sample essays for form 3

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  • 8/9/2019 Sample Essays For Form 3


    My Most Embarrassing Situation


    Everyone has been embarrassed at one time or another. It is that moment in time when

    you wish the earth would open up and swallow you. The anxiety and discomfort felt duringthat time which may only last a few seconds feels like time has stood still.

      I remember so well when I had my most embarrassing moment. I was in Form and it

    was during the school recess. The minute the bell rang for recess! I rushed to the toilet

     because I had been controlling my urges since class started. I didn"t want to miss class

     because the lesson taught that morning was to include tips for the forthcoming examination.

      #ithout realising! I had rushed to the girls" toilet. The prolonged control and an upset

    stomach made worse by two glasses of cold milk in the morning made me grunt and groan in

    what I thought in what I thought was the privacy of the cubicle. I thought I heard gigglingoutside and wondered why the giggles sounded unusually near. $ few minutes later I came

    out the cubicle and discovered my horror that I had entered the girls" toilet. To make matters

    worse! the few girls standing outside didn"t even turn away when I came out. Instead they

    looked down at me! then only they turned %uickly away. &orror of horrors! I had forgotten to

    'ip up( )o beetroot could have matched the colour of my face at this point in time(

      They news of my predicament spread like wild fire throughout school. I was truly the

    talk of the town. I felt like I could either walk around feeling perpetually self*conscious and

    embarrassed or I could turn the situation round! perhaps even to my advantage. I remembered

    my mother"s words that +if you can"t beat them! ,oin them". So I decided to make fun of myself! to laugh at myself too. It works. Everyone got bored after a while and nobody teased

    me after that.

      It was indeed an eye*opening experience for me. I have learnt that when people laugh

    at you! you should laugh along. -ou must not take yourself seriously. earn to look at

    yourself through other people"s eyes and you will realise that most of the time when they

    laugh at you! they ,ust want to have some fun. They mean no harm. If you can make people

    laugh! it"s like bringing sunshine into their lives and as someone said! +those who bring

    sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.

  • 8/9/2019 Sample Essays For Form 3


    #rite a story ending with +/ my heart bleed and I cried"

    iving in a serene village near the pristine sea was a real treasure for me as its

    tran%uillity and refreshing atmosphere with a pictures%ue sea was a really perfect getawaywhenever my head was on the verge with all of the schools" works and pressures. Every day!

    my best friend! 0a'man and I would go to the sea to watch the sun sets as the invigorating

    coolness of the sea bree'e caressed our skins. Ever since we were in the kindergartens! we

    had done the same thing. In the eye of the fishermen there! 0a'man and I are kindred spirits

    and our genuine camaraderie could never be separated by hooks or crooks.

    1ne day! I was feeling a little bit under the weather. My head was spinning and my

     body was soaking wet with perspirations. So! I decided to take a nap in order to recuperate

    my illness. 1ut of the blue! 0a'man came visiting me. &e asked me to accompany him to the

    ice cream"s stall near the beach. I refused his tempting re%uest almost instantly as my

    condition was not permissible. 2ut! he kept begging me and his constant chatter was really

    irascible that I thought my head was going to explode. I tried to control my temper but I

    failed. I shouted at him! 34ust go there by your own self and stop annoying me(5 0a'man

    remained speechless upon hearing my yells.

     3Sorry! I did not meant to disturb you. I promised that I will not do it again in the

    future5! 0a'man said slowly. I felt guilty watching him cycling away from my house with a

    crestfallen face. )evertheless! about one metre from my house 0a'man turned his dimpled

    face to look at me and I was at sixes and sevens when he gave me an unexplainable ga'e. &e

    smiled at me and I tried to smile at him back but my lips did not cooperate well with my mind

    causing me to stand there poker 6 faced. So! I ,ust retreated into my bed room and decided to

    wait until I am hale and hearty enough before I went to meet 0a'man and asked for his

    forgiveness. 7uickly! I swallowed down two 8aracetamol"s tablets before going to the bed.

    The clock was tinkling 99 a.m. by the time I dosed off into my own imaginary world of 


    I could see 0a'man lying unconscious on the white bed. &is face was pale and his

    legs had been amputated. I tiptoed towards him. Suddenly! when I am near enough he woke

    up. &e grabbed my shirt"s collar and shouted in a coarse voice which was very unlikely him3-ou must pay for what had happened to me(5 I gaped for air and tried to struggle away from

    him but for a sick person that had ,ust been out of comma! 0a'man was strong enough. I was

    lack of oxygen. I blinked my eyes rapidly and suddenly I woke up from the dreadful dream.

    3It was only a dream5! I whispered to myself as my heart was racing. My head was no longer 

    aching and I could feel my body"s temperature had been back to normal. So! I %uickly took a

     bath and dressed to meet 0a'man.


  • 8/9/2019 Sample Essays For Form 3


    2y the time I was on my bicycle! I could see people running and shouting. It was like

    something had chased them away from the beach. I heard the word 3Tsunami5 being pronounced loudly but I could not make any sense about its meaning. Then! I saw my mother.

