware BuildinJl-

' I H.evlced Stntuteo o L o n Le d f b d I fi t ~~·. least ten percent ot 10ur In• C · N M i Court wlll procot>d to dett>rmino t 10, Stat eo, which rtquirtn on each ayt ro~ o ate o ra puu l come 1n War Bonds every pay • • arr1zozo, ew ex co hoirnhljl of aald decedent, tho owncrnhlfl mining claim located and until cation. day. n·· 70111' badre of PI• Subscrtbo for tho LmcolnCo.Newa ____ ._ .. _____ _ or hie aatd rata to and tho lnw~t of each a patPnt hao been in~ued thE>re- Paul A. Roacb, Register. . First trtotJam. . rcofl'l['tlvo claimant thoroto end thl'rt•ln lor, not Jess than $100 worth of Publication June 12, 1942. • -~ -~~ -"----~ .. · and tho JlllNIODDilntltll'd to tho dlatnbu· In lmr to be performed or In prove· ,

• . • . .l

uon thoreor. · m•·nto agregattng such amount to OFFICIAL U. S. TREASURY WAR BOND QUOTAS FOR JULY Tho namo nnd poat otnco addrcu ot 1 b£> rnado each year be and th& Fifth Registration Day

tho attom11y for tho Adminlalraltb lu • ' 1

John g_ 11n11, enrrt::oro, Now MoxJco.

111n ml' Ill hereby, suepl:lnded as. to

Wltnro tho bonornbl.o Marcial c. nil mining clalmo In tbo Umtcd PROCLAMATION St. John, Judao of thu aald Court, and 1 S· a teo, Including the Territory of . , tb" cl'al thl'rtof, tbill 23 day of Jl)ol', · Aluoko, during the .,cars begin· By The Governor of New Mtx1co 1042. mng at 1~ o'clock meridian July

FELIX RAMEJi~rk I, 10-U, and ending &t .12 o'clock WHEREAS, tbt President of

J20.July 17.

Dy OTUO LOw•~. I mllridian Jnly 1, 1043; Provided, t h e United States proclaimed Deputy. ·That every c>laimont of any such TUESDAY, Juno 80, 19-12 as tho

mming claim, In order to obtain Fifth Reafstratlon Day under the

~ J.of ..,E-;, ... J ~ '

Jimmie Duncan For your winter fuel ..

supply--Wood and Coal

the t:cntfito of this Act, ahall file, SelectiVf! Training and Service . or cause to b£> filed, in tht offil!o Act, for all men born on or after j where the luclltion notico or eerti· January 1, 1922! and on or before ~fir ate io recorded, on or before 12 June 30, 1924. •' . 0

i o' "Joclc mer1dlan July 1, 1942, and NOW, THEREFORE, I, John :July 1,1043, a notlco of bia dealro E. MUet, Governor of tho State

1 to hold aaid mining claim undtr of New Mexico, do proclaim this

1 thio Act: Provided further, That same day, June 80, between the ' 1 ouch ouspenaion or aaseaament hours of 7:00 A.M. and 9:00P.M. ~ w •rlt shall not apply to more than u tho Fifth Registration D&y. · mx lodc•mining claims held by On tbat 4ay every male person in I the nnmo pernon, nor to more than the State of New Mexico who was

Carrizozo Auembly No. 1 twelve lode· mining cJatm!J held born between tho dates: January by the name partnership, wocia· 1, 1~ to June :fo, 1924, or who t1on, or corporation." were born on tboae date!, is roo Order of Rainbow Cor Girl!l.

Meetings 2nd and 4th Fridays. , Tbo act applica to the continent• quired and aball present bimaelf I al Uni~d Stotes and t~cri· .for and submit to registration be­j tory oC Alaska, but only to milling fore a duly designated registration

Worthy Advir.or- . Charlllnc Page

Seeretnry, Jac~d~J D~xtm.

Nora Phipps, Mother Advisor

clnlmnntli who Ole or cause to be official, unlw exempted from re­ft'cd on or b~Corq 12 t>'tt~tk tt:~ti'ii gi5tration by law. Every vel'llon

'July 1, 1942, and July 1, 1043, in aubject to registration is required . the office where the location notiee to familiarize himself with·regula· i or certificate is recorded, a notice tfons governing Selective Service :or tltcir desire to hold the claima Regutration abd to comply there.

COMET. CHAPTEU under tho act, and tho exemption• trith. · No. 29 · do not apply to more than 1ix lode lN T,ESTIMONY WHEREOF, ORDERT~~TER.lfJ claims ~eld by an individual, ~or I baVi herewith 11et my band and

S 4.\'lo to more 'hap twelve lod~ ctauna caused the Great Seal ot the St.te Meets on tbo firat Thursdll)' bold by n pnrtncra.hlp; a&~~oclation ot New Mtxii!O to be &tilled at In ~cb month. or corporation. . . in1 office in Santa Fe, New Mex· . • . · Paul A. Roach, ico the •rahth day ot June, 1942,

Vilitmg Start. cordiall1 lnvi~ro J6·A3• Reaitter. · at tilt hour or 10:00 A. lrL I

. Mfi.·Mattfe Kelley W.M.. , • lly 'tbe Governor: · • Jeennette Lemon,·~ Buy War Bonda today. J'Hiie M. Gouzlte., c

_... . ~~~=-~--·-···· ~,~~. ~·-~~*~--,==·-=~- . S~taey·of Stat• · · - • · o John F). MUtt, Governor

. . ...

·-· r 01,' ..... i '1' • 1 -. '¥' ' ' _I

• . • ·y· Y n1'nJ.:,ONS.V.ALUABLQ N~ ___ ,_£AYn . . . .

-·--- --- .. -' ••

.. ' . \,..,. . :,...::;.

• NEW MEXICO U.S. Treasury Official War Bond

.-··--·· ........ ··---··~ ,....r ...... • • I • •

• •

~12,000 • •






.......... ··--·. •

• . .

for July.

~60,000 ~15,000 •


+3,000 ~3,200



f/,500 ~83100 $6,700

f ( -


... ~B2,000 •

' • l"""'·t·-···-----.......---........ ··'-···--··-···· ................. , .• ~

• ·-

' ' '

·· Jufy, Q~ota for State, $1,771,000

. . .


the. M•v Quota for N.w .. J.!•xlct> W•• $1,055,000 4

e-lM Mi~ t.fts for NewMexrco Wett $1;1$5,000 •.. .. '

. ,. . •


.. •









I •

{ . I

Page 5: San Patri£io - Lincoln County · over a 6·ri;Wntb period. went over tho tdp and with $140- , ••

i <-. l I - ' : . ·'· ' . ' : ·t ' . ' ·' . .. ' . ', ·-

; ' .. ·~ ' . \ ,.,

. ·, . ,.



' • ' ,f. ' ' . •• -~.


' .

