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A Sample On

Sales Planning

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INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................................3

1.1 Explain how personal selling at Plastic Products Ltd supports the promotion mix ..............3

1.2 Compare buyer behaviour and the decision making process in different situations with

special reference to Plastic Products Ltd. ...................................................................................4

1.3 Analyze the role of sales teams at Plastic Products Ltd within their marketing strategy. ....6

3.1 Explain how sales strategies are developed in line with corporate objectives ......................7

3.2 Explain the role of recruiting and selecting procedure .........................................................9

3.3 Evaluate the role of motivation, remuneration and training in sales management .............10

3.1 Explain how sales management organize sales activity and control sales output ...............12

3.5 Explain the use of databases in effective sales management ..............................................14

4.1 Develop a sales plan for one of you products .....................................................................15

4.2 Investigate opportunities for selling internationally ..........................................................16

4.3 Investigate opportunities for using exhibitions or trade fairs .............................................17

CONCLUSION ..............................................................................................................................18

REFERENCES ..............................................................................................................................19

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Sales operations and planning is crucial for the organization with the aim to enhance sales

and profitability of the firm. Also, it is significant for the marketing manager of organization to

schedule proper sales functions in regard to overcome issues and promote products in the

international market. Further, sales team of business is required to focus on maintaining effective

customer relationship and achieving desired results.

1.1 Explain how personal selling at Plastic Products Ltd supports the promotion mix

The marketing mix details the main marketing functions or activities that marketers

perform. They are the tools at marketers’ discretion to influence consumers and their buying

decisions. These broadly encompass pricing, promotion, product, and place. Pricing entails

determination of related variables like the listing price, the allowances or concessions and

discounts accorded to customers, and the payment or credit period extendable to customers.

Promotion takes in aspects like direct marketing, public relations, advertising, using a sales

force, and sales promotion. Product considerations encompass aspects like product quality,

design, variety, features, warranties, sizes, packaging, and the brand names under which to sell

them. Place decisions involve issues such as channel selection, location considerations, logistical

decisions, inventory management, and geographical coverage (Kotler & Keller, 2006).

The promotional mix encompasses the methods through which the company

communicates with its consumers. These include the application of personal selling, sales

promotions, events and experiences, public relations, and direct marketing(Kotler & Keller,


Personal selling has several merits for Plastic products. Firstly, its salespeople can

achieve various aspects of the promotion and product mix singularly such as facilitating

consumer convenience, offering solutions expediently, negotiating product prices, and

communicating with them, building an amicable relationship. Secondly, salespeople can identify

hidden needs among consumers, and these comprise additional opportunities for marketing the

organization’s products. Thirdly, salespeople can tip consumers’ purchasing decisions at retail

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points of sale such as supermarkets, by persuading them to buy their brands. A salesperson is

able to pique prospective consumers’ attention to the company’s products, hold their interest and

arouse their desire to acquire the product, demonstrate their application and merits, and close

sales immediately. Salespeople can further help consumers overcome psychological resistance to

making purchases, increasing sales. Because they are in contact with consumers, they can bring

back feedback from them to the company and spur improvements. Consumers perceive them as

the company and this creates an opportunity for further interaction between the company and its

clients. Personal selling is however expensive and achieves limited reach, particularly to the

mass market, and the company would only afford to use this approach on high value customers.

Salespeople also tend to engage in negotiations and may at times give too many discounts and

concessions to consumers, undermining overall company profitability.

In conclusion, while personal selling may confer many advantages for the company, it

must however use this approach sparingly, for example as a follow up for high-end clients and in

areas with high customer traffic to ensure the benefits outweigh its costs. It should identify the

areas where its salespeople would supplement the other cheaper strategies of its marketing

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campaign such as sales promotions, public relations, and events and exhibitions to enhance its


1.2 Compare buyer behaviour and the decision making process in different situations with

special reference to Plastic Products Ltd.

Markets broadly consist of consumer and business markets. The two depict different

behaviors. Individual buyers or consumers go through a systematic process prior to making a

purchase. This includes problem or need recognition triggered by an internal or external

stimulus, an information search phase through various avenues such as the internet, from friends

and acquaintances, and an evaluation of the alternatives to ascertain the products that best meet

their needs. They then arrive at a purchase decision determined by aspects such as product brand

or product features, before finally engaging in post purchase behaviours to evaluate their

purchase. Customers make buying decisions depending on various factors such as cultural and

social conditioning, as well as psychological persuasions such as motivation, perceptions and

learning (Kotler & Keller, 2006).