    She was a hawker at a food"s stall near the beach and she was running too. She recogni'ed

    me at once! 30un son( 0un to the hill and saved your life(5 I stood rooted to the ground as

    my teacher"s words about what tsunami is echoed in my mind. I remembered 0a'man said he

    was going to the beach. I tried to search for his figure but he was not anywhere to be found.

    $t the same time! my brothers were dragging me to the hill.

    My whole family was safe during that unexpected tragedy as we managed to climb

    the hill before the waves swept us. 1n the next day! the government had sent the $ir Forces"

    helicopter to bring us out to our momentary shelter. There! I went all nook and cranny to find

    0a'man but my search had come to no end. 0a'man"s mother was crying days and nights.

    &is :*year old sister was always asking me to bring back her $bang Man and tears were

    strolling down my cheeks upon seeing her as she resembled much of 0a'man"s features. 2ut!

    we did not have to wait long as three days after that! 0a'man"s body returned without its life.

    My heart bleed and I cried.

    -es or )o to bringing handphone to school

  • 8/9/2019 Sample Essays For Form 3


     )owadays! people! especially students! are desperately cra'y about getting their hands

    on the variety of handphones such as Iphone or the ;alaxy )otes. &owever! there are

    advantages and disadvantages of bringing the handphone to school.

    For one thing! handphones can make the lesson easier. $ handphone has a lot of 

    usages. For example! students can use the handphone to calculate in Mathematics lesson by

    using the calculator function. Furthermore! the students can also listen to music to release the

    tension during recess.

    1n the other side of the coin! bringing handphone to school may invite the phone

    misuse. Taking and sharing inappropriate graphic materials is one of the misuses of 

    handphone. Irresponsible students like to download and share the explicit materials although

    the materials are not suitable for them. 2esides! it can help students to cheat in examinations

    easily. So! the increase in their marks means nothing because it does not show their true

    academic performance. Thus! there is no guarantee for the students to have a bright future.

    Secondly! bringing handphone to school is very important because it can be used for 

    emergency. For instance! when fire happens at school! the parents can call their children and

    ask about their condition. 2esides! it can also be used when students are sick at school. They

    can call their parents to tell them about their health. They can also use their handphone to call

    their parents when they are late to return home.

    Meanwhile! bringing handphone to school can cause many social problems. 8roblems

    like bullying and theft will arise because of the handphones. If the senior students see that

    their ,uniors are bringing more expensive handphones to school! they will feel threatened. $s

    a result! they try to sei'e the handphone forcefully. Theft or stealing may also happen when a

    student carelessly leave his handphone in the classroom.

    1n top of that! handphones will become a distraction in the student"s lesson. )ew

    messages or incoming calls will surely distract the student"s focus on what the teacher is

    saying in front of the class. Their brain cannot cope with doing two different things at the

    same time.

    In a nutshell! whether bringing the handphone to school is good or bad highly depends

    on how the students use it.

  • 8/9/2019 Sample Essays For Form 3


    >o you really think that woman should %uit ,ob after their first delivery? Every

    woman gives birth after they married! including working women. So should they ,ust give up

    their ,ob after having children? I really think that woman shouldn"t %uit ,ob ,ust after first

    delivery. The next three paragraphs will elaborate about the effects of this issue on the

    nation"s birth rate and the family happiness also the commitment of a working mother.

      The country"s birth rate would be affected because of this issue. #orking women who

    refused to have children because of their career would reduce the birth rate for the country.

    This would result on negative affects because the country will experience lack of labourer for

    industrial purpose in the future. ack of local labourer will make us relay on foreign labourer.

    ow birth rate also would result on slow population growth. #hen the population is too low

    compared to the resources! the efficiency of managing the resources will become low and the

    economy growth will become slow.

      Moreover! this issue also will affect the happiness in a family. Everyone dreams to

    have a loving family whom they will share their life with. 2ut if women need to choose

     between her career and having children! this would give bad affect to the family happiness. If

    the husband really wanted to have children! the wife will face a great dilemma. &aving

    children will guarantee a family happiness. #ithout them! a family will appear incomplete.

    ike a big piece of life has been taken away. This eventually will make woman become

    stressed and unhappy with her life. So a woman shouldn"t choose between her career and her

    family because she deserves both.

    $ working mother has two commitments. 1ne is for work and one is for her family. It

    is normal that everyone has more than one commitment in their life. So why a woman shouldchoose between work and having a family? Statistic shows that ma,ority women in Malaysia

    are working mothers but still they could maintain their career and be a good mother to their

    children. Many successful women today are a mother. &owever! a housewife will have plenty

    of time with her children compared to a woman with a career. #oman with career need to

    divides her attention! while a housewife doesn"t have to do that. $ housewife will give her

    full attention to her family thus keeping her family happy.

    So as a conclusion! there are many cons than pros if all the women should choose

     between her career and family. I really think that women should have both of them because

    they really deserve it. I hope that one day women could find a better way to live and workwithout sacrificing either one.