salome code aster user manual

Salome/Code-Aster System User Manual September 2008 1 Salome & Code_Aster System User Manual Introduction Salome & Code_Aster provides user a option to mesh , analyze, modify and validate various CAD/CAM geometry. Salome/ Code_Aster application ,constitute of three different Finite element open- source software. These are 1.Salome 3.2.6 (pre & post processor) 2.Translator 3.Code -Aster 9.1.0 (solver) CollabCAD GUI interface has been designed to access and run Salome, Translator and Code_Aster from the Analysis menubar. FIGURE 1

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Salome Code Aster User Manual


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Salome/Code-Aster System User Manual

September 2008 1

Salome & Code_Aster System User Manual

Introduction Salome & Code_Aster provides user a option to mesh , analyze, modify and validate various CAD/CAM geometry. Salome/ Code_Aster application ,constitute of three different Finite element open-source software. These are 1.Salome 3.2.6 (pre & post processor) 2.Translator 3.Code -Aster 9.1.0 (solver)

CollabCAD GUI interface has been designed to access and run Salome, Translator and Code_Aster from the Analysis menubar.


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Illustration: As shown in the above figure user need to follow the systematic procedure, since all the three application Salome, Translator & Code_Aster together give the user a complete solution to deal with CAD geometry, modify, enrich it by applying various algorithms and hypothesis, can perform numerical analysis though some easy steps , and finally can obtain different views, graphs.

Illustration: IGES/STEP/BREP/AICS : Geometry developed by CAD software .MED : Data Exchange Format supported by Salome .ASTK : Input file Format for Code_Aster res.MED : Result file Format Exported by Code_Aster and also Input File Format for Salome Post-Process


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1. SALOME Salome is a free software provides a generic platform for pre and post processing for numerical simulation has been developed on open-cascade technology, serves as a Pre/Post Processor. It supports inter portability between CAD modelling and Computation software (CAD-CAE link). NOTE: Salome has been configured only for Linux based distribution not for windows based platform 1.1 Pre-Requisites: Though Salome is available in executable form under CollabCAD --> Tool-->FEA-->Salome it needs the following package to be installed on your local system to run successfully -

1. PYTHON 2.4 2. gcc 4.0.1 3. gfortran 4. g2c/f2c

1.2 Configuration:

Before running Salome application PATH has to be set as given below 1.2.1 Open a terminal window cd ../../Collabcad/tools/FEA/Salome/

vi env_products.csh [ for csh]

setenv INSTALL_ROOT [collabcad_home]/collabcad/tools/FEA/Salome OR

vi [ for bash]

export INSTALL_ROOT [collabcad_home]/collabcad/tools//FEASalome 1.2.2 vi ../../collacad/tools/Salome/KERNEL_3.2.6/salome.csh [ for csh]

setenv INSTALL_ROOT=../../collabcad/Tool/Salome

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vi ../../collacad/tools/Salome/KERNEL_3.2.6/ [ for bash] export INSTALL_ROOT=../../collabcad/tools/FEA/Salome

1.2.3 vi [collabcad_home]/collabcad/tool/Salome/CCADSalome source [collabcad_home]/collabcad/tools/FEA/Salome/env_products.csh OR source [collabcad_home]/collabcad/tools/FEA/Salome/ 1.2.4 If the link omni in directory ../../ collabcad_home]/collabcad/tools/FEA/Salome turned to red then follow the instructions # rm -rf ../../../salome/omni ln -s ../../../salome/omniORB-4.0.7 omni

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1.3 How to start Salome: - Before starting Salome application make sure that you have made all the settings correctly - To start Salome select

CollabCAD�Analysis � Salome/Code_Aster � Salome � Salome has Five basic modules :

1. Geometry 2. Mesh 3. Post-Pro 4. Supervisor 5. Med

� Select the module you want to work with. 1.4 Working With Salome

1.4.1 To Load Geometry module select Geometry in the main window, and then select New to open a new application, wait till it load.

1.4.2 In Geometry you can import geometry (IGES, STEP , BREP ) files/structures


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1.4.3 How To Load Geometry Module : File --> Import --> IGES Files(*.iges , *.igs)

BREP Files(*.brep) ACIS Files(*.sat) STEP Files(*. Step,*.Stp)

- Select the file type user wants to import. - Select the file and click open.


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1.4.4 User manual is available at Help � Module Help

Salome serves both as a pre & post processor.



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2. Translator As the name defines, this is nothing but a open source free translator developed by CAElinux team available ,which translates [] file to [xxx.astk] file. 2.1 Create a project by name [xxx] , which contain xxx.astk, xxx.comm and 2.2 To run Translator select

Analysis --->Salome/Code_Aster ---> Translator. 2.3 Automatically Create New Aster Job GUI interface will launch as shown below

2.4 2.4.1 Here project Name is Name of folder where xx.astk, xx.comm and file will be store. 2.4.2 Base Directory : is the directory where your file present 2.4.3 MED Mesh file is the med file which you want to translate to .astk format 2.4.4 Template is type of xx.comm file user want to Create coresponding to the type of Structure, which is to be treated with EFICAS -a application of Code_Aster 2.5 User can set all the above fields by browsing the correct option (click the browse button provided at end of each field. Finally Click GO button


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2.6 A success message will get displayed - instructing the user that xx.astk file has

been created successfully and user can open the .astk file with ASTK module of Code_Aster to continue the analysis.

