sample final paper

Unformatted Document Excerpt Coursehero >> Pennsylvania >> DeVry Ft. Washington >> BIS460 460 Course Hero has millions of student submitted documents similar to the one below including study guides, practice problems, reference materials, practice exams, textbook help and tutor support. Project Senior Final Report TITANS DeVry University Professor Edick BUSN 460 June 22, 2011 Executive Summary TITANS has completed its extensive research into CanGo. This assessment concentrates on your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. While CanGo is a small company that has experienced success, it has done so through haphazard means. CanGo has succeeded through teamwork but needs to revise itself to compete at the next level of business. It is the purpose of this report to address CanGos senior staff and board members concerning analysis made while reviewing your company. CanGo has developed a successful company. You have successfully met the purchasing needs of your customers. To enable CanGo to remain

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Coursehero >> Pennsylvania >> DeVry Ft. Washington >> BIS460 460

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Project Senior Final Report TITANS DeVry University Professor Edick BUSN 460 June

22, 2011 Executive Summary TITANS has completed its extensive research into CanGo.

This assessment concentrates on your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

While CanGo is a small company that has experienced success, it has done so through

haphazard means. CanGo has succeeded through teamwork but needs to revise itself to

compete at the next level of business. It is the purpose of this report to address CanGos

senior staff and board members concerning analysis made while reviewing your

company. CanGo has developed a successful company. You have successfully met the

purchasing needs of your customers. To enable CanGo to remain competitive and grow,

changes will be necessary in the following areas: Planning, Communication,

Organizational Structure, Management Issues, and Employee Issues. While these areas

might cover a large cross section of your company, TITANS has carefully considered

how these areas affect the other. Building an improved foundation and getting back to

basics will enable your company to be a permanent business fixture. Our goal is to

increase your core competency so that your sales revenues increase and to build you as a

focused team that can weather the storms of the business world. TITANS has spent

several weeks researching your company. We believe the changes will allow you to

continue and have successful ventures. We have laid out an analysis covering the main

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topic areas and have included a plan that will unify various aspects of the company into a

stronger and more effective business. Planning CanGo has been very successful in its

efforts to establish itself as a contemporary and vital business. You have reached several

levels of success including the recognition of your CEO as business leader of the Hudson

Valley Professional Business Association. CanGo has moved from a small startup to a

recognized growth company having a recent IPO offering. CanGo is currently lacking in

a critical area for any business. It needs to focus on Strategic Planning. According to

McNamara, strategic planning determines "where an organization is going over the next

year or more (McNamara, 1997). Strategic Planning is intentional actions to direct the

movement of a company within the business world but with the purpose of reaching a

destination. Strategic Planning will benefit CanGo by allowing it to: 1. Clearly define its

goals consistently with its Mission and Vision statement. 2. Communicate effectively its

goals to all of the organization. 3. Provide a foundation on which to direct future efforts.

CanGo should begin by creating Mission and Vision statements. The Mission statement

will define why CanGo exists and what it wishes to accomplish. It addresses the What,

Why, and How of your efforts. The Vision statement is the aspirational description of

what an organization would like to achieve or accomplish in the mid-term or long-term

future (Vision, n.d.). It is the big picture of what a company wants to achieve over the

medium and long-term of its existence. Yet this is only a part of the complex Strategic

Business Plan. The process can be broken into three steps: Formulation, Implementation,

and Evaluation (DeVry, n.d.). The Strategic Management Process Source: Mastering

Strategy TITANS can help CanGo complete the critical Strengths, Weaknesses,

Opportunities, and Threats analysis. The remainder of the tools and processes will build