-. , •, . ., ··--

' . ..... , '• I !

..~ ... -- '\ ... ._' '_

• ~ ' 1i -· ,_t,'t:f ' _; ._,, "'"""' " .. '. '.

·,-: ' '·• ' • . .

. ·', I


• • • \ . ·.. flPI ' _ ... !#

'~'>'\""'. . "

• . . . --. .: ........ .. ' ..


• • ' _I I

s .

' -~ '. -.~- • ~- ·~1" ., ' - I l . ~ , - , ,- - " • , • , • ·' " ._· - - ,


.. ---···. · ROLLANIJ' S, The old reliable


• ., . WE HAY~ •.

A full line of cosmetics and /IJe cream•· ~II rel,able brands to beautify and' embellilh a Woman's natural good locka. • • ~ .' · • · • •


\ .

• ' . •

' ' ' . I .

. RQt•Uin~ For ,Def·~~·. · Loca.-: l .sand.:.· .Rersonal! · • 1 .. ,,.,. .~ •. .\' •., .......... 1 111.·1 '' .. - _ .··" .•. 11.·.1.··"'·'". ~··. n. ·n~~ ..•. n .... ~l ru./_ . '" • ' · ·.t#;''· .. ;~f~>) ',!3LJZ }I ;l · , • • f .. lf'lf,Qtl, "/_VWfiJ J.).....,.i: '#'Vf,U'I;

. ~v~.-y retail. merchant in the Mr. J:;~~ :l3ti~, t}),e _.Jicl)rillaj WAH BON. D (! . UnJte()'St~&~e!liS called upon to mcreb.~ll.~~··Wa~ m Carr1~ozo on1 _ , . il

•eU as. mapy War Stamps as PO~t· busine~s Mondl\y. _ . . aible durin' the month of July, · . . J The .Aerial Cn!Jlera for use on .It bas been augg~ated that each Mrs\) .Pearl Stecsrns was in town I Scout ~md Ob:lervotlon and .~ec:on• store USe five ~inate.s each day on bW~llinees last s~tu~day. Mrs,' ;~A;~:~:~s k~:;ll~~alo:~c~o~~ for the exclusiVe sale of· ·War Stearns is ·advertising her farm plannln~ bntUe forma'tlons and in ob. Stamps. <~t · for snle She is "'Oing to purcllase talning mformntion on enemy forti-

Tb J I • • f 't 1 • • "' ' · . 111 · • · · · ficatlons and movements. They loolt

.· . e u Y dr1ve 18. o VI a lm a smaller home where there IS less something like o cannon, and cost portance and there 1s every 1\ssur· responsibility. · about $3,400 apiece • ance that· the 'Retail .Merchants • •·

·New Mexico will do everything Mrs. Sara Fisher and Miss Veg~ in their powGr to put it over, of Capitan were in town on busi•

Dr. R. E. Blaney, County ness<Jast 'Monday. • Chairman

U. S. May Take Taxes Out •

Of Your Pay Check Soon


Mr. and Mrs. Odell Bakt>r and liLtle daughter, Lee Adell, have r.eturned from 1.\ vacation tr1p to Tl xas where tb~Jy visited ,Mr.


An ingenious but complicated Baker's parents ~nd other rei· The aerial camcmmon con plot

======:-::-===--=======================:::z=:::. i~Cbeme to comp~l individuals to atives. shift gradually to payments of . Mrs. Lillie Klasner spent several

wide terr~torlrs in bold relief EO thnt Army or Nrwy Intclllg~:ncc can maltc aceurate measurements of en· cmy territory. We need many of these cameron EO nccesoary to the olr ormo of the Army ond Navy. You con help buy lht>m wllh lOUr purchnst>n of War DoudGj .. hwe.;t at· least ton prrct'nl of yuur income cv· cry pay doy, nnd hrl!l your county go over itll W:~r Doml Quota.

-------------------------J· their federal income taxt>s ou't of pays in Carrizozo this week.

Why Try it - Yourself?

When You Can Gel

Better Service and Quicker Cleaning

• --r-ATTHE;­Nri. Way Cleaner•·

Delivery and Plcku~ Ber'VIco

Phone • - • • - • 81

each pay-check gained strong sup· port in tbe·house ways and means

. . committee.

Miss Betty Shafer took a vaca· Lion (rom her telephone duties last week and went to Denver for a Randolph Paul, tax adviser to

secretary Morgenthau, laid before vioit. the committEe a plan, w h i c h ··-· 1

, ~ members said they probably Mr. and M1o. Pete 0 R~a~ and would approve.ineome form, in· son have returned !rom a v1s1t to volving deductiono from pay en· Emory, Texno. velopcs and oalary checks, be ---..:...· --- • ginning next January, of 10 per Chronoloey of Aganaa1on

1931 cent of an individual's tax liability -·his salary minus exemptionB···

-----------• for that pay period. Japan invaded .Manchuria. Tho £,spcrt Hat CleanfnJ' and. Re-Biockint Half of these automatic dcduc· United Bt.ateo led an attempt to

tiona would be applied ogalnnt 'oecurc united democratic ac.tlon "=====-=·=-=~=~=·-=-=-·============= thia year's tnx 'liability' duo In for Japan to withdraw but faded. ... ...,

If you acan New• Ada carefully, you'll find that Car.rizozo mercban~ aell as cheaply as city sto~

1943. The other half would ac• 1933 culllulatt in 19·13 •gainol tho in· Hitler came into power and end•

--=·~---- •

Help u ... S. 0.

' . "· . -• < • - I .


• '

, .. _,


" •


Glen Dorsett

'ZOZO BOOJ Shop He specializes jn repairs op ladies' shoes. Satisfaction


',, odny's

orgottcn Mnn Quit

Advertizing Ycntcrday ---... --

'·" ,, -· .. -· -.. ··~·-





-= = =· -- --=~ come tax payable in 1944. . cd the republican regimo in Ger·

Under the pI an, indlv1duala many. Several montbalater, be ---.--~--· --------=------------­would be payini nothing but cur· nndcd diinrmamcnt e1Torta b Y rent taxes out of their current taking Germapy out or tho Gen·

pay·ebecks within two yearn. ev.J Dioarmament Conference: The committee hno decided to 193<1.

lower the personal exemption of Japan denounced tho 6. 5. 3 a oingle pcrnon from $760 to $500 trPnty nod started 0 naval build· and for .married persona from . $1600 to $1200. In addition, it mg race.~ raiseo tho normal tnx rate from 4 • to 6 per con£ and the lo>7enl our· Munnolinlatarted Italian inva-

Let Everybody Know You're Investing 10 Percent of Your Income in War Bonds

, 1936


;.\ .J .. cr· wx from 6 to 12 per cent. Ex· sion of Ethiopia. Etrorto for unlt­perto bavo eotimatcd tbnt thEllc ed action by democracien ode· ch11nges would produce $2,700.·


quateJo force withdrawal failed . J

II " I I

I ..