Business markets on the other hand go through about eight phases encompassing problem

recognition, need description, product specification, supplier search, proposal solicitation and

selection of suppliers, order routine specification, and performance review (Kotler & Keller,


Business markets differ from consumer markets in their buying behaviours variously.

Business buying decisions are subject to more determinants including committees and undergo

stricter scrutiny than consumer markets. Subsequently business marketers must expend greater

efforts to make sales. As opposed to consumers who make personal decisions, business buyers

often derive their consumption from the demand of their offerings and manifest demand

inelasticity or price insensitivity. Because they deal in larger quantities of products to meet the

demand of their customers, they portray greater volatility or changes in demand. Their

purchasing relationships entail detailed transactions and they apply more instruments compared

to consumer markets. They comprise few but larger buyers and enjoy closer relationships with

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sellers because they make larger purchases and are fewer. They are also often concentrated in

geographic locations and not as spread out as consumer markets.

Business buyers are often experienced and knowledgeable in the products they buy. This

creates a need for the Plastic Products sales team to be well versed in their products. These

markets often buy products aimed for resale or for making other products for resale at a profit.

Because of this, the sales team needs to demonstrate how their products will help the business

lower their costs or improve their profits. The sales team should use various strategies and tactics

when selling to businesses including advertising, offering price concessions, and reliance on their

brand reputations for quality and reliability. When selling to consumer markets on the other

hand, they must be ready to deal with mass markets. Many individual customers are not

knowledgeable and rely on brand reputation to make their purchase decisions. Subsequently, the

sales people must strive to build the image of the organization and its products based on key

consumer consideration parameters such as quality and price. They must also ensure that the

company’s products are available on demand to consumers and then back them up with frequent

communications to remind consumers about the products and persuade them to buy their brands.

They should harness unique aspects such as superior delivery services and offer longer

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warranties on of their products compared to competitors. Decision making process can be stated

as the course of action to be chosen from a few possible alternatives. Steps of decision making

process are as follows-

Identifying the purpose of decision- In this step, the issues are thoroughly analyzed and

then the decision is required to be made in regard of overcoming the issue.

Gathering of information- Here, the organization is required to gather information from

different sources and use tools such as Check Sheets that can be used effectively (Hoyer

and Maclnnis, 2012).

Identifying alternatives- Here, in order to judge the alternatives, best criteria can be set

that helps in attaining organizational goals. For instance, Plastic Products Company do

not make decisions regarding minimizing the profits unless in an exceptional case. Thus,

developing effectual decisions helps in overcoming problems so that results can be


Analyzing different choices- In this step, different employees should be involved in

order to give ideas and suggestions and thus they can easily understand the issues with

the help of Cause and Effect diagram (Johnston and Marshall, 2013).

Evaluation of alternatives- Further, evaluating the alternatives helps the business to

make effectual decision about each possible alternative. Management of Plastic Products

Company is required to compare each and every alternative on both side i.e. positive and

negative (Goh and Eldridge, 2015).

Selecting best alternative- In this particular step, management of the organization is

required to select best alternative by making decisions and informing it to others.

Executing the decision- Here, the decision made should be converted into an action plan

by preparing a range of activities and thus attaining desired targets (Gola, 2014).

Evaluating the results- Furthermore, evaluating the outcomes helps in making effective

decision so that correct decision can be made in future and the decision making skills of

employees can be improved (Wacker and Lummus, 2012).

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1.3 Analyze the role of sales teams at Plastic Products Ltd within their marketing strategy.

Marketing strategy entails determination of the markets that the company will compete in

and determination of the value proposition that it will communicate to consumers in that market,

guided by an analysis of the optimal market opportunities for the business. It builds from inputs

including the branding and customer satisfaction strategy, financial objectives and the

organizations mission and vision (Kotler & Keller, 2006).

