salted drumsticks 鹽焗雞脾

鹽鹽鹽鹽 Salted Drumsticks 鹽鹽鹽鹽鹽鹽 一,,,,(鹽鹽鹽鹽鹽鹽鹽鹽鹽) 鹽鹽鹽鹽 ,,。, - 鹽 鹽鹽鹽 一, ; 鹽 鹽鹽 (鹽鹽鹽鹽鹽鹽鹽鹽鹽) ,。 鹽鹽 : 鹽鹽 x 鹽 Material: Drumsticks 3 pcs 鹽鹽 : "鹽鹽"鹽鹽鹽鹽鹽鹽鹽 鹽鹽鹽鹽 Marinate: Salted chicken powder Sesame Oil 鹽鹽 : Method 鹽鹽 2-3 鹽 ,, 鹽鹽 230 鹽鹽 20-30mins 鹽鹽鹽鹽鹽 鹽鹽鹽鹽 : 鹽 鹽鹽 ,, 1. Cut open the drumsticks 2. Put the salted chicken powder onto the drumsticks and marinate for 2-3 hours. 3. Preheat the oven: 10 mins before you start to grill, turn on the oven to 230 °C 4. Wrap them up with foil 5. Grill for 20-30 mins at 230°C

Upload: kkscribd-wan

Post on 31-Aug-2014




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Page 1: Salted Drumsticks 鹽焗雞脾

鹽焗雞脾 Salted Drumsticks

很簡單的一味餸,只需將雞脾醃好,然後包妥,放進焗爐便可,製作時間超短(不連解凍及醃製時間),而且用錫紙包實雞脾又不怕油濺到焗爐周圍都是油,所以下次我都會用這方法來焗雞脾的。製作鹽焗雞,應該有兩個方法 - 第一個方法用牛油紙包著雞脾,然後用若干斤鹽來堆著雞脾焗 ; 而另一方法是就是懶的方法(亦即是我今晚的方法),用鹽焗雞粉來「扮晒」鹽焗雞。材料 : 雞脾 x隻 Material: Drumsticks 3 pcs

醃料 : "四季"牌鹽焗雞粉少許麻油少許

Marinate: Salted chicken powderSesame Oil

製法 : Method

醃料均勻地塗滿全隻雞脾,醃大約 2-3 小時,預然焗爐,將雞脾用錫紙包妥,然後用 230度焗 20-30mins 至全熟便可溫馨提示 : 由於雞脾肉厚,可以在雞脾肉上切幾刀,以便容易入味及熟透

1. Cut open the drumsticks 2. Put the salted chicken powder onto

the drumsticks and marinate for 2-3 hours.

3. Preheat the oven: 10 mins before you start to grill, turn on the oven to 230 °C

4. Wrap them up with foil5. Grill for 20-30 mins at 230°C