• •



. e.

. .

we~re all •

Telephone Neigltbors ,

·••• Uniting tlw Country in Spiril and S~

For the duration, it will be necessary to share the telephone equipment now available so

, that vital materials like copper, zinc, rubber and others can go into war production. A "good neighbor" pollcy gives better serv• ice to all persons using the telephone. You can help by remenmering the following!

D Hold the line only as long as renonable. Lon~ conversations may needlessly delay url:ent mcssagea. Telephone linea to war indtutriea. army camps,. govetntnent oJI!cu, aiid to your Lome are all part .ot one ~eat intetconnect• ing system.

II Answer as promptlf aa poeeible.

' '

• IJ Be sure of tho number betot'C you WI. •




• Your co6]1C!tation tuJtpt ,,-vp .tlw ~Job 1M courw;y 1u# ewrfqttld

_, . •·< ., ""

We Handle all Kind·a of Stade & Cbicb:o 1eed · .Arso . a _ :rew CiuHtGOOfs~ 1 : 'ra(trtes

' ' -· .. . . ---- -- ' '

~ Yf6A .. fff~ STORf •

O,OCl,OOO of the pre--<.E?nt total of 1936 0 $6,640,000,000 in new revenue tho Hitler reoccupied Rltinelond In committee boo decided to raice. violation of Locnrno Pact. Tbc

Notice democrncieo did not act. Hitler naid bio territorial ambitions were outi11ficd. Later in the year, a

With tho prtcnure of war force; H.ome Berlin Axfo was aonouncoo .• ing a peak load on tho radio and and Jopnn and Germany conclud· telegraph facilities ol the nation, ed an Anti·Comintem Pact. tho Navy Department bas iasucd 1937 instructions that private disJfnt· Jopnn started t'bo invlllion of

• es to Naval perconnel aboard China Ptopt r. Effortn ror United

Nav~l veasels or. at Nnv~l . basul · art i;m by the l!emocracies. ade• ouLatde the continental. h~tto or qu tLe t) fvrca withdraW&! failed. the nation be sent to dl!tr1et com-; 1938 Tho ot:ro~tivc rd, t7hite o~·l b!u" ,,,r...:;;-; s::,•;;!'!', r >·!.:~d • : •· :. n mandants for forwarding. 1 · • • • the ntt; yordntidt of ptr:;,~, ,:n in Uw '; ur !; 1 .1 1' ri· . .! e : . · ; .. t:~ t: ·~

In Southern Cnnromia, New i Hlt!er ~ e I ~ c d Austna. The noticn. With Ute !1!!2'(!00, "r·:',.•pr~·htl"..iy m. all ~.,'! (0

·,:;,•, IC !'I F"· ~~ ," r •;;. C'~ . d A..:-- d. i dema~:roctr<~o dtd not aet together lng tho emmtry, pat:nMtc An:rrrcuM en tl ,, k ·!"'" rn.;;t ore r~;;~··r;: b l'ln,r

Mextco an .tUu.una, mpat.ches' • . . bd I H'tl Government'o af:Jlt!Ol fu'l Cumb \'iltll which t1> t:~!, f.;l<.lll'~ t.:~ ••CJr. Tho must be Dent cnro of the Com· Ito .oree Nazt Wit ruwa • 1 er 1u~;mc whtcll dinplnyo ~E;c "tNt pt>" otidtcr n (h.n: 1'·: .~n'c t~ward


mandan'" Elevl'lnlb Naval Diotrict: ogain said be wanted no more.tet[: Vitr.cbtotryd.fthor ~~r1ico_~nt•~ tit~-UnitcdClN1

at=_?· Ti:c clit!<l!;'J nr~ toina dfu.. . "' . . ritory in Europe. Several moo WI 1 u e• ruu.,.. new .or .,_.vmcro )nt.-.. "n. v.s. lrta•u•11Dtt~•~

San Diego, Cah£om111. · reed to . ~ - · -· -~~ Only in easea of extreme urgen- later tbe democracu:a ag . • •

h ,._ d tb f b f give Hitter Czech Sudetenland at New MeXICO to Hold Faa r ey, sue ..., ea o a mem er o • 0- • · n· ~ 'd u· 1 s ~ T d

e imm(;-diate family of the nd· Munuth. ·~ace uacto ~~ cr !11 n e,. uggcsbon urz1e dresse~, will notice be oent to bo wanted no more temtory in Into Official Order Navy pernonnel by radio. Europe. . All other dispatches for Naval 1939 >) The folks who run the county

personnel \viiJ, under the super- Hitler seized the rest of Czeabo· fairs, are upset over'n government vision of the commandants, be slovakia. Again he said he waat-- suggestion that they be cancelled mailed, either regula; or air, after ed no more territory in ·Europe. lor the d\lr&tl_!ln. een8orahiJJ by Naval authoritY lor Several dayrlater, Mui!olini ni&· While some of the state and security. · ed Albania. The Ruaao-German tounty, expositiono, long a happy

fisher Lumb~r <o . Phone 18

Paintl, Varnish, Oil All kinds or Building


Other eonunandants dcJignatod non•aagresaion pact was eo•clud· tura! ineltution, hnve been cnUcd tfn .. the clearance ot such di*Pa'tcb- ed. Britian and France declarecl off beeauso the Army bas needed ___ ,__ __ , ____ ,_. es at the Third Naval District war on· Hitler. the fair g r o u n d s, officials of il . NewYork:. l!i~ft.h Naval Distriet •. 194o . . 13.rge numbe~ tecei~ed.tbe ~overn· c;::;:_~-:t.OIIIJ-.-J -t-.-= .... ·=-. -.-.-;;:z;:.;:a . NOJ•ro· Virgu'mi~ Seventh Naval g•tt ~ d d. tral Norway ment plea w1tb dceuled cbdinCS3. • · · · . .

• District1 New Orieanr, U~uisiana; and n:::::k. e H~efuvaded neut- Snme say that when. Jon!!ph .n. MAR CARET M. E:SGLJSH Twell~b Nav~J Distri~t, San ral Netherlands .r; n d Belgium, EIIJtmanJ defenoa trangportattoJ. ; . NOTAl'l.Y .PUBLW Francisco, Cabldrnia~Tfustteenth Italy ~tiling F~noo proetrate; de· direetor, absk~?i tLbo farmoro" ~o Loehted ut Carrizot.o Hdwc. Co.

I'.L'IIILv·· a1 District Seattle Washing• .1.. 'd . . J .. . . . ... b .... poJ~poM t e"«1 rs . e w.,tl no .. m .... ,· ... toJt1 and also thn Bute~\1 ot NavRJ· ::t~ ~;btbapi~d~~o~Y~~u X:r ac~rd with Agrlcu}ture Secreta~y • PHON! E 96

, Peraonntl; Washinaton D. n. 8• . . . .. · .. uo. .. 1 .. d ....... d Bu....,. WJckard, who eal'lwr urged the1r - ·-- ~~--- ·- -.,. • . . .. . . . . .