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from this important tool. TITANS is capable to researching deeply into CanGo, its

competitors and the marketplace. This information will allow CanGo to develop a

business plan that will take it into its next evolutionary step. CanGo is now in that stage

and your customers are currently thrusting it upon your company. CanGo needs to

undertake this process and TITANS can help them reach its successful completion. We

have the ability to help you research, document, and complete all the necessary steps to

achieve the goal of beginning your Strategic Planning process. We can also see you

through the changing times when rework of the Strategic Plan is necessary to keep

current with the changing business landscape. Planning is critical not only to the big

picture but in the everyday task, goals, and projects that CanGo will be carrying out over

the next few years. How CanGo decides to address this problem will either make or break

the company. TITANS believes that CanGo is a viable company and is willing to place

its professional and focused efforts in your company. Communication CanGos success,

like other organizations, is tied to the ability of your employees and managers to

communicate effectively with each other. Messages are only effective if the message

enables the receiver to think and send a response. There are five characteristics of

effective business messages, and they are: Provide practical information. Describing,

explaining, highlighting, and/or discussing. Give facts rather than impressions. Using

concrete language and specific details, give clear, accurate, and ethical information.

Provide evidence, not opinions, on an argument. Present all sides of the argument before

committing to a conclusion. Clarify and condense information, using visuals to clarify,

explain, or emphasize important information. Precisely state responsibilities and direct

your messages to specific employees or managers. Explain exactly what expectations will

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be. Persuade others by offering recommendations. Show how a product, service, or idea

will benefit the business specifically (Bovee, Thill, Schatzman, 2003). Over the last

several weeks, we have noticed that your employees, as well as your management team,

have room for improvement when it comes to sending effective business messages. When

you called the management team into a meeting for entering into the online gaming

market, you and Andrew did not provide enough information or evidence of why CanGo

should enter into the market. In addition, the rest of the management team was not able to

discuss the issue with you. Although Andrew and yourself were committed to entering

into the market, neither of you were persuasive enough to get the support of your

management team. Our recommendation to you is to review the characteristics of

effective business messages, use them, and train the rest of your employees on using

them as well. Communication is successful when the receiver understands the message

entirely. If any step in the communication process experiences interference, the intended

message will be lost on the recipients. One of the communication barriers that we noticed

in CanGo is distractions. There are physical distractions such as background noise. Nick

and Gail spend too much time insulting each other and interrupting each others

conversations. It makes it that much harder for the message being sent to be recieved.

There are also emotional distractions such as Nick being very fearful of his performance

appraisal and Warren not being able to give Nick an accurate apprasial because of his

friendship with him. Nonverbal communication often speaks louder than words. It is

obvious that Nick is not interested in what Warren had to say during the appraisal

process. Nick did not pay attention to Warren while he spoke. His body language showed

that he was very uncomfortable during the process. Because of these factors, Warren had

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a hard time starting the appraisal process. TITANS agrees that your company needs to go

over the four guidelines for overcoming these barriers. They are: Adopt an audience-

centered approach. You want to make your message meaningful to all of your intended

audience. Your managment team must remember to keep thier employees in mind at all

times when communicating any messages (Bovee, Thill, Schatzman, 2003). Foster an

open-communication climate by getting all of CanGos employees to participate and

openly share their ideas and feelings with everyone else. Commit to ethical

communication. Ethical communication includes true and accurate information. Do not

hide negative information behind an optimistice attitude as did Warren when he gave

Nick his performance appraisal. Create efficient messages. Minimize the physical and

emotional distractions throughout the company. Everyone at CanGo needs to work on his

or her listening skills. The ability of management and employees to listen effectively is

directly related to your success in team relationships. Improving listening skills will:

Strengthen relationships. Expedite product delivery. Highlight opportunities. Support

workforce diversity. Build a foundation for trust. Enhance performance. There are three

types of listening: content listening, critical listening, and empathic listening. Content

listening is to understand and retain the speakers message (Bovee, Thill, Schatzman,

2003). In this situation, your employees should listen to you speak even if they do not

agree at the time. They should listen for and understand only the content of what you are

saying. Critical listening is to understand and evaluate the meaning of the message on

many levels (Bovee, Thill, Schatzman, 2003). When a meeting is called, a critical listener

should be looking for the logic of the issue, the strength of the evidence and the validity

of the conclusions. An empathetic listener attempts to understand the feeling, needs, and

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wants of the speaker. This type of listener is allowing the speaker to vent their emotions.

