salvage convention

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  • 7/30/2019 Salvage convention




    S.A Hosseini

    IRISL Maritime Training Institute

  • 7/30/2019 Salvage convention



    Conventionon Salvage,


  • 7/30/2019 Salvage convention


    International Convention on Salvage 1989

  • 7/30/2019 Salvage convention


    International Convention on Salvage 1989

    Is an IMO Convention which entered into force on 14July 1996. The main provisions are:

    1. Salvage operation means any act or activity undertaken to assist a

    vessel or any other propertyin danger in navigable waters or in any

    other waters whatsoever.

    2. Vessel means any ship or craft, or any structure capable of


    3. Property means any property not permanently and intentionally

    attached to the shoreline and includes freight at risk.4. The master of the salved vessel will have the authority to conclude

    salvage contracts on behalf of the owner, and the master or the owner

    will have the authority to conclude salvage contracts on behalf of the

    owner of property on the vessel.

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    Duties of the salvor

    The salvor will owe a duty to the owner of the vessel or other

    property in danger :

    To carry out the salvage operations with due care;

    To exercise due care to prevent or minimise damage to theenvironment;

    Whenever circumstances reasonably require, to seek assistance from

    other salvors; and

    To accept the intervention of other salvors when reasonably

    requested to do so by the owner or master of the vessel or otherproperty in danger; provided that the amount of his reward will not be

    prejudiced if it is found that the request was unreasonable.

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    Duties of the owner and master

    The owner and master of the vessel or the owner ofother property in danger will owe a duty to thesalvor :

    To co-operate fully with him during the salvageoperations;

    To exercise due care to prevent or minimise damage tothe environment;

    when the vessel or property have been brought to a placeof safety, to accept redelivery when reasonably requestedby the salvor.

    Every master must, so far as he can do so without seriousdanger to his vessel and persons on board, render

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    Rights of salvors

    Salvage operations which have had a useful result give

    right to a reward.

    Except where special compensation is due, no

    payment will be due if there is no useful result.

    The salvors rights are not affected where he owns

    both the salving and salved vessel.

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    Criteria for fixing the reward

    the salved value of the vessel and otherproperty;

    the skill and efforts of the salvors in preventing or minimising damage to

    the environment;

    the measure of success obtained by the salvor;

    the nature and degree of danger;

    the skill and efforts of the salvors in salving the vessel, other property and


    the time used and expenses and losses incurred by the salvors;

    the risk of liability and other risks run by the salvors or their equipment;

    the promptness of the services rendered;

    the availability and use of vessels or other equipment intended for salvage


    the state of readiness and efficiency of the salvors equipment and the value


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    Special compensation

    If the salvor has carried out salvage operations in respect of a vesselwhich by itself or its cargo threatened damage to the environment,

    have failed to earn a reward , the salvor will be entitled to special

    compensation from the vessels owner equivalent to his expenses, i.e.

    his out-of-pocket expenses reasonably incurred in the salvage

    operation and a fair rate for equipment and personnel actually andreasonably used.

    If the salvor has prevented or minimised damage to the environment,

    the special compensation payable by the owner may be increased up to

    a maximum of 30% of the salvors expenses (i.e. it may be 130% of his


    If it deems it fair and just to do so, may increase the special

    compensation up to a maximum of 100% of the salvors expenses.

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    Claims and actions

    Nothing in the Convention will affect the salvors maritime

    lien under any international convention or national law.

    The salvor may not enforce his lien when satisfactorysecurity

    for his claim, including interest and costs, has been paid.

    The owner of the salved vessel must ensure that the owners of

    the cargo provide satisfactory security for the claims against

    them including interest and costs before the cargo is released.

    The salved vessel and other property must not, without the

    salvors consent, be moved from the port or place where they

    first arrive after completion of the salvage operations until

    satisfactory security has been put up.

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    Salvage agreements

    There are two main types of salvage agreement:

    on the basis ofordinary tariff, fixed lump sum or daily rate; and

    on the basis that remuneration will be settled later, whether by agreement,

    court judgement or arbitration.