1 . · mgapote, .. aa •. ~. •- a~ , .... a as a morale builder

.. ., .· -·.· ·-~ ;: . . . · R~ad~ J~pan 1ngnetl ~ militalY · The atUtude ol largo 11umbem 2!tt .. llrhtrnr Jrten. are i'loi11.c a1batlce w1th Germany .and I tal~ of tbe o"era·. tors '"PP. eared to be well' share. Here at home b•"'h ... · d" e· t d ... · ffec· t at " '" · . Utete'"w~catiilo.l!put10% w 1". ':'88 .1r c e ' 104 e ·. '···· ... · · they wanted to be • how 11 bl ottt tneome hl. 'Y•r Bonds the Unue! 1taJy attack• tb•tt•paeUation waa _absolutley tor.~uhare Jn~tfca., ed ntu~J Greeoo. . . ne•11rr tO t~o wnr effort. . .....

· • . ' · ... . . . 194.1 . . .. Otbeta intended to go a h e a d .Hitl~r attack!d neut!•l Ugoata .. wttb_ tMit plat!!~ unlegi} forbid~ . !::.t:~~~:::.~J~p~:. . by ()rde~_tf>.~?-.~~.'.,. w···· .,,.. ..

the United f?tates · (i>ec. tt) in . Ail!l~tJfl~ ·l1~~:t!Q l'l~cl!+l~ · .... U:ae tntd~. t ol · ....... ~Cf· atgotiationK. · -.U1e tiltl!! 'blJrut mtc~. Make

· Hi•t•r~m! Mtr.;linf df<:Jatid · f~': ·:r. wl!ttt!:~.\u::J! nollaa4~ ~St<w. on tht U»ittd.Staett.H ttnt_.:;n .. r. ·

. ' • • ·-~'' • • •••• ·--. • • ' ••• !_ -

MM'm£¥£a1t I'AYD..\'l'


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Page 6: San Patri£io - Lincoln County · over a 6·ri;Wntb period. went over tho tdp and with $140- , ••

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Conaolldnted Jreotuje,._WNU Fe11turea,

N EW YORK.-A few years ago, Thoman Alva Edison offered

Dr, George WashlngtQil Carver, tbe Negrc llcicntlst, $100,000 a year to

E Sl 'ld' join his lab­JC• aveBUI tng oratory and

Bulwarh Again•t carry through Slavery by Axi• Mr. Edison's

reaearch m the making of nynthetlc rubber. Dr. Carver rl'fused. He aald he hnd too much lo do on hla peanut re­ocnrch, ond wrote: "God didn't

. chargc for hill work In molting pea­nuta grow, llo I won't charge tor mine."

Dr. CI!Ivcr, at 78, now joins the experimental lnborntorlca of the Ford Motor company at Detroit. It w,na In 1030 that Henry Ford vlnlted Dr, Corvcr ot Tuoltcgee Institute, and Uwy since have become worm peroonnl fricndn. Both Mr. Ford and Mr. l~dlnon were dceply lntcr­l!oted In uynthctlc rubber. It lD not unlikely thnt rubber wnn dlscunncd on that 1D30 vlnlt and It In 11 wide open gucDo that Jlcnry Ford hnn tnlten on even more tJmcly lntcrcnt in rubber and hno cnllotcd the ocrvlcco of one of the grontunt living

· nuU10riUcs and altiJI<!d mlracltl­workoro In pllllltlco and oynthetlcn­tho ngud Dr. Cnrvt>r.

Qr. Carver oover baa plltent· ed an7 of hill Innumerable proc· euea, or .rained a eent from tbem. The7 lnelude makln1 peanuts 11 !OittOOO,OOO crop and developln.B from them morn than 300 saleable prodocta, ln­eludlnr not onl7 foods, but

'palnta, Ita Ina and linoleum. Dr. C11rvor wu born In nl11ve~7, near Dl11mond 'Grove, l\lo. iJe Willi traded for 11 horne, found hi• w11y Into freedom, added teoren of mllllona to UJe annual crop output or tile Boor.· Jlc woo 20 ycoro oh before he

lromrd to rrad or writ , and, with U11n n11w · and prlzt>d equipment wnlhed and worked hln way to Min· ncopollll, l<nn , and odd· jobbed hill way throunh high ~Whool end through U1o Iowa Stole collcao of agrlcul· lure and mc<·honlcol arb. Soon oflc!r biD araduotton, he jolnl'd tho faculty of tho obuvc collceo and wcnt to Tu..~l!egce lnntttuw In IC!IO, where he In now dtrcctor of U1c deportment of oar1culturol rl'ntmr('h. Slmpcon t'ollego I!DYo him on honorary dt>­flrl'o ll) r:t'lcnt'c. the Royal Sm>icty of Arto of l .. nndon voted him mcmbcr· ohlp and hc wan owortlrd tho Spin· gorn mt>dol In l02J and the Theo­dore Rom:evclt medal In lD30.

lie to o kindly, ot.oop.nhouldt>rcd old man, wtth whlw hair and Iron­rimmed oprt'lacleo. He Ill unmar· rlt>d and dl'rply relJglouD. Uo In apt to nll!lwt>r qucnUoM about W. work by quotatlonu from tho Dlblo. ---.-

• <. '. '

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LINCOLN 'COUNTY NBWS -.. . .; '·' '

Tatik Corner in. 'Arsenal ;of Democ;racy'· . .

Thl1 Is a view of the Chryller plant In Detroit turntnr: out land battle­lhlps by the hundred. lmposlnr: aa It Is, ~his Is just 11 cog In the mlrhty maeblne now fp hl~rb gear turnlnr: out the sinews of war to defeat tb11 Axla. Produetlon has now hit Its stride and the tanks roll off, nJcht and day, In 11 11leady stream. •

Jaj)S _ [nsp~~t Malaya Ruins ~-:;

...... ~.' r.:~-~-4- ... -- ..

Pud~r7 q~ueral Tom:ayukl Yamashlta, Japan's No. 1 sohUer, b shown leadlnl: bls 11laff on an lrurpecUon tour of the ruins In 1!\falaya. The reneral directed tbe upture of Slnr:aporc and then went on to take Bat:aan and 'Correcldor 1n the PhJllpplnea. Thill aoundphoto In from an enemy aouree, and bu Jua& been reeclved Ia the tJulted Stales.

n~scu~d by Bomber in Caribbean • ..



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Saves· work fo~ u. s.

