sample complaints lori fleming

-. ..•.....••. Memorial Hall 120 SW 10 111 AVE., 2 nd Floor Topeka, Ks 66612 THIS COMPLAINT IS AGAINST 11TH DISTRICT JUDGe LORI BOLTON FL~ING FOR USURPATION OF OFFICE UNDER K.S.A. 60-1201, K.S.A. 60-1202(1)(2)(4)(5). K.S.A. 60- 1205. K.S.A. 60-1206(a)(b), K.S.A. 60-1207 and for violations of RULES RELATING TO JUDICIAL CONDUCT CODE OF JUDICIAL CONDUCT Rule 601A. I recently heard a grand jury petition that was gOing around to oust all 11111 judicial district j4-dges due to conflicts of interest between them. During the petition drive to try to get the signatures a rac;tioad was ran on 100.7 ESPN My Town Media which is owned by attorney Bill Wachter. I head the radio ad and didn't have a pen with me to write down who to contact to sign the petiion. After just 2 days of running on the air Judge Lori Fleming took it upon herself to use her power inappropriately as a judge and to usurplintrude into a private business contract between Summary Judgment Group and My Town Media. ! was wanting to sign the "Grand Jury Petition" but never ran into anyone who was getting signatures for the petition because the radio ad was only ran for 2 days instead of 30 like I was informed by The Summary Judgment Group which was the original contract that was breached by Lori Fleming and Bill Wachter. J win be signing a class-action lawsuit now against Lori Fleming in her private capacity si~ she was not performing her public ministerial duties or job descriptions by interfering in a radio ad and d~maging myself the opportunity to sign a grand jury petition and she also damaged the summary jUdgment group and they did not get the required voters due to her interference in a private business matter and constitutional grand jury petition. Very truly: yours, CC Kansas Commission on Judicial Qualifications and State Insurance Commissioner 1- ,~ (,YI-fr f'p~ e(' Ii;;",,~ th I vI." j ,1 I, (J, "''''oM, ~r I ''':;1 ~'.f\

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Post on 04-Dec-2015




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A Sample of Judge Lori Bolton Fleming's record breaking email complaints which lead to a record number of docketed complaints. Judge Lori Bolton Fleming of the 11th District, Crawford County, Kansas now allegedly has the dubious distinction of being the most complained on Judge in Kansas ever and she also set the record for the the most docketed Judge in Kansas on record (based on the all the records we could find).


Page 1: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

-. ..•.....••.

Memorial Hall

120 SW 10111AVE., 2nd Floor

Topeka, Ks 66612


Irecently heard a grand jury petition that was gOing around to oust all 11111 judicial district j4-dges due toconflicts of interest between them. During the petition drive to try to get the signatures a rac;tioad was ranon 100.7 ESPN My Town Media which is owned by attorney Bill Wachter. I head the radio ad and didn'thave a pen with me to write down who to contact to sign the petiion. After just 2 days of running on the airJudge Lori Fleming took it upon herself to use her power inappropriately as a judge and to usurplintrudeinto a private business contract between Summary Judgment Group and My Town Media. !was wanting tosign the "Grand Jury Petition" but never ran into anyone who was getting signatures for the petitionbecause the radio ad was only ran for 2 days instead of 30 like I was informed by The Summary JudgmentGroup which was the original contract that was breached by Lori Fleming and Bill Wachter.

J win be signing a class-action lawsuit now against Lori Fleming in her private capacity si~ she was notperforming her public ministerial duties or job descriptions by interfering in a radio ad and d~maging myselfthe opportunity to sign a grand jury petition and she also damaged the summary jUdgment group and theydid not get the required voters due to her interference in a private business matter and constitutional grandjury petition.

Very truly: yours,

CC Kansas Commission on Judicial Qualifications and State Insurance Commissioner

1- ,~(,YI-fr f'p~ e(' Ii;;",,~ thI vI." j ,1 I, (J, "''''oM, ~r I ''':;1 ~'.f\

Page 2: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

Office Of The Attorney General

Memorial Hail

120 SW 10th AVE., 2nd Floor

Topeka, Ks 66612


I recently heard a grand jury petition that was going around to oust a1l11 th judicial district }ij~ges due toconflicts of interest between them. Ouring the petition drive to try to get the signatures a raqio ad was ranon 100.7 ESPN My Town Media which is owned by attorney Bill Wachter. I headihe radio ad and didn'thave a pen with me to write down who to contact to sign the petiion. After just 2 days of running on the airJudge Lori Fleming took it upon herself to use her power inappropriately as a judge and to usurplintrudeinto a private business contract between Summary Judgment Group and My Town Media. t was wanting tosign the "Grand Jury Petinon" but never ran into anyone who was getting signatures for the petitionbecause the radio ad was only ran for 2 days instead of 30 llke I was informed by The Summary JudgmentGroup which was the original contract that was breached by Lori Fleming and Bill Wachter.

Iwill be signing a class-action lawsuit now against Lori Fleming in her private capacity sin~~ she was notperforming her public ministerial duties or job descriptions by interfering in a radio ad and d~maging myselfthe opportunity to sign a grand jury petition and she also damaged the summary judgment group and theydid not get the required voters due to her interference in a private business matter and constitutional grandjury petition.

Very truly YQurs,

CC Kansas Commission on Judicial Qualific ions and State Insurance Commissioner./


Page 3: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

Office Of The Attomey General

Memorial Hall

120 SW 1()th AVE., 2nd Floor

Topeka, Ks 66612


I recently heard a grand jury petition that was going around to oust all 11III judicial district jU(:fgesdue toconflicts of interest between them. During the petition drive to try to get the signatures a ra~io ad was ranon 100.7 ESPN My Town Media which is owned by attorney Bill Wachter. Ihead the radio ad and didn'thave a pen with me to write down who to contact to sign the petiion. After just 2 days of running on the airJudge Lori Fleming took it upon herself to use her power inappropriately as a judge and to usurpJintrudeinto a private business contract between Summary Judgment Group and My Town Media. t was wanting tosign the "Grand Jury Petition" but never ran into anyone who was getting signatures for the petitionbecause the radio ad was only ran for 2 days instead of 30 like J was informed by The Summary JudgmentGroup which was the original contract that was breached by Lori Fleming and Bill Wachter.

I will be signing a class-action lawsuit now against Lori Fleming in her private capacity sin~ she was notperforming her public ministerial duties or job descriptions by interfering in a radio ad and ~maging myselfthe opportunity to sign a grand jury petition and she also damaged the summary judgment group and theydid not get the required voters due to her interference in a private business matter and constitutional grandjury petition.

Very truty yours,

==--",,.......,m=i:.:::::ssionon Judicial Qualifications and State Insurance Commissioner

0) -o '0d. S ~qt)fh 5f- /vudb~f~ rKf MYX{i-{,t}tan ' \~Q\ ~ r ~

Page 4: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

Office Of The Attorney General

Memorial Hall

120 SW 10th AVE., 2nd Floor

Topeka, Ks 66612


I recently heard a grand jury petition that was going around to oust all 11III judicial district lU9ges due toconflicts of interest between them. During the petition drive to try to get the signatures a raqio ad was ranon 100.7 ESPN My Town Media which is owned by attorney Bill Wachter. I head the radio ad and didn'thave a pen with me to write down who to contact to sign the petiion. After just 2 days of running on the airJudge Lori Fleming took it upon herself to use her power inappropriately as a judge and to usurplintrudeinto a private business contract between Summary Judgment Group and My Town Media. l was wanting tosign the "Grand Jury Petition" but never ran into anyone who was getting signatures for the petitionbecause the radio ad was only ran for 2 days instead of 30 like I was informed by The -Summary JudgmentGroup which was the original contract that was breached by Lori Fleming and Bill Wachter.

I will be signing a class-action lawsuit now against Lori Fleming in her private capacity sin~ she was notperforming her public ministerial duties or job descriptions by interfering in a radio ad and damaging myself

. j

the opportunity to sign a grand jury petition and she also damaged the summary judgment group and theydid not get the required voters due to her interference in a private business matter and constitutional grandjury petition.

Very truf1 yours,

CC Kansas Commission on Judicial Qualifications and State Insurance Commissioner

~~0lJS---V- G(:~hcu~ 5 f-


fuf\l~\oy\ YtS ?'C?34

Page 5: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

q-6 -It;Kansas Commission on Judici~l Qualifications

301 SW 10th

Topeka Ks 66612


I recently signed a grand jury petition that was going around to impeach all.1-1111 4udicialili~ct judges dueto conflicts of interest between them which was filed in case number'2015MR2P. During the petition driveto try to get the signatures a radio ad was ran on 100.7 ESPN My Town Media which is owned by attorneyBill Wachter who is Chief Judge A.J. Wachter's brother. There seems to be an e-mailthat came fromJudge Lori Fleming's public computer that seems to be inappropriate conduct. Please ~estigate thism~~ .I will be signing a class-action lawsuit now against Lori Fleming in her private capacity since she was notperforming her public ministerial duties or job descriptions by interfering in a radio ad and damaging thesummary jUdgment group by not getting the required 315 voters due to her interf~fence in a privatebusiness matter and constitutional grand jury petition.

Very truly yours,

6r\<'v\chn()(Y\; v-tV'


Page 6: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

Kansas Commission on Judicial Qualifications

301 SW 10lh

Topeka Ks 66612


I would have signed a grand jury petition that was going around to impeach all11lh judicial district judgesdue to conflicts of interest between them which was filed in case number 2015MR2P but I never heardabout the petition advertised on the radio. During the petition drive to try to get the signatijJes a radio adwas ran on 100.7 ESPN My Town Media which is owned by attorney Bill Wachter who is C~ief Judge A.J.Wachter's brother. There seems to be an e-rnail that came from Judge Lori t:-leming's-:pubtic computer thatseems to be inappropriate conduct which shut down the radio ad. Please investigate this matter.

I will be signing a class-action lawsuit now against Lori Fleming in her private capacity since she was notperforming her public ministerial duties or job descriptions by interfering in a radio ad anq,damaging thesummary judgment group by not getting the required 315 voters and only 121 \lue to heri,nterference in aprivate business matter and constitutional grand jury petition.


Page 7: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

Kansas Commission on Judici~1 Qualifications

301 SW 10th

Topeka Ks 66612


I would have signed a grand jury petition that was going around to impeach all111h judicial district judgesdue to conflicts of interest between them which was filed in case number 2015MR2P but I never heardabout the petition advertised on the radio. During the petition drive to try to get the signat~fes a radio adwas ran on 100.7 ESPN My Town Media which is owned by attorney Bill Wachter who is C~ief Judge AJ.

. IWachter's brother. There seems to be an e-mail that came from Judge Lori F/eming's-l'ublic computer thatseems to be inappropriate conduct which shut down the radio ad. Please investigate this matter.

I will be signing a class-action lawsuit now against Lori Fleming in her private capacity since she was notperforming her public ministerial duties or job descriptions by interfering in a radio ad a~ damaging thesummary judgment group by not getting the required 315 voters and only 121 due tofter interference in aprivate business matter and constitutional grand jury petition.

Page 8: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

Kansas Commission on Judicial Qualifications

301 SW 10th

Topeka Ks 66612


I would have signed a grand jury petition that was going around to impeach all 11th judicial district judgesdue to conflicts of interest between them which was filed in case number 2015MR2P but I never heardabout the petition advertised on the radio. During the petition drive to try to get the signatures a radio adwas ran on 100.7 ESPN My Town Media which is owned by attorney Bill Wachter who is C~ief Judge A.J.


Wachter's brother. There seems to be an e-mail that came from Judge Lori Fleming's pubtic computer thatseems to be inappropriate conduct which shut down the radio ad. Please investigate this matter.

I will be signing a class-action lawsuit now against Lori Fleming in her private capacity since she was notperforming her public ministerial duties or job descriptions by interfering in a radio ad a~ damaging thesummary judgment group by not getting the required 315 voters and only 121 due to her ¥1terference in aprivate business matter and constitutional grand jury petition.

Page 9: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

Kansas Commission on Judicial Qualifications

301 SW 10th

Topeka Ks 66612


I would have signed a grand jury petition that was going around to impeach all 11th judicial district judgesdue to conflicts of interest between them which was filed in case number 2015MR2P but I never heardabout the petition advertised on the radio. During the petition drive to try to get the signatures a radio adwas ran on 100.7 ESPN My Town Media which is owned by attorney Bill Wachter who is Chief Judge A.J.Wachter's brother. There seems to be an e-mail that came from Judge Lori Fleming'spubUc computer thatseems to be inappropriate conduct which shut down the radio ad. Please investigate this matter.

I will be signing a class-action lawsuit now against Lori Fleming in her private capacity since she was notperforming her public ministerial duties or job descriptions by interfering in a radio ad anQ damaging thesummary judgment group by not getting the required 315 voters and only 121 due to her interference in aprivate business matter and constitutional grand jury petition.

Very truly yours, 8{e*ctn'j &q.J!fY'

1JP(j}(xu~uf¥Lf50 ;CJ ~ .(~~ 'fj\j \~'v Uc "}-roj;lk!lCtC b<:;7cs

Page 10: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

Kansas Commission on Judicial Qualifications

301 SW 10th

Topeka Ks 66612


I would have signed a grand jury petition that was going around to impeach all 11th judicial district judgesdue to conflicts of interest between them which was filed in case number 2015MR2P but I never heardabout the petition advertised on the radio. During the petition drive to try to get the signatures a radio adwas ran on 100.7 ESPN My Town Media which is owned by attorney Bill Wachter who is C~ief Judge A.J.Wachter's brother. There seems to be an e-mail that came from Judge Lori Ffeming's .f*IbIic computer thatseems to be inappropriate conduct which shut down the radio ad. Please investigate this matter.

I will be signing a class-action lawsuit now against Lori Fleming in her private capacity since she was notperforming her public ministerial duties or job descriptions by interfering in a radio ad an~ damaging thesummary judgment group by not getting the required 315 voters and only 121 due to-her Interference in aprivate business matter and constitutional grand jury petition.

Page 11: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

Office Of The Attorney General

Memorial Hall

120 SW 10111AVE., 2nd Floor

Topeka, Ks 66612


I recently heard a grand jury petition that was going around to oust all 11th judicial district Ndges due toconflicts of interest between them. During the petition drive to try to get the signatures a ra~io ad was ranon 100.7 ESPN My Town Media which is owned by attorney Bill Wachter. I head the radio ad and didn'thave a pen with me to write down who to contact to sign the petiion. After just 2 days of running on the airJudge Lon Fleming took it upon herself to use her power inappropriately as a judge and to usurplintrudeinto a private business contract between Summary Judgment Group and My Town Media. ~was wanting tosign the "Grand Jury Petition" but never ran into anyone who was getting signatures for the petitionbecause the radio ad was only ran for 2 days instead of 30 like I was informed by The Summary JudgmentGroup which was the original contract that was breached by Lori Fleming and Bill Wachter.

I will be signing a class-action lawsuit now against Lori Fleming in her private capacity sin~ she was notperforming her public ministerial duties or job descriptions by interfering in a radio ad and d~maging myselfthe opportunity to sign a grand jury petition and she also damaged the summary judgment group and theydid not get the required voters due to her interference in a private business matter and constitutional grandjury petition.

Very truly yours,

CC Kansas Commission on Judicial Qualifications and State Insurance Commissioner

lh!~()r~ 5

Page 12: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

September 15, 2015

Kansas Commission on Judicial Qualifications

301 SW 10th

Topeka Ks 66612


I recently signed a grand jury petition that was goin~ around to impeach all11~ct judges dueto conflicts of interest between them which was filed in case number 2015MR2P. During the petition driveto try to_get the signatures a radio ad was ran on-1DO.7J:SPN My Town.Mectta:which.iS-Qwned by attorney -6i1!Wachter who is Chief Judge A.J. Wachter's brother. There seems to be an e-mail"tftat..came fromJudge Lori Fleming's public computer that seems to be inappropriate conduct because she calls anyonethat signs the petition "Posse Comitatus" which is a demeaning nickname Ulldef~2.~-of Rules RelatingTo Judicial Conduct. Please investigate this matter.

I will be signing a class-action lawsuit now against Lori Fleming in her private~~jnce she was notperforming her public ministerial duties or job descriptions by interfering in a radio ad a", damaging thesummary judgment group by not getting the required 315 voters and only 12111ueio J~~:~JPterferencein aprivate business matter and constitutional grand jury petition.

Very truly yours

Page 13: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

September ,5, 2015

Kansas Commission on Judicial Qualifications

301 SW;OII1

Topeka Ks 66612


I recently signed a grand jury petition that was going around to impeach aIl11tl]~~ct judges dueto conflicts of interest between therl'1Which was filed in case number 2015MR2P. During the petition driveto try to get the signatures a radio ad *as ran on 100.7 ESPN My Town Media-which-is,owned by attorneyBill Wachter who is Chief Judge-A.J. Wachter's brother. There seems to be an e-mail that came fromJudge Lori Fleming's public computer that seems to be inappropriate conduct because she ,calls anyonethat signs the petition "Posse Cornitanls" which is a demeaning nickname und~a~ Rules RelatingTo Judicial Conduct. Please investigat~this. matter.

I will be signing a class-action lawsuit now against Lori Fleming in her privata capacity since she was notperforming her public ministerial duties or job descriptions by interfering in a radio ad arnt:,damaging thesummary judgment group by not getting the required 315 voters and only 121 due toi:re~=rterference in aprivate business matter and constitutional grand jury petition.

Page 14: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

September 15, 2015

Kansas Commission on Judicial Qualifications

301 SW 10th

Topeka Ks 66612


I recently signed a grand jury petition that was going around to impeach all 11th~ct judges dueto conflicts of interest between them which was filed in case number 2015MR2P. During the petition driveto try to get the signatures a radio ad was ran on 100.7 ESPN My Town Medra which-isowned by attorney8i11Wachter who is Chief Judge A.J. Wachter's brother. There seems to be an e-mail tnat.came fromJudge Lori Fleming's public computer that seems to be inappropriate conduct because she calls anyonethat signs the petition "Posse Comitatus" which is a demeaning nickname under~L;3-d Rules RelatingTo Judicial Conduct. Please investigate this matter.

I will be signing a class-action lawsuit now against Lori Fleming in her private capacity since she was notperforming her public ministerial duties or job descriptions by interfering in a radio ad aiM( damaging thesummary judgment group by not getting the required 315 voters and only 121 duetoilerJ}1terference in aprivate business matter and constitutional grand jury petition.

Page 15: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

~ ef+' J I J ;20/5Kansas Commission on Judici~1 Qualifications

301 SW 10th

Topeka Ks 66612


I recently signed a grand jury petition that was going around to impeach all t1tb Judicia\,district judges dueto conflicts of interest between them which was filed in case number 2015MR2P. During the petition driveto try to get the signatures a radio ad was ran on 100.7 ESPN My Town Media which is owned by attorneyBill Wachter who is Chief Judge A.J. Wachter's brother. There seems to be an e-mailthat came fromJudge. Lori Fleming's public computer that seems to be..inappropriate conduct. -Please I~estigate thismatter. \

Iwill be signing a class-action lawsuit now against Lori Fleming in her private capacity since she was notperforming her public ministerial duties or job descriptions by interfering in a radio ad and damaging thesummary judgment group by not getting the required 315 voters due to her interf~rence in a privatebusiness matter and constitutional grand jury petition.

A s'h Jet Pi.t oc: \) L[ l t! tv, <):fIe l+--r.: '(\p~+¥)bUYs /(~ fo~7foQ...

Page 16: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

Kansas Commission on Judicial Qualifications

301 SW 10th

Topeka Ks 66612


I recently signed a grand jury petition that was going around to impeach all11~judicial distrlctjudges dueto conflicts of interest between them which was filed in case number 2015MR2P. During the petition driveto try to get the signatures a radio ad was ran on 100.7 ESPN My Town Media which is owned by attorneyBill Wachter who is Chief Judge A.J. Wachter's brother. There seems to be an e-mail ~h.atcame fromJudge Lori"Fleming's public computer that seems To De inappropriate"conduct. Please i~estigate ffiis~~~ .

I will be signing a class-action lawsuit now against Lori Fleming in her private capacity since she was notperforming her public ministerial duties or job descriptions by interfering in a radio ad and damaging thesummary jUdgment group by not getting the required 315 voters due to her interf~.rence in a privatebusiness matter and constitutional grand jury petition.

Very truly yours, ~

[0 { ::; •

Page 17: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

0{JCKansas Commission on Judici,,1 Qualifications

301 SW 10th

Topeka Ks 66612


I recently signed a grand jury petition that was going around to impeach all ~1~.judicial-district judges dueto conflicts of interest between them which was filed in case number 2015MR2P. During the petition driveto try to get the signatures a radio ad was ran on 100.7 ESPN My Town Media which is owned by attorneyBill Wachter who is Chief Judge A.J. Wachter's brother. There seems to bean e-mailthat came fromJudge Lori Fleming's public computer that seems to be inappropriate conduct. Please i~estigate this~br. ;

I will be signing a class-action lawsuit now against Lori Fleming in her private capacity since she was notperforming her public ministerial duties or job descriptions by interfering in a radio ad and damaging thesummary judgment group by not getting the required 315 voters due to her interf~rence in a privatebusiness matter and constitutional grand jury petition.

Page 18: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming


- -~--- Kansas Commission on Judicial Qualifications

301 SW 10th

Topeka Ks 66612


I was writing back to your committee in-regards to Docket number 12VB whiclI-1 r6reiv-ed from your officedated August 28,2015. I would like to know if Lori A. Bolton Fleming went ahead and "ADMITTED" thatshe sent the ernail that ruined the radio contract advertisement with My TowA-MeGiaiMJfJ~led Eric Muatheand the "Posse Comitatus" or if she lied about the email being sent and this docket nun1tJer 1270 has beenassigned an "INVESTIGATOR" like when I previously complained on attorney Eric Bruce in Docket NumberDA11,812 and he lied to the investigator and his computer was "CONFISCATBX during the investigationto check the computers for the email that was sent.

I need to know because I was allowed to meet with the attorney investigator Mr~jaGk::Soo.tlMclnteer inWichita to look at what attorney Eric Bruce "wrote and responded" and to go over all the information theinvestigator had to show us and to ask us if we had any more information avai~ablefor the investigation tobe completed.

The reason I need to know if she admitted that she sent the email is because 1have.a "VERY CLEAR"picture of the email that Lori Fleming sent from the 11th district computers on February 19, 2015. Thepicture gets lighter and harder to read once it's copied.


I sent in a complaint on Timothy Fielder that was heard on August 7, 2015 but 'NO RESPONSE" from yourcommittee about the complaint. I don't have the money to have to pay for certified mai~e.\t~rytime I sendsomething to your office just to make sure you get it. I do take pictures with my-Phog~~ time I sendsomething in the mail to your office just so if your office lies and wants to act like1hey~ave it I dohave the pictures to prove I sent it.

However, this is an "EXTREMELY IMPORTANT" investigation In The Matter otLori A. BOlton Number 1270and if for some reason Lori A. Bolton Fleming "LIED AND DENIED" to your office that she sent the emailthat breached our radio contract advertisement then I do want to meet with the investigator just like I did

Page 19: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

with Mr. Mclnteer and then I will bring the picture o! the "VERY CLE~R" emai~so your inv~.uti~ator can seein person and I can still keep-my "VERY CLEAR" picture of theemail that Lon-A.i3eltoo H~lng sent thatusurped her power. Lori A. Bolton can not call up a grocery store manager or any sports team coach forexample and say "I'm Lori Fleming and I'm d11th district judge and you need to quit doing business andselling groceries to Eric Muathe and Posse Comitatus"! That would be usur~~r just like if shesaid to a coach "I'm a judge and my kid is better so play him or else"!! That would be usurPrtion of powerjust like she did when she called up Bill Wachter and informed him "You need to.-get -tlle~il off or else"!!

She is out of control and in my opinion is acting like "Adolph Hitler" and her father-in-law Robert Flemingex-chairperson of The Kansas Commission-on Judicial Qualfflcations should bfi dooketed and investigated

0- <:

to because he "INTERFERED" in this investigation because he informed itATTORNE"f--BU;.LWACHTER"who is part of the docketed complaint and the attorney that the email was sent to from Lori}. BoltonFleming at Crowell's Ash in Pittsburg where they have coffee together at 10:OJlam.:. etaene.ek where hewas UOVERHEARD" telling Bill Wachter that "hey we might have to go in front of the committee on thatcomplaint on you and Lori. because I called a friend of mine on Panel B to see if-I cotJifJpull any strings and

<- .

he wouldn't even talk to me because they are mad at me right now because there has [jeen to many\

complaints sent in"!!

This is the type of stuff that goes on in Pittsburg Kansas and this is why Ido think that Panel A and Panel Bshould have been recused from this investigation under Rule 2.11(A) considering that both Lori Fleming,Robert Fleming, Kurtis Loy, and A.J. Wachter are all co-defendants in case numbel:.2015CV79P along with,;...

Panel A and Panel B and all are using the same attorney to defend the case'~:le all beencomplained on and investigated by your committee over the email that was s - e 11th districtcomputer.

It would seem to me that the only reason your committee did not disqualify yourseltisJ)(~cause Lori A.Bolton Fleming "ALREADY ADMITIED" she sent the email andthattherewillbe ..FO~LPROCEEDINGS" against her in docket number 1270 otherwise would just seem-to~nflict of interestand reasons to complain on your committee as well. .- -

Please contact me and let me know if there is an investigator assigned to this case. and if the investigatorneeds a "MORE CLEAR" copy of the email or if the one Isent in previously was good9qQugh and Lori A.Bolton Fleming "BEGGED FORGIVENESS" to the committee instead of just flat out ilLYI~G AND SAYINGSHE DID NOT SEND IT"! I


P.O. Box 101

Very truly yours

Kasey King

Page 20: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

September 1, 2015

Kansas Commission on Judicial Qualifications

301 SW 10m

Topeka Ks 66612


I recently signed a grand jury petition that was going around to impeach aIl111h-4~ct judges dueto conflicts of interest between them which was filed in case number 2015MR2P, During the petition driveto try to get the signatures a radio ad was ran on 100.7 ESPN My-town'Medicrwhich is owned by attorneyBill Wachter who is Chief Judge A,J, Wachter's brother. There seems to be an e-mail tIlat...yame fromJudge Lori Fleming's public computer that seems to be inappropriate conduct because she calls anyonethat signs the petition "Posse Comitatus' which is a demeaning nickname under~ Rules RelatingTo Judicial Conduct. Please investigate this matter.

I will be signing a class-action lawsuit now against Lori Fleming in her private capacity since she was notperforming her public ministerial duties or job descriptions by interfering in a radio ad an€l:.damagingthesummary judgment group by not getting the required 315 voters and only in aprivate business matter and constitutional grand jury petition.