    Salvage services arranged on basis of ordinary tariff, lump sum, etc. is usually

    cheaper and should always be obtained if time allows, e.g. where the vessel is

    soft aground in a sheltered, non-tidal harbour and not in imminent danger.

    Salvage on the basis that remuneration will be settled later includes services

    rendered in times of imminent danger to the ship or environment. The

    agreement most often used in such cases is Lloyds Standard Form of Salvage

    Agreement, commonly known as Lloyds Open Form or LOF

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    Advantages of using LOF

    agreement can be reached via radio (if witnessed) or other telecoms methods; there is

    no need for the form to be signed until the salvage services have been completed;

    the agreement is not likely to be disputed;

    LOF is basically a no-cure, no-pay agreement;

    English law applies to claims;

    the salvor has a maritime lien in the property salved, even after its sale to another

    party (e.g. where a salved ship or cargo is sold to try to avoid having to pay salvage


    salved property can be quickly released on payment of security to the salvor;

    the salvor gets an interim award;

    disputes are referred to arbitration in London, saving legal costs;

    underwriters liability cannot be increased beyond that for total loss (i.e.

    underwriters will not be liable for sue and labour costs where a total loss occurs);


  • 7/30/2019 Salvage convention


    LOF historical development

    The first Lloyds Form of Salvage Agreement 1892 has undergone 10 revisions, the latest

    being LOF 2000.

    In its early editions (up to LOF 1970), LOF was a straight no cure, no pay contract.

    The (LOF 80) provid a safety net for salvors who agreed to the salvage ofloaded

    oil tankers. The safety net guaranteed that the salvors expenses would be paid in

    cases where the value of the salved property proved insufficient to provide for a

    normal salvage reward. In addition, the salvor could receive an an increment of up to

    a maximum of 15% of his expenses.

    special compensation, was introduced in article 14 of the International

    Salvage Convention, 1989. The 1990 edition of Lloyds Open Form (LOF 90)

    contract gave immediate effect to article 14.

    The Scopic Clause came into effect in August 1999. An improved edition, Scopic 2000,

    was introduced in September 2000

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  • 7/30/2019 Salvage convention


    Lloyds Open Form 2000

    (LOF 2000) Should be used where the ship or marine environment are at

    risk and the master has insufficient time to request the

    owner to arrange salvage services on a the basis of a pre-

    agreed rate or sum.

    Does not need to be on board; the masters of the vessels

    involved simply need to expressly agree to its terms before the

    salvage services commence.

    Is regarded by the International Salvage Union as a major

    advance, with clear, user-friendly language and many


  • 7/30/2019 Salvage convention


    Lloyds Open Form 2000

    (LOF 2000) Cont Defines the conditions under which a casualty is in a safe condition

    for redeliveryto the owner.

    Under LOF 2000 the Contractors (salvors) agrees to use their best

    endeavours to salve the property specified, and take the property tothe place stated or to a place of safety.

    Has a boxed front page layout with numbered boxes( 1-9 ) for information to

    be entered as follows: 1. Name of the salvage contractors; 2. Property to be

    salved 3. Agreed place of safety; 4. Agreed currency 5. Date of agreement; 6.

    Place of agreement; 7. Is the Scopic Clause incorporated into thisagreement? Yes/No; 8. Name and signature of person signing for and on

    behalf of the Contractors; 9. Name and signature of Captain or other person

    signing for and on behalf of the property, with signature.

  • 7/30/2019 Salvage convention


    Special Compensation P&I Clause SCOPIC May be invoked at the option of the salvage contractor by written

    notice on the owners of the vessel being salvaged.

    Determines the method of assessing special compensation where

    payable Special compensation assessed in accordance with the Scopic

    Clause is called Scopic remuneration

    Does not change the no cure no pay principle as applying to the

    salvage award, since that it separate from special compensation.