The army . and navy SIIOD wUJ In· auglirate a new method of mlcro­seoplcally eopylnr: letters to .110ldlers In foreign lands. By me3ns of this method 1,500 letters can be recorded on one reel of fllm. Throu reela are · the equivalent of two mall pouches. In this picture Private Erwin Twad· dell removes the camera from the recordlnr: machJne, for processlu.r before reel Ia shJpped,

Mj.dway Hero --, -----~·~· ... 11)\'~

' j ' I

Lieut. Ucn17 FJLts, 25, of lrlacon, N. C., flrnt publicly aeclalmcd hero of the battle between Amerlc:ao air arms and Jap fleet uff !ltlclwaJ b­land. Ue dropped tbe bombs whleb sank a Jap aircraft carrier.


Mourning Outfit


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' .. . ', . ' . Malta Is ,Most'··

• Bombed.· Spot . 5,000 Raids in On~ M~nth Is

Record; Stoey of One. ·Family.~


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FIRST-AID . to tn•

AILING ·aou·sE

Roger B.' Whibnan · Roser B. Whltmon-WNU' Feature•.

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Page 7: San Patri£io - Lincoln County · over a 6·ri;Wntb period. went over tho tdp and with $140- , ••


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These Babecued Hamburgers Are Appetite-Tempting! (Sec Recipes Below.)

Outdoor Fun The delicious aroma of meat cook-

ing over 11 crockllng fire, toMted • buns, and freshly

roasted corn or po~toea in the embcm--1111 these make for plenty of ownmer fun. Toao together your outdoor

·cooking equl p­ment, bright, gay

colored clotho, napklnll, and anther come wood tor your picnic. Plan to have low ot hearty, nouriohlng food to give your piclmicltero oo they will have plenty of that up­and-at.thcm opirit.

Crunchy green 11alado packed in 1elly glaooen or· paper contoinero, oteaming bot coffee, baited beall!l, or macaroni and c:heenc, and barbe­cued meaL Dillpel the chilllneoo of cool nJghtD with your picnic out. dooro.

Hamburaero arc old favariteo, bflt you can maltc them extra dellcloUD by drizzlinc a tooty barbecue aauco over tham whUe thay cook.

•oarbecucd Bambarrcra. CServH 8) .

z poUDds rround bed U!! tca~ons oalt Pepper to taste z tllble!lpoons vlnerar 1 tllblenpoon flOJU' 1 tell!lPOOn chlU pQ1Vder Z teupoons brown aurar 2 teaspoona nl& % teupoon pepper 1 medlttm-slzed onion, chopped 1~ tllblespoot1S Worcuterahlre

sauce ~cup catsup 1 tablespoon hot water Have any of the thrUUer cut!J of

beef ground-ouch ao chuck. Oank, flhank, neck, or heel of round. U meat ill quite lean, aok your butcher to grind in come oueL Mix meat thoroughly with cnlt nnd pep­per. Cook on o greruied griddle-

Barbecue Supper •onrbeeued Dambur~:era

Welnles Toasted BWUI Mustllrd ChiD Sauce Rellsh •noast Corn or •Roast Potatoes

Fresh Fruit or Berries· or

•Marsh~t~aUow Dessert Cotree or Boney Lemonacle

•neclpe Given

rlldco and done. About 5 or 6 mJn., utes on· each oldc ill enough.

•no1111t Corn. Havo or hot flrc and let it burn

down untU there lo a good pUc of red cmbero. Soolc the earn of com in thalr huokt.J un· til cood and wet and loy them, otUI in tho bUDkD, in the bot atJben. Balta for ~0 mln· utec or until com i!l tender. Turn the earo occatJion·

•Rout P'otatoctJ. Bury pototoen in hot atJheo and

rooot oo you do the com, unW they arc tender. They taltc longer to roatJt than the com. Serve with low of buttar, nalt, nnd pepper.

•Manhmallow DeuerL CServH 6)

Small bara of plain chocolate 12 ~:ralulm craekera 12 marahmallown

Torwt 2 marohmalioVl!l over tho coalo to a crir;p, gooey ototc, and than put . them lll!llda a BfahlliD cracker and chocolate bnr anndwich. Tha bl!ot of the morabmaliow 00. tween the hnlven of chocolate bar will melt the chocolate jUDt enough. and the graham crocltero 1 em tho outnldc ore nJce to bold.

Do you like to go primiUvo UDd roaot meat over o forked stick or long-handled fork? Then, you'D llkc.:


• grill with thick sllceo of onion.

For each peroon, allow v, pound round atcnk, ¥.z of a m.ediw:n-alzed onion, and o faw allcea of bacon. Cut the meat in l-inch cquaren, cut the onion langthwlse, from top to bottom. Cut the slices of bacon into thirds. Place bl!€f, onion, and bacon on a fork or llticlt. nlternnte­ly and broil over coalo UDtiJ done.

Mix rest of ingredients well and drizzle over hamburger!l on they ccok. 'l'hJg sauce is a1oo e:ceUe,nt over frnnkfurtero w11icb hove been prick~ with o fork. •

To make o naw kind of "checne­burger," odd ¥.z cup grated cheer;e to each pound of hamburger, mixing llghUy.

B~burgu Pntl's. (Serves 8) ·

2 pounds ehttck steak, pound 2 cups pab!d raw potllto « tablespoons ~ted onion ! te~!l uu. ~{ ~~n pepper ~ peeled clove of ~arlic, minced « tablespooJUJ milk 4 t{lblespoons tat Combine all ingredients exeept

fat. · Form into 16 potties. Cook in fat 011 o greased grill or skillet over medium beat until brown· on both

A nnlod that Is both health­crammed and delicious for a picnic iD this one made with plenty of vege­tables and cottage cheese:

VItamin SaJ!ld. , (Serves 6)

1· cup celery, dlced 2 cups co«a~e cheese ~ peen peppe1:, diced 1 cup eartots, shredded (cooked) ~ enps eabb~te, smedied fb~ ~ cup mayonnaise Salt Toss together aJl ingredients and

serve on crisp lettuce leaves. A cookie treat to take with you on

your picnlp is this sugar-saving one: ; FrnJt Treats. .