TITANS recommends that you and the rest of CanGos employee review the above

communication information. It is crucial that you improve your communication or it will

be hard for CanGo to be a successful company where communication is key.

Organizational Structure CanGos organizational structure is that of a hierarchical

organization. By definition, a hierarchical organization is one that has different layers

when it comes to the people that make up the company (Bryce, 2007). In CanGo you

have a CEO and Founder (Elizabeth) who would be on the top of the hierarchy. You then

have five directors who report to the CEO: Director of Marketing (Andrew) Director of

Accounting (Ethel) Director of Operations (Warren) Director of Human resources

(Maria) Director of Finance (Clark) Then the final level of the hierarchy is the senior

staff members that will include Gail, Nick, Whitney, and Debbie. CanGo has the layers

for a hierarchical organization (Wikipedia, 2008). CanGo will work well within a matrix

management structure. Matrix management pools a group of people together with similar

skills to work on different projects (Nikki, 2008). The organizational structure at CanGo

should be designed as a balanced matrix. In this matrix, there will be project manager

overseeing functional managers who lead the groups. In CanGo, you have the different

directors, such as marketing, accounting, operations, human resources, and finances. All

these directors have to communicate with to stay abreast of current operations. If the

director of marketing is working an upcoming marketing strategy for product, then he/she

must talk to the director of accounting and the director of finance. They will need open

communications so that they can discuss financing for that project. It important is for the

directors of different departments to communicate with the senior staff members. The

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senior members will need information in order to do the research and come up with the

ideas for the projects. Directors of the different departments need to be open with their

staff so that the projects run smoothly and everyone knows all the information they are

going to required to do their jobs. Management Issues TITANS has witnessed several

issues with the senior management staff through observation over the past several weeks.

Management is sliding into negative habits, which employees are beginning to follow.

CanGo managers do not have goals or prioritization of job tasks on projects. Further,

managers are personalizing projects. Management is not allowing employee decision

making which is a CanGo objective. When management takes on decision making

without employee input, they are not researching and analyzing information for the

decision. There are other issues as well such as evaluating, training, and motivating

employees and team building. CanGo management has many strengths. They are

hardworking and competent in their jobs. Managers also have solid educational

backgrounds (CanGo, n.d.). Although the managers possess these strengths, weaknesses

are becoming habit forming. Managers are not following through project processes. The

projects are to be scattered. Job tasks for these projects follow the same mannerisms. The

management team is overly concerned about personal relationships in the office and not

about job performance. As a rule, a management decision seems to be justified not

according to a decision making process. Senior managers have many opportunities to

solidify employees as a team as they often interact with employees daily. The time with

employees should be valued as time to guide and edify. Managers should offer support

for job tasks, motivate and encourage problem solving and ideas, and to help build team

cohesiveness. The management team also has project management tools, appraisal forms,

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and other tools available to help in productivity and morale. CanGo managers also face

internal and external threats. The internal threats include low employee productivity and

morale, failing projects, over spending, and low return on investments. External threats

are not as obvious from the managers perspective. These threats are serious and range

from losing competitive advantage, experiencing decreases in market share, and facing

company bankruptcy. The issues addressed above concerning management have viable

solutions. Management needs to prioritize projects with company objectives. This will

help schedule resources for projects and keep all projects on schedule. The projects need

to be tied to company objectives. One tool needed at CanGo is Microsoft Project.