2.7 Now just click OK to finish the job.

3. Code_Aster Code_Aster serves as a finite element solver. It is a open source software, offers a full range of multi-physical analysis and modeling methods that go well beyond the standard functions of thermo mechanical calculations . 3.1 Prerequisites: 3.1.1 Python 3.1.2 gcc (C, C++/g++,g77 compiler) 3.1.3 Xmgrace 3.1.4 lapack, blas Math Kernel Libraries 3.2.Settings: To set environment for code aster follow the instruction below

3.2.1 Edit the file [collabcad_HOME]/tool/FEA/aster/ASTK/ASTK_CLIENT/bin/astk

Replace collabcad_HOME with the directory where you have kept collabcad


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(downloded one) i.e, collabcad_HOME = ...../../collabcad in the following line: [collabcad_HOME] /tool/FEA/aster/public/bin/wish8.4 / [collabcad_HOME]/ tool/FEA/aster/ASTK/ASTK_CLIENT/lib/ASTK/astk.tcl -- $* &

3.2.2 Edit the file [collabcad_HOME]/tool/FEA/aster/ASTK/ASTK_CLIENT/lib/ASTK/astkrc/config_serveurs

- set server IP address - set name of client - set rep_serv : [collabcad_HOME]/tool/FEA/aster/ASTK/ASTK_SERV/bin

3.2.3 Edit the file

[collabcad_HOME]/tool/FEA/aster/ASTK/ASTK_SERV/conf/ set ASTER_ROOT = [collabcad_HOME]/tool/FEA/aster 3.2.4 Edit the file [collabcad_HOME]/tool/FEA/aster/ASTK/ASTK_SERV/bin/as_serv set ASTER_ROOT= [collabcad_HOME]/tool/FEA/aster Note: When we run Code_Aster, a folder astk_nmd[user] is created automatically in /tmp. This file needs to be deleted in case user faces some problem in running Code_Aster. 3.3 Structure of Code_Aster: � Inside Code_Aster INSTALL_ROOT directory there will be 4 directories and one .sh

file as given below ASTK/ STA9.0/ outils/ public/ � ASTK - the main GUI interface, is responsible for networking capabilities. ASTK

folder conatains both ASTK_CLIENT and ASTK_SERV While upgrading astk your previous installation is saved in ASTER_ROOT/ASTK/ASTK_{CLIENT,SERV}.old.

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3.4 Running Code_Aster: - From the CollabCAD GUI interface select

Analysis � Salome/Code_Aster� Code_Aster

Set the Base path browsing the folder containing xxxxxx.astk file. e.g. Suppose /disk1/box select File � Open --Choose the .astk file(box.astk) click OK. Save Environment. The following files will get created and get displayed in GUI :

1. box.comm 2. box.erre 3. box.export 4. box.mess 5. box.resu 6.

Double click on xxxx.comm file to start EFICAS application


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Read the comments in the .comm file, explore the details of the commands and try to understand the structure of the proposed FE modelling e.g. Expand Defi_Materiau command � select E and enter 70e3 and to validate press ENTER Select Rho and click 'Supprimer' to delete Similarly operate required function as per your design. NOTE: Take special care while performing operations with EFICAS , understand each and every operations carefully related mechanical, physical and thermal conditions and then proceed. Now Go to File Menu � click Enregister to save the operations you operated

Now Go back to ASTK and press the RUN button and to follow the resolution process as shown below and wait till it completes. After completion the editor will vanish


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Double click xxxx.resu in ASTK interface to view performance data. Now finally go back to ASTK. Press RUN button. Now open a New SALOME application import where post processing can take place.

4 . Salome Post-Processing After the completion of analysis with Code_Aster, post processing has to be carried out with Salome application.

4.1 Start a New Salome application 4.2 Load Post -Pro Module 4.3 Import the [] file created with Code_Aster application 4.4 Now move to the object browser, right click on the multi-colored icon Post-Pro, finally select Expand All as shown below.


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4.5 User will be able to see three sections in the object browser

� Families � Groups � Fields

Select Fields � SolLin_DEPL user can see two sub options - onNodes - 0.INCONNUE 4.6 Right click on 0,INCONNUE - user will see a lot of options. Select the option as per your requirement. 4.7 Examples 4.7.1 Scalar Map --- A scalar Bar Properties window will open – save the default values(or modify) click ok to save


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The resulted view will be as shown in figure



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4.7.2 Deformed shape

4.7.3 Plot3D view



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4.7.4 Cut Lines



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.4 Cut Planes


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For details about these option please refer the user manual for post-Pro modules. Supervisor Module: Supervisor module is useful full for graphical representation purpose With Supervisor module user can -

1. Construct and edit graphs 2. Initialize graphs 3. Execute and control the activity of a graph

Med Module: MED module is basically used for data exchange purpose

5. System Settings 5.1 User have to create the following links to run Salome ,code-Aster.Helper respectively Salome ---> ../../tools/FEA/Salome/CCADSaolme astk ---> ../../tools/FEA/Code_Aster/ASTK/ASTK_CLIENT/bin/astk --->../../tools/FEA/Helper/ 5.2 While running Collabcad ,runcollabcad script unset the system paths to avoid conflict. Hence to enable the required system paths follow the following steps. vi runcollabcad comment the following line # unsetnv PATH 5.3 while running Salome,it user the /tmp folder for Naming Service and to create log

files as well. So User should be the owner of /tmp folder (OR should have permission).

5.4 While running Code-Aster , it also creates a temporary folder (astk_username).

Hence if there is any staring problem (regarding user ), please remove the above folder located at /tmp folder and repeat the procedure again.

Note: All the above cases has been tested for Linux System