(Makes 12 Treats> 2 cups sUted, enriched flour 3 tablespoons bakln~ powder 1 teaspoon 8alt 2 to ( tablespoons shorieilin~

L)'J1D Says: ~~cliP milk (about) !!'or bes: reoultn in outdoor 1 tablespoon boner or ebm symp

cooking use a small fire. Be sure 2 erts • you hove a deep bed of cools be- 12 cooked apricots or pbmu

• fore you start btonmg or frYing Sift flour, boldrig powder and salt . your food.- · . · , together. Cut m Shortening. Beat 1

. _£'(. - To stnrt the fire,. use a soft whole t)gg and 1 .egg Yolk. reserving quiek btttrling . wood like pine. whitd for topn. Add milk, ana honey

.. spruce, hemlock, laur,el, poplar, 10 beob!n eggs and add ft~-or aspen, For a g~ .bed 1 of ture. SUr in orily enough fu hOld coals, , use 11 hard wood in.ICh ,:1s. fiour together. Tum on UgbUy maple,. oak, asb, beech, bitch. . floured bontd and krtead totethet ,1,2 hickory~ or any av~able hmd minute·. Roll 11z inch thick, cut wdh wood in your cotnmuruty. doughnut ,cutter. Place on baking

· Seasoned wood whfcb .has hOt sheet tu1d place an,apticot or. prune ·•' lain on the ground long enough to in U1e "bole" on each one. Brush

become wet or rott(!d, but· tong with egg white and sprink1e bisctiits enough to dry out, is best for with cinnamon sugar. . Bake · in a fires. Wood without bark makes moderately hot. oven 12 to l.S min-the best kind of fil'e, as bark Will utes. Cinnamon sugiti': Mix 3 table-• cause a Jlte to smoUlder. To start spoons S'Ugar with ¥.t -tepspoott em•

· a fire. more easil,Y, bse split .wood, namon. • -~ u: 1t bums more easily than' WAy 1ea hot ciul boiliutd over .

roilild logs~ . . . · ... --.t., ·,, .. .nd how~old <}>t:obtem. · • You won't b&> • msy if YOtl' ;a;;' un· ~t! uput llfltke ell · ·

·~~(!}· when 'WlinJr a. h11t1cf &X! lpr Frilt!• e~tplir(mn1 Y!*t 1111btew· · ·. cboppliig ot 11pnttftlg ~Wood. ~u . Lrftn Ch.tnbm. lii'edern Ner••il•11•r You use· -~li!Otled. .Joiood; it• c:an . U11~. 1ro SOiM lhi,Z.IMI ~ed. .CJJ. e.ully be btokeit into eon'f'ehl~f i:lljo;Jllbtolt. I'~ ~ ... ·-'*' ounts tor thtt At-J. • .. NIJ.ate••el f!rtlfflolff fiH' f• •itlJaff· ·

~··· ....................... .,.... ........... ....., ..................... ,..... ..... ~ • ..,. ~Jte~ten~ite•••• o-.. .


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Summ~r FashiC:lD.s Tell a Sto.ry · .. · ..... · :, Ol ~Fascinating Color . Treuds

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I T lS with a lavillh band that fatJb· fon dealt out color during the

aprlniJ ccacon, and the emphaoill on color glamour in the ntyle picture ill I'U!lhina on at a faot and furloua rate In the oummcr program:

It ill not only that deolanero arc making a brilliant record in carry­ing out color technique that alvcn full play lo the imaalnallon in the mattar of almoot unbeUcvoJ>lc com· binatlono that either contract or blend, but the f.act that featured In· dividULll coloro arc in UJemcelveo co refrenhinaly "new" and out of the ordlnary maJtco thi!l a ocacon that fairly thrUill with excitement. Speak­ina In general, the cchcme or thlnco oeamo to indicate cown!l and oultD otyled with cophioticatro oimpllcity, yet co otriltlngly, colorful there' a nev· er G dull moment throuabout lhe cur­rc!nt faclllon proaram.

Two outatandlna trendo that lead lo G new blah in color glory In U1c c;wrutu!r picture otrcoa flattering. ro­mantic crayo in coft oheero lor both day nnd evening wear, and nlco a ntad runlJ for dreru:eo, coatD, mllh· nery and accexorlen done in bright yellO\'ID, lemon yellow being mo!lt Important of all.

The flattery of thece coloro l!l told in the two handcome, awnmery coa­tumao pictured in the above lUuatrn. tion. In each l.n!rtance It iD color that exultantly givaa drama to the eru:emble. Tha olmple dreoa, lopped with n awank, nhort bmr coot, ohown lo the right prcnentn o monotone color ochcme in the very new lem­on yellow. The dre,sg i!l the newly approved length with the atrrught okirt which iD on the way ror fall. The aleeves ore short, as most aleeves ora wont to be in ownmery frocltn. A wide girdle belt of neU­fabric fastCtl9 in front with a square. covered buJlon. Tht! coot hllll c:ufi.

Grooming Essential To Chic Appearance

Now that wartiml:l chic i!l unhering

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: ; : '

leoo bracelet-length olccveo. The hat iD in matchlne yellow otraw wlth white pollm dot vclllng draped un· dl.'r the chin.

With Indica ot fn!lhlon who appre­ciate the refined lovelin<'D!l and oub­Ue Oattcry of c;oft grayo a prefer­ence lo crowina for contumco made of cxquialte cray ohccrn having an o1r of dioUncllon about thl'm that mahea definite appeal to diocrlmi­natma truJte. The omartly otyled nummer gown pictured to the left m U1c above llluntratlon lo In tWa C'la!l.'l which dramatlzeo oophloticnted !llmpllclty which conveyo ltD mea­once through atyle-correct color. It 1o detailed wllh toucheD of char· trcunl!, and the wide-of-brim aun hat lo carried out in chartreUDc.

Spealtlna of color importance, "gmger" ill very much exploited lhls r:c=n. The fatJhion-alcrt ore wear­ina colored otraw haw with their black, navy or white drc!l!leo and r;ult!l this r:ear:on, and tho popularity ot· thia color io reflected In enUre rontwnCD, from hat lo ohoea, cntTied QUt in monotone ginger with which top:a jewalry I!! effectively worn.

Coll!llderable atten1ion ill being given to brown-ond-whJte alllonccn. Thi!l lo eopecially noticeable in the ltltcot printD, so many of which arc in brown patterned on a whJte bock­ground or In while on brown. HatD of brown atraw that ore be-ribboned in white ore also fanblonable.

Color iD especially carrying on at a la5l and furious rote In the realm of play clothes and casu(l] daytime apparel.

Retonced b7 Wellt"m Nnn:;uper t1clcm.

Bows on Parade

in aimpllcity in drenn, placing gpccial mp,hasis on practical suits, it be­c:~~more than ever essential that ; SJ care be given to the matter

ne\lt grooming. A nin'lple, becoming hair-do. a 1

fresh looking complexion, a nparkle ! in your eye and you will look attrac- 1 , tive no matter how simple your suit r or J:;,~::~:n~e better part of ~"%~~' . beauty these days, so the busy : . ., woman will find it practical to In· 1 · · · vest in some basic, many purpose ' · products. One of· these is witch , • hazel. Borrow the good qualities of i this old stand~y from your medic.ine cheat, and g&ve yourself n :i'nc10l. Witch ho:tel applied with n piece of ; cotton cleanses, ·freshens Md tonO!I 1 .

up the skin all ill one quick opera-. tion. • i

Artd be sUte. ta take good (!are of yoiU' clotheti. Brt(!!;'t them (lffen and hove them c::lenil~ when necc!}­snry to preserve tlie lila ot the gar• ment. , · ., . .