The sales team plays several roles. It is responsible for the management of demand for

the company’s products. Through identification of the current state of demand by consumers, the

Salesforce can create action plans to shift the demand to the desired state. They have to identify

potential consumers who may initially show no interest in the company’s products and who may

be unaware of it and then create demand for products. The sales force also has to identify latent

demand for the product by relating with the present consumers of the products and identifying

their unmet needs. They then unmask these needs and introduce the brand to consumers. They

would also identify new needs that customers express and which the products do not meet and

then advise the company on new products to create or provide it with information on how to

improve the existing products so that they meet these needs. The sales team also enhance the

company’s competitiveness by studying substitute products and getting consumer feedback on

competitor products, and then advising the company on how to become better and prevail over

rivals’ products. The Salesforce is also responsible for maintaining cordial a relationship with

consumers. This entails frequent communication with them to identify their concerns or

complains and finding ways to resolve them as well as keeping them informed on new products.

They also have a role to improve customers’ utility of the company’s products by advising them

on alternative uses or additional occasions when they would use the product. This would increase

utilization of the products and increase sales. Further, the Salesforce has a role in bolstering the

company’s revenues and profitability. It achieves this by reaching out to more consumers who

express a need for the company’s products and by winning over market share from rivals.

Further, salespeople play a critical role in company forecasting and planning by providing

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demand estimates for the future. This enable the company harness its resources and capabilities

to satisfy this demand.

3.1 Explain how sales strategies are developed in line with corporate objectives

Organizations orient their strategic planning to ensure a fit between its resources,

competences, and the set of skills they possess and the opportunities presented by its operating

environment. Corporate objectives include, “supplying energy to the world” (Standard Oil),

marketing entertainment” (Columbia Pictures), “helping improve office productivity” (Xerox),

and “Helping people trade practically everything on earth”, eBay. PPL can ensure an alignment

between its objectives and its sales strategies severally (Kotler & Keller, 2006).

Firstly, the organization can integrate the sales department into marketing planning so

that it provides them with specialized knowledge concerning the industry. The company can also

harness the sales department into the production process so that it contributes knowledge on

providing customers with the best solutions for their issues. The sales team can solicit customer

feedback and improvement suggestions consistently; driving continuous improvement initiatives

for the organization and helping it continually refines its offerings. The company can also use the

sales department to drive revenue generation in line with its projected earnings. It can use the

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sales team to grow its innovativeness by using the data and information they gleam about

competitors to enhance their research and development departments. This would also help the

company benchmark against best standards and develop products that are the best in their

categories (Kotler & Keller, 2006). Following are the four steps that help in aligning the sales

plan with corporate strategy. These are discussed underneath-

Firstly, it is essential for the firm to agree upon the stated corporate strategy which will

be delivered directly from sales. The main aim of business is to enhance the profit, satisfy

clients, and retain workers for long term in the business. For instance, Plastic Products

Ltd is required to make sure that they should focus on particular goals so that set targets

can be attained efficiently (Yu, Ramanathan and Nath, 2014).

Here, the organization is required to compare actual strategy with that of previous one so

that they should not be similar. It is essential for the firm to adopt changes in its tactics

and achieve desired goals. It is crucial for the management to determine the performance

of sales team and provide them with proper motivational benefits so that sales plan can be

made accordingly (Zanjani and Nourelfath, 2014).

Further, once the corporate and sales tactics are defined it will help the firm to assess

different job roles that support the strategy. However, defining job roles helps in focusing

on revenue generation and thus achieving desired outcomes. For example, change is

essential within the strategy so that organization can add different job roles and maintain

relationship with the sales team to enhance profits (Hoyer and Maclnnis, 2012).

At the end, it is essential for Plastic Products Ltd to assess the job roles according to the

corporate strategy developed by business. Further, it assists the firm to execute its

corporate strategy with regard to the sales plan and attain desired sales within Plastic

Products Ltd. As it is crucial for company to assess the job roles and responsibilities

clearly within the sales people and achieve desired outcomes (Johnston and Marshall,


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3.2 Explain the role of recruiting and selecting procedure

Sales recruitment refers to the process of attracting and acquiring competent applicants in

adequate numbers for a particular job opening. It provides a pool from which organizations

select the most qualified persons for the job. Recruitment entails an analysis of the job or

vacancy also referred to as job analysis, receipt of authority to hire, identification of the sources

from which to obtain the candidates, contacting the candidates and reception of their

applications. Some external sources of employees include recruitment agencies, educational

colleges, media advertisements, e recruiting, referrals from existing employees, and unsolicited

applications. Internal sources include job redesign, promotions, transfers, new postings, and

bidding. Selection on the other hand entails screening of candidates to validate them, and

identifying the most qualified candidates from the pool of applicants by ascertaining their fit with

the job (Kotler & Keller, 2006).