    Allows the vessel owners, once the Clause has been invoked, to appoint

    at their sole option a Shipowners Casualty Representative (SCR) to

    attend the salvage operation in accordance with the terms and

    conditions in Appendix B to the Clause.

    Scopic remuneration is payable only by the owners of the vessel.

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    Considerations before accepting salvage

    assistance Seek advice and instructions from the shipowner, but only if time


    Immediately request assistance if he thinks it necessary for the safety

    of the ship, crew and cargo. Accept the assistance that seems the most reasonable, taking into

    account the possible value of the assisting ships, her ability to perform the

    salvage services and the amount of her deviation from her intended route.

    Try to obtain agreement to Lloyds Open Form 2000 before accepting

    any salvage services offered.

    Give the salvor all possible assistance to enable him to do the job,

    remembering, however, that the more that can be done by the ships crew,

    the less will be the salvors reward and the cost to the shipowner and cargo

  • 7/30/2019 Salvage convention


    Considerations before accepting salvage

    assistance- Cont If immediate assistance is not required and time allows assistance

    should be arranged through the owner on a contractual basis

    stipulating ordinary tariff, fixed lump sum or a daily rate.

    Where safety of life, the ship, the cargo or the marine environment

    are in immediate peril, however (as in the case of a disabled, laden

    vessel drifting onto a lee shore in a densely-trafficked area), negotiations

    should not delay the engagement of salvors.

    In cases of immediate peril there should never be a delay to negotiate

    a particular form of agreement or contract terms.

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    In deciding whether to accept salvage assistance the

    master should take account of : safety of personnel;

    proximity to the shore or shoal water;

    weather and sea conditions;

    current and tide; nature of sea bed and shoreline;

    availability of assistance;

    damage already sustained by ship;

    risk of further damage to ship;

    prospect of maintaining communications; threat of pollution; and

    manpower and material requirements.

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    Accepting salvage assistance

    Acceptance of an offer of services on the basis of Lloyds Open Form

    (LOF) may be made orallyor byradio, fax, e-mail or other form of

    communication by sending a message as follows:



    The authority of the master is not reduced by engagement of


    The master and crew should, however, co-operate fully withprofessional salvors.

    The master should ensure that he is fully aware of all salvage


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    place of safety,

    Factors to be considered The repair facilities at the place;

    The possibility of safely discharging and storing cargo and of

    forwarding it to its destination;

    The danger of deterioration of the cargo in the place;

    Whether the place is the most suitable place at which the vessel

    can be repaired, with regard to nearness, convenience,

    cheapness and facilities; and

    Whether the vessel is capable of manoeuvring under her ownpower or not, and whether, therefore, she could still be regarded

    as being in a position of danger even though moored in a safe


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    Offering salvage assistance

    There is a statutory obligation to attempt to save the

    lives of persons in distress at sea but no such obligation

    to save maritime propertyin danger of being lost.

    Any attempt by the master of a merchant vessel to save

    property is a commercial venture and not a statutory


    A vessel requiring a tow (e.g. a disabled, drifting vessel) is

    not necessarily in distress.

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    Factor to be considered before contracting to

    perform a salvage service

    Does the contract of carriage give the vessel the liberty to tow?

    Are there sufficient bunkers and/or fresh water on board for the tow,

    and will sufficient reserves be maintained, throughout and after the

    tow, to meet the stipulations of the owner or charterers? Is there a possibility of missing anycancelling date under a charter


    Does the nature of the cargo permit a lengthening of the voyage?

    Is the vessels machinery of adequate power and in good enoughcondition for towing?

    Is the value of the vessel requesting the tow, plus her cargo, of

    sufficient value to merit a salvage service?

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    Factor to be considered before contracting to

    perform a salvage service- Cont

    Has an agreement to salvage on Lloyds Open Form terms been


    Has a port ofdestination or place of safetybeen agreed?

    Have the owner or manager and any time charterer been

    notified, so that additional hull insurance can be arranged if


    Are proper records of all events and circumstances to date

    bein ke t?

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