Very truly yours

Patrick Dickerson 0IrCl ~1210 S, Broadwaf ~

Franklin, Ks 66735

Page 21: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

September 6,2015

Kansas Commission on Judicial Qualifications

301 SW 10th

Topeka Ks66612

Re: Case Number 2015CV38P and the Inappropriate email


J. was writing back to.your committee.inreqards to Docket number. 12Z3.wbich I (e~eive~~om-,youI officedated August 28,2015. Robert Fleming is1he judge in my case in case number-t5C~~ CommunityNational Bank VS. James A. Beckley etc, and I have filed an affidavit for motion lor change of judge whereJudge Kurtis Lay of the 11thdistrict should not have been assigned the case because of a conflict ofinterest under Rule K.SA 20-311d(b) and it should have been assigned to D~ Justice #4 LeeJohnson. I have.a telephone conference on September 8, 2015 where Judge Robert Fleming is the judgeand his daughter-in-law Lori A. Bolton Fleming just got docketed in case number t2tS.iJ1--tqe Matter of LoriA. Bolton Fleming and her father-in-law thinks it is not a conflict of interest underRuJe2. f/{A) for him tohear my case. He will retatiate against me which is not allowed under Rule 2.16(B) since he is definitelyinterested in this docketed complaint because I was at Crowell's Ash on August-2S;.Qat5 at 10:00 a.m.where Iheard Robert Fleming informed Bill Wachter and said that "hey we might have to go in front of thecommittee on that complaint on you and Lori, because I called -a friend of mine-on."Panel::Bip see if I couldpull any strings and he wouldn't even talk to me because they are mad at me right now because there hasbeen to many complaints sent in"!!

This is extremely unethical and Robert Fleming needs a "PRIVATE OR PUBLIC CEASE'~D DESIST'from case number 2015CV38P to avoid even more complaints. and more civil--lawsuit~gainst the 11thjudicial district and Lori Fleming needs to be "FIRED"!!·-·

. --

Sincerely,. A /J ~ ~h /J7~~1'~r

James Beckley Jr.

302 W. McKay

Frontenac, Ks 66763

Page 22: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming


To Whom It May Concern

In response to your letter dated August 28,2015 docket number 12681 am a little confused.

Isn't the email evidence enough to reprimand Judge Lori Fleming?

First and foremost the question we the people would like to know is whether Judge LoriFleming already admitted to sending the email or whether she denied sending the email?

Also, did attorney William (Bill) Wachter admit to receiving the email or not?

If she admitted she sent the email and/or other related emails then let's start formalproceedings against her as soon as possible.

If she claims she did not send this subject matter email then proof of additional emailscontradicting her position might be necessary.

For now, if you seriously want to investigate Judge Lori Fleming then all you have to do isconfiscate the court emailing depository or server, her computer(s) and/or the recipient(s)computer(s) and/or recipient(s) email server.

Has this commission not previously relied on forensic computer analysis to gather evidenceas seen in the Matter of Robertson, 120 P.3d 790, 795 (Kansas 2005)?

Why not do the same here?

One great starting point is to do a thorough investigation as to yet another email Judge LoriFleming sent in early 2014 knowingly, maliciously, intentionally and with bad faith intent toimprison, and basically retaliate against a pro se litigant who had sued her.

Inexperienced Judge Lori Fleming is the same judge who allegedly lied to a federalprospector Alan G. Metzger (or conspired with Metzger?????) in a Wichita Federal case thatshe and another female court staff were being stalked by James Donald Russian.

Where is the police indecent report on this (unless they can now manufacture one out ofthin air) and/or where is the video evidence of this since the court building has camerassurrounding the entire building? Of course, there is no such evidence of any stalking and nonewill ever be produced.

Lori Fleming is an out of control young and very inexperienced Judge!

Unethical Judge Lori Bolton Fleming's blatant lie is the only reason James Donald Russianwas denied bail and has been held in federal prison since February 2014 until his sentencehearing yesterday September 3rd, 2015.

Listen to the Feb 24, 2014 detention/bond hearing where it is alleged Judge Lori Flemingsent yet another email - this time with an alleged obvious stalking lie! You can jump to the21:42 minute mark onwards to hear for yourself how the blatant lie and misuse of office led toMr. James Russian eventually being denied bail:

u.s. VS. James Russian Feb 24, 2014 Hearing ( Wichita, Kansas]

Case Number 14-10018 U.S. Distinct Court


Page 23: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

or use this shortened URLfor the video/audio: https:!

The general public is very aware of judge Lori Fleming's numerous ethic violations as seenon and discussed on dinner tables and ball parks across the area. Weremind the commission that the most serious aggravating factor here is a severe erosion ofpublic confidence in the judiciary.

The summary Judgment group has already publicly censored Judge Lori Bolton Fleming. Wedon't need the commission for that.

The public has no confidence in a judiciary where judges call self represented litigantsterrorists!

Judge Lori Fleming's record breaking docketed complaints and several prior cautions or/andinformal advice from the commission itself reflects not mere lapses or errors in judgment but awholesale failure of inexperienced Judge Lori Fleming's duty, reflecting an indifference if notcynicism toward her judicial office and since the public has also expressed its choice to have asystem of discipline which can result in a judge's removal from office she needs to be fired!

There is also a question of whether or not this commission can be impartial given that wehave a pending injunctive lawsuit against the commission for what we believe is thecommission's own unethical actions, and disturbing conflict of interest with judges.

Since there is not even the appearance of a fake separation between the commission andstate employees given that you all use the same law firm (the attorney general's office) then itappears all the commission does therefore is to protect state employees, and not hold themaccountable.

Isn't the hidden agenda of the commission to give the illusion is that the commission isactively looking to reprimand unethical judges for their misdeeds while the truth is that youpromote and encourage unethical judicial misconduct by protecting them from validcomplaints.

It is now a proven fact that the commission has a grotesque history of telling complainantsthat their complaints "contained no facts evidencing judicial misconduct as defined in the Codeof Judicial Conduct and was dismissed" while at the very same time doing two thingsunbeknown to the complainant/litigant: (1) proudly putting the real disciplinary action thecommission took against the judge(s) in their annual report, (2) sending a completely different'disciplinary' letter cautioning, or reprimanding the Judge(s) and squarely telling the Judge(s)that it is for their eyes only.

The public has no confidence in a commission that has resulted to such low levels ofunethical behavior.


By: IslEric M. Muathe

Eric M. Muathe

Page 24: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

Commission on Judicial Qualifications

Kansas Judicial Center

301 5W 10th Avenue, Room 374

Topeka Kansas 66612-1507


I recently heard a grand jury petition that was going around to oust all 11th judicial district judges due toconflicts of interest between them. During the petition drive to try to get the signatures a radio ad was ranon 100.7 ESPN My Town Media which is owned by attorney Bill Wachter. I head the radio ad and didn'thave a pen with me to write down who to-contact to sign the petition. After just 2 days of running on the airJudge Lori Fleming took it upon herself to use her power inappropriately as a judge and to usurpJintrudeinto a private business contract between Summary Judgment Group and My Town Media. I was wanting tosign the "Grand Jury Petition" but never ran into anyone who was getting signatures for the petitionbecause the radio ad was only ran for 2 days instead of 30 like I was informed by The Summary JudgmentGroup which was the original contract that was breached by Lori Fleming and Bill Wachter.

I will be signing a class-action lawsuit now against Lori Fleming in her private capacity since she was notperforming her public ministerial duties or job descriptions by interfering in a radio ad and damaging myselfthe opportunity to sign a grand jury petition and she also damaged the summary judgment group and theydid not get the required voters due to her interference in a private business matter and constitutional grandjury petition.

Page 25: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

Commission on Judicial Qualifications

Kansas Judicial Center

301 S'\iJ 10th Avenue, Room 374

Topeka Kansas 66612-1S07



I recently heard a grand jury petition that was going around to oust all 11th judicial district judges due toconflicts of interest between them. During the petition drive to try to get the signatures a radio ad was ranon 100.7 ESPN My Town Media which is owned by attorney Bill Wachter. I head the radio ad and didn'thave a pen with me to write down who to contact to sign the petition. After just 2 days of runoing on the airJudge Lori Fleming took it upon herself to use her power inappropriately as a judge and to usurplintrudeinto a private business contract between Summary Judgment Group and My Town Media. I was wanting tosign the "Grand Jury Petition" but never ran into anyone who was getting signatures for the petitionbecause the radio ad was only ran for 2 days instead of 30 like I was informed by The Summary JudgmentGroup which was the original contract that was breached by Lori Fleming and Bill Wachter.

I will be signing a class-action lawsuit now against Lori Fleming in her private capacity since she was notperforming her public ministerial duties or job descriptions by interfering in a radio ad and damaging myselfthe opportunity to sign a grand jury petition and she also damaged the summary jUdgment group and theydid not get the required voters due to her interference in a private business matter and constitutional grandjury petition.

Page 26: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

Commission on Judicial Qualifications

Kansas Judicial Center

301 WJ 10th Avenue. Room 374

Topeka Kansas 66612-1507


I recently heard a grand jury petition that was going around to oust all 1111'1 judicial district judges due toconflicts of interest between them. During the petition drive to try to get the signatures a radio ad was ranon 100.7 ESPN My Town Media which is owned by attorney Bill Wachter. I head the radio ad and didn'thave a pen with me to write down who to contact to sign the petition. After just 2 days of running on the airJudge Lori Fleming took it upon herself to use her power inappropriately as a judge and to usurp/intrudeinto a private business contract between Summary Judgment Group and My Town Media. I was wanting tosign the "Grand Jury Petition" but never ran into anyone who was getting signatures for the petitionbecause the radio ad was only ran for 2 days instead of 30 like I was informed by The Summary JudgmentGroup which was the original contract that was breached by Lori Fleming and Bill Wachter.

I will be signing a class-action lawsuit now against Lori Fleming in her private capacity since she was notperforming her public ministerial duties or job descriptions by interfering in a radio ad and damaging myselfthe opportunity to sign a grand jury petition and she also damaged the summary judgment group and theydid not get the required voters due to her interference in a private business matter and constitutional grandjury petition.

Very truly yours,

D vLOrl .{ft)i;b5

?cJ>5 ea.-~-77) hPittsburg, Kansas, 66762

Page 27: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

Commission on Judicial Qualifications

Kansas Judicial Center

301 SW 10th Avenue. Room 374

Topeka Kansas 66612-1507


I recently heard a grand jury petition that was going around to oust all 11th judicial district judges due toconflicts of interest between them. During the petition drive to try to get the signatures a radio ad was ranon 100.7 ESPN My Town Media which is owned by attorney Bill Wachter. 1 head the radio ad and didn'thave a pen with me to write down who to contact to sign the petition. After just 2 days of runoing on the airJudge Lori Fleming took it upon herself to use her power inappropriately as a judge and to usurpJintrudeinto a private business contract between Summary Judgment Group and My Town Media. I was wanting tosign the "Grand Jury Petition" but never ran into anyone who was getting signatures for the petitionbecause the radio ad was only ran for 2 days instead of 30 like I was informed by The Summary JudgmentGroup which was the original contract that was breached by Lori Fleming and Bill Wachter.

Iwill be signing a class-action lawsuit now against Lori Fleming in her private capacity since she was notperforming her public ministerial duties or job descriptions by interfering in a radio ad and damaging myselfthe opportunity to sign a grand jury petition and she also damaged the summary judgment group and theydid not get the required voters due to her interference in a private business matter and constitutional grandjury petition.

Very truly yours,

~,,\~ ~',\s:J1


Page 28: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

July 24, 2015

Kansas Commission on Judicial Qualifications

301 SW 10th

Topeka Ks 66612

RE: THIS IS A JOINT COMPLAINT BETWEEN Andrew Moore. Travis Moore and Jenn~r Moore as weare tired of seeing our brother Matt suffer damages when he should have been released-off corrections incase number2011 CR279G.


Our brother Matt Moore should have been off corrections after he already served his jailtime but he is still on because of a "conflict of interest" and lack of due process becauseA.J. Wachter signed not one (l) but two (2) "ORDERS" against our brother Matt Mooreto retaliate against him under Rule 2.16 of Code of Judicial Conduct because my fatherLester Moore made a docketed ethic complaint against him.

My father made a complaint and it was docketed in docket number 1179 In The Matterof A.J. Wachter and it was actually used as an "ADVISORY EXAMPLE" in 2.Ql1 and JudgeWachter received an informal letter of advice in the divorce case between my parentsLester and Jenitta Moore. Judge Wachter did tell both my parents -theyilad to get anattorney even though he lied and stated he never said that. Please reprimand JudgeWachter under Rule 2.16 Retaliation from the complaint my father sent on JudgeWachter and he has made our brother Matt suffer because of my father's complaint.Judge Wachter signed "ORDERS" on October 18.2013 from the date of revpcettonhearing on October 8.2013 and on February 5.2015 from the hearing on February 4.2015. Our brother was supposed to be off probation already and then Judge Wachtersigned an order and he should not have subject-matter jurisdiction because of my father'sdocketed complaint against him.

We recently signed a grand jury petition that was going around to impeach all 11th judicial district judgesdue to conflicts of interest between them which was filed in case number 2015MR2P. During the petitiondrive to try to get the signatures a radio ad was ran on 100.7ESPN My Town Media which is owned byattorney Bill Wachter who is Chief Judge AJ. Wachter's brother. There seems to be an e-mail that came

Page 29: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

from Judge Lori F!eming's public computer that seems to be inappropriate conduct. Please. investigate thismatter.

We will be signing a class-action lawsuit now against Lori Fleming in her private capacity since she was notperforming her public ministerial duties or job descriptions by interfering in a radio ad and damaging thesummary judgment group by not getting the required 315 voters and only 121 due to her; interference in aprivate business matter and constitutional grand jury petition.

Very truly yours

Andrew Moore 1012 West 3m, Pittsburg Ks 66762

Travis Moore 203 E. Oak, Mulberry Ks 66~ 6Jennifer Moore

Page 30: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

Telephone 785-296-2913


CHAIR:Jeffery A. MasonLawyer Member

VICE-CHAIR:Dr. Mary Davidson CohenLay Member

Bruce BuchananLay Member

Robert J. FlemingJudge Member

David J. KingJudge Member

Nicholas St. PeterJudge Member

Diane S. WorthLawyer Member

SECRETARY:Carol G. GreenKansas Judicial Center301 S.W. Tenth AvenueTopeka, KS 66612-1507

g,tate £If 1kan~a~(

QCommiggion on j/ubictal ~uaHfication~Kansas Judicial Center301 S.W. Tenth AvenueTopeka, Kansas [email protected]

Facsimile 785-296-1028

March 11,2013

Lester MooreP. O. Box 1861Pittsburg, Kansas 66762

Re: Docket No. 1179, In the Matter of A. 1. Wachter

Dear Mr. Moore:

The Commission met March 1, 2013, at which time the above-captionedcomplaint was considered. It was the decision of the Commission to docket yourcomplaint and make further inquiry. The matter will be placed on the Commission'sMay 3, 2013, meeting agenda.




Judge Fleming recused.

Page 31: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming


No violation was found when it was alleged a judge advised parties in a divorce matterthey were required to have attorneys at the next hearing. While the judge denied the allegation,the judge could not provide a corroborating transcript because a heariagwas aot made. Thejudge was informally advised on the importance of preserving a record of all court proceedings.

No violation was found for delay when it was alleged a judge failed to r~e on a motiontaken under advisement. The judge indicated there was not a mechanism inplace to helpmonitor case loads, acknowledged the delay, and took remedial steps-toeeselve future issues.The judge was informally advised on the importance of monitoring matters taken underadvisement.

A Notice of Formal Proceedings was filed alleging a judicial candidate, violated Rule4.l(A)(4) by posting false or misleading campaign statements and/or endorsements on thecandidate's campaign website. The candidate denied knowingly or recklessly::making any falseor misleading statements but, in an abundance of caution, removed the misleading informationand clarified the endorsement. A stipulation was entered that there was insufficient, clear, andconvincing evidence to establish a violation of Rule 4.1(A)(4), but the Respondent was advisedto be more careful in restating endorsements, should the decision be made to. run again forelected office.

No violation was found when it was alleged a judge appe-ared late for a hearing, called arecess, never returned, and instructed a deputy to clear the courtroom as a ruling would bemailed. The judge was informally advised to review hearing procedures. The judge's attentionwas directed to K.S.A. 38-2243(b) and (d), K.S.A. 38-2232, and 38-2233 authorizing placementof children in DCF Custody. '

No violation was found when it was alleged a judge made a female litigant feelhumiliated and traumatized by ordering the removal of her hat which was worn to cover baldnessdue to a medical condition. While the judge acknowledged ordering the removal of the hat, incompliance with courtroom rules, the judge denied that the comments were: intended tohumiliate. The judge was informally advised to refrain from commenting pn personalappearance in accordance with Ruie 2.8(B) and Comment [1]. i

•.•----------2013AN"NuALREpORT. PAGE22:-------- .....••

Page 32: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

Office Of The Attomey General

Memorial Hall

120 SW 10th AVE., 2nd Floor

Topeka, Ks 66612


I recently heard a grand jury petition that was gojng~around to oust all 11th judicial districl:~dges due toconflicts of interest between them. During the petition drive to try to get the signatures a ra~io ad was ranon 100.7 ESPN My Town Media which is owned by attorney Bill Wachter. J head the radio ad and didn'thave a pen with me to write down who to contact to sign the petiion. After just 2 days of running on the airJudge Lori Fleming took it upon herself to use her power inappropriately as a judge and to usurplintrudeinto a private business contract between Summary Judgment Group and My Town Media. ~was wanting tosign the "Grand Jury Petition" but never ran into anyone who was getting signatures for the petitionbecause the radio ad was only ran for 2 days instead of 30 like I was informed by The Summary JudgmentGroup which was the original contract that was breached by Lori Fleming and Bill Wachter.

I will be signing a class-action lawsuit now against Lori Fleming in her private capacity si~ she was notperforming her public ministerial duties or job descriptions by interfering in a radio ad and d~maging myselfthe opportunity to sign a grand jury petition and she also damaged the summary judgment group and theydid not get the required voters due to her interference in a private business matter and constitutional grandjury petition.

Very truly-yours,

C~." nsas Com~ssi.on on J••r i.a-:1QUalification. s and State Insurance. commissione~~ . _....l.J ... ,jtr W1.~ Jol ~£~#1C4 ~I'"""i>yf .•R()(IJ Uj~JS(Jf1

30 ~ 5~tq5cJiq~ilk\;f\ /(5 foCo 7 '3 <5

Page 33: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

Office Of The Attorney General

Memorial Hall

120 SW 10111AVE., 2nd Floor

Topeka, Ks 66612


1205, K.S.A. 60-1206(a){b). K.S.A. 60-1207 and for violations of RULES R1:LATING TOJUDICIAL CONDUCT CODE OF JUDICIAL CONDUCT Rule 601A.

Irecently heard a grand jury petition ttl~tw~sgoing around to oust ~1l111l1j~dicial district·Nd9~S due toconflicts of interest between them. During the petition drive to try to get the signatures a ,agio ad was ranon 100.7 ESPN My Town Media which is owned by attorney am Wachter. J head the radio ad and didn'thave a pen with me to write down who to contact to sign the petiion. After just 2 days of running on the airJudge Lori Fleming took it upon herself to use her power inappropriately as a judge and to usurp/intrudeinto a private business contract between Summary Judgment Group and My Town Media. l was wanting tosign the "Grand Jury Petition" but never ran into anyone who was getting signatures for the ,petitionbecause the radio ad was only ran for 2 days instead of 30 like I was informed by The Summary JudgmentGroup which was the original contract that was breached by Lori Fleming and Bill Wachter.

Iwill be signing a class-action lawsuit now against Lori Fleming in her private capacity sin~ she was notperforming her public ministerial duties or job descriptions by interfering in a radio ad and ~maging myselfthe opportunity to sign a grand jury petition and she also damaged the summary judgment group and theydid not get the required voters due to her interference in a private business matter and constitutional grandjury petition.

Very truly-yours,

Page 34: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

Kansas Commission on Judicial Qualifications

301 SW 10th

Topeka Ks 66612


I recently signed a grand jury petition that was going around to impeach all 11th judiciah:tistrict judges dueto conflicts of interest between them which was filed in case number 2015MR2P. During the petition driveto try to get the signatures a radio ad was ran on 100.7 ESPN My Town Media which is owned by attorneyBill Wachter who is Chief Judge A.J. Wachter's brother. There seems to be an e-mail that came fromJudge lon-Fleming's public computer lffat seems to be lnapproprtate cotiduct, Please i~estigate thiSmatter.

Iwill be signing a class-action lawsuit now against Lori Fleming in her private capacity since she was notperformIng her public ministerial duties or job descriptions by interfering in a radio ad and damaging thesummary judgment group by not getting the required 315 voters and only 121 due to her interference in aprivate business matter and constitutional grand jury petition.

very truly yours

Drew Christianson

806 W. 3rd

Pittsburg Ks 66762

Page 35: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

Commission on Judidal Qualifications

Kansas Judidal Center

301 SW 10th Avenue, Room 374

Topeka Kansas 66612-1507


I recently heard a grand jury petition that was going around to oust all 11th judicial district judges due toconflicts of interest between them. During the petition drive to try to get the signatures a radio ad was ranon 100.7 ESPN My Town Media which is owned by attorney Bill Wachter. I head the radio ad and didn'thave a pen with me to write down who to contact to sign the petition. After just 2 days of running on the airJudge Lori Fleming took it upon herself to use her power inappropriately as a judge and to usurplintrudeinto a private business contract between Summary Judgment Group and My Town Media. Iwas wanting tosign the "Grand Jury Petition" but never ran into anyone who was getting signatures for the petitionbecause the radio ad was only ran for 2 days instead of 30 like I was infonned by The Summary JudgmentGroup which was the original contract that was breached by Lori Reming and Bill Wachter.

Iwill be signing a class-action lawsuit now against Lori Fleming in her private capacity since she was notperforming her public ministerial duties or job descriptions by interfering in a radio ad and damaging myselfthe opportunity to sign a grand jury petition and she also damaged the summary jUdgment group and theydid not get the required voters due to her interference in a private business matter and constitutional grandjury petition.

Very truly yours,

_<tJ~~Mr. Dale Rice401 Walnut,

Opolis, Kansas, 66760

Page 36: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

Office Of The Attorney Genera!

Memorial Hall, 120, SW 10th AVE., 2nd Floor

Topeka Ks 66612


I recently signed a grand jury petition that was going around to oust all 11th judicial district judges due toconflicts of interest between them which was filed in case number 2015MR2P. During the-petition drive totry to get the signatures a radio ad was-ran on 100;-7ESRN My Town Media whiGJ'.}isOWI1e9 by- attorney- BillW~c:ht~r. Aft~rjy~t2 d~y~of running on the 'air Judge Lori Fleming took it upon herself to use her powerinappropriately as a judge and to usurplintrude into a private business contract between SummaryJudgment Group and My Town Media. She wrote a private emaH on her regular job time as a publicservant judge and she then had the nerve to profile the Summary Judgment Group and Iqake slanderous,demeaning nicknames by calling anyone who signed it including "myself' "possee~ut" because ofmy political views to simply sign a constitutional grand jury petition.

What Lori Fleming called anyone that signed the grand jury petition is really "posse comitatus". The factthat Lori Fleming made typos in her slanderous insulting remarks or the fact that she can't ~imply spell theword "posse comitatus" doesn't change the fact she insulted anyone who signed fhe petition and labeled usin a political box now! Who is Kurt in the email? Is it Judge Kurt Lay was he in on this too?? Ithink sincethe copy of the message sent to 100.7 ESPN was from the email address of <Ifleming> is froma public judicial courthouse email address that the computer this was sent from needs to be taken duringthe investigation and see how many other messages and emaits were sent ex parte and ~out privatematters as well. I have included a copy of the picture going around the 11th judicial district ~hich shows LoriFleming contacting 100.7 ESPN at 1:43 P.M. on February 19, 2015. Is this why the stats has to havefurloughs is because o~J!.uplic servants are conducting private business on taxpayers time. Iwill besigning a class-action lawsuit now against Lori Fleminglnher-private capacity since she was notperforming her public ministerial duties or job descriptions by interfering in a radio ad anq damaging thesummary judgment group and not getting the required voters due to her interference in aprivate businessmatter and constitutional grand jury petition.

Very truly yours,M'I f(e.. 8I,)YC)~r

f.J: [); Box;J ~ L.-j

(J; -HSb or j k~ f.o to71.0 'J...CC Kansas Commission On Judicial Qualifications and State Insurance Commissioner

Page 37: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming


July 20, 2015

Kansas Commission on Judicial Qualifications

301 S.W. Tenth Avenue

Topeka Ks 66612

TIllS COMPLAINT IS AGAINST 11m DiSTRICT JUDGES LORI BOLTON FLEMING,KURTIS LOY, AND A.J. WACHTER FOR USURPATION OF OFFICE UNDER K.S.A. 60-1201, K.S.A. 60-1202(1)(2)(4)(5), KS.A. 60-1205, K.S.A. 6O-1206(a)(b), K.S.A, 60-1207 andfor violations of RULES RELATING TO JUDICIAL CONDUCT COD.EOF JUQICIALCONDUCT Rule 601A which are the following: Rule 1.1, Rule 1.2, Rule 1.3, Rule 2.1, Rule2.2, Rule 2.3, Rule 2.4, Rule 2.6, Rule 2.9, Rule 2.10, Ru1e 2.12, Ru1e 2.13, Rule 2.15, Rule2.16, Rule 3.1, Rule 3.5, Rule 3.6, Rule 4.1, Rule 4.2 for improperly influencing, a BARattorney who was the 11thjudicial chief judge's brother to end his private «onqmic radiocontract and ruin a Grand Jury Petition, and Rule 5.4 of The Uniform Bonding Code (UBC).