Selection methods include short listing of candidates, various forms of interviewing such as

telephone interviews, panel interviews, one on one and competency based interviews. Other

methods include conduction of selection tests such as personality, cognitive, performance, and

physical ability tests. Companies can also other tools including graphology and polygraph tests.

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Subsequently companies offer the job to the chosen candidate, conduct induction or orientation

to them and then place them on the job upon offering them a contract.

In conclusion, salespeople should possess some absolute traits. They should be well

versed with the industry, strive to offer consumers excellent solutions to consumers’ needs, be

trustworthy and be able to keep their promises to customers, should provide customer feedback

to the organization to guide product development and should retain customer relations over long

periods. Furthermore, it can be evaluated that significance of recruitment and selection process is

crucial as it assist the firm to attain desired goals and objectives. These are discussed underneath-

It helps in attracting and motivating large set of candidates so that they can apply for the

specific position in the business (Kong and Rönnqvist, 2014).

It is crucial for the organization to allow management to select the best skilled candidates

for the job.

However, recruitment is the best process that helps in connecting both employees and

employers (Lester, 2015).

Through carrying out recruitment and selection of candidates it helps in getting right

candidate for the job.

Further, it assists in enhancing the success rate of business as well as individual (Leon,


3.3 Evaluate the role of motivation, remuneration and training in sales management

Motivation refers to a state of mind that causes people to exhibit certain behaviors. It has

several dimensions including direction or the choice of particular behaviors to exhibit, intensity

or the degree of exertion towards task accomplishment and persistence or the ability to continue

on a particular engagement over a long period. There are several theories of motivation. Need

theories include Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, and Herzberg’s two-factor theory. These theories

argue that people work to fulfill their needs, and that needs increase progressively from

psychological or lower level needs towards higher-level needs such as safety, love, esteem and

self-actualization. The theories contend that people first fulfill lower level needs and then seek

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fulfillment of higher-level needs. Some individuals however seek to fulfill needs at several levels

concurrently. The theories posit that as people fulfill lower level needs, they decrease in

importance and they seek those at the higher level. However, when they fail, their importance

continues and they do not try to fulfill higher-level needs. Reinforcement theories assert the role

of rewards in motivation. They assert that people respond to positive reinforcements comprising

tangible rewards such as money and intangible rewards such as praise to exhibit a given

behavior. They also respond to negative reinforcements such as punishments to turn away from

other behaviors. This theory forms the basis of various forms of remuneration such as

commissions given to sales people, salaries, and piece-rate compensation schemes. Expectancy

theories such as Vroom’s theory explain the cognitive basis that encourages people to respond to

particular reinforcements. It argues that when people have positive expectations from a particular

conduct, then they are likely to exhibit it based on the intensity of the correlation and the

likelihood of occurrence. The theory postulates three main aspects namely expectancy, valence

and instrumentality. Another theory, the self-efficacy theory asserts that motivation depends on

people self-perceptions of their effectiveness. Other theories include the justice theory, the goal

setting theory, control theory and the action theory (Forster, 2012).

In line with the main theories of motivation, PPL can use intrinsic and extrinsic monetary

and non monetary compensation schemes to motivate employees. Monetary rewards can include

base pay comprising salaries and wages, short-term incentives such as commissions and other

forms of variable pay, merit pay, and long-term incentives such as stock options. They can also

include benefits such as income protection arrangements including social security schemes, life

insurance, savings plans, and medical insurance schemes as well as allowances like house and

transport allowances. Non-monetary compensation schemes would include relational returns

including a perception of accomplishment, respect, employment security, opportunities for

learning and development, and recognition. These also take in benefits like work life balance

schemes such as flexible work arrangements and paid vacations. Training also plays an important

role in organizations. For PPL, it would help bridge the gaps between their employees’ skills

deficiencies and their job requirements. Training would also help the organization enhance

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productivity, bolster its competitiveness, and stem losses and wastage as knowledgeable

employees work faster and efficiently. Further, training would empower employees and reduce

workplace incidents and accidents because knowledgeable employees are likelier to use tools and

equipment effectively. In addition, training would serve as motivation tool by enhancing

perceptions of self-efficacy and a positive perception of their jobs and the organization

(Milkovich, Newman, & Gerhart, 2012).