:brush your 1111il'~ s.crub your face, 1Ue yout mils to an efficient oval and you will fhtd that, although all tbls takes a little time, Jt wiD pay C>ne t!Jf the most priceless dividends -the cfrlc only good grooming can R:iv·e\.JP

Fine Batiste.

The new slim silhouette advocated by the War Production board 1n lfs fabric conservation elforls :is sntilH· Jy Interpreted in this New Yotk creatJon ot brbwn crepe anlntab!d by pert little bows of brown jind white J)oll«i-dotted crepe. · .Bows are cettainty going on patado this awn• mer ill utJI:!Xpected · Wttys. Thfj.scnt- · tcr tJ:entment;' tor example, 8riJ. mat<!s f.h~.dtes!f'lleckllnc to hemhnu, .The largo caitwMel bat iff of whit. sheet sfr~w. Note the flattcrlt;g

~nill11i. 11··c et ot border bt bro\Wl horseltah: Dft!ab. 'Wal'dtobti .AM lbij :Jiil, 1l1- a clever ~t)'li ce•

"' t\U't!t btlttonf OIL - . ', .

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§IEWONG CO~<CILIE l......---------~-:--_ ~-:-.. ...._..-..:)

see ii. There are p~ to motel., too-which may al(o be edged with ric-rac braid.

• • • • Barbara Bell Pattern No. l602·B ti de­Btgned for 3, t, G. 6 nod .P yea!'~. Size • dress and panties require ll\~ yllnla 35-lnch material. 6 yards rlc·rac.

Send your order to:


211 West \Vnekcr Dr. Cblca,o Enclose 20 ce>nts In coins for each

Ptlttern desired. Pattern No ...••.••••... Size ..••••••••

Name ......•••. -~ •••.•••••••••••••••••• Address •••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••

Large ering Plant

The worl largest flowering

., .. ,' •' . '

I ., •

plant, the• Amorphophallus tita­num of Sumatra, which sometimes reaches a height of more than eight feet, has blossomed, while un.. dcr cultivatiQn, . in only eight . known cases, the last two being in the New York Botanical Gar­den in 1037 and 1030.



A FLOUNCING aWrt, Ottcd "long lorco" top and ltlmono alacves

ore the leadmg teatureo of tho pretty pinafore froclt !or glrln of­fered in Pattern No. 1602-B. It buttonn down the back-and at the obouldero and iD aa cool and com· fortabla to wear on a hot day oo n romper oult would be.

Run ric-roc edging around the cdgeo of the kimono slecveo, the nacltlinc and nhouldl.'r~ond UDO ric-rac in rows around tilC !uU, flarina oltlrt-the rcoult will be n dacoratlve lroclt which wili call lorth oho and nho from aU who

One Truclc Driver Who Could Follow /nstructiom

Buoineoo baing cut by prloritlCD, the booa of tha trucltlng company found It necaasnry to lay off ono truck driver. But that driver woo both big and touch. So tho boon de­cided to fire him by moU.

And the following day tha driver didn't ahow up. Four dayo went by and then ha wan bock.

"Didn't you get my letter?" asked the ourprised bona.

"I dJd." . "Well, didn't you read it?" "Sure. Firot I read it 1noldc

and then I read it outnldc. Inoldc it orud that I Wll!l fired. On the outside Jt onld, 'Return in five days to the Coru:olldated Trucking com­pany.' So0 here 1 am."

Ear·tt-PHI .,.,... perltd u 'tiUJtrt'

Dox luodto are tudu 111d more healthful whco you locludc o111ngca.

They're dellciow••" llle btu way ro be eure of yotU 'liumin Cl Few fooda bave much. lr'a cuilr lou lo cooltiog. Yet o«'dcd ddi/1, aloce you do nor zt:n lt.

Oranget aiJo hAve •lra­rnilll A, n1 and G; alcium, aod othu mineuh.

Those cram~ "Sunklar" ue rbc linear from 14,,00 &rowcn.ldcal forjulce and rcdpct. TIN, lttp

e Clabber Girl's osifive Double . Action mafces at t • natural

choice for economical home balcing •• , Cl11bber Girl means Better Value""When you buy, Better Results when you bafce.


· . HIGH PRICES · 7.' / '-•


Do No·t Go Wl'l'H ADVER'l'ISING


Advertising and high prices do not go together at aiL They are extremely Incompatible to each othor, It Is only the prodUct which I• unadvertlsod, which

fia• nQ established market, tbot cdsls morp than you ton afford to pay.

Wltl&never you go Into a aiOrO dlld boy an.ltem of ad· vertisecf metch(U\dlse, It doesn't makt. any ~llferenefi

.. wbat, you ate gottillgl!ldrit for yout lnOney-~ In quality and,tervlce-thon you would get If you lptint m.

' .am& dmouiJt tot Jdmething whkh. wen. hQt odv~ •

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Page 8: San Patri£io - Lincoln County · over a 6·ri;Wntb period. went over tho tdp and with $140- , ••

' . I ~ . • , ! ' ' '


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BOT'fLED UNDim At)TllORI'TY OF TilE COCA·COLA COI'llPANY BY Magnolia Coca-Cola Bottling Company

Gocn·Coln Dulldlng Y ~mdciJ Dlvd. nt Dlr~h E! Paoo, Texne

6uar•nteed Repalrln~ on an make~ or <irs Waahinar - Greaainar - Gaa - Oila

Cliff Zumwalt Phou 66


____ second l'crlod Stlekcra tuo Duo •• -

Mr: aY:'d · M...,, GtQ; Gooti were b\tlilU!IS ·viaitcu·a in zozo.Jait Friday •. •


Min E•t•Jline Tqrper1

Who lull 0MJ"'. /t., J. <;lUJia~d ·W-1'11 b&re

been at. bome or ·bet graJJd~ !~ tn the. l···X R:~nc~. to. spe~d DJOtbr, Mra. May, Jordan, alnH oi~ay .w•tb J:ler liSter, !"~~· Ray-t h e cloae o f acbool; · ret~med nd Ltttleton, ,

to her bome at Hopba last Friday; Mr. and Mr•· Qlln .·C. :amnhe

Mr. anrt Mrs. M~rion, H u 8 t will'lpend the 4th iJ! RoaweU. moved to Cani~ozo last Th\lli• . I 1. I I . 'I . day from N o g a I. They are oe~pying the Ira Johnson home FOR SALE-Farm·Ranch in now\wned by Mr. Reii. · Noaal Canyon. Will sell imple- ·

. · · mente, stock and househ9ld goods Mr.1. Lulu Lewis and daughterf at reuonable prices. .