I recently signed a "GRAND JURY PETITION" that was filed in Crawford County under casenumber 2015MR2P on May 19, 2015 to impeach all 11thdistrict court judges fot conflicts ofinterest. During the ninety (90) days we had to get the required register :voter~ignatures toempanel a "GRAND JURY' so we attempted to run an ad on a radio station to help advertiseour "GRAND JURY PETITION". We had a paid contract with "MY TOWN MEDIA WHICHIS OWNED BY ATTORNEY BILL WACHTER" which was paid $300 to run the ad for (30)days on "Mike and Mike" in the morning starting on February 18th,26t5.at1::j5 a.m. wheneveryone is on their way to work so they could hear the advertisement. The advertisementran for only two (2) days before Lori Bolton Fleming violated our constitutional right tounlimited contracting under Article 1 Section 10 of The United States Constitution and"USURPED" her judicial office and "INTRUDED" into a "GRAND JURY PET~TION" and a"ECONOMIC CONTRAClUAL RADIO AGREEMENT" by sending an e-mail to attorneyBill Wachter at 1:43 P.M. on 02119/2015 (WHICH IS PRIVATE BUSINESSNOT AJUDICIAL FUNCTION NOR A MINISTERIAL ACT ON OUR TAXPAYERS TIME) andhaving an ex-parte conversation which violates Rule 2.9 Ex Parte Communication, Rule 1.3avoiding inappropriate use of the prestige of judicial office, Rule 2.1 tothe Duties of Judicial Office, Rule 2.2 Impartiality and Fairness, Rule 2.3 Bias, Prejudice, andHarassment, and Rule 2.4 External Influences on Judicial Conduct and "INSTRUCTED HIM

Page 38: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming


called me right after that and instructed me that their FCC attorney Jmd:Said!t was a FCCviolation for them to run the ad and it bad to be taken off the air and would not be ran


The exact emait message was sent at 02119/2015 at 1:43 P•••• to 100.7ESPN from Lori Fleming <[email protected]> an4it~,~ this yourstation? Kurt is saying Eric Muathe and posse cometaut have an ad onthis station to oust all the judges. I would just like. know since my kidsw which is signed LF for the inititials LF and unde".,ath itsays Hon. Lori A. Bolton Fleming, Crawford County~Distdct~urt, 602N. Locust, Pittsburg, Ks 66762,620.231-3570, Ifleming andit has been included with this complaint for evidence.

Lori Fleming definitely violated Rule 1.3 Avoiding Inappropriate use of the P~ge ofJudicial Office because COMMENT[l J says "It is improper for a judge re.ase-orattempt to usehis or her position to gain personal advantage or deferential treatment of any kind. Forexample, it would be improper for a judge to allude to his or her judicial status to gainfavorable treatment in encounters with traffic officials. Similarly, a judge ~ not usejudicial letterhead in conducting his or her personal -business. COMMENTi21SfYS «Ajudgemay provide a reference or recommendation for an individual based upon the judge's

personalknowledge. However, the use-ofjudicialletterhead for anything other than officialcourt business should be exercised with the utmost caution. A judge should only use judicialletterhead when its use could not reasonably be perceived as an attempt ro ~propriatelyuse the prestige of judicial office to influence others," She also violated'Rlde2. iGivingPrecedence to the Duties of Judicial Office as it says "The duties of judicial office, as

prescribed by law. shall take precedence over all of a judge's personal and extrajudicialactivities." COMMENT[l] says "To ensure that judges are available to fulfill ~ judicialduties, judges must conduct their personal and extrajudicial activities to~e the risk ofconflicts that would result in frequent disqualification." COMMENT[2] says "Although it isnot a duty of judicial office unless prescribed by law, judges are encouraged to participate inactivities that promote public understanding of and confidence in the justice ~~tem.)I I don'tthink calling people names like "posse comitatus" on her public job duty time.~ 1:43 P.M.promotes any confidence in the justice system. She allowed external1nfluences to influence

her judicial conduct which violated Rule 2.4 External Influences on JudicialConduct(A)(B)(C). She also violated Rule 2.3 by making a "demeaning nickname" and

Page 39: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

negative stereotyping anyone that signed the "GRAND JURY PE1TI10N" as "'BpSSECOMITATUS"!Hl By making a demeaning nickname like "POSSECOMffATI.J't)" shows thatLori Fleming violated R1,1le 3.6 Affiliation with Discriminatory Organizations as she isdiscriminating against the peoples "CONSTITIITIONAL RIGHT TO SIGN A PETITION'!!!It also shows Judge Kurt Loy also knew about this and chose to conspire to umqp andinterfere into a private business contract to ruin a grand jury wdl-as\ Lori Fleming.It shows that Kurt LoylLori Fleming both violated Rule 2.5 Competence, Diligence, andCooperation (A) since they are not performing their judicial and administrative duties,competently and diligently because they are worried about a radio ad at 1:43 P.M. onFebruary 19, 2015 when they are both supposed to be focusing on rheirjudiciakand


ministerial duties. Chief Judge A.J. Wachter has now violated Rule 2.12 Supervisory Duties(A) which says "A judge shall require court staff, court officials, and others subject to thejudge's direction and control to act in a manner consistent with the judge's obligations underthis code."

Since the "GRAND JURY PETITON" was for the purpose to impeach meH-th-district judgesI feel she violated Rule 4.1 since she is making speeches in her email to attorney sutWachter about the possibility of losing her political job and she should not be calling people"POSSE COMITATUS" 'WHICH IS A RACIAL NAZI SLUR" which the co~ of CrawfordCounty has been known to do in the past according to attorney Mark Fer:n:mJ:he publiccourt case number 14CV14P where attorney Mark Fern who filed a "MOTION TO STRIKETHIRD-PARTY PETITION AGAINST DEFENDANTS FERN & ANGERMA YER LLCANDSTEPHEN B. ANGERMAYER AND FOR SANCTIONS" and he says on state~t 5 p~ge 2comparing the Pro Se client to something called "Kansas Militia Members" .aad Ion statement14 of page 6 says that the Pro Se clients tactics are what "THIS COURT' meaning"CRAWFORD COUNTY" that this court commonly associates with the "KANSASMILITIA"!!!! The statement of people representing themselves being "MIliTIA" by the 11thjudicial district court is just one of the bias and prejudices and due process vio~tions that ledto the "GRAND JURY PETITION" to impeach all 11thdistrict court judges. -Maybe attorneyMark Fern had spoken with Lori Fleming since she was one of 3 district judge members of"the court" in the 11thjudicial district in Crawford County in 2014.when that statement wasmade public when it was filed. Lori Fleming's "Posse Comitatus" statement>_~2/19/2015against everyone who signed the grand jury petition shows an extrem~'pattem:,pf bias,,prejudice, and slanderous demeaning nicknames of "KANSAS MILITIA" and "POSSECOMMATATUS" for anyone who wants to represent themselves in court and possibly wantsto save themselves a lot of money from paying an attorney anywhere from $200 to $400 an

Page 40: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

hour for nothing more than calling their old law buddy and working out~"conflict ofinterest dear which should be a violation of Rule 2.11(A).

The definition of Posse Comitatus says is also the named taken by a right wing) anti-tax

extremist group founded in 1969 by Henry L. Beach a retired dry cleaner and one timemember of the silver shirt, nazi inspired organization that was established int1te UnitedStates after Adolph Hitler came to power in Germany. The group-openm:d'Oll.fhe belief thatthe true intent of the rounders of The United States was to establish a Christian Republic

where the individual was sovereign.

Lori Fleming also failed to report Bill Wachter for lawyer misconduct for his-~parteconversation with her on her email to him which is a violation ofRuie,.1.-tS;~ponding toJudicial and Lawyer Misconduct. The business contract between Summary Judgment Groupand My Town Media 100.7 ESPN was non public information that Judge Lori Fleming waswriting about with a private attorney who she previously was employed with Which violatesRule 3.5 Use of Nonpublic Information. The fact that both Kurtis Loy=.and-Lori:Flemingalready knew that a "GRAND JURY PETITION' was in progress by c/o EiiCMuathe andNoah Day The Summary Judgment Group since Eric Muathe had previously sent incomplaints and showed them copies of signatures while the petition was in p;togress. Thefact that Lori Fleming even stated anything about a "radio ad to oust judges" l1,olated Rule


2.10 Judicial Statements on Pending and Impending Cases. Statement-{A)-urider Rule 2.10says "A judge shall not make any public statement that might reasonably be expected toaffect the outcome or impair the fairness of a matter pending or impending in any court, ormake any nonpublic statement that might substantially interfere with a fair ~ or hearing.Statement (B) under Rule 2.10 says "A judge shall nor. in COnl1ection:with-C~t

controversies, or issues that are likely to come before the court, make pledges, promises, orcommitments that are inconsistent with the impartial performance of the adjudicative dutiesof judicial office.

I also think it is "EXTREMELY VNETIIlCAL" for Lori Bolton Fleming~ct Judge toactually write a letter to attorney Bill Wachter who is a private member of CrestwoodCountry Club with her, a Private member of the Catholic Church with her, he is the ex-rtlana~g partner ~f a law firm tha~ she was previously employ:d at and her ~band andfather-m-law previously owned at 'WILBERT AND TOWNER . 'fo make m~ers worse theattorney Bill Wachter's brother is A.J. Wachter who is the chief 11th judicial district judgeand the one that Lori Fleming refers to on a "FIRST NAME BASIS" when she wrote "Dear

Page 41: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

A.J." instead of Dear "Honorable A.J. Wachter" in a letter where she r~ from casel

number 15CV04G Travis Carlton vs. Kansas Department of Revenue. \

These were the exact reasons there was a grand jury petition filed on May 19,2015 to oustthe 11thdistrict judges under K.S.A. 60-1205 and K.S.A. 60-1206. The 11thdistrict courtjudges all know each other personally and have economic ties together such a&}<>riBoltonFleming used to work with A.T.Wachter and his brother Bill Wachterer ~rt andTowner and Judge Kurt Loy rents his building to her father-in-law- Mark Bolton's CPA firm.

I can't believe a judge actually took it upon herself to write an email to a local attorneybecause Bill Wachter is the president of "100.7 ESPN MY TOWN MEDIA ~ interfere inhis economic $300 radio contract with "Summary Judgment Group"JlOt~meaningnickname and demeaning stereotyping of being called and categorized as "POSSECOMMA rus" which clearly violates Rule 2.4 External Influences on Judicial Conduct(A)which says "A judge shall not be swayed by public clamor or fear of criticism," Rule 2.4(B}


says "A judge shall not permit family, social, political, financial, or othedme1'Fts orrelationships to influence the judge's judicial conduct or judgment. "RUle 2.4(C) says "Ajudge shall not conveyor permit others to convey the impression that any person ororganization is in a position to influence the judge.

Please have the "Disciplinary Administrator Oversight Committee~ matterdue to the conflicts of interest with the Kansas Commission on Judicial Oualifications PanelA and Panel B have with Robert Fleming because he was the former chair on the KansasCommission on Judicial Qpalifications and former member of Panel B and I n~d an unbiasedcommittee to investigate the blatant "USURPATION OF OFFICE" by La!i~n Flemingwho is his daughter-in-law!! Attorney Bill Wachter also needs investigated for violations ofKRPC Rule 1.7 Conflict of Interest, KRPC Rule 1.8 Conflict of Interest Prohibited, KRPC8.3(b) Reporting Professional Misconduct by failing to report Lori Fleming for 'Furpation ofpower, and KRPC Rule 8.4(a)(b)(c)(d)(f)(g). He also lied to 'Joe Mans" of "My ]'own Media"who called me personally "Kasey King" since I was the one who personally handed "JoeMans" the $300 for the contract at ''My Town Media" and informed Joe Mans to lie to meand tell me "their FCC lawyer said the ad was a violation and it needed to be-taken off the airimmediately"! This message is recorded and is waiting to be used for "evidenci" in a possiblefuture civil lawsuit against "My Town Media" for damages from brearih-.of~ct, anddeprivation of rights under Title 42 USC 1983. Their was no FCC lawyer the lawyers were"Judge Lori Fleming", "Judge Kurt Loy", and "Attorney Bill Wachter" who usurped and help"BREACH THE CONTRACT" between "My Town Media" and "Summary Judgment Group".

Page 42: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

This complaint will be forwarded to the "OFFICE OF DISCIPLINARY ADM~STRATOR)J,"ATIORNEY GENERAL", AND "KANSASINSURANCE COMMISSIDNElt~fqr a complainton Attorney Bill Wachter, Judge Kurt Loy, Judge A..J. Wachter, and Judge Lori Fleming'sBOND under K.S.A. 60-1205 and K.S.A. 60-1206 for conspiring and collaborating to

intentionally usurp/ intrude and interfere into a "constitutional grand jury ~tion;' and an"economic contract" which should make them "UNBONDABLE" under 5.~The UniformBonding Code - (UBC) which says "A judge shall lose his bonding, shall not be bonded, andshall be deemed unbondable if he fails to protect the U.S, national constitutionallyguaranteed remedies of due process and the equal protection of the laws of the citizenappearing in his court of law, or any citizen appearing in any court of the counv in which heworks whose case may come to his attention". I think intruding andinterrering into a"GRAND JURY PETITION" and "ECONOMIC RADIO ADVERTISEMENT' clearly violatesdue process, clearly shows Lori Fleming engaged in willfull misconduct while on a judicialcounty computer, and clearly violates any moral turpitude of a penal statute.

In re Robertson, 280 Kan. 226, 120 P.3d (2005). A district court judge -adm.itteil'violation ofthe judicial districts administrative order regarding computer and internet usage when, overan extended period of time, he used the county owned computer located in his office at thecourthouse to access and display sexually explicit images, messages, and matenrs. TheSupreme Court found violations of Canonl, Canon 2, and Canon 4{A}(.2) .. 1lli.e ~ourt orderedremoval from office.

Lori Fleming has also violated examples of Ethic Advisory Opinions for all of her abovementioned actions and they are the following:

In 2005 JE-128 Ajudge may not write a letter to a nominating committee ~f'·djflg<the'qualifications ofa candidate since a judge shall not publicly endorse or publicly oppose a candidate for public office.Canon SA(l). How does LoriFleming not violate this with her e-mail to BillWachter talking about LoriFleming, Kurt Loy,and A.J.Wachter's position in public office which a radio ad is advert/sing to impeach.LoriFleming also has violated Examples of conduct To Be Improper from =:a~:~ Report ofCommission on Judicial Qualifications example number 1 which says f1A j._. ... mily, social,political or other relationships to influence the judge's judicial conduct or judgment and failed torespect and comply with the taw. The juctge entered into a stipulation to ~ign, not accept a positionor serve as a judge at any future time, and submit a letter of apology to the ·residents..of the judicialdistrict. She also violated example 2 which says "Ajudge's letter to the cou.ntv attorn.eey'·s office couldhave construed as an attempt to dictate how that office should operatell.~~"'s cautionedabout future correspondence. This is exactly what she did in James Russians Federal Case of 14~10018-~FM United States vs. James Russian by sending an email to the prosecuting attorney in that case tokeep Mr. Russian from getting ((BOND"and she also dictat~d how ((MyTo\Al~Media" should be allowed

Page 43: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

to contract. She also violated example 7 which says "A judge was informally advised th~ it isinappropriate to engage in ex-parte communications and further inappropriate to~ court mattersin a home rather than in a courtroom. Ajudge should not be involved in the execution of orders in that

fashion and Lori Fleming should not have been executing orders at 01:43 P.M. on 2/19/2015 to endSummary Judgment Groups contract with My Town Media. She also violated example number 9 on the2003 Annual Report for Examples of Conduct Found To Be Improper which says "Ajudg6\was cautioned

to follow Canon 2C, which sets forth speech, gestures or other conduct that ootdd*~eived by areasonable person as harassment. A judge is to be cautious in making comments;avOltfirig any conductwhich may be perceived as unwelcome. I think calling us "Posse Commitatus" and ruining our radiocontract Ad with My Town Media is a violation of Canon 2C also especially since Honorable Lori Fleming

is cu~rentlY ~earing attorn~y William wachte~s cases of uWilbe~, Tow.ner, Lassman: w~~~er,andFleming" which her father-In-law Robert Fleming owned and L-onFleming workedwfib'1'''ham Wachter

who is the brother of Chief Judge AJ. Wachter at "Wilbert and Towner". .

Lori Fleming has also shown a behavior of conduct that past Annual yearly reports from the Kansas

Commission on Judicial Qualifications have shown as examples which are:

On the 2012 annual report examples for conduct that is improper it statestbataJudge~asfound tohave violated Rule 1.2 by making an inappropriate joke while appearing on a radio program. The judgewas cautioned about future word choices and the importance of public perception. If public perceptionis important how inappropriate is it to have-an email floating around with slanderous names like "possecomitatus" being said about the public people just because they wanted to sign a ~ition "LORIFLEMING EXAMPLE". -,)

Another "LORI FLEMING EXAMPLE"under "IMPROPER" for 2013 says "Ajud~e was found to have

violated Rule 4.1(A}(4) anctComment {7} by running an untrue radio advertisement referencing thejudge's opponent. The judge was cautioned to be scrupulously fair and accurate in future campaignstatements". "SAME AS LORIINTERFERINGIN OUR RADIO AD AND CALLINGUS POSSEC?MITATUSINSTEADOF SUMMARY JUDGMENT GROUPWHICH HERSTATEMENTWAS-WlfRl::J€J\N8-lTO THEOWNEROF A RADIO STATION.

P.5. this is also a "KORA" request for the judicial computer to see the rest of the emaft..,c;f what LoriFleming sent to Bill Wachter the President of "My Town Media" accordingtotheir-~ ofIncorporation. In case any of you have trouble reading the e-mail a more leglbte-e'-mall will be on thecomputer of Lori Fleming and attorney Bill Wachter and that is why there is a need for a {'KORA" requestfor the public computer it was sent from at the 11th judicial district. I was-previously involved incomplaint number DA 11, 812 "In The Matter of Eric Bruce" with The Office Of Disci~ary

Administrator and attorney "Mr. Jack Scott McInteer" ef"DEPEW GILLENM~UN &McINTEER, L.L.C." 8301 E. 21st Street North Suite 450 Wichita, Kansas-612U6 investigatedthe matter and "TOOK THE COMPUTER FROM ATIORNEY ERIC BRUCE TO INVESTIGATETHE COMPLAINT"!

Page 44: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

Kasey King, Julie Stover, and Michael King all got Judge Robert Fleming's forme~}aw partner,AJ. Wachter, reprimanded with a "LETTEROF CAUTION" in docket numberii1" 1115, and1116 for his inappropriate use of the term "peanut gallerv" made on June 7, 2011 and AJ.Wachter and Lori Fleming retaliated under Rule 2.16 against all 3 of us since we all signed theGrand Jury Petition by usurping the radio ad on his brother's radio station. Judge Wachtershould have been sent an "informed consent policy" for ongoing cases which the judge did notrecuse like the case of In re, 269 Kan. 509, 8 P.3d 686 (2000).

The complaint from the "PEANUTGALLERY"docket number 1114, 1115, and 1116 was used inthe annual 2011 example from the KansasCommission On Judicial Qualifications in thetlEXAMPlES OF CONDUCTFOUNDTO BE IMPROPER"when it says "Ajudge, w~ made adisparaging comment about courtroom spectators during a hearing which was--fknowledged. .by the judge and reflected in the transcript, was cautioned about future worth:tioices"

If the computer was taken during an investigation that was for a "BARATTORNEYERICBRUCE"in DA11,812 then the 11th judicial county computer of LOri Bolton.Fleming needsto be taken and investigated just like Mr. Jack Scott McInteer did in his thoroughinvestigation ofNIN THE MATTEROF ERIC BRUCE". .j

Please conduct a thorough investigation on this complaint 'WITH THE COUNTYCOMPUTERBEINGCONFISCATED"just like case number DA11,8l2 In The Matter Of EricBruce.

Very truly yours,

Kasey King

r.o. Box 101

Opolis Kansas 66760

Page 45: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming


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____ " •• _. __ • •• _ ••••• _~ __ •• M _ •••• -_. _ •• ..... -. ---------_.-- , -'-- - .-.. ---- ,- ------"- -~------ -" ..•... ' ----'

Page 46: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

Telephone 785-296-2913


CHAIR:William B. SwearerLawyer Member

VICE-CHAIR:Carolyn TillotsonLay Member

Nancy S. AnstaenLawyer Member

J. Patrick BrazilJudge Member

Theodore B. IceJudge Member

Jennifer L. JonesJudge Member

Christina PannbackerLay Member

SECRETARY:Carol G. GreenKansas Judicial Center301 S.W. Tenth AvenueTopeka, KS 66612-1507

~~tate of 1!ansas

~-([ommission on jf umnal <laualifit~tion1l

Kansas Judicial Center301 S.W. Tenth AvenueTopeka, Kansas 66612-1507

Facsimile 785-296-1028

April 8, 2011

Kasey McCoy KingP. O. Box 101Opolis, Kansas 66760

Re:' Docket No. 1114, In the Matter of A.J. Wachter

Dear Mr. King:

The Commission met April 1, 2011, at which time the above-captioned complaintwas considered. The Commission is making further inquiry, and the matter remainsunder consideration. The matter will be placed on the Commission's June 3, 2011,meeting agenda.


CcvuL8'~Carol G. Green,Secretary


Page 47: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

. Telephone 785-296-2913


CHAIR:William B. SwearerLawyer Member

VICE-CHAIR:Carolyn Tillotson

.Lay Member

Nancy S. Anstaett. Lawyer Member

J. Patrick Brazil'Judge Member

Theodore B. .Ice. _ Judge Member'

Jennifer L. Jones -Judge Member

Christina Pannbacker- Lay Member

SECRETARY:Carol G. GreenKansas Judicial Centersor S.W. Tenth AvenueTopeka,KS 6661i-1507

~tateOf 1!an~a~'


Q]:ommission on gI-ubitial <mualificationsKansas judici~LCenter

. 30] S.W. Tenth AvenueTopeka, Kansas 66612"-1507 . -,

.'. ,.

June 7, 2011

Julie Stover303 S. Jefferson StreetFrontenac, Kansas 66763·'

Re: Docket No. 1115, In the Matter of A. J .'Wachter

· Dear Ms. Stover:

Facsimile 785-296-) 028

The Commission met June 3;2011, at which time the above-captioned complaint.· was considered. .

Judge Wachter acknowledged and expressed regret forms use of the term· "peanut .gallery." It was the consensus of the Commission that the judge'S use of thatterm was inappropriate, and it was the decision of the Commission to caution JudgeWachter regardingfuture word choices.

: It was. further the decision of the Commission that the remaining allegationscontained in your complaint contained no facts evidencing judicial misconductas definedin t):1eCode of Judlcial Conduct. .

Thank you for bringing your concerns to the attention of the Commission. Thismatter is now closed. -


44~ . - ~ / . '.~~-~

William B. Swearer,Chair


Page 48: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming


A judge was found to have violated. Rule 2.5(A) by failing to rule on a motion forappointment of counsel for approximately one year. The judge was cautioned regardingthe importance of disposing of issues promptly and efficiently. The departmental justiceand chief judge were advised of the Commission's concern regarding delay.

A judge was found to have violated Rules 1.2 and 1.3 by throwing a cell phone notbelonging to the judge into the street and/or attempting to use the judge's position to gaindeferential treatment to prevent the filing of charges. The judge was privately ordered tocease and desist from activities which lead to impropriety and the lnappropsiate use of theprestige of judicial office.

A judge, who incarcerated a respondent for contempt without the respondent havingrepresentation, was cautioned that counsel must be appointed before incarceration for

_ ~-.1·•.••.•.•.irect contempt. Johnson v, Johnson. 11 Kan. App. 2d 317. Syl, U (1986) was cited./) ~~\\) - .•11~,v.../J;\ A judge, who made a disparaging comment about courtroom spectators.during a hearing

K> which was acknowledged by the judge and reflected in the transcript, was cautionedoe~()ct1about future word choices. A c to. \ i"'-"->6.f\ }Q -0,xe, 11 }LfdJt).1 _ ~

A judge, who consulted with law enforcement and diScusse su· ocunwntsin a casewith one of the attorneys involved in the case, was cautioned regarding; independentinvestigations and ex parte communications. Rules 2.9(A) and (C) were citer.

A judge, who failed to rule on a 60-1507 motion for approximately 15 months, wascautioned regarding delay.

A judge, who admitted to using language occasionally which socie~ might findoffensi~e, was cautioned on the use ef offensive or inappropriate language:{U1dremindedof the Importance of considering the public's perception of the system. 'Rule 1.2 andComment [3] were cited.

2011 Annual Report

Page 49: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

~'r{\ ~::JI~~~_1013 {)!VI 30'6 f J'{~~ '-'"/? In re Platt, WI Kan. 509,8 P.3d 686 (2000),

.D- ~'f\ . f ~ A judge of the district court followed a disqualification policy with respect to several"v--~.e"f. attorneys which involved not hearing newly tiled cases and implementation of an "informed

vJ ().v 1 i} consent policy" for ongoing cases in which the judge did not recuse.LLOv e.... --' - _

71'.~ ~} ~~~~~~~SOrcmwlnS~~~~~~1J~~~~~yt c' The Supreme Court found violations 0(\c E(l). The court ordered public censure.

In re Groneman, 272 Kan.1345, 38 P.3d 735 (2001}.

A district court judge allowed his administrative assistant to maintain dual employmentduring courthouse hours and falsely reported time and leave information.

The respondent stipulated to violations of Canons 1, 2A, 2B, 3C(-lt,·(z), and (4). TheSupreme Court ordered public censure and other conditions. including repayment to the State ofKansas for hours not worked.

In re Robertson, 280 Kan. 266, 120 P.3d 790 (2005).

to .f { 1- A district court judge admitted violation of the judicial district's ..~strative order(} e "'"~r. regarding computer and internet usage when, over an extended period of time, he used the

coun'!y-{)wn~ computer located in bis office at the courthouse to access and display sexuallyex~s, messages, and materials.---....

..;;..,t- The Supreme Court found violations of Canon 1, Canon 2, and Canon 4(A)f2). The court- (\. ordered removal from office. ';•... ,

In re Pilshaw, 286 Kan. 574,186 P.3d 708 (2008).

A judge of the district court was found to have lost her temper and engaged in emotionaloutbursts.

The Supreme Court found violations of Canons 2A and 3B(3) afici.{4).. ;The SupremeCourt ordered public censure.

•.•----------'2013 ANNuALREpORT.PAGE28a---- ..••

Page 50: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming


Several judges were found to have violated Ru1e 1.3 by providing a statement ofendorsement which appeared in an annual report of an organization that provides medicaland behavioral healthcare, social services, and education to children and families. Whilethe judges did not give permission for their statements to appear in the annual report, thejudges were cautioned to be mindful and vigilant in the future to avoid statements thatmay be used in unintended ways to advance the interests of others.

A judge was found to have violated Rule 2.S(A) by failing to enforce a court order whichresulted in several months' delay in settling an estate. The judge was priva~ly ordered tocease and desist from dilatory practices which result in unnecessary rlelay~ :

to" ~ A judge was found to have violated Rule 1.2 by making an inapQtopriate joke while

1 "rT'",flJ appearing o~ a radio program, The judge was cautioned about future word choices and? e the importance of public perception.

if' 0:.. \ f '1)0 55<:: l-o TV" k v;,e: A judge was found to have violated Ru1e 2.9(A) by participating in ex parte

communications regarding child visitation and Rules 1.1 and 1.2 by threatening to have alitigant arrested. The judge was cautioned regarding ex parte communications and forthreatening the litigant with arrest without a legal basis.