Microsoft Project will allow managers to stay on schedule, schedule employees for tasks,

give managers a visual to show employees working on the project, and to stay within

company resources. Personalization of projects is a problem. Each individual manager is

trying to use the same employee resources for their projects. Because each manager

wants their project to succeed, employees have become over used and are becoming

unorganized. An example of personalization is the AS/RS project. Jacks flowchart made

in the IT department had The house that Jack built as the title (Prentice Hall, 2002, Week

3, Introduction). The name attached with the project will lead others to believe that it is

Jack who wants the project to succeed. It not only hinders resource management, but the

decision making process behind the projects acceptance. Decision making by managers is

not following a formal process. A reflective thinking process will give structure and

formalize decision-making. Problems should be identified will be introduced, defined,

and then analyzed. Then, criteria will be established, possible solutions addressed, and

solutions are evaluated (OHair, Friedrich, & Dixon, 2005). Once managers are

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comfortable with the process, employees should be involved. Employees that will be

required to work on the project should have input on that decision. Your employees on

the floor have valuable input for decision-making. When employees become involved in

the decision-making process, managers will find individual employee skills that need to

develop and see skills that need to be utilized. For example, Debbie is a trained teacher

and CanGo has employees that need training (CanGo, n.d.). Managers can also increase

morale and productivity through employee involvement. The involvement gives the

employee a stake in the project and job tasks. Finally, TITANS has identified several

managerial issues that require additional training by the management team. Department

managers need to be trained in all job functions of their department, so they can assist

employees and help train new employees. Managers also require training on giving

employee performance appraisals, follow up, and corrective actions. We have noticed

managers letting poor performance reviews receive good or better ratings to keep

personal relationships intact. There is no room for personal relationships in performance

appraisals. Motivation and team building are also struggling due to managements

inability to offer constructive criticism to avoid crating personal issues. One tool that will

help managers evaluate, motivate, and build teams is the Zenger-Miller Leadership

Course. It is a course designed by Achieve Global to help managers in areas such as

personal communication, defusing defensive employees, establishing performance

expectations, and corrective actions (Frontline, 2000). Employee Issues The employees

of CanGo are dedicated, hardworking individuals. They are an essential ingredient of the

success CanGo has had thus far, and they will be even more instrumental in CanGos

future success. CanGo has been fortunate to have such a talented group of employees. It

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is important that management work hard to understand their employees and treat them

more as teammates rather than subordinates. Employees want to feel appreciated and

believe that they are an integral part of their company. Based on TITANSs observations,

we have noticed several areas in need of improvement in order for CanGo to keep their

current employees satisfied. Currently, employees do not seem to have a secure support

system. Management merely distributes projects without fully explaining their

expectations or offering their support. Employees feel they are scrambling to grasp how

to complete their assignments and hoping they do a find a way to do a good job. In

addition, the current performance appraisal system has left some employees fearing both

the process and the results. The appraisal system should not be perceived as a scare tactic,

it should be used to ensure employees that it will set and help them reach goals. As a

result, some of the employees at CanGo have demonstrated poor organizational skills,

lack of confidence, and an overall inability to lead. If these employee issues are not

properly handled, CanGo faces several threats that will hurt the company. A major

looming threat is the loss of employees as well as a deficit of skills and talents. If the

employees do not feel their issues are a priority, many may simply walk away and be

snatched up by competitors. Loosing employees will lead to many negative results:

Decrease in productivity Negative employee morale Increase in the stress of remaining

employees and managers Even a decline in sales CanGo also faces the risk of these issues

getting worse over time. The negative results might reach an incurable stage of

development. The faster these issues are dealt with, the more the focus will return to

growing your business. The silver lining is that CanGo has the opportunity to implement

motivational, organizational, and tactical techniques to run a strong, efficient company in

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the foreseeable future. All of these employee issues can be resolved with time, effort, and

change. Employees need to be invited to attend seminars hosted by upper management

and third party companies who teach important skills and techniques-such as

organizational skills and multitasking. Offering this type of employee education will

positively affect the future of CanGo. Teambuilding is another area that needs to be

addressed. There needs to be additional team building opportunities available for all the

employees of CanGo. Something as simple as a monthly social outing or a company

potluck is a great way for employees and management to interact and get to know one

another. These activities will ultimately lead to an increase in trust and a better

understanding between everyone at CanGo.

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