Min Mary Lewitt, were Carrizozo. . See Mrs. Pe~rl Sterns, Nogal, 1bopper11l-'t Tue.d~y from their N~w Mexico. · J·S·H · ranch. 11114 1.1 1 ~r. and Mra. Jet Ruatin were Mrs. Jack Davidson and child-

in town taat Saturday. • · ren were here from Corona Wed· • . · • neaday and purabased !ome of

• MIBI Joate Ferguaon 11 tratn· "Mrs. Roil's Lovct birds of. which Jog at the local telephone office. 1be bas several pairs for sale.

Mra. A. E. Letnett bad as viii· · -tors Jaat week, her grand·dau;b- Mrs. Lenord Whitwell was in ter Mrs. J. M. Bennett and her Carrizozo Wedne8day from Whitt husband, Mr. Bennett, from Car• Oaka. Ia bad.

Mfr. Jay· McPherson was a '

· au est of ber mother, Mn. D an Mra. J. W. Burton and children Conley,froni Tueaday until Thure­

from Grants, N. Mex., are apend· day of tbia week. ag a few days with her parenta, Mr. and Mn. Frank A. Englfab, Mr. and Mrs. Bob White of Sr. Silver City will spend the July 4

. >- holiday with Mr. and Mrs. C. A.

\ '

' I

1 "- • .J I

-.. )


Dynamita Caps & Fuse Vaccines LinimentS

~ l . , \

De Horning Paints

Cement. Lime Plaster Chicken Feeds

· Hay and Grain


. .

• -

our · Pri(es are Reasonable '

. .

. --


THE TITSWORTH CO., Inc. Capitan, N.Mex.


. ,

M111. IAater Greer and daush· Snow. Mra. White wau Mias -· ____ .... ···~ ·--- .. _ ... tcr, Mila Mollie Greer went Wilma Snow before her marriage. ~E~~~~e~s~miEss~~···~-·ii·s·~~~-~··~· ~-Santa Fe Jut Saturday to viJlt · ~ ,:::: =:~[: :~: .=f· R: E~IEIS:::H:::=:.:E. 3,:111:1 :E' ::;:::· =31@) Mr. Greer who Ia a civilian auard Mr. and Mrs. Jack Turner and ) _ _ •

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Harvey

at the Jap camp there. . Mnt. Jay McPherson are. aoing to El Puo to spend the 4th.

MEATS Letter to Tho Newa Wryo of Amarillo are visiting Dr.

Brookley :riel~, d M . Mobile, Alabama, an n. p, M. Shaver. . FRESH ==== --


Junel8lb, 1942. Dear Mrl. Smith: Since the cooler days bavo come v t b I

I just received tho Nzws today Dr. Is able to walk up ege a e s I ------~~ .. ~-----:-:~-.~ .. -~:""'. ~ ... ~=-· ~" ~:-. --===-:-::~-=·~=====- and I certainly did enjoJ it. l1.'a ~;:g~~ has g a I n e d much

almo5t like hearing from the folkl I 0~ (_ 6 · St and hope I tan receive it reaufar- Miucs Lou and Pauline Collins • (X \1. fO(ery ore ly. • bavct gone to Hagerman to visit '11

Thought I bad better Jet you their faLber, who hi.! accepted thr f-1iif.H'I f(:!; ::::::::::::: ::· :J•I:&=:==:=::::::J:,:I~r:1 =::=:=· :E":Jif-.&~=::==:::JI(~J

!_·'<(,; I .


CXLL carrizozo Hardware (ompany

know that J won'' be here but a pastorate of the Nazarene Church ~:..: -- :: 1

: •• :.:;.'Ia;; ·_a,: i I ' ~ 1 a bert wblle longer u I am mere· there. · Mr. Collin a was pootor at ~ - ~ · - ····- ···· - ~ __ ,_ - ·- · ~- · ··· ·~~· = ·· - """

,============FOR============ • •

fleari( Refri~erator and Ue(trolux ,====== REPAIRS::::::·:::====



ly on a school detachment fttJm Capitan until recently. • BrooJdoyFitld,Aiabama, and wiU have to go haek there aoon.

Tbilacbool fl at General ETe Mrs. Georlle Goodson left Wed· tric Co in WNt Lynn M ; nnday for Oklahoma. City to be are at~dying .electrical ';::craf~ at the b~dside of her mot~er, fDitrqmel,ltl. I1.'J VITf interest. Mrt. CoJlter, who il!lseriously -til. fog work and 1 am bavini a pleuant ttme along wjtb the ••• l>an Ellldtt. who has been work. ! · Vlllting her daughters and aons in

My rtiardlf to all &be office California, arrived h o m e tbil force and other friends in Carri· week,


ZOIO. --

Sincerely, Orville Dow.


Mr. and Mrs. Paul Harvey Wrye abd Mr. and M111.. Delbert Brown of Coyote will celebrate the 4th here at thO Shaver home •

Hazel Sneathen and RoJ Lem• Mr and M M -1· Sh ..

T! •

• • It's tough to lose a pet, a wallet or any kind of valuable. But don't give up hope until you have tried an ad in the LIN­COLN COUNTY N~WS to help you re­cover your loss. - - - • •

·~ .

log were manfed June 28 t • • . ra. •- aver anu ;.-;...· ·;.:-;,;;.·.;.;;·-;,;;;-·...;·.;;;.··-...;·-;:;.--;.:·~·£~·&;..;...· ..;.......;;..;._...;:,--...;$;;:,;:~:.;--;..:~:;:::·=.=-=~====== Phoenix. Or. La Porte marrf:d two ~bddten SJ?.enl a few- days

• the cowple with an lmpraalve bert enroute to Ka~sas wbe~a Office Phone 14 .,

· Residence Phone 35 •

<rem ltr At- The Rell <1r1 Ptnu•aeat ......_______, Beauty· Sbo,,e

4 -


We bave re.eently inata!led. the famous FJ,fft~R pe-rmanent waving mach1nc, tho only one in the st.ata


~ ... Cr~m Air Curl • -·· ···Anita Campbell• Opetator·--•


• Phcne115

• t:::::=:J It .. '

·s lfRLIM6 fliHfR , ,

double rina ct'lremony. The brlde Mrs. Shaver and children wtll wu'tormerlr ot RO.weU md ~t- atay, w~lle Mr. Shaver repo!ta tendtd hhrb acbool there to 1988-- for Cottlgn duty 18 8 U. S. EDiiD'! 89, at which time the rroom wu eer.


a cadet at the N. K. ll. I. They • Plan to make their home at Paao . Mr. Wade Lane, who leased the ====================::::;.,;;;:. Roble•• Calll.-Contributed. akating rink from Mr. Harry Mil•

. let, il really doing a fiae business.

Storu to Cion Tomorrew

' • • •• •• >' < --

.,_ -_ --- -- - ' - -

. ,..._ __ WI.K.

".Mczb_. • •




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t TWz M•· . "GE~AB_L£S · • • . ·, '

' · .. CARt>BHTSR. ···SHOP,- FURl'l'lJRE~· ·I: t.E PAU[llJ


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