A judge was found to have violated Ru1e 1.2, the appearance of impropriety, afteradmitting a romantic relationship with a court employee. In cautioning. ~e judge, theCommission emphasized the importance of maintaining a professienal relationship at theoffice and the need to consider the public's perception of a judge's personal relationshipwith an employee.

A judge, who was found to have violated Rule 2.S(A) by failing to rule oa,a motion forapproximately 10 months, was cautioned regarding delay. j

A judge, who made inappropriate comments which offended a litigant during a physicalabuse hearing, was found to have violated Rule 2.8(B). The comments were reflected inthe transcript, and the judge was cautioned regarding word choices.

A judge was found to have violated Rules l.3 and 4.1(B)(2) by endorsing a politicalcandidate for office on the candidate's Facebook page by "liking" a comment. The judgewas privately ordered to cease and desist from publicly endorsing a candidate for anypublic office.

2012 Annual Report

Page 51: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

I IMPROPER IA judge was found to have violated Rule 2.4 b?, dismissing, o~t of. p~fessional

courtesy, a traffic ticket for a known attorney appeanng before tae J~ Without thedistrict attorney's consent or knowledge. The judge" was cautioned-not {()permit externalinfluences to affect the judge's judicial conduct or judgments.

A judge was found to have violated Rule 2.3(B) by making impropeqcomments ofa sexual nature to a female attorney appearing before the judge, \V.hiJe·thtfjudge sent aletter of apology to the female attorney and opposing counsel present at the time, thejudge was privately ordered to cease and desist from making inappropriate comments.

A judge, who was found to have violated Ru1e 2.5(A) by failing, to rule on amotion for approximately thirty-one months, was cautioned regarding delay.!

A judge; who was found to have violated Rule 1.2 by making an inappropriategesture and comment during a court hearing that could have been construed as a religiousreference, was privately ordered to cease and desist from improper conduct which createsthe appearance of impropriety.

'\ Lle~~I1-~1 A'(" C" A judge was found to have violated Rule 4.I(A)(4) and Comment [7J by runningVU \ \ ;f: an ~true radio ~rtisement referencing the judge's opponent. The judge was

e. (f'd--A cautioned to be scrupulously fair and accurate in future campaign statements.

A judge, who was found to have violated Rule 1.2 by miling "inappropriatecomments in court regarding the Kansas Appellate Courts, was privately ordered to ceaseand desist from improper conduct which creates the appearance of impropriety.

··----------20I3A.NNuALREpORT. PAGE 23;----- -..

Page 52: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming
Page 53: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming
Page 54: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming



14 HAR 14 P2:04Community National Bank & Trust, )

Plaintiff, ) 1'/ ri)~( (':,-:D" -,' -) '·;'.~.-)._A'W.~I":!·""~" .. ' .

\'~ '-h' ·',I>t· '(v«. bY _..__ Case No. 14 CV 14 P

) .. -- ---- -

James A. Beckley, Jr., and the unknown )heirs, executors, administrators, devisees, }trustees, creditors and assigns of such of )the defendant as may be deceased and )the unknown spouses of the defendant; )the unknown officers, successors, trustees,)creditors and assigns of such defendant )as are existing, dissolved or dormant }corporations; the unknown executors, }administrators, devisees, trustees, )creditors, successors and assigns of such )defendant as are or were partners or in )partnership; and the unknown guardians, }conservators, and trustees of such of the )defendant as are minors or are in )anywise under legal disability; and the )unknown heirs, executors, administrators, )devisees, trustees, creditors, and assigns of)any person alleged to be deceased. J

)Defendants. }




Come now third-party defendants Fern & Angermayer. LLC and Stephen B,

Angerrnayer by and through their attorney Mark E. Fern and for their motion to strike

the third-party petition against them and for sanctions state:

1. Plaintiff, Community National Bank & Trust, a financial institution, organized


Page 55: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

existing. and doing business under and by virtue of law. filed a petition in this action

against the defendant James A. Beckley Jr. for defaulting on a promissory note and to

foreclose a security interest.

2. The defendant, James A. Beckley, Jr., was properly served and filed a pro-se

answer to the plaintiff's petition.

3. Defendant Beckley filed apro-se, third-party complaint against all parties he

believed were involved in the suit. He made third-party allegations against the attorney

for the plaintiff bank, Stephen 8. Angermayer and his firm. the president of the bank,

Tony Stonerock, and the sheriff's deputy, Robert Peters, who served the defendant with

the summons and petition.

4. The third-party defendant alsofiled complaints against all third-party

defendants with various regUlatory authorities. He filed a complaint against bank's

counsel with the Kansas Office of Disciplinary Administrator, against the Bank President

with the Comptroller of Currency, and against the sheriff's deputy with the crawtoro "aCounty Sheriff's Department. u) {\c\

C\5. Third-party defendant tactics. as set out above, mirror what this court has ,,0....~

received in prior cases from Kansas Militia members. W .,,\ eS I:.~ ~{~t'N6. The statute on third-party practice states as follows:

Statute 60-214: Third-party practice. (a) When defendant may bring in third )0 ',l \~ o; '{ ~petty. At any time after commencement of the action a defending party, as a '\p'"third-party plaintiff, may cause a summons and petition to be served upon a ~R.. 'li" ,,{'person not a party to the action who is or may be liable to the third-party plaintiff ~~e...'for all or part of the plaintiff's claim against the third-party plaintiff. The third-party 0..,,0--- 1plaintiff need not obtain leave to make the service if the third-party plaintiff files ~ Sthe thir~-party p~tition not la~er.than 10 day~ after serving t~e original answer. 1\o, ~Otherwise the third-party plaintiff must obtain leave on motion upon notice to allparties to the action. The person served with the summons and third-party


Page 56: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

petition, hereinafter called the third-party defendant, shall make any defenses tothe third-party plaintiffs claim as provided in K.SA 60-212 and amendmentsthereto and any counterclaims against the third-party plaintiff and cross-claimsagainst other third-party defendants as provided in K.S.A. 60-213 andamendments thereto. The third-party defendant may assert against the plaintiffany defenses which the third-party plaintiff has to the plaintiffs claim. The third~party defendant may also assert any claim against the plaintiff arising out of thetransaction or occurrence that is the subject matter of the plaintiifs claim againstthe third-party plaintiff. The plaintiff may assert any claim against the third-partydefendant arising out of the transaction or occurrence that is the subject matterof the plaintiff's claim against the third-party plaintiff, and the third-partydefendant thereupon shalf assert any defenses as provided in K.S.A. 60-212 andamendments thereto and any counterctakns and cross-claims as provided inK.S.A. 60-213 and amendments thereto. Any party may move to strike the third-party claim, or for its severance or separate trial. A third-party defendant mayproceed under this section against any person not a party to the action who is ormay be liable to the third-party defendant for all or part of the claim made in theaction against the third-party defendant.

7. It should be noted that the defendant Beckley has not served either of the

movarvts with a summons and third-party petition.

8. Alseike v. Miller, 196 Kan. 547 549-50, 412 P.2d 1007 (1966) is an early and

oft-cited case in area of third party practice. The Miller court held as follows:

It may first be noted that this statute pertains to procedure only and does notcreate any substantive rights. The statute relates generally to the subject ofreimbursement! indemnity or contribution, but it creates no substantive rightto the same. There must be some substantive basis for the third-party claimbefore one can utilize the procedure of 214 (a). Third-party practice is simplya permissive procedural device whereby a party to an action may bring in anadditional party and claim against such party, because of a claim that is beingasserted against the original party. It has been said that the general purpose ofthe practice is to avoid circuity of action and to dispose of the entire subjectmatter arising from one set of facts in one action, thus administering completeand even-handed justice expeditiously and economically (see 1A Barron andHoltzoff, Third-Party Practice, § 422, p. 644)(emphasis added) {d.

9. The Miller court went on to further hold:

In order to come under 214 (a) the defendant's claim against the third-partydefendant must be such that the latter "is or may be liable to him for all or part of


Page 57: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming


the plaintiff's claim against him." The advisory committee for our present code ofcivil procedure had this to say with respect to the section:

"Although it is the purpose of the provision to permit the entire controversy in asingle proceeaing to be determined, it is only the liability of the third-partydefendant to the original defendant for the original defendant's liability to thepJaintiffthat;s to be determined." (Gard's Kansas Code of Civil Procedure,Advisory Committee Notes, p. 74.)

Id. @550.

10. The Kansas Supreme Court interpreted this statute in a following case. In

Russell v, Community Hospital Association, tnc., 199 Kan. 251,428 P.2d 783 (1967)

the court held:

"In order to come within the provisions of 60-214 (a), supra, the third-party

plaintiffs' claim against the third-party defendants must be such that the latter are or

may be liable to the third-party plaintiffs for all or part of plaintiff's claim against them."

11. The third-party plaintiff has made claims against the movants in his pro-se

answer to the petition which he labels "Counter-Claim." He clearly states that he is

bringing a claim against Fern & Angermayer, LLC in accordance with KSA 60-214 (a).

He appears to make a claim under what is labeled "Count 4 Wrongful Credit Reporting"

wherein he claims that Stephen B. Angermayer allegedly lied to him over signing a quit-

cfaim deed on real estate and alleges a notary was not present. He also claims that Mr.

Angermayer informed him that his credit would not be "hurt" by such signing.

In "Count6 Conflict of Interest" third-party plaintiff alleges that a conflict of

interest is created by his complaint against the Comptroller of Currency and he is

allegedly waiting for the outcome of the complaint. He then expounds on the earlier

claim in "Count 4" again making allegations regarding his signing a deed and his

negative credit history.


Page 58: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

12, It is clear that third-party plaintiff Beckley has made claims which; in addition

to bearing no basis in fact, are not related in any way to the main claim the plaintiff bank

has against Beckley. His claim must in some way show that the "third-party plaintiffs'

claim against the third-party defendants are such that the latter are or may be liable to

the third-party plaintiffs for af{ or part of plaintiffs claim against them."

The case in chief was brought by the plaintiff bank for payment default on a

promissory note and security agreement. In addition to suing on the note, the bank

seeks to recover its collateral. It cannot be demonstrated Mr. Beckley's payment default

is somehow related to his alleged claims that he signed a deed without a notary

present. Further, his recent default is the sole reason for his damaged credit history.

The statue does not create a substantive right where one does not exist at law,

13. Third-party plaintiff must comply KSA 60-211. The statute states in relevant


(b) The signature of a person constitutes a certificate by the person that theperson has read the pleading, motion or other paper and that to the best of theperson's knowledge, information and belief formed after an inquiry reasonableunder the circumstances:

(1) It is not being presented for any improper purpose, such as to harass orto cause unnecessary delay or needless increase in the cost of litigation;

(2) the claims, defenses and other legal contentions therein are warrantedby existing law or by a nonfrivolous argument for the extension, modifica1ion orreversal of existing law or the establishment of new law;

(3) the allegations and other factual contentions have evidentiary supportor, if specifically so identffied, are likely to have evidentiary support after areasonable opportunity for further investigation or discovery; and

(4) the denials of factual contentions are warranted on the evidence or, ifspecifically so identified I are reasonably based on a lack of information or belief.


Page 59: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

~~r (VI Uoi'K r;ff' '5\;0 w5 A,,-,s c~r.(e<.hu~~1-:;$')~{I dW#<ti. ?t>('; (-Ie"" ~ ••oJ., k tlrt £.I> '; ~"lkoIV $r, f>.55e-14.w:14 s1,

14. The Third-party plaintiff has interposed the third-party claim for the purpose

of harassment and delay. His tactics are what this court commonly associates with the-- 'Kansas Militia. Their pleadings are typically filed pro-se with a convoluted reference to..•.Kansas statutes. Often the alleged facts are untrue, and the Militiq's hallmark is an- .-

extreme anti-government ideology along with elaborate conspiracy theories.; -~ '.

15. In Wood v. Groh, 269 Kan. 420, 431, 7 P.3d 1163 (2000) the court listed the

following factors to be considered by the court when awarding sanctions against a party

who violates KSA 60-211 :

(1) whether the improper conduct was willfu! or negligent;(2) whether it was part of a pattern of activity or an isolated event;(3) whether it infected the entire pleading or only one particular count ordefense;(4) whether the person has engaged in similar conduct in other litigation;(5) whether it was intended to injure;(6) what effect it had on the litigation process in time or expense;(7) whether the responsible person is trained in the law;(8) what amount. given the financial resources of the responsible person, isneeded to deter that person from repetition in the same case; and(9) what amount is needed to deter similar activity by other litigants.


16. The movants request that the court find the Third-party plaintiff has filed his

third-party claim in violation of KSA 60-211, and awards them attorney's fees forfiling

this response and attending any subsequent hearings in this matter.

WHEREFORE, Third-Party Defendants, by reason of the matters above set forth

above. are entitled to have the third-party claims against them dismissed with prejudice.

The movants are entitled to an award of attorney's fees for defending this action and for

any subsequent hearings. and for such other relief that the court deems proper.

Page 60: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

#13812MAYER, l.L.C.Street

MaFER &1\107 WestP.O. Box 6Pittsburg, K s s 66762-0686(620) 231-730 FAX (620) 231-1033Attorneys for Third-Party Defendants.


This is to certify that on this 14th day of March, 2014, a true and correct copy of theabove and foregoing Motion To Strike Third-Party Petition Against Defendants Fern &Angermayer LLC And Stephen B. Angermayer and for Sanctions was deposited in theUnited States Mail, postage prepaid and properly addressed to the following:

James Beckley, Jr.302 West McKayFrontenac, KS 66763



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Page 62: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

7/1S.2015 ProseCl.tOr:Jujicial recusals fran cases don't happen oftenICJOnIinacom

-Posted: July 27, =1014• 3:59pm

By Ann Marie Bush

[email protected]

While the Kansas Office of Judicial Administration doesn't keep statistics on how often judgesrecuse themselves from cases, Shawnee County chief deputy district attorney Jacqie Spradlingsaid it doesn't happen often.

Shawnee County District Judge Mark Braun recused hjmseJf Friday from the capital murdertrial of phillip D. Cheatham Jr., who was originally sentenced to death for the 2003 shootingdeaths of two Topeka women. Police say the shootings were drug-related.

The Kansa,s Supreme Court overturned the sentence jn 2013; citing ineffective assistance ofcounsel Cheatham is to have a new trial on the charges.

There have been 82 motions filed in the case - Spradling had six three-ring binders filled withthem and responses in court with her Friday. All motions, including 37 of whicll haveaIreadybeen argued, will have to be argued again in front of a new judge.

"Both parties want the same thing - to make sure the defendant gets ,a fair trial," Spradlingsaid.

While the state and the defense want the defendant to get a fair trial, Spradling said a recusaldoes pose problems, such as a waiting for a new judge to be appointed, motions having to beargued again and court dates having to be rescheduled.

In February 2009, then-Shawnee County District ,Judge Charles Andrews Jr. recused himselffrom hearing the county's lawsuit against former District Attorney Robert Hecht. In that case,Andrews told attorneys for both sides he had information that posed a conflict of interest andcreated a basis for him to recuse himself.

Andrews, who died in 2012, also recused himself in, March 2010 from hearing a lawsuit filedagainst the city of Topeka by Jim and Sharon Suwa1slci.The Suwalskis were asking a judge tooverturn a ruling made earlier that found Jim Suwalski violated the city's clean air ordinance.

In a March 2010 article about Andrews recusing himself, Andrews, who became a district judgein 1990, said he had "probably recused himself from 10 or 15 cases in which he was closeenough to someone involved that he didn't think it would be fair for him to bear the case. D

In June 2013, Shawnee County District Couft Jut!ge Ma:ty Mattivi denied a motion. to recuseherself from the trial of William Mal'Otta, a Topeka man who answered a Craigslist ad in whichtwo Topeka ","Omenwere seeking a sperm donor.

In Cheatham's case, he filed a judicial eomplaint against Bt/nm. Cheatham's complaint stemsfrom the judge in May promising a fair trial before be had ruled on motions. Cheathamcontends defense motions, which include a challenge to the state's death penalty, require thetrial to be dismissed.

Braun in court said he hadn't received official word of the complaint. However, he went aheadand recused himself so there would be no question later.

Braun said because it is a death penalty case, he wants there to be an "orderly and fairresolution. »

Chief Judge Evelyn Wilson will have to appoint a new judge to the case.

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Page 63: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming


7/19r.2015 Proseator: Judicial recusals from cases don't happen oIten

Lisa Taylor, spokeswoman for the Kansas judiciary, said the state doesn't track recusals. Shealso noted there wasn't a public file available on Cheatham's complaint against Braun.Complaints don't become public until after a particular point in the process, she said.

There were a total of 183 complaints filed last year, according to the ~013 Commission ofJudicial QualificationS' annual report. The complaints become undoeketed or docketed.Undocketed complaints are dismissed with a letter to the complainant and to the judge. Of the183 complaints filed last year, 30 were officially docketed, which means a panel thoughtfurther investigation was warranted.

The most common complaint filed in 2013 was the defendant was denied a fair hearing.

Between 2009 and 2013, the highest number of complaints received was 217 in 2011, thereport stated. Twenty-two were docketed. The highest number of docketed complaints occurredin 2012, when there were 44 docketed.

Ann Marie Bush can be reached at (785) 295-1207 or [email protected] Ann Marie on Twitter @AnnieScribe.

The Topeka CapiW,JO\lI:nal @Z015. All Righw Resen'tXl.

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Page 64: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

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Travis Carlton, Scott COff"aI)\UG 29 A10:12and Bekah Harlan, -


8Y .


Case No. 2014 CV 7 P

Toby Miller, Defendant.


The judge assigned to the above captioned case, Kurtis 1.Loy, presented the attachedletter to me August 21st, 2014. The letter of Travis Carlton to the Commission on Judicial

"Qualifications referenced in Judge Ley's letter to me is also attached.

Judge Loy construed Mr. Carlton's letter as a motion to disqualify Judge Loy as the judgeassigned to the above litigation, and as such forwarded it to me as Chief Judge.

The procedure to disqualify ajudge is set forth in K.S.A. 20-311d. To the extent that Mr.Carlton intended his letter to be amotion to disqualify Judge Loy, I find that it does not complywith the requirements of K.S.A. 20-311 d for various reasons, one of which is that it does notcontain any averments of the author.

If Mr. Carlton's letter did comply with the requirements ofK.S.A. 20-311d, I would berequired to determine the legal sufficiency of the allegations (K.S.A. 20-311d (c)). However, theallegations of the Carltonletter do not-suggest that Judge Loy served a prior counsel for anyparty to the litigation (K.S.A. 20-311d (c)(1)); that Judge Lay is related to any party (K.S.A. 20-311d (c)(3)); or, that Judge Loy is a material witness in the action (K.S.A. 20-311d (c)(4)). Theremaining allegations of the Carlton letter furnish no basis for concluding that Judge Loyhas aninterest in the litigation (K.S.A. 20-311 d (G)(2» or that Judge Loy has a personal bias orprejudice or interest in the action that would prevent any ofthe parties from obtaining a fair andimpartial trial (K.S.A. 20-311d (c)(5)).

Accordingly, to the extent that Mr. Carlton's letter constitutes a motion to recuse JudgeLoy from the above captioned litigation, such motion is denied for the reasons set forth herein.

It is so Ordered.

AJ. WachterDistrict Judge

Page 65: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

Copy to:

Hon. Kurtis 1. LoyDistrict Judge602 N. Locust'Pittsburg. KS 66762

Travis Carlton1410 N. SmelterPittsburg, KS 66762

Scott Cochranth709 W. 8

Pittsburg, KS 66762

Bekah HarlanP.O. Box 84Opolis, KS 66760

Toby MillerVapor Stop LLC2530 MainParsons, KS 67357


I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the above and foregoing document wasdeposited in the United States Mail, postage prepaid and properly addressed to the above party orparties on the Qlq day of ~(j£ , 2014.

Page 66: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

KAl~SASDISTRICT COURTEleventh Judicial District

Chambers ofKURTIS I. LOY

District JudgeAdministrative Assistants

Mary Ann ForsytheElaine Bradshaw

Crawford County Judicial Center602 North Locust

Pittsburg, Kansas 66762(620) 231-3570

(620) 231-0584 FAX

Clerk of the CourtPamela Hicks

(620) 231-0380Court Administrator

Mac Young(620) 231-0310

August 21,2014

The Hon. AJ. WachterChief Judge, ~Ith Judicial District602 N. LocustPittsburg, KS 66762

Re: Travis Carlton, v. Toby Miller Case No. 2014CV7P

Dear Judge Wachter:

Iam forwarding to you a letter from The Commission on Judicial Qualifications datedAugust 18, 2014, with an enclosed complaint filed July 18, 2014 from Travis Carlton, a pro selitigant in the above referenced case.

Although this was filed as a complaint after reading the complaint filed by Mr. Carlton, itappears this is actually more in the form of a Motion to Disqualify Judge.

Ido not believe that Ihave any bias or prejudice against Mr. Carlton, but Iwould like topresent this complaint or motion to you for consideration.

I do not necessarily agree with the statements of Mr. Carlton where Mr. Carlton states:"Honorable Loy stated at our case management conference that usually in cases like this if bothparties had an attorney this case would already be settled. Judge Loy said that he could set up amediation between myself and Toby Miller and Vapor Stop with Honorable AJ Wachter andHonorable Lori Fleming." While Iregularly encourage settlement of cases, mediation wouldhave been on a voluntary basis with a mediator that was agreeable to all parties concerned. Idoagree to facilitate or make arrangements with one of the local judges for mediation if all partiesagree. That was apparently a miscommunication or misunderstanding between Mr. Carlton andmyself.

Washington's Cigar Store, Inc., was in operation from June 1987 until August 1990, andthe corporate charter was kept alive through December 1996. Washington's Cigar Store, Inc.,was located at 114 W. 4th St., Pittsburg, KS, an address which no longer exists. The case that

Page 67: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

Mr. Carlton has filed has been filed as a breach of contract action and has nothing to do with theuse or nonuse of vapor cigars or vapor cigarettes. For the record I am not opposed to the use orsale of vapor cigars or vapor cigarettes.

I was sworn in as a District Court Judge in October, 2013. I am aware that there remain afew instances where my name is still listed as resident agent for various corporations Iformerlyassisted while in the private practice of law. Those are all being wound down and as the newannual reports are filed the new resident agent is listed on the records of the Kansas-Secretary ofState. I am not involved with my wife in a partnership located at 112 W. 4th St. in Pittsburg. Mywife and I hold ownership of the commercial building located at 112 W. 4th St. in Pittsburgwithin a Kansas partnership. Ido not accept assignment of cases involving my former lawpartner.

While Ido believe Iam neither biased nor prejudiced concerning the parties to thislitigation or any attorneys which may become involved in the future Iam forwarding this letterand complaint to your attention for proper handling.

rKurtis 1. LoyDistrict Judge



Page 68: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming



CHAIR:WJliam B. SwearerLa-wyerMember

VICE· CHAIR:Christina M. Pann1acl~erLay Member

Nancy S. AnstaettLa-wyer Member

J. Patricl~ Bra~ilJudge Member

Brenda CameronJudg~ Member

.Mary ThrowerJudge Memher

Valdenia C. WinnLay Member

SECRETARY:Heather L. Smith

Q[ommission on J/ubitial ~ualifttationsKANSAS JUDICIAL CENTER


785.296·[email protected]

August 18,2014

Honorable Kurtis 1. LoyCrawford County Judicial Center602 N. LocustPittsburg, Kansas 66762

Re: Complaint filed 'by Travis Carlton

Dear Judge Loy:

The Commission met August 1, 2014 at which time the above-captionedcomplaint was considered. See attached. It was the decision of the Commission that,based on present showing, the complaint contained no facts evidencing judicialmisconduct as defined in the Code of Judicial Conduct.

while this complaint is sent for your information only, the Commissionthought it may be helpful for you to review the Judicial Ethics AdvisoryOpinions arid the articles which related to situations a new judge mayencounter, including. how to wind up a .law practice, which were sent to you onSeptember 23, 2013; .



-- -- - - - --- - -. -- ---- -- ---wiHiarrrB:--Swearer;- -- - -- - -.- -_' 0 ._.



Page 69: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming



County 11th Judicial District Judge. Case number 2014CV7P TravisCarlton et al, vs. Toby Miller and Vapor Stop.

Iwould like to make a complaint against Crawford County District JudgeHonorable Kurt Lay. He has been assigned to be the judge in case number2014CV7P. Ihad a hearing in this case where Iam Pro Se and the attorneyfor Mr. Toby Miller is Troy Unruh from Wilbert & Towner in PittsburgKansas.

Honorable Loy stated at our case management conference that usually incases like this if both parties had an attorney this case would already bysettled. Judge Loy said that he could set up a mediation between myselfand Toby Miller and Vapor Stop with Honorable A.J. Wachter andHonorable Lori Fleming.

Both Honorable Wachter and Honorable Fleming were previouslyemployed at Wilbert & Towner. Icould never get a fair mediator when themediators used to be employed by the Law Firm that-is representing Mr.Miller and Vapor Stop.

It also shows on the Secretary of States websites for resident agents thatHonorable Kurtis Loy was the resident agent for "WASHINGTQN'SCIGAR STORB, INC.". The GlSe that 1filed has to do with vapor cigarettesand that isa conflict of.interest because he was the resident agent.foracigar store. There have been numerous issues about the goveIT\1Ilent tryingto legislate vapor shops out of business and anya...rtewoo has previously oris currently in business and or has been a resident agent for a cigar orcigarette store would- definitely have a biased and a prejudiced againstanyone who opened a vapor shop.

Page 70: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

I also think it is wrong and a conflict of interest for Honorable Kurtis Loy tobe the resident agent of LOY & SAGEHORN, LLC. And L & T Partnershipwhere both addresses are 112 W. 4th in Pittsburg Kansas 66762.

It shows on Honorable Loy's Judicial Financial Disclosure Report that heand his spouse have a partnership at 112 W. 4th in Pittsburg Kansas and thecommercial loan is with Commerce Bank.

Judge Wachter and Judge Fleming would never rule against Loy&Sagehom & Harding when the address for that law firm is 114 W. 4th inPittsburg Kansas where Judge Loy has the building in a partnership andthis is a conflict of interest. Judge Loy and Judge Wachter would neverrule against Kyle Fleming of If THE FLEMING LAW FIRM!! since he is thehusband of Honorable Lori Fleming.


Iwould greatly appreciate an out of county judge who is unbiased anddoes not have conflicts of interests with other judges like Judge Wacther ..Judge Loy, and Judge Fleming have between them and their previous lawfirms. Please send all correspondence to Travis Carlton, 1410 N ..Smelter,Pittsburg, Kansas 66762. Please disqualify Honorable Loy from this case inaccordance to Rule 2.11(A) of the RULES RELATING TO JUDICIALCONDUCT.

Travis Carlton


Travis Carlton

1410 N. Smelter

Pittsburg Kansas 66i62

Page 71: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming







TOPEK. ••., Kll.!'1SAS 66612785-296-29!3 • [email protected]


JuDICIAL CO:-<DUCT CA1'iO~ 3. Rls'lE 3..151B·,(2013 KAI'. cr. R. A\lNOT.74S1 n.e. ...

The instructions accompanying this form are a guide to be followed in preparing your annualfinancial disclosure report. Please read the instructions and review Supreme Court Rule 601B,Rules 3.12, 3.13, 3.14. and 3.15 and their Comments (2013 Kan. Ct, R. Annot. 754-758) beforecompleting this form.

Complete all parts, checking "NONE" wherever you bavc no reportable information, This. reportmust be typed, and an on-line fillable form is available at, Completed andsigned reports may be submitted by U.S. mail tothe .address reflected above or may be scannedand subrniucd by e-mail to [email protected], ON OR BEFORE ApRIL 15.2014.

Kurtis I; Lay CrawfordQ'UlltyxCity

. Crawford County District COIl[{, Div, 5. Eleventh Judicial District

602 N. Locust, Pittsbu.rg, KS. 66762 620-231-3570Girl'. Sute, Zip Co:!e Telephone Number

Type ofJudge (ci>cl:«>"J: __ Supreme Court __ Court of Apoeals~ District __ District Magistrate Senior__ Pro Tempore __ Municipal: 0 Full-Time 0 Part-Time

LCOMPENSATION [reporting individual (1:);and spouse (S) or domestic partner (DP); forHoooraria, reporting individual (l) only; see Section I of Instructions and Rule 3.J5(A)(l).]

___ NONE (No reportable Compensation)


Jan-Dec., 2013Jan-Dec., 2013Nov-Dec., 2013

Name of Pavor Pavee n.S.Df'}

Loy & Sagehorn, LLC IColdwell Banker sLay. Sagehom s: Hardlng.LLC I


Former Law PracticeRealtorFonner Law Practice

....; 'i- .C () l\)- it c.: / Lo'1 CJ~,,~

\. \ ?.- W t 4. '\J"J\.eCtf)1~rG-

~~ b ",~t~~~",~~~{~st FDR + CY20l3 I P"ge 1

Page 72: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

11. FEES AND COM1\USSIONS [reporting individual (I) and spouse (S) or domestic partner (DP);see Section nof Instructions and Rule 3.15(A)(2).]

.x;NONE (No reportable Fees and Commissionst

Name ofClit:rtt or Customer Pavce (L S. DP)

Ill. OWNERSHIP INTERESTS [reporting individual (1), spouse (S) or domestic partner (DP),dependent child or dependent step child (DC); see Section Ill of Instructions and Rule 3.15{A){3).J

__ NONE (No reportable Ownership Interests

A Business Name and Address~ ~ (List address only-if not publicly traded)

L & TPartnership112 W. 4thPinsburg, KS. 66762

Tvpe of Business Description ofIntc(csts Held

Held by Whom(L S. DP.DOC~Commercial Bldg. Rental

Farm - Crawford Cry, Ks, Farm Rental Owner i.sT.D. Ameritrade Brokerage IRA J

IV. GIFTS. LOA.'liS, BEQUESTS. B·ENEFITS. OR OTHER THL~GS OF VALUE [reportingindividual CQ, spouse (S) or domestic partner (DP), dependent child or dependent step child (DC);see Section 1V of Instructions and. Rules 3.13. and 3.15(4).]

~NON"E: (No reportable Gifts, Loans, Bequests. Benefits, or Other Things of Value;

Recipient (LS,DP.DC) Description

FOR. CY2013 I Pai" 2

Page 73: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming


v. POSITIONS [reporting individual (I) only; see Section V ofInstruetions and Rule 3. I5 (A)(6).]

___ NONE (Nothing to report)

Name ofBusiness/OrganizalionlEntity

Loy &. Sagehorn, LLC

C,_-=- & T Partnership

St.Peter's Episcopal Church

112 W. 4th. P,O, Box 8, Pittsburg, KS.

112 W. 4th, Pittsburg, KS. ---.. .------.'l 'P'-. . ~~~

306 W. Euclid, Pittsburg, KS.

Stilwell Heritage & EducationalFoundation 7th & Broadway, Pittsburg, KS.

Kansns Bar Foundation 120D SW Harrison, Topeka, KS.

Kansas Bar Assoc. 1200 SW Harrison, Topeka, KS.

Position Held


Clerk.Vestry Member

Chairman of foundation Bd,


Chairman Fee DisputeResolution Committee

Vi. LIABILITIES (reporting individual (1), spouse (S) or domestic partner (DP), dependent child ordependent step child (DC); see Section VI of Instructions and Rule 3.15(A)(7).]

__ NO~'E(No reportable Liabilities)


·G;:r~,University Bank


/ Commercial loans

1,S Unsecured Loan

Amerian Express T,S Revolving charge

FDR,. CY2013! Pa~e3

Page 74: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

VH. ADDITIONAL JNFORt"[-\TION OR EXPLANATlONS (1l1dicatesectioll o/Report)

~.I '!Io«. "b 2/ J-O t" -:I •.a.rv <..,/ ,IV--Date I Signature ofReporting Jud~

Page 75: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

712412015 Judge DooaId R Ndam receives retirement gifts • Gate House

TIm MOlU\lKG Snx~r~,..!CNIhowt~""'1Rl<i


March 31. 2012 12:01AM

Judge Donald R. Noland receives retirement gifts.----------- -- --- ------ ---- --- -- - -------------_ .._------ ------------ -------- -- ...•--------

If the Honorable Donald R. Noland wants to rock, he can do it in the new rocldng chair presented to him Friday by representatives from the Crawford CountyBar Association.

If the Honorable Donald R. Noland wants to rock, he can do it in the new rocking chair presented to him Friday by representativesfrom the Crawford County Bar Association.

The Hon. AJ. Waclrter noted that, in "The Godfather" movie, the heads of the various crime families attended the funeral of Mafiadon Vito Corleone not so much out of respect but to be sure that he was dead.

The gift was made during a reception in recognition of his retirement as district court judge, llthJudicia1 District.

The retiring judge also received a framed certificate from the Kansas Supreme by Justice lee A.Johnson.

A Pittsburg State University graduate who obtained his juris doctor from Washburn University, Noland practiced law from 1976

until he was appointed as ajudge in 1991.

"We are here bemuse we have come to respect our Don as a jurist, citizen and consummate gentleman," Wachter said. "He canexplain to us how many bass or other species of fish he's going to catch in his retirement or whether his wife and his Harley will beable to withstand it."


Attorneys Steve Angermaye:rand Mark Fern represented the Crawford County Bar Association.

"1have referred to Judge Noland as 'Judge Search Engine,=Fern said. "We \\-"Quldsay, 'Judge, Lhave tlrls case,' and he would say, 'Come on in,' and he'd havethat case. What we will miss iStlilitpreparedness. JudgeNoland isalways just a little bit better prepared than yon are. For the past'three years;-since he's talkedabout retiring, fve tried to talk him out of it." w k ~

'1 ,Angermayer has appreciated Noland's approachability, and credited the judge with playing a big part in shaping his career.

"Iwas introduced to Judge Noland, and two days later I was at his house watching pro wrestling," he said. J.')}\ 0 vJ ~ _.\-\ c ~ \When it was his turn to speak. Noland handed out praise of1riSown. ""- .-::0 •• ~ C, -",~T ()(\'l ,\ '(\<2,;;

't'S ~c~( t\". -,hr7-\O<\~O\(I'l 'v"This part of the state has been blessed with judges so good to work with, good hard-working, fair judges," he said. "I also want to thank the clerl<sin Girard.The attorneys know that the clerks run the court. 1have truly enjoyed working with the attorneys. Our attorneys here stack up against the best attorneys in thestate."

The retiringjudge was most gratified by his work with the Juvenile Court, which worl<sto reunite families wbenappropriate.

"That's where you have the chance to do the most good," Noland said. "Kansas has a fundamentally good system and we have a good team with the guardian adlitem, SRS, TFI and _thePSU Truancy Council. I will miss the glow you get, the sense of satisfaction you get at putting a family backtogether."

He also asked if there were any foster parents present at the reception.

"1want to single out my heroes, W Noland said. "Foster parents are the bedrock of the child care program in Kansas."He also decided to step up on his soap box one more time to speak on an issue that troubles him deeply. Noland said that an independent judicial system iscrudalto a functioning democracy.

"We must strive against attempts to compromise judicial independence and attempts to introduce politics into the selection process," Noland said. "I don'tmean this to be a downer, but it is so important. We will all pay for it, lf notm our lifetime, in ourchiJdren'slifetime."

Page 76: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

Commission on Judicial Qualifications

Kansas Judicial Center

301 SW 10th Avenue, Room 374

Topeka Kansas 66612-1507

July 25, 2015


OF OFFICE UNDER K.S.A. 60-1201, K.S.A. 60-1202(1)(2){4)(5), K.5.A. 60-1205, K.5.A. 60-

1206(a}(b), K.S.A. 60-1207 and for violations of RULES RELATING TO JUDICIAL CONDUCT CODE


Why is this judge calling peaceful people terrorists, and other anti-government, or unpatrioticnames? On the Contrary my ex-husband and father of my children "Eric Muathe" is a very

peaceful person and it bothers us, as a family, that someone would actually attempt to falsely

associate him with a militia group!!!

Is this what actually goes on between judges and lawyers? How can anyone respect such a

dysfu nctional judiciary???

Are judges allowed to retaliate just because the people are holding them accountable for their

unethical actions?

Please reprimand all those involved and especially Judge Lori B. Fleming for this unbelievableemail.


Michelle McCann

411 West 7th Street

Pittsburg, Kansas, 66762

Page 77: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming


Kansas Commission on Judicial Qualifications

301 SW 10th AVE.

Topeka, Ks 66612

Case Number 13DM245P

THIS COMPLAINTIS AGAINST11THDISTRICTJUDGESLORI BOLTON FLEMING. AJ. WACHTER,AND KURTIS LOYFOR USURPATIONOF OFFICEUNDER K.S.A.60-1201, K.S.A.60-1202(1)(2)(4)(5),K.S.A.60-1205, K.S.A.60-1206(a)(b), K.S.A.60-1207 and for violations of RULESRELATINGTOJUDICIALCONDUCTCODEOF JUDICIALCONDUCTRule 601A, and Rule 5.4 of the Uniform BondingCode for outright termination of their INSURANCEBOND.

On February 19th, 2015 at approximately 7:55 a.m, I heard an ad on the radio on 100.7 ESPN wherea grand jury petition was going around to impeach all 11thjudicial district judges due to conflicts ofinterest between them. I heard the radio ad and didn't have a pen with me to write down who tocontact to sign the petition. It wasn't until the month of June 2015 that I heard about"CONFLICTGATE.COM"and went to read up about area conflicts of interest with 11thJudicial districtjudges and attorneys.

I saw there was an "e-mail" from Lori Fleming to 100.7 ESPN at February 19, 2015 at 1:43 P.M. afterjust 2 days of running on the air and Judge Lori Fleming took it upon herself to use her powerinappropriately as a judge and to usurp/intrude into a private business contract between SummaryJudgment Group and My Town Media. I was wanting to sign the "Grand Jury Petition" but never raninto anyone who was getting signatures for the petition because the radio aQ.qnly~ for 2 daysinstead of 30 like 1was informed by The Summary Judgment Group which was the original contractthat was breached by Lori Fleming and attorney Bill Wachter of "Wilbert and Towner" who is thePresident of "My Town Media". Judge Kurt Loy is mentioned in this ernail as well and needs to bequestioned for his involvement of the breach of contract as well.

What really disturbs me is the fact that I was cheated in case number "13DMZ4SP"..:because of"CONFLICTSOF INTERST UNDER RULE 2.11 (A)(1) (2) (b) (c) (3)(5) (a) and Rule 2.4(B) due to the factthat attorney Lori Fleming of Wilbert and Towner in 20l2,became an 11th district court judge inthe summer of 2012 and signed orders in case number 13DM245P where the attorneys are SteveStockard of Wilbert and Towner and her husband attorney Kyle Fleming of The Fleming Law Firmat 100 S. Broadway where Lori Fleming advertises her attorney address-ia.Names-and Numbers in2013 and 2014 phone book"!! How can both judge Lori Bolton-Fleming and A.J.Wachter sign a"TEMPORARYORDER"on September 26. 2013 at 2:40 P.M. after the petition was filed in the caseand the attorney who filed the petition against me was none other than judge Lori-Bolten Fleming'shusband "ATTORNEYKYLEM. FLEMINGOF THE FLEMINGLAW FIRM"!!! Lori FI~ing definitelyhad an economic interest in the proceeding because her husband Kyle Fleming was the plaintiffsattorney. I mean if her husband doesn't get paid they might not have money to pay their mortgagepayment that month. This is also a violation of Rule 2.9 Ex Parte because there is no wayan order

Page 78: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

· I

can be signed 3 minutes later except for "EX-PARTE"which neither judge Lori Fle~g nor JudgeA.J.Wachter had subject-matter jurisdiction to sign against me since Wilbert and T01.f1lerand TheFleming Law Firm were the attorneys in the case which is a conflict of interest· How did they signthe order in this case so fast? Was it sent ex-parte like Lori Fleming sent to 100.7 ESPN on February19,2015 at 1:43 P.M.? Or did Lori Fleming sign the "MANDATORYORDER FOR PARENTINGINDIVORCECLASSATTENDANCE"over lunch with her husband, the plaintiff's attorney in this caseKyle Fleming? Perhaps she signed the "ORDER"at home during dinner or maybe outside in herbackyard with her husband while their children played outside. Did attorney Kyle Fleming andJudge Lori Fleming go home and discuss this case ex-parte over dinner at home? How can she signan order in a case where my attorney Steve Stockard worked with her less than a year ago atWilbert and Towner? I had an order from protection of abuse issued against me and signed byjudge A.J.Wachter on December 2,2013 and his brother Bill Wachter owns Wilbert and Townerhow is that not a conflict of interest? i

Another order was prepared by attorney Kyle Fleming and the "ORIGINALSIGNEDBYAJ.WACHTER"!! How can this be when both A.J.Wachter and Kyle Fleming's father Robert Flemingpreviously owned 'Wilbert, Towner. Lassman. Toburen, Fleming, and Wachter"? Isn't this a conflictof interest under Rule 2.11( A)???? Kyle Fleming went on to be employed at Wilbert ,nd Townerhimself and then became a partner lowner of the firm himself. In the 2012 Names-a..rd Numbersphone book Lori Fleming is employed at "Wilbert and Towner" along with the attorney who wassuppose to represent me in the case "STEVESTOCKARD"who worked with Lori Fleming previouslywhen he was a prosecuting attorney with Lori Bolton-Fleming for Crawford County in 2002. LoriFleming and Steve Stockard are also members of team Jesus at the catholic church intown. Thisviolates Rule 2.11(A) of Rules Relating To Judicial conduct by judge Fleming and judge Wachter andnumerous KRPC Rules by attorney Steve Stockard and attorney Kyle Fleming under KRPc Rule 1.7conflicts of interest I feel their have been several violation of the code of judicial conduct and theyare the following: Rule 1.1, Rule 1.2, Rule 1.3, Rule 2.2, Rule 2.3, Rule 2.4(B), Rule 2.6(8), Rule 2.7,Rule 2.9, Rule 2.11, and Rule 2.12(1)(2) for Chief ludge A.J.Wachter for violations o(his SupervisoryDuties. Lori Fleming and A.J.Wachter also failed to turn the other judge in for misconduct sinceboth judges knew they should not be signing any orders where the attorney's in the-ease is "KyleFleming" or Steve Stockard which also violates Rule 2.15(A)(B).

I have been damaged "SEVERELY"in this case because of the lack of due process under the 5th

amendment that I have received from Crawford County District Court and both attorpeys in thecase Steve Sockard and Kyle Fleming. I would like an investigation into this matter because I paidSteve Stockard $3.000 and did not realize he previously worked with the plaintiff'S attorney's wifeJudge Lori Fleming and that plaintiffs attorney Kyle Fleming used to own Wilbert and Towner andJudge Lori Fleming and Judge AJ.Wachter have ties there as well since Bill Wachter still owns thefirm and it seems according to the email from the 11th district computer at 1:43 February19,2015 from Lori Fleming to the owner of ESPN 100.7 which is "attorney Bill Wachter".

I would like to see what attorney BiIIWachter stated back in his response to the emaiJ at 01:43 P.M.on February 19. 2015 from Lori Fleming when she wrote to him and breached the radio contract

Page 79: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

and I think attorney Bill Wachter's computer needs to be checked to see what his re~ponse was toLori Fleming and possibly his brother Chief 11th Judge A.J.Wachter. '

I am looking into suing "STEVESTOCKARDANDWILBERT AND TOWNER" in Small Claims Courtwhere] can sue for under $4,000 for the violation of KRPC Rule 1.7 that Steve Stockard and KyleFleming collaborated against me. I had ineffective assistance of counsel and paid $3,000 for it and Ihad supervised visits with my children and a protection ordered against me by judges "WHO DIDNOTHAVE SUBJECT-MATTERJURISDICTION" to sign any "ORDER" against me under 11th districtrule no. 2 Assignment of Cases(1)(5)(6)(a) (b) (c) (d) and I am looking into filing "MOTIONSTOVACATETHE ORDERS" for lack of subject-matter jurisdiction in this case.

I will be signing a class-action lawsuit now against Lori Fleming in her private capa~ty since shewas not performing her public ministerial duties or job descriptions by interfering i~ a radio ad anddamaging myself the opportunity to sign a grand jury petition and she also-damaged'the summaryjudgment group because they did not get the required voters due to her interference in a privatebusiness matter and constitutional grand jury petition which violates Article 1 Section 10 ofunlimited right to contracting under the United State Constitution.

Please investigate this matter so no-one else has to endure the family damages I did ~ec<luse ahusband is the attorney in the case and his wife/and ex-law partner of "WILBERTAND TOWNER"and ex-college roommate of his father Robert Fleming "A.J.Wachter" signed an "ORDER" against mewhere my attorney was Steve Stockard and that is a conflict of interest. It is also a conflict ofinterest for Judge Loy to hear this case since plaintiffs attorney Kyle Fleming's f~er-in-law MarkBolton rents his CPA firm from Kurt Loy on 4th street and that is an economic conflict of interest as


well and Judge Loy should be disqualified from this case as well and a new judge'from out of the11 th district be assigned to this case so I can receive some due process.

Very truly yours,

Zachary Walden'l~2800 N. Michigan

Pittsburg, Ks 66762

CCAttorney General's Office and State Insurance Commissioner

Page 80: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

Date: "'7/10/2015•. Time: 12:58PMPage 3 of 3

State of Kansas vs.


Crawford County District Court (Pittsburg)ROAReport

Case: 2014-CR-000332-P Current Judge: Kurtis I Loy

Defendant: Simmons, Charles EdwardCharles Edward Simmons



User: PAH

7/6/2015 Motion for Return of Seized PropertyDocument ID Number: 285020

Kurtis I Loy

Page 81: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

Date: 7/1012015

,Time: 12:31 PM~t ~ ,•.•~

Page 1 of 2

Crawford County District Court (Pittsburg)ROAReDOPr----~_~

Case: 2014-CR-000088-P Current Judge: Kurtis I Lay

Defendant: Hall, AndrewState of Kansas vs. Andrew Hall



V~vl. , •


Kurtis I Lay4/16/2014


















InformationDocument 10 Number: 236487Affidavit

Document sealedHearing Scheduled (First Appearance 07/10/201409:00 AM)

Summons Issued to Crawford Co.So. for servcie

Summons ReturnedlNo Service, certified mail unclaimed 5/15/14Document 10 Number: 239413

Warrant IssuedDocument sealed

Bond Received by faxDocument 10 Number: 247689

Arrest Warrant ServedlReturned Defendant: Hall, AndrewDocument 10 Number: 248038

Hearing Scheduled (First Appearance 09/04/2014 09:00 AM)

Bond ReceivedDocument 10 Number: 247857

Notice Of HearingDocument 10 Number: 251767

Hearing Rescheduled (Court Trial 10/16/201401 :00 PM)

Notice Of HearingDocument 10 Number: 255838

Entry of Appearance by Andrew BoltonDocument ID Number: 255836

Motion For ContinuanceDocument 10 Number: 255837

Hearing Rescheduled (Status Conference 11/13/2014 01:00 PM)

Order granting motion to continueDocument 10 Number: 256450

Motion Requesting DiscoveryDocument 10 Number: 257705

Notice Of Hearing 12 -11-14 at 2:00 pmDocument 10 Number: 258264

Hearing Rescheduled (Court Trial 12/11/201402:00 PM)Order For DiscoveryDocument 10 Number: 258835Motion For ContinuanceDocument 10 Number: 261347

Order granting motion to continueDocument 10 Number: 261847

Hearing Rescheduled (Court Trial 01/08/201501 :00 PM)

Amended InformationDocument 10 Number: 263861

Kurtis I Loy

Kurtis I Lay

Kurtis I Loy

Kurtis I Loy

Kurtis I Loy

Kurtis I Loy

Kurtis I Lay

Kurtis I Loy

Kurtis I Lay

Kurtis I Lay

Kurtis I Loy

Kurtis I Lay

Kurtis I Loy

Kurtis 1 Lay

Kurtis I Loy

Kurtis I Lay

Kurtis I Loy

Kurtis I Loy

Kurtis I Lay

Kurtis I Lay

Kurtis I Loy

Kurtis 1 Lay

Kurtis I Loy

Kurtis I Ley

Page 82: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

Dare: 7/10/2015. Time: 12:31 PM

Page'2 of 2

Crawford County District Court (Pittsburg)ROAReport

Case: 2014-CR-000088-P Current Judge: Kurtis J Loy

Defendant: Hall, AndrewState of Kansas VS. Andrew Hall


Date Judge




Journal Entry of SentencingDocument 10 Number: 263862

Plea Entered - NC (21.5709.b.2 Use/possess w/intent to use drugparaphernalia into human body)

Guilty Plea (21.S709.b.2 Use/possess wlintent to use drug paraphernaliainto human body)

Charge Amended to (21.5709.b.2 Use/possess w/intent to use drugparaphernalia into human body)

Conditions Of ProbationDocument 10 Number: 264358

Motion / Journal Entry To Extend ProbationDocument ID Number: 285139



Kurtis I Lay

Kurtis I Ley

Kurtis I Ley

Kurtis I Loy

Kurtis I Lay

Kurtis I Lay

Page 83: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

Date: 7/10/2015

Time: 12:29 PM

Page 1 of 1

Crawford Count . tric Court (Pittsburg) User: POLLY

-;;-;Re~is +0 F~-A-.t'r/' {f\ti/'¥. bc 11-6Jf\


Case: 2012-PR-000101-P

Current Judge: Kurtis I LoyIn the Matter of the Estate of Alexander KonopeeTKiJ---- _


Decedent Estate

Date Judge

12/18/2012 Petition FiledDocument 10 Number: 186406Oath of Special AdministratorDocument 10 Number: 186407

Order appointing special administratorDocument 10 Number: 186892

Letters of special adrnfnlstratlonDocument 10 Number: 186894

3 Statement of creditors claims from AscensionPoint for: Walmart Credit John C GarigliettiCare $268.06, GE Capital $789.23, Sam's Club $2016.08Document 10 Number: 192127

John C Gariglietti

John C Gariglietti

12/21/2012 John C Gariglietti

John C Gariglietti


Page 84: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

Dare: 7/10/2015

.: Tirrre: 12:30 PM

Page 1 of2

Crawford County District Court (Pittsburg)

ROAReport ~Case: 2014-CR·000132-P Curre Judge: A J Wachter

Defendant: Stewart, Kimberly NState of Kansas vs. Kimberly N Stewart





5/28/2014 AJWachter











InformationDocument 10 Number: 240615

Summons Issued to Cr Co So for srvc by cert mail

Hearing Scheduled (First Appearance 06/18/201409:00 AM)

Summons Returned/No Service, certified mail returned not deliverable6/6/14Document ID Number: 242717

Arrest Warrant Issued Bond amount: 5000.00 cash surety / Defendant:Stewart, Kimberly N

Amended informationDocument ID Number: 246426

Amended warrant issuedDocument sealed

Original warrant returnedDocument sealed

Arrest Warrant Quashed Defendant: Stewart, Kimberly N

Arrest Warrant Issued Bond amount: 1575.86 Defendant: Stewart,Kimberly N Cash only bail

Arrest Warrant ServedlReturned Defendant Stewart, Kimberly N Cashonly bail

First Appearance Journal Entry - Status December 17, 2014 At 9:00 amDocument 10 Number: 258221

Application For Appointed Defense Services --ApprovedDocument ID Number: 258222

Order Appointing Counsel - Andy BoltonDocument 10 Number: 258223

Notice Of Hearing And Appointment Of AttorneyDocument 10 Number: 258224 .

Commitment: $1,575.86 Cash Only Bond. Status Conference December17,2014 At 9:00 amDocument 10 Number: 258225

Hearing Scheduled (Status Conference 12/17/201409:00 AM)

Amended Warrant Returned, Picked Up 11/112014 By Vernon Co Mo.11/10/2014 Brought CR SO By CorrectionsDocument ID Number: 258226

Packet To Bolton

Cash Bond Posted (Receipt 363629 Dated 11-/26/2014 for 1575.86). ToAppear December 17,2014 At 9:00 amOocument ID Number: 259712

Order Releasing Bond MoneyDocument ID Number: 259713

Notice Of Hearing for PleaDocument 10 Number: 262120

Hearing Scheduled (Plea 02/04/2015 10:30 AM)

A J Wachter

AJ Wachter

A J Wachter

A J Wachter

A J Wachter

A J Wachter

A J Wachter

A J Wachter

A J Wachter

A J Wachter

Kurtis I Lay

Kurtis 1 Loy

Kurtis l Loy

A J Wachter

Kurtis I Loy

A J Wachter

A J Wachter

A J Wachter

A J Wachter

A J Wachter

A J Wachter

A J Wachter

Page 85: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

Date: 7110/2015

. Tima: 12:30 PMPage 2 of2

Crawford County District Court (Pittsburg)ROA Report

Case: 2014-CR-000132-P Current Judge: AJ Wachter

Defendant: Stewart, Kimberly NState of Kansas vs. Kimberly N Stewart
















Motion Requesting Discovery A J WachterDocument 10 Number: 263933

Order for discovery A J WachterDocument 10 Number: 265697

Plea Entered - NC (21.5821.b.2.B Giving a worthless check 7 day total A J Wachter$1000 to $25,000)

Dismissal (CR and JV) (21.5821.b.2.B Giving a worthless check; 7 day total A J Wachter$1000 to $25,000)

Petition To Enter Plea A J WachterDocument ID Number: 267131

ORder for presentence investigation report A J WachterDocument 10 Number: 267133Notice Of Hearing A J WachterDocument 10 Number: 267134

Preliminary Hearing WaivedDocument 10 Number: 267136

Notice of Supreme Court Rule #354 of waiver of prelim (janet Vanleeuwen)Document ID Number: 267140

Hearing Rescheduled (Sentencing 03/18/2015 10:30 AM)

Presentence Investigation reportDocument 10 Number: 269930Victim Impact Statement

Document sealedHearing Rescheduled (Sentencing 04/08/2015 04:00 PM)

Assignment OrderDocument 10 Number: 274144

Bond Converted to Fines, Penalties and Forfeitures (Receipt number365452 dated 4/10/2015 amount 1,575.86)

Notice of Supreme Court Rule #354 of sentencing (Shaun Higgins)Document 10 Number: 274710

Conditions Of ProbationDocument 10 Number: 275138

Journal Entry of sentencingDocument 10 Number: 276505

Email Sent Date: 04/30/2015 11:28 am To: Chris([email protected]) File Attached:PRESENTENCEINVESTIGATIONREPORT.pdf Name of Document:Presentence Investigation Report

Email Sent Date: 04/30/201511:28 am To: Chris([email protected]) File Attached:JOURNALENTRYOFSENTENCING.pdf Name of Document journal entryof sentencing

A J Wachter

A J Wachter

A J Wachter

A J Wachter

A J Wachter

A J Wachter

A J Wachter

A J Wachter

A J Wachter

A J Wachter

AJ Wachter

A J Wachter

A J Wachter

Page 86: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

G}te: 7/10/2015

"Time: 12:59 PM

Page 1 of 1

Crawford County District Court.{Pittsburg)ROA Report

Cas' 014-DM-000278-P

Current Judge: A J WachterCarlin E Turner, ResponOliver Turner, et ai, Petitioner vs.


Marriage Dissolution/Divorce

User: PAH


8/7/2014 A J Wachter











Petition FiledDocument ID Number: 248765

Domestic Relations AffidavitDocument 10 Number: 248766

Child Support WorksheetDocument 10 Number: 248768

Proposed Parenting PlanDocument 10 Number: 248769

Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Enforcement ActDocument 10 Number: 248770

Parenting Class OrderDocument ID Number: 248771

Motion For Ex-Parte Temporary OrdersDocument ID Number: 248773

Ex-Parte OrdersDocument ID Number: 248775

Summons Issued Back to Attny for ServiceDocument 10 Number: 248902

Summons Returned, Personal Service 8-10-14Document ID Number: 249137

Email Sent Date: 08/12/2014 10:51 am To:[email protected] File Attached:SUMMONSRETURNED,PERSONALSERVICE.pdf Name of Document:Summons Returned, Personal Service

Answer of responsentDocument 10 Number: 250649

Certificate of Attendance for Emmaly FarrDocument ID Number: 252936

Hearing Rescheduled (Check Status 11/07/201405:00 PM)

Hearing Rescheduled (Notice of Intent to Dismiss 12/30/201409:00 AM)

Hearing Rescheduled (Case Management Conference 01126/201510:30AM)

Notice of Case Management ConferenceDocument ID Number: 260505

Motion to dismissDocument ID Number: 263588

Order to dismissDocument 10 Number: 263890

A J Wachter

A J Wachter

A J Wachter

A J Wachter

A J Wachter

A J Wachter

A J Wachter

A J Wachter

A J Wachter

A J Wachter

AJ Wachter

AJ Wachter

AJ Wachter

A J Wachter

A J Wachter

A J Wachter

A J Wachter

A J Wachter

Page 87: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

Dcfte: 711012015Time: 01:00 PM

Page 1 of 1

Crawford County District Court (Pittsburg)ROAReport

Case: 2014-CV-000070-P

Current Judge: A J Wachter

User: PAH

Lacie Reed vs. Assurant, Inc


Date Judge

7/2/2014 Request and Service Instruction Form A J WachterDocument 10 Number: 244553

Subpoena To Appear At Videotaped Deposition Issued to Process Server A J WachterDocument 10 Number: 244555

Page 88: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

Date: 7/10/2015

. Time; 01:02 PM

Page 1 of 2

Crawford County District Court (Pittsburg)

ROA Report

Case: 2014-DM-000404-P

Current Judge: A J WachterDavid Barnes.Respondent •

User: PAH

Marriage DissolutionlDivorce

K··tle. (.(e-N\ CI\, ~.rl\~

~ ~e~ A:J. wtlvh1erDwne.~ w,lloerfi Tot,.) I\f'Y

Tara Barnes, Petitioner vs.

Date Judge

11/18/2014 A J WachterPetition FiledDocument ID Number: 258574

Domestic Relations AffidavitDocument ID Number: 258575

Motion For Issuance of Temporary OrdersDocument ID Number: 258578

Temporary OrdersDocument ID Number: 258579

Temporary Parenting PlanDocument ID Number: 258581

Parenting Class OrderDocument 10 Number: 258582

Summons Issued Back to Attny for ServiceDocument ID Number: 258584

Summons Returned, Personal Service 11-24-14Document 10 Number: 259508

Answer of respondentDocument ID Number: 261399

Domestic Relations AffidavitDocument ID Number: 262135

Certificate of Attendance for David BarnesDocument ID Number: 262758

Certificate of Attendance for Tara BarresDocument ID Number: 262759Permanent Parenting PlanDocument ID Number: 267537

Property Settlement AgreementDocument 10 Number: 267542

2/11/2015 Divorce Decree A J WachterDocument ID Number: 267544

3/30/2015 Income Withholding Order $2,655 per month A J WachterDocument ID Number: 272836

4/1/2015 Amended Income Withholding Order $2645 per month A J WachterDocument ID Number: 273135

4/8/2015 )( Email Sent Date: 04/08/201509:57 am To: [email protected] File A J WachterAttached: AMENDEDINCOMEWITHHOLDINGORDERpdf Name ofDocument: Amended Income Withholding Order

.;t' Email Sent Date: 04/08/2015 09:58 am To: [email protected] File A J WachterAttached: INCOMEWITHHOLDINGORDERpdf Name of Document:Income Withholding Order

Email Sent Date: 04/08/2015 11:36 am To: [email protected] File A J WachterAttached: INCOMEWITHHOLDINGORDER.pdf Name of Document:Income Withholding Order






A J Wachter

A JWachter

A J Wachter

A J Wachter

A J Wachter

A J Wachter

A J Wachter

A J Wachter

A J Wachter

A J Wachter

A J Wachter

A J Wachter

A J Wachter

Page 89: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

Date: 7/10/2015r>

-Time: "01 :02 PM

Page 2 of2

Crawford County District Court (Pittsburg)ROAReport

Case: 2014-DM-000404-P

Current Judge: A J WachterDavid Barnes, RespondentTara Barnes, Petitioner vs.

Marriage Dissolution/Divorce

Date Judge

User: PAH

4/8/2015 Email Sent Date: 04/08/2015 11:37 am To: [email protected] FileAttached: AMENDEDINCOMEWITHHOLDINGORDER.pdf Name ofDocument: Amended Income Withholding Order

Vital stat sht mailed to Topeka

Income Withholding Order $1538 per month child support & $1112 permonth maint.Document ID Number: 281204




A J Wachter

A J Wachter

A J Wachter

Page 90: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

Kansas Commission on Judicial Qualifications

301 SW 10th

Topeka Ks 66612


I recently signed a grand jury petition that was going around to impeach all 11III judicial district judges dueto conflicts of interest between them which was filed in case number 2015MR2P. During the petition driveto try to get the signatures a radio ad was ran on 100] ESPN My Town Media which is owned by attorneyBill Wachter who is Chief Judge A.J. Wachter;s brother. There seems to be an e-mail that came fromJudge Lori Fleming's public computer that seems to be inappropriate conduct Please in'festigate thismatter.

I will be signing a class-action lawsuit now against Lori Fleming in her private capacity since she was notperfonning her public ministerial duties or job descriptions by interfering in a radio ad and damaging thesummary judgment group by not getting the required 315 voters and only 121 due to her interference in aprivate business matter and constitutional grand jury petition.

Very truly yours,

Fred Grablas

P.O. Box 47

Opolis, Ks 66760

Page 91: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

CHAIR:Mary ThrowerJudge Member

VICE-CHAIR:Nicholas St. PeterJudge Member

Nancy S. Ansl-aetl

Lawyer Member

). Patricl. BrazilJudge Member

Brenda Call1eronJudge Member

Dr. Mary DavidsonNon-Lawyer Member

Allen G. GlendenningLawyer Member

Larry D. HendricI.sJudge Member

David J. KingJudge Member

Susan LynnNon-La.wyer M.ember

Christina Pannbacl.erNon-Lawyer Member

Wi!liaxn H. SwearerLawyer Member

Valdenia C. WinnNon-Lawyerfl.1em ber

Diane S . WorthLawyer MeIIl],ec

SECRETARY:Heather 1. Smith

~tate of lRansas


TOPEKA, KANSAS 66612785-296-2913

[email protected]

June 19,2015

Lester Moore508 E. Viener, Lot AlFrontenac, Kansas 66763

Re: Your complaint against District Judge Lori A. Bolton Fleming

Dear Mr. Moore:

This office is in receipt of your above-referenced complaint.

The above-captioned complaint will be referred to the Commission and willbe placed on the Commission's August 7, 2015, meeting agenda.


/h~/alfHeather L. Smith, (Secretary


Page 92: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

":)(.,> /l ~ ;2?-,?- 0 ISOffice Of The Attomey General

Memorial Hall

120 SW 10th AVE., 2nd Floor

Topeka, Ks 66612


I recently heard a grand jury petition that was going around to oust all 11th judicial district N(iges due toconflicts of interest between them. During the petition drive to try to get the signatures a radio ad was ranon 100.7 ESPN My Town Media which is owned by attorney Bill Wachter. I head the radio ad and didn'thave a pen with me to write down who to contact to sign the petiion. After just 2 days of running on the airJudge Lori Fleming took it upon herself to use her power inappropriately as a judge and to usurp/intrudeinto a private business contract between Summary Judgment Group and My Town Media. twas wanting tosign the "Grand Jury Petition" but never ran into anyone who was getting signatures for the petitionbecause the radio ad was only ran for 2 days instead of 30 like I was informed by The Summary JudgmentGroup which was the original contract that was breached by Lori Fleming and Bill Wachter.

I will be signing a class-action lawsuit now against Lori Fleming in her private capacity sin~ she was notperforming her public ministerial duties or job descriptions by interfering in a radio ad and :d~maging myselfthe opportunity to sign a grand jury petition and she also damaged the summary judgment group and theydid not get the required voters due to her interference in a private business matter and constitutional grandjury petition.

Very truly yours, ~GV€5 P'(y oy !\ .

#;:JY ljt"'.-,iu"tc;,d< v- ~ (!i?~f? HShu(Cj!<'S lotoilo)

CC Kansas Commission on Judicial Qualifications and State Insurance Commissioner'

Page 93: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

Office Of The Attorney General

Memorial Hall, 120, SW 10th AVE., 2nd Floor

Topeka Ks 66612


I recently signed a grand jury petition that was going around to oust all 11111 judicial district judges due toconflicts of interest between them which was filed in case number 2015MR2P. During the-.,petitiondrive totry to get the signatures a radio ad was ran on 100.7 ESPN My Town Media which is own~ by attorney BillWachter. After just 2 days of running on the air Judge Lori Fleming took it upon herseltto use her powerinappropriately as a judge and to usurplintrude into a private business contract between SummaryJudgment Group and My Town Media. She wrote a private emait on her regular job time as a publicservant judge and she then had the nerve to profile the Summary Judgment Group ana ~ake slanderous,demeaning nicknames by calling anyone who signed it including "myself' "posse cometa,ut" because ofmy political views to simply sign a constitutional grand jury petition.

What Lori Fleming called anyone that signed the grand jury petition is really "posse comitatus". The factthat Lori Fleming made typos in her slanderous insulting remarks or the fact that she can't s,imply spell theword "posse cornltatus' doesn't change the fact she insulted anyone who signed:the petition and labeled usin a political box now! Who is Kurt in the email? Is it Judge Kurt Loy was he in on this too?'? Ithink sincethe copy of the message sent to 100.7 ESPN was from the email address of <!fleming> is froma public judicial courthouse email address that the computer this was sent from needs to be taken duringthe investigation and see how many other messages and emails were sent ex parte and ~ut privatematters as well. Ihave included a copy of the picture going around the 11th judicial district Which shows LoriFleming contacting 100.7 ESPN at 1:43 P.M. on February 19, 2015. Is this why1he state has to havefurloughs is because our public servants are conducting private business on taxpayers time. Iwill besigning a class-action lawsuit now against Lori fleming in her private capacity since she was notperforming her public ministerial duties or job descriptions by interfering in a radio ad anq damaging thesummary judgment group and not getting the required voters due to her interference in aprivate businessmatter and constitutional grand jury petition.

Very u \.U,'/.....iI!-~r--....,--

/11M{ I .A'"?I••.~_~ ~

/t1cU"c lJoher+y j 60 ~ 19:)6 --1+ o I~Ije p~-4sIoJ,Kc ~(,,7(/)CC Kansas Commission On Judicial Qualification$ and State Insurance Commissioner

Page 94: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

Office Of The Attorney General

Memorial Hall, 120, SW 10th AVE., 2nd Floor

Topeka Ks 66612


. I recently signed a grand jury petition that was going around to oust all 11th judicial district judges due toconflicts of int~rest between t~em which was filed in case num~e~~O~5~~2~. ?ur~~~ thEjetition d~i~e to.try to get the signatures a radio ad was ran on 100.7 ESPN My Town Media whlcnls owne~1>Yattorney BillWachter. After just 2 days of running on the air Judge Lori Fleming took it upon nerseff to use her powerinappropriately as a judge and to usurplintrude into a private business contract between SummaryJudgment Group and My Town Media. She wrote a private email on her regular job time as a publicservant judge and she then had the nerve to profile the Summary Judgment Group anct£Qakeslanderous,demeaning nicknames by calling anyone who signed it including "myself "posse contetiut" because ofmy political views to simply sign a constitutional grand jury petition.

What Lori Fleming called anyone that signed the grand jury petition is really "posse comitatus". The factthat Lori Fleming made typos in her slanderous insulting remarks or the fact that she can't ~imply spell theword 'posse comitatus" doesn't change the fact she insulted anyone who signed the petition and labeled usin a political box now! Who is Kurt in the email? Is it Judge Kurt Loy was he in on this too?? I think sincethe copy of the message sent to 100.7 ESPN was from the emait address of <Ifleming> is froma public judicial courthouse email address that the computer this was sent from needs to be taken duringthe investigation and see how many other messages and emails were sent ex parte and ~ut privatematters as well. Ihave included a copy of the picture going around the 11th judicial district ,hich shows LoriFleming contacting 100.7 ESPN at 1:43 P.M. on February 19, 2015As·lliis· why the-state has to havefurloughs is because our public servants are conducting private business on taxpayers time. I will besigning a class-action lawsuit now against Lori Fleming in her private capacity since she was notperforming her public ministerial duties or job descriptions by interfering in a radio ad a~ damaging thesummary judgment group and not getting the required voters due to her interference in aprivate businessmatter and constitutional grand jury petition.

Very truly;:gu , I r,

N/~~.P/~~ R.ob0y P/,,)lltP5I- /~/[../ r £5)0 £. 5& u~ "')-fr~e..+

. Wm~ I(~ b67/~CC Kansas Commission On Judicial Qualifications and State Insurance Commissioner

Page 95: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming


Kansas Commission on Judicial Qualifications

301 SW. Tenth Avenue

Topeka Ks 66612

THIS COMPLAINT IS AGAINST 11TH DtSTRICT JUDGE LORI BOLTON FLEMING FORUSURPATION OF OFFICE UNDER K.S.A. 60-1201. K.S.A. 60-1202(1){2)(4)(5). K.S.A. 60-1205, K.S.A. 60-1206(a)(b), K.S.A. 60-1207 and for violations of RULES RRATING TOJUDICIAL CONDUCT CODE OF JUDICIAL CONDUCT Rule 601A and Rule 5.4 of TheUniform Bonding Code.

I recently signed a grand jury petition that was going around to oust all 11th judiciat district j4dges due toconflicts of interest between them which was filed in case number 2015MR2P. During the petition drive totry to get the signatures a radio ad was ran on 100] ESPN My Town Media which is owned by attorney BillWachter. After just 2 days of running on the air Judge Lori Fleming took it upon herself to use her powerinappropriately as a judge and to usurp/intrude into a private business contract between ~ummaryJudgment Group and My Town Media. She wrote a private email at her regular job as a flublic servantjudge and she then had the nerve to profile the Summary Judgment Group and make slanderous,demeaning nicknames by calling anyone who signed it including "myselF "posse cometaut" because ofmy political views to simply sign a constitutional grand jury petition.

What Lori Heming called anyone that signed the grand jury petition is really "posse comitatus", Thedefinition of "posse comitatus" is «the named taken by a right wing, anti-tax extremist groupfounded in 1969 by Henry L. Beach a retired dry cleaner and one time member of the silvershirt, nazi inspired organization that was established in the United States after Adolph Hitlercame to power in Germany. The group operated on the belief that the true in\ent of thefounders of The United States was to establish a Christian Republic where the ~dividual wassovereign".

The last thing I would ever be associated with is a "WHITE NAZI HATE GROUP WHEN I PLAYED HIGHSCHOOL AND COLLEGE FOOTBALL WITH ALL MINORITIES AND MY GIRLFRIEND',~ CHILDRENARE BI·RACIAL". I find that highly derogatory and a very racist comment. I think sincethr copy of themessage sent to 100.7 ESPN was from the email address of <Ifleming> is from a publicjudicial courthouse email address that the computer this was sent from needs to be taken during theinvestigation and see how many other messages and emsis were sent ex parte and about private manersas well. I have included a copy of the picture going around the 11th judicial district which shows LoriFleming contacting 100.7 ESPN at 1:43 P.M. on February 19, 2015.

Page 96: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

I will be signing a class-action lawsuit now against Lori Fleming in her private capacity for qeprivation offederally protected rights42-USC 1983 since she was not performing her public ministerial puties or jobdescriptions by interfering in a radio advertisement and stopping the summary judgment group from gettingthe required voters due to her interference in a private business matter and constitutional grand jury petitionwhich violates Article 1 Section 10 of The United States Constitution.

Very truly yours,

Matt Schwob , 16 0 I ~' E I ff/ ; P ;+tsb u'("3 i( '5 ~ ~ 7~~

CC Attorney General's Office and State Insurance Commissioner

Page 97: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

-:5v t1~ ;t?-,?- 0 ISOffice Of The Attorney General

Memorial Hall

120 SW 10th AVE., 2nd Floor

Topeka, Ks 66612


I recently heard a grand jury petition that was going around to oust all 11th judicial district NQges due toconflicts of interest between them. During the petition drive to try to get the signatures a radio ad was ranon 100.7 ESPN My Town Media which is owned by attorney Bill Wachter. I head the radio ad and didn'thave a pen with me to write down who to contact to sign the petiion. After just 2 days of running on the airJudge Lori Fleming took it upon herself to use her power inappropriately as a judge and to usurp/intrudeinto a private business contract between Summary Judgment Group and My Town Media. twas wanting tosign the "Grand Jury Petition" but never ran into anyone who was getting signatures for the petitionbecause the radio ad was only ran for 2 days instead of 30 like J was informed by The Summary JudgmentGroup which was the original contract that was breached by Lori Fleming and Bill Wachter.

I will be signing a class-action lawsuit now against Lori Fleming in her private capacity sin~ she was notperforming her public ministerial duties or job descriptions by interfering in a radio ad and .d¥maging myselfthe opportunity to sign a grand jury petition and she also damaged the summary judgmentgroup and theydid not get the required voters due to her interference in a private business matter and constitutional grandJury petition.

Very truly' yours, ~Gl{eS py-y 0,' . .#]'1 y-i-V,,,k'ctc;,de c - ~ tf?~p; H')hLJr<j/l5 i..olD(b;l

CC Kansas Commission on Judicial Qualifications and State Insurance Commissioner

Page 98: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

Office Of The Attorney General

Memorial Hall, 120, SW 10th AVE., 2nd Floor

Topeka Ks 66612

THIS COMPLAINT IS AGAINST 11TH DISTRICT JUDGE LORI BOLTON FLEMING FORUSURPATION OF OFFICE UNDER K.S.A. 60-1201, K.S.A. 60-1202(1)(2)(4){5). K.s.A. 60-1205, K5.A. 60-1206(a)(b). K.S.A. 60-1207 and for violations of RUlfS Rf1f.TING TOJUDICIAL CONDUCT CODe OF JUDICIAL CONDUCT Rule 601A.

I recently signed a grand jury petition that was going around to oust all 11th iudicial district judges due toconflicts of interest between them which was filed in case number 2015MR2P. During th9\~etition drive totry to get the signatures a radio ad was ran on 100.7 ESPN My Town Media which is own~ by attorney BillWachter. After just 2 days of running on the air Judge Lori Fleming took it upon hersellto use her powerinappropriately as a judge and to usurpllntrude into a private business contract between SummaryJudgment Group and My Town Media. She wrote a private email on her regular job time as a publicservant judge and she then had the nerve to profile the Summary Judgment Group ancf,,!ake slanderous,demeaning nicknames by calling anyone who signed it including "myself' "posseco~ut" because ofmy political views to simply sign a constitutional grand jury petition.

What Lori Fleming called anyone that signed the grand jury petition is really "posse comitatus". The factthat Lori Fleming made typos in her slanderous insulting remarks or the fact that she can't ~imply spell theword "posse comitatus" doesn't change the fact she insulted anyone who signed lhe petiliOfl and labeled usin a political box now! Who is Kurt in the emaH? Is it Judge Kurt L-oywas he in OR this too?? f think sincethe copy of the message sent to 100.7 ESPN was from the em ail address of <!fleming> is froma public judicial courthouse email address that the computer this was sent from needs to be taken duringthe investigation and see how many other messages and emails were sent ex parte and ~ut privatematters as well. I have included a copy of the picture going around the 11th judicial district Which shows LoriFleming contacting 100.7 ESPN at 1:43 P.M. on February 19,2015. Is this whyihe state has to havefurloughs is because our public servants are conducting private business on taxpayers time. I will besigning a class-action lawsuit now against Lori Fleming in her private capacity since she was notperforming her public ministerial duties or job descriptions by interfering in a radio ad anq damaging thesummary judgment group and not getting the required voters due to her interference in aJ>rivate businessmatter and constitutional grand jury petition.

Very truJuou~~

111/;()/;(~ .. . ~. . ('\j1;1aY'c Uoher-fy J 66 ~ YQ 7iH.l+h o t, \Ie p:+lslovr, K" bL7')"

CC Kansas Commission On Judicial Qualifications and State Insurance Commissioner

Page 99: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

Office Of The Attorney General

Memorial Hall, 120, SW 10th AVE., 2nd Floor

Topeka Ks 66612


I recently signed a grand jury petition that was going around to oust all 11th judicial district judges due toconflicts of int~rest between t~em which was filed in case nurnbe~_~O~5M~2~. _~~~~~ th~~etition d~veto.try to get the signatures a radio ad was ran on 100.7 ESPN MfTown Machawtucn ISownel1"bVattOrney BIllWachter. After just 2 days of running on the air Judge Lori Fleming took it uponherseffto use her powerinappropriately as a judge and to usurp/intrude into a private business contract between SummaryJudgment Group and My Town Media. She wrote a private email on her regular job time as a publicservant judge and she then had the nerve to profile the Summary Judgment Group and~ake slanderous,demeaning nicknames by calling anyone who signed it including "myself "possecomet~ut'J because ofmy political views to simply sign a constitutional grand jury petition.

What Lori Fleming called anyone that signed the grand jury petition is really "posse comitatus". The factthat Lori Fleming made typos in her slanderous insulting remarks or the fact that she can't ~imply spell theword "posse comitatus" doesn't change the fact she insulted anyone who signed the petition and labeled usin a political box now! Who is Kurt in the email? Is it Judge Kurt Loy was he in on this too?? I think sincethe copy of the message sent to 100.7 ESPN was from the emaH address of <lfleming> is froma public judicial courthouse email address that the computer this was sent from needs to be taken duringthe investigation and see how many other messages and emails were sent ex parte and a;out privatematters as well. I have included a copy of the picture going around the 11th judicial district ,hich shows LoriFleming contacting 100] ESPN at 1:43 P.M. on February 19, 2015As-tms-why me state nas to havefurloughs is because our public servants are conducting private business on taxpayers time. I will besigning a class-action lawsuit now against Lori Fleming in her private capacity since she was notperiorming her public ministerial duties or job descriptions by interiering in a radio ad a~ damaging thesummary judgment group and not getting the required voters due to her interference inaprivate businessmatter and constitutional grand jury petition.

VerytrUIY~ , f'.

///~'J . ~~ Robloy. p(:ltI'5r> , /~//C/r: '5)0 e 5.:1 u~ "5-fr~e+\ ' I+t m'\ /(<{ ~~ 71{).

CC Kansas Commission On Judicial Qualifications and State Insurance Commissioner

Page 100: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

Kansas Commission on Judicial Qualifications

301 SW. Tenth Avenue

Topeka Ks 66612

THIS COMPLAINT ISAGAINST 11TH DISTRICT JUDGE LORI BOLTON FLEMING FORUSURPATION OF OFFICE UNDER K.S.A. 60-1201. K.S.A. 60-1202(1){2)(4}(5). K.5.A. 60-1205. K.S.A. 60-1206(a)(b). K.S.A. 60-1207 and for violations of RULES RELATING TOJUDICIAL CONDUCT CODE OF JUDICIAL CONDUCT Rule 601A and Rule 5.4 of TheUniform Bonding Code.

I recently signed a grand jury petition that was going around to oust all 11th judicia! districtj4dges due toconflicts of interest between them which was filed in case number 2015MR2P. During the petition drive totry to get the signatures a radio ad was ran on 100.7 ESPN My Town Media which is owned by attorney BillWachter. After just 2 days of running on the air Judge Lori Fleming took it upon herself to use her powerinappropriately as a judge and to usurp/intrude into a private business contract between~ummaryJudgment Group and My Town Media. She wrote a private email at her regular job as 8 Qublic servantjudge and she then had the nerve to profile the Summary Judgment Group and make slanderous,demeaning nicknames by calling anyone who signed it including "myselF "posse cometaut" because ofmy political views to simply sign a constitutional grand jury petition.

What Lori Fteming called anyone that signed the grand jury petition is really "posse comitatus'. Thedefinition of "posse comitatus;' is «the named taken by a right wing, anti-tax extremist groupfounded in 1969 by Henry L. Beach a retired dry cleaner and one time member of the silvershirt, nazi inspired organization that was established in the United States after Adolph Hitlercame to power in Germany. The group operated on the belief that the true in\ent of thefounders of The United States was to establish a Christian Republic wherethe [ndividual wassovereign".

The last thing I would ever be associated with is a "WHITE NAZI HATE GROUP WHEN I PLAYED HIGHSCHOOL AND COLLEGE FOOTBALL WITH ALL MINORITIES AND MY GIRLFRIENDr,~ CHILDRENARE SI·RACIAL". I find that highly derogatory and a very racist comment. I think sincefhp copy of themessage sent to 100.7 ESPN was from the email address of <Ifleming @11thjd;org> is from a publicjudicial courthouse email address that the computer this was sent from needs to be taken during theinvestigation and see how many other messages and emails were sent ex parte and about private mattersas well. I have included a copy of the picture going around the 11th judicial district which shows LoriFleming contacting 100.7 ESPN at 1:43 P.M. on February 19, 2015.

Page 101: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

I will be signing a class-action lawsuit now against Lori Fleming in her private capacity for qeprivation offederally protected rights42-USC 1983 since she was not performing her public ministerial~uties or jobdescriptions by interfering in a radio advertisement and stopping the summary judgment group from gettingthe required voters due to her interference in a private business matter and constitutional grand jury petitionwhich violates Article 1 Section 10 of The United States Constitution.

Very truly yours,

Matt Schwob J J 5 0 I ~, E I ffI I p; +t sb u'Cj i(sip ~ 710 ')

CC Attorney General's Office and State Insurance Commissioner

Page 102: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

Kansas Commission on.Judicial Qualifications

301 S.w. Tenth Avenue

Topeka Ks 66612

Re: 2015CV04G

THIS COMPLAINT IS AGAINST nTH DISTRICT JUDGE AJ. Wachter FOR USURPATIONOF OFFICE UNDER K.S.A. 60-1201. K.S.A. 60-1202(1)(2)(4)(5). K.S.A. 60-1205, K.S.A.60-1206(a)(b), K.S.A. 60-1207 and for violations of RULES RELATING TO JUDICIALCONDUCT CODE OF JUDICIAL CONDUCT Rule 601A. Rule 1.1 Compliance With TheLaw, Rule 1.2 Promoting Confidence in The Judiciary. Rule 1.3 Avoldlng InappropriateUse of the Prestige of Judicial Office Rule 2.2 Impartiality and Fairness, ~ule 2.3 Bias,Prejudice, and Harassment. Rule 2.4 External Influences on Judicial Conduct, Rule 2.7Responsibility To Decide, Rule 2.11 Disqualification. Rule 2.12 Supervisory Duties. andRule 2.16 Cooperation with Disciplinary Authorities.

I recently signed a grand jury petition that was going around to oust all 11th judicial district j~dges due toconflicts of interest between them which was filed in case number 2015MR2P. During the petition drive totry to get the signatures a radio ad was ran on 100.7 ESPN My Town Media which is owned by attorney BillWachter who is A.J. WaChter's brother. After just 2 days of running on the air Judge Lori Fleming took itupon herself to use her power inappropriately as a judge and to usurp/intrude into a private businesscontract between Summary Judgment Group and My Town Media. She wrote a privat~ email on herregular job time as a public servant judge and she then had the nerve to profile the Summary JudgmentGroup and make slanderous, demeaning nicknames by calling anyone who signed it including "myself'"posse cometaut" because of my political views to simpty signa constitutional grand jury petition.

What Lori Fleming called anyone that signed the grand jury petition is really "posse comitatl;ls". The factthat Lori Fleming made typos in her slanderous insulting remarks or the fact that she can't ~imply spell theword "posse comitatus" doesn't Change the fact she insulted anyone who signed the petition and labeled usin a political box now! Who is Kurt in the email? Is it Judge Kurt Lay was he in on this too?? I think sincethe copy of the message sent to 100.7 ESPN was from the email address of <Ifleming> is froma public judicial courthouse email address that the computer this was sent from needs to ~ taken duringthe investigation and see how many other messages and emaiJs were sent ex parte and abput privatematters as welJ. I have included a copy of the picture going around the 11th judicial district which shows LoriFleming contacting 100.7 ESPN at 1:43 P.M. on February 19,2015. Is this why the state has to havefurloughs is because our public servants are conducting private business on taxpayers time. The stateshould now have a permanent furlough and decrease about 70% of these government jo~ since the publicservants don't want to perform their public job duties. I will be signing a class-action laWSUItnow againstLori Fleming;n her private capacity since she was not performing her public ministerial duties or jobdescriptions by interfering in a radio ad and damaging the summary judgment group and not getting the

Page 103: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

required voters due to her interference in a private business matter and constitutional granc,liury petition.She recused herself from case number 2015CV04G RE: Travis Carlton vs. Kansas Department of Revenueon March 23, 2015 due to an ethic complaint that was filed against her by myself which the KansasCommission on Judicial Qualifications heard on February 14,2015. Lori Fleming had previously violatedRule 2.16(8) on 2119. 2015 at 1:43 P.M. when she called me "Posse Cometauf and slandered me with ademeaning nickname and showed bias and prejudice against anyone Pro Se or who si!fs a grand jurypetition,

A.J. Wachter has violated Rule 2.12 because he has allowed two of his 11th district judges Kurt Lay andLori Fleming to usurp and intrude into a constitutional grand jury by Lori Fleming sending a private emailfrom the 11th judicial office which violates Rule 1.3 Avoiding Inappropriate Use of the P(estige of JudicialOffice. He has also violated Rule 2.7 and Rule 2.11 (A) because he should have never had any subiect-matter jurisdiction to hear my hearing on June 8,2015 and I have now had a hearing for my OUI appealwith a judge who had "NO SUBJECT -MA TIER JURISDICTION" to be there and should have previouslyrecused just like Lori Fleming did back on March 23,2015. That was almost 3 months ago that ChiefJudge A.J. Wachter had to find out why Lori Fleming recused from my case.

Please investigate and find out why Judge Wachter did not properly recuse from case number 2015CV04Glike Lori Fleming did. Please also find out why when Lori Fleming recuses she just writes to Chief JudgeA.J. Wachter and addresses him as "A.J.". I think I have the answer to that question since Lori Fleming canpersonally send A,J. Wachter's brother, attorney Bill Wachter private emails during company time and tellBill who and who not can run an advertisement on Bill Wachter's private radio station. I have included themotion for change of judge with affidavit for your committee to view to see if you think Judge Wachtershould privately cease and desist this case under Rule 2.11 (A).

Very truly yours,

Travis Carlton 1410 N. Smelter Pittsburg Ks 66762!/:;t:::...,/~~.~-~- ..,,~.".,---- ...

CC Attomey General's Office

State Insurance Commissioner

Page 104: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

Kansas Commission on Judicial Qualifications

301 S.W. Tenth Avenue

Topeka Ks 66612 Re: 15CV38P

THIS COMPLAINT IS AGAINST 11TH DISTRICT JUDGES A.J. WACHTER AND KURT lOYFOR USURPATION OF OFFICE UNDER K.S.A. 60-1201. K.S.A. 60-1202(1)(2)(4)(5).K.S.A. 60-1205, K.S.A. 60-1206(a)(b). K.s.A. 60-1207 and for violations of RULESRELATING TO JUDICIAL CONDUCT CODE OF JUDICIAL CONDUCT Rule 60lA. andRule 5.4 of The Uniform Bonding Code.

I recently signed a grand jury petition that was going around to oust a1l11!h judicial district j4dges due toconflicts of interest between them which was filed in case number 2015MR2P. During the J)etition drive totry to 'get the signatures a radio ad was ran on 100.7 ESPN My Town Media which is owned by attorney BillWachter. After just 2 days of running on the air Judge Lori Fleming took it upon herself to use her powerinappropriately as a judge and to usurplintrude into a private business contract between SummaryJudgment Group and My Town Media. She wrote a private email on her regular job time-as a publicservant judge and she then had the nerve to profile the Summary Judgment Group and make standerous,demeaning nicknames by calling anyone who signed it including "myself' "posse cometaut" because ofmy political views to simply sign a constitutional grand jury petition.

What Lori Fleming called anyone that signed the grand jury petition is really "posse comitatus". The factthat Lori Fleming made typos in her slanderous insulting remarks or the fact that she can't simply spell theword "posse comitatus' doesn't change the fact she insulted anyone who signed the petition and labeled usin a political box now! Who is Kurt in the email? Is it Judge Kurt Loy was he in on this too?? Ithink sincethe copy of the message sent to 100.7 ESPN was from the email address of <!fleming> is froma public judicial courthouse email address that the computer this was sent from needs to ~ taken duringthe investigation and see how many other messages and emails were sent ex parte and about privatematters as well, I have included a copy of the picture going around the 11th judicial district which shows LoriFleming contacting 100.7 ESPN at 1:43 P.M. on February 19, 2015. Is this why the state has to havefurloughs is because our public servants are conducting private business on taxpayers time. The stateshould now have a permanent furlough and decrease about 70% of these government job~ since the publicservants don't want to perform their public job duties. I will be signing a class-action lawsuit now againstLori Fleming in her private capacity since she was not performing her public ministerial duties or jobdescriptions by interfering in a radio ad and damaging the summary judgment group and not getting therequired voters due to her interference in a private business matter and constitutional grand jury petition.

Since the "GRAND JURY PETITON" was for the purpose to impeach the 11th district judgesI feel Lori Fleming violated Rule 4.1 since she is making speeches in her email to attorneyBill Wachter about the possibility of losing her political job and she should not be calling


Page 105: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

Crawford County has been known to do in the past according to attorney Mark Fern in mypublic court case number 14CV14P where attorney Mark Fern:filed a "MOTION TO STRIKETHIRD-PARTY PETmON AGAINST DEFENDANTS FERN & ANGERMAYER LLC ANDSTEPHEN B. ANGERMA YER AND FOR SANCTIONS" and he says on statement 5 page 2comparing the Pro Se client to something called "Kansas Militia Members" ant\ on statement14 of page 6 says that the Pro Se clients tactics are what "THIS COURT' meaning"CRAWFORD COUNTY" that this court commonly associates with the "KANSASMIllTIA"!!!! The statement of people representing themselves being "MILITIA" by the 11th

judicial district court is just one of the bias and prejudices under Rule 2.3, and due processviolations that led to the "GRAND JURY PETITION" to impeach all 11th district court judges.Maybe attorney Mark Fern had spoken with Judge Lori Fleming since she was one of three(3) district judge members of «the court" in the 11thjudicial district in Crawford County in2014 when that statement was made public when it was filed.

I don't feel confident going in front of Judge A.J. Wachter in case number ISCY38P since hisbrother is the attorney that Lori Fleming was making "NAZI RACIAL SLURS"with andcalling me "posse comeataut". All judges in the 11thdistrict have now showed proof of biasand prejudice against Pro Se litigants and Judge Wachter is the chief judge which shouldviolate Rule 2.12 for not properly supervising his employees. I also don't feel A], Wachtershould hear this case because Steve Stockard ofWilben and Towner is an attorney in thiscase and A.J. Wachter used to own Wilbert and Towner and Wilbert and Towner is the lawfirm that is owned by My Town Media owner, attorney Bill Wachter who receives e-mailsfrom Lori Fleming which is unethical. Please investigate this matter and assign a judge fromout of the 11th judicial district to hear this case under Rule 2.11 (A) Disqualification.

Very truly yours, f ~ t'-<;1e~ '1/-

James Beckley Jr. '30 ~ tv. w'l c.-K~'1 tlldel'\4 C 1<<; to ~ 7 (0 .3CC Attorney General's Office

State Insurance Commissioner

Page 106: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

MINTER & POLLAK545 N. WoodlawnWichita, Kansas 67208(316) 265-0797



Plaintiff, ))

V. ))


)Defendants. )


CASE NO. 15 CV 38-P





COMES NOW, the Plaintiff, Community National Bank & Trust for its Motion to

dismiss the counterclaims asserted by the Defendant James A. Beckley, Jr. pursuant to

K.S.A. 60-212(b) and in support of said request states as follows:

1) Plaintiff is entitled to judgment on all counterclaims and defenses

In this matter the Defendant James Beckley, Jr. has asserted numerous

defenses and counterclaims which have no basis under Kansas law and should be

dismissed pursuant to K.S.A. 60-212(b )(1) for lack of subject-matter jurisdiction or 60-

212(b )(6) for failure to state a claim upon which relief can be granted. Given the nature

Page 107: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming


The undersigned hereby certifies that on this 20th day of May, 2015 the original

above and foregoing Motion to Dismiss Counterclaims Against Plaintiff was deposited in

the United States Mail, postage prepaid and properly addressed to:

James A. Beckley, Jr.302 W. McKayFrontenac, KS 66763

Kip SagehornLoy & Sagehorn, LLCP.O. Box BPittsburg, KS 66762

Steve StockardWilbert & Towner, PA506 N. PinePittsburg, KS 66762

COil ~): ct1<u \~ ~ \ \ tf\

Page 108: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

bl. ~ .~ ~§' *. H ~j); ~ ~ m· (Z)6.iI: r,z""TI'!'$f? ~er:.d31

Jurlg'!-filing d.t.:

Case sub::.'PS:

CommemPrs.•iotis cass:

Plaintiff 1 oIl

Community National Bank & Trust

Attorney: Pollak, Creath l

!"":-.,,- !

f) Oocumcut Service Io Supervisions ---1o TIme limits Io Trusis 1

I. • • ., --- --'1

·Utigant Options

lAitOm"y!AI'~1)B~DchWa.':.'ants IOBondslAliQ) . -J:(j Gamisnme:ms --!o Orders IParty

Send notices: bC Post-actve:C.,.mment:

Counter claim3nt: CCounter dei&ndanl: ,_lCiOSS claimant r_1Cross def&ndani. ---.r

Third party ~~3jntiff:

Third porty defendant:

Imer ..•..rancrAmicus curiae:


Hen party:Other ""rty:Amount claimed. .00

Journal entry require-d: Y JOtJma~ ~Tltr'l dele:Created by: KV on 04iOE ,,015 10:15 ft}~1

0010010000U-pdate,{by: f<:..t on 04!W2015 lG:16NIJ Costs

No costs' assessed

,--y-.--w------1r------;I b.S~elJ... E:n(l~·-~t~sef',,1a!1 :M Cl)aoge-~ase Type f : Images_;-'--_.__ .

C~t\ t...JG\c...~ \--ey 0-e.k'd" h r.:-rT--h@ v: f!:/, f I

)LJ))j~ wk~;I'lt1 C\~ ~,-1-eY' <

Page 109: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming


Community National Bank & Trust,Plaintiff.

i4 MAR14 P 2 :04

vs. 14 CV 14 P

James A. Beckley, Jr., and the unknownheirs, executors, administrators, devisees,trustees, creditors and assigns of such ofthe defendant as may be deceased andthe unknown spouses of the defendant; )the unknown officers, successors, trustees.)creditors and assigns of such defendant )as are existing, dissolved or dormant )corporations; the unknown executors, )administrators, devisees, trustees, }creditors, successors and assigns of such }defendant as are or were partners or in }partnership; and the unknown guardians, }conservators, and trustees of such of the )defendant as are minors or are in )anywise under legal disability; and the )unknown heirs. executors, administrators, )devisees, trustees, creditors, and assigns of)any person alleged to be deceased. )






Come now third-party defendants Fern & Angermayer, LtC and Stephen B.

Angermayer by and through their attorney Mark E. Fern and for their motion to strike

the third-party petition against them and for sanctions state:

1. Plaintiff, Community National Bank & Trust, a financial institution, organized


Page 110: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

existing, and doing business under and by virtue of law, filed a petition in this action

against the defendant James A. Beckley Jr. for defaulting on a promissory note and to

foreclose a security interest

2. The defendant, James A. Beckley, Jr., was properly served and filed a pro-58

answer to the plaintiff's petition.

3. Defendant Beckley filed a pro-se, third-party complaint against all parties he

believed were involved in the suit. He made third-party allegations against the attorney

for the plaintiff bank, Stephen B. Anqerrnayer and his firm. the president of the bank,

Tony Stonerock, and the sheriff's deputy, Robert Peters, who served the defendant with

the summons and petition.

4. The third-party defendant also filed complaints against all third-party

defendants with various regulatory authorities. He filed a complaint against bank's

counsel with the Kansas Office of Disciplinary Administrator, against the Bank President. . .f lJ2)li~..s'iL'

with the Comptroller of Currency, and against the sheriff's deputy with the Crawford £.-0 l ,'J -. Wcvt4R1

County Sheriff's Department. ,--1 v+(; J.

-i- 5. Third-party defendant tactics, as set out above mirror what this court has / t;(vr T- &6 (7. '.~received in prior cases from Kansas Militia members. l\~-;e.-----------~ ~~ .

6. The statute on third-party practice states as follows: CD .) f' "

Statute 60-214: Third-party practice. (a) When defendant may bring in thirdparty At any time after commencement of the action a defending party, as athird-party plaintiff, may cause a summons and petition 10 be served upon aperson not a party to the action who is Of may be liable to the third-party plaintifffor all or part of the plaintiff's claim against the third-party plaintiff. The third-partyplaintiff need not obtain leave to make the service if the third-party plaintiff filesthe third-party petition not later than 10 days after serving the original answer.Otherwise the third-party plaintiff must obtain leave on motion upon notice to allparties to the action. The person served with the summons and third-party


Page 111: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

14. The Third-party plaintiff has interposed the third-party claim for the purpose

~~f harassment and delay. His tactics are what this court commonly associates with the

I Kansas Militia. Their pleadings are typically !~Iedp;o-se ~ith a convoluted 'reference to'-----

Kansas statutes. Often the alleged facts are untrue, and the Militia's hallmark is an------extreme anti-government ideology along with elaborate conspiracy theories.------

15. In Wood v. Groh, 269 Kan. 420, 431, 7 P.3d 1163 (2000) the court listed the

following factors to be considered by the court when awarding sanctions against a party

who violates KSA 60-211:

(1) whether the improper conduct was willful or negligent;(2) whether it was part of a pattern of activity or an isolated event;(3) whether it infected the entire pleading or only one particular count ordefense;(4) whether the person has engaged in similar conduct in other litigation;(5) whether it was intended to injure;(6) what effect it had on the litigation process in. time or expense;(7) whether the responsible person is trained in the law;(8) what amount, given the financial resources of the responsible person, isneeded to deter that person from repetition in the same case; and(9) what amount is needed to deter similar activity by other litigants.


16. The movants request that the court find the Third-party plaintiff has filed his

fhird-party claim in violation of KSA 60-211, and awards them attorney's fees for filing

this response and attending any subsequent hearings in this matter,

WHEREFORE, Third-Party Defendants, by reason of the matters above set forth

above, are entitled to have the third-party claims against them dismissed with prejudice.

The movants are entitled to an award of attorney's fees for defending this action and for

any subsequent hearings, and for such other.relief that the court deems proper.


Page 112: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming
Page 113: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

Kansas Commission on Judicial Qualifications

301 S.W. Tenth Avenue

Topeka Ks 66612

THIS COMPLAINT IS AGAINST lFH DISTRICT JUDGE LORI BOLTON FLEMING FORUSURPATION OF OFFICE UNDER K.s.A. 60-1201, K.5.A. 60-1202(1)(2)(4)(5), KS.A. 60-1205, K.S.A. 60-1206(a)(b), K.S.A. 60-1207 and for violations of RULE5 RELATING TOJUDICIAL CONDUCT CODE OF JUDICIAL CONDUCT Rule 601A, and Rule 5.4 of The

Uniform Bonding Code.

I recently signed a grand jury petition that was going around to oust all 11thjudicial district Ndges due toconflicts of interest between them which was filed in case number 2015MR2P. During the p'etition drive totry to get the signatures a radio ad was ran on 100.7 ESPN My Town Media which is owned by attorney BillWachter. After just 2 days of running on the air Judge Lori Fleming took it upon herself to use her powerinappropriately as a judge and to usurplintrude into a private business contract between SummaryJudgment Group and My Town Media. She wrote a private email on her regular job tim&'fs a publicservant judge and she then had the nerve to profile the Summary Judgment Group and make slanderous,demeaning nicknames by calling anyone who signed it including "myself' "posse cometaut" because ofmy political views to simply sign a constitutional grand jury petition.

What Lori Fleming called anyone that signed the grand jury petition is really "possecomital.\Js". The factthat Lori Fleming made typos in her slanderous insulting remarks or the fact that she .can't~imply spell theword "posse comitatus" doesn't change the fact she insulted anyone who signed the petition and labeled usin a political box now! Who is Kurt in the email? Is it Judge Kurt Lay was he in on this too?? I think sincethe copy of the message sent to 100.7 ESPN was from the email address of </fleming> is froma public judicial CO.urthouseemail address that the computer.this was sent from needs to ~ taken duringthe investigation and see how many other messages and emails were sent ex parte and aQPut privatematters as well. I have included a copy of the picture going around the 11thjudicial district which shows LoriFleming contacting 100.7 ESPN at 1:43 P.M. on February 19, 2015. Is this why the state has to havefurloughs is because our public servants are conducting private business on taxpayers time. The stateshould now have a permanent furlough and decrease about 70% of these government job, since the publicservants don't want to perform their public job duties. I will be signing a class-act1onlawsuit now againstLori Fleming in her private capacity since she was not performing her public ministerial duties or jobdescriptions by interfering ina radio ad and damaging the summary judgment group and not getting therequired voters due to her interference in a private business matter and constitutional grand jury petition.

Since the "GRAND JURY PETITON" was for the purpose to impeach the 11th district judgesI feel Lori Fleming violated Rule 4.1 since she is making speeches in her e mail to attorneyBill Wachter about the possibility of losing her political job and she should not be calling

people "POSSE COMITATUS" "WHICH IS A RACIAL NAZI SLUR" which the court of

Page 114: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

Crawford County has been known to do in the past according to attorney Mar~ Fern in mypublic court case number 14CV14P where attorney Mark Fern filed a "MOTION TO STRIKETHIRD-PARTY PETITION AGAINST DEFENDANTS FERN & ANGERMAYER LLC ANDSTEPHEN B. ANGERMAYER AND FOR SANCTIONS" and he says on statement 5 page 2comparing the Pro Se client to something called "Kansas Militia Members" am;\on statement14 of page 6 says that the Pro Se clients tactics are what "THIS COURT' meaning"CRAWFORD COUNTY" that this court commonly associates with the "KANSASMILITIA"!!!! The statement of people representing themselves being "MILITIA" by the 11thjudicial district court is just one of the bias and prejudices under Rule 2.3, and due processviolations that led to the "GRAND JURY PETITION" to impeach all l l= district court judges.Maybe attorney Mark Fern had spoken with Judge Lori Berning since she was one of three(3) district judge members of "the court" in the 11th judicial district in Crawford County in2014 when that statement was made public when it was filed.

Very truly yours, -/~a./~~'f" <7-<',James Beckley Jr. 36~ tv. Wlc...1<' CI. -r fY", v\ieVI~c, l{ S ~~7 b '3CC Attorney General's Office and State Insurance Commissioner

Page 115: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

Office OfThe Attorney GeneralMemorial Hall120 SW 10th AVE.,2nd FloorTopeka, Ks 66612


Dear D. Depew,

RE: Ouster Complaint and Bond Complaint under 5.4 Uniform Bonding Codethat was not mentioned

Please reconsider the June 10, 2015 letter that was sent from your office to Mr. Eric Muatheand Mr. Noah Day and the Summary Judgment Group. The Summary Judgment Grouprecently had a grand jury petition that was going around to oust all 11th judicial districtjudges due to conflicts of interest between them and local 11th judicial district attorneys.

During the petition drive to try to get the signatures a radio ad was ran on 100.7 ESPN ofMy Town Media which is owned by attorney BillWachter, Judge Andrew J. Wachter'sbrother. After just 2 days of running the advertisement on the air Judge Lori Fleming tookit upon herself to use her power inappropriately as a judge and to usurp/intrude into aprivate business contract between Summary Judgment Group and My Town Media andhave our ad breached on 2/19.2015 at 1:43 P.M. from her own judicial office with an emailof <lt1eming> where she "WILLFULLYENGAGEDIN MISCONDUCTWHILEIN OFFICE, AND SHE IS COMMITTED AN ACT THAT CONSTITUTES A VIOLATION OF APENAL STUATUTE INVOLVINGMORAL TURPITUDE" just like you said in your letterdated June 10,2015" which is set out in KS.A. 60-1205 where a public official mustengage in one of the following acts to forfeit his/her office and be ousted".

Please reconsider the Ouster Complaint that was dismissed since I have now included theemail from Lori Bolton's Judicial Office which shows her engaging in 1. Willfullmisconduct while in office and 4. She violated a penal statute by committing an actwhich involved moral turpitude by usurping into a private contract and calling usdemeaning names like "posse comeat", I appreciate you taking the time to explain whatan ouster complaint needs to be investigated and I am looking forward to Lori Flemingbeing investigated for moral turpitude and willful misconduct. I would also like for you toclarify on the "BONDTERMINATIONOF LORIFLEMING"which your office failed tomention anything about. Does your office hold the Insurance Bond on the judges in theState of Kansas or does the Kansas State Insurance Commissioner? Can the Kansas StateInsurance Commissioner oust a judge itself by simply refusing to give a judge any insuranceand making him unable to work because the judge would be unbondable under Rule 5.4 of

Page 116: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

The Uniform Bonding Code? I was under the impression that there was no more public lawand it was just public policy which is insurance and I just assumed that The Kansas StateInsurance Commissioner could basically oust a judge themselves and was just curious if Iwas correct in my assumption or not. Thank you for your time and I would reallyappreciate you looking into this matter since I have included proof and evidence of moralturpitude and willful misconduct while not only in office but "USURPINGINTO PRIVATECONTRACTS"which is a constitutional violation of Article 1 Section 10 "unlimitedright to contract" and not performing ministerial and judicial task while clocked inon 2/19/2015 at 1:43 P.M.and talking inappropriately to the 11thdistrict ChiefJudgeA.J.Wachter's brother attorney Bill Wachter who should be investigated as well formoral turpitude and willful misconduct.

Lori Fleming and Kurtis Loy received an informal letter for "supposedly" not knowingabout illegally running a phone book ad as an attorney on February 23,2015 that I haveincluded with this complaint. It shows Lori Fleming and Kurtis Loy both retaliated againstme/us from previous complaints which violates Rule 2.16 Cooperation with DisciplinaryAuthorities(B) which says "Ajudge shall not retaliate, directly or indirectly, against aperson known or suspected to have assisted or cooperated with an investigation of a judgeor a lawyer. There should be some kind of"FORMAL PROCEEDING"if the KansasCommission on Judicial Qualifications plans to show any kind of consistency from previouscomplaints because an email from a judicial computer at the 11thdistrict on company timeto breach a private contract is way worse than "NAMESAND NUMBERS"running the ad forLori Fleming and Kurtis Loy as attorneys and they both "SUPPOSEDLY"knew nothing aboutit!! Well Lori Fleming and Kurtis Loy did know about this emaiI because Lori Fleming sentit and Judge Kurt Loy collaborated just like he did in my previous cases with ex law partner,attorney Mark Werner. What I also find to be either willful misconduct is the fact that LoriFleming faxes warrants from her own private fax number which she also uses for Lady ofLourdes Church to conduct her judicial business on but she uses the computer from the11tit judicial district with her addressed as Honorable Lori Fleming to usurp/intrude andbreach a private radio advertisement and willfully slandered me and The SummaryJudgment Group by calling us "Posse Comeat" which is a spelling error for Posse ComitatusThe definition of Posse Comitatus says it is also the name taken by a right wing, anti-tax extremist group founded in 1969 by Henry L.Beach a retired dry cleaner and onetime member of the silver shirt, nazi inspired organization that was established inthe United States after Adolph Hitler came to power in Germany. The groupoperated on the belief that the true intent of the founders of The United States was toestablish a Christian Republic where the individual was sovereign.

Please investigate this matter and check the computers of all three 11tit district judges tosee just how many other demeaning and dirty nicknames they have called me because I

Page 117: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

filed a "Motion for Quo Warranto" against them. There are other pictures from the 11thjudicial district computers which shows they have slandered me and talked ex-parte tolocal area attorneys. Please investigate this matter as I intend to produce these emails at alater date to see if you actually do your job like Idid previously form my complaints back inNovember and December of 2014 on Crestwood and Lady of Lourdes Conflicts ofInterestwhich everyone acted like Iwas crazy and then "WE SEE THE EMAILFROM LORIFLEMINGTO ATTORNEYBILL WACHTER"just like I was saying the whole time!! Good ole boynetwork, Go Colgan and Go Crestwood enjoy hogging 95% of the areas money while therest of us enjoy being the poorest county yet were the biggest town in the SEK!!!l!!!

Please investigate this matter and take the computer( s) from the 11th judicial district thisemail came from or where this and other communications were sent to could have beensent to!!!!

Sincerely yours,

Eric Muathe

,/ CCKansas Commission on judicial Qualifications,/ State Insurance Commissioner,/ Office of Disciplinary Administrator

Page 118: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming
Page 119: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming
Page 120: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming
Page 121: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming


CHAm:WiUiam B. SwearerLawyer Member

VICE-CHAIR:Christina M. PannbackerLay Member

Nancy S. AnstaettLa·.,ryerMe:mber

J. Pa1.ricl~Bra-.;ilJudge Me:mber

Brenda CiUlleronJudge Memher

Mary ThrowerJudge Member

VaId.enia C. WinnLay Member

SECRETARY:Heather L. Smith

._-----------_._- .

~tate of 1San~a~



QCommi~~ion on Jlubitial @ualificationgKANSAS JUDICIAL CENTER

301 SWTE.l\rrHAVE., ROOM 374TOPEKA, KANSAS 66612

[email protected]

February 23,2015

Eric M. [email protected]

Re: Your complaint dated January 26, 2015, against District JudgesLori Bolton Fleming and Kurtis L Loy

Dear Mr. Muathe:

The Commission met February 13, 2015, at which time the above-captionedcomplaint was considered.

It was the decision of the Commission, regarding both Judge Fleming andJudge Loy, to fmd no violation but to offer informal advice to both judges to takeaffirmative action to rectify the appearance that they have an active law practice.

Thank you for bringing your concerns to the attention of the Commission.


William B. Swearer,Chair .


Page 122: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

Kansas Insurance DepartrnentKen Selzer[ CPA1 Comnlissioner of Insurance

June 11,2015


Re: Inquiry Case No. 57690

Dear Mr. Moore:

This office received the enclosed complaint addressed to the Kansas Commission on JudicialQualifications. It appears that you mailed the letter to the incorrect office. This office has noregulatory control over the issues involved in your complaint.


Scott A. SmithAttorneyProperty and Casualty UnitConsumer Assistance Division


420 SW sm StreetTopeka,Kansas 666r2-1678

785-2%-7829 Phone785-296-5806 Fax


Page 123: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

301 S.w. Tentil Avenue

~\Z\~~151~ ~\:j


Kansas Commission on Judicial Qualifi~tions Juoeg"2015

Topeka Ks 6.6612msuHtu!~~~li~E~~\;f7 i;lEHTTHIS COMPLAINT 1SAGAINST 11TH DISTRlCT JUf)GE lQRI'SQlTONftEMtNG .fOR.USURPATION Of OFFlC£ UNDER·K.S.A.· 60~t201.KS.A.60"l2Q2(1}(2}(4)(t)}. K.s:.~~.50-1205. K.j.A.60~12n6(al{bJ~KS.A..604~f}i,an~Jgl"\liQlpfiOllsofRULES.~rINvt(D···· '"

. .JU&llCONl'I.)CT (01)EO~~U~I'C~L~aND~Gl''J~,ttre.60JA..'

. '~~gtaM4UiJs4etitiOO lh(ltwasgtiil1garounlito~~tan 1111l iucfreialdi~~. ., . .'wlllctlwas1i~.ln~case·.nuritller20t5MR2P; OUIjrng,~

ad wastranqn10~.7~eSPNMy!nwnMedia'VihiCllisow'Wacb~r.:A1terjl1st2daysof running QJ,ltheairJ~fP,!'i'fremmfl;tookitupon'~elfJti.

~~~~.~ .....•••••••• ,., .z: ".;, •• -.•• " •....$a, 'Bnd,Shelhenhad1htln~top~.thaSutmnafYJudQment,GrouP~~k,~sf~~~~ .

dem~lf1griiCknamesby.Q8Ujngal1yarte:Whosigned itinctuding #myselr ftposse~lW~eof .myPQ1ltIcai'v1ewSit6:s1mPtyslgn aconstitutibnm grand jury petitkm, .

What toriAemjngcan~anyone that signed the grand jury petition is really "posse comatatus". The factthat loriFtemin~J:'made typos in her slanderous insulting remarkS or thefacHhatshe can·t~iJJl,plyspelHheword "posSe comitatus" doesn't chang~thefaotshe insulted anyone whosignedthepefitioA,andtabeled 'usin a pollticaLbox noWl Who is Kurt in ~ smail? Is it JudgeKurtLoywasneinonthisloo?? •t thinkSinee:theCQPyoffue messagesenHo 1{X}] ESPN wasframthe efIlailaddressfJf<[email protected]>isfmm';apub1ic judiCialcoortbouseemaiiaddl'e8Sthat theOOnl,PtAt)rthis.cYl$ssentfrOm . .'the·fnvestig~tlolli~~.·see.ho'lll·,tll~nyoUlef:m~~ag.~~!pl"ldem~llsWer~sent..e1tl~~rsias~W$n;lllavejrJcludedaoopy:Ofthepjctu~cgQingaround the 11tllud~' .'...

,'.•....•...........•..' .,.'...• '.,'100.7 SSPNat1:43;P.h.tQnF~brvaryl~,2Q15.:1stb~;~~".."~"mdOiijhsiS~~oUrpubficSef\lantSa~conduttingprivate bu$tr1essontiJ~fS~'

should noWhave a~anehtJurlough'and'decrease abom70%.Ofthesegovenuneotiqbssin~·the .•eublic, . .".~an~4o~tV!~~H(}perf0EmJlJejrpU~icj9bdUties.lwifH'~.$igll~acf~ti.'.· . . . .t ,..."..

·c;;;c> .••..'. .•...·tlfl,j!lheLpl'1vatecapacilY·~i~,sflewasootperfmmilJg~~f,pubilelTllni$t~~;':C'F~/\';~ i;·t<',·; .;\J.Ci, .,.'.'",/,,:~c~iPJiQ~byjnterfen1)gifHHa~waq;i~ddamaginstheSUJnf1l8IJj~~tIt~~and~,Q~... . ' r~·,{2)"ji~¥l;;~~);,

. reqtlIredvotelSdueto.ber·interfetenOOtnaprivatebqS~ma~ta~:~$titUttpnaJg~d';lUlYpeijll~;,.·.···.··.- _'. - . '>",_ --.- ..<",.~:::-:_"." --,'i",.:,;':.>"


Lester Moore 508 E. Viener, lot A1, FrontenacKs 66763dr.~ o/7t-M-~

CC Attorney Generafs Office and StateJnsurance Commissioner

...,: '--::_',"-"'-'''-''.'..:",:"

Page 124: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

Kansas Commission on Judicial Qualifications

301 S.W. Tenth Avenue

Topeka Ks 66612


I recently signed a grand jury petition that was going around to oust all 11th judicial district judges due toconflicts of interest between them which was filed in case number 2015MR2P. During the-petition drive totry to get the signatures a radio ad was ran on 100.7 ESPN My Town Media which is 0_ by attorney BillWachter. After just 2 days of running on the air Judge Lori Fleming took it upon herself to use her powerinappropriately as a judge and to usurplintrude into a private business contract between SummaryJudgment Group and My Town Media. She wrote a private emBiI on her regular job time as a publicservant judge and she then had the nerve to profile the Summary Judgment Group and l1)ake slanderous,demeaning nicknames by calling anyone who signed it including "myselF ('posse~ur because ofmy politiCal views to simply sign a constitutional grand jury petition.

What Lori Fleming called anyone that signed the grand jury petition is really 'posse comatatusD

• The factthat Lori Fleming made typos in her slanderous insulting remarks or the fact that she can't "mply spell theword "posse comitatusD doesn't change the fact she insulted anyone who signed the,petition and labeled usin a political box now! Who is Kurt in the email? Is it Judge Kurt Loy was he in on this too?? Ithink sincethe copy of the message sent to 100.7 ESPN was from the email address of <Ifleming> is froma public judicial courthouse email address that the computer this was sent from needs to be taken duringthe investigation and see how many other messages and emails were sent ex parte and abput privatematters as well. I have included a copy of the picture going around the 11th judicial district ~ich shows LoriFleming contacting 100] ESPN at 1:43P.M. on FehruaJy 19,2015. Is this why the state has to havefurloughs is because our public servants are conducting private business on taxpayers time. The stateshould now have a permanent furlough and decrease about 70% of these government jobs since the publicservants don't want to perform their public job duties. Iwill be signing a class-action la~uit now againstLori Fleming in her private capacity since she was not performing her public ministerial dyties or jobdescriptions by interfering in a radio ad and damaging the summary judgment group and not getting therequired voters due to her interference in a private business matter and constitutional grand jury petition.

Very truly yours,

Karen Cariton 606 W. 2nd

1(a;UftJ fadlrl//L)CC Attorney General's Office and State Insurance Commissioner

Page 125: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

June 11,2015


Re: Inquiry Case No. 57691

Dear Mr. Stover:

This office received the enclosed complaint addressed to the Kansas Commission on JudicialQualifications. It appears that you mailed the letter to the incorrect office. This office has noregulatory control over the issues involved in your complaint.


420 sw 9th StreetTopeka,Kansas 66612- 1678

785-296-7829 Phone785-29~-5806 Fax

Consumer Hotline800-432-2484

Page 126: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

b'-'1,-/6Kansas Commission on Judicial Qualfflcations .

301 S.W. Tenth Avenue

Topeka Ks 66612

THISCOMPtA1NT IS AGAINST 11TH DISTRICT JUDGE LOR1.BOtTON flEMINC.FORUSURPATiON Of OFfiCE UNqER K.S.A.60~12Ql. K.S.A. 60-12(J20}I21{4J~5)~KS.A. 60-1205" K.S~A.60~l206(arfbJ.K.5.A.. 60~1207andfor viOiationsofRUlES ~TI~§IO:JUDICJAL.CONDtJCTCQDE. OFJY~}~lld ..-COM"'VCT1<ule.6().lA.:,,· .;j"i·,."",<? ....,,~,."'";.. ......

:.. ,',"' ',·-c';c -"j'"_.' • /:.':~~{:~\~'~"

..' ,.!;recen.Uy,signe<.ls.graIlG jurypetition ~twa$ g~Ulgar0un4looust all 11#1 iudiefatal~t~~~;"tenfftctso.Unlemstbetweenthemwnicb w~·file41rrc~IlUrtlber2P15MR2P.·. D~!irig";~.try to get the signatures a radio ad was ran on 100.7 ESPN MyTaWl'! Megia~ieh ts oWn~:byattom:ySillWachter. Alter just 2 days-of nmningqfiibe air JI149.e.iJmfJe.rningfG9k-it uponlle: ."- 'er :"~,",lnapprqpriately as a juageana to usurppntrude ·infag'R~ate:.~Ii~fn.esS:contrJudglllenlSroup;and My TOwnMedia.;'She.Wrofeaprivaie: sheiheflhadtMnerve~to·profileth~SUmrrtafy JllO~meRtGrouFl". .•......•.. ......••." , ............•...•.demeaning nicknames by camng anyo4t:.wnosigneditincludillQ ItmyselrU~~f§utll~~US'e:dfmy political views to simply sign acooStitutional grand jury pention.

What Lori Fleming ~Ied anyone that sIgned the grand jury petition is really 'posse eomatalus", The factthat Lori Fleming made typos inherslarderous insulting remarks or the fact that she-canft~implyspeU theword ·posseoomitatusl' doesrft cn(1ngethe fact she insulted anyone whosignedthe'pefitio(land.fabeled a political box noWl Who is Kurt in Hieemail? Is it Judge Kurt toy was he inon1ttisfOOf?t think since

.. ~~ C9,py-:~ttfle-tl1essagesentto 100.7 ESPNwas fromtl1e~mailaqdress of<lfleming@1·1thjd;tlrg>isfmm;~,:p:Ubji~~!1aiC1~t'~rJhouseemaifaddressthqt the ute(:fuisYmsent-fro~n~s, .... .:·1hein~i:stlgatiQn.a!ld~SeeAOWmanY oillerm . '.. .' .ai!~were:senteX'{fafte:

;T"/"ina.tfef:S-~\iJen;ihav~-incfuded a coPYJJfthe picfurcgoingaroundthe 11U1jUaici~l.... .,',' '. Flemmg,wiitactj~g'100J7'ESPN at 1:4atP:M.onFebmmy. 4~,~n1t>~ls tbj!?~Wh~J!he,~~,r~~v'e.i+;r~;{:,\,

furloughs is because eer pabtie servan~ are comIDctlngpr:iva£e busm-ess on faxpayeis mn~:The'stat~· .sl1ouldJlOWhaV&'fj pennanentfuAOLrgb:andde~ about7Q%pf1hese,govemment1Qb,ssinQf1tn6 Pllblic

' •.•5etYa~~:#On~wa?t10performtheir:pu~licjobGuies;1Willbe~i9niflg~~d~S:o~'m1. ,. . "'~J~L "., r~".•:}";~:';;, .. '/14o,~ fl~m,i!1gintlerprjvateGapacity since.shawas not perforffljngheJ'i)UPltcfflIn~t~~ '''. . .;":':\!~:',~-i';'\:];0' aeseripfionsby iilterleringillifraai& ~~nddamaglnythesummarylqqgmentgro -,. . .•...........) ,'..: . '....'7.'''t,~',)y,:c.£::"~,

required.wOtersd~to.herio~renqe:tfiaprivate1!usinessmatter ~!;!dCGnstitu1ion~l'g~djurY'~titien:.C·

Very truLy-yours,

Chet Stover 303 S, Jefferson F.on-te:oes Ks66'763


Page 127: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming
Page 128: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

C'h.~ st61)Q

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r~~G;!;fa i:e.1l.2,a'lj,IlI' ,11" '"",'II.Ilil",, ,Ii,' "1',,1,,./.11/ 1,,1

Page 129: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

Kansas Insurance DepartmentKen Selzer: CPA,Commissioner ofInsurance

June 11,2015


Re: Inquiry Case No. 57689

Dear Mr. Stover:

This office received the enclosed complaint addressed to the Kansas Commission on JudicialQualifications. It appears that you mailed the letter to the incorrect office. This office has noregulatory control over the issues involved in your complaint.

Scott A. SmithAttorneyProperty and Casualty UnitConsumer Assistance Division


420 SW 9th StreetTopeka,Kansas 66612-1678

785-296-7829 phone785-2%-5806 Fax


Page 130: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

-x-V\\~ cr(B lG'8'1~f4e-

--::)PYI e 61) ;to 15Kansas Commission on Judicial Qua!iflcat.ions

301 S,w. Tenth Avenue

THlS COMPLAINT is AGAINST tiTH DfSTR1CT JUDGE LORl BOLTON FLEMING FORUSURPATION OF OffICE UND£R K..S.A., 60-1201. K.5.A.6t;:12{}2(1)(2}(4j(5). KS.A. 60-1205.,KS.A.,60-1206(a)(b)~K}.A. 60-1207 8.wfof'vioiauom,ofRULES RELATING to:cJtJW6t~t,:COMDUcr CODE 'OF JUD1(]At CONI.>U(J,.Rute 60lA. '

''''!''''':i,,'':';j\''''~i.'C····'·'····· ""'::!~~;~~~~~~~~tty trJgeftheosignafures a t.adioaIfwas!ran{mfOO:1:E$PN~M9~'fown·Meaia'Which:rs,~w'_,',','"ij~tWaGhter. After just 2 days ofrunnmg. on ti' ton,F~emtngtook.itupon·ber$elf fouse-oer POVN;F "

- _ -, mappropriateJY as a-judge and 10 ll$UIpl!ntmde.into a f1riJ.ate~riescontract-between SUmmalj' :-. ,,",:.',,- , , ' ,_' ". "Judg~~up-ancf My'TOWl)Media.,~bewrotefap'~ate~mail~herregafarj()btime"asg,-pubt~t-~',',.~:: ::,",,,,;,',,,.,"'...•..' :';+ '~MiQtjidge:anCtshe,tfletl hadthe-netNe topr{lfjl~lhe:S((mpJaIYJ~§ ';':"~:'c.".,,',,,',,"-,'

demeani~~:nicknam~bYcalling,anYOlW WhO signed it including, Qm~«posse,eornef%~,' -'~"-my polifiGal"-simplysign acim$~:~tiQnafgrand.jwypelition~ , ,','

WilatLo!'tFlamin~calted anYOfl~that signed-thegrandjuIY petitionistealiy vposse-comat~tos,~: Thefaetthat Lmi fleming ri'iade typos inher insulting renlaJks-ar'iheJact that ~hecan~f~rmpiy:p\Mheworct'posss comitatUs· dOO.Sfllchange1he tagt she insulte(lan)'One¥B1tJsigned:tne peti!ion~d labeled'U$in a poUlital box nnwJ Who is Kurt in tb~erriail? Is it Judge Kurt (oJ was he in on trus too?? I think sincethe cof}Y:Qfthe message sent to,100.7 ~.sPNwas from 1he emait-addr$s of <ffieming,@11thjd.oJ'§> is from

._~~pupl~t~3JCoorthouS.eemai!addt$sthatthecorrtpt!terthis was.senffrom needs to ,be ~akenqqrigg" ttleinwstigaJion:~d'see-hOW many other messagesanQema~swere~lltexppne d ',.u·' , : ,:.,

m~rterS-as~Il.},halle}!1CIUded,a,oopy~f thePictfJ~:,gOi~9,~roundthe:t1?!~d~€!lgi~(,;;',,:,.~_;',r,',{~,~,'".'t"_~,;,!ii;:f·J'~(4,E,~,:,~_:.,,;,',.,::;,h,,)~fjD~pOIl7ESPNar1:43iP.M~oj} FeWuary':19,2{)'fhisWfit~: :, _< <'" •.

I1g.s'iSbeCal1§liuutpubncserval'l~areoondueting,priV~~fbUSinf;Ss'ol't~~¥~rs-tim$;,,~~t~; ,~,".,'.:,should·now have a permanent 4ur-loughand decrease aboutZ~%ofthe~gol/emment jobs ~inc~ lOOPl1oft£;

, ~~~nts;40Jl'twan~.t~petforoHheir public jobdoties: Iwillresigningacrass-actiOlll?WiUW~Q"'.~aitlst,:;,b.oli·FIMlin~in.her:Priyate ~apasjty~sinre she was not,perfomlirig her puolib 1l1in~teriaf4.~~~,f)f;i~lf.".', EJescriptioos by inteifering in a radio ad andrklmaging the' summary judgmentgroup andnQt.geftjjigfuFJ "

requited voters due to ,her interfer-enceif} a private business matter~rlij.congtifutiona{giand jury:~fion.

, ,: .•.

Very truiy yours,

lOver~ronle!lac ks 60,63

, ,Attomey General's 'Office and State}bsuranee CommiSSioner

Page 131: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming
Page 132: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

Jb'~ s~Vl'e('

?6 ''9 S. -Se(lft~(j n

Ft'dvt~'1~( t5 ,(pt b '3I


S tctk. 1J1SU{qIJ6e (..f) #llrd5Sfclt'let

y)O <S' Lv q'A,

E'f::.Tti?~4~sk<;b 6fmt%,~I",J{lIlJltltll1hmll'lllllll'lfl)lllllljlhlt

Page 133: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

June 11,2015

Office Of Tbe Attorney Gen~ral

Memorial Hall,120 SW 10TH AVE., 2ndFloor

Topeka Ks 66612


I recently signed a grand jury petition that was going around to oust a1l11lh judicial districij~dges due toconflicts of interest between them which was filed in case number 2015MR2P. During the [}ention drive totry to get the signatures a radio ad was ran on 100.7 ESPN My Town Media which is owned by attorney BillWachter. After just 2 days of running on the air Judge Lori Fleming took it upon herself to use her powerinappropriately as a judge and to usurp/intrude into a private business contract between SummaryJudgment Group and My Town Media. She wrote a private email on her regular job time ~ a public judgeand she then had the nerve to profile the Summary Judgment Group and make slanderousj demeaningnicknames by calling anyone who signed it including "myself' "posse cometaut" because of my politicalviews to simply sign a constitutional grand jury petition which Ihave a constitutional right to do.

I think since the copy of the message sent to 100.7 ESPN was from the emaHaddress of [email protected]> is from a public judicial courthouse email address that the computer thi, was sent fromneeds to be taken during the investigation and see how many other messages and emails were sent exparte and about private matters as well. I have included a copy of the picture going around the 11th judicialdistrict which shows Lori Fleming contacting 100.7 ESPN at 1:43 P.M. on February 19, 2015 which isextremely unethical.

Please investigate this-matter since I used to work for the City of Pittsburg and was a city employer and Iknow that if I would have sent a private email on company time and it was proved I would have beenreprimanded or fir~ "ESPECIALLY IF IT W~RFERE IN A PRIVATE CONTRACT"!

SiocerelyYOurs,Oanocf. <J~Dan Stevens 1051 S. 190 Pittsburg Ks 66762

CC Kansas Commission on Judicial Qualifications and State Insurance Commissioner

Page 134: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

(OfY\plC{;I\f- AGf+j~S7 16/).1- .f/emiI)3 Uf)4tY )(~.14.0i>-I?oj/

,r. S. A. k o ~ J ~ 6~j K S.J4. 0b-i~()~/ J( ),1/. be>· IJo l '3 ;:"Y' \);6 lo...1lalJ5 o r-:J V Jic,'o.\ Co f1dU e+ !?o le: ~D \ A,

IDt~ fle"Y'~t'l3 ~/)+-erft"r-e'cA ~I'\ C\ CG.J~o jAJ... +6oLJsf jA-l' ) \-l-""j v~5,.p5. I '7;9j')~c\ +-t~-e.. bVtlVld JU'('Y (J.Q.4-).-.f-!/);/l ~(\~ cl.Dn4

C\ ppr~c~ o..+-eh ~ ~1)3 cq \\e 6 r IPo S~-eCO V1\.et-q Qt ))I.

Plt?q~-e look ;~\i--b \..J~y tkjl<) w~s sel'\.+ t-(O'N' +h~ Ili1lrx iUJ.:C;4\

0\; Sir· ~c...+.

p. 0 , Box' JQ Li


Page 135: Sample Complaints Lori Fleming

Kansas Commission on Judicial Qualifications

301 S.W. Tenth Avenue

Topeka Ks 66612


Irecently signed a grand jury petition that was going around to oust all 11111 judicial district judges due toconflicts of interest between them which was filed in case number 2015MR2P. During the petition drive totry to get the signatures a radio ad was ran on 100.7 ESPN My Town Media which is ownec;Jby attorney BillWachter. After just 2 days of running on the air Judge Lori Fleming took it upon herself to use her powerinappropriately as a judge and to usurpJintrude into a private business contract between SummaryJudgment Group and My Town Media. She wrote a private email on her regular job time as a publicservant judge and she then had the nerve to profile the Summary Judgment Group and make slanderous,demeaning nicknames by calling anyone who signed it including "myself' "posse cometaut" because ofmy political views to simply sign a constitutional grand jury petition.

What Lori Fleming called anyone that signed the grand jury petition is really "posse comitatus". The factthat Lori Fleming made typos in her slanderous insulting remarks or the fact that she can't &imply spe\lfueword "posse comitatus" doesn't change the fact she insulted anyone who signed the petition and labeled usin a political box now! Who is Kurt in the email? Is it Judge Kurt Loy was he in on this too?? I think sincethe copy of the message sent to 100.7 ESPN was from the email address of <Ifleming> is froma public judicial courthouse email address that the computer this was sent from needs to be taken duringthe investigation and see how many other messages and emails were sent ex parte and about privatematters as well. I have included a copy of the picture going around the 11t1l judicial district which shows LoriFleming contacting 100.7 ESPN at 1:43 P.M. on February 19, 2015. Is this why the state has to havefurloughs is because our public servants are conducting private business on taxpayers time. The stateshould now have a permanent furlough and decrease about 70% of these government jobs since the publicservants don't want to perform their public job duties. I will be signing a class-action lawsuit now againstLori Fleming in her private capacity since she was not performing her public ministerial ~yties or jobdescriptions by interfering in a radio ad and damaging the summary judgment group and not getting therequired voters due to her interferenc~ in azteejuJUs~tter and constitutional grand jury petition.

Very truly yours, ~~ 11waf--l?/Thomas Walters 213 E. Carlton PiHsburg Ks 6~762

CC Attorney General's Offlce and State Insurance Commissioner