It is imperative that the organization recognize the organization identifies the main

factors that motivate different employees and then adopt the correct measures to fulfill their

needs. These would help it enhances performance, avert pay related strikes and go slows, reduce

employee turnover, boost employee progression and development, and increase the proportion of

experienced employees.

Importance of training within business is as follows-

Enhance morale of workers- By providing training to workers within the firm it helps

business to enhance their morale so that desired results can be attained. However, it is

crucial for the company to improve the morale of employees by providing them with

required motivational benefits so that sales and profitability of the firm can be enhanced

(Longnecker, 2011).

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Provides chances of promotion- Through providing training within business it helps in

enhancing the skills and capabilities of workers and thus improves the chance of

promotion so that both the individuals and organization can grow (Noonan, 2010).

Improves productivity- By delivering training programs to workers, it helps the firm to

improve productivity of business and thus assist in achieving desired outcomes. Gaining

required training helps the employees to raise their confidence so that they can work

effectively within business and thus achieve desired results (Noroozi and Wikner, 2013).

Importance of Compensation-

It helps in providing significance to employer and raises its ability to attract and retain

best skilled candidates within job for long term.

Through providing appropriate compensation schemes it helps the employers to make

sure that optimal level of employee performance assist in meeting the desired

organizational goals (Wortzel, 2015).

There are different types of compensation components available i.e. direct and indirect

which aid in providing benefits to employees so that they can attain results. For instance,

Plastic Products Ltd provides incentives, sales bonuses, health benefits etc. to its workers

in order to achieve goals (Li and et. al., 2014).

Importance of remuneration-

Remuneration is the best method that helps in encouraging workers and thus makes them

more productive.

Remuneration is given to that team who have improved their productivity and attained

long term goals (Lyus, Rogers and Simms, 2008).

However, it is essential for sales managers to undertake best remuneration method so that

employees can be attracted and attain satisfaction.

It develops overall morale of employees and achieves desired objectives (Oliva and

Watson, 2011).

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3.1 Explain how sales management organize sales activity and control sales output

The selling concept asserts that consumers will not buy the organization's product

without aggressive promotion and selling by the organization, because it products are not

essential. It also arises when organizations have overcapacity and need to sell surplus products,

as well as in organizations operating in competitive operating environments (Kotler and Keller,


Managers at PPL can organize their sales activities variously to attain desired sales

outcomes and volumes. They can set sales quotas for employees and tie these to their

remuneration. They can also make sales forecasts and then assign adequate salespeople to the

targeted areas in line with the variety of products, the size of the area and the nature of the

clientele. Managers may also use metrics such as consumer satisfaction and the number of repeat

sales to gauge the efficacy of diverse sales strategies. Further, they can pursue a specialization

strategy whereby they assign sales staff to particular areas or products where they portray the

greatest skills and competencies. In addition, managers can control their sales people by

requiring them to provide their plans in advance and then monitoring them to establish whether

they accomplished these intents. They can also assess the number of calls salespeople make per

day, their average call times per contact, revenues generated per sale call made, amount of new

customers achieved and those lost, the overhead costs expended to generate given sales volumes,

and the costs of entertainment incurred per customer. These guide their sales strategies.

Managers may also use formal evaluations to determine the performance of their sales teams and

conduct evaluations to determine strategies that work and those that do not to guide future sales

strategies. They can apply diverse control tools such as measuring the satisfaction of its clients,

ascertaining the quality of its products, measuring customer gain and loss rate, and gauging

responses from other supply chain players both downstream and upstream (Kotler and Keller,

2006). It can be evaluated that sales management is required to organize sales activities to

control the sales output which are as follows-

Goal setting- It can be assessed that after evaluating the case, the sales manager Jim

Spencer aims to set goals and objectives for Plastic Products Ltd. Hence, Spencer

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suggests to the general managers of business that they are required to develop strategic

decision regarding recruiting two more sales representatives to carry out best sales

activities. However, through such type of activity it assists in improving the skills and

capabilities and achieving desired goals (Tavares Thomé and et, al., 2012).

Organizing sales activities- Here, the sales management of the organization is required

to plan the sales territories in which they are going to organize their sales activities. It

involves geographic bases, product based and customer based etc. Further, it is also

crucial for the sales manager of PPL to organize effectual sales activity so that they can

serve the client’s best and attain desired objectives. Sales activities need to be planned

according to the geographical area, based on customer needs and product range so that

requirements of customers can be satisfied. Manager is also required to determine the size

of sales force so that activities designed in sales and targets can be met accordingly

(Thome, Sousa and Carmo, 2014).

Controlling sales output- With the help of proper sales management team, it assists in

controlling and regulating sales output so that best goals can be achieved. Hence, sales

team need to be effective in planning the budget, targets and performance measurement

systems so that proper forecasting can be done to attract consumers in the future. Also,

proper budgeting activity should be designed so that both inflow and outflow of cash can

be managed in regard to attain goals (Foster, 2012). Here, sales manager play a crucial

role in setting and controlling sales budget through minimizing the traveling cost and

time of sales people and defining their sales area so that they can effectively reach the


3.5 Explain the use of databases in effective sales management

Databases help in the management of customer information and their sales information.

Companies such as Plastic Products can gleam the purchase patterns of their customers, ascertain

the most valuable customers and then create customized products and marketing messages. The

company can also monitor sales trends and track the performance of salespeople and products.

This would provide a basis for improvements such as product modifications and designing sales

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trainings to address skills deficiencies expressed. Databases provide organizations to view the

performance of diverse products and enable customer representatives to respond to customers

promptly on the status of their inquiries, products, and deliveries. They also enable sales staff to

ascertain consumer information at a glance while in the field on aspects such as creditworthiness

and value in order to guide their sales communications. They can help the company generate

repeat sales by providing information about their customer purchase patterns and durations.

Databases also facilitate sharing data between different departments, locations, and functional

units. Moreover, sales executives rely on databases through decision support systems and

management reporting systems for their routine duties. Databases however present security

concerns for consumers. They are vulnerable to hacking and theft by third parties and subsequent

misapplication of customer data through methods like impersonation, identity and credit card

theft as well as bullying. This exposes the company to litigation and civil liabilities from the

affected clients. Databases are also prone to infiltration and corruption by malicious people,

rendering them unusable for the organization’s purposes. The company must also comply with

the data protection act of 1998 pertaining to the holding, discussion, use and dissemination of

personal data. This limits the ability of the company to apply confidential data that identifies

users. Maintaining the integrity of data remains one of the main duties of the organization

concerning its databases (Kotler & Keller, 2006).

4.1 Develop a sales plan for one of you products

Date- 23 January 2016

Vision- Business possesses long term vision for the next 3-5 years to attain high profits.

Mission- The mission of business is to satisfy the needs of consumers.


Company aims to enhance sales from Pound 1.5 million to Pound 3 million.

Business aims to increase the number of active accounts from 50 to 70 (Milkovich,

Newman and Gerhart, 2012).


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It is essential for the business to develop strategy so that account team can sell at multiple

levels in my top 10 target accounts.

Business cross sells their full range of product offerings through inviting prospects and

visit clients (Markgraf, 2014).


It is essential to schedule two site visits every month.

Also, meeting minimum of two potential customers.

Recruit and train new marketing team members.

Plan average three meetings within a week.

Key performance indicators-

Business should generate high profitability

Increase market share

Reduce expenses

Achieve sales target

Sales person should be able to close the sale

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4.2 Investigate opportunities for selling internationally

International marketing refers to expanding a firms market beyond the boundaries of its

home countries. Global firms have many branches of their operations in diverse nations. Plastic

products may consider making a foray into foreign countries as a way to sustain future sales as

the home market becomes increasingly competitive and sales decline. International expansion

also provides it an opportunity to diversify its risks and to increase its revenues in order to meet

its growth targets. In addition, globalization may enable the country harness technologies

available in diverse host nations and to benefit from lower production costs particularly in

developing countries where labor costs are comparatively lower (Kotler & Keller, 2006).

PPL can use several strategies to sell internationally. These include licensing its products

to companies in host countries, franchising, entering joint ventures or alliances with existing

firms in the host countries, merging with local firms, exporting or importing products directly

into diverse countries, and building fully fledged production facilities or subsidiaries in the

targeted countries.

International marketing provides the company an opportunity to increase its sales and

revenues by providing it economies of scale. It offers it an opportunity for it to spread its risks

and insure against failures in its home market. The company also has an opportunity to increase

its capacity, to overcome increasing competition at home, and to learn new technologies from the

host countries. In addition, it may find that some markets are more profitable than its home

market. It however faces threats such as rejection in the host countries, unfavourable government

policies, high initial capital outlays, human capital resource challenges, risks associated with

economic issues such as foreign exchange fluctuations, currency devaluation, and inflation, as

well as cultural clashes between its home and host country cultures and change in laws guiding

the operations of foreign firms. Furthermore, it can be evaluated that business is required to look

at the opportunities available in the market to monitor the practical implications of selling the

products in the overseas market and attract large customer base. Further, there are different types

of issues which have been faced by business while selling the products in international market. It

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is essential for the firm to make effective decision regarding employing sales agent in the

country where firm is planning to sell their goods to local consumers or they are planning to

direct sell the goods through online platform (Umble, 2003). Thus, such issues are crucial for the

firm which and they are required to overcome and plan strategic decision in regard to attain sales

targets. Transportation and logistics is another problem that is faced by business and therefore, it

is essential for the management to plan proper transportation of products and services to reach

the overseas clients on time.

4.3 Investigate opportunities for using exhibitions or trade fairs

Trade fairs are events or shows that bring together players in particular sectors or

industries show casing or exhibiting their offerings. Presently, there are also virtual trade fairs

organized online precluding the need for people to travel physically (Kotler & Keller, 2006).

PPL should consider the location of the exhibition to ensure that it reaches as many

people as possible. It should also ensure that it communicates in advance about the exhibition so

that the relevant buyers can attend the event. It is important for it to plan the timing of the

exhibition to coincide with an important event involving potential customers. PPL should also

ensure that media houses are aware of the exhibitions and trade fairs and attract them to their

stand. Exhibitions provide the company an opportunity to meet face to face with current and

prospective customers. This creates an opportunity for answering pertinent questions, procuring

orders, and making pertinent presentations about its products. Exhibitions provide the

organization to gain publicity through associated media coverage. On the other hand, trade fairs

are costly to organize and do not always attract the pertinent customers. Trade fairs are also

prone to competition from rival firms that would also present their offerings. Moreover, business

is required to plan other techniques to attract large set of customers as compared to trade shows

and exhibitions so that other non-exhibiting companies can also be attracted towards products

and services of the firm. Therefore, it is essential for the company plan at a convenient place so

that it will be convenient for the customer to meet the suppliers. Further, they can also provide

best products and services to the users. Also, business aims to plan for overseas selling therefore,

it is essential for them to undertake effective trade fairs and exhibitions so that international

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clients can be attracted to attain goals (Karlsson, 2011). PPL should participate in the

international trade exhibitions and attract overseas customers to enlarge the market share. Thus,

through launching the business in international market and participating in overseas trade shows,

huge market can be covered that helps in increasing firm’s productivity and sales. Also, there are

varied issues which are faced by business while planning for an international trade shows and

exhibition. These are as follows-

It is crucial for the organization to select proper trade exhibition so that right target

customer can be attracted.

Business should showcase full range of products that involves complete range of products

to enhance customer base.

Organization should select smart and well trained sales personnel so that they can

effectively communicate with prospects and provide them with detailed information

about the products (Noroozi, 2014).


At the end of the study, it can be articulated that sales planning and operations is the

crucial step which assist the organization in planning and enhancing sales of firm. Also, it is

essential for the firm to undertake strategic planning in order to improve opportunities for firm

and capture overseas customer base. Moreover, business is required to participate in different

trade fair and exhibition and provide information to its prospect